This project aims to integrate OpenTelemetry, a set of APIs, libraries, agents, and collector services to capture distributed traces and metrics from your application, with Zerolog, a zero-allocation JSON logger in Go, for monitoring and managing your application's performance.
- Seamless integration of OpenTelemetry and Zerolog
- Efficient tracing and logging of application activities
- Easy debugging and monitoring
- Go (version 1.21)
- Basic understanding of OpenTelemetry and Zerolog
go get -u
Configure open-telemetry provider. See example here
func main() {
ctx := context.Background()
// Setup opentelemetry provider
loggerProvider := sdk.NewLoggerProvider()
hook := otelzerolog.NewHook(loggerProvider)
log := log.Hook(hook)
log.Info().Ctx(ctx).Str("string", "string-value").Msg("Hello OpenTelemetry")
time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)