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Generate code coverage reports

leoisl edited this page May 21, 2019 · 6 revisions


You need to have lcov installed.

Additionally, these instructions will be focused on running tests from CLion. If you are running from command line it should be a very similar process.

Clear previous counter

The first thing you need to do each time is clear the output from the previous coverage counters.

cd /path/to/pandora
cd cmake-build-debug/test/CMakeFiles/pandora_test.dir
lcov --directory . --zerocounters

Run tests

Run the test suite from CLion.

Capture coverage information

lcov --directory . --capture \
  --exclude '/usr/local/include/boost/*' \
  --exclude '*_test.cpp' \
  --exclude '*.h' \
  --exclude '/usr/include/*' \
  --exclude  '*cmake-build-debug*' \
  --exclude  '/Applications/*' \

lcov on your system may or may not raise an error with the --exclude arguments as these may have different paths to your system. You can remove them if you want but keep in the mind the coverage report will contain a bunch of other files not related to pandora. For example, if using Linux, you wont need to exclude the Xcode directory.

Generate the report

genhtml --show-details --legend
# mac
open index.html
# linux
google-chrome index.html
# or
firefox index.html

Alternative way to filter coverage information

With this, you can capture all the information one time, then filter it with what you want to filter and build the report on the filtered info.

Capture all information:

lcov --directory . --capture --output-file

Create a filtered .info (change what you want to filter out):

lcov --remove -o '/usr/include/*' '/pandora/build_debug/include/*' '/pandora/build_debug/test/*'

Generate report with the filtered .info:

genhtml --show-details --legend
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