This folder contains several docker related files to run the susee-streams-poc applications with docker. The included Dockerfile can be used to build docker images for the applications. A docker-compose.yml file, located in the root folder of this repository, specifies the needed connections to run a SUSEE POC system.
Although this README and the dockerfile are located in this folder, use the docker CLI only in the ROOT folder of this repository.
The docker-compose file in the root folder of this repository, defines a system with a running iota-bridge, management-console, app-srv-connector-mock and x86/PC Sensor. All relevant ports are published, so that the ports can be used via localhost or the external ip address of the docker host machine.
To build all images and run the containers you just need:
# in the root folder of the repository:
> docker compose up
After the images have been build and the containers were started, the system is in a state as described in the
following sections.
The service names specified below are also used as target names in the Dockerfile,
so that the service name will also be contained in all image names and can be used as tag
for docker compose exec
or docker compose run
Service name: iota-bridge
State after compose up: The IOTA Bridge is running and can be accessed on the host machine via port 50000 or via iota-bridge:50000 from within other docker containers.
Service name: management-console
State after compose up: The Management Console is started using the --run-explorer-api-server argument to start the message explorer. The message explorer can be accessed on the host machine via port 8080 (for example:
To open the swagger-ui API documentation for the message explorer please open the following link after the container has started:
Use docker compose exec management-console ./management-console
followed by
management-console CLI arguments
to use the management console manually. See the
Sensor Initialization section below for an example how to
use the management console for automatic sensor initialization.
Service name: sensor
State after compose up: The x86/PC Sensor will try to send the message meter_reading_1_compact.json file. If the sensor has not been initialized before, an error message is printed:
[StreamsTransportSocket.new_from_url()] Initializing instance with options:
http_url: http://iota-bridge:50000,
dev_eui: 9894513939058021305,
use_lorawan_rest: true
[Sensor] Message file 'meter_reading_1_compact.json' contains 136 bytes payload
thread 'main' panicked at '[SubscriberManager.send_signed_packet()] - Before sending messages you need to subscribe to a channel. Use subscribe() and register_keyload_msg() before using this function.', /app/streams-tools/src/user_manager/
The container will be stopped after the error message occurs. Please follow the steps described in the following section to initialize the sensor and restart the container after successful initialization to send messages.
After the system has been started with docker compose up
and the sensor container has automatically
been stopped with the error message described above, execute the following statement in the root folder of this repository:
# in the root folder of the repository:
docker compose run sensor ./sensor --act-as-remote-controlled-sensor --iota-bridge-url "http://iota-bridge:50000" -e
The x86/PC Sensor will call the IOTA Bridge directly using the docker bridge network and the sensor will start to pull messages:
Received Command::NO_COMMAND
Received Command::NO_COMMAND
Received Command::NO_COMMAND
Fetching next command in 3 secs
In a second shell please execute the following statement to start the automatic sensor initialization option of the Management Console:
# in the root folder of the repository:
docker compose exec management-console ./management-console --init-sensor --iota-bridge-url "http://iota-bridge:50000"
The console log of the Management Console will look like this:
[Management Console] Using node '' for tangle connection
[Management Console] Initializing remote sensor
[Management Console] A channel has been created with the following announcement link:
Announcement Link: 01dc8b65fa2174cf9bf4e565a601cd49af206734f7b00de790f57de3650a72ef0000000000000000:56b8fc7d0cec202d5d165246
Tangle Index: b1e3e72d96f4716905956f77a8dd235ab290232ce5cb7047d59f42b847178c39
[Management Console] Using http://iota-bridge:50000 as iota-bridge url
[Management Console] Sending subscribe_announcement_link command to remote sensor.
Received Confirmation::NO_CONFIRMATION
Fetching next confirmation in 1 secs
[Management Console] Received confirmation for successful Subscription from remote sensor.
Initialization count is 0
Creating keyload_message for
subscription: 01dc8b65fa2174cf9bf4e565a601cd49af206734f7b00de790f57de3650a72ef0000000000000000:bbeb667e18768d663bd1b032
public key: 426f5b1b43bf1f3334e1a79a8e45fdb96db814338f39054841dc1992d286782c
[Management Console] A keyload message has been created with the following keyload link:
Keyload link: 01dc8b65fa2174cf9bf4e565a601cd49af206734f7b00de790f57de3650a72ef0000000000000000:276a2ce1072f6639b8db683d
Tangle Index: d3537d043e8350fabd564f60c77d37c6c7ce93cdbd65f911cbcb52bbdb45922a
[Management Console] Sending register_keyload_msg command to remote sensor.
Fetching next confirmation in 1 secs
[Management Console] Received confirmation for successful KeyloadRegistration from remote sensor.
=========> Sensor has been fully initialized <===========
After the successfull sensor initialization has been indicated by the Management Console on the console log with
=> Sensor has been fully initialized <=
the sensor will exit processing because we used the -e
resp. --exit-after-successful-initialization
when we started the sensor container (see docker compose run sensor
statement above).
The sensor initialization is now complete and the sensor will start sending messages after it has been restartet as been described in the following section.
The sensor will start sending the message "meter_reading_1_compact.json" automatically after container startup.
To restart the sensor service, execute the following statement
# in the root folder of the repository:
docker compose start sensor
The console log will look like this:
[StreamsTransportSocket.new_from_url()] Initializing instance with options:
http_url: http://iota-bridge:50000,
dev_eui: 9894513939058021305,
use_lorawan_rest: true
[Sensor] Message file 'meter_reading_1_compact.json' contains 136 bytes payload
Sending message file meter_reading_1_compact.json
[StreamsTransportSocket.recv_message] Receiving message with 298 bytes tangle-message-payload:
[StreamsTransportSocket.send_message] Sending message with 354 bytes tangle-message-payload:
Previous message address now is 01dc8b65fa2174cf9bf4e565a601cd49af206734f7b00de790f57de3650a72ef0000000000000000:0d563a792cbd97cad4565739
You may want to use the message explorer to list existing Streams Channels (called 'nodes' in the Message Explorer API), view the Streams Channel ID of the node and to list the sensor messages of the node. This is described here in more detail.
Send messages using the CLI manually
Use docker compose run
when the sensor container has stopped, to send one of the test messages
contained in the test/payloads folder.
The test message files contained in the test/payloads folder have been copied to the app folder in the sensor container image, so that they can be used with the --file-to-send CLI argument by its filename without a preceding path.
Here is an example statement for the message file meter_reading_1.json.
# in the root folder of the repository:
docker compose run sensor ./sensor --use-lorawan-rest-api -f "meter_reading_1.json" --iota-bridge-url "http://iota-bridge:50000"
Please avoid using "docker compose exec sensor" or to run multple sensor containers sending messages in parallel, as this will result in two concurrently running threads sending messages wich will result in undefined behavior.
To stop the sensor container we need to find out the container name
by using docker compose ps
, followed by docker stop
to stop it:
List all currently running docker compose containers in a second command shell.
Unfortunately docker compose ps
will list all running containers, but misses those
that have been startet with docker compose run
, therefore we need the --all
and --filter
# in the root folder of the repository:
docker compose ps --all --filter status=running
susee-streams-poc-app-srv-connector-mock-1 susee-streams-poc-app-srv-connector-mock "./app-srv-connector…" app-srv-connector-mock 54 minutes ago Up 54 minutes>50001/tcp, :::50001->50001/tcp
susee-streams-poc-iota-bridge-1 susee-streams-poc-iota-bridge "./iota-bridge -l 0.…" iota-bridge 54 minutes ago Up 54 minutes>50000/tcp, :::50000->50000/tcp
susee-streams-poc-management-console-1 susee-streams-poc-management-console "./management-consol…" management-console 54 minutes ago Up 54 minutes>8080/tcp
susee-streams-poc-sensor-run-80c0a61e523a susee-streams-poc-sensor "./sensor --use-lora…" sensor 20 seconds ago Up 18 seconds
Stop the container that has been started lately (susee-streams-poc-sensor-run-80c0a61e523a in this example).
Please search for a container name containing the term "sensor-run", copy the container name and
replace susee-streams-poc-sensor-run-80c0a61e523a
in the statement below with the copied container name.
# in the root folder of the repository:
docker stop sensor susee-streams-poc-sensor-run-80c0a61e523a
Service name: app-srv-connector-mock
State after compose up: The AppServer Connector Mockup Tool is running and can be accessed on the host machine via port 50001 or via app-srv-connector-mock:50001 from within other docker containers. It will connect the iota-bridge via the docker bridge network.
The AppServer Connector Mockup Tool can be used together with the Streams POC Library test application as been described in Send messages using the Sensor section, because the port 50001 can be accessed via the external address of the docker host.
Please note that the AppServer Connector Mockup Tool will not be used by the x86/PC Sensor because it is not compatible with it.
The 'Dockerfile' contained in this folder can be used to build docker images for the iota-bridge, management-console, x86/PC Sensor and the app-srv-connector-mock applications.
The 'Dockerfile' is a multi-stage build that creates slim images only containing the resources for the specific application. Each application has its own build target.
Instead of building the docker images manually we recommend to use the docker-compose.yml file as been described in the sections above.
If you want to build the image for a specific application yourself, this can be done like this.
# In the root folder of the repository:
> docker build --target iota-bridge --tag iota-bridge -f docker/Dockerfile .
Please replace the --target and --tag value ('iota-bridge' in the example above) with the application name of your choice ('iota-bridge', 'sensor', 'management-console' or 'app-srv-connector-mock'). If no target is specified the default image 'iota-bridge' will be built.
If you want to build images and provide them on Docker Hub just follow these steps:
# In the root folder of the repository:
> docker build --target iota-bridge --tag <docker-hub-account-name-goes-here>/iota-bridge -f docker/Dockerfile .
> docker login
> docker push <docker-hub-account-name-goes-here>/iota-bridge:latest
As part of the installation of a SUSEE Node the docker compose environment described above must be deployed to the SUSEE Node. The service of the IOTA Bridge is mandatory, but the activation of the Message Explorer is optional.
The following installation steps have been tested with Ubuntu 22.04.
To run the IOTA Bridge an IOTA Node, INX Collector an MINIO DB need to be run on the same host system. Please follow the steps described in the SUSEE Node README to provide these services.
Prepare the server host system:
# In the home folder of a sudo privileged user on the server system
> sudo ufw allow 50000,50001,50002/tcp
> mkdir susee-poc
> cd susee-poc
Upload some resources needed for the installation process to the server host system
(please replace username <USER>
and domain name <SERVER_HOST>
with their actual values):
# In the folder where this is located (docker folder)
> scp server-install-resources/* <USER>@<SERVER_HOST>:~/susee-poc
On the server host system,
please edit the docker-compose.yml
using an editor of you choice and, if needed,
uncomment the management-console
section and/or the
of the file.
The management-console
section needs to be uncommented if you
want to use the
message explorer
to view the messages received by the SUSEE Node.
The app-srv-connector-mock
section needs to be uncommented if you
want to use the SUSEE Node for testing the
Streams POC Library test application.
Please also edit the file ~/susee-poc/env.example
and set the static ip address resp. domain name
value for the NODE_HOST
# In the susee-poc folder we created above
> nano docker-compose.yml
# After docker-compose.yml has been edited and stored
> nano env.example
Finally, follow the steps described below:
# After env.example has been edited and stored,
# the .env file will be created by the following script execution
> sudo ./
# We are now ready to start the susee-poc services as in the background
> docker compose up -d