From 075461d334d4f1c4363442a5b38e3941973cc855 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Enrico Marconi Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 16:04:34 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] cargo clippy, fmt, code --- .../ | 11 ++++-- examples/Cargo.toml | 2 +- .../src/credential/ | 2 +- .../ | 37 +++++++++---------- .../ | 4 +- .../revocation/status_list_2021/ | 2 +- .../ | 8 ++-- .../src/validator/sd_jwt/ | 6 +-- .../src/document/ | 2 +- identity_jose/src/jwu/ | 2 +- identity_resolver/src/resolution/ | 4 +- identity_storage/Cargo.toml | 4 +- identity_stronghold/Cargo.toml | 10 ++--- 13 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-) diff --git a/examples/1_advanced/ b/examples/1_advanced/ index 242a813e0a..fc9465bd58 100644 --- a/examples/1_advanced/ +++ b/examples/1_advanced/ @@ -1,3 +1,6 @@ +// Copyright 2020-2024 IOTA Stiftung +// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 + use examples::create_did; use examples::random_stronghold_path; use examples::MemStorage; @@ -33,6 +36,8 @@ use iota_sdk::types::block::output::AliasOutput; use iota_sdk::types::block::output::AliasOutputBuilder; use iota_sdk::types::block::output::RentStructure; +const VP_JWT: &str = "eyJraWQiOiJkaWQ6aW90YTpybXM6MHg2Y2I5MWUyMGMxMzhhMTQ1MTUzMDY4ZTEwODNhMGEyYTUwYjU2ZDI1MGI3YjUzYzYwYmEzOTI4NGJkMWRjNzQxI1k5TUppd1k4U0s0NjlNcW0weXBZYzRYSUl5TnVpMzZIejdreVdkUEkyejQiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJFZERTQSJ9.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.vcpp_imMMv6inSOy9L-IsvF_WPfEYsuTpcPfEAHQfrBJ_O_zhZxZ0pzcbbvwJqh-wcmMgas0DuR_0NGcZK8CAw"; + #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> { // Create a new client to interact with the IOTA ledger. @@ -71,7 +76,7 @@ async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> { // Create a Linked Verifiable Presentation Service to enable the discovery of the linked VPs through the DID Document. // This is optional since it is not a hard requirement by the specs. let service_url: DIDUrl = did.clone().join("#linked-vp")?; - let linked_verifiable_presentation_service: LinkedVerifiablePresentationService = + let linked_verifiable_presentation_service = LinkedVerifiablePresentationService::new(service_url, verifiable_presentation_urls, Object::new())?; did_document.insert_service(linked_verifiable_presentation_service.into())?; let updated_did_document: IotaDocument = publish_document(client.clone(), secret_manager, did_document).await?; @@ -123,8 +128,6 @@ async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> { &presentation_validation_options, ); - // TODO: Validate the credentials in the presentation ... - assert!(validation_result.is_ok()); Ok(()) @@ -151,5 +154,5 @@ async fn publish_document( /// A static VP, without nonce and expiry (created using basic example ``). fn example_vp() -> Jwt { - Jwt::from("eyJraWQiOiJkaWQ6aW90YTpybXM6MHg2Y2I5MWUyMGMxMzhhMTQ1MTUzMDY4ZTEwODNhMGEyYTUwYjU2ZDI1MGI3YjUzYzYwYmEzOTI4NGJkMWRjNzQxI1k5TUppd1k4U0s0NjlNcW0weXBZYzRYSUl5TnVpMzZIejdreVdkUEkyejQiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJFZERTQSJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJkaWQ6aW90YTpybXM6MHg2Y2I5MWUyMGMxMzhhMTQ1MTUzMDY4ZTEwODNhMGEyYTUwYjU2ZDI1MGI3YjUzYzYwYmEzOTI4NGJkMWRjNzQxIiwibmJmIjoxNzI0Njg0NTEzLCJ2cCI6eyJAY29udGV4dCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnczLm9yZy8yMDE4L2NyZWRlbnRpYWxzL3YxIiwidHlwZSI6IlZlcmlmaWFibGVQcmVzZW50YXRpb24iLCJ2ZXJpZmlhYmxlQ3JlZGVudGlhbCI6WyJleUpyYVdRaU9pSmthV1E2YVc5MFlUcHliWE02TUhnek5ERTVNek5qWW1ReU1USm1NalkzT1dOaE5tSTFZbU00WXpGbE5EazROREV4WlRWaFpHUXdZMk0zWkRnNU1qZzVZV1ppTmpaaVpEZGtNMk5tTWpObEkyRlZkMTgyZGw5bGRUQlJlVFJQWWtOTFIwUlJNWFJEUW00elJGcGxVVzUxYmtkNlRWWlJlRWxrYjJNaUxDSjBlWEFpT2lKS1YxUWlMQ0poYkdjaU9pSkZaRVJUUVNKOS5leUpwYzNNaU9pSmthV1E2YVc5MFlUcHliWE02TUhnek5ERTVNek5qWW1ReU1USm1NalkzT1dOaE5tSTFZbU00WXpGbE5EazROREV4WlRWaFpHUXdZMk0zWkRnNU1qZzVZV1ppTmpaaVpEZGtNMk5tTWpObElpd2libUptSWpveE56STBOamcwTlRFekxDSnFkR2tpT2lKb2RIUndjem92TDJWNFlXMXdiR1V1WldSMUwyTnlaV1JsYm5ScFlXeHpMek0zTXpJaUxDSnpkV0lpT2lKa2FXUTZhVzkwWVRweWJYTTZNSGcyWTJJNU1XVXlNR014TXpoaE1UUTFNVFV6TURZNFpURXdPRE5oTUdFeVlUVXdZalUyWkRJMU1HSTNZalV6WXpZd1ltRXpPVEk0TkdKa01XUmpOelF4SWl3aWRtTWlPbnNpUUdOdmJuUmxlSFFpT2lKb2RIUndjem92TDNkM2R5NTNNeTV2Y21jdk1qQXhPQzlqY21Wa1pXNTBhV0ZzY3k5Mk1TSXNJblI1Y0dVaU9sc2lWbVZ5YVdacFlXSnNaVU55WldSbGJuUnBZV3dpTENKVmJtbDJaWEp6YVhSNVJHVm5jbVZsUTNKbFpHVnVkR2xoYkNKZExDSmpjbVZrWlc1MGFXRnNVM1ZpYW1WamRDSTZleUpqWlhKMGFXWnBZMkYwWlNJNmV5SjBlWEJsSWpvaVFXTmpjbVZrYVhSaGRHbHZiaUlzSW14bGRtVnNJam96ZlgxOWZRLm5ldEpyMkZEaWlPYmRFVWVaaTkwcW90dG9BcFlYLVhacmxMQ0ZwOTA2RHZCMlJUbEw2WDVWb3JhYy1reFpNUThwMkpIUEZMbUk5ZzM5c3NuSG1MWkNnIl19fQ.vcpp_imMMv6inSOy9L-IsvF_WPfEYsuTpcPfEAHQfrBJ_O_zhZxZ0pzcbbvwJqh-wcmMgas0DuR_0NGcZK8CAw".to_string()) + Jwt::from(VP_JWT.to_string()) } diff --git a/examples/Cargo.toml b/examples/Cargo.toml index 543b6e2d36..9866115ad3 100644 --- a/examples/Cargo.toml +++ b/examples/Cargo.toml @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ publish = false anyhow = "1.0.62" bls12_381_plus.workspace = true identity_eddsa_verifier = { path = "../identity_eddsa_verifier", default-features = false } -identity_iota = { path = "../identity_iota", default-features = false, features = ["iota-client", "client", "memstore", "domain-linkage", "revocation-bitmap", "status-list-2021", "jpt-bbs-plus"] } +identity_iota = { path = "../identity_iota", default-features = false, features = ["iota-client", "client", "memstore", "domain-linkage", "revocation-bitmap", "status-list-2021", "jpt-bbs-plus", "resolver"] } identity_stronghold = { path = "../identity_stronghold", default-features = false, features = ["bbs-plus"] } iota-sdk = { version = "1.0", default-features = false, features = ["tls", "client", "stronghold"] } json-proof-token.workspace = true diff --git a/identity_credential/src/credential/ b/identity_credential/src/credential/ index 6ce3c60b67..3f2a33f0a7 100644 --- a/identity_credential/src/credential/ +++ b/identity_credential/src/credential/ @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ use crate::Result; /// This type is opinionated in the following ways: /// 1. Serialization tries to duplicate as little as possible between the required registered claims and the `vc` entry. /// 2. Only allows serializing/deserializing claims "exp, iss, nbf &/or iat, jti, sub and vc". Other custom properties -/// must be set in the `vc` entry. +/// must be set in the `vc` entry. #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] pub(crate) struct CredentialJwtClaims<'credential, T = Object> where diff --git a/identity_credential/src/credential/ b/identity_credential/src/credential/ index ec3facbb15..9578765604 100644 --- a/identity_credential/src/credential/ +++ b/identity_credential/src/credential/ @@ -1,3 +1,6 @@ +// Copyright 2020-2024 IOTA Stiftung +// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 + use identity_core::common::Object; use identity_core::common::OrderedSet; use identity_core::common::Url; @@ -36,7 +39,8 @@ impl LinkedVerifiablePresentationService { "LinkedVerifiablePresentation" } - /// Constructs a new `LinkedVerifiablePresentationService` that wraps a spec compliant [Linked Verifiable Presentation Service Endpoint]( + /// Constructs a new `LinkedVerifiablePresentationService` that wraps a spec compliant + /// [Linked Verifiable Presentation Service Endpoint]( pub fn new( did_url: DIDUrl, verifiable_presentation_urls: impl Into>, @@ -47,17 +51,15 @@ impl LinkedVerifiablePresentationService { .id(did_url) .type_(Self::linked_verifiable_presentation_service_type()); if verifiable_presentation_urls.len() == 1 { - Ok(Self { - service: builder - .service_endpoint(ServiceEndpoint::One( - verifiable_presentation_urls - .into_iter() - .next() - .expect("the len should be 1"), - )) - .build() - .map_err(|err| LinkedVerifiablePresentationError(Box::new(err)))?, - }) + let vp_url = verifiable_presentation_urls + .into_iter() + .next() + .expect("element 0 exists"); + let service = builder + .service_endpoint(vp_url) + .build() + .map_err(|err| LinkedVerifiablePresentationError(Box::new(err)))?; + Ok(Self { service }) } else { let service = builder .service_endpoint(ServiceEndpoint::Set(verifiable_presentation_urls)) @@ -69,8 +71,8 @@ impl LinkedVerifiablePresentationService { /// Checks the semantic structure of a Linked Verifiable Presentation Service. /// - /// Note: `{"type": ["LinkedVerifiablePresentation"]}` might be serialized the same way as `{"type": "LinkedVerifiablePresentation"}` - /// which passes the semantic check. + /// Note: `{"type": ["LinkedVerifiablePresentation"]}` might be serialized the same way as `{"type": + /// "LinkedVerifiablePresentation"}` which passes the semantic check. pub fn check_structure(service: &Service) -> Result<()> { if service.type_().len() != 1 { return Err(LinkedVerifiablePresentationError("invalid service type".into())); @@ -92,12 +94,7 @@ impl LinkedVerifiablePresentationService { } match service.service_endpoint() { - ServiceEndpoint::One(endpoint) => { - // if endpoint.scheme() != "https" { - // Err(LinkedVerifiablePresentationError("domain does not include `https` scheme".into()))?; - // } - Ok(()) - } + ServiceEndpoint::One(_) => Ok(()), ServiceEndpoint::Set(_) => Ok(()), ServiceEndpoint::Map(_) => Err(LinkedVerifiablePresentationError( "service endpoints must be either a string or a set".into(), diff --git a/identity_credential/src/domain_linkage/ b/identity_credential/src/domain_linkage/ index 24969c1c65..47a6bd1459 100644 --- a/identity_credential/src/domain_linkage/ +++ b/identity_credential/src/domain_linkage/ @@ -39,14 +39,14 @@ impl JwtDomainLinkageValidator { /// [`DomainLinkageConfiguration`] is validated according to [DID Configuration Resource Verification]( /// /// * `issuer`: DID Document of the linked DID. Issuer of the Domain Linkage Credential included - /// in the Domain Linkage Configuration. + /// in the Domain Linkage Configuration. /// * `configuration`: Domain Linkage Configuration fetched from the domain at "/.well-known/did-configuration.json". /// * `domain`: domain from which the Domain Linkage Configuration has been fetched. /// * `validation_options`: Further validation options to be applied on the Domain Linkage Credential. /// /// # Note: /// - Only the [JSON Web Token Proof Format]( - /// is supported. + /// is supported. /// - Only the Credential issued by `issuer` is verified. /// /// # Errors diff --git a/identity_credential/src/revocation/status_list_2021/ b/identity_credential/src/revocation/status_list_2021/ index 4402283e1a..ed96643cb7 100644 --- a/identity_credential/src/revocation/status_list_2021/ +++ b/identity_credential/src/revocation/status_list_2021/ @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ impl StatusList2021Credential { /// /// ## Note: /// - A revoked credential cannot ever be unrevoked and will lead to a - /// [`StatusList2021CredentialError::UnreversibleRevocation`]. + /// [`StatusList2021CredentialError::UnreversibleRevocation`]. /// - Trying to set `revoked_or_suspended` to `false` for an already valid credential will have no impact. pub fn set_credential_status( &mut self, diff --git a/identity_credential/src/validator/jwt_presentation_validation/ b/identity_credential/src/validator/jwt_presentation_validation/ index a02b2cf56a..d6d97fcf6e 100644 --- a/identity_credential/src/validator/jwt_presentation_validation/ +++ b/identity_credential/src/validator/jwt_presentation_validation/ @@ -47,11 +47,11 @@ where /// # Warning /// /// * This method does NOT validate the constituent credentials and therefore also not the relationship between the - /// credentials' subjects and the presentation holder. This can be done with - /// [`JwtCredentialValidationOptions`](crate::validator::JwtCredentialValidationOptions). + /// credentials' subjects and the presentation holder. This can be done with + /// [`JwtCredentialValidationOptions`](crate::validator::JwtCredentialValidationOptions). /// * The lack of an error returned from this method is in of itself not enough to conclude that the presentation can - /// be trusted. This section contains more information on additional checks that should be carried out before and - /// after calling this method. + /// be trusted. This section contains more information on additional checks that should be carried out before and + /// after calling this method. /// /// ## The state of the supplied DID Documents. /// diff --git a/identity_credential/src/validator/sd_jwt/ b/identity_credential/src/validator/sd_jwt/ index 0eedf13bf5..e01985fa01 100644 --- a/identity_credential/src/validator/sd_jwt/ +++ b/identity_credential/src/validator/sd_jwt/ @@ -53,10 +53,10 @@ impl SdJwtCredentialValidator { /// /// # Warning /// * The key binding JWT is not validated. If needed, it must be validated separately using - /// `SdJwtValidator::validate_key_binding_jwt`. + /// `SdJwtValidator::validate_key_binding_jwt`. /// * The lack of an error returned from this method is in of itself not enough to conclude that the credential can be - /// trusted. This section contains more information on additional checks that should be carried out before and after - /// calling this method. + /// trusted. This section contains more information on additional checks that should be carried out before and after + /// calling this method. /// /// ## The state of the issuer's DID Document /// The caller must ensure that `issuer` represents an up-to-date DID Document. diff --git a/identity_document/src/document/ b/identity_document/src/document/ index 1b226f9585..4e5b7378a6 100644 --- a/identity_document/src/document/ +++ b/identity_document/src/document/ @@ -939,7 +939,7 @@ impl CoreDocument { /// take place. /// - The JWS must be encoded according to the JWS compact serialization. /// - The `kid` value in the protected header must be an identifier of a verification method in this DID document, - /// or set explicitly in the `options`. + /// or set explicitly in the `options`. // // NOTE: This is tested in `identity_storage` and `identity_credential`. pub fn verify_jws<'jws, T: JwsVerifier>( diff --git a/identity_jose/src/jwu/ b/identity_jose/src/jwu/ index cd80a1c949..e07d36b235 100644 --- a/identity_jose/src/jwu/ +++ b/identity_jose/src/jwu/ @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ pub(crate) fn validate_jws_headers(protected: Option<&JwsHeader>, unprotected: O /// 1. It is integrity protected. /// 2. It is not encoded as an empty list. /// 3. It does not contain any header parameters defined by the -/// JOSE JWS/JWA specifications. +/// JOSE JWS/JWA specifications. /// 4. It's values are contained in the given `permitted` array. /// 5. All values in "crit" are present in at least one of the `protected` or `unprotected` headers. /// diff --git a/identity_resolver/src/resolution/ b/identity_resolver/src/resolution/ index b8ceffbc7f..ff16929a8b 100644 --- a/identity_resolver/src/resolution/ +++ b/identity_resolver/src/resolution/ @@ -302,9 +302,9 @@ mod iota_handler { /// # Note /// /// - Using `attach_iota_handler` or `attach_handler` for the IOTA method would override all - /// previously added clients. + /// previously added clients. /// - This function does not validate the provided configuration. Ensure that the provided - /// network name corresponds with the client, possibly by using `client.network_name()`. + /// network name corresponds with the client, possibly by using `client.network_name()`. pub fn attach_multiple_iota_handlers(&mut self, clients: I) where CLI: IotaIdentityClientExt + Send + Sync + 'static, diff --git a/identity_storage/Cargo.toml b/identity_storage/Cargo.toml index 08a0d68d7d..729c6319b1 100644 --- a/identity_storage/Cargo.toml +++ b/identity_storage/Cargo.toml @@ -21,11 +21,11 @@ identity_credential = { version = "=1.3.1", path = "../identity_credential", def identity_did = { version = "=1.3.1", path = "../identity_did", default-features = false } identity_document = { version = "=1.3.1", path = "../identity_document", default-features = false } identity_iota_core = { version = "=1.3.1", path = "../identity_iota_core", default-features = false, optional = true } -identity_verification = { version = "=1.3.1", path = "../identity_verification", default_features = false } +identity_verification = { version = "=1.3.1", path = "../identity_verification", default-features = false } iota-crypto = { version = "0.23", default-features = false, features = ["ed25519"], optional = true } json-proof-token = { workspace = true, optional = true } rand = { version = "0.8.5", default-features = false, features = ["std", "std_rng"], optional = true } -seahash = { version = "4.1.0", default_features = false } +seahash = { version = "4.1.0", default-features = false } serde.workspace = true serde_json.workspace = true thiserror.workspace = true diff --git a/identity_stronghold/Cargo.toml b/identity_stronghold/Cargo.toml index 56ae126bdc..f9f8bfacf7 100644 --- a/identity_stronghold/Cargo.toml +++ b/identity_stronghold/Cargo.toml @@ -14,22 +14,22 @@ description = "Secure JWK storage with Stronghold for IOTA Identity" [dependencies] async-trait = { version = "0.1.64", default-features = false } bls12_381_plus = { workspace = true, optional = true } -identity_storage = { version = "=1.3.1", path = "../identity_storage", default_features = false } -identity_verification = { version = "=1.3.1", path = "../identity_verification", default_features = false } +identity_storage = { version = "=1.3.1", path = "../identity_storage", default-features = false } +identity_verification = { version = "=1.3.1", path = "../identity_verification", default-features = false } iota-crypto = { version = "0.23", default-features = false, features = ["ed25519"] } iota-sdk = { version = "1.1.5", default-features = false, features = ["client", "stronghold"] } iota_stronghold = { version = "2.1.0", default-features = false } json-proof-token = { workspace = true, optional = true } rand = { version = "0.8.5", default-features = false, features = ["std", "std_rng"] } tokio = { version = "1.29.0", default-features = false, features = ["macros", "sync"] } -zeroize = { version = "1.6.0", default_features = false } +zeroize = { version = "1.6.0", default-features = false } zkryptium = { workspace = true, optional = true } [dev-dependencies] anyhow = "1.0.82" bls12_381_plus = { workspace = true } -identity_did = { version = "=1.3.1", path = "../identity_did", default_features = false } -identity_storage = { version = "=1.3.1", path = "../identity_storage", default_features = false, features = ["jpt-bbs-plus"] } +identity_did = { version = "=1.3.1", path = "../identity_did", default-features = false } +identity_storage = { version = "=1.3.1", path = "../identity_storage", default-features = false, features = ["jpt-bbs-plus"] } json-proof-token = { workspace = true } tokio = { version = "1.29.0", default-features = false, features = ["macros", "sync", "rt"] } zkryptium = { workspace = true }