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Add some code fixes for type mismatch. (#1250)
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nojaf authored Mar 23, 2024
1 parent aa57439 commit 4bc676c
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Showing 6 changed files with 209 additions and 3 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion build/ScaffoldCodeFix.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ let wireCodeFixInAdaptiveFSharpLspServer codeFixName =
let array = findArrayInAdaptiveFSharpLspServer ()

appendItemToArrayOrList $"%s{codeFixName}.fix tryGetParseResultsForFile" AdaptiveServerStatePath array
appendItemToArrayOrList $"%s{codeFixName}.fix tryGetParseAndCheckResultsForFile" AdaptiveServerStatePath array
with ex ->
Trace.traceException ex

Expand Down
117 changes: 117 additions & 0 deletions src/FsAutoComplete/CodeFixes/ExprTypeMismatch.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
module FsAutoComplete.CodeFix.ExprTypeMismatch

#nowarn "57"

open FSharp.Compiler.Diagnostics.ExtendedData
open FSharp.Compiler.Syntax
open FSharp.Compiler.Text
open FsToolkit.ErrorHandling
open Ionide.LanguageServerProtocol.Types
open FsAutoComplete.CodeFix.Types
open FsAutoComplete
open FsAutoComplete.LspHelpers

let findReturnType (cursor: pos) (tree: ParsedInput) =
let visitor =
{ new SyntaxVisitorBase<range>() with
member _.VisitBinding(path, defaultTraverse, synBinding) =
match synBinding with
| SynBinding(returnInfo = Some(SynBindingReturnInfo(typeName = t)); expr = bodyExpr) when
Range.rangeContainsPos bodyExpr.Range cursor
Some t.Range
| _ -> None }

SyntaxTraversal.Traverse(cursor, tree, visitor)

let needParenthesisWhenWrappedInSome (diagnosticRange: range) (tree: ParsedInput) =
let visitor =
{ new SyntaxVisitorBase<bool>() with
member _.VisitExpr(path, traverseSynExpr, defaultTraverse, synExpr) =
if not (Range.equals synExpr.Range diagnosticRange) then
defaultTraverse synExpr
match synExpr with
| SynExpr.Const _
| SynExpr.Ident _ -> Some false
| e -> defaultTraverse e }

SyntaxTraversal.Traverse(diagnosticRange.Start, tree, visitor)
|> Option.defaultValue true

let title = "ExprTypeMismatch Codefix"

let fix (getParseResultsForFile: GetParseResultsForFile) : CodeFix =
Run.ifDiagnosticByCode (set [ "1" ]) (fun diagnostic (codeActionParams: CodeActionParams) ->
asyncResult {
let fileName = codeActionParams.TextDocument.GetFilePath() |> Utils.normalizePath
let fcsPos = protocolPosToPos diagnostic.Range.Start

let! (parseAndCheckResults: ParseAndCheckResults, _line: string, sourceText: IFSACSourceText) =
getParseResultsForFile fileName fcsPos

let diagnosticWithExtendedData =
|> Array.tryPick (fun d ->
match d.ExtendedData with
| Some(:? TypeMismatchDiagnosticExtendedData as data) -> Some(d, data)
| _ -> None)

match diagnosticWithExtendedData with
| None -> return []
| Some(diagnostic, extendedData) ->
let updateReturnType =
findReturnType fcsPos parseAndCheckResults.GetParseResults.ParseTree
|> (fun mReturnType ->
let currentType = sourceText.GetSubTextFromRange mReturnType
let actualType = extendedData.ActualType.Format(extendedData.DisplayContext)

{ SourceDiagnostic = None
Title = $"Update %s{currentType} to %s{actualType}"
File = codeActionParams.TextDocument
Edits =
[| { Range = fcsRangeToLsp mReturnType
NewText = actualType } |]
Kind = FixKind.Fix })
|> Option.toList

let optionFixes =
if diagnostic.Range.StartLine <> diagnostic.Range.EndLine then
extendedData.ExpectedType.BasicQualifiedName = "Microsoft.FSharp.Core.option`1"
|| extendedData.ExpectedType.BasicQualifiedName = "Microsoft.FSharp.Core.voption`1"
let currentExpr = sourceText.GetSubTextFromRange diagnostic.Range

let isValueOption =
extendedData.ExpectedType.BasicQualifiedName = "Microsoft.FSharp.Core.voption`1"

let wrapIn = if isValueOption then "ValueSome" else "Some"
let replaceWithNone = if isValueOption then "ValueNone" else "None"

let needsParenthesis =
needParenthesisWhenWrappedInSome diagnostic.Range parseAndCheckResults.GetParseResults.ParseTree

let space, openP, closeP =
if not needsParenthesis then " ", "", "" else "", "(", ")"

[ { SourceDiagnostic = None
Title = $"Wrap expression in %s{wrapIn}"
File = codeActionParams.TextDocument
Edits =
[| { Range = fcsRangeToLsp diagnostic.Range
NewText = $"%s{wrapIn}%s{space}%s{openP}%s{currentExpr}%s{closeP}" } |]
Kind = FixKind.Fix }
{ SourceDiagnostic = None
Title = $"Replace expression with %s{replaceWithNone}"
File = codeActionParams.TextDocument
Edits =
[| { Range = fcsRangeToLsp diagnostic.Range
NewText = replaceWithNone } |]
Kind = FixKind.Fix } ]

return [ yield! updateReturnType; yield! optionFixes ]
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/FsAutoComplete/CodeFixes/ExprTypeMismatch.fsi
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
module FsAutoComplete.CodeFix.ExprTypeMismatch

open FsAutoComplete.CodeFix.Types

val title: string
val fix: getParseResultsForFile: GetParseResultsForFile -> CodeFix
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/FsAutoComplete/LspServers/AdaptiveServerState.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1905,7 +1905,8 @@ type AdaptiveState(lspClient: FSharpLspClient, sourceTextFactory: ISourceTextFac
ToInterpolatedString.fix tryGetParseAndCheckResultsForFile getLanguageVersion
AdjustConstant.fix tryGetParseAndCheckResultsForFile
UpdateValueInSignatureFile.fix tryGetParseAndCheckResultsForFile
RemoveUnnecessaryParentheses.fix forceFindSourceText |])
RemoveUnnecessaryParentheses.fix forceFindSourceText
ExprTypeMismatch.fix tryGetParseAndCheckResultsForFile |])

let forgetDocument (uri: DocumentUri) =
async {
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
module private FsAutoComplete.Tests.CodeFixTests.ExprTypeMismatchTests

open Expecto
open Helpers
open Utils.ServerTests
open Utils.CursorbasedTests
open FsAutoComplete.CodeFix

let tests state =
serverTestList (nameof ExprTypeMismatch) state defaultConfigDto None (fun server ->
[ testCaseAsync "Update return type"
<| CodeFix.check
"let a b : int = $0\"meh\""
(CodeFix.withTitle "Update int to string")
"let a b : string = \"meh\""

testCaseAsync "Wrap constant in Some"
<| CodeFix.check
"let a b : int option = 1$0"
(CodeFix.withTitle "Wrap expression in Some")
"let a b : int option = Some 1"

testCaseAsync "Wrap expr in Some"
<| CodeFix.check
"let a b : bool option = true$0 = false"
(CodeFix.withTitle "Wrap expression in Some")
"let a b : bool option = Some(true = false)"

testCaseAsync "Wrap single indent in Some"
<| CodeFix.check
"let a b : bool option = let x = true in $0x"
(CodeFix.withTitle "Wrap expression in Some")
"let a b : bool option = let x = true in Some x"

testCaseAsync "Replace expression with None"
<| CodeFix.check
"let a b : int option = 1$0"
(CodeFix.withTitle "Replace expression with None")
"let a b : int option = None"

testCaseAsync "Wrap constant in ValueSome"
<| CodeFix.check
"let a b : int voption = 1$0"
(CodeFix.withTitle "Wrap expression in ValueSome")
"let a b : int voption = ValueSome 1"

testCaseAsync "Wrap expr in ValueSome"
<| CodeFix.check
"let a b : bool voption = true$0 = false"
(CodeFix.withTitle "Wrap expression in ValueSome")
"let a b : bool voption = ValueSome(true = false)"

testCaseAsync "Wrap single indent in ValueSome"
<| CodeFix.check
"let a b : bool voption = let x = true in $0x"
(CodeFix.withTitle "Wrap expression in ValueSome")
"let a b : bool voption = let x = true in ValueSome x"

testCaseAsync "Replace expression with ValueNone"
<| CodeFix.check
"let a b : int voption = 1$0"
(CodeFix.withTitle "Replace expression with ValueNone")
"let a b : int voption = ValueNone" ])
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion test/FsAutoComplete.Tests.Lsp/CodeFixTests/Tests.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3454,4 +3454,5 @@ let tests textFactory state =
removeRedundantAttributeSuffixTests state
removePatternArgumentTests state
UpdateValueInSignatureFileTests.tests state
removeUnnecessaryParenthesesTests state ]
removeUnnecessaryParenthesesTests state
ExprTypeMismatchTests.tests state ]

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