description |
GF Flutter Rating Widget is a row of star icons, one can touch or drag the row of icons to set the rating. It has many custom properties to customize like Color,Icon. |
Flutter rating allows the user to start rating any of the products using the start icons as rating icons.
GF Flutter Star Rating is a very simple widget that permits the users to rate with the help of star icons. Users can touch the icons to start rating.
The simple code of a basic GF Start Rating is as shown below.
double _rating = 3;
value: _rating,
onChanged: (value) {
setState(() {
_rating = value;
If showTextForm
true, it displays the GF Rating bar with a text field, that takes user input to show the rating.
The simple example code of the rating bar with textform is shown below.
final _ratingController = TextEditingController();
double _userRating = 4.5;
void initState() {
_ratingController.text = '4.5';
value: _userRating,
showTextForm: true,
controller: _ratingController,
suffixIcon: GFButton(
type: GFButtonType.transparent,
onPressed: () {
setState(() {
_userRating = double.parse(_ratingController.text ?? '0.0');
child: const Text('Rate'),
The look and feel of the GF Rating can be customized using the GF Rating properties.
Name | Description |
itemCount | defines the total number of rating items |
color | defines the color of items |
borderColor | defines the border color of [halfFilledIcon] |
size | defines the size of items. GFSize can be used for size variations like small. medium. large |
allowHalfRating | if true, allow half rating of items. Default it will be in a true state |
filledIcon | defines the items when filled |
halfFilledIcon | defines the items when half-filled |
defaultIcon | defines the default items, when having filledIcon and halfFilledIcon |
spacing | defines the space between items |
value | defines the rating value |
onChanged | return current rating whenever rating is updated |
showTextForm | if true, shows rating [TextFormField] with the rating bar, that allows the user input to show rating |
suffixIcon | defines the design and function of rating [TextFormField]'s suffix icon |
controller | controls the [TextField] Controller of rating [TextFormField] |
inputDecorations | defines the [InputDecoration] of rating [TextFormField] |
margin | defines the margin of rating [TextFormField] |
padding | defines the padding of rating [TextFormField] |