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File metadata and controls

107 lines (67 loc) · 3.61 KB

iFish Starter Kit


The fishpond starter is a JS library that works with iFish. It will set up a user interface automatically from your pond configuration.

Starting out


  1. git clone this repository.
  2. Into index.html Insert your data API key you have received on and a pond id.
  3. Try whether it works by opening index.html.
  4. Start modifying the index.html.


Editing CSS directly

  1. Modify stylesheets/application.css
  2. Reload the page.
  1. Run gem install sass.
  2. Modify stylesheets/application.sass.
  3. Run sass stylesheets/application.sass > stylesheets/application.css.
  4. Reload the page.


The iFish starter kit introduces two concepts:

  • Templates
  • Data Bindings


Templates are pieces of HTML contained in other HTML that will be used to display repetitively.

For example, inside the results (selector #results ul), the li designates the fish template:

<!-- Inside here is a fish template to change as you wish. -->
<li class='span4'>
  <div class='thumbnail'>
    <h4 data-bind='text: title'></h4>
    <small><a class="totop">To Top</a></small>
    <small data-bind='text: score'></small>
    <small><a class="favorite">Favorite</a></small>

If your pond has 30 fish, then this template will be used 30 times to display the fish.

But what if each fish has a different title? Won't each fish have the same template is rendered 30 times?

That's what data bindings are for. They fill in data from fish into the fish template.

Data Bindings

The iFish starter kit uses data bindings to connect the view (the HTML) with Javascript models (the fish).

Wherever you see the HTML attribute data-bind, data from the fish is inserted into the HTML.

For example, in the HTML part of a fish we have:

<h4 data-bind='text: title'></h4>

That means that the text for the h4 is taken from the fish title.

These can be quite complex:

<h4 data-bind='text: "hello " + title() + " hello"'></h4>

There is more documentation about the text data binding here:

Read more about data bindings in general in the Knockout documentation:


At the end of the index.html, you'll find:

new IFish();

This sets everything up. You can pass it the following options (here shown with defaults):

  containerSelector: 'section#query', # Selector for the container surrounding the iFish elements.
  resultsSelector: '#results ul', # Selector for the results list.
  controlsSelector: '#fish', # Selector for the HTML element containing iFish controls.
  searchSelector: '#search', # Selector for the HTML element containing the search field.
  favoritesSelector: '#favorites', # Selector for the HTML element containing the favorites.
  fishSelector: 'li', # Selector for the fish inside the results/favorites container.

  totopSelector: '.totop', # Make element inside fish clickable (to send to top).
  favoriteSelector: '.favorite', # Make element inside a fish or favorite clickable (and add/remove to/from favorites).

  fishpondResultsUpdated: @fishpondResultsUpdated, # Callback when results have been updated.
  fishpondLoading: @fishpondLoading, # Callback when fishpond is loading.
  fishpondReady: @fishpondReady, # Callback when fishpond is ready.

  metadata: false, # Initially load metadata (very slow on large ponds).
  include_metadata: false # Load metadata with the fish (needs to be enabled on the server)