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handle interp for integers by casting and rounding (#71)
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rofinn authored Apr 19, 2024
2 parents 687c56a + 486816a commit 11658f6
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Showing 2 changed files with 89 additions and 20 deletions.
58 changes: 39 additions & 19 deletions src/imputors/interp.jl
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@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Interpolate(; limit=nothing)
Interpolate(; limit=nothing, r=nothing)
Performs linear interpolation between the nearest values in an vector.
The current implementation is univariate, so each variable in a table or matrix will
Expand All @@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ that all missing values will be imputed.
# Keyword Arguments
* `limit::Union{UInt, Nothing}`: Optionally limit the gap sizes that can be interpolated.
* `r::Union{RoundingMode, Nothing}`: Optionally specify a rounding mode.
Avoids `InexactError`s when interpolating over integers.
# Example
Expand All @@ -34,35 +36,25 @@ julia> impute(M, Interpolate(; limit=2); dims=:rows)
struct Interpolate <: Imputor
limit::Union{UInt, Nothing}
r::Union{RoundingMode, Nothing}

Interpolate(; limit=nothing) = Interpolate(limit)
Interpolate(; limit=nothing, r=nothing) = Interpolate(limit, r)

function _impute!(data::AbstractVector{<:Union{T, Missing}}, imp::Interpolate) where T
@assert !all(ismissing, data)
i = findfirst(!ismissing, data) + 1

while i < lastindex(data)
if ismissing(data[i])
prev_idx = i - 1
next_idx = findnext(!ismissing, data, i + 1)

if next_idx !== nothing
gap_sz = (next_idx - prev_idx) - 1

if imp.limit === nothing || gap_sz <= imp.limit
diff = data[next_idx] - data[prev_idx]
incr = diff / T(gap_sz + 1)
val = data[prev_idx] + incr

# Iteratively fill in the values
for j in i:(next_idx - 1)
data[j] = val
val += incr
j = _findnext(data, i + 1)

if j !== nothing
if imp.limit === nothing || j - i + 1 <= imp.limit
_interpolate!(data, i:j, data[i - 1], data[j + 1], imp.r)

i = next_idx
i = j + 1
Expand All @@ -72,3 +64,31 @@ function _impute!(data::AbstractVector{<:Union{T, Missing}}, imp::Interpolate) w

return data

# Our kernel function used to avoid type instability issues.
function _interpolate!(data, indices, prev, next, r)
incr = _calculate_increment(prev, next, length(indices) + 1)

for (i, k) in enumerate(indices)
data[k] = _calculate_value(prev, incr, i, r)

# Utility function for finding the last index within a missing data block
function _findnext(data, i)
j = findnext(!ismissing, data, i)
j === nothing && return j
return j - 1

# Calculates the increment for interpolation
_calculate_increment(a, b, n) = (b - a) / n
# Special case for avoiding integer overflow
_calculate_increment(a::T, b::T, n) where {T<:Unsigned} = _calculate_increment(Int(a), Int(b), n)

# Calculates the interpolated value for a given iteration i
# Default case of simply prev + incr * i
_calculate_value(prev, incr, i, r) = prev + incr * i
# Special case for rounding integers
_calculate_value(prev::T, incr, i, r::RoundingMode) where {T<:Integer} = round(T, prev + incr * i, r)
51 changes: 50 additions & 1 deletion test/imputors/interp.jl
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@test ismissing(result[1])
@test ismissing(result[20])

# Test inexact error
# Test with UInt
c = [0x1, missing, 0x3, 0x4]
@test Impute.interp(c) == [0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4]

# Test reverse case where the increment is negative
@test Impute.interp(reverse(c)) == [0x4, 0x3, 0x2, 0x1]

# Test inexact error (no rounding mode provided)
c = [1, missing, 2, 3]
@test_throws InexactError Impute.interp(c)

# Test with UInt
c = [0x1, missing, 0x2, 0x3]
@test_throws InexactError Impute.interp(c)

# Test reverse case where the increment is negative
@test_throws InexactError Impute.interp(reverse(c))

# Test inexact cases with a rounding mode
c = [1, missing, 2, 3]
@test Impute.interp(c; r=RoundToZero) == [1, 1, 2, 3]

# Test with UInt
c = [0x1, missing, 0x2, 0x3]
@test Impute.interp(c; r=RoundNearest) == [0x1, 0x2, 0x2, 0x3]

# Test reverse case where the increment is negative
@test Impute.interp(reverse(c); r=RoundUp) == [0x3, 0x2, 0x2, 0x1]

# Test rounding doesn't cause values to exceed endpoint values
@test Impute.interp([1, missing, missing, 2]; r=RoundUp) == [1, 2, 2, 2]
@test Impute.interp([2, missing, missing, 1]; r=RoundUp) == [2, 2, 2, 1]
@test Impute.interp([1, missing, missing, 0]; r=RoundDown) == [1, 0, 0, 0]
@test Impute.interp([0x1, missing, missing, 0x0]; r=RoundDown) == [0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0]

# Test long gaps (above .5 increment)
@test Impute.interp([2, fill(missing, 10)..., 8]; r=RoundNearest) == [2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8]
@test Impute.interp([0x2, fill(missing, 10)..., 0x8]; r=RoundNearest) == [0x2, 0x3, 0x3, 0x4, 0x4, 0x5, 0x5, 0x6, 0x6, 0x7, 0x7, 0x8]
@test Impute.interp([8, fill(missing, 10)..., 2]; r=RoundNearest) == [8, 7, 7, 6, 6, 5, 5, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2]
@test Impute.interp([0x8, fill(missing, 10)..., 0x2]; r=RoundNearest) == [0x8, 0x7, 0x7, 0x6, 0x6, 0x5, 0x5, 0x4, 0x4, 0x3, 0x3, 0x2]

# Test long gaps (at .5 increment)
@test Impute.interp([2, fill(missing, 11)..., 8]; r=RoundNearest) == [2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6, 7, 8, 8]
@test Impute.interp([0x2, fill(missing, 11)..., 0x8]; r=RoundNearest) == [0x2, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x4, 0x4, 0x5, 0x6, 0x6, 0x6, 0x7, 0x8, 0x8]
@test Impute.interp([8, fill(missing, 11)..., 2]; r=RoundNearest) == [8, 8, 7, 6, 6, 6, 5, 4, 4, 4, 3, 2, 2]
@test Impute.interp([0x8, fill(missing, 11)..., 0x2]; r=RoundNearest) == [0x8, 0x8, 0x7, 0x6, 0x6, 0x6, 0x5, 0x4, 0x4, 0x4, 0x3, 0x2, 0x2]

# Test long gaps (below .5 increment)
@test Impute.interp([2, fill(missing, 12)..., 8]; r=RoundNearest) == [2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8]
@test Impute.interp([0x2, fill(missing, 12)..., 0x8]; r=RoundNearest) == [0x2, 0x2, 0x3, 0x3, 0x4, 0x4, 0x5, 0x5, 0x6, 0x6, 0x7, 0x7, 0x8, 0x8]
@test Impute.interp([8, fill(missing, 12)..., 2]; r=RoundNearest) == [8, 8, 7, 7, 6, 6, 5, 5, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2]
@test Impute.interp([0x8, fill(missing, 12)..., 0x2]; r=RoundNearest) == [0x8, 0x8, 0x7, 0x7, 0x6, 0x6, 0x5, 0x5, 0x4, 0x4, 0x3, 0x3, 0x2, 0x2]

# TODO Test error cases on non-numeric types
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