Once you have access to https://api.ci.openshift.org by joining the OpenShift GitHub organisation, you can test your release repo configuration locally before submitting a PR like:
docker run -it -e KUBECONFIG=/kube.config -v "${HOME}/.kube/config":/kube.config:z -v "$(pwd)/ci-operator/config/integr8ly/integreatly-operator":/config:z registry.svc.ci.openshift.org/ci/ci-operator:latest --config "/config/integr8ly-integreatly-operator-master.yaml" --target "unit" --git-ref "integr8ly/integreatly-operator@openshift-ci"
You can also use prowgen to generate appropriate job files based on the config with:
docker run -it -v "$(pwd)/ci-operator:/ci-operator:z" registry.svc.ci.openshift.org/ci/ci-operator-prowgen:latest --from-dir /ci-operator/config --to-dir /ci-operator/jobs integr8ly
To test a job running in the actual CI OpenShift, you can run the following command to test a PR:
hack/mkpjpod.sh pull-ci-integr8ly-integreatly-operator-master-unit 115 | oc -n ci-stg create -f -