For information on image-mirroring (aka pushing images to quay after building images and running prow test(s)) see this section in the openshift release documentation.
We've already done some setup to add the heimdall-operator to image-mirroring. To add your repo add an additional mapping file to this folder based on openshift release documtenation linked above.
To add your repo, update integreatly+prow robot to have read/write access to the repo.
You shouldn’t need to add further credentials as the integreatly+prow robot’s credentials are already sent to the DPTP team for inclusion in ci.
If for some reason you do need to add credentials for another account/bot, here are the steps:
Ping @testplatform-team in the #forum-testplatform channel on slack. Tell them that you want to submit credentials to Bitwarden and to send you a public gpg key to encrypt it.
Add their key using gpg —import <sharedpublickey>.pub
Download the dockerconfig credentials from for the account/bot you are using.
Encrypt the file using gpg --output <outputfile> --encrypt --recipient <user-id> <dockerconfig>.json
Once encrypted send the file and the DPTP team member will take care of adding it to Bitwarden.