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index 00000000..ba416660
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vignettes/basic_chunks.Rmd
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+title: "Basic chunks"
+author: "NEST coreDev"
+date: "2022-04-22"
+output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
+vignette: >
+ %\VignetteIndexEntry{Basic chunks}
+ %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown}
+ %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8}
+# The chunks container
+The main concept behind the code chunks is the chunks container. This container consists of two elements:
+1. A stack of quoted R expressions, each called a "chunk"
+2. An environment carrying variable values
+Each chunk can be evaluated inside the current environment. To evaluate all chunks inside the same environment, the `chunks` R6 object was created in `teal.code`. We refer to this object as "chunks container". It internally has a stack of `chunk` objects and the environment where they will get evaluated.
+The next sections will explain what a chunk is and how it is evaluated.
+# What is a chunk?
+A quoted R expression is a necessary step to create a **chunk** object. Quoted R expressions can be created in three different ways:
+a <- 3
+# Creating a chunk by quote ------------------------------
+expr_a <- quote(sum(a, a))
+# Creating a chunk by bquote ------------------------------
+expr_b <- bquote(b <- sum(a, a))
+# Creating a chunk by call -------------------------------
+expr_c <- call("sum", a, a)
+To evaluate the expressions of class `call` or an assignment given by class `<-` above, R uses the `eval` function. This function evaluates each single `call` inside the current environment, in case no other environment is given. In the example code you can see what happens upon evaluating the expressions:
+a <- 3
+expr_a <- quote(sum(a, a))
+expr_b <- bquote(b <- a + a)
+expr_c <- call("sum", a, a)
+A `chunk` object is an R6 object of class `chunk_call` which can be created and evaluated using the expressions above as follows:
+a <- 3
+expr_a <- quote(sum(a, a))
+expr_b <- bquote(b <- a + a)
+expr_c <- call("sum", a, a)
+chunk_1 <- teal.code::chunk$new(expression = expr_a)
+chunk_2 <- teal.code::chunk$new(expression = expr_b)
+chunk_3 <- teal.code::chunk$new(expression = expr_c)
+The next sections will tell in a step by step guide which features are provided by the `chunks` container object.
+# Step by step to understand chunks container
+## General information
+Normally as a module developer the chunks container will be used within the `server` function of a shiny/teal module. This enables storing the chunks container inside the shiny session. For simplicity reasons this feature will be used in the tutorial. To store a container inside the shiny session simply use the call `init_chunks()` and the `chunks` R6 object will be stored in `session$userData$$chunks`. After using `init_chunks()`, the functions dealing with chunks container can be used. Those are recommended. If for any reasons you want to use your own chunks container, it is possible. Please see the last section of this article for more information. So for now, we just call `teal.code::init_chunks()`.
+As a simulation of the teal environment the `init_session` function is provided:
+# pseudo code simulating a shiny session ----------------------------
+init_session <- function() {
+ session <- new.env()
+ session$userData <- new.env() # nolint
+ session$ns <- function(x) paste0("x-", x)
+ return(session)
+# initializing code chunks -------------------------------------------
+session <- init_session()
+teal.code::init_chunks(session = session)
+## Feature 1: Reset (initialize the environment)
+Normally reproducible code will be used inside a `renderPlot` or `renderTable` call of a shiny module. For simplicity reasons we just use the *pseudo* shiny session defined above in this tutorial. As a first step the chunks container should be handed over an analysis dataset (`anl`) and two variables `x = "abc"`, `y = 5`. Therefore you need to use the `teal.code::chunks_reset` function. It not only empties all current chunks inside the container, but also hands over all variables from the current environment to the container environment.
+To check that it worked as expected the function `teal.code::chunks_get_var` will be used and check that the values inside the chunks container are equal to the values from the environment.
+You can use this code snippet:
+# Adding variables to the chunks container -------------------------------------
+anl <- data.frame(left = c(1, 2, 3), right = c(4, 5, 6))
+x <- "abc"
+y <- 5
+# Double check variables were handed over-----------------------------
+all.equal(x, teal.code::chunks_get_var("x"))
+## Feature 2: Push - adding code snippets
+To populate the chunks container, a chunk can be added using the `teal.code::chunks_push` function. Here two code snippets will be added:
+teal.code::chunks_push(bquote(y <- y + 1))
+teal.code::chunks_push(bquote(x <- paste0(x, y)))
+## Feature 3: Get R code - showing the chunks container code
+To reproduce what was done inside the chunks container, it is necessary to render the R code inside them. Therefore the chunks container can display all its code by calling `teal.code::chunks_get_rcode`. You can run this example to see the code:
+## Feature 4: `eval` - evaluating the code
+The `eval` function is responsible to run the code inside the chunks container. The `eval` function of a chunks container is called `teal.code::chunks_safe_eval`. It evaluates all chunks inside the container in the order they were pushed. It is not possible to change the order or run just pieces of the code. The chunks will not throw an error when being evaluated. See below for further details.
+The `teal.code::chunks_safe_eval` will always return the value of the last evaluation. By `teal.code::chunks_get_var` it is possible to retrieve specific variables after evaluation.
+## Feature 5: Is ok - check for errors and warnings
+As already said the chunks in the container will never throw an error upon execution. Errors are caught and stored in the `chunks` object. The most important function to check if everything went fine is `teal.code::chunks_is_ok`. It will return `TRUE` in the case where everything was fine.
+`teal.code::chunks_validate_is_ok` returns a useful `validate(need(...))` message inside the shiny app in case something went wrong.
+```{r, error=TRUE}
+# Trying an error inside a chunk ------------------------
+## Tutorial Summary
+In summary:
+1. chunks containers host code snippets
+2. chunks containers host their own environment
+3. chunks containers are initialized inside shiny/teal using `teal.code::init_chunks`
+4. chunks container can be accessed to retrieve variables from the environment using `teal.code::chunks_get_var`
+5. chunks can be added to the chunks container by `teal.code::chunks_push`
+6. All chunks inside a container can be executed by `teal.code::chunks_safe_eval`
+7. `teal.code::chunks_validate_is_ok` and `teal.code::chunks_is_ok` allow checking for execution errors
+The whole implementation of this tutorial is given in the *gif* below:
+For more information about the implementation of chunks inside of shiny/teal module, please visit the Advanced chunks article.
+Please find below the implicit vs. explicit usage of code chunks containers.
+## Implementation of code chunks containers
+There are two ways to initialize the code chunks inside shiny modules:
+- Using R6 implementation: `session_chunks <- chunks$new()`.
+- Using `teal.code` wrappers: `teal.code::init_chunks()`.
+The `teal.code` functions can be used in both cases:
+session <- init_session()
+a <- 1
+b <- 2
+# set a & b in env
+# push to chunks
+teal.code::chunks_push(expression = bquote(a <- a + 1))
+# eval gives return value
+stopifnot(teal.code::chunks_get_var("a") == 2)
+teal.code::chunks_push(expression = bquote(c <- a + b))
+stopifnot(teal.code::chunks_get_var("c") == 4)
+teal.code::chunks_push(expression = quote(a + b + c))
+stopifnot(teal.code::chunks_safe_eval() == 8)
+# create a new chunks objet explicitly
+chunks2 <- teal.code::chunks$new()
+# push into this object
+teal.code::chunks_push(bquote(d <- 1), chunks = chunks2)
+# push the whole of chunks2 into our main chunks object
+# evaluate and get results
+The _default_ `chunks` object in many `teal.code` functions is the `chunks` object coupled to the shiny session. But as shown above it is possible to use other `chunk` objects with these functions using their `chunks` argument. The `chunks` object is an R6 object and consult the function documentation for details of its explicit methods.
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..444e9f76
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index 00000000..8fe820fa
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diff --git a/vignettes/teal-code.Rmd b/vignettes/teal-code.Rmd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..86095952
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vignettes/teal-code.Rmd
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+title: "Reproducibility"
+author: "NEST coreDev"
+date: "2022-04-22"
+output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
+vignette: >
+ %\VignetteIndexEntry{Reproducibility}
+ %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown}
+ %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8}
+Reproducibility is an important feature when it comes to data analysis for the following reasons:
+- Enables users to reproduce the outputs at any moment in a simple R console outside of a reactive shiny app.
+- Provides transparency where it helps users and others understand what happened during the analysis.
+This is where the `chunks` concept of the`teal.code` package comes into play. It provides a mechanism to develop reproducible shiny/teal modules. The `teal` package complements the chunks concept by providing a server and an interface to retrieve the reproducible code via a `Show R code` button.
+Note that there is a public [`shinymeta`](https://github.com/rstudio/shinymeta) R package from `RStudio` that offers similar functionality. However, currently, `shinymeta` can not be easily integrated into `teal` modules and hence we recommend using `chunks` for `teal` based apps.
+# Reproducibility in teal
+Teal applications can be designed and set up such that for every output displayed, the associated R code can be requested via the **Show R code button**. In order to develop a teal application with reproducible outputs the app developer needs to take this into account when implementing the app.
+The reproducible code displayed for outputs in `teal` is always made from three parts:
+1. Header which includes information such as:
+ - directory path
+ - server name
+ - R version
+ - date
+ - `libPaths()`
+ - packages' versions.
+2. Preprocessing Code: refers to the code which precedes the teal app initialization, this includes:
+ - Data imports
+ - Data transformation
+ - Checking data reproducibility
+3. Teal Module Analysis Code which includes:
+ - [Data merging](https://insightsengineering.github.io/teal.transform/articles/transforming-teal-data) (optional)
+ - Filtering and encodings
+ - Data analysis/visualization
+The header is created by `teal`, the preprocessing code must be supplied by the app developer and the analysis code is provided by the teal modules.
+# Chunks
+The code chunks were introduced to allow the development of reproducible `shiny`/`teal` modules. A reproducible module includes a "Show R Code" button which can display the code needed to reproduce the outputs of the module. Inside the modal, which pops up after clicking the button, you should see:
+1. The code loading the necessary libraries - by `teal::get_code`
+2. The code used for loading and filtering data sets - by `teal::FilteredData`
+3. The code used for merging multiple data sets - by `teal.transform::data_merge_srv`
+4. The code generating the outputs - by **code chunks**
+The code chunks were especially designed for the code leading from an input data set to the outputs. To get more information about the concept of chunks, please refer to article [`basic chunks`](https://insightsengineering.github.io/teal.code/articles/basic_chunks.html).