#' @return
#' `get_code` returns the traced code (from `@code` slot) in the form specified by `deparse`.
#' @examples
#' # retrieve code
+#' q <- within(qenv(), {
+#' a <- 1
+#' b <- 2
+#' })
#' get_code(q)
#' get_code(q, deparse = FALSE)
+#' get_code(q, names = "a")
+#' q <- qenv()
+#' q <- eval_code(q, code = c("a <- 1", "b <- 2"))
+#' get_code(q, names = "a")
#' @name get_code
#' @rdname qenv
@@ -21,7 +98,7 @@
#' @aliases get_code,qenv.error-method
#' @export
-setGeneric("get_code", function(object, deparse = TRUE, ...) {
+setGeneric("get_code", function(object, deparse = TRUE, names = NULL, ...) {
# this line forces evaluation of object before passing to the generic
# needed for error handling to work properly
@@ -31,16 +108,29 @@ setGeneric("get_code", function(object, deparse = TRUE, ...) {
-setMethod("get_code", signature = "qenv", function(object, deparse = TRUE) {
+setMethod("get_code", signature = "qenv", function(object, deparse = TRUE, names = NULL, ...) {
+ checkmate::assert_character(names, min.len = 1L, null.ok = TRUE)
+ # Normalize in case special it is backticked
+ if (!is.null(names)) {
+ names <- gsub("^`(.*)`$", "\\1", names)
+ }
+ code <- if (!is.null(names)) {
+ get_code_dependency(object@code, names, ...)
+ } else {
+ object@code
+ }
if (deparse) {
- if (length(object@code) == 0) {
- object@code
+ if (length(code) == 0) {
+ code
} else {
- paste(object@code, collapse = "\n")
+ paste(code, collapse = "\n")
} else {
- parse(text = paste(c("{", object@code, "}"), collapse = "\n"), keep.source = TRUE)
+ parse(text = paste(c("{", code, "}"), collapse = "\n"), keep.source = TRUE)
diff --git a/R/utils-get_code_dependency.R b/R/utils-get_code_dependency.R
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a38b19bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/utils-get_code_dependency.R
@@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
+# get_code_dependency ----
+#' Get code dependency of an object
+#' Extract subset of code required to reproduce specific object(s), including code producing side-effects.
+#' Given a character vector with code, this function will extract the part of the code responsible for creating
+#' the variables specified by `names`.
+#' This includes the final call that creates the variable(s) in question as well as all _parent calls_,
+#' _i.e._ calls that create variables used in the final call and their parents, etc.
+#' Also included are calls that create side-effects like establishing connections.
+#' It is assumed that object dependency is established by using three assignment operators: `<-`, `=`, and `->` .
+#' Other assignment methods (`assign`, `<<-`) or non-standard-evaluation methods are not supported.
+#' Side-effects are not detected automatically and must be marked in the code.
+#' Add `# @linksto object` at the end of a line where a side-effect occurs to specify that this line is required
+#' to reproduce a variable called `object`.
+#' @param code `character` with the code.
+#' @param names `character` vector of object names.
+#' @param check_names `logical(1)` flag specifying if a warning for non-existing names should be displayed.
+#' @return Character vector, a subset of `code`.
+#' Note that subsetting is actually done on the calls `code`, not necessarily on the elements of the vector.
+#' @keywords internal
+get_code_dependency <- function(code, names, check_names = TRUE) {
+ checkmate::assert_character(code)
+ checkmate::assert_character(names, any.missing = FALSE)
+ if (identical(code, character(0)) || identical(trimws(code), "")) {
+ return(code)
+ }
+ # If code is bound in curly brackets, remove them.
+ tcode <- trimws(code)
+ if (any(grepl("^\\{.*\\}$", tcode))) {
+ code <- sub("^\\{(.*)\\}$", "\\1", tcode)
+ }
+ code <- parse(text = code, keep.source = TRUE)
+ pd <- utils::getParseData(code)
+ pd <- normalize_pd(pd)
+ calls_pd <- extract_calls(pd)
+ if (check_names) {
+ # Detect if names are actually in code.
+ symbols <- unlist(lapply(calls_pd, function(call) call[call$token == "SYMBOL", "text"]))
+ if (any(pd$text == "assign")) {
+ assign_calls <- Filter(function(call) find_call(call, "assign"), calls_pd)
+ ass_str <- unlist(lapply(assign_calls, function(call) call[call$token == "STR_CONST", "text"]))
+ ass_str <- gsub("^['\"]|['\"]$", "", ass_str)
+ symbols <- c(ass_str, symbols)
+ }
+ if (!all(names %in% unique(symbols))) {
+ warning("Object(s) not found in code: ", toString(setdiff(names, symbols)))
+ }
+ }
+ graph <- code_graph(calls_pd)
+ ind <- unlist(lapply(names, function(x) graph_parser(x, graph)))
+ lib_ind <- detect_libraries(calls_pd)
+ as.character(code[sort(unique(c(lib_ind, ind)))])
+#' Locate function call token
+#' Determine which row of parsed data is specific `SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL` token.
+#' Useful for determining occurrence of `assign` or `data` functions in an input call.
+#' @param call_pd `data.frame` as returned by `extract_calls()`
+#' @param text `character(1)` to look for in `text` column of `call_pd`
+#' @return
+#' Single integer specifying row in `call_pd` where `token` is `SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL` and `text` is `text`.
+#' 0 if not found.
+#' @keywords internal
+#' @noRd
+find_call <- function(call_pd, text) {
+ checkmate::check_data_frame(call_pd)
+ checkmate::check_names(call_pd, must.include = c("token", "text"))
+ checkmate::check_string(text)
+ ans <- which(call_pd$token == "SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL" & call_pd$text == text)
+ if (length(ans)) {
+ ans
+ } else {
+ 0L
+ }
+#' Split the result of `utils::getParseData()` into separate calls
+#' @param pd (`data.frame`) A result of `utils::getParseData()`.
+#' @return
+#' A `list` of `data.frame`s.
+#' Each element is a subset of `pd` corresponding to one call in the original code from which `pd` was obtained.
+#' Only four columns (`"token"`, `"text"`, `"id"`, `"parent"`) are kept, the rest is discarded.
+#' @keywords internal
+#' @noRd
+extract_calls <- function(pd) {
+ calls <- lapply(
+ pd[pd$parent == 0, "id"],
+ function(parent) {
+ rbind(
+ pd[pd$id == parent, c("token", "text", "id", "parent")],
+ get_children(pd = pd, parent = parent)
+ )
+ }
+ )
+ calls <- Filter(function(call) !(nrow(call) == 1 && call$token == "';'"), calls)
+ calls <- Filter(Negate(is.null), calls)
+ calls <- fix_shifted_comments(calls)
+ fix_arrows(calls)
+#' @keywords internal
+#' @noRd
+get_children <- function(pd, parent) {
+ idx_children <- abs(pd$parent) == parent
+ children <- pd[idx_children, c("token", "text", "id", "parent")]
+ if (nrow(children) == 0) {
+ return(NULL)
+ }
+ if (parent > 0) {
+ do.call(rbind, c(list(children), lapply(children$id, get_children, pd = pd)))
+ }
+#' Fixes edge case of comments being shifted to the next call.
+#' @keywords internal
+#' @noRd
+fix_shifted_comments <- function(calls) {
+ # If the first or the second token is a @linksto COMMENT,
+ # then it belongs to the previous call.
+ if (length(calls) >= 2) {
+ for (i in 2:length(calls)) {
+ comment_idx <- grep("@linksto", calls[[i]][, "text"])
+ if (isTRUE(comment_idx[1] <= 2)) {
+ calls[[i - 1]] <- rbind(
+ calls[[i - 1]],
+ calls[[i]][seq_len(comment_idx[1]), ]
+ )
+ calls[[i]] <- calls[[i]][-seq_len(comment_idx[1]), ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Filter(nrow, calls)
+#' Fixes edge case of `<-` assignment operator being called as function,
+#' which is \code{`<-`(y,x)} instead of traditional `y <- x`.
+#' @keywords internal
+#' @noRd
+fix_arrows <- function(calls) {
+ checkmate::assert_list(calls)
+ lapply(calls, function(call) {
+ sym_fun <- call$token == "SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL"
+ call[sym_fun, ] <- sub_arrows(call[sym_fun, ])
+ call
+ })
+#' Execution of assignment operator substitutions for a call.
+#' @keywords internal
+#' @noRd
+sub_arrows <- function(call) {
+ checkmate::assert_data_frame(call)
+ map <- data.frame(
+ row.names = c("<-", "<<-", "="),
+ token = rep("LEFT_ASSIGN", 3),
+ text = rep("<-", 3)
+ )
+ sub_ids <- call$text %in% rownames(map)
+ call[sub_ids, c("token", "text")] <- map[call$text[sub_ids], ]
+ call
+# code_graph ----
+#' Create object dependencies graph within parsed code
+#' Builds dependency graph that identifies dependencies between objects in parsed code.
+#' Helps understand which objects depend on which.
+#' @param calls_pd `list` of `data.frame`s;
+#' result of `utils::getParseData()` split into subsets representing individual calls;
+#' created by `extract_calls()` function
+#' @return
+#' A list (of length of input `calls_pd`) where each element represents one call.
+#' Each element is a character vector listing names of objects that depend on this call
+#' and names of objects that this call depends on.
+#' Dependencies are listed after the `"<-"` string, e.g. `c("a", "<-", "b", "c")` means that in this call object `a`
+#' depends on objects `b` and `c`.
+#' If a call is tagged with `@linksto a`, then object `a` is understood to depend on that call.
+#' @keywords internal
+#' @noRd
+code_graph <- function(calls_pd) {
+ cooccurrence <- extract_occurrence(calls_pd)
+ side_effects <- extract_side_effects(calls_pd)
+ mapply(c, side_effects, cooccurrence, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
+#' Extract object occurrence
+#' Extracts objects occurrence within calls passed by `calls_pd`.
+#' Also detects which objects depend on which within a call.
+#' @param calls_pd `list` of `data.frame`s;
+#' result of `utils::getParseData()` split into subsets representing individual calls;
+#' created by `extract_calls()` function
+#' @return
+#' A list (of length of input `calls_pd`) where each element represents one call.
+#' Each element is a character vector listing names of objects that depend on this call
+#' and names of objects that this call depends on.
+#' Dependencies are listed after the `"<-"` string, e.g. `c("a", "<-", "b", "c")` means that in this call object `a`
+#' depends on objects `b` and `c`.
+#' If a call is tagged with `@linksto a`, then object `a` is understood to depend on that call.
+#' @keywords internal
+#' @noRd
+extract_occurrence <- function(calls_pd) {
+ is_in_function <- function(x) {
+ # If an object is a function parameter,
+ # then in calls_pd there is a `SYMBOL_FORMALS` entry for that object.
+ function_id <- x[x$token == "FUNCTION", "parent"]
+ if (length(function_id)) {
+ x$id %in% get_children(x, function_id[1])$id
+ } else {
+ rep(FALSE, nrow(x))
+ }
+ }
+ in_parenthesis <- function(x) {
+ if (any(x$token %in% c("LBB", "'['"))) {
+ id_start <- min(x$id[x$token %in% c("LBB", "'['")])
+ id_end <- min(x$id[x$token == "']'"])
+ x$text[x$token == "SYMBOL" & x$id > id_start & x$id < id_end]
+ }
+ }
+ lapply(
+ calls_pd,
+ function(call_pd) {
+ # Handle data(object)/data("object")/data(object, envir = ) independently.
+ data_call <- find_call(call_pd, "data")
+ if (data_call) {
+ sym <- call_pd[data_call + 1, "text"]
+ return(c(gsub("^['\"]|['\"]$", "", sym), "<-"))
+ }
+ # Handle assign(x = ).
+ assign_call <- find_call(call_pd, "assign")
+ if (assign_call) {
+ # Check if parameters were named.
+ # "','" is for unnamed parameters, where "SYMBOL_SUB" is for named.
+ # "EQ_SUB" is for `=` appearing after the name of the named parameter.
+ if (any(call_pd$token == "SYMBOL_SUB")) {
+ params <- call_pd[call_pd$token %in% c("SYMBOL_SUB", "','", "EQ_SUB"), "text"]
+ # Remove sequence of "=", ",".
+ if (length(params > 1)) {
+ remove <- integer(0)
+ for (i in 2:length(params)) {
+ if (params[i - 1] == "=" & params[i] == ",") {
+ remove <- c(remove, i - 1, i)
+ }
+ }
+ if (length(remove)) params <- params[-remove]
+ }
+ pos <- match("x", setdiff(params, ","), nomatch = match(",", params, nomatch = 0))
+ if (!pos) {
+ return(character(0L))
+ }
+ # pos is indicator of the place of 'x'
+ # 1. All parameters are named, but none is 'x' - return(character(0L))
+ # 2. Some parameters are named, 'x' is in named parameters: match("x", setdiff(params, ","))
+ # - check "x" in params being just a vector of named parameters.
+ # 3. Some parameters are named, 'x' is not in named parameters
+ # - check first appearance of "," (unnamed parameter) in vector parameters.
+ } else {
+ # Object is the first entry after 'assign'.
+ pos <- 1
+ }
+ sym <- call_pd[assign_call + pos, "text"]
+ return(c(gsub("^['\"]|['\"]$", "", sym), "<-"))
+ }
+ # What occurs in a function body is not tracked.
+ x <- call_pd[!is_in_function(call_pd), ]
+ sym_cond <- which(x$token %in% c("SPECIAL", "SYMBOL", "SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL"))
+ if (length(sym_cond) == 0) {
+ return(character(0L))
+ }
+ # Watch out for SYMBOLS after $ and @. For x$a x@a: x is object, a is not.
+ # For x$a, a's ID is $'s ID-2 so we need to remove all IDs that have ID = $ID - 2.
+ dollar_ids <- x[x$token %in% c("'$'", "'@'"), "id"]
+ if (length(dollar_ids)) {
+ object_ids <- x[sym_cond, "id"]
+ after_dollar <- object_ids[(object_ids - 2) %in% dollar_ids]
+ sym_cond <- setdiff(sym_cond, which(x$id %in% after_dollar))
+ }
+ ass_cond <- grep("ASSIGN", x$token)
+ if (!length(ass_cond)) {
+ return(c("<-", unique(x[sym_cond, "text"])))
+ }
+ sym_cond <- sym_cond[sym_cond > ass_cond] # NOTE 1
+ # If there was an assignment operation detect direction of it.
+ if (unique(x$text[ass_cond]) == "->") { # NOTE 2
+ sym_cond <- rev(sym_cond)
+ }
+ after <- match(min(x$id[ass_cond]), sort(x$id[c(min(ass_cond), sym_cond)])) - 1
+ ans <- append(x[sym_cond, "text"], "<-", after = max(1, after))
+ roll <- in_parenthesis(call_pd)
+ if (length(roll)) {
+ c(setdiff(ans, roll), roll)
+ } else {
+ ans
+ }
+ ### NOTE 2: What if there are 2 assignments: e.g. a <- b -> c.
+ ### NOTE 1: For cases like 'eval(expression(b <- b + 2))' removes 'eval(expression('.
+ }
+ )
+#' Extract side effects
+#' Extracts all object names from the code that are marked with `@linksto` tag.
+#' The code may contain functions calls that create side effects, e.g. modify the environment.
+#' Static code analysis may be insufficient to determine which objects are created or modified by such a function call.
+#' The `@linksto` comment tag is introduced to mark a call as having a (side) effect on one or more objects.
+#' With this tag a complete object dependency structure can be established.
+#' Read more about side effects and the usage of `@linksto` tag in [`get_code_dependencies()`] function.
+#' @param calls_pd `list` of `data.frame`s;
+#' result of `utils::getParseData()` split into subsets representing individual calls;
+#' created by `extract_calls()` function
+#' @return
+#' A list of length equal to that of `calls_pd`, where each element is a character vector of names of objects
+#' depending a call tagged with `@linksto` in a corresponding element of `calls_pd`.
+#' @keywords internal
+#' @noRd
+extract_side_effects <- function(calls_pd) {
+ lapply(
+ calls_pd,
+ function(x) {
+ linksto <- grep("@linksto", x[x$token == "COMMENT", "text"], value = TRUE)
+ unlist(strsplit(sub("\\s*#\\s*@linksto\\s+", "", linksto), "\\s+"))
+ }
+ )
+# graph_parser ----
+#' Return the indices of calls needed to reproduce an object
+#' @param x The name of the object to return code for.
+#' @param graph A result of `code_graph()`.
+#' @return
+#' Integer vector of indices that can be applied to `graph` to obtain all calls required to reproduce object `x`.
+#' @keywords internal
+#' @noRd
+graph_parser <- function(x, graph) {
+ occurrence <- vapply(
+ graph, function(call) {
+ ind <- match("<-", call, nomatch = length(call) + 1L)
+ x %in% call[seq_len(ind - 1L)]
+ },
+ logical(1)
+ )
+ dependencies <- lapply(graph[occurrence], function(call) {
+ ind <- match("<-", call, nomatch = 0L)
+ call[(ind + 1L):length(call)]
+ })
+ dependencies <- setdiff(unlist(dependencies), x)
+ if (length(dependencies) && any(occurrence)) {
+ dependency_ids <- lapply(dependencies, function(dependency) {
+ graph_parser(dependency, graph[1:max(which(occurrence))])
+ })
+ sort(unique(c(which(occurrence), unlist(dependency_ids))))
+ } else {
+ which(occurrence)
+ }
+# default_side_effects --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#' Detect library calls
+#' Detects `library()` and `require()` function calls.
+#' @param calls_pd `list` of `data.frame`s;
+#' result of `utils::getParseData()` split into subsets representing individual calls;
+#' created by `extract_calls()` function
+#' @return
+#' Integer vector of indices that can be applied to `graph` (result of `code_graph()`) to obtain all calls containing
+#' `library()` or `require()` calls that are always returned for reproducibility.
+#' @keywords internal
+#' @noRd
+detect_libraries <- function(calls_pd) {
+ defaults <- c("library", "require")
+ which(
+ vapply(
+ calls_pd,
+ function(call) {
+ any(call$token == "SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL" & call$text %in% defaults)
+ },
+ logical(1)
+ )
+ )
+#' Normalize parsed data removing backticks from symbols
+#' @param pd `data.frame` resulting from `utils::getParseData()` call.
+#' @return `data.frame` with backticks removed from `text` column for `SYMBOL` tokens.
+#' @keywords internal
+#' @noRd
+normalize_pd <- function(pd) {
+ # Remove backticks from SYMBOL tokens
+ symbol_index <- grepl("^SYMBOL.*$", pd$token)
+ pd[symbol_index, "text"] <- gsub("^`(.*)`$", "\\1", pd[symbol_index, "text"])
+ pd
diff --git a/man/get_code_dependency.Rd b/man/get_code_dependency.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8db40903
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/get_code_dependency.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/utils-get_code_dependency.R
+\title{Get code dependency of an object}
+get_code_dependency(code, names, check_names = TRUE)
+\item{code}{\code{character} with the code.}
+\item{names}{\code{character} vector of object names.}
+\item{check_names}{\code{logical(1)} flag specifying if a warning for non-existing names should be displayed.}
+Character vector, a subset of \code{code}.
+Note that subsetting is actually done on the calls \code{code}, not necessarily on the elements of the vector.
+Extract subset of code required to reproduce specific object(s), including code producing side-effects.
+Given a character vector with code, this function will extract the part of the code responsible for creating
+the variables specified by \code{names}.
+This includes the final call that creates the variable(s) in question as well as all \emph{parent calls},
+\emph{i.e.} calls that create variables used in the final call and their parents, etc.
+Also included are calls that create side-effects like establishing connections.
+It is assumed that object dependency is established by using three assignment operators: \verb{<-}, \code{=}, and \verb{->} .
+Other assignment methods (\code{assign}, \verb{<<-}) or non-standard-evaluation methods are not supported.
+Side-effects are not detected automatically and must be marked in the code.
+Add \verb{# @linksto object} at the end of a line where a side-effect occurs to specify that this line is required
+to reproduce a variable called \code{object}.
diff --git a/man/qenv.Rd b/man/qenv.Rd
index 75bd486e..4d382246 100644
--- a/man/qenv.Rd
+++ b/man/qenv.Rd
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ new_qenv(env = new.env(parent = parent.env(.GlobalEnv)), code = character())
eval_code(object, code)
-get_code(object, deparse = TRUE, ...)
+get_code(object, deparse = TRUE, names = NULL, ...)
\method{within}{qenv}(data, expr, ...)
@@ -40,6 +40,9 @@ Environment being a result of the \code{code} evaluation.}
\item{deparse}{(\code{logical(1)}) flag specifying whether to return code as \code{character} or \code{expression}.}
+\item{names}{\ifelse{html}{\href{https://lifecycle.r-lib.org/articles/stages.html#experimental}{\figure{lifecycle-experimental.svg}{options: alt='[Experimental]'}}}{\strong{[Experimental]}} (\code{character}) vector of object names to return the code for.
+For more details see the "Extracting dataset-specific code" section.}
\item{...}{see \code{Details}}
@@ -78,6 +81,77 @@ It is a method for the \code{base} generic that wraps \code{eval_code} to provid
through the \code{...} argument:
as \code{name:value} pairs are passed to \code{...}, \code{name} in \code{expr} will be replaced with \code{value}.
+\section{Extracting dataset-specific code}{
+When \code{names} is specified, the code returned will be limited to the lines needed to \emph{create}
+the requested objects. The code stored in the \verb{@code} slot is analyzed statically to determine
+which lines the objects of interest depend upon. The analysis works well when objects are created
+with standard infix assignment operators (see \code{?assignOps}) but it can fail in some situations.
+Consider the following examples:
+\emph{Case 1: Usual assignments.}
+\if{html}{\out{}}\preformatted{q1 <- qenv() |>
+ within(\{
+ foo <- function(x) \{
+ x + 1
+ \}
+ x <- 0
+ y <- foo(x)
+ \})
+get_code(q1, names = "y")
+\code{x} has no dependencies, so \code{get_code(data, names = "x")} will return only the second call.\cr
+\code{y} depends on \code{x} and \code{foo}, so \code{get_code(data, names = "y")} will contain all three calls.
+\emph{Case 2: Some objects are created by a function's side effects.}
+\if{html}{\out{}}\preformatted{q2 <- qenv() |>
+ within(\{
+ foo <- function() \{
+ x <<- x + 1
+ \}
+ x <- 0
+ foo()
+ y <- x
+ \})
+get_code(q2, names = "y")
+Here, \code{y} depends on \code{x} but \code{x} is modified by \code{foo} as a side effect (not by reassignment)
+and so \code{get_code(data, names = "y")} will not return the \code{foo()} call.\cr
+To overcome this limitation, code dependencies can be specified manually.
+Lines where side effects occur can be flagged by adding "\verb{# @linksto }" at the end.\cr
+Note that \code{within} evaluates code passed to \code{expr} as is and comments are ignored.
+In order to include comments in code one must use the \code{eval_code} function instead.
+\if{html}{\out{}}\preformatted{q3 <- qenv() |>
+ eval_code("
+ foo <- function() \{
+ x <<- x + 1
+ \}
+ x <- 0
+ foo() # @linksto x
+ y <- x
+ ")
+get_code(q3, names = "y")
+Now the \code{foo()} call will be properly included in the code required to recreate \code{y}.
+Note that two functions that create objects as side effects, \code{assign} and \code{data}, are handled automatically.
+Here are known cases where manual tagging is necessary:
+\item non-standard assignment operators, \emph{e.g.} \verb{\%<>\%}
+\item objects used as conditions in \code{if} statements: \verb{if ()}
+\item objects used to iterate over in \code{for} loops: \verb{for(i in )}
+\item creating and evaluating language objects, \emph{e.g.} \verb{eval()}
\section{Using language objects with \code{within}}{
Passing language objects to \code{expr} is generally not intended but can be achieved with \code{do.call}.
@@ -100,8 +174,17 @@ q <- eval_code(q, quote(library(checkmate)))
q <- eval_code(q, expression(assert_number(a)))
# retrieve code
+q <- within(qenv(), {
+ a <- 1
+ b <- 2
get_code(q, deparse = FALSE)
+get_code(q, names = "a")
+q <- qenv()
+q <- eval_code(q, code = c("a <- 1", "b <- 2"))
+get_code(q, names = "a")
# evaluate code using within
q <- qenv()
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-qenv_get_code.R b/tests/testthat/test-qenv_get_code.R
index 099f0a36..0f9aedf9 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-qenv_get_code.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-qenv_get_code.R
@@ -44,3 +44,831 @@ testthat::test_that("get_code called with qenv.error returns error with trace in
"object 'v' not found \n when evaluating qenv code:\nw <- v\n\ntrace: \n x <- 1\n y <- x\n w <- v\n"
+# names parameter -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+testthat::test_that("handles empty @code slot", {
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(qenv(), names = "a"),
+ character(0)
+ )
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(eval_code(qenv(), code = ""), names = "a"),
+ ""
+ )
+testthat::test_that("handles the code without symbols on rhs", {
+ code <- c(
+ "1 + 1",
+ "a <- 5",
+ "501"
+ )
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(eval_code(qenv(), code), names = "a"),
+ "a <- 5"
+ )
+testthat::test_that("handles the code included in curly brackets", {
+ code <- "{1 + 1;a <- 5}"
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(eval_code(qenv(), code), names = "a"),
+ "a <- 5"
+ )
+testthat::test_that("handles the code of length > 1 when at least one is enclosed in curly brackets", {
+ code <- c("{a<-5}", "1+1")
+ q <- eval_code(eval_code(qenv(), code[1]), code[2])
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(q, names = "a"),
+ "a <- 5"
+ )
+testthat::test_that("extracts the code of a binding from character vector containing simple code", {
+ code <- c(
+ "a <- 1",
+ "b <- 2"
+ )
+ q <- eval_code(qenv(), code)
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(q, names = "a"),
+ "a <- 1"
+ )
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(q, names = "b"),
+ "b <- 2"
+ )
+testthat::test_that("extracts the code without downstream usage", {
+ code <- c(
+ "a <- 1",
+ "head(a)"
+ )
+ q <- eval_code(qenv(), code)
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(q, names = "a"),
+ "a <- 1"
+ )
+testthat::test_that("works for datanames of length > 1", {
+ code <- c(
+ "a <- 1",
+ "b <- 2"
+ )
+ q <- eval_code(qenv(), code)
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(q, names = c("a", "b")),
+ paste(code, collapse = "\n")
+ )
+testthat::test_that("warns if binding doesn't exist in code", {
+ code <- c("a <- 1")
+ q <- eval_code(qenv(), code)
+ testthat::expect_warning(
+ get_code(q, names = "c"),
+ "Object\\(s\\) not found in code: c"
+ )
+testthat::test_that("does not fall into a loop", {
+ code <- c(
+ "a <- 1",
+ "b <- a",
+ "c <- b",
+ "a <- c"
+ )
+ q <- eval_code(qenv(), code)
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(q, names = "a"),
+ paste(code, collapse = "\n")
+ )
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(q, names = "b"),
+ paste(code[1:2], collapse = "\n")
+ )
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(q, names = "c"),
+ paste(code[1:3], collapse = "\n")
+ )
+testthat::test_that("extracts code of a parent binding but only those evaluated before coocurence", {
+ code <- c(
+ "a <- 1",
+ "b <- a",
+ "a <- 2"
+ )
+ q <- eval_code(qenv(), code)
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(q, names = "b"),
+ paste("a <- 1", "b <- a", sep = "\n")
+ )
+testthat::test_that("extracts the code of a parent binding if used as an arg in a function call", {
+ code <- c(
+ "a <- 1",
+ "b <- identity(x = a)",
+ "a <- 2"
+ )
+ q <- eval_code(qenv(), code)
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(q, names = "b"),
+ paste("a <- 1", "b <- identity(x = a)", sep = "\n")
+ )
+testthat::test_that("extracts the code when using <<-", {
+ code <- c(
+ "a <- 1",
+ "b <- a",
+ "b <<- b + 2"
+ )
+ q <- eval_code(qenv(), code)
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(q, names = "b"),
+ paste("a <- 1", "b <- a", "b <<- b + 2", sep = "\n")
+ )
+testthat::test_that("detects every assign calls even if not evaluated, if there is only one assignment in this line", {
+ code <- c(
+ "a <- 1",
+ "b <- 2",
+ "eval(expression({b <- b + 2}))"
+ )
+ q <- eval_code(qenv(), code)
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(q, names = "b"),
+ paste("b <- 2", "eval(expression({\n b <- b + 2\n}))", sep = "\n")
+ )
+testthat::test_that("returns result of length 1 for non-empty input", {
+ q1 <- qenv()
+ q1 <- within(q1, {
+ a <- 1
+ b <- a^5
+ c <- list(x = 2)
+ })
+ testthat::expect_length(get_code(q1, deparse = FALSE), 1)
+ testthat::expect_length(get_code(q1, deparse = TRUE), 1)
+testthat::test_that("does not break if code is separated by ;", {
+ code <- c(
+ "a <- 1;a <- a + 1"
+ )
+ q <- eval_code(qenv(), code)
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(q, names = "a"),
+ gsub(";", "\n", code, fixed = TRUE)
+ )
+testthat::test_that("does not break if code uses quote()", {
+ code <- c(
+ "expr <- quote(x <- x + 1)",
+ "x <- 0",
+ "eval(expr)"
+ )
+ q <- eval_code(qenv(), code)
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(q, names = "x"),
+ code[2]
+ )
+testthat::test_that("does not break if object is used in a function on lhs", {
+ code <- c(
+ "data(iris)",
+ "iris2 <- iris",
+ "names(iris) <- letters[1:5]"
+ )
+ q <- eval_code(qenv(), code = code)
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(q, names = "iris"),
+ paste(code[c(1, 3)], collapse = "\n")
+ )
+ "does not break if object is used in a function on lhs and influencers are both on lhs and rhs",
+ {
+ code <- c(
+ "x <- 5",
+ "y <- length(x)",
+ "names(x)[y] <- y"
+ )
+ q <- eval_code(qenv(), code = code)
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(q, names = "x"),
+ paste(code, collapse = "\n")
+ )
+ }
+# assign ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+testthat::test_that("extracts the code for assign() where \"x\" is a literal string", {
+ code <- c(
+ "a <- 1",
+ "assign('b', 5)",
+ "assign(value = 7, x = 'c')",
+ "assign(value = 15, x = \"d\")",
+ "b <- b + 2",
+ "c <- b",
+ "d <- d * 2"
+ )
+ q <- eval_code(qenv(), code)
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(q, names = "b"),
+ paste("assign(\"b\", 5)", "b <- b + 2", sep = "\n")
+ )
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(q, names = "c"),
+ paste(
+ "assign(\"b\", 5)",
+ "assign(value = 7, x = \"c\")",
+ "b <- b + 2",
+ "c <- b",
+ sep = "\n"
+ )
+ )
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(q, names = "d"),
+ paste("assign(value = 15, x = \"d\")", "d <- d * 2", sep = "\n")
+ )
+testthat::test_that("extracts the code for assign() where \"x\" is variable", {
+ testthat::skip("We will not resolve this, as this requires code evaluation.")
+ code <- c(
+ "x <- \"a\"",
+ "assign(x, 5)",
+ "b <- a"
+ )
+ q <- eval_code(qenv(), code)
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(q, names = "b"),
+ paste(code, collapse = "\n")
+ )
+testthat::test_that("works for assign() detection no matter how many parametrers were provided in assignq()", {
+ code <- c(
+ "x <- 1",
+ "assign(\"x\", 0, envir = environment())",
+ "assign(inherits = FALSE, immediate = TRUE, \"z\", 5, envir = environment())",
+ "y <- x + z",
+ "y <- x"
+ )
+ q <- eval_code(qenv(), code)
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(q, names = "y"),
+ paste(code, collapse = "\n")
+ )
+testthat::test_that("detects function usage of the assignment operator", {
+ code <- c(
+ "x <- 1",
+ "`<-`(y,x)"
+ )
+ code2 <- "`<-`(y, `<-`(x, 2))"
+ q <- eval_code(qenv(), code)
+ q2 <- eval_code(qenv(), code2)
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(q, names = "y"),
+ paste(c(code[1], "y <- x"), collapse = "\n")
+ )
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(q2, names = "y"),
+ "y <- x <- 2"
+ )
+# @linksto ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+testthat::test_that("get_code does not break if @linksto is put in the last line", {
+ # In some cases R parses comment as a separate expression so the comment is not
+ # directly associated with this line of code. This situation occurs when `eval` is in the last
+ # line of the code. Other cases are not known but are highly probable.
+ code <- c(
+ "expr <- quote(x <- x + 1)",
+ "x <- 0",
+ "eval(expr) #@linksto x"
+ )
+ q <- eval_code(qenv(), code)
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(q, names = "x"),
+ paste(gsub(" #@linksto x", "", code, fixed = TRUE), collapse = "\n")
+ )
+testthat::test_that("@linksto makes a line being returned for an affected binding", {
+ code <- "
+ a <- 1 # @linksto b
+ b <- 2
+ "
+ q <- eval_code(qenv(), code)
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(q, names = "b"),
+ paste("a <- 1", "b <- 2", sep = "\n")
+ )
+ "@linksto returns the line for an affected binding
+ even if the object did not exist in the same iteration of eval_code",
+ {
+ code <- c(
+ "a <- 1 # @linksto b",
+ "b <- 2"
+ )
+ q <- eval_code(qenv(), code)
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(q, names = "b"),
+ paste("a <- 1", "b <- 2", sep = "\n")
+ )
+ }
+ "lines affecting parent evaluated after co-occurrence are not included in output when using @linksto",
+ {
+ code <- c(
+ "a <- 1 ",
+ "b <- 2 # @linksto a",
+ "a <- a + 1",
+ "b <- b + 1"
+ )
+ q <- eval_code(qenv(), code)
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(q, names = "a"),
+ paste("a <- 1", "b <- 2", "a <- a + 1", sep = "\n")
+ )
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(q, names = "b"),
+ paste("b <- 2", "b <- b + 1", sep = "\n")
+ )
+ }
+ "@linksto gets extracted if it's a side-effect on a dependent object (even of a dependent object)",
+ {
+ code <- "
+ iris[1:5, ] -> iris2
+ iris_head <- head(iris) # @linksto iris3
+ iris3 <- iris_head[1, ] # @linksto iris2
+ classes <- lapply(iris2, class)
+ "
+ q <- eval_code(qenv(), code)
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(q, names = "classes"),
+ paste("iris2 <- iris[1:5, ]",
+ "iris_head <- head(iris)",
+ "iris3 <- iris_head[1, ]",
+ "classes <- lapply(iris2, class)",
+ sep = "\n"
+ )
+ )
+ }
+# functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+testthat::test_that("ignores occurrence in a function definition", {
+ code <- c(
+ "b <- 2",
+ "foo <- function(b) { b <- b + 2 }"
+ )
+ q <- eval_code(qenv(), code)
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(q, names = "b"),
+ "b <- 2"
+ )
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(q, names = "foo"),
+ "foo <- function(b) {\n b <- b + 2\n}"
+ )
+testthat::test_that("ignores occurrence in a function definition that has function in it", {
+ code <- c(
+ "b <- 2",
+ "foo <- function(b) { function(c) {b <- c + 2 }}"
+ )
+ q <- eval_code(qenv(), code)
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(q, names = "b"),
+ "b <- 2"
+ )
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(q, names = "foo"),
+ "foo <- function(b) {\n function(c) {\n b <- c + 2\n }\n}"
+ )
+testthat::test_that("ignores occurrence in a function definition if there is multiple function definitions", {
+ code <- c(
+ "b <- 2",
+ "foo <- function(b) { function(c) {b <- c + 2 }}",
+ "b <- b + 1",
+ "bar <- function(b) print(b)"
+ )
+ q <- eval_code(qenv(), code)
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(q, names = "b"),
+ "b <- 2\nb <- b + 1"
+ )
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(q, names = "foo"),
+ "foo <- function(b) {\n function(c) {\n b <- c + 2\n }\n}"
+ )
+testthat::test_that("ignores occurrence in a function definition in lapply", {
+ code <- c(
+ "a <- list(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3)",
+ "b <- lapply(a, FUN = function(x) { x <- x + 1 })",
+ "b <- Filter(function(x) x > 2, b)",
+ "x <- 1",
+ "identity(x)"
+ )
+ q <- eval_code(qenv(), code)
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(q, names = "x"),
+ "x <- 1"
+ )
+testthat::test_that("does not ignore occurrence in function body if object exsits in env", {
+ skip("This is not urgent and can be ommitted with @linksto tag.")
+ code <- c(
+ "a <- list(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3)",
+ "p <- 5", # This is not extracted, even though is used in the next line.
+ "b <- lapply(a, FUN = function(x) { x <- x + p })",
+ "b <- Filter(function(x) x > 2, b)"
+ )
+ q <- eval_code(qenv(), code)
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(q, names = "b"),
+ paste(code, sep = "\n")
+ )
+testthat::test_that("ignores occurrence in function definition without { curly brackets", {
+ code <- c(
+ "b <- 2",
+ "foo <- function(b) b <- b + 2 "
+ )
+ q <- eval_code(qenv(), code)
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(q, names = "foo"),
+ "foo <- function(b) b <- b + 2"
+ )
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(q, names = "b"),
+ "b <- 2"
+ )
+testthat::test_that("detects occurrence of the function object", {
+ code <- c(
+ "a <- 1",
+ "b <- 2",
+ "foo <- function(b) { b <- b + 2 }",
+ "b <- foo(a)"
+ )
+ q <- eval_code(qenv(), code)
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(q, names = "b"),
+ paste("a <- 1", "b <- 2", "foo <- function(b) {\n b <- b + 2\n}", "b <- foo(a)", sep = "\n")
+ )
+testthat::test_that("detects occurrence of a function definition when a formal is named the same as a function", {
+ code <- c(
+ "x <- 1",
+ "foo <- function(foo = 1) 'text'",
+ "a <- foo(x)"
+ )
+ q <- eval_code(qenv(), code)
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(q, names = "a"),
+ paste("x <- 1", "foo <- function(foo = 1) \"text\"", "a <- foo(x)", sep = "\n")
+ )
+testthat::test_that("detects occurrence of a function definition with a @linksto usage", {
+ code <- c(
+ "
+ foo <- function() {
+ env <- parent.frame()
+ env$x <- 0
+ }",
+ "foo() # @linksto x",
+ "y <- x"
+ )
+ q <- eval_code(qenv(), code)
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(q, names = "x"),
+ "foo <- function() {\n env <- parent.frame()\n env$x <- 0\n}\nfoo()"
+ )
+# $ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+testthat::test_that("understands $ usage and do not treat rhs of $ as objects (only lhs)", {
+ code <- c(
+ "x <- data.frame(a = 1:3)",
+ "a <- data.frame(y = 1:3)",
+ "a$x <- a$y",
+ "a$x <- a$x + 2",
+ "a$x <- x$a"
+ )
+ q <- eval_code(qenv(), code)
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(q, names = "x"),
+ "x <- data.frame(a = 1:3)"
+ )
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(q, names = "a"),
+ paste("x <- data.frame(a = 1:3)",
+ "a <- data.frame(y = 1:3)",
+ "a$x <- a$y",
+ "a$x <- a$x + 2",
+ "a$x <- x$a",
+ sep = "\n"
+ )
+ )
+testthat::test_that("detects cooccurrence properly even if all objects are on lhs", {
+ code <- c(
+ "a <- 1",
+ "b <- list(c = 2)",
+ "b[[a]] <- 3"
+ )
+ q <- eval_code(qenv(), code)
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(q, names = "b"),
+ paste(code, collapse = "\n")
+ )
+# @ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+testthat::test_that("understands @ usage and do not treat rhs of @ as objects (only lhs)", {
+ code <- c(
+ "setClass('aclass', slots = c(a = 'numeric', x = 'numeric', y = 'numeric')) # @linksto a x",
+ "x <- new('aclass', a = 1:3, x = 1:3, y = 1:3)",
+ "a <- new('aclass', a = 1:3, x = 1:3, y = 1:3)",
+ "a@x <- a@y",
+ "a@x <- a@x + 2",
+ "a@x <- x@a"
+ )
+ q <- qenv()
+ q@code <- code # we don't use eval_code so the code is not run
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(q, names = "x"),
+ paste(
+ 'setClass("aclass", slots = c(a = "numeric", x = "numeric", y = "numeric"))',
+ 'x <- new("aclass", a = 1:3, x = 1:3, y = 1:3)',
+ sep = "\n"
+ )
+ )
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(q, names = "a"),
+ paste(
+ 'setClass("aclass", slots = c(a = "numeric", x = "numeric", y = "numeric"))',
+ 'x <- new("aclass", a = 1:3, x = 1:3, y = 1:3)',
+ 'a <- new("aclass", a = 1:3, x = 1:3, y = 1:3)',
+ "a@x <- a@y",
+ "a@x <- a@x + 2",
+ "a@x <- x@a",
+ sep = "\n"
+ )
+ )
+# libraries -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+testthat::test_that("library() and require() are always returned", {
+ code <- c(
+ "set.seed(1)",
+ "require(dplyr)",
+ "library(lifecycle)",
+ "x <- 5",
+ "y <- 6"
+ )
+ q <- eval_code(qenv(), code)
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(q, names = "x"),
+ paste(
+ "require(dplyr)",
+ "library(lifecycle)",
+ "x <- 5",
+ sep = "\n"
+ )
+ )
+# data() ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+testthat::test_that("data() call is returned when data name is provided as is", {
+ code <- c(
+ "set.seed(1)",
+ "require(dplyr)",
+ "library(lifecycle)",
+ "data(iris, envir = environment())",
+ "x <- iris"
+ )
+ q <- eval_code(qenv(), code)
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(q, names = "x"),
+ paste(
+ "require(dplyr)",
+ "library(lifecycle)",
+ "data(iris, envir = environment())",
+ "x <- iris",
+ sep = "\n"
+ )
+ )
+testthat::test_that("data() call is returned when data name is provided as a character", {
+ code <- c(
+ "set.seed(1)",
+ "require(dplyr)",
+ "library(lifecycle)",
+ "data('mtcars')",
+ "z <- mtcars"
+ )
+ q <- eval_code(qenv(), code)
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(q, names = "z"),
+ paste(
+ "require(dplyr)",
+ "library(lifecycle)",
+ "data(\"mtcars\")",
+ "z <- mtcars",
+ sep = "\n"
+ )
+ )
+testthat::describe("Backticked symbol", {
+ testthat::it("code can be retrieved with get_code", {
+ td <- within(
+ qenv(),
+ {
+ `%cbind%` <- function(lhs, rhs) cbind(lhs, rhs) # nolint: object_name.
+ iris_ds <- iris %cbind% data.frame(new_col = "new column")
+ }
+ )
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(td, names = "%cbind%"),
+ "`%cbind%` <- function(lhs, rhs) cbind(lhs, rhs)"
+ )
+ })
+ testthat::it("code can be retrieved with get_code", {
+ td <- within(
+ qenv(),
+ {
+ `%cbind%` <- function(lhs, rhs) cbind(lhs, rhs) # nolint: object_name.
+ iris_ds <- iris %cbind% data.frame(new_col = "new column")
+ }
+ )
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(td, names = "`%cbind%`"),
+ "`%cbind%` <- function(lhs, rhs) cbind(lhs, rhs)"
+ )
+ })
+ testthat::it("starting with underscore is detected in code dependency", {
+ td <- within(
+ qenv(),
+ {
+ `_add_column_` <- function(lhs, rhs) cbind(lhs, rhs) # nolint: object_name.
+ iris_ds <- `_add_column_`(iris, data.frame(new_col = "new column"))
+ }
+ )
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(td, names = "iris_ds"),
+ paste(
+ sep = "\n",
+ "`_add_column_` <- function(lhs, rhs) cbind(lhs, rhs)",
+ "iris_ds <- `_add_column_`(iris, data.frame(new_col = \"new column\"))"
+ )
+ )
+ })
+ testthat::it("with space character is detected in code dependency", {
+ td <- within(
+ qenv(),
+ {
+ `add column` <- function(lhs, rhs) cbind(lhs, rhs) # nolint: object_name.
+ iris_ds <- `add column`(iris, data.frame(new_col = "new column"))
+ }
+ )
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(td, names = "iris_ds"),
+ paste(
+ sep = "\n",
+ "`add column` <- function(lhs, rhs) cbind(lhs, rhs)",
+ "iris_ds <- `add column`(iris, data.frame(new_col = \"new column\"))"
+ )
+ )
+ })
+ testthat::it("without special characters is cleaned and detected in code dependency", {
+ td <- within(
+ qenv(),
+ {
+ `add_column` <- function(lhs, rhs) cbind(lhs, rhs)
+ iris_ds <- `add_column`(iris, data.frame(new_col = "new column"))
+ }
+ )
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(td, names = "iris_ds"),
+ paste(
+ sep = "\n",
+ "add_column <- function(lhs, rhs) cbind(lhs, rhs)",
+ "iris_ds <- add_column(iris, data.frame(new_col = \"new column\"))"
+ )
+ )
+ })
+ testthat::it("with non-native pipe used as function is detected code dependency", {
+ td <- within(
+ qenv(),
+ {
+ `%add_column%` <- function(lhs, rhs) cbind(lhs, rhs)
+ iris_ds <- `%add_column%`(iris, data.frame(new_col = "new column"))
+ }
+ )
+ # Note that the original code is changed to use the non-native pipe operator
+ # correctly.
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(td, names = "iris_ds"),
+ paste(
+ sep = "\n",
+ "`%add_column%` <- function(lhs, rhs) cbind(lhs, rhs)",
+ "iris_ds <- iris %add_column% data.frame(new_col = \"new column\")"
+ )
+ )
+ })
+ testthat::it("with non-native pipe is detected code dependency", {
+ td <- within(
+ qenv(),
+ {
+ `%add_column%` <- function(lhs, rhs) cbind(lhs, rhs)
+ iris_ds <- iris %add_column% data.frame(new_col = "new column")
+ }
+ )
+ # Note that the original code is changed to use the non-native pipe operator
+ # correctly.
+ testthat::expect_identical(
+ get_code(td, names = "iris_ds"),
+ paste(
+ sep = "\n",
+ "`%add_column%` <- function(lhs, rhs) cbind(lhs, rhs)",
+ "iris_ds <- iris %add_column% data.frame(new_col = \"new column\")"
+ )
+ )
+ })