diff --git a/main/404.html b/main/404.html index febd9f766..9e935a330 100644 --- a/main/404.html +++ b/main/404.html @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ rtables - +
part of NESTpharmaverse
+ + + + + +
+ + + + +
+ + + +

Disclaimer +


This is a collection of notes divided by issues and it is a working +document that will end up being a dev vignette one day.


+section_div notes +


Everything in the layout is built over split objects, that reside in +00_tabletrees.R. There section_div is defined +internally in each split object as child_section_div and +assigned to NA_character as default. This needs to be in +all split objects that need to have a separator divisor. Object-wise, +the virtual class Split contains section_div +and it has the following subclasses. I tagged with “X” constructor that +allows for section_div to be assigned to a value different +than NA_character, and “NX” otherwise.

+ +
## Loading required package: formatters
## Loading required package: magrittr
+## Attaching package: 'rtables'
## The following object is masked from 'package:utils':
+##     str
## Virtual Class "Split" [package "rtables"]
+## Slots:
+## Name:                  payload                    name             split_label
+## Class:                     ANY               character               character
+## Name:             split_format            split_na_str    split_label_position
+## Class:              FormatSpec               character               character
+## Name:              content_fun          content_format          content_na_str
+## Class:              listOrNULL              FormatSpec               character
+## Name:              content_var          label_children              extra_args
+## Class:               character                 logical                    list
+## Name:          indent_modifier content_indent_modifier      content_extra_args
+## Class:                 integer                 integer                    list
+## Name:        page_title_prefix       child_section_div
+## Class:               character               character
+## Known Subclasses: 
+## Class "CustomizableSplit", directly
+## Class "AllSplit", directly
+## Class "VarStaticCutSplit", directly
+## Class "VarDynCutSplit", directly
+## Class "VAnalyzeSplit", directly
+## Class "CompoundSplit", directly
+## Class "VarLevelSplit", by class "CustomizableSplit", distance 2
+## Class "MultiVarSplit", by class "CustomizableSplit", distance 2
+## Class "RootSplit", by class "AllSplit", distance 2
+## Class "ManualSplit", by class "AllSplit", distance 2
+## Class "CumulativeCutSplit", by class "VarStaticCutSplit", distance 2
+## Class "AnalyzeVarSplit", by class "VAnalyzeSplit", distance 2
+## Class "AnalyzeColVarSplit", by class "VAnalyzeSplit", distance 2
+## Class "AnalyzeMultiVars", by class "CompoundSplit", distance 2
+## Class "VarLevWBaselineSplit", by class "VarLevelSplit", distance 3
+# Known Subclasses: 
+#? Class "CustomizableSplit", directly # vclass used for grouping different split types (I guess)
+# Class "AllSplit", directly            # NX
+# Class "VarStaticCutSplit", directly   # X via make_static_cut_split
+# Class "VarDynCutSplit", directly      # X
+# Class "VAnalyzeSplit", directly       # X
+#? Class "CompoundSplit", directly   # Used only for AnalyzeMultiVars (maybe not needed?)
+# Class "VarLevelSplit", by class "CustomizableSplit", distance 2            # X
+# Class "MultiVarSplit", by class "CustomizableSplit", distance 2            # X
+# Class "RootSplit", by class "AllSplit", distance 2                         # NX
+# Class "ManualSplit", by class "AllSplit", distance 2                       # X
+# Class "CumulativeCutSplit", by class "VarStaticCutSplit", distance 2       # X via make_static_cut_split
+# Class "AnalyzeVarSplit", by class "VAnalyzeSplit", distance 2         # Virtual
+# Class "AnalyzeColVarSplit", by class "VAnalyzeSplit", distance 2           # X
+# Class "AnalyzeMultiVars", by class "CompoundSplit", distance 2             # X
+# Class "VarLevWBaselineSplit", by class "VarLevelSplit", distance 3         # NX

This can be updated only by related layout functions. The most +important, that are covered by tests are analyze and +split_rows_by.


Now it is relevant to understand where this information is saved in +the table object built by build_table. To do that we need +to see where it is present and how it is assigned. Let’s go back to +00tabletree.Rand look for +trailing_section_div. As classes definitions goes, you will +notice from the search that trailing_section_div is present +in the virtual classes TableRow and +VTableTree. In the following is the class hierarchy that +makes `trailing_section_div:

## Virtual Class "TableRow" [package "rtables"]
+## Slots:
+## Name:              leaf_value           var_analyzed                  label
+## Class:                    ANY              character              character
+## Name:           row_footnotes   trailing_section_div                  level
+## Class:                   list              character                integer
+## Name:                    name               col_info                 format
+## Class:              character InstantiatedColumnInfo             FormatSpec
+## Name:                  na_str        indent_modifier            table_inset
+## Class:              character                integer                integer
+## Extends: 
+## Class "VLeaf", directly
+## Class "VTableNodeInfo", directly
+## Class "VNodeInfo", by class "VLeaf", distance 2
+## Known Subclasses: "DataRow", "ContentRow", "LabelRow"
+# Extends: 
+# Class "VLeaf", directly
+# Class "VTableNodeInfo", directly
+# Class "VNodeInfo", by class "VLeaf", distance 2
+# Known Subclasses: "DataRow", "ContentRow", "LabelRow"
## Virtual Class "VTableTree" [package "rtables"]
+## Slots:
+## Name:                children               rowspans               labelrow
+## Class:                   list             data.frame               LabelRow
+## Name:             page_titles         horizontal_sep     header_section_div
+## Class:              character              character              character
+## Name:    trailing_section_div               col_info                 format
+## Class:              character InstantiatedColumnInfo             FormatSpec
+## Name:                  na_str        indent_modifier            table_inset
+## Class:              character                integer                integer
+## Name:                   level                   name             main_title
+## Class:                integer              character              character
+## Name:               subtitles            main_footer      provenance_footer
+## Class:              character              character              character
+## Extends: 
+## Class "VTableNodeInfo", directly
+## Class "VTree", directly
+## Class "VTitleFooter", directly
+## Class "VNodeInfo", by class "VTableNodeInfo", distance 2
+## Known Subclasses: "ElementaryTable", "TableTree"
+# Extends: 
+# Class "VTableNodeInfo", directly
+# Class "VTree", directly
+# Class "VTitleFooter", directly
+# Class "VNodeInfo", by class "VTableNodeInfo", distance 2
+# Known Subclasses: "ElementaryTable", "TableTree"

Always check the constructors after finding the classes. In the above +case for example, the DataRow and ContentRow +share the constructor, so we do not need to add identical getter and +setters for these two classes but only for the virtual class +TableRow. Different is the story for LabelRow +which needs to be handle differently. Now, to understand why only these +two have this feature, lets see the structure of a table built with +section dividers:

+lyt <- basic_table() %>%
+    split_rows_by("ARM", section_div = "+") %>%
+    split_rows_by("STRATA1", section_div = "") %>%
+    analyze("AGE", 
+            afun = function(x) list("Mean" = mean(x), "Standard deviation" = sd(x)), 
+            format = list("Mean" = "xx.", "Standard deviation" = "xx."), 
+            section_div = "~")
+tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM)
##                          all obs
+## ————————————————————————————————
+## A: Drug X                       
+##   A                             
+##     Mean                   33   
+## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+##     Standard deviation      7   
+##   B                             
+##     Mean                   35   
+## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+##     Standard deviation      7   
+##   C                             
+##     Mean                   36   
+## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+##     Standard deviation      9   
+## ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+## B: Placebo                      
+##   A                             
+##     Mean                   32   
+## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+##     Standard deviation      6   
+##   B                             
+##     Mean                   32   
+## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+##     Standard deviation      6   
+##   C                             
+##     Mean                   34   
+## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+##     Standard deviation      7   
+## ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+## C: Combination                  
+##   A                             
+##     Mean                   36   
+## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+##     Standard deviation      7   
+##   B                             
+##     Mean                   34   
+## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+##     Standard deviation      6   
+##   C                             
+##     Mean                   34   
+## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+##     Standard deviation      6
+print(class(tbl)) # TableTree
## [1] "TableTree"
+## attr(,"package")
+## [1] "rtables"
+# methods("trailing_section_div") # to see this please do devtools::load_all()
+# [1] trailing_section_div,LabelRow-method   
+# trailing_section_div,TableRow-method   
+# trailing_section_div,VTableTree-method

In the above, we show that trailing_section_div has +methods for TableRow virtual object, LabelRow, +and VTableTree. These three make the whole +section_div structure as the VTableTree is +present in TableTree and ElementaryTable that +are the two main table objects. If these are not +NA_character_ then the section_div is printed +at split divisions. The LabelRow and TableRow +are different as their assignment allows the row-wise modification of +separators. When we have a special case for a ContentRow, +as it is represented as content_table(obj) which is a +one-line ElementaryTable, while label row is turned off. +Please take a moment to check the following setter:

+setMethod("section_div<-", "VTableTree", function(obj, value, only_sep_sections = FALSE) {
+  char_v <- as.character(value)
+  tree_depths <- unname(vapply(collect_leaves(obj), tt_level, numeric(1)))
+  max_tree_depth <- max(tree_depths)
+  stopifnot(is.logical(only_sep_sections))
+  .check_char_vector_for_section_div(char_v, max_tree_depth, nrow(obj))
+  # Automatic establishment of intent
+  if (length(char_v) < nrow(obj)) {
+    only_sep_sections <- TRUE
+  }
+  # Case where only separators or splits need to change externally
+  if (only_sep_sections && length(char_v) < nrow(obj)) {
+    if (length(char_v) == 1) {
+      char_v <- rep(char_v, max_tree_depth - 1) # -1 is the data row
+    }
+    # Case where char_v is longer than the max depth
+    char_v <- char_v[seq_len(min(max_tree_depth, length(char_v)))]
+    # Filling up with NAs the rest of the tree depth section div chr vector
+    missing_char_v_len <- max_tree_depth - length(char_v)
+    char_v <- c(char_v, rep(NA_character_, missing_char_v_len))
+    # char_v <- unlist(
+    #   lapply(tree_depths, function(tree_depth_i) char_v[seq_len(tree_depth_i)]),
+    #   use.names = FALSE
+    # )
+  }
+  # Retrieving if it is a contentRow (no need for labelrow to be visible in this case)
+  content_row_tbl <- content_table(obj)
+  is_content_table <- isS4(content_row_tbl) && nrow(content_row_tbl) > 0
+  # Main table structure change
+  if (labelrow_visible(obj) || is_content_table) {
+    if (only_sep_sections) {
+      # Only tables are modified
+      trailing_section_div(tt_labelrow(obj)) <- NA_character_
+      trailing_section_div(obj) <- char_v[1]
+      section_div(tree_children(obj), only_sep_sections = only_sep_sections) <- char_v[-1]
+    } else {
+      # All leaves are modified
+      trailing_section_div(tt_labelrow(obj)) <- char_v[1]
+      trailing_section_div(obj) <- NA_character_
+      section_div(tree_children(obj), only_sep_sections = only_sep_sections) <- char_v[-1]
+    }
+  } else {
+    section_div(tree_children(obj), only_sep_sections = only_sep_sections) <- char_v
+  }
+  obj

only_sep_sections is a parameter that is used to change +only the separators (between splits) and not the data rows. It is +happening forcefully if set to TRUE, but it is +automatically activated when section_div(tbl) <- char_v +is a character vector of length < nrow(tbl). Notice that +the exception for ContentRow is activated by the switcher +is_content_table. This is because content rows do not have +visible label row. You see that in the main table structure change we +have two blocks depending on only_sep_sections. If +TRUE only the VTableTree are modified leading +to only split section separators to be modified. Also consider looking +at section_div getter and tests in +test-accessors.R to have more insights on the structure. +Also to understand exactly how this is bound to output, please check the +result of make_row_df() for the column +trailing_sep. Indeed, an alternative and iterative method +is used by make_row_df to retrieve the information about +the separators for each table row. Being it a trailing separator by +definition, we added header_section_div as a function and a +parameter of basic_table, so to possibly add an empty line +after the header (e.g. header_section_div(tbl) = " "). This +is not a trailing separator, but it is a separator that is added after +the header. To close the circle, please check how +trailing_sep and header_section_div is +propagated and printed/used in formatters::toString.

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + diff --git a/main/articles/dev-guide/dg_split_machinery.html b/main/articles/dev-guide/dg_split_machinery.html index d32dec1bc..5c07bf61e 100644 --- a/main/articles/dev-guide/dg_split_machinery.html +++ b/main/articles/dev-guide/dg_split_machinery.html @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ rtables - +
part of NESTpharmaverse
+ + + + + +
+ +

section_div can be used to set or get the section divider for a table object +produced by build_table(). When assigned in post-processing (section_div<-) +the table can have a section divider after every row, each assigned independently. +If assigning during layout creation, only split_rows_by() (and its related row-wise +splits) and analyze() have a section_div parameter that will produce separators +between split sections and data subgroups, respectively.

+ +


+# S4 method for VTableTree
+# S4 method for list
+# S4 method for TableRow
+section_div(obj, only_sep_sections = FALSE) <- value
+# S4 method for VTableTree
+section_div(obj, only_sep_sections = FALSE) <- value
+# S4 method for list
+section_div(obj, only_sep_sections = FALSE) <- value
+# S4 method for TableRow
+section_div(obj, only_sep_sections = FALSE) <- value
+# S4 method for LabelRow
+section_div(obj, only_sep_sections = FALSE) <- value
+# S4 method for PreDataTableLayouts
+# S4 method for VTableTree
+header_section_div(obj) <- value
+# S4 method for PreDataTableLayouts
+header_section_div(obj) <- value
+# S4 method for VTableTree
+header_section_div(obj) <- value
+ +



Table object. This can be of any class that inherits from VTableTree +or TableRow/LabelRow.

+ + +

logical(1). Defaults to FALSE for section_div<-. Allows +you to set the section divider only for sections that are splits or analyses if the number of +values is less than the number of rows in the table. If TRUE, the section divider will +be set for all rows of the table.

+ + +

character. Vector of single characters to use as section dividers. Each character +is repeated such that all section dividers span the width of the table. Each character that is +not NA_character_ will produce a trailing separator for each row of the table. value length +should reflect the number of rows, or be between 1 and the number of splits/levels. +See the Details section below for more information.

+ +


+ + +

The section divider string. Each line that does not have a trailing separator +will have NA_character_ as section divider.




Assigned value to section divider must be a character vector. If any value is NA_character_ +the section divider will be absent for that row or section. When you want to only affect sections +or splits, please use only_sep_sections or provide a shorter vector than the number of rows. +Ideally, the length of the vector should be less than the number of splits with, eventually, the +leaf-level, i.e. DataRow where analyze results are. Note that if only one value is inserted, +only the first split will be affected. +If only_sep_sections = TRUE, which is the default for section_div() produced from the table +construction, the section divider will be set for all the splits and eventually analyses, but +not for the header or each row of the table. This can be set with header_section_div in +basic_table() or, eventually, with hsep in build_table(). If FALSE, the section +divider will be set for all the rows of the table.


See also


basic_table() parameter header_section_div for a global section divider.

+ +


# Data
+df <- data.frame(
+  cat = c(
+    "really long thing its so ", "long"
+  ),
+  value = c(6, 3, 10, 1)
+fast_afun <- function(x) list("m" = rcell(mean(x), format = "xx."), "m/2" = max(x) / 2)
+tbl <- basic_table() %>%
+  split_rows_by("cat", section_div = "~") %>%
+  analyze("value", afun = fast_afun, section_div = " ") %>%
+  build_table(df)
+# Getter
+#> [1] NA  " " "~" NA  " " "~"
+# Setter
+section_div(tbl) <- letters[seq_len(nrow(tbl))]
+#>                             all obs
+#> ———————————————————————————————————
+#> really long thing its so           
+#> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
+#>   m                            8   
+#> bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
+#>   m/2                          5   
+#> ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
+#> long                               
+#> ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
+#>   m                            2   
+#> eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
+#>   m/2                         1.5  
+# last letter can appear if there is another table
+rbind(tbl, tbl)
+#>                             all obs
+#> ———————————————————————————————————
+#> really long thing its so           
+#> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
+#>   m                            8   
+#> bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
+#>   m/2                          5   
+#> ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
+#> long                               
+#> ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
+#>   m                            2   
+#> eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
+#>   m/2                         1.5  
+#> fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
+#> really long thing its so           
+#> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
+#>   m                            8   
+#> bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
+#>   m/2                          5   
+#> ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
+#> long                               
+#> ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
+#>   m                            2   
+#> eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
+#>   m/2                         1.5  
+# header_section_div
+header_section_div(tbl) <- "+"
+#>                             all obs
+#> ———————————————————————————————————
+#> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+#> really long thing its so           
+#> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
+#>   m                            8   
+#> bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
+#>   m/2                          5   
+#> ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
+#> long                               
+#> ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
+#>   m                            2   
+#> eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
+#>   m/2                         1.5  
+ + +
+ + + + + + + diff --git a/main/reference/sf_args.html b/main/reference/sf_args.html index e255edada..54fcaf169 100644 --- a/main/reference/sf_args.html +++ b/main/reference/sf_args.html @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ rtables - +
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