diff --git a/coverage-report/index.html b/coverage-report/index.html index 82769df6f..5e3de1e29 100644 --- a/coverage-report/index.html +++ b/coverage-report/index.html @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ font-size: 11px; }
1 |
- do_recursive_replace <- function(tab, path, incontent = FALSE, value) { ## rows = NULL,+ #' Internal generics and methods |
2 |
- ## cols = NULL, value) {+ #' |
3 |
- ## don't want this in the recursive function+ #' These are internal methods that are documented only to satisfy `R CMD check`. End users should pay no |
4 |
- ## so thats why we have the do_ variant+ #' attention to this documentation. |
5 | -168x | +
- if (is.character(path) && length(path) > 1) {+ #' |
6 | -143x | +
- path <- as.list(path)+ #' @param x (`ANY`)\cr the object. |
7 |
- }+ #' @param obj (`ANY`)\cr the object. |
8 | -168x | +
- if (length(path) > 0 && path[[1]] == obj_name(tab)) {+ #' |
9 | -144x | +
- path <- path[-1]+ #' @name internal_methods |
10 |
- }+ #' @rdname int_methods |
11 | -168x | +
- recursive_replace(tab, path, value) ## incontent, rows, cols,value)+ #' @aliases int_methods |
12 |
- }+ NULL |
14 |
- ## different cases we want to support:+ #' @return The number of rows (`nrow`), columns (`ncol`), or both (`dim`) of the object. |
15 |
- ## 1. Replace entire children for a particular node/position in the tree+ #' |
16 |
- ## 2. Replace entire rows at a particular (ElementaryTable) position within the+ #' @rdname dimensions |
17 |
- ## tree+ #' @exportMethod nrow |
18 |
- ## 3. Replace specific cell values within a set of row x column positions within+ setMethod( |
19 |
- ## an ElementaryTable at a particular position within the tree+ "nrow", "VTableTree", |
20 | -+ | 2199x |
- ## 3. replace entire content table at a node position+ function(x) length(collect_leaves(x, TRUE, TRUE)) |
21 |
- ## 4. replace entire rows within the content table at a particular node position+ ) |
22 |
- ## in the tree+ |
23 |
- ## 5. replace data cell values for specific row/col positions within the content+ #' @rdname int_methods |
24 |
- ## table at a particular position within the tree+ #' @exportMethod nrow |
25 |
+ setMethod( |
26 |
- ## XXX This is wrong, what happens if a split (or more accurately, value)+ "nrow", "TableRow", |
27 | -+ | 959x |
- ## happens more than once in the overall tree???+ function(x) 1L |
28 |
- recursive_replace <- function(tab, path, value) { ## incontent = FALSE, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, value) {+ ) |
29 | -675x | +
- if (length(path) == 0) { ## done recursing+ |
30 |
- ## if(is.null(rows) && is.null(cols)) { ## replacing whole subtree a this position+ #' Table dimensions |
31 |
- ## if(incontent) {+ #' |
32 |
- ## newkid = tab+ #' @param x (`TableTree` or `ElementaryTable`)\cr a table object. |
33 |
- ## content_table(newkid) = value+ #' |
34 |
- ## } else+ #' @examples |
35 | -171x | +
- newkid <- value+ #' lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
36 |
- ## newkid has either thee content table+ #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>% |
37 |
- ## replaced on the old kid or is the new+ #' analyze(c("SEX", "AGE")) |
38 |
- ## kid+ #' |
39 |
- # } ## else { ## rows or cols (or both) non-null+ #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, ex_adsl) |
40 |
- ## if(incontent) {+ #' |
41 |
- ## ctab = content_table(tab)+ #' dim(tbl) |
42 |
- ## ctab[rows, cols] = value+ #' nrow(tbl) |
43 |
- ## content_table(tab) = ctab+ #' ncol(tbl) |
44 |
- ## newkid = tab+ #' |
45 |
+ #' NROW(tbl) |
46 |
- ## } else {+ #' NCOL(tbl) |
47 |
- ## allkids = tree_children(tab)+ #' |
48 |
- ## stopifnot(are(allkids, "TableRow"))+ #' @rdname dimensions |
49 |
- ## newkid = tab+ #' @exportMethod ncol |
50 |
- ## newkid[rows, cols] = value+ setMethod( |
51 |
- ## }+ "ncol", "VTableNodeInfo", |
52 |
- ## }+ function(x) { |
53 | -171x | +22483x |
- return(newkid)+ ncol(col_info(x)) |
54 | -504x | +
- } else if (path[[1]] == "@content") {+ } |
55 | -25x | +
- ctb <- content_table(tab)+ ) |
56 | -25x | +
- ctb <- recursive_replace(ctb,+ |
57 | -25x | +
- path = path[-1],+ #' @rdname int_methods |
58 |
- ## rows = rows,+ #' @exportMethod ncol |
59 |
- ## cols = cols,+ setMethod( |
60 | -25x | +
- value = value+ "ncol", "TableRow", |
61 |
- )+ function(x) { |
62 | -25x | +66824x |
- content_table(tab) <- ctb+ if (!no_colinfo(x)) { |
63 | -25x | +65884x |
- tab+ ncol(col_info(x)) |
64 |
- } else { ## length(path) > 1, more recursing to do+ } else { |
65 | -479x | +940x |
- kidel <- path[[1]]+ length(spanned_values(x)) |
66 |
- ## broken up for debugabiliity, could be a single complex+ } |
67 |
- ## expression+ } |
68 |
- ## for now only the last step supports selecting+ ) |
69 |
- ## multiple kids+ |
70 | -479x | +
- stopifnot(+ #' @rdname int_methods |
71 | -479x | +
- length(kidel) == 1,+ #' @exportMethod ncol |
72 | -479x | +
- is.character(kidel) || is.factor(kidel)+ setMethod( |
73 |
- )+ "ncol", "LabelRow", |
74 | -479x | +
- knms <- names(tree_children(tab))+ function(x) { |
75 | -479x | +20872x |
- if (!(kidel %in% knms)) {+ ncol(col_info(x)) |
76 | -! | +
- stop(sprintf("position element %s not in names of next level children", kidel))+ } |
77 | -479x | +
- } else if (sum(kidel == knms) > 1) {+ ) |
78 | -! | +
- stop(sprintf("position element %s appears more than once, not currently supported", kidel))+ |
79 |
- }+ #' @rdname int_methods |
80 | -! | +
- if (is.factor(kidel)) kidel <- levels(kidel)[kidel]+ #' @exportMethod ncol |
81 | -479x | +
- newkid <- recursive_replace(+ setMethod( |
82 | -479x | +
- tree_children(tab)[[kidel]],+ "ncol", "InstantiatedColumnInfo", |
83 | -479x | +
- path[-1],+ function(x) { |
84 | -+ | 111326x |
- ## incontent = incontent,+ length(col_exprs(x)) |
85 |
- ## rows = rows,+ } |
86 |
- ## cols = cols,+ ) |
87 | -479x | +
- value+ |
88 |
- )+ #' @rdname dimensions |
89 | -479x | +
- tree_children(tab)[[kidel]] <- newkid+ #' @exportMethod dim |
90 | -479x | +
- tab+ setMethod( |
91 |
- }+ "dim", "VTableNodeInfo", |
92 | -+ | 18538x |
- }+ function(x) c(nrow(x), ncol(x)) |
93 |
+ ) |
94 | -1x | +
- coltree_split <- function(ctree) ctree@split+ |
95 |
+ #' Retrieve or set the direct children of a tree-style object |
96 |
- col_fnotes_at_path <- function(ctree, path, fnotes) {+ #' |
97 | -2x | +
- if (length(path) == 0) {+ #' @param x (`TableTree` or `ElementaryTable`)\cr an object with a tree structure. |
98 | -1x | +
- col_footnotes(ctree) <- fnotes+ #' @param value (`list`)\cr new list of children. |
99 | -1x | +
- return(ctree)+ #' |
100 |
- }+ #' @return A list of direct children of `x`. |
101 |
+ #' |
102 | -1x | +
- if (identical(path[1], obj_name(coltree_split(ctree)))) {+ #' @export |
103 | -1x | +
- path <- path[-1]+ #' @rdname tree_children |
104 | -+ | 239483x |
- } else {+ setGeneric("tree_children", function(x) standardGeneric("tree_children")) |
105 | -! | +
- stop(paste("Path appears invalid at step:", path[1]))+ |
106 |
- }+ #' @exportMethod tree_children |
107 |
+ #' @rdname int_methods |
108 | -1x | +
- kids <- tree_children(ctree)+ setMethod( |
109 | -1x | +
- kidel <- path[[1]]+ "tree_children", c(x = "VTree"), |
110 | -1x | +! |
- knms <- names(kids)+ function(x) x@children |
111 | -1x | +
- stopifnot(kidel %in% knms)+ ) |
112 | -1x | +
- newkid <- col_fnotes_at_path(kids[[kidel]],+ |
113 | -1x | +
- path[-1],+ #' @exportMethod tree_children |
114 | -1x | +
- fnotes = fnotes+ #' @rdname int_methods |
115 |
- )+ setMethod( |
116 | -1x | +
- kids[[kidel]] <- newkid+ "tree_children", c(x = "VTableTree"), |
117 | -1x | +62925x |
- tree_children(ctree) <- kids+ function(x) x@children |
118 | -1x | +
- ctree+ ) |
119 |
- }+ |
120 |
+ ## this includes VLeaf but also allows for general methods |
121 |
- #' Insert row at path+ ## needed for table_inset being carried around by rows and |
122 |
- #'+ ## such. |
123 |
- #' Insert a row into an existing table directly before or directly after an existing data (i.e., non-content and+ #' @exportMethod tree_children |
124 |
- #' non-label) row, specified by its path.+ #' @rdname int_methods |
125 |
- #'+ setMethod( |
126 |
- #' @inheritParams gen_args+ "tree_children", c(x = "ANY"), ## "VLeaf"), |
127 | -+ | 12546x |
- #' @param after (`flag`)\cr whether `value` should be added as a row directly before (`FALSE`, the default) or after+ function(x) list() |
128 |
- #' (`TRUE`) the row specified by `path`.+ ) |
129 |
- #'+ |
130 |
- #' @seealso [DataRow()], [rrow()]+ #' @export |
131 |
- #'+ #' @rdname tree_children |
132 | -+ | 57836x |
- #' @examples+ setGeneric("tree_children<-", function(x, value) standardGeneric("tree_children<-")) |
133 |
- #' lyt <- basic_table() %>%+ |
134 |
- #' split_rows_by("COUNTRY", split_fun = keep_split_levels(c("CHN", "USA"))) %>%+ #' @exportMethod tree_children<- |
135 |
- #' analyze("AGE")+ #' @rdname int_methods |
136 |
- #'+ setMethod( |
137 |
- #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM)+ "tree_children<-", c(x = "VTree"), |
138 |
- #'+ function(x, value) { |
139 | -+ | ! |
- #' tbl2 <- insert_row_at_path(+ x@children <- value |
140 | -+ | ! |
- #' tbl, c("COUNTRY", "CHN", "AGE", "Mean"),+ x |
141 |
- #' rrow("new row", 555)+ } |
142 |
- #' )+ ) |
143 |
- #' tbl2+ |
144 |
- #'+ #' @exportMethod tree_children<- |
145 |
- #' tbl3 <- insert_row_at_path(tbl2, c("COUNTRY", "CHN", "AGE", "Mean"),+ #' @rdname int_methods |
146 |
- #' rrow("new row redux", 888),+ setMethod( |
147 |
- #' after = TRUE+ "tree_children<-", c(x = "VTableTree"), |
148 |
- #' )+ function(x, value) { |
149 | -+ | 52314x |
- #' tbl3+ x@children <- value |
150 | -+ | 52314x |
- #'+ x |
151 |
- #' @export+ } |
152 |
- setGeneric("insert_row_at_path",+ ) |
153 |
- signature = c("tt", "value"),+ |
154 |
- function(tt, path, value, after = FALSE) {+ #' Retrieve or set content table from a `TableTree` |
155 | -6x | +
- standardGeneric("insert_row_at_path")+ #' |
156 |
- }+ #' Returns the content table of `obj` if it is a `TableTree` object, or `NULL` otherwise. |
157 |
- )+ #' |
158 |
+ #' @param obj (`TableTree`)\cr the table object. |
159 |
- #' @rdname insert_row_at_path+ #' |
160 |
- setMethod(+ #' @return the `ElementaryTable` containing the (top level) *content rows* of `obj` (or `NULL` if `obj` is not |
161 |
- "insert_row_at_path", c("VTableTree", "DataRow"),+ #' a formal table object). |
162 |
- function(tt, path, value, after = FALSE) {+ #' |
163 | -6x | +
- if (no_colinfo(value)) {+ #' @export |
164 | -6x | +
- col_info(value) <- col_info(tt)+ #' @rdname content_table |
165 | -+ | 89137x |
- } else {+ setGeneric("content_table", function(obj) standardGeneric("content_table")) |
166 | -! | +
- chk_compat_cinfos(tt, value)+ |
167 |
- }+ #' @exportMethod content_table |
168 |
- ## retained for debugging+ #' @rdname int_methods |
169 | -6x | +
- origpath <- path # nolint+ setMethod( |
170 | -6x | +
- idx_row <- tt_at_path(tt, path)+ "content_table", "TableTree", |
171 | -6x | +57424x |
- if (!is(idx_row, "DataRow")) {+ function(obj) obj@content |
172 | -4x | +
- stop(+ ) |
173 | -4x | +
- "path must resolve fully to a non-content data row. Insertion of ",+ |
174 | -4x | +
- "rows elsewhere in the tree is not currently supported."+ #' @exportMethod content_table |
175 |
- )+ #' @rdname int_methods |
176 |
- }+ setMethod( |
177 |
+ "content_table", "ANY", |
178 | -2x | +11260x |
- posnm <- tail(path, 1)+ function(obj) NULL |
179 |
+ ) |
180 | -2x | +
- path <- head(path, -1)+ |
181 |
+ #' @param value (`ElementaryTable`)\cr the new content table for `obj`. |
182 | -2x | +
- subtt <- tt_at_path(tt, path)+ #' |
183 | -2x | +
- kids <- tree_children(subtt)+ #' @export |
184 | -2x | +
- ind <- which(names(kids) == posnm)+ #' @rdname content_table |
185 | -2x | +6387x |
- if (length(ind) != 1L) {+ setGeneric("content_table<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("content_table<-")) |
186 |
- ## nocov start+ |
187 |
- stop(+ #' @exportMethod "content_table<-" |
188 |
- "table children do not appear to be named correctly at this ",+ #' @rdname int_methods |
189 |
- "path. This should not happen, please contact the maintainer of ",+ setMethod( |
190 |
- "rtables."+ "content_table<-", c("TableTree", "ElementaryTable"), |
191 |
- )+ function(obj, value) { |
192 | -+ | 6387x |
- ## nocov end+ obj@content <- value |
193 | -+ | 6387x |
- }+ obj |
194 | -2x | +
- if (after) {+ } |
195 | -1x | +
- ind <- ind + 1+ ) |
196 |
- }+ |
197 |
+ #' @param for_analyze (`flag`) whether split is an analyze split. |
198 | -2x | +
- sq <- seq_along(kids)+ #' @rdname int_methods |
199 | -2x | +1139x |
- tree_children(subtt) <- c(+ setGeneric("next_rpos", function(obj, nested = TRUE, for_analyze = FALSE) standardGeneric("next_rpos")) |
200 | -2x | +
- kids[sq < ind],+ |
201 | -2x | +
- setNames(list(value), obj_name(value)),+ #' @rdname int_methods |
202 | -2x | +
- kids[sq >= ind]+ setMethod( |
203 |
- )+ "next_rpos", "PreDataTableLayouts", |
204 | -2x | +
- tt_at_path(tt, path) <- subtt+ function(obj, nested, for_analyze = FALSE) next_rpos(rlayout(obj), nested, for_analyze = for_analyze) |
205 | -2x | +
- tt+ ) |
206 |
- }+ |
207 |
- )+ .check_if_nest <- function(obj, nested, for_analyze) { |
208 | -+ | 258x |
- #' @rdname insert_row_at_path+ if (!nested) { |
209 | -+ | 16x |
- setMethod(+ FALSE |
210 |
- "insert_row_at_path", c("VTableTree", "ANY"),+ } else { |
211 |
- function(tt, path, value) {+ ## can always nest analyze splits (almost? what about colvars noncolvars mixing? prolly ok?) |
212 | -! | +242x |
- stop(+ for_analyze || |
213 | -! | +
- "Currently only insertion of DataRow objects is supported. Got ",+ ## If its not an analyze split it can't go under an analyze split |
214 | -! | +242x |
- "object of class ", class(value), ". Please use rrow() or DataRow() ",+ !(is(last_rowsplit(obj), "VAnalyzeSplit") || |
215 | -! | +242x |
- "to construct your row before insertion."+ is(last_rowsplit(obj), "AnalyzeMultiVars")) ## should this be CompoundSplit? # nolint |
216 |
- )+ } |
217 |
- }+ } |
218 |
- )+ |
219 |
+ #' @rdname int_methods |
220 |
- #' Label at path+ setMethod( |
221 |
- #'+ "next_rpos", "PreDataRowLayout", |
222 |
- #' Accesses or sets the label at a path.+ function(obj, nested, for_analyze) { |
223 | -+ | 569x |
- #'+ l <- length(obj) |
224 | -+ | 569x |
- #' @inheritParams gen_args+ if (length(obj[[l]]) > 0L && !.check_if_nest(obj, nested, for_analyze)) { |
225 | -+ | 25x |
- #'+ l <- l + 1L |
226 |
- #' @details+ } |
227 | -+ | 569x |
- #' If `path` resolves to a single row, the label for that row is retrieved or set. If, instead, `path` resolves to a+ l |
228 |
- #' subtable, the text for the row-label associated with that path is retrieved or set. In the subtable case, if the+ } |
229 |
- #' label text is set to a non-`NA` value, the `labelrow` will be set to visible, even if it was not before. Similarly,+ ) |
230 |
- #' if the label row text for a subtable is set to `NA`, the label row will bet set to non-visible, so the row will not+ |
231 |
- #' appear at all when the table is printed.+ #' @rdname int_methods |
232 | -+ | 1x |
- #'+ setMethod("next_rpos", "ANY", function(obj, nested) 1L) |
233 |
- #' @note When changing the row labels for content rows, it is important to path all the way to the *row*. Paths+ |
234 |
- #' ending in `"@content"` will not exhibit the behavior you want, and are thus an error. See [row_paths()] for help+ #' @rdname int_methods |
235 | -+ | 645x |
- #' determining the full paths to content rows.+ setGeneric("next_cpos", function(obj, nested = TRUE) standardGeneric("next_cpos")) |
236 |
- #'+ |
237 |
- #' @examples+ #' @rdname int_methods |
238 |
- #' lyt <- basic_table() %>%+ setMethod( |
239 |
- #' split_rows_by("COUNTRY", split_fun = keep_split_levels(c("CHN", "USA"))) %>%+ "next_cpos", "PreDataTableLayouts", |
240 |
- #' analyze("AGE")+ function(obj, nested) next_cpos(clayout(obj), nested) |
241 |
- #'+ ) |
242 |
- #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM)+ |
243 |
- #'+ #' @rdname int_methods |
244 |
- #' label_at_path(tbl, c("COUNTRY", "CHN"))+ setMethod( |
245 |
- #'+ "next_cpos", "PreDataColLayout", |
246 |
- #' label_at_path(tbl, c("COUNTRY", "USA")) <- "United States"+ function(obj, nested) { |
247 | -+ | 322x |
- #' tbl+ if (nested || length(obj[[length(obj)]]) == 0) { |
248 | -+ | 314x |
- #'+ length(obj) |
249 |
- #' @export+ } else { |
250 | -+ | 8x |
- label_at_path <- function(tt, path) {+ length(obj) + 1L |
251 | -29x | +
- obj_label(tt_at_path(tt, path))+ } |
252 |
- }+ } |
253 |
+ ) |
254 |
- #' @export+ |
255 |
- #' @rdname label_at_path+ #' @rdname int_methods |
256 |
- `label_at_path<-` <- function(tt, path, value) {+ setMethod("next_cpos", "ANY", function(obj, nested) 1L) |
257 | -32x | +
- if (!is(tt, "VTableTree")) {+ |
258 | -! | +
- stop("tt must be a TableTree or ElementaryTable object")+ #' @rdname int_methods |
259 | -+ | 2660x |
- }+ setGeneric("last_rowsplit", function(obj) standardGeneric("last_rowsplit")) |
260 | -32x | +
- if (is.null(value) || is.na(value)) {+ |
261 | -1x | +
- value <- NA_character_+ #' @rdname int_methods |
262 |
- }+ setMethod( |
263 | -32x | +
- subt <- tt_at_path(tt, path)+ "last_rowsplit", "NULL", |
264 | -32x | +! |
- obj_label(subt) <- value+ function(obj) NULL |
265 | -32x | +
- tt_at_path(tt, path) <- subt+ ) |
266 | -32x | +
- tt+ |
267 |
- }+ #' @rdname int_methods |
268 |
+ setMethod( |
269 |
- #' Access or set table elements at specified path+ "last_rowsplit", "SplitVector", |
270 |
- #'+ function(obj) { |
271 | -+ | 1042x |
- #' @inheritParams gen_args+ if (length(obj) == 0) { |
272 | -+ | 230x |
- #' @param ... unused.+ NULL |
273 |
- #'+ } else { |
274 | -+ | 812x |
- #' @export+ obj[[length(obj)]] |
275 |
- #' @rdname ttap+ } |
276 | -348x | +
- setGeneric("tt_at_path", function(tt, path, ...) standardGeneric("tt_at_path"))+ } |
277 |
+ ) |
278 |
- #' @inheritParams tt_at_path+ |
279 |
- #'+ #' @rdname int_methods |
280 |
- #' @export+ setMethod( |
281 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ "last_rowsplit", "PreDataRowLayout", |
282 |
- setMethod(+ function(obj) { |
283 | -+ | 1042x |
- "tt_at_path", "VTableTree",+ if (length(obj) == 0) { |
284 | -+ | ! |
- function(tt, path, ...) {+ NULL |
285 | -348x | +
- stopifnot(+ } else { |
286 | -348x | +1042x |
- is(path, "character"),+ last_rowsplit(obj[[length(obj)]]) |
287 | -348x | +
- length(path) > 0,+ } |
288 | -348x | +
- !anyNA(path)+ } |
289 |
- )+ ) |
291 | -348x | +
- if (path[1] == "root" && obj_name(tt) != "root") {+ #' @rdname int_methods |
292 | -3x | +
- path <- path[-1]+ setMethod( |
293 |
- }+ "last_rowsplit", "PreDataTableLayouts", |
294 | -+ | 574x |
- ## handle pathing that hits the root split by name+ function(obj) last_rowsplit(rlayout(obj)) |
295 | -348x | +
- if (obj_name(tt) == path[1]) {+ ) |
296 | -318x | +
- path <- path[-1]+ |
297 |
- }+ # rlayout ---- |
298 | -348x | +
- cur <- tt+ ## TODO maybe export these? |
299 | -348x | +
- curpath <- path+ |
300 | -348x | +
- while (length(curpath > 0)) {+ #' @rdname int_methods |
301 | -1163x | +3901x |
- kids <- tree_children(cur)+ setGeneric("rlayout", function(obj) standardGeneric("rlayout")) |
302 | -1163x | +
- curname <- curpath[1]+ |
303 | -1163x | +
- if (curname == "@content") {+ #' @rdname int_methods |
304 | -65x | +
- cur <- content_table(cur)+ setMethod( |
305 | -1098x | +
- } else if (curname %in% names(kids)) {+ "rlayout", "PreDataTableLayouts", |
306 | -1097x | +3901x |
- cur <- kids[[curname]]+ function(obj) obj@row_layout |
307 |
- } else {+ ) |
308 | -1x | +
- stop("Path appears invalid for this tree at step ", curname)+ |
309 |
- }+ #' @rdname int_methods |
310 | -1162x | +! |
- curpath <- curpath[-1]+ setMethod("rlayout", "ANY", function(obj) PreDataRowLayout()) |
311 |
- }+ |
312 | -347x | +
- cur+ #' @rdname int_methods |
313 | -+ | 1740x |
- }+ setGeneric("rlayout<-", function(object, value) standardGeneric("rlayout<-")) |
314 |
- )+ |
315 |
+ #' @rdname int_methods |
316 |
- #' @note Setting `NULL` at a defined path removes the corresponding sub-table.+ setMethod( |
317 |
- #'+ "rlayout<-", "PreDataTableLayouts", |
318 |
- #' @examples+ function(object, value) { |
319 | -+ | 1740x |
- #' # Accessing sub table.+ object@row_layout <- value |
320 | -+ | 1740x |
- #' lyt <- basic_table() %>%+ object |
321 |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>%+ } |
322 |
- #' split_rows_by("SEX") %>%+ ) |
323 |
- #' split_rows_by("BMRKR2") %>%+ |
324 |
- #' analyze("AGE")+ #' @rdname int_methods |
325 | -+ | 64201x |
- #'+ setGeneric("tree_pos", function(obj) standardGeneric("tree_pos")) |
326 |
- #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, ex_adsl) %>% prune_table()+ |
327 |
- #' sub_tbl <- tt_at_path(tbl, path = c("SEX", "F", "BMRKR2"))+ ## setMethod("tree_pos", "VNodeInfo", |
328 |
- #'+ ## function(obj) obj@pos_in_tree) |
329 |
- #' # Removing sub table.+ |
330 |
- #' tbl2 <- tbl+ #' @rdname int_methods |
331 |
- #' tt_at_path(tbl2, path = c("SEX", "F")) <- NULL+ setMethod( |
332 |
- #' tbl2+ "tree_pos", "VLayoutNode", |
333 | -+ | ! |
- #'+ function(obj) obj@pos_in_tree |
334 |
- #' # Setting sub table.+ ) |
335 |
- #' lyt3 <- basic_table() %>%+ |
336 |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>%+ #' @rdname int_methods |
337 | -+ | 1422x |
- #' split_rows_by("SEX") %>%+ setGeneric("pos_subset", function(obj) standardGeneric("pos_subset")) |
338 |
- #' analyze("BMRKR2")+ |
339 |
- #'+ #' @rdname int_methods |
340 |
- #' tbl3 <- build_table(lyt3, ex_adsl) %>% prune_table()+ setMethod( |
341 |
- #'+ "pos_subset", "TreePos", |
342 | -+ | 1422x |
- #' tt_at_path(tbl3, path = c("SEX", "F", "BMRKR2")) <- sub_tbl+ function(obj) obj@subset |
343 |
- #' tbl3+ ) |
344 |
- #'+ |
345 |
- #' @export+ #' @rdname int_methods |
346 | -+ | 101x |
- #' @rdname ttap+ setGeneric("tree_pos<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("tree_pos<-")) |
347 |
- setGeneric(+ |
348 |
- "tt_at_path<-",+ #' @rdname int_methods |
349 | -168x | +
- function(tt, path, ..., value) standardGeneric("tt_at_path<-")+ setMethod( |
350 |
- )+ "tree_pos<-", "VLayoutNode", |
351 |
+ function(obj, value) { |
352 | -+ | 101x |
- #' @export+ obj@pos_in_tree <- value |
353 | -+ | 101x |
- #' @keywords internal+ obj |
354 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ } |
355 |
- setMethod(+ ) |
356 |
- "tt_at_path<-", c(tt = "VTableTree", value = "VTableTree"),+ |
357 |
- function(tt, path, ..., value) {+ ## setMethod("pos_subset", "VNodeInfo", |
358 | -78x | +
- do_recursive_replace(tt, path = path, value = value)+ ## function(obj) pos_subset(tree_pos(obj))) |
359 |
- }+ |
360 |
- )+ #' @rdname int_methods |
361 |
+ setMethod( |
362 |
- ## this one removes the child at path from the parents list of children,+ "pos_subset", "VLayoutNode", |
363 | -+ | ! |
- ## because that is how lists behave.+ function(obj) pos_subset(tree_pos(obj)) |
364 |
- #' @export+ ) |
365 |
- #' @keywords internal+ |
367 | -+ | 52225x |
- setMethod(+ setGeneric("pos_splits", function(obj) standardGeneric("pos_splits")) |
368 |
- "tt_at_path<-", c(tt = "VTableTree", value = "NULL"),+ |
369 |
- function(tt, path, ..., value) {+ #' @rdname int_methods |
370 | -2x | +
- do_recursive_replace(tt, path = path, value = value)+ setMethod( |
371 |
- }+ "pos_splits", "TreePos", |
372 | -+ | 52225x |
- )+ function(obj) obj@splits |
373 |
+ ) |
374 |
- #' @export+ |
375 |
- #' @keywords internal+ ## setMethod("pos_splits", "VNodeInfo", |
376 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ ## function(obj) pos_splits(tree_pos(obj))) |
377 |
- setMethod(+ |
378 |
- "tt_at_path<-", c(tt = "VTableTree", value = "TableRow"),+ #' @rdname int_methods |
379 |
- function(tt, path, ..., value) {+ setMethod( |
380 | -88x | +
- stopifnot(is(tt_at_path(tt = tt, path = path), "TableRow"))+ "pos_splits", "VLayoutNode", |
381 | -88x | +! |
- do_recursive_replace(tt, path = path, value = value)+ function(obj) pos_splits(tree_pos(obj)) |
382 |
+ ) |
383 |
- ## ##i <- .path_to_pos(path = path, seq_len(nrow(tt)), tt, NROW)+ |
384 |
- ## i <- .path_to_pos(path = path, tt = tt)+ #' @rdname int_methods |
385 | -+ | 101x |
+ setGeneric("pos_splits<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("pos_splits<-")) |
386 |
- ## replace_rows(tt, i = i, value = list(value))+ |
387 |
- }+ #' @rdname int_methods |
388 |
- )+ setMethod( |
389 |
+ "pos_splits<-", "TreePos", |
390 |
- #' Retrieve and assign elements of a `TableTree`+ function(obj, value) { |
391 | -+ | 101x |
- #'+ obj@splits <- value |
392 | -+ | 101x |
- #' @param x (`TableTree`)\cr a `TableTree` object.+ obj |
393 |
- #' @param i (`numeric(1)`)\cr index.+ } |
394 |
- #' @param j (`numeric(1)`)\cr index.+ ) |
395 |
- #' @param drop (`flag`)\cr whether the value in the cell should be returned if one cell is selected by the+ |
396 |
- #' combination of `i` and `j`. It is not possible to return a vector of values. To do so please consider using+ #' @rdname int_methods |
397 |
- #' [cell_values()]. Defaults to `FALSE`.+ setMethod( |
398 |
- #' @param ... additional arguments. Includes:+ "pos_splits<-", "VLayoutNode", |
399 |
- #' \describe{+ function(obj, value) { |
400 | -+ | ! |
- #' \item{`keep_topleft`}{(`flag`) (`[` only) whether the top-left material for the table should be retained after+ pos <- tree_pos(obj) |
401 | -+ | ! |
- #' subsetting. Defaults to `TRUE` if all rows are included (i.e. subsetting was by column), and drops it+ pos_splits(pos) <- value |
402 | -+ | ! |
- #' otherwise.}+ tree_pos(obj) <- pos |
403 | -+ | ! |
- #' \item{`keep_titles`}{(`flag`) whether title information should be retained. Defaults to `FALSE`.}+ obj |
404 | -+ | ! |
- #' \item{`keep_footers`}{(`flag`) whether non-referential footer information should be retained. Defaults to+ obj |
405 |
- #' `keep_titles`.}+ } |
406 |
- #' \item{`reindex_refs`}{(`flag`) whether referential footnotes should be re-indexed as if the resulting subset is+ ) |
407 |
- #' the entire table. Defaults to `TRUE`.}+ |
408 |
- #' }+ |
409 |
- #' @param value (`list`, `TableRow`, or `TableTree`)\cr replacement value.+ |
410 |
- #'+ |
411 |
- #' @details+ #' @rdname int_methods |
412 | -+ | 58608x |
- #' By default, subsetting drops the information about title, subtitle, main footer, provenance footer, and `topleft`.+ setGeneric("pos_splvals", function(obj) standardGeneric("pos_splvals")) |
413 |
- #' If only a column is selected and all rows are kept, the `topleft` information remains as default. Any referential+ |
414 |
- #' footnote is kept whenever the subset table contains the referenced element.+ #' @rdname int_methods |
415 |
- #'+ setMethod( |
416 |
- #' @return A `TableTree` (or `ElementaryTable`) object, unless a single cell was selected with `drop = TRUE`, in which+ "pos_splvals", "TreePos", |
417 | -+ | 58608x |
- #' case the (possibly multi-valued) fully stripped raw value of the selected cell.+ function(obj) obj@s_values |
418 |
- #'+ ) |
419 |
- #' @note+ |
420 |
- #' Subsetting always preserve the original order, even if provided indexes do not preserve it. If sorting is needed,+ ## setMethod("pos_splvals", "VNodeInfo", |
421 |
- #' please consider using `sort_at_path()`. Also note that `character` indices are treated as paths, not vectors of+ ## function(obj) pos_splvals(tree_pos(obj))) |
422 |
- #' names in both `[` and `[<-`.+ |
423 |
- #'+ #' @rdname int_methods |
424 |
- #' @seealso+ setMethod( |
425 |
- #' * [sort_at_path()] to understand sorting.+ "pos_splvals", "VLayoutNode", |
426 | -+ | ! |
- #' * [summarize_row_groups()] to understand path structure.+ function(obj) pos_splvals(tree_pos(obj)) |
427 |
- #'+ ) |
428 |
- #' @examples+ |
429 |
- #' lyt <- basic_table(+ #' @rdname int_methods |
430 | -+ | 101x |
- #' title = "Title",+ setGeneric("pos_splvals<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("pos_splvals<-")) |
431 |
- #' subtitles = c("Sub", "titles"),+ |
432 |
- #' prov_footer = "prov footer",+ #' @rdname int_methods |
433 |
- #' main_footer = "main footer"+ setMethod( |
434 |
- #' ) %>%+ "pos_splvals<-", "TreePos", |
435 |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>%+ function(obj, value) { |
436 | -+ | 101x |
- #' split_rows_by("SEX") %>%+ obj@s_values <- value |
437 | -+ | 101x |
- #' analyze(c("AGE"))+ obj |
438 |
- #'+ } |
439 |
- #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM)+ ) |
440 |
- #' top_left(tbl) <- "Info"+ |
441 |
- #' tbl+ ## setMethod("pos_splvals", "VNodeInfo", |
442 |
- #'+ ## function(obj) pos_splvals(tree_pos(obj))) |
443 |
- #' # As default header, footer, and topleft information is lost+ |
444 |
- #' tbl[1, ]+ #' @rdname int_methods |
445 |
- #' tbl[1:2, 2]+ setMethod( |
446 |
- #'+ "pos_splvals<-", "VLayoutNode", |
447 |
- #' # Also boolean filters can work+ function(obj, value) { |
448 | -+ | ! |
- #' tbl[, c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)]+ pos <- tree_pos(obj) |
449 | -+ | ! |
- #'+ pos_splvals(pos) <- value |
450 | -+ | ! |
- #' # If drop = TRUE, the content values are directly retrieved+ tree_pos(obj) <- pos |
451 | -+ | ! |
- #' tbl[2, 1]+ obj |
452 |
- #' tbl[2, 1, drop = TRUE]+ } |
453 |
- #'+ ) |
454 |
- #' # Drop works also if vectors are selected, but not matrices+ |
455 |
- #' tbl[, 1, drop = TRUE]+ |
456 |
- #' tbl[2, , drop = TRUE]+ #' @rdname int_methods |
457 | -+ | 1422x |
- #' tbl[1, 1, drop = TRUE] # NULL because it is a label row+ setGeneric("pos_splval_labels", function(obj) standardGeneric("pos_splval_labels")) |
458 |
- #' tbl[2, 1:2, drop = TRUE] # vectors can be returned only with cell_values()+ |
459 |
- #' tbl[1:2, 1:2, drop = TRUE] # no dropping because it is a matrix+ #' @rdname int_methods |
460 |
- #'+ setMethod( |
461 |
- #' # If all rows are selected, topleft is kept by default+ "pos_splval_labels", "TreePos", |
462 | -+ | 1422x |
- #' tbl[, 2]+ function(obj) obj@sval_labels |
463 |
- #' tbl[, 1]+ ) |
464 |
- #'+ ## no longer used |
465 |
- #' # It is possible to deselect values+ |
466 |
- #' tbl[-2, ]+ ## setMethod("pos_splval_labels", "VNodeInfo", |
467 |
- #' tbl[, -1]+ ## function(obj) pos_splval_labels(tree_pos(obj))) |
468 |
- #'+ ## #' @rdname int_methods |
469 |
- #' # Values can be reassigned+ ## setMethod("pos_splval_labels", "VLayoutNode", |
470 |
- #' tbl[2, 1] <- rcell(999)+ ## function(obj) pos_splval_labels(tree_pos(obj))) |
471 |
- #' tbl[2, ] <- list(rrow("FFF", 888, 666, 777))+ |
472 |
- #' tbl[6, ] <- list(-111, -222, -333)+ #' @rdname int_methods |
473 | -+ | 15374x |
- #' tbl+ setGeneric("spl_payload", function(obj) standardGeneric("spl_payload")) |
474 |
- #'+ |
475 |
- #' # We can keep some information from the original table if we need+ #' @rdname int_methods |
476 | -+ | 15374x |
- #' tbl[1, 2, keep_titles = TRUE]+ setMethod("spl_payload", "Split", function(obj) obj@payload) |
477 |
- #' tbl[1, 2, keep_footers = TRUE, keep_titles = FALSE]+ |
478 |
- #' tbl[1, 2, keep_footers = FALSE, keep_titles = TRUE]+ #' @rdname int_methods |
479 | -+ | 3x |
- #' tbl[1, 2, keep_footers = TRUE]+ setGeneric("spl_payload<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("spl_payload<-")) |
480 |
- #' tbl[1, 2, keep_topleft = TRUE]+ |
481 |
- #'+ #' @rdname int_methods |
482 |
- #' # Keeps the referential footnotes when subset contains them+ setMethod("spl_payload<-", "Split", function(obj, value) { |
483 | -+ | 3x |
- #' fnotes_at_path(tbl, rowpath = c("SEX", "M", "AGE", "Mean")) <- "important"+ obj@payload <- value |
484 | -+ | 3x |
- #' tbl[4, 1]+ obj |
485 |
- #' tbl[2, 1] # None present+ }) |
486 |
- #'+ |
487 |
- #' # We can reindex referential footnotes, so that the new table does not depend+ #' @rdname int_methods |
488 | -+ | 732x |
- #' # on the original one+ setGeneric("spl_label_var", function(obj) standardGeneric("spl_label_var")) |
489 |
- #' fnotes_at_path(tbl, rowpath = c("SEX", "U", "AGE", "Mean")) <- "important"+ |
490 |
- #' tbl[, 1] # both present+ #' @rdname int_methods |
491 | -+ | 729x |
- #' tbl[5:6, 1] # {1} because it has been indexed again+ setMethod("spl_label_var", "VarLevelSplit", function(obj) obj@value_label_var) |
492 |
- #' tbl[5:6, 1, reindex_refs = FALSE] # {2} -> not reindexed+ |
493 |
- #'+ ## TODO revisit. do we want to do this? used in vars_in_layout, but only |
494 |
- #' # Note that order can not be changed with subsetting+ ## for convenience. |
495 |
- #' tbl[c(4, 3, 1), c(3, 1)] # It preserves order and wanted selection+ #' @rdname int_methods |
496 | -+ | 3x |
- #'+ setMethod("spl_label_var", "Split", function(obj) NULL) |
497 |
- #' @name brackets+ |
498 |
- NULL+ ### name related things |
499 |
+ # #' @inherit formatters::formatter_methods |
500 |
- #' @exportMethod [<-+ #' Methods for generics in the `formatters` package |
501 |
- #' @rdname brackets+ #' |
502 |
- setMethod(+ #' See the `formatters` documentation for descriptions of these generics. |
503 |
- "[<-", c("VTableTree", value = "list"),+ #' |
504 |
- function(x, i, j, ..., value) {+ #' @inheritParams gen_args |
505 | -3x | +
- nr <- nrow(x)+ #' |
506 | -3x | +
- if (missing(i)) {+ #' @return |
507 | -! | +
- i <- seq_len(NROW(x))+ #' * Accessor functions return the current value of the component being accessed of `obj` |
508 | -3x | +
- } else if (is(i, "character")) {+ #' * Setter functions return a modified copy of `obj` with the new value. |
509 | -! | +
- i <- .path_to_pos(i, x)+ #' |
510 |
- } else {+ #' @rdname formatters_methods |
511 | -3x | +
- i <- .j_to_posj(i, nr)+ #' @aliases formatters_methods |
512 |
- }+ #' @exportMethod obj_name |
513 |
+ setMethod( |
514 | -3x | +
- if (missing(j)) {+ "obj_name", "VNodeInfo", |
515 | -1x | +46544x |
- j <- seq_along(col_exprs(col_info(x)))+ function(obj) obj@name |
516 | -2x | +
- } else if (is(j, "character")) {+ ) |
517 | -! | +
- j <- .path_to_pos(j, x, cols = TRUE)+ |
518 |
- } else {+ #' @rdname formatters_methods |
519 | -2x | +
- j <- .j_to_posj(j, ncol(x))+ #' @exportMethod obj_name |
520 |
- }+ setMethod( |
521 |
+ "obj_name", "Split", |
522 | -3x | +114141x |
- if (length(i) > 1 && length(j) < ncol(x)) {+ function(obj) obj@name |
523 | -! | +
- stop("cannot modify multiple rows in not all columns.")+ ) |
524 |
- }+ |
525 |
+ #' @rdname formatters_methods |
526 | -3x | +
- if (are(value, "TableRow")) {+ #' @exportMethod obj_name<- |
527 | -1x | +
- value <- rep(value, length.out = length(i))+ setMethod( |
528 |
- } else {+ "obj_name<-", "VNodeInfo", |
529 | -2x | +
- value <- rep(value, length.out = length(i) * length(j))+ function(obj, value) { |
530 | -+ | 21x |
- }+ obj@name <- value |
531 | -+ | 21x |
+ obj |
532 | -3x | +
- counter <- 0+ } |
533 |
- ## this has access to value, i, and j by scoping+ ) |
534 | -3x | +
- replace_rowsbynum <- function(x, i, valifnone = NULL) {+ |
535 | -16x | +
- maxi <- max(i)+ #' @rdname formatters_methods |
536 | -16x | +
- if (counter >= maxi) {+ #' @exportMethod obj_name<- |
537 | -! | +
- return(valifnone)+ setMethod( |
538 |
- }+ "obj_name<-", "Split", |
539 |
+ function(obj, value) { |
540 | -16x | +3x |
- if (labelrow_visible(x)) {+ obj@name <- value |
541 | 3x |
- counter <<- counter + 1+ obj |
542 | -3x | +
- if (counter %in% i) {+ } |
543 | -1x | +
- nxtval <- value[[1]]+ ) |
544 | -1x | +
- if (is(nxtval, "LabelRow")) {+ |
545 | -1x | +
- tt_labelrow(x) <- nxtval+ ### Label related things |
546 |
- } else {+ #' @rdname formatters_methods |
547 | -! | +
- stop(+ #' @exportMethod obj_label |
548 | -! | +2158x |
- "can't replace label with value of class",+ setMethod("obj_label", "Split", function(obj) obj@split_label) |
549 | -! | +
- class(nxtval)+ |
550 |
- )+ #' @rdname formatters_methods |
551 |
- }+ #' @exportMethod obj_label |
552 | -+ | 40418x |
- ## we're done with this one move to+ setMethod("obj_label", "TableRow", function(obj) obj@label) |
553 |
- ## the next+ |
554 | -1x | +
- value <<- value[-1]+ ## XXX Do we want a convenience for VTableTree that |
555 |
- }+ ## grabs the label from the LabelRow or will |
556 |
- }+ ## that just muddy the waters? |
557 | -16x | +
- if (is(x, "TableTree") && nrow(content_table(x)) > 0) {+ #' @rdname formatters_methods |
558 | -3x | +
- ctab <- content_table(x)+ #' @exportMethod obj_label |
559 |
+ setMethod( |
560 | -3x | +
- content_table(x) <- replace_rowsbynum(ctab, i)+ "obj_label", "VTableTree", |
561 | -+ | 308x |
- }+ function(obj) obj_label(tt_labelrow(obj)) |
562 | -16x | +
- if (counter >= maxi) { # already done+ ) |
563 | -2x | +
- return(x)+ |
564 |
- }+ #' @rdname formatters_methods |
565 | -14x | +
- kids <- tree_children(x)+ #' @exportMethod obj_label |
566 | -+ | ! |
+ setMethod("obj_label", "ValueWrapper", function(obj) obj@label) |
567 | -14x | +
- if (length(kids) > 0) {+ |
568 | -14x | +
- for (pos in seq_along(kids)) {+ #' @rdname formatters_methods |
569 | -17x | +
- curkid <- kids[[pos]]+ #' @exportMethod obj_label<- |
570 | -17x | +
- if (is(curkid, "TableRow")) {+ setMethod( |
571 | -7x | +
- counter <<- counter + 1+ "obj_label<-", "Split", |
572 | -7x | +
- if (counter %in% i) {+ function(obj, value) { |
573 | -3x | +1x |
- nxtval <- value[[1]]+ obj@split_label <- value |
574 | -3x | +1x |
- if (is(nxtval, class(curkid))) {+ obj |
575 | -1x | +
- if (no_colinfo(nxtval) && length(row_values(nxtval)) == ncol(x)) {+ } |
576 | -1x | +
- col_info(nxtval) <- col_info(x)+ ) |
577 |
- }+ |
578 | -1x | +
- stopifnot(identical(col_info(x), col_info(nxtval)))+ #' @rdname formatters_methods |
579 | -1x | +
- curkid <- nxtval+ #' @exportMethod obj_label<- |
580 | -1x | +
- value <- value[-1]+ setMethod( |
581 |
- } else {+ "obj_label<-", "TableRow", |
582 | -2x | +
- rvs <- row_values(curkid)+ function(obj, value) { |
583 | -2x | +32x |
- rvs[j] <- value[seq_along(j)]+ obj@label <- value |
584 | -2x | +32x |
- row_values(curkid) <- rvs+ obj |
585 | -2x | +
- value <- value[-(seq_along(j))]+ } |
586 |
- }+ ) |
587 | -3x | +
- kids[[pos]] <- curkid+ |
588 |
- }+ #' @rdname formatters_methods |
589 |
- } else {+ #' @exportMethod obj_label<- |
590 | -10x | +
- kids[[pos]] <- replace_rowsbynum(curkid, i)+ setMethod( |
591 |
- }+ "obj_label<-", "ValueWrapper", |
592 | -17x | +
- if (counter >= maxi) {+ function(obj, value) { |
593 | -7x | +! |
- break+ obj@label <- value |
594 | -+ | ! |
- }+ obj |
595 |
- }+ } |
596 |
- }+ ) |
597 | -14x | +
- tree_children(x) <- kids+ |
598 | -14x | +
- x+ #' @rdname formatters_methods |
599 |
- }+ #' @exportMethod obj_label<- |
600 | -3x | +
- replace_rowsbynum(x, i, ...)+ setMethod( |
601 |
- }+ "obj_label<-", "VTableTree", |
602 |
- )+ function(obj, value) { |
603 | -+ | 11x |
+ lr <- tt_labelrow(obj) |
604 | -+ | 11x |
- #' @inheritParams brackets+ obj_label(lr) <- value |
605 | -+ | 11x |
- #'+ if (!is.na(value) && nzchar(value)) { |
606 | -+ | 10x |
- #' @exportMethod [<-+ labelrow_visible(lr) <- TRUE |
607 | -+ | 1x |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ } else if (is.na(value)) { |
608 | -+ | 1x |
- #' @keywords internal+ labelrow_visible(lr) <- FALSE |
609 |
- setMethod(+ } |
610 | -+ | 11x |
- "[<-", c("VTableTree", value = "CellValue"),+ tt_labelrow(obj) <- lr |
611 | -+ | 11x |
- function(x, i, j, ..., value) {+ obj |
612 | -1x | +
- x[i = i, j = j, ...] <- list(value)+ } |
613 | -1x | +
- x+ ) |
614 |
- }+ |
615 |
- )+ ### Label rows. |
616 |
+ #' @rdname int_methods |
617 | -+ | 130261x |
- ## this is going to be hard :( :( :(+ setGeneric("tt_labelrow", function(obj) standardGeneric("tt_labelrow")) |
619 |
- ### selecting/removing columns+ #' @rdname int_methods |
620 |
+ setMethod( |
621 |
- ## we have two options here: path like we do with rows and positional+ "tt_labelrow", "VTableTree", |
622 | -+ | 46312x |
- ## in leaf space.+ function(obj) obj@labelrow |
623 |
+ ) |
624 |
- setGeneric(+ |
625 |
- "subset_cols",+ #' @rdname int_methods |
626 | -+ | 4095x |
- function(tt,+ setGeneric("tt_labelrow<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("tt_labelrow<-")) |
627 |
- j,+ |
628 |
- newcinfo = NULL,+ #' @rdname int_methods |
629 |
- keep_topleft = TRUE,+ setMethod( |
630 |
- keep_titles = TRUE,+ "tt_labelrow<-", c("VTableTree", "LabelRow"), |
631 |
- keep_footers = keep_titles,+ function(obj, value) { |
632 | -+ | 4095x |
- ...) {+ if (no_colinfo(value)) { |
633 | -9970x | +1x |
- standardGeneric("subset_cols")+ col_info(value) <- col_info(obj) |
634 |
- }+ } |
635 | -+ | 4095x |
- )+ obj@labelrow <- value |
636 | -+ | 4095x |
+ obj |
637 |
- setMethod(+ } |
638 |
- "subset_cols", c("TableTree", "numeric"),+ ) |
639 |
- function(tt, j, newcinfo = NULL,+ |
640 |
- keep_topleft, keep_titles, keep_footers, ...) {+ #' @rdname int_methods |
641 | -867x | +197189x |
- j <- .j_to_posj(j, ncol(tt))+ setGeneric("labelrow_visible", function(obj) standardGeneric("labelrow_visible")) |
642 | -867x | +
- if (is.null(newcinfo)) {+ |
643 | -161x | +
- cinfo <- col_info(tt)+ #' @rdname int_methods |
644 | -161x | +
- newcinfo <- subset_cols(cinfo, j,+ setMethod( |
645 | -161x | +
- keep_topleft = keep_topleft, ...+ "labelrow_visible", "VTableTree", |
646 |
- )+ function(obj) { |
647 | -+ | 28286x |
- }+ labelrow_visible(tt_labelrow(obj)) |
648 |
- ## topleft taken care of in creation of newcinfo+ } |
649 | -867x | +
- kids <- tree_children(tt)+ ) |
650 | -867x | +
- newkids <- lapply(kids, subset_cols, j = j, newcinfo = newcinfo, ...)+ |
651 | -867x | +
- cont <- content_table(tt)+ #' @rdname int_methods |
652 | -867x | +
- newcont <- subset_cols(cont, j, newcinfo = newcinfo, ...)+ setMethod( |
653 | -867x | +
- tt2 <- tt+ "labelrow_visible", "LabelRow", |
654 | -867x | +107388x |
- col_info(tt2) <- newcinfo+ function(obj) obj@visible |
655 | -867x | +
- content_table(tt2) <- newcont+ ) |
656 | -867x | +
- tree_children(tt2) <- newkids+ |
657 | -867x | +
- tt_labelrow(tt2) <- subset_cols(tt_labelrow(tt2), j, newcinfo, ...)+ #' @rdname int_methods |
658 |
+ setMethod( |
659 | -867x | +
- tt2 <- .h_copy_titles_footers_topleft(+ "labelrow_visible", "VAnalyzeSplit", |
660 | -867x | +1423x |
- tt2, tt,+ function(obj) .labelkids_helper(obj@var_label_position) |
661 | -867x | +
- keep_titles,+ ) |
662 | -867x | +
- keep_footers,+ |
663 | -867x | +
- keep_topleft+ #' @rdname int_methods |
664 | -+ | 2960x |
- )+ setGeneric("labelrow_visible<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("labelrow_visible<-")) |
665 | -867x | +
- tt2+ |
666 |
- }+ #' @rdname int_methods |
667 |
- )+ setMethod( |
668 |
+ "labelrow_visible<-", "VTableTree", |
669 |
- setMethod(+ function(obj, value) { |
670 | -+ | 1341x |
- "subset_cols", c("ElementaryTable", "numeric"),+ lr <- tt_labelrow(obj) |
671 | -+ | 1341x |
- function(tt, j, newcinfo = NULL,+ labelrow_visible(lr) <- value |
672 | -+ | 1341x |
- keep_topleft, keep_titles, keep_footers, ...) {+ tt_labelrow(obj) <- lr |
673 | -1829x | +1341x |
- j <- .j_to_posj(j, ncol(tt))+ obj |
674 | -1829x | +
- if (is.null(newcinfo)) {+ } |
675 | -97x | +
- cinfo <- col_info(tt)+ ) |
676 | -97x | +
- newcinfo <- subset_cols(cinfo, j,+ |
677 | -97x | +
- keep_topleft = keep_topleft,+ #' @rdname int_methods |
678 | -97x | +
- keep_titles = keep_titles,+ setMethod( |
679 | -97x | +
- keep_footers = keep_footers, ...+ "labelrow_visible<-", "LabelRow", |
680 |
- )+ function(obj, value) { |
681 | -+ | 1352x |
- }+ obj@visible <- value |
682 | -+ | 1352x |
- ## topleft handled in creation of newcinfo+ obj |
683 | -1829x | +
- kids <- tree_children(tt)+ } |
684 | -1829x | +
- newkids <- lapply(kids, subset_cols, j = j, newcinfo = newcinfo, ...)+ ) |
685 | -1829x | +
- tt2 <- tt+ |
686 | -1829x | +
- col_info(tt2) <- newcinfo+ #' @rdname int_methods |
687 | -1829x | +
- tree_children(tt2) <- newkids+ setMethod( |
688 | -1829x | +
- tt_labelrow(tt2) <- subset_cols(tt_labelrow(tt2), j, newcinfo, ...)+ "labelrow_visible<-", "VAnalyzeSplit", |
689 | -1829x | +
- tt2 <- .h_copy_titles_footers_topleft(+ function(obj, value) { |
690 | -1829x | +267x |
- tt2, tt,+ obj@var_label_position <- value |
691 | -1829x | +267x |
- keep_titles,+ obj |
692 | -1829x | +
- keep_footers,+ } |
693 | -1829x | +
- keep_topleft+ ) |
694 |
- )+ |
695 | -1829x | +
- tt2+ ## TRUE is always, FALSE is never, NA is only when no |
696 |
- }+ ## content function (or rows in an instantiated table) is present |
697 |
- )+ #' @rdname int_methods |
698 | -+ | 1554x |
+ setGeneric("label_kids", function(spl) standardGeneric("label_kids")) |
699 |
- ## small utility to transform any negative+ |
700 |
- ## indices into positive ones, given j+ #' @rdname int_methods |
701 | -+ | 1554x |
- ## and total length+ setMethod("label_kids", "Split", function(spl) spl@label_children) |
703 |
- .j_to_posj <- function(j, n) {+ #' @rdname int_methods |
704 | -+ | 3x |
- ## This will work for logicals, numerics, integers+ setGeneric("label_kids<-", function(spl, value) standardGeneric("label_kids<-")) |
705 | -15040x | +
- j <- seq_len(n)[j]+ |
706 | -15040x | +
- j+ #' @rdname int_methods |
707 |
- }+ setMethod("label_kids<-", c("Split", "character"), function(spl, value) { |
708 | -+ | 1x |
+ label_kids(spl) <- .labelkids_helper(value) |
709 | -+ | 1x |
- path_collapse_sep <- "`"+ spl |
710 |
- escape_name_padding <- function(x) {+ }) |
711 | -141x | +
- ret <- gsub("._[[", "\\._\\[\\[", x, fixed = TRUE)+ |
712 | -141x | +
- ret <- gsub("]]_.", "\\]\\]_\\.", ret, fixed = TRUE)+ #' @rdname int_methods |
713 | -141x | +
- ret+ setMethod("label_kids<-", c("Split", "logical"), function(spl, value) { |
714 | -+ | 2x |
- }+ spl@label_children <- value |
715 | -+ | 2x |
- path_to_regex <- function(path) {+ spl |
716 | -51x | +
- paste(vapply(path, function(x) {+ }) |
717 | -142x | +
- if (identical(x, "*")) {+ |
718 | -1x | +
- paste0("[^", path_collapse_sep, "]+")+ #' @rdname int_methods |
719 | -+ | 410x |
- } else {+ setGeneric("vis_label", function(spl) standardGeneric("vis_label")) |
720 | -141x | +
- escape_name_padding(x)+ |
721 |
- }+ #' @rdname int_methods |
722 | -51x | +
- }, ""), collapse = path_collapse_sep)+ setMethod("vis_label", "Split", function(spl) { |
723 | -+ | 410x |
- }+ .labelkids_helper(label_position(spl)) |
724 |
+ }) |
725 |
- .path_to_pos <- function(path, tt, distinct_ok = TRUE, cols = FALSE) {+ |
726 | -51x | +
- path <- path[!grepl("^(|root)$", path)]+ ## #' @rdname int_methods |
727 | -51x | +
- if (cols) {+ ## setGeneric("vis_label<-", function(spl, value) standardGeneric("vis_label<-")) |
728 | -51x | +
- rowdf <- make_col_df(tt)+ ## #' @rdname int_methods |
729 |
- } else {+ ## setMethod("vis_label<-", "Split", function(spl, value) { |
730 | -! | +
- rowdf <- make_row_df(tt)+ ## stop("defunct") |
731 |
- }+ ## if(is.na(value)) |
732 | -51x | +
- if (length(path) == 0 || identical(path, "*") || identical(path, "root")) {+ ## stop("split label visibility must be TRUE or FALSE, got NA") |
733 | -! | +
- return(seq(1, nrow(rowdf)))+ ## # spl@split_label_visible <- value |
734 |
- }+ ## spl |
735 |
+ ## }) |
736 | -51x | +
- paths <- rowdf$path+ |
737 | -51x | +
- pathregex <- path_to_regex(path)+ #' @rdname int_methods |
738 | -51x | +1055x |
- pathstrs <- vapply(paths, paste, "", collapse = path_collapse_sep)+ setGeneric("label_position", function(spl) standardGeneric("label_position")) |
739 | -51x | +
- allmatchs <- grep(pathregex, pathstrs)+ |
740 | -51x | +
- if (length(allmatchs) == 0) {+ #' @rdname int_methods |
741 | -! | +726x |
- stop(+ setMethod("label_position", "Split", function(spl) spl@split_label_position) |
742 | -! | +
- if (cols) "column path [" else "row path [",+ |
743 | -! | +
- paste(path, collapse = "->"),+ #' @rdname int_methods |
744 | -! | +329x |
- "] does not appear valid for this table"+ setMethod("label_position", "VAnalyzeSplit", function(spl) spl@var_label_position) ## split_label_position) |
745 |
- )+ |
746 |
- }+ #' @rdname int_methods |
747 | -+ | 50x |
+ setGeneric("label_position<-", function(spl, value) standardGeneric("label_position<-")) |
748 | -51x | +
- idxdiffs <- diff(allmatchs)+ |
749 | -51x | +
- if (!distinct_ok && length(idxdiffs) > 0 && any(idxdiffs > 1)) {+ #' @rdname int_methods |
750 | -! | +
- firstnon <- min(which(idxdiffs > 1))+ setMethod("label_position<-", "Split", function(spl, value) { |
751 | -+ | 50x |
- ## its firstnon here because we would want firstnon-1 but+ value <- match.arg(value, valid_lbl_pos) |
752 | -+ | 50x |
- ## the diffs are actually shifted 1 so they cancel out+ spl@split_label_position <- value |
753 | -! | +50x |
- allmatchs <- allmatchs[seq(1, firstnon)]+ spl |
754 |
- }+ }) |
755 | -51x | +
- allmatchs+ |
756 |
- }+ ### Function accessors (summary, tabulation and split) ---- |
758 |
- ## fix column spans that would be invalid+ #' @rdname int_methods |
759 | -+ | 3376x |
- ## after some columns are no longer there+ setGeneric("content_fun", function(obj) standardGeneric("content_fun")) |
760 |
- .fix_rowcspans <- function(rw, j) {+ |
761 | -3974x | +
- cspans <- row_cspans(rw)+ #' @rdname int_methods |
762 | -3974x | +3324x |
- nc <- sum(cspans)+ setMethod("content_fun", "Split", function(obj) obj@content_fun) |
763 | -3974x | +
- j <- .j_to_posj(j, nc)+ |
764 |
- ## this is overly complicated+ #' @rdname int_methods |
765 | -+ | 116x |
- ## we need the starting indices+ setGeneric("content_fun<-", function(object, value) standardGeneric("content_fun<-")) |
766 |
- ## but the first span might not be 1, so+ |
767 |
- ## we pad with 1 and then take off the last+ #' @rdname int_methods |
768 | -3974x | +
- start <- cumsum(c(1, head(cspans, -1)))+ setMethod("content_fun<-", "Split", function(object, value) { |
769 | -3974x | +116x |
- ends <- c(tail(start, -1) - 1, nc)+ object@content_fun <- value |
770 | -3974x | +116x |
- res <- mapply(function(st, en) {+ object |
771 | -22905x | +
- sum(j >= st & j <= en)+ }) |
772 | -3974x | +
- }, st = start, en = ends)+ |
773 | -3974x | +
- res <- res[res > 0]+ #' @rdname int_methods |
774 | -3974x | +1743x |
- stopifnot(sum(res) == length(j))+ setGeneric("analysis_fun", function(obj) standardGeneric("analysis_fun")) |
775 | -3974x | +
- res+ |
776 |
- }+ #' @rdname int_methods |
777 | -+ | 1648x |
+ setMethod("analysis_fun", "AnalyzeVarSplit", function(obj) obj@analysis_fun) |
778 |
- select_cells_j <- function(cells, j) {+ |
779 | -3974x | +
- if (length(j) != length(unique(j))) {+ #' @rdname int_methods |
780 | -! | +95x |
- stop("duplicate column selections is not currently supported")+ setMethod("analysis_fun", "AnalyzeColVarSplit", function(obj) obj@analysis_fun) |
781 |
- }+ |
782 | -3974x | +
- spans <- vapply(+ ## not used and probably not needed |
783 | -3974x | +
- cells, function(x) cell_cspan(x),+ ## #' @rdname int_methods |
784 | -3974x | +
- integer(1)+ ## setGeneric("analysis_fun<-", function(object, value) standardGeneric("analysis_fun<-")) |
785 |
- )+ |
786 | -3974x | +
- inds <- rep(seq_along(cells), times = spans)+ ## #' @rdname int_methods |
787 | -3974x | +
- selinds <- inds[j]+ ## setMethod("analysis_fun<-", "AnalyzeVarSplit", function(object, value) { |
788 | -3974x | +
- retcells <- cells[selinds[!duplicated(selinds)]]+ ## object@analysis_fun <- value |
789 | -3974x | +
- newspans <- vapply(+ ## object |
790 | -3974x | +
- split(selinds, selinds),+ ## }) |
791 | -3974x | +
- length,+ ## #' @rdname int_methods |
792 | -3974x | +
- integer(1)+ ## setMethod("analysis_fun<-", "AnalyzeColVarSplit", function(object, value) { |
793 |
- )+ ## if(is(value, "function")) |
794 |
+ ## value <- list(value) |
795 | -3974x | +
- mapply(function(cl, sp) {+ ## object@analysis_fun <- value |
796 | -6891x | +
- cell_cspan(cl) <- sp+ ## object |
797 | -6891x | +
- cl+ ## }) |
798 | -3974x | +
- }, cl = retcells, sp = newspans, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)+ |
799 |
- }+ #' @rdname int_methods |
800 | -+ | 1119x |
+ setGeneric("split_fun", function(obj) standardGeneric("split_fun")) |
801 |
- setMethod(+ |
802 |
- "subset_cols", c("ANY", "character"),+ #' @rdname int_methods |
803 | -+ | 936x |
- function(tt, j, newcinfo = NULL, keep_topleft = TRUE, ...) {+ setMethod("split_fun", "CustomizableSplit", function(obj) obj@split_fun) |
804 | -42x | +
- j <- .path_to_pos(path = j, tt = tt, cols = TRUE)+ |
805 | -42x | +
- subset_cols(tt, j, newcinfo = newcinfo, keep_topleft = keep_topleft, ...)+ ## Only that type of split currently has the slot |
806 |
- }+ ## this should probably change? for now define |
807 |
- )+ ## an accessor that just returns NULL |
808 |
+ #' @rdname int_methods |
809 | -+ | 131x |
- setMethod(+ setMethod("split_fun", "Split", function(obj) NULL) |
810 |
- "subset_cols", c("TableRow", "numeric"),+ |
811 |
- function(tt, j, newcinfo = NULL, keep_topleft = TRUE, ...) {+ #' @rdname int_methods |
812 | -3974x | +13x |
- j <- .j_to_posj(j, ncol(tt))+ setGeneric("split_fun<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("split_fun<-")) |
813 | -3974x | +
- if (is.null(newcinfo)) {+ |
814 | -16x | +
- cinfo <- col_info(tt)+ #' @rdname int_methods |
815 | -16x | +
- newcinfo <- subset_cols(cinfo, j, keep_topleft = keep_topleft, ...)+ setMethod("split_fun<-", "CustomizableSplit", function(obj, value) { |
816 | -+ | 13x |
- }+ obj@split_fun <- value |
817 | -3974x | +13x |
- tt2 <- tt+ obj |
818 | -3974x | +
- row_cells(tt2) <- select_cells_j(row_cells(tt2), j)+ }) |
820 | -3974x | +
- if (length(row_cspans(tt2)) > 0) {+ # nocov start |
821 | -3974x | +
- row_cspans(tt2) <- .fix_rowcspans(tt2, j)+ ## Only that type of split currently has the slot |
822 |
- }+ ## this should probably change? for now define |
823 | -3974x | +
- col_info(tt2) <- newcinfo+ ## an accessor that just returns NULL |
824 | -3974x | +
- tt2+ #' @rdname int_methods |
825 |
- }+ setMethod( |
826 |
- )+ "split_fun<-", "Split", |
827 |
+ function(obj, value) { |
828 |
- setMethod(+ stop( |
829 |
- "subset_cols", c("LabelRow", "numeric"),+ "Attempted to set a custom split function on a non-customizable split.", |
830 |
- function(tt, j, newcinfo = NULL, keep_topleft = TRUE, ...) {+ "This should not happen, please contact the maintainers." |
831 | -2702x | +
- j <- .j_to_posj(j, ncol(tt))+ ) |
832 | -2702x | +
- if (is.null(newcinfo)) {+ } |
833 | -! | +
- cinfo <- col_info(tt)+ ) |
834 | -! | +
- newcinfo <- subset_cols(cinfo, j, keep_topleft = keep_topleft, ...)+ # nocov end |
835 |
- }+ |
836 | -2702x | +
- col_info(tt) <- newcinfo+ ## Content specification related accessors ---- |
837 | -2702x | +
- tt+ |
838 |
- }+ #' @rdname int_methods |
839 | -+ | 477x |
- )+ setGeneric("content_extra_args", function(obj) standardGeneric("content_extra_args")) |
841 |
- setMethod(+ #' @rdname int_methods |
842 | -+ | 477x |
- "subset_cols", c("InstantiatedColumnInfo", "numeric"),+ setMethod("content_extra_args", "Split", function(obj) obj@content_extra_args) |
843 |
- function(tt, j, newcinfo = NULL, keep_topleft = TRUE, ...) {+ |
844 | -278x | +
- if (!is.null(newcinfo)) {+ #' @rdname int_methods |
845 | -! | +116x |
- return(newcinfo)+ setGeneric("content_extra_args<-", function(object, value) standardGeneric("content_extra_args<-")) |
846 |
- }+ |
847 | -278x | +
- j <- .j_to_posj(j, length(col_exprs(tt)))+ #' @rdname int_methods |
848 | -278x | +
- newctree <- subset_cols(coltree(tt), j, NULL)+ setMethod("content_extra_args<-", "Split", function(object, value) { |
849 | -278x | +116x |
- newcextra <- col_extra_args(tt)[j]+ object@content_extra_args <- value |
850 | -278x | +116x |
- newcsubs <- col_exprs(tt)[j]+ object |
851 | -278x | +
- newcounts <- col_counts(tt)[j]+ }) |
852 | -278x | +
- tl <- if (keep_topleft) top_left(tt) else character()+ |
853 | -278x | +
- InstantiatedColumnInfo(+ #' @rdname int_methods |
854 | -278x | +1883x |
- treelyt = newctree,+ setGeneric("content_var", function(obj) standardGeneric("content_var")) |
855 | -278x | +
- csubs = newcsubs,+ |
856 | -278x | +
- extras = newcextra,+ #' @rdname int_methods |
857 | -278x | +1883x |
- cnts = newcounts,+ setMethod("content_var", "Split", function(obj) obj@content_var) |
858 | -278x | +
- dispcounts = disp_ccounts(tt),+ |
859 | -278x | +
- countformat = colcount_format(tt),+ #' @rdname int_methods |
860 | -278x | +116x |
- topleft = tl+ setGeneric("content_var<-", function(object, value) standardGeneric("content_var<-")) |
861 |
- )+ |
862 |
- }+ #' @rdname int_methods |
863 |
- )+ setMethod("content_var<-", "Split", function(object, value) { |
864 | -+ | 116x |
+ object@content_var <- value |
865 | -+ | 116x |
- setMethod(+ object |
866 |
- "subset_cols", c("LayoutColTree", "numeric"),+ }) |
867 |
- function(tt, j, newcinfo = NULL, ...) {+ |
868 | -278x | +
- lst <- collect_leaves(tt)+ ### Miscellaneous accessors ---- |
869 | -278x | +
- j <- .j_to_posj(j, length(lst))+ |
870 |
+ #' @rdname int_methods |
871 | -+ | 1149x |
- ## j has only non-negative values from+ setGeneric("avar_inclNAs", function(obj) standardGeneric("avar_inclNAs")) |
872 |
- ## this point on+ |
873 | -278x | +
- counter <- 0+ #' @rdname int_methods |
874 | -278x | +
- prune_children <- function(x, j) {+ setMethod( |
875 | -674x | +
- kids <- tree_children(x)+ "avar_inclNAs", "VAnalyzeSplit", |
876 | -674x | +1149x |
- newkids <- kids+ function(obj) obj@include_NAs |
877 | -674x | +
- for (i in seq_along(newkids)) {+ ) |
878 | -1813x | +
- if (is(newkids[[i]], "LayoutColLeaf")) {+ |
879 | -1417x | +
- counter <<- counter + 1+ #' @rdname int_methods |
880 | -1417x | +! |
- if (!(counter %in% j)) {+ setGeneric("avar_inclNAs<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("avar_inclNAs<-")) |
881 | -1013x | +
- newkids[[i]] <- list()+ |
882 | -278x | +
- } ## NULL removes the position entirely+ #' @rdname int_methods |
883 |
- } else {+ setMethod( |
884 | -396x | +
- newkids[[i]] <- prune_children(newkids[[i]], j)+ "avar_inclNAs<-", "VAnalyzeSplit", |
885 |
- }+ function(obj, value) { |
886 | -+ | ! |
- }+ obj@include_NAs <- value |
887 |
+ } |
888 | -674x | +
- newkids <- newkids[sapply(newkids, function(thing) length(thing) > 0)]+ ) |
889 | -674x | +
- if (length(newkids) > 0) {+ |
890 | -474x | +
- tree_children(x) <- newkids+ #' @rdname int_methods |
891 | -474x | +848x |
- x+ setGeneric("spl_labelvar", function(obj) standardGeneric("spl_labelvar")) |
892 |
- } else {+ |
893 | -200x | +
- list()+ #' @rdname int_methods |
894 | -+ | 848x |
- }+ setMethod("spl_labelvar", "VarLevelSplit", function(obj) obj@value_label_var) |
895 |
- }+ |
896 | -278x | +
- prune_children(tt, j)+ #' @rdname int_methods |
897 | -+ | 2867x |
- }+ setGeneric("spl_child_order", function(obj) standardGeneric("spl_child_order")) |
898 |
- )+ |
899 |
+ #' @rdname int_methods |
900 | -+ | 2566x |
- ## label rows ARE included in the count+ setMethod("spl_child_order", "VarLevelSplit", function(obj) obj@value_order) |
901 |
- subset_by_rownum <- function(tt,+ |
902 |
- i,+ #' @rdname int_methods |
903 |
- keep_topleft = FALSE,+ setGeneric( |
904 |
- keep_titles = TRUE,+ "spl_child_order<-", |
905 | -+ | 649x |
- keep_footers = keep_titles,+ function(obj, value) standardGeneric("spl_child_order<-") |
906 |
- ...) {+ ) |
907 | -184x | +
- stopifnot(is(tt, "VTableNodeInfo"))+ |
908 | -184x | +
- counter <- 0+ #' @rdname int_methods |
909 | -184x | +
- nr <- nrow(tt)+ setMethod( |
910 | -184x | +
- i <- .j_to_posj(i, nr)+ "spl_child_order<-", "VarLevelSplit", |
911 | -184x | +
- if (length(i) == 0) {+ function(obj, value) { |
912 | -3x | +649x |
- ret <- TableTree(cinfo = col_info(tt))+ obj@value_order <- value |
913 | -3x | +649x |
- if (isTRUE(keep_topleft)) {+ obj |
914 | -1x | +
- top_left(ret) <- top_left(tt)+ } |
915 |
- }+ ) |
916 | -3x | +
- return(ret)+ |
917 |
- }+ #' @rdname int_methods |
918 |
+ setMethod( |
919 | -181x | +
- prune_rowsbynum <- function(x, i, valifnone = NULL) {+ "spl_child_order", |
920 | -1321x | +
- maxi <- max(i)+ "ManualSplit", |
921 | -1321x | +52x |
- if (counter > maxi) {+ function(obj) obj@levels |
922 | -137x | +
- return(valifnone)+ ) |
923 |
- }+ |
924 |
+ #' @rdname int_methods |
925 | -1184x | +
- if (labelrow_visible(x)) {+ setMethod( |
926 | -489x | +
- counter <<- counter + 1+ "spl_child_order", |
927 | -489x | +
- if (!(counter %in% i)) {+ "MultiVarSplit", |
928 | -+ | 96x |
- ## XXX this should do whatever+ function(obj) spl_varnames(obj) |
929 |
- ## is required to 'remove' the Label Row+ ) |
930 |
- ## (currently implicit based on+ |
931 |
- ## the value of the label but+ #' @rdname int_methods |
932 |
- ## that shold really probably change)+ setMethod( |
933 | -177x | +
- labelrow_visible(x) <- FALSE+ "spl_child_order", |
934 |
- }+ "AllSplit", |
935 | -+ | 109x |
- }+ function(obj) character() |
936 | -1184x | +
- if (is(x, "TableTree") && nrow(content_table(x)) > 0) {+ ) |
937 | -90x | +
- ctab <- content_table(x)+ |
938 |
+ #' @rdname int_methods |
939 | -90x | +
- content_table(x) <- prune_rowsbynum(ctab, i,+ setMethod( |
940 | -90x | +
- valifnone = ElementaryTable(+ "spl_child_order", |
941 | -90x | +
- cinfo = col_info(ctab),+ "VarStaticCutSplit", |
942 | -90x | +44x |
- iscontent = TRUE+ function(obj) spl_cutlabels(obj) |
943 |
- )+ ) |
944 |
- )+ |
945 |
- }+ #' @rdname int_methods |
946 | -1184x | +1010x |
- kids <- tree_children(x)+ setGeneric("root_spl", function(obj) standardGeneric("root_spl")) |
947 | -1184x | +
- if (counter > maxi) { # already done+ |
948 | -49x | +
- kids <- list()+ #' @rdname int_methods |
949 | -1135x | +
- } else if (length(kids) > 0) {+ setMethod( |
950 | -1133x | +
- for (pos in seq_along(kids)) {+ "root_spl", "PreDataAxisLayout", |
951 | -4102x | +1010x |
- if (is(kids[[pos]], "TableRow")) {+ function(obj) obj@root_split |
952 | -3052x | +
- counter <<- counter + 1+ ) |
953 | -3052x | +
- if (!(counter %in% i)) {+ |
954 | -2144x | +
- kids[[pos]] <- list()+ #' @rdname int_methods |
955 | -+ | 9x |
- }+ setGeneric("root_spl<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("root_spl<-")) |
956 |
- } else {+ |
957 | -1050x | +
- kids[[pos]] <- prune_rowsbynum(kids[[pos]], i, list())+ #' @rdname int_methods |
958 |
- }+ setMethod( |
959 |
- }+ "root_spl<-", "PreDataAxisLayout", |
960 | -1133x | +
- kids <- kids[sapply(kids, function(x) NROW(x) > 0)]+ function(obj, value) { |
961 | -+ | 9x |
- }+ obj@root_split <- value |
962 | -1184x | +9x |
- if (length(kids) == 0 && NROW(content_table(x)) == 0 && !labelrow_visible(x)) {+ obj |
963 | -359x | +
- return(valifnone)+ } |
964 |
- } else {+ ) |
965 | -825x | +
- tree_children(x) <- kids+ |
966 | -825x | +
- x+ #' Row attribute accessors |
967 |
- }+ #' |
968 |
- ## ## if(length(kids) == 0) {+ #' @inheritParams gen_args |
969 |
- ## ## if(!is(x, "TableTree"))+ #' |
970 |
- ## ## return(valifnone)+ #' @return Various return values depending on the accessor called. |
971 |
- ## ## }+ #' |
972 |
- ## if(is(x, "VTableTree") && nrow(x) > 0) {+ #' @export |
973 |
- ## x+ #' @rdname row_accessors |
974 | -+ | 72x |
- ## } else {+ setGeneric("obj_avar", function(obj) standardGeneric("obj_avar")) |
975 |
- ## valifnone+ |
976 |
- ## }+ #' @rdname row_accessors |
977 |
- }+ #' @exportMethod obj_avar |
978 | -181x | +55x |
- ret <- prune_rowsbynum(tt, i)+ setMethod("obj_avar", "TableRow", function(obj) obj@var_analyzed) |
980 | -181x | +
- ret <- .h_copy_titles_footers_topleft(+ #' @rdname row_accessors |
981 | -181x | +
- ret, tt,+ #' @exportMethod obj_avar |
982 | -181x | +17x |
- keep_titles,+ setMethod("obj_avar", "ElementaryTable", function(obj) obj@var_analyzed) |
983 | -181x | +
- keep_footers,+ |
984 | -181x | +
- keep_topleft+ #' @export |
985 |
- )+ #' @rdname row_accessors |
986 | -+ | 68468x |
+ setGeneric("row_cells", function(obj) standardGeneric("row_cells")) |
987 | -181x | +
- ret+ |
988 |
- }+ #' @rdname row_accessors |
989 |
+ #' @exportMethod row_cells |
990 | -+ | 7465x |
- #' @exportMethod [+ setMethod("row_cells", "TableRow", function(obj) obj@leaf_value) |
991 |
- #' @rdname brackets+ |
992 |
- setMethod(+ #' @rdname row_accessors |
993 | -+ | 4034x |
- "[", c("VTableTree", "logical", "logical"),+ setGeneric("row_cells<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("row_cells<-")) |
994 |
- function(x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE) {+ |
995 | -1x | +
- i <- .j_to_posj(i, nrow(x))+ #' @rdname row_accessors |
996 | -1x | +
- j <- .j_to_posj(j, ncol(x))+ #' @exportMethod row_cells |
997 | -1x | +
- x[i, j, ..., drop = drop]+ setMethod("row_cells<-", "TableRow", function(obj, value) { |
998 | -+ | 4034x |
- }+ obj@leaf_value <- value |
999 | -+ | 4034x |
- )+ obj |
1000 |
+ }) |
1001 |
- #' @exportMethod [+ |
1002 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @export |
1003 |
- #' @keywords internal+ #' @rdname row_accessors |
1004 | -+ | 2438x |
- setMethod(+ setGeneric("row_values", function(obj) standardGeneric("row_values")) |
1005 |
- "[", c("VTableTree", "logical", "ANY"),+ |
1006 |
- function(x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE) {+ #' @rdname row_accessors |
1007 | -! | +
- i <- .j_to_posj(i, nrow(x))+ #' @exportMethod row_values |
1008 | -! | +530x |
- x[i, j, ..., drop = drop]+ setMethod("row_values", "TableRow", function(obj) rawvalues(obj@leaf_value)) |
1009 |
- }+ |
1010 |
- )+ |
1011 |
+ #' @rdname row_accessors |
1012 |
- #' @exportMethod [+ #' @exportMethod row_values<- |
1013 | -+ | 1226x |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ setGeneric("row_values<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("row_values<-")) |
1014 |
- #' @keywords internal+ |
1015 |
- setMethod(+ #' @rdname row_accessors |
1016 |
- "[", c("VTableTree", "logical", "missing"),+ #' @exportMethod row_values<- |
1017 |
- function(x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE) {+ setMethod( |
1018 | -4x | +
- j <- seq_len(ncol(x))+ "row_values<-", "TableRow", |
1019 | -4x | +
- i <- .j_to_posj(i, nrow(x))+ function(obj, value) { |
1020 | -4x | +1226x |
- x[i, j, ..., drop = drop]+ obj@leaf_value <- lapply(value, rcell) |
1021 | -+ | 1226x |
- }+ obj |
1022 |
- )+ } |
1023 |
+ ) |
1024 |
- #' @exportMethod [+ |
1025 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @rdname row_accessors |
1026 |
- #' @keywords internal+ #' @exportMethod row_values<- |
1028 |
- "[", c("VTableTree", "ANY", "logical"),+ "row_values<-", "LabelRow", |
1029 |
- function(x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE) {+ function(obj, value) { |
1030 | -1x | +! |
- j <- .j_to_posj(j, ncol(x))+ stop("LabelRows cannot have row values.") |
1031 | -1x | +
- x[i, j, ..., drop = drop]+ } |
1032 |
- }+ ) |
1033 |
- )+ |
1034 |
+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1035 | -+ | 941x |
- #' @exportMethod [+ setGeneric("spanned_values", function(obj) standardGeneric("spanned_values")) |
1036 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ |
1037 |
- #' @keywords internal+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1039 |
- "[", c("VTableTree", "ANY", "missing"),+ "spanned_values", "TableRow", |
1040 |
- function(x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE) {+ function(obj) { |
1041 | -146x | +941x |
- j <- seq_len(ncol(x))+ rawvalues(spanned_cells(obj)) |
1042 | -146x | +
- x[i = i, j = j, ..., drop = drop]+ } |
1043 |
- }+ ) |
1044 |
- )+ |
1045 |
+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1046 |
- #' @exportMethod [+ setMethod( |
1047 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ "spanned_values", "LabelRow", |
1048 |
- #' @keywords internal+ function(obj) { |
1049 | -+ | ! |
- setMethod(+ rep(list(NULL), ncol(obj)) |
1050 |
- "[", c("VTableTree", "missing", "ANY"),+ } |
1051 |
- function(x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE) {+ ) |
1052 | -4x | +
- i <- seq_len(nrow(x))+ |
1053 | -4x | +
- x[i = i, j = j, ..., drop = drop]+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1054 | -+ | 941x |
- }+ setGeneric("spanned_cells", function(obj) standardGeneric("spanned_cells")) |
1055 |
- )+ |
1056 |
+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1057 |
- #' @exportMethod [+ setMethod( |
1058 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ "spanned_cells", "TableRow", |
1059 |
- #' @keywords internal+ function(obj) { |
1060 | -+ | 941x |
- setMethod(+ sp <- row_cspans(obj) |
1061 | -+ | 941x |
- "[", c("VTableTree", "ANY", "character"),+ rvals <- row_cells(obj) |
1062 | -+ | 941x |
- function(x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE) {+ unlist( |
1063 | -+ | 941x |
- ## j <- .colpath_to_j(j, coltree(x))+ mapply(function(v, s) rep(list(v), times = s), |
1064 | -3x | +941x |
- j <- .path_to_pos(path = j, tt = x, cols = TRUE)+ v = rvals, s = sp |
1065 | -3x | +
- x[i = i, j = j, ..., drop = drop]+ ), |
1066 | -+ | 941x |
- }+ recursive = FALSE |
1067 |
- )+ ) |
1068 |
+ } |
1069 |
- #' @exportMethod [+ ) |
1070 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ |
1071 |
- #' @keywords internal+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1073 |
- "[", c("VTableTree", "character", "ANY"),+ "spanned_cells", "LabelRow", |
1074 |
- function(x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE) {+ function(obj) { |
1075 | -+ | ! |
- ## i <- .path_to_pos(i, seq_len(nrow(x)), x, NROW)+ rep(list(NULL), ncol(obj)) |
1076 | -! | +
- i <- .path_to_pos(i, x)+ } |
1077 | -! | +
- x[i = i, j = j, ..., drop = drop]+ ) |
1078 |
- }+ |
1079 |
- )+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1080 | -+ | 3x |
+ setGeneric("spanned_values<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("spanned_values<-")) |
1081 |
- ## to avoid dispatch ambiguity. Not necessary, possibly not a good idea at all+ |
1082 |
- #' @exportMethod [+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1083 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ setMethod( |
1084 |
- #' @keywords internal+ "spanned_values<-", "TableRow", |
1085 |
- setMethod(+ function(obj, value) { |
1086 | -+ | 2x |
- "[", c("VTableTree", "character", "character"),+ sp <- row_cspans(obj) |
1087 |
- function(x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE) {+ ## this is 3 times too clever!!! |
1088 | -+ | 2x |
- ## i <- .path_to_pos(i, seq_len(nrow(x)), x, NROW)+ valindices <- unlist(lapply(sp, function(x) c(TRUE, rep(FALSE, x - 1)))) |
1089 | -! | +
- i <- .path_to_pos(i, x)+ |
1090 | -+ | 2x |
- ## j <- .colpath_to_j(j, coltree(x))+ splvec <- cumsum(valindices) |
1091 | -! | +2x |
- j <- .path_to_pos(path = j, tt = x, cols = TRUE)+ lapply( |
1092 | -! | +2x |
- x[i = i, j = j, ..., drop = drop]+ split(value, splvec), |
1093 | -+ | 2x |
- }+ function(v) { |
1094 | -+ | 3x |
- )+ if (length(unique(v)) > 1) { |
1095 | -+ | 1x |
+ stop( |
1096 | -+ | 1x |
- #' @exportMethod [+ "Got more than one unique value within a span, ", |
1097 | -+ | 1x |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ "new spanned values do not appear to match the ", |
1098 | -+ | 1x |
- #' @keywords internal+ "existing spanning pattern of the row (", |
1099 | -+ | 1x |
- setMethod(+ paste(sp, collapse = " "), ")" |
1100 |
- "[", c("VTableTree", "missing", "numeric"),+ ) |
1101 |
- function(x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE) {+ } |
1102 | -238x | +
- i <- seq_len(nrow(x))+ } |
1103 | -238x | +
- x[i, j, ..., drop = drop]+ ) |
1104 | -+ | 1x |
- }+ rvals <- value[valindices] |
1105 |
- )+ |
1106 |
+ ## rvals = lapply(split(value, splvec), |
1107 |
- #' @exportMethod [+ ## function(v) { |
1108 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ ## if(length(v) == 1) |
1109 |
- #' @keywords internal+ ## return(v) |
1110 |
- setMethod(+ ## stopifnot(length(unique(v)) == 1L) |
1111 |
- "[", c("VTableTree", "numeric", "numeric"),+ ## rcell(unique(v), colspan<- length(v)) |
1112 |
- function(x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE) {+ ## }) |
1113 |
- ## have to do it this way because we can't add an argument since we don't+ ## if(any(splvec > 1)) |
1114 |
- ## own the generic declaration+ ## rvals <- lapply(rvals, function(x) x[[1]]) |
1115 | -471x | +1x |
- keep_topleft <- list(...)[["keep_topleft"]] %||% NA+ row_values(obj) <- rvals |
1116 | -471x | +1x |
- keep_titles <- list(...)[["keep_titles"]] %||% FALSE+ obj |
1117 | -471x | +
- keep_footers <- list(...)[["keep_footers"]] %||% keep_titles+ } |
1118 | -471x | +
- reindex_refs <- list(...)[["reindex_refs"]] %||% TRUE+ ) |
1120 | -471x | +
- nr <- nrow(x)+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1121 | -471x | +
- nc <- ncol(x)+ setMethod( |
1122 | -471x | +
- i <- .j_to_posj(i, nr)+ "spanned_values<-", "LabelRow", |
1123 | -471x | +
- j <- .j_to_posj(j, nc)+ function(obj, value) { |
1124 | -+ | 1x |
+ if (!is.null(value)) { |
1125 | -+ | 1x |
- ## if(!missing(i) && length(i) < nr) {+ stop("Label rows can't have non-null cell values, got", value) |
1126 | -471x | +
- if (length(i) < nr) { ## already populated by .j_to_posj+ } |
1127 | -184x | +! |
- keep_topleft <- isTRUE(keep_topleft)+ obj |
1128 | -184x | +
- x <- subset_by_rownum(x, i,+ } |
1129 | -184x | +
- keep_topleft = keep_topleft,+ ) |
1130 | -184x | +
- keep_titles = keep_titles,+ |
1131 | -184x | +
- keep_footers = keep_footers+ ### Format manipulation |
1132 |
- )+ ### obj_format<- is not recursive |
1133 | -287x | +
- } else if (is.na(keep_topleft)) {+ ## TODO export these? |
1134 | -49x | +
- keep_topleft <- TRUE+ #' @rdname formatters_methods |
1135 |
- }+ #' @export |
1136 | -+ | 6405x |
+ setMethod("obj_format", "VTableNodeInfo", function(obj) obj@format) |
1137 |
- ## if(!missing(j) && length(j) < nc)+ |
1138 | -471x | +
- if (length(j) < nc) {+ #' @rdname formatters_methods |
1139 | -232x | +
- x <- subset_cols(x, j,+ #' @export |
1140 | -232x | +107591x |
- keep_topleft = keep_topleft,+ setMethod("obj_format", "CellValue", function(obj) attr(obj, "format", exact = TRUE)) |
1141 | -232x | +
- keep_titles = keep_titles,+ |
1142 | -232x | +
- keep_footers = keep_footers+ #' @rdname formatters_methods |
1143 |
- )+ #' @export |
1144 | -+ | 2337x |
- }+ setMethod("obj_format", "Split", function(obj) obj@split_format) |
1146 |
- # Dropping everything+ #' @rdname formatters_methods |
1147 | -471x | +
- if (drop) {+ #' @export |
1148 | -35x | +
- if (length(j) == 1L && length(i) == 1L) {+ setMethod("obj_format<-", "VTableNodeInfo", function(obj, value) { |
1149 | -30x | +1664x |
- rw <- collect_leaves(x, TRUE, TRUE)[[1]]+ obj@format <- value |
1150 | -30x | +1664x |
- if (is(rw, "LabelRow")) {+ obj |
1151 | -2x | +
- warning(+ }) |
1152 | -2x | +
- "The value selected with drop = TRUE belongs ",+ |
1153 | -2x | +
- "to a label row. NULL will be returned"+ #' @rdname formatters_methods |
1154 |
- )+ #' @export |
1155 | -2x | +
- x <- NULL+ setMethod("obj_format<-", "Split", function(obj, value) { |
1156 | -+ | 1x |
- } else {+ obj@split_format <- value |
1157 | -28x | +1x |
- x <- row_values(rw)[[1]]+ obj |
1158 |
- }+ }) |
1159 |
- } else {+ |
1160 | -5x | +
- warning(+ #' @rdname formatters_methods |
1161 | -5x | +
- "Trying to drop more than one subsetted value. ",+ #' @export |
1162 | -5x | +
- "We support this only with accessor function `cell_values()`. ",+ setMethod("obj_format<-", "CellValue", function(obj, value) { |
1163 | -5x | +1173x |
- "No drop will be done at this time."+ attr(obj, "format") <- value |
1164 | -+ | 1173x |
- )+ obj |
1165 | -5x | +
- drop <- FALSE+ }) |
1166 |
- }+ |
1167 |
- }+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1168 | -471x | +
- if (!drop) {+ #' @export |
1169 | -441x | +
- if (!keep_topleft) {+ setMethod("obj_na_str<-", "CellValue", function(obj, value) { |
1170 | -61x | +4170x |
- top_left(x) <- character()+ attr(obj, "format_na_str") <- value |
1171 | -+ | 4170x |
- }+ obj |
1172 | -441x | +
- if (reindex_refs) {+ }) |
1173 | -105x | +
- x <- update_ref_indexing(x)+ |
1174 |
- }+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1175 |
- }+ #' @export |
1176 | -471x | +
- x+ setMethod("obj_na_str<-", "VTableNodeInfo", function(obj, value) { |
1177 | -+ | 26x |
- }+ obj@na_str <- value |
1178 | -+ | 26x |
- )+ obj |
1179 |
+ }) |
1180 |
- #' @importFrom utils compareVersion+ |
1181 |
+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1182 |
- setGeneric("tail", tail)+ #' @export |
1183 |
+ setMethod("obj_na_str<-", "Split", function(obj, value) { |
1184 | -+ | ! |
- setMethod(+ obj@split_na_str <- value |
1185 | -+ | ! |
- "tail", "VTableTree",+ obj |
1186 |
- function(x, n = 6L, ...) {+ }) |
1187 |
- if (compareVersion("4.0.0", as.character(getRversion())) <= 0) {+ |
1188 |
- tail.matrix(x, n, keepnums = FALSE)+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1189 |
- } else {+ #' @export |
1190 | -+ | 28097x |
- tail.matrix(x, n, addrownums = FALSE)+ setMethod("obj_na_str", "VTableNodeInfo", function(obj) obj@na_str) |
1191 |
- }+ |
1192 |
- }+ #' @rdname formatters_methods |
1193 |
- )+ #' @export |
1194 | -+ | 1189x |
+ setMethod("obj_na_str", "Split", function(obj) obj@split_na_str) |
1195 |
- setGeneric("head", head)+ |
1196 |
+ .no_na_str <- function(x) { |
1197 | -+ | 15284x |
- setMethod(+ if (!is.character(x)) { |
1198 | -+ | 6138x |
- "head", "VTableTree",+ x <- obj_na_str(x) |
1199 |
- function(x, n = 6L, ...) {+ } |
1200 | -+ | 15284x |
- head.matrix(x, n)+ length(x) == 0 || all(is.na(x)) |
1201 |
- }+ } |
1202 |
- )+ |
1203 |
+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1204 |
- #' Retrieve cell values by row and column path+ setGeneric("set_format_recursive", function(obj, format, na_str, override = FALSE) { |
1205 | -+ | 9139x |
- #'+ standardGeneric("set_format_recursive") |
1206 |
- #' @inheritParams gen_args+ }) |
1207 |
- #' @param rowpath (`character`)\cr path in row-split space to the desired row(s). Can include `"@content"`.+ |
1208 |
- #' @param colpath (`character`)\cr path in column-split space to the desired column(s). Can include `"*"`.+ #' @param override (`flag`)\cr whether to override attribute. |
1209 |
- #' @param omit_labrows (`flag`)\cr whether label rows underneath `rowpath` should be omitted (`TRUE`, the default),+ #' |
1210 |
- #' or return empty lists of cell "values" (`FALSE`).+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1211 |
- #'+ setMethod( |
1212 |
- #' @return+ "set_format_recursive", "TableRow", |
1213 |
- #' * `cell_values` returns a `list` (regardless of the type of value the cells hold). If `rowpath` defines a path to+ function(obj, format, na_str, override = FALSE) { |
1214 | -+ | 1064x |
- #' a single row, `cell_values` returns the list of cell values for that row, otherwise a list of such lists, one for+ if (is.null(format) && .no_na_str(na_str)) { |
1215 | -+ | 532x |
- #' each row captured underneath `rowpath`. This occurs after subsetting to `colpath` has occurred.+ return(obj) |
1216 |
- #' * `value_at` returns the "unwrapped" value of a single cell, or an error, if the combination of `rowpath` and+ } |
1217 |
- #' `colpath` do not define the location of a single cell in `tt`.+ |
1218 | -+ | 532x |
- #'+ if ((is.null(obj_format(obj)) && !is.null(format)) || override) { |
1219 | -+ | 532x |
- #' @note `cell_values` will return a single cell's value wrapped in a list. Use `value_at` to receive the "bare" cell+ obj_format(obj) <- format |
1220 |
- #' value.+ } |
1221 | -+ | 532x |
- #'+ if ((.no_na_str(obj) && !.no_na_str(na_str)) || override) { |
1222 | -+ | ! |
- #' @examples+ obj_na_str(obj) <- na_str |
1223 |
- #' lyt <- basic_table() %>%+ } |
1224 | -+ | 532x |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>%+ lcells <- row_cells(obj) |
1225 | -+ | 532x |
- #' split_cols_by("SEX") %>%+ lvals <- lapply(lcells, function(x) { |
1226 | -+ | 1951x |
- #' split_rows_by("RACE") %>%+ if (!is.null(x) && (override || is.null(obj_format(x)))) { |
1227 | -+ | 53x |
- #' summarize_row_groups() %>%+ obj_format(x) <- obj_format(obj) |
1228 |
- #' split_rows_by("STRATA1") %>%+ } |
1229 | -+ | 1951x |
- #' analyze("AGE")+ if (!is.null(x) && (override || .no_na_str(x))) { |
1230 | -+ | 1951x |
- #'+ obj_na_str(x) <- obj_na_str(obj) |
1231 |
- #' @examplesIf require(dplyr)+ } |
1232 | -+ | 1951x |
- #' library(dplyr) ## for mutate+ x |
1233 |
- #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM %>%+ }) |
1234 | -+ | 532x |
- #' mutate(SEX = droplevels(SEX), RACE = droplevels(RACE)))+ row_values(obj) <- lvals |
1235 | -+ | 532x |
- #'+ obj |
1236 |
- #' row_paths_summary(tbl)+ } |
1237 |
- #' col_paths_summary(tbl)+ ) |
1238 |
- #'+ |
1239 |
- #' cell_values(+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1240 |
- #' tbl, c("RACE", "ASIAN", "STRATA1", "B"),+ setMethod( |
1241 |
- #' c("ARM", "A: Drug X", "SEX", "F")+ "set_format_recursive", "LabelRow", |
1242 | -+ | 11x |
- #' )+ function(obj, format, override = FALSE) obj |
1243 |
- #'+ ) |
1244 |
- #' # it's also possible to access multiple values by being less specific+ |
1245 |
- #' cell_values(+ setMethod( |
1246 |
- #' tbl, c("RACE", "ASIAN", "STRATA1"),+ "set_format_recursive", "VTableTree", |
1247 |
- #' c("ARM", "A: Drug X", "SEX", "F")+ function(obj, format, na_str, override = FALSE) { |
1248 | -+ | 1714x |
- #' )+ force(format) |
1249 | -+ | 1714x |
- #' cell_values(tbl, c("RACE", "ASIAN"), c("ARM", "A: Drug X", "SEX", "M"))+ if (is.null(format) && .no_na_str(na_str)) { |
1250 | -+ | 1707x |
- #'+ return(obj) |
1251 |
- #' ## any arm, male columns from the ASIAN content (i.e. summary) row+ } |
1252 |
- #' cell_values(+ |
1253 | -+ | 7x |
- #' tbl, c("RACE", "ASIAN", "@content"),+ if ((is.null(obj_format(obj)) && !is.null(format)) || override) { |
1254 | -+ | 7x |
- #' c("ARM", "B: Placebo", "SEX", "M")+ obj_format(obj) <- format |
1255 |
- #' )+ } |
1256 | -+ | 7x |
- #' cell_values(+ if ((.no_na_str(obj) && !.no_na_str(na_str)) || override) { |
1257 | -+ | ! |
- #' tbl, c("RACE", "ASIAN", "@content"),+ obj_na_str(obj) <- na_str |
1258 |
- #' c("ARM", "*", "SEX", "M")+ } |
1259 |
- #' )+ |
1260 | -+ | 7x |
- #'+ kids <- tree_children(obj) |
1261 | -+ | 7x |
- #' ## all columns+ kids <- lapply(kids, function(x, format2, na_str2, oride) { |
1262 | -+ | 33x |
- #' cell_values(tbl, c("RACE", "ASIAN", "STRATA1", "B"))+ set_format_recursive(x, |
1263 | -+ | 33x |
- #'+ format = format2, na_str = na_str2, override = oride |
1264 |
- #' ## all columns for the Combination arm+ ) |
1265 |
- #' cell_values(+ }, |
1266 | -+ | 7x |
- #' tbl, c("RACE", "ASIAN", "STRATA1", "B"),+ format2 = obj_format(obj), na_str2 = obj_na_str(obj), oride = override |
1267 |
- #' c("ARM", "C: Combination")+ ) |
1268 | -+ | 7x |
- #' )+ tree_children(obj) <- kids |
1269 | -+ | 7x |
- #'+ obj |
1270 |
- #' cvlist <- cell_values(+ } |
1271 |
- #' tbl, c("RACE", "ASIAN", "STRATA1", "B", "AGE", "Mean"),+ ) |
1272 |
- #' c("ARM", "B: Placebo", "SEX", "M")+ |
1273 |
- #' )+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1274 | -+ | 1875x |
- #' cvnolist <- value_at(+ setGeneric("content_format", function(obj) standardGeneric("content_format")) |
1275 |
- #' tbl, c("RACE", "ASIAN", "STRATA1", "B", "AGE", "Mean"),+ |
1276 |
- #' c("ARM", "B: Placebo", "SEX", "M")+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1277 | -+ | 1875x |
- #' )+ setMethod("content_format", "Split", function(obj) obj@content_format) |
1278 |
- #' stopifnot(identical(cvlist[[1]], cvnolist))+ |
1279 |
- #'+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1280 | -+ | 116x |
- #' @rdname cell_values+ setGeneric("content_format<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("content_format<-")) |
1281 |
- #' @export+ |
1282 |
- setGeneric("cell_values", function(tt, rowpath = NULL, colpath = NULL, omit_labrows = TRUE) {+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1283 | -163x | +
- standardGeneric("cell_values")+ setMethod("content_format<-", "Split", function(obj, value) { |
1284 | -+ | 116x |
- })+ obj@content_format <- value |
1285 | -+ | 116x |
+ obj |
1286 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ }) |
1287 |
- #' @keywords internal+ |
1288 |
- #' @exportMethod cell_values+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1289 | -+ | 1875x |
- setMethod(+ setGeneric("content_na_str", function(obj) standardGeneric("content_na_str")) |
1290 |
- "cell_values", "VTableTree",+ |
1291 |
- function(tt, rowpath, colpath = NULL, omit_labrows = TRUE) {+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1292 | -160x | +1875x |
- .inner_cell_value(tt,+ setMethod("content_na_str", "Split", function(obj) obj@content_na_str) |
1293 | -160x | +
- rowpath = rowpath, colpath = colpath,+ |
1294 | -160x | +
- omit_labrows = omit_labrows, value_at = FALSE+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1295 | -+ | ! |
- )+ setGeneric("content_na_str<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("content_na_str<-")) |
1296 |
- }+ |
1297 |
- )+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1298 |
+ setMethod("content_na_str<-", "Split", function(obj, value) { |
1299 | -+ | ! |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ obj@content_na_str <- value |
1300 | -+ | ! |
- #' @keywords internal+ obj |
1301 |
- #' @exportMethod cell_values+ }) |
1302 |
- setMethod(+ |
1303 |
- "cell_values", "TableRow",+ #' Value formats |
1304 |
- function(tt, rowpath, colpath = NULL, omit_labrows = TRUE) {+ #' |
1305 | -2x | +
- if (!is.null(rowpath)) {+ #' Returns a matrix of formats for the cells in a table. |
1306 | -1x | +
- stop("cell_values on TableRow objects must have NULL rowpath")+ #' |
1307 |
- }+ #' @param obj (`VTableTree` or `TableRow`)\cr a table or row object. |
1308 | -1x | +
- .inner_cell_value(tt,+ #' @param default (`string`, `function`, or `list`)\cr default format. |
1309 | -1x | +
- rowpath = rowpath, colpath = colpath,+ #' |
1310 | -1x | +
- omit_labrows = omit_labrows, value_at = FALSE+ #' @return Matrix (storage mode list) containing the effective format for each cell position in the table |
1311 |
- )+ #' (including 'virtual' cells implied by label rows, whose formats are always `NULL`). |
1312 |
- }+ #' |
1313 |
- )+ #' @seealso [table_shell()] and [table_shell_str()] for information on the table format structure. |
1314 |
+ #' |
1315 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @examples |
1316 |
- #' @keywords internal+ #' lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
1317 |
- #' @exportMethod cell_values+ #' split_rows_by("RACE", split_fun = keep_split_levels(c("ASIAN", "WHITE"))) %>% |
1318 |
- setMethod(+ #' analyze("AGE") |
1319 |
- "cell_values", "LabelRow",+ #' |
1320 |
- function(tt, rowpath, colpath = NULL, omit_labrows = TRUE) {+ #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM) |
1321 | -1x | +
- stop("calling cell_values on LabelRow is not meaningful")+ #' value_formats(tbl) |
1322 |
- }+ #' |
1323 |
- )+ #' @export |
1324 | -+ | 1123x |
+ setGeneric("value_formats", function(obj, default = obj_format(obj)) standardGeneric("value_formats")) |
1325 |
- #' @rdname cell_values+ |
1326 |
- #' @export+ #' @rdname value_formats |
1327 |
- setGeneric("value_at", function(tt, rowpath = NULL, colpath = NULL) {+ setMethod( |
1328 | -8x | +
- standardGeneric("value_at")+ "value_formats", "ANY", |
1329 |
- })+ function(obj, default) { |
1330 | -+ | 762x |
+ obj_format(obj) %||% default |
1331 |
- #' @rdname cell_values+ } |
1332 |
- #' @exportMethod value_at+ ) |
1333 |
- setMethod(+ |
1334 |
- "value_at", "VTableTree",+ #' @rdname value_formats |
1335 |
- function(tt, rowpath, colpath = NULL) {+ setMethod( |
1336 | -7x | +
- .inner_cell_value(tt,+ "value_formats", "TableRow", |
1337 | -7x | +
- rowpath = rowpath, colpath = colpath,+ function(obj, default) { |
1338 | -7x | +245x |
- omit_labrows = FALSE, value_at = TRUE+ if (!is.null(obj_format(obj))) { |
1339 | -+ | 215x |
- )+ default <- obj_format(obj) |
1340 |
- }+ } |
1341 | -+ | 245x |
- )+ formats <- lapply(row_cells(obj), function(x) value_formats(x) %||% default) |
1342 | -+ | 245x |
+ formats |
1343 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ } |
1344 |
- #' @keywords internal+ ) |
1345 |
- #' @exportMethod value_at+ |
1346 |
- setMethod(+ #' @rdname value_formats |
1347 |
- "value_at", "TableRow",+ setMethod( |
1348 |
- function(tt, rowpath, colpath = NULL) {+ "value_formats", "LabelRow", |
1349 | -1x | +
- .inner_cell_value(tt,+ function(obj, default) { |
1350 | -1x | +102x |
- rowpath = rowpath, colpath = colpath,+ rep(list(NULL), ncol(obj)) |
1351 | -1x | +
- omit_labrows = FALSE, value_at = TRUE+ } |
1352 |
- )+ ) |
1353 |
- }+ |
1354 |
- )+ #' @rdname value_formats |
1355 |
+ setMethod( |
1356 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ "value_formats", "VTableTree", |
1357 |
- #' @keywords internal+ function(obj, default) { |
1358 | -+ | 14x |
- #' @exportMethod value_at+ if (!is.null(obj_format(obj))) { |
1359 | -+ | ! |
- setMethod(+ default <- obj_format(obj) |
1360 |
- "value_at", "LabelRow",+ } |
1361 | -+ | 14x |
- function(tt, rowpath, colpath = NULL) {+ rws <- collect_leaves(obj, TRUE, TRUE) |
1362 | -! | +14x |
- stop("calling value_at for LabelRow objects is not meaningful")+ formatrws <- lapply(rws, value_formats, default = default) |
1363 | -+ | 14x |
- }+ mat <- do.call(rbind, formatrws) |
1364 | -+ | 14x |
- )+ row.names(mat) <- row.names(obj) |
1365 | -+ | 14x |
+ mat |
1366 |
- .inner_cell_value <- function(tt,+ } |
1367 |
- rowpath,+ ) |
1368 |
- colpath = NULL,+ |
1369 |
- omit_labrows = TRUE,+ ### Collect all leaves of a current tree |
1370 |
- value_at = FALSE) {+ ### This is a workhorse function in various |
1371 | -169x | +
- if (is.null(rowpath)) {+ ### places |
1372 | -90x | +
- subtree <- tt+ ### NB this is written generally enought o |
1373 |
- } else {+ ### be used on all tree-based structures in the |
1374 | -79x | +
- subtree <- tt_at_path(tt, rowpath)+ ### framework. |
1375 |
- }+ |
1376 | -168x | +
- if (!is.null(colpath)) {+ #' Collect leaves of a `TableTree` |
1377 | -28x | +
- subtree <- subset_cols(subtree, colpath)+ #' |
1378 |
- }+ #' @inheritParams gen_args |
1379 |
+ #' @param incl.cont (`flag`)\cr whether to include rows from content tables within the tree. Defaults to `TRUE`. |
1380 | -168x | +
- rows <- collect_leaves(subtree, TRUE, !omit_labrows)+ #' @param add.labrows (`flag`)\cr whether to include label rows. Defaults to `FALSE`. |
1381 | -168x | +
- if (value_at && (ncol(subtree) != 1 || length(rows) != 1)) {+ #' |
1382 | -3x | +
- stop("Combination of rowpath and colpath does not select individual cell.\n",+ #' @return A list of `TableRow` objects for all rows in the table. |
1383 | -3x | +
- " To retrieve more than one cell value at a time use cell_values().",+ #' |
1384 | -3x | +
- call. = FALSE+ #' @export |
1385 |
- )+ setGeneric("collect_leaves", |
1386 |
- }+ function(tt, incl.cont = TRUE, add.labrows = FALSE) { |
1387 | -165x | +109182x |
- if (length(rows) == 1) {+ standardGeneric("collect_leaves") |
1388 | -92x | +
- ret <- row_values(rows[[1]])+ }, |
1389 | -92x | +
- if (value_at && ncol(subtree) == 1) {+ signature = "tt" |
1390 | -5x | +
- ret <- ret[[1]]+ ) |
1391 |
- }+ |
1392 | -92x | +
- ret+ #' @inheritParams collect_leaves |
1393 |
- } else {+ #' |
1394 | -73x | +
- lapply(rows, row_values)+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1395 |
- }+ #' @exportMethod collect_leaves |
1396 |
- }+ setMethod( |
1397 |
+ "collect_leaves", "TableTree", |
1398 |
- ## empty_table is created in onLoad because it depends on other things there.+ function(tt, incl.cont = TRUE, add.labrows = FALSE) { |
1399 | -+ | 23679x |
+ ret <- c( |
1400 | -+ | 23679x |
- # Helper function to copy or not header, footer, and topleft information+ if (add.labrows && labelrow_visible(tt)) { |
1401 | -+ | 9771x |
- .h_copy_titles_footers_topleft <- function(new,+ tt_labelrow(tt) |
1402 |
- old,+ }, |
1403 | -+ | 23679x |
- keep_titles,+ if (incl.cont) { |
1404 | -+ | 23679x |
- keep_footers,+ tree_children(content_table(tt)) |
1405 |
- keep_topleft,+ }, |
1406 | -+ | 23679x |
- reindex_refs = FALSE,+ lapply(tree_children(tt), |
1407 | -+ | 23679x |
- empt_tbl = empty_table) {+ collect_leaves, |
1408 | -+ | 23679x |
- ## Please note that the standard adopted come from an empty table+ incl.cont = incl.cont, add.labrows = add.labrows |
1409 |
+ ) |
1410 |
- # titles+ ) |
1411 | -2886x | +23679x |
- if (isTRUE(keep_titles)) {+ unlist(ret, recursive = TRUE) |
1412 | -2712x | +
- main_title(new) <- main_title(old)+ } |
1413 | -2712x | +
- subtitles(new) <- subtitles(old)+ ) |
1414 |
- } else {+ |
1415 | -174x | +
- main_title(new) <- main_title(empt_tbl)+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1416 | -174x | +
- subtitles(new) <- subtitles(empt_tbl)+ #' @exportMethod collect_leaves |
1417 |
- }+ setMethod( |
1418 |
+ "collect_leaves", "ElementaryTable", |
1419 |
- # fnotes+ function(tt, incl.cont = TRUE, add.labrows = FALSE) { |
1420 | -2886x | +55000x |
- if (isTRUE(keep_footers)) {+ ret <- tree_children(tt) |
1421 | -2718x | +55000x |
- main_footer(new) <- main_footer(old)+ if (add.labrows && labelrow_visible(tt)) { |
1422 | -2718x | +10700x |
- prov_footer(new) <- prov_footer(old)+ ret <- c(tt_labelrow(tt), ret) |
1423 |
- } else {+ } |
1424 | -168x | +55000x |
- main_footer(new) <- main_footer(empt_tbl)+ ret |
1425 | -168x | +
- prov_footer(new) <- prov_footer(empt_tbl)+ } |
1426 |
- }+ ) |
1428 |
- # topleft+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1429 | -2886x | +
- if (isTRUE(keep_topleft)) {+ #' @exportMethod collect_leaves |
1430 | -2738x | +
- top_left(new) <- top_left(old)+ setMethod( |
1431 |
- } else {+ "collect_leaves", "VTree", |
1432 | -148x | +
- top_left(new) <- top_left(empt_tbl)+ function(tt, incl.cont, add.labrows) { |
1433 | -+ | ! |
- }+ ret <- lapply( |
1434 | -+ | ! |
+ tree_children(tt), |
1435 | -+ | ! |
- # reindex references+ collect_leaves |
1436 | -2886x | +
- if (reindex_refs) {+ ) |
1437 | ! |
- new <- update_ref_indexing(new)+ unlist(ret, recursive = TRUE) |
1439 |
+ ) |
1440 | -2886x | +
- new+ |
1441 |
- }+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1442 |
+ #' @exportMethod collect_leaves |
1443 |
- #' Head and tail methods+ setMethod( |
1444 |
- #'+ "collect_leaves", "VLeaf", |
1445 |
- #' @inheritParams utils::head+ function(tt, incl.cont, add.labrows) { |
1446 | -+ | 686x |
- #' @param keep_topleft (`flag`)\cr if `TRUE` (the default), top_left material for the table will be carried over to the+ list(tt) |
1447 |
- #' subset.+ } |
1448 |
- #' @param keep_titles (`flag`)\cr if `TRUE` (the default), all title material for the table will be carried over to the+ ) |
1449 |
- #' subset.+ |
1450 |
- #' @param keep_footers (`flag`)\cr if `TRUE`, all footer material for the table will be carried over to the subset. It+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1451 |
- #' defaults to `keep_titles`.+ #' @exportMethod collect_leaves |
1452 |
- #' @param reindex_refs (`flag`)\cr defaults to `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, referential footnotes will be reindexed for the+ setMethod( |
1453 |
- #' subset.+ "collect_leaves", "NULL", |
1454 |
- #'+ function(tt, incl.cont, add.labrows) { |
1455 | -+ | ! |
- #' @docType methods+ list() |
1456 |
- #' @export+ } |
1457 |
- #' @rdname head_tail+ ) |
1458 |
- setGeneric("head")+ |
1459 |
+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1460 |
- #' @docType methods+ #' @exportMethod collect_leaves |
1461 |
- #' @export+ setMethod( |
1462 |
- #' @rdname head_tail+ "collect_leaves", "ANY", |
1463 |
- setMethod(+ function(tt, incl.cont, add.labrows) { |
1464 | -+ | ! |
- "head", "VTableTree",+ stop("class ", class(tt), " does not inherit from VTree or VLeaf") |
1465 |
- function(x, n = 6, ..., keep_topleft = TRUE,+ } |
1466 |
- keep_titles = TRUE,+ ) |
1467 |
- keep_footers = keep_titles,+ |
1468 |
- ## FALSE because this is a glance+ n_leaves <- function(tt, ...) { |
1469 | -+ | 202x |
- ## more often than a subset op+ length(collect_leaves(tt, ...)) |
1470 |
- reindex_refs = FALSE) {+ } |
1471 |
- ## default+ |
1472 | -5x | +
- res <- callNextMethod()+ ### Spanning information ---- |
1473 | -5x | +
- res <- .h_copy_titles_footers_topleft(+ |
1474 | -5x | +
- old = x, new = res,+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1475 | -5x | +53605x |
- keep_topleft = keep_topleft,+ setGeneric("row_cspans", function(obj) standardGeneric("row_cspans")) |
1476 | -5x | +
- keep_titles = keep_titles,+ |
1477 | -5x | +
- keep_footers = keep_footers,+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1478 | -5x | +4548x |
- reindex_refs = reindex_refs+ setMethod("row_cspans", "TableRow", function(obj) obj@colspans) |
1479 |
- )+ |
1480 | -5x | +
- res+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1481 |
- }+ setMethod( |
1482 |
- )+ "row_cspans", "LabelRow", |
1483 | -+ | 1494x |
+ function(obj) rep(1L, ncol(obj)) |
1484 |
- #' @docType methods+ ) |
1485 |
- #' @export+ |
1486 |
- #' @rdname head_tail+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1487 | -+ | 3974x |
- setGeneric("tail")+ setGeneric("row_cspans<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("row_cspans<-")) |
1489 |
- #' @docType methods+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1490 |
- #' @export+ setMethod("row_cspans<-", "TableRow", function(obj, value) { |
1491 | -+ | 3974x |
- #' @rdname head_tail+ obj@colspans <- value |
1492 | -+ | 3974x |
- setMethod(+ obj |
1493 |
- "tail", "VTableTree",+ }) |
1494 |
- function(x, n = 6, ..., keep_topleft = TRUE,+ |
1495 |
- keep_titles = TRUE,+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1496 |
- keep_footers = keep_titles,+ setMethod("row_cspans<-", "LabelRow", function(obj, value) { |
1497 |
- ## FALSE because this is a glance+ stop("attempted to set colspans for LabelRow") # nocov |
1498 |
- ## more often than a subset op+ }) |
1499 |
- reindex_refs = FALSE) {+ |
1500 | -4x | +
- res <- callNextMethod()+ ## XXX TODO colapse with above? |
1501 | -4x | +
- res <- .h_copy_titles_footers_topleft(+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1502 | -4x | +48091x |
- old = x, new = res,+ setGeneric("cell_cspan", function(obj) standardGeneric("cell_cspan")) |
1503 | -4x | +
- keep_topleft = keep_topleft,+ |
1504 | -4x | +
- keep_titles = keep_titles,+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1505 | -4x | +
- keep_footers = keep_footers,+ setMethod( |
1506 | -4x | +
- reindex_refs = reindex_refs+ "cell_cspan", "CellValue", |
1507 | -+ | 48091x |
- )+ function(obj) attr(obj, "colspan", exact = TRUE) |
1508 | -4x | +
- res+ ) ## obj@colspan) |
1509 |
- }+ |
1510 |
- )+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1 | +1511 |
- #' @import formatters+ setGeneric( |
2 | +1512 |
- #' @importMethodsFrom formatters toString matrix_form nlines+ "cell_cspan<-",+ |
+ ||
1513 | +6892x | +
+ function(obj, value) standardGeneric("cell_cspan<-") |
3 | +1514 |
- NULL+ ) |
4 | +1515 | |||
5 | +1516 |
- # toString ----+ #' @rdname int_methods |
6 | +1517 |
+ setMethod("cell_cspan<-", "CellValue", function(obj, value) { |
7 | +1518 |
- ## #' @export+ ## obj@colspan <- value+ |
+ ||
1519 | +6892x | +
+ attr(obj, "colspan") <- value+ |
+ ||
1520 | +6892x | +
+ obj |
8 | +1521 |
- ## setGeneric("toString", function(x,...) standardGeneric("toString"))+ }) |
9 | +1522 | |||
10 | +1523 |
- ## ## preserve S3 behavior+ #' @rdname int_methods |
11 | -+ | |||
1524 | +26628x |
- ## setMethod("toString", "ANY", base::toString)+ setGeneric("cell_align", function(obj) standardGeneric("cell_align")) |
12 | +1525 | |||
13 | +1526 |
- ## #' @export+ #' @rdname int_methods |
14 | +1527 |
- ## setMethod("print", "ANY", base::print)+ setMethod( |
15 | +1528 |
+ "cell_align", "CellValue", |
16 | -+ | |||
1529 | +26628x |
- #' Convert an `rtable` object to a string+ function(obj) attr(obj, "align", exact = TRUE) %||% "center" |
17 | +1530 |
- #'+ ) ## obj@colspan) |
18 | +1531 |
- #' @inheritParams formatters::toString+ |
19 | +1532 |
- #' @inheritParams gen_args+ #' @rdname int_methods |
20 | +1533 |
- #' @inherit formatters::toString+ setGeneric( |
21 | +1534 |
- #'+ "cell_align<-", |
22 | -+ | |||
1535 | +56x |
- #' @return A string representation of `x` as it appears when printed.+ function(obj, value) standardGeneric("cell_align<-") |
23 | +1536 |
- #'+ ) |
24 | +1537 |
- #' @examplesIf require(dplyr)+ |
25 | +1538 |
- #' library(dplyr)+ #' @rdname int_methods |
26 | +1539 |
- #'+ setMethod("cell_align<-", "CellValue", function(obj, value) { |
27 | +1540 |
- #' iris2 <- iris %>%+ ## obj@colspan <- value |
28 | -+ | |||
1541 | +56x |
- #' group_by(Species) %>%+ if (is.null(value)) { |
29 | -+ | |||
1542 | +! |
- #' mutate(group = as.factor(rep_len(c("a", "b"), length.out = n()))) %>%+ value <- "center" |
30 | +1543 |
- #' ungroup()+ } else { |
31 | -+ | |||
1544 | +56x |
- #'+ value <- tolower(value) |
32 | +1545 |
- #' lyt <- basic_table() %>%+ } |
33 | -+ | |||
1546 | +56x |
- #' split_cols_by("Species") %>%+ check_aligns(value) |
34 | -+ | |||
1547 | +56x |
- #' split_cols_by("group") %>%+ attr(obj, "align") <- value |
35 | -+ | |||
1548 | +56x |
- #' analyze(c("Sepal.Length", "Petal.Width"), afun = list_wrap_x(summary), format = "xx.xx")+ obj |
36 | +1549 |
- #'+ }) |
37 | +1550 |
- #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, iris2)+ |
38 | +1551 |
- #'+ ### Level (indent) in tree structure ---- |
39 | +1552 |
- #' cat(toString(tbl, col_gap = 3))+ |
40 | +1553 |
- #'+ #' @rdname int_methods |
41 | -+ | |||
1554 | +209x |
- #' @rdname tostring+ setGeneric("tt_level", function(obj) standardGeneric("tt_level")) |
42 | +1555 |
- #' @aliases tostring toString,VTableTree-method+ |
43 | +1556 |
- #' @exportMethod toString+ ## this will hit everything via inheritence |
44 | +1557 |
- setMethod("toString", "VTableTree", function(x,+ #' @rdname int_methods |
45 | -+ | |||
1558 | +209x |
- widths = NULL,+ setMethod("tt_level", "VNodeInfo", function(obj) obj@level) |
46 | +1559 |
- col_gap = 3,+ |
47 | +1560 |
- hsep = horizontal_sep(x),+ #' @rdname int_methods |
48 | -+ | |||
1561 | +2x |
- indent_size = 2,+ setGeneric("tt_level<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("tt_level<-")) |
49 | +1562 |
- tf_wrap = FALSE,+ |
50 | +1563 |
- max_width = NULL,+ ## this will hit everyhing via inheritence |
51 | +1564 |
- fontspec = font_spec(),+ #' @rdname int_methods |
52 | +1565 |
- ttype_ok = FALSE) {+ setMethod("tt_level<-", "VNodeInfo", function(obj, value) { |
53 | -40x | +1566 | +1x |
- toString(+ obj@level <- as.integer(value) |
54 | -40x | +1567 | +1x |
- matrix_form(x,+ obj |
55 | -40x | +|||
1568 | +
- indent_rownames = TRUE,+ }) |
56 | -40x | +|||
1569 | +
- indent_size = indent_size,+ |
57 | -40x | +|||
1570 | +
- fontspec = fontspec,+ #' @rdname int_methods |
58 | -40x | +|||
1571 | +
- col_gap = col_gap+ setMethod( |
59 | +1572 |
- ),+ "tt_level<-", "VTableTree", |
60 | -40x | +|||
1573 | +
- widths = widths, col_gap = col_gap,+ function(obj, value) { |
61 | -40x | +1574 | +1x |
- hsep = hsep,+ obj@level <- as.integer(value) |
62 | -40x | +1575 | +1x |
- tf_wrap = tf_wrap,+ tree_children(obj) <- lapply(tree_children(obj), |
63 | -40x | +1576 | +1x |
- max_width = max_width,+ `tt_level<-`, |
64 | -40x | +1577 | +1x |
- fontspec = fontspec,+ value = as.integer(value) + 1L+ |
1578 | ++ |
+ ) |
65 | -40x | +1579 | +1x |
- ttype_ok = ttype_ok+ obj |
66 | +1580 |
- )+ } |
67 | +1581 |
- })+ ) |
68 | +1582 | |||
69 | +1583 |
- #' Table shells+ #' @rdname int_methods |
70 | +1584 |
- #'+ #' @export |
71 | -+ | |||
1585 | +55475x |
- #' A table shell is a rendering of the table which maintains the structure, but does not display the values, rather+ setGeneric("indent_mod", function(obj) standardGeneric("indent_mod")) |
72 | +1586 |
- #' displaying the formatting instructions for each cell.+ |
73 | +1587 |
- #'+ #' @rdname int_methods |
74 | +1588 |
- #' @inheritParams formatters::toString+ setMethod( |
75 | +1589 |
- #' @inheritParams gen_args+ "indent_mod", "Split", |
76 | -+ | |||
1590 | +2986x |
- #'+ function(obj) obj@indent_modifier |
77 | +1591 |
- #' @return+ ) |
78 | +1592 |
- #' * `table_shell` returns `NULL`, as the function is called for the side effect of printing the shell to the console.+ |
79 | +1593 |
- #' * `table_shell_str` returns the string representing the table shell.+ #' @rdname int_methods |
80 | +1594 |
- #'+ setMethod( |
81 | +1595 |
- #' @seealso [value_formats()] for a matrix of formats for each cell in a table.+ "indent_mod", "VTableNodeInfo", |
82 | -+ | |||
1596 | +24773x |
- #'+ function(obj) obj@indent_modifier |
83 | +1597 |
- #' @examplesIf require(dplyr)+ ) |
84 | +1598 |
- #' library(dplyr)+ |
85 | +1599 |
- #'+ #' @rdname int_methods |
86 | +1600 |
- #' iris2 <- iris %>%+ setMethod( |
87 | +1601 |
- #' group_by(Species) %>%+ "indent_mod", "ANY", |
88 | -- |
- #' mutate(group = as.factor(rep_len(c("a", "b"), length.out = n()))) %>%+ | ||
1602 | +24360x | +
+ function(obj) attr(obj, "indent_mod", exact = TRUE) %||% 0L |
89 | +1603 |
- #' ungroup()+ ) |
90 | +1604 |
- #'+ |
91 | +1605 |
- #' lyt <- basic_table() %>%+ #' @rdname int_methods |
92 | +1606 |
- #' split_cols_by("Species") %>%+ setMethod( |
93 | +1607 |
- #' split_cols_by("group") %>%+ "indent_mod", "RowsVerticalSection", |
94 | +1608 |
- #' analyze(c("Sepal.Length", "Petal.Width"), afun = list_wrap_x(summary), format = "xx.xx")+ ## function(obj) setNames(obj@indent_mods,names(obj))) |
95 | +1609 |
- #'+ function(obj) { |
96 | -+ | |||
1610 | +1647x |
- #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, iris2)+ val <- attr(obj, "indent_mods", exact = TRUE) %||% |
97 | -+ | |||
1611 | +1647x |
- #' table_shell(tbl)+ vapply(obj, indent_mod, 1L) ## rep(0L, length(obj)) |
98 | -+ | |||
1612 | +1647x |
- #'+ setNames(val, names(obj)) |
99 | +1613 |
- #' @export+ } |
100 | +1614 |
- table_shell <- function(tt, widths = NULL, col_gap = 3, hsep = default_hsep(),+ ) |
101 | +1615 |
- tf_wrap = FALSE, max_width = NULL) {+ |
102 | -2x | +|||
1616 | +
- cat(table_shell_str(+ #' @examples |
103 | -2x | +|||
1617 | +
- tt = tt, widths = widths, col_gap = col_gap, hsep = hsep,+ #' lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
104 | -2x | +|||
1618 | +
- tf_wrap = tf_wrap, max_width = max_width+ #' split_rows_by("RACE", split_fun = keep_split_levels(c("ASIAN", "WHITE"))) %>% |
105 | +1619 |
- ))+ #' analyze("AGE") |
106 | +1620 |
- }+ #' |
107 | +1621 |
+ #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM) |
108 | +1622 |
- ## XXX consider moving to formatters, its really just a function+ #' indent_mod(tbl) |
109 | +1623 |
- ## of the MatrixPrintForm+ #' indent_mod(tbl) <- 1L |
110 | +1624 |
- #' @rdname table_shell+ #' tbl |
111 | +1625 |
- #' @export+ #' |
112 | +1626 |
- table_shell_str <- function(tt, widths = NULL, col_gap = 3, hsep = default_hsep(),+ #' @rdname int_methods |
113 | +1627 |
- tf_wrap = FALSE, max_width = NULL) {+ #' @export |
114 | -2x | +1628 | +1474x |
- matform <- matrix_form(tt, indent_rownames = TRUE)+ setGeneric("indent_mod<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("indent_mod<-")) |
115 | -2x | +|||
1629 | +
- format_strs <- vapply(+ |
116 | -2x | +|||
1630 | +
- as.vector(matform$formats),+ #' @rdname int_methods |
117 | -2x | +|||
1631 | +
- function(x) {+ setMethod( |
118 | -18x | +|||
1632 | +
- if (inherits(x, "function")) {+ "indent_mod<-", "Split", |
119 | -1x | +|||
1633 | +
- "<fnc>"+ function(obj, value) { |
120 | -17x | +1634 | +1x |
- } else if (inherits(x, "character")) {+ obj@indent_modifier <- as.integer(value) |
121 | -17x | +1635 | +1x |
- x+ obj |
122 | +1636 |
- } else {+ } |
123 | -! | +|||
1637 | +
- stop("Don't know how to make a shell with formats of class: ", class(x))+ ) |
124 | +1638 |
- }+ |
125 | +1639 |
- }, ""+ #' @rdname int_methods |
126 | +1640 |
- )+ setMethod( |
127 | +1641 |
+ "indent_mod<-", "VTableNodeInfo", |
128 | -2x | +|||
1642 | +
- format_strs_mat <- matrix(format_strs, ncol = ncol(matform$strings))+ function(obj, value) { |
129 | -2x | +1643 | +1470x |
- format_strs_mat[, 1] <- matform$strings[, 1]+ obj@indent_modifier <- as.integer(value) |
130 | -2x | +1644 | +1470x |
- nlh <- mf_nlheader(matform)+ obj |
131 | -2x | +|||
1645 | +
- format_strs_mat[seq_len(nlh), ] <- matform$strings[seq_len(nlh), ]+ } |
132 | +1646 |
+ ) |
133 | -2x | +|||
1647 | +
- matform$strings <- format_strs_mat+ |
134 | -2x | +|||
1648 | +
- if (is.null(widths)) {+ #' @rdname int_methods |
135 | -2x | +|||
1649 | +
- widths <- propose_column_widths(matform)+ setMethod( |
136 | +1650 |
- }+ "indent_mod<-", "CellValue", |
137 | -2x | +|||
1651 | +
- toString(matform,+ function(obj, value) { |
138 | +1652 | 2x |
- widths = widths, col_gap = col_gap, hsep = hsep,+ attr(obj, "indent_mod") <- as.integer(value) |
139 | +1653 | 2x |
- tf_wrap = tf_wrap, max_width = max_width+ obj |
140 | +1654 |
- )+ } |
141 | +1655 |
- }+ ) |
142 | +1656 | |||
143 | +1657 |
- #' Transform an `rtable` to a list of matrices which can be used for outputting+ #' @rdname int_methods |
144 | +1658 |
- #'+ setMethod( |
145 | +1659 |
- #' Although `rtables` are represented as a tree data structure when outputting the table to ASCII or HTML+ "indent_mod<-", "RowsVerticalSection", |
146 | +1660 |
- #' it is useful to map the `rtable` to an in-between state with the formatted cells in a matrix form.+ function(obj, value) { |
147 | -+ | |||
1661 | +1x |
- #'+ if (length(value) != 1 && length(value) != length(obj)) { |
148 | -+ | |||
1662 | +! |
- #' @inheritParams gen_args+ stop( |
149 | -+ | |||
1663 | +! |
- #' @param indent_rownames (`flag`)\cr if `TRUE`, the column with the row names in the `strings` matrix of the output+ "When setting indent mods on a RowsVerticalSection the value ", |
150 | -+ | |||
1664 | +! |
- #' has indented row names (strings pre-fixed).+ "must have length 1 or the number of rows" |
151 | +1665 |
- #' @param expand_newlines (`flag`)\cr whether the matrix form generated should expand rows whose values contain+ ) |
152 | +1666 |
- #' newlines into multiple 'physical' rows (as they will appear when rendered into ASCII). Defaults to `TRUE`.+ } |
153 | -+ | |||
1667 | +1x |
- #' @param fontspec (`font_spec`)\cr The font that should be used by default when+ attr(obj, "indent_mods") <- as.integer(value) |
154 | -+ | |||
1668 | +1x |
- #' rendering this `MatrixPrintForm` object, or NULL (the default).+ obj |
155 | +1669 |
- #' @param col_gap (`numeric(1)`)]\cr The number of spaces (in the font specified+ |
156 | +1670 |
- #' by `fontspec`) that should be placed between columns when the table+ ## obj@indent_mods <- value |
157 | +1671 |
- #' is rendered directly to text (e.g., by `toString` or `export_as_txt`). Defaults+ ## obj |
158 | +1672 |
- #' to `3`.+ } |
159 | +1673 |
- #'+ ) |
160 | +1674 |
- #' @details+ |
161 | +1675 |
- #' The strings in the return object are defined as follows: row labels are those determined by `make_row_df` and cell+ #' @rdname int_methods |
162 | +1676 |
- #' values are determined using `get_formatted_cells`. (Column labels are calculated using a non-exported internal+ setGeneric( |
163 | +1677 |
- #' function.+ "content_indent_mod", |
164 | -+ | |||
1678 | +1219x |
- #'+ function(obj) standardGeneric("content_indent_mod") |
165 | +1679 |
- #' @return A list with the following elements:+ ) |
166 | +1680 |
- #' \describe{+ |
167 | +1681 |
- #' \item{`strings`}{The content, as it should be printed, of the top-left material, column headers, row labels,+ #' @rdname int_methods |
168 | +1682 |
- #' and cell values of `tt`.}+ setMethod( |
169 | +1683 |
- #' \item{`spans`}{The column-span information for each print-string in the `strings` matrix.}+ "content_indent_mod", "Split", |
170 | -+ | |||
1684 | +1219x |
- #' \item{`aligns`}{The text alignment for each print-string in the `strings` matrix.}+ function(obj) obj@content_indent_modifier |
171 | +1685 |
- #' \item{`display`}{Whether each print-string in the strings matrix should be printed.}+ ) |
172 | +1686 |
- #' \item{`row_info`}{The `data.frame` generated by `make_row_df`.}+ |
173 | +1687 |
- #' }+ #' @rdname int_methods |
174 | +1688 |
- #'+ setMethod( |
175 | +1689 |
- #' With an additional `nrow_header` attribute indicating the number of pseudo "rows" that the column structure defines.+ "content_indent_mod", "VTableNodeInfo", |
176 | -+ | |||
1690 | +! |
- #'+ function(obj) obj@content_indent_modifier |
177 | +1691 |
- #' @examplesIf require(dplyr)+ ) |
178 | +1692 |
- #' library(dplyr)+ |
179 | +1693 |
- #'+ #' @rdname int_methods |
180 | +1694 |
- #' iris2 <- iris %>%+ setGeneric( |
181 | +1695 |
- #' group_by(Species) %>%+ "content_indent_mod<-", |
182 | -+ | |||
1696 | +116x |
- #' mutate(group = as.factor(rep_len(c("a", "b"), length.out = n()))) %>%+ function(obj, value) standardGeneric("content_indent_mod<-") |
183 | +1697 |
- #' ungroup()+ ) |
184 | +1698 |
- #'+ |
185 | +1699 |
- #' lyt <- basic_table() %>%+ #' @rdname int_methods |
186 | +1700 |
- #' split_cols_by("Species") %>%+ setMethod( |
187 | +1701 |
- #' split_cols_by("group") %>%+ "content_indent_mod<-", "Split", |
188 | +1702 |
- #' analyze(c("Sepal.Length", "Petal.Width"),+ function(obj, value) { |
189 | -+ | |||
1703 | +116x |
- #' afun = list_wrap_x(summary), format = "xx.xx"+ obj@content_indent_modifier <- as.integer(value) |
190 | -+ | |||
1704 | +116x |
- #' )+ obj |
191 | +1705 |
- #'+ } |
192 | +1706 |
- #' lyt+ ) |
193 | +1707 |
- #'+ |
194 | +1708 |
- #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, iris2)+ #' @rdname int_methods |
195 | +1709 |
- #'+ setMethod( |
196 | +1710 |
- #' matrix_form(tbl)+ "content_indent_mod<-", "VTableNodeInfo", |
197 | +1711 |
- #'+ function(obj, value) {+ |
+ ||
1712 | +! | +
+ obj@content_indent_modifier <- as.integer(value)+ |
+ ||
1713 | +! | +
+ obj |
198 | +1714 |
- #' @export+ } |
199 | +1715 |
- setMethod(+ ) |
200 | +1716 |
- "matrix_form", "VTableTree",+ |
201 | +1717 |
- function(obj,+ ## TODO export these? |
202 | +1718 |
- indent_rownames = FALSE,+ #' @rdname int_methods |
203 | +1719 |
- expand_newlines = TRUE,+ #' @export+ |
+ ||
1720 | +169681x | +
+ setGeneric("rawvalues", function(obj) standardGeneric("rawvalues")) |
204 | +1721 |
- indent_size = 2,+ |
205 | +1722 |
- fontspec = NULL,+ #' @rdname int_methods+ |
+ ||
1723 | +! | +
+ setMethod("rawvalues", "ValueWrapper", function(obj) obj@value) |
206 | +1724 |
- col_gap = 3L) {+ |
207 | -301x | +|||
1725 | +
- stopifnot(is(obj, "VTableTree"))+ #' @rdname int_methods |
208 | -301x | +1726 | +66x |
- check_ccount_vis_ok(obj)+ setMethod("rawvalues", "LevelComboSplitValue", function(obj) obj@combolevels) |
209 | -300x | +|||
1727 | +
- header_content <- .tbl_header_mat(obj) # first col are for row.names+ |
210 | +1728 |
+ #' @rdname int_methods |
211 | -298x | +1729 | +3607x |
- sr <- make_row_df(obj, fontspec = fontspec)+ setMethod("rawvalues", "list", function(obj) lapply(obj, rawvalues)) |
212 | +1730 | |||
213 | -298x | +|||
1731 | +
- body_content_strings <- if (NROW(sr) == 0) {+ #' @rdname int_methods |
214 | -5x | +1732 | +4466x |
- character()+ setMethod("rawvalues", "ANY", function(obj) obj) |
215 | +1733 |
- } else {+ |
216 | -293x | +|||
1734 | +
- cbind(as.character(sr$label), get_formatted_cells(obj))+ #' @rdname int_methods |
217 | -+ | |||
1735 | +85450x |
- }+ setMethod("rawvalues", "CellValue", function(obj) obj[[1]]) |
218 | +1736 | |||
219 | -298x | +|||
1737 | +
- formats_strings <- if (NROW(sr) == 0) {+ #' @rdname int_methods |
220 | -5x | +|||
1738 | +
- character()+ setMethod( |
221 | +1739 |
- } else {+ "rawvalues", "TreePos", |
222 | -293x | +1740 | +228x |
- cbind("", get_formatted_cells(obj, shell = TRUE))+ function(obj) rawvalues(pos_splvals(obj)) |
223 | +1741 |
- }+ ) |
224 | +1742 | |||
225 | -298x | +|||
1743 | +
- tsptmp <- lapply(collect_leaves(obj, TRUE, TRUE), function(rr) {+ #' @rdname int_methods |
226 | -6584x | +|||
1744 | +
- sp <- row_cspans(rr)+ setMethod(+ |
+ |||
1745 | ++ |
+ "rawvalues", "RowsVerticalSection", |
227 | -6584x | +1746 | +2x |
- rep(sp, times = sp)+ function(obj) unlist(obj, recursive = FALSE) |
228 | +1747 |
- })+ ) |
229 | +1748 | |||
230 | +1749 |
- ## the 1 is for row labels+ #' @rdname int_methods |
231 | -298x | +|||
1750 | +
- body_spans <- if (nrow(obj) > 0) {+ #' @export |
232 | -293x | +1751 | +85075x |
- cbind(1L, do.call(rbind, tsptmp))+ setGeneric("value_names", function(obj) standardGeneric("value_names")) |
233 | +1752 |
- } else {+ |
234 | -5x | +|||
1753 | +
- matrix(1, nrow = 0, ncol = ncol(obj) + 1)+ #' @rdname int_methods |
235 | +1754 |
- }+ setMethod( |
236 | +1755 |
+ "value_names", "ANY", |
237 | -298x | +1756 | +38x |
- body_aligns <- if (NROW(sr) == 0) {+ function(obj) as.character(rawvalues(obj)) |
238 | -5x | +|||
1757 | +
- character()+ ) |
239 | +1758 |
- } else {+ |
240 | -293x | +|||
1759 | +
- cbind("left", get_cell_aligns(obj))+ #' @rdname int_methods |
241 | +1760 |
- }+ setMethod( |
242 | +1761 |
+ "value_names", "TreePos", |
243 | -298x | +1762 | +1418x |
- body <- rbind(header_content$body, body_content_strings)+ function(obj) value_names(pos_splvals(obj)) |
244 | +1763 | - - | -||
245 | -298x | -
- hdr_fmt_blank <- matrix("",+ ) |
246 | -298x | +|||
1764 | +
- nrow = nrow(header_content$body),+ |
247 | -298x | +|||
1765 | +
- ncol = ncol(header_content$body)+ #' @rdname int_methods |
248 | +1766 |
- )+ setMethod( |
249 | -298x | +|||
1767 | +
- if (disp_ccounts(obj)) {+ "value_names", "list", |
250 | -36x | +1768 | +6793x |
- hdr_fmt_blank[nrow(hdr_fmt_blank), ] <- c("", rep(colcount_format(obj), ncol(obj)))+ function(obj) lapply(obj, value_names) |
251 | +1769 |
- }+ ) |
252 | +1770 | |||
253 | -298x | +|||
1771 | +
- formats <- rbind(hdr_fmt_blank, formats_strings)+ #' @rdname int_methods |
254 | +1772 |
+ setMethod( |
255 | -298x | +|||
1773 | +
- spans <- rbind(header_content$span, body_spans)+ "value_names", "ValueWrapper", |
256 | -298x | +|||
1774 | +! |
- row.names(spans) <- NULL+ function(obj) rawvalues(obj) |
257 | +1775 |
+ ) |
258 | -298x | +|||
1776 | +
- aligns <- rbind(+ |
259 | -298x | +|||
1777 | +
- matrix(rep("center", length(header_content$body)),+ #' @rdname int_methods |
260 | -298x | +|||
1778 | +
- nrow = nrow(header_content$body)+ setMethod( |
261 | +1779 |
- ),+ "value_names", "LevelComboSplitValue", |
262 | -298x | +1780 | +1601x |
- body_aligns+ function(obj) obj@value |
263 | +1781 |
- )+ ) ## obj@comboname) |
264 | +1782 | |||
265 | -298x | +|||
1783 | +
- aligns[, 1] <- "left" # row names and topleft (still needed for topleft)+ #' @rdname int_methods |
266 | +1784 |
+ setMethod( |
267 | -298x | +|||
1785 | +
- nr_header <- nrow(header_content$body)+ "value_names", "RowsVerticalSection", |
268 | -298x | +1786 | +3270x |
- if (indent_rownames) {+ function(obj) attr(obj, "row_names", exact = TRUE) |
269 | -223x | +|||
1787 | +
- body[, 1] <- indent_string(body[, 1], c(rep(0, nr_header), sr$indent),+ ) ## obj@row_names) |
270 | -223x | +|||
1788 | +
- incr = indent_size+ |
271 | +1789 |
- )+ ## not sure if I need these anywhere |
272 | +1790 |
- # why also formats?+ ## XXX |
273 | -223x | +|||
1791 | +
- formats[, 1] <- indent_string(formats[, 1], c(rep(0, nr_header), sr$indent),+ #' @rdname int_methods |
274 | -223x | +1792 | +5554x |
- incr = indent_size+ setGeneric("value_labels", function(obj) standardGeneric("value_labels")) |
275 | +1793 |
- )+ |
276 | -75x | +|||
1794 | +
- } else if (NROW(sr) > 0) {+ #' @rdname int_methods |
277 | -71x | +|||
1795 | +! |
- sr$indent <- rep(0, NROW(sr))+ setMethod("value_labels", "ANY", function(obj) as.character(obj_label(obj))) |
278 | +1796 |
- }+ |
279 | +1797 | - - | -||
280 | -298x | -
- col_ref_strs <- matrix(vapply(header_content$footnotes, function(x) {- |
- ||
281 | -2771x | -
- if (length(x) == 0) {+ #' @rdname int_methods |
282 | +1798 |
- ""+ setMethod( |
283 | +1799 |
- } else {+ "value_labels", "TreePos", |
284 | -5x | +|||
1800 | +! |
- paste(vapply(x, format_fnote_ref, ""), collapse = " ")+ function(obj) sapply(pos_splvals(obj), obj_label) |
285 | +1801 |
- }+ ) |
286 | -298x | +|||
1802 | +
- }, ""), ncol = ncol(body))+ |
287 | -298x | +|||
1803 | +
- body_ref_strs <- get_ref_matrix(obj)+ #' @rdname int_methods |
288 | +1804 |
+ setMethod("value_labels", "list", function(obj) { |
289 | -298x | +1805 | +3858x |
- body <- matrix(+ ret <- lapply(obj, obj_label) |
290 | -298x | +|||
1806 | +
- paste0(+ if (!is.null(names(obj))) { |
291 | -298x | +1807 | +528x |
- body,+ inds <- vapply(ret, function(x) length(x) == 0, NA) |
292 | -298x | +1808 | +528x |
- rbind(+ ret[inds] <- names(obj)[inds] |
293 | -298x | +|||
1809 | +
- col_ref_strs,+ } |
294 | -298x | +1810 | +3858x |
- body_ref_strs+ ret |
295 | +1811 |
- )+ }) |
296 | +1812 |
- ),+ |
297 | -298x | +|||
1813 | +
- nrow = nrow(body),+ #' @rdname int_methods |
298 | -298x | +|||
1814 | +
- ncol = ncol(body)+ setMethod( |
299 | +1815 |
- )+ "value_labels", |
300 | +1816 |
+ "RowsVerticalSection", |
301 | -298x | +1817 | +1648x |
- ref_fnotes <- get_formatted_fnotes(obj) # pagination will not count extra lines coming from here+ function(obj) setNames(attr(obj, "row_labels", exact = TRUE), value_names(obj)) |
302 | -298x | +|||
1818 | +
- pag_titles <- page_titles(obj)+ ) |
303 | +1819 | |||
304 | -298x | +|||
1820 | +
- MatrixPrintForm(+ #' @rdname int_methods |
305 | -298x | +|||
1821 | +! |
- strings = body,+ setMethod("value_labels", "ValueWrapper", function(obj) obj_label(obj)) |
306 | -298x | +|||
1822 | +
- spans = spans,+ |
307 | -298x | +|||
1823 | +
- aligns = aligns,+ #' @rdname int_methods |
308 | -298x | +|||
1824 | +
- formats = formats,+ setMethod( |
309 | +1825 |
- ## display = display, purely a function of spans, handled in constructor now+ "value_labels", "LevelComboSplitValue", |
310 | -298x | +|||
1826 | +! |
- row_info = sr,+ function(obj) obj_label(obj) |
311 | -298x | +|||
1827 | +
- colpaths = make_col_df(obj)[["path"]],+ ) |
312 | +1828 |
- ## line_grouping handled internally now line_grouping = 1:nrow(body),+ |
313 | -298x | +|||
1829 | +
- ref_fnotes = ref_fnotes,+ #' @rdname int_methods |
314 | -298x | +1830 | +48x |
- nlines_header = nr_header, ## this is fixed internally+ setMethod("value_labels", "MultiVarSplit", function(obj) obj@var_labels) |
315 | -298x | +|||
1831 | +
- nrow_header = nr_header,+ |
316 | -298x | +|||
1832 | +
- expand_newlines = expand_newlines,+ #' @rdname int_methods |
317 | -298x | +1833 | +5714x |
- has_rowlabs = TRUE,+ setGeneric("value_expr", function(obj) standardGeneric("value_expr")) |
318 | -298x | +|||
1834 | +
- has_topleft = TRUE,+ #' @rdname int_methods |
319 | -298x | +1835 | +110x |
- main_title = main_title(obj),+ setMethod("value_expr", "ValueWrapper", function(obj) obj@subset_expression) |
320 | -298x | +|||
1836 | +
- subtitles = subtitles(obj),+ #' @rdname int_methods |
321 | -298x | +|||
1837 | +! |
- page_titles = pag_titles,+ setMethod("value_expr", "ANY", function(obj) NULL) |
322 | -298x | +|||
1838 | +
- main_footer = main_footer(obj),+ ## no setters for now, we'll see about that. |
323 | -298x | +|||
1839 | +
- prov_footer = prov_footer(obj),+ |
324 | -298x | +|||
1840 | +
- table_inset = table_inset(obj),+ #' @rdname int_methods |
325 | -298x | +1841 | +6x |
- header_section_div = header_section_div(obj),+ setGeneric("spl_varlabels", function(obj) standardGeneric("spl_varlabels")) |
326 | -298x | +|||
1842 | +
- horizontal_sep = horizontal_sep(obj),+ |
327 | -298x | +|||
1843 | +
- indent_size = indent_size,+ #' @rdname int_methods |
328 | -298x | +1844 | +6x |
- fontspec = fontspec,+ setMethod("spl_varlabels", "MultiVarSplit", function(obj) obj@var_labels) |
329 | -298x | +|||
1845 | +
- col_gap = col_gap+ |
330 | +1846 |
- )+ #' @rdname int_methods |
331 | +1847 |
- }+ setGeneric( |
332 | +1848 |
- )+ "spl_varlabels<-", |
333 | -+ | |||
1849 | +2x |
+ function(object, value) standardGeneric("spl_varlabels<-") |
334 | +1850 |
+ ) |
335 | +1851 |
- check_ccount_vis_ok <- function(tt) {+ |
336 | -301x | +|||
1852 | +
- ctree <- coltree(tt)+ #' @rdname int_methods |
337 | -301x | +|||
1853 | +
- tlkids <- tree_children(ctree)+ setMethod("spl_varlabels<-", "MultiVarSplit", function(object, value) { |
338 | -301x | +1854 | +2x |
- lapply(tlkids, ccvis_check_subtree)+ object@var_labels <- value |
339 | -300x | +1855 | +2x |
- invisible(NULL)+ object |
340 | +1856 |
- }+ }) |
341 | +1857 | |||
342 | +1858 |
- ccvis_check_subtree <- function(ctree) {- |
- ||
343 | -1508x | -
- kids <- tree_children(ctree)- |
- ||
344 | -1508x | -
- if (is.null(kids)) {+ ## These two are similar enough we could probably combine |
345 | -! | +|||
1859 | +
- return(invisible(NULL))+ ## them but conceptually they are pretty different |
346 | +1860 |
- }+ ## split_exargs is a list of extra arguments that apply |
347 | -1508x | +|||
1861 | +
- vals <- vapply(kids, disp_ccounts, TRUE)+ ## to *all the chidlren*, |
348 | -1508x | +|||
1862 | +
- if (length(unique(vals)) > 1) {+ ## while splv_extra is for *child-specific* extra arguments, |
349 | -1x | +|||
1863 | +
- unmatch <- which(!duplicated(vals))[1:2]+ ## associated with specific values of the split |
350 | -1x | +|||
1864 | +
- stop(+ #' @rdname int_methods |
351 | -1x | +1865 | +3749x |
- "Detected different colcount visibility among sibling facets (those ",+ setGeneric("splv_extra", function(obj) standardGeneric("splv_extra")) |
352 | -1x | +|||
1866 | +
- "arising from the same split_cols_by* layout instruction). This is ",+ |
353 | -1x | +|||
1867 | +
- "not supported.\n",+ #' @rdname int_methods |
354 | -1x | +|||
1868 | +
- "Set count values to NA if you want a blank space to appear as the ",+ setMethod( |
355 | -1x | +|||
1869 | +
- "displayed count for particular facets.\n",+ "splv_extra", "SplitValue", |
356 | -1x | +1870 | +3749x |
- "First disagreement occured at paths:\n",+ function(obj) obj@extra |
357 | -1x | +|||
1871 | +
- .path_to_disp(pos_to_path(tree_pos(kids[[unmatch[1]]]))), "\n",+ ) |
358 | -1x | +|||
1872 | +
- .path_to_disp(pos_to_path(tree_pos(kids[[unmatch[2]]])))+ |
359 | +1873 |
- )+ #' @rdname int_methods |
360 | +1874 |
- }+ setGeneric( |
361 | -1507x | +|||
1875 | +
- lapply(kids, ccvis_check_subtree)+ "splv_extra<-", |
362 | -1507x | +1876 | +2086x |
- invisible(NULL)+ function(obj, value) standardGeneric("splv_extra<-") |
363 | +1877 |
- }+ ) |
364 | +1878 |
+ #' @rdname int_methods |
365 | +1879 |
- .resolve_fn_symbol <- function(fn) {- |
- ||
366 | -448x | -
- if (!is(fn, "RefFootnote")) {- |
- ||
367 | -! | -
- return(NULL)+ setMethod( |
368 | +1880 |
- }+ "splv_extra<-", "SplitValue", |
369 | -448x | +|||
1881 | +
- ret <- ref_symbol(fn)+ function(obj, value) { |
370 | -448x | +1882 | +2086x |
- if (is.na(ret)) {+ obj@extra <- value |
371 | -448x | +1883 | +2086x |
- ret <- as.character(ref_index(fn))+ obj |
372 | +1884 |
} |
373 | -448x | -
- ret- |
- ||
374 | +1885 |
- }+ ) |
375 | +1886 | |||
376 | +1887 |
- format_fnote_ref <- function(fn) {+ #' @rdname int_methods |
377 | -40237x | +1888 | +2233x |
- if (length(fn) == 0 || (is.list(fn) && all(vapply(fn, function(x) length(x) == 0, TRUE)))) {+ setGeneric("split_exargs", function(obj) standardGeneric("split_exargs")) |
378 | -40173x | +|||
1889 | +
- return("")+ |
379 | -64x | +|||
1890 | +
- } else if (is.list(fn) && all(vapply(fn, is.list, TRUE))) {+ #' @rdname int_methods |
380 | -! | +|||
1891 | +
- return(vapply(fn, format_fnote_ref, ""))+ setMethod( |
381 | +1892 |
- }+ "split_exargs", "Split", |
382 | -64x | +1893 | +2181x |
- if (is.list(fn)) {+ function(obj) obj@extra_args |
383 | -59x | +|||
1894 | +
- inds <- unlist(lapply(unlist(fn), .resolve_fn_symbol))+ ) |
384 | +1895 |
- } else {+ |
385 | -5x | +|||
1896 | +
- inds <- .resolve_fn_symbol(fn)+ #' @rdname int_methods |
386 | +1897 |
- }+ setGeneric( |
387 | -64x | +|||
1898 | +
- if (length(inds) > 0) {+ "split_exargs<-", |
388 | -64x | +1899 | +1x |
- paste0(" {", paste(unique(inds), collapse = ", "), "}")+ function(obj, value) standardGeneric("split_exargs<-") |
389 | +1900 |
- } else {+ ) |
390 | +1901 |
- ""+ |
391 | +1902 |
- }+ #' @rdname int_methods |
392 | +1903 |
- }+ setMethod( |
393 | +1904 |
+ "split_exargs<-", "Split", |
394 | +1905 |
- format_fnote_note <- function(fn) {+ function(obj, value) { |
395 | -373x | +1906 | +1x |
- if (length(fn) == 0 || (is.list(fn) && all(vapply(fn, function(x) length(x) == 0, TRUE)))) {+ obj@extra_args <- value |
396 | -! | +|||
1907 | +1x |
- return(character())+ obj |
397 | +1908 |
} |
398 | -373x | +|||
1909 | +
- if (is.list(fn)) {+ )+ |
+ |||
1910 | ++ | + | ||
399 | +1911 | ! |
- return(unlist(lapply(unlist(fn), format_fnote_note)))+ is_labrow <- function(obj) is(obj, "LabelRow") |
400 | +1912 |
- }+ |
401 | +1913 |
+ spl_ref_group <- function(obj) { |
402 | -373x | +1914 | +17x |
- if (is(fn, "RefFootnote")) {+ stopifnot(is(obj, "VarLevWBaselineSplit")) |
403 | -373x | +1915 | +17x |
- paste0("{", .resolve_fn_symbol(fn), "} - ", ref_msg(fn))+ obj@ref_group_value |
404 | +1916 |
- } else {- |
- ||
405 | -! | -
- NULL+ } |
406 | +1917 |
- }+ |
407 | +1918 |
- }+ ### column info |
408 | +1919 | |||
409 | +1920 |
- .fn_ind_extractor <- function(strs) {+ #' Column information/structure accessors |
410 | -! | +|||
1921 | +
- res <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(gsub("\\{([[:digit:]]+)\\}.*", "\\1", strs)))+ #' |
411 | -! | +|||
1922 | +
- res[res == "NA"] <- NA_character_+ #' @inheritParams gen_args |
412 | +1923 |
- ## these mixing is allowed now with symbols+ #' @param df (`data.frame` or `NULL`)\cr data to use if the column information is being |
413 | +1924 |
- ## if(!(sum(is.na(res)) %in% c(0L, length(res))))+ #' generated from a pre-data layout object. |
414 | +1925 |
- ## stop("Got NAs mixed with non-NAS for extracted footnote indices. This should not happen")+ #' @param path (`character` or `NULL`)\cr `col_counts` accessor and setter only. |
415 | -! | +|||
1926 | +
- res+ #' Path (in column structure). |
416 | +1927 |
- }+ #' @param rtpos (`TreePos`)\cr root position. |
417 | +1928 |
+ #' |
418 | +1929 |
- get_ref_matrix <- function(tt) {+ #' @return A `LayoutColTree` object. |
419 | -298x | +|||
1930 | +
- if (ncol(tt) == 0 || nrow(tt) == 0) {+ #' |
420 | -5x | +|||
1931 | +
- return(matrix("", nrow = nrow(tt), ncol = ncol(tt) + 1L))+ #' @rdname col_accessors |
421 | +1932 |
- }+ #' @export |
422 | -293x | +1933 | +4054x |
- rows <- collect_leaves(tt, incl.cont = TRUE, add.labrows = TRUE)+ setGeneric("clayout", function(obj) standardGeneric("clayout")) |
423 | -293x | +|||
1934 | +
- lst <- unlist(lapply(rows, cell_footnotes), recursive = FALSE)+ |
424 | -293x | +|||
1935 | +
- cstrs <- unlist(lapply(lst, format_fnote_ref))+ #' @rdname col_accessors |
425 | -293x | +|||
1936 | +
- bodymat <- matrix(cstrs,+ #' @exportMethod clayout |
426 | -293x | +|||
1937 | +
- byrow = TRUE,+ setMethod( |
427 | -293x | +|||
1938 | +
- nrow = nrow(tt),+ "clayout", "VTableNodeInfo", |
428 | -293x | +1939 | +14x |
- ncol = ncol(tt)+ function(obj) coltree(col_info(obj)) |
429 | +1940 |
- )+ ) |
430 | -293x | +|||
1941 | +
- cbind(vapply(rows, function(rw) format_fnote_ref(row_footnotes(rw)), ""), bodymat)+ |
431 | +1942 |
- }+ #' @rdname col_accessors |
432 | +1943 |
+ #' @exportMethod clayout |
433 | +1944 |
- get_formatted_fnotes <- function(tt) {+ setMethod( |
434 | -298x | +|||
1945 | +
- colresfs <- unlist(make_col_df(tt, visible_only = FALSE)$col_fnotes)+ "clayout", "PreDataTableLayouts", |
435 | -298x | +1946 | +4040x |
- rows <- collect_leaves(tt, incl.cont = TRUE, add.labrows = TRUE)+ function(obj) obj@col_layout |
436 | -298x | +|||
1947 | +
- lst <- c(+ ) |
437 | -298x | +|||
1948 | +
- colresfs,+ |
438 | -298x | +|||
1949 | +
- unlist(+ ## useful convenience for the cascading methods in colby_constructors |
439 | -298x | +|||
1950 | +
- lapply(rows, function(r) unlist(c(row_footnotes(r), cell_footnotes(r)), recursive = FALSE)),+ #' @rdname col_accessors |
440 | -298x | +|||
1951 | +
- recursive = FALSE+ #' @exportMethod clayout+ |
+ |||
1952 | +! | +
+ setMethod("clayout", "ANY", function(obj) PreDataColLayout()) |
441 | +1953 |
- )+ |
442 | +1954 |
- )+ #' @rdname col_accessors |
443 | +1955 |
+ #' @export |
444 | -298x | +1956 | +1456x |
- inds <- vapply(lst, ref_index, 1L)+ setGeneric("clayout<-", function(object, value) standardGeneric("clayout<-")) |
445 | -298x | +|||
1957 | +
- ord <- order(inds)+ |
446 | -298x | +|||
1958 | +
- lst <- lst[ord]+ #' @rdname col_accessors |
447 | -298x | +|||
1959 | +
- syms <- vapply(lst, ref_symbol, "")+ #' @exportMethod clayout<- |
448 | -298x | +|||
1960 | +
- keep <- is.na(syms) | !duplicated(syms)+ setMethod( |
449 | -298x | +|||
1961 | +
- lst <- lst[keep]+ "clayout<-", "PreDataTableLayouts",+ |
+ |||
1962 | ++ |
+ function(object, value) { |
450 | -298x | +1963 | +1456x |
- unique(vapply(lst, format_fnote_note, ""))+ object@col_layout <- value |
451 | -+ | |||
1964 | +1456x |
+ object |
452 | +1965 |
- ## , recursive = FALSE)+ } |
453 | +1966 |
- ## rlst <- unlist(lapply(rows, row_footnotes))+ ) |
454 | +1967 |
- ## lst <-+ |
455 | +1968 |
- ## syms <- vapply(lst, ref_symbol, "")+ #' @rdname col_accessors |
456 | +1969 |
- ## keep <- is.na(syms) | !duplicated(syms)+ #' @export |
457 | -+ | |||
1970 | +263546x |
- ## lst <- lst[keep]+ setGeneric("col_info", function(obj) standardGeneric("col_info")) |
458 | +1971 |
- ## inds <- vapply(lst, ref_index, 1L)+ |
459 | +1972 |
- ## cellstrs <- unlist(lapply(lst, format_fnote_note))+ #' @rdname col_accessors |
460 | +1973 |
- ## rstrs <- unlist(lapply(rows, function(rw) format_fnote_note(row_footnotes(rw))))+ #' @exportMethod col_info |
461 | +1974 |
- ## allstrs <- c(colstrs, rstrs, cellstrs)+ setMethod( |
462 | +1975 |
- ## inds <- .fn_ind_extractor(allstrs)+ "col_info", "VTableNodeInfo", |
463 | -+ | |||
1976 | +232460x |
- ## allstrs[order(inds)]+ function(obj) obj@col_info |
464 | +1977 |
- }+ ) |
465 | +1978 | |||
466 | +1979 |
- .do_tbl_h_piece2 <- function(tt) {+ ### XXX I've made this recursive. Do we ALWAYS want it to be? |
467 | -306x | +|||
1980 | +
- coldf <- make_col_df(tt, visible_only = FALSE)+ ### |
468 | -306x | +|||
1981 | +
- remain <- seq_len(nrow(coldf))+ ### I think we do. |
469 | -306x | +|||
1982 | +
- chunks <- list()+ #' @rdname col_accessors |
470 | -306x | +|||
1983 | +
- cur <- 1+ #' @export |
471 | -306x | +1984 | +70378x |
- na_str <- colcount_na_str(tt)+ setGeneric("col_info<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("col_info<-")) |
472 | +1985 | |||
473 | +1986 |
- ## XXX this would be better as the facet-associated+ #' @return Returns various information about columns, depending on the accessor used. |
474 | +1987 |
- ## format but I don't know that we need to+ #' |
475 | +1988 |
- ## support that level of differentiation anyway...- |
- ||
476 | -306x | -
- cc_format <- colcount_format(tt)+ #' @exportMethod col_info<- |
477 | +1989 |
- ## each iteration of this loop identifies+ #' @rdname col_accessors |
478 | +1990 |
- ## all rows corresponding to one top-level column+ setMethod( |
479 | +1991 |
- ## label and its children, then processes those+ "col_info<-", "TableRow", |
480 | +1992 |
- ## with .do_header_chunk+ function(obj, value) { |
481 | -306x | +1993 | +42168x |
- while (length(remain) > 0) {+ obj@col_info <- value |
482 | -823x | +1994 | +42168x |
- rw <- remain[1]+ obj |
483 | -823x | +|||
1995 | +
- inds <- coldf$leaf_indices[[rw]]+ } |
484 | -823x | +|||
1996 | +
- endblock <- which(coldf$abs_pos == max(inds))+ ) |
485 | +1997 | |||
486 | -823x | +|||
1998 | +
- stopifnot(endblock >= rw)+ .set_cinfo_kids <- function(obj) { |
487 | -823x | +1999 | +21842x |
- chunk_res <- .do_header_chunk(coldf[rw:endblock, ], cc_format, na_str = na_str)+ kids <- lapply( |
488 | -821x | +2000 | +21842x |
- chunk_res <- unlist(chunk_res, recursive = FALSE)+ tree_children(obj), |
489 | -821x | +2001 | +21842x |
- chunks[[cur]] <- chunk_res+ function(x) { |
490 | -821x | +2002 | +51771x |
- remain <- remain[remain > endblock]+ col_info(x) <- col_info(obj) |
491 | -821x | +2003 | +51771x |
- cur <- cur + 1+ x |
492 | +2004 |
- }+ } |
493 | -304x | +|||
2005 | +
- chunks <- .pad_tops(chunks)+ ) |
494 | -304x | +2006 | +21842x |
- lapply(+ tree_children(obj) <- kids |
495 | -304x | +2007 | +21842x |
- seq_len(length(chunks[[1]])),+ obj |
496 | -304x | +|||
2008 | +
- function(i) {+ } |
497 | -466x | +|||
2009 | +
- DataRow(unlist(lapply(chunks, `[[`, i), recursive = FALSE))+ |
498 | +2010 |
- }+ #' @rdname col_accessors |
499 | +2011 |
- )+ #' @exportMethod col_info<- |
500 | +2012 |
- }+ setMethod( |
501 | +2013 |
+ "col_info<-", "ElementaryTable", |
502 | +2014 |
- .pad_end <- function(lst, padto, ncols) {+ function(obj, value) { |
503 | -1259x | +2015 | +14165x |
- curcov <- sum(vapply(lst, cell_cspan, 0L))+ obj@col_info <- value |
504 | -1259x | +2016 | +14165x |
- if (curcov == padto) {+ .set_cinfo_kids(obj) |
505 | -1259x | +|||
2017 | +
- return(lst)+ } |
506 | +2018 |
- }+ ) |
507 | +2019 | |||
508 | -! | +|||
2020 | +
- c(lst, list(rcell("", colspan = padto - curcov)))+ #' @rdname col_accessors |
509 | +2021 |
- }+ #' @exportMethod col_info<- |
510 | +2022 |
+ setMethod( |
511 | +2023 |
- .pad_tops <- function(chunks) {+ "col_info<-", "TableTree", |
512 | -304x | +|||
2024 | +
- lens <- vapply(chunks, length, 1L)+ function(obj, value) { |
513 | -304x | +2025 | +7677x |
- padto <- max(lens)+ obj@col_info <- value |
514 | -304x | +2026 | +7677x |
- needpad <- lens != padto+ if (nrow(content_table(obj))) { |
515 | -304x | +2027 | +2000x |
- if (all(!needpad)) {+ ct <- content_table(obj) |
516 | -298x | +2028 | +2000x |
- return(chunks)+ col_info(ct) <- value |
517 | -+ | |||
2029 | +2000x |
- }+ content_table(obj) <- ct |
518 | +2030 | - - | -||
519 | -6x | -
- for (i in seq_along(lens)) {+ } |
520 | -25x | +2031 | +7677x |
- if (lens[i] < padto) {+ .set_cinfo_kids(obj) |
521 | -10x | +|||
2032 | +
- chk <- chunks[[i]]+ } |
522 | -10x | +|||
2033 | +
- span <- sum(vapply(chk[[length(chk)]], cell_cspan, 1L))+ ) |
523 | -10x | +|||
2034 | +
- chunks[[i]] <- c(+ |
524 | -10x | +|||
2035 | +
- replicate(list(list(rcell("", colspan = span))),+ #' @rdname col_accessors |
525 | -10x | +|||
2036 | +
- n = padto - lens[i]+ #' @param ccount_format (`FormatSpec`)\cr The format to be used by default for column |
526 | +2037 |
- ),+ #' counts throughout this column tree (i.e. if not overridden by a more specific format |
527 | -10x | +|||
2038 | +
- chk+ #' specification). |
528 | +2039 |
- )+ #' @export |
529 | +2040 |
- }+ setGeneric( |
530 | +2041 |
- }+ "coltree", |
531 | -6x | +2042 | +12097x |
- chunks+ function(obj, df = NULL, rtpos = TreePos(), alt_counts_df = df, ccount_format = "(N=xx)") standardGeneric("coltree") |
532 | +2043 |
- }+ ) |
533 | +2044 | |||
534 | +2045 |
- .do_header_chunk <- function(coldf, cc_format, na_str) {+ #' @rdname col_accessors |
535 | +2046 |
- ## hard assumption that coldf is a section+ #' @exportMethod coltree |
536 | +2047 |
- ## of a column dataframe summary that was+ setMethod( |
537 | +2048 |
- ## created with visible_only=FALSE- |
- ||
538 | -823x | -
- nleafcols <- length(coldf$leaf_indices[[1]])+ "coltree", "InstantiatedColumnInfo", |
539 | +2049 |
+ function(obj, df = NULL, rtpos = TreePos(), alt_counts_df = df, ccount_format) { |
540 | -823x | +2050 | +8006x |
- spldfs <- split(coldf, lengths(coldf$path))+ if (!is.null(df)) { |
541 | -823x | +|||
2051 | +! |
- toret <- lapply(+ warning("Ignoring df argument and retrieving already-computed LayoutColTree") |
542 | -823x | +|||
2052 | +
- seq_along(spldfs),+ } |
543 | -823x | +2053 | +8006x |
- function(i) {+ obj@tree_layout |
544 | -1122x | +|||
2054 | +
- rws <- spldfs[[i]]+ } |
545 | -1122x | +|||
2055 | +
- thisbit_vals <- lapply(+ ) |
546 | -1122x | +|||
2056 | +
- seq_len(nrow(rws)),+ |
547 | -1122x | +|||
2057 | +
- function(ri) {+ #' @rdname col_accessors |
548 | -1520x | +|||
2058 | +
- cellii <- rcell(rws[ri, "label", drop = TRUE],+ #' @export coltree |
549 | -1520x | +|||
2059 | +
- colspan = rws$total_span[ri],+ setMethod( |
550 | -1520x | +|||
2060 | +
- footnotes = rws[ri, "col_fnotes", drop = TRUE][[1]]+ "coltree", "PreDataTableLayouts", |
551 | +2061 |
- )+ function(obj, df, rtpos, alt_counts_df = df, ccount_format) { |
552 | -1520x | +2062 | +1x |
- cellii+ coltree(clayout(obj), df, rtpos, alt_counts_df = alt_counts_df, ccount_format = ccount_format) |
553 | +2063 |
- }+ } |
554 | +2064 |
- )+ ) |
555 | -1122x | +|||
2065 | +
- ret <- list(.pad_end(thisbit_vals, padto = nleafcols))+ |
556 | -1122x | +|||
2066 | +
- anycounts <- any(rws$ccount_visible)+ #' @rdname col_accessors |
557 | -1122x | +|||
2067 | +
- if (anycounts) {+ #' @export coltree |
558 | -139x | +|||
2068 | +
- thisbit_ns <- lapply(+ setMethod( |
559 | -139x | +|||
2069 | +
- seq_len(nrow(rws)),+ "coltree", "PreDataColLayout", |
560 | -139x | +|||
2070 | +
- function(ri) {+ function(obj, df, rtpos, alt_counts_df = df, ccount_format) { |
561 | -287x | +2071 | +334x |
- vis_ri <- rws$ccount_visible[ri]+ obj <- set_def_child_ord(obj, df) |
562 | -287x | +2072 | +334x |
- val <- if (vis_ri) rws$col_count[ri] else NULL+ kids <- lapply( |
563 | -287x | +2073 | +334x |
- fmt <- rws$ccount_format[ri]+ obj, |
564 | -287x | +2074 | +334x |
- if (is.character(fmt)) {+ function(x) { |
565 | -287x | +2075 | +342x |
- cfmt_dim <- names(which(sapply(formatters::list_valid_format_labels(), function(x) any(x == fmt))))+ splitvec_to_coltree( |
566 | -287x | +2076 | +342x |
- if (cfmt_dim == "2d") {+ df = df, |
567 | -7x | +2077 | +342x |
- if (grepl("%", fmt)) {+ splvec = x, |
568 | -6x | -
- val <- c(val, 1) ## XXX This is the old behavior but it doesn't take into account parent counts...- |
- ||
569 | -+ | 2078 | +342x |
- } else {+ pos = rtpos, |
570 | -1x | +2079 | +342x |
- stop(+ alt_counts_df = alt_counts_df, |
571 | -1x | +2080 | +342x |
- "This 2d format is not supported for column counts. ",+ global_cc_format = ccount_format |
572 | -1x | +|||
2081 | +
- "Please choose a 1d format or a 2d format that includes a % value."+ ) |
573 | +2082 |
- )+ } |
574 | +2083 |
- }+ ) |
575 | -280x | +2084 | +327x |
- } else if (cfmt_dim == "3d") {+ if (length(kids) == 1) { |
576 | -1x | -
- stop("3d formats are not supported for column counts.")- |
- ||
577 | -+ | 2085 | +320x |
- }+ res <- kids[[1]] |
578 | +2086 |
- }+ } else { |
579 | -285x | +2087 | +7x |
- cellii <- rcell(+ res <- LayoutColTree( |
580 | -285x | +2088 | +7x |
- val,+ lev = 0L, |
581 | -285x | +2089 | +7x |
- colspan = rws$total_span[ri],+ kids = kids, |
582 | -285x | +2090 | +7x |
- format = fmt, # cc_format,+ tpos = rtpos, |
583 | -285x | +2091 | +7x |
- format_na_str = na_str+ spl = RootSplit(), |
584 | -+ | |||
2092 | +7x |
- )+ colcount = NROW(alt_counts_df), |
585 | -285x | +2093 | +7x |
- cellii+ colcount_format = ccount_format |
586 | +2094 |
- }+ ) |
587 | +2095 |
- )+ } |
588 | -137x | +2096 | +327x |
- ret <- c(ret, list(.pad_end(thisbit_ns, padto = nleafcols)))+ disp_ccounts(res) <- disp_ccounts(obj) |
589 | -+ | |||
2097 | +327x |
- }+ res |
590 | -1120x | +|||
2098 | +
- ret+ } |
591 | +2099 |
- }+ ) |
592 | +2100 |
- )+ |
593 | -821x | +|||
2101 | +
- toret+ #' @rdname col_accessors |
594 | +2102 |
- }+ #' @export coltree |
595 | +2103 |
+ setMethod( |
596 | +2104 |
- .tbl_header_mat <- function(tt) {+ "coltree", "LayoutColTree", |
597 | -300x | +|||
2105 | +
- rows <- .do_tbl_h_piece2(tt) ## (clyt)+ function(obj, df, rtpos, alt_counts_df, ccount_format) obj |
598 | -298x | +|||
2106 | +
- cinfo <- col_info(tt)+ ) |
599 | +2107 | |||
600 | -298x | +|||
2108 | +
- nc <- ncol(tt)+ #' @rdname col_accessors |
601 | -298x | +|||
2109 | +
- body <- matrix(rapply(rows, function(x) {+ #' @export coltree |
602 | -456x | +|||
2110 | +
- cs <- row_cspans(x)+ setMethod( |
603 | -456x | +|||
2111 | +
- strs <- get_formatted_cells(x)+ "coltree", "VTableTree", |
604 | -456x | +|||
2112 | +
- strs+ function(obj, df, rtpos, alt_counts_df, ccount_format) coltree(col_info(obj)) |
605 | -298x | +|||
2113 | +
- }), ncol = nc, byrow = TRUE)+ ) |
606 | +2114 | |||
607 | -298x | -
- span <- matrix(rapply(rows, function(x) {- |
- ||
608 | -456x | -
- cs <- row_cspans(x)- |
- ||
609 | -! | +|||
2115 | +
- if (is.null(cs)) cs <- rep(1, ncol(x))+ #' @rdname col_accessors |
610 | -456x | +|||
2116 | +
- rep(cs, cs)+ #' @export coltree |
611 | -298x | +|||
2117 | +
- }), ncol = nc, byrow = TRUE)+ setMethod( |
612 | +2118 |
+ "coltree", "TableRow", |
613 | -298x | +|||
2119 | +
- fnote <- do.call(+ function(obj, df, rtpos, alt_counts_df, ccount_format) coltree(col_info(obj)) |
614 | -298x | +|||
2120 | +
- rbind,+ ) |
615 | -298x | +|||
2121 | +
- lapply(rows, function(x) {+ |
616 | -456x | +2122 | +931x |
- cell_footnotes(x)+ setGeneric("coltree<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("coltree<-")) |
617 | +2123 |
- })+ setMethod( |
618 | +2124 |
- )+ "coltree<-", c("InstantiatedColumnInfo", "LayoutColTree"), |
619 | +2125 |
+ function(obj, value) { |
620 | -298x | +2126 | +502x |
- tl <- top_left(cinfo)+ obj@tree_layout <- value |
621 | -298x | +2127 | +502x |
- lentl <- length(tl)+ obj |
622 | -298x | +|||
2128 | +
- nli <- nrow(body)+ } |
623 | -298x | +|||
2129 | +
- if (lentl == 0) {+ ) |
624 | -262x | +|||
2130 | +
- tl <- rep("", nli)+ |
625 | -36x | +|||
2131 | +
- } else if (lentl > nli) {+ setMethod( |
626 | -20x | +|||
2132 | +
- tl_tmp <- paste0(tl, collapse = "\n")+ "coltree<-", c("VTableTree", "LayoutColTree"), |
627 | -20x | +|||
2133 | +
- tl <- rep("", nli)+ function(obj, value) { |
628 | -20x | +2134 | +429x |
- tl[length(tl)] <- tl_tmp+ cinfo <- col_info(obj) |
629 | -16x | +2135 | +429x |
- } else if (lentl < nli) {+ coltree(cinfo) <- value |
630 | -+ | |||
2136 | +429x |
- # We want topleft alignment that goes to the bottom!+ col_info(obj) <- cinfo |
631 | -7x | +2137 | +429x |
- tl <- c(rep("", nli - lentl), tl)+ obj |
632 | +2138 |
} |
633 | -298x | +|||
2139 | +
- list(+ ) |
634 | -298x | +|||
2140 | +
- body = cbind(tl, body, deparse.level = 0), span = cbind(1, span),+ |
635 | -298x | +|||
2141 | +
- footnotes = cbind(list(list()), fnote)+ #' @rdname col_accessors |
636 | +2142 |
- )+ #' @export |
637 | -+ | |||
2143 | +117582x |
- }+ setGeneric("col_exprs", function(obj, df = NULL) standardGeneric("col_exprs")) |
638 | +2144 | |||
639 | +2145 |
- # get formatted cells ----+ #' @rdname col_accessors |
640 | +2146 |
+ #' @export col_exprs |
641 | +2147 |
- #' Get formatted cells+ setMethod( |
642 | +2148 |
- #'+ "col_exprs", "PreDataTableLayouts", |
643 | -+ | |||
2149 | +1x |
- #' @inheritParams gen_args+ function(obj, df = NULL) col_exprs(clayout(obj), df) |
644 | +2150 |
- #' @param shell (`flag`)\cr whether the formats themselves should be returned instead of the values with formats+ ) |
645 | +2151 |
- #' applied. Defaults to `FALSE`.+ |
646 | +2152 |
- #'+ #' @rdname col_accessors |
647 | +2153 |
- #' @return The formatted print-strings for all (body) cells in `obj`.+ #' @export col_exprs |
648 | +2154 |
- #'+ setMethod( |
649 | +2155 |
- #' @examplesIf require(dplyr)+ "col_exprs", "PreDataColLayout", |
650 | +2156 |
- #' library(dplyr)+ function(obj, df = NULL) { |
651 | -+ | |||
2157 | +1x |
- #'+ if (is.null(df)) { |
652 | -+ | |||
2158 | +! |
- #' iris2 <- iris %>%+ stop("can't determine col_exprs without data") |
653 | +2159 |
- #' group_by(Species) %>%+ } |
654 | -+ | |||
2160 | +1x |
- #' mutate(group = as.factor(rep_len(c("a", "b"), length.out = n()))) %>%+ ct <- coltree(obj, df = df) |
655 | -+ | |||
2161 | +1x |
- #' ungroup()+ make_col_subsets(ct, df = df) |
656 | +2162 |
- #'+ } |
657 | +2163 |
- #' tbl <- basic_table() %>%+ ) |
658 | +2164 |
- #' split_cols_by("Species") %>%+ |
659 | +2165 |
- #' split_cols_by("group") %>%+ #' @rdname col_accessors |
660 | +2166 |
- #' analyze(c("Sepal.Length", "Petal.Width"), afun = list_wrap_x(summary), format = "xx.xx") %>%+ #' @export col_exprs |
661 | +2167 |
- #' build_table(iris2)+ setMethod( |
662 | +2168 |
- #'+ "col_exprs", "InstantiatedColumnInfo", |
663 | +2169 |
- #' get_formatted_cells(tbl)+ function(obj, df = NULL) { |
664 | -+ | |||
2170 | +117580x |
- #'+ if (!is.null(df)) { |
665 | -+ | |||
2171 | +! |
- #' @export+ warning("Ignoring df method when extracted precomputed column subsetting expressions.") |
666 | +2172 |
- #' @rdname gfc+ } |
667 | -37395x | +2173 | +117580x |
- setGeneric("get_formatted_cells", function(obj, shell = FALSE) standardGeneric("get_formatted_cells"))+ obj@subset_exprs |
668 | +2174 |
+ } |
669 | +2175 |
- #' @rdname gfc+ ) |
670 | +2176 |
- setMethod(+ |
671 | +2177 |
- "get_formatted_cells", "TableTree",+ #' @rdname int_methods+ |
+ ||
2178 | +2603x | +
+ setGeneric("col_extra_args", function(obj, df = NULL) standardGeneric("col_extra_args")) |
672 | +2179 |
- function(obj, shell = FALSE) {+ |
673 | -2732x | +|||
2180 | +
- lr <- get_formatted_cells(tt_labelrow(obj), shell = shell)+ #' @rdname int_methods |
674 | +2181 |
+ setMethod( |
675 | -2732x | +|||
2182 | +
- ct <- get_formatted_cells(content_table(obj), shell = shell)+ "col_extra_args", "InstantiatedColumnInfo", |
676 | +2183 |
+ function(obj, df) { |
677 | -2732x | +2184 | +2276x |
- els <- lapply(tree_children(obj), get_formatted_cells, shell = shell)+ if (!is.null(df)) { |
678 | -+ | |||
2185 | +! |
+ warning("Ignorning df when retrieving already-computed column extra arguments.") |
679 | +2186 |
- ## TODO fix ncol problem for rrow()+ } |
680 | -2732x | +2187 | +2276x |
- if (ncol(ct) == 0 && ncol(lr) != ncol(ct)) {+ obj@cextra_args |
681 | -751x | +|||
2188 | +
- ct <- lr[NULL, ]+ } |
682 | +2189 |
- }+ ) |
683 | +2190 | |||
684 | -2732x | +|||
2191 | +
- do.call(rbind, c(list(lr), list(ct), els))+ #' @rdname int_methods |
685 | +2192 |
- }+ setMethod( |
686 | +2193 |
- )+ "col_extra_args", "PreDataTableLayouts", |
687 | +2194 |
+ function(obj, df) col_extra_args(clayout(obj), df) |
688 | +2195 |
- #' @rdname gfc+ ) |
689 | +2196 |
- setMethod(+ |
690 | +2197 |
- "get_formatted_cells", "ElementaryTable",+ #' @rdname int_methods |
691 | +2198 |
- function(obj, shell = FALSE) {+ setMethod( |
692 | -5433x | +|||
2199 | +
- lr <- get_formatted_cells(tt_labelrow(obj), shell = shell)+ "col_extra_args", "PreDataColLayout", |
693 | -5433x | +|||
2200 | +
- els <- lapply(tree_children(obj), get_formatted_cells, shell = shell)+ function(obj, df) { |
694 | -5433x | +|||
2201 | +! |
- do.call(rbind, c(list(lr), els))+ col_extra_args(coltree(obj, df), NULL) |
695 | +2202 |
} |
696 | +2203 |
) |
697 | +2204 | |||
698 | +2205 |
- #' @rdname gfc+ #' @rdname int_methods |
699 | +2206 |
setMethod( |
700 | -- |
- "get_formatted_cells", "TableRow",- |
- ||
701 | +2207 |
- function(obj, shell = FALSE) {+ "col_extra_args", "LayoutColTree", |
702 | +2208 |
- # Parent row format and na_str+ function(obj, df) { |
703 | -21037x | +2209 | +327x |
- pr_row_format <- if (is.null(obj_format(obj))) "xx" else obj_format(obj)+ if (!is.null(df)) { |
704 | -21037x | +|||
2210 | +! |
- pr_row_na_str <- obj_na_str(obj) %||% "NA"+ warning("Ignoring df argument and returning already calculated extra arguments") |
705 | +2211 |
+ } |
706 | -21037x | +2212 | +327x |
- matrix(+ get_col_extras(obj) |
707 | -21037x | +|||
2213 | +
- unlist(Map(function(val, spn, shelli) {+ } |
708 | -100818x | +|||
2214 | +
- stopifnot(is(spn, "integer"))+ ) |
709 | +2215 | |||
710 | -100818x | -
- out <- format_rcell(val,- |
- ||
711 | -100818x | +|||
2216 | +
- pr_row_format = pr_row_format,+ #' @rdname int_methods |
712 | -100818x | +|||
2217 | +
- pr_row_na_str = pr_row_na_str,+ setMethod( |
713 | -100818x | +|||
2218 | +
- shell = shelli+ "col_extra_args", "LayoutColLeaf", |
714 | +2219 |
- )+ function(obj, df) { |
715 | -100818x | +|||
2220 | +! |
- if (!is.function(out) && is.character(out)) {+ if (!is.null(df)) { |
716 | -100810x | +|||
2221 | +! |
- out <- paste(out, collapse = ", ")+ warning("Ignoring df argument and returning already calculated extra arguments") |
717 | +2222 |
- }+ } |
718 | +2223 | |||
719 | -100818x | +|||
2224 | +! |
- rep(list(out), spn)+ get_pos_extra(pos = tree_pos(obj)) |
720 | -21037x | +|||
2225 | +
- }, val = row_cells(obj), spn = row_cspans(obj), shelli = shell)),+ } |
721 | -21037x | +|||
2226 | +
- ncol = ncol(obj)+ ) |
722 | +2227 |
- )+ |
723 | +2228 |
- }+ #' @seealso [facet_colcount()] |
724 | +2229 |
- )+ #' @export |
725 | +2230 | ++ |
+ #' @rdname col_accessors+ |
+ |
2231 | +2052x | +
+ setGeneric("col_counts", function(obj, path = NULL) standardGeneric("col_counts"))+ |
+ ||
2232 | ||||
726 | +2233 |
- #' @rdname gfc+ #' @export |
727 | +2234 |
- setMethod(+ #' @rdname col_accessors |
728 | +2235 |
- "get_formatted_cells", "LabelRow",+ setMethod( |
729 | +2236 |
- function(obj, shell = FALSE) {+ "col_counts", "InstantiatedColumnInfo", |
730 | -8193x | +|||
2237 | +
- nc <- ncol(obj) # TODO note rrow() or rrow("label") has the wrong ncol+ function(obj, path = NULL) { |
731 | -8193x | +2238 | +2035x |
- vstr <- if (shell) "-" else ""+ if (is.null(path)) { |
732 | -8193x | +2239 | +2034x |
- if (labelrow_visible(obj)) {+ lfs <- collect_leaves(coltree(obj)) |
733 | -2988x | +2240 | +2034x |
- matrix(rep(vstr, nc), ncol = nc)+ ret <- vapply(lfs, facet_colcount, 1L, path = NULL) |
734 | +2241 |
} else { |
735 | -5205x | +2242 | +1x |
- matrix(character(0), ncol = nc)+ ret <- facet_colcount(obj, path) |
736 | +2243 |
} |
737 | +2244 |
- }+ ## required for strict backwards compatibility, |
738 | +2245 |
- )+ ## even though its undesirable behavior. |
739 | -+ | |||
2246 | +2035x |
+ unname(ret) |
740 | +2247 |
- #' @rdname gfc+ } |
741 | -13256x | +|||
2248 | +
- setGeneric("get_cell_aligns", function(obj) standardGeneric("get_cell_aligns"))+ ) |
742 | +2249 | |||
743 | +2250 |
- #' @rdname gfc+ #' @export |
744 | +2251 |
- setMethod(+ #' @rdname col_accessors |
745 | +2252 |
- "get_cell_aligns", "TableTree",+ setMethod( |
746 | +2253 |
- function(obj) {+ "col_counts", "VTableNodeInfo", |
747 | -1364x | +2254 | +17x |
- lr <- get_cell_aligns(tt_labelrow(obj))+ function(obj, path = NULL) col_counts(col_info(obj), path = path) |
748 | +2255 | - - | -||
749 | -1364x | -
- ct <- get_cell_aligns(content_table(obj))+ ) |
750 | +2256 | |||
751 | -1364x | -
- els <- lapply(tree_children(obj), get_cell_aligns)- |
- ||
752 | +2257 |
+ #' @export |
753 | +2258 |
- ## TODO fix ncol problem for rrow()+ #' @rdname col_accessors |
754 | -1364x | +2259 | +14x |
- if (ncol(ct) == 0 && ncol(lr) != ncol(ct)) {+ setGeneric("col_counts<-", function(obj, path = NULL, value) standardGeneric("col_counts<-")) |
755 | -375x | +|||
2260 | +
- ct <- lr[NULL, ]+ |
756 | +2261 |
- }+ #' @export |
757 | +2262 |
+ #' @rdname col_accessors |
758 | -1364x | +|||
2263 | +
- do.call(rbind, c(list(lr), list(ct), els))+ setMethod( |
759 | +2264 |
- }+ "col_counts<-", "InstantiatedColumnInfo", |
760 | +2265 |
- )+ function(obj, path = NULL, value) { |
761 | +2266 |
+ ## obj@counts[.path_to_pos(path, obj, cols = TRUE)] <- value |
762 | +2267 |
- #' @rdname gfc+ ## obj |
763 | -+ | |||
2268 | +9x |
- setMethod(+ if (!is.null(path)) { |
764 | -+ | |||
2269 | +1x |
- "get_cell_aligns", "ElementaryTable",+ all_paths <- list(path) |
765 | +2270 |
- function(obj) {+ } else { |
766 | -2712x | +2271 | +8x |
- lr <- get_cell_aligns(tt_labelrow(obj))+ all_paths <- make_col_df(obj, visible_only = TRUE)$path |
767 | -2712x | +|||
2272 | +
- els <- lapply(tree_children(obj), get_cell_aligns)+ } |
768 | -2712x | +2273 | +9x |
- do.call(rbind, c(list(lr), els))+ if (length(value) != length(all_paths)) { |
769 | -+ | |||
2274 | +! |
- }+ stop( |
770 | -+ | |||
2275 | +! |
- )+ "Got ", length(value), " values for ", |
771 | -+ | |||
2276 | +! |
+ length(all_paths), " column paths", |
772 | -+ | |||
2277 | +! |
- #' @rdname gfc+ if (is.null(path)) " (from path = NULL)", |
773 | +2278 |
- setMethod(+ "." |
774 | +2279 |
- "get_cell_aligns", "TableRow",+ ) |
775 | +2280 |
- function(obj) {+ } |
776 | -5090x | +2281 | +9x |
- als <- vapply(row_cells(obj), cell_align, "")+ ctree <- coltree(obj) |
777 | -5090x | +2282 | +9x |
- spns <- row_cspans(obj)+ for (i in seq_along(all_paths)) {+ |
2283 | +73x | +
+ facet_colcount(ctree, all_paths[[i]]) <- value[i] |
778 | +2284 |
+ } |
779 | -5090x | +2285 | +9x |
- matrix(rep(als, times = spns),+ coltree(obj) <- ctree |
780 | -5090x | +2286 | +9x |
- ncol = ncol(obj)+ obj |
781 | +2287 |
- )+ } |
782 | +2288 |
- }+ ) |
783 | +2289 |
- )+ |
784 | +2290 |
+ #' @export |
785 | +2291 |
- #' @rdname gfc+ #' @rdname col_accessors |
786 | +2292 |
setMethod( |
787 | +2293 |
- "get_cell_aligns", "LabelRow",+ "col_counts<-", "VTableNodeInfo", |
788 | +2294 |
- function(obj) {+ function(obj, path = NULL, value) { |
789 | -4090x | +2295 | +5x |
- nc <- ncol(obj) # TODO note rrow() or rrow("label") has the wrong ncol+ cinfo <- col_info(obj) |
790 | -4090x | +2296 | +5x |
- if (labelrow_visible(obj)) {+ col_counts(cinfo, path = path) <- value |
791 | -1494x | -
- matrix(rep("center", nc), ncol = nc)- |
- ||
792 | -+ | 2297 | +5x |
- } else {+ col_info(obj) <- cinfo |
793 | -2596x | +2298 | +5x |
- matrix(character(0), ncol = nc)+ obj |
794 | +2299 |
- }+ } |
795 | +2300 |
- }+ ) |
796 | +2301 |
- )+ |
797 | +2302 |
+ #' @export |
798 | +2303 |
- # utility functions ----+ #' @rdname col_accessors+ |
+ ||
2304 | +1628x | +
+ setGeneric("col_total", function(obj) standardGeneric("col_total")) |
799 | +2305 | |||
800 | +2306 |
- #' From a sorted sequence of numbers, remove numbers where diff == 1+ #' @export |
801 | +2307 |
- #'+ #' @rdname col_accessors |
802 | +2308 |
- #' @examples+ setMethod( |
803 | +2309 |
- #' remove_consecutive_numbers(x = c(2, 4, 9))+ "col_total", "InstantiatedColumnInfo", |
804 | -+ | |||
2310 | +1627x |
- #' remove_consecutive_numbers(x = c(2, 4, 5, 9))+ function(obj) obj@total_count |
805 | +2311 |
- #' remove_consecutive_numbers(x = c(2, 4, 5, 6, 9))+ ) |
806 | +2312 |
- #' remove_consecutive_numbers(x = 4:9)+ |
807 | +2313 |
- #'+ #' @export |
808 | +2314 |
- #' @noRd+ #' @rdname col_accessors |
809 | +2315 |
- remove_consecutive_numbers <- function(x) {+ setMethod( |
810 | +2316 |
- # actually should be integer+ "col_total", "VTableNodeInfo", |
811 | -! | +|||
2317 | +1x |
- stopifnot(is.wholenumber(x), is.numeric(x), !is.unsorted(x))+ function(obj) col_total(col_info(obj)) |
812 | +2318 |
+ ) |
813 | -! | +|||
2319 | +
- if (length(x) == 0) {+ |
814 | -! | +|||
2320 | +
- return(integer(0))+ #' @export |
815 | +2321 |
- }+ #' @rdname col_accessors |
816 | -! | +|||
2322 | +2x |
- if (!is.integer(x)) x <- as.integer(x)+ setGeneric("col_total<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("col_total<-")) |
817 | +2323 | |||
818 | -! | +|||
2324 | +
- x[c(TRUE, diff(x) != 1)]+ #' @export |
819 | +2325 |
- }+ #' @rdname col_accessors |
820 | +2326 |
+ setMethod( |
821 | +2327 |
- #' Insert an empty string+ "col_total<-", "InstantiatedColumnInfo", |
822 | +2328 |
- #'+ function(obj, value) { |
823 | +2329 |
- #' @examples+ ## all methods funnel to this one so ensure integer-ness here. |
824 | -+ | |||
2330 | +1x |
- #' empty_string_after(letters[1:5], 2)+ obj@total_count <- as.integer(value)+ |
+ ||
2331 | +1x | +
+ obj |
825 | +2332 |
- #' empty_string_after(letters[1:5], c(2, 4))+ } |
826 | +2333 |
- #'+ ) |
827 | +2334 |
- #' @noRd+ |
828 | +2335 |
- empty_string_after <- function(x, indices) {+ #' @export |
829 | -! | +|||
2336 | +
- if (length(indices) > 0) {+ #' @rdname col_accessors |
830 | -! | +|||
2337 | +
- offset <- 0+ setMethod( |
831 | -! | +|||
2338 | +
- for (i in sort(indices)) {+ "col_total<-", "VTableNodeInfo", |
832 | -! | +|||
2339 | +
- x <- append(x, "", i + offset)+ function(obj, value) { |
833 | -! | +|||
2340 | +1x |
- offset <- offset + 1+ cinfo <- col_info(obj) |
834 | -+ | |||
2341 | +1x |
- }+ col_total(cinfo) <- value |
835 | -+ | |||
2342 | +1x |
- }+ col_info(obj) <- cinfo |
836 | -! | +|||
2343 | +1x |
- x+ obj |
837 | +2344 |
- }+ } |
838 | +2345 |
+ ) |
839 | +2346 |
- #' Indent strings+ |
840 | +2347 |
- #'+ #' @rdname int_methods |
841 | -+ | |||
2348 | +19164x |
- #' Used in rtables to indent row names for the ASCII output.+ setGeneric("disp_ccounts", function(obj) standardGeneric("disp_ccounts")) |
842 | +2349 |
- #'+ |
843 | +2350 |
- #' @param x (`character`)\cr a character vector.+ #' @rdname int_methods |
844 | +2351 |
- #' @param indent (`numeric`)\cr a vector of non-negative integers of length `length(x)`.+ setMethod( |
845 | +2352 |
- #' @param incr (`integer(1)`)\cr a non-negative number of spaces per indent level.+ "disp_ccounts", "VTableTree", |
846 | -+ | |||
2353 | +313x |
- #' @param including_newline (`flag`)\cr whether newlines should also be indented.+ function(obj) disp_ccounts(col_info(obj)) |
847 | +2354 |
- #'+ ) |
848 | +2355 |
- #' @return `x`, indented with left-padding with `indent * incr` white-spaces.+ |
849 | +2356 |
- #'+ #' @rdname int_methods |
850 | +2357 |
- #' @examples+ setMethod( |
851 | +2358 |
- #' indent_string("a", 0)+ "disp_ccounts", "InstantiatedColumnInfo", |
852 | -+ | |||
2359 | +610x |
- #' indent_string("a", 1)+ function(obj) obj@display_columncounts |
853 | +2360 |
- #' indent_string(letters[1:3], 0:2)+ ) |
854 | +2361 |
- #' indent_string(paste0(letters[1:3], "\n", LETTERS[1:3]), 0:2)+ |
855 | +2362 |
- #'+ #' @rdname int_methods |
856 | +2363 |
- #' @export+ setMethod( |
857 | +2364 |
- indent_string <- function(x, indent = 0, incr = 2, including_newline = TRUE) {- |
- ||
858 | -598x | -
- if (length(x) > 0) {- |
- ||
859 | -598x | -
- indent <- rep_len(indent, length.out = length(x))+ "disp_ccounts", "PreDataTableLayouts", |
860 | -598x | +2365 | +976x |
- incr <- rep_len(incr, length.out = length(x))+ function(obj) disp_ccounts(clayout(obj)) |
861 | +2366 |
- }+ ) |
862 | +2367 | |||
863 | -598x | -
- indent_str <- strrep(" ", (indent > 0) * indent * incr)- |
- ||
864 | +2368 | - - | -||
865 | -598x | -
- if (including_newline) {- |
- ||
866 | -598x | -
- x <- unlist(mapply(function(xi, stri) {- |
- ||
867 | -12796x | -
- gsub("\n", stri, xi, fixed = TRUE)- |
- ||
868 | -598x | -
- }, x, paste0("\n", indent_str)))+ #' @rdname int_methods |
869 | +2369 |
- }+ setMethod( |
870 | +2370 |
+ "disp_ccounts", "PreDataColLayout", |
871 | -598x | +2371 | +1303x |
- paste0(indent_str, x)+ function(obj) obj@display_columncounts |
872 | +2372 |
- }+ ) |
873 | +2373 | |||
874 | +2374 |
- ## .paste_no_na <- function(x, ...) {+ #' @rdname int_methods |
875 | +2375 |
- ## paste(na.omit(x), ...)+ setMethod( |
876 | +2376 |
- ## }+ "disp_ccounts", "LayoutColTree", |
877 | -+ | |||
2377 | +717x |
+ function(obj) obj@display_columncounts |
878 | +2378 |
- ## #' Pad a string and align within string+ ) |
879 | +2379 |
- ## #'+ |
880 | +2380 |
- ## #' @param x string+ #' @rdname int_methods |
881 | +2381 |
- ## #' @param n number of character of the output string, if `n < nchar(x)` an error is thrown+ setMethod( |
882 | +2382 |
- ## #'+ "disp_ccounts", "LayoutColLeaf", |
883 | -+ | |||
2383 | +13829x |
- ## #' @noRd+ function(obj) obj@display_columncounts |
884 | +2384 |
- ## #'+ ) |
885 | +2385 |
- ## #' @examples+ |
886 | +2386 |
- ## #'+ #' @rdname int_methods |
887 | +2387 |
- ## #' padstr("abc", 3)+ setMethod( |
888 | +2388 |
- ## #' padstr("abc", 4)+ "disp_ccounts", "Split", |
889 | -+ | |||
2389 | +1269x |
- ## #' padstr("abc", 5)+ function(obj) obj@child_show_colcounts |
890 | +2390 |
- ## #' padstr("abc", 5, "left")+ ) |
891 | +2391 |
- ## #' padstr("abc", 5, "right")+ |
892 | +2392 |
- ## #'+ #' @rdname int_methods |
893 | -+ | |||
2393 | +2266x |
- ## #' if(interactive()){+ setGeneric("disp_ccounts<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("disp_ccounts<-")) |
894 | +2394 |
- ## #' padstr("abc", 1)+ |
895 | +2395 |
- ## #' }+ #' @rdname int_methods |
896 | +2396 |
- ## #'+ setMethod( |
897 | +2397 |
- ## padstr <- function(x, n, just = c("center", "left", "right")) {+ "disp_ccounts<-", "VTableTree", |
898 | +2398 |
+ function(obj, value) { |
899 | -+ | |||
2399 | +1x |
- ## just <- match.arg(just)+ cinfo <- col_info(obj) |
900 | -+ | |||
2400 | +1x |
+ disp_ccounts(cinfo) <- value |
901 | -+ | |||
2401 | +1x |
- ## if (length(x) != 1) stop("length of x needs to be 1 and not", length(x))+ col_info(obj) <- cinfo |
902 | -+ | |||
2402 | +1x |
- ## if (is.na(n) || !is.numeric(n) || n < 0) stop("n needs to be numeric and > 0")+ obj |
903 | +2403 |
+ } |
904 | +2404 |
- ## if (is.na(x)) x <- "<NA>"+ ) |
905 | +2405 | |||
906 | +2406 |
- ## nc <- nchar(x)+ #' @rdname int_methods |
907 | +2407 |
+ setMethod( |
908 | +2408 |
- ## if (n < nc) stop("\"", x, "\" has more than ", n, " characters")+ "disp_ccounts<-", "InstantiatedColumnInfo", |
909 | +2409 |
+ function(obj, value) { |
910 | -+ | |||
2410 | +2x |
- ## switch(+ obj@display_columncounts <- value |
911 | -+ | |||
2411 | +2x |
- ## just,+ obj |
912 | +2412 |
- ## center = {+ } |
913 | +2413 |
- ## pad <- (n - nc)/2+ ) |
914 | +2414 |
- ## paste0(spaces(floor(pad)), x, spaces(ceiling(pad)))+ |
915 | +2415 |
- ## },+ #' @rdname int_methods |
916 | +2416 |
- ## left = paste0(x, spaces(n - nc)),+ setMethod( |
917 | +2417 |
- ## right = paste0(spaces(n - nc), x)+ "disp_ccounts<-", "PreDataColLayout", |
918 | +2418 |
- ## )+ function(obj, value) { |
919 | -+ | |||
2419 | +332x |
- ## }+ obj@display_columncounts <- value |
920 | -+ | |||
2420 | +332x |
+ obj |
921 | +2421 |
- ## spaces <- function(n) {+ } |
922 | +2422 |
- ## strrep(" ", n)+ ) |
923 | +2423 |
- ## }+ |
924 | +2424 |
+ #' @rdname int_methods |
925 | +2425 |
- #' Convert matrix of strings into a string with aligned columns+ setMethod( |
926 | +2426 |
- #'+ "disp_ccounts<-", "LayoutColTree", |
927 | +2427 |
- #' Note that this function is intended to print simple rectangular matrices and not `rtable`s.+ function(obj, value) { |
928 | -+ | |||
2428 | +328x |
- #'+ obj@display_columncounts <- value |
929 | -+ | |||
2429 | +328x |
- #' @param mat (`matrix`)\cr a matrix of strings.+ obj |
930 | +2430 |
- #' @param nheader (`integer(1)`)\cr number of header rows.+ } |
931 | +2431 |
- #' @param colsep (`string`)\cr a string that separates the columns.+ ) |
932 | +2432 |
- #' @param hsep (`character(1)`)\cr character to build line separator.+ |
933 | +2433 |
- #'+ #' @rdname int_methods |
934 | +2434 |
- #' @return A string.+ setMethod( |
935 | +2435 |
- #'+ "disp_ccounts<-", "LayoutColLeaf", |
936 | +2436 |
- #' @examples+ function(obj, value) { |
937 | -+ | |||
2437 | +1271x |
- #' mat <- matrix(c("A", "B", "C", "a", "b", "c"), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)+ obj@display_columncounts <- value |
938 | -+ | |||
2438 | +1271x |
- #' cat(mat_as_string(mat))+ obj |
939 | +2439 |
- #' cat("\n")+ } |
940 | +2440 |
- #'+ ) |
941 | +2441 |
- #' @noRd+ |
942 | +2442 |
- mat_as_string <- function(mat, nheader = 1, colsep = " ", hsep = default_hsep()) {- |
- ||
943 | -2x | -
- colwidths <- apply(apply(mat, c(1, 2), nchar), 2, max)+ #' @rdname int_methods |
944 | +2443 | - - | -||
945 | -2x | -
- rows_formatted <- apply(mat, 1, function(row) {- |
- ||
946 | -36x | -
- paste(unlist(mapply(padstr, row, colwidths, "left")), collapse = colsep)+ setMethod( |
947 | +2444 |
- })+ "disp_ccounts<-", "PreDataTableLayouts", |
948 | +2445 |
+ function(obj, value) { |
949 | -2x | +2446 | +332x |
- header_rows <- seq_len(nheader)+ clyt <- clayout(obj) |
950 | -2x | +2447 | +332x |
- nchwidth <- nchar(rows_formatted[1])+ disp_ccounts(clyt) <- value |
951 | -2x | +2448 | +332x |
- paste(c(+ clayout(obj) <- clyt |
952 | -2x | +2449 | +332x |
- rows_formatted[header_rows],+ obj |
953 | -2x | +|||
2450 | +
- substr(strrep(hsep, nchwidth), 1, nchwidth),+ } |
954 | -2x | +|||
2451 | +
- rows_formatted[-header_rows]+ ) |
955 | -2x | +|||
2452 | +
- ), collapse = "\n")+ |
956 | +2453 |
- }+ |
1 | +2454 |
- #' Internal generics and methods+ ## this is a horrible hack but when we have non-nested siblings at the top level |
2 | +2455 |
- #'+ ## the beginning of the "path <-> position" relationship breaks down. |
3 | +2456 |
- #' These are internal methods that are documented only to satisfy `R CMD check`. End users should pay no+ ## we probably *should* have e.g., c("root", "top_level_splname_1", |
4 | +2457 |
- #' attention to this documentation.+ ## "top_level_splname_1, "top_level_splname_1_value", ...) |
5 | +2458 |
- #'+ ## but its pretty clear why no one will be happy with that, I think |
6 | +2459 |
- #' @param x (`ANY`)\cr the object.+ ## so we punt on the problem for now with an explicit workaround |
7 | +2460 |
- #' @param obj (`ANY`)\cr the object.+ ## |
8 | +2461 |
- #'+ ## those first non-nested siblings currently have (incorrect) |
9 | +2462 |
- #' @name internal_methods+ ## empty tree_pos elements so we just look at the obj_name |
10 | +2463 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ |
11 | +2464 |
- #' @aliases int_methods+ pos_singleton_path <- function(obj) { |
12 | -+ | |||
2465 | +5963x |
- NULL+ pos <- tree_pos(obj) |
13 | -+ | |||
2466 | +5963x |
+ splvals <- pos_splvals(pos) |
14 | -+ | |||
2467 | +5963x |
- #' @return The number of rows (`nrow`), columns (`ncol`), or both (`dim`) of the object.+ length(splvals) == 0 ||+ |
+ ||
2468 | +5963x | +
+ (length(splvals) == 1 && is.na(unlist(value_names(splvals)))) |
15 | +2469 |
- #'+ } |
16 | +2470 |
- #' @rdname dimensions+ |
17 | +2471 |
- #' @exportMethod nrow+ ## close to a duplicate of tt_at_path, but... not quite :( |
18 | +2472 |
- setMethod(+ #' @rdname int_methods |
19 | +2473 |
- "nrow", "VTableTree",+ coltree_at_path <- function(obj, path, ...) { |
20 | -2189x | +2474 | +3020x |
- function(x) length(collect_leaves(x, TRUE, TRUE))+ if (length(path) == 0) { |
21 | -+ | |||
2475 | +644x |
- )+ return(obj) |
22 | +2476 |
+ } |
23 | -+ | |||
2477 | +2376x |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ stopifnot( |
24 | -+ | |||
2478 | +2376x |
- #' @exportMethod nrow+ is(path, "character"), |
25 | -+ | |||
2479 | +2376x |
- setMethod(+ length(path) > 0 |
26 | +2480 |
- "nrow", "TableRow",+ ) |
27 | -959x | +2481 | +2376x |
- function(x) 1L+ if (any(grepl("@content", path, fixed = TRUE))) { |
28 | -+ | |||
2482 | +! |
- )+ stop("@content token is not valid for column paths.") |
29 | +2483 |
+ } |
30 | +2484 |
- #' Table dimensions+ |
31 | -+ | |||
2485 | +2376x |
- #'+ cur <- obj |
32 | -+ | |||
2486 | +2376x |
- #' @param x (`TableTree` or `ElementaryTable`)\cr a table object.+ curpath <- pos_to_path(tree_pos(obj)) # path |
33 | -+ | |||
2487 | +2376x |
- #'+ num_consume_path <- 2 |
34 | -+ | |||
2488 | +2376x |
- #' @examples+ while (!identical(curpath, path) && !is(cur, "LayoutColLeaf")) { # length(curpath) > 0) { |
35 | -+ | |||
2489 | +4137x |
- #' lyt <- basic_table() %>%+ kids <- tree_children(cur) |
36 | -+ | |||
2490 | +4137x |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>%+ kidmatch <- find_kid_path_match(kids, path) |
37 | -+ | |||
2491 | +4137x |
- #' analyze(c("SEX", "AGE"))+ if (length(kidmatch) == 0) { |
38 | -+ | |||
2492 | +! |
- #'+ stop( |
39 | -+ | |||
2493 | +! |
- #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, ex_adsl)+ "unable to match full path: ", paste(path, sep = "->"), |
40 | -+ | |||
2494 | +! |
- #'+ "\n path of last match: ", paste(curpath, sep = "->") |
41 | +2495 |
- #' dim(tbl)+ ) |
42 | +2496 |
- #' nrow(tbl)+ } |
43 | -+ | |||
2497 | +4137x |
- #' ncol(tbl)+ cur <- kids[[kidmatch]] |
44 | -+ | |||
2498 | +4137x |
- #'+ curpath <- pos_to_path(tree_pos(cur)) |
45 | +2499 |
- #' NROW(tbl)+ } |
46 | -+ | |||
2500 | +2376x |
- #' NCOL(tbl)+ cur |
47 | +2501 |
- #'+ } |
48 | +2502 |
- #' @rdname dimensions+ |
49 | +2503 |
- #' @exportMethod ncol+ find_kid_path_match <- function(kids, path) { |
50 | -+ | |||
2504 | +8270x |
- setMethod(+ if (length(kids) == 0) { |
51 | -+ | |||
2505 | +! |
- "ncol", "VTableNodeInfo",+ return(integer()) |
52 | +2506 |
- function(x) {+ } |
53 | -22113x | +2507 | +8270x |
- ncol(col_info(x))+ kidpaths <- lapply(kids, function(k) pos_to_path(tree_pos(k))) |
54 | +2508 | ++ | + + | +|
2509 | +8270x | +
+ matches <- vapply(kidpaths, function(kpth) identical(path[seq_along(kpth)], kpth), NA)+ |
+ ||
2510 | +8270x | +
+ firstkidpos <- tree_pos(kids[[1]])+ |
+ ||
2511 | +8270x | +
+ if (all(matches) && pos_singleton_path(kids[[1]])) {+ |
+ ||
2512 | +660x | +
+ kidpaths <- lapply(seq_along(kidpaths), function(i) c(kidpaths[[i]], obj_name(kids[[i]])))+ |
+ ||
2513 | +660x | +
+ matches <- vapply(kidpaths, function(kpth) identical(path[seq_along(kpth)], kpth), NA)+ |
+ ||
2514 |
} |
2515 | +8270x | +
+ which(matches)+ |
+ ||
55 | +2516 |
- )+ } |
56 | +2517 | |||
57 | +2518 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ |
58 | +2519 |
- #' @exportMethod ncol+ ## almost a duplicate of recursive_replace, but I spent a bunch |
59 | +2520 |
- setMethod(+ ## of time ramming my head against the different way pathing happens |
60 | +2521 |
- "ncol", "TableRow",+ ## in column space (unfortunately) before giving up building |
61 | +2522 |
- function(x) {+ ## coltree_at_path around recursive_replace, so here we are.+ |
+ ||
2523 | ++ | + + | +||
2524 | ++ |
+ ct_recursive_replace <- function(ctree, path, value, pos = 1) { |
62 | -65956x | +2525 | +6507x |
- if (!no_colinfo(x)) {+ pos <- tree_pos(ctree) |
63 | -65016x | +2526 | +6507x |
- ncol(col_info(x))+ curpth <- pos_to_path(pos) |
64 | -+ | |||
2527 | +6507x |
- } else {+ if (identical(path, curpth)) { |
65 | -940x | +2528 | +2374x |
- length(spanned_values(x))+ return(value) |
66 | -+ | |||
2529 | +4133x |
- }+ } else if (is(ctree, "LayoutColLeaf")) { |
67 | -+ | |||
2530 | +! |
- }+ stop( |
68 | -+ | |||
2531 | +! |
- )+ "unable to match full path: ", paste(path, sep = "->"), |
69 | -+ | |||
2532 | +! |
+ "\n path at leaf: ", paste(curpth, sep = "->") |
70 | +2533 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ ) |
71 | +2534 |
- #' @exportMethod ncol+ } |
72 | -+ | |||
2535 | +4133x |
- setMethod(+ kids <- tree_children(ctree) |
73 | -+ | |||
2536 | +4133x |
- "ncol", "LabelRow",+ kids_singl <- pos_singleton_path(kids[[1]])+ |
+ ||
2537 | +4133x | +
+ kidind <- find_kid_path_match(kids, path) |
74 | +2538 |
- function(x) {+ |
75 | -20806x | +2539 | +4133x |
- ncol(col_info(x))+ if (length(kidind) == 0) { |
76 | -+ | |||
2540 | +! |
- }+ stop("Path appears invalid for this tree at step ", path[1]) |
77 | -+ | |||
2541 | +4133x |
- )+ } else if (length(kidind) > 1) { |
78 | -+ | |||
2542 | +! |
+ stop( |
79 | -+ | |||
2543 | +! |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ "singleton step (root, cbind_root, etc) in path appears to have matched multiple children. ", |
80 | -+ | |||
2544 | +! |
- #' @exportMethod ncol+ "This shouldn't happen, please contact the maintainers." |
81 | +2545 |
- setMethod(+ ) |
82 | +2546 |
- "ncol", "InstantiatedColumnInfo",+ } |
83 | +2547 |
- function(x) {+ |
84 | -109959x | +2548 | +4133x |
- length(col_exprs(x))+ kids[[kidind]] <- ct_recursive_replace( |
85 | -+ | |||
2549 | +4133x |
- }+ kids[[kidind]], |
86 | -+ | |||
2550 | +4133x |
- )+ path, value |
87 | +2551 |
+ ) |
88 | -+ | |||
2552 | +4133x |
- #' @rdname dimensions+ tree_children(ctree) <- kids+ |
+ ||
2553 | +4133x | +
+ ctree |
89 | +2554 |
- #' @exportMethod dim+ } |
90 | +2555 |
- setMethod(+ |
91 | +2556 |
- "dim", "VTableNodeInfo",+ `coltree_at_path<-` <- function(obj, path, value) { |
92 | -18177x | +2557 | +2374x |
- function(x) c(nrow(x), ncol(x))+ obj <- ct_recursive_replace(obj, path, value)+ |
2558 | +2374x | +
+ obj |
93 | +2559 |
- )+ } |
94 | +2560 | |||
95 | +2561 |
- #' Retrieve or set the direct children of a tree-style object+ #' Set visibility of column counts for a group of sibling facets |
96 | +2562 |
#' |
97 | +2563 |
- #' @param x (`TableTree` or `ElementaryTable`)\cr an object with a tree structure.+ #' @inheritParams gen_args |
98 | +2564 |
- #' @param value (`list`)\cr new list of children.+ #' @param path (`character`)\cr the path *to the parent of the |
99 | +2565 |
- #'+ #' desired siblings*. The last element in the path should |
100 | +2566 |
- #' @return A list of direct children of `x`.+ #' be a split name. |
101 | +2567 |
- #'+ #' @return obj, modified with the desired column count. |
102 | +2568 |
- #' @export+ #' display behavior |
103 | +2569 |
- #' @rdname tree_children+ #' |
104 | -235165x | +|||
2570 | +
- setGeneric("tree_children", function(x) standardGeneric("tree_children"))+ #' @seealso [colcount_visible()] |
105 | +2571 |
+ #' |
106 | +2572 |
- #' @exportMethod tree_children+ #' @export |
107 | +2573 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ `facet_colcounts_visible<-` <- function(obj, path, value) { |
108 | -+ | |||
2574 | +1x |
- setMethod(+ coldf <- make_col_df(obj, visible_only = FALSE) |
109 | -+ | |||
2575 | +1x |
- "tree_children", c(x = "VTree"),+ allpaths <- coldf$path |
110 | -! | +|||
2576 | +1x |
- function(x) x@children+ lenpath <- length(path) |
111 | -+ | |||
2577 | +1x |
- )+ match_paths <- vapply(allpaths, function(path_i) { |
112 | -+ | |||
2578 | +10x |
+ (length(path_i) == lenpath + 1) && |
113 | -+ | |||
2579 | +10x |
- #' @exportMethod tree_children+ (all(head(path_i, -1) == path)) |
114 | -+ | |||
2580 | +1x |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ }, TRUE) |
115 | -+ | |||
2581 | +1x |
- setMethod(+ for (curpath in allpaths[match_paths]) {+ |
+ ||
2582 | +2x | +
+ colcount_visible(obj, curpath) <- value |
116 | +2583 |
- "tree_children", c(x = "VTableTree"),+ } |
117 | -62144x | +2584 | +1x |
- function(x) x@children+ obj |
118 | +2585 |
- )+ } |
119 | +2586 | |||
120 | +2587 |
- ## this includes VLeaf but also allows for general methods+ #' Get or set column count for a facet in column space |
121 | +2588 |
- ## needed for table_inset being carried around by rows and+ #' |
122 | +2589 |
- ## such.+ #' @inheritParams gen_args |
123 | +2590 |
- #' @exportMethod tree_children+ #' @param path character. This path must end on a |
124 | +2591 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' split value, e.g., the level of a categorical variable |
125 | +2592 |
- setMethod(+ #' that was split on in column space, but it need not |
126 | +2593 |
- "tree_children", c(x = "ANY"), ## "VLeaf"),+ #' be the path to an individual column. |
127 | -11926x | +|||
2594 | +
- function(x) list()+ #' |
128 | +2595 |
- )+ #' @return for `facet_colcount` the current count associated |
129 | +2596 |
+ #' with that facet in column space, for `facet_colcount<-`, |
130 | +2597 |
- #' @export+ #' `obj` modified with the new column count for the specified |
131 | +2598 |
- #' @rdname tree_children+ #' facet. |
132 | -56884x | +|||
2599 | +
- setGeneric("tree_children<-", function(x, value) standardGeneric("tree_children<-"))+ #' |
133 | +2600 |
+ #' @note Updating a lower-level (more specific) |
134 | +2601 |
- #' @exportMethod tree_children<-+ #' column count manually **will not** update the |
135 | +2602 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' counts for its parent facets. This cannot be made |
136 | +2603 |
- setMethod(+ #' automatic because the rtables framework does not |
137 | +2604 |
- "tree_children<-", c(x = "VTree"),+ #' require sibling facets to be mutually exclusive |
138 | +2605 |
- function(x, value) {+ #' (e.g., total "arm", faceting into cumulative |
139 | -! | +|||
2606 | +
- x@children <- value+ #' quantiles, etc) and thus the count of a parent facet |
140 | -! | +|||
2607 | +
- x+ #' will not always be simply the sum of the counts for |
141 | +2608 |
- }+ #' all of its children. |
142 | +2609 |
- )+ #' |
143 | +2610 |
+ #' @seealso [col_counts()] |
144 | +2611 |
- #' @exportMethod tree_children<-+ #' |
145 | +2612 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @examples |
146 | +2613 |
- setMethod(+ #' lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
147 | +2614 |
- "tree_children<-", c(x = "VTableTree"),+ #' split_cols_by("ARM", show_colcounts = TRUE) %>% |
148 | +2615 |
- function(x, value) {+ #' split_cols_by("SEX", |
149 | -51444x | +|||
2616 | +
- x@children <- value+ #' split_fun = keep_split_levels(c("F", "M")), |
150 | -51444x | +|||
2617 | +
- x+ #' show_colcounts = TRUE |
151 | +2618 |
- }+ #' ) %>% |
152 | +2619 |
- )+ #' split_cols_by("STRATA1", show_colcounts = TRUE) %>% |
153 | +2620 |
+ #' analyze("AGE") |
154 | +2621 |
- #' Retrieve or set content table from a `TableTree`+ #' |
155 | +2622 |
- #'+ #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, ex_adsl) |
156 | +2623 |
- #' Returns the content table of `obj` if it is a `TableTree` object, or `NULL` otherwise.+ #' |
157 | +2624 |
- #'+ #' facet_colcount(tbl, c("ARM", "A: Drug X")) |
158 | +2625 |
- #' @param obj (`TableTree`)\cr the table object.+ #' facet_colcount(tbl, c("ARM", "A: Drug X", "SEX", "F")) |
159 | +2626 |
- #'+ #' facet_colcount(tbl, c("ARM", "A: Drug X", "SEX", "F", "STRATA1", "A")) |
160 | +2627 |
- #' @return the `ElementaryTable` containing the (top level) *content rows* of `obj` (or `NULL` if `obj` is not+ #' |
161 | +2628 |
- #' a formal table object).+ #' ## modify specific count after table creation |
162 | +2629 |
- #'+ #' facet_colcount(tbl, c("ARM", "A: Drug X", "SEX", "F", "STRATA1", "A")) <- 25 |
163 | +2630 |
- #' @export+ #' |
164 | +2631 |
- #' @rdname content_table+ #' ## show black space for certain counts by assign NA |
165 | -87310x | +|||
2632 | +
- setGeneric("content_table", function(obj) standardGeneric("content_table"))+ #' |
166 | +2633 |
+ #' facet_colcount(tbl, c("ARM", "A: Drug X", "SEX", "F", "STRATA1", "C")) <- NA |
167 | +2634 |
- #' @exportMethod content_table+ #' |
168 | +2635 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @export |
169 | +2636 |
- setMethod(+ setGeneric( |
170 | +2637 |
- "content_table", "TableTree",+ "facet_colcount", |
171 | -56779x | +2638 | +21084x |
- function(obj) obj@content+ function(obj, path) standardGeneric("facet_colcount") |
172 | +2639 |
) |
173 | +2640 | |||
174 | +2641 |
- #' @exportMethod content_table+ #' @rdname facet_colcount |
175 | +2642 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @export |
176 | +2643 |
setMethod( |
177 | +2644 |
- "content_table", "ANY",- |
- ||
178 | -10708x | -
- function(obj) NULL+ "facet_colcount", "LayoutColTree", |
179 | +2645 |
- )+ function(obj, path = NULL) { |
180 | +2646 |
+ ## if(length(path) == 0L) |
181 | +2647 |
- #' @param value (`ElementaryTable`)\cr the new content table for `obj`.+ ## stop("face_colcount requires a non-null path") #nocov |
182 | -+ | |||
2648 | +645x |
- #'+ subtree <- coltree_at_path(obj, path) |
183 | -+ | |||
2649 | +645x |
- #' @export+ subtree@column_count |
184 | +2650 |
- #' @rdname content_table+ } |
185 | -6315x | +|||
2651 | +
- setGeneric("content_table<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("content_table<-"))+ ) |
186 | +2652 | |||
187 | +2653 |
- #' @exportMethod "content_table<-"+ #' @rdname facet_colcount |
188 | +2654 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @export |
189 | +2655 |
setMethod( |
190 | +2656 |
- "content_table<-", c("TableTree", "ElementaryTable"),+ "facet_colcount", "LayoutColLeaf", |
191 | +2657 |
- function(obj, value) {+ function(obj, path = NULL) { |
192 | -6315x | +|||
2658 | +
- obj@content <- value+ ## not sure if we should check for null here as above |
193 | -6315x | +2659 | +20438x |
- obj+ obj@column_count |
194 | +2660 |
} |
195 | +2661 |
) |
196 | +2662 | |||
197 | +2663 |
- #' @param for_analyze (`flag`) whether split is an analyze split.+ #' @rdname facet_colcount |
198 | +2664 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @export |
199 | -1111x | +|||
2665 | +
- setGeneric("next_rpos", function(obj, nested = TRUE, for_analyze = FALSE) standardGeneric("next_rpos"))+ setMethod( |
200 | +2666 |
+ "facet_colcount", "VTableTree", |
201 | -+ | |||
2667 | +! |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ function(obj, path) facet_colcount(coltree(obj), path = path) |
202 | +2668 |
- setMethod(+ ) |
203 | +2669 |
- "next_rpos", "PreDataTableLayouts",+ |
204 | +2670 |
- function(obj, nested, for_analyze = FALSE) next_rpos(rlayout(obj), nested, for_analyze = for_analyze)+ #' @rdname facet_colcount |
205 | +2671 |
- )+ #' @export |
206 | +2672 |
+ setMethod( |
207 | +2673 |
- .check_if_nest <- function(obj, nested, for_analyze) {+ "facet_colcount", "InstantiatedColumnInfo", |
208 | -251x | +2674 | +1x |
- if (!nested) {+ function(obj, path) facet_colcount(coltree(obj), path = path) |
209 | -16x | +|||
2675 | +
- FALSE+ ) |
210 | +2676 |
- } else {+ |
211 | +2677 |
- ## can always nest analyze splits (almost? what about colvars noncolvars mixing? prolly ok?)+ #' @rdname facet_colcount |
212 | -235x | +|||
2678 | +
- for_analyze ||+ #' @export |
213 | +2679 |
- ## If its not an analyze split it can't go under an analyze split+ setGeneric( |
214 | -235x | +|||
2680 | +
- !(is(last_rowsplit(obj), "VAnalyzeSplit") ||+ "facet_colcount<-", |
215 | -235x | +2681 | +1104x |
- is(last_rowsplit(obj), "AnalyzeMultiVars")) ## should this be CompoundSplit? # nolint+ function(obj, path, value) standardGeneric("facet_colcount<-") |
216 | +2682 |
- }+ ) |
217 | +2683 |
- }+ |
218 | +2684 |
+ #' @rdname facet_colcount |
219 | +2685 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @export |
220 | +2686 |
setMethod( |
221 | +2687 |
- "next_rpos", "PreDataRowLayout",+ "facet_colcount<-", "LayoutColTree", |
222 | +2688 |
- function(obj, nested, for_analyze) {+ function(obj, path, value) { |
223 | -555x | +2689 | +1102x |
- l <- length(obj)+ ct <- coltree_at_path(obj, path) |
224 | -555x | +2690 | +1102x |
- if (length(obj[[l]]) > 0L && !.check_if_nest(obj, nested, for_analyze)) {+ ct@column_count <- as.integer(value) |
225 | -25x | -
- l <- l + 1L- |
- ||
226 | -+ | 2691 | +1102x |
- }+ coltree_at_path(obj, path) <- ct |
227 | -555x | +2692 | +1102x |
- l+ obj |
228 | +2693 |
} |
229 | +2694 |
) |
230 | +2695 | |||
231 | +2696 |
- #' @rdname int_methods- |
- ||
232 | -1x | -
- setMethod("next_rpos", "ANY", function(obj, nested) 1L)+ #' @rdname facet_colcount |
233 | +2697 |
+ #' @export |
234 | +2698 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ setMethod( |
235 | -625x | +|||
2699 | +
- setGeneric("next_cpos", function(obj, nested = TRUE) standardGeneric("next_cpos"))+ "facet_colcount<-", "LayoutColLeaf", |
236 | +2700 |
+ function(obj, path, value) { |
237 | -+ | |||
2701 | +! |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ obj@column_count <- as.integer(value) |
238 | -+ | |||
2702 | +! |
- setMethod(+ obj |
239 | +2703 |
- "next_cpos", "PreDataTableLayouts",+ } |
240 | +2704 |
- function(obj, nested) next_cpos(clayout(obj), nested)+ ) |
241 | +2705 |
- )+ |
242 | +2706 |
+ #' @rdname facet_colcount |
243 | +2707 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @export |
244 | +2708 |
setMethod( |
245 | +2709 |
- "next_cpos", "PreDataColLayout",+ "facet_colcount<-", "VTableTree", |
246 | +2710 |
- function(obj, nested) {+ function(obj, path, value) { |
247 | -312x | +2711 | +1x |
- if (nested || length(obj[[length(obj)]]) == 0) {+ cinfo <- col_info(obj) |
248 | -304x | +2712 | +1x |
- length(obj)+ facet_colcount(cinfo, path) <- value |
249 | -+ | |||
2713 | +1x |
- } else {+ col_info(obj) <- cinfo |
250 | -8x | +2714 | +1x |
- length(obj) + 1L+ obj |
251 | +2715 |
- }+ } |
252 | +2716 |
- }+ ) |
253 | +2717 |
- )+ |
254 | +2718 |
+ #' @rdname facet_colcount |
255 | +2719 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @export |
256 | +2720 |
- setMethod("next_cpos", "ANY", function(obj, nested) 1L)+ setMethod( |
257 | +2721 |
+ "facet_colcount<-", "InstantiatedColumnInfo", |
258 | +2722 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ function(obj, path, value) { |
259 | -2587x | +2723 | +1x |
- setGeneric("last_rowsplit", function(obj) standardGeneric("last_rowsplit"))+ ct <- coltree(obj) |
260 | -+ | |||
2724 | +1x |
+ facet_colcount(ct, path) <- value |
261 | -+ | |||
2725 | +1x |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ coltree(obj) <- ct |
262 | -+ | |||
2726 | +1x |
- setMethod(+ obj |
263 | +2727 |
- "last_rowsplit", "NULL",- |
- ||
264 | -! | -
- function(obj) NULL+ } |
265 | +2728 |
) |
266 | +2729 | |||
267 | +2730 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' Value and Visibility of specific column counts by path |
268 | +2731 |
- setMethod(+ #' |
269 | +2732 |
- "last_rowsplit", "SplitVector",+ #' @inheritParams gen_args |
270 | +2733 |
- function(obj) {- |
- ||
271 | -1013x | -
- if (length(obj) == 0) {- |
- ||
272 | -224x | -
- NULL+ #' |
273 | +2734 |
- } else {- |
- ||
274 | -789x | -
- obj[[length(obj)]]+ #' @return for `colcount_visible` a logical scalar |
275 | +2735 |
- }+ #' indicating whether the specified position in |
276 | +2736 |
- }+ #' the column hierarchy is set to display its column count; |
277 | +2737 |
- )+ #' for `colcount_visible<-`, `obj` updated with |
278 | +2738 |
+ #' the specified count displaying behavior set. |
279 | +2739 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' |
280 | +2740 |
- setMethod(+ #' @note Users generally should not call `colcount_visible` |
281 | +2741 |
- "last_rowsplit", "PreDataRowLayout",+ #' directly, as setting sibling facets to have differing |
282 | +2742 |
- function(obj) {- |
- ||
283 | -1013x | -
- if (length(obj) == 0) {- |
- ||
284 | -! | -
- NULL+ #' column count visibility will result in an error when |
285 | +2743 |
- } else {+ #' printing or paginating the table. |
286 | -1013x | +|||
2744 | +
- last_rowsplit(obj[[length(obj)]])+ #' |
287 | +2745 |
- }+ #' @export |
288 | -+ | |||
2746 | +2x |
- }+ setGeneric("colcount_visible", function(obj, path) standardGeneric("colcount_visible")) |
289 | +2747 |
- )+ |
290 | +2748 |
+ #' @rdname colcount_visible |
291 | +2749 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @export |
292 | +2750 |
setMethod( |
293 | +2751 |
- "last_rowsplit", "PreDataTableLayouts",+ "colcount_visible", "VTableTree", |
294 | -559x | +2752 | +1x |
- function(obj) last_rowsplit(rlayout(obj))+ function(obj, path) colcount_visible(coltree(obj), path) |
295 | +2753 |
) |
296 | +2754 | |||
297 | +2755 |
- # rlayout ----+ #' @rdname colcount_visible |
298 | +2756 |
- ## TODO maybe export these?+ #' @export |
299 | +2757 |
+ setMethod( |
300 | +2758 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ "colcount_visible", "InstantiatedColumnInfo", |
301 | -3813x | +|||
2759 | +! |
- setGeneric("rlayout", function(obj) standardGeneric("rlayout"))+ function(obj, path) colcount_visible(coltree(obj), path) |
302 | +2760 |
+ ) |
303 | +2761 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ |
304 | +2762 |
- setMethod(+ #' @rdname colcount_visible |
305 | +2763 |
- "rlayout", "PreDataTableLayouts",- |
- ||
306 | -3813x | -
- function(obj) obj@row_layout+ #' @export |
307 | +2764 |
- )+ setMethod( |
308 | +2765 |
+ "colcount_visible", "LayoutColTree", |
309 | +2766 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ function(obj, path) { |
310 | -! | +|||
2767 | +1x |
- setMethod("rlayout", "ANY", function(obj) PreDataRowLayout())+ subtree <- coltree_at_path(obj, path) |
311 | -+ | |||
2768 | +1x |
+ disp_ccounts(subtree) |
312 | +2769 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ } |
313 | -1702x | +|||
2770 | +
- setGeneric("rlayout<-", function(object, value) standardGeneric("rlayout<-"))+ ) |
314 | +2771 | |||
315 | +2772 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @rdname colcount_visible |
316 | +2773 |
- setMethod(+ #' @export |
317 | -+ | |||
2774 | +1296x |
- "rlayout<-", "PreDataTableLayouts",+ setGeneric("colcount_visible<-", function(obj, path, value) standardGeneric("colcount_visible<-")) |
318 | +2775 |
- function(object, value) {- |
- ||
319 | -1702x | -
- object@row_layout <- value+ |
320 | -1702x | +|||
2776 | +
- object+ #' @rdname colcount_visible |
321 | +2777 |
- }+ #' @export |
322 | +2778 |
- )+ setMethod( |
323 | +2779 |
+ "colcount_visible<-", "VTableTree", |
324 | +2780 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ function(obj, path, value) { |
325 | -62991x | +2781 | +3x |
- setGeneric("tree_pos", function(obj) standardGeneric("tree_pos"))+ ctree <- coltree(obj) |
326 | -+ | |||
2782 | +3x |
+ colcount_visible(ctree, path) <- value |
327 | -+ | |||
2783 | +3x |
- ## setMethod("tree_pos", "VNodeInfo",+ coltree(obj) <- ctree |
328 | -+ | |||
2784 | +3x |
- ## function(obj) obj@pos_in_tree)+ obj |
329 | +2785 |
+ } |
330 | +2786 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ ) |
331 | +2787 |
- setMethod(+ |
332 | +2788 |
- "tree_pos", "VLayoutNode",+ #' @rdname colcount_visible |
333 | -! | +|||
2789 | +
- function(obj) obj@pos_in_tree+ #' @export |
334 | +2790 |
- )+ setMethod( |
335 | +2791 |
+ "colcount_visible<-", "InstantiatedColumnInfo", |
336 | +2792 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ function(obj, path, value) { |
337 | -1379x | +2793 | +21x |
- setGeneric("pos_subset", function(obj) standardGeneric("pos_subset"))+ ctree <- coltree(obj) |
338 | -+ | |||
2794 | +21x |
+ colcount_visible(ctree, path) <- value |
339 | -+ | |||
2795 | +21x |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ coltree(obj) <- ctree |
340 | -+ | |||
2796 | +21x |
- setMethod(+ obj |
341 | +2797 |
- "pos_subset", "TreePos",- |
- ||
342 | -1379x | -
- function(obj) obj@subset+ } |
343 | +2798 |
) |
344 | +2799 | |||
345 | +2800 |
- #' @rdname int_methods- |
- ||
346 | -101x | -
- setGeneric("tree_pos<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("tree_pos<-"))+ |
347 | +2801 |
+ #' @rdname colcount_visible |
348 | +2802 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @export |
349 | +2803 |
setMethod( |
350 | +2804 |
- "tree_pos<-", "VLayoutNode",+ "colcount_visible<-", "LayoutColTree", |
351 | +2805 |
- function(obj, value) {+ function(obj, path, value) { |
352 | -101x | +2806 | +1272x |
- obj@pos_in_tree <- value+ subtree <- coltree_at_path(obj, path) |
353 | -101x | +2807 | +1272x | +
+ disp_ccounts(subtree) <- value+ |
2808 | +1272x | +
+ coltree_at_path(obj, path) <- subtree+ |
+ ||
2809 | +1272x |
obj |
354 | +2810 |
} |
355 | +2811 |
) |
356 | +2812 | |||
357 | +2813 |
- ## setMethod("pos_subset", "VNodeInfo",+ #' @rdname int_methods |
358 | +2814 |
- ## function(obj) pos_subset(tree_pos(obj)))+ #' @export+ |
+ ||
2815 | +16154x | +
+ setGeneric("colcount_format", function(obj) standardGeneric("colcount_format")) |
359 | +2816 | |||
360 | +2817 |
#' @rdname int_methods |
361 | +2818 | ++ |
+ #' @export+ |
+ |
2819 |
setMethod( |
362 | +2820 |
- "pos_subset", "VLayoutNode",+ "colcount_format", "InstantiatedColumnInfo", |
363 | -! | +|||
2821 | +631x |
- function(obj) pos_subset(tree_pos(obj))+ function(obj) obj@columncount_format |
364 | +2822 |
) |
365 | +2823 | |||
366 | +2824 |
#' @rdname int_methods |
367 | -51154x | -
- setGeneric("pos_splits", function(obj) standardGeneric("pos_splits"))- |
- ||
368 | -- | - - | -||
369 | +2825 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @export |
370 | +2826 |
setMethod( |
371 | +2827 |
- "pos_splits", "TreePos",+ "colcount_format", "VTableNodeInfo", |
372 | -51154x | +2828 | +338x |
- function(obj) obj@splits+ function(obj) colcount_format(col_info(obj)) |
373 | +2829 |
) |
374 | +2830 | |||
375 | +2831 |
- ## setMethod("pos_splits", "VNodeInfo",+ #' @rdname int_methods |
376 | +2832 |
- ## function(obj) pos_splits(tree_pos(obj)))+ #' @export |
377 | +2833 |
+ setMethod( |
378 | +2834 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ "colcount_format", "PreDataColLayout",+ |
+ ||
2835 | +332x | +
+ function(obj) obj@columncount_format |
379 | +2836 |
- setMethod(+ ) |
380 | +2837 |
- "pos_splits", "VLayoutNode",+ |
381 | -! | +|||
2838 | +
- function(obj) pos_splits(tree_pos(obj))+ #' @rdname int_methods |
382 | +2839 |
- )+ #' @export |
383 | +2840 |
+ setMethod( |
384 | +2841 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ "colcount_format", "PreDataTableLayouts", |
385 | -101x | +2842 | +332x |
- setGeneric("pos_splits<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("pos_splits<-"))+ function(obj) colcount_format(clayout(obj)) |
386 | +2843 |
+ ) |
387 | +2844 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ |
388 | +2845 |
- setMethod(+ #' @rdname int_methods |
389 | +2846 |
- "pos_splits<-", "TreePos",+ #' @export |
390 | +2847 |
- function(obj, value) {+ setMethod( |
391 | -101x | +|||
2848 | +
- obj@splits <- value+ "colcount_format", "Split", |
392 | -101x | -
- obj- |
- ||
393 | -+ | 2849 | +1269x |
- }+ function(obj) obj@child_colcount_format |
394 | +2850 |
) |
395 | +2851 | |||
396 | +2852 |
#' @rdname int_methods |
397 | +2853 |
- setMethod(+ #' @export |
398 | +2854 |
- "pos_splits<-", "VLayoutNode",+ setMethod( |
399 | +2855 |
- function(obj, value) {+ "colcount_format", "LayoutColTree", |
400 | -! | +|||
2856 | +644x |
- pos <- tree_pos(obj)+ function(obj) obj@columncount_format |
401 | -! | +|||
2857 | +
- pos_splits(pos) <- value+ ) |
402 | -! | +|||
2858 | +
- tree_pos(obj) <- pos+ |
403 | -! | +|||
2859 | +
- obj+ #' @rdname int_methods |
404 | -! | +|||
2860 | +
- obj+ #' @export |
405 | +2861 |
- }+ setMethod( |
406 | +2862 |
- )+ "colcount_format", "LayoutColLeaf", |
407 | -+ | |||
2863 | +12461x |
+ function(obj) obj@columncount_format |
408 | +2864 |
+ ) |
409 | +2865 | |||
410 | +2866 | |||
411 | +2867 |
- #' @rdname int_methods- |
- ||
412 | -57398x | -
- setGeneric("pos_splvals", function(obj) standardGeneric("pos_splvals"))+ |
413 | +2868 |
+ #' @rdname int_methods |
414 | +2869 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @export |
415 | +2870 |
- setMethod(+ setGeneric( |
416 | +2871 |
- "pos_splvals", "TreePos",+ "colcount_format<-", |
417 | -57398x | +2872 | +666x |
- function(obj) obj@s_values+ function(obj, value) standardGeneric("colcount_format<-") |
418 | +2873 |
) |
419 | +2874 | |||
420 | +2875 |
- ## setMethod("pos_splvals", "VNodeInfo",+ #' @export |
421 | +2876 |
- ## function(obj) pos_splvals(tree_pos(obj)))+ #' @rdname int_methods |
422 | +2877 |
+ setMethod( |
423 | +2878 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ "colcount_format<-", "InstantiatedColumnInfo", |
424 | +2879 |
- setMethod(+ function(obj, value) { |
425 | -+ | |||
2880 | +1x |
- "pos_splvals", "VLayoutNode",+ obj@columncount_format <- value |
426 | -! | +|||
2881 | +1x |
- function(obj) pos_splvals(tree_pos(obj))+ obj |
427 | +2882 |
- )+ } |
428 | +2883 |
+ ) |
429 | +2884 |
- #' @rdname int_methods- |
- ||
430 | -101x | -
- setGeneric("pos_splvals<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("pos_splvals<-"))+ |
431 | +2885 |
+ #' @rdname int_methods |
432 | +2886 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @export |
433 | +2887 |
setMethod( |
434 | +2888 |
- "pos_splvals<-", "TreePos",+ "colcount_format<-", "VTableNodeInfo", |
435 | +2889 |
function(obj, value) { |
436 | -101x | +2890 | +1x |
- obj@s_values <- value+ cinfo <- col_info(obj) |
437 | -101x | +2891 | +1x |
- obj+ colcount_format(cinfo) <- value |
438 | -+ | |||
2892 | +1x |
- }+ col_info(obj) <- cinfo |
439 | -+ | |||
2893 | +1x |
- )+ obj |
440 | +2894 |
+ } |
441 | +2895 |
- ## setMethod("pos_splvals", "VNodeInfo",+ ) |
442 | +2896 |
- ## function(obj) pos_splvals(tree_pos(obj)))+ |
443 | +2897 |
+ #' @rdname int_methods |
444 | +2898 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @export |
445 | +2899 |
setMethod( |
446 | +2900 |
- "pos_splvals<-", "VLayoutNode",+ "colcount_format<-", "PreDataColLayout", |
447 | +2901 |
function(obj, value) { |
448 | -! | -
- pos <- tree_pos(obj)- |
- ||
449 | -! | -
- pos_splvals(pos) <- value- |
- ||
450 | -! | +|||
2902 | +332x |
- tree_pos(obj) <- pos+ obj@columncount_format <- value |
451 | -! | +|||
2903 | +332x |
obj |
452 | +2904 |
} |
453 | +2905 |
) |
454 | +2906 | |||
455 | +2907 |
+ #' @rdname int_methods |
456 | +2908 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @export |
457 | -1379x | +|||
2909 | +
- setGeneric("pos_splval_labels", function(obj) standardGeneric("pos_splval_labels"))+ setMethod( |
458 | +2910 |
+ "colcount_format<-", "PreDataTableLayouts", |
459 | +2911 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ function(obj, value) { |
460 | -+ | |||
2912 | +332x |
- setMethod(+ clyt <- clayout(obj) |
461 | -+ | |||
2913 | +332x |
- "pos_splval_labels", "TreePos",+ colcount_format(clyt) <- value |
462 | -1379x | +2914 | +332x |
- function(obj) obj@sval_labels+ clayout(obj) <- clyt+ |
2915 | +332x | +
+ obj |
463 | +2916 |
- )+ } |
464 | +2917 |
- ## no longer used+ ) |
465 | +2918 | |||
466 | +2919 |
- ## setMethod("pos_splval_labels", "VNodeInfo",+ ## It'd probably be better if this had the full set of methods as above |
467 | +2920 |
- ## function(obj) pos_splval_labels(tree_pos(obj)))+ ## but its not currently modelled in the class and probably isn't needed |
468 | +2921 |
- ## #' @rdname int_methods+ ## super much |
469 | +2922 |
- ## setMethod("pos_splval_labels", "VLayoutNode",+ #' @rdname int_methods |
470 | +2923 |
- ## function(obj) pos_splval_labels(tree_pos(obj)))+ #' @export+ |
+ ||
2924 | +610x | +
+ setGeneric("colcount_na_str", function(obj) standardGeneric("colcount_na_str")) |
471 | +2925 | |||
472 | +2926 |
#' @rdname int_methods |
473 | -14906x | +|||
2927 | +
- setGeneric("spl_payload", function(obj) standardGeneric("spl_payload"))+ #' @export |
474 | +2928 |
+ setMethod( |
475 | +2929 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ "colcount_na_str", "InstantiatedColumnInfo", |
476 | -14906x | +2930 | +308x |
- setMethod("spl_payload", "Split", function(obj) obj@payload)+ function(obj) obj@columncount_na_str |
477 | +2931 | ++ |
+ )+ |
+ |
2932 | ||||
478 | +2933 |
#' @rdname int_methods |
479 | -3x | +|||
2934 | +
- setGeneric("spl_payload<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("spl_payload<-"))+ #' @export |
480 | +2935 |
+ setMethod( |
481 | +2936 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ "colcount_na_str", "VTableNodeInfo",+ |
+ ||
2937 | +302x | +
+ function(obj) colcount_na_str(col_info(obj)) |
482 | +2938 |
- setMethod("spl_payload<-", "Split", function(obj, value) {+ ) |
483 | -3x | +|||
2939 | +
- obj@payload <- value+ |
484 | -3x | +|||
2940 | +
- obj+ #' @rdname int_methods |
485 | +2941 |
- })+ #' @export |
486 | +2942 |
+ setGeneric( |
487 | +2943 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ "colcount_na_str<-", |
488 | -715x | +2944 | +4x |
- setGeneric("spl_label_var", function(obj) standardGeneric("spl_label_var"))+ function(obj, value) standardGeneric("colcount_na_str<-") |
489 | +2945 |
+ ) |
490 | +2946 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ |
491 | -712x | +|||
2947 | +
- setMethod("spl_label_var", "VarLevelSplit", function(obj) obj@value_label_var)+ #' @export |
492 | +2948 |
+ #' @rdname int_methods |
493 | +2949 |
- ## TODO revisit. do we want to do this? used in vars_in_layout, but only+ setMethod( |
494 | +2950 |
- ## for convenience.+ "colcount_na_str<-", "InstantiatedColumnInfo", |
495 | +2951 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ function(obj, value) { |
496 | -3x | +2952 | +2x |
- setMethod("spl_label_var", "Split", function(obj) NULL)+ obj@columncount_na_str <- value+ |
2953 | +2x | +
+ obj |
497 | +2954 |
+ } |
498 | +2955 |
- ### name related things+ ) |
499 | +2956 |
- # #' @inherit formatters::formatter_methods+ |
500 | +2957 |
- #' Methods for generics in the `formatters` package+ #' @rdname int_methods |
501 | +2958 |
- #'+ #' @export |
502 | +2959 |
- #' See the `formatters` documentation for descriptions of these generics.+ setMethod( |
503 | +2960 |
- #'+ "colcount_na_str<-", "VTableNodeInfo", |
504 | +2961 |
- #' @inheritParams gen_args+ function(obj, value) {+ |
+ ||
2962 | +2x | +
+ cinfo <- col_info(obj)+ |
+ ||
2963 | +2x | +
+ colcount_na_str(cinfo) <- value+ |
+ ||
2964 | +2x | +
+ col_info(obj) <- cinfo+ |
+ ||
2965 | +2x | +
+ obj |
505 | +2966 |
- #'+ } |
506 | +2967 |
- #' @return+ ) |
507 | +2968 |
- #' * Accessor functions return the current value of the component being accessed of `obj`+ |
508 | +2969 |
- #' * Setter functions return a modified copy of `obj` with the new value.+ #' Exported for use in `tern` |
509 | +2970 |
#' |
510 | +2971 |
- #' @rdname formatters_methods+ #' Does the `table`/`row`/`InstantiatedColumnInfo` object contain no column structure information? |
511 | +2972 |
- #' @aliases formatters_methods+ #' |
512 | +2973 |
- #' @exportMethod obj_name+ #' @inheritParams gen_args |
513 | +2974 |
- setMethod(+ #' |
514 | +2975 |
- "obj_name", "VNodeInfo",+ #' @return `TRUE` if the object has no/empty instantiated column information, `FALSE` otherwise. |
515 | -45305x | +|||
2976 | +
- function(obj) obj@name+ #' |
516 | +2977 |
- )+ #' @rdname no_info |
517 | +2978 | ++ |
+ #' @export+ |
+ |
2979 | +175490x | +
+ setGeneric("no_colinfo", function(obj) standardGeneric("no_colinfo"))+ |
+ ||
2980 | ||||
518 | +2981 |
- #' @rdname formatters_methods+ #' @exportMethod no_colinfo |
519 | +2982 |
- #' @exportMethod obj_name+ #' @rdname no_info |
520 | +2983 |
setMethod( |
521 | +2984 |
- "obj_name", "Split",+ "no_colinfo", "VTableNodeInfo", |
522 | -111118x | +2985 | +74518x |
- function(obj) obj@name+ function(obj) no_colinfo(col_info(obj)) |
523 | +2986 |
) |
524 | +2987 | |||
525 | +2988 |
- #' @rdname formatters_methods+ #' @exportMethod no_colinfo |
526 | +2989 |
- #' @exportMethod obj_name<-+ #' @rdname no_info |
527 | +2990 |
setMethod( |
528 | +2991 |
- "obj_name<-", "VNodeInfo",+ "no_colinfo", "InstantiatedColumnInfo", |
529 | -+ | |||
2992 | +90781x |
- function(obj, value) {+ function(obj) length(obj@subset_exprs) == 0 |
530 | -21x | +|||
2993 | +
- obj@name <- value+ ) ## identical(obj, EmptyColInfo)) |
531 | -21x | +|||
2994 | +
- obj+ |
532 | +2995 |
- }+ #' Names of a `TableTree` |
533 | +2996 |
- )+ #' |
534 | +2997 |
+ #' @param x (`TableTree`)\cr the object. |
535 | +2998 |
- #' @rdname formatters_methods+ #' |
536 | +2999 |
- #' @exportMethod obj_name<-+ #' @details |
537 | +3000 |
- setMethod(+ #' For `TableTree`s with more than one level of splitting in columns, the names are defined to be the top-level |
538 | +3001 |
- "obj_name<-", "Split",+ #' split values repped out across the columns that they span. |
539 | +3002 |
- function(obj, value) {+ #' |
540 | -3x | +|||
3003 | +
- obj@name <- value+ #' @return The column names of `x`, as defined in the details above. |
541 | -3x | +|||
3004 | +
- obj+ #' |
542 | +3005 |
- }+ #' @exportMethod names |
543 | +3006 |
- )+ #' @rdname names |
544 | +3007 |
+ setMethod( |
545 | +3008 |
- ### Label related things+ "names", "VTableNodeInfo",+ |
+ ||
3009 | +109x | +
+ function(x) names(col_info(x)) |
546 | +3010 |
- #' @rdname formatters_methods+ ) |
547 | +3011 |
- #' @exportMethod obj_label+ |
548 | -2086x | +|||
3012 | +
- setMethod("obj_label", "Split", function(obj) obj@split_label)+ #' @rdname names |
549 | +3013 |
+ #' @exportMethod names |
550 | +3014 |
- #' @rdname formatters_methods+ setMethod( |
551 | +3015 |
- #' @exportMethod obj_label+ "names", "InstantiatedColumnInfo", |
552 | -39364x | +3016 | +127x |
- setMethod("obj_label", "TableRow", function(obj) obj@label)+ function(x) names(coltree(x)) |
553 | +3017 |
+ ) |
554 | +3018 |
- ## XXX Do we want a convenience for VTableTree that+ |
555 | +3019 |
- ## grabs the label from the LabelRow or will+ #' @rdname names |
556 | +3020 |
- ## that just muddy the waters?+ #' @exportMethod names |
557 | +3021 |
- #' @rdname formatters_methods+ setMethod( |
558 | +3022 |
- #' @exportMethod obj_label+ "names", "LayoutColTree", |
559 | +3023 |
- setMethod(+ function(x) { |
560 | -+ | |||
3024 | +163x |
- "obj_label", "VTableTree",+ unname(unlist(lapply( |
561 | -262x | +3025 | +163x |
- function(obj) obj_label(tt_labelrow(obj))+ tree_children(x), |
562 | -+ | |||
3026 | +163x |
- )+ function(obj) {+ |
+ ||
3027 | +202x | +
+ nm <- obj_name(obj)+ |
+ ||
3028 | +202x | +
+ rep(nm, n_leaves(obj)) |
563 | +3029 |
+ } |
564 | +3030 |
- #' @rdname formatters_methods+ ))) |
565 | +3031 |
- #' @exportMethod obj_label+ } |
566 | -! | +|||
3032 | +
- setMethod("obj_label", "ValueWrapper", function(obj) obj@label)+ ) |
567 | +3033 | |||
568 | +3034 |
- #' @rdname formatters_methods+ #' @rdname names |
569 | +3035 |
- #' @exportMethod obj_label<-+ #' @exportMethod row.names |
570 | +3036 |
setMethod( |
571 | +3037 |
- "obj_label<-", "Split",+ "row.names", "VTableTree", |
572 | +3038 |
- function(obj, value) {+ function(x) { |
573 | -1x | +3039 | +104x |
- obj@split_label <- value+ unname(sapply(collect_leaves(x, add.labrows = TRUE), |
574 | -1x | +3040 | +104x |
- obj+ obj_label,+ |
3041 | +104x | +
+ ||
3042 | +104x | +
+ )) ## XXXX this should probably be obj_name??? |
575 | +3043 |
} |
576 | +3044 |
) |
577 | +3045 | |||
578 | +3046 |
- #' @rdname formatters_methods+ #' Convert to a vector |
579 | +3047 |
- #' @exportMethod obj_label<-+ #' |
580 | +3048 |
- setMethod(+ #' Convert an `rtables` framework object into a vector, if possible. This is unlikely to be useful in |
581 | +3049 |
- "obj_label<-", "TableRow",+ #' realistic scenarios. |
582 | +3050 |
- function(obj, value) {+ #' |
583 | -32x | +|||
3051 | +
- obj@label <- value+ #' @param x (`ANY`)\cr the object to be converted to a vector. |
584 | -32x | +|||
3052 | +
- obj+ #' @param mode (`string`)\cr passed on to [as.vector()]. |
585 | +3053 |
- }+ #' |
586 | +3054 |
- )+ #' @return A vector of the chosen mode (or an error is raised if more than one row was present). |
587 | +3055 |
+ #' |
588 | +3056 |
- #' @rdname formatters_methods+ #' @note This only works for a table with a single row or a row object. |
589 | +3057 |
- #' @exportMethod obj_label<-+ #' |
590 | +3058 |
- setMethod(+ #' @name asvec |
591 | +3059 |
- "obj_label<-", "ValueWrapper",+ #' @aliases as.vector,VTableTree-method |
592 | +3060 |
- function(obj, value) {+ #' @exportMethod as.vector |
593 | -! | +|||
3061 | +
- obj@label <- value+ setMethod("as.vector", "VTableTree", function(x, mode) {+ |
+ |||
3062 | +12x | +
+ stopifnot(nrow(x) == 1L)+ |
+ ||
3063 | +12x | +
+ if (nrow(content_table(x)) == 1L) { |
594 | +3064 | ! |
- obj+ tab <- content_table(x) |
595 | +3065 |
- }+ } else { |
596 | -+ | |||
3066 | +12x |
- )+ tab <- x |
597 | +3067 |
+ } |
598 | -+ | |||
3068 | +12x |
- #' @rdname formatters_methods+ as.vector(tree_children(tab)[[1]], mode = mode) |
599 | +3069 |
- #' @exportMethod obj_label<-+ }) |
600 | +3070 |
- setMethod(+ |
601 | +3071 |
- "obj_label<-", "VTableTree",+ #' @inheritParams asvec |
602 | +3072 |
- function(obj, value) {+ #' |
603 | -11x | +|||
3073 | +
- lr <- tt_labelrow(obj)+ #' @rdname int_methods |
604 | -11x | +|||
3074 | +
- obj_label(lr) <- value+ #' @exportMethod as.vector |
605 | -11x | +|||
3075 | +
- if (!is.na(value) && nzchar(value)) {+ setMethod("as.vector", "TableRow", function(x, mode) as.vector(unlist(row_values(x)), mode = mode)) |
606 | -10x | +|||
3076 | +
- labelrow_visible(lr) <- TRUE+ |
607 | -1x | +|||
3077 | +
- } else if (is.na(value)) {+ #' @rdname int_methods |
608 | -1x | +|||
3078 | +
- labelrow_visible(lr) <- FALSE+ #' @exportMethod as.vector |
609 | +3079 |
- }+ setMethod("as.vector", "ElementaryTable", function(x, mode) { |
610 | -11x | +3080 | +2x |
- tt_labelrow(obj) <- lr+ stopifnot(nrow(x) == 1L) |
611 | -11x | +3081 | +2x |
- obj+ as.vector(tree_children(x)[[1]], mode = mode) |
612 | +3082 |
- }+ }) |
613 | +3083 |
- )+ |
614 | +3084 |
+ ## cuts ---- |
615 | +3085 |
- ### Label rows.+ |
616 | +3086 |
#' @rdname int_methods |
617 | -128557x | +3087 | +220x |
- setGeneric("tt_labelrow", function(obj) standardGeneric("tt_labelrow"))+ setGeneric("spl_cuts", function(obj) standardGeneric("spl_cuts")) |
618 | +3088 | |||
619 | +3089 |
#' @rdname int_methods |
620 | +3090 |
setMethod( |
621 | +3091 |
- "tt_labelrow", "VTableTree",+ "spl_cuts", "VarStaticCutSplit", |
622 | -45950x | +3092 | +220x |
- function(obj) obj@labelrow+ function(obj) obj@cuts |
623 | +3093 |
) |
624 | +3094 | |||
625 | +3095 |
#' @rdname int_methods |
626 | -4048x | +3096 | +264x |
- setGeneric("tt_labelrow<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("tt_labelrow<-"))+ setGeneric("spl_cutlabels", function(obj) standardGeneric("spl_cutlabels")) |
627 | +3097 | |||
628 | +3098 |
#' @rdname int_methods |
629 | +3099 |
setMethod( |
630 | +3100 |
- "tt_labelrow<-", c("VTableTree", "LabelRow"),+ "spl_cutlabels", "VarStaticCutSplit",+ |
+ ||
3101 | +264x | +
+ function(obj) obj@cut_labels |
631 | +3102 |
- function(obj, value) {+ ) |
632 | -4048x | +|||
3103 | +
- if (no_colinfo(value)) {+ + |
+ |||
3104 | ++ |
+ #' @rdname int_methods |
633 | -1x | +3105 | +5x |
- col_info(value) <- col_info(obj)+ setGeneric("spl_cutfun", function(obj) standardGeneric("spl_cutfun")) |
634 | +3106 |
- }+ |
635 | -4048x | +|||
3107 | +
- obj@labelrow <- value+ #' @rdname int_methods |
636 | -4048x | +|||
3108 | +
- obj+ setMethod( |
637 | +3109 |
- }+ "spl_cutfun", "VarDynCutSplit",+ |
+ ||
3110 | +5x | +
+ function(obj) obj@cut_fun |
638 | +3111 |
) |
639 | +3112 | |||
640 | +3113 |
#' @rdname int_methods |
641 | -194549x | +3114 | +5x |
- setGeneric("labelrow_visible", function(obj) standardGeneric("labelrow_visible"))+ setGeneric("spl_cutlabelfun", function(obj) standardGeneric("spl_cutlabelfun")) |
642 | +3115 | |||
643 | +3116 |
#' @rdname int_methods |
644 | +3117 |
setMethod( |
645 | +3118 |
- "labelrow_visible", "VTableTree",+ "spl_cutlabelfun", "VarDynCutSplit", |
646 | -+ | |||
3119 | +5x |
- function(obj) {+ function(obj) obj@cut_label_fun |
647 | -28067x | +|||
3120 | +
- labelrow_visible(tt_labelrow(obj))+ ) |
648 | +3121 |
- }+ |
649 | +3122 |
- )+ #' @rdname int_methods+ |
+ ||
3123 | +5x | +
+ setGeneric("spl_is_cmlcuts", function(obj) standardGeneric("spl_is_cmlcuts")) |
650 | +3124 | |||
651 | +3125 |
#' @rdname int_methods |
652 | +3126 |
setMethod( |
653 | +3127 |
- "labelrow_visible", "LabelRow",+ "spl_is_cmlcuts", "VarDynCutSplit", |
654 | -105960x | +3128 | +5x |
- function(obj) obj@visible+ function(obj) obj@cumulative_cuts |
655 | +3129 |
) |
656 | +3130 | |||
657 | +3131 |
#' @rdname int_methods |
658 | +3132 |
- setMethod(+ setGeneric( |
659 | +3133 |
- "labelrow_visible", "VAnalyzeSplit",+ "spl_varnames", |
660 | -1375x | +3134 | +198x |
- function(obj) .labelkids_helper(obj@var_label_position)+ function(obj) standardGeneric("spl_varnames") |
661 | +3135 |
) |
662 | +3136 | |||
663 | +3137 |
#' @rdname int_methods |
664 | -2865x | +|||
3138 | +
- setGeneric("labelrow_visible<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("labelrow_visible<-"))+ setMethod( |
665 | +3139 |
+ "spl_varnames", "MultiVarSplit", |
666 | -+ | |||
3140 | +198x |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ function(obj) obj@var_names |
667 | +3141 |
- setMethod(+ ) |
668 | +3142 |
- "labelrow_visible<-", "VTableTree",+ |
669 | +3143 |
- function(obj, value) {+ #' @rdname int_methods |
670 | -1294x | -
- lr <- tt_labelrow(obj)- |
- ||
671 | -1294x | +|||
3144 | +
- labelrow_visible(lr) <- value+ setGeneric( |
672 | -1294x | +|||
3145 | +
- tt_labelrow(obj) <- lr+ "spl_varnames<-", |
673 | -1294x | -
- obj- |
- ||
674 | -+ | 3146 | +2x |
- }+ function(object, value) standardGeneric("spl_varnames<-") |
675 | +3147 |
) |
676 | +3148 | |||
677 | +3149 |
#' @rdname int_methods |
678 | +3150 |
setMethod( |
679 | +3151 |
- "labelrow_visible<-", "LabelRow",+ "spl_varnames<-", "MultiVarSplit", |
680 | +3152 |
- function(obj, value) {+ function(object, value) { |
681 | -1305x | +3153 | +2x |
- obj@visible <- value+ oldvnms <- spl_varnames(object) |
682 | -1305x | +3154 | +2x |
- obj+ oldvlbls <- spl_varlabels(object) |
683 | -+ | |||
3155 | +2x |
- }+ object@var_names <- value |
684 | -+ | |||
3156 | +2x |
- )+ if (identical(oldvnms, oldvlbls)) { |
685 | -+ | |||
3157 | +1x |
+ spl_varlabels(object) <- value |
686 | +3158 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ } |
687 | -+ | |||
3159 | +2x |
- setMethod(+ object |
688 | +3160 |
- "labelrow_visible<-", "VAnalyzeSplit",+ } |
689 | +3161 |
- function(obj, value) {+ ) |
690 | -266x | +|||
3162 | +
- obj@var_label_position <- value+ |
691 | -266x | +|||
3163 | +
- obj+ #' Top left material |
692 | +3164 |
- }+ #' |
693 | +3165 |
- )+ #' A `TableTree` object can have *top left material* which is a sequence of strings which are printed in the |
694 | +3166 |
+ #' area of the table between the column header display and the label of the first row. These functions access |
695 | +3167 |
- ## TRUE is always, FALSE is never, NA is only when no+ #' and modify that material. |
696 | +3168 |
- ## content function (or rows in an instantiated table) is present+ #' |
697 | +3169 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @inheritParams gen_args |
698 | -1519x | +|||
3170 | +
- setGeneric("label_kids", function(spl) standardGeneric("label_kids"))+ #' |
699 | +3171 |
+ #' @return A character vector representing the top-left material of `obj` (or `obj` after modification, in the |
700 | +3172 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' case of the setter). |
701 | -1519x | +|||
3173 | +
- setMethod("label_kids", "Split", function(spl) spl@label_children)+ #' |
702 | +3174 |
+ #' @export |
703 | +3175 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @rdname top_left |
704 | -3x | +3176 | +6894x |
- setGeneric("label_kids<-", function(spl, value) standardGeneric("label_kids<-"))+ setGeneric("top_left", function(obj) standardGeneric("top_left")) |
705 | +3177 | |||
706 | +3178 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @export |
707 | +3179 |
- setMethod("label_kids<-", c("Split", "character"), function(spl, value) {- |
- ||
708 | -1x | -
- label_kids(spl) <- .labelkids_helper(value)+ #' @rdname top_left |
709 | -1x | -
- spl- |
- ||
710 | -+ | 3180 | +2993x |
- })+ setMethod("top_left", "VTableTree", function(obj) top_left(col_info(obj))) |
711 | +3181 | |||
712 | +3182 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @export |
713 | +3183 |
- setMethod("label_kids<-", c("Split", "logical"), function(spl, value) {- |
- ||
714 | -2x | -
- spl@label_children <- value+ #' @rdname top_left |
715 | -2x | +3184 | +3568x |
- spl+ setMethod("top_left", "InstantiatedColumnInfo", function(obj) obj@top_left) |
716 | +3185 |
- })+ |
717 | +3186 |
+ #' @export |
718 | +3187 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @rdname top_left |
719 | -399x | +3188 | +333x |
- setGeneric("vis_label", function(spl) standardGeneric("vis_label"))+ setMethod("top_left", "PreDataTableLayouts", function(obj) obj@top_left) |
720 | +3189 | |||
721 | +3190 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @export |
722 | +3191 |
- setMethod("vis_label", "Split", function(spl) {+ #' @rdname top_left |
723 | -399x | +3192 | +5909x |
- .labelkids_helper(label_position(spl))+ setGeneric("top_left<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("top_left<-")) |
724 | +3193 |
- })+ |
725 | +3194 |
+ #' @export |
726 | +3195 |
- ## #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @rdname top_left |
727 | +3196 |
- ## setGeneric("vis_label<-", function(spl, value) standardGeneric("vis_label<-"))+ setMethod("top_left<-", "VTableTree", function(obj, value) { |
728 | -+ | |||
3197 | +2954x |
- ## #' @rdname int_methods+ cinfo <- col_info(obj) |
729 | -+ | |||
3198 | +2954x |
- ## setMethod("vis_label<-", "Split", function(spl, value) {+ top_left(cinfo) <- value |
730 | -+ | |||
3199 | +2954x |
- ## stop("defunct")+ col_info(obj) <- cinfo |
731 | -+ | |||
3200 | +2954x |
- ## if(is.na(value))+ obj |
732 | +3201 |
- ## stop("split label visibility must be TRUE or FALSE, got NA")+ }) |
733 | +3202 |
- ## # spl@split_label_visible <- value+ |
734 | +3203 |
- ## spl+ #' @export |
735 | +3204 |
- ## })+ #' @rdname top_left |
736 | +3205 |
+ setMethod("top_left<-", "InstantiatedColumnInfo", function(obj, value) { |
737 | -+ | |||
3206 | +2954x |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ obj@top_left <- value |
738 | -1028x | +3207 | +2954x |
- setGeneric("label_position", function(spl) standardGeneric("label_position"))+ obj |
739 | +3208 |
+ }) |
740 | +3209 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ |
741 | -703x | +|||
3210 | +
- setMethod("label_position", "Split", function(spl) spl@split_label_position)+ #' @export |
742 | +3211 |
+ #' @rdname top_left |
743 | +3212 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ setMethod("top_left<-", "PreDataTableLayouts", function(obj, value) { |
744 | -325x | +3213 | +1x |
- setMethod("label_position", "VAnalyzeSplit", function(spl) spl@var_label_position) ## split_label_position)+ obj@top_left <- value |
745 | -+ | |||
3214 | +1x |
+ obj |
746 | +3215 |
- #' @rdname int_methods- |
- ||
747 | -48x | -
- setGeneric("label_position<-", function(spl, value) standardGeneric("label_position<-"))+ }) |
748 | +3216 | |||
749 | +3217 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ vil_collapse <- function(x) { |
750 | -+ | |||
3218 | +14x |
- setMethod("label_position<-", "Split", function(spl, value) {+ x <- unlist(x) |
751 | -48x | +3219 | +14x |
- value <- match.arg(value, valid_lbl_pos)+ x <- x[!is.na(x)] |
752 | -48x | +3220 | +14x |
- spl@split_label_position <- value+ x <- unique(x) |
753 | -48x | +3221 | +14x |
- spl+ x[nzchar(x)] |
754 | +3222 |
- })+ } |
755 | +3223 | |||
756 | +3224 |
- ### Function accessors (summary, tabulation and split) ----+ #' List variables required by a pre-data table layout |
757 | +3225 |
+ #' |
758 | +3226 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @param lyt (`PreDataTableLayouts`)\cr the layout (or a component thereof). |
759 | -3280x | +|||
3227 | +
- setGeneric("content_fun", function(obj) standardGeneric("content_fun"))+ #' |
760 | +3228 |
+ #' @details |
761 | +3229 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' This will walk the layout declaration and return a vector of the names of the unique variables that are used |
762 | -3228x | +|||
3230 | +
- setMethod("content_fun", "Split", function(obj) obj@content_fun)+ #' in any of the following ways: |
763 | +3231 |
+ #' |
764 | +3232 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' * Variable being split on (directly or via cuts) |
765 | -114x | +|||
3233 | +
- setGeneric("content_fun<-", function(object, value) standardGeneric("content_fun<-"))+ #' * Element of a Multi-variable column split |
766 | +3234 |
+ #' * Content variable |
767 | +3235 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' * Value-label variable |
768 | +3236 |
- setMethod("content_fun<-", "Split", function(object, value) {+ #' |
769 | -114x | +|||
3237 | +
- object@content_fun <- value+ #' @return A character vector containing the unique variables explicitly used in the layout (see the notes below). |
770 | -114x | +|||
3238 | +
- object+ #' |
771 | +3239 |
- })+ #' @note |
772 | +3240 |
+ #' * This function will not detect dependencies implicit in analysis or summary functions which accept `x` |
773 | +3241 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' or `df` and then rely on the existence of particular variables not being split on/analyzed. |
774 | -1695x | +|||
3242 | +
- setGeneric("analysis_fun", function(obj) standardGeneric("analysis_fun"))+ #' * The order these variable names appear within the return vector is undefined and should not be relied upon. |
775 | +3243 |
+ #' |
776 | +3244 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @examples |
777 | -1600x | +|||
3245 | +
- setMethod("analysis_fun", "AnalyzeVarSplit", function(obj) obj@analysis_fun)+ #' lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
778 | +3246 |
+ #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>% |
779 | +3247 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' split_cols_by("SEX") %>% |
780 | -95x | +|||
3248 | +
- setMethod("analysis_fun", "AnalyzeColVarSplit", function(obj) obj@analysis_fun)+ #' summarize_row_groups(label_fstr = "Overall (N)") %>% |
781 | +3249 |
+ #' split_rows_by("RACE", |
782 | +3250 |
- ## not used and probably not needed+ #' split_label = "Ethnicity", labels_var = "ethn_lab", |
783 | +3251 |
- ## #' @rdname int_methods+ #' split_fun = drop_split_levels |
784 | +3252 |
- ## setGeneric("analysis_fun<-", function(object, value) standardGeneric("analysis_fun<-"))+ #' ) %>% |
785 | +3253 |
+ #' summarize_row_groups("RACE", label_fstr = "%s (n)") %>% |
786 | +3254 |
- ## #' @rdname int_methods+ #' analyze("AGE", var_labels = "Age", afun = mean, format = "xx.xx") |
787 | +3255 |
- ## setMethod("analysis_fun<-", "AnalyzeVarSplit", function(object, value) {+ #' |
788 | +3256 |
- ## object@analysis_fun <- value+ #' vars_in_layout(lyt) |
789 | +3257 |
- ## object+ #' |
790 | +3258 |
- ## })+ #' @export |
791 | +3259 |
- ## #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @rdname vil |
792 | -+ | |||
3260 | +15x |
- ## setMethod("analysis_fun<-", "AnalyzeColVarSplit", function(object, value) {+ setGeneric("vars_in_layout", function(lyt) standardGeneric("vars_in_layout")) |
793 | +3261 |
- ## if(is(value, "function"))+ |
794 | +3262 |
- ## value <- list(value)+ #' @rdname vil |
795 | +3263 |
- ## object@analysis_fun <- value+ setMethod( |
796 | +3264 |
- ## object+ "vars_in_layout", "PreDataTableLayouts", |
797 | +3265 |
- ## })+ function(lyt) { |
798 | -+ | |||
3266 | +1x |
+ vil_collapse(c( |
799 | -+ | |||
3267 | +1x |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ vars_in_layout(clayout(lyt)), |
800 | -1092x | +3268 | +1x |
- setGeneric("split_fun", function(obj) standardGeneric("split_fun"))+ vars_in_layout(rlayout(lyt)) |
801 | +3269 |
+ )) |
802 | +3270 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ } |
803 | -909x | +|||
3271 | +
- setMethod("split_fun", "CustomizableSplit", function(obj) obj@split_fun)+ ) |
804 | +3272 | |||
805 | +3273 |
- ## Only that type of split currently has the slot+ #' @rdname vil |
806 | +3274 |
- ## this should probably change? for now define+ setMethod( |
807 | +3275 |
- ## an accessor that just returns NULL+ "vars_in_layout", "PreDataAxisLayout", |
808 | +3276 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ function(lyt) { |
809 | -131x | +3277 | +2x |
- setMethod("split_fun", "Split", function(obj) NULL)+ vil_collapse(lapply(lyt, vars_in_layout)) |
810 | +3278 |
+ } |
811 | +3279 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ ) |
812 | -13x | +|||
3280 | +
- setGeneric("split_fun<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("split_fun<-"))+ |
813 | +3281 |
+ #' @rdname vil |
814 | +3282 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ setMethod( |
815 | +3283 |
- setMethod("split_fun<-", "CustomizableSplit", function(obj, value) {+ "vars_in_layout", "SplitVector", |
816 | -13x | +|||
3284 | +
- obj@split_fun <- value+ function(lyt) { |
817 | -13x | +3285 | +3x |
- obj+ vil_collapse(lapply(lyt, vars_in_layout)) |
818 | +3286 |
- })+ } |
819 | +3287 |
+ ) |
820 | +3288 |
- # nocov start+ |
821 | +3289 |
- ## Only that type of split currently has the slot+ #' @rdname vil |
822 | +3290 |
- ## this should probably change? for now define+ setMethod( |
823 | +3291 |
- ## an accessor that just returns NULL+ "vars_in_layout", "Split", |
824 | +3292 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ function(lyt) {+ |
+ ||
3293 | +7x | +
+ vil_collapse(c(+ |
+ ||
3294 | +7x | +
+ spl_payload(lyt), |
825 | +3295 |
- setMethod(+ ## for an AllSplit/RootSplit |
826 | +3296 |
- "split_fun<-", "Split",+ ## doesn't have to be same as payload+ |
+ ||
3297 | +7x | +
+ content_var(lyt),+ |
+ ||
3298 | +7x | +
+ spl_label_var(lyt) |
827 | +3299 |
- function(obj, value) {+ )) |
828 | +3300 |
- stop(+ } |
829 | +3301 |
- "Attempted to set a custom split function on a non-customizable split.",+ ) |
830 | +3302 |
- "This should not happen, please contact the maintainers."+ |
831 | +3303 |
- )+ #' @rdname vil |
832 | +3304 |
- }+ setMethod( |
833 | +3305 |
- )+ "vars_in_layout", "CompoundSplit",+ |
+ ||
3306 | +1x | +
+ function(lyt) vil_collapse(lapply(spl_payload(lyt), vars_in_layout)) |
834 | +3307 |
- # nocov end+ ) |
835 | +3308 | |||
836 | +3309 |
- ## Content specification related accessors ----+ #' @rdname vil |
837 | +3310 |
+ setMethod( |
838 | +3311 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ "vars_in_layout", "ManualSplit", |
839 | -469x | +3312 | +1x |
- setGeneric("content_extra_args", function(obj) standardGeneric("content_extra_args"))+ function(lyt) character() |
840 | +3313 |
+ ) |
841 | +3314 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ |
842 | -469x | +|||
3315 | +
- setMethod("content_extra_args", "Split", function(obj) obj@content_extra_args)+ ## Titles and footers ---- |
843 | +3316 | |||
844 | +3317 |
- #' @rdname int_methods- |
- ||
845 | -114x | -
- setGeneric("content_extra_args<-", function(object, value) standardGeneric("content_extra_args<-"))+ # ##' Titles and Footers |
846 | +3318 |
+ # ##' |
847 | +3319 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ # ##' Get or set the titles and footers on an object |
848 | +3320 |
- setMethod("content_extra_args<-", "Split", function(object, value) {+ # ##' |
849 | -114x | +|||
3321 | +
- object@content_extra_args <- value+ # ##' @inheritParams gen_args |
850 | -114x | +|||
3322 | +
- object+ # ##' |
851 | +3323 |
- })+ # ##' @rdname title_footer |
852 | +3324 |
+ # ##' @export |
853 | +3325 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @rdname formatters_methods |
854 | -1841x | +|||
3326 | +
- setGeneric("content_var", function(obj) standardGeneric("content_var"))+ #' @export |
855 | +3327 |
+ setMethod( |
856 | +3328 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ "main_title", "VTitleFooter", |
857 | -1841x | +3329 | +3567x |
- setMethod("content_var", "Split", function(obj) obj@content_var)+ function(obj) obj@main_title |
858 | +3330 | ++ |
+ )+ |
+ |
3331 | ||||
859 | +3332 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ ##' @rdname formatters_methods |
860 | -114x | +|||
3333 | +
- setGeneric("content_var<-", function(object, value) standardGeneric("content_var<-"))+ ##' @export |
861 | +3334 |
+ setMethod( |
862 | +3335 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ "main_title<-", "VTitleFooter", |
863 | +3336 |
- setMethod("content_var<-", "Split", function(object, value) {+ function(obj, value) { |
864 | -114x | +3337 | +3173x |
- object@content_var <- value+ stopifnot(length(value) == 1) |
865 | -114x | +3338 | +3173x |
- object+ obj@main_title <- value |
866 | -+ | |||
3339 | +3173x |
- })+ obj |
867 | +3340 |
+ } |
868 | +3341 |
- ### Miscellaneous accessors ----+ ) |
869 | +3342 | |||
870 | +3343 |
- #' @rdname int_methods- |
- ||
871 | -1102x | -
- setGeneric("avar_inclNAs", function(obj) standardGeneric("avar_inclNAs"))+ # Getters for TableRow is here for convenience for binding (no need of setters) |
872 | +3344 |
+ #' @rdname formatters_methods |
873 | +3345 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @export |
874 | +3346 |
setMethod( |
875 | +3347 |
- "avar_inclNAs", "VAnalyzeSplit",+ "main_title", "TableRow", |
876 | -1102x | +3348 | +6x |
- function(obj) obj@include_NAs+ function(obj) "" |
877 | +3349 |
) |
878 | +3350 | |||
879 | +3351 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @rdname formatters_methods |
880 | -! | +|||
3352 | +
- setGeneric("avar_inclNAs<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("avar_inclNAs<-"))+ #' @export |
881 | +3353 |
+ setMethod( |
882 | +3354 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ "subtitles", "VTitleFooter", |
883 | -+ | |||
3355 | +3557x |
- setMethod(+ function(obj) obj@subtitles |
884 | +3356 |
- "avar_inclNAs<-", "VAnalyzeSplit",+ ) |
885 | +3357 |
- function(obj, value) {+ |
886 | -! | +|||
3358 | +
- obj@include_NAs <- value+ #' @rdname formatters_methods |
887 | +3359 |
- }+ #' @export |
888 | +3360 |
- )+ setMethod( |
889 | +3361 |
+ "subtitles<-", "VTitleFooter", |
890 | +3362 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ function(obj, value) { |
891 | -821x | +3363 | +3168x |
- setGeneric("spl_labelvar", function(obj) standardGeneric("spl_labelvar"))+ obj@subtitles <- value |
892 | -+ | |||
3364 | +3168x |
+ obj |
893 | +3365 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ } |
894 | -821x | +|||
3366 | +
- setMethod("spl_labelvar", "VarLevelSplit", function(obj) obj@value_label_var)+ ) |
895 | +3367 | |||
896 | +3368 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @rdname formatters_methods |
897 | -2786x | +|||
3369 | +
- setGeneric("spl_child_order", function(obj) standardGeneric("spl_child_order"))+ #' @export |
898 | +3370 |
+ setMethod( |
899 | +3371 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ "subtitles", "TableRow", # Only getter: see main_title for TableRow |
900 | -2485x | +3372 | +6x |
- setMethod("spl_child_order", "VarLevelSplit", function(obj) obj@value_order)+ function(obj) character() |
901 | +3373 | ++ |
+ )+ |
+ |
3374 | ||||
902 | +3375 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @rdname formatters_methods |
903 | +3376 |
- setGeneric(+ #' @export |
904 | +3377 |
- "spl_child_order<-",+ setMethod(+ |
+ ||
3378 | ++ |
+ "main_footer", "VTitleFooter", |
905 | -630x | +3379 | +3575x |
- function(obj, value) standardGeneric("spl_child_order<-")+ function(obj) obj@main_footer |
906 | +3380 |
) |
907 | +3381 | |||
908 | +3382 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @rdname formatters_methods |
909 | +3383 | ++ |
+ #' @export+ |
+ |
3384 |
setMethod( |
910 | +3385 |
- "spl_child_order<-", "VarLevelSplit",+ "main_footer<-", "VTitleFooter", |
911 | +3386 |
function(obj, value) { |
912 | -630x | +3387 | +3173x |
- obj@value_order <- value+ obj@main_footer <- value |
913 | -630x | +3388 | +3173x |
obj |
914 | +3389 |
} |
915 | +3390 |
) |
916 | +3391 | |||
917 | +3392 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @rdname formatters_methods |
918 | +3393 |
- setMethod(+ #' @export |
919 | +3394 |
- "spl_child_order",+ setMethod( |
920 | +3395 |
- "ManualSplit",+ "main_footer", "TableRow", # Only getter: see main_title for TableRow |
921 | -52x | +3396 | +6x |
- function(obj) obj@levels+ function(obj) character() |
922 | +3397 |
) |
923 | +3398 | |||
924 | +3399 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @rdname formatters_methods |
925 | +3400 |
- setMethod(+ #' @export |
926 | +3401 |
- "spl_child_order",+ setMethod( |
927 | +3402 |
- "MultiVarSplit",+ "prov_footer", "VTitleFooter", |
928 | -96x | +3403 | +3556x |
- function(obj) spl_varnames(obj)+ function(obj) obj@provenance_footer |
929 | +3404 |
) |
930 | +3405 | |||
931 | +3406 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @rdname formatters_methods |
932 | +3407 | ++ |
+ #' @export+ |
+ |
3408 |
setMethod( |
933 | +3409 |
- "spl_child_order",+ "prov_footer<-", "VTitleFooter", |
934 | +3410 |
- "AllSplit",+ function(obj, value) { |
935 | -109x | +3411 | +3167x |
- function(obj) character()+ obj@provenance_footer <- value+ |
3412 | +3167x | +
+ obj |
936 | +3413 | ++ |
+ }+ |
+ |
3414 |
) |
937 | +3415 | |||
938 | +3416 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @rdname formatters_methods |
939 | +3417 |
- setMethod(+ #' @export |
940 | +3418 |
- "spl_child_order",+ setMethod( |
941 | +3419 |
- "VarStaticCutSplit",+ "prov_footer", "TableRow", # Only getter: see main_title for TableRow |
942 | -44x | +3420 | +6x |
- function(obj) spl_cutlabels(obj)+ function(obj) character() |
943 | +3421 |
) |
944 | +3422 | |||
945 | +3423 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ make_ref_value <- function(value) { |
946 | -989x | +3424 | +3306x |
- setGeneric("root_spl", function(obj) standardGeneric("root_spl"))+ if (is(value, "RefFootnote")) { |
947 | -+ | |||
3425 | +! |
+ value <- list(value) |
948 | -+ | |||
3426 | +3306x |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ } else if (!is.list(value) || any(!sapply(value, is, "RefFootnote"))) { |
949 | -+ | |||
3427 | +10x |
- setMethod(+ value <- lapply(value, RefFootnote) |
950 | +3428 |
- "root_spl", "PreDataAxisLayout",+ } |
951 | -989x | +3429 | +3306x |
- function(obj) obj@root_split+ value |
952 | +3430 |
- )+ } |
953 | +3431 | |||
954 | +3432 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' Referential footnote accessors |
955 | -9x | +|||
3433 | +
- setGeneric("root_spl<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("root_spl<-"))+ #' |
956 | +3434 |
+ #' Access and set the referential footnotes aspects of a built table. |
957 | +3435 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' |
958 | +3436 |
- setMethod(+ #' @inheritParams gen_args |
959 | +3437 |
- "root_spl<-", "PreDataAxisLayout",+ #' |
960 | +3438 |
- function(obj, value) {+ #' @export |
961 | -9x | +|||
3439 | +
- obj@root_split <- value+ #' @rdname ref_fnotes |
962 | -9x | +3440 | +51397x |
- obj+ setGeneric("row_footnotes", function(obj) standardGeneric("row_footnotes")) |
963 | +3441 |
- }+ |
964 | +3442 |
- )+ #' @export |
965 | +3443 |
+ #' @rdname int_methods |
966 | +3444 |
- #' Row attribute accessors+ setMethod( |
967 | +3445 |
- #'+ "row_footnotes", "TableRow",+ |
+ ||
3446 | +49348x | +
+ function(obj) obj@row_footnotes |
968 | +3447 |
- #' @inheritParams gen_args+ ) |
969 | +3448 |
- #'+ |
970 | +3449 |
- #' @return Various return values depending on the accessor called.+ #' @export |
971 | +3450 |
- #'+ #' @rdname int_methods |
972 | +3451 |
- #' @export+ setMethod( |
973 | +3452 |
- #' @rdname row_accessors+ "row_footnotes", "RowsVerticalSection", |
974 | -72x | +3453 | +1622x |
- setGeneric("obj_avar", function(obj) standardGeneric("obj_avar"))+ function(obj) attr(obj, "row_footnotes", exact = TRUE) %||% list() |
975 | +3454 | ++ |
+ )+ |
+ |
3455 | ||||
976 | +3456 |
- #' @rdname row_accessors+ #' @export |
977 | +3457 |
- #' @exportMethod obj_avar+ #' @rdname ref_fnotes |
978 | -55x | +3458 | +65x |
- setMethod("obj_avar", "TableRow", function(obj) obj@var_analyzed)+ setGeneric("row_footnotes<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("row_footnotes<-")) |
979 | +3459 | |||
980 | +3460 |
- #' @rdname row_accessors+ #' @export |
981 | +3461 |
- #' @exportMethod obj_avar- |
- ||
982 | -17x | -
- setMethod("obj_avar", "ElementaryTable", function(obj) obj@var_analyzed)+ #' @rdname int_methods |
983 | +3462 |
+ setMethod( |
984 | +3463 |
- #' @export+ "row_footnotes<-", "TableRow", |
985 | +3464 |
- #' @rdname row_accessors+ function(obj, value) { |
986 | -67468x | +3465 | +65x |
- setGeneric("row_cells", function(obj) standardGeneric("row_cells"))+ obj@row_footnotes <- make_ref_value(value) |
987 | -+ | |||
3466 | +65x |
+ obj |
988 | +3467 |
- #' @rdname row_accessors+ } |
989 | +3468 |
- #' @exportMethod row_cells- |
- ||
990 | -7393x | -
- setMethod("row_cells", "TableRow", function(obj) obj@leaf_value)+ ) |
991 | +3469 | |||
992 | +3470 |
- #' @rdname row_accessors+ #' @export |
993 | -4034x | +|||
3471 | +
- setGeneric("row_cells<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("row_cells<-"))+ #' @rdname int_methods |
994 | +3472 |
+ setMethod( |
995 | +3473 |
- #' @rdname row_accessors+ "row_footnotes", "VTableTree", |
996 | +3474 |
- #' @exportMethod row_cells+ function(obj) { |
997 | -+ | |||
3475 | +427x |
- setMethod("row_cells<-", "TableRow", function(obj, value) {+ rws <- collect_leaves(obj, TRUE, TRUE) |
998 | -4034x | +3476 | +427x |
- obj@leaf_value <- value+ cells <- lapply(rws, row_footnotes) |
999 | -4034x | +3477 | +427x |
- obj+ cells |
1000 | +3478 |
- })+ } |
1001 | +3479 | ++ |
+ )+ |
+ |
3480 | ||||
1002 | +3481 |
#' @export |
1003 | +3482 |
- #' @rdname row_accessors+ #' @rdname ref_fnotes |
1004 | -2314x | +3483 | +202583x |
- setGeneric("row_values", function(obj) standardGeneric("row_values"))+ setGeneric("cell_footnotes", function(obj) standardGeneric("cell_footnotes")) |
1005 | +3484 | |||
1006 | +3485 |
- #' @rdname row_accessors+ #' @export |
1007 | +3486 |
- #' @exportMethod row_values- |
- ||
1008 | -522x | -
- setMethod("row_values", "TableRow", function(obj) rawvalues(obj@leaf_value))+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1009 | +3487 |
+ setMethod( |
1010 | +3488 |
+ "cell_footnotes", "CellValue", |
1011 | -+ | |||
3489 | +162431x |
- #' @rdname row_accessors+ function(obj) attr(obj, "footnotes", exact = TRUE) %||% list() |
1012 | +3490 |
- #' @exportMethod row_values<-- |
- ||
1013 | -1218x | -
- setGeneric("row_values<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("row_values<-"))+ ) |
1014 | +3491 | |||
1015 | +3492 |
- #' @rdname row_accessors+ #' @export |
1016 | +3493 |
- #' @exportMethod row_values<-+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1017 | +3494 |
setMethod( |
1018 | +3495 |
- "row_values<-", "TableRow",+ "cell_footnotes", "TableRow", |
1019 | +3496 |
- function(obj, value) {+ function(obj) { |
1020 | -1218x | +3497 | +35455x |
- obj@leaf_value <- lapply(value, rcell)+ ret <- lapply(row_cells(obj), cell_footnotes) |
1021 | -1218x | +3498 | +35455x |
- obj+ if (length(ret) != ncol(obj)) {+ |
3499 | +144x | +
+ ret <- rep(ret, row_cspans(obj)) |
1022 | +3500 | ++ |
+ }+ |
+ |
3501 | +35455x | +
+ ret+ |
+ ||
3502 |
} |
1023 | +3503 |
) |
1024 | +3504 | |||
1025 | +3505 |
- #' @rdname row_accessors+ #' @export |
1026 | +3506 |
- #' @exportMethod row_values<-+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1027 | +3507 |
setMethod( |
1028 | +3508 |
- "row_values<-", "LabelRow",+ "cell_footnotes", "LabelRow", |
1029 | +3509 |
- function(obj, value) {+ function(obj) { |
1030 | -! | +|||
3510 | +4270x |
- stop("LabelRows cannot have row values.")+ rep(list(list()), ncol(obj)) |
1031 | +3511 |
} |
1032 | +3512 |
) |
1033 | +3513 | |||
1034 | +3514 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @export |
1035 | -941x | +|||
3515 | +
- setGeneric("spanned_values", function(obj) standardGeneric("spanned_values"))+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1036 | +3516 |
+ setMethod( |
1037 | +3517 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ "cell_footnotes", "VTableTree", |
1038 | +3518 |
- setMethod(+ function(obj) { |
1039 | -+ | |||
3519 | +427x |
- "spanned_values", "TableRow",+ rws <- collect_leaves(obj, TRUE, TRUE) |
1040 | -+ | |||
3520 | +427x |
- function(obj) {+ cells <- lapply(rws, cell_footnotes) |
1041 | -941x | +3521 | +427x |
- rawvalues(spanned_cells(obj))+ do.call(rbind, cells) |
1042 | +3522 |
} |
1043 | +3523 |
) |
1044 | +3524 | |||
1045 | +3525 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @export |
1046 | +3526 |
- setMethod(+ #' @rdname ref_fnotes |
1047 | -+ | |||
3527 | +625x |
- "spanned_values", "LabelRow",+ setGeneric("cell_footnotes<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("cell_footnotes<-")) |
1048 | +3528 |
- function(obj) {+ |
1049 | -! | +|||
3529 | +
- rep(list(NULL), ncol(obj))+ #' @export |
1050 | +3530 |
- }+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1051 | +3531 |
- )+ setMethod( |
1052 | +3532 |
+ "cell_footnotes<-", "CellValue", |
1053 | +3533 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ function(obj, value) { |
1054 | -941x | +3534 | +565x |
- setGeneric("spanned_cells", function(obj) standardGeneric("spanned_cells"))+ attr(obj, "footnotes") <- make_ref_value(value)+ |
3535 | +565x | +
+ obj |
1055 | +3536 |
+ } |
1056 | +3537 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ ) |
1057 | +3538 |
- setMethod(+ |
1058 | +3539 |
- "spanned_cells", "TableRow",+ .cfn_set_helper <- function(obj, value) {+ |
+ ||
3540 | +60x | +
+ if (length(value) != ncol(obj)) {+ |
+ ||
3541 | +! | +
+ stop("Did not get the right number of footnote ref values for cell_footnotes<- on a full row.") |
1059 | +3542 |
- function(obj) {+ } |
1060 | -941x | +|||
3543 | +
- sp <- row_cspans(obj)+ |
1061 | -941x | +3544 | +60x |
- rvals <- row_cells(obj)+ row_cells(obj) <- mapply( |
1062 | -941x | +3545 | +60x |
- unlist(+ function(cell, fns) { |
1063 | -941x | +3546 | +191x |
- mapply(function(v, s) rep(list(v), times = s),+ if (is.list(fns)) { |
1064 | -941x | +3547 | +185x |
- v = rvals, s = sp+ cell_footnotes(cell) <- lapply(fns, RefFootnote) |
1065 | +3548 |
- ),+ } else { |
1066 | -941x | +3549 | +6x |
- recursive = FALSE+ cell_footnotes(cell) <- list(RefFootnote(fns)) |
1067 | +3550 |
- )+ } |
1068 | -+ | |||
3551 | +191x |
- }+ cell |
1069 | +3552 |
- )+ },+ |
+ ||
3553 | +60x | +
+ cell = row_cells(obj),+ |
+ ||
3554 | +60x | +
+ fns = value, SIMPLIFY = FALSE |
1070 | +3555 |
+ )+ |
+ ||
3556 | +60x | +
+ obj |
1071 | +3557 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ } |
1072 | +3558 |
- setMethod(+ |
1073 | +3559 |
- "spanned_cells", "LabelRow",+ #' @export |
1074 | +3560 |
- function(obj) {+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1075 | -! | +|||
3561 | +
- rep(list(NULL), ncol(obj))+ setMethod("cell_footnotes<-", "DataRow", |
1076 | +3562 |
- }+ definition = .cfn_set_helper |
1077 | +3563 |
) |
1078 | +3564 | |||
1079 | +3565 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @export |
1080 | -3x | +|||
3566 | +
- setGeneric("spanned_values<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("spanned_values<-"))+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1081 | +3567 |
+ setMethod("cell_footnotes<-", "ContentRow", |
1082 | +3568 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ definition = .cfn_set_helper |
1083 | +3569 |
- setMethod(+ ) |
1084 | +3570 |
- "spanned_values<-", "TableRow",+ |
1085 | +3571 |
- function(obj, value) {+ # Deprecated methods ---- |
1086 | -2x | +|||
3572 | +
- sp <- row_cspans(obj)+ |
1087 | +3573 |
- ## this is 3 times too clever!!!- |
- ||
1088 | -2x | -
- valindices <- unlist(lapply(sp, function(x) c(TRUE, rep(FALSE, x - 1))))+ #' @export |
1089 | +3574 | - - | -||
1090 | -2x | -
- splvec <- cumsum(valindices)- |
- ||
1091 | -2x | -
- lapply(- |
- ||
1092 | -2x | -
- split(value, splvec),- |
- ||
1093 | -2x | -
- function(v) {- |
- ||
1094 | -3x | -
- if (length(unique(v)) > 1) {- |
- ||
1095 | -1x | -
- stop(- |
- ||
1096 | -1x | -
- "Got more than one unique value within a span, ",- |
- ||
1097 | -1x | -
- "new spanned values do not appear to match the ",- |
- ||
1098 | -1x | -
- "existing spanning pattern of the row (",+ #' @rdname ref_fnotes |
1099 | -1x | +|||
3575 | +! |
- paste(sp, collapse = " "), ")"+ setGeneric("col_fnotes_here", function(obj) standardGeneric("col_fnotes_here")) |
1100 | +3576 |
- )+ |
1101 | +3577 |
- }+ #' @export |
1102 | +3578 |
- }+ #' @rdname ref_fnotes |
1103 | +3579 |
- )- |
- ||
1104 | -1x | -
- rvals <- value[valindices]+ setMethod("col_fnotes_here", "ANY", function(obj) { |
1105 | -+ | |||
3580 | +! |
+ lifecycle::deprecate_warn( |
1106 | -+ | |||
3581 | +! |
- ## rvals = lapply(split(value, splvec),+ when = "0.6.6", |
1107 | -+ | |||
3582 | +! |
- ## function(v) {+ what = "col_fnotes_here()", |
1108 | -+ | |||
3583 | +! |
- ## if(length(v) == 1)+ with = "col_footnotes()" |
1109 | +3584 |
- ## return(v)+ ) |
1110 | -+ | |||
3585 | +! |
- ## stopifnot(length(unique(v)) == 1L)+ col_footnotes(obj) |
1111 | +3586 |
- ## rcell(unique(v), colspan<- length(v))+ }) |
1112 | +3587 |
- ## })+ |
1113 | +3588 |
- ## if(any(splvec > 1))+ #' @export |
1114 | +3589 |
- ## rvals <- lapply(rvals, function(x) x[[1]])- |
- ||
1115 | -1x | -
- row_values(obj) <- rvals- |
- ||
1116 | -1x | -
- obj+ #' @rdname ref_fnotes |
1117 | -+ | |||
3590 | +! |
- }+ setGeneric("col_fnotes_here<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("col_fnotes_here<-")) |
1118 | +3591 |
- )+ |
1119 | +3592 |
+ #' @export |
1120 | +3593 |
#' @rdname int_methods |
1121 | +3594 |
- setMethod(+ setMethod("col_fnotes_here<-", "ANY", function(obj, value) { |
1122 | -+ | |||
3595 | +! |
- "spanned_values<-", "LabelRow",+ lifecycle::deprecate_warn( |
1123 | -+ | |||
3596 | +! |
- function(obj, value) {+ when = "0.6.6", |
1124 | -1x | +|||
3597 | +! |
- if (!is.null(value)) {+ what = I("col_fnotes_here()<-"), |
1125 | -1x | +|||
3598 | +! |
- stop("Label rows can't have non-null cell values, got", value)+ with = I("col_footnotes()<-") |
1126 | +3599 |
- }+ ) |
1127 | +3600 | ! |
- obj+ col_footnotes(obj) <- value |
1128 | +3601 |
- }+ }) |
1129 | +3602 |
- )+ |
1130 | +3603 |
+ #' @export |
1131 | +3604 |
- ### Format manipulation+ #' @rdname ref_fnotes |
1132 | -+ | |||
3605 | +16828x |
- ### obj_format<- is not recursive+ setGeneric("col_footnotes", function(obj) standardGeneric("col_footnotes")) |
1133 | +3606 |
- ## TODO export these?+ |
1134 | +3607 |
- #' @rdname formatters_methods+ #' @export |
1135 | +3608 |
- #' @export+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1136 | -6348x | +3609 | +1423x |
- setMethod("obj_format", "VTableNodeInfo", function(obj) obj@format)+ setMethod("col_footnotes", "LayoutColTree", function(obj) obj@col_footnotes) |
1137 | +3610 | |||
1138 | +3611 |
- #' @rdname formatters_methods+ #' @export |
1139 | +3612 |
- #' @export+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1140 | -105881x | +3613 | +14979x |
- setMethod("obj_format", "CellValue", function(obj) attr(obj, "format", exact = TRUE))+ setMethod("col_footnotes", "LayoutColLeaf", function(obj) obj@col_footnotes) |
1141 | +3614 | |||
1142 | +3615 |
- #' @rdname formatters_methods+ #' @export |
1143 | +3616 |
- #' @export+ #' @rdname ref_fnotes |
1144 | -2243x | +3617 | +2049x |
- setMethod("obj_format", "Split", function(obj) obj@split_format)+ setGeneric("col_footnotes<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("col_footnotes<-")) |
1145 | +3618 | |||
1146 | +3619 |
- #' @rdname formatters_methods+ #' @export |
1147 | +3620 |
- #' @export+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1148 | +3621 |
- setMethod("obj_format<-", "VTableNodeInfo", function(obj, value) {+ setMethod("col_footnotes<-", "LayoutColTree", function(obj, value) { |
1149 | -1647x | +3622 | +763x |
- obj@format <- value+ obj@col_footnotes <- make_ref_value(value) |
1150 | -1647x | +3623 | +763x |
obj |
1151 | +3624 |
}) |
1152 | +3625 | |||
1153 | +3626 |
- #' @rdname formatters_methods+ #' @export |
1154 | +3627 |
- #' @export+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1155 | +3628 |
- setMethod("obj_format<-", "Split", function(obj, value) {+ setMethod("col_footnotes<-", "LayoutColLeaf", function(obj, value) { |
1156 | -1x | +3629 | +1286x |
- obj@split_format <- value+ obj@col_footnotes <- make_ref_value(value) |
1157 | -1x | +3630 | +1286x |
obj |
1158 | +3631 |
}) |
1159 | +3632 | |||
1160 | +3633 |
- #' @rdname formatters_methods+ #' @export |
1161 | +3634 |
- #' @export+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1162 | +3635 |
- setMethod("obj_format<-", "CellValue", function(obj, value) {+ setMethod(+ |
+ ||
3636 | ++ |
+ "col_footnotes", "VTableTree",+ |
+ ||
3637 | ++ |
+ function(obj) { |
1163 | -1173x | +3638 | +426x |
- attr(obj, "format") <- value+ ctree <- coltree(obj) |
1164 | -1173x | +3639 | +426x |
- obj+ cols <- tree_children(ctree) |
1165 | -+ | |||
3640 | +426x |
- })+ while (all(sapply(cols, is, "LayoutColTree"))) { |
1166 | -+ | |||
3641 | +140x |
+ cols <- lapply(cols, tree_children) |
1167 | -+ | |||
3642 | +140x |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ cols <- unlist(cols, recursive = FALSE) |
1168 | +3643 |
- #' @export+ } |
1169 | -+ | |||
3644 | +426x |
- setMethod("obj_na_str<-", "CellValue", function(obj, value) {+ all_col_fnotes <- lapply(cols, col_footnotes) |
1170 | -4098x | +3645 | +426x |
- attr(obj, "format_na_str") <- value+ if (is.null(unlist(all_col_fnotes))) { |
1171 | -4098x | +3646 | +421x |
- obj+ return(NULL) |
1172 | +3647 |
- })+ } |
1173 | +3648 | |||
1174 | -+ | |||
3649 | +5x |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ return(all_col_fnotes) |
1175 | +3650 |
- #' @export+ } |
1176 | +3651 |
- setMethod("obj_na_str<-", "VTableNodeInfo", function(obj, value) {+ ) |
1177 | -26x | +|||
3652 | +
- obj@na_str <- value+ |
1178 | -26x | +|||
3653 | +
- obj+ #' @export |
1179 | +3654 |
- })+ #' @rdname ref_fnotes+ |
+ ||
3655 | +594x | +
+ setGeneric("ref_index", function(obj) standardGeneric("ref_index")) |
1180 | +3656 | |||
1181 | +3657 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @export |
1182 | +3658 |
- #' @export+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1183 | +3659 |
- setMethod("obj_na_str<-", "Split", function(obj, value) {+ setMethod( |
1184 | -! | +|||
3660 | +
- obj@split_na_str <- value+ "ref_index", "RefFootnote", |
1185 | -! | +|||
3661 | +594x |
- obj+ function(obj) obj@index |
1186 | +3662 |
- })+ ) |
1187 | +3663 | |||
1188 | +3664 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @export |
1189 | +3665 |
- #' @export+ #' @rdname ref_fnotes |
1190 | -27752x | +3666 | +71x |
- setMethod("obj_na_str", "VTableNodeInfo", function(obj) obj@na_str)+ setGeneric("ref_index<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("ref_index<-")) |
1191 | +3667 | |||
1192 | +3668 |
- #' @rdname formatters_methods+ #' @export |
1193 | +3669 |
- #' @export+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1194 | -1142x | +|||
3670 | +
- setMethod("obj_na_str", "Split", function(obj) obj@split_na_str)+ setMethod( |
1195 | +3671 |
+ "ref_index<-", "RefFootnote", |
1196 | +3672 |
- .no_na_str <- function(x) {+ function(obj, value) { |
1197 | -14933x | +3673 | +71x |
- if (!is.character(x)) {+ obj@index <- value |
1198 | -6049x | +3674 | +71x |
- x <- obj_na_str(x)+ obj |
1199 | +3675 |
} |
1200 | -14933x | -
- length(x) == 0 || all(is.na(x))- |
- ||
1201 | +3676 |
- }+ ) |
1202 | +3677 | |||
1203 | +3678 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @export |
1204 | +3679 |
- setGeneric("set_format_recursive", function(obj, format, na_str, override = FALSE) {+ #' @rdname ref_fnotes |
1205 | -8877x | -
- standardGeneric("set_format_recursive")- |
- ||
1206 | -+ | 3680 | +523x |
- })+ setGeneric("ref_symbol", function(obj) standardGeneric("ref_symbol")) |
1207 | +3681 | |||
1208 | -- |
- #' @param override (`flag`)\cr whether to override attribute.- |
- ||
1209 | +3682 |
- #'+ #' @export |
1210 | +3683 |
#' @rdname int_methods |
1211 | +3684 |
setMethod( |
1212 | -- |
- "set_format_recursive", "TableRow",- |
- ||
1213 | +3685 |
- function(obj, format, na_str, override = FALSE) {- |
- ||
1214 | -1048x | -
- if (is.null(format) && .no_na_str(na_str)) {+ "ref_symbol", "RefFootnote", |
1215 | -524x | +3686 | +523x |
- return(obj)+ function(obj) obj@symbol |
1216 | +3687 |
- }+ ) |
1217 | +3688 | |||
1218 | -524x | -
- if ((is.null(obj_format(obj)) && !is.null(format)) || override) {- |
- ||
1219 | -524x | -
- obj_format(obj) <- format- |
- ||
1220 | +3689 |
- }+ #' @export |
1221 | -524x | +|||
3690 | +
- if ((.no_na_str(obj) && !.no_na_str(na_str)) || override) {+ #' @rdname ref_fnotes |
1222 | +3691 | ! |
- obj_na_str(obj) <- na_str+ setGeneric("ref_symbol<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("ref_symbol<-")) |
1223 | +3692 |
- }+ |
1224 | -524x | +|||
3693 | +
- lcells <- row_cells(obj)+ #' @export |
1225 | -524x | +|||
3694 | +
- lvals <- lapply(lcells, function(x) {+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1226 | -1879x | +|||
3695 | +
- if (!is.null(x) && (override || is.null(obj_format(x)))) {+ setMethod( |
1227 | -53x | +|||
3696 | +
- obj_format(x) <- obj_format(obj)+ "ref_symbol<-", "RefFootnote", |
1228 | +3697 |
- }+ function(obj, value) { |
1229 | -1879x | +|||
3698 | +! |
- if (!is.null(x) && (override || .no_na_str(x))) {+ obj@symbol <- value |
1230 | -1879x | +|||
3699 | +! |
- obj_na_str(x) <- obj_na_str(obj)+ obj |
1231 | +3700 |
- }+ } |
1232 | -1879x | +|||
3701 | +
- x+ ) |
1233 | +3702 |
- })+ |
1234 | -524x | +|||
3703 | +
- row_values(obj) <- lvals+ #' @export |
1235 | -524x | +|||
3704 | +
- obj+ #' @rdname ref_fnotes |
1236 | -+ | |||
3705 | +515x |
- }+ setGeneric("ref_msg", function(obj) standardGeneric("ref_msg")) |
1237 | +3706 |
- )+ |
1238 | +3707 |
+ #' @export |
1239 | +3708 |
#' @rdname int_methods |
1240 | +3709 |
setMethod( |
1241 | +3710 |
- "set_format_recursive", "LabelRow",+ "ref_msg", "RefFootnote", |
1242 | -11x | +3711 | +515x |
- function(obj, format, override = FALSE) obj+ function(obj) obj@value |
1243 | +3712 |
) |
1244 | +3713 | |||
1245 | -+ | |||
3714 | +20x |
- setMethod(+ setGeneric(".fnote_set_inner<-", function(ttrp, colpath, value) standardGeneric(".fnote_set_inner<-")) |
1246 | +3715 |
- "set_format_recursive", "VTableTree",+ |
1247 | +3716 |
- function(obj, format, na_str, override = FALSE) {- |
- ||
1248 | -1673x | -
- force(format)- |
- ||
1249 | -1673x | -
- if (is.null(format) && .no_na_str(na_str)) {- |
- ||
1250 | -1666x | -
- return(obj)+ setMethod( |
1251 | +3717 |
- }+ ".fnote_set_inner<-", c("TableRow", "NULL"), |
1252 | +3718 |
+ function(ttrp, colpath, value) { |
1253 | +3719 | 7x |
- if ((is.null(obj_format(obj)) && !is.null(format)) || override) {+ row_footnotes(ttrp) <- value |
1254 | +3720 | 7x |
- obj_format(obj) <- format+ ttrp |
1255 | +3721 |
- }- |
- ||
1256 | -7x | -
- if ((.no_na_str(obj) && !.no_na_str(na_str)) || override) {- |
- ||
1257 | -! | -
- obj_na_str(obj) <- na_str+ } |
1258 | +3722 |
- }+ ) |
1259 | +3723 | |||
1260 | -7x | -
- kids <- tree_children(obj)- |
- ||
1261 | -7x | -
- kids <- lapply(kids, function(x, format2, na_str2, oride) {- |
- ||
1262 | -33x | +|||
3724 | +
- set_format_recursive(x,+ setMethod( |
1263 | -33x | +|||
3725 | +
- format = format2, na_str = na_str2, override = oride+ ".fnote_set_inner<-", c("TableRow", "character"), |
1264 | +3726 |
- )+ function(ttrp, colpath, value) { |
1265 | -+ | |||
3727 | +6x |
- },+ ind <- .path_to_pos(path = colpath, tt = ttrp, cols = TRUE) |
1266 | -7x | +3728 | +6x |
- format2 = obj_format(obj), na_str2 = obj_na_str(obj), oride = override+ cfns <- cell_footnotes(ttrp) |
1267 | -+ | |||
3729 | +6x |
- )+ cfns[[ind]] <- value |
1268 | -7x | +3730 | +6x |
- tree_children(obj) <- kids+ cell_footnotes(ttrp) <- cfns |
1269 | -7x | +3731 | +6x |
- obj+ ttrp |
1270 | +3732 |
} |
1271 | +3733 |
) |
1272 | +3734 | |||
1273 | +3735 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ setMethod( |
1274 | -1833x | +|||
3736 | +
- setGeneric("content_format", function(obj) standardGeneric("content_format"))+ ".fnote_set_inner<-", c("InstantiatedColumnInfo", "character"), |
1275 | +3737 |
+ function(ttrp, colpath, value) { |
1276 | -+ | |||
3738 | +1x |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ ctree <- col_fnotes_at_path(coltree(ttrp), colpath, fnotes = value) |
1277 | -1833x | +3739 | +1x |
- setMethod("content_format", "Split", function(obj) obj@content_format)+ coltree(ttrp) <- ctree+ |
3740 | +1x | +
+ ttrp |
1278 | +3741 |
+ } |
1279 | +3742 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ ) |
1280 | -114x | +|||
3743 | +
- setGeneric("content_format<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("content_format<-"))+ |
1281 | +3744 |
+ setMethod( |
1282 | +3745 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ ".fnote_set_inner<-", c("VTableTree", "ANY"), |
1283 | +3746 |
- setMethod("content_format<-", "Split", function(obj, value) {+ function(ttrp, colpath, value) { |
1284 | -114x | +3747 | +6x |
- obj@content_format <- value+ if (labelrow_visible(ttrp) && !is.null(value)) { |
1285 | -114x | +3748 | +2x |
- obj+ lblrw <- tt_labelrow(ttrp) |
1286 | -+ | |||
3749 | +2x |
- })+ row_footnotes(lblrw) <- value |
1287 | -+ | |||
3750 | +2x |
+ tt_labelrow(ttrp) <- lblrw |
1288 | -+ | |||
3751 | +4x |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ } else if (NROW(content_table(ttrp)) == 1L) { |
1289 | -1833x | +3752 | +4x |
- setGeneric("content_na_str", function(obj) standardGeneric("content_na_str"))+ ctbl <- content_table(ttrp) |
1290 | -+ | |||
3753 | +4x |
+ pth <- make_row_df(ctbl)$path[[1]] |
1291 | -+ | |||
3754 | +4x |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ fnotes_at_path(ctbl, pth, colpath) <- value |
1292 | -1833x | +3755 | +4x |
- setMethod("content_na_str", "Split", function(obj) obj@content_na_str)+ content_table(ttrp) <- ctbl |
1293 | +3756 |
+ } else { |
1294 | +3757 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ stop("an error occurred. this shouldn't happen. please contact the maintainer") # nocov |
1295 | -! | +|||
3758 | +
- setGeneric("content_na_str<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("content_na_str<-"))+ } |
1296 | -+ | |||
3759 | +6x |
+ ttrp |
1297 | +3760 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ } |
1298 | +3761 |
- setMethod("content_na_str<-", "Split", function(obj, value) {+ ) |
1299 | -! | +|||
3762 | +
- obj@content_na_str <- value+ |
1300 | -! | +|||
3763 | +
- obj+ #' @param rowpath (`character` or `NULL`)\cr path within row structure. `NULL` indicates the footnote should |
1301 | +3764 |
- })+ #' go on the column rather than cell. |
1302 | +3765 |
+ #' @param colpath (`character` or `NULL`)\cr path within column structure. `NULL` indicates footnote should go |
1303 | +3766 |
- #' Value formats+ #' on the row rather than cell. |
1304 | +3767 |
- #'+ #' @param reset_idx (`flag`)\cr whether the numbering for referential footnotes should be immediately |
1305 | +3768 |
- #' Returns a matrix of formats for the cells in a table.+ #' recalculated. Defaults to `TRUE`. |
1306 | +3769 |
#' |
1307 | +3770 |
- #' @param obj (`VTableTree` or `TableRow`)\cr a table or row object.+ #' @examples |
1308 | +3771 |
- #' @param default (`string`, `function`, or `list`)\cr default format.+ #' # How to add referencial footnotes after having created a table |
1309 | +3772 |
- #'+ #' lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
1310 | +3773 |
- #' @return Matrix (storage mode list) containing the effective format for each cell position in the table+ #' split_rows_by("SEX", page_by = TRUE) %>% |
1311 | +3774 |
- #' (including 'virtual' cells implied by label rows, whose formats are always `NULL`).+ #' analyze("AGE") |
1312 | +3775 |
#' |
1313 | +3776 |
- #' @seealso [table_shell()] and [table_shell_str()] for information on the table format structure.+ #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM) |
1314 | +3777 |
- #'+ #' tbl <- trim_rows(tbl) |
1315 | +3778 |
- #' @examples+ #' # Check the row and col structure to add precise references |
1316 | +3779 |
- #' lyt <- basic_table() %>%+ #' # row_paths(tbl) |
1317 | +3780 |
- #' split_rows_by("RACE", split_fun = keep_split_levels(c("ASIAN", "WHITE"))) %>%+ #' # col_paths(t) |
1318 | +3781 |
- #' analyze("AGE")+ #' # row_paths_summary(tbl) |
1319 | +3782 |
- #'+ #' # col_paths_summary(tbl) |
1320 | +3783 |
- #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM)+ #' |
1321 | +3784 |
- #' value_formats(tbl)+ #' # Add the citation numbers on the table and relative references in the footnotes |
1322 | +3785 |
- #'+ #' fnotes_at_path(tbl, rowpath = c("SEX", "F", "AGE", "Mean")) <- "Famous paper 1" |
1323 | +3786 |
- #' @export+ #' fnotes_at_path(tbl, rowpath = c("SEX", "UNDIFFERENTIATED")) <- "Unfamous paper 2" |
1324 | -1123x | +|||
3787 | +
- setGeneric("value_formats", function(obj, default = obj_format(obj)) standardGeneric("value_formats"))+ #' # tbl |
1325 | +3788 |
+ #' |
1326 | +3789 |
- #' @rdname value_formats+ #' @seealso [row_paths()], [col_paths()], [row_paths_summary()], [col_paths_summary()] |
1327 | +3790 |
- setMethod(+ #' |
1328 | +3791 |
- "value_formats", "ANY",+ #' @export |
1329 | +3792 |
- function(obj, default) {+ #' @rdname ref_fnotes |
1330 | -762x | +|||
3793 | +
- obj_format(obj) %||% default+ setGeneric("fnotes_at_path<-", function(obj, |
1331 | +3794 |
- }+ rowpath = NULL, |
1332 | +3795 |
- )+ colpath = NULL, |
1333 | +3796 |
+ reset_idx = TRUE, |
1334 | +3797 |
- #' @rdname value_formats+ value) {+ |
+ ||
3798 | +20x | +
+ standardGeneric("fnotes_at_path<-") |
1335 | +3799 |
- setMethod(+ }) |
1336 | +3800 |
- "value_formats", "TableRow",+ |
1337 | +3801 |
- function(obj, default) {+ ## non-null rowpath, null or non-null colpath |
1338 | -245x | +|||
3802 | +
- if (!is.null(obj_format(obj))) {+ #' @inheritParams fnotes_at_path<- |
1339 | -215x | +|||
3803 | +
- default <- obj_format(obj)+ #' |
1340 | +3804 |
- }+ #' @export |
1341 | -245x | +|||
3805 | +
- formats <- lapply(row_cells(obj), function(x) value_formats(x) %||% default)+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1342 | -245x | +|||
3806 | +
- formats+ setMethod( |
1343 | +3807 |
- }+ "fnotes_at_path<-", c("VTableTree", "character"), |
1344 | +3808 |
- )+ function(obj, |
1345 | +3809 |
+ rowpath = NULL, |
1346 | +3810 |
- #' @rdname value_formats+ colpath = NULL, |
1347 | +3811 |
- setMethod(+ reset_idx = TRUE, |
1348 | +3812 |
- "value_formats", "LabelRow",+ value) {+ |
+ ||
3813 | +19x | +
+ rw <- tt_at_path(obj, rowpath)+ |
+ ||
3814 | +19x | +
+ .fnote_set_inner(rw, colpath) <- value+ |
+ ||
3815 | +19x | +
+ tt_at_path(obj, rowpath) <- rw+ |
+ ||
3816 | +19x | +
+ if (reset_idx) {+ |
+ ||
3817 | +19x | +
+ obj <- update_ref_indexing(obj) |
1349 | +3818 |
- function(obj, default) {+ } |
1350 | -102x | +3819 | +19x |
- rep(list(NULL), ncol(obj))+ obj |
1351 | +3820 |
} |
1352 | +3821 |
) |
1353 | +3822 | |||
1354 | +3823 |
- #' @rdname value_formats+ #' @export |
1355 | +3824 |
- setMethod(+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1356 | +3825 |
- "value_formats", "VTableTree",+ setMethod( |
1357 | +3826 |
- function(obj, default) {+ "fnotes_at_path<-", c("VTableTree", "NULL"), |
1358 | -14x | +|||
3827 | +
- if (!is.null(obj_format(obj))) {+ function(obj, rowpath = NULL, colpath = NULL, reset_idx = TRUE, value) { |
1359 | -! | +|||
3828 | +1x |
- default <- obj_format(obj)+ cinfo <- col_info(obj) |
1360 | -+ | |||
3829 | +1x |
- }+ .fnote_set_inner(cinfo, colpath) <- value |
1361 | -14x | +3830 | +1x |
- rws <- collect_leaves(obj, TRUE, TRUE)+ col_info(obj) <- cinfo |
1362 | -14x | +3831 | +1x |
- formatrws <- lapply(rws, value_formats, default = default)+ if (reset_idx) { |
1363 | -14x | +3832 | +1x |
- mat <- do.call(rbind, formatrws)+ obj <- update_ref_indexing(obj) |
1364 | -14x | +|||
3833 | +
- row.names(mat) <- row.names(obj)+ } |
1365 | -14x | +3834 | +1x |
- mat+ obj |
1366 | +3835 |
} |
1367 | +3836 |
) |
1368 | +3837 | |||
1369 | -+ | |||
3838 | +2930x |
- ### Collect all leaves of a current tree+ setGeneric("has_force_pag", function(obj) standardGeneric("has_force_pag")) |
1370 | +3839 |
- ### This is a workhorse function in various+ |
1371 | -+ | |||
3840 | +349x |
- ### places+ setMethod("has_force_pag", "TableTree", function(obj) !is.na(ptitle_prefix(obj))) |
1372 | +3841 |
- ### NB this is written generally enought o+ |
1373 | -+ | |||
3842 | +1615x |
- ### be used on all tree-based structures in the+ setMethod("has_force_pag", "Split", function(obj) !is.na(ptitle_prefix(obj))) |
1374 | +3843 |
- ### framework.+ + |
+ ||
3844 | +914x | +
+ setMethod("has_force_pag", "VTableNodeInfo", function(obj) FALSE) |
1375 | +3845 | |||
1376 | -+ | |||
3846 | +2434x |
- #' Collect leaves of a `TableTree`+ setGeneric("ptitle_prefix", function(obj) standardGeneric("ptitle_prefix")) |
1377 | +3847 |
- #'+ |
1378 | -+ | |||
3848 | +357x |
- #' @inheritParams gen_args+ setMethod("ptitle_prefix", "TableTree", function(obj) obj@page_title_prefix) |
1379 | +3849 |
- #' @param incl.cont (`flag`)\cr whether to include rows from content tables within the tree. Defaults to `TRUE`.+ |
1380 | -+ | |||
3850 | +2025x |
- #' @param add.labrows (`flag`)\cr whether to include label rows. Defaults to `FALSE`.+ setMethod("ptitle_prefix", "Split", function(obj) obj@page_title_prefix) |
1381 | +3851 |
- #'+ |
1382 | -+ | |||
3852 | +! |
- #' @return A list of `TableRow` objects for all rows in the table.+ setMethod("ptitle_prefix", "ANY", function(obj) NULL) |
1383 | +3853 |
- #'+ |
1384 | -+ | |||
3854 | +344x |
- #' @export+ setMethod("page_titles", "VTableTree", function(obj) obj@page_titles) |
1385 | +3855 |
- setGeneric("collect_leaves",+ |
1386 | +3856 |
- function(tt, incl.cont = TRUE, add.labrows = FALSE) {+ setMethod("page_titles<-", "VTableTree", function(obj, value) { |
1387 | -106796x | +3857 | +19x |
- standardGeneric("collect_leaves")+ obj@page_titles <- value+ |
3858 | +19x | +
+ obj |
1388 | +3859 |
- },+ }) |
1389 | +3860 |
- signature = "tt"+ |
1390 | +3861 |
- )+ ## Horizontal separator -------------------------------------------------------- |
1391 | +3862 | |||
1392 | +3863 |
- #' @inheritParams collect_leaves+ #' Access or recursively set header-body separator for tables |
1393 | +3864 |
#' |
1394 | +3865 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @inheritParams gen_args |
1395 | +3866 |
- #' @exportMethod collect_leaves+ #' @param value (`string`)\cr string to use as new header/body separator. |
1396 | +3867 |
- setMethod(+ #' |
1397 | +3868 |
- "collect_leaves", "TableTree",+ #' @return |
1398 | +3869 |
- function(tt, incl.cont = TRUE, add.labrows = FALSE) {+ #' * `horizontal_sep` returns the string acting as the header separator. |
1399 | -23460x | +|||
3870 | +
- ret <- c(+ #' * `horizontal_sep<-` returns `obj`, with the new header separator applied recursively to it and all its |
1400 | -23460x | +|||
3871 | +
- if (add.labrows && labelrow_visible(tt)) {+ #' subtables. |
1401 | -9684x | +|||
3872 | +
- tt_labelrow(tt)+ #' |
1402 | +3873 |
- },+ #' @export |
1403 | -23460x | +3874 | +345x |
- if (incl.cont) {+ setGeneric("horizontal_sep", function(obj) standardGeneric("horizontal_sep")) |
1404 | -23460x | +|||
3875 | +
- tree_children(content_table(tt))+ |
1405 | +3876 |
- },+ #' @rdname horizontal_sep |
1406 | -23460x | +|||
3877 | +
- lapply(tree_children(tt),+ #' @export |
1407 | -23460x | +|||
3878 | +
- collect_leaves,+ setMethod(+ |
+ |||
3879 | ++ |
+ "horizontal_sep", "VTableTree", |
1408 | -23460x | +3880 | +345x |
- incl.cont = incl.cont, add.labrows = add.labrows+ function(obj) obj@horizontal_sep |
1409 | +3881 |
- )+ ) |
1410 | +3882 |
- )+ |
1411 | -23460x | +|||
3883 | +
- unlist(ret, recursive = TRUE)+ #' @rdname horizontal_sep |
1412 | +3884 |
- }+ #' @export |
1413 | -+ | |||
3885 | +24408x |
- )+ setGeneric("horizontal_sep<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("horizontal_sep<-")) |
1414 | +3886 | |||
1415 | +3887 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @rdname horizontal_sep |
1416 | +3888 |
- #' @exportMethod collect_leaves+ #' @export |
1417 | +3889 |
setMethod( |
1418 | +3890 |
- "collect_leaves", "ElementaryTable",+ "horizontal_sep<-", "VTableTree", |
1419 | +3891 |
- function(tt, incl.cont = TRUE, add.labrows = FALSE) {+ function(obj, value) { |
1420 | -54071x | +3892 | +13527x |
- ret <- tree_children(tt)+ cont <- content_table(obj) |
1421 | -54071x | +3893 | +13527x |
- if (add.labrows && labelrow_visible(tt)) {+ if (NROW(cont) > 0) { |
1422 | -10488x | -
- ret <- c(tt_labelrow(tt), ret)- |
- ||
1423 | -+ | 3894 | +1926x |
- }+ horizontal_sep(cont) <- value |
1424 | -54071x | -
- ret- |
- ||
1425 | -+ | 3895 | +1926x |
- }+ content_table(obj) <- cont |
1426 | +3896 |
- )+ } |
1427 | +3897 | |||
1428 | -+ | |||
3898 | +13527x |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ kids <- lapply(tree_children(obj), |
1429 | -+ | |||
3899 | +13527x |
- #' @exportMethod collect_leaves+ `horizontal_sep<-`, |
1430 | -+ | |||
3900 | +13527x |
- setMethod(+ value = value |
1431 | +3901 |
- "collect_leaves", "VTree",+ ) |
1432 | +3902 |
- function(tt, incl.cont, add.labrows) {- |
- ||
1433 | -! | -
- ret <- lapply(- |
- ||
1434 | -! | -
- tree_children(tt),+ |
1435 | -! | +|||
3903 | +13527x |
- collect_leaves+ tree_children(obj) <- kids |
1436 | -+ | |||
3904 | +13527x |
- )+ obj@horizontal_sep <- value |
1437 | -! | +|||
3905 | +13527x |
- unlist(ret, recursive = TRUE)+ obj |
1438 | +3906 |
} |
1439 | +3907 |
) |
1440 | +3908 | |||
1441 | +3909 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @rdname horizontal_sep |
1442 | +3910 |
- #' @exportMethod collect_leaves+ #' @export |
1443 | +3911 |
setMethod( |
1444 | -- |
- "collect_leaves", "VLeaf",- |
- ||
1445 | +3912 |
- function(tt, incl.cont, add.labrows) {+ "horizontal_sep<-", "TableRow", |
1446 | -686x | +3913 | +10881x |
- list(tt)+ function(obj, value) obj |
1447 | +3914 |
- }+ ) |
1448 | +3915 |
- )+ |
1449 | +3916 |
+ ## Section dividers ------------------------------------------------------------ |
1450 | +3917 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ |
1451 | +3918 |
- #' @exportMethod collect_leaves+ # Used for splits |
1452 | -+ | |||
3919 | +1680x |
- setMethod(+ setGeneric("spl_section_div", function(obj) standardGeneric("spl_section_div")) |
1453 | +3920 |
- "collect_leaves", "NULL",+ |
1454 | +3921 |
- function(tt, incl.cont, add.labrows) {+ setMethod( |
1455 | -! | +|||
3922 | +
- list()+ "spl_section_div", "Split", |
1456 | -+ | |||
3923 | +1680x |
- }+ function(obj) obj@child_section_div |
1457 | +3924 |
) |
1458 | +3925 | |||
1459 | -+ | |||
3926 | +! |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ setGeneric("spl_section_div<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("spl_section_div<-")) |
1460 | +3927 |
- #' @exportMethod collect_leaves+ |
1461 | +3928 |
setMethod( |
1462 | +3929 |
- "collect_leaves", "ANY",+ "spl_section_div<-", "Split", |
1463 | +3930 |
- function(tt, incl.cont, add.labrows) {+ function(obj, value) { |
1464 | +3931 | ! |
- stop("class ", class(tt), " does not inherit from VTree or VLeaf")+ obj@child_section_div <- value+ |
+ |
3932 | +! | +
+ obj |
1465 | +3933 |
} |
1466 | +3934 |
) |
1467 | +3935 | |||
1468 | +3936 |
- n_leaves <- function(tt, ...) {+ # Used for table object parts |
1469 | -202x | +3937 | +25017x |
- length(collect_leaves(tt, ...))+ setGeneric("trailing_section_div", function(obj) standardGeneric("trailing_section_div")) |
1470 | -+ | |||
3938 | +9607x |
- }+ setMethod("trailing_section_div", "VTableTree", function(obj) obj@trailing_section_div) |
1471 | -+ | |||
3939 | +4726x |
+ setMethod("trailing_section_div", "LabelRow", function(obj) obj@trailing_section_div) |
1472 | -+ | |||
3940 | +10684x |
- ### Spanning information ----+ setMethod("trailing_section_div", "TableRow", function(obj) obj@trailing_section_div) |
1473 | +3941 | |||
3942 | +1475x | +
+ setGeneric("trailing_section_div<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("trailing_section_div<-"))+ |
+ ||
1474 | +3943 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ setMethod("trailing_section_div<-", "VTableTree", function(obj, value) { |
1475 | -53109x | +3944 | +1376x |
- setGeneric("row_cspans", function(obj) standardGeneric("row_cspans"))+ obj@trailing_section_div <- value+ |
3945 | +1376x | +
+ obj |
1476 | +3946 |
+ }) |
1477 | +3947 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ setMethod("trailing_section_div<-", "LabelRow", function(obj, value) { |
1478 | -4516x | +3948 | +40x |
- setMethod("row_cspans", "TableRow", function(obj) obj@colspans)+ obj@trailing_section_div <- value |
1479 | -+ | |||
3949 | +40x |
+ obj |
1480 | +3950 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ }) |
1481 | +3951 |
- setMethod(+ setMethod("trailing_section_div<-", "TableRow", function(obj, value) { |
1482 | -+ | |||
3952 | +59x |
- "row_cspans", "LabelRow",+ obj@trailing_section_div <- value |
1483 | -1494x | +3953 | +59x |
- function(obj) rep(1L, ncol(obj))+ obj |
1484 | +3954 |
- )+ }) |
1485 | +3955 | |||
1486 | +3956 |
- #' @rdname int_methods- |
- ||
1487 | -3974x | -
- setGeneric("row_cspans<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("row_cspans<-"))+ #' Section dividers accessor and setter |
1488 | +3957 |
+ #' |
1489 | +3958 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' `section_div` can be used to set or get the section divider for a table object |
1490 | +3959 |
- setMethod("row_cspans<-", "TableRow", function(obj, value) {- |
- ||
1491 | -3974x | -
- obj@colspans <- value- |
- ||
1492 | -3974x | -
- obj+ #' produced by [build_table()]. When assigned in post-processing (`section_div<-`) |
1493 | +3960 |
- })+ #' the table can have a section divider after every row, each assigned independently. |
1494 | +3961 |
+ #' If assigning during layout creation, only [split_rows_by()] (and its related row-wise |
1495 | +3962 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' splits) and [analyze()] have a `section_div` parameter that will produce separators |
1496 | +3963 |
- setMethod("row_cspans<-", "LabelRow", function(obj, value) {+ #' between split sections and data subgroups, respectively. |
1497 | +3964 |
- stop("attempted to set colspans for LabelRow") # nocov+ #' |
1498 | +3965 |
- })+ #' @param obj (`VTableTree`)\cr table object. This can be of any class that inherits from `VTableTree` |
1499 | +3966 |
+ #' or `TableRow`/`LabelRow`. |
1500 | +3967 |
- ## XXX TODO colapse with above?+ #' @param only_sep_sections (`flag`)\cr defaults to `FALSE` for `section_div<-`. Allows |
1501 | +3968 |
- #' @rdname int_methods- |
- ||
1502 | -46453x | -
- setGeneric("cell_cspan", function(obj) standardGeneric("cell_cspan"))+ #' you to set the section divider only for sections that are splits or analyses if the number of |
1503 | +3969 |
+ #' values is less than the number of rows in the table. If `TRUE`, the section divider will |
1504 | +3970 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' be set for all rows of the table. |
1505 | +3971 |
- setMethod(+ #' @param value (`character`)\cr vector of single characters to use as section dividers. Each character |
1506 | +3972 |
- "cell_cspan", "CellValue",- |
- ||
1507 | -46453x | -
- function(obj) attr(obj, "colspan", exact = TRUE)+ #' is repeated such that all section dividers span the width of the table. Each character that is |
1508 | +3973 |
- ) ## obj@colspan)+ #' not `NA_character_` will produce a trailing separator for each row of the table. `value` length |
1509 | +3974 |
+ #' should reflect the number of rows, or be between 1 and the number of splits/levels. |
1510 | +3975 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' See the Details section below for more information. |
1511 | +3976 |
- setGeneric(+ #' |
1512 | +3977 |
- "cell_cspan<-",- |
- ||
1513 | -6892x | -
- function(obj, value) standardGeneric("cell_cspan<-")+ #' @return The section divider string. Each line that does not have a trailing separator |
1514 | +3978 |
- )+ #' will have `NA_character_` as section divider. |
1515 | +3979 |
+ #' |
1516 | +3980 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @seealso [basic_table()] parameter `header_section_div` and `top_level_section_div` for global |
1517 | +3981 |
- setMethod("cell_cspan<-", "CellValue", function(obj, value) {+ #' section dividers. |
1518 | +3982 |
- ## obj@colspan <- value- |
- ||
1519 | -6892x | -
- attr(obj, "colspan") <- value- |
- ||
1520 | -6892x | -
- obj+ #' |
1521 | +3983 |
- })+ #' @details |
1522 | +3984 |
+ #' Assigned value to section divider must be a character vector. If any value is `NA_character_` |
1523 | +3985 |
- #' @rdname int_methods- |
- ||
1524 | -26628x | -
- setGeneric("cell_align", function(obj) standardGeneric("cell_align"))+ #' the section divider will be absent for that row or section. When you want to only affect sections |
1525 | +3986 |
+ #' or splits, please use `only_sep_sections` or provide a shorter vector than the number of rows. |
1526 | +3987 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' Ideally, the length of the vector should be less than the number of splits with, eventually, the |
1527 | +3988 |
- setMethod(+ #' leaf-level, i.e. `DataRow` where analyze results are. Note that if only one value is inserted, |
1528 | +3989 |
- "cell_align", "CellValue",+ #' only the first split will be affected. |
1529 | -26628x | +|||
3990 | +
- function(obj) attr(obj, "align", exact = TRUE) %||% "center"+ #' If `only_sep_sections = TRUE`, which is the default for `section_div()` produced from the table |
1530 | +3991 |
- ) ## obj@colspan)+ #' construction, the section divider will be set for all the splits and eventually analyses, but |
1531 | +3992 |
+ #' not for the header or each row of the table. This can be set with `header_section_div` in |
1532 | +3993 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' [basic_table()] or, eventually, with `hsep` in [build_table()]. If `FALSE`, the section |
1533 | +3994 |
- setGeneric(+ #' divider will be set for all the rows of the table. |
1534 | +3995 |
- "cell_align<-",+ #' |
1535 | -56x | +|||
3996 | +
- function(obj, value) standardGeneric("cell_align<-")+ #' @examples |
1536 | +3997 |
- )+ #' # Data |
1537 | +3998 |
+ #' df <- data.frame( |
1538 | +3999 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' cat = c( |
1539 | +4000 |
- setMethod("cell_align<-", "CellValue", function(obj, value) {+ #' "really long thing its so ", "long" |
1540 | +4001 |
- ## obj@colspan <- value+ #' ), |
1541 | -56x | +|||
4002 | +
- if (is.null(value)) {+ #' value = c(6, 3, 10, 1) |
1542 | -! | +|||
4003 | +
- value <- "center"+ #' ) |
1543 | +4004 |
- } else {+ #' fast_afun <- function(x) list("m" = rcell(mean(x), format = "xx."), "m/2" = max(x) / 2) |
1544 | -56x | +|||
4005 | +
- value <- tolower(value)+ #' |
1545 | +4006 |
- }+ #' tbl <- basic_table() %>% |
1546 | -56x | +|||
4007 | +
- check_aligns(value)+ #' split_rows_by("cat", section_div = "~") %>% |
1547 | -56x | +|||
4008 | +
- attr(obj, "align") <- value+ #' analyze("value", afun = fast_afun, section_div = " ") %>% |
1548 | -56x | +|||
4009 | +
- obj+ #' build_table(df) |
1549 | +4010 |
- })+ #' |
1550 | +4011 |
+ #' # Getter |
1551 | +4012 |
- ### Level (indent) in tree structure ----+ #' section_div(tbl) |
1552 | +4013 |
+ #' |
1553 | +4014 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' # Setter |
1554 | -209x | +|||
4015 | +
- setGeneric("tt_level", function(obj) standardGeneric("tt_level"))+ #' section_div(tbl) <- letters[seq_len(nrow(tbl))] |
1555 | +4016 |
+ #' tbl |
1556 | +4017 |
- ## this will hit everything via inheritence+ #' |
1557 | +4018 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' # last letter can appear if there is another table |
1558 | -209x | +|||
4019 | +
- setMethod("tt_level", "VNodeInfo", function(obj) obj@level)+ #' rbind(tbl, tbl) |
1559 | +4020 |
+ #' |
1560 | +4021 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' # header_section_div |
1561 | -2x | +|||
4022 | +
- setGeneric("tt_level<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("tt_level<-"))+ #' header_section_div(tbl) <- "+" |
1562 | +4023 |
+ #' tbl |
1563 | +4024 |
- ## this will hit everyhing via inheritence+ #' |
1564 | +4025 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @docType methods |
1565 | +4026 |
- setMethod("tt_level<-", "VNodeInfo", function(obj, value) {+ #' @rdname section_div |
1566 | -1x | +|||
4027 | +
- obj@level <- as.integer(value)+ #' @export |
1567 | -1x | +4028 | +362x |
- obj+ setGeneric("section_div", function(obj) standardGeneric("section_div")) |
1568 | +4029 |
- })+ |
1569 | +4030 |
+ #' @rdname section_div |
1570 | +4031 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @aliases section_div,VTableTree-method |
1571 | +4032 |
- setMethod(+ setMethod("section_div", "VTableTree", function(obj) { |
1572 | -+ | |||
4033 | +150x |
- "tt_level<-", "VTableTree",+ content_row_tbl <- content_table(obj) |
1573 | -+ | |||
4034 | +150x |
- function(obj, value) {+ is_content_table <- isS4(content_row_tbl) && nrow(content_row_tbl) > 0 # otherwise NA or NULL |
1574 | -1x | +4035 | +150x |
- obj@level <- as.integer(value)+ if (labelrow_visible(obj) || is_content_table) { |
1575 | -1x | +4036 | +67x |
- tree_children(obj) <- lapply(tree_children(obj),+ section_div <- trailing_section_div(obj) |
1576 | -1x | +4037 | +67x |
- `tt_level<-`,+ labelrow_div <- trailing_section_div(tt_labelrow(obj)) |
1577 | -1x | +4038 | +67x |
- value = as.integer(value) + 1L+ rest_of_tree <- section_div(tree_children(obj)) |
1578 | +4039 |
- )+ # Case it is the section itself and not the labels to have a trailing sep |
1579 | -1x | +4040 | +67x |
- obj+ if (!is.na(section_div)) { |
1580 | -+ | |||
4041 | +45x |
- }+ rest_of_tree[length(rest_of_tree)] <- section_div |
1581 | +4042 |
- )+ } |
1582 | -+ | |||
4043 | +67x |
+ unname(c(labelrow_div, rest_of_tree)) |
1583 | +4044 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ } else {+ |
+ ||
4045 | +83x | +
+ unname(section_div(tree_children(obj))) |
1584 | +4046 |
- #' @export+ } |
1585 | -52957x | +|||
4047 | +
- setGeneric("indent_mod", function(obj) standardGeneric("indent_mod"))+ }) |
1586 | +4048 | |||
1587 | +4049 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @rdname section_div |
1588 | +4050 |
- setMethod(+ #' @aliases section_div,list-method |
1589 | +4051 |
- "indent_mod", "Split",+ setMethod("section_div", "list", function(obj) { |
1590 | -2876x | +4052 | +150x |
- function(obj) obj@indent_modifier+ unlist(lapply(obj, section_div)) |
1591 | +4053 |
- )+ }) |
1592 | +4054 | |||
1593 | +4055 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @rdname section_div |
1594 | +4056 |
- setMethod(+ #' @aliases section_div,TableRow-method |
1595 | +4057 |
- "indent_mod", "VTableNodeInfo",+ setMethod("section_div", "TableRow", function(obj) { |
1596 | -24185x | +4058 | +62x |
- function(obj) obj@indent_modifier+ trailing_section_div(obj) |
1597 | +4059 |
- )+ }) |
1598 | +4060 | |||
1599 | +4061 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ # section_div setter from table object |
1600 | +4062 |
- setMethod(+ #' @rdname section_div |
1601 | +4063 |
- "indent_mod", "ANY",+ #' @export+ |
+ ||
4064 | ++ |
+ setGeneric("section_div<-", function(obj, only_sep_sections = FALSE, value) { |
1602 | -22595x | +4065 | +217x |
- function(obj) attr(obj, "indent_mod", exact = TRUE) %||% 0L+ standardGeneric("section_div<-") |
1603 | +4066 |
- )+ }) |
1604 | +4067 | |||
1605 | +4068 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @rdname section_div |
1606 | +4069 |
- setMethod(+ #' @aliases section_div<-,VTableTree-method |
1607 | +4070 |
- "indent_mod", "RowsVerticalSection",+ setMethod("section_div<-", "VTableTree", function(obj, only_sep_sections = FALSE, value) { |
1608 | -+ | |||
4071 | +90x |
- ## function(obj) setNames(obj@indent_mods,names(obj)))+ char_v <- as.character(value) |
1609 | -+ | |||
4072 | +90x |
- function(obj) {+ tree_depths <- unname(vapply(collect_leaves(obj), tt_level, numeric(1))) |
1610 | -1592x | +4073 | +90x |
- val <- attr(obj, "indent_mods", exact = TRUE) %||%+ max_tree_depth <- max(tree_depths) |
1611 | -1592x | +4074 | +90x |
- vapply(obj, indent_mod, 1L) ## rep(0L, length(obj))+ stopifnot(is.logical(only_sep_sections)) |
1612 | -1592x | +4075 | +90x |
- setNames(val, names(obj))+ .check_char_vector_for_section_div(char_v, max_tree_depth, nrow(obj)) |
1613 | +4076 |
- }+ |
1614 | +4077 |
- )+ # Automatic establishment of intent |
1615 | -+ | |||
4078 | +90x |
+ if (length(char_v) < nrow(obj)) { |
1616 | -+ | |||
4079 | +3x |
- #' @examples+ only_sep_sections <- TRUE |
1617 | +4080 |
- #' lyt <- basic_table() %>%+ } |
1618 | +4081 |
- #' split_rows_by("RACE", split_fun = keep_split_levels(c("ASIAN", "WHITE"))) %>%+ |
1619 | +4082 |
- #' analyze("AGE")+ # Case where only separators or splits need to change externally |
1620 | -+ | |||
4083 | +90x |
- #'+ if (only_sep_sections && length(char_v) < nrow(obj)) { |
1621 | +4084 |
- #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM)+ # Case where char_v is longer than the max depth |
1622 | -+ | |||
4085 | +3x |
- #' indent_mod(tbl)+ char_v <- char_v[seq_len(min(max_tree_depth, length(char_v)))] |
1623 | +4086 |
- #' indent_mod(tbl) <- 1L+ # Filling up with NAs the rest of the tree depth section div chr vector |
1624 | -+ | |||
4087 | +3x |
- #' tbl+ missing_char_v_len <- max_tree_depth - length(char_v)+ |
+ ||
4088 | +3x | +
+ char_v <- c(char_v, rep(NA_character_, missing_char_v_len)) |
1625 | +4089 |
- #'+ } |
1626 | +4090 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ |
1627 | +4091 |
- #' @export+ # Retrieving if it is a contentRow (no need for labelrow to be visible in this case) |
1628 | -1422x | +4092 | +90x |
- setGeneric("indent_mod<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("indent_mod<-"))+ content_row_tbl <- content_table(obj)+ |
4093 | +90x | +
+ is_content_table <- isS4(content_row_tbl) && nrow(content_row_tbl) > 0 |
1629 | +4094 | |||
1630 | +4095 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ # Main table structure change |
1631 | -+ | |||
4096 | +90x |
- setMethod(+ if (labelrow_visible(obj) || is_content_table) { |
1632 | -+ | |||
4097 | +40x |
- "indent_mod<-", "Split",+ if (only_sep_sections) { |
1633 | +4098 |
- function(obj, value) {+ # Only tables are modified |
1634 | -1x | +4099 | +34x |
- obj@indent_modifier <- as.integer(value)+ trailing_section_div(tt_labelrow(obj)) <- NA_character_ |
1635 | -1x | +4100 | +34x |
- obj+ trailing_section_div(obj) <- char_v[1] |
1636 | -+ | |||
4101 | +34x |
- }+ section_div(tree_children(obj), only_sep_sections = only_sep_sections) <- char_v[-1] |
1637 | +4102 |
- )+ } else { |
1638 | +4103 |
+ # All leaves are modified |
1639 | -+ | |||
4104 | +6x |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ trailing_section_div(tt_labelrow(obj)) <- char_v[1] |
1640 | -+ | |||
4105 | +6x |
- setMethod(+ trailing_section_div(obj) <- NA_character_ |
1641 | -+ | |||
4106 | +6x |
- "indent_mod<-", "VTableNodeInfo",+ section_div(tree_children(obj), only_sep_sections = only_sep_sections) <- char_v[-1] |
1642 | +4107 |
- function(obj, value) {+ } |
1643 | -1418x | +|||
4108 | +
- obj@indent_modifier <- as.integer(value)+ } else { |
1644 | -1418x | +4109 | +50x |
- obj+ section_div(tree_children(obj), only_sep_sections = only_sep_sections) <- char_v |
1645 | +4110 |
} |
1646 | -+ | |||
4111 | +90x |
- )+ obj |
1647 | +4112 |
+ }) |
1648 | +4113 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ |
1649 | +4114 |
- setMethod(+ #' @rdname section_div |
1650 | +4115 |
- "indent_mod<-", "CellValue",+ #' @aliases section_div<-,list-method |
1651 | +4116 |
- function(obj, value) {+ setMethod("section_div<-", "list", function(obj, only_sep_sections = FALSE, value) { |
1652 | -2x | +4117 | +90x |
- attr(obj, "indent_mod") <- as.integer(value)+ char_v <- as.character(value) |
1653 | -2x | -
- obj- |
- ||
1654 | -+ | 4118 | +90x |
- }+ for (i in seq_along(obj)) { |
1655 | -+ | |||
4119 | +121x |
- )+ stopifnot(is(obj[[i]], "VTableTree") || is(obj[[i]], "TableRow") || is(obj[[i]], "LabelRow")) |
1656 | -+ | |||
4120 | +121x |
+ list_element_size <- nrow(obj[[i]]) |
1657 | -+ | |||
4121 | +121x |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ if (only_sep_sections) { |
1658 | -+ | |||
4122 | +97x |
- setMethod(+ char_v_i <- char_v[seq_len(min(list_element_size, length(char_v)))] |
1659 | -+ | |||
4123 | +97x |
- "indent_mod<-", "RowsVerticalSection",+ char_v_i <- c(char_v_i, rep(NA_character_, list_element_size - length(char_v_i))) |
1660 | +4124 |
- function(obj, value) {+ } else { |
1661 | -1x | +4125 | +24x |
- if (length(value) != 1 && length(value) != length(obj)) {+ init <- (i - 1) * list_element_size + 1 |
1662 | -! | +|||
4126 | +24x |
- stop(+ chunk_of_char_v_to_take <- seq(init, init + list_element_size - 1) |
1663 | -! | +|||
4127 | +24x |
- "When setting indent mods on a RowsVerticalSection the value ",+ char_v_i <- char_v[chunk_of_char_v_to_take] |
1664 | -! | +|||
4128 | +
- "must have length 1 or the number of rows"+ } |
1665 | -+ | |||
4129 | +121x |
- )+ section_div(obj[[i]], only_sep_sections = only_sep_sections) <- char_v_i |
1666 | +4130 |
- }+ } |
1667 | -1x | +4131 | +90x |
- attr(obj, "indent_mods") <- as.integer(value)+ obj |
1668 | -1x | +|||
4132 | +
- obj+ }) |
1669 | +4133 | |||
1670 | +4134 |
- ## obj@indent_mods <- value+ #' @rdname section_div |
1671 | +4135 |
- ## obj+ #' @aliases section_div<-,TableRow-method |
1672 | +4136 |
- }+ setMethod("section_div<-", "TableRow", function(obj, only_sep_sections = FALSE, value) {+ |
+ ||
4137 | +37x | +
+ trailing_section_div(obj) <- value+ |
+ ||
4138 | +37x | +
+ obj |
1673 | +4139 |
- )+ }) |
1674 | +4140 | |||
1675 | +4141 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @rdname section_div |
1676 | +4142 |
- setGeneric(+ #' @aliases section_div<-,LabelRow-method |
1677 | +4143 |
- "content_indent_mod",+ setMethod("section_div<-", "LabelRow", function(obj, only_sep_sections = FALSE, value) { |
1678 | -1191x | +|||
4144 | +! |
- function(obj) standardGeneric("content_indent_mod")+ trailing_section_div(obj) <- value+ |
+ ||
4145 | +! | +
+ obj |
1679 | +4146 |
- )+ }) |
1680 | +4147 | |||
1681 | +4148 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ # Helper check function |
1682 | +4149 |
- setMethod(+ .check_char_vector_for_section_div <- function(char_v, min_splits, max) {+ |
+ ||
4150 | +90x | +
+ lcv <- length(char_v)+ |
+ ||
4151 | +90x | +
+ if (lcv < 1 || lcv > max) {+ |
+ ||
4152 | +! | +
+ stop("section_div must be a vector of length between 1 and numer of table rows.") |
1683 | +4153 |
- "content_indent_mod", "Split",+ } |
1684 | -1191x | +4154 | +90x |
- function(obj) obj@content_indent_modifier+ if (lcv > min_splits && lcv < max) {+ |
4155 | +! | +
+ warning(+ |
+ ||
4156 | +! | +
+ "section_div will be truncated to the number of splits (", min_splits, ")",+ |
+ ||
4157 | +! | +
+ " because it is shorter than the number of rows (", max, ")." |
1685 | +4158 |
- )+ ) |
1686 | +4159 |
+ }+ |
+ ||
4160 | +90x | +
+ nchar_check_v <- nchar(char_v)+ |
+ ||
4161 | +90x | +
+ if (any(nchar_check_v > 1, na.rm = TRUE)) {+ |
+ ||
4162 | +! | +
+ stop("section_div must be a vector of single characters or NAs") |
1687 | +4163 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ } |
1688 | +4164 |
- setMethod(+ } |
1689 | +4165 |
- "content_indent_mod", "VTableNodeInfo",+ |
1690 | -! | +|||
4166 | +
- function(obj) obj@content_indent_modifier+ #' @rdname section_div |
1691 | +4167 |
- )+ #' @export+ |
+ ||
4168 | +603x | +
+ setGeneric("header_section_div", function(obj) standardGeneric("header_section_div")) |
1692 | +4169 | |||
1693 | +4170 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @rdname section_div |
1694 | +4171 |
- setGeneric(+ #' @aliases header_section_div,PreDataTableLayouts-method |
1695 | +4172 |
- "content_indent_mod<-",+ setMethod(+ |
+ ||
4173 | ++ |
+ "header_section_div", "PreDataTableLayouts", |
1696 | -114x | +4174 | +303x |
- function(obj, value) standardGeneric("content_indent_mod<-")+ function(obj) obj@header_section_div |
1697 | +4175 |
) |
1698 | +4176 | |||
1699 | +4177 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @rdname section_div |
1700 | +4178 |
- setMethod(+ #' @aliases header_section_div,PreDataTableLayouts-method |
1701 | +4179 |
- "content_indent_mod<-", "Split",+ setMethod( |
1702 | +4180 |
- function(obj, value) {+ "header_section_div", "VTableTree", |
1703 | -114x | +4181 | +300x |
- obj@content_indent_modifier <- as.integer(value)+ function(obj) obj@header_section_div |
1704 | -114x | +|||
4182 | +
- obj+ ) |
1705 | +4183 |
- }+ |
1706 | +4184 |
- )+ #' @rdname section_div |
1707 | +4185 | ++ |
+ #' @export+ |
+ |
4186 | +260x | +
+ setGeneric("header_section_div<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("header_section_div<-"))+ |
+ ||
4187 | ||||
1708 | +4188 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @rdname section_div |
1709 | +4189 | ++ |
+ #' @aliases header_section_div<-,PreDataTableLayouts-method+ |
+ |
4190 |
setMethod( |
1710 | +4191 |
- "content_indent_mod<-", "VTableNodeInfo",+ "header_section_div<-", "PreDataTableLayouts", |
1711 | +4192 |
function(obj, value) { |
1712 | -! | +|||
4193 | +1x |
- obj@content_indent_modifier <- as.integer(value)+ .check_header_section_div(value) |
1713 | -! | +|||
4194 | +1x | +
+ obj@header_section_div <- value+ |
+ ||
4195 | +1x |
obj |
1714 | +4196 |
} |
1715 | +4197 |
) |
1716 | +4198 | |||
1717 | +4199 |
- ## TODO export these?+ #' @rdname section_div |
1718 | +4200 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @aliases header_section_div<-,PreDataTableLayouts-method |
1719 | +4201 |
- #' @export- |
- ||
1720 | -165200x | -
- setGeneric("rawvalues", function(obj) standardGeneric("rawvalues"))+ setMethod( |
1721 | +4202 |
+ "header_section_div<-", "VTableTree", |
1722 | +4203 |
- #' @rdname int_methods- |
- ||
1723 | -! | -
- setMethod("rawvalues", "ValueWrapper", function(obj) obj@value)+ function(obj, value) { |
1724 | -+ | |||
4204 | +259x |
+ .check_header_section_div(value) |
1725 | -+ | |||
4205 | +259x |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ obj@header_section_div <- value |
1726 | -66x | +4206 | +259x |
- setMethod("rawvalues", "LevelComboSplitValue", function(obj) obj@combolevels)+ obj |
1727 | +4207 |
+ } |
1728 | +4208 |
- #' @rdname int_methods- |
- ||
1729 | -3483x | -
- setMethod("rawvalues", "list", function(obj) lapply(obj, rawvalues))+ ) |
1730 | +4209 | |||
1731 | +4210 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ .check_header_section_div <- function(chr) { |
1732 | -4466x | +4211 | +587x |
- setMethod("rawvalues", "ANY", function(obj) obj)+ if (!is.na(chr) && (!is.character(chr) || length(chr) > 1 || nchar(chr) > 1 || nchar(chr) == 0)) { |
1733 | -+ | |||
4212 | +! |
+ stop("header_section_div must be a single character or NA_character_ if not used") |
1734 | +4213 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ } |
1735 | -82993x | +4214 | +587x |
- setMethod("rawvalues", "CellValue", function(obj) obj[[1]])+ invisible(TRUE) |
1736 | +4215 |
+ } |
1737 | +4216 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ |
1738 | +4217 |
- setMethod(+ #' @rdname section_div |
1739 | +4218 |
- "rawvalues", "TreePos",+ #' @export |
1740 | -228x | +4219 | +307x |
- function(obj) rawvalues(pos_splvals(obj))+ setGeneric("top_level_section_div", function(obj) standardGeneric("top_level_section_div")) |
1741 | +4220 |
- )+ |
1742 | +4221 |
+ #' @rdname section_div |
1743 | +4222 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @aliases top_level_section_div,PreDataTableLayouts-method |
1744 | +4223 |
setMethod( |
1745 | +4224 |
- "rawvalues", "RowsVerticalSection",+ "top_level_section_div", "PreDataTableLayouts", |
1746 | -2x | +4225 | +307x |
- function(obj) unlist(obj, recursive = FALSE)+ function(obj) obj@top_level_section_div |
1747 | +4226 |
) |
1748 | +4227 | |||
1749 | +4228 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @rdname section_div |
1750 | +4229 |
#' @export |
1751 | -83027x | +4230 | +1x |
- setGeneric("value_names", function(obj) standardGeneric("value_names"))+ setGeneric("top_level_section_div<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("top_level_section_div<-")) |
1752 | +4231 | |||
1753 | +4232 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @rdname section_div |
1754 | +4233 |
- setMethod(+ #' @aliases top_level_section_div<-,PreDataTableLayouts-method |
1755 | +4234 |
- "value_names", "ANY",+ setMethod( |
1756 | -38x | +|||
4235 | +
- function(obj) as.character(rawvalues(obj))+ "top_level_section_div<-", "PreDataTableLayouts", |
1757 | +4236 |
- )+ function(obj, value) { |
1758 | -+ | |||
4237 | +1x |
+ checkmate::assert_character(value, len = 1, n.chars = 1)+ |
+ ||
4238 | +1x | +
+ obj@top_level_section_div <- value+ |
+ ||
4239 | +1x | +
+ obj |
1759 | +4240 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ } |
1760 | +4241 |
- setMethod(+ ) |
1761 | +4242 |
- "value_names", "TreePos",+ |
1762 | -1375x | +|||
4243 | +
- function(obj) value_names(pos_splvals(obj))+ ## table_inset ---------------------------------------------------------- |
1763 | +4244 |
- )+ |
1764 | +4245 |
+ #' @rdname formatters_methods |
1765 | +4246 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @export |
1766 | +4247 |
setMethod( |
1767 | +4248 |
- "value_names", "list",+ "table_inset", "VTableNodeInfo", ## VTableTree", |
1768 | -6654x | +4249 | +305x |
- function(obj) lapply(obj, value_names)+ function(obj) obj@table_inset |
1769 | +4250 |
) |
1770 | +4251 | |||
1771 | +4252 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @rdname formatters_methods |
1772 | +4253 | ++ |
+ #' @export+ |
+ |
4254 |
setMethod( |
1773 | +4255 |
- "value_names", "ValueWrapper",+ "table_inset", "PreDataTableLayouts", |
1774 | -! | +|||
4256 | +302x |
- function(obj) rawvalues(obj)+ function(obj) obj@table_inset |
1775 | +4257 |
) |
1776 | +4258 | |||
1777 | +4259 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ ## #' @rdname formatters_methods |
1778 | +4260 |
- setMethod(+ ## #' @export |
1779 | +4261 |
- "value_names", "LevelComboSplitValue",- |
- ||
1780 | -1601x | -
- function(obj) obj@value+ ## setMethod("table_inset", "InstantiatedColumnInfo", |
1781 | +4262 |
- ) ## obj@comboname)+ ## function(obj) obj@table_inset) |
1782 | +4263 | |||
1783 | +4264 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @rdname formatters_methods |
1784 | +4265 |
- setMethod(+ #' @export |
1785 | +4266 |
- "value_names", "RowsVerticalSection",- |
- ||
1786 | -3160x | -
- function(obj) attr(obj, "row_names", exact = TRUE)+ setMethod( |
1787 | +4267 |
- ) ## obj@row_names)+ "table_inset<-", "VTableNodeInfo", ## "VTableTree", |
1788 | +4268 |
+ function(obj, value) { |
1789 | -+ | |||
4269 | +16391x |
- ## not sure if I need these anywhere+ if (!is.integer(value)) { |
1790 | -+ | |||
4270 | +5x |
- ## XXX+ value <- as.integer(value) |
1791 | +4271 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ } |
1792 | -5423x | +4272 | +16391x |
- setGeneric("value_labels", function(obj) standardGeneric("value_labels"))+ if (is.na(value) || value < 0) { |
1793 | -+ | |||
4273 | +! |
+ stop("Got invalid table_inset value, must be an integer > 0") |
1794 | +4274 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ } |
1795 | -! | +|||
4275 | +16391x |
- setMethod("value_labels", "ANY", function(obj) as.character(obj_label(obj)))+ cont <- content_table(obj) |
1796 | -+ | |||
4276 | +16391x |
+ if (NROW(cont) > 0) { |
1797 | -+ | |||
4277 | +1463x |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ table_inset(cont) <- value+ |
+ ||
4278 | +1463x | +
+ content_table(obj) <- cont |
1798 | +4279 |
- setMethod(+ } |
1799 | +4280 |
- "value_labels", "TreePos",+ |
1800 | -! | +|||
4281 | +16391x |
- function(obj) sapply(pos_splvals(obj), obj_label)+ if (length(tree_children(obj)) > 0) { |
1801 | -+ | |||
4282 | +4851x |
- )+ kids <- lapply(tree_children(obj), |
1802 | -+ | |||
4283 | +4851x |
+ `table_inset<-`, |
1803 | -+ | |||
4284 | +4851x |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ value = value |
1804 | +4285 |
- setMethod("value_labels", "list", function(obj) {+ ) |
1805 | -3782x | +4286 | +4851x |
- ret <- lapply(obj, obj_label)+ tree_children(obj) <- kids |
1806 | +4287 |
- if (!is.null(names(obj))) {+ } |
1807 | -528x | +4288 | +16391x |
- inds <- vapply(ret, function(x) length(x) == 0, NA)+ obj@table_inset <- value |
1808 | -528x | +4289 | +16391x |
- ret[inds] <- names(obj)[inds]+ obj |
1809 | +4290 |
} |
1810 | -3782x | +|||
4291 | +
- ret+ ) |
1811 | +4292 |
- })+ |
1812 | +4293 |
+ #' @rdname formatters_methods |
1813 | +4294 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @export |
1814 | +4295 |
setMethod( |
1815 | +4296 |
- "value_labels",+ "table_inset<-", "PreDataTableLayouts", |
1816 | +4297 |
- "RowsVerticalSection",+ function(obj, value) { |
1817 | -1593x | +|||
4298 | +! |
- function(obj) setNames(attr(obj, "row_labels", exact = TRUE), value_names(obj))+ if (!is.integer(value)) { |
1818 | -+ | |||
4299 | +! |
- )+ value <- as.integer(value) |
1819 | +4300 |
+ } |
1820 | -+ | |||
4301 | +! |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ if (is.na(value) || value < 0) { |
1821 | +4302 | ! |
- setMethod("value_labels", "ValueWrapper", function(obj) obj_label(obj))+ stop("Got invalid table_inset value, must be an integer > 0") |
1822 | +4303 |
+ } |
1823 | +4304 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ |
1824 | -+ | |||
4305 | +! |
- setMethod(+ obj@table_inset <- value |
1825 | -+ | |||
4306 | +! |
- "value_labels", "LevelComboSplitValue",+ obj |
1826 | -! | +|||
4307 | +
- function(obj) obj_label(obj)+ } |
1827 | +4308 |
) |
1828 | +4309 | |||
1829 | +4310 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @rdname formatters_methods |
1830 | -48x | +|||
4311 | +
- setMethod("value_labels", "MultiVarSplit", function(obj) obj@var_labels)+ #' @export |
1831 | +4312 |
+ setMethod( |
1832 | +4313 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ "table_inset<-", "InstantiatedColumnInfo", |
1833 | -5503x | +|||
4314 | +
- setGeneric("value_expr", function(obj) standardGeneric("value_expr"))+ function(obj, value) {+ |
+ |||
4315 | +! | +
+ if (!is.integer(value)) {+ |
+ ||
4316 | +! | +
+ value <- as.integer(value) |
1834 | +4317 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ } |
1835 | -110x | +|||
4318 | +! |
- setMethod("value_expr", "ValueWrapper", function(obj) obj@subset_expression)+ if (is.na(value) || value < 0) {+ |
+ ||
4319 | +! | +
+ stop("Got invalid table_inset value, must be an integer > 0") |
1836 | +4320 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ } |
1837 | +4321 | ! |
- setMethod("value_expr", "ANY", function(obj) NULL)+ obj@table_inset <- value+ |
+ |
4322 | +! | +
+ obj |
1838 | +4323 |
- ## no setters for now, we'll see about that.+ } |
1839 | +4324 |
+ ) |
1840 | +4325 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ |
1841 | -6x | +|||
4326 | +
- setGeneric("spl_varlabels", function(obj) standardGeneric("spl_varlabels"))+ # stat_names for ARD ----------------------------------------------------------- |
1842 | +4327 |
+ # |
1843 | +4328 |
#' @rdname int_methods |
1844 | -6x | +|||
4329 | +
- setMethod("spl_varlabels", "MultiVarSplit", function(obj) obj@var_labels)+ #' @export |
1845 | -+ | |||
4330 | +822x |
+ setGeneric("obj_stat_names", function(obj) standardGeneric("obj_stat_names")) |
1846 | +4331 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ # |
1847 | +4332 |
- setGeneric(+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1848 | +4333 |
- "spl_varlabels<-",+ #' @export |
1849 | -2x | +4334 | +8x |
- function(object, value) standardGeneric("spl_varlabels<-")+ setGeneric("obj_stat_names<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("obj_stat_names<-")) |
1850 | +4335 |
- )+ |
1851 | +4336 |
+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1852 | +4337 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @export |
1853 | +4338 |
- setMethod("spl_varlabels<-", "MultiVarSplit", function(object, value) {+ setMethod("obj_stat_names<-", "CellValue", function(obj, value) { |
1854 | -2x | +4339 | +8x |
- object@var_labels <- value+ attr(obj, "stat_names") <- value |
1855 | -2x | +4340 | +8x |
- object+ obj |
1856 | +4341 |
}) |
1857 | +4342 | |||
1858 | +4343 |
- ## These two are similar enough we could probably combine+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1859 | +4344 |
- ## them but conceptually they are pretty different+ #' @export+ |
+ ||
4345 | +822x | +
+ setMethod("obj_stat_names", "CellValue", function(obj) attr(obj, "stat_names")) |
1860 | +4346 |
- ## split_exargs is a list of extra arguments that apply+ |
1861 | +4347 |
- ## to *all the chidlren*,+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1862 | +4348 |
- ## while splv_extra is for *child-specific* extra arguments,+ #' @export |
1863 | +4349 |
- ## associated with specific values of the split+ setMethod( |
1864 | +4350 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ "obj_stat_names", "RowsVerticalSection", |
1865 | -3624x | +|||
4351 | +! |
- setGeneric("splv_extra", function(obj) standardGeneric("splv_extra"))+ function(obj) lapply(obj, obj_stat_names) |
1866 | +4352 |
+ ) |
1867 | +1 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ label_pos_values <- c("hidden", "visible", "topleft") |
1868 | +2 |
- setMethod(+ |
1869 | +3 |
- "splv_extra", "SplitValue",+ #' @name internal_methods |
1870 | -3624x | +|||
4 | +
- function(obj) obj@extra+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1871 | +5 |
- )+ NULL |
1872 | +6 | |||
1873 | +7 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' Combine `SplitVector` objects |
1874 | +8 |
- setGeneric(+ #' |
1875 | +9 |
- "splv_extra<-",+ #' @param x (`SplitVector`)\cr a `SplitVector` object. |
1876 | -2019x | +|||
10 | +
- function(obj, value) standardGeneric("splv_extra<-")+ #' @param ... splits or `SplitVector` objects. |
1877 | +11 |
- )+ #' |
1878 | +12 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @return Various, but should be considered implementation details. |
1879 | +13 |
- setMethod(+ #' |
1880 | +14 |
- "splv_extra<-", "SplitValue",+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1881 | +15 |
- function(obj, value) {+ #' @exportMethod c+ |
+ ||
16 | ++ |
+ setMethod("c", "SplitVector", function(x, ...) { |
1882 | -2019x | +17 | +419x |
- obj@extra <- value+ arglst <- list(...) |
1883 | -2019x | +18 | +419x |
- obj+ stopifnot(all(sapply(arglst, is, "Split"))) |
1884 | -+ | |||
19 | +419x |
- }+ tmp <- c(unclass(x), arglst)+ |
+ ||
20 | +419x | +
+ SplitVector(lst = tmp) |
1885 | +21 |
- )+ }) |
1886 | +22 | |||
1887 | +23 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ ## split_rows and split_cols are "recursive method stacks" which follow |
1888 | -2159x | +|||
24 | +
- setGeneric("split_exargs", function(obj) standardGeneric("split_exargs"))+ ## the general pattern of accept object -> call add_*_split on slot of object -> |
1889 | +25 |
+ ## update object with value returned from slot method, return object. |
1890 | +26 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ ## |
1891 | +27 |
- setMethod(+ ## Thus each of the methods is idempotent, returning an updated object of the |
1892 | +28 |
- "split_exargs", "Split",+ ## same class it was passed. The exception for idempotency is the NULL method |
1893 | -2107x | +|||
29 | +
- function(obj) obj@extra_args+ ## which constructs a PreDataTableLayouts object with the specified split in the |
1894 | +30 |
- )+ ## correct place. |
1895 | +31 | |||
1896 | +32 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ ## The cascading (by class) in this case is as follows for the row case: |
1897 | +33 |
- setGeneric(+ ## PreDataTableLayouts -> PreDataRowLayout -> SplitVector |
1898 | +34 |
- "split_exargs<-",+ #' @param cmpnd_fun (`function`)\cr intended for internal use. |
1899 | -1x | +|||
35 | +
- function(obj, value) standardGeneric("split_exargs<-")+ #' @param pos (`numeric(1)`)\cr intended for internal use. |
1900 | +36 |
- )+ #' @param spl (`Split`)\cr the split. |
1901 | +37 |
+ #' |
1902 | +38 |
#' @rdname int_methods |
1903 | +39 |
- setMethod(+ setGeneric( |
1904 | +40 |
- "split_exargs<-", "Split",+ "split_rows", |
1905 | +41 |
- function(obj, value) {+ function(lyt = NULL, spl, pos, |
1906 | -1x | +|||
42 | +
- obj@extra_args <- value+ cmpnd_fun = AnalyzeMultiVars) { |
1907 | -1x | +43 | +1683x |
- obj+ standardGeneric("split_rows") |
1908 | +44 |
} |
1909 | +45 |
) |
1910 | +46 | |||
1911 | -! | +|||
47 | +
- is_labrow <- function(obj) is(obj, "LabelRow")+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1912 | +48 |
+ setMethod("split_rows", "NULL", function(lyt, spl, pos, cmpnd_fun = AnalyzeMultiVars) { |
1913 | -+ | |||
49 | +1x |
- spl_ref_group <- function(obj) {+ lifecycle::deprecate_warn( |
1914 | -17x | +50 | +1x |
- stopifnot(is(obj, "VarLevWBaselineSplit"))+ when = "0.3.8", |
1915 | -17x | +51 | +1x |
- obj@ref_group_value+ what = I("split_rows(NULL)"), |
1916 | -+ | |||
52 | +1x |
- }+ with = "basic_table()", |
1917 | -+ | |||
53 | +1x |
+ details = "Initializing layouts via `NULL` is no longer supported." |
1918 | +54 |
- ### column info+ ) |
1919 | -+ | |||
55 | +1x |
+ rl <- PreDataRowLayout(SplitVector(spl)) |
1920 | -+ | |||
56 | +1x |
- #' Column information/structure accessors+ cl <- PreDataColLayout() |
1921 | -+ | |||
57 | +1x |
- #'+ PreDataTableLayouts(rlayout = rl, clayout = cl) |
1922 | +58 |
- #' @inheritParams gen_args+ }) |
1923 | +59 |
- #' @param df (`data.frame` or `NULL`)\cr data to use if the column information is being+ |
1924 | +60 |
- #' generated from a pre-data layout object.+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1925 | +61 |
- #' @param path (`character` or `NULL`)\cr `col_counts` accessor and setter only.+ setMethod( |
1926 | +62 |
- #' Path (in column structure).+ "split_rows", "PreDataRowLayout", |
1927 | +63 |
- #' @param rtpos (`TreePos`)\cr root position.+ function(lyt, spl, pos, cmpnd_fun = AnalyzeMultiVars) { |
1928 | -+ | |||
64 | +569x |
- #'+ stopifnot(pos > 0 && pos <= length(lyt) + 1) |
1929 | -+ | |||
65 | +569x |
- #' @return A `LayoutColTree` object.+ tmp <- if (pos <= length(lyt)) { |
1930 | -+ | |||
66 | +544x |
- #'+ split_rows(lyt[[pos]], spl, pos, cmpnd_fun) |
1931 | +67 |
- #' @rdname col_accessors+ } else { |
1932 | -+ | |||
68 | +25x |
- #' @export+ if (pos != 1 && has_force_pag(spl)) { |
1933 | -3963x | +69 | +1x |
- setGeneric("clayout", function(obj) standardGeneric("clayout"))+ stop("page_by splits cannot have top-level siblings", |
1934 | -+ | |||
70 | +1x |
+ call. = FALSE |
1935 | +71 |
- #' @rdname col_accessors+ ) |
1936 | +72 |
- #' @exportMethod clayout+ } |
1937 | -+ | |||
73 | +24x |
- setMethod(+ SplitVector(spl) |
1938 | +74 |
- "clayout", "VTableNodeInfo",+ } |
1939 | -7x | +75 | +567x |
- function(obj) coltree(col_info(obj))+ lyt[[pos]] <- tmp |
1940 | -+ | |||
76 | +567x |
- )+ lyt |
1941 | +77 |
+ } |
1942 | +78 |
- #' @rdname col_accessors+ ) |
1943 | +79 |
- #' @exportMethod clayout+ |
1944 | +80 |
- setMethod(+ is_analysis_spl <- function(spl) {+ |
+ ||
81 | +! | +
+ is(spl, "VAnalyzeSplit") || is(spl, "AnalyzeMultiVars") |
1945 | +82 |
- "clayout", "PreDataTableLayouts",+ } |
1946 | -3956x | +|||
83 | +
- function(obj) obj@col_layout+ |
1947 | +84 |
- )+ ## note "pos" is ignored here because it is for which nest-chain |
1948 | +85 |
+ ## spl should be placed in, NOIT for where in that chain it should go |
1949 | +86 |
- ## useful convenience for the cascading methods in colby_constructors+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1950 | +87 |
- #' @rdname col_accessors+ setMethod( |
1951 | +88 |
- #' @exportMethod clayout+ "split_rows", "SplitVector", |
1952 | -! | +|||
89 | +
- setMethod("clayout", "ANY", function(obj) PreDataColLayout())+ function(lyt, spl, pos, cmpnd_fun = AnalyzeMultiVars) { |
1953 | +90 |
+ ## if(is_analysis_spl(spl) && |
1954 | +91 |
- #' @rdname col_accessors+ ## is_analysis_spl(last_rowsplit(lyt))) { |
1955 | +92 |
- #' @export+ ## return(cmpnd_last_rowsplit(lyt, spl, cmpnd_fun)) |
1956 | -1428x | +|||
93 | +
- setGeneric("clayout<-", function(object, value) standardGeneric("clayout<-"))+ ## } |
1957 | +94 | |||
1958 | -+ | |||
95 | +544x |
- #' @rdname col_accessors+ if (has_force_pag(spl) && length(lyt) > 0 && !has_force_pag(lyt[[length(lyt)]])) { |
1959 | -+ | |||
96 | +1x |
- #' @exportMethod clayout<-+ stop("page_by splits cannot be nested within non-page_by splits", |
1960 | -+ | |||
97 | +1x |
- setMethod(+ call. = FALSE |
1961 | +98 |
- "clayout<-", "PreDataTableLayouts",+ ) |
1962 | +99 |
- function(object, value) {+ } |
1963 | -1428x | +100 | +543x |
- object@col_layout <- value+ tmp <- c(unclass(lyt), spl) |
1964 | -1428x | +101 | +543x |
- object+ SplitVector(lst = tmp) |
1965 | +102 |
} |
1966 | +103 |
) |
1967 | +104 | |||
1968 | +105 |
- #' @rdname col_accessors+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1969 | +106 |
- #' @export+ setMethod( |
1970 | -260281x | +|||
107 | +
- setGeneric("col_info", function(obj) standardGeneric("col_info"))+ "split_rows", "PreDataTableLayouts", |
1971 | +108 |
+ function(lyt, spl, pos) { |
1972 | -+ | |||
109 | +569x |
- #' @rdname col_accessors+ rlyt <- rlayout(lyt) |
1973 | -+ | |||
110 | +569x |
- #' @exportMethod col_info+ addtl <- FALSE |
1974 | -+ | |||
111 | +569x |
- setMethod(+ split_label <- obj_label(spl) |
1975 | +112 |
- "col_info", "VTableNodeInfo",+ if ( |
1976 | -229485x | +113 | +569x |
- function(obj) obj@col_info+ is(spl, "Split") && ## exclude existing tables that are being tacked in |
1977 | -+ | |||
114 | +569x |
- )+ identical(label_position(spl), "topleft") && |
1978 | -+ | |||
115 | +569x |
+ length(split_label) == 1 && nzchar(split_label) |
1979 | +116 |
- ### XXX I've made this recursive. Do we ALWAYS want it to be?+ ) { |
1980 | -+ | |||
117 | +17x |
- ###+ addtl <- TRUE |
1981 | +118 |
- ### I think we do.+ ## label_position(spl) <- "hidden" |
1982 | +119 |
- #' @rdname col_accessors+ } |
1983 | +120 |
- #' @export+ |
1984 | -70058x | +121 | +569x |
- setGeneric("col_info<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("col_info<-"))+ rlyt <- split_rows(rlyt, spl, pos) |
1985 | -+ | |||
122 | +567x |
+ rlayout(lyt) <- rlyt+ |
+ ||
123 | +567x | +
+ if (addtl) {+ |
+ ||
124 | +17x | +
+ lyt <- append_topleft(lyt, indent_string(split_label, .tl_indent(lyt))) |
1986 | +125 |
- #' @return Returns various information about columns, depending on the accessor used.+ }+ |
+ ||
126 | +567x | +
+ lyt |
1987 | +127 |
- #'+ } |
1988 | +128 |
- #' @exportMethod col_info<-+ ) |
1989 | +129 |
- #' @rdname col_accessors+ |
1990 | +130 |
- setMethod(+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1991 | +131 |
- "col_info<-", "TableRow",+ setMethod( |
1992 | +132 |
- function(obj, value) {+ "split_rows", "ANY", |
1993 | -42044x | +|||
133 | +
- obj@col_info <- value+ function(lyt, spl, pos) { |
1994 | -42044x | +|||
134 | +! |
- obj+ stop("nope. can't add a row split to that (", class(lyt), "). contact the maintaner.") |
1995 | +135 |
} |
1996 | +136 |
) |
1997 | +137 | |||
1998 | +138 |
- .set_cinfo_kids <- function(obj) {+ ## cmpnd_last_rowsplit ===== |
1999 | -21746x | +|||
139 | +
- kids <- lapply(+ |
2000 | -21746x | +|||
140 | +
- tree_children(obj),+ #' @rdname int_methods |
2001 | -21746x | +|||
141 | +
- function(x) {+ #' |
2002 | -51566x | +|||
142 | +
- col_info(x) <- col_info(obj)+ #' @param constructor (`function`)\cr constructor function. |
2003 | -51566x | +143 | +82x |
- x+ setGeneric("cmpnd_last_rowsplit", function(lyt, spl, constructor) standardGeneric("cmpnd_last_rowsplit")) |
2004 | +144 |
- }+ |
2005 | +145 |
- )- |
- ||
2006 | -21746x | -
- tree_children(obj) <- kids+ #' @rdname int_methods |
2007 | -21746x | +|||
146 | +
- obj+ setMethod("cmpnd_last_rowsplit", "NULL", function(lyt, spl, constructor) { |
2008 | +147 |
- }+ stop("no existing splits to compound with. contact the maintainer") # nocov |
2009 | +148 |
+ }) |
2010 | +149 |
- #' @rdname col_accessors+ |
2011 | +150 |
- #' @exportMethod col_info<-+ #' @rdname int_methods |
2012 | +151 |
setMethod( |
2013 | +152 |
- "col_info<-", "ElementaryTable",+ "cmpnd_last_rowsplit", "PreDataRowLayout", |
2014 | +153 |
- function(obj, value) {+ function(lyt, spl, constructor) { |
2015 | -14110x | +154 | +27x |
- obj@col_info <- value+ pos <- length(lyt) |
2016 | -14110x | +155 | +27x |
- .set_cinfo_kids(obj)+ tmp <- cmpnd_last_rowsplit(lyt[[pos]], spl, constructor) |
2017 | -+ | |||
156 | +27x |
- }+ lyt[[pos]] <- tmp |
2018 | -+ | |||
157 | +27x |
- )+ lyt |
2019 | +158 |
+ } |
2020 | +159 |
- #' @rdname col_accessors+ ) |
2021 | +160 |
- #' @exportMethod col_info<-+ #' @rdname int_methods |
2022 | +161 |
setMethod( |
2023 | +162 |
- "col_info<-", "TableTree",+ "cmpnd_last_rowsplit", "SplitVector", |
2024 | +163 |
- function(obj, value) {+ function(lyt, spl, constructor) { |
2025 | -7636x | +164 | +28x |
- obj@col_info <- value+ pos <- length(lyt) |
2026 | -7636x | +165 | +28x |
- if (nrow(content_table(obj))) {+ lst <- lyt[[pos]] |
2027 | -1992x | +166 | +28x |
- ct <- content_table(obj)+ tmp <- if (is(lst, "CompoundSplit")) { |
2028 | -1992x | +167 | +3x |
- col_info(ct) <- value+ spl_payload(lst) <- c( |
2029 | -1992x | -
- content_table(obj) <- ct- |
- ||
2030 | -+ | 168 | +3x |
- }+ .uncompound(spl_payload(lst)), |
2031 | -7636x | -
- .set_cinfo_kids(obj)- |
- ||
2032 | -+ | 169 | +3x |
- }+ .uncompound(spl) |
2033 | +170 |
- )+ ) |
2034 | -+ | |||
171 | +3x |
+ obj_name(lst) <- make_ma_name(spl = lst) |
2035 | -+ | |||
172 | +3x |
- #' @rdname col_accessors+ lst |
2036 | +173 |
- #' @param ccount_format (`FormatSpec`)\cr The format to be used by default for column+ ## XXX never reached because AnalzyeMultiVars inherits from |
2037 | +174 |
- #' counts throughout this column tree (i.e. if not overridden by a more specific format+ ## CompoundSplit??? |
2038 | +175 |
- #' specification).+ } else { |
2039 | -+ | |||
176 | +25x |
- #' @export+ constructor(.payload = list(lst, spl)) |
2040 | +177 |
- setGeneric(+ } |
2041 | -+ | |||
178 | +28x |
- "coltree",+ lyt[[pos]] <- tmp |
2042 | -11883x | +179 | +28x |
- function(obj, df = NULL, rtpos = TreePos(), alt_counts_df = df, ccount_format = "(N=xx)") standardGeneric("coltree")+ lyt |
2043 | +180 |
- )+ } |
2044 | +181 |
+ ) |
2045 | +182 |
- #' @rdname col_accessors+ |
2046 | +183 |
- #' @exportMethod coltree+ #' @rdname int_methods |
2047 | +184 |
setMethod( |
2048 | +185 |
- "coltree", "InstantiatedColumnInfo",+ "cmpnd_last_rowsplit", "PreDataTableLayouts", |
2049 | +186 |
- function(obj, df = NULL, rtpos = TreePos(), alt_counts_df = df, ccount_format) {+ function(lyt, spl, constructor) { |
2050 | -7833x | +187 | +27x |
- if (!is.null(df)) {+ rlyt <- rlayout(lyt) |
2051 | -! | +|||
188 | +27x |
- warning("Ignoring df argument and retrieving already-computed LayoutColTree")+ rlyt <- cmpnd_last_rowsplit(rlyt, spl, constructor) |
2052 | -+ | |||
189 | +27x |
- }+ rlayout(lyt) <- rlyt |
2053 | -7833x | +190 | +27x |
- obj@tree_layout+ lyt |
2054 | +191 |
} |
2055 | +192 |
) |
2056 | +193 |
+ #' @rdname int_methods |
2057 | +194 |
- #' @rdname col_accessors+ setMethod( |
2058 | +195 |
- #' @export coltree+ "cmpnd_last_rowsplit", "ANY", |
2059 | +196 |
- setMethod(+ function(lyt, spl, constructor) { |
2060 | -+ | |||
197 | +! |
- "coltree", "PreDataTableLayouts",+ stop( |
2061 | -+ | |||
198 | +! |
- function(obj, df, rtpos, alt_counts_df = df, ccount_format) {+ "nope. can't do cmpnd_last_rowsplit to that (", |
2062 | -1x | +|||
199 | +! |
- coltree(clayout(obj), df, rtpos, alt_counts_df = alt_counts_df, ccount_format = ccount_format)+ class(lyt), "). contact the maintaner." |
2063 | +200 | ++ |
+ )+ |
+ |
201 |
} |
2064 | +202 |
) |
2065 | +203 | |||
2066 | +204 |
- #' @rdname col_accessors+ ## split_cols ==== |
2067 | +205 |
- #' @export coltree+ |
2068 | +206 |
- setMethod(+ #' @rdname int_methods |
2069 | +207 |
- "coltree", "PreDataColLayout",+ setGeneric( |
2070 | +208 |
- function(obj, df, rtpos, alt_counts_df = df, ccount_format) {+ "split_cols", |
2071 | -327x | +|||
209 | +
- obj <- set_def_child_ord(obj, df)+ function(lyt = NULL, spl, pos) { |
2072 | -327x | +210 | +1064x |
- kids <- lapply(+ standardGeneric("split_cols") |
2073 | -327x | -
- obj,- |
- ||
2074 | -327x | -
- function(x) {- |
- ||
2075 | -335x | -
- splitvec_to_coltree(- |
- ||
2076 | -335x | -
- df = df,- |
- ||
2077 | -335x | -
- splvec = x,- |
- ||
2078 | -335x | -
- pos = rtpos,- |
- ||
2079 | -335x | +|||
211 | +
- alt_counts_df = alt_counts_df,+ } |
2080 | -335x | +|||
212 | +
- global_cc_format = ccount_format+ ) |
2081 | +213 |
- )+ |
2082 | +214 |
- }+ #' @rdname int_methods |
2083 | +215 |
- )+ setMethod("split_cols", "NULL", function(lyt, spl, pos) { |
2084 | -320x | +216 | +1x |
- if (length(kids) == 1) {+ lifecycle::deprecate_warn( |
2085 | -313x | -
- res <- kids[[1]]- |
- ||
2086 | -+ | 217 | +1x |
- } else {+ when = "0.3.8", |
2087 | -7x | +218 | +1x |
- res <- LayoutColTree(+ what = I("split_cols(NULL)"), |
2088 | -7x | +219 | +1x |
- lev = 0L,+ with = "basic_table()", |
2089 | -7x | +220 | +1x |
- kids = kids,+ details = "Initializing layouts via `NULL` is no longer supported." |
2090 | -7x | +|||
221 | +
- tpos = rtpos,+ ) |
2091 | -7x | +222 | +1x |
- spl = RootSplit(),+ cl <- PreDataColLayout(SplitVector(spl)) |
2092 | -7x | +223 | +1x |
- colcount = NROW(alt_counts_df),+ rl <- PreDataRowLayout() |
2093 | -7x | +224 | +1x |
- colcount_format = ccount_format+ PreDataTableLayouts(rlayout = rl, clayout = cl) |
2094 | +225 |
- )+ }) |
2095 | +226 |
- }- |
- ||
2096 | -320x | -
- disp_ccounts(res) <- disp_ccounts(obj)+ |
2097 | -320x | +|||
227 | +
- res+ #' @rdname int_methods |
2098 | +228 |
- }+ setMethod( |
2099 | +229 |
- )+ "split_cols", "PreDataColLayout", |
2100 | +230 |
+ function(lyt, spl, pos) { |
2101 | -+ | |||
231 | +322x |
- #' @rdname col_accessors+ stopifnot(pos > 0 && pos <= length(lyt) + 1) |
2102 | -+ | |||
232 | +322x |
- #' @export coltree+ tmp <- if (pos <= length(lyt)) { |
2103 | -+ | |||
233 | +314x |
- setMethod(+ split_cols(lyt[[pos]], spl, pos) |
2104 | +234 |
- "coltree", "LayoutColTree",+ } else { |
2105 | -+ | |||
235 | +8x |
- function(obj, df, rtpos, alt_counts_df, ccount_format) obj+ SplitVector(spl) |
2106 | +236 |
- )+ } |
2107 | +237 | |||
2108 | -+ | |||
238 | +322x |
- #' @rdname col_accessors+ lyt[[pos]] <- tmp |
2109 | -+ | |||
239 | +322x |
- #' @export coltree+ lyt |
2110 | +240 |
- setMethod(+ } |
2111 | +241 |
- "coltree", "VTableTree",+ ) |
2112 | +242 |
- function(obj, df, rtpos, alt_counts_df, ccount_format) coltree(col_info(obj))+ |
2113 | +243 |
- )+ #' @rdname int_methods |
2114 | +244 |
+ setMethod( |
2115 | +245 |
- #' @rdname col_accessors+ "split_cols", "SplitVector", |
2116 | +246 |
- #' @export coltree+ function(lyt, spl, pos) { |
2117 | -+ | |||
247 | +419x |
- setMethod(+ tmp <- c(lyt, spl) |
2118 | -+ | |||
248 | +419x |
- "coltree", "TableRow",+ SplitVector(lst = tmp) |
2119 | +249 |
- function(obj, df, rtpos, alt_counts_df, ccount_format) coltree(col_info(obj))+ } |
2120 | +250 |
) |
2121 | +251 | |||
2122 | -917x | +|||
252 | +
- setGeneric("coltree<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("coltree<-"))+ #' @rdname int_methods |
2123 | +253 |
setMethod( |
2124 | +254 |
- "coltree<-", c("InstantiatedColumnInfo", "LayoutColTree"),+ "split_cols", "PreDataTableLayouts", |
2125 | +255 |
- function(obj, value) {+ function(lyt, spl, pos) { |
2126 | -495x | +256 | +322x |
- obj@tree_layout <- value+ rlyt <- lyt@col_layout |
2127 | -495x | +257 | +322x |
- obj+ rlyt <- split_cols(rlyt, spl, pos)+ |
258 | +322x | +
+ lyt@col_layout <- rlyt+ |
+ ||
259 | +322x | +
+ lyt |
2128 | +260 |
} |
2129 | +261 |
) |
2130 | +262 | |||
2131 | +263 | ++ |
+ #' @rdname int_methods+ |
+ |
264 |
setMethod( |
2132 | +265 |
- "coltree<-", c("VTableTree", "LayoutColTree"),+ "split_cols", "ANY", |
2133 | +266 |
- function(obj, value) {+ function(lyt, spl, pos) { |
2134 | -422x | +|||
267 | +! |
- cinfo <- col_info(obj)+ stop( |
2135 | -422x | +|||
268 | +! |
- coltree(cinfo) <- value+ "nope. can't add a col split to that (", class(lyt), |
2136 | -422x | +|||
269 | +! |
- col_info(obj) <- cinfo+ "). contact the maintaner." |
2137 | -422x | +|||
270 | +
- obj+ ) |
2138 | +271 |
} |
2139 | +272 |
) |
2140 | +273 | |||
2141 | +274 |
- #' @rdname col_accessors+ # Constructors ===== |
2142 | +275 |
- #' @export+ |
2143 | -116071x | +|||
276 | +
- setGeneric("col_exprs", function(obj, df = NULL) standardGeneric("col_exprs"))+ ## Pipe-able functions to add the various types of splits to the current layout |
2144 | +277 |
+ ## for both row and column. These all act as wrappers to the split_cols and |
2145 | +278 |
- #' @rdname col_accessors+ ## split_rows method stacks. |
2146 | +279 |
- #' @export col_exprs+ |
2147 | +280 |
- setMethod(+ #' Declaring a column-split based on levels of a variable |
2148 | +281 |
- "col_exprs", "PreDataTableLayouts",+ #' |
2149 | -1x | +|||
282 | +
- function(obj, df = NULL) col_exprs(clayout(obj), df)+ #' Will generate children for each subset of a categorical variable. |
2150 | +283 |
- )+ #' |
2151 | +284 |
+ #' @inheritParams lyt_args |
2152 | +285 |
- #' @rdname col_accessors+ #' @param ref_group (`string` or `NULL`)\cr level of `var` that should be considered `ref_group`/reference. |
2153 | +286 |
- #' @export col_exprs+ #' |
2154 | +287 |
- setMethod(+ #' @return A `PreDataTableLayouts` object suitable for passing to further layouting functions, and to [build_table()]. |
2155 | +288 |
- "col_exprs", "PreDataColLayout",+ #' |
2156 | +289 |
- function(obj, df = NULL) {+ #' @inheritSection custom_split_funs Custom Splitting Function Details |
2157 | -1x | +|||
290 | +
- if (is.null(df)) {+ #' |
2158 | -! | +|||
291 | +
- stop("can't determine col_exprs without data")+ #' @examples |
2159 | +292 |
- }+ #' lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
2160 | -1x | +|||
293 | +
- ct <- coltree(obj, df = df)+ #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>% |
2161 | -1x | +|||
294 | +
- make_col_subsets(ct, df = df)+ #' analyze(c("AGE", "BMRKR2")) |
2162 | +295 |
- }+ #' |
2163 | +296 |
- )+ #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, ex_adsl) |
2164 | +297 |
+ #' tbl |
2165 | +298 |
- #' @rdname col_accessors+ #' |
2166 | +299 |
- #' @export col_exprs+ #' # Let's look at the splits in more detail |
2167 | +300 |
- setMethod(+ #' |
2168 | +301 |
- "col_exprs", "InstantiatedColumnInfo",+ #' lyt1 <- basic_table() %>% split_cols_by("ARM") |
2169 | +302 |
- function(obj, df = NULL) {+ #' lyt1 |
2170 | -116069x | +|||
303 | +
- if (!is.null(df)) {+ #' |
2171 | -! | +|||
304 | +
- warning("Ignoring df method when extracted precomputed column subsetting expressions.")+ #' # add an analysis (summary) |
2172 | +305 |
- }+ #' lyt2 <- lyt1 %>% |
2173 | -116069x | +|||
306 | +
- obj@subset_exprs+ #' analyze(c("AGE", "COUNTRY"), |
2174 | +307 |
- }+ #' afun = list_wrap_x(summary), |
2175 | +308 |
- )+ #' format = "xx.xx" |
2176 | +309 |
+ #' ) |
2177 | +310 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' lyt2 |
2178 | -2534x | +|||
311 | +
- setGeneric("col_extra_args", function(obj, df = NULL) standardGeneric("col_extra_args"))+ #' |
2179 | +312 |
+ #' tbl2 <- build_table(lyt2, DM) |
2180 | +313 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' tbl2 |
2181 | +314 |
- setMethod(+ #' |
2182 | +315 |
- "col_extra_args", "InstantiatedColumnInfo",+ #' @examplesIf require(dplyr) |
2183 | +316 |
- function(obj, df) {+ #' # By default sequentially adding layouts results in nesting |
2184 | -2214x | +|||
317 | +
- if (!is.null(df)) {+ #' library(dplyr) |
2185 | -! | +|||
318 | +
- warning("Ignorning df when retrieving already-computed column extra arguments.")+ #' |
2186 | +319 |
- }+ #' DM_MF <- DM %>% |
2187 | -2214x | +|||
320 | +
- obj@cextra_args+ #' filter(SEX %in% c("M", "F")) %>% |
2188 | +321 |
- }+ #' mutate(SEX = droplevels(SEX)) |
2189 | +322 |
- )+ #' |
2190 | +323 |
+ #' lyt3 <- basic_table() %>% |
2191 | +324 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>% |
2192 | +325 |
- setMethod(+ #' split_cols_by("SEX") %>% |
2193 | +326 |
- "col_extra_args", "PreDataTableLayouts",+ #' analyze(c("AGE", "COUNTRY"), |
2194 | +327 |
- function(obj, df) col_extra_args(clayout(obj), df)+ #' afun = list_wrap_x(summary), |
2195 | +328 |
- )+ #' format = "xx.xx" |
2196 | +329 |
+ #' ) |
2197 | +330 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' lyt3 |
2198 | +331 |
- setMethod(+ #' |
2199 | +332 |
- "col_extra_args", "PreDataColLayout",+ #' tbl3 <- build_table(lyt3, DM_MF) |
2200 | +333 |
- function(obj, df) {+ #' tbl3 |
2201 | -! | +|||
334 | +
- col_extra_args(coltree(obj, df), NULL)+ #' |
2202 | +335 |
- }+ #' # nested=TRUE vs not |
2203 | +336 |
- )+ #' lyt4 <- basic_table() %>% |
2204 | +337 |
+ #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>% |
2205 | +338 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' split_rows_by("SEX", split_fun = drop_split_levels) %>% |
2206 | +339 |
- setMethod(+ #' split_rows_by("RACE", split_fun = drop_split_levels) %>% |
2207 | +340 |
- "col_extra_args", "LayoutColTree",+ #' analyze("AGE") |
2208 | +341 |
- function(obj, df) {+ #' lyt4 |
2209 | -320x | +|||
342 | +
- if (!is.null(df)) {+ #' |
2210 | -! | +|||
343 | +
- warning("Ignoring df argument and returning already calculated extra arguments")+ #' tbl4 <- build_table(lyt4, DM) |
2211 | +344 |
- }+ #' tbl4 |
2212 | -320x | +|||
345 | +
- get_col_extras(obj)+ #' |
2213 | +346 |
- }+ #' lyt5 <- basic_table() %>% |
2214 | +347 |
- )+ #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>% |
2215 | +348 |
+ #' split_rows_by("SEX", split_fun = drop_split_levels) %>% |
2216 | +349 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' analyze("AGE") %>% |
2217 | +350 |
- setMethod(+ #' split_rows_by("RACE", nested = FALSE, split_fun = drop_split_levels) %>% |
2218 | +351 |
- "col_extra_args", "LayoutColLeaf",+ #' analyze("AGE") |
2219 | +352 |
- function(obj, df) {+ #' lyt5 |
2220 | -! | +|||
353 | +
- if (!is.null(df)) {+ #' |
2221 | -! | +|||
354 | +
- warning("Ignoring df argument and returning already calculated extra arguments")+ #' tbl5 <- build_table(lyt5, DM) |
2222 | +355 |
- }+ #' tbl5 |
2223 | +356 |
+ #' |
2224 | -! | +|||
357 | +
- get_pos_extra(pos = tree_pos(obj))+ #' @author Gabriel Becker |
2225 | +358 |
- }+ #' @export |
2226 | +359 |
- )+ split_cols_by <- function(lyt, |
2227 | +360 |
+ var, |
2228 | +361 |
- #' @seealso [facet_colcount()]+ labels_var = var, |
2229 | +362 |
- #' @export+ split_label = var, |
2230 | +363 |
- #' @rdname col_accessors+ split_fun = NULL, |
2231 | -1993x | +|||
364 | +
- setGeneric("col_counts", function(obj, path = NULL) standardGeneric("col_counts"))+ format = NULL, |
2232 | +365 |
+ nested = TRUE, |
2233 | +366 |
- #' @export+ child_labels = c("default", "visible", "hidden"), |
2234 | +367 |
- #' @rdname col_accessors+ extra_args = list(), |
2235 | +368 |
- setMethod(+ ref_group = NULL, |
2236 | +369 |
- "col_counts", "InstantiatedColumnInfo",+ show_colcounts = FALSE, |
2237 | +370 |
- function(obj, path = NULL) {+ colcount_format = NULL) { ## , |
2238 | -1978x | +371 | +287x |
- if (is.null(path)) {+ if (is.null(ref_group)) { |
2239 | -1977x | +372 | +278x |
- lfs <- collect_leaves(coltree(obj))+ spl <- VarLevelSplit( |
2240 | -1977x | +373 | +278x |
- ret <- vapply(lfs, facet_colcount, 1L, path = NULL)+ var = var, |
2241 | -+ | |||
374 | +278x |
- } else {+ split_label = split_label, |
2242 | -1x | +375 | +278x |
- ret <- facet_colcount(obj, path)+ labels_var = labels_var, |
2243 | -+ | |||
376 | +278x |
- }+ split_format = format, |
2244 | -+ | |||
377 | +278x |
- ## required for strict backwards compatibility,+ child_labels = child_labels, |
2245 | -+ | |||
378 | +278x |
- ## even though its undesirable behavior.+ split_fun = split_fun, |
2246 | -1978x | +379 | +278x |
- unname(ret)+ extra_args = extra_args, |
2247 | -+ | |||
380 | +278x |
- }+ show_colcounts = show_colcounts, |
2248 | -+ | |||
381 | +278x |
- )+ colcount_format = colcount_format |
2249 | +382 |
+ ) |
2250 | +383 |
- #' @export+ } else { |
2251 | -+ | |||
384 | +9x |
- #' @rdname col_accessors+ spl <- VarLevWBaselineSplit( |
2252 | -+ | |||
385 | +9x |
- setMethod(+ var = var, |
2253 | -+ | |||
386 | +9x |
- "col_counts", "VTableNodeInfo",+ ref_group = ref_group, |
2254 | -15x | +387 | +9x |
- function(obj, path = NULL) col_counts(col_info(obj), path = path)+ split_label = split_label, |
2255 | -+ | |||
388 | +9x |
- )+ split_fun = split_fun, |
2256 | -+ | |||
389 | +9x |
+ labels_var = labels_var, |
2257 | -+ | |||
390 | +9x |
- #' @export+ split_format = format, |
2258 | -+ | |||
391 | +9x |
- #' @rdname col_accessors+ show_colcounts = show_colcounts, |
2259 | -14x | +392 | +9x |
- setGeneric("col_counts<-", function(obj, path = NULL, value) standardGeneric("col_counts<-"))+ colcount_format = colcount_format |
2260 | +393 |
+ ) |
2261 | +394 |
- #' @export+ } |
2262 | -+ | |||
395 | +287x |
- #' @rdname col_accessors+ pos <- next_cpos(lyt, nested) |
2263 | -+ | |||
396 | +287x |
- setMethod(+ split_cols(lyt, spl, pos) |
2264 | +397 |
- "col_counts<-", "InstantiatedColumnInfo",+ } |
2265 | +398 |
- function(obj, path = NULL, value) {+ |
2266 | +399 |
- ## obj@counts[.path_to_pos(path, obj, cols = TRUE)] <- value+ ## .tl_indent ==== |
2267 | +400 |
- ## obj+ |
2268 | -9x | +401 | +51x |
- if (!is.null(path)) {- |
2269 | -1x | -
- all_paths <- list(path)+ setGeneric(".tl_indent_inner", function(lyt) standardGeneric(".tl_indent_inner")) |
2270 | +402 |
- } else {+ |
2271 | -8x | +|||
403 | +
- all_paths <- make_col_df(obj, visible_only = TRUE)$path+ setMethod( |
2272 | +404 |
- }+ ".tl_indent_inner", "PreDataTableLayouts", |
2273 | -9x | -
- if (length(value) != length(all_paths)) {- |
- ||
2274 | -! | -
- stop(- |
- ||
2275 | -! | -
- "Got ", length(value), " values for ",- |
- ||
2276 | -! | -
- length(all_paths), " column paths",- |
- ||
2277 | -! | +405 | +17x |
- if (is.null(path)) " (from path = NULL)",+ function(lyt) .tl_indent_inner(rlayout(lyt)) |
2278 | +406 |
- "."+ ) |
2279 | +407 |
- )+ setMethod( |
2280 | +408 |
- }+ ".tl_indent_inner", "PreDataRowLayout", |
2281 | -9x | +|||
409 | +
- ctree <- coltree(obj)+ function(lyt) { |
2282 | -9x | +410 | +17x |
- for (i in seq_along(all_paths)) {+ if (length(lyt) == 0 || length(lyt[[1]]) == 0) { |
2283 | -73x | +|||
411 | +! |
- facet_colcount(ctree, all_paths[[i]]) <- value[i]+ 0L |
2284 | +412 |
- }+ } else { |
2285 | -9x | +413 | +17x |
- coltree(obj) <- ctree+ .tl_indent_inner(lyt[[length(lyt)]]) |
2286 | -9x | +|||
414 | +
- obj+ } |
2287 | +415 |
} |
2288 | +416 |
) |
2289 | +417 | |||
2290 | +418 |
- #' @export+ setMethod( |
2291 | +419 |
- #' @rdname col_accessors+ ".tl_indent_inner", "SplitVector", |
2292 | +420 |
- setMethod(+ function(lyt) { |
2293 | -+ | |||
421 | +17x |
- "col_counts<-", "VTableNodeInfo",+ sum(vapply(lyt, function(x) label_position(x) == "topleft", TRUE)) - 1L |
2294 | +422 |
- function(obj, path = NULL, value) {+ } |
2295 | -5x | +|||
423 | +
- cinfo <- col_info(obj)+ ) ## length(lyt) - 1L) |
2296 | -5x | +|||
424 | +
- col_counts(cinfo, path = path) <- value+ |
2297 | -5x | +|||
425 | +
- col_info(obj) <- cinfo+ .tl_indent <- function(lyt, nested = TRUE) { |
2298 | -5x | +426 | +17x |
- obj+ if (!nested) { |
2299 | -+ | |||
427 | +! |
- }+ 0L |
2300 | +428 |
- )+ } else { |
2301 | -+ | |||
429 | +17x |
+ .tl_indent_inner(lyt) |
2302 | +430 |
- #' @export+ } |
2303 | +431 |
- #' @rdname col_accessors- |
- ||
2304 | -1573x | -
- setGeneric("col_total", function(obj) standardGeneric("col_total"))+ } |
2305 | +432 | |||
2306 | +433 |
- #' @export+ #' Add rows according to levels of a variable |
2307 | +434 |
- #' @rdname col_accessors+ #' |
2308 | +435 |
- setMethod(+ #' @inheritParams lyt_args |
2309 | +436 |
- "col_total", "InstantiatedColumnInfo",- |
- ||
2310 | -1572x | -
- function(obj) obj@total_count+ #' |
2311 | +437 |
- )+ #' @inherit split_cols_by return |
2312 | +438 |
+ #' |
2313 | +439 |
- #' @export+ #' @inheritSection custom_split_funs Custom Splitting Function Details |
2314 | +440 |
- #' @rdname col_accessors+ #' |
2315 | +441 |
- setMethod(+ #' @note |
2316 | +442 |
- "col_total", "VTableNodeInfo",+ #' If `var` is a factor with empty unobserved levels and `labels_var` is specified, it must also be a factor |
2317 | -1x | +|||
443 | +
- function(obj) col_total(col_info(obj))+ #' with the same number of levels as `var`. Currently the error that occurs when this is not the case is not very |
2318 | +444 |
- )+ #' informative, but that will change in the future. |
2319 | +445 |
+ #' |
2320 | +446 |
- #' @export+ #' @examples |
2321 | +447 |
- #' @rdname col_accessors+ #' lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
2322 | -2x | +|||
448 | +
- setGeneric("col_total<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("col_total<-"))+ #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>% |
2323 | +449 |
+ #' split_rows_by("RACE", split_fun = drop_split_levels) %>% |
2324 | +450 |
- #' @export+ #' analyze("AGE", mean, var_labels = "Age", format = "xx.xx") |
2325 | +451 |
- #' @rdname col_accessors+ #' |
2326 | +452 |
- setMethod(+ #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM) |
2327 | +453 |
- "col_total<-", "InstantiatedColumnInfo",+ #' tbl |
2328 | +454 |
- function(obj, value) {+ #' |
2329 | +455 |
- ## all methods funnel to this one so ensure integer-ness here.+ #' lyt2 <- basic_table() %>% |
2330 | -1x | +|||
456 | +
- obj@total_count <- as.integer(value)+ #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>% |
2331 | -1x | +|||
457 | +
- obj+ #' split_rows_by("RACE") %>% |
2332 | +458 |
- }+ #' analyze("AGE", mean, var_labels = "Age", format = "xx.xx") |
2333 | +459 |
- )+ #' |
2334 | +460 |
+ #' tbl2 <- build_table(lyt2, DM) |
2335 | +461 |
- #' @export+ #' tbl2 |
2336 | +462 |
- #' @rdname col_accessors+ #' |
2337 | +463 |
- setMethod(+ #' lyt3 <- basic_table() %>% |
2338 | +464 |
- "col_total<-", "VTableNodeInfo",+ #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>% |
2339 | +465 |
- function(obj, value) {+ #' split_cols_by("SEX") %>% |
2340 | -1x | +|||
466 | +
- cinfo <- col_info(obj)+ #' summarize_row_groups(label_fstr = "Overall (N)") %>% |
2341 | -1x | +|||
467 | +
- col_total(cinfo) <- value+ #' split_rows_by("RACE", |
2342 | -1x | +|||
468 | +
- col_info(obj) <- cinfo+ #' split_label = "Ethnicity", labels_var = "ethn_lab", |
2343 | -1x | +|||
469 | +
- obj+ #' split_fun = drop_split_levels |
2344 | +470 |
- }+ #' ) %>% |
2345 | +471 |
- )+ #' summarize_row_groups("RACE", label_fstr = "%s (n)") %>% |
2346 | +472 |
+ #' analyze("AGE", var_labels = "Age", afun = mean, format = "xx.xx") |
2347 | +473 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' |
2348 | -18620x | +|||
474 | +
- setGeneric("disp_ccounts", function(obj) standardGeneric("disp_ccounts"))+ #' lyt3 |
2349 | +475 |
+ #' |
2350 | +476 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @examplesIf require(dplyr) |
2351 | +477 |
- setMethod(+ #' library(dplyr) |
2352 | +478 |
- "disp_ccounts", "VTableTree",+ #' |
2353 | -306x | +|||
479 | +
- function(obj) disp_ccounts(col_info(obj))+ #' DM2 <- DM %>% |
2354 | +480 |
- )+ #' filter(SEX %in% c("M", "F")) %>% |
2355 | +481 |
+ #' mutate( |
2356 | +482 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' SEX = droplevels(SEX), |
2357 | +483 |
- setMethod(+ #' gender_lab = c( |
2358 | +484 |
- "disp_ccounts", "InstantiatedColumnInfo",+ #' "F" = "Female", "M" = "Male", |
2359 | -603x | +|||
485 | +
- function(obj) obj@display_columncounts+ #' "U" = "Unknown", |
2360 | +486 |
- )+ #' "UNDIFFERENTIATED" = "Undifferentiated" |
2361 | +487 |
+ #' )[SEX], |
2362 | +488 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' ethn_lab = c( |
2363 | +489 |
- setMethod(+ #' "ASIAN" = "Asian", |
2364 | +490 |
- "disp_ccounts", "PreDataTableLayouts",+ #' "BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN" = "Black or African American", |
2365 | -958x | +|||
491 | +
- function(obj) disp_ccounts(clayout(obj))+ #' "WHITE" = "White", |
2366 | +492 |
- )+ #' "AMERICAN INDIAN OR ALASKA NATIVE" = "American Indian or Alaska Native", |
2367 | +493 |
+ #' "MULTIPLE" = "Multiple", |
2368 | +494 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' "NATIVE HAWAIIAN OR OTHER PACIFIC ISLANDER" = |
2369 | +495 |
- setMethod(+ #' "Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander", |
2370 | +496 |
- "disp_ccounts", "PreDataColLayout",+ #' "OTHER" = "Other", "UNKNOWN" = "Unknown" |
2371 | -1278x | +|||
497 | +
- function(obj) obj@display_columncounts+ #' )[RACE] |
2372 | +498 |
- )+ #' ) |
2373 | +499 |
+ #' |
2374 | +500 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' tbl3 <- build_table(lyt3, DM2) |
2375 | +501 |
- setMethod(+ #' tbl3 |
2376 | +502 |
- "disp_ccounts", "LayoutColTree",+ #' |
2377 | -717x | +|||
503 | +
- function(obj) obj@display_columncounts+ #' @author Gabriel Becker |
2378 | +504 |
- )+ #' @export |
2379 | +505 |
+ split_rows_by <- function(lyt, |
2380 | +506 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ var, |
2381 | +507 |
- setMethod(+ labels_var = var, |
2382 | +508 |
- "disp_ccounts", "LayoutColLeaf",+ split_label = var, |
2383 | -13385x | +|||
509 | +
- function(obj) obj@display_columncounts+ split_fun = NULL, |
2384 | +510 |
- )+ format = NULL, |
2385 | +511 |
+ na_str = NA_character_, |
2386 | +512 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ nested = TRUE, |
2387 | +513 |
- setMethod(+ child_labels = c("default", "visible", "hidden"), |
2388 | +514 |
- "disp_ccounts", "Split",+ label_pos = "hidden", |
2389 | -1226x | +|||
515 | +
- function(obj) obj@child_show_colcounts+ indent_mod = 0L, |
2390 | +516 |
- )+ page_by = FALSE, |
2391 | +517 |
+ page_prefix = split_label, |
2392 | +518 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ section_div = NA_character_) { |
2393 | -2237x | -
- setGeneric("disp_ccounts<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("disp_ccounts<-"))- |
- ||
2394 | -+ | 519 | +256x |
+ label_pos <- match.arg(label_pos, label_pos_values) |
2395 | -+ | |||
520 | +256x |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ child_labels <- match.arg(child_labels) |
2396 | -+ | |||
521 | +256x |
- setMethod(+ spl <- VarLevelSplit( |
2397 | -+ | |||
522 | +256x |
- "disp_ccounts<-", "VTableTree",+ var = var, |
2398 | -+ | |||
523 | +256x |
- function(obj, value) {+ split_label = split_label, |
2399 | -1x | +524 | +256x |
- cinfo <- col_info(obj)+ label_pos = label_pos, |
2400 | -1x | +525 | +256x |
- disp_ccounts(cinfo) <- value+ labels_var = labels_var, |
2401 | -1x | +526 | +256x |
- col_info(obj) <- cinfo+ split_fun = split_fun, |
2402 | -1x | +527 | +256x |
- obj+ split_format = format, |
2403 | -+ | |||
528 | +256x |
- }+ split_na_str = na_str, |
2404 | -+ | |||
529 | +256x |
- )+ child_labels = child_labels, |
2405 | -+ | |||
530 | +256x |
+ indent_mod = indent_mod, |
2406 | -+ | |||
531 | +256x |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ page_prefix = if (page_by) page_prefix else NA_character_, |
2407 | -+ | |||
532 | +256x |
- setMethod(+ section_div = section_div |
2408 | +533 |
- "disp_ccounts<-", "InstantiatedColumnInfo",+ ) |
2409 | +534 |
- function(obj, value) {+ |
2410 | -2x | +535 | +256x |
- obj@display_columncounts <- value+ pos <- next_rpos(lyt, nested) |
2411 | -2x | +536 | +256x |
- obj+ ret <- split_rows(lyt, spl, pos) |
2412 | +537 |
- }+ + |
+ ||
538 | +254x | +
+ ret |
2413 | +539 |
- )+ } |
2414 | +540 | |||
2415 | +541 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' Associate multiple variables with columns |
2416 | +542 |
- setMethod(+ #' |
2417 | +543 |
- "disp_ccounts<-", "PreDataColLayout",+ #' In some cases, the variable to be ultimately analyzed is most naturally defined on a column, not a row, basis. |
2418 | +544 |
- function(obj, value) {+ #' When we need columns to reflect different variables entirely, rather than different levels of a single |
2419 | -325x | +|||
545 | +
- obj@display_columncounts <- value+ #' variable, we use `split_cols_by_multivar`. |
2420 | -325x | +|||
546 | +
- obj+ #' |
2421 | +547 |
- }+ #' @inheritParams lyt_args |
2422 | +548 |
- )+ #' |
2423 | +549 |
+ #' @inherit split_cols_by return |
2424 | +550 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' |
2425 | +551 |
- setMethod(+ #' @seealso [analyze_colvars()] |
2426 | +552 |
- "disp_ccounts<-", "LayoutColTree",+ #' |
2427 | +553 |
- function(obj, value) {+ #' @examplesIf require(dplyr) |
2428 | -321x | +|||
554 | +
- obj@display_columncounts <- value+ #' library(dplyr) |
2429 | -321x | +|||
555 | +
- obj+ #' |
2430 | +556 |
- }+ #' ANL <- DM %>% mutate(value = rnorm(n()), pctdiff = runif(n())) |
2431 | +557 |
- )+ #' |
2432 | +558 |
+ #' ## toy example where we take the mean of the first variable and the |
2433 | +559 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' ## count of >.5 for the second. |
2434 | +560 |
- setMethod(+ #' colfuns <- list( |
2435 | +561 |
- "disp_ccounts<-", "LayoutColLeaf",+ #' function(x) in_rows(mean = mean(x), .formats = "xx.x"), |
2436 | +562 |
- function(obj, value) {+ #' function(x) in_rows("# x > 5" = sum(x > .5), .formats = "xx") |
2437 | -1263x | +|||
563 | +
- obj@display_columncounts <- value+ #' ) |
2438 | -1263x | +|||
564 | +
- obj+ #' |
2439 | +565 |
- }+ #' lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
2440 | +566 |
- )+ #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>% |
2441 | +567 |
+ #' split_cols_by_multivar(c("value", "pctdiff")) %>% |
2442 | +568 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' split_rows_by("RACE", |
2443 | +569 |
- setMethod(+ #' split_label = "ethnicity", |
2444 | +570 |
- "disp_ccounts<-", "PreDataTableLayouts",+ #' split_fun = drop_split_levels |
2445 | +571 |
- function(obj, value) {+ #' ) %>% |
2446 | -325x | +|||
572 | +
- clyt <- clayout(obj)+ #' summarize_row_groups() %>% |
2447 | -325x | +|||
573 | +
- disp_ccounts(clyt) <- value+ #' analyze_colvars(afun = colfuns) |
2448 | -325x | +|||
574 | +
- clayout(obj) <- clyt+ #' lyt |
2449 | -325x | +|||
575 | +
- obj+ #' |
2450 | +576 |
- }+ #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, ANL) |
2451 | +577 |
- )+ #' tbl |
2452 | +578 |
+ #' |
2453 | +579 |
+ #' @author Gabriel Becker |
2454 | +580 |
- ## this is a horrible hack but when we have non-nested siblings at the top level+ #' @export |
2455 | +581 |
- ## the beginning of the "path <-> position" relationship breaks down.+ split_cols_by_multivar <- function(lyt, |
2456 | +582 |
- ## we probably *should* have e.g., c("root", "top_level_splname_1",+ vars, |
2457 | +583 |
- ## "top_level_splname_1, "top_level_splname_1_value", ...)+ split_fun = NULL, |
2458 | +584 |
- ## but its pretty clear why no one will be happy with that, I think+ varlabels = vars, |
2459 | +585 |
- ## so we punt on the problem for now with an explicit workaround+ varnames = NULL, |
2460 | +586 |
- ##+ nested = TRUE, |
2461 | +587 |
- ## those first non-nested siblings currently have (incorrect)+ extra_args = list(), |
2462 | +588 |
- ## empty tree_pos elements so we just look at the obj_name+ ## for completeness even though it doesn't make sense |
2463 | +589 |
+ show_colcounts = FALSE, |
2464 | +590 |
- pos_singleton_path <- function(obj) {+ colcount_format = NULL) { |
2465 | -5897x | +591 | +24x |
- pos <- tree_pos(obj)+ spl <- MultiVarSplit( |
2466 | -5897x | +592 | +24x |
- splvals <- pos_splvals(pos)+ vars = vars, split_label = "", |
2467 | -5897x | +593 | +24x |
- length(splvals) == 0 ||+ varlabels = varlabels, |
2468 | -5897x | +594 | +24x |
- (length(splvals) == 1 && is.na(unlist(value_names(splvals))))+ varnames = varnames, |
2469 | -+ | |||
595 | +24x |
- }+ split_fun = split_fun, |
2470 | -+ | |||
596 | +24x | - - | -||
2471 | -- |
- ## close to a duplicate of tt_at_path, but... not quite :(- |
- ||
2472 | -- |
- #' @rdname int_methods- |
- ||
2473 | -- |
- coltree_at_path <- function(obj, path, ...) {+ extra_args = extra_args, |
2474 | -2978x | +597 | +24x |
- if (length(path) == 0) {+ show_colcounts = show_colcounts, |
2475 | -644x | +598 | +24x |
- return(obj)+ colcount_format = colcount_format |
2476 | +599 |
- }- |
- ||
2477 | -2334x | -
- stopifnot(+ ) |
2478 | -2334x | +600 | +24x |
- is(path, "character"),+ pos <- next_cpos(lyt, nested) |
2479 | -2334x | +601 | +24x |
- length(path) > 0+ split_cols(lyt, spl, pos) |
2480 | +602 |
- )- |
- ||
2481 | -2334x | -
- if (any(grepl("@content", path, fixed = TRUE))) {- |
- ||
2482 | -! | -
- stop("@content token is not valid for column paths.")+ } |
2483 | +603 |
- }+ |
2484 | +604 | - - | -||
2485 | -2334x | -
- cur <- obj- |
- ||
2486 | -2334x | -
- curpath <- pos_to_path(tree_pos(obj)) # path- |
- ||
2487 | -2334x | -
- num_consume_path <- 2- |
- ||
2488 | -2334x | -
- while (!identical(curpath, path) && !is(cur, "LayoutColLeaf")) { # length(curpath) > 0) {- |
- ||
2489 | -4071x | -
- kids <- tree_children(cur)- |
- ||
2490 | -4071x | -
- kidmatch <- find_kid_path_match(kids, path)+ #' Associate multiple variables with rows |
2491 | -4071x | +|||
605 | +
- if (length(kidmatch) == 0) {+ #' |
2492 | -! | +|||
606 | +
- stop(+ #' When we need rows to reflect different variables rather than different |
2493 | -! | +|||
607 | +
- "unable to match full path: ", paste(path, sep = "->"),+ #' levels of a single variable, we use `split_rows_by_multivar`. |
2494 | -! | +|||
608 | +
- "\n path of last match: ", paste(curpath, sep = "->")+ #' |
2495 | +609 |
- )+ #' @inheritParams lyt_args |
2496 | +610 |
- }+ #' |
2497 | -4071x | +|||
611 | +
- cur <- kids[[kidmatch]]+ #' @inherit split_rows_by return |
2498 | -4071x | +|||
612 | +
- curpath <- pos_to_path(tree_pos(cur))+ #' |
2499 | +613 |
- }+ #' @seealso [split_rows_by()] for typical row splitting, and [split_cols_by_multivar()] to perform the same type of |
2500 | -2334x | +|||
614 | +
- cur+ #' split on a column basis. |
2501 | +615 |
- }+ #' |
2502 | +616 |
+ #' @examples |
2503 | +617 |
- find_kid_path_match <- function(kids, path) {+ #' lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
2504 | -8138x | +|||
618 | +
- if (length(kids) == 0) {+ #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>% |
2505 | -! | +|||
619 | +
- return(integer())+ #' split_rows_by_multivar(c("SEX", "STRATA1")) %>% |
2506 | +620 |
- }+ #' summarize_row_groups() %>% |
2507 | -8138x | +|||
621 | +
- kidpaths <- lapply(kids, function(k) pos_to_path(tree_pos(k)))+ #' analyze(c("AGE", "SEX")) |
2508 | +622 |
+ #' |
2509 | -8138x | +|||
623 | +
- matches <- vapply(kidpaths, function(kpth) identical(path[seq_along(kpth)], kpth), NA)+ #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM) |
2510 | -8138x | +|||
624 | +
- firstkidpos <- tree_pos(kids[[1]])+ #' tbl |
2511 | -8138x | +|||
625 | +
- if (all(matches) && pos_singleton_path(kids[[1]])) {+ #' |
2512 | -660x | +|||
626 | +
- kidpaths <- lapply(seq_along(kidpaths), function(i) c(kidpaths[[i]], obj_name(kids[[i]])))+ #' @export |
2513 | -660x | +|||
627 | +
- matches <- vapply(kidpaths, function(kpth) identical(path[seq_along(kpth)], kpth), NA)+ split_rows_by_multivar <- function(lyt, |
2514 | +628 |
- }+ vars, |
2515 | -8138x | +|||
629 | +
- which(matches)+ split_fun = NULL, |
2516 | +630 |
- }+ split_label = "", |
2517 | +631 |
+ varlabels = vars, |
2518 | +632 |
+ format = NULL, |
2519 | +633 |
- ## almost a duplicate of recursive_replace, but I spent a bunch+ na_str = NA_character_, |
2520 | +634 |
- ## of time ramming my head against the different way pathing happens+ nested = TRUE, |
2521 | +635 |
- ## in column space (unfortunately) before giving up building+ child_labels = c("default", "visible", "hidden"), |
2522 | +636 |
- ## coltree_at_path around recursive_replace, so here we are.+ indent_mod = 0L, |
2523 | +637 |
+ section_div = NA_character_, |
2524 | +638 |
- ct_recursive_replace <- function(ctree, path, value, pos = 1) {+ extra_args = list()) { |
2525 | -6399x | +639 | +3x |
- pos <- tree_pos(ctree)+ child_labels <- match.arg(child_labels) |
2526 | -6399x | +640 | +3x |
- curpth <- pos_to_path(pos)+ spl <- MultiVarSplit( |
2527 | -6399x | +641 | +3x |
- if (identical(path, curpth)) {+ vars = vars, split_label = split_label, varlabels, |
2528 | -2332x | +642 | +3x |
- return(value)+ split_format = format, |
2529 | -4067x | -
- } else if (is(ctree, "LayoutColLeaf")) {- |
- ||
2530 | -! | -
- stop(- |
- ||
2531 | -! | -
- "unable to match full path: ", paste(path, sep = "->"),- |
- ||
2532 | -! | +643 | +3x |
- "\n path at leaf: ", paste(curpth, sep = "->")+ split_na_str = na_str, |
2533 | -+ | |||
644 | +3x |
- )+ child_labels = child_labels, |
2534 | -+ | |||
645 | +3x |
- }+ indent_mod = indent_mod, |
2535 | -4067x | +646 | +3x |
- kids <- tree_children(ctree)+ split_fun = split_fun, |
2536 | -4067x | +647 | +3x |
- kids_singl <- pos_singleton_path(kids[[1]])+ section_div = section_div, |
2537 | -4067x | +648 | +3x |
- kidind <- find_kid_path_match(kids, path)+ extra_args = extra_args |
2538 | +649 |
+ ) |
2539 | -4067x | -
- if (length(kidind) == 0) {- |
- ||
2540 | -! | +650 | +3x |
- stop("Path appears invalid for this tree at step ", path[1])+ pos <- next_rpos(lyt, nested) |
2541 | -4067x | +651 | +3x |
- } else if (length(kidind) > 1) {+ split_rows(lyt, spl, pos) |
2542 | -! | +|||
652 | +
- stop(+ } |
2543 | -! | +|||
653 | +
- "singleton step (root, cbind_root, etc) in path appears to have matched multiple children. ",+ |
2544 | -! | +|||
654 | +
- "This shouldn't happen, please contact the maintainers."+ #' Split on static or dynamic cuts of the data |
2545 | +655 |
- )+ #' |
2546 | +656 |
- }+ #' Create columns (or row splits) based on values (such as quartiles) of `var`. |
2547 | +657 |
+ #' |
2548 | -4067x | +|||
658 | +
- kids[[kidind]] <- ct_recursive_replace(+ #' @inheritParams lyt_args |
2549 | -4067x | +|||
659 | +
- kids[[kidind]],+ #' |
2550 | -4067x | +|||
660 | +
- path, value+ #' @details For dynamic cuts, the cut is transformed into a static cut by [build_table()] *based on the full dataset*, |
2551 | +661 |
- )+ #' before proceeding. Thus even when nested within another split in column/row space, the resulting split will reflect |
2552 | -4067x | +|||
662 | +
- tree_children(ctree) <- kids+ #' the overall values (e.g., quartiles) in the dataset, NOT the values for subset it is nested under. |
2553 | -4067x | +|||
663 | +
- ctree+ #' |
2554 | +664 |
- }+ #' @inherit split_cols_by return |
2555 | +665 |
+ #' |
2556 | +666 |
- `coltree_at_path<-` <- function(obj, path, value) {+ #' @examplesIf require(dplyr) |
2557 | -2332x | +|||
667 | +
- obj <- ct_recursive_replace(obj, path, value)+ #' library(dplyr) |
2558 | -2332x | +|||
668 | +
- obj+ #' |
2559 | +669 |
- }+ #' # split_cols_by_cuts |
2560 | +670 |
+ #' lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
2561 | +671 |
- #' Set visibility of column counts for a group of sibling facets+ #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>% |
2562 | +672 |
- #'+ #' split_cols_by_cuts("AGE", |
2563 | +673 |
- #' @inheritParams gen_args+ #' split_label = "Age", |
2564 | +674 |
- #' @param path (`character`)\cr the path *to the parent of the+ #' cuts = c(0, 25, 35, 1000), |
2565 | +675 |
- #' desired siblings*. The last element in the path should+ #' cutlabels = c("young", "medium", "old") |
2566 | +676 |
- #' be a split name.+ #' ) %>% |
2567 | +677 |
- #' @return obj, modified with the desired column count.+ #' analyze(c("BMRKR2", "STRATA2")) %>% |
2568 | +678 |
- #' display behavior+ #' append_topleft("counts") |
2569 | +679 |
#' |
2570 | +680 |
- #' @seealso [colcount_visible()]+ #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, ex_adsl) |
2571 | +681 |
- #'+ #' tbl |
2572 | +682 |
- #' @export+ #' |
2573 | +683 |
- `facet_colcounts_visible<-` <- function(obj, path, value) {- |
- ||
2574 | -1x | -
- coldf <- make_col_df(obj, visible_only = FALSE)+ #' # split_rows_by_cuts |
2575 | -1x | +|||
684 | +
- allpaths <- coldf$path+ #' lyt2 <- basic_table() %>% |
2576 | -1x | +|||
685 | +
- lenpath <- length(path)+ #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>% |
2577 | -1x | +|||
686 | +
- match_paths <- vapply(allpaths, function(path_i) {+ #' split_rows_by_cuts("AGE", |
2578 | -10x | +|||
687 | +
- (length(path_i) == lenpath + 1) &&+ #' split_label = "Age", |
2579 | -10x | +|||
688 | +
- (all(head(path_i, -1) == path))+ #' cuts = c(0, 25, 35, 1000), |
2580 | -1x | +|||
689 | +
- }, TRUE)+ #' cutlabels = c("young", "medium", "old") |
2581 | -1x | +|||
690 | +
- for (curpath in allpaths[match_paths]) {+ #' ) %>% |
2582 | -2x | +|||
691 | +
- colcount_visible(obj, curpath) <- value+ #' analyze(c("BMRKR2", "STRATA2")) %>% |
2583 | +692 |
- }+ #' append_topleft("counts") |
2584 | -1x | +|||
693 | +
- obj+ #' |
2585 | +694 |
- }+ #' |
2586 | +695 |
+ #' tbl2 <- build_table(lyt2, ex_adsl) |
2587 | +696 |
- #' Get or set column count for a facet in column space+ #' tbl2 |
2588 | +697 |
#' |
2589 | +698 |
- #' @inheritParams gen_args+ #' # split_cols_by_quartiles |
2590 | +699 |
- #' @param path character. This path must end on a+ #' |
2591 | +700 |
- #' split value, e.g., the level of a categorical variable+ #' lyt3 <- basic_table() %>% |
2592 | +701 |
- #' that was split on in column space, but it need not+ #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>% |
2593 | +702 |
- #' be the path to an individual column.+ #' split_cols_by_quartiles("AGE", split_label = "Age") %>% |
2594 | +703 |
- #'+ #' analyze(c("BMRKR2", "STRATA2")) %>% |
2595 | +704 |
- #' @return for `facet_colcount` the current count associated+ #' append_topleft("counts") |
2596 | +705 |
- #' with that facet in column space, for `facet_colcount<-`,+ #' |
2597 | +706 |
- #' `obj` modified with the new column count for the specified+ #' tbl3 <- build_table(lyt3, ex_adsl) |
2598 | +707 |
- #' facet.+ #' tbl3 |
2599 | +708 |
#' |
2600 | +709 |
- #' @note Updating a lower-level (more specific)+ #' # split_rows_by_quartiles |
2601 | +710 |
- #' column count manually **will not** update the+ #' lyt4 <- basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>% |
2602 | +711 |
- #' counts for its parent facets. This cannot be made+ #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>% |
2603 | +712 |
- #' automatic because the rtables framework does not+ #' split_rows_by_quartiles("AGE", split_label = "Age") %>% |
2604 | +713 |
- #' require sibling facets to be mutually exclusive+ #' analyze("BMRKR2") %>% |
2605 | +714 |
- #' (e.g., total "arm", faceting into cumulative+ #' append_topleft(c("Age Quartiles", " Counts BMRKR2")) |
2606 | +715 |
- #' quantiles, etc) and thus the count of a parent facet+ #' |
2607 | +716 |
- #' will not always be simply the sum of the counts for+ #' tbl4 <- build_table(lyt4, ex_adsl) |
2608 | +717 |
- #' all of its children.+ #' tbl4 |
2609 | +718 |
#' |
2610 | +719 |
- #' @seealso [col_counts()]+ #' # split_cols_by_cutfun |
2611 | +720 |
- #'+ #' cutfun <- function(x) { |
2612 | +721 |
- #' @examples+ #' cutpoints <- c( |
2613 | +722 |
- #' lyt <- basic_table() %>%+ #' min(x), |
2614 | +723 |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM", show_colcounts = TRUE) %>%+ #' mean(x), |
2615 | +724 |
- #' split_cols_by("SEX",+ #' max(x) |
2616 | +725 |
- #' split_fun = keep_split_levels(c("F", "M")),+ #' ) |
2617 | +726 |
- #' show_colcounts = TRUE+ #' |
2618 | +727 |
- #' ) %>%+ #' names(cutpoints) <- c("", "Younger", "Older") |
2619 | +728 |
- #' split_cols_by("STRATA1", show_colcounts = TRUE) %>%+ #' cutpoints |
2620 | +729 |
- #' analyze("AGE")+ #' } |
2621 | +730 |
#' |
2622 | +731 |
- #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, ex_adsl)+ #' lyt5 <- basic_table() %>% |
2623 | +732 |
- #'+ #' split_cols_by_cutfun("AGE", cutfun = cutfun) %>% |
2624 | +733 |
- #' facet_colcount(tbl, c("ARM", "A: Drug X"))+ #' analyze("SEX") |
2625 | +734 |
- #' facet_colcount(tbl, c("ARM", "A: Drug X", "SEX", "F"))+ #' |
2626 | +735 |
- #' facet_colcount(tbl, c("ARM", "A: Drug X", "SEX", "F", "STRATA1", "A"))+ #' tbl5 <- build_table(lyt5, ex_adsl) |
2627 | +736 |
- #'+ #' tbl5 |
2628 | +737 |
- #' ## modify specific count after table creation+ #' |
2629 | +738 |
- #' facet_colcount(tbl, c("ARM", "A: Drug X", "SEX", "F", "STRATA1", "A")) <- 25+ #' # split_rows_by_cutfun |
2630 | +739 |
- #'+ #' lyt6 <- basic_table() %>% |
2631 | +740 |
- #' ## show black space for certain counts by assign NA+ #' split_cols_by("SEX") %>% |
2632 | +741 |
- #'+ #' split_rows_by_cutfun("AGE", cutfun = cutfun) %>% |
2633 | +742 |
- #' facet_colcount(tbl, c("ARM", "A: Drug X", "SEX", "F", "STRATA1", "C")) <- NA+ #' analyze("BMRKR2") |
2634 | +743 |
#' |
2635 | +744 |
- #' @export+ #' tbl6 <- build_table(lyt6, ex_adsl) |
2636 | +745 |
- setGeneric(+ #' tbl6 |
2637 | +746 |
- "facet_colcount",+ #' |
2638 | -20294x | +|||
747 | +
- function(obj, path) standardGeneric("facet_colcount")+ #' @author Gabriel Becker |
2639 | +748 |
- )+ #' @export |
2640 | +749 |
+ #' @rdname varcuts |
2641 | +750 |
- #' @rdname facet_colcount+ split_cols_by_cuts <- function(lyt, var, cuts, |
2642 | +751 |
- #' @export+ cutlabels = NULL, |
2643 | +752 |
- setMethod(+ split_label = var, |
2644 | +753 |
- "facet_colcount", "LayoutColTree",+ nested = TRUE, |
2645 | +754 |
- function(obj, path = NULL) {+ cumulative = FALSE, |
2646 | +755 |
- ## if(length(path) == 0L)+ show_colcounts = FALSE, |
2647 | +756 |
- ## stop("face_colcount requires a non-null path") #nocov+ colcount_format = NULL) { |
2648 | -645x | +757 | +3x |
- subtree <- coltree_at_path(obj, path)+ spl <- make_static_cut_split( |
2649 | -645x | +758 | +3x |
- subtree@column_count+ var = var, |
2650 | -+ | |||
759 | +3x |
- }+ split_label = split_label, |
2651 | -+ | |||
760 | +3x |
- )+ cuts = cuts, |
2652 | -+ | |||
761 | +3x |
+ cutlabels = cutlabels, |
2653 | -+ | |||
762 | +3x |
- #' @rdname facet_colcount+ cumulative = cumulative, |
2654 | -+ | |||
763 | +3x |
- #' @export+ show_colcounts = show_colcounts, |
2655 | -+ | |||
764 | +3x |
- setMethod(+ colcount_format = colcount_format |
2656 | +765 |
- "facet_colcount", "LayoutColLeaf",+ ) |
2657 | +766 |
- function(obj, path = NULL) {+ ## if(cumulative) |
2658 | +767 |
- ## not sure if we should check for null here as above+ ## spl = as(spl, "CumulativeCutSplit") |
2659 | -19648x | +768 | +3x |
- obj@column_count+ pos <- next_cpos(lyt, nested) |
2660 | -+ | |||
769 | +3x |
- }+ split_cols(lyt, spl, pos) |
2661 | +770 |
- )+ } |
2662 | +771 | |||
2663 | +772 |
- #' @rdname facet_colcount+ #' @export |
2664 | +773 |
- #' @export+ #' @rdname varcuts |
2665 | +774 |
- setMethod(+ split_rows_by_cuts <- function(lyt, var, cuts, |
2666 | +775 |
- "facet_colcount", "VTableTree",+ cutlabels = NULL, |
2667 | -! | +|||
776 | +
- function(obj, path) facet_colcount(coltree(obj), path = path)+ split_label = var, |
2668 | +777 |
- )+ format = NULL, |
2669 | +778 |
+ na_str = NA_character_, |
2670 | +779 |
- #' @rdname facet_colcount+ nested = TRUE, |
2671 | +780 |
- #' @export+ cumulative = FALSE, |
2672 | +781 |
- setMethod(+ label_pos = "hidden", |
2673 | +782 |
- "facet_colcount", "InstantiatedColumnInfo",+ section_div = NA_character_) { |
2674 | -1x | +783 | +2x |
- function(obj, path) facet_colcount(coltree(obj), path = path)+ label_pos <- match.arg(label_pos, label_pos_values) |
2675 | +784 |
- )+ ## VarStaticCutSplit( |
2676 | -+ | |||
785 | +2x |
+ spl <- make_static_cut_split(var, split_label, |
2677 | -+ | |||
786 | +2x |
- #' @rdname facet_colcount+ cuts = cuts, |
2678 | -+ | |||
787 | +2x |
- #' @export+ cutlabels = cutlabels, |
2679 | -+ | |||
788 | +2x |
- setGeneric(+ split_format = format, |
2680 | -+ | |||
789 | +2x |
- "facet_colcount<-",+ split_na_str = na_str, |
2681 | -1070x | +790 | +2x |
- function(obj, path, value) standardGeneric("facet_colcount<-")+ label_pos = label_pos, |
2682 | -+ | |||
791 | +2x |
- )+ cumulative = cumulative, |
2683 | -+ | |||
792 | +2x |
+ section_div = section_div |
2684 | +793 |
- #' @rdname facet_colcount+ ) |
2685 | +794 |
- #' @export+ ## if(cumulative) |
2686 | +795 |
- setMethod(+ ## spl = as(spl, "CumulativeCutSplit") |
2687 | -+ | |||
796 | +2x |
- "facet_colcount<-", "LayoutColTree",+ pos <- next_rpos(lyt, nested) |
2688 | -+ | |||
797 | +2x |
- function(obj, path, value) {+ split_rows(lyt, spl, pos) |
2689 | -1068x | +|||
798 | +
- ct <- coltree_at_path(obj, path)+ } |
2690 | -1068x | +|||
799 | +
- ct@column_count <- as.integer(value)+ |
2691 | -1068x | +|||
800 | +
- coltree_at_path(obj, path) <- ct+ #' @export |
2692 | -1068x | +|||
801 | +
- obj+ #' @rdname varcuts |
2693 | +802 |
- }+ split_cols_by_cutfun <- function(lyt, var, |
2694 | +803 |
- )+ cutfun = qtile_cuts, |
2695 | +804 |
+ cutlabelfun = function(x) NULL, |
2696 | +805 |
- #' @rdname facet_colcount+ split_label = var, |
2697 | +806 |
- #' @export+ nested = TRUE, |
2698 | +807 |
- setMethod(+ extra_args = list(), |
2699 | +808 |
- "facet_colcount<-", "LayoutColLeaf",+ cumulative = FALSE, |
2700 | +809 |
- function(obj, path, value) {+ show_colcounts = FALSE, |
2701 | -! | +|||
810 | +
- obj@column_count <- as.integer(value)+ colcount_format = NULL) { |
2702 | -! | +|||
811 | +3x |
- obj+ spl <- VarDynCutSplit(var, split_label, |
2703 | -+ | |||
812 | +3x |
- }+ cutfun = cutfun, |
2704 | -+ | |||
813 | +3x |
- )+ cutlabelfun = cutlabelfun, |
2705 | -+ | |||
814 | +3x |
+ extra_args = extra_args, |
2706 | -+ | |||
815 | +3x |
- #' @rdname facet_colcount+ cumulative = cumulative, |
2707 | -+ | |||
816 | +3x |
- #' @export+ label_pos = "hidden", |
2708 | -+ | |||
817 | +3x |
- setMethod(+ show_colcounts = show_colcounts, |
2709 | -+ | |||
818 | +3x |
- "facet_colcount<-", "VTableTree",+ colcount_format = colcount_format |
2710 | +819 |
- function(obj, path, value) {+ ) |
2711 | -1x | +820 | +3x |
- cinfo <- col_info(obj)+ pos <- next_cpos(lyt, nested) |
2712 | -1x | +821 | +3x |
- facet_colcount(cinfo, path) <- value+ split_cols(lyt, spl, pos) |
2713 | -1x | +|||
822 | +
- col_info(obj) <- cinfo+ } |
2714 | -1x | +|||
823 | +
- obj+ |
2715 | +824 |
- }+ #' @export |
2716 | +825 |
- )+ #' @rdname varcuts |
2717 | +826 |
+ split_cols_by_quartiles <- function(lyt, var, split_label = var, |
2718 | +827 |
- #' @rdname facet_colcount+ nested = TRUE, |
2719 | +828 |
- #' @export+ extra_args = list(), |
2720 | +829 |
- setMethod(+ cumulative = FALSE, |
2721 | +830 |
- "facet_colcount<-", "InstantiatedColumnInfo",+ show_colcounts = FALSE, |
2722 | +831 |
- function(obj, path, value) {+ colcount_format = NULL) { |
2723 | -1x | +832 | +2x |
- ct <- coltree(obj)+ split_cols_by_cutfun( |
2724 | -1x | +833 | +2x |
- facet_colcount(ct, path) <- value+ lyt = lyt, |
2725 | -1x | +834 | +2x |
- coltree(obj) <- ct+ var = var, |
2726 | -1x | +835 | +2x |
- obj+ split_label = split_label, |
2727 | -+ | |||
836 | +2x |
- }+ cutfun = qtile_cuts, |
2728 | -+ | |||
837 | +2x |
- )+ cutlabelfun = function(x) { |
2729 | -+ | |||
838 | +2x |
+ c( |
2730 | -+ | |||
839 | +2x |
- #' Value and Visibility of specific column counts by path+ "[min, Q1]", |
2731 | -+ | |||
840 | +2x |
- #'+ "(Q1, Q2]", |
2732 | -+ | |||
841 | +2x |
- #' @inheritParams gen_args+ "(Q2, Q3]", |
2733 | -+ | |||
842 | +2x |
- #'+ "(Q3, max]" |
2734 | +843 |
- #' @return for `colcount_visible` a logical scalar+ ) |
2735 | +844 |
- #' indicating whether the specified position in+ }, |
2736 | -+ | |||
845 | +2x |
- #' the column hierarchy is set to display its column count;+ nested = nested, |
2737 | -+ | |||
846 | +2x |
- #' for `colcount_visible<-`, `obj` updated with+ extra_args = extra_args, |
2738 | -+ | |||
847 | +2x |
- #' the specified count displaying behavior set.+ cumulative = cumulative, |
2739 | -+ | |||
848 | +2x |
- #'+ show_colcounts = show_colcounts, |
2740 | -+ | |||
849 | +2x |
- #' @note Users generally should not call `colcount_visible`+ colcount_format = colcount_format |
2741 | +850 |
- #' directly, as setting sibling facets to have differing+ ) |
2742 | +851 |
- #' column count visibility will result in an error when+ ## spl = VarDynCutSplit(var, split_label, cutfun = qtile_cuts, |
2743 | +852 |
- #' printing or paginating the table.+ ## cutlabelfun = function(x) c("[min, Q1]", |
2744 | +853 |
- #'+ ## "(Q1, Q2]", |
2745 | +854 |
- #' @export+ ## "(Q2, Q3]", |
2746 | -2x | +|||
855 | +
- setGeneric("colcount_visible", function(obj, path) standardGeneric("colcount_visible"))+ ## "(Q3, max]"), |
2747 | +856 |
+ ## split_format = format, |
2748 | +857 |
- #' @rdname colcount_visible+ ## extra_args = extra_args, |
2749 | +858 |
- #' @export+ ## cumulative = cumulative, |
2750 | +859 |
- setMethod(+ ## label_pos = "hidden") |
2751 | +860 |
- "colcount_visible", "VTableTree",+ ## pos = next_cpos(lyt, nested) |
2752 | -1x | +|||
861 | +
- function(obj, path) colcount_visible(coltree(obj), path)+ ## split_cols(lyt, spl, pos) |
2753 | +862 |
- )+ } |
2754 | +863 | |||
2755 | +864 |
- #' @rdname colcount_visible+ #' @export |
2756 | +865 |
- #' @export+ #' @rdname varcuts |
2757 | +866 |
- setMethod(+ split_rows_by_quartiles <- function(lyt, var, split_label = var, |
2758 | +867 |
- "colcount_visible", "InstantiatedColumnInfo",+ format = NULL, |
2759 | -! | +|||
868 | +
- function(obj, path) colcount_visible(coltree(obj), path)+ na_str = NA_character_, |
2760 | +869 |
- )+ nested = TRUE, |
2761 | +870 |
+ child_labels = c("default", "visible", "hidden"), |
2762 | +871 |
- #' @rdname colcount_visible+ extra_args = list(), |
2763 | +872 |
- #' @export+ cumulative = FALSE, |
2764 | +873 |
- setMethod(+ indent_mod = 0L, |
2765 | +874 |
- "colcount_visible", "LayoutColTree",+ label_pos = "hidden", |
2766 | +875 |
- function(obj, path) {+ section_div = NA_character_) { |
2767 | -1x | +876 | +2x |
- subtree <- coltree_at_path(obj, path)+ split_rows_by_cutfun( |
2768 | -1x | +877 | +2x |
- disp_ccounts(subtree)+ lyt = lyt, |
2769 | -+ | |||
878 | +2x |
- }+ var = var, |
2770 | -+ | |||
879 | +2x |
- )+ split_label = split_label, |
2771 | -+ | |||
880 | +2x |
+ format = format, |
2772 | -+ | |||
881 | +2x |
- #' @rdname colcount_visible+ na_str = na_str, |
2773 | -+ | |||
882 | +2x |
- #' @export+ cutfun = qtile_cuts, |
2774 | -1288x | +883 | +2x |
- setGeneric("colcount_visible<-", function(obj, path, value) standardGeneric("colcount_visible<-"))+ cutlabelfun = function(x) { |
2775 | -+ | |||
884 | +2x |
+ c( |
2776 | -+ | |||
885 | +2x |
- #' @rdname colcount_visible+ "[min, Q1]", |
2777 | -+ | |||
886 | +2x |
- #' @export+ "(Q1, Q2]", |
2778 | -+ | |||
887 | +2x |
- setMethod(+ "(Q2, Q3]",+ |
+ ||
888 | +2x | +
+ "(Q3, max]" |
2779 | +889 |
- "colcount_visible<-", "VTableTree",+ ) |
2780 | +890 |
- function(obj, path, value) {+ }, |
2781 | -3x | +891 | +2x |
- ctree <- coltree(obj)+ nested = nested, |
2782 | -3x | +892 | +2x |
- colcount_visible(ctree, path) <- value+ child_labels = child_labels, |
2783 | -3x | +893 | +2x |
- coltree(obj) <- ctree+ extra_args = extra_args, |
2784 | -3x | +894 | +2x |
- obj+ cumulative = cumulative, |
2785 | -+ | |||
895 | +2x |
- }+ indent_mod = indent_mod, |
2786 | -+ | |||
896 | +2x |
- )+ label_pos = label_pos, |
2787 | -+ | |||
897 | +2x |
+ section_div = section_div |
2788 | +898 |
- #' @rdname colcount_visible+ ) |
2789 | +899 |
- #' @export+ |
2790 | +900 |
- setMethod(+ ## label_pos <- match.arg(label_pos, label_pos_values) |
2791 | +901 |
- "colcount_visible<-", "InstantiatedColumnInfo",+ ## spl = VarDynCutSplit(var, split_label, cutfun = qtile_cuts, |
2792 | +902 |
- function(obj, path, value) {+ ## cutlabelfun = , |
2793 | -21x | +|||
903 | +
- ctree <- coltree(obj)+ ## split_format = format, |
2794 | -21x | +|||
904 | +
- colcount_visible(ctree, path) <- value+ ## child_labels = child_labels, |
2795 | -21x | +|||
905 | +
- coltree(obj) <- ctree+ ## extra_args = extra_args, |
2796 | -21x | +|||
906 | +
- obj+ ## cumulative = cumulative, |
2797 | +907 |
- }+ ## indent_mod = indent_mod, |
2798 | +908 |
- )+ ## label_pos = label_pos) |
2799 | +909 |
+ ## pos = next_rpos(lyt, nested) |
2800 | +910 |
+ ## split_rows(lyt, spl, pos) |
2801 | +911 |
- #' @rdname colcount_visible+ } |
2802 | +912 |
- #' @export+ |
2803 | +913 |
- setMethod(+ qtile_cuts <- function(x) { |
2804 | -+ | |||
914 | +6x |
- "colcount_visible<-", "LayoutColTree",+ ret <- quantile(x)+ |
+ ||
915 | +6x | +
+ names(ret) <- c( |
2805 | +916 |
- function(obj, path, value) {+ "", |
2806 | -1264x | +917 | +6x |
- subtree <- coltree_at_path(obj, path)+ "1st qrtile", |
2807 | -1264x | +918 | +6x |
- disp_ccounts(subtree) <- value+ "2nd qrtile", |
2808 | -1264x | +919 | +6x |
- coltree_at_path(obj, path) <- subtree+ "3rd qrtile", |
2809 | -1264x | +920 | +6x |
- obj+ "4th qrtile" |
2810 | +921 |
- }+ )+ |
+ ||
922 | +6x | +
+ ret |
2811 | +923 |
- )+ } |
2812 | +924 | |||
2813 | +925 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @export |
2814 | +926 |
- #' @export+ #' @rdname varcuts |
2815 | -15683x | +|||
927 | +
- setGeneric("colcount_format", function(obj) standardGeneric("colcount_format"))+ split_rows_by_cutfun <- function(lyt, var, |
2816 | +928 |
+ cutfun = qtile_cuts, |
2817 | +929 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ cutlabelfun = function(x) NULL, |
2818 | +930 |
- #' @export+ split_label = var, |
2819 | +931 |
- setMethod(+ format = NULL, |
2820 | +932 |
- "colcount_format", "InstantiatedColumnInfo",+ na_str = NA_character_, |
2821 | -631x | +|||
933 | +
- function(obj) obj@columncount_format+ nested = TRUE, |
2822 | +934 |
- )+ child_labels = c("default", "visible", "hidden"), |
2823 | +935 |
+ extra_args = list(), |
2824 | +936 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ cumulative = FALSE, |
2825 | +937 |
- #' @export+ indent_mod = 0L, |
2826 | +938 |
- setMethod(+ label_pos = "hidden", |
2827 | +939 |
- "colcount_format", "VTableNodeInfo",+ section_div = NA_character_) { |
2828 | -338x | +940 | +2x |
- function(obj) colcount_format(col_info(obj))+ label_pos <- match.arg(label_pos, label_pos_values) |
2829 | -+ | |||
941 | +2x |
- )+ child_labels <- match.arg(child_labels) |
2830 | -+ | |||
942 | +2x |
+ spl <- VarDynCutSplit(var, split_label, |
2831 | -+ | |||
943 | +2x |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ cutfun = cutfun, |
2832 | -+ | |||
944 | +2x |
- #' @export+ cutlabelfun = cutlabelfun, |
2833 | -+ | |||
945 | +2x |
- setMethod(+ split_format = format, |
2834 | -+ | |||
946 | +2x |
- "colcount_format", "PreDataColLayout",+ split_na_str = na_str, |
2835 | -325x | +947 | +2x |
- function(obj) obj@columncount_format+ child_labels = child_labels, |
2836 | -+ | |||
948 | +2x |
- )+ extra_args = extra_args, |
2837 | -+ | |||
949 | +2x |
+ cumulative = cumulative, |
2838 | -+ | |||
950 | +2x |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ indent_mod = indent_mod, |
2839 | -+ | |||
951 | +2x |
- #' @export+ label_pos = label_pos, |
2840 | -+ | |||
952 | +2x |
- setMethod(+ section_div = section_div |
2841 | +953 |
- "colcount_format", "PreDataTableLayouts",+ ) |
2842 | -325x | +954 | +2x |
- function(obj) colcount_format(clayout(obj))+ pos <- next_rpos(lyt, nested)+ |
955 | +2x | +
+ split_rows(lyt, spl, pos) |
2843 | +956 |
- )+ } |
2844 | +957 | |||
2845 | +958 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' .spl_context within analysis and split functions |
2846 | +959 |
- #' @export+ #' |
2847 | +960 |
- setMethod(+ #' `.spl_context` is an optional parameter for any of rtables' special functions, i.e. `afun` (analysis function |
2848 | +961 |
- "colcount_format", "Split",- |
- ||
2849 | -1226x | -
- function(obj) obj@child_colcount_format+ #' in [analyze()]), `cfun` (content or label function in [summarize_row_groups()]), or `split_fun` (e.g. for |
2850 | +962 |
- )+ #' [split_rows_by()]). |
2851 | +963 |
+ #' |
2852 | +964 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @details |
2853 | +965 |
- #' @export+ #' The `.spl_context` `data.frame` gives information about the subsets of data corresponding to the splits within |
2854 | +966 |
- setMethod(+ #' which the current `analyze` action is nested. Taken together, these correspond to the path that the resulting (set |
2855 | +967 |
- "colcount_format", "LayoutColTree",- |
- ||
2856 | -644x | -
- function(obj) obj@columncount_format+ #' of) rows the analysis function is creating, although the information is in a slightly different form. Each split |
2857 | +968 |
- )+ #' (which correspond to groups of rows in the resulting table), as well as the initial 'root' "split", is represented |
2858 | +969 |
+ #' via the following columns: |
2859 | +970 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' |
2860 | +971 |
- #' @export+ #' \describe{ |
2861 | +972 |
- setMethod(+ #' \item{split}{The name of the split (often the variable being split).} |
2862 | +973 |
- "colcount_format", "LayoutColLeaf",+ #' \item{value}{The string representation of the value at that split (`split`).} |
2863 | -12047x | +|||
974 | +
- function(obj) obj@columncount_format+ #' \item{full_parent_df}{A `data.frame` containing the full data (i.e. across all columns) corresponding to the path |
2864 | +975 |
- )+ #' defined by the combination of `split` and `value` of this row *and all rows above this row*.} |
2865 | +976 |
+ #' \item{all_cols_n}{The number of observations corresponding to the row grouping (union of all columns).} |
2866 | +977 |
+ #' \item{column for each column in the table structure (*row-split and analyze contexts only*)}{These list columns |
2867 | +978 |
+ #' (named the same as `names(col_exprs(tab))`) contain logical vectors corresponding to the subset of this row's |
2868 | +979 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' `full_parent_df` corresponding to the column.} |
2869 | +980 |
- #' @export+ #' \item{cur_col_id}{Identifier of the current column. This may be an internal name, constructed by pasting the |
2870 | +981 |
- setGeneric(+ #' column path together.} |
2871 | +982 |
- "colcount_format<-",+ #' \item{cur_col_subset}{List column containing logical vectors indicating the subset of this row's `full_parent_df` |
2872 | -652x | +|||
983 | +
- function(obj, value) standardGeneric("colcount_format<-")+ #' for the column currently being created by the analysis function.} |
2873 | +984 |
- )+ #' \item{cur_col_expr}{List of current column expression. This may be used to filter `.alt_df_row`, or any external |
2874 | +985 |
+ #' data, by column. Filtering `.alt_df_row` by columns produces `.alt_df`.} |
2875 | +986 |
- #' @export+ #' \item{cur_col_n}{Integer column containing the observation counts for that split.} |
2876 | +987 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' \item{cur_col_split}{Current column split names. This is recovered from the current column path.} |
2877 | +988 |
- setMethod(+ #' \item{cur_col_split_val}{Current column split values. This is recovered from the current column path.} |
2878 | +989 |
- "colcount_format<-", "InstantiatedColumnInfo",+ #' } |
2879 | +990 |
- function(obj, value) {+ #' |
2880 | -1x | +|||
991 | +
- obj@columncount_format <- value+ #' @note |
2881 | -1x | +|||
992 | +
- obj+ #' Within analysis functions that accept `.spl_context`, the `all_cols_n` and `cur_col_n` columns of the data frame |
2882 | +993 |
- }+ #' will contain the 'true' observation counts corresponding to the row-group and row-group x column subsets of the |
2883 | +994 |
- )+ #' data. These numbers will not, and currently cannot, reflect alternate column observation counts provided by the |
2884 | +995 |
+ #' `alt_counts_df`, `col_counts` or `col_total` arguments to [build_table()]. |
2885 | +996 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' |
2886 | +997 |
- #' @export+ #' @name spl_context |
2887 | +998 |
- setMethod(+ NULL |
2888 | +999 |
- "colcount_format<-", "VTableNodeInfo",+ |
2889 | +1000 |
- function(obj, value) {+ #' Additional parameters within analysis and content functions (`afun`/`cfun`) |
2890 | -1x | +|||
1001 | +
- cinfo <- col_info(obj)+ #' |
2891 | -1x | +|||
1002 | +
- colcount_format(cinfo) <- value+ #' @description |
2892 | -1x | +|||
1003 | +
- col_info(obj) <- cinfo+ #' It is possible to add specific parameters to `afun` and `cfun`, in [analyze()] and [summarize_row_groups()], |
2893 | -1x | +|||
1004 | +
- obj+ #' respectively. These parameters grant access to relevant information like the row split structure (see |
2894 | +1005 |
- }+ #' [spl_context]) and the predefined baseline (`.ref_group`). |
2895 | +1006 |
- )+ #' |
2896 | +1007 |
+ #' @details |
2897 | +1008 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' We list and describe all the parameters that can be added to a custom analysis function below: |
2898 | +1009 |
- #' @export+ #' |
2899 | +1010 |
- setMethod(+ #' \describe{ |
2900 | +1011 |
- "colcount_format<-", "PreDataColLayout",+ #' \item{.N_col}{Column-wise N (column count) for the full column being tabulated within.} |
2901 | +1012 |
- function(obj, value) {+ #' \item{.N_total}{Overall N (all observation count, defined as sum of column counts) for the tabulation.} |
2902 | -325x | +|||
1013 | +
- obj@columncount_format <- value+ #' \item{.N_row}{Row-wise N (row group count) for the group of observations being analyzed (i.e. with no |
2903 | -325x | +|||
1014 | +
- obj+ #' column-based subsetting).} |
2904 | +1015 |
- }+ #' \item{.df_row}{`data.frame` for observations in the row group being analyzed (i.e. with no column-based |
2905 | +1016 |
- )+ #' subsetting).} |
2906 | +1017 |
+ #' \item{.var}{Variable being analyzed.} |
2907 | +1018 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' \item{.ref_group}{`data.frame` or vector of subset corresponding to the `ref_group` column including subsetting |
2908 | +1019 |
- #' @export+ #' defined by row-splitting. Only required/meaningful if a `ref_group` column has been defined.} |
2909 | +1020 |
- setMethod(+ #' \item{.ref_full}{`data.frame` or vector of subset corresponding to the `ref_group` column without subsetting |
2910 | +1021 |
- "colcount_format<-", "PreDataTableLayouts",+ #' defined by row-splitting. Only required/meaningful if a `ref_group` column has been defined.} |
2911 | +1022 |
- function(obj, value) {+ #' \item{.in_ref_col}{Boolean indicating if calculation is done for cells within the reference column.} |
2912 | -325x | +|||
1023 | +
- clyt <- clayout(obj)+ #' \item{.spl_context}{`data.frame` where each row gives information about a previous 'ancestor' split state. |
2913 | -325x | +|||
1024 | +
- colcount_format(clyt) <- value+ #' See [spl_context].} |
2914 | -325x | +|||
1025 | +
- clayout(obj) <- clyt+ #' \item{.alt_df_row}{`data.frame`, i.e. the `alt_count_df` after row splitting. It can be used with |
2915 | -325x | +|||
1026 | +
- obj+ #' `.all_col_exprs` and `.spl_context` information to retrieve current faceting, but for `alt_count_df`. |
2916 | +1027 |
- }+ #' It can be an empty table if all the entries are filtered out.} |
2917 | +1028 |
- )+ #' \item{.alt_df}{`data.frame`, `.alt_df_row` but filtered by columns expression. This data present the same |
2918 | +1029 |
+ #' faceting of main data `df`. This also filters `NA`s out if related parameters are set to do so (e.g. `inclNAs` |
2919 | +1030 |
- ## It'd probably be better if this had the full set of methods as above+ #' in [analyze()]). Similarly to `.alt_df_row`, it can be an empty table if all the entries are filtered out.} |
2920 | +1031 |
- ## but its not currently modelled in the class and probably isn't needed+ #' \item{.all_col_exprs}{List of expressions. Each of them represents a different column splitting.} |
2921 | +1032 |
- ## super much+ #' \item{.all_col_counts}{Vector of integers. Each of them represents the global count for each column. It differs |
2922 | +1033 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' if `alt_counts_df` is used (see [build_table()]).} |
2923 | +1034 |
- #' @export+ #' } |
2924 | -610x | +|||
1035 | +
- setGeneric("colcount_na_str", function(obj) standardGeneric("colcount_na_str"))+ #' |
2925 | +1036 |
+ #' @note If any of these formals is specified incorrectly or not present in the tabulation machinery, it will be |
2926 | +1037 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' treated as if missing. For example, `.ref_group` will be missing if no baseline is previously defined during |
2927 | +1038 |
- #' @export+ #' data splitting (via `ref_group` parameters in, e.g., [split_rows_by()]). Similarly, if no `alt_counts_df` is |
2928 | +1039 |
- setMethod(+ #' provided to [build_table()], `.alt_df_row` and `.alt_df` will not be present. |
2929 | +1040 |
- "colcount_na_str", "InstantiatedColumnInfo",+ #' |
2930 | -308x | +|||
1041 | +
- function(obj) obj@columncount_na_str+ #' @name additional_fun_params |
2931 | +1042 |
- )+ NULL |
2932 | +1043 | |||
2933 | +1044 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' Generate rows analyzing variables across columns |
2934 | +1045 |
- #' @export+ #' |
2935 | +1046 |
- setMethod(+ #' Adding *analyzed variables* to our table layout defines the primary tabulation to be performed. We do this by |
2936 | +1047 |
- "colcount_na_str", "VTableNodeInfo",- |
- ||
2937 | -302x | -
- function(obj) colcount_na_str(col_info(obj))+ #' adding calls to `analyze` and/or [analyze_colvars()] into our layout pipeline. As with adding further splitting, |
2938 | +1048 |
- )+ #' the tabulation will occur at the current/next level of nesting by default. |
2939 | +1049 |
+ #' |
2940 | +1050 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @inheritParams lyt_args |
2941 | +1051 |
- #' @export+ #' |
2942 | +1052 |
- setGeneric(+ #' @inherit split_cols_by return |
2943 | +1053 |
- "colcount_na_str<-",- |
- ||
2944 | -4x | -
- function(obj, value) standardGeneric("colcount_na_str<-")+ #' |
2945 | +1054 |
- )+ #' @details |
2946 | +1055 |
+ #' When non-`NULL`, `format` is used to specify formats for all generated rows, and can be a character vector, a |
2947 | +1056 |
- #' @export+ #' function, or a list of functions. It will be repped out to the number of rows once this is calculated during the |
2948 | +1057 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' tabulation process, but will be overridden by formats specified within `rcell` calls in `afun`. |
2949 | +1058 |
- setMethod(+ #' |
2950 | +1059 |
- "colcount_na_str<-", "InstantiatedColumnInfo",+ #' The analysis function (`afun`) should take as its first parameter either `x` or `df`. Whichever of these the |
2951 | +1060 |
- function(obj, value) {- |
- ||
2952 | -2x | -
- obj@columncount_na_str <- value- |
- ||
2953 | -2x | -
- obj+ #' function accepts will change the behavior when tabulation is performed as follows: |
2954 | +1061 |
- }+ #' |
2955 | +1062 |
- )+ #' - If `afun`'s first parameter is `x`, it will receive the corresponding subset *vector* of data from the relevant |
2956 | +1063 |
+ #' column (from `var` here) of the raw data being used to build the table. |
2957 | +1064 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' - If `afun`'s first parameter is `df`, it will receive the corresponding subset *data frame* (i.e. all columns) of |
2958 | +1065 |
- #' @export+ #' the raw data being tabulated. |
2959 | +1066 |
- setMethod(+ #' |
2960 | +1067 |
- "colcount_na_str<-", "VTableNodeInfo",+ #' In addition to differentiation on the first argument, the analysis function can optionally accept a number of |
2961 | +1068 |
- function(obj, value) {- |
- ||
2962 | -2x | -
- cinfo <- col_info(obj)- |
- ||
2963 | -2x | -
- colcount_na_str(cinfo) <- value+ #' other parameters which, *if and only if* present in the formals, will be passed to the function by the tabulation |
2964 | -2x | +|||
1069 | +
- col_info(obj) <- cinfo+ #' machinery. These are listed and described in [additional_fun_params]. |
2965 | -2x | +|||
1070 | +
- obj+ #' |
2966 | +1071 |
- }+ #' @note None of the arguments described in the Details section can be overridden via `extra_args` or when calling |
2967 | +1072 |
- )+ #' [make_afun()]. `.N_col` and `.N_total` can be overridden via the `col_counts` argument to [build_table()]. |
2968 | +1073 |
+ #' Alternative values for the others must be calculated within `afun` based on a combination of extra arguments and |
2969 | +1074 |
- #' Exported for use in `tern`+ #' the unmodified values provided by the tabulation framework. |
2970 | +1075 |
#' |
2971 | +1076 |
- #' Does the `table`/`row`/`InstantiatedColumnInfo` object contain no column structure information?+ #' @examples |
2972 | +1077 |
- #'+ #' lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
2973 | +1078 |
- #' @inheritParams gen_args+ #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>% |
2974 | +1079 |
- #'+ #' analyze("AGE", afun = list_wrap_x(summary), format = "xx.xx") |
2975 | +1080 |
- #' @return `TRUE` if the object has no/empty instantiated column information, `FALSE` otherwise.+ #' lyt |
2976 | +1081 |
#' |
2977 | +1082 |
- #' @rdname no_info+ #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM) |
2978 | +1083 |
- #' @export+ #' tbl |
2979 | -172487x | +|||
1084 | +
- setGeneric("no_colinfo", function(obj) standardGeneric("no_colinfo"))+ #' |
2980 | +1085 |
+ #' lyt2 <- basic_table() %>% |
2981 | +1086 |
- #' @exportMethod no_colinfo+ #' split_cols_by("Species") %>% |
2982 | +1087 |
- #' @rdname no_info+ #' analyze(head(names(iris), -1), afun = function(x) { |
2983 | +1088 |
- setMethod(+ #' list( |
2984 | +1089 |
- "no_colinfo", "VTableNodeInfo",+ #' "mean / sd" = rcell(c(mean(x), sd(x)), format = "xx.xx (xx.xx)"), |
2985 | -73329x | +|||
1090 | +
- function(obj) no_colinfo(col_info(obj))+ #' "range" = rcell(diff(range(x)), format = "xx.xx") |
2986 | +1091 |
- )+ #' ) |
2987 | +1092 |
+ #' }) |
2988 | +1093 |
- #' @exportMethod no_colinfo+ #' lyt2 |
2989 | +1094 |
- #' @rdname no_info+ #' |
2990 | +1095 |
- setMethod(+ #' tbl2 <- build_table(lyt2, iris) |
2991 | +1096 |
- "no_colinfo", "InstantiatedColumnInfo",+ #' tbl2 |
2992 | -89191x | +|||
1097 | +
- function(obj) length(obj@subset_exprs) == 0+ #' |
2993 | +1098 |
- ) ## identical(obj, EmptyColInfo))+ #' @author Gabriel Becker |
2994 | +1099 |
+ #' @export |
2995 | +1100 |
- #' Names of a `TableTree`+ analyze <- function(lyt, |
2996 | +1101 |
- #'+ vars, |
2997 | +1102 |
- #' @param x (`TableTree`)\cr the object.+ afun = simple_analysis, |
2998 | +1103 |
- #'+ var_labels = vars, |
2999 | +1104 |
- #' @details+ table_names = vars, |
3000 | +1105 |
- #' For `TableTree`s with more than one level of splitting in columns, the names are defined to be the top-level+ format = NULL, |
3001 | +1106 |
- #' split values repped out across the columns that they span.+ na_str = NA_character_, |
3002 | +1107 |
- #'+ nested = TRUE, |
3003 | +1108 |
- #' @return The column names of `x`, as defined in the details above.+ ## can't name this na_rm symbol conflict with possible afuns!! |
3004 | +1109 |
- #'+ inclNAs = FALSE, |
3005 | +1110 |
- #' @exportMethod names+ extra_args = list(), |
3006 | +1111 |
- #' @rdname names+ show_labels = c("default", "visible", "hidden"), |
3007 | +1112 |
- setMethod(+ indent_mod = 0L, |
3008 | +1113 |
- "names", "VTableNodeInfo",+ section_div = NA_character_) { |
3009 | -109x | +1114 | +313x |
- function(x) names(col_info(x))+ show_labels <- match.arg(show_labels) |
3010 | -+ | |||
1115 | +313x |
- )+ subafun <- substitute(afun) |
3011 | +1116 |
+ # R treats a single NA value as a logical atomic. The below |
3012 | +1117 |
- #' @rdname names+ # maps all the NAs in `var_labels` to NA_character_ required by `Split` |
3013 | +1118 |
- #' @exportMethod names+ # and avoids the error when `var_labels` is just c(NA). |
3014 | -+ | |||
1119 | +313x |
- setMethod(+ var_labels <- vapply(var_labels, function(label) ifelse(is.na(label), NA_character_, label), character(1)) |
3015 | +1120 |
- "names", "InstantiatedColumnInfo",+ if ( |
3016 | -127x | +1121 | +313x |
- function(x) names(coltree(x))+ is.name(subafun) && |
3017 | -+ | |||
1122 | +313x |
- )+ is.function(afun) && |
3018 | +1123 |
+ ## this is gross. basically testing |
3019 | +1124 |
- #' @rdname names+ ## if the symbol we have corresponds |
3020 | +1125 |
- #' @exportMethod names+ ## in some meaningful way to the function |
3021 | +1126 |
- setMethod(+ ## we will be calling. |
3022 | -+ | |||
1127 | +313x |
- "names", "LayoutColTree",+ identical( |
3023 | -+ | |||
1128 | +313x |
- function(x) {+ mget( |
3024 | -163x | +1129 | +313x |
- unname(unlist(lapply(+ as.character(subafun), |
3025 | -163x | +1130 | +313x |
- tree_children(x),+ mode = "function", |
3026 | -163x | +1131 | +313x |
- function(obj) {+ ifnotfound = list(NULL), |
3027 | -202x | +1132 | +313x |
- nm <- obj_name(obj)+ inherits = TRUE |
3028 | -202x | +1133 | +313x |
- rep(nm, n_leaves(obj))+ )[[1]], afun |
3029 | +1134 |
- }+ ) |
3030 | +1135 |
- )))+ ) { |
3031 | -+ | |||
1136 | +178x |
- }+ defrowlab <- as.character(subafun) |
3032 | +1137 |
- )+ } else { |
3033 | -+ | |||
1138 | +135x |
+ defrowlab <- var_labels |
3034 | +1139 |
- #' @rdname names+ } |
3035 | +1140 |
- #' @exportMethod row.names+ |
3036 | -+ | |||
1141 | +313x |
- setMethod(+ spl <- AnalyzeMultiVars(vars, var_labels, |
3037 | -+ | |||
1142 | +313x |
- "row.names", "VTableTree",+ afun = afun, |
3038 | -+ | |||
1143 | +313x |
- function(x) {+ split_format = format, |
3039 | -104x | +1144 | +313x |
- unname(sapply(collect_leaves(x, add.labrows = TRUE),+ split_na_str = na_str, |
3040 | -104x | +1145 | +313x |
- obj_label,+ defrowlab = defrowlab, |
3041 | -104x | +1146 | +313x |
- USE.NAMES = FALSE+ inclNAs = inclNAs, |
3042 | -104x | +1147 | +313x |
- )) ## XXXX this should probably be obj_name???+ extra_args = extra_args, |
3043 | -+ | |||
1148 | +313x |
- }+ indent_mod = indent_mod, |
3044 | -+ | |||
1149 | +313x |
- )+ child_names = table_names, |
3045 | -+ | |||
1150 | +313x |
+ child_labels = show_labels, |
3046 | -+ | |||
1151 | +313x |
- #' Convert to a vector+ section_div = section_div |
3047 | +1152 |
- #'+ ) |
3048 | +1153 |
- #' Convert an `rtables` framework object into a vector, if possible. This is unlikely to be useful in+ |
3049 | -+ | |||
1154 | +313x |
- #' realistic scenarios.+ if (nested && (is(last_rowsplit(lyt), "VAnalyzeSplit") || is(last_rowsplit(lyt), "AnalyzeMultiVars"))) { |
3050 | -+ | |||
1155 | +27x |
- #'+ cmpnd_last_rowsplit(lyt, spl, AnalyzeMultiVars) |
3051 | +1156 |
- #' @param x (`ANY`)\cr the object to be converted to a vector.+ } else { |
3052 | +1157 |
- #' @param mode (`string`)\cr passed on to [as.vector()].+ ## analysis compounding now done in split_rows |
3053 | -+ | |||
1158 | +284x |
- #'+ pos <- next_rpos(lyt, nested) |
3054 | -+ | |||
1159 | +284x |
- #' @return A vector of the chosen mode (or an error is raised if more than one row was present).+ split_rows(lyt, spl, pos) |
3055 | +1160 |
- #'+ } |
3056 | +1161 |
- #' @note This only works for a table with a single row or a row object.+ } |
3057 | +1162 |
- #'+ |
3058 | +1163 |
- #' @name asvec+ get_acolvar_name <- function(lyt) { |
3059 | +1164 |
- #' @aliases as.vector,VTableTree-method+ ## clyt <- clayout(lyt) |
3060 | +1165 |
- #' @exportMethod as.vector+ ## stopifnot(length(clyt) == 1L) |
3061 | +1166 |
- setMethod("as.vector", "VTableTree", function(x, mode) {+ ## vec = clyt[[1]] |
3062 | -12x | +|||
1167 | +
- stopifnot(nrow(x) == 1L)+ ## vcls = vapply(vec, class, "") |
3063 | -12x | +|||
1168 | +
- if (nrow(content_table(x)) == 1L) {+ ## pos = max(which(vcls == "MultiVarSplit")) |
3064 | -! | +|||
1169 | +22x |
- tab <- content_table(x)+ paste(c("ac", get_acolvar_vars(lyt)), collapse = "_") |
3065 | +1170 |
- } else {+ } |
3066 | -12x | +|||
1171 | +
- tab <- x+ |
3067 | +1172 |
- }+ get_acolvar_vars <- function(lyt) { |
3068 | -12x | +1173 | +35x |
- as.vector(tree_children(tab)[[1]], mode = mode)+ clyt <- clayout(lyt) |
3069 | -+ | |||
1174 | +35x |
- })+ stopifnot(length(clyt) == 1L) |
3070 | -+ | |||
1175 | +35x |
+ vec <- clyt[[1]] |
3071 | -+ | |||
1176 | +35x |
- #' @inheritParams asvec+ vcls <- vapply(vec, class, "") |
3072 | -+ | |||
1177 | +35x |
- #'+ pos <- which(vcls == "MultiVarSplit") |
3073 | -+ | |||
1178 | +35x |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ if (length(pos) > 0) { |
3074 | -+ | |||
1179 | +35x |
- #' @exportMethod as.vector+ spl_payload(vec[[pos]]) |
3075 | +1180 |
- setMethod("as.vector", "TableRow", function(x, mode) as.vector(unlist(row_values(x)), mode = mode))+ } else { |
3076 | -+ | |||
1181 | +! |
+ "non_multivar" |
3077 | +1182 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ } |
3078 | +1183 |
- #' @exportMethod as.vector+ } |
3079 | +1184 |
- setMethod("as.vector", "ElementaryTable", function(x, mode) {+ |
3080 | -2x | +|||
1185 | +
- stopifnot(nrow(x) == 1L)+ #' Generate rows analyzing different variables across columns |
3081 | -2x | +|||
1186 | +
- as.vector(tree_children(x)[[1]], mode = mode)+ #' |
3082 | +1187 |
- })+ #' @inheritParams lyt_args |
3083 | +1188 |
+ #' @param afun (`function` or `list`)\cr function(s) to be used to calculate the values in each column. The list |
3084 | +1189 |
- ## cuts ----+ #' will be repped out as needed and matched by position with the columns during tabulation. This functions |
3085 | +1190 |
+ #' accepts the same parameters as [analyze()] like `afun` and `format`. For further information see |
3086 | +1191 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' [additional_fun_params]. |
3087 | -220x | +|||
1192 | +
- setGeneric("spl_cuts", function(obj) standardGeneric("spl_cuts"))+ #' |
3088 | +1193 |
+ #' @inherit split_cols_by return |
3089 | +1194 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' |
3090 | +1195 |
- setMethod(+ #' @seealso [split_cols_by_multivar()] |
3091 | +1196 |
- "spl_cuts", "VarStaticCutSplit",+ #' |
3092 | -220x | +|||
1197 | +
- function(obj) obj@cuts+ #' @examplesIf require(dplyr) |
3093 | +1198 |
- )+ #' library(dplyr) |
3094 | +1199 |
+ #' |
3095 | +1200 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' ANL <- DM %>% mutate(value = rnorm(n()), pctdiff = runif(n())) |
3096 | -264x | +|||
1201 | +
- setGeneric("spl_cutlabels", function(obj) standardGeneric("spl_cutlabels"))+ #' |
3097 | +1202 |
+ #' ## toy example where we take the mean of the first variable and the |
3098 | +1203 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' ## count of >.5 for the second. |
3099 | +1204 |
- setMethod(+ #' colfuns <- list( |
3100 | +1205 |
- "spl_cutlabels", "VarStaticCutSplit",+ #' function(x) rcell(mean(x), format = "xx.x"), |
3101 | -264x | +|||
1206 | +
- function(obj) obj@cut_labels+ #' function(x) rcell(sum(x > .5), format = "xx") |
3102 | +1207 |
- )+ #' ) |
3103 | +1208 |
+ #' |
3104 | +1209 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
3105 | -5x | +|||
1210 | +
- setGeneric("spl_cutfun", function(obj) standardGeneric("spl_cutfun"))+ #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>% |
3106 | +1211 |
+ #' split_cols_by_multivar(c("value", "pctdiff")) %>% |
3107 | +1212 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' split_rows_by("RACE", |
3108 | +1213 |
- setMethod(+ #' split_label = "ethnicity", |
3109 | +1214 |
- "spl_cutfun", "VarDynCutSplit",+ #' split_fun = drop_split_levels |
3110 | -5x | +|||
1215 | +
- function(obj) obj@cut_fun+ #' ) %>% |
3111 | +1216 |
- )+ #' summarize_row_groups() %>% |
3112 | +1217 |
+ #' analyze_colvars(afun = colfuns) |
3113 | +1218 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' lyt |
3114 | -5x | +|||
1219 | +
- setGeneric("spl_cutlabelfun", function(obj) standardGeneric("spl_cutlabelfun"))+ #' |
3115 | +1220 |
+ #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, ANL) |
3116 | +1221 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' tbl |
3117 | +1222 |
- setMethod(+ #' |
3118 | +1223 |
- "spl_cutlabelfun", "VarDynCutSplit",+ #' lyt2 <- basic_table() %>% |
3119 | -5x | +|||
1224 | +
- function(obj) obj@cut_label_fun+ #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>% |
3120 | +1225 |
- )+ #' split_cols_by_multivar(c("value", "pctdiff"), |
3121 | +1226 |
+ #' varlabels = c("Measurement", "Pct Diff") |
3122 | +1227 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' ) %>% |
3123 | -5x | +|||
1228 | +
- setGeneric("spl_is_cmlcuts", function(obj) standardGeneric("spl_is_cmlcuts"))+ #' split_rows_by("RACE", |
3124 | +1229 |
+ #' split_label = "ethnicity", |
3125 | +1230 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' split_fun = drop_split_levels |
3126 | +1231 |
- setMethod(+ #' ) %>% |
3127 | +1232 |
- "spl_is_cmlcuts", "VarDynCutSplit",+ #' summarize_row_groups() %>% |
3128 | -5x | +|||
1233 | +
- function(obj) obj@cumulative_cuts+ #' analyze_colvars(afun = mean, format = "xx.xx") |
3129 | +1234 |
- )+ #' |
3130 | +1235 |
+ #' tbl2 <- build_table(lyt2, ANL) |
3131 | +1236 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' tbl2 |
3132 | +1237 |
- setGeneric(+ #' |
3133 | +1238 |
- "spl_varnames",+ #' @author Gabriel Becker |
3134 | -198x | +|||
1239 | +
- function(obj) standardGeneric("spl_varnames")+ #' @export |
3135 | +1240 |
- )+ analyze_colvars <- function(lyt, |
3136 | +1241 |
+ afun, |
3137 | +1242 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ format = NULL, |
3138 | +1243 |
- setMethod(+ na_str = NA_character_, |
3139 | +1244 |
- "spl_varnames", "MultiVarSplit",+ nested = TRUE, |
3140 | -198x | +|||
1245 | +
- function(obj) obj@var_names+ extra_args = list(), |
3141 | +1246 |
- )+ indent_mod = 0L, |
3142 | +1247 |
+ inclNAs = FALSE) { |
3143 | -+ | |||
1248 | +22x |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ if (is.function(afun)) { |
3144 | -+ | |||
1249 | +13x |
- setGeneric(+ subafun <- substitute(afun) |
3145 | +1250 |
- "spl_varnames<-",+ if ( |
3146 | -2x | +1251 | +13x |
- function(object, value) standardGeneric("spl_varnames<-")+ is.name(subafun) && |
3147 | -+ | |||
1252 | +13x |
- )+ is.function(afun) && |
3148 | +1253 |
+ ## this is gross. basically testing |
3149 | +1254 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ ## if the symbol we have corresponds |
3150 | +1255 |
- setMethod(+ ## in some meaningful way to the function |
3151 | +1256 |
- "spl_varnames<-", "MultiVarSplit",+ ## we will be calling. |
3152 | -+ | |||
1257 | +13x |
- function(object, value) {+ identical( |
3153 | -2x | +1258 | +13x |
- oldvnms <- spl_varnames(object)+ mget( |
3154 | -2x | +1259 | +13x |
- oldvlbls <- spl_varlabels(object)+ as.character(subafun), |
3155 | -2x | +1260 | +13x |
- object@var_names <- value+ mode = "function", |
3156 | -2x | +1261 | +13x |
- if (identical(oldvnms, oldvlbls)) {+ ifnotfound = list(NULL), |
3157 | -1x | +1262 | +13x |
- spl_varlabels(object) <- value+ inherits = TRUE |
3158 | -+ | |||
1263 | +13x |
- }+ )[[1]], |
3159 | -2x | +1264 | +13x |
- object+ afun |
3160 | +1265 |
- }+ ) |
3161 | +1266 |
- )+ ) { |
3162 | -+ | |||
1267 | +13x |
+ defrowlab <- as.character(subafun) |
3163 | +1268 |
- #' Top left material+ } else { |
3164 | -+ | |||
1269 | +! |
- #'+ defrowlab <- "" |
3165 | +1270 |
- #' A `TableTree` object can have *top left material* which is a sequence of strings which are printed in the+ } |
3166 | -+ | |||
1271 | +13x |
- #' area of the table between the column header display and the label of the first row. These functions access+ afun <- lapply( |
3167 | -+ | |||
1272 | +13x |
- #' and modify that material.+ get_acolvar_vars(lyt), |
3168 | -+ | |||
1273 | +13x |
- #'+ function(x) afun |
3169 | +1274 |
- #' @inheritParams gen_args+ ) |
3170 | +1275 |
- #'+ } else { |
3171 | -+ | |||
1276 | +9x |
- #' @return A character vector representing the top-left material of `obj` (or `obj` after modification, in the+ defrowlab <- "" |
3172 | +1277 |
- #' case of the setter).+ } |
3173 | -+ | |||
1278 | +22x |
- #'+ spl <- AnalyzeColVarSplit( |
3174 | -+ | |||
1279 | +22x |
- #' @export+ afun = afun, |
3175 | -+ | |||
1280 | +22x |
- #' @rdname top_left+ defrowlab = defrowlab, |
3176 | -6887x | +1281 | +22x |
- setGeneric("top_left", function(obj) standardGeneric("top_left"))+ split_format = format, |
3177 | -+ | |||
1282 | +22x |
+ split_na_str = na_str, |
3178 | -+ | |||
1283 | +22x |
- #' @export+ split_name = get_acolvar_name(lyt), |
3179 | -+ | |||
1284 | +22x |
- #' @rdname top_left+ indent_mod = indent_mod, |
3180 | -2993x | +1285 | +22x |
- setMethod("top_left", "VTableTree", function(obj) top_left(col_info(obj)))+ extra_args = extra_args, |
3181 | -+ | |||
1286 | +22x |
+ inclNAs = inclNAs |
3182 | +1287 |
- #' @export+ ) |
3183 | -+ | |||
1288 | +22x |
- #' @rdname top_left+ pos <- next_rpos(lyt, nested, for_analyze = TRUE) |
3184 | -3568x | +1289 | +22x |
- setMethod("top_left", "InstantiatedColumnInfo", function(obj) obj@top_left)+ split_rows(lyt, spl, pos) |
3185 | +1290 |
+ } |
3186 | +1291 |
- #' @export+ |
3187 | +1292 |
- #' @rdname top_left+ ## Add a total column at the next **top level** spot in |
3188 | -326x | +|||
1293 | +
- setMethod("top_left", "PreDataTableLayouts", function(obj) obj@top_left)+ ## the column layout. |
3189 | +1294 | |||
3190 | +1295 |
- #' @export+ #' Add overall column |
3191 | +1296 |
- #' @rdname top_left- |
- ||
3192 | -5909x | -
- setGeneric("top_left<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("top_left<-"))+ #' |
3193 | +1297 |
+ #' This function will *only* add an overall column at the *top* level of splitting, NOT within existing column splits. |
3194 | +1298 |
- #' @export+ #' See [add_overall_level()] for the recommended way to add overall columns more generally within existing splits. |
3195 | +1299 |
- #' @rdname top_left+ #' |
3196 | +1300 |
- setMethod("top_left<-", "VTableTree", function(obj, value) {- |
- ||
3197 | -2954x | -
- cinfo <- col_info(obj)- |
- ||
3198 | -2954x | -
- top_left(cinfo) <- value- |
- ||
3199 | -2954x | -
- col_info(obj) <- cinfo- |
- ||
3200 | -2954x | -
- obj+ #' @inheritParams lyt_args |
3201 | +1301 |
- })+ #' |
3202 | +1302 |
+ #' @inherit split_cols_by return |
3203 | +1303 |
- #' @export+ #' |
3204 | +1304 |
- #' @rdname top_left+ #' @seealso [add_overall_level()] |
3205 | +1305 |
- setMethod("top_left<-", "InstantiatedColumnInfo", function(obj, value) {+ #' |
3206 | -2954x | +|||
1306 | +
- obj@top_left <- value+ #' @examples |
3207 | -2954x | +|||
1307 | +
- obj+ #' lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
3208 | +1308 |
- })+ #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>% |
3209 | +1309 |
+ #' add_overall_col("All Patients") %>% |
3210 | +1310 |
- #' @export+ #' analyze("AGE") |
3211 | +1311 |
- #' @rdname top_left+ #' lyt |
3212 | +1312 |
- setMethod("top_left<-", "PreDataTableLayouts", function(obj, value) {+ #' |
3213 | -1x | +|||
1313 | +
- obj@top_left <- value+ #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM) |
3214 | -1x | +|||
1314 | +
- obj+ #' tbl |
3215 | +1315 |
- })+ #' |
3216 | +1316 |
+ #' @export |
3217 | +1317 |
- vil_collapse <- function(x) {+ add_overall_col <- function(lyt, label) { |
3218 | -14x | +1318 | +111x |
- x <- unlist(x)+ spl <- AllSplit(label) |
3219 | -14x | +1319 | +111x |
- x <- x[!is.na(x)]+ split_cols( |
3220 | -14x | +1320 | +111x |
- x <- unique(x)+ lyt, |
3221 | -14x | +1321 | +111x |
- x[nzchar(x)]+ spl, |
3222 | -+ | |||
1322 | +111x |
- }+ next_cpos(lyt, FALSE) |
3223 | +1323 |
+ ) |
3224 | +1324 |
- #' List variables required by a pre-data table layout+ } |
3225 | +1325 |
- #'+ |
3226 | +1326 |
- #' @param lyt (`PreDataTableLayouts`)\cr the layout (or a component thereof).+ ## add_row_summary ==== |
3227 | +1327 |
- #'+ |
3228 | +1328 |
- #' @details+ #' @inheritParams lyt_args |
3229 | +1329 |
- #' This will walk the layout declaration and return a vector of the names of the unique variables that are used+ #' |
3230 | +1330 |
- #' in any of the following ways:+ #' @export |
3231 | +1331 |
#' |
3232 | +1332 |
- #' * Variable being split on (directly or via cuts)+ #' @rdname int_methods |
3233 | +1333 |
- #' * Element of a Multi-variable column split+ setGeneric( |
3234 | +1334 |
- #' * Content variable+ ".add_row_summary", |
3235 | +1335 |
- #' * Value-label variable+ function(lyt, |
3236 | +1336 |
- #'+ label, |
3237 | +1337 |
- #' @return A character vector containing the unique variables explicitly used in the layout (see the notes below).+ cfun, |
3238 | +1338 |
- #'+ child_labels = c("default", "visible", "hidden"), |
3239 | +1339 |
- #' @note+ cformat = NULL, |
3240 | +1340 |
- #' * This function will not detect dependencies implicit in analysis or summary functions which accept `x`+ cna_str = "-", |
3241 | +1341 |
- #' or `df` and then rely on the existence of particular variables not being split on/analyzed.+ indent_mod = 0L, |
3242 | +1342 |
- #' * The order these variable names appear within the return vector is undefined and should not be relied upon.+ cvar = "", |
3243 | +1343 |
- #'+ extra_args = list()) { |
3244 | -+ | |||
1344 | +455x |
- #' @examples+ standardGeneric(".add_row_summary") |
3245 | +1345 |
- #' lyt <- basic_table() %>%+ } |
3246 | +1346 |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>%+ ) |
3247 | +1347 |
- #' split_cols_by("SEX") %>%+ |
3248 | +1348 |
- #' summarize_row_groups(label_fstr = "Overall (N)") %>%+ #' @rdname int_methods |
3249 | +1349 |
- #' split_rows_by("RACE",+ setMethod( |
3250 | +1350 |
- #' split_label = "Ethnicity", labels_var = "ethn_lab",+ ".add_row_summary", "PreDataTableLayouts", |
3251 | +1351 |
- #' split_fun = drop_split_levels+ function(lyt, |
3252 | +1352 |
- #' ) %>%+ label, |
3253 | +1353 |
- #' summarize_row_groups("RACE", label_fstr = "%s (n)") %>%+ cfun, |
3254 | +1354 |
- #' analyze("AGE", var_labels = "Age", afun = mean, format = "xx.xx")+ child_labels = c("default", "visible", "hidden"), |
3255 | +1355 |
- #'+ cformat = NULL, |
3256 | +1356 |
- #' vars_in_layout(lyt)+ cna_str = "-", |
3257 | +1357 |
- #'+ indent_mod = 0L, |
3258 | +1358 |
- #' @export+ cvar = "", |
3259 | +1359 |
- #' @rdname vil+ extra_args = list()) { |
3260 | -15x | +1360 | +116x |
- setGeneric("vars_in_layout", function(lyt) standardGeneric("vars_in_layout"))+ child_labels <- match.arg(child_labels) |
3261 | -+ | |||
1361 | +116x |
+ tmp <- .add_row_summary(rlayout(lyt), label, cfun, |
3262 | -+ | |||
1362 | +116x |
- #' @rdname vil+ child_labels = child_labels, |
3263 | -+ | |||
1363 | +116x |
- setMethod(+ cformat = cformat, |
3264 | -+ | |||
1364 | +116x |
- "vars_in_layout", "PreDataTableLayouts",+ cna_str = cna_str, |
3265 | -+ | |||
1365 | +116x |
- function(lyt) {+ indent_mod = indent_mod, |
3266 | -1x | +1366 | +116x |
- vil_collapse(c(+ cvar = cvar, |
3267 | -1x | +1367 | +116x |
- vars_in_layout(clayout(lyt)),+ extra_args = extra_args+ |
1368 | ++ |
+ ) |
3268 | -1x | +1369 | +116x |
- vars_in_layout(rlayout(lyt))+ rlayout(lyt) <- tmp |
3269 | -+ | |||
1370 | +116x |
- ))+ lyt |
3270 | +1371 |
} |
3271 | +1372 |
) |
3272 | +1373 | |||
3273 | +1374 |
- #' @rdname vil+ #' @rdname int_methods |
3274 | +1375 |
setMethod( |
3275 | +1376 |
- "vars_in_layout", "PreDataAxisLayout",+ ".add_row_summary", "PreDataRowLayout", |
3276 | +1377 |
- function(lyt) {+ function(lyt, |
3277 | -2x | +|||
1378 | +
- vil_collapse(lapply(lyt, vars_in_layout))+ label, |
3278 | +1379 |
- }+ cfun, |
3279 | +1380 |
- )+ child_labels = c("default", "visible", "hidden"), |
3280 | +1381 |
+ cformat = NULL, |
3281 | +1382 |
- #' @rdname vil+ cna_str = "-", |
3282 | +1383 |
- setMethod(+ indent_mod = 0L, |
3283 | +1384 |
- "vars_in_layout", "SplitVector",+ cvar = "", |
3284 | +1385 |
- function(lyt) {+ extra_args = list()) { |
3285 | -3x | +1386 | +116x |
- vil_collapse(lapply(lyt, vars_in_layout))+ child_labels <- match.arg(child_labels) |
3286 | -+ | |||
1387 | +116x |
- }+ if (length(lyt) == 0 || (length(lyt) == 1 && length(lyt[[1]]) == 0)) { |
3287 | +1388 |
- )+ ## XXX ignoring indent mod here |
3288 | -+ | |||
1389 | +9x |
+ rt <- root_spl(lyt) |
3289 | -+ | |||
1390 | +9x |
- #' @rdname vil+ rt <- .add_row_summary(rt, |
3290 | -+ | |||
1391 | +9x |
- setMethod(+ label, |
3291 | -+ | |||
1392 | +9x |
- "vars_in_layout", "Split",+ cfun, |
3292 | -+ | |||
1393 | +9x |
- function(lyt) {+ child_labels = child_labels, |
3293 | -7x | +1394 | +9x |
- vil_collapse(c(+ cformat = cformat, |
3294 | -7x | +1395 | +9x |
- spl_payload(lyt),+ cna_str = cna_str,+ |
1396 | +9x | +
+ cvar = cvar,+ |
+ ||
1397 | +9x | +
+ extra_args = extra_args |
3295 | +1398 |
- ## for an AllSplit/RootSplit+ )+ |
+ ||
1399 | +9x | +
+ root_spl(lyt) <- rt |
3296 | +1400 |
- ## doesn't have to be same as payload+ } else { |
3297 | -7x | +1401 | +107x |
- content_var(lyt),+ ind <- length(lyt) |
3298 | -7x | +1402 | +107x |
- spl_label_var(lyt)+ tmp <- .add_row_summary(lyt[[ind]], label, cfun, |
3299 | -+ | |||
1403 | +107x |
- ))+ child_labels = child_labels, |
3300 | -+ | |||
1404 | +107x |
- }+ cformat = cformat, |
3301 | -+ | |||
1405 | +107x |
- )+ cna_str = cna_str, |
3302 | -+ | |||
1406 | +107x |
+ indent_mod = indent_mod, |
3303 | -+ | |||
1407 | +107x |
- #' @rdname vil+ cvar = cvar, |
3304 | -+ | |||
1408 | +107x |
- setMethod(+ extra_args = extra_args |
3305 | +1409 |
- "vars_in_layout", "CompoundSplit",+ ) |
3306 | -1x | +1410 | +107x |
- function(lyt) vil_collapse(lapply(spl_payload(lyt), vars_in_layout))+ lyt[[ind]] <- tmp |
3307 | +1411 |
- )+ } |
3308 | -+ | |||
1412 | +116x |
+ lyt |
3309 | +1413 |
- #' @rdname vil+ } |
3310 | +1414 |
- setMethod(+ ) |
3311 | +1415 |
- "vars_in_layout", "ManualSplit",+ |
3312 | -1x | +|||
1416 | +
- function(lyt) character()+ #' @rdname int_methods |
3313 | +1417 |
- )+ setMethod( |
3314 | +1418 |
+ ".add_row_summary", "SplitVector", |
3315 | +1419 |
- ## Titles and footers ----+ function(lyt, |
3316 | +1420 |
+ label, |
3317 | +1421 |
- # ##' Titles and Footers+ cfun, |
3318 | +1422 |
- # ##'+ child_labels = c("default", "visible", "hidden"), |
3319 | +1423 |
- # ##' Get or set the titles and footers on an object+ cformat = NULL, |
3320 | +1424 |
- # ##'+ cna_str = "-", |
3321 | +1425 |
- # ##' @inheritParams gen_args+ indent_mod = 0L, |
3322 | +1426 |
- # ##'+ cvar = "", |
3323 | +1427 |
- # ##' @rdname title_footer+ extra_args = list()) { |
3324 | -+ | |||
1428 | +107x |
- # ##' @export+ child_labels <- match.arg(child_labels) |
3325 | -+ | |||
1429 | +107x |
- #' @rdname formatters_methods+ ind <- length(lyt) |
3326 | -+ | |||
1430 | +! |
- #' @export+ if (ind == 0) stop("no split to add content rows at")+ |
+ ||
1431 | +107x | +
+ spl <- lyt[[ind]] |
3327 | +1432 |
- setMethod(+ # if(is(spl, "AnalyzeVarSplit")) |
3328 | +1433 |
- "main_title", "VTitleFooter",+ # stop("can't add content rows to analyze variable split") |
3329 | -3560x | +1434 | +107x |
- function(obj) obj@main_title+ tmp <- .add_row_summary(spl, |
3330 | -+ | |||
1435 | +107x |
- )+ label, |
3331 | -+ | |||
1436 | +107x |
+ cfun, |
3332 | -+ | |||
1437 | +107x |
- ##' @rdname formatters_methods+ child_labels = child_labels, |
3333 | -+ | |||
1438 | +107x |
- ##' @export+ cformat = cformat, |
3334 | -+ | |||
1439 | +107x |
- setMethod(+ cna_str = cna_str, |
3335 | -+ | |||
1440 | +107x |
- "main_title<-", "VTitleFooter",+ indent_mod = indent_mod, |
3336 | -+ | |||
1441 | +107x |
- function(obj, value) {+ cvar = cvar, |
3337 | -3166x | +1442 | +107x |
- stopifnot(length(value) == 1)+ extra_args = extra_args+ |
1443 | ++ |
+ ) |
3338 | -3166x | +1444 | +107x |
- obj@main_title <- value+ lyt[[ind]] <- tmp |
3339 | -3166x | +1445 | +107x |
- obj+ lyt |
3340 | +1446 |
} |
3341 | +1447 |
) |
3342 | +1448 | |||
3343 | +1449 |
- # Getters for TableRow is here for convenience for binding (no need of setters)+ #' @rdname int_methods |
3344 | +1450 |
- #' @rdname formatters_methods+ setMethod( |
3345 | +1451 |
- #' @export+ ".add_row_summary", "Split", |
3346 | +1452 |
- setMethod(+ function(lyt, |
3347 | +1453 |
- "main_title", "TableRow",+ label, |
3348 | -6x | +|||
1454 | +
- function(obj) ""+ cfun, |
3349 | +1455 |
- )+ child_labels = c("default", "visible", "hidden"), |
3350 | +1456 |
+ cformat = NULL, |
3351 | +1457 |
- #' @rdname formatters_methods+ cna_str = "-", |
3352 | +1458 |
- #' @export+ indent_mod = 0L, |
3353 | +1459 |
- setMethod(+ cvar = "", |
3354 | +1460 |
- "subtitles", "VTitleFooter",+ extra_args = list()) { |
3355 | -3550x | +1461 | +116x |
- function(obj) obj@subtitles+ child_labels <- match.arg(child_labels) |
3356 | +1462 |
- )+ # lbl_kids = .labelkids_helper(child_labels) |
3357 | -+ | |||
1463 | +116x |
+ content_fun(lyt) <- cfun |
3358 | -+ | |||
1464 | +116x |
- #' @rdname formatters_methods+ content_indent_mod(lyt) <- indent_mod |
3359 | -+ | |||
1465 | +116x |
- #' @export+ content_var(lyt) <- cvar |
3360 | +1466 |
- setMethod(+ ## obj_format(lyt) = cformat |
3361 | -+ | |||
1467 | +116x |
- "subtitles<-", "VTitleFooter",+ content_format(lyt) <- cformat+ |
+ ||
1468 | +116x | +
+ if (!identical(child_labels, "default") && !identical(child_labels, label_kids(lyt))) {+ |
+ ||
1469 | +! | +
+ label_kids(lyt) <- child_labels |
3362 | +1470 |
- function(obj, value) {+ } |
3363 | -3161x | +1471 | +116x |
- obj@subtitles <- value+ content_na_str <- cna_str |
3364 | -3161x | +1472 | +116x |
- obj+ content_extra_args(lyt) <- extra_args+ |
1473 | +116x | +
+ lyt |
3365 | +1474 |
} |
3366 | +1475 |
) |
3367 | +1476 | |||
3368 | +1477 |
- #' @rdname formatters_methods+ .count_raw_constr <- function(var, format, label_fstr) { |
3369 | -+ | |||
1478 | +1x |
- #' @export+ function(df, labelstr = "") { |
3370 | -+ | |||
1479 | +3x |
- setMethod(+ if (grepl("%s", label_fstr, fixed = TRUE)) {+ |
+ ||
1480 | +! | +
+ label <- sprintf(label_fstr, labelstr) |
3371 | +1481 |
- "subtitles", "TableRow", # Only getter: see main_title for TableRow+ } else { |
3372 | -6x | +1482 | +3x |
- function(obj) character()+ label <- label_fstr |
3373 | +1483 |
- )+ } |
3374 | -+ | |||
1484 | +3x |
+ if (is(df, "data.frame")) { |
3375 | -+ | |||
1485 | +3x |
- #' @rdname formatters_methods+ if (!is.null(var) && nzchar(var)) { |
3376 | -+ | |||
1486 | +3x |
- #' @export+ cnt <- sum(!is.na(df[[var]])) |
3377 | +1487 |
- setMethod(+ } else {+ |
+ ||
1488 | +! | +
+ cnt <- nrow(df) |
3378 | +1489 |
- "main_footer", "VTitleFooter",+ } |
3379 | -3568x | +1490 | +1x |
- function(obj) obj@main_footer+ } else { # df is the data column vector |
3380 | -+ | |||
1491 | +! |
- )+ cnt <- sum(!is.na(df)) |
3381 | +1492 |
+ } |
3382 | -+ | |||
1493 | +3x |
- #' @rdname formatters_methods+ ret <- rcell(cnt, |
3383 | -+ | |||
1494 | +3x |
- #' @export+ format = format, |
3384 | -+ | |||
1495 | +3x |
- setMethod(+ label = label, |
3385 | -+ | |||
1496 | +3x |
- "main_footer<-", "VTitleFooter",+ stat_names = "n" |
3386 | +1497 |
- function(obj, value) {- |
- ||
3387 | -3166x | -
- obj@main_footer <- value+ ) |
3388 | -3166x | +1498 | +3x |
- obj+ ret |
3389 | +1499 |
} |
3390 | +1500 |
- )+ } |
3391 | +1501 | |||
3392 | -- |
- #' @rdname formatters_methods- |
- ||
3393 | +1502 |
- #' @export+ .count_wpcts_constr <- function(var, format, label_fstr) { |
3394 | -+ | |||
1503 | +102x |
- setMethod(+ function(df, labelstr = "", .N_col) { |
3395 | -+ | |||
1504 | +1579x |
- "main_footer", "TableRow", # Only getter: see main_title for TableRow+ if (grepl("%s", label_fstr, fixed = TRUE)) { |
3396 | -6x | +1505 | +1555x |
- function(obj) character()+ label <- sprintf(label_fstr, labelstr) |
3397 | +1506 |
- )+ } else { |
3398 | -+ | |||
1507 | +24x |
+ label <- label_fstr |
3399 | +1508 |
- #' @rdname formatters_methods+ } |
3400 | -+ | |||
1509 | +1579x |
- #' @export+ if (is(df, "data.frame")) { |
3401 | -+ | |||
1510 | +1579x |
- setMethod(+ if (!is.null(var) && nzchar(var)) {+ |
+ ||
1511 | +383x | +
+ cnt <- sum(!is.na(df[[var]])) |
3402 | +1512 |
- "prov_footer", "VTitleFooter",+ } else { |
3403 | -3549x | +1513 | +1196x |
- function(obj) obj@provenance_footer+ cnt <- nrow(df) |
3404 | +1514 |
- )+ } |
3405 | -+ | |||
1515 | +102x |
+ } else { # df is the data column vector |
3406 | -+ | |||
1516 | +! |
- #' @rdname formatters_methods+ cnt <- sum(!is.na(df)) |
3407 | +1517 |
- #' @export+ } |
3408 | +1518 |
- setMethod(+ ## the formatter does the *100 so we don't here. |
3409 | +1519 |
- "prov_footer<-", "VTitleFooter",+ ## Elements are named with stat_names so that ARD generation has access to them |
3410 | -+ | |||
1520 | +1579x |
- function(obj, value) {+ ret <- rcell(c(cnt, cnt / .N_col), |
3411 | -3160x | +1521 | +1579x |
- obj@provenance_footer <- value+ format = format, |
3412 | -3160x | +1522 | +1579x |
- obj+ label = label, |
3413 | -+ | |||
1523 | +1579x |
- }+ stat_names = c("n", "p") |
3414 | +1524 |
- )+ ) |
3415 | -+ | |||
1525 | +1579x |
+ ret |
3416 | +1526 |
- #' @rdname formatters_methods+ } |
3417 | +1527 |
- #' @export+ } |
3418 | +1528 |
- setMethod(+ |
3419 | +1529 |
- "prov_footer", "TableRow", # Only getter: see main_title for TableRow+ .validate_cfuns <- function(fun) { |
3420 | -6x | +1530 | +122x |
- function(obj) character()+ if (is.list(fun)) { |
3421 | -+ | |||
1531 | +2x |
- )+ return(unlist(lapply(fun, .validate_cfuns))) |
3422 | +1532 |
+ } |
3423 | +1533 |
- make_ref_value <- function(value) {+ |
3424 | -3232x | +1534 | +120x |
- if (is(value, "RefFootnote")) {+ frmls <- formals(fun) |
3425 | -! | +|||
1535 | +120x |
- value <- list(value)+ ls_pos <- match("labelstr", names(frmls)) |
3426 | -3232x | +1536 | +120x |
- } else if (!is.list(value) || any(!sapply(value, is, "RefFootnote"))) {+ if (is.na(ls_pos)) { |
3427 | -10x | +|||
1537 | +! |
- value <- lapply(value, RefFootnote)+ stop("content functions must explicitly accept a 'labelstr' argument") |
3428 | +1538 |
} |
1539 | ++ | + + | +||
3429 | -3232x | +1540 | +120x |
- value+ list(fun) |
3430 | +1541 |
} |
3431 | +1542 | |||
3432 | +1543 |
- #' Referential footnote accessors+ #' Analysis function to count levels of a factor with percentage of the column total |
3433 | +1544 |
#' |
3434 | +1545 |
- #' Access and set the referential footnotes aspects of a built table.+ #' @param x (`factor`)\cr a vector of data, provided by rtables pagination machinery. |
3435 | +1546 |
- #'+ #' @param .N_col (`integer(1)`)\cr total count for the column, provided by rtables pagination machinery. |
3436 | +1547 |
- #' @inheritParams gen_args+ #' |
3437 | +1548 |
- #'+ #' @return A `RowsVerticalSection` object with counts (and percents) for each level of the factor. |
3438 | +1549 |
- #' @export+ #' |
3439 | +1550 |
- #' @rdname ref_fnotes- |
- ||
3440 | -50253x | -
- setGeneric("row_footnotes", function(obj) standardGeneric("row_footnotes"))+ #' @examples |
3441 | +1551 |
+ #' counts_wpcts(DM$SEX, 400) |
3442 | +1552 |
- #' @export+ #' |
3443 | +1553 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @export |
3444 | +1554 |
- setMethod(+ counts_wpcts <- function(x, .N_col) { |
3445 | -+ | |||
1555 | +2x |
- "row_footnotes", "TableRow",+ if (!is.factor(x)) { |
3446 | -48266x | +1556 | +1x |
- function(obj) obj@row_footnotes+ stop( |
3447 | -+ | |||
1557 | +1x |
- )+ "using the 'counts_wpcts' analysis function requires factor data ", |
3448 | -+ | |||
1558 | +1x |
+ "to guarantee equal numbers of rows across all collumns, got class ", |
3449 | -+ | |||
1559 | +1x |
- #' @export+ class(x), "." |
3450 | +1560 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ ) |
3451 | +1561 |
- setMethod(+ } |
3452 | -+ | |||
1562 | +1x |
- "row_footnotes", "RowsVerticalSection",+ ret <- table(x) |
3453 | -1567x | +1563 | +1x |
- function(obj) attr(obj, "row_footnotes", exact = TRUE) %||% list()+ in_rows(.list = lapply(ret, function(y) rcell(y * c(1, 1 / .N_col), format = "xx (xx.x%)"))) |
3454 | +1564 |
- )+ } |
3455 | +1565 | |||
3456 | +1566 |
- #' @export+ #' Add a content row of summary counts |
3457 | +1567 |
- #' @rdname ref_fnotes- |
- ||
3458 | -65x | -
- setGeneric("row_footnotes<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("row_footnotes<-"))+ #' |
3459 | +1568 |
+ #' @inheritParams lyt_args |
3460 | +1569 |
- #' @export+ #' |
3461 | +1570 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @inherit split_cols_by return |
3462 | +1571 |
- setMethod(+ #' |
3463 | +1572 |
- "row_footnotes<-", "TableRow",+ #' @details |
3464 | +1573 |
- function(obj, value) {- |
- ||
3465 | -65x | -
- obj@row_footnotes <- make_ref_value(value)- |
- ||
3466 | -65x | -
- obj+ #' If `format` expects 1 value (i.e. it is specified as a format string and `xx` appears for two values |
3467 | +1574 |
- }+ #' (i.e. `xx` appears twice in the format string) or is specified as a function, then both raw and percent of |
3468 | +1575 |
- )+ #' column total counts are calculated. If `format` is a format string where `xx` appears only one time, only |
3469 | +1576 |
+ #' raw counts are used. |
3470 | +1577 |
- #' @export+ #' |
3471 | +1578 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' `cfun` must accept `x` or `df` as its first argument. For the `df` argument `cfun` will receive the subset |
3472 | +1579 |
- setMethod(+ #' `data.frame` corresponding with the row- and column-splitting for the cell being calculated. Must accept |
3473 | +1580 |
- "row_footnotes", "VTableTree",+ #' `labelstr` as the second parameter, which accepts the `label` of the level of the parent split currently |
3474 | +1581 |
- function(obj) {- |
- ||
3475 | -420x | -
- rws <- collect_leaves(obj, TRUE, TRUE)- |
- ||
3476 | -420x | -
- cells <- lapply(rws, row_footnotes)- |
- ||
3477 | -420x | -
- cells+ #' being summarized. Can additionally take any optional argument supported by analysis functions. (see [analyze()]). |
3478 | +1582 |
- }+ #' |
3479 | +1583 |
- )+ #' In addition, if complex custom functions are needed, we suggest checking the available [additional_fun_params] |
3480 | +1584 |
+ #' that can be used in `cfun`. |
3481 | +1585 |
- #' @export+ #' |
3482 | +1586 |
- #' @rdname ref_fnotes- |
- ||
3483 | -197795x | -
- setGeneric("cell_footnotes", function(obj) standardGeneric("cell_footnotes"))+ #' @examples |
3484 | +1587 |
+ #' DM2 <- subset(DM, COUNTRY %in% c("USA", "CAN", "CHN")) |
3485 | +1588 |
- #' @export+ #' |
3486 | +1589 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
3487 | +1590 |
- setMethod(+ #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>% |
3488 | +1591 |
- "cell_footnotes", "CellValue",+ #' split_rows_by("COUNTRY", split_fun = drop_split_levels) %>% |
3489 | -158336x | +|||
1592 | +
- function(obj) attr(obj, "footnotes", exact = TRUE) %||% list()+ #' summarize_row_groups(label_fstr = "%s (n)") %>% |
3490 | +1593 |
- )+ #' analyze("AGE", afun = list_wrap_x(summary), format = "xx.xx") |
3491 | +1594 |
+ #' lyt |
3492 | +1595 |
- #' @export+ #' |
3493 | +1596 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM2) |
3494 | +1597 |
- setMethod(+ #' tbl |
3495 | +1598 |
- "cell_footnotes", "TableRow",+ #' |
3496 | +1599 |
- function(obj) {+ #' row_paths_summary(tbl) # summary count is a content table |
3497 | -34835x | +|||
1600 | +
- ret <- lapply(row_cells(obj), cell_footnotes)+ #' |
3498 | -34835x | +|||
1601 | +
- if (length(ret) != ncol(obj)) {+ #' ## use a cfun and extra_args to customize summarization |
3499 | -144x | +|||
1602 | +
- ret <- rep(ret, row_cspans(obj))+ #' ## behavior |
3500 | +1603 |
- }+ #' sfun <- function(x, labelstr, trim) { |
3501 | -34835x | +|||
1604 | +
- ret+ #' in_rows( |
3502 | +1605 |
- }+ #' c(mean(x, trim = trim), trim), |
3503 | +1606 |
- )+ #' .formats = "xx.x (xx.x%)", |
3504 | +1607 |
+ #' .labels = sprintf( |
3505 | +1608 |
- #' @export+ #' "%s (Trimmed mean and trim %%)", |
3506 | +1609 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' labelstr |
3507 | +1610 |
- setMethod(+ #' ) |
3508 | +1611 |
- "cell_footnotes", "LabelRow",+ #' ) |
3509 | +1612 |
- function(obj) {+ #' } |
3510 | -4204x | +|||
1613 | +
- rep(list(list()), ncol(obj))+ #' |
3511 | +1614 |
- }+ #' lyt2 <- basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>% |
3512 | +1615 |
- )+ #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>% |
3513 | +1616 |
+ #' split_rows_by("COUNTRY", split_fun = drop_split_levels) %>% |
3514 | +1617 |
- #' @export+ #' summarize_row_groups("AGE", |
3515 | +1618 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' cfun = sfun, |
3516 | +1619 |
- setMethod(+ #' extra_args = list(trim = .2) |
3517 | +1620 |
- "cell_footnotes", "VTableTree",+ #' ) %>% |
3518 | +1621 |
- function(obj) {+ #' analyze("AGE", afun = list_wrap_x(summary), format = "xx.xx") %>% |
3519 | -420x | +|||
1622 | +
- rws <- collect_leaves(obj, TRUE, TRUE)+ #' append_topleft(c("Country", " Age")) |
3520 | -420x | +|||
1623 | +
- cells <- lapply(rws, cell_footnotes)+ #' |
3521 | -420x | +|||
1624 | +
- do.call(rbind, cells)+ #' tbl2 <- build_table(lyt2, DM2) |
3522 | +1625 |
- }+ #' tbl2 |
3523 | +1626 |
- )+ #' |
3524 | +1627 |
+ #' @author Gabriel Becker |
3525 | +1628 |
#' @export |
3526 | +1629 |
- #' @rdname ref_fnotes+ summarize_row_groups <- function(lyt, |
3527 | -617x | +|||
1630 | +
- setGeneric("cell_footnotes<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("cell_footnotes<-"))+ var = "", |
3528 | +1631 |
+ label_fstr = "%s", |
3529 | +1632 |
- #' @export+ format = "xx (xx.x%)", |
3530 | +1633 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ na_str = "-", |
3531 | +1634 |
- setMethod(+ cfun = NULL, |
3532 | +1635 |
- "cell_footnotes<-", "CellValue",+ indent_mod = 0L, |
3533 | +1636 |
- function(obj, value) {+ extra_args = list()) { |
3534 | -557x | +1637 | +116x |
- attr(obj, "footnotes") <- make_ref_value(value)+ if (is.null(cfun)) { |
3535 | -557x | +1638 | +103x |
- obj+ if (is.character(format) && length(gregexpr("xx(\\.x*){0,1}", format)[[1]]) == 1) { |
3536 | -+ | |||
1639 | +1x |
- }+ cfun <- .count_raw_constr(var, format, label_fstr) |
3537 | +1640 |
- )+ } else {+ |
+ ||
1641 | +102x | +
+ cfun <- .count_wpcts_constr(var, format, label_fstr) |
3538 | +1642 |
+ } |
3539 | +1643 |
- .cfn_set_helper <- function(obj, value) {+ } |
3540 | -60x | +1644 | +116x |
- if (length(value) != ncol(obj)) {+ cfun <- .validate_cfuns(cfun) |
3541 | -! | +|||
1645 | +116x |
- stop("Did not get the right number of footnote ref values for cell_footnotes<- on a full row.")+ .add_row_summary(lyt, |
3542 | -+ | |||
1646 | +116x |
- }+ cfun = cfun, |
3543 | -+ | |||
1647 | +116x |
+ cformat = format, |
3544 | -60x | +1648 | +116x |
- row_cells(obj) <- mapply(+ cna_str = na_str, |
3545 | -60x | +1649 | +116x |
- function(cell, fns) {+ indent_mod = indent_mod, |
3546 | -191x | +1650 | +116x |
- if (is.list(fns)) {+ cvar = var, |
3547 | -185x | +1651 | +116x |
- cell_footnotes(cell) <- lapply(fns, RefFootnote)+ extra_args = extra_args |
3548 | +1652 |
- } else {- |
- ||
3549 | -6x | -
- cell_footnotes(cell) <- list(RefFootnote(fns))+ ) |
3550 | +1653 |
- }+ } |
3551 | -191x | +|||
1654 | +
- cell+ |
3552 | +1655 |
- },+ #' Add the column population counts to the header |
3553 | -60x | +|||
1656 | +
- cell = row_cells(obj),+ #' |
3554 | -60x | +|||
1657 | +
- fns = value, SIMPLIFY = FALSE+ #' Add the data derived column counts. |
3555 | +1658 |
- )+ #' |
3556 | -60x | +|||
1659 | +
- obj+ #' @details It is often the case that the the column counts derived from the |
3557 | +1660 |
- }+ #' input data to [build_table()] is not representative of the population counts. |
3558 | +1661 |
+ #' For example, if events are counted in the table and the header should |
3559 | +1662 |
- #' @export+ #' display the number of subjects and not the total number of events. |
3560 | +1663 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' |
3561 | +1664 |
- setMethod("cell_footnotes<-", "DataRow",+ #' @inheritParams lyt_args |
3562 | +1665 |
- definition = .cfn_set_helper+ #' |
3563 | +1666 |
- )+ #' @inherit split_cols_by return |
3564 | +1667 |
+ #' |
3565 | +1668 |
- #' @export+ #' @examples |
3566 | +1669 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
3567 | +1670 |
- setMethod("cell_footnotes<-", "ContentRow",+ #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>% |
3568 | +1671 |
- definition = .cfn_set_helper+ #' add_colcounts() %>% |
3569 | +1672 |
- )+ #' split_rows_by("RACE", split_fun = drop_split_levels) %>% |
3570 | +1673 |
+ #' analyze("AGE", afun = function(x) list(min = min(x), max = max(x))) |
3571 | +1674 |
- # Deprecated methods ----+ #' lyt |
3572 | +1675 |
+ #' |
3573 | +1676 |
- #' @export+ #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM) |
3574 | +1677 |
- #' @rdname ref_fnotes+ #' tbl |
3575 | -! | +|||
1678 | +
- setGeneric("col_fnotes_here", function(obj) standardGeneric("col_fnotes_here"))+ #' |
3576 | +1679 |
+ #' @author Gabriel Becker |
3577 | +1680 |
#' @export |
3578 | +1681 |
- #' @rdname ref_fnotes+ add_colcounts <- function(lyt, format = "(N=xx)") { |
3579 | -+ | |||
1682 | +5x |
- setMethod("col_fnotes_here", "ANY", function(obj) {+ if (is.null(lyt)) { |
3580 | +1683 | ! |
- lifecycle::deprecate_warn(+ lyt <- PreDataTableLayouts() |
3581 | -! | +|||
1684 | +
- when = "0.6.6",+ } |
3582 | -! | +|||
1685 | +5x |
- what = "col_fnotes_here()",+ disp_ccounts(lyt) <- TRUE |
3583 | -! | +|||
1686 | +5x |
- with = "col_footnotes()"+ colcount_format(lyt) <- format |
3584 | -+ | |||
1687 | +5x |
- )+ lyt |
3585 | -! | +|||
1688 | +
- col_footnotes(obj)+ } |
3586 | +1689 |
- })+ |
3587 | +1690 |
+ ## Currently existing tables can ONLY be added as new entries at the top level, never at any level of nesting. |
3588 | +1691 |
- #' @export+ #' Add an already calculated table to the layout |
3589 | +1692 |
- #' @rdname ref_fnotes+ #' |
3590 | -! | +|||
1693 | +
- setGeneric("col_fnotes_here<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("col_fnotes_here<-"))+ #' @inheritParams lyt_args |
3591 | +1694 |
+ #' @inheritParams gen_args |
3592 | +1695 |
- #' @export+ #' |
3593 | +1696 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @inherit split_cols_by return |
3594 | +1697 |
- setMethod("col_fnotes_here<-", "ANY", function(obj, value) {+ #' |
3595 | -! | +|||
1698 | +
- lifecycle::deprecate_warn(+ #' @examples |
3596 | -! | +|||
1699 | +
- when = "0.6.6",+ #' lyt1 <- basic_table() %>% |
3597 | -! | +|||
1700 | +
- what = I("col_fnotes_here()<-"),+ #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>% |
3598 | -! | +|||
1701 | +
- with = I("col_footnotes()<-")+ #' analyze("AGE", afun = mean, format = "xx.xx") |
3599 | +1702 |
- )+ #' |
3600 | -! | +|||
1703 | +
- col_footnotes(obj) <- value+ #' tbl1 <- build_table(lyt1, DM) |
3601 | +1704 |
- })+ #' tbl1 |
3602 | +1705 |
+ #' |
3603 | +1706 |
- #' @export+ #' lyt2 <- basic_table() %>% |
3604 | +1707 |
- #' @rdname ref_fnotes+ #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>% |
3605 | -16323x | +|||
1708 | +
- setGeneric("col_footnotes", function(obj) standardGeneric("col_footnotes"))+ #' analyze("AGE", afun = sd, format = "xx.xx") %>% |
3606 | +1709 |
+ #' add_existing_table(tbl1) |
3607 | +1710 |
- #' @export+ #' |
3608 | +1711 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' tbl2 <- build_table(lyt2, DM) |
3609 | -1407x | +|||
1712 | +
- setMethod("col_footnotes", "LayoutColTree", function(obj) obj@col_footnotes)+ #' tbl2 |
3610 | +1713 |
+ #' |
3611 | +1714 |
- #' @export+ #' table_structure(tbl2) |
3612 | +1715 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' row_paths_summary(tbl2) |
3613 | -14497x | +|||
1716 | +
- setMethod("col_footnotes", "LayoutColLeaf", function(obj) obj@col_footnotes)+ #' |
3614 | +1717 |
+ #' @author Gabriel Becker |
3615 | +1718 |
#' @export |
3616 | +1719 |
- #' @rdname ref_fnotes+ add_existing_table <- function(lyt, tt, indent_mod = 0) { |
3617 | -1999x | +1720 | +1x |
- setGeneric("col_footnotes<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("col_footnotes<-"))+ indent_mod(tt) <- indent_mod |
3618 | -+ | |||
1721 | +1x |
+ lyt <- split_rows( |
3619 | -+ | |||
1722 | +1x |
- #' @export+ lyt, |
3620 | -+ | |||
1723 | +1x |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ tt, |
3621 | -+ | |||
1724 | +1x |
- setMethod("col_footnotes<-", "LayoutColTree", function(obj, value) {+ next_rpos(lyt, nested = FALSE) |
3622 | -747x | +|||
1725 | +
- obj@col_footnotes <- make_ref_value(value)+ ) |
3623 | -747x | +1726 | +1x |
- obj+ lyt |
3624 | +1727 |
- })+ } |
3625 | +1728 | |||
3626 | +1729 |
- #' @export+ ## takes_coln = function(f) { |
3627 | +1730 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ ## stopifnot(is(f, "function")) |
3628 | +1731 |
- setMethod("col_footnotes<-", "LayoutColLeaf", function(obj, value) {+ ## forms = names(formals(f)) |
3629 | -1252x | +|||
1732 | +
- obj@col_footnotes <- make_ref_value(value)+ ## res = ".N_col" %in% forms |
3630 | -1252x | +|||
1733 | +
- obj+ ## res |
3631 | +1734 |
- })+ ## } |
3632 | +1735 | |||
3633 | +1736 |
- #' @export+ ## takes_totn = function(f) { |
3634 | +1737 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ ## stopifnot(is(f, "function")) |
3635 | +1738 |
- setMethod(+ ## forms = names(formals(f)) |
3636 | +1739 |
- "col_footnotes", "VTableTree",+ ## res = ".N_total" %in% forms |
3637 | +1740 |
- function(obj) {+ ## res |
3638 | -419x | +|||
1741 | +
- ctree <- coltree(obj)+ ## } |
3639 | -419x | +|||
1742 | +
- cols <- tree_children(ctree)- |
- |||
3640 | -419x | -
- while (all(sapply(cols, is, "LayoutColTree"))) {- |
- ||
3641 | -137x | -
- cols <- lapply(cols, tree_children)- |
- ||
3642 | -137x | -
- cols <- unlist(cols, recursive = FALSE)+ |
3643 | +1743 |
- }- |
- ||
3644 | -419x | -
- all_col_fnotes <- lapply(cols, col_footnotes)+ ## use data to transform dynamic cuts to static cuts |
3645 | -419x | +|||
1744 | +
- if (is.null(unlist(all_col_fnotes))) {+ #' @rdname int_methods |
3646 | -414x | +1745 | +2798x |
- return(NULL)+ setGeneric("fix_dyncuts", function(spl, df) standardGeneric("fix_dyncuts")) |
3647 | +1746 |
- }+ |
3648 | +1747 |
+ #' @rdname int_methods |
3649 | -5x | +1748 | +1040x |
- return(all_col_fnotes)+ setMethod("fix_dyncuts", "Split", function(spl, df) spl) |
3650 | +1749 |
- }+ |
3651 | +1750 |
- )+ #' @rdname int_methods |
3652 | +1751 |
+ setMethod( |
3653 | +1752 |
- #' @export+ "fix_dyncuts", "VarDynCutSplit", |
3654 | +1753 |
- #' @rdname ref_fnotes+ function(spl, df) { |
3655 | -594x | +1754 | +5x |
- setGeneric("ref_index", function(obj) standardGeneric("ref_index"))+ var <- spl_payload(spl)+ |
1755 | +5x | +
+ varvec <- df[[var]] |
3656 | +1756 | |||
3657 | -+ | |||
1757 | +5x |
- #' @export+ cfun <- spl_cutfun(spl) |
3658 | -+ | |||
1758 | +5x |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ cuts <- cfun(varvec) |
3659 | -+ | |||
1759 | +5x |
- setMethod(+ cutlabels <- spl_cutlabelfun(spl)(cuts) |
3660 | -+ | |||
1760 | +5x |
- "ref_index", "RefFootnote",+ if (length(cutlabels) != length(cuts) - 1 && !is.null(names(cuts))) { |
3661 | -594x | +1761 | +1x |
- function(obj) obj@index+ cutlabels <- names(cuts)[-1] |
3662 | +1762 |
- )+ } |
3663 | +1763 | |||
3664 | -+ | |||
1764 | +5x |
- #' @export+ ret <- make_static_cut_split( |
3665 | -+ | |||
1765 | +5x |
- #' @rdname ref_fnotes+ var = var, split_label = obj_label(spl), |
3666 | -71x | +1766 | +5x |
- setGeneric("ref_index<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("ref_index<-"))+ cuts = cuts, cutlabels = cutlabels, |
3667 | -+ | |||
1767 | +5x |
+ cumulative = spl_is_cmlcuts(spl) |
3668 | +1768 |
- #' @export+ ) |
3669 | +1769 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ ## ret = VarStaticCutSplit(var = var, split_label = obj_label(spl), |
3670 | +1770 |
- setMethod(+ ## cuts = cuts, cutlabels = cutlabels) |
3671 | +1771 |
- "ref_index<-", "RefFootnote",+ ## ## classes are tthe same structurally CumulativeCutSplit |
3672 | +1772 |
- function(obj, value) {- |
- ||
3673 | -71x | -
- obj@index <- value- |
- ||
3674 | -71x | -
- obj+ ## ## is just a sentinal so it can hit different make_subset_expr |
3675 | +1773 |
- }+ ## ## method |
3676 | +1774 |
- )+ ## if(spl_is_cmlcuts(spl)) |
3677 | +1775 |
+ ## ret = as(ret, "CumulativeCutSplit") |
3678 | -+ | |||
1776 | +5x |
- #' @export+ ret |
3679 | +1777 |
- #' @rdname ref_fnotes- |
- ||
3680 | -523x | -
- setGeneric("ref_symbol", function(obj) standardGeneric("ref_symbol"))+ } |
3681 | +1778 |
+ ) |
3682 | +1779 |
- #' @export+ |
3683 | +1780 |
#' @rdname int_methods |
3684 | +1781 |
setMethod( |
3685 | +1782 |
- "ref_symbol", "RefFootnote",+ "fix_dyncuts", "VTableTree", |
3686 | -523x | +1783 | +1x |
- function(obj) obj@symbol+ function(spl, df) spl |
3687 | +1784 |
) |
3688 | +1785 | |||
3689 | +1786 |
- #' @export+ .fd_helper <- function(spl, df) { |
3690 | -+ | |||
1787 | +1408x |
- #' @rdname ref_fnotes+ lst <- lapply(spl, fix_dyncuts, df = df) |
3691 | -! | +|||
1788 | +1408x |
- setGeneric("ref_symbol<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("ref_symbol<-"))+ spl@.Data <- lst+ |
+ ||
1789 | +1408x | +
+ spl |
3692 | +1790 |
+ } |
3693 | +1791 |
- #' @export+ |
3694 | +1792 |
#' @rdname int_methods |
3695 | +1793 |
setMethod( |
3696 | +1794 |
- "ref_symbol<-", "RefFootnote",+ "fix_dyncuts", "PreDataRowLayout", |
3697 | +1795 |
- function(obj, value) {+ function(spl, df) { |
3698 | -! | +|||
1796 | +
- obj@symbol <- value+ # rt = root_spl(spl) |
3699 | -! | +|||
1797 | +344x |
- obj+ ret <- .fd_helper(spl, df) |
3700 | +1798 | ++ |
+ # root_spl(ret) = rt+ |
+ |
1799 | +344x | +
+ ret+ |
+ ||
1800 |
} |
3701 | +1801 |
) |
3702 | +1802 | |||
3703 | +1803 |
- #' @export+ #' @rdname int_methods |
3704 | +1804 |
- #' @rdname ref_fnotes+ setMethod( |
3705 | -515x | +|||
1805 | +
- setGeneric("ref_msg", function(obj) standardGeneric("ref_msg"))+ "fix_dyncuts", "PreDataColLayout", |
3706 | +1806 |
+ function(spl, df) { |
3707 | +1807 |
- #' @export+ # rt = root_spl(spl)+ |
+ ||
1808 | +344x | +
+ ret <- .fd_helper(spl, df) |
3708 | +1809 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ # root_spl(ret) = rt |
3709 | +1810 |
- setMethod(+ # disp_ccounts(ret) = disp_ccounts(spl) |
3710 | +1811 |
- "ref_msg", "RefFootnote",+ # colcount_format(ret) = colcount_format(spl) |
3711 | -515x | +1812 | +344x |
- function(obj) obj@value+ ret |
3712 | +1813 |
- )+ } |
3713 | +1814 | - - | -||
3714 | -20x | -
- setGeneric(".fnote_set_inner<-", function(ttrp, colpath, value) standardGeneric(".fnote_set_inner<-"))+ ) |
3715 | +1815 | |||
3716 | +1816 |
- setMethod(+ #' @rdname int_methods |
3717 | +1817 |
- ".fnote_set_inner<-", c("TableRow", "NULL"),+ setMethod( |
3718 | +1818 |
- function(ttrp, colpath, value) {+ "fix_dyncuts", "SplitVector", |
3719 | -7x | +|||
1819 | +
- row_footnotes(ttrp) <- value+ function(spl, df) { |
3720 | -7x | +1820 | +720x |
- ttrp+ .fd_helper(spl, df) |
3721 | +1821 |
} |
3722 | +1822 |
) |
3723 | +1823 | |||
3724 | +1824 |
- setMethod(+ #' @rdname int_methods |
3725 | +1825 |
- ".fnote_set_inner<-", c("TableRow", "character"),+ setMethod( |
3726 | +1826 |
- function(ttrp, colpath, value) {- |
- ||
3727 | -6x | -
- ind <- .path_to_pos(path = colpath, tt = ttrp, cols = TRUE)+ "fix_dyncuts", "PreDataTableLayouts", |
3728 | -6x | +|||
1827 | +
- cfns <- cell_footnotes(ttrp)+ function(spl, df) { |
3729 | -6x | +1828 | +344x |
- cfns[[ind]] <- value+ rlayout(spl) <- fix_dyncuts(rlayout(spl), df) |
3730 | -6x | +1829 | +344x |
- cell_footnotes(ttrp) <- cfns+ clayout(spl) <- fix_dyncuts(clayout(spl), df) |
3731 | -6x | +1830 | +344x |
- ttrp+ spl |
3732 | +1831 |
} |
3733 | +1832 |
) |
3734 | +1833 | |||
3735 | +1834 |
- setMethod(+ ## Manual column construction in a simple (seeming to the user) way. |
3736 | +1835 |
- ".fnote_set_inner<-", c("InstantiatedColumnInfo", "character"),+ #' Manual column declaration |
3737 | +1836 |
- function(ttrp, colpath, value) {+ #' |
3738 | -1x | +|||
1837 | +
- ctree <- col_fnotes_at_path(coltree(ttrp), colpath, fnotes = value)+ #' @param ... one or more vectors of levels to appear in the column space. If more than one set of levels is given, |
3739 | -1x | +|||
1838 | +
- coltree(ttrp) <- ctree+ #' the values of the second are nested within each value of the first, and so on. |
3740 | -1x | +|||
1839 | +
- ttrp+ #' @param .lst (`list`)\cr a list of sets of levels, by default populated via `list(...)`. |
3741 | +1840 |
- }+ #' @param ccount_format (`FormatSpec`)\cr the format to use when counts are displayed. |
3742 | +1841 |
- )+ #' |
3743 | +1842 |
+ #' @return An `InstantiatedColumnInfo` object, suitable for declaring the column structure for a manually constructed |
3744 | +1843 |
- setMethod(+ #' table. |
3745 | +1844 |
- ".fnote_set_inner<-", c("VTableTree", "ANY"),+ #' |
3746 | +1845 |
- function(ttrp, colpath, value) {+ #' @examples |
3747 | -6x | +|||
1846 | +
- if (labelrow_visible(ttrp) && !is.null(value)) {+ #' # simple one level column space |
3748 | -2x | +|||
1847 | +
- lblrw <- tt_labelrow(ttrp)+ #' rows <- lapply(1:5, function(i) { |
3749 | -2x | +|||
1848 | +
- row_footnotes(lblrw) <- value+ #' DataRow(rep(i, times = 3)) |
3750 | -2x | +|||
1849 | +
- tt_labelrow(ttrp) <- lblrw+ #' }) |
3751 | -4x | +|||
1850 | +
- } else if (NROW(content_table(ttrp)) == 1L) {+ #' tbl <- TableTree(kids = rows, cinfo = manual_cols(split = c("a", "b", "c"))) |
3752 | -4x | +|||
1851 | +
- ctbl <- content_table(ttrp)+ #' tbl |
3753 | -4x | +|||
1852 | +
- pth <- make_row_df(ctbl)$path[[1]]+ #' |
3754 | -4x | +|||
1853 | +
- fnotes_at_path(ctbl, pth, colpath) <- value+ #' # manually declared nesting |
3755 | -4x | +|||
1854 | +
- content_table(ttrp) <- ctbl+ #' tbl2 <- TableTree( |
3756 | +1855 |
- } else {+ #' kids = list(DataRow(as.list(1:4))), |
3757 | +1856 |
- stop("an error occurred. this shouldn't happen. please contact the maintainer") # nocov+ #' cinfo = manual_cols( |
3758 | +1857 |
- }+ #' Arm = c("Arm A", "Arm B"), |
3759 | -6x | +|||
1858 | +
- ttrp+ #' Gender = c("M", "F") |
3760 | +1859 |
- }+ #' ) |
3761 | +1860 |
- )+ #' ) |
3762 | +1861 |
+ #' tbl2 |
3763 | +1862 |
- #' @param rowpath (`character` or `NULL`)\cr path within row structure. `NULL` indicates the footnote should+ #' |
3764 | +1863 |
- #' go on the column rather than cell.+ #' @author Gabriel Becker |
3765 | +1864 |
- #' @param colpath (`character` or `NULL`)\cr path within column structure. `NULL` indicates footnote should go+ #' @export |
3766 | +1865 |
- #' on the row rather than cell.+ manual_cols <- function(..., .lst = list(...), ccount_format = NULL) { |
3767 | -+ | |||
1866 | +41x |
- #' @param reset_idx (`flag`)\cr whether the numbering for referential footnotes should be immediately+ if (is.null(names(.lst))) { |
3768 | -+ | |||
1867 | +41x |
- #' recalculated. Defaults to `TRUE`.+ names(.lst) <- paste("colsplit", seq_along(.lst)) |
3769 | +1868 |
- #'+ } |
3770 | +1869 |
- #' @examples+ |
3771 | -+ | |||
1870 | +41x |
- #' # How to add referencial footnotes after having created a table+ splvec <- SplitVector(lst = mapply(ManualSplit, |
3772 | -+ | |||
1871 | +41x |
- #' lyt <- basic_table() %>%+ levels = .lst, |
3773 | -+ | |||
1872 | +41x |
- #' split_rows_by("SEX", page_by = TRUE) %>%+ label = names(.lst) |
3774 | +1873 |
- #' analyze("AGE")+ )) |
3775 | -+ | |||
1874 | +41x |
- #'+ ctree <- splitvec_to_coltree(data.frame(), splvec = splvec, pos = TreePos(), global_cc_format = ccount_format) |
3776 | +1875 |
- #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM)+ + |
+ ||
1876 | +41x | +
+ ret <- InstantiatedColumnInfo(treelyt = ctree)+ |
+ ||
1877 | +41x | +
+ rm_all_colcounts(ret) |
3777 | +1878 |
- #' tbl <- trim_rows(tbl)+ } |
3778 | +1879 |
- #' # Check the row and col structure to add precise references+ |
3779 | +1880 |
- #' # row_paths(tbl)+ |
3780 | +1881 |
- #' # col_paths(t)+ #' Set all column counts at all levels of nesting to NA |
3781 | +1882 |
- #' # row_paths_summary(tbl)+ #' |
3782 | +1883 |
- #' # col_paths_summary(tbl)+ #' @inheritParams gen_args |
3783 | +1884 |
#' |
3784 | +1885 |
- #' # Add the citation numbers on the table and relative references in the footnotes+ #' @return `obj` with all column counts reset to missing |
3785 | +1886 |
- #' fnotes_at_path(tbl, rowpath = c("SEX", "F", "AGE", "Mean")) <- "Famous paper 1"+ #' |
3786 | +1887 |
- #' fnotes_at_path(tbl, rowpath = c("SEX", "UNDIFFERENTIATED")) <- "Unfamous paper 2"+ #' @export |
3787 | +1888 |
- #' # tbl+ #' @examples |
3788 | +1889 |
- #'+ #' lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
3789 | +1890 |
- #' @seealso [row_paths()], [col_paths()], [row_paths_summary()], [col_paths_summary()]+ #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>% |
3790 | +1891 |
- #'+ #' split_cols_by("SEX") %>% |
3791 | +1892 |
- #' @export+ #' analyze("AGE") |
3792 | +1893 |
- #' @rdname ref_fnotes+ #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, ex_adsl) |
3793 | +1894 |
- setGeneric("fnotes_at_path<-", function(obj,+ #' |
3794 | +1895 |
- rowpath = NULL,+ #' # before |
3795 | +1896 |
- colpath = NULL,+ #' col_counts(tbl) |
3796 | +1897 |
- reset_idx = TRUE,+ #' tbl <- rm_all_colcounts(tbl) |
3797 | +1898 |
- value) {+ #' col_counts(tbl) |
3798 | -20x | +1899 | +229x |
- standardGeneric("fnotes_at_path<-")+ setGeneric("rm_all_colcounts", function(obj) standardGeneric("rm_all_colcounts")) |
3799 | +1900 |
- })+ |
3800 | +1901 |
+ #' @rdname rm_all_colcounts |
3801 | +1902 |
- ## non-null rowpath, null or non-null colpath+ #' @export |
3802 | +1903 |
- #' @inheritParams fnotes_at_path<-+ setMethod( |
3803 | +1904 |
- #'+ "rm_all_colcounts", "VTableTree", |
3804 | +1905 |
- #' @export+ function(obj) { |
3805 | -+ | |||
1906 | +! |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ cinfo <- col_info(obj) |
3806 | -+ | |||
1907 | +! |
- setMethod(+ cinfo <- rm_all_colcounts(cinfo) |
3807 | -+ | |||
1908 | +! |
- "fnotes_at_path<-", c("VTableTree", "character"),+ col_info(obj) <- cinfo+ |
+ ||
1909 | +! | +
+ obj |
3808 | +1910 |
- function(obj,+ } |
3809 | +1911 |
- rowpath = NULL,+ ) |
3810 | +1912 |
- colpath = NULL,+ |
3811 | +1913 |
- reset_idx = TRUE,+ #' @rdname rm_all_colcounts |
3812 | +1914 |
- value) {+ #' @export |
3813 | -19x | +|||
1915 | +
- rw <- tt_at_path(obj, rowpath)+ setMethod( |
3814 | -19x | +|||
1916 | +
- .fnote_set_inner(rw, colpath) <- value+ "rm_all_colcounts", "InstantiatedColumnInfo", |
3815 | -19x | +|||
1917 | +
- tt_at_path(obj, rowpath) <- rw+ function(obj) { |
3816 | -19x | +1918 | +41x |
- if (reset_idx) {+ ctree <- coltree(obj) |
3817 | -19x | +1919 | +41x |
- obj <- update_ref_indexing(obj)+ ctree <- rm_all_colcounts(ctree) |
3818 | -+ | |||
1920 | +41x |
- }+ coltree(obj) <- ctree |
3819 | -19x | +1921 | +41x |
obj |
3820 | +1922 |
} |
3821 | +1923 |
) |
3822 | +1924 | |||
3823 | +1925 |
- #' @export+ #' @rdname rm_all_colcounts |
3824 | +1926 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @export |
3825 | +1927 |
setMethod( |
3826 | +1928 |
- "fnotes_at_path<-", c("VTableTree", "NULL"),+ "rm_all_colcounts", "LayoutColTree", |
3827 | +1929 |
- function(obj, rowpath = NULL, colpath = NULL, reset_idx = TRUE, value) {+ function(obj) { |
3828 | -1x | +1930 | +52x |
- cinfo <- col_info(obj)+ obj@column_count <- NA_integer_ |
3829 | -1x | +1931 | +52x |
- .fnote_set_inner(cinfo, colpath) <- value+ tree_children(obj) <- lapply(tree_children(obj), rm_all_colcounts) |
3830 | -1x | +1932 | +52x |
- col_info(obj) <- cinfo+ obj |
3831 | -1x | +|||
1933 | +
- if (reset_idx) {+ } |
3832 | -1x | +|||
1934 | +
- obj <- update_ref_indexing(obj)+ ) |
3833 | +1935 |
- }+ |
3834 | -1x | +|||
1936 | +
- obj+ #' @rdname rm_all_colcounts |
3835 | +1937 |
- }+ #' @export |
3836 | +1938 |
- )+ setMethod( |
3837 | +1939 | - - | -||
3838 | -2889x | -
- setGeneric("has_force_pag", function(obj) standardGeneric("has_force_pag"))+ "rm_all_colcounts", "LayoutColLeaf", |
3839 | +1940 |
+ function(obj) { |
3840 | -349x | -
- setMethod("has_force_pag", "TableTree", function(obj) !is.na(ptitle_prefix(obj)))- |
- ||
3841 | -+ | 1941 | +136x |
+ obj@column_count <- NA_integer_ |
3842 | -1574x | +1942 | +136x |
- setMethod("has_force_pag", "Split", function(obj) !is.na(ptitle_prefix(obj)))+ obj |
3843 | +1943 | - - | -||
3844 | -914x | -
- setMethod("has_force_pag", "VTableNodeInfo", function(obj) FALSE)+ } |
3845 | +1944 | - - | -||
3846 | -2382x | -
- setGeneric("ptitle_prefix", function(obj) standardGeneric("ptitle_prefix"))+ ) |
3847 | +1945 | |||
3848 | -357x | +|||
1946 | +
- setMethod("ptitle_prefix", "TableTree", function(obj) obj@page_title_prefix)+ #' Returns a function that coerces the return values of a function to a list |
3849 | +1947 |
+ #' |
3850 | -1973x | +|||
1948 | +
- setMethod("ptitle_prefix", "Split", function(obj) obj@page_title_prefix)+ #' @param f (`function`)\cr the function to wrap. |
3851 | +1949 |
+ #' |
3852 | -! | +|||
1950 | +
- setMethod("ptitle_prefix", "ANY", function(obj) NULL)+ #' @details |
3853 | +1951 |
+ #' `list_wrap_x` generates a wrapper which takes `x` as its first argument, while `list_wrap_df` generates an |
3854 | -344x | +|||
1952 | +
- setMethod("page_titles", "VTableTree", function(obj) obj@page_titles)+ #' otherwise identical wrapper function whose first argument is named `df`. |
3855 | +1953 |
+ #' |
3856 | +1954 |
- setMethod("page_titles<-", "VTableTree", function(obj, value) {+ #' We provide both because when using the functions as tabulation in [analyze()], functions which take `df` as |
3857 | -19x | +|||
1955 | +
- obj@page_titles <- value+ #' their first argument are passed the full subset data frame, while those which accept anything else notably |
3858 | -19x | +|||
1956 | +
- obj+ #' including `x` are passed only the relevant subset of the variable being analyzed. |
3859 | +1957 |
- })+ #' |
3860 | +1958 |
+ #' @return A function that returns a list of `CellValue` objects. |
3861 | +1959 |
- ## Horizontal separator --------------------------------------------------------+ #' |
3862 | +1960 |
+ #' @examples |
3863 | +1961 |
- #' Access or recursively set header-body separator for tables+ #' summary(iris$Sepal.Length) |
3864 | +1962 |
#' |
3865 | +1963 |
- #' @inheritParams gen_args+ #' f <- list_wrap_x(summary) |
3866 | +1964 |
- #' @param value (`string`)\cr string to use as new header/body separator.+ #' f(x = iris$Sepal.Length) |
3867 | +1965 |
#' |
3868 | +1966 |
- #' @return+ #' f2 <- list_wrap_df(summary) |
3869 | +1967 |
- #' * `horizontal_sep` returns the string acting as the header separator.+ #' f2(df = iris$Sepal.Length) |
3870 | +1968 |
- #' * `horizontal_sep<-` returns `obj`, with the new header separator applied recursively to it and all its+ #' |
3871 | +1969 |
- #' subtables.+ #' @author Gabriel Becker |
3872 | +1970 |
- #'+ #' @rdname list_wrap |
3873 | +1971 |
#' @export |
3874 | -345x | -
- setGeneric("horizontal_sep", function(obj) standardGeneric("horizontal_sep"))- |
- ||
3875 | +1972 |
+ list_wrap_x <- function(f) { |
3876 | -+ | |||
1973 | +16x |
- #' @rdname horizontal_sep+ function(x, ...) { |
3877 | -+ | |||
1974 | +70x |
- #' @export+ vs <- as.list(f(x, ...)) |
3878 | -+ | |||
1975 | +70x |
- setMethod(+ ret <- mapply( |
3879 | -+ | |||
1976 | +70x |
- "horizontal_sep", "VTableTree",+ function(v, nm) { |
3880 | -345x | +1977 | +250x |
- function(obj) obj@horizontal_sep+ rcell(v, label = nm) |
3881 | +1978 |
- )+ }, |
3882 | -+ | |||
1979 | +70x |
+ v = vs, |
3883 | -+ | |||
1980 | +70x |
- #' @rdname horizontal_sep+ nm = names(vs) |
3884 | +1981 |
- #' @export+ ) |
3885 | -23453x | +1982 | +70x |
- setGeneric("horizontal_sep<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("horizontal_sep<-"))+ ret |
3886 | +1983 |
+ } |
3887 | +1984 |
- #' @rdname horizontal_sep+ } |
3888 | +1985 |
- #' @export+ |
3889 | +1986 |
- setMethod(+ #' @rdname list_wrap |
3890 | +1987 |
- "horizontal_sep<-", "VTableTree",+ #' @export |
3891 | +1988 |
- function(obj, value) {+ list_wrap_df <- function(f) { |
3892 | -13124x | +1989 | +1x |
- cont <- content_table(obj)+ function(df, ...) { |
3893 | -13124x | +1990 | +1x |
- if (NROW(cont) > 0) {+ vs <- as.list(f(df, ...)) |
3894 | -1890x | +1991 | +1x |
- horizontal_sep(cont) <- value+ ret <- mapply( |
3895 | -1890x | +1992 | +1x |
- content_table(obj) <- cont+ function(v, nm) { |
3896 | -+ | |||
1993 | +6x |
- }+ rcell(v, label = nm) |
3897 | +1994 | - - | -||
3898 | -13124x | -
- kids <- lapply(tree_children(obj),+ }, |
3899 | -13124x | +1995 | +1x |
- `horizontal_sep<-`,+ v = vs, |
3900 | -13124x | +1996 | +1x |
- value = value+ nm = names(vs) |
3901 | +1997 |
) |
3902 | -- | - - | -||
3903 | -13124x | -
- tree_children(obj) <- kids- |
- ||
3904 | -13124x | -
- obj@horizontal_sep <- value- |
- ||
3905 | -13124x | +1998 | +1x |
- obj+ ret |
3906 | +1999 |
} |
3907 | +2000 |
- )+ } |
3908 | +2001 | |||
3909 | +2002 |
- #' @rdname horizontal_sep+ #' Layout with 1 column and zero rows |
3910 | +2003 |
- #' @export+ #' |
3911 | +2004 |
- setMethod(+ #' Every layout must start with a basic table. |
3912 | +2005 |
- "horizontal_sep<-", "TableRow",+ #' |
3913 | -10329x | +|||
2006 | +
- function(obj, value) obj+ #' @inheritParams constr_args |
3914 | +2007 |
- )+ #' @param show_colcounts (`logical(1)`)\cr Indicates whether the lowest level of |
3915 | +2008 |
+ #' applied to data. `NA`, the default, indicates that the `show_colcounts` |
3916 | +2009 |
- ## Section dividers ------------------------------------------------------------+ #' argument(s) passed to the relevant calls to `split_cols_by*` |
3917 | +2010 |
+ #' functions. Non-missing values will override the behavior specified in |
3918 | +2011 |
- # Used for splits+ #' column splitting layout instructions which create the lowest level, or |
3919 | -1599x | +|||
2012 | +
- setGeneric("spl_section_div", function(obj) standardGeneric("spl_section_div"))+ #' leaf, columns. |
3920 | +2013 |
+ #' @param colcount_format (`string`)\cr format for use when displaying the column counts. Must be 1d, or 2d |
3921 | +2014 |
- setMethod(+ #' where one component is a percent. This will also apply to any displayed higher |
3922 | +2015 |
- "spl_section_div", "Split",+ #' level column counts where an explicit format was not specified. Defaults to `"(N=xx)"`. See Details below. |
3923 | -1599x | +|||
2016 | +
- function(obj) obj@child_section_div+ #' @param top_level_section_div (`character(1)`)\cr if assigned a single character, the first (top level) split |
3924 | +2017 |
- )+ #' or division of the table will be highlighted by a line made of that character. See [section_div] for more |
3925 | +2018 |
+ #' information. |
3926 | -! | +|||
2019 | +
- setGeneric("spl_section_div<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("spl_section_div<-"))+ #' |
3927 | +2020 |
+ #' @details |
3928 | +2021 |
- setMethod(+ #' `colcount_format` is ignored if `show_colcounts` is `FALSE` (the default). When `show_colcounts` is `TRUE`, |
3929 | +2022 |
- "spl_section_div<-", "Split",+ #' and `colcount_format` is 2-dimensional with a percent component, the value component for the percent is always |
3930 | +2023 |
- function(obj, value) {+ #' populated with `1` (i.e. 100%). 1d formats are used to render the counts exactly as they normally would be, |
3931 | -! | +|||
2024 | +
- obj@child_section_div <- value+ #' while 2d formats which don't include a percent, and all 3d formats result in an error. Formats in the form of |
3932 | -! | +|||
2025 | +
- obj+ #' functions are not supported for `colcount` format. See [formatters::list_valid_format_labels()] for the list |
3933 | +2026 |
- }+ #' of valid format labels to select from. |
3934 | +2027 |
- )+ #' |
3935 | +2028 |
+ #' @inherit split_cols_by return |
3936 | +2029 |
- # Used for table object parts+ #' |
3937 | -24429x | +|||
2030 | +
- setGeneric("trailing_section_div", function(obj) standardGeneric("trailing_section_div"))+ #' @note |
3938 | -9415x | +|||
2031 | +
- setMethod("trailing_section_div", "VTableTree", function(obj) obj@trailing_section_div)+ #' - Because percent components in `colcount_format` are *always* populated with the value 1, we can get arguably |
3939 | -4578x | +|||
2032 | +
- setMethod("trailing_section_div", "LabelRow", function(obj) obj@trailing_section_div)+ #' strange results, such as that individual arm columns and a combined "all patients" column all list "100%" as |
3940 | -10436x | +|||
2033 | +
- setMethod("trailing_section_div", "TableRow", function(obj) obj@trailing_section_div)+ #' their percentage, even though the individual arm columns represent strict subsets of the "all patients" column. |
3941 | +2034 |
+ #' |
3942 | -1459x | +|||
2035 | +
- setGeneric("trailing_section_div<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("trailing_section_div<-"))+ #' - Note that subtitles ([formatters::subtitles()]) and footers ([formatters::main_footer()] and |
3943 | +2036 |
- setMethod("trailing_section_div<-", "VTableTree", function(obj, value) {+ #' [formatters::prov_footer()]) that span more than one line can be supplied as a character vector to maintain |
3944 | -1360x | +|||
2037 | +
- obj@trailing_section_div <- value+ #' indentation on multiple lines. |
3945 | -1360x | +|||
2038 | +
- obj+ #' |
3946 | +2039 |
- })+ #' @examples |
3947 | +2040 |
- setMethod("trailing_section_div<-", "LabelRow", function(obj, value) {+ #' lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
3948 | -40x | +|||
2041 | +
- obj@trailing_section_div <- value+ #' analyze("AGE", afun = mean) |
3949 | -40x | +|||
2042 | +
- obj+ #' |
3950 | +2043 |
- })+ #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM) |
3951 | +2044 |
- setMethod("trailing_section_div<-", "TableRow", function(obj, value) {+ #' tbl |
3952 | -59x | +|||
2045 | +
- obj@trailing_section_div <- value+ #' |
3953 | -59x | +|||
2046 | +
- obj+ #' lyt2 <- basic_table( |
3954 | +2047 |
- })+ #' title = "Title of table", |
3955 | +2048 |
+ #' subtitles = c("a number", "of subtitles"), |
3956 | +2049 |
- #' Section dividers accessor and setter+ #' main_footer = "test footer", |
3957 | +2050 |
- #'+ #' prov_footer = paste( |
3958 | +2051 |
- #' `section_div` can be used to set or get the section divider for a table object+ #' "test.R program, executed at", |
3959 | +2052 |
- #' produced by [build_table()]. When assigned in post-processing (`section_div<-`)+ #' Sys.time() |
3960 | +2053 |
- #' the table can have a section divider after every row, each assigned independently.+ #' ) |
3961 | +2054 |
- #' If assigning during layout creation, only [split_rows_by()] (and its related row-wise+ #' ) %>% |
3962 | +2055 |
- #' splits) and [analyze()] have a `section_div` parameter that will produce separators+ #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>% |
3963 | +2056 |
- #' between split sections and data subgroups, respectively.+ #' analyze("AGE", mean) |
3964 | +2057 |
#' |
3965 | +2058 |
- #' @param obj (`VTableTree`)\cr table object. This can be of any class that inherits from `VTableTree`+ #' tbl2 <- build_table(lyt2, DM) |
3966 | +2059 |
- #' or `TableRow`/`LabelRow`.+ #' tbl2 |
3967 | +2060 |
- #' @param only_sep_sections (`flag`)\cr defaults to `FALSE` for `section_div<-`. Allows+ #' |
3968 | +2061 |
- #' you to set the section divider only for sections that are splits or analyses if the number of+ #' lyt3 <- basic_table( |
3969 | +2062 |
- #' values is less than the number of rows in the table. If `TRUE`, the section divider will+ #' show_colcounts = TRUE, |
3970 | +2063 |
- #' be set for all rows of the table.+ #' colcount_format = "xx. (xx.%)" |
3971 | +2064 |
- #' @param value (`character`)\cr vector of single characters to use as section dividers. Each character+ #' ) %>% |
3972 | +2065 |
- #' is repeated such that all section dividers span the width of the table. Each character that is+ #' split_cols_by("ARM") |
3973 | +2066 |
- #' not `NA_character_` will produce a trailing separator for each row of the table. `value` length+ #' |
3974 | +2067 |
- #' should reflect the number of rows, or be between 1 and the number of splits/levels.+ #' @export |
3975 | +2068 |
- #' See the Details section below for more information.+ basic_table <- function(title = "", |
3976 | +2069 |
- #'+ subtitles = character(), |
3977 | +2070 |
- #' @return The section divider string. Each line that does not have a trailing separator+ main_footer = character(), |
3978 | +2071 |
- #' will have `NA_character_` as section divider.+ prov_footer = character(), |
3979 | +2072 |
- #'+ show_colcounts = NA, # FALSE, |
3980 | +2073 |
- #' @seealso [basic_table()] parameter `header_section_div` and `top_level_section_div` for global+ colcount_format = "(N=xx)", |
3981 | +2074 |
- #' section dividers.+ header_section_div = NA_character_, |
3982 | +2075 |
- #'+ top_level_section_div = NA_character_, |
3983 | +2076 |
- #' @details+ inset = 0L) {+ |
+ ||
2077 | +329x | +
+ inset <- as.integer(inset)+ |
+ ||
2078 | +329x | +
+ if (is.na(inset) || inset < 0L) {+ |
+ ||
2079 | +2x | +
+ stop("Got invalid table_inset value, must be an integer > 0") |
3984 | +2080 |
- #' Assigned value to section divider must be a character vector. If any value is `NA_character_`+ }+ |
+ ||
2081 | +327x | +
+ .check_header_section_div(header_section_div)+ |
+ ||
2082 | +327x | +
+ checkmate::assert_character(top_level_section_div, len = 1, n.chars = 1) |
3985 | +2083 |
- #' the section divider will be absent for that row or section. When you want to only affect sections+ + |
+ ||
2084 | +327x | +
+ ret <- PreDataTableLayouts(+ |
+ ||
2085 | +327x | +
+ title = title,+ |
+ ||
2086 | +327x | +
+ subtitles = subtitles,+ |
+ ||
2087 | +327x | +
+ main_footer = main_footer,+ |
+ ||
2088 | +327x | +
+ prov_footer = prov_footer,+ |
+ ||
2089 | +327x | +
+ header_section_div = header_section_div,+ |
+ ||
2090 | +327x | +
+ top_level_section_div = top_level_section_div,+ |
+ ||
2091 | +327x | +
+ table_inset = as.integer(inset) |
3986 | +2092 |
- #' or splits, please use `only_sep_sections` or provide a shorter vector than the number of rows.+ ) |
3987 | +2093 |
- #' Ideally, the length of the vector should be less than the number of splits with, eventually, the+ |
3988 | +2094 |
- #' leaf-level, i.e. `DataRow` where analyze results are. Note that if only one value is inserted,+ ## unconditional now, NA case is handled in cinfo construction+ |
+ ||
2095 | +327x | +
+ disp_ccounts(ret) <- show_colcounts+ |
+ ||
2096 | +327x | +
+ colcount_format(ret) <- colcount_format |
3989 | +2097 |
- #' only the first split will be affected.+ ## if (isTRUE(show_colcounts)) { |
3990 | +2098 |
- #' If `only_sep_sections = TRUE`, which is the default for `section_div()` produced from the table+ ## ret <- add_colcounts(ret, format = colcount_format) |
3991 | +2099 |
- #' construction, the section divider will be set for all the splits and eventually analyses, but+ ## }+ |
+ ||
2100 | +327x | +
+ ret |
3992 | +2101 |
- #' not for the header or each row of the table. This can be set with `header_section_div` in+ } |
3993 | +2102 |
- #' [basic_table()] or, eventually, with `hsep` in [build_table()]. If `FALSE`, the section+ |
3994 | +2103 |
- #' divider will be set for all the rows of the table.+ #' Append a description to the 'top-left' materials for the layout |
3995 | +2104 |
#' |
3996 | +2105 |
- #' @examples+ #' This function *adds* `newlines` to the current set of "top-left materials". |
3997 | +2106 |
- #' # Data+ #' |
3998 | +2107 |
- #' df <- data.frame(+ #' @details |
3999 | +2108 |
- #' cat = c(+ #' Adds `newlines` to the set of strings representing the 'top-left' materials declared in the layout (the content |
4000 | +2109 |
- #' "really long thing its so ", "long"+ #' displayed to the left of the column labels when the resulting tables are printed). |
4001 | +2110 |
- #' ),+ #' |
4002 | +2111 |
- #' value = c(6, 3, 10, 1)+ #' Top-left material strings are stored and then displayed *exactly as is*, no structure or indenting is applied to |
4003 | +2112 |
- #' )+ #' them either when they are added or when they are displayed. |
4004 | +2113 |
- #' fast_afun <- function(x) list("m" = rcell(mean(x), format = "xx."), "m/2" = max(x) / 2)+ #' |
4005 | +2114 |
- #'+ #' @inheritParams lyt_args |
4006 | +2115 |
- #' tbl <- basic_table() %>%+ #' @param newlines (`character`)\cr the new line(s) to be added to the materials. |
4007 | +2116 |
- #' split_rows_by("cat", section_div = "~") %>%+ #' |
4008 | +2117 |
- #' analyze("value", afun = fast_afun, section_div = " ") %>%+ #' @note |
4009 | +2118 |
- #' build_table(df)+ #' Currently, where in the construction of the layout this is called makes no difference, as it is independent of |
4010 | +2119 |
- #'+ #' the actual splitting keywords. This may change in the future. |
4011 | +2120 |
- #' # Getter+ #' |
4012 | +2121 |
- #' section_div(tbl)+ #' This function is experimental, its name and the details of its behavior are subject to change in future versions. |
4013 | +2122 |
#' |
4014 | +2123 |
- #' # Setter+ #' @inherit split_cols_by return |
4015 | +2124 |
- #' section_div(tbl) <- letters[seq_len(nrow(tbl))]+ #' |
4016 | +2125 |
- #' tbl+ #' @seealso [top_left()] |
4017 | +2126 |
#' |
4018 | +2127 |
- #' # last letter can appear if there is another table+ #' @examplesIf require(dplyr) |
4019 | +2128 |
- #' rbind(tbl, tbl)+ #' library(dplyr) |
4020 | +2129 |
#' |
4021 | +2130 |
- #' # header_section_div+ #' DM2 <- DM %>% mutate(RACE = factor(RACE), SEX = factor(SEX)) |
4022 | +2131 |
- #' header_section_div(tbl) <- "+"+ #' |
4023 | +2132 |
- #' tbl+ #' lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
4024 | +2133 |
- #'+ #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>% |
4025 | +2134 |
- #' @docType methods+ #' split_cols_by("SEX") %>% |
4026 | +2135 |
- #' @rdname section_div+ #' split_rows_by("RACE") %>% |
4027 | +2136 |
- #' @export+ #' append_topleft("Ethnicity") %>% |
4028 | -362x | +|||
2137 | +
- setGeneric("section_div", function(obj) standardGeneric("section_div"))+ #' analyze("AGE") %>% |
4029 | +2138 |
+ #' append_topleft(" Age") |
4030 | +2139 |
- #' @rdname section_div+ #' |
4031 | +2140 |
- #' @aliases section_div,VTableTree-method+ #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM2) |
4032 | +2141 |
- setMethod("section_div", "VTableTree", function(obj) {+ #' tbl |
4033 | -150x | -
- content_row_tbl <- content_table(obj)- |
- ||
4034 | -150x | -
- is_content_table <- isS4(content_row_tbl) && nrow(content_row_tbl) > 0 # otherwise NA or NULL- |
- ||
4035 | -150x | +|||
2142 | +
- if (labelrow_visible(obj) || is_content_table) {+ #' |
4036 | -67x | +|||
2143 | +
- section_div <- trailing_section_div(obj)+ #' @export |
4037 | -67x | +|||
2144 | +
- labelrow_div <- trailing_section_div(tt_labelrow(obj))+ append_topleft <- function(lyt, newlines) { |
4038 | -67x | -
- rest_of_tree <- section_div(tree_children(obj))- |
- ||
4039 | -+ | 2145 | +51x |
- # Case it is the section itself and not the labels to have a trailing sep+ stopifnot( |
4040 | -67x | +2146 | +51x |
- if (!is.na(section_div)) {+ is(lyt, "PreDataTableLayouts"), |
4041 | -45x | +2147 | +51x |
- rest_of_tree[length(rest_of_tree)] <- section_div+ is(newlines, "character") |
4042 | +2148 |
- }+ ) |
4043 | -67x | -
- unname(c(labelrow_div, rest_of_tree))- |
- ||
4044 | -+ | 2149 | +51x |
- } else {+ lyt@top_left <- c(lyt@top_left, newlines) |
4045 | -83x | +2150 | +51x |
- unname(section_div(tree_children(obj)))+ lyt |
4046 | +2151 |
- }+ } |
4047 | +1 |
- })+ #' Create an `rtable` row |
4048 | +2 |
+ #' |
4049 | +3 |
- #' @rdname section_div+ #' @inheritParams compat_args |
4050 | +4 |
- #' @aliases section_div,list-method+ #' @param ... cell values. |
4051 | +5 |
- setMethod("section_div", "list", function(obj) {- |
- ||
4052 | -150x | -
- unlist(lapply(obj, section_div))+ #' |
4053 | +6 |
- })+ #' @return A row object of the context-appropriate type (label or data). |
4054 | +7 |
+ #' |
4055 | +8 |
- #' @rdname section_div+ #' @examples |
4056 | +9 |
- #' @aliases section_div,TableRow-method+ #' rrow("ABC", c(1, 2), c(3, 2), format = "xx (xx.%)") |
4057 | +10 |
- setMethod("section_div", "TableRow", function(obj) {- |
- ||
4058 | -62x | -
- trailing_section_div(obj)+ #' rrow("") |
4059 | +11 |
- })+ #' |
4060 | +12 |
+ #' @family compatibility |
4061 | +13 |
- # section_div setter from table object+ #' @export |
4062 | +14 |
- #' @rdname section_div+ rrow <- function(row.name = "", ..., format = NULL, indent = 0, inset = 0L) { |
4063 | -+ | |||
15 | +258x |
- #' @export+ vals <- list(...) |
4064 | -+ | |||
16 | +258x |
- setGeneric("section_div<-", function(obj, only_sep_sections = FALSE, value) {+ if (is.null(row.name)) { |
4065 | -217x | +17 | +40x |
- standardGeneric("section_div<-")+ row.name <- "" |
4066 | -+ | |||
18 | +218x |
- })+ } else if (!is(row.name, "character")) { |
4067 | -+ | |||
19 | +! |
+ stop("row.name must be NULL or a character string") |
4068 | +20 |
- #' @rdname section_div+ } |
4069 | -+ | |||
21 | +258x |
- #' @aliases section_div<-,VTableTree-method+ if (length(vals) == 0L) { |
4070 | -+ | |||
22 | +22x |
- setMethod("section_div<-", "VTableTree", function(obj, only_sep_sections = FALSE, value) {+ LabelRow( |
4071 | -90x | +23 | +22x |
- char_v <- as.character(value)+ lev = as.integer(indent), |
4072 | -90x | +24 | +22x |
- tree_depths <- unname(vapply(collect_leaves(obj), tt_level, numeric(1)))+ label = row.name, |
4073 | -90x | +25 | +22x |
- max_tree_depth <- max(tree_depths)+ name = row.name, |
4074 | -90x | +26 | +22x |
- stopifnot(is.logical(only_sep_sections))+ vis = TRUE, |
4075 | -90x | +27 | +22x |
- .check_char_vector_for_section_div(char_v, max_tree_depth, nrow(obj))+ table_inset = 0L |
4076 | +28 |
+ ) |
4077 | +29 |
- # Automatic establishment of intent+ } else { |
4078 | -90x | +30 | +236x |
- if (length(char_v) < nrow(obj)) {+ csps <- as.integer(sapply(vals, function(x) { |
4079 | -3x | +31 | +1391x |
- only_sep_sections <- TRUE+ attr(x, "colspan", exact = TRUE) %||% 1L |
4080 | +32 |
- }+ })) |
4081 | +33 |
+ ## we have to leave the formats on the cells and NOT the row unless we were |
4082 | +34 |
- # Case where only separators or splits need to change externally+ ## already told to do so, because row formats get clobbered when cbinding |
4083 | -90x | +|||
35 | +
- if (only_sep_sections && length(char_v) < nrow(obj)) {+ ## but cell formats do not. |
4084 | +36 |
- # Case where char_v is longer than the max depth+ ## formats = sapply(vals, obj_format) |
4085 | -3x | +|||
37 | +
- char_v <- char_v[seq_len(min(max_tree_depth, length(char_v)))]+ ## if(is.character(formats) && length(unique(formats)) == 1L && is.null(format)) |
4086 | +38 |
- # Filling up with NAs the rest of the tree depth section div chr vector+ ## format = unique(formats) |
4087 | -3x | +39 | +236x |
- missing_char_v_len <- max_tree_depth - length(char_v)+ DataRow( |
4088 | -3x | -
- char_v <- c(char_v, rep(NA_character_, missing_char_v_len))- |
- ||
4089 | -+ | 40 | +236x |
- }+ vals = vals, lev = as.integer(indent), label = row.name, |
4090 | -+ | |||
41 | +236x |
+ name = row.name, ## XXX TODO |
4091 | -+ | |||
42 | +236x |
- # Retrieving if it is a contentRow (no need for labelrow to be visible in this case)+ cspan = csps, |
4092 | -90x | +43 | +236x |
- content_row_tbl <- content_table(obj)+ format = format, |
4093 | -90x | +44 | +236x |
- is_content_table <- isS4(content_row_tbl) && nrow(content_row_tbl) > 0+ table_inset = as.integer(inset) |
4094 | +45 |
+ ) |
4095 | +46 |
- # Main table structure change- |
- ||
4096 | -90x | -
- if (labelrow_visible(obj) || is_content_table) {+ } |
4097 | -40x | +|||
47 | +
- if (only_sep_sections) {+ } |
4098 | +48 |
- # Only tables are modified+ |
4099 | -34x | +|||
49 | +
- trailing_section_div(tt_labelrow(obj)) <- NA_character_+ #' Create an `rtable` row from a vector or list of values |
4100 | -34x | +|||
50 | +
- trailing_section_div(obj) <- char_v[1]+ #' |
4101 | -34x | +|||
51 | +
- section_div(tree_children(obj), only_sep_sections = only_sep_sections) <- char_v[-1]+ #' @inheritParams compat_args |
4102 | +52 |
- } else {+ #' @param ... values in vector/list form. |
4103 | +53 |
- # All leaves are modified+ #' |
4104 | -6x | +|||
54 | +
- trailing_section_div(tt_labelrow(obj)) <- char_v[1]+ #' @inherit rrow return |
4105 | -6x | +|||
55 | +
- trailing_section_div(obj) <- NA_character_+ #' |
4106 | -6x | +|||
56 | +
- section_div(tree_children(obj), only_sep_sections = only_sep_sections) <- char_v[-1]+ #' @examples |
4107 | +57 |
- }+ #' rrowl("a", c(1, 2, 3), format = "xx") |
4108 | +58 |
- } else {+ #' rrowl("a", c(1, 2, 3), c(4, 5, 6), format = "xx") |
4109 | -50x | +|||
59 | +
- section_div(tree_children(obj), only_sep_sections = only_sep_sections) <- char_v+ #' |
4110 | +60 |
- }+ #' |
4111 | -90x | +|||
61 | +
- obj+ #' rrowl("N", table(iris$Species)) |
4112 | +62 |
- })+ #' rrowl("N", table(iris$Species), format = "xx") |
4113 | +63 |
+ #' |
4114 | +64 |
- #' @rdname section_div+ #' x <- tapply(iris$Sepal.Length, iris$Species, mean, simplify = FALSE) |
4115 | +65 |
- #' @aliases section_div<-,list-method+ #' |
4116 | +66 |
- setMethod("section_div<-", "list", function(obj, only_sep_sections = FALSE, value) {+ #' rrow(row.name = "row 1", x) |
4117 | -90x | +|||
67 | +
- char_v <- as.character(value)+ #' rrow("ABC", 2, 3) |
4118 | -90x | +|||
68 | +
- for (i in seq_along(obj)) {+ #' |
4119 | -121x | +|||
69 | +
- stopifnot(is(obj[[i]], "VTableTree") || is(obj[[i]], "TableRow") || is(obj[[i]], "LabelRow"))+ #' rrowl(row.name = "row 1", c(1, 2), c(3, 4)) |
4120 | -121x | +|||
70 | +
- list_element_size <- nrow(obj[[i]])+ #' rrow(row.name = "row 2", c(1, 2), c(3, 4)) |
4121 | -121x | +|||
71 | +
- if (only_sep_sections) {+ #' |
4122 | -97x | +|||
72 | +
- char_v_i <- char_v[seq_len(min(list_element_size, length(char_v)))]+ #' @family compatibility |
4123 | -97x | +|||
73 | +
- char_v_i <- c(char_v_i, rep(NA_character_, list_element_size - length(char_v_i)))+ #' @export |
4124 | +74 |
- } else {+ rrowl <- function(row.name, ..., format = NULL, indent = 0, inset = 0L) { |
4125 | -24x | +75 | +38x |
- init <- (i - 1) * list_element_size + 1+ dots <- list(...) |
4126 | -24x | +76 | +38x |
- chunk_of_char_v_to_take <- seq(init, init + list_element_size - 1)+ args_list <- c(list( |
4127 | -24x | -
- char_v_i <- char_v[chunk_of_char_v_to_take]- |
- ||
4128 | -+ | 77 | +38x |
- }+ row.name = row.name, format = format, |
4129 | -121x | +78 | +38x |
- section_div(obj[[i]], only_sep_sections = only_sep_sections) <- char_v_i+ indent = indent, inset = inset |
4130 | -+ | |||
79 | +38x |
- }+ ), val = unlist(lapply(dots, as.list), recursive = FALSE)) |
4131 | -90x | +80 | +38x |
- obj+ do.call(rrow, args_list) |
4132 | +81 |
- })+ } |
4133 | +82 | |||
4134 | +83 |
- #' @rdname section_div+ ## rcell moved to tt_afun_utils.R |
4135 | +84 |
- #' @aliases section_div<-,TableRow-method+ |
4136 | +85 |
- setMethod("section_div<-", "TableRow", function(obj, only_sep_sections = FALSE, value) {+ ## inefficient trash |
4137 | -37x | +|||
86 | +
- trailing_section_div(obj) <- value+ paste_em_n <- function(lst, n, sep = ".") { |
4138 | -37x | +87 | +9x |
- obj+ ret <- lst[[1]] |
4139 | -+ | |||
88 | +9x |
- })+ if (n > 1) { |
4140 | -+ | |||
89 | +4x |
+ for (i in 2:n) { |
4141 | -+ | |||
90 | +4x |
- #' @rdname section_div+ ret <- paste(ret, lst[[i]], sep = sep) |
4142 | +91 |
- #' @aliases section_div<-,LabelRow-method+ } |
4143 | +92 |
- setMethod("section_div<-", "LabelRow", function(obj, only_sep_sections = FALSE, value) {- |
- ||
4144 | -! | -
- trailing_section_div(obj) <- value+ } |
4145 | -! | +|||
93 | +9x |
- obj+ ret |
4146 | +94 |
- })+ } |
4147 | +95 | |||
4148 | -- |
- # Helper check function- |
- ||
4149 | +96 |
- .check_char_vector_for_section_div <- function(char_v, min_splits, max) {+ hrows_to_colinfo <- function(rows) { |
4150 | -90x | +97 | +34x |
- lcv <- length(char_v)+ nr <- length(rows) |
4151 | -90x | -
- if (lcv < 1 || lcv > max) {- |
- ||
4152 | -! | +98 | +34x |
- stop("section_div must be a vector of length between 1 and numer of table rows.")+ stopifnot(nr > 0) |
4153 | -+ | |||
99 | +34x |
- }+ cspans <- lapply(rows, row_cspans) |
4154 | -90x | +100 | +34x |
- if (lcv > min_splits && lcv < max) {+ vals <- lapply(rows, function(x) unlist(row_values(x))) |
4155 | -! | +|||
101 | +34x |
- warning(+ unqvals <- lapply(vals, unique) |
4156 | -! | +|||
102 | +34x |
- "section_div will be truncated to the number of splits (", min_splits, ")",+ formats <- lapply(rows, obj_format) |
4157 | -! | +|||
103 | +34x |
- " because it is shorter than the number of rows (", max, ")."+ counts <- NULL |
4158 | -+ | |||
104 | +34x |
- )+ if (formats[nr] == "(N=xx)" || all(sapply(row_cells(rows[[nr]]), obj_format) == "(N=xx)")) { ## count row |
4159 | -+ | |||
105 | +1x |
- }+ counts <- vals[[nr]] |
4160 | -90x | +106 | +1x |
- nchar_check_v <- nchar(char_v)+ vals <- vals[-nr] |
4161 | -90x | +107 | +1x |
- if (any(nchar_check_v > 1, na.rm = TRUE)) {+ cspans <- cspans[-nr] |
4162 | -! | +|||
108 | +1x |
- stop("section_div must be a vector of single characters or NAs")+ nr <- nr - 1 |
4163 | +109 |
} |
4164 | -- |
- }- |
- ||
4165 | +110 |
+ ## easiest case, one header row no counts. we're done |
4166 | +111 |
- #' @rdname section_div+ ## XXX could one row but cspan ever make sense???? |
4167 | +112 |
- #' @export+ ## I don't think so? |
4168 | -596x | +113 | +34x |
- setGeneric("header_section_div", function(obj) standardGeneric("header_section_div"))+ if (nr == 1) { ## && all(cspans == 1L)) { |
4169 | -+ | |||
114 | +29x |
+ ret <- manual_cols(unlist(vals[[1]])) |
4170 | -+ | |||
115 | +29x |
- #' @rdname section_div+ if (!is.null(counts)) { |
4171 | -+ | |||
116 | +1x |
- #' @aliases header_section_div,PreDataTableLayouts-method+ col_counts(ret) <- counts |
4172 | -+ | |||
117 | +1x |
- setMethod(+ disp_ccounts(ret) <- TRUE |
4173 | +118 |
- "header_section_div", "PreDataTableLayouts",+ } |
4174 | -296x | +119 | +29x |
- function(obj) obj@header_section_div+ return(ret) |
4175 | +120 |
- )+ } |
4176 | +121 |
+ ## second easiest case full repeated nestin |
4177 | -+ | |||
122 | +5x |
- #' @rdname section_div+ repvals <- mapply(function(v, csp) rep(v, times = csp),+ |
+ ||
123 | +5x | +
+ v = vals, csp = cspans, SIMPLIFY = FALSE |
4178 | +124 |
- #' @aliases header_section_div,PreDataTableLayouts-method+ ) |
4179 | +125 |
- setMethod(+ |
4180 | +126 |
- "header_section_div", "VTableTree",+ ## nr > 1 here |
4181 | -300x | +127 | +5x |
- function(obj) obj@header_section_div+ fullnest <- TRUE |
4182 | -+ | |||
128 | +5x |
- )+ for (i in 2:nr) { |
4183 | -+ | |||
129 | +5x |
+ psted <- paste_em_n(repvals, i - 1) |
4184 | -+ | |||
130 | +5x |
- #' @rdname section_div+ spl <- split(repvals[[i]], psted) |
4185 | -+ | |||
131 | +5x |
- #' @export+ if (!all(sapply(spl, function(x) identical(x, spl[[1]])))) { |
4186 | -253x | +132 | +4x |
- setGeneric("header_section_div<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("header_section_div<-"))+ fullnest <- FALSE |
4187 | -+ | |||
133 | +4x |
+ break |
4188 | +134 |
- #' @rdname section_div+ } |
4189 | +135 |
- #' @aliases header_section_div<-,PreDataTableLayouts-method+ } |
4190 | +136 |
- setMethod(+ |
4191 | +137 |
- "header_section_div<-", "PreDataTableLayouts",+ ## if its full nesting we're done, so put |
4192 | +138 |
- function(obj, value) {+ ## the counts on as necessary and return. |
4193 | -1x | +139 | +5x |
- .check_header_section_div(value)+ if (fullnest) { |
4194 | +140 | 1x |
- obj@header_section_div <- value+ ret <- manual_cols(.lst = unqvals) |
4195 | +141 | 1x |
- obj+ if (!is.null(counts)) {+ |
+ |
142 | +! | +
+ col_counts(ret) <- counts+ |
+ ||
143 | +! | +
+ disp_ccounts(ret) <- TRUE |
4196 | +144 |
- }+ }+ |
+ ||
145 | +1x | +
+ return(ret) |
4197 | +146 |
- )+ } |
4198 | +147 | |||
4199 | +148 |
- #' @rdname section_div+ ## booo. the fully complex case where the multiple rows |
4200 | +149 |
- #' @aliases header_section_div<-,PreDataTableLayouts-method+ ## really don't represent nesting at all, each top level |
4201 | +150 |
- setMethod(+ ## can have different sub labels |
4202 | +151 |
- "header_section_div<-", "VTableTree",+ |
4203 | +152 |
- function(obj, value) {- |
- ||
4204 | -252x | -
- .check_header_section_div(value)- |
- ||
4205 | -252x | -
- obj@header_section_div <- value- |
- ||
4206 | -252x | -
- obj- |
- ||
4207 | -- |
- }+ ## we will build it up as if it were full nesting and then prune |
4208 | +153 |
- )+ ## based on the columns we actually want. |
4209 | +154 | |||
4210 | -- |
- .check_header_section_div <- function(chr) {- |
- ||
4211 | -573x | +155 | +4x |
- if (!is.na(chr) && (!is.character(chr) || length(chr) > 1 || nchar(chr) > 1 || nchar(chr) == 0)) {+ fullcolinfo <- manual_cols(.lst = unqvals) |
4212 | -! | +|||
156 | +4x |
- stop("header_section_div must be a single character or NA_character_ if not used")+ fullbusiness <- names(collect_leaves(coltree(fullcolinfo))) |
4213 | -+ | |||
157 | +4x |
- }+ wanted <- paste_em_n(repvals, nr) |
4214 | -573x | +158 | +4x |
- invisible(TRUE)+ wantcols <- match(wanted, fullbusiness) |
4215 | -+ | |||
159 | +4x |
- }+ stopifnot(all(!is.na(wantcols))) |
4216 | +160 | |||
4217 | -- |
- #' @rdname section_div- |
- ||
4218 | -- |
- #' @export- |
- ||
4219 | -300x | +161 | +4x |
- setGeneric("top_level_section_div", function(obj) standardGeneric("top_level_section_div"))+ subset_cols(fullcolinfo, wantcols) |
4220 | +162 |
+ } |
4221 | +163 |
- #' @rdname section_div+ |
4222 | +164 |
- #' @aliases top_level_section_div,PreDataTableLayouts-method+ #' Create a header |
4223 | +165 |
- setMethod(+ #' |
4224 | +166 |
- "top_level_section_div", "PreDataTableLayouts",- |
- ||
4225 | -300x | -
- function(obj) obj@top_level_section_div+ #' @inheritParams compat_args |
4226 | +167 |
- )+ #' @param ... row specifications, either as character vectors or the output from [rrow()], [DataRow()], |
4227 | +168 |
+ #' [LabelRow()], etc. |
4228 | +169 |
- #' @rdname section_div+ #' |
4229 | +170 |
- #' @export- |
- ||
4230 | -1x | -
- setGeneric("top_level_section_div<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("top_level_section_div<-"))+ #' @return A `InstantiatedColumnInfo` object. |
4231 | +171 |
+ #' |
4232 | +172 |
- #' @rdname section_div+ #' @examples |
4233 | +173 |
- #' @aliases top_level_section_div<-,PreDataTableLayouts-method+ #' h1 <- rheader(c("A", "B", "C")) |
4234 | +174 |
- setMethod(+ #' h1 |
4235 | +175 |
- "top_level_section_div<-", "PreDataTableLayouts",+ #' |
4236 | +176 |
- function(obj, value) {- |
- ||
4237 | -1x | -
- checkmate::assert_character(value, len = 1, n.chars = 1)- |
- ||
4238 | -1x | -
- obj@top_level_section_div <- value- |
- ||
4239 | -1x | -
- obj+ #' h2 <- rheader( |
4240 | +177 |
- }+ #' rrow(NULL, rcell("group 1", colspan = 2), rcell("group 2", colspan = 2)), |
4241 | +178 |
- )+ #' rrow(NULL, "A", "B", "A", "B") |
4242 | +179 |
+ #' ) |
4243 | +180 |
- ## table_inset ----------------------------------------------------------+ #' h2 |
4244 | +181 |
+ #' |
4245 | +182 |
- #' @rdname formatters_methods+ #' @family compatibility |
4246 | +183 |
#' @export |
4247 | -- |
- setMethod(- |
- ||
4248 | +184 |
- "table_inset", "VTableNodeInfo", ## VTableTree",+ rheader <- function(..., format = "xx", .lst = NULL) { |
4249 | -305x | +185 | +3x |
- function(obj) obj@table_inset+ if (!is.null(.lst)) { |
4250 | -+ | |||
186 | +! |
- )+ args <- .lst |
4251 | +187 |
+ } else { |
4252 | -+ | |||
188 | +3x |
- #' @rdname formatters_methods+ args <- list(...) |
4253 | +189 |
- #' @export+ } |
4254 | -+ | |||
190 | +3x |
- setMethod(+ rrows <- if (length(args) == 1 && !is(args[[1]], "TableRow")) { |
4255 | -+ | |||
191 | +! |
- "table_inset", "PreDataTableLayouts",+ list(rrowl(row.name = NULL, val = args[[1]], format = format)) |
4256 | -295x | +192 | +3x |
- function(obj) obj@table_inset+ } else if (are(args, "TableRow")) { |
4257 | -+ | |||
193 | +3x |
- )+ args |
4258 | +194 |
+ } |
4259 | +195 |
- ## #' @rdname formatters_methods+ |
4260 | -+ | |||
196 | +3x |
- ## #' @export+ hrows_to_colinfo(rrows) |
4261 | +197 |
- ## setMethod("table_inset", "InstantiatedColumnInfo",+ } |
4262 | +198 |
- ## function(obj) obj@table_inset)+ |
4263 | +199 |
+ .char_to_hrows <- function(hdr) { |
4264 | -+ | |||
200 | +31x |
- #' @rdname formatters_methods+ nlfnd <- grep("\n", hdr, fixed = TRUE) |
4265 | -+ | |||
201 | +31x |
- #' @export+ if (length(nlfnd) == 0) { |
4266 | -+ | |||
202 | +27x |
- setMethod(+ return(list(rrowl(NULL, hdr))) |
4267 | +203 |
- "table_inset<-", "VTableNodeInfo", ## "VTableTree",+ } |
4268 | +204 |
- function(obj, value) {+ |
4269 | -15720x | +205 | +4x |
- if (!is.integer(value)) {+ stopifnot(length(nlfnd) == length(hdr)) |
4270 | -5x | -
- value <- as.integer(value)- |
- ||
4271 | -+ | 206 | +4x |
- }+ raw <- strsplit(hdr, "\n", fixed = TRUE) |
4272 | -15720x | -
- if (is.na(value) || value < 0) {- |
- ||
4273 | -! | +207 | +4x |
- stop("Got invalid table_inset value, must be an integer > 0")+ lens <- unique(sapply(raw, length)) |
4274 | -+ | |||
208 | +4x |
- }+ stopifnot(length(lens) == 1L) |
4275 | -15720x | +209 | +4x |
- cont <- content_table(obj)+ lapply( |
4276 | -15720x | +210 | +4x |
- if (NROW(cont) > 0) {+ seq(1, lens), |
4277 | -1435x | +211 | +4x |
- table_inset(cont) <- value+ function(i) { |
4278 | -1435x | +212 | +8x |
- content_table(obj) <- cont+ rrowl(NULL, vapply(raw, `[`, NA_character_, i = i)) |
4279 | +213 |
} |
4280 | +214 | - - | -||
4281 | -15720x | -
- if (length(tree_children(obj)) > 0) {- |
- ||
4282 | -4732x | -
- kids <- lapply(tree_children(obj),- |
- ||
4283 | -4732x | -
- `table_inset<-`,- |
- ||
4284 | -4732x | -
- value = value+ ) |
4285 | +215 |
- )- |
- ||
4286 | -4732x | -
- tree_children(obj) <- kids+ } |
4287 | +216 |
- }+ |
4288 | -15720x | +|||
217 | +
- obj@table_inset <- value+ #' Create a table |
4289 | -15720x | +|||
218 | +
- obj+ #' |
4290 | +219 |
- }+ #' @inheritParams compat_args |
4291 | +220 |
- )+ #' @inheritParams gen_args |
4292 | +221 |
+ #' @param header (`TableRow`, `character`, or `InstantiatedColumnInfo`)\cr information defining the header |
4293 | +222 |
- #' @rdname formatters_methods+ #' (column structure) of the table. This can be as row objects (legacy), character vectors, or an |
4294 | +223 |
- #' @export+ #' `InstantiatedColumnInfo` object. |
4295 | +224 |
- setMethod(+ #' @param ... rows to place in the table. |
4296 | +225 |
- "table_inset<-", "PreDataTableLayouts",+ #' |
4297 | +226 |
- function(obj, value) {+ #' @return A formal table object of the appropriate type (`ElementaryTable` or `TableTree`). |
4298 | -! | +|||
227 | +
- if (!is.integer(value)) {+ #' |
4299 | -! | +|||
228 | +
- value <- as.integer(value)+ #' @examples |
4300 | +229 |
- }+ #' rtable( |
4301 | -! | +|||
230 | +
- if (is.na(value) || value < 0) {+ #' header = LETTERS[1:3], |
4302 | -! | +|||
231 | +
- stop("Got invalid table_inset value, must be an integer > 0")+ #' rrow("one to three", 1, 2, 3), |
4303 | +232 |
- }+ #' rrow("more stuff", rcell(pi, format = "xx.xx"), "test", "and more") |
4304 | +233 |
+ #' ) |
4305 | -! | +|||
234 | +
- obj@table_inset <- value+ #' |
4306 | -! | +|||
235 | +
- obj+ #' # Table with multirow header |
4307 | +236 |
- }+ #' |
4308 | +237 |
- )+ #' sel <- iris$Species == "setosa" |
4309 | +238 |
+ #' mtbl <- rtable( |
4310 | +239 |
- #' @rdname formatters_methods+ #' header = rheader( |
4311 | +240 |
- #' @export+ #' rrow( |
4312 | +241 |
- setMethod(+ #' row.name = NULL, rcell("Sepal.Length", colspan = 2), |
4313 | +242 |
- "table_inset<-", "InstantiatedColumnInfo",+ #' rcell("Petal.Length", colspan = 2) |
4314 | +243 |
- function(obj, value) {+ #' ), |
4315 | -! | +|||
244 | +
- if (!is.integer(value)) {+ #' rrow(NULL, "mean", "median", "mean", "median") |
4316 | -! | +|||
245 | +
- value <- as.integer(value)+ #' ), |
4317 | +246 |
- }+ #' rrow( |
4318 | -! | +|||
247 | +
- if (is.na(value) || value < 0) {+ #' row.name = "All Species", |
4319 | -! | +|||
248 | +
- stop("Got invalid table_inset value, must be an integer > 0")+ #' mean(iris$Sepal.Length), median(iris$Sepal.Length), |
4320 | +249 |
- }+ #' mean(iris$Petal.Length), median(iris$Petal.Length), |
4321 | -! | +|||
250 | +
- obj@table_inset <- value+ #' format = "xx.xx" |
4322 | -! | +|||
251 | +
- obj+ #' ), |
4323 | +252 |
- }+ #' rrow( |
4324 | +253 |
- )+ #' row.name = "Setosa", |
1 | +254 |
- #' Create an `rtable` row+ #' mean(iris$Sepal.Length[sel]), median(iris$Sepal.Length[sel]), |
2 | +255 |
- #'+ #' mean(iris$Petal.Length[sel]), median(iris$Petal.Length[sel]) |
3 | +256 |
- #' @inheritParams compat_args+ #' ) |
4 | +257 |
- #' @param ... cell values.+ #' ) |
5 | +258 |
#' |
6 | +259 |
- #' @return A row object of the context-appropriate type (label or data).+ #' mtbl |
7 | +260 |
#' |
8 | +261 |
- #' @examples+ #' names(mtbl) # always first row of header |
9 | +262 |
- #' rrow("ABC", c(1, 2), c(3, 2), format = "xx (xx.%)")+ #' |
10 | +263 |
- #' rrow("")+ #' # Single row header |
11 | +264 |
#' |
12 | +265 |
- #' @family compatibility+ #' tbl <- rtable( |
13 | +266 |
- #' @export+ #' header = c("Treatement\nN=100", "Comparison\nN=300"), |
14 | +267 |
- rrow <- function(row.name = "", ..., format = NULL, indent = 0, inset = 0L) {- |
- ||
15 | -258x | -
- vals <- list(...)- |
- ||
16 | -258x | -
- if (is.null(row.name)) {- |
- ||
17 | -40x | -
- row.name <- ""- |
- ||
18 | -218x | -
- } else if (!is(row.name, "character")) {- |
- ||
19 | -! | -
- stop("row.name must be NULL or a character string")+ #' format = "xx (xx.xx%)", |
20 | +268 |
- }- |
- ||
21 | -258x | -
- if (length(vals) == 0L) {- |
- ||
22 | -22x | -
- LabelRow(- |
- ||
23 | -22x | -
- lev = as.integer(indent),- |
- ||
24 | -22x | -
- label = row.name,- |
- ||
25 | -22x | -
- name = row.name,- |
- ||
26 | -22x | -
- vis = TRUE,- |
- ||
27 | -22x | -
- table_inset = 0L+ #' rrow("A", c(104, .2), c(100, .4)), |
28 | +269 |
- )+ #' rrow("B", c(23, .4), c(43, .5)), |
29 | +270 |
- } else {- |
- ||
30 | -236x | -
- csps <- as.integer(sapply(vals, function(x) {- |
- ||
31 | -1391x | -
- attr(x, "colspan", exact = TRUE) %||% 1L+ #' rrow(""), |
32 | +271 |
- }))+ #' rrow("this is a very long section header"), |
33 | +272 |
- ## we have to leave the formats on the cells and NOT the row unless we were+ #' rrow("estimate", rcell(55.23, "xx.xx", colspan = 2)), |
34 | +273 |
- ## already told to do so, because row formats get clobbered when cbinding+ #' rrow("95% CI", indent = 1, rcell(c(44.8, 67.4), format = "(xx.x, xx.x)", colspan = 2)) |
35 | +274 |
- ## but cell formats do not.+ #' ) |
36 | +275 |
- ## formats = sapply(vals, obj_format)+ #' tbl |
37 | +276 |
- ## if(is.character(formats) && length(unique(formats)) == 1L && is.null(format))+ #' |
38 | +277 |
- ## format = unique(formats)- |
- ||
39 | -236x | -
- DataRow(- |
- ||
40 | -236x | -
- vals = vals, lev = as.integer(indent), label = row.name,+ #' row.names(tbl) |
41 | -236x | +|||
278 | +
- name = row.name, ## XXX TODO+ #' names(tbl) |
42 | -236x | +|||
279 | +
- cspan = csps,+ #' |
43 | -236x | +|||
280 | +
- format = format,+ #' # Subsetting |
44 | -236x | +|||
281 | +
- table_inset = as.integer(inset)+ #' |
45 | +282 |
- )+ #' tbl[1, ] |
46 | +283 |
- }+ #' tbl[, 1] |
47 | +284 |
- }+ #' |
48 | +285 |
+ #' tbl[1, 2] |
49 | +286 |
- #' Create an `rtable` row from a vector or list of values+ #' tbl[2, 1] |
50 | +287 |
#' |
51 | +288 |
- #' @inheritParams compat_args+ #' tbl[3, 2] |
52 | +289 |
- #' @param ... values in vector/list form.+ #' tbl[5, 1] |
53 | +290 |
- #'+ #' tbl[5, 2] |
54 | +291 |
- #' @inherit rrow return+ #' |
55 | +292 |
- #'+ #' # Data Structure methods |
56 | +293 |
- #' @examples+ #' |
57 | +294 |
- #' rrowl("a", c(1, 2, 3), format = "xx")+ #' dim(tbl) |
58 | +295 |
- #' rrowl("a", c(1, 2, 3), c(4, 5, 6), format = "xx")+ #' nrow(tbl) |
59 | +296 |
- #'+ #' ncol(tbl) |
60 | +297 |
- #'+ #' names(tbl) |
61 | +298 |
- #' rrowl("N", table(iris$Species))+ #' |
62 | +299 |
- #' rrowl("N", table(iris$Species), format = "xx")+ #' # Colspans |
63 | +300 |
#' |
64 | +301 |
- #' x <- tapply(iris$Sepal.Length, iris$Species, mean, simplify = FALSE)+ #' tbl2 <- rtable( |
65 | +302 |
- #'+ #' c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E"), |
66 | +303 |
- #' rrow(row.name = "row 1", x)+ #' format = "xx", |
67 | +304 |
- #' rrow("ABC", 2, 3)+ #' rrow("r1", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5), |
68 | +305 |
- #'+ #' rrow("r2", rcell("sp2", colspan = 2), "sp1", rcell("sp2-2", colspan = 2)) |
69 | +306 |
- #' rrowl(row.name = "row 1", c(1, 2), c(3, 4))+ #' ) |
70 | +307 |
- #' rrow(row.name = "row 2", c(1, 2), c(3, 4))+ #' tbl2 |
71 | +308 |
#' |
72 | +309 |
#' @family compatibility |
73 | +310 |
#' @export |
74 | +311 |
- rrowl <- function(row.name, ..., format = NULL, indent = 0, inset = 0L) {+ rtable <- function(header, ..., format = NULL, hsep = default_hsep(), |
75 | -38x | +|||
312 | +
- dots <- list(...)+ inset = 0L) { |
76 | -38x | +313 | +34x |
- args_list <- c(list(+ if (is.character(header)) { |
77 | -38x | +314 | +31x |
- row.name = row.name, format = format,+ header <- .char_to_hrows(header) |
78 | -38x | +|||
315 | +
- indent = indent, inset = inset+ } # list(rrowl(NULL, header)) |
79 | -38x | +316 | +34x |
- ), val = unlist(lapply(dots, as.list), recursive = FALSE))+ if (is.list(header)) { |
80 | -38x | +317 | +31x |
- do.call(rrow, args_list)+ if (are(header, "TableRow")) { |
81 | -+ | |||
318 | +31x |
- }+ colinfo <- hrows_to_colinfo(header) |
82 | -+ | |||
319 | +! |
+ } else if (are(header, "list")) { |
83 | -+ | |||
320 | +! |
- ## rcell moved to tt_afun_utils.R+ colinfo <- do.call(rheader, header) |
84 | +321 |
+ } |
85 | -+ | |||
322 | +3x |
- ## inefficient trash+ } else if (is(header, "InstantiatedColumnInfo")) { |
86 | -+ | |||
323 | +3x |
- paste_em_n <- function(lst, n, sep = ".") {+ colinfo <- header |
87 | -9x | +|||
324 | +! |
- ret <- lst[[1]]+ } else if (is(header, "TableRow")) { |
88 | -9x | +|||
325 | +! |
- if (n > 1) {+ colinfo <- hrows_to_colinfo(list(header)) |
89 | -4x | +|||
326 | +
- for (i in 2:n) {+ } else { |
90 | -4x | +|||
327 | +! |
- ret <- paste(ret, lst[[i]], sep = sep)+ stop("problems") |
91 | +328 |
- }+ } |
92 | +329 |
- }+ |
93 | -9x | +330 | +34x |
- ret+ body <- list(...) |
94 | +331 |
- }+ ## XXX this shouldn't be needed. hacky |
95 | -+ | |||
332 | +34x |
+ if (length(body) == 1 && is.list(body[[1]])) {+ |
+ ||
333 | +! | +
+ body <- body[[1]] |
96 | +334 |
- hrows_to_colinfo <- function(rows) {+ } |
97 | +335 | 34x |
- nr <- length(rows)+ if (are(body, "ElementaryTable") && |
98 | +336 | 34x |
- stopifnot(nr > 0)+ all(sapply(body, function(tb) { |
99 | -34x | +|||
337 | +! |
- cspans <- lapply(rows, row_cspans)+ nrow(tb) == 1 && obj_name(tb) == "" |
100 | -34x | +|||
338 | +
- vals <- lapply(rows, function(x) unlist(row_values(x)))+ }))) { |
101 | -34x | +339 | +1x |
- unqvals <- lapply(vals, unique)+ body <- lapply(body, function(tb) tree_children(tb)[[1]]) |
102 | -34x | +|||
340 | +
- formats <- lapply(rows, obj_format)+ }+ |
+ |||
341 | ++ | + | ||
103 | +342 | 34x |
- counts <- NULL+ TableTree( |
104 | +343 | 34x |
- if (formats[nr] == "(N=xx)" || all(sapply(row_cells(rows[[nr]]), obj_format) == "(N=xx)")) { ## count row+ kids = body, format = format, cinfo = colinfo, |
105 | -1x | +344 | +34x |
- counts <- vals[[nr]]+ labelrow = LabelRow(lev = 0L, label = "", vis = FALSE), |
106 | -1x | +345 | +34x |
- vals <- vals[-nr]+ hsep = hsep, inset = inset |
107 | -1x | +|||
346 | +
- cspans <- cspans[-nr]+ ) |
108 | -1x | +|||
347 | +
- nr <- nr - 1+ } |
109 | +348 |
- }+ |
110 | +349 |
- ## easiest case, one header row no counts. we're done+ #' @rdname rtable |
111 | +350 |
- ## XXX could one row but cspan ever make sense????+ #' @export |
112 | +351 |
- ## I don't think so?+ rtablel <- function(header, ..., format = NULL, hsep = default_hsep(), inset = 0L) { |
113 | -34x | +352 | +1x |
- if (nr == 1) { ## && all(cspans == 1L)) {+ dots <- list(...) |
114 | -29x | +353 | +1x |
- ret <- manual_cols(unlist(vals[[1]]))+ args_list <- c(list(header = header, format = format, hsep = hsep, inset = inset), unlist(lapply( |
115 | -29x | +354 | +1x |
- if (!is.null(counts)) {+ dots, |
116 | +355 | 1x |
- col_counts(ret) <- counts+ as.list |
117 | +356 | 1x |
- disp_ccounts(ret) <- TRUE+ ), recursive = FALSE))+ |
+ |
357 | +1x | +
+ do.call(rtable, args_list) |
118 | +358 |
- }+ } |
119 | -29x | +|||
359 | +
- return(ret)+ |
120 | +360 |
- }+ # All object annotations are identical (and exist) |
121 | +361 |
- ## second easiest case full repeated nestin+ all_annots_identical <- function(all_annots) { |
122 | -5x | +362 | +60x |
- repvals <- mapply(function(v, csp) rep(v, times = csp),+ if (!is.list(all_annots)) { |
123 | -5x | +363 | +15x |
- v = vals, csp = cspans, SIMPLIFY = FALSE+ all_annots[1] != "" && length(unique(all_annots)) == 1 |
124 | +364 |
- )+ } else {+ |
+ ||
365 | +45x | +
+ length(all_annots[[1]]) > 0 && Reduce(identical, all_annots) |
125 | +366 |
+ } |
126 | +367 |
- ## nr > 1 here+ } |
127 | -5x | +|||
368 | +
- fullnest <- TRUE+ |
128 | -5x | +|||
369 | +
- for (i in 2:nr) {+ # Only first object has annotations |
129 | -5x | +|||
370 | +
- psted <- paste_em_n(repvals, i - 1)+ only_first_annot <- function(all_annots) { |
130 | -5x | +371 | +56x |
- spl <- split(repvals[[i]], psted)+ if (!is.list(all_annots)) { |
131 | -5x | +372 | +14x |
- if (!all(sapply(spl, function(x) identical(x, spl[[1]])))) {+ all_annots[1] != "" && all(all_annots[-1] == "") |
132 | -4x | +|||
373 | +
- fullnest <- FALSE+ } else { |
133 | -4x | +374 | +42x |
- break+ length(all_annots[[1]]) > 0 && all(sapply(all_annots, length)[-1] == 0) |
134 | +375 |
- }+ } |
135 | +376 |
- }+ } |
136 | +377 | |||
137 | +378 |
- ## if its full nesting we're done, so put+ #' @param gap `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")` ignored. |
138 | +379 |
- ## the counts on as necessary and return.+ #' @param check_headers `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")` ignored. |
139 | -5x | +|||
380 | +
- if (fullnest) {+ #' |
140 | -1x | +|||
381 | +
- ret <- manual_cols(.lst = unqvals)+ #' @return A formal table object. |
141 | -1x | +|||
382 | +
- if (!is.null(counts)) {+ #' |
142 | -! | +|||
383 | +
- col_counts(ret) <- counts+ #' @rdname rbind |
143 | -! | +|||
384 | +
- disp_ccounts(ret) <- TRUE+ #' @aliases rbind |
144 | +385 |
- }+ #' @export |
145 | -1x | +|||
386 | +
- return(ret)+ rbindl_rtables <- function(x, gap = lifecycle::deprecated(), check_headers = lifecycle::deprecated()) { |
146 | +387 |
- }+ ## nocov start |
147 | +388 |
+ if (lifecycle::is_present(gap)) { |
148 | +389 |
- ## booo. the fully complex case where the multiple rows+ lifecycle::deprecate_warn( |
149 | +390 |
- ## really don't represent nesting at all, each top level+ when = "0.3.2", |
150 | +391 |
- ## can have different sub labels+ what = "rbindl_rtables(gap)" |
151 | +392 |
+ ) |
152 | +393 |
- ## we will build it up as if it were full nesting and then prune+ } |
153 | +394 |
- ## based on the columns we actually want.+ if (lifecycle::is_present(check_headers)) { |
154 | +395 |
+ lifecycle::deprecate_warn( |
155 | -4x | +|||
396 | +
- fullcolinfo <- manual_cols(.lst = unqvals)+ when = "0.3.2", |
156 | -4x | +|||
397 | +
- fullbusiness <- names(collect_leaves(coltree(fullcolinfo)))+ what = "rbindl_rtables(check_headers)" |
157 | -4x | +|||
398 | +
- wanted <- paste_em_n(repvals, nr)+ ) |
158 | -4x | +|||
399 | +
- wantcols <- match(wanted, fullbusiness)+ } |
159 | -4x | +|||
400 | +
- stopifnot(all(!is.na(wantcols)))+ ## nocov end |
160 | +401 | |||
161 | -4x | +402 | +16x |
- subset_cols(fullcolinfo, wantcols)+ firstcols <- col_info(x[[1]]) |
162 | -+ | |||
403 | +16x |
- }+ i <- 1 |
163 | -+ | |||
404 | +16x |
+ while (no_colinfo(firstcols) && i <= length(x)) { |
164 | -+ | |||
405 | +2x |
- #' Create a header+ firstcols <- col_info(x[[i]]) |
165 | -+ | |||
406 | +2x |
- #'+ i <- i + 1 |
166 | +407 |
- #' @inheritParams compat_args+ } |
167 | +408 |
- #' @param ... row specifications, either as character vectors or the output from [rrow()], [DataRow()],+ |
168 | -+ | |||
409 | +16x |
- #' [LabelRow()], etc.+ lapply(x, function(xi) chk_compat_cinfos(x[[1]], xi)) ## col_info(xi))) |
169 | +410 |
- #'+ |
170 | -+ | |||
411 | +15x |
- #' @return A `InstantiatedColumnInfo` object.+ rbind_annot <- list( |
171 | -+ | |||
412 | +15x |
- #'+ main_title = "", |
172 | -+ | |||
413 | +15x |
- #' @examples+ subtitles = character(), |
173 | -+ | |||
414 | +15x |
- #' h1 <- rheader(c("A", "B", "C"))+ main_footer = character(), |
174 | -+ | |||
415 | +15x |
- #' h1+ prov_footer = character() |
175 | +416 |
- #'+ ) |
176 | +417 |
- #' h2 <- rheader(+ |
177 | +418 |
- #' rrow(NULL, rcell("group 1", colspan = 2), rcell("group 2", colspan = 2)),+ # Titles/footer info are (independently) retained from first object if |
178 | +419 |
- #' rrow(NULL, "A", "B", "A", "B")+ # identical or missing in all other objects |
179 | -+ | |||
420 | +15x |
- #' )+ all_titles <- sapply(x, main_title) |
180 | -+ | |||
421 | +15x |
- #' h2+ if (all_annots_identical(all_titles) || only_first_annot(all_titles)) { |
181 | -+ | |||
422 | +2x |
- #'+ rbind_annot[["main_title"]] <- all_titles[[1]] |
182 | +423 |
- #' @family compatibility+ } |
183 | +424 |
- #' @export+ |
184 | -+ | |||
425 | +15x |
- rheader <- function(..., format = "xx", .lst = NULL) {+ all_sts <- lapply(x, subtitles) |
185 | -3x | +426 | +15x |
- if (!is.null(.lst)) {+ if (all_annots_identical(all_sts) || only_first_annot(all_sts)) { |
186 | -! | +|||
427 | +2x |
- args <- .lst+ rbind_annot[["subtitles"]] <- all_sts[[1]] |
187 | +428 |
- } else {+ }+ |
+ ||
429 | ++ | + | ||
188 | -3x | +430 | +15x |
- args <- list(...)+ all_ftrs <- lapply(x, main_footer)+ |
431 | +15x | +
+ if (all_annots_identical(all_ftrs) || only_first_annot(all_ftrs)) {+ |
+ ||
432 | +2x | +
+ rbind_annot[["main_footer"]] <- all_ftrs[[1]] |
189 | +433 |
} |
190 | -3x | +|||
434 | +
- rrows <- if (length(args) == 1 && !is(args[[1]], "TableRow")) {+ |
191 | -! | +|||
435 | +15x |
- list(rrowl(row.name = NULL, val = args[[1]], format = format))+ all_pfs <- lapply(x, prov_footer) |
192 | -3x | +436 | +15x |
- } else if (are(args, "TableRow")) {+ if (all_annots_identical(all_pfs) || only_first_annot(all_pfs)) { |
193 | -3x | +437 | +2x |
- args+ rbind_annot[["prov_footer"]] <- all_pfs[[1]] |
194 | +438 |
} |
195 | +439 | |||
196 | -3x | +|||
440 | +
- hrows_to_colinfo(rrows)+ ## if we got only ElementaryTable and |
197 | +441 |
- }+ ## TableRow objects, construct a new |
198 | +442 |
+ ## elementary table with all the rows |
199 | +443 |
- .char_to_hrows <- function(hdr) {+ ## instead of adding nesting. |
200 | -31x | +|||
444 | +
- nlfnd <- grep("\n", hdr, fixed = TRUE)+ |
201 | -31x | +|||
445 | +
- if (length(nlfnd) == 0) {+ ## we used to check for xi not being a lable row, why?? XXX |
202 | -27x | +446 | +15x |
- return(list(rrowl(NULL, hdr)))+ if (all(sapply(x, function(xi) { |
203 | -+ | |||
447 | +30x |
- }+ (is(xi, "ElementaryTable") && !labelrow_visible(xi)) || |
204 | -+ | |||
448 | +30x |
+ is(xi, "TableRow") |
205 | -4x | +449 | +15x |
- stopifnot(length(nlfnd) == length(hdr))+ }))) { ## && !is(xi, "LabelRow")}))) { |
206 | -4x | +450 | +8x |
- raw <- strsplit(hdr, "\n", fixed = TRUE)+ x <- unlist(lapply(x, function(xi) { |
207 | -4x | +451 | +16x |
- lens <- unique(sapply(raw, length))+ if (is(xi, "TableRow")) { |
208 | +452 | 4x |
- stopifnot(length(lens) == 1L)+ xi |
209 | -4x | +|||
453 | +
- lapply(+ } else { |
210 | -4x | +454 | +12x |
- seq(1, lens),+ lst <- tree_children(xi) |
211 | -4x | +455 | +12x |
- function(i) {+ lapply(lst, indent, |
212 | -8x | +456 | +12x |
- rrowl(NULL, vapply(raw, `[`, NA_character_, i = i))+ by = indent_mod(xi) |
213 | +457 |
- }+ ) |
214 | +458 |
- )+ } |
215 | +459 |
- }+ })) |
216 | +460 |
+ } |
217 | +461 |
- #' Create a table+ |
218 | -+ | |||
462 | +15x |
- #'+ TableTree( |
219 | -+ | |||
463 | +15x |
- #' @inheritParams compat_args+ kids = x, |
220 | -+ | |||
464 | +15x |
- #' @inheritParams gen_args+ cinfo = firstcols, |
221 | -+ | |||
465 | +15x |
- #' @param header (`TableRow`, `character`, or `InstantiatedColumnInfo`)\cr information defining the header+ name = "rbind_root", |
222 | -+ | |||
466 | +15x |
- #' (column structure) of the table. This can be as row objects (legacy), character vectors, or an+ label = "", |
223 | -+ | |||
467 | +15x |
- #' `InstantiatedColumnInfo` object.+ title = rbind_annot[["main_title"]], |
224 | -+ | |||
468 | +15x |
- #' @param ... rows to place in the table.+ subtitles = rbind_annot[["subtitles"]], |
225 | -+ | |||
469 | +15x |
- #'+ main_footer = rbind_annot[["main_footer"]],+ |
+ ||
470 | +15x | +
+ prov_footer = rbind_annot[["prov_footer"]] |
226 | +471 |
- #' @return A formal table object of the appropriate type (`ElementaryTable` or `TableTree`).+ ) |
227 | +472 |
- #'+ } |
228 | +473 |
- #' @examples+ |
229 | +474 |
- #' rtable(+ #' Row-bind `TableTree` and related objects |
230 | +475 |
- #' header = LETTERS[1:3],+ #' |
231 | +476 |
- #' rrow("one to three", 1, 2, 3),+ #' @param deparse.level (`numeric(1)`)\cr currently ignored. |
232 | +477 |
- #' rrow("more stuff", rcell(pi, format = "xx.xx"), "test", "and more")+ #' @param ... (`ANY`)\cr elements to be stacked. |
233 | +478 |
- #' )+ #' |
234 | +479 |
- #'+ #' @note |
235 | +480 |
- #' # Table with multirow header+ #' When objects are row-bound, titles and footer information is retained from the first object (if any exists) if all |
236 | +481 |
- #'+ #' other objects have no titles/footers or have identical titles/footers. Otherwise, all titles/footers are removed |
237 | +482 |
- #' sel <- iris$Species == "setosa"+ #' and must be set for the bound table via the [formatters::main_title()], [formatters::subtitles()], |
238 | +483 |
- #' mtbl <- rtable(+ #' [formatters::main_footer()], and [formatters::prov_footer()] functions. |
239 | +484 |
- #' header = rheader(+ #' |
240 | +485 |
- #' rrow(+ #' @examples |
241 | +486 |
- #' row.name = NULL, rcell("Sepal.Length", colspan = 2),+ #' mtbl <- rtable( |
242 | +487 |
- #' rcell("Petal.Length", colspan = 2)+ #' header = rheader( |
243 | +488 |
- #' ),+ #' rrow(row.name = NULL, rcell("Sepal.Length", colspan = 2), rcell("Petal.Length", colspan = 2)), |
244 | +489 |
#' rrow(NULL, "mean", "median", "mean", "median") |
245 | +490 |
#' ), |
246 | +491 |
#' rrow( |
247 | +492 |
#' row.name = "All Species", |
248 | +493 |
#' mean(iris$Sepal.Length), median(iris$Sepal.Length), |
249 | +494 |
#' mean(iris$Petal.Length), median(iris$Petal.Length), |
250 | +495 |
#' format = "xx.xx" |
251 | +496 |
- #' ),+ #' ) |
252 | +497 |
- #' rrow(+ #' ) |
253 | +498 |
- #' row.name = "Setosa",+ #' |
254 | +499 |
- #' mean(iris$Sepal.Length[sel]), median(iris$Sepal.Length[sel]),+ #' mtbl2 <- with(subset(iris, Species == "setosa"), rtable( |
255 | +500 |
- #' mean(iris$Petal.Length[sel]), median(iris$Petal.Length[sel])+ #' header = rheader( |
256 | +501 |
- #' )+ #' rrow(row.name = NULL, rcell("Sepal.Length", colspan = 2), rcell("Petal.Length", colspan = 2)), |
257 | +502 |
- #' )+ #' rrow(NULL, "mean", "median", "mean", "median") |
258 | +503 |
- #'+ #' ), |
259 | +504 |
- #' mtbl+ #' rrow( |
260 | +505 |
- #'+ #' row.name = "Setosa", |
261 | +506 |
- #' names(mtbl) # always first row of header+ #' mean(Sepal.Length), median(Sepal.Length), |
262 | +507 |
- #'+ #' mean(Petal.Length), median(Petal.Length), |
263 | +508 |
- #' # Single row header+ #' format = "xx.xx" |
264 | +509 |
- #'+ #' ) |
265 | +510 |
- #' tbl <- rtable(+ #' )) |
266 | +511 |
- #' header = c("Treatement\nN=100", "Comparison\nN=300"),+ #' |
267 | +512 |
- #' format = "xx (xx.xx%)",+ #' rbind(mtbl, mtbl2) |
268 | +513 |
- #' rrow("A", c(104, .2), c(100, .4)),+ #' rbind(mtbl, rrow(), mtbl2) |
269 | +514 |
- #' rrow("B", c(23, .4), c(43, .5)),+ #' rbind(mtbl, rrow("aaa"), indent(mtbl2)) |
270 | +515 |
- #' rrow(""),+ #' |
271 | +516 |
- #' rrow("this is a very long section header"),+ #' @exportMethod rbind |
272 | +517 |
- #' rrow("estimate", rcell(55.23, "xx.xx", colspan = 2)),+ #' @rdname rbind |
273 | +518 |
- #' rrow("95% CI", indent = 1, rcell(c(44.8, 67.4), format = "(xx.x, xx.x)", colspan = 2))+ setMethod( |
274 | +519 |
- #' )+ "rbind", "VTableNodeInfo", |
275 | +520 |
- #' tbl+ function(..., deparse.level = 1) { |
276 | -+ | |||
521 | +! |
- #'+ rbindl_rtables(list(...)) |
277 | +522 |
- #' row.names(tbl)+ } |
278 | +523 |
- #' names(tbl)+ ) |
279 | +524 |
- #'+ |
280 | +525 |
- #' # Subsetting+ #' @param y (`ANY`)\cr second element to be row-bound via `rbind2`. |
281 | +526 |
#' |
282 | +527 |
- #' tbl[1, ]+ #' @exportMethod rbind2 |
283 | +528 |
- #' tbl[, 1]+ #' @rdname int_methods |
284 | +529 |
- #'+ setMethod( |
285 | +530 |
- #' tbl[1, 2]+ "rbind2", c("VTableNodeInfo", "missing"), |
286 | +531 |
- #' tbl[2, 1]+ function(x, y) { |
287 | -+ | |||
532 | +2x |
- #'+ TableTree(kids = list(x), cinfo = col_info(x), name = "rbind_root", label = "") |
288 | +533 |
- #' tbl[3, 2]+ } |
289 | +534 |
- #' tbl[5, 1]+ ) |
290 | +535 |
- #' tbl[5, 2]+ |
291 | +536 |
- #'+ #' @param x (`VTableNodeInfo`)\cr `TableTree`, `ElementaryTable`, or `TableRow` object. |
292 | +537 |
- #' # Data Structure methods+ #' @param y (`VTableNodeInfo`)\cr `TableTree`, `ElementaryTable`, or `TableRow` object. |
293 | +538 |
#' |
294 | +539 |
- #' dim(tbl)+ #' @exportMethod rbind2 |
295 | +540 |
- #' nrow(tbl)+ #' @rdname rbind |
296 | +541 |
- #' ncol(tbl)+ setMethod( |
297 | +542 |
- #' names(tbl)+ "rbind2", "VTableNodeInfo", |
298 | +543 |
- #'+ function(x, y) { |
299 | -+ | |||
544 | +12x |
- #' # Colspans+ rbindl_rtables(list(x, y)) |
300 | +545 |
- #'+ } |
301 | +546 |
- #' tbl2 <- rtable(+ ) |
302 | +547 |
- #' c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E"),+ |
303 | +548 |
- #' format = "xx",+ EmptyTreePos <- TreePos() |
304 | +549 |
- #' rrow("r1", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5),+ |
305 | +550 |
- #' rrow("r2", rcell("sp2", colspan = 2), "sp1", rcell("sp2-2", colspan = 2))+ ## this is painful to do right but we were doing it wrong |
306 | +551 |
- #' )+ ## before and it now matters because count display information |
307 | +552 |
- #' tbl2+ ## is in the tree which means all points in the structure |
308 | +553 |
- #'+ ## must be pathable, which they aren't if siblings have |
309 | +554 |
- #' @family compatibility+ ## identical names |
310 | +555 |
- #' @export+ fix_col_nm_recursive <- function(ct, newname, rename_obj = TRUE, oldnm) { |
311 | -+ | |||
556 | +120x |
- rtable <- function(header, ..., format = NULL, hsep = default_hsep(),+ if (rename_obj) { |
312 | -+ | |||
557 | +19x |
- inset = 0L) {+ obj_name(ct) <- newname |
313 | -34x | +|||
558 | +
- if (is.character(header)) {+ } |
314 | -31x | +559 | +120x |
- header <- .char_to_hrows(header)+ if (is(ct, "LayoutColTree")) { |
315 | -+ | |||
560 | +45x |
- } # list(rrowl(NULL, header))+ kids <- tree_children(ct) |
316 | -34x | +561 | +45x |
- if (is.list(header)) {+ kidnms <- names(kids) |
317 | -31x | +562 | +45x |
- if (are(header, "TableRow")) {+ newkids <- lapply(kids, fix_col_nm_recursive, |
318 | -31x | +563 | +45x |
- colinfo <- hrows_to_colinfo(header)+ newname = newname, |
319 | -! | +|||
564 | +45x |
- } else if (are(header, "list")) {+ rename_obj = FALSE, |
320 | -! | +|||
565 | +45x |
- colinfo <- do.call(rheader, header)+ oldnm = oldnm |
321 | +566 |
- }+ ) |
322 | -3x | +567 | +45x |
- } else if (is(header, "InstantiatedColumnInfo")) {+ names(newkids) <- kidnms |
323 | -3x | +568 | +45x |
- colinfo <- header+ tree_children(ct) <- newkids |
324 | -! | +|||
569 | +
- } else if (is(header, "TableRow")) {+ } |
325 | -! | +|||
570 | +120x |
- colinfo <- hrows_to_colinfo(list(header))+ mypos <- tree_pos(ct) |
326 | -+ | |||
571 | +120x |
- } else {+ if (!identical(mypos, EmptyTreePos)) { |
327 | -! | +|||
572 | +97x |
- stop("problems")+ spls <- pos_splits(mypos) |
328 | -+ | |||
573 | +97x |
- }+ firstspl <- spls[[1]] |
329 | -+ | |||
574 | +97x |
+ if (obj_name(firstspl) == oldnm) { |
330 | -34x | +|||
575 | +! |
- body <- list(...)+ obj_name(firstspl) <- newname |
331 | -+ | |||
576 | +! |
- ## XXX this shouldn't be needed. hacky+ spls[[1]] <- firstspl |
332 | -34x | +|||
577 | +! |
- if (length(body) == 1 && is.list(body[[1]])) {+ pos_splits(mypos) <- spls |
333 | +578 | ! |
- body <- body[[1]]+ tree_pos(ct) <- mypos |
334 | +579 | ++ |
+ }+ |
+ |
580 |
} |
335 | -34x | +581 | +120x |
- if (are(body, "ElementaryTable") &&+ if (!rename_obj) { |
336 | -34x | +582 | +101x |
- all(sapply(body, function(tb) {+ spls <- pos_splits(mypos) |
337 | -! | +|||
583 | +101x |
- nrow(tb) == 1 && obj_name(tb) == ""+ splvals <- pos_splvals(mypos) |
338 | -+ | |||
584 | +101x |
- }))) {+ pos_splits(mypos) <- c( |
339 | -1x | +585 | +101x |
- body <- lapply(body, function(tb) tree_children(tb)[[1]])+ list(AllSplit(split_name = newname)), |
340 | -+ | |||
586 | +101x |
- }+ spls |
341 | +587 |
+ ) |
342 | -34x | +588 | +101x |
- TableTree(+ pos_splvals(mypos) <- c( |
343 | -34x | +589 | +101x |
- kids = body, format = format, cinfo = colinfo,+ list(SplitValue(NA_character_, |
344 | -34x | +590 | +101x |
- labelrow = LabelRow(lev = 0L, label = "", vis = FALSE),+ sub_expr = quote(TRUE)+ |
591 | ++ |
+ )), |
345 | -34x | +592 | +101x |
- hsep = hsep, inset = inset+ splvals |
346 | +593 |
- )+ ) |
347 | -+ | |||
594 | +101x |
- }+ tree_pos(ct) <- mypos |
348 | +595 |
+ }+ |
+ ||
596 | +120x | +
+ ct |
349 | +597 |
- #' @rdname rtable+ } |
350 | +598 |
- #' @export+ |
351 | +599 |
- rtablel <- function(header, ..., format = NULL, hsep = default_hsep(), inset = 0L) {+ fix_nms <- function(ct) { |
352 | -1x | +600 | +129x |
- dots <- list(...)+ if (is(ct, "LayoutColLeaf")) { |
353 | -1x | +601 | +75x |
- args_list <- c(list(header = header, format = format, hsep = hsep, inset = inset), unlist(lapply(+ return(ct)+ |
602 | ++ |
+ } |
354 | -1x | +603 | +54x |
- dots,+ kids <- lapply(tree_children(ct), fix_nms) |
355 | -1x | +604 | +54x |
- as.list+ names(kids) <- vapply(kids, obj_name, "") |
356 | -1x | +605 | +54x |
- ), recursive = FALSE))+ tree_children(ct) <- kids |
357 | -1x | +606 | +54x |
- do.call(rtable, args_list)+ ct |
358 | +607 |
} |
359 | +608 | |||
360 | +609 |
- # All object annotations are identical (and exist)+ make_cbind_names <- function(num, tokens) { |
361 | -+ | |||
610 | +9x |
- all_annots_identical <- function(all_annots) {+ cbind_tokens <- grep("^(new_)*cbind_tbl", tokens, value = TRUE) |
362 | -60x | +611 | +9x |
- if (!is.list(all_annots)) {+ ret <- paste0("cbind_tbl_", seq_len(num)) |
363 | -15x | +612 | +9x |
- all_annots[1] != "" && length(unique(all_annots)) == 1+ if (length(cbind_tokens) == 0) {+ |
613 | +9x | +
+ return(ret) |
364 | +614 |
- } else {+ } |
365 | -45x | +|||
615 | +! |
- length(all_annots[[1]]) > 0 && Reduce(identical, all_annots)+ oldprefixes <- gsub("cbind_tbl.*", "", cbind_tokens) |
366 | -+ | |||
616 | +! |
- }+ oldprefix <- oldprefixes[which.max(nchar(oldprefixes))] |
367 | -+ | |||
617 | +! |
- }+ paste0("new_", oldprefix, ret) |
368 | +618 |
+ } |
369 | +619 |
- # Only first object has annotations+ |
370 | +620 |
- only_first_annot <- function(all_annots) {+ combine_cinfo <- function(..., new_total = NULL, sync_count_vis) { |
371 | -56x | +621 | +10x |
- if (!is.list(all_annots)) {+ tabs <- list(...) |
372 | -14x | +622 | +10x |
- all_annots[1] != "" && all(all_annots[-1] == "")+ chk_cbindable_many(tabs) |
373 | -+ | |||
623 | +9x |
- } else {+ cinfs <- lapply(tabs, col_info) |
374 | -42x | +624 | +9x |
- length(all_annots[[1]]) > 0 && all(sapply(all_annots, length)[-1] == 0)+ stopifnot(are(cinfs, "InstantiatedColumnInfo")) |
375 | +625 |
- }+ |
376 | -+ | |||
626 | +9x |
- }+ ctrees <- lapply(cinfs, coltree) |
377 | -+ | |||
627 | +9x |
+ oldnms <- nms <- vapply(ctrees, obj_name, "") |
378 | -+ | |||
628 | +9x |
- #' @param gap `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")` ignored.+ path_els <- unique(unlist(lapply(ctrees, col_paths), recursive = TRUE)) |
379 | -+ | |||
629 | +9x |
- #' @param check_headers `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")` ignored.+ nms <- make_cbind_names(num = length(oldnms), tokens = path_els) |
380 | +630 |
- #'+ |
381 | -+ | |||
631 | +9x |
- #' @return A formal table object.+ ctrees <- mapply(function(ct, nm, oldnm) { |
382 | -+ | |||
632 | +19x |
- #'+ ct <- fix_col_nm_recursive(ct, nm, rename_obj = TRUE, oldnm = "") # oldnm) |
383 | -+ | |||
633 | +19x |
- #' @rdname rbind+ ct |
384 | -+ | |||
634 | +9x |
- #' @aliases rbind+ }, ct = ctrees, nm = nms, oldnm = oldnms, SIMPLIFY = FALSE) |
385 | -+ | |||
635 | +9x |
- #' @export+ names(ctrees) <- nms |
386 | +636 |
- rbindl_rtables <- function(x, gap = lifecycle::deprecated(), check_headers = lifecycle::deprecated()) {+ |
387 | -+ | |||
637 | +9x |
- ## nocov start+ newctree <- LayoutColTree(kids = ctrees, colcount = NA_integer_, name = "cbind_root") |
388 | -+ | |||
638 | +9x |
- if (lifecycle::is_present(gap)) {+ newctree <- fix_nms(newctree) |
389 | -+ | |||
639 | +9x |
- lifecycle::deprecate_warn(+ newcounts <- unlist(lapply(cinfs, col_counts)) |
390 | -+ | |||
640 | +9x |
- when = "0.3.2",+ if (is.null(new_total)) { |
391 | -+ | |||
641 | +9x |
- what = "rbindl_rtables(gap)"+ new_total <- sum(newcounts) |
392 | +642 |
- )+ } |
393 | -+ | |||
643 | +9x |
- }+ newexprs <- unlist(lapply(cinfs, col_exprs), recursive = FALSE) |
394 | -+ | |||
644 | +9x |
- if (lifecycle::is_present(check_headers)) {+ newexargs <- unlist(lapply(cinfs, col_extra_args), recursive = FALSE) %||% vector("list", length(newcounts)) |
395 | -+ | |||
645 | +9x |
- lifecycle::deprecate_warn(+ if (!sync_count_vis) { |
396 | -+ | |||
646 | +1x |
- when = "0.3.2",+ newdisp <- NA |
397 | +647 |
- what = "rbindl_rtables(check_headers)"+ } else { |
398 | -+ | |||
648 | +8x |
- )+ newdisp <- any(vapply(cinfs, disp_ccounts, NA)) |
399 | +649 |
} |
400 | -+ | |||
650 | +9x |
- ## nocov end+ alltls <- lapply(cinfs, top_left) |
401 | -+ | |||
651 | +9x |
+ newtl <- character() |
402 | -16x | +652 | +9x |
- firstcols <- col_info(x[[1]])+ if (!are(tabs, "TableRow")) { |
403 | -16x | +653 | +9x |
- i <- 1+ alltls <- alltls[vapply(alltls, function(x) length(x) > 0, NA)] ## these are already enforced to all be the same |
404 | -16x | +654 | +9x |
- while (no_colinfo(firstcols) && i <= length(x)) {+ if (length(alltls) > 0) { |
405 | -2x | +|||
655 | +! |
- firstcols <- col_info(x[[i]])+ newtl <- alltls[[1]] |
406 | -2x | +|||
656 | +
- i <- i + 1+ } |
407 | +657 |
} |
408 | -+ | |||
658 | +9x |
+ InstantiatedColumnInfo( |
409 | -16x | +659 | +9x |
- lapply(x, function(xi) chk_compat_cinfos(x[[1]], xi)) ## col_info(xi)))+ treelyt = newctree, |
410 | -+ | |||
660 | +9x |
+ csubs = newexprs, |
411 | -15x | +661 | +9x |
- rbind_annot <- list(+ extras = newexargs, |
412 | -15x | +662 | +9x |
- main_title = "",+ cnts = newcounts, |
413 | -15x | +663 | +9x |
- subtitles = character(),+ dispcounts = newdisp, |
414 | -15x | +664 | +9x |
- main_footer = character(),+ countformat = colcount_format(cinfs[[1]]), |
415 | -15x | +665 | +9x |
- prov_footer = character()+ total_cnt = new_total,+ |
666 | +9x | +
+ topleft = newtl |
416 | +667 |
) |
417 | +668 |
+ } |
418 | +669 |
- # Titles/footer info are (independently) retained from first object if+ |
419 | +670 |
- # identical or missing in all other objects+ nz_len_els <- function(lst) { |
420 | -15x | +671 | +100x |
- all_titles <- sapply(x, main_title)+ if (is(lst, "list")) { |
421 | -15x | +672 | +13x |
- if (all_annots_identical(all_titles) || only_first_annot(all_titles)) {+ lst[vapply(lst, function(x) length(x) > 0, NA)] |
422 | -2x | +673 | +87x |
- rbind_annot[["main_title"]] <- all_titles[[1]]+ } else if (is(lst, "character")) { |
423 | -+ | |||
674 | +74x |
- }+ lst[nzchar(lst)] |
424 | +675 | - - | -||
425 | -15x | -
- all_sts <- lapply(x, subtitles)- |
- ||
426 | -15x | -
- if (all_annots_identical(all_sts) || only_first_annot(all_sts)) {+ } else { |
427 | -2x | +676 | +13x |
- rbind_annot[["subtitles"]] <- all_sts[[1]]+ lst |
428 | +677 |
} |
429 | +678 |
+ } |
430 | -15x | +|||
679 | +
- all_ftrs <- lapply(x, main_footer)+ |
431 | -15x | +|||
680 | +
- if (all_annots_identical(all_ftrs) || only_first_annot(all_ftrs)) {+ has_one_unq <- function(x) { |
432 | -2x | +681 | +100x |
- rbind_annot[["main_footer"]] <- all_ftrs[[1]]+ length(unique(nz_len_els(x))) <= 1 |
433 | +682 |
- }+ } |
434 | +683 | |||
435 | -15x | +|||
684 | +
- all_pfs <- lapply(x, prov_footer)+ classvec <- function(lst, enforce_one = TRUE) { |
436 | -15x | +685 | +26x |
- if (all_annots_identical(all_pfs) || only_first_annot(all_pfs)) {+ if (enforce_one) { |
437 | -2x | +686 | +26x |
- rbind_annot[["prov_footer"]] <- all_pfs[[1]]+ vapply(lst, class, "") |
438 | +687 |
- }+ } else { |
439 | -+ | |||
688 | +! |
+ lapply(lst, class) |
440 | +689 |
- ## if we got only ElementaryTable and+ } |
441 | +690 |
- ## TableRow objects, construct a new+ } |
442 | +691 |
- ## elementary table with all the rows+ |
443 | +692 |
- ## instead of adding nesting.+ chk_cbindable_many <- function(lst) { |
444 | +693 |
+ ## we actually want is/inherits there but no easy way |
445 | +694 |
- ## we used to check for xi not being a lable row, why?? XXX- |
- ||
446 | -15x | -
- if (all(sapply(x, function(xi) {+ ## to figure out what the lowest base class is |
447 | -30x | +|||
695 | +
- (is(xi, "ElementaryTable") && !labelrow_visible(xi)) ||+ ## that I can think of right now, so we do the |
448 | -30x | +|||
696 | +
- is(xi, "TableRow")+ ## broken wrong thing instead :( |
449 | +697 | 15x |
- }))) { ## && !is(xi, "LabelRow")}))) {- |
- |
450 | -8x | -
- x <- unlist(lapply(x, function(xi) {+ if (are(lst, "TableRow")) { |
451 | -16x | +698 | +2x |
- if (is(xi, "TableRow")) {+ if (!has_one_unq(classvec(lst))) { |
452 | -4x | +699 | +1x |
- xi+ stop("Cannot cbind different types of TableRow objects together") |
453 | +700 |
- } else {- |
- ||
454 | -12x | -
- lst <- tree_children(xi)- |
- ||
455 | -12x | -
- lapply(lst, indent,+ } |
456 | -12x | +701 | +1x |
- by = indent_mod(xi)+ return(TRUE) |
457 | +702 |
- )+ } |
458 | +703 |
- }+ ## if(!are(lst, "VTableTree") |
459 | +704 |
- }))+ ## stop("Not all elements to be bound are TableTrees or TableRows") |
460 | +705 |
- }+ |
461 | -+ | |||
706 | +13x |
+ nrs <- vapply(lst, NROW, 1L) |
462 | -15x | +707 | +13x |
- TableTree(+ if (!has_one_unq(nrs)) { |
463 | -15x | +|||
708 | +! |
- kids = x,+ stop("Not all elements to be bound have matching numbers of rows") |
464 | -15x | +|||
709 | +
- cinfo = firstcols,+ } |
465 | -15x | +|||
710 | +
- name = "rbind_root",+ |
466 | -15x | +711 | +13x |
- label = "",+ tls <- lapply(lst, top_left) |
467 | -15x | +712 | +13x |
- title = rbind_annot[["main_title"]],+ if (!has_one_unq(tls[vapply(tls, function(x) length(x) > 0, NA)])) { |
468 | -15x | +713 | +2x |
- subtitles = rbind_annot[["subtitles"]],+ stop( |
469 | -15x | +714 | +2x |
- main_footer = rbind_annot[["main_footer"]],+ "Elements to be bound have differing top-left content: ", |
470 | -15x | +715 | +2x |
- prov_footer = rbind_annot[["prov_footer"]]+ paste(which(!duplicated(tls)), collapse = " ") |
471 | +716 |
- )+ ) |
472 | +717 |
- }+ } |
473 | +718 | |||
474 | -+ | |||
719 | +11x |
- #' Row-bind `TableTree` and related objects+ if (all(vapply(lst, function(x) nrow(x) == 0, NA))) { |
475 | -+ | |||
720 | +1x |
- #'+ return(TRUE) |
476 | +721 |
- #' @param deparse.level (`numeric(1)`)\cr currently ignored.+ } |
477 | +722 |
- #' @param ... (`ANY`)\cr elements to be stacked.+ |
478 | -+ | |||
723 | +10x |
- #'+ rns <- matrix(vapply(lst, row.names, rep("", nrs[[1]])), |
479 | -+ | |||
724 | +10x |
- #' @note+ nrow = nrs[[1]] |
480 | +725 |
- #' When objects are row-bound, titles and footer information is retained from the first object (if any exists) if all+ ) |
481 | -+ | |||
726 | +10x |
- #' other objects have no titles/footers or have identical titles/footers. Otherwise, all titles/footers are removed+ rnsok <- apply(rns, 1, has_one_unq) |
482 | -+ | |||
727 | +10x |
- #' and must be set for the bound table via the [formatters::main_title()], [formatters::subtitles()],+ if (!all(rnsok)) { |
483 | -+ | |||
728 | +! |
- #' [formatters::main_footer()], and [formatters::prov_footer()] functions.+ stop( |
484 | -+ | |||
729 | +! |
- #'+ "Mismatching, non-empty row names detected in rows ", |
485 | -+ | |||
730 | +! |
- #' @examples+ paste(which(!rnsok), collapse = " ") |
486 | +731 |
- #' mtbl <- rtable(+ ) |
487 | +732 |
- #' header = rheader(+ } |
488 | +733 |
- #' rrow(row.name = NULL, rcell("Sepal.Length", colspan = 2), rcell("Petal.Length", colspan = 2)),+ |
489 | -+ | |||
734 | +10x |
- #' rrow(NULL, "mean", "median", "mean", "median")+ rws <- lapply(lst, collect_leaves, add.labrows = TRUE) |
490 | -+ | |||
735 | +10x |
- #' ),+ rwclsmat <- matrix(unlist(lapply(rws, classvec)), |
491 | -+ | |||
736 | +10x |
- #' rrow(+ ncol = length(lst) |
492 | +737 |
- #' row.name = "All Species",+ ) |
493 | +738 |
- #' mean(iris$Sepal.Length), median(iris$Sepal.Length),+ |
494 | -+ | |||
739 | +10x |
- #' mean(iris$Petal.Length), median(iris$Petal.Length),+ rwsok <- apply(rwclsmat, 1, has_one_unq) |
495 | -+ | |||
740 | +10x |
- #' format = "xx.xx"+ if (!all(rwsok)) { |
496 | -+ | |||
741 | +! |
- #' )+ stop( |
497 | -+ | |||
742 | +! |
- #' )+ "Mismatching row classes found for rows: ", |
498 | -+ | |||
743 | +! |
- #'+ paste(which(!rwsok), collapse = " ") |
499 | +744 |
- #' mtbl2 <- with(subset(iris, Species == "setosa"), rtable(+ ) |
500 | +745 |
- #' header = rheader(+ } |
501 | -+ | |||
746 | +10x |
- #' rrow(row.name = NULL, rcell("Sepal.Length", colspan = 2), rcell("Petal.Length", colspan = 2)),+ TRUE |
502 | +747 |
- #' rrow(NULL, "mean", "median", "mean", "median")+ } |
503 | +748 |
- #' ),+ |
504 | +749 |
- #' rrow(+ #' Column-bind two `TableTree` objects |
505 | +750 |
- #' row.name = "Setosa",+ #' |
506 | +751 |
- #' mean(Sepal.Length), median(Sepal.Length),+ #' @param x (`TableTree` or `TableRow`)\cr a table or row object. |
507 | +752 |
- #' mean(Petal.Length), median(Petal.Length),+ #' @param ... one or more further objects of the same class as `x`. |
508 | +753 |
- #' format = "xx.xx"+ #' @param sync_count_vis (`logical(1)`)\cr should column count |
509 | +754 |
- #' )+ #' visibility be synced across the new and existing columns. |
510 | +755 |
- #' ))+ #' Currently defaults to `TRUE` for backwards compatibility but |
511 | +756 |
- #'+ #' this may change in future releases. |
512 | +757 |
- #' rbind(mtbl, mtbl2)+ #' |
513 | +758 |
- #' rbind(mtbl, rrow(), mtbl2)+ #' @inherit rbindl_rtables return |
514 | +759 |
- #' rbind(mtbl, rrow("aaa"), indent(mtbl2))+ #' |
515 | +760 |
- #'+ #' @examples |
516 | +761 |
- #' @exportMethod rbind+ #' x <- rtable(c("A", "B"), rrow("row 1", 1, 2), rrow("row 2", 3, 4)) |
517 | +762 |
- #' @rdname rbind+ #' y <- rtable("C", rrow("row 1", 5), rrow("row 2", 6)) |
518 | +763 |
- setMethod(+ #' z <- rtable("D", rrow("row 1", 9), rrow("row 2", 10)) |
519 | +764 |
- "rbind", "VTableNodeInfo",+ #' |
520 | +765 |
- function(..., deparse.level = 1) {- |
- ||
521 | -! | -
- rbindl_rtables(list(...))+ #' t1 <- cbind_rtables(x, y) |
522 | +766 |
- }+ #' t1 |
523 | +767 |
- )+ #' |
524 | +768 |
+ #' t2 <- cbind_rtables(x, y, z) |
525 | +769 |
- #' @param y (`ANY`)\cr second element to be row-bound via `rbind2`.+ #' t2 |
526 | +770 |
#' |
527 | +771 |
- #' @exportMethod rbind2+ #' col_paths_summary(t1) |
528 | +772 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' col_paths_summary(t2) |
529 | +773 |
- setMethod(+ #' |
530 | +774 |
- "rbind2", c("VTableNodeInfo", "missing"),+ #' @export |
531 | +775 |
- function(x, y) {+ cbind_rtables <- function(x, ..., sync_count_vis = TRUE) { |
532 | -2x | +776 | +10x |
- TableTree(kids = list(x), cinfo = col_info(x), name = "rbind_root", label = "")+ lst <- list(...) |
533 | -+ | |||
777 | +10x |
- }+ newcinfo <- combine_cinfo(x, ..., sync_count_vis = sync_count_vis)+ |
+ ||
778 | +9x | +
+ recurse_cbindl(x, cinfo = newcinfo, .list = lst) |
534 | +779 |
- )+ } |
535 | +780 | |||
536 | -+ | |||
781 | +89x |
- #' @param x (`VTableNodeInfo`)\cr `TableTree`, `ElementaryTable`, or `TableRow` object.+ setGeneric("recurse_cbindl", function(x, cinfo, .list = NULL) standardGeneric("recurse_cbindl")) |
537 | +782 |
- #' @param y (`VTableNodeInfo`)\cr `TableTree`, `ElementaryTable`, or `TableRow` object.+ |
538 | +783 |
- #'+ setMethod( |
539 | +784 |
- #' @exportMethod rbind2+ "recurse_cbindl", c( |
540 | +785 |
- #' @rdname rbind+ x = "VTableNodeInfo", |
541 | +786 |
- setMethod(+ cinfo = "NULL" |
542 | +787 |
- "rbind2", "VTableNodeInfo",+ ), |
543 | +788 |
- function(x, y) {+ function(x, cinfo, .list = NULL) { |
544 | -12x | +|||
789 | +! |
- rbindl_rtables(list(x, y))+ recurse_cbindl(x, cinfo = combine_cinfo(.list), .list = .list) |
545 | +790 |
} |
546 | +791 |
) |
547 | +792 | |||
548 | +793 |
- EmptyTreePos <- TreePos()+ setMethod( |
549 | +794 |
+ "recurse_cbindl", c( |
550 | +795 |
- ## this is painful to do right but we were doing it wrong+ x = "TableTree", |
551 | +796 |
- ## before and it now matters because count display information+ cinfo = "InstantiatedColumnInfo" |
552 | +797 |
- ## is in the tree which means all points in the structure+ ), |
553 | +798 |
- ## must be pathable, which they aren't if siblings have+ function(x, cinfo, .list = NULL) { |
554 | -+ | |||
799 | +18x |
- ## identical names+ stopifnot(are(.list, "VTableTree")) |
555 | +800 |
- fix_col_nm_recursive <- function(ct, newname, rename_obj = TRUE, oldnm) {+ ## chk_cbindable(x, y) |
556 | -120x | +801 | +18x |
- if (rename_obj) {+ xcont <- content_table(x) |
557 | -19x | -
- obj_name(ct) <- newname- |
- ||
558 | -+ | 802 | +18x |
- }+ lstconts <- lapply(.list, content_table) |
559 | -120x | +803 | +18x |
- if (is(ct, "LayoutColTree")) {+ lcontnrows <- vapply(lstconts, NROW, 1L) |
560 | -45x | +804 | +18x |
- kids <- tree_children(ct)+ unqnrcont <- unique(c(NROW(xcont), lcontnrows)) |
561 | -45x | +805 | +18x |
- kidnms <- names(kids)+ if (length(unqnrcont) > 1) { |
562 | -45x | +|||
806 | +! |
- newkids <- lapply(kids, fix_col_nm_recursive,+ stop( |
563 | -45x | +|||
807 | +! |
- newname = newname,+ "Got differing numbers of content rows [", |
564 | -45x | +|||
808 | +! |
- rename_obj = FALSE,+ paste(unqnrcont, collapse = ", "), |
565 | -45x | +|||
809 | +! |
- oldnm = oldnm+ "]. Unable to cbind these rtables" |
566 | +810 |
- )- |
- ||
567 | -45x | -
- names(newkids) <- kidnms- |
- ||
568 | -45x | -
- tree_children(ct) <- newkids+ ) |
569 | +811 |
- }- |
- ||
570 | -120x | -
- mypos <- tree_pos(ct)+ } |
571 | -120x | +|||
812 | +
- if (!identical(mypos, EmptyTreePos)) {+ |
572 | -97x | +813 | +18x |
- spls <- pos_splits(mypos)+ if (unqnrcont == 0) { |
573 | -97x | +814 | +18x |
- firstspl <- spls[[1]]+ cont <- ElementaryTable(cinfo = cinfo) |
574 | -97x | +|||
815 | +
- if (obj_name(firstspl) == oldnm) {+ } else { |
575 | +816 | ! |
- obj_name(firstspl) <- newname+ cont <- recurse_cbindl(xcont, |
576 | +817 | ! |
- spls[[1]] <- firstspl+ .list = lstconts, |
577 | +818 | ! |
- pos_splits(mypos) <- spls+ cinfo = cinfo |
578 | -! | +|||
819 | +
- tree_pos(ct) <- mypos+ ) |
579 | +820 |
} |
580 | +821 |
- }+ |
581 | -120x | +822 | +18x |
- if (!rename_obj) {+ kids <- lapply( |
582 | -101x | +823 | +18x |
- spls <- pos_splits(mypos)+ seq_along(tree_children(x)), |
583 | -101x | +824 | +18x |
- splvals <- pos_splvals(mypos)+ function(i) { |
584 | -101x | +825 | +27x |
- pos_splits(mypos) <- c(+ recurse_cbindl( |
585 | -101x | +826 | +27x |
- list(AllSplit(split_name = newname)),+ x = tree_children(x)[[i]], |
586 | -101x | +827 | +27x |
- spls+ cinfo = cinfo,+ |
828 | +27x | +
+ .list = lapply(.list, function(tt) tree_children(tt)[[i]]) |
587 | +829 |
- )+ ) |
588 | -101x | +|||
830 | +
- pos_splvals(mypos) <- c(+ } |
589 | -101x | +|||
831 | +
- list(SplitValue(NA_character_,+ ) |
590 | -101x | +832 | +18x |
- sub_expr = quote(TRUE)+ names(kids) <- names(tree_children(x)) |
591 | -+ | |||
833 | +18x |
- )),+ TableTree( |
592 | -101x | +834 | +18x |
- splvals+ kids = kids, labelrow = recurse_cbindl(tt_labelrow(x), |
593 | -+ | |||
835 | +18x |
- )+ cinfo = cinfo, |
594 | -101x | +836 | +18x |
- tree_pos(ct) <- mypos+ .list = lapply(.list, tt_labelrow) |
595 | +837 |
- }+ ), |
596 | -120x | +838 | +18x |
- ct+ cont = cont, |
597 | -+ | |||
839 | +18x |
- }+ name = obj_name(x), |
598 | -+ | |||
840 | +18x |
+ lev = tt_level(x), |
599 | -+ | |||
841 | +18x |
- fix_nms <- function(ct) {+ cinfo = cinfo, |
600 | -129x | +842 | +18x |
- if (is(ct, "LayoutColLeaf")) {+ format = obj_format(x) |
601 | -75x | +|||
843 | +
- return(ct)+ ) |
602 | +844 |
} |
603 | -54x | +|||
845 | +
- kids <- lapply(tree_children(ct), fix_nms)+ ) |
604 | -54x | +|||
846 | +
- names(kids) <- vapply(kids, obj_name, "")+ |
605 | -54x | +|||
847 | +
- tree_children(ct) <- kids+ setMethod( |
606 | -54x | +|||
848 | +
- ct+ "recurse_cbindl", c( |
607 | +849 |
- }+ x = "ElementaryTable", |
608 | +850 |
+ cinfo = "InstantiatedColumnInfo" |
609 | +851 |
- make_cbind_names <- function(num, tokens) {+ ), |
610 | -9x | +|||
852 | +
- cbind_tokens <- grep("^(new_)*cbind_tbl", tokens, value = TRUE)+ function(x, cinfo, .list) { |
611 | -9x | +853 | +18x |
- ret <- paste0("cbind_tbl_", seq_len(num))- |
612 | -9x | -
- if (length(cbind_tokens) == 0) {- |
- ||
613 | -9x | -
- return(ret)+ stopifnot(are(.list, class(x))) |
614 | +854 |
- }+ ## chk_cbindable(x,y) |
615 | -! | +|||
855 | +18x |
- oldprefixes <- gsub("cbind_tbl.*", "", cbind_tokens)+ if (nrow(x) == 0 && all(vapply(.list, nrow, 1L) == 0)) { |
616 | -! | +|||
856 | +1x |
- oldprefix <- oldprefixes[which.max(nchar(oldprefixes))]+ col_info(x) <- cinfo |
617 | -! | +|||
857 | +1x |
- paste0("new_", oldprefix, ret)+ return(x) ## this needs testing... I was right, it did #136 |
618 | +858 |
- }+ } |
619 | -+ | |||
859 | +17x |
+ kids <- lapply( |
620 | -+ | |||
860 | +17x |
- combine_cinfo <- function(..., new_total = NULL, sync_count_vis) {+ seq_along(tree_children(x)), |
621 | -10x | +861 | +17x |
- tabs <- list(...)+ function(i) { |
622 | -10x | +862 | +18x |
- chk_cbindable_many(tabs)+ recurse_cbindl( |
623 | -9x | +863 | +18x |
- cinfs <- lapply(tabs, col_info)+ x = tree_children(x)[[i]], |
624 | -9x | +864 | +18x |
- stopifnot(are(cinfs, "InstantiatedColumnInfo"))+ cinfo = cinfo, |
625 | -+ | |||
865 | +18x |
+ .list = lapply(.list, function(tt) tree_children(tt)[[i]]) |
626 | -9x | +|||
866 | +
- ctrees <- lapply(cinfs, coltree)+ ) |
627 | -9x | +|||
867 | +
- oldnms <- nms <- vapply(ctrees, obj_name, "")+ } |
628 | -9x | +|||
868 | +
- path_els <- unique(unlist(lapply(ctrees, col_paths), recursive = TRUE))+ ) |
629 | -9x | +869 | +17x |
- nms <- make_cbind_names(num = length(oldnms), tokens = path_els)+ names(kids) <- names(tree_children(x)) |
630 | +870 | |||
631 | -9x | +871 | +17x |
- ctrees <- mapply(function(ct, nm, oldnm) {+ ElementaryTable( |
632 | -19x | +872 | +17x |
- ct <- fix_col_nm_recursive(ct, nm, rename_obj = TRUE, oldnm = "") # oldnm)+ kids = kids, |
633 | -19x | +873 | +17x |
- ct+ labelrow = recurse_cbindl(tt_labelrow(x), |
634 | -9x | +874 | +17x |
- }, ct = ctrees, nm = nms, oldnm = oldnms, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)+ .list = lapply(.list, tt_labelrow), |
635 | -9x | +875 | +17x |
- names(ctrees) <- nms+ cinfo |
636 | +876 |
+ ), |
637 | -9x | +877 | +17x |
- newctree <- LayoutColTree(kids = ctrees, colcount = NA_integer_, name = "cbind_root")+ name = obj_name(x), |
638 | -9x | +878 | +17x |
- newctree <- fix_nms(newctree)+ lev = tt_level(x), |
639 | -9x | +879 | +17x |
- newcounts <- unlist(lapply(cinfs, col_counts))+ cinfo = cinfo, |
640 | -9x | +880 | +17x |
- if (is.null(new_total)) {+ format = obj_format(x), |
641 | -9x | +881 | +17x |
- new_total <- sum(newcounts)+ var = obj_avar(x) |
642 | +882 |
- }- |
- ||
643 | -9x | -
- newexprs <- unlist(lapply(cinfs, col_exprs), recursive = FALSE)+ ) |
644 | -9x | +|||
883 | +
- newexargs <- unlist(lapply(cinfs, col_extra_args), recursive = FALSE) %||% vector("list", length(newcounts))+ } |
645 | -9x | +|||
884 | +
- if (!sync_count_vis) {+ ) |
646 | -1x | +|||
885 | +
- newdisp <- NA+ |
647 | +886 |
- } else {+ .combine_rows <- function(x, cinfo = NULL, .list) { |
648 | -8x | +887 | +18x |
- newdisp <- any(vapply(cinfs, disp_ccounts, NA))+ stopifnot(are(.list, class(x))) |
649 | +888 |
- }- |
- ||
650 | -9x | -
- alltls <- lapply(cinfs, top_left)+ |
651 | -9x | +889 | +18x |
- newtl <- character()+ avars <- c(obj_avar(x), unlist(lapply(.list, obj_avar), recursive = FALSE)) |
652 | -9x | +890 | +18x |
- if (!are(tabs, "TableRow")) {+ avars <- avars[!is.na(avars)] |
653 | -9x | +|||
891 | +
- alltls <- alltls[vapply(alltls, function(x) length(x) > 0, NA)] ## these are already enforced to all be the same+ |
654 | -9x | +892 | +18x |
- if (length(alltls) > 0) {+ if (length(unique(avars)) > 1) { |
655 | +893 | ! |
- newtl <- alltls[[1]]+ stop("Got rows that don't analyze the same variable") |
656 | +894 |
- }+ } |
657 | +895 |
- }- |
- ||
658 | -9x | -
- InstantiatedColumnInfo(+ |
659 | -9x | +896 | +18x |
- treelyt = newctree,+ xlst <- c(list(x), .list) |
660 | -9x | +|||
897 | +
- csubs = newexprs,+ |
661 | -9x | +898 | +18x |
- extras = newexargs,+ ncols <- vapply(xlst, ncol, 1L) |
662 | -9x | +899 | +18x |
- cnts = newcounts,+ totcols <- sum(ncols) |
663 | -9x | +900 | +18x |
- dispcounts = newdisp,+ cumncols <- cumsum(ncols) |
664 | -9x | +901 | +18x |
- countformat = colcount_format(cinfs[[1]]),+ strtncols <- c(0L, head(cumncols, -1)) + 1L |
665 | -9x | +902 | +18x |
- total_cnt = new_total,+ vals <- vector("list", totcols) |
666 | -9x | +903 | +18x |
- topleft = newtl+ cspans <- integer(totcols) |
667 | +904 |
- )+ ## vals[1:ncol(x)] <- row_values(x) |
668 | +905 |
- }+ ## cpans[1:ncol(x)] <- row_cspans(x) |
669 | +906 | |||
670 | -- |
- nz_len_els <- function(lst) {- |
- ||
671 | -100x | -
- if (is(lst, "list")) {- |
- ||
672 | -13x | +907 | +18x |
- lst[vapply(lst, function(x) length(x) > 0, NA)]+ for (i in seq_along(xlst)) { |
673 | -87x | +908 | +37x |
- } else if (is(lst, "character")) {+ strt <- strtncols[i] |
674 | -74x | +909 | +37x |
- lst[nzchar(lst)]+ end <- cumncols[i] |
675 | +910 |
- } else {+ ## full vars are here for debugging purposes |
676 | -13x | +911 | +37x |
- lst+ fullvy <- vy <- row_cells(xlst[[i]]) # nolint |
677 | -+ | |||
912 | +37x |
- }+ fullcspy <- cspy <- row_cspans(xlst[[i]]) # nolint |
678 | +913 |
- }+ |
679 | +914 |
+ if ( |
680 | -+ | |||
915 | +37x |
- has_one_unq <- function(x) {+ i > 1 && |
681 | -100x | +916 | +37x |
- length(unique(nz_len_els(x))) <= 1+ identical(rawvalues(vy[[1]]), rawvalues(lastval)) && |
682 | +917 |
- }+ ## cspy[1] == lastspn && |
683 | -+ | |||
918 | +37x |
+ lastspn > 1 |
684 | +919 |
- classvec <- function(lst, enforce_one = TRUE) {+ ) { |
685 | -26x | +|||
920 | +! |
- if (enforce_one) {+ vy <- vy[-1] |
686 | -26x | +|||
921 | +! |
- vapply(lst, class, "")+ cspans[strt - 1L] <- lastspn + cspy[1] |
687 | -+ | |||
922 | +! |
- } else {+ cspy <- cspy[-1] |
688 | +923 | ! |
- lapply(lst, class)+ strt <- strt + 1L |
689 | +924 |
- }+ } |
690 | -+ | |||
925 | +37x |
- }+ if (length(vy) > 0) { |
691 | -+ | |||
926 | +37x |
+ vals[strt:end] <- vy |
692 | -+ | |||
927 | +37x |
- chk_cbindable_many <- function(lst) {+ cspans[strt:end] <- cspy |
693 | -+ | |||
928 | +37x |
- ## we actually want is/inherits there but no easy way+ lastval <- vy[[length(vy)]] |
694 | -+ | |||
929 | +37x |
- ## to figure out what the lowest base class is+ lastspn <- cspy[[length(cspy)]] |
695 | +930 |
- ## that I can think of right now, so we do the+ } else { |
696 | +931 |
- ## broken wrong thing instead :(- |
- ||
697 | -15x | -
- if (are(lst, "TableRow")) {- |
- ||
698 | -2x | -
- if (!has_one_unq(classvec(lst))) {+ ## lastval stays the same |
699 | -1x | +|||
932 | +! |
- stop("Cannot cbind different types of TableRow objects together")+ lastspn <- cspans[strtncols[i] - 1] ## already updated |
700 | +933 |
} |
701 | -1x | -
- return(TRUE)- |
- ||
702 | +934 |
} |
703 | +935 |
- ## if(!are(lst, "VTableTree")+ |
704 | +936 |
- ## stop("Not all elements to be bound are TableTrees or TableRows")+ ## Could be DataRow or ContentRow |
705 | +937 |
+ ## This is ok because LabelRow is special cased |
706 | -13x | +938 | +18x |
- nrs <- vapply(lst, NROW, 1L)+ constr_fun <- get(class(x), mode = "function") |
707 | -13x | -
- if (!has_one_unq(nrs)) {- |
- ||
708 | -! | +939 | +18x |
- stop("Not all elements to be bound have matching numbers of rows")+ constr_fun( |
709 | -+ | |||
940 | +18x |
- }+ vals = vals, |
710 | -+ | |||
941 | +18x |
+ cspan = cspans, |
711 | -13x | +942 | +18x |
- tls <- lapply(lst, top_left)+ cinfo = cinfo, |
712 | -13x | +943 | +18x |
- if (!has_one_unq(tls[vapply(tls, function(x) length(x) > 0, NA)])) {+ var = obj_avar(x), |
713 | -2x | +944 | +18x |
- stop(+ format = obj_format(x), |
714 | -2x | +945 | +18x |
- "Elements to be bound have differing top-left content: ",+ name = obj_name(x), |
715 | -2x | +946 | +18x |
- paste(which(!duplicated(tls)), collapse = " ")+ label = obj_label(x) |
716 | +947 |
- )+ ) |
717 | +948 |
- }+ } |
718 | +949 | |||
719 | -11x | -
- if (all(vapply(lst, function(x) nrow(x) == 0, NA))) {- |
- ||
720 | -1x | -
- return(TRUE)- |
- ||
721 | +950 |
- }+ setMethod( |
722 | +951 | - - | -||
723 | -10x | -
- rns <- matrix(vapply(lst, row.names, rep("", nrs[[1]])),- |
- ||
724 | -10x | -
- nrow = nrs[[1]]+ "recurse_cbindl", c( |
725 | +952 |
- )- |
- ||
726 | -10x | -
- rnsok <- apply(rns, 1, has_one_unq)- |
- ||
727 | -10x | -
- if (!all(rnsok)) {- |
- ||
728 | -! | -
- stop(- |
- ||
729 | -! | -
- "Mismatching, non-empty row names detected in rows ",- |
- ||
730 | -! | -
- paste(which(!rnsok), collapse = " ")+ "TableRow", |
731 | +953 |
- )+ "InstantiatedColumnInfo" |
732 | +954 |
- }+ ), |
733 | +955 | - - | -||
734 | -10x | -
- rws <- lapply(lst, collect_leaves, add.labrows = TRUE)+ function(x, cinfo = NULL, .list) { |
735 | -10x | +956 | +18x |
- rwclsmat <- matrix(unlist(lapply(rws, classvec)),+ .combine_rows(x, cinfo, .list) |
736 | -10x | +|||
957 | +
- ncol = length(lst)+ } |
737 | +958 |
- )+ ) |
738 | +959 | |||
739 | -10x | +|||
960 | +
- rwsok <- apply(rwclsmat, 1, has_one_unq)+ setMethod( |
740 | -10x | +|||
961 | +
- if (!all(rwsok)) {+ "recurse_cbindl", c( |
741 | -! | +|||
962 | +
- stop(+ x = "LabelRow", |
742 | -! | +|||
963 | +
- "Mismatching row classes found for rows: ",+ cinfo = "InstantiatedColumnInfo" |
743 | -! | +|||
964 | +
- paste(which(!rwsok), collapse = " ")+ ), |
744 | +965 |
- )+ function(x, cinfo = NULL, .list) { |
745 | -+ | |||
966 | +35x |
- }+ col_info(x) <- cinfo |
746 | -10x | +967 | +35x |
- TRUE+ x |
747 | +968 |
- }+ } |
748 | +969 |
+ ) |
749 | +970 |
- #' Column-bind two `TableTree` objects+ |
750 | +971 |
- #'+ ## we don't care about the following discrepencies: |
751 | +972 |
- #' @param x (`TableTree` or `TableRow`)\cr a table or row object.+ ## - ci2 having NA counts when ci1 doesn't |
752 | +973 |
- #' @param ... one or more further objects of the same class as `x`.+ ## - mismatching display_ccounts values |
753 | +974 |
- #' @param sync_count_vis (`logical(1)`)\cr should column count+ ## - mismatching colcount formats |
754 | +975 |
- #' visibility be synced across the new and existing columns.+ ## |
755 | +976 |
- #' Currently defaults to `TRUE` for backwards compatibility but+ |
756 | +977 |
- #' this may change in future releases.+ # chk_compat_cinfos <- function(ci1, ci2) { |
757 | +978 |
- #'+ chk_compat_cinfos <- function(tt1, tt2) { |
758 | -+ | |||
979 | +41x |
- #' @inherit rbindl_rtables return+ nc1 <- ncol(tt1) |
759 | -+ | |||
980 | +41x |
- #'+ nc2 <- ncol(tt2) |
760 | -+ | |||
981 | +41x |
- #' @examples+ if (nc1 != nc2 && nc1 > 0 && nc2 > 0) { |
761 | -+ | |||
982 | +1x |
- #' x <- rtable(c("A", "B"), rrow("row 1", 1, 2), rrow("row 2", 3, 4))+ stop("Column structures contain different non-zero numbers of columns: ", nc1, ", ", nc2) |
762 | +983 |
- #' y <- rtable("C", rrow("row 1", 5), rrow("row 2", 6))+ } |
763 | -+ | |||
984 | +40x |
- #' z <- rtable("D", rrow("row 1", 9), rrow("row 2", 10))+ if (no_colinfo(tt1) || no_colinfo(tt2)) { |
764 | -+ | |||
985 | +10x |
- #'+ return(TRUE) |
765 | +986 |
- #' t1 <- cbind_rtables(x, y)+ } |
766 | -+ | |||
987 | +30x |
- #' t1+ ci1 <- col_info(tt1) |
767 | -+ | |||
988 | +30x |
- #'+ ci2 <- col_info(tt2) |
768 | +989 |
- #' t2 <- cbind_rtables(x, y, z)+ ## this will enforce same length and |
769 | +990 |
- #' t2+ ## same names, in addition to same |
770 | +991 |
- #'+ ## expressions so we dont need |
771 | +992 |
- #' col_paths_summary(t1)+ ## to check those separateley |
772 | -+ | |||
993 | +30x |
- #' col_paths_summary(t2)+ if (!identical(col_exprs(ci1), col_exprs(ci2))) { |
773 | -+ | |||
994 | +! |
- #'+ stop("Column structures not compatible: subset expression lists not identical") |
774 | +995 |
- #' @export+ } |
775 | +996 |
- cbind_rtables <- function(x, ..., sync_count_vis = TRUE) {+ |
776 | -10x | +997 | +30x |
- lst <- list(...)+ if (any(!is.na(col_counts(ci2))) && |
777 | -10x | +998 | +30x |
- newcinfo <- combine_cinfo(x, ..., sync_count_vis = sync_count_vis)+ !identical( |
778 | -9x | +999 | +30x |
- recurse_cbindl(x, cinfo = newcinfo, .list = lst)+ col_counts(ci1), |
779 | -+ | |||
1000 | +30x |
- }+ col_counts(ci2) |
780 | +1001 |
+ )) { |
781 | -89x | +|||
1002 | +! |
- setGeneric("recurse_cbindl", function(x, cinfo, .list = NULL) standardGeneric("recurse_cbindl"))+ stop("Column structures not compatible: 2nd column structure has non-matching, non-null column counts") |
782 | +1003 |
+ } |
783 | +1004 |
- setMethod(+ |
784 | -+ | |||
1005 | +30x |
- "recurse_cbindl", c(+ if (any(sapply( |
785 | -- |
- x = "VTableNodeInfo",- |
- ||
786 | -+ | |||
1006 | +30x |
- cinfo = "NULL"+ col_extra_args(ci2), |
787 | -+ | |||
1007 | +30x |
- ),+ function(x) length(x) > 0 |
788 | +1008 |
- function(x, cinfo, .list = NULL) {- |
- ||
789 | -! | -
- recurse_cbindl(x, cinfo = combine_cinfo(.list), .list = .list)+ )) && |
790 | -+ | |||
1009 | +30x |
- }+ !identical( |
791 | -+ | |||
1010 | +30x |
- )+ col_extra_args(ci1), |
792 | -+ | |||
1011 | +30x |
+ col_extra_args(ci2) |
793 | +1012 |
- setMethod(+ )) { |
794 | -+ | |||
1013 | +! |
- "recurse_cbindl", c(+ stop( |
795 | -+ | |||
1014 | +! |
- x = "TableTree",+ "Column structures not compatible: 2nd column structure has ", |
796 | -+ | |||
1015 | +! |
- cinfo = "InstantiatedColumnInfo"+ "non-matching, non-null extra args" |
797 | +1016 |
- ),+ ) |
798 | +1017 |
- function(x, cinfo, .list = NULL) {- |
- ||
799 | -18x | -
- stopifnot(are(.list, "VTableTree"))+ } |
800 | +1018 |
- ## chk_cbindable(x, y)+ |
801 | -18x | +1019 | +30x |
- xcont <- content_table(x)+ if (any(nzchar(top_left(ci1))) && any(nzchar(top_left(ci2))) && !identical(top_left(ci1), top_left(ci2))) { |
802 | -18x | +1020 | +1x |
- lstconts <- lapply(.list, content_table)+ stop( |
803 | -18x | +1021 | +1x |
- lcontnrows <- vapply(lstconts, NROW, 1L)+ "Top-left materials not compatible: Got non-empty, non-matching ", |
804 | -18x | +1022 | +1x |
- unqnrcont <- unique(c(NROW(xcont), lcontnrows))+ "top-left materials. Clear them using top_left(x)<-character() ", |
805 | -18x | -
- if (length(unqnrcont) > 1) {- |
- ||
806 | -! | +1023 | +1x |
- stop(+ "before binding to force compatibility." |
807 | -! | +|||
1024 | +
- "Got differing numbers of content rows [",+ ) |
808 | -! | +|||
1025 | +
- paste(unqnrcont, collapse = ", "),+ } |
809 | -! | +|||
1026 | +29x |
- "]. Unable to cbind these rtables"+ TRUE |
810 | +1027 |
- )+ } |
811 | +1028 |
- }+ |
812 | +1029 | |||
813 | -18x | +|||
1030 | +
- if (unqnrcont == 0) {+ #' Insert `rrow`s at (before) a specific location |
814 | -18x | +|||
1031 | +
- cont <- ElementaryTable(cinfo = cinfo)+ #' |
815 | +1032 |
- } else {+ #' `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")` |
816 | -! | +|||
1033 | +
- cont <- recurse_cbindl(xcont,+ #' |
817 | -! | +|||
1034 | +
- .list = lstconts,+ #' This function is deprecated and will be removed in a future release of `rtables`. Please use |
818 | -! | +|||
1035 | +
- cinfo = cinfo+ #' [insert_row_at_path()] or [label_at_path()] instead. |
819 | +1036 |
- )+ #' |
820 | +1037 |
- }+ #' @param tbl (`VTableTree`)\cr a `rtable` object. |
821 | +1038 |
+ #' @param rrow (`TableRow`)\cr an `rrow` to append to `tbl`. |
822 | -18x | +|||
1039 | +
- kids <- lapply(+ #' @param at (`integer(1)`)\cr position into which to put the `rrow`, defaults to beginning (i.e. row 1). |
823 | -18x | +|||
1040 | +
- seq_along(tree_children(x)),+ #' @param ascontent (`flag`)\cr currently ignored. |
824 | -18x | +|||
1041 | +
- function(i) {+ #' |
825 | -27x | +|||
1042 | +
- recurse_cbindl(+ #' @return A `TableTree` of the same specific class as `tbl`. |
826 | -27x | +|||
1043 | +
- x = tree_children(x)[[i]],+ #' |
827 | -27x | +|||
1044 | +
- cinfo = cinfo,+ #' @note |
828 | -27x | +|||
1045 | +
- .list = lapply(.list, function(tt) tree_children(tt)[[i]])+ #' Label rows (i.e. a row with no data values, only a `row.name`) can only be inserted at positions which do |
829 | +1046 |
- )+ #' not already contain a label row when there is a non-trivial nested row structure in `tbl`. |
830 | +1047 |
- }+ #' |
831 | +1048 |
- )+ #' @examples |
832 | -18x | +|||
1049 | +
- names(kids) <- names(tree_children(x))+ #' o <- options(warn = 0) |
833 | -18x | +|||
1050 | +
- TableTree(+ #' lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
834 | -18x | +|||
1051 | +
- kids = kids, labelrow = recurse_cbindl(tt_labelrow(x),+ #' split_cols_by("Species") %>% |
835 | -18x | +|||
1052 | +
- cinfo = cinfo,+ #' analyze("Sepal.Length") |
836 | -18x | +|||
1053 | +
- .list = lapply(.list, tt_labelrow)+ #' |
837 | +1054 |
- ),+ #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, iris) |
838 | -18x | +|||
1055 | +
- cont = cont,+ #' |
839 | -18x | +|||
1056 | +
- name = obj_name(x),+ #' insert_rrow(tbl, rrow("Hello World")) |
840 | -18x | +|||
1057 | +
- lev = tt_level(x),+ #' insert_rrow(tbl, rrow("Hello World"), at = 2) |
841 | -18x | +|||
1058 | +
- cinfo = cinfo,+ #' |
842 | -18x | +|||
1059 | +
- format = obj_format(x)+ #' lyt2 <- basic_table() %>% |
843 | +1060 |
- )+ #' split_cols_by("Species") %>% |
844 | +1061 |
- }+ #' split_rows_by("Species") %>% |
845 | +1062 |
- )+ #' analyze("Sepal.Length") |
846 | +1063 |
+ #' |
847 | +1064 |
- setMethod(+ #' tbl2 <- build_table(lyt2, iris) |
848 | +1065 |
- "recurse_cbindl", c(+ #' |
849 | +1066 |
- x = "ElementaryTable",+ #' insert_rrow(tbl2, rrow("Hello World")) |
850 | +1067 |
- cinfo = "InstantiatedColumnInfo"+ #' insert_rrow(tbl2, rrow("Hello World"), at = 2) |
851 | +1068 |
- ),+ #' insert_rrow(tbl2, rrow("Hello World"), at = 4) |
852 | +1069 |
- function(x, cinfo, .list) {+ #' |
853 | -18x | +|||
1070 | +
- stopifnot(are(.list, class(x)))+ #' insert_rrow(tbl2, rrow("new row", 5, 6, 7)) |
854 | +1071 |
- ## chk_cbindable(x,y)+ #' |
855 | -18x | +|||
1072 | +
- if (nrow(x) == 0 && all(vapply(.list, nrow, 1L) == 0)) {+ #' insert_rrow(tbl2, rrow("new row", 5, 6, 7), at = 3) |
856 | -1x | +|||
1073 | +
- col_info(x) <- cinfo+ #' |
857 | -1x | +|||
1074 | +
- return(x) ## this needs testing... I was right, it did #136+ #' options(o) |
858 | +1075 |
- }+ #' |
859 | -17x | +|||
1076 | +
- kids <- lapply(+ #' @export |
860 | -17x | +|||
1077 | +
- seq_along(tree_children(x)),+ insert_rrow <- function(tbl, rrow, at = 1, |
861 | -17x | +|||
1078 | +
- function(i) {+ ascontent = FALSE) { |
862 | -18x | +1079 | +9x |
- recurse_cbindl(+ lifecycle::deprecate_warn( |
863 | -18x | +1080 | +9x |
- x = tree_children(x)[[i]],+ when = "0.4.0", |
864 | -18x | +1081 | +9x |
- cinfo = cinfo,+ what = "insert_rrow()", |
865 | -18x | -
- .list = lapply(.list, function(tt) tree_children(tt)[[i]])- |
- ||
866 | -+ | 1082 | +9x |
- )+ with = I("insert_row_at_path() or label_at_path()") |
867 | +1083 |
- }+ ) |
868 | -+ | |||
1084 | +9x |
- )+ stopifnot( |
869 | -17x | +1085 | +9x |
- names(kids) <- names(tree_children(x))+ is(tbl, "VTableTree"), |
870 | -+ | |||
1086 | +9x |
+ is(rrow, "TableRow"), |
871 | -17x | +1087 | +9x |
- ElementaryTable(+ at >= 1 && at <= nrow(tbl) + 1 |
872 | -17x | +|||
1088 | +
- kids = kids,+ ) |
873 | -17x | +1089 | +9x |
- labelrow = recurse_cbindl(tt_labelrow(x),+ chk_compat_cinfos(tbl, rrow) |
874 | -17x | +1090 | +8x |
- .list = lapply(.list, tt_labelrow),+ if (no_colinfo(rrow)) { |
875 | -17x | +1091 | +8x |
- cinfo+ col_info(rrow) <- col_info(tbl) |
876 | +1092 |
- ),+ } |
877 | -17x | +|||
1093 | +
- name = obj_name(x),+ |
878 | -17x | +1094 | +8x |
- lev = tt_level(x),+ if (at == 1) { |
879 | -17x | +1095 | +4x |
- cinfo = cinfo,+ return(rbindl_rtables(list(rrow, tbl))) |
880 | -17x | +1096 | +4x |
- format = obj_format(x),+ } else if (at == nrow(tbl) + 1) { |
881 | -17x | +1097 | +1x |
- var = obj_avar(x)+ return(rbind2(tbl, rrow)) |
882 | +1098 |
- )+ } |
883 | +1099 |
- }+ |
884 | -+ | |||
1100 | +3x |
- )+ ret <- recurse_insert(tbl, rrow, |
885 | -+ | |||
1101 | +3x |
+ at = at, |
886 | -+ | |||
1102 | +3x |
- .combine_rows <- function(x, cinfo = NULL, .list) {+ pos = 0, |
887 | -18x | +1103 | +3x |
- stopifnot(are(.list, class(x)))+ ascontent = ascontent |
888 | +1104 |
+ ) |
889 | -18x | +1105 | +3x |
- avars <- c(obj_avar(x), unlist(lapply(.list, obj_avar), recursive = FALSE))+ ret |
890 | -18x | +|||
1106 | +
- avars <- avars[!is.na(avars)]+ } |
891 | +1107 | |||
892 | -18x | -
- if (length(unique(avars)) > 1) {- |
- ||
893 | -! | -
- stop("Got rows that don't analyze the same variable")- |
- ||
894 | +1108 |
- }+ .insert_helper <- function(tt, row, at, pos, |
895 | +1109 |
+ ascontent = FALSE) { |
896 | -18x | +1110 | +9x |
- xlst <- c(list(x), .list)+ islab <- is(row, "LabelRow") |
897 | -+ | |||
1111 | +9x |
+ kids <- tree_children(tt) |
898 | -18x | +1112 | +9x |
- ncols <- vapply(xlst, ncol, 1L)+ numkids <- length(kids) |
899 | -18x | +1113 | +9x |
- totcols <- sum(ncols)+ kidnrs <- sapply(kids, nrow) |
900 | -18x | +1114 | +9x |
- cumncols <- cumsum(ncols)+ cumpos <- pos + cumsum(kidnrs) |
901 | -18x | +1115 | +9x |
- strtncols <- c(0L, head(cumncols, -1)) + 1L+ contnr <- if (is(tt, "TableTree")) { |
902 | -18x | +1116 | +6x |
- vals <- vector("list", totcols)+ nrow(content_table(tt))+ |
1117 | ++ |
+ } else { |
903 | -18x | +1118 | +3x |
- cspans <- integer(totcols)+ 0 |
904 | +1119 |
- ## vals[1:ncol(x)] <- row_values(x)+ } |
905 | -+ | |||
1120 | +9x |
- ## cpans[1:ncol(x)] <- row_cspans(x)+ contnr <- contnr + as.numeric(labelrow_visible(tt)) |
906 | +1121 | |||
907 | -18x | +1122 | +9x |
- for (i in seq_along(xlst)) {+ totnr <- nrow(tt) |
908 | -37x | +1123 | +9x |
- strt <- strtncols[i]+ endpos <- pos + totnr |
909 | -37x | -
- end <- cumncols[i]- |
- ||
910 | -+ | 1124 | +9x |
- ## full vars are here for debugging purposes+ atend <- !islab && endpos == at - 1 |
911 | -37x | +1125 | +9x |
- fullvy <- vy <- row_cells(xlst[[i]]) # nolint+ if (at == pos + 1 && islab) { |
912 | -37x | +1126 | +2x |
- fullcspy <- cspy <- row_cspans(xlst[[i]]) # nolint+ if (labelrow_visible(tt)) { |
913 | -+ | |||
1127 | +! |
+ stop("Inserting a label row at a position that already has a label row is not currently supported") |
914 | +1128 |
- if (+ } |
915 | -37x | +1129 | +2x |
- i > 1 &&+ tt_labelrow(tt) <- row |
916 | -37x | +1130 | +2x |
- identical(rawvalues(vy[[1]]), rawvalues(lastval)) &&+ return(tt) |
917 | +1131 |
- ## cspy[1] == lastspn &&+ } |
918 | -37x | +|||
1132 | +
- lastspn > 1+ |
919 | -+ | |||
1133 | +7x |
- ) {+ if (numkids == 0) { |
920 | +1134 | ! |
- vy <- vy[-1]+ kids <- list(row) |
921 | -! | +|||
1135 | +7x |
- cspans[strt - 1L] <- lastspn + cspy[1]+ } else if (atend) { |
922 | -! | +|||
1136 | +2x |
- cspy <- cspy[-1]+ if (are(kids, "TableRow")) { |
923 | -! | +|||
1137 | +1x |
- strt <- strt + 1L+ kids <- c(kids, list(row)) |
924 | +1138 |
- }+ } else { |
925 | -37x | +1139 | +1x |
- if (length(vy) > 0) {+ kids[[numkids]] <- recurse_insert( |
926 | -37x | +1140 | +1x |
- vals[strt:end] <- vy+ kids[[numkids]], |
927 | -37x | +1141 | +1x |
- cspans[strt:end] <- cspy+ row = row, |
928 | -37x | +1142 | +1x |
- lastval <- vy[[length(vy)]]+ at = at, |
929 | -37x | +1143 | +1x |
- lastspn <- cspy[[length(cspy)]]+ pos = pos + contnr + sum(kidnrs[-numkids]), |
930 | -+ | |||
1144 | +1x |
- } else {+ ascontent = ascontent |
931 | +1145 |
- ## lastval stays the same- |
- ||
932 | -! | -
- lastspn <- cspans[strtncols[i] - 1] ## already updated+ ) |
933 | +1146 |
} |
934 | +1147 |
- }+ } else { # have >0 kids+ |
+ ||
1148 | +5x | +
+ kidnrs <- sapply(kids, nrow)+ |
+ ||
1149 | +5x | +
+ cumpos <- pos + cumsum(kidnrs) |
935 | +1150 | |||
936 | +1151 |
- ## Could be DataRow or ContentRow+ ## data rows go in the end of the |
937 | +1152 |
- ## This is ok because LabelRow is special cased+ ## preceding subtable (if applicable) |
938 | -18x | +|||
1153 | +
- constr_fun <- get(class(x), mode = "function")+ ## label rows go in the beginning of |
939 | -18x | +|||
1154 | +
- constr_fun(+ ## one at at |
940 | -18x | +1155 | +5x |
- vals = vals,+ ind <- min( |
941 | -18x | +1156 | +5x |
- cspan = cspans,+ which((cumpos + !islab) >= at), |
942 | -18x | +1157 | +5x |
- cinfo = cinfo,+ numkids |
943 | -18x | +|||
1158 | +
- var = obj_avar(x),+ ) |
944 | -18x | +1159 | +5x |
- format = obj_format(x),+ thekid <- kids[[ind]] |
945 | -18x | +|||
1160 | +
- name = obj_name(x),+ |
946 | -18x | +1161 | +5x |
- label = obj_label(x)+ if (is(thekid, "TableRow")) { |
947 | -+ | |||
1162 | +! |
- )+ tt_level(row) <- tt_level(thekid) |
948 | -+ | |||
1163 | +! |
- }+ if (ind == 1) { |
949 | -+ | |||
1164 | +! |
+ bef <- integer() |
950 | -+ | |||
1165 | +! |
- setMethod(+ aft <- 1:numkids |
951 | -+ | |||
1166 | +! |
- "recurse_cbindl", c(+ } else if (ind == numkids) { |
952 | -+ | |||
1167 | +! |
- "TableRow",+ bef <- 1:(ind - 1) |
953 | -+ | |||
1168 | +! |
- "InstantiatedColumnInfo"+ aft <- ind |
954 | +1169 |
- ),+ } else { |
955 | -+ | |||
1170 | +! |
- function(x, cinfo = NULL, .list) {+ bef <- 1:ind |
956 | -18x | +|||
1171 | +! |
- .combine_rows(x, cinfo, .list)+ aft <- (ind + 1):numkids |
957 | +1172 |
- }+ } |
958 | -+ | |||
1173 | +! |
- )+ kids <- c( |
959 | -+ | |||
1174 | +! |
+ kids[bef], list(row), |
960 | -+ | |||
1175 | +! |
- setMethod(+ kids[aft] |
961 | +1176 |
- "recurse_cbindl", c(+ ) |
962 | +1177 |
- x = "LabelRow",+ } else { # kid is not a table row+ |
+ ||
1178 | +5x | +
+ newpos <- if (ind == 1) {+ |
+ ||
1179 | +4x | +
+ pos + contnr |
963 | +1180 |
- cinfo = "InstantiatedColumnInfo"+ } else {+ |
+ ||
1181 | +1x | +
+ cumpos[ind - 1] |
964 | +1182 |
- ),+ } |
965 | +1183 |
- function(x, cinfo = NULL, .list) {+ |
966 | -35x | +1184 | +5x |
- col_info(x) <- cinfo+ kids[[ind]] <- recurse_insert(thekid, |
967 | -35x | +1185 | +5x |
- x+ row, |
968 | -+ | |||
1186 | +5x |
- }+ at, |
969 | -+ | |||
1187 | +5x |
- )+ pos = newpos,+ |
+ ||
1188 | +5x | +
+ ascontent = ascontent |
970 | +1189 |
+ ) |
971 | +1190 |
- ## we don't care about the following discrepencies:+ } # end kid is not table row |
972 | +1191 |
- ## - ci2 having NA counts when ci1 doesn't+ }+ |
+ ||
1192 | +7x | +
+ tree_children(tt) <- kids+ |
+ ||
1193 | +7x | +
+ tt |
973 | +1194 |
- ## - mismatching display_ccounts values+ } |
974 | +1195 |
- ## - mismatching colcount formats+ + |
+ ||
1196 | +9x | +
+ setGeneric("recurse_insert", function(tt, row, at, pos, ascontent = FALSE) standardGeneric("recurse_insert")) |
975 | +1197 |
- ##+ |
976 | +1198 |
+ setMethod( |
977 | +1199 |
- # chk_compat_cinfos <- function(ci1, ci2) {+ "recurse_insert", "TableTree", |
978 | +1200 |
- chk_compat_cinfos <- function(tt1, tt2) {+ function(tt, row, at, pos, ascontent = FALSE) { |
979 | -41x | +1201 | +6x |
- nc1 <- ncol(tt1)+ ctab <- content_table(tt) |
980 | -41x | +1202 | +6x |
- nc2 <- ncol(tt2)+ contnr <- nrow(ctab) |
981 | -41x | +1203 | +6x |
- if (nc1 != nc2 && nc1 > 0 && nc2 > 0) {+ contpos <- pos + contnr |
982 | -1x | +1204 | +6x |
- stop("Column structures contain different non-zero numbers of columns: ", nc1, ", ", nc2)+ islab <- is(row, "LabelRow") |
983 | +1205 |
- }+ ## this will NOT insert it as |
984 | -40x | +1206 | +6x |
- if (no_colinfo(tt1) || no_colinfo(tt2)) {+ if ((contnr > 0 || islab) && contpos > at) { |
985 | -10x | +|||
1207 | +! |
- return(TRUE)+ content_table(tt) <- recurse_insert(ctab, row, at, pos, TRUE)+ |
+ ||
1208 | +! | +
+ return(tt) |
986 | +1209 |
- }+ }+ |
+ ||
1210 | ++ | + | ||
987 | -30x | +1211 | +6x |
- ci1 <- col_info(tt1)+ .insert_helper(tt, row, |
988 | -30x | +1212 | +6x |
- ci2 <- col_info(tt2)+ at = at, pos = pos + contnr, |
989 | -+ | |||
1213 | +6x |
- ## this will enforce same length and+ ascontent = ascontent |
990 | +1214 |
- ## same names, in addition to same+ ) |
991 | +1215 |
- ## expressions so we dont need+ } |
992 | +1216 |
- ## to check those separateley+ ) |
993 | -30x | +|||
1217 | +
- if (!identical(col_exprs(ci1), col_exprs(ci2))) {+ |
994 | -! | +|||
1218 | +
- stop("Column structures not compatible: subset expression lists not identical")+ setMethod( |
995 | +1219 |
- }+ "recurse_insert", "ElementaryTable", |
996 | +1220 |
+ function(tt, row, at, pos, ascontent = FALSE) { |
997 | -30x | +1221 | +3x |
- if (any(!is.na(col_counts(ci2))) &&+ .insert_helper(tt, row, |
998 | -30x | +1222 | +3x |
- !identical(+ at = at, pos = pos, |
999 | -30x | +1223 | +3x |
- col_counts(ci1),+ ascontent = FALSE |
1000 | -30x | +|||
1224 | +
- col_counts(ci2)+ ) |
1001 | +1225 |
- )) {+ } |
1002 | -! | +|||
1226 | +
- stop("Column structures not compatible: 2nd column structure has non-matching, non-null column counts")+ ) |
1003 | +1 |
- }+ #' Find degenerate (sub)structures within a table |
1004 | +2 |
+ #' |
1005 | -30x | +|||
3 | +
- if (any(sapply(+ #' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")` |
1006 | -30x | +|||
4 | +
- col_extra_args(ci2),+ #' |
1007 | -30x | +|||
5 | +
- function(x) length(x) > 0+ #' This function returns a list with the row-paths to all structural subtables which contain no data rows (even if |
1008 | +6 |
- )) &&+ #' they have associated content rows). |
1009 | -30x | +|||
7 | +
- !identical(+ #' |
1010 | -30x | +|||
8 | +
- col_extra_args(ci1),+ #' @param tt (`TableTree`)\cr a `TableTree` object. |
1011 | -30x | +|||
9 | +
- col_extra_args(ci2)+ #' |
1012 | +10 |
- )) {+ #' @return A list of character vectors representing the row paths, if any, to degenerate substructures within the table. |
1013 | -! | +|||
11 | +
- stop(+ #' |
1014 | -! | +|||
12 | +
- "Column structures not compatible: 2nd column structure has ",+ #' @examples |
1015 | -! | +|||
13 | +
- "non-matching, non-null extra args"+ #' find_degen_struct(rtable("hi")) |
1016 | +14 |
- )+ #' |
1017 | +15 |
- }+ #' @family table structure validation functions |
1018 | +16 |
+ #' @export |
1019 | -30x | +|||
17 | +
- if (any(nzchar(top_left(ci1))) && any(nzchar(top_left(ci2))) && !identical(top_left(ci1), top_left(ci2))) {+ find_degen_struct <- function(tt) { |
1020 | -1x | +18 | +7x |
- stop(+ degen <- list() |
1021 | -1x | +|||
19 | +
- "Top-left materials not compatible: Got non-empty, non-matching ",+ |
1022 | -1x | +20 | +7x |
- "top-left materials. Clear them using top_left(x)<-character() ",+ recurse_check <- function(tti, path) { |
1023 | -1x | +21 | +103x |
- "before binding to force compatibility."+ if (is(tti, "VTableTree")) { |
1024 | -+ | |||
22 | +103x |
- )+ kids <- tree_children(tti) |
1025 | -+ | |||
23 | +103x |
- }+ if (length(kids) == 0) { |
1026 | -29x | +24 | +69x |
- TRUE+ degen <<- c(degen, list(path)) |
1027 | +25 |
- }+ } else { |
1028 | -+ | |||
26 | +34x |
+ for (i in seq_along(kids)) { |
1029 | -+ | |||
27 | +96x |
+ recurse_check(kids[[i]], path = c(path, names(kids)[i])) |
1030 | +28 |
- #' Insert `rrow`s at (before) a specific location+ } |
1031 | +29 |
- #'+ } |
1032 | +30 |
- #' `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`+ } |
1033 | +31 |
- #'+ } |
1034 | -+ | |||
32 | +7x |
- #' This function is deprecated and will be removed in a future release of `rtables`. Please use+ recurse_check(tt, obj_name(tt) %||% "root") |
1035 | -+ | |||
33 | +7x |
- #' [insert_row_at_path()] or [label_at_path()] instead.+ degen |
1036 | +34 |
- #'+ } |
1037 | +35 |
- #' @param tbl (`VTableTree`)\cr a `rtable` object.+ |
1038 | +36 |
- #' @param rrow (`TableRow`)\cr an `rrow` to append to `tbl`.+ #' Validate and assert valid table structure |
1039 | +37 |
- #' @param at (`integer(1)`)\cr position into which to put the `rrow`, defaults to beginning (i.e. row 1).+ #' |
1040 | +38 |
- #' @param ascontent (`flag`)\cr currently ignored.+ #' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")` |
1041 | +39 |
#' |
1042 | +40 |
- #' @return A `TableTree` of the same specific class as `tbl`.+ #' A `TableTree` (`rtables`-built table) is considered degenerate if: |
1043 | +41 |
- #'+ #' \enumerate{ |
1044 | +42 |
- #' @note+ #' \item{It contains no subtables or data rows (content rows do not count).} |
1045 | +43 |
- #' Label rows (i.e. a row with no data values, only a `row.name`) can only be inserted at positions which do+ #' \item{It contains a subtable which is degenerate by the criterion above.} |
1046 | +44 |
- #' not already contain a label row when there is a non-trivial nested row structure in `tbl`.+ #' } |
1047 | +45 |
#' |
1048 | +46 |
- #' @examples+ #' `validate_table_struct` assesses whether `tt` has a valid (non-degenerate) structure. |
1049 | +47 |
- #' o <- options(warn = 0)+ #' |
1050 | +48 |
- #' lyt <- basic_table() %>%+ #' `assert_valid_table` asserts a table must have a valid structure, and throws an informative error (the default) or |
1051 | +49 |
- #' split_cols_by("Species") %>%+ #' warning (if `warn_only` is `TRUE`) if the table is degenerate (has invalid structure or contains one or more |
1052 | +50 |
- #' analyze("Sepal.Length")+ #' invalid substructures. |
1053 | +51 |
#' |
1054 | +52 |
- #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, iris)+ #' @param tt (`TableTree`)\cr a `TableTree` object. |
1055 | +53 |
#' |
1056 | +54 |
- #' insert_rrow(tbl, rrow("Hello World"))+ #' @return |
1057 | +55 |
- #' insert_rrow(tbl, rrow("Hello World"), at = 2)+ #' * `validate_table_struct` returns a logical value indicating valid structure. |
1058 | +56 |
- #'+ #' * `assert_valid_table` is called for its side-effect of throwing an error or warning for degenerate tables. |
1059 | +57 |
- #' lyt2 <- basic_table() %>%+ #' |
1060 | +58 |
- #' split_cols_by("Species") %>%+ #' @note This function is experimental and the exact text of the warning/error is subject to change in future releases. |
1061 | +59 |
- #' split_rows_by("Species") %>%+ #' |
1062 | +60 |
- #' analyze("Sepal.Length")+ #' @examples |
1063 | +61 |
- #'+ #' validate_table_struct(rtable("hahaha")) |
1064 | +62 |
- #' tbl2 <- build_table(lyt2, iris)+ #' \dontrun{ |
1065 | +63 |
- #'+ #' assert_valid_table(rtable("oops")) |
1066 | +64 |
- #' insert_rrow(tbl2, rrow("Hello World"))+ #' } |
1067 | +65 |
- #' insert_rrow(tbl2, rrow("Hello World"), at = 2)+ #' |
1068 | +66 |
- #' insert_rrow(tbl2, rrow("Hello World"), at = 4)+ #' @family table structure validation functions |
1069 | +67 |
- #'+ #' @export |
1070 | +68 |
- #' insert_rrow(tbl2, rrow("new row", 5, 6, 7))+ validate_table_struct <- function(tt) { |
1071 | -+ | |||
69 | +1x |
- #'+ degen_pths <- find_degen_struct(tt) |
1072 | -+ | |||
70 | +1x |
- #' insert_rrow(tbl2, rrow("new row", 5, 6, 7), at = 3)+ length(degen_pths) == 0 |
1073 | +71 |
- #'+ } |
1074 | +72 |
- #' options(o)+ |
1075 | +73 |
- #'+ ## XXX this doesn't handle content paths correctly |
1076 | +74 |
- #' @export+ .path_to_disp <- function(pth) { |
1077 | -+ | |||
75 | +4x |
- insert_rrow <- function(tbl, rrow, at = 1,+ if (length(pth) == 1) {+ |
+ ||
76 | +1x | +
+ return(pth) |
1078 | +77 |
- ascontent = FALSE) {+ } |
1079 | -9x | +78 | +3x |
- lifecycle::deprecate_warn(+ has_cont <- any(pth == "@content") |
1080 | -9x | +79 | +3x |
- when = "0.4.0",+ if (has_cont) { |
1081 | -9x | +|||
80 | +! |
- what = "insert_rrow()",+ contpos <- which(pth == "@content") |
1082 | -9x | +|||
81 | +! |
- with = I("insert_row_at_path() or label_at_path()")+ cont_disp <- paste(tail(pth, length(pth) - contpos + 1),+ |
+ ||
82 | +! | +
+ collapse = "->" |
1083 | +83 |
- )+ ) |
1084 | -9x | +|||
84 | +! |
- stopifnot(+ pth <- head(pth, contpos) |
1085 | -9x | +|||
85 | +
- is(tbl, "VTableTree"),+ } else { |
1086 | -9x | +86 | +3x |
- is(rrow, "TableRow"),+ cont_disp <- character() |
1087 | -9x | +|||
87 | +
- at >= 1 && at <= nrow(tbl) + 1+ } |
1088 | +88 |
- )+ |
1089 | -9x | +89 | +3x |
- chk_compat_cinfos(tbl, rrow)+ topaste <- character(0) |
1090 | -8x | +90 | +3x |
- if (no_colinfo(rrow)) {+ fullpth <- pth |
1091 | -8x | +91 | +3x |
- col_info(rrow) <- col_info(tbl)+ while (length(pth) > 0) { |
1092 | -+ | |||
92 | +6x |
- }+ if (length(pth) <= 1) { |
1093 | -+ | |||
93 | +! |
+ topaste <- c(topaste, pth) |
1094 | -8x | +|||
94 | +! |
- if (at == 1) {+ pth <- character() |
1095 | -4x | +|||
95 | +
- return(rbindl_rtables(list(rrow, tbl)))+ } else { |
1096 | -4x | +96 | +6x |
- } else if (at == nrow(tbl) + 1) {+ topaste <- c(topaste, sprintf("%s[%s]", pth[1], pth[2])) |
1097 | -1x | +97 | +6x |
- return(rbind2(tbl, rrow))+ pth <- tail(pth, -2) |
1098 | +98 |
- }+ } |
1099 | +99 |
+ } |
1100 | +100 | 3x |
- ret <- recurse_insert(tbl, rrow,+ topaste <- c(topaste, cont_disp) |
1101 | +101 | 3x |
- at = at,+ paste(topaste, collapse = "->") |
1102 | -3x | +|||
102 | +
- pos = 0,+ } |
1103 | -3x | +|||
103 | +
- ascontent = ascontent+ |
1104 | +104 |
- )+ no_analyze_guess <- paste0( |
1105 | -3x | +|||
105 | +
- ret+ "Was this table created using ", |
1106 | +106 |
- }+ "summarize_row_groups but no calls ", |
1107 | +107 |
+ "to analyze?\n" |
1108 | +108 |
- .insert_helper <- function(tt, row, at, pos,+ ) |
1109 | +109 |
- ascontent = FALSE) {+ |
1110 | -9x | +|||
110 | +
- islab <- is(row, "LabelRow")+ use_sanitize_msg <- paste(" Use sanitize_table_struct() to fix these issues") |
1111 | -9x | +|||
111 | +
- kids <- tree_children(tt)+ |
1112 | -9x | +|||
112 | +
- numkids <- length(kids)+ make_degen_message <- function(degen_pths, tt) { |
1113 | -9x | +113 | +2x |
- kidnrs <- sapply(kids, nrow)+ msg <- sprintf( |
1114 | -9x | +114 | +2x |
- cumpos <- pos + cumsum(kidnrs)+ paste0( |
1115 | -9x | +115 | +2x |
- contnr <- if (is(tt, "TableTree")) {+ "Invalid table - found %d (sub)structures which contain no data rows.", |
1116 | -6x | +116 | +2x |
- nrow(content_table(tt))+ "\n\tThe first occured at path: %s" |
1117 | +117 |
- } else {+ ), |
1118 | -3x | +118 | +2x |
- 0+ length(degen_pths), .path_to_disp(degen_pths[[1]]) |
1119 | +119 |
- }+ ) |
1120 | -9x | +120 | +2x |
- contnr <- contnr + as.numeric(labelrow_visible(tt))+ if (length(degen_pths) == 1 && length(degen_pths[[1]]) == 1) { |
1121 | -+ | |||
121 | +1x |
+ msg <- paste(msg, " Likely Cause: Empty data or first row split on variable with only NA values", |
1122 | -9x | +122 | +1x |
- totnr <- nrow(tt)+ sep = "\n" |
1123 | -9x | +|||
123 | +
- endpos <- pos + totnr+ ) |
1124 | -9x | +124 | +1x |
- atend <- !islab && endpos == at - 1+ } else if (all(make_row_df(tt)$node_class %in% c("LabelRow", "ContentRow"))) { |
1125 | -9x | +125 | +1x |
- if (at == pos + 1 && islab) {+ msg <- paste(msg, " Cause: Layout did not contain any analyze() calls (only summarize_row_groups())", |
1126 | -2x | +126 | +1x |
- if (labelrow_visible(tt)) {+ sep = "\n" |
1127 | -! | +|||
127 | +
- stop("Inserting a label row at a position that already has a label row is not currently supported")+ ) |
1128 | +128 |
- }+ } |
1129 | +129 | 2x |
- tt_labelrow(tt) <- row+ msg <- paste(msg, use_sanitize_msg, sep = "\n") |
1130 | +130 | 2x |
- return(tt)+ msg |
1131 | +131 |
- }+ } |
1132 | +132 | |||
1133 | -7x | -
- if (numkids == 0) {- |
- ||
1134 | -! | -
- kids <- list(row)- |
- ||
1135 | -7x | -
- } else if (atend) {- |
- ||
1136 | -2x | -
- if (are(kids, "TableRow")) {- |
- ||
1137 | -1x | -
- kids <- c(kids, list(row))- |
- ||
1138 | +133 |
- } else {- |
- ||
1139 | -1x | -
- kids[[numkids]] <- recurse_insert(- |
- ||
1140 | -1x | -
- kids[[numkids]],- |
- ||
1141 | -1x | -
- row = row,- |
- ||
1142 | -1x | -
- at = at,- |
- ||
1143 | -1x | -
- pos = pos + contnr + sum(kidnrs[-numkids]),+ #' @param warn_only (`flag`)\cr whether a warning should be thrown instead of an error. Defaults to `FALSE`. |
1144 | -1x | +|||
134 | +
- ascontent = ascontent+ #' |
1145 | +135 |
- )+ #' @rdname validate_table_struct |
1146 | +136 |
- }+ #' @export |
1147 | +137 |
- } else { # have >0 kids+ assert_valid_table <- function(tt, warn_only = FALSE) { |
1148 | -5x | +138 | +2x |
- kidnrs <- sapply(kids, nrow)+ degen_pths <- find_degen_struct(tt) |
1149 | -5x | -
- cumpos <- pos + cumsum(kidnrs)- |
- ||
1150 | -+ | 139 | +2x |
+ if (length(degen_pths) == 0) { |
1151 | -+ | |||
140 | +! |
- ## data rows go in the end of the+ return(TRUE) |
1152 | +141 |
- ## preceding subtable (if applicable)+ } |
1153 | +142 |
- ## label rows go in the beginning of+ |
1154 | +143 |
- ## one at at- |
- ||
1155 | -5x | -
- ind <- min(- |
- ||
1156 | -5x | -
- which((cumpos + !islab) >= at),+ ## we failed, now we build an informative error/warning message |
1157 | -5x | +144 | +2x |
- numkids+ msg <- make_degen_message(degen_pths, tt) |
1158 | +145 |
- )+ |
1159 | -5x | -
- thekid <- kids[[ind]]- |
- ||
1160 | -+ | 146 | +2x |
+ if (!warn_only) { |
1161 | -5x | +147 | +2x |
- if (is(thekid, "TableRow")) {+ stop(msg) |
1162 | -! | +|||
148 | +
- tt_level(row) <- tt_level(thekid)+ } |
1163 | +149 | ! |
- if (ind == 1) {+ warning(msg) |
1164 | +150 | ! |
- bef <- integer()+ return(FALSE) |
1165 | -! | +|||
151 | +
- aft <- 1:numkids+ } |
1166 | -! | +|||
152 | +
- } else if (ind == numkids) {+ |
1167 | -! | +|||
153 | +
- bef <- 1:(ind - 1)+ #' Sanitize degenerate table structures |
1168 | -! | +|||
154 | +
- aft <- ind+ #' |
1169 | +155 |
- } else {+ #' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")` |
1170 | -! | +|||
156 | +
- bef <- 1:ind+ #' |
1171 | -! | +|||
157 | +
- aft <- (ind + 1):numkids+ #' Experimental function to correct structure of degenerate tables by adding messaging rows to empty sub-structures. |
1172 | +158 |
- }+ #' |
1173 | -! | +|||
159 | +
- kids <- c(+ #' @param tt (`TableTree`)\cr a `TableTree` object. |
1174 | -! | +|||
160 | +
- kids[bef], list(row),+ #' @param empty_msg (`string`)\cr the string which should be spanned across the inserted empty rows. |
1175 | -! | +|||
161 | +
- kids[aft]+ #' |
1176 | +162 |
- )+ #' @details |
1177 | +163 |
- } else { # kid is not a table row+ #' This function locates degenerate portions of the table (including the table overall in the case of a table with no |
1178 | -5x | +|||
164 | +
- newpos <- if (ind == 1) {+ #' data rows) and inserts a row which spans all columns with the message `empty_msg` at each one, generating a table |
1179 | -4x | +|||
165 | +
- pos + contnr+ #' guaranteed to be non-degenerate. |
1180 | +166 |
- } else {+ #' |
1181 | -1x | +|||
167 | +
- cumpos[ind - 1]+ #' @return If `tt` is already valid, it is returned unmodified. If `tt` is degenerate, a modified, non-degenerate |
1182 | +168 |
- }+ #' version of the table is returned. |
1183 | +169 |
+ #' |
1184 | -5x | +|||
170 | +
- kids[[ind]] <- recurse_insert(thekid,+ #' @examples |
1185 | -5x | +|||
171 | +
- row,+ #' sanitize_table_struct(rtable("cool beans")) |
1186 | -5x | +|||
172 | +
- at,+ #' |
1187 | -5x | +|||
173 | +
- pos = newpos,+ #' lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
1188 | -5x | +|||
174 | +
- ascontent = ascontent+ #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>% |
1189 | +175 |
- )+ #' split_rows_by("SEX") %>% |
1190 | +176 |
- } # end kid is not table row+ #' summarize_row_groups() |
1191 | +177 |
- }+ #' |
1192 | -7x | +|||
178 | +
- tree_children(tt) <- kids+ #' ## Degenerate because it doesn't have any analyze calls -> no data rows |
1193 | -7x | +|||
179 | +
- tt+ #' badtab <- build_table(lyt, DM) |
1194 | +180 |
- }+ #' sanitize_table_struct(badtab) |
1195 | +181 |
+ #' |
1196 | -9x | +|||
182 | +
- setGeneric("recurse_insert", function(tt, row, at, pos, ascontent = FALSE) standardGeneric("recurse_insert"))+ #' @family table structure validation functions |
1197 | +183 |
+ #' @export |
1198 | +184 |
- setMethod(+ sanitize_table_struct <- function(tt, empty_msg = "-- This Section Contains No Data --") { |
1199 | -+ | |||
185 | +4x |
- "recurse_insert", "TableTree",+ rdf <- make_row_df(tt) |
1200 | +186 |
- function(tt, row, at, pos, ascontent = FALSE) {+ |
1201 | -6x | +187 | +4x |
- ctab <- content_table(tt)+ emptyrow <- DataRow( |
1202 | -6x | +188 | +4x |
- contnr <- nrow(ctab)+ vals = list(empty_msg), |
1203 | -6x | +189 | +4x |
- contpos <- pos + contnr+ name = "empty_section", |
1204 | -6x | +190 | +4x |
- islab <- is(row, "LabelRow")+ label = "", |
1205 | -+ | |||
191 | +4x |
- ## this will NOT insert it as+ cspan = ncol(tt), |
1206 | -6x | +192 | +4x |
- if ((contnr > 0 || islab) && contpos > at) {+ cinfo = col_info(tt), |
1207 | -! | +|||
193 | +4x |
- content_table(tt) <- recurse_insert(ctab, row, at, pos, TRUE)+ format = "xx", |
1208 | -! | +|||
194 | +4x |
- return(tt)+ table_inset = table_inset(tt) |
1209 | +195 |
- }+ )+ |
+ ||
196 | +4x | +
+ degen_pths <- find_degen_struct(tt) |
1210 | +197 | |||
1211 | -6x | +198 | +4x |
- .insert_helper(tt, row,+ if (identical(degen_pths, list("root"))) { |
1212 | -6x | +199 | +2x |
- at = at, pos = pos + contnr,+ tree_children(tt) <- list(empty_row = emptyrow) |
1213 | -6x | -
- ascontent = ascontent- |
- ||
1214 | -+ | 200 | +2x |
- )+ return(tt) |
1215 | +201 |
} |
1216 | -- |
- )- |
- ||
1217 | +202 | |||
1218 | -- |
- setMethod(- |
- ||
1219 | -+ | |||
203 | +2x |
- "recurse_insert", "ElementaryTable",+ for (pth in degen_pths) { |
1220 | +204 |
- function(tt, row, at, pos, ascontent = FALSE) {+ ## FIXME this shouldn't be necessary. why is it? |
1221 | -3x | +205 | +33x |
- .insert_helper(tt, row,+ tti <- tt_at_path(tt, path = pth) |
1222 | -3x | +206 | +33x |
- at = at, pos = pos,+ tree_children(tti) <- list(empty_section = emptyrow) |
1223 | -3x | +207 | +33x |
- ascontent = FALSE+ tt_at_path(tt, path = pth) <- tti |
1224 | +208 |
- )+ } |
1225 | -+ | |||
209 | +2x |
- }+ tt |
1226 | +210 |
- )+ } |
1 |
- ## Split types -----------------------------------------------------------------+ # Split functions -------------------------------------------------------------- |
2 |
- ## variable: split on distinct values of a variable+ #' Split functions |
3 |
- ## all: include all observations (root 'split')+ #' |
4 |
- ## rawcut: cut on static values of a variable+ #' @description |
5 |
- ## quantilecut: cut on quantiles of observed values for a variable+ #' This is a collection of useful, default split function that can help you in dividing the data, hence the |
6 |
- ## missing: split obs based on missingness of a variable/observation. This could be used for compare to ref_group??+ #' table rows or columns, into different parts or groups (splits). You can also create your own split function if you |
7 |
- ## multicolumn: each child analyzes a different column+ #' need to create a custom division as specific as you need. Please consider reading [custom_split_funs] if |
8 |
- ## arbitrary: children are not related to each other in any systematic fashion.+ #' this is the case. Beyond this list of functions, you can also use [add_overall_level()] and [add_combo_levels()] |
9 |
+ #' for adding or modifying levels and [trim_levels_to_map()] to provide possible level combinations to filter the split |
10 |
- ## null is ok here.+ #' with. |
11 |
- check_ok_label <- function(lbl, multi_ok = FALSE) {+ #' |
12 | -47904x | +
- if (length(lbl) == 0) {+ #' @inheritParams sf_args |
13 | -10883x | +
- return(TRUE)+ #' @inheritParams gen_args |
14 |
- }+ #' @param vals (`ANY`)\cr for internal use only. |
15 |
+ #' @param labels (`character`)\cr labels to use for the remaining levels instead of the existing ones. |
16 | -37021x | +
- if (length(lbl) > 1) {+ #' |
17 | -1754x | +
- if (multi_ok) {+ #' @returns A function that can be used to split the data accordingly. The actual function signature |
18 | -1754x | +
- return(all(vapply(lbl, check_ok_label, TRUE)))+ #' is similar to the one you can define when creating a fully custom one. For more details see [custom_split_funs]. |
19 |
- }+ #' |
20 | -! | +
- stop("got a label of length > 1")+ #' @note |
21 |
- }+ #' The following parameters are also documented here but they are only the default |
22 |
+ #' signature of a split function: `df` (data to be split), `spl` (split object), and `vals = NULL`, |
23 | -35267x | +
- if (grepl("([{}])", lbl)) {+ #' `labels = NULL`, `trim = FALSE` (last three only for internal use). See [custom_split_funs] for more details |
24 | -1x | +
- stop("Labels cannot contain { or } due to their use for indicating referential footnotes")+ #' and [make_split_fun()] for a more advanced API. |
25 |
- }+ #' |
26 | -35266x | +
- invisible(TRUE)+ #' @seealso [custom_split_funs], [add_overall_level()], [add_combo_levels()], and [trim_levels_to_map()]. |
27 |
- }+ #' |
28 |
+ #' @name split_funcs |
29 |
- valid_lbl_pos <- c("default", "visible", "hidden", "topleft")+ NULL |
30 |
- .labelkids_helper <- function(charval) {+ |
31 | -2388x | +
- ret <- switch(charval,+ # helper fncs |
32 | -2388x | +
- "default" = NA,+ .get_unique_levels <- function(vec) { |
33 | -2388x | +82x |
- "visible" = TRUE,+ out <- if (is.factor(vec)) { |
34 | -2388x | +81x |
- "hidden" = FALSE,+ levels(vec) |
35 | -2388x | +
- "topleft" = FALSE,+ } else { |
36 | -2388x | +1x |
- stop(+ unique(vec) |
37 | -2388x | +
- "unrecognized charval in .labelkids_helper. ",+ } |
38 | -2388x | +
- "this shouldn't ever happen"+ |
39 | -+ | 82x |
- )+ out |
40 |
- )+ } |
41 | -2388x | +
- ret+ |
42 |
- }+ .print_setdiff_error <- function(provided, existing) { |
43 | -+ | 3x |
+ paste(setdiff(provided, existing), collapse = ", ") |
44 |
- setOldClass("expression")+ } |
45 |
- setClassUnion("SubsetDef", c("expression", "logical", "integer", "numeric"))+ |
46 |
+ #' @describeIn split_funcs keeps only specified levels (`only`) in the split variable. If any of the specified |
47 |
- setClassUnion("integerOrNULL", c("NULL", "integer"))+ #' levels is not present, an error is returned. `reorder = TRUE` (the default) orders the split levels |
48 |
- setClassUnion("characterOrNULL", c("NULL", "character"))+ #' according to the order of `only`. |
49 |
+ #' |
50 |
- ## should XXX [splits, s_values, sval_labels, subset(?)] be a data.frame?+ #' @param only (`character`)\cr levels to retain (all others will be dropped). If none of the levels is present |
51 |
- setClass("TreePos", representation(+ #' an empty table is returned. |
52 |
- splits = "list",+ #' @param reorder (`flag`)\cr whether the order of `only` should be used as the order of the children of the |
53 |
- s_values = "list",+ #' split. Defaults to `TRUE`. |
54 |
- sval_labels = "character",+ #' |
55 |
- subset = "SubsetDef"+ #' @examples |
56 |
- ),+ #' # keep_split_levels keeps specified levels (reorder = TRUE by default) |
57 |
- validity = function(object) {+ #' lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
58 |
- nspl <- length(object@splits)+ #' split_rows_by("COUNTRY", |
59 |
- length(object@s_values) == nspl && length(object@sval_labels) == nspl+ #' split_fun = keep_split_levels(c("USA", "CAN", "BRA")) |
60 |
- }+ #' ) %>% |
61 |
- )+ #' analyze("AGE") |
62 |
+ #' |
63 |
- setClassUnion("functionOrNULL", c("NULL", "function"))+ #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM) |
64 |
- setClassUnion("listOrNULL", c("NULL", "list"))+ #' tbl |
65 |
- ## TODO (?) make "list" more specific, e.g FormatList, or FunctionList?+ #' |
66 |
- setClassUnion("FormatSpec", c("NULL", "character", "function", "list"))+ #' @export |
67 |
- setClassUnion("ExprOrNULL", c("NULL", "expression"))+ keep_split_levels <- function(only, reorder = TRUE) { |
68 | -+ | 46x |
+ function(df, spl, vals = NULL, labels = NULL, trim = FALSE) { |
69 | -+ | 74x |
- setClass("ValueWrapper", representation(+ var <- spl_payload(spl) |
70 | -+ | 74x |
- value = "ANY",+ varvec <- df[[var]] |
71 |
- label = "characterOrNULL",+ |
72 |
- subset_expression = "ExprOrNULL"+ # Unique values from the split variable |
73 | -+ | 74x |
- ),+ unique_vals <- .get_unique_levels(varvec) |
74 |
- contains = "VIRTUAL"+ |
75 |
- )+ # Error in case not all levels are present |
76 | -+ | 74x |
- ## heavier-weight than I'd like but I think we need+ if (!all(only %in% unique_vals)) { |
77 | -+ | 2x |
- ## this to carry around thee subsets for+ stop( |
78 | -+ | 2x |
- ## comparison-based splits+ "Attempted to keep factor level(s) in split that are not present in data: \n", |
79 | -+ | 2x |
+ .print_setdiff_error(only, unique_vals) |
80 |
- setClass("SplitValue",+ ) |
81 |
- contains = "ValueWrapper",+ } |
82 |
- representation(extra = "list")+ |
83 | -+ | 72x |
- )+ df2 <- df[varvec %in% only, ] |
84 | -+ | 72x |
+ if (reorder) { |
85 | -+ | 71x |
- SplitValue <- function(val, extr = list(), label = val, sub_expr = NULL) {+ df2[[var]] <- factor(df2[[var]], levels = only) |
86 | -4808x | +
- if (is(val, "SplitValue")) {+ } else { |
87 | -2019x | +
- if (length(splv_extra(val)) > 0) {+ # Find original order of only |
88 | -29x | +1x |
- extr <- c(splv_extra(val), extr)+ only <- unique_vals[sort(match(only, unique_vals))] |
90 | -2019x | +
- splv_extra(val) <- extr+ |
91 | -2019x | +72x |
- return(val)+ spl_child_order(spl) <- only |
92 | -+ | 72x |
- }+ .apply_split_inner(spl, df2, |
93 | -2789x | +72x |
- if (!is(extr, "list")) {+ vals = only, |
94 | -! | +72x |
- extr <- list(extr)+ labels = labels, |
95 | -+ | 72x |
- }+ trim = trim |
96 | -2789x | +
- if (!is(label, "character")) {+ ) |
97 | -! | +
- label <- as.character(label)+ } |
98 |
- }+ } |
100 | -2789x | +
- if (!is.null(sub_expr) && !is.expression(sub_expr)) {+ #' @describeIn split_funcs Removes specified levels (`excl`) from the split variable. Nothing done if not in data. |
101 | -105x | +
- sub_expr <- as.expression(sub_expr)+ #' |
102 |
- } ## sometimes they will be "call" objects, etc+ #' @param excl (`character`)\cr levels to be excluded (they will not be reflected in the resulting table structure |
103 | -2789x | +
- check_ok_label(label)+ #' regardless of presence in the data). |
104 | -2789x | +
- new("SplitValue",+ #' |
105 | -2789x | +
- value = val,+ #' @examples |
106 | -2789x | +
- extra = extr,+ #' # remove_split_levels removes specified split levels |
107 | -2789x | +
- label = label,+ #' lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
108 | -2789x | +
- subset_expression = sub_expr+ #' split_rows_by("COUNTRY", |
109 |
- )+ #' split_fun = remove_split_levels(c( |
110 |
- }+ #' "USA", "CAN", |
111 |
+ #' "CHE", "BRA" |
112 |
- setClass("LevelComboSplitValue",+ #' )) |
113 |
- contains = "SplitValue",+ #' ) %>% |
114 |
- representation(combolevels = "character")+ #' analyze("AGE") |
115 |
- )+ #' |
116 |
+ #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM) |
117 |
- ## wrapped in user-facing `add_combo_facet`+ #' tbl |
118 |
- LevelComboSplitValue <- function(val, extr, combolevels, label = val, sub_expr = NULL) {+ #' |
119 | -28x | +
- check_ok_label(label)+ #' @export |
120 | -28x | +
- new("LevelComboSplitValue",+ remove_split_levels <- function(excl) { |
121 | 28x |
- value = val,+ stopifnot(is.character(excl)) |
122 | 28x |
- extra = extr,+ function(df, spl, vals = NULL, labels = NULL, trim = FALSE) { |
123 | -28x | +55x |
- combolevels = combolevels,+ var <- spl_payload(spl) |
124 | -28x | +55x |
- label = label,+ df2 <- df[!(df[[var]] %in% excl), ] |
125 | -28x | +55x |
- subset_expression = sub_expr+ if (is.factor(df2[[var]])) { |
126 | -+ | 2x |
- )+ levels <- levels(df2[[var]]) |
127 | -+ | 2x |
- }+ levels <- levels[!(levels %in% excl)] |
128 | -+ | 2x |
+ df2[[var]] <- factor(df2[[var]], levels = levels) |
129 |
- setClass("Split",+ } |
130 | -+ | 55x |
- contains = "VIRTUAL",+ .apply_split_inner(spl, df2, |
131 | -+ | 55x |
- representation(+ vals = vals, |
132 | -+ | 55x |
- payload = "ANY",+ labels = labels, |
133 | -+ | 55x |
- name = "character",+ trim = trim |
134 |
- split_label = "character",+ ) |
135 |
- split_format = "FormatSpec",+ } |
136 |
- split_na_str = "character",+ } |
137 |
- split_label_position = "character",+ |
138 |
- ## NB this is the function which is applied to+ #' @describeIn split_funcs Drops levels that have no representation in the data. |
139 |
- ## get the content rows for the CHILDREN of this+ #' |
140 |
- ## split!!!+ #' @examples |
141 |
- content_fun = "listOrNULL", ## functionOrNULL",+ #' # drop_split_levels drops levels that are not present in the data |
142 |
- content_format = "FormatSpec",+ #' lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
143 |
- content_na_str = "character",+ #' split_rows_by("SEX", split_fun = drop_split_levels) %>% |
144 |
- content_var = "character",+ #' analyze("AGE") |
145 |
- label_children = "logical",+ #' |
146 |
- extra_args = "list",+ #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM) |
147 |
- indent_modifier = "integer",+ #' tbl |
148 |
- content_indent_modifier = "integer",+ #' |
149 |
- content_extra_args = "list",+ #' @export |
150 |
- page_title_prefix = "character",+ drop_split_levels <- function(df, |
151 |
- child_section_div = "character",+ spl, |
152 |
- child_show_colcounts = "logical",+ vals = NULL, |
153 |
- child_colcount_format = "FormatSpec"+ labels = NULL, |
154 |
- )+ trim = FALSE) { |
155 | -+ | 168x |
- )+ var <- spl_payload(spl) |
156 | -+ | 168x |
+ df2 <- df |
157 | -+ | 168x |
- setClass("CustomizableSplit",+ df2[[var]] <- factor(df[[var]]) |
158 | -+ | 168x |
- contains = "Split",+ lblvar <- spl_label_var(spl) |
159 | -+ | 168x |
- representation(split_fun = "functionOrNULL")+ if (!is.null(lblvar)) { |
160 | -+ | 168x |
- )+ df2[[lblvar]] <- factor(df[[lblvar]]) |
161 |
+ } |
162 |
- #' @author Gabriel Becker+ |
163 | -+ | 168x |
- #' @exportClass VarLevelSplit+ .apply_split_inner(spl, df2, |
164 | -+ | 168x |
- #' @rdname VarLevelSplit+ vals = vals, |
165 | -+ | 168x |
- setClass("VarLevelSplit",+ labels = labels, |
166 | -+ | 168x |
- contains = "CustomizableSplit",+ trim = trim |
167 |
- representation(+ ) |
168 |
- value_label_var = "character",+ } |
169 |
- value_order = "ANY"+ |
170 |
- )+ #' @describeIn split_funcs Removes specified levels `excl` and drops all levels that are |
171 |
- )+ #' not in the data. |
172 |
- #' Split on levels within a variable+ #' |
173 |
- #'+ #' @examples |
174 |
- #' @inheritParams lyt_args+ #' # Removing "M" and "U" directly, then "UNDIFFERENTIATED" because not in data |
175 |
- #' @inheritParams constr_args+ #' lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
176 |
- #'+ #' split_rows_by("SEX", split_fun = drop_and_remove_levels(c("M", "U"))) %>% |
177 |
- #' @return a `VarLevelSplit` object.+ #' analyze("AGE") |
179 |
- #' @export+ #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM) |
180 |
- VarLevelSplit <- function(var,+ #' tbl |
181 |
- split_label,+ #' |
182 |
- labels_var = NULL,+ #' @export |
183 |
- cfun = NULL,+ drop_and_remove_levels <- function(excl) { |
184 | -+ | 4x |
- cformat = NULL,+ stopifnot(is.character(excl)) |
185 | -+ | 4x |
- cna_str = NA_character_,+ function(df, spl, vals = NULL, labels = NULL, trim = FALSE) { |
186 | -+ | 13x |
- split_fun = NULL,+ var <- spl_payload(spl) |
187 | -+ | 13x |
- split_format = NULL,+ df2 <- df[!(df[[var]] %in% excl), ] |
188 | -+ | 13x |
- split_na_str = NA_character_,+ df2[[var]] <- factor(df2[[var]]) |
189 | -+ | 13x |
- valorder = NULL,+ .apply_split_inner( |
190 | -+ | 13x |
- split_name = var,+ spl, |
191 | -+ | 13x |
- child_labels = c("default", "visible", "hidden"),+ df2, |
192 | -+ | 13x |
- extra_args = list(),+ vals = vals, |
193 | -+ | 13x |
- indent_mod = 0L,+ labels = labels, |
194 | -+ | 13x |
- label_pos = c("topleft", "hidden", "visible"),+ trim = trim |
195 |
- cindent_mod = 0L,+ ) |
196 |
- cvar = "",+ } |
197 |
- cextra_args = list(),+ } |
198 |
- page_prefix = NA_character_,+ |
199 |
- section_div = NA_character_,+ #' @describeIn split_funcs Reorders split levels following `neworder`, which needs to be of |
200 |
- show_colcounts = FALSE,+ #' same size as the levels in data. |
201 |
- colcount_format = NULL) {+ #' |
202 | -519x | +
- child_labels <- match.arg(child_labels)+ #' @param neworder (`character`)\cr new order of factor levels. All need to be present in the data. |
203 | -519x | +
- if (is.null(labels_var)) {+ #' To add empty levels, rely on pre-processing or create your [custom_split_funs]. |
204 | -1x | +
- labels_var <- var+ #' @param newlabels (`character`)\cr labels for (new order of) factor levels. If named, the levels are matched. |
205 |
- }+ #' Otherwise, the order of `neworder` is used. |
206 | -519x | +
- check_ok_label(split_label)+ #' @param drlevels (`flag`)\cr whether levels that are not in `neworder` should be dropped. |
207 | -519x | +
- new("VarLevelSplit",+ #' Default is `TRUE`. Note: `drlevels = TRUE` does not drop levels that are not originally in the data. |
208 | -519x | +
- payload = var,+ #' Rely on pre-processing or use a combination of split functions with [make_split_fun()] to also drop |
209 | -519x | +
- split_label = split_label,+ #' unused levels. |
210 | -519x | +
- name = split_name,+ #' |
211 | -519x | +
- value_label_var = labels_var,+ #' @examples |
212 | -519x | +
- content_fun = cfun,+ #' # Reordering levels in split variable |
213 | -519x | +
- content_format = cformat,+ #' lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
214 | -519x | +
- content_na_str = cna_str,+ #' split_rows_by( |
215 | -519x | +
- split_fun = split_fun,+ #' "SEX", |
216 | -519x | +
- split_format = split_format,+ #' split_fun = reorder_split_levels( |
217 | -519x | +
- split_na_str = split_na_str,+ #' neworder = c("U", "F"), |
218 | -519x | +
- value_order = NULL,+ #' newlabels = c(U = "Uu", `F` = "Female") |
219 | -519x | +
- label_children = .labelkids_helper(child_labels),+ #' ) |
220 | -519x | +
- extra_args = extra_args,+ #' ) %>% |
221 | -519x | +
- indent_modifier = as.integer(indent_mod),+ #' analyze("AGE") |
222 | -519x | +
- content_indent_modifier = as.integer(cindent_mod),+ #' |
223 | -519x | +
- content_var = cvar,+ #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM) |
224 | -519x | +
- split_label_position = label_pos,+ #' tbl |
225 | -519x | +
- content_extra_args = cextra_args,+ #' |
226 | -519x | +
- page_title_prefix = page_prefix,+ #' # Reordering levels in split variable but keeping all the levels |
227 | -519x | +
- child_section_div = section_div,+ #' lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
228 | -519x | +
- child_show_colcounts = show_colcounts,+ #' split_rows_by( |
229 | -519x | +
- child_colcount_format = colcount_format+ #' "SEX", |
230 |
- )+ #' split_fun = reorder_split_levels( |
231 |
- }+ #' neworder = c("U", "F"), |
232 |
+ #' newlabels = c("Uu", "Female"), |
233 |
- setClass("AllSplit", contains = "Split")+ #' drlevels = FALSE |
234 |
+ #' ) |
235 |
- AllSplit <- function(split_label = "",+ #' ) %>% |
236 |
- cfun = NULL,+ #' analyze("AGE") |
237 |
- cformat = NULL,+ #' |
238 |
- cna_str = NA_character_,+ #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM) |
239 |
- split_format = NULL,+ #' tbl |
240 |
- split_na_str = NA_character_,+ #' |
241 |
- split_name = NULL,+ #' @export |
242 |
- extra_args = list(),+ reorder_split_levels <- function(neworder, |
243 |
- indent_mod = 0L,+ newlabels = neworder, |
244 |
- cindent_mod = 0L,+ drlevels = TRUE) { |
245 | -+ | 8x |
- cvar = "",+ function(df, spl, trim, ...) { |
246 | -+ | 8x |
- cextra_args = list(),+ df2 <- df |
247 | -+ | 8x |
- show_colcounts = FALSE,+ valvec <- df2[[spl_payload(spl)]] |
248 |
- colcount_format = NULL,+ |
249 | -+ | 8x |
- ...) {+ uni_vals <- .get_unique_levels(valvec) |
250 | -213x | +
- if (is.null(split_name)) {+ |
251 | -112x | +
- if (nzchar(split_label)) {+ # No sense adding things that are not present -> creating unexpected NAs |
252 | -7x | +8x |
- split_name <- split_label+ if (!all(neworder %in% uni_vals)) { |
253 | -+ | 1x |
- } else {+ stop( |
254 | -105x | +1x |
- split_name <- "all obs"+ "Attempted to reorder factor levels in split that are not present in data:\n", |
255 | -+ | 1x |
- }+ .print_setdiff_error(neworder, uni_vals) |
256 |
- }+ ) |
257 | -213x | +
- check_ok_label(split_label)+ } |
258 | -213x | +
- new("AllSplit",+ |
259 | -213x | +
- split_label = split_label,+ # Keeping all levels also from before if not dropped |
260 | -213x | +7x |
- content_fun = cfun,+ diff_with_uni_vals <- setdiff(uni_vals, neworder) |
261 | -213x | +7x |
- content_format = cformat,+ if (!drlevels && length(diff_with_uni_vals) > 0) { |
262 | -213x | +3x |
- content_na_str = cna_str,+ if (length(newlabels) > length(neworder)) { |
263 | -213x | +1x |
- split_format = split_format,+ stop( |
264 | -213x | +1x |
- split_na_str = split_na_str,+ "When keeping levels not in neworder (drlevels = FALSE), newlabels can ", |
265 | -213x | +1x |
- name = split_name,+ "affect only selected neworder, and not other levels.\n", |
266 | -213x | +1x |
- label_children = FALSE,+ "Add labels for current neworder: ", paste0(neworder, collapse = ", ") |
267 | -213x | +
- extra_args = extra_args,+ ) |
268 | -213x | +
- indent_modifier = as.integer(indent_mod),+ } |
269 | -213x | +2x |
- content_indent_modifier = as.integer(cindent_mod),+ neworder <- c(neworder, diff_with_uni_vals) |
270 | -213x | +2x |
- content_var = cvar,+ if (is.null(names(newlabels))) { |
271 | -213x | +! |
- split_label_position = "hidden",+ newlabels <- c(newlabels, diff_with_uni_vals) |
272 | -213x | +
- content_extra_args = cextra_args,+ } else { |
273 | -213x | +2x |
- page_title_prefix = NA_character_,+ newlabels <- c(newlabels, setNames(diff_with_uni_vals, diff_with_uni_vals)) |
274 | -213x | +
- child_section_div = NA_character_,+ } |
275 | -213x | +
- child_show_colcounts = show_colcounts,+ } |
276 | -213x | +
- child_colcount_format = colcount_format+ |
277 | -+ | 6x |
- )+ valvec <- factor(valvec, levels = neworder) |
278 |
- }+ |
279 |
+ # Labels |
280 | -+ | 6x |
- setClass("RootSplit", contains = "AllSplit")+ if (!is.null(names(newlabels))) { |
281 | -+ | 5x |
+ if (any(!names(newlabels) %in% neworder)) { |
282 | -+ | 2x |
- RootSplit <- function(split_label = "", cfun = NULL, cformat = NULL, cna_str = NA_character_, cvar = "",+ stop( |
283 | -+ | 2x |
- split_format = NULL, split_na_str = NA_character_, cextra_args = list(), ...) {+ "Got labels' names for levels that are not present:\n", |
284 | -654x | +2x |
- check_ok_label(split_label)+ setdiff(names(newlabels), neworder) |
285 | -654x | +
- new("RootSplit",+ ) |
286 | -654x | +
- split_label = split_label,+ } |
287 | -654x | +
- content_fun = cfun,+ # To be safe: sorting by neworder |
288 | -654x | +3x |
- content_format = cformat,+ newlabels <- newlabels[sapply(names(newlabels), function(x) which(x == neworder))] |
289 | -654x | +1x |
- content_na_str = cna_str,+ } else if (length(neworder) != length(newlabels)) { |
290 | -654x | +1x |
- split_format = split_format,+ stop( |
291 | -654x | +1x |
- split_na_str = split_na_str,+ "Got unnamed newlabels with different length than neworder. ", |
292 | -654x | +1x |
- name = "root",+ "Please provide names or make sure they are of the same length.\n", |
293 | -654x | +1x |
- label_children = FALSE,+ "Current neworder: ", paste0(neworder, collapse = ", ") |
294 | -654x | +
- indent_modifier = 0L,+ ) |
295 | -654x | +
- content_indent_modifier = 0L,+ } |
296 | -654x | +
- content_var = cvar,+ |
297 | -654x | +
- split_label_position = "hidden",+ # Final values |
298 | -654x | +3x |
- content_extra_args = cextra_args,+ spl_child_order(spl) <- neworder |
299 | -654x | +3x |
- child_section_div = NA_character_,+ df2[[spl_payload(spl)]] <- valvec |
300 | -654x | +3x |
- child_show_colcounts = FALSE,+ .apply_split_inner(spl, df2, |
301 | -654x | +3x |
- child_colcount_format = "(N=xx)"+ vals = neworder, |
302 | -+ | 3x |
- )+ labels = newlabels, |
303 | -+ | 3x |
- }+ trim = trim |
304 |
+ ) |
305 |
- setClass("ManualSplit",+ } |
306 |
- contains = "AllSplit",+ } |
307 |
- representation(levels = "character")+ |
308 |
- )+ #' @describeIn split_funcs Takes the split groups and removes levels of `innervar` if not present in |
309 |
+ #' those split groups. If you want to specify a filter of possible combinations, please |
310 |
- #' Manually defined split+ #' consider using [trim_levels_to_map()]. |
312 |
- #' @inheritParams lyt_args+ #' @param innervar (`string`)\cr variable whose factor levels should be trimmed (e.g. empty levels dropped) |
313 |
- #' @inheritParams constr_args+ #' *separately within each grouping defined at this point in the structure*. |
314 |
- #' @inheritParams gen_args+ #' @param drop_outlevs (`flag`)\cr whether empty levels in the variable being split on (i.e. the "outer" |
315 |
- #' @param levels (`character`)\cr levels of the split (i.e. the children of the manual split).+ #' variable, not `innervar`) should be dropped. Defaults to `TRUE`. |
317 |
- #' @return A `ManualSplit` object.+ #' @examples |
318 |
- #'+ #' # trim_levels_in_group() trims levels within each group defined by the split variable |
319 |
- #' @author Gabriel Becker+ #' dat <- data.frame( |
320 |
- #' @export+ #' col1 = factor(c("A", "B", "C"), levels = c("A", "B", "C", "N")), |
321 |
- ManualSplit <- function(levels, label, name = "manual",+ #' col2 = factor(c("a", "b", "c"), levels = c("a", "b", "c", "x")) |
322 |
- extra_args = list(),+ #' ) # N is removed if drop_outlevs = TRUE, x is removed always |
323 |
- indent_mod = 0L,+ #' |
324 |
- cindent_mod = 0L,+ #' tbl <- basic_table() %>% |
325 |
- cvar = "",+ #' split_rows_by("col1", split_fun = trim_levels_in_group("col2")) %>% |
326 |
- cextra_args = list(),+ #' analyze("col2") %>% |
327 |
- label_pos = "visible",+ #' build_table(dat) |
328 |
- page_prefix = NA_character_,+ #' tbl |
329 |
- section_div = NA_character_) {+ #' |
330 | -48x | +
- label_pos <- match.arg(label_pos, label_pos_values)+ #' @export |
331 | -48x | +
- check_ok_label(label, multi_ok = TRUE)+ trim_levels_in_group <- function(innervar, drop_outlevs = TRUE) { |
332 | -48x | +6x |
- new("ManualSplit",+ myfun <- function(df, spl, vals = NULL, labels = NULL, trim = FALSE) { |
333 | -48x | +6x |
- split_label = label,+ if (!drop_outlevs) { |
334 | -48x | +! |
- levels = levels,+ ret <- .apply_split_inner(spl, df, |
335 | -48x | +! |
- name = name,+ vals = vals, |
336 | -48x | +! |
- label_children = FALSE,+ labels = labels, trim = trim |
337 | -48x | +
- extra_args = extra_args,+ ) |
338 | -48x | +
- indent_modifier = 0L,+ } else { |
339 | -48x | +6x |
- content_indent_modifier = as.integer(cindent_mod),+ ret <- drop_split_levels( |
340 | -48x | +6x |
- content_var = cvar,+ df = df, spl = spl, vals = vals, |
341 | -48x | +6x |
- split_format = NULL,+ labels = labels, trim = trim |
342 | -48x | +
- split_na_str = NA_character_,+ ) |
343 | -48x | +
- split_label_position = label_pos,+ } |
344 | -48x | +
- page_title_prefix = page_prefix,+ |
345 | -48x | +6x |
- child_section_div = section_div,+ ret$datasplit <- lapply(ret$datasplit, function(x) { |
346 | -48x | +14x |
- child_show_colcounts = FALSE,+ coldat <- x[[innervar]] |
347 | -48x | +14x |
- child_colcount_format = "(N=xx)"+ if (is(coldat, "character")) { |
348 | -+ | ! |
- )+ if (!is.null(vals)) { |
349 | -+ | ! |
- }+ lvs <- vals |
350 |
+ } else { |
351 | -+ | ! |
- ## splits across which variables are being analynzed+ lvs <- unique(coldat) |
352 |
- setClass("MultiVarSplit",+ } |
353 | -+ | ! |
- contains = "CustomizableSplit", ## "Split",+ coldat <- factor(coldat, levels = lvs) ## otherwise |
354 |
- representation(+ } else { |
355 | -+ | 14x |
- var_labels = "character",+ coldat <- droplevels(coldat) |
356 |
- var_names = "character"+ } |
357 | -+ | 14x |
- ),+ x[[innervar]] <- coldat |
358 | -+ | 14x |
- validity = function(object) {+ x |
359 |
- length(object@payload) >= 1 &&+ }) |
360 | -+ | 6x |
- all(!is.na(object@payload)) &&+ ret$labels <- as.character(ret$labels) # TODO |
361 | -+ | 6x |
- (length(object@var_labels) == 0 || length(object@payload) == length(object@var_labels))+ ret |
363 | -+ | 6x |
- )+ myfun |
364 |
+ } |
365 |
- .make_suffix_vec <- function(n) {+ |
366 | -3x | +
- c(+ # add_combo_levels ------------------------------------------------------------- |
367 |
- "",+ # Dedicated docs are attached to default split functions |
368 | -3x | +
- sprintf(+ .add_combo_part_info <- function(part, |
369 | -3x | +
- "._[[%d]]_.",+ df, |
370 | -3x | +
- seq_len(n - 1) + 1L+ valuename, |
371 |
- )+ levels, |
372 |
- )+ label, |
373 |
- }+ extras, |
374 |
+ first = TRUE) { |
375 | -+ | 24x |
- .make_multivar_names <- function(vars) {+ value <- LevelComboSplitValue(valuename, extras, |
376 | -29x | +24x |
- dups <- duplicated(vars)+ combolevels = levels, |
377 | -29x | +24x |
- if (!any(dups)) {+ label = label |
378 | -26x | +
- return(vars)+ ) |
379 | -+ | 24x |
- }+ newdat <- setNames(list(df), valuename) |
380 | -3x | +24x |
- dupvars <- unique(vars[dups])+ newval <- setNames(list(value), valuename) |
381 | -3x | +24x |
- ret <- vars+ newextra <- setNames(list(extras), valuename) |
382 | -3x | +24x |
- for (v in dupvars) {+ if (first) { |
383 | -3x | +6x |
- pos <- which(ret == v)+ part$datasplit <- c(newdat, part$datasplit) |
384 | -3x | +6x |
- ret[pos] <- paste0(+ part$values <- c(newval, part$values) |
385 | -3x | +6x |
- ret[pos],+ part$labels <- c(setNames(label, valuename), part$labels) |
386 | -3x | +6x |
- .make_suffix_vec(length(pos))+ part$extras <- c(newextra, part$extras) |
387 |
- )+ } else { |
388 | -+ | 18x |
- }+ part$datasplit <- c(part$datasplit, newdat) |
389 | -3x | +18x |
- ret+ part$values <- c(part$values, newval) |
390 | -+ | 18x |
- }+ part$labels <- c(part$labels, setNames(label, valuename)) |
391 | -+ | 18x |
+ part$extras <- c(part$extras, newextra) |
392 |
- #' Split between two or more different variables+ } |
393 |
- #'+ ## not needed even in custom split function case. |
394 |
- #' @inheritParams lyt_args+ ## part = .fixupvals(part) |
395 | -+ | 24x |
- #' @inheritParams constr_args+ part |
396 |
- #'+ } |
397 |
- #' @return A `MultiVarSplit` object.+ |
398 |
- #'+ #' Add overall or combination levels to split groups |
399 |
- #' @author Gabriel Becker+ #' |
400 |
- #' @export+ #' @description |
401 |
- MultiVarSplit <- function(vars,+ #' `add_overall_level` is a split function that adds a global level to the current levels in the split. Similarly, |
402 |
- split_label = "",+ #' `add_combo_df` uses a user-provided `data.frame` to define the combine the levels to be added. If you need a |
403 |
- varlabels = NULL,+ #' single overall column, after all splits, please check [add_overall_col()]. Consider also defining |
404 |
- varnames = NULL,+ #' your custom split function if you need more flexibility (see [custom_split_funs]). |
405 |
- cfun = NULL,+ #' |
406 |
- cformat = NULL,+ #' @inheritParams lyt_args |
407 |
- cna_str = NA_character_,+ #' @inheritParams sf_args |
408 |
- split_format = NULL,+ #' @param valname (`string`)\cr value to be assigned to the implicit all-observations split level. Defaults to |
409 |
- split_na_str = NA_character_,+ #' `"Overall"`. |
410 |
- split_name = "multivars",+ #' @param first (`flag`)\cr whether the implicit level should appear first (`TRUE`) or last (`FALSE`). Defaults |
411 |
- child_labels = c("default", "visible", "hidden"),+ #' to `TRUE`. |
412 |
- extra_args = list(),+ #' |
413 |
- indent_mod = 0L,+ #' @return A splitting function (`splfun`) that adds or changes the levels of a split. |
414 |
- cindent_mod = 0L,+ #' |
415 |
- cvar = "",+ #' @seealso [custom_split_funs] and [split_funcs]. |
416 |
- cextra_args = list(),+ #' |
417 |
- label_pos = "visible",+ #' @examples |
418 |
- split_fun = NULL,+ #' lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
419 |
- page_prefix = NA_character_,+ #' split_cols_by("ARM", split_fun = add_overall_level("All Patients", |
420 |
- section_div = NA_character_,+ #' first = FALSE |
421 |
- show_colcounts = FALSE,+ #' )) %>% |
422 |
- colcount_format = NULL) {+ #' analyze("AGE") |
423 | -29x | +
- check_ok_label(split_label)+ #' |
424 |
- ## no topleft allowed+ #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM) |
425 | -29x | +
- label_pos <- match.arg(label_pos, label_pos_values[-3])+ #' tbl |
426 | -29x | +
- child_labels <- match.arg(child_labels)+ #' |
427 | -29x | +
- if (length(vars) == 1 && grepl(":", vars)) {+ #' lyt2 <- basic_table() %>% |
428 | -! | +
- vars <- strsplit(vars, ":")[[1]]+ #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>% |
429 |
- }+ #' split_rows_by("RACE", |
430 | -29x | +
- if (length(varlabels) == 0) { ## covers NULL and character()+ #' split_fun = add_overall_level("All Ethnicities") |
431 | -1x | +
- varlabels <- vars+ #' ) %>% |
432 |
- }+ #' summarize_row_groups(label_fstr = "%s (n)") %>% |
433 | -29x | +
- vnames <- varnames %||% .make_multivar_names(vars)+ #' analyze("AGE") |
434 | -29x | +
- stopifnot(length(vnames) == length(vars))+ #' lyt2 |
435 | -29x | +
- new("MultiVarSplit",+ #' |
436 | -29x | +
- payload = vars,+ #' tbl2 <- build_table(lyt2, DM) |
437 | -29x | +
- split_label = split_label,+ #' tbl2 |
438 | -29x | +
- var_labels = varlabels,+ #' |
439 | -29x | +
- var_names = vnames,+ #' @export |
440 | -29x | +
- content_fun = cfun,+ add_overall_level <- function(valname = "Overall", |
441 | -29x | +
- content_format = cformat,+ label = valname, |
442 | -29x | +
- content_na_str = cna_str,+ extra_args = list(), |
443 | -29x | +
- split_format = split_format,+ first = TRUE, |
444 | -29x | +
- split_na_str = split_na_str,+ trim = FALSE) { |
445 | -29x | +6x |
- label_children = .labelkids_helper(child_labels),+ combodf <- data.frame( |
446 | -29x | +6x |
- name = split_name,+ valname = valname, |
447 | -29x | +6x |
- extra_args = extra_args,+ label = label, |
448 | -29x | +6x |
- indent_modifier = as.integer(indent_mod),+ levelcombo = I(list(select_all_levels)), |
449 | -29x | +6x |
- content_indent_modifier = as.integer(cindent_mod),+ exargs = I(list(extra_args)), |
450 | -29x | +6x |
- content_var = cvar,+ stringsAsFactors = FALSE |
451 | -29x | +
- split_label_position = label_pos,+ ) |
452 | -29x | +6x |
- content_extra_args = cextra_args,+ add_combo_levels(combodf, |
453 | -29x | +6x |
- split_fun = split_fun,+ trim = trim, first = first |
454 | -29x | +
- page_title_prefix = page_prefix,+ ) |
455 | -29x | +
- child_section_div = section_div,+ } |
456 | -29x | +
- child_show_colcounts = show_colcounts,+ |
457 | -29x | +
- child_colcount_format = colcount_format+ setClass("AllLevelsSentinel", contains = "character") |
458 |
- )+ |
459 |
- }+ # nocov start |
460 |
+ #' @rdname add_overall_level |
461 |
- #' Splits for cutting by values of a numeric variable+ #' @export |
462 |
- #'+ select_all_levels <- new("AllLevelsSentinel") |
463 |
- #' @inheritParams lyt_args+ # nocov end |
464 |
- #' @inheritParams constr_args+ |
465 |
- #'+ #' @param combosdf (`data.frame` or `tbl_df`)\cr a data frame with columns `valname`, `label`, `levelcombo`, and |
466 |
- #' @exportClass VarStaticCutSplit+ #' `exargs`. `levelcombo` and `exargs` should be list columns. Passing the `select_all_levels` object as a value in |
467 |
- #' @rdname cutsplits+ #' `comblevels` column indicates that an overall/all-observations level should be created. |
468 |
- setClass("VarStaticCutSplit",+ #' @param keep_levels (`character` or `NULL`)\cr if non-`NULL`, the levels to retain across both combination and |
469 |
- contains = "Split",+ #' individual levels. |
470 |
- representation(+ #' |
471 |
- cuts = "numeric",+ #' @inherit add_overall_level return |
472 |
- cut_labels = "character"+ #' |
473 |
- )+ #' @note |
474 |
- )+ #' Analysis or summary functions for which the order matters should never be used within the tabulation framework. |
475 |
+ #' |
476 |
- .is_cut_lab_lst <- function(cuts) {+ #' @examplesIf require(tibble) |
477 | -12x | +
- is.list(cuts) && is.numeric(cuts[[1]]) &&+ #' |
478 | -12x | +
- is.character(cuts[[2]]) &&+ #' library(tibble) |
479 | -12x | +
- length(cuts[[1]]) == length(cuts[[2]])+ #' combodf <- tribble( |
480 |
- }+ #' ~valname, ~label, ~levelcombo, ~exargs, |
481 |
+ #' "A_B", "Arms A+B", c("A: Drug X", "B: Placebo"), list(), |
482 |
- #' Create static cut or static cumulative cut split+ #' "A_C", "Arms A+C", c("A: Drug X", "C: Combination"), list() |
483 |
- #'+ #' ) |
484 |
- #' @inheritParams lyt_args+ #' |
485 |
- #' @inheritParams constr_args+ #' lyt <- basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>% |
486 |
- #'+ #' split_cols_by("ARM", split_fun = add_combo_levels(combodf)) %>% |
487 |
- #' @return A `VarStaticCutSplit`, `CumulativeCutSplit` object for `make_static_cut_split`, or a `VarDynCutSplit`+ #' analyze("AGE") |
488 |
- #' object for [VarDynCutSplit()].+ #' |
489 |
- #'+ #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM) |
490 |
- #' @rdname cutsplits+ #' tbl |
491 |
- make_static_cut_split <- function(var,+ #' |
492 |
- split_label,+ #' lyt1 <- basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>% |
493 |
- cuts,+ #' split_cols_by("ARM", |
494 |
- cutlabels = NULL,+ #' split_fun = add_combo_levels(combodf, |
495 |
- cfun = NULL,+ #' keep_levels = c( |
496 |
- cformat = NULL,+ #' "A_B", |
497 |
- cna_str = NA_character_,+ #' "A_C" |
498 |
- split_format = NULL,+ #' ) |
499 |
- split_na_str = NA_character_,+ #' ) |
500 |
- split_name = var,+ #' ) %>% |
501 |
- child_labels = c("default", "visible", "hidden"),+ #' analyze("AGE") |
502 |
- extra_args = list(),+ #' |
503 |
- indent_mod = 0L,+ #' tbl1 <- build_table(lyt1, DM) |
504 |
- cindent_mod = 0L,+ #' tbl1 |
505 |
- cvar = "",+ #' |
506 |
- cextra_args = list(),+ #' smallerDM <- droplevels(subset(DM, SEX %in% c("M", "F") & |
507 |
- label_pos = "visible",+ #' grepl("^(A|B)", ARM))) |
508 |
- cumulative = FALSE,+ #' lyt2 <- basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>% |
509 |
- page_prefix = NA_character_,+ #' split_cols_by("ARM", split_fun = add_combo_levels(combodf[1, ])) %>% |
510 |
- section_div = NA_character_,+ #' split_cols_by("SEX", |
511 |
- show_colcounts = FALSE,+ #' split_fun = add_overall_level("SEX_ALL", "All Genders") |
512 |
- colcount_format = NULL) {+ #' ) %>% |
513 | -12x | +
- cls <- if (cumulative) "CumulativeCutSplit" else "VarStaticCutSplit"+ #' analyze("AGE") |
514 | -12x | +
- check_ok_label(split_label)+ #' |
515 |
+ #' lyt3 <- basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>% |
516 | -12x | +
- label_pos <- match.arg(label_pos, label_pos_values)+ #' split_cols_by("ARM", split_fun = add_combo_levels(combodf)) %>% |
517 | -12x | +
- child_labels <- match.arg(child_labels)+ #' split_rows_by("SEX", |
518 | -12x | +
- if (.is_cut_lab_lst(cuts)) {+ #' split_fun = add_overall_level("SEX_ALL", "All Genders") |
519 | -! | +
- cutlabels <- cuts[[2]]+ #' ) %>% |
520 | -! | +
- cuts <- cuts[[1]]+ #' summarize_row_groups() %>% |
521 |
- }+ #' analyze("AGE") |
522 | -12x | +
- if (is.unsorted(cuts, strictly = TRUE)) {+ #' |
523 | -! | +
- stop("invalid cuts vector. not sorted unique values.")+ #' tbl3 <- build_table(lyt3, smallerDM) |
524 |
- }+ #' tbl3 |
525 |
+ #' |
526 | -12x | +
- if (is.null(cutlabels) && !is.null(names(cuts))) {+ #' @rdname add_overall_level |
527 | -1x | +
- cutlabels <- names(cuts)[-1]+ #' @export |
528 |
- } ## XXX is this always right?+ add_combo_levels <- function(combosdf, |
529 |
+ trim = FALSE, |
530 | -12x | +
- new(cls,+ first = FALSE, |
531 | -12x | +
- payload = var,+ keep_levels = NULL) { |
532 | -12x | +14x |
- split_label = split_label,+ myfun <- function(df, spl, vals = NULL, labels = NULL, ...) { |
533 | -12x | +19x |
- cuts = cuts,+ if (is(spl, "MultiVarSplit")) { |
534 | -12x | +1x |
- cut_labels = cutlabels,+ stop("Combining levels of a MultiVarSplit does not make sense.", |
535 | -12x | +1x |
- content_fun = cfun,+ call. = FALSE |
536 | -12x | +
- content_format = cformat,+ ) |
537 | -12x | +14x |
- content_na_str = cna_str,+ } # nocov |
538 | -12x | +18x |
- split_format = split_format,+ ret <- .apply_split_inner(spl, df, |
539 | -12x | +18x |
- split_na_str = split_na_str,+ vals = vals, |
540 | -12x | +18x |
- name = split_name,+ labels = labels, trim = trim |
541 | -12x | +
- label_children = .labelkids_helper(child_labels),+ ) |
542 | -12x | +18x |
- extra_args = extra_args,+ for (i in seq_len(nrow(combosdf))) { |
543 | -12x | +24x |
- indent_modifier = as.integer(indent_mod),+ lcombo <- combosdf[i, "levelcombo", drop = TRUE][[1]] |
544 | -12x | +24x |
- content_indent_modifier = as.integer(cindent_mod),+ spld <- spl_payload(spl) |
545 | -12x | +24x |
- content_var = cvar,+ if (is(lcombo, "AllLevelsSentinel")) { |
546 | -12x | +6x |
- split_label_position = label_pos,+ subdf <- df |
547 | -12x | +18x |
- content_extra_args = cextra_args,+ } else if (is(spl, "VarLevelSplit")) { |
548 | -12x | +18x |
- page_title_prefix = page_prefix,+ subdf <- df[df[[spld]] %in% lcombo, ] |
549 | -12x | +14x |
- child_section_div = section_div,+ } else { ## this covers non-var splits, e.g. Cut-based splits |
550 | -12x | +! |
- child_show_colcounts = show_colcounts,+ stopifnot(all(lcombo %in% c(ret$labels, ret$vals))) |
551 | -12x | +! |
- child_colcount_format = colcount_format+ subdf <- do.call( |
552 | -+ | ! |
- )+ rbind, |
553 | -+ | ! |
- }+ ret$datasplit[names(ret$datasplit) %in% lcombo | ret$vals %in% lcombo] |
554 |
+ ) |
555 |
- #' @exportClass CumulativeCutSplit+ } |
556 | -+ | 24x |
- #' @rdname cutsplits+ ret <- .add_combo_part_info( |
557 | -+ | 24x |
- setClass("CumulativeCutSplit", contains = "VarStaticCutSplit")+ ret, subdf, |
558 | -+ | 24x |
+ combosdf[i, "valname", drop = TRUE], |
559 | -+ | 24x |
- ## make_static_cut_split with cumulative=TRUE is the constructor+ lcombo, |
560 | -+ | 24x |
- ## for CumulativeCutSplit+ combosdf[i, "label", drop = TRUE], |
561 | -+ | 24x |
+ combosdf[i, "exargs", drop = TRUE][[1]], |
562 | -+ | 24x |
- ## do we want this to be a CustomizableSplit instead of+ first |
563 |
- ## taking cut_fun?+ ) |
564 |
- ## cut_funct must take avector and no other arguments+ } |
565 | -+ | 18x |
- ## and return a named vector of cut points+ if (!is.null(keep_levels)) { |
566 | -+ | 3x |
- #' @exportClass VarDynCutSplit+ keep_inds <- value_names(ret$values) %in% keep_levels |
567 | -+ | 3x |
- #' @rdname cutsplits+ ret <- lapply(ret, function(x) x[keep_inds]) |
568 |
- setClass("VarDynCutSplit",+ } |
569 |
- contains = "Split",+ |
570 | -+ | 18x |
- representation(+ ret |
571 |
- cut_fun = "function",+ } |
572 | -+ | 14x |
- cut_label_fun = "function",+ myfun |
573 |
- cumulative_cuts = "logical"+ } |
574 |
- )+ |
575 |
- )+ #' Trim levels to map |
576 |
+ #' |
577 |
- #' @export+ #' This split function constructor creates a split function which trims levels of a variable to reflect restrictions |
578 |
- #' @rdname cutsplits+ #' on the possible combinations of two or more variables which the data is split by (along the same axis) within a |
579 |
- VarDynCutSplit <- function(var,+ #' layout. |
580 |
- split_label,+ #' |
581 |
- cutfun,+ #' @param map data.frame. A data.frame defining allowed combinations of |
582 |
- cutlabelfun = function(x) NULL,+ #' variables. Any combination at the level of this split not present in the |
583 |
- cfun = NULL,+ #' map will be removed from the data, both for the variable being split and |
584 |
- cformat = NULL,+ #' those present in the data but not associated with this split or any parents |
585 |
- cna_str = NA_character_,+ #' of it. |
586 |
- split_format = NULL,+ #' |
587 |
- split_na_str = NA_character_,+ #' @details |
588 |
- split_name = var,+ #' When splitting occurs, the map is subset to the values of all previously performed splits. The levels of the |
589 |
- child_labels = c("default", "visible", "hidden"),+ #' variable being split are then pruned to only those still present within this subset of the map representing the |
590 |
- extra_args = list(),+ #' current hierarchical splitting context. |
591 |
- cumulative = FALSE,+ #' |
592 |
- indent_mod = 0L,+ #' Splitting is then performed via the [keep_split_levels()] split function. |
593 |
- cindent_mod = 0L,+ #' |
594 |
- cvar = "",+ #' Each resulting element of the partition is then further trimmed by pruning values of any remaining variables |
595 |
- cextra_args = list(),+ #' specified in the map to those values allowed under the combination of the previous and current split. |
596 |
- label_pos = "visible",+ #' |
597 |
- page_prefix = NA_character_,+ #' @return A function that can be used as a split function. |
598 |
- section_div = NA_character_,+ #' |
599 |
- show_colcounts = FALSE,+ #' @seealso [trim_levels_in_group()]. |
600 |
- colcount_format = NULL) {+ #' |
601 | -6x | +
- check_ok_label(split_label)+ #' @examples |
602 | -6x | +
- label_pos <- match.arg(label_pos, label_pos_values)+ #' map <- data.frame( |
603 | -6x | +
- child_labels <- match.arg(child_labels)+ #' LBCAT = c("CHEMISTRY", "CHEMISTRY", "CHEMISTRY", "IMMUNOLOGY"), |
604 | -6x | +
- new("VarDynCutSplit",+ #' PARAMCD = c("ALT", "CRP", "CRP", "IGA"), |
605 | -6x | +
- payload = var,+ #' ANRIND = c("LOW", "LOW", "HIGH", "HIGH"), |
606 | -6x | +
- split_label = split_label,+ #' stringsAsFactors = FALSE |
607 | -6x | +
- cut_fun = cutfun,+ #' ) |
608 | -6x | +
- cumulative_cuts = cumulative,+ #' |
609 | -6x | +
- cut_label_fun = cutlabelfun,+ #' lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
610 | -6x | +
- content_fun = cfun,+ #' split_rows_by("LBCAT") %>% |
611 | -6x | +
- content_format = cformat,+ #' split_rows_by("PARAMCD", split_fun = trim_levels_to_map(map = map)) %>% |
612 | -6x | +
- content_na_str = cna_str,+ #' analyze("ANRIND") |
613 | -6x | +
- split_format = split_format,+ #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, ex_adlb) |
614 | -6x | +
- split_na_str = split_na_str,+ #' |
615 | -6x | +
- name = split_name,+ #' @export |
616 | -6x | +
- label_children = .labelkids_helper(child_labels),+ trim_levels_to_map <- function(map = NULL) { |
617 | -6x | +7x |
- extra_args = extra_args,+ if (is.null(map) || any(sapply(map, class) != "character")) { |
618 | -6x | +! |
- indent_modifier = as.integer(indent_mod),+ stop( |
619 | -6x | +! |
- content_indent_modifier = as.integer(cindent_mod),+ "No map dataframe was provided or not all of the columns are of ", |
620 | -6x | +! |
- content_var = cvar,+ "type character." |
621 | -6x | +
- split_label_position = label_pos,+ ) |
622 | -6x | +
- content_extra_args = cextra_args,+ } |
623 | -6x | +
- page_title_prefix = page_prefix,+ |
624 | -6x | +7x |
- child_section_div = section_div,+ myfun <- function(df, |
625 | -6x | +7x |
- child_show_colcounts = show_colcounts,+ spl, |
626 | -6x | +7x |
- child_colcount_format = colcount_format+ vals = NULL, |
627 | -+ | 7x |
- )+ labels = NULL, |
628 | -+ | 7x |
- }+ trim = FALSE, |
629 | -+ | 7x |
+ .spl_context) { |
630 | -+ | 12x |
- ## NB analyze splits can't have content-related things+ allvars <- colnames(map) |
631 | -+ | 12x |
- setClass("VAnalyzeSplit",+ splvar <- spl_payload(spl) |
632 |
- contains = "Split",+ |
633 | -+ | 12x |
- representation(+ allvmatches <- match(.spl_context$split, allvars) |
634 | -+ | 12x |
- default_rowlabel = "character",+ outvars <- allvars[na.omit(allvmatches)] |
635 |
- include_NAs = "logical",+ ## invars are variables present in data, but not in |
636 |
- var_label_position = "character"+ ## previous or current splits |
637 | -+ | 12x |
- )+ invars <- intersect( |
638 | -+ | 12x |
- )+ setdiff(allvars, c(outvars, splvar)), |
639 | -+ | 12x |
+ names(df) |
640 |
- setClass("AnalyzeVarSplit",+ ) |
641 |
- contains = "VAnalyzeSplit",+ ## allvarord <- c(na.omit(allvmatches), ## appear in prior splits |
642 |
- representation(analysis_fun = "function")+ ## which(allvars == splvar), ## this split |
643 |
- )+ ## allvars[-1*na.omit(allvmatches)]) ## "outvars" |
645 |
- setClass("AnalyzeColVarSplit",+ ## allvars <- allvars[allvarord] |
646 |
- contains = "VAnalyzeSplit",+ ## outvars <- allvars[-(which(allvars == splvar):length(allvars))] |
647 | -+ | 12x |
- representation(analysis_fun = "list")+ if (length(outvars) > 0) { |
648 | -+ | 10x |
- )+ indfilters <- vapply(outvars, function(ivar) { |
649 | -+ | 12x |
+ obsval <- .spl_context$value[match(ivar, .spl_context$split)] |
650 | -+ | 12x |
- #' Define a subset tabulation/analysis+ sprintf("%s == '%s'", ivar, obsval) |
651 |
- #'+ }, "") |
652 |
- #' @inheritParams lyt_args+ |
653 | -+ | 10x |
- #' @inheritParams constr_args+ allfilters <- paste(indfilters, collapse = " & ") |
654 | -+ | 10x |
- #' @param defrowlab (`character`)\cr default row labels, if not specified by the return value of `afun`.+ map <- map[eval(parse(text = allfilters), envir = map), ] |
655 |
- #'+ } |
656 | -+ | 12x |
- #' @return An `AnalyzeVarSplit` object.+ map_splvarpos <- which(names(map) == splvar) |
657 | -+ | 12x |
- #'+ nondup <- !duplicated(map[[splvar]]) |
658 | -+ | 12x |
- #' @author Gabriel Becker+ ksl_fun <- keep_split_levels( |
659 | -+ | 12x |
- #' @export+ only = map[[splvar]][nondup], |
660 | -+ | 12x |
- #' @rdname avarspl+ reorder = TRUE |
661 |
- AnalyzeVarSplit <- function(var,+ ) |
662 | -+ | 12x |
- split_label = var,+ ret <- ksl_fun(df, spl, vals, labels, trim = trim) |
663 |
- afun,+ |
664 | -+ | 12x |
- defrowlab = "",+ if (length(ret$datasplit) == 0) { |
665 | -+ | 1x |
- cfun = NULL,+ msg <- paste(sprintf("%s[%s]", .spl_context$split, .spl_context$value), |
666 | -+ | 1x |
- cformat = NULL,+ collapse = "->" |
667 |
- split_format = NULL,+ ) |
668 | -+ | 1x |
- split_na_str = NA_character_,+ stop( |
669 | -+ | 1x |
- inclNAs = FALSE,+ "map does not allow any values present in data for split ", |
670 | -+ | 1x |
- split_name = var,+ "variable ", splvar, |
671 | -+ | 1x |
- extra_args = list(),+ " under the following parent splits:\n\t", msg |
672 |
- indent_mod = 0L,+ ) |
673 |
- label_pos = "default",+ } |
674 |
- cvar = "",+ |
675 |
- section_div = NA_character_) {+ ## keep non-split (inner) variables levels |
676 | -333x | +11x |
- check_ok_label(split_label)+ ret$datasplit <- lapply(ret$values, function(splvar_lev) { |
677 | -333x | +19x |
- label_pos <- match.arg(label_pos, c("default", label_pos_values))+ df3 <- ret$datasplit[[splvar_lev]] |
678 | -333x | +19x |
- if (!any(nzchar(defrowlab))) {+ curmap <- map[map[[map_splvarpos]] == splvar_lev, ] |
679 | -1x | +
- defrowlab <- as.character(substitute(afun))+ ## loop through inner variables |
680 | -1x | +19x |
- if (length(defrowlab) > 1 || startsWith(defrowlab, "function(")) {+ for (iv in invars) { ## setdiff(colnames(map), splvar)) { |
681 | -! | +19x |
- defrowlab <- ""+ iv_lev <- df3[[iv]] |
682 | -+ | 19x |
- }+ levkeep <- as.character(unique(curmap[[iv]])) |
683 | -+ | 19x |
- }+ if (is.factor(iv_lev) && !all(levkeep %in% levels(iv_lev))) { |
684 | -333x | +! |
- new("AnalyzeVarSplit",+ stop( |
685 | -333x | +! |
- payload = var,+ "Attempted to keep invalid factor level(s) in split ", |
686 | -333x | +! |
- split_label = split_label,+ setdiff(levkeep, levels(iv_lev)) |
687 | -333x | +
- content_fun = cfun,+ ) |
688 | -333x | +
- analysis_fun = afun,+ } |
689 | -333x | +
- content_format = cformat,+ |
690 | -333x | +19x |
- split_format = split_format,+ df3 <- df3[iv_lev %in% levkeep, , drop = FALSE] |
691 | -333x | +
- split_na_str = split_na_str,+ |
692 | -333x | +19x |
- default_rowlabel = defrowlab,+ if (is.factor(iv_lev)) { |
693 | -333x | +19x |
- include_NAs = inclNAs,+ df3[[iv]] <- factor(as.character(df3[[iv]]), |
694 | -333x | +19x |
- name = split_name,+ levels = levkeep |
695 | -333x | +
- label_children = FALSE,+ ) |
696 | -333x | +
- extra_args = extra_args,+ } |
697 | -333x | +
- indent_modifier = as.integer(indent_mod),+ } |
698 | -333x | +
- content_indent_modifier = 0L,+ |
699 | -333x | +19x |
- var_label_position = label_pos,+ df3 |
700 | -333x | +
- content_var = cvar,+ }) |
701 | -333x | +11x |
- page_title_prefix = NA_character_,+ names(ret$datasplit) <- ret$values |
702 | -333x | +11x |
- child_section_div = section_div,+ ret |
703 | -333x | +
- child_show_colcounts = FALSE,+ } |
704 | -333x | +
- child_colcount_format = NA_character_+ |
705 | -333x | +7x |
- ) ## no content_extra_args+ myfun |
707 | +1 |
+ ## Split types ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
708 | +2 |
- #' Define a subset tabulation/analysis+ ## variable: split on distinct values of a variable |
709 | +3 |
- #'+ ## all: include all observations (root 'split') |
710 | +4 |
- #' @inheritParams lyt_args+ ## rawcut: cut on static values of a variable |
711 | +5 |
- #' @inheritParams constr_args+ ## quantilecut: cut on quantiles of observed values for a variable |
712 | +6 |
- #'+ ## missing: split obs based on missingness of a variable/observation. This could be used for compare to ref_group?? |
713 | +7 |
- #' @author Gabriel Becker+ ## multicolumn: each child analyzes a different column |
714 | +8 |
- #' @export+ ## arbitrary: children are not related to each other in any systematic fashion. |
715 | +9 |
- #' @rdname avarspl+ |
716 | +10 |
- AnalyzeColVarSplit <- function(afun,+ ## null is ok here. |
717 | +11 |
- defrowlab = "",+ check_ok_label <- function(lbl, multi_ok = FALSE) { |
718 | -+ | |||
12 | +50452x |
- cfun = NULL,+ if (length(lbl) == 0) {+ |
+ ||
13 | +11636x | +
+ return(TRUE) |
719 | +14 |
- cformat = NULL,+ } |
720 | +15 |
- split_format = NULL,+ + |
+ ||
16 | +38816x | +
+ if (length(lbl) > 1) {+ |
+ ||
17 | +1933x | +
+ if (multi_ok) {+ |
+ ||
18 | +1933x | +
+ return(all(vapply(lbl, check_ok_label, TRUE))) |
721 | +19 |
- split_na_str = NA_character_,+ }+ |
+ ||
20 | +! | +
+ stop("got a label of length > 1") |
722 | +21 |
- inclNAs = FALSE,+ } |
723 | +22 |
- split_name = "",+ + |
+ ||
23 | +36883x | +
+ if (grepl("([{}])", lbl)) {+ |
+ ||
24 | +1x | +
+ stop("Labels cannot contain { or } due to their use for indicating referential footnotes") |
724 | +25 |
- extra_args = list(),+ }+ |
+ ||
26 | +36882x | +
+ invisible(TRUE) |
725 | +27 |
- indent_mod = 0L,+ } |
726 | +28 |
- label_pos = "default",+ |
727 | +29 |
- cvar = "",+ valid_lbl_pos <- c("default", "visible", "hidden", "topleft") |
728 | +30 |
- section_div = NA_character_) {+ .labelkids_helper <- function(charval) { |
729 | -23x | +31 | +2470x |
- label_pos <- match.arg(label_pos, c("default", label_pos_values))+ ret <- switch(charval, |
730 | -23x | +32 | +2470x |
- new("AnalyzeColVarSplit",+ "default" = NA, |
731 | -23x | +33 | +2470x |
- payload = NA_character_,+ "visible" = TRUE, |
732 | -23x | +34 | +2470x |
- split_label = "",+ "hidden" = FALSE, |
733 | -23x | +35 | +2470x |
- content_fun = cfun,+ "topleft" = FALSE, |
734 | -23x | +36 | +2470x |
- analysis_fun = afun,+ stop( |
735 | -23x | +37 | +2470x |
- content_format = cformat,+ "unrecognized charval in .labelkids_helper. ", |
736 | -23x | +38 | +2470x |
- split_format = split_format,+ "this shouldn't ever happen" |
737 | -23x | +|||
39 | +
- split_na_str = split_na_str,+ ) |
738 | -23x | +|||
40 | +
- default_rowlabel = defrowlab,+ ) |
739 | -23x | +41 | +2470x |
- include_NAs = inclNAs,+ ret |
740 | -23x | +|||
42 | +
- name = split_name,+ } |
741 | -23x | +|||
43 | +
- label_children = FALSE,+ |
742 | -23x | +|||
44 | +
- extra_args = extra_args,+ setOldClass("expression") |
743 | -23x | +|||
45 | +
- indent_modifier = as.integer(indent_mod),+ setClassUnion("SubsetDef", c("expression", "logical", "integer", "numeric")) |
744 | -23x | +|||
46 | +
- content_indent_modifier = 0L,+ |
745 | -23x | +|||
47 | +
- var_label_position = label_pos,+ setClassUnion("integerOrNULL", c("NULL", "integer")) |
746 | -23x | +|||
48 | +
- content_var = cvar,+ setClassUnion("characterOrNULL", c("NULL", "character")) |
747 | -23x | +|||
49 | +
- page_title_prefix = NA_character_,+ |
748 | -23x | +|||
50 | +
- child_section_div = section_div,+ ## should XXX [splits, s_values, sval_labels, subset(?)] be a data.frame? |
749 | -23x | +|||
51 | +
- child_show_colcounts = FALSE,+ setClass("TreePos", representation( |
750 | -23x | +|||
52 | +
- child_colcount_format = NA_character_+ splits = "list", |
751 | -23x | +|||
53 | +
- ) ## no content_extra_args+ s_values = "list", |
752 | +54 |
- }+ sval_labels = "character", |
753 | +55 |
+ subset = "SubsetDef" |
754 | +56 |
- setClass("CompoundSplit",+ ), |
755 | +57 |
- contains = "Split",+ validity = function(object) { |
756 | +58 |
- validity = function(object) are(object@payload, "Split")+ nspl <- length(object@splits) |
757 | +59 | ++ |
+ length(object@s_values) == nspl && length(object@sval_labels) == nspl+ |
+ |
60 | ++ |
+ }+ |
+ ||
61 |
) |
758 | +62 | |||
759 | +63 |
- setClass("AnalyzeMultiVars", contains = "CompoundSplit")+ setClassUnion("functionOrNULL", c("NULL", "function")) |
760 | +64 |
+ setClassUnion("listOrNULL", c("NULL", "list")) |
761 | +65 |
- .repoutlst <- function(x, nv) {+ ## TODO (?) make "list" more specific, e.g FormatList, or FunctionList? |
762 | -1830x | +|||
66 | +
- if (!is.function(x) && length(x) == nv) {+ setClassUnion("FormatSpec", c("NULL", "character", "function", "list")) |
763 | -879x | +|||
67 | +
- return(x)+ setClassUnion("ExprOrNULL", c("NULL", "expression")) |
764 | +68 |
- }+ |
765 | -951x | +|||
69 | +
- if (!is(x, "list")) {+ setClass("ValueWrapper", representation( |
766 | -951x | +|||
70 | +
- x <- list(x)+ value = "ANY", |
767 | +71 |
- }+ label = "characterOrNULL", |
768 | -951x | +|||
72 | +
- rep(x, length.out = nv)+ subset_expression = "ExprOrNULL" |
769 | +73 |
- }+ ), |
770 | +74 |
+ contains = "VIRTUAL" |
771 | +75 |
- .uncompound <- function(csplit) {+ ) |
772 | -61x | +|||
76 | +
- if (is(csplit, "list")) {+ ## heavier-weight than I'd like but I think we need |
773 | -3x | +|||
77 | +
- return(unlist(lapply(csplit, .uncompound)))+ ## this to carry around thee subsets for |
774 | +78 |
- }+ ## comparison-based splits |
775 | +79 | |||
776 | -58x | +|||
80 | +
- if (!is(csplit, "CompoundSplit")) {+ setClass("SplitValue", |
777 | -57x | +|||
81 | +
- return(csplit)+ contains = "ValueWrapper", |
778 | +82 |
- }+ representation(extra = "list") |
779 | +83 | ++ |
+ )+ |
+ |
84 | ||||
780 | -1x | +|||
85 | +
- pld <- spl_payload(csplit)+ SplitValue <- function(val, extr = list(), label = val, sub_expr = NULL) { |
781 | -1x | +86 | +4946x |
- done <- all(!vapply(pld, is, TRUE, class2 = "CompoundSplit"))+ if (is(val, "SplitValue")) { |
782 | -1x | +87 | +2086x |
- if (done) {+ if (length(splv_extra(val)) > 0) { |
783 | -1x | +88 | +29x |
- pld+ extr <- c(splv_extra(val), extr) |
784 | +89 |
- } else {+ } |
785 | -! | +|||
90 | +2086x |
- unlist(lapply(pld, .uncompound))+ splv_extra(val) <- extr+ |
+ ||
91 | +2086x | +
+ return(val) |
786 | +92 |
} |
787 | -+ | |||
93 | +2860x |
- }+ if (!is(extr, "list")) { |
788 | -+ | |||
94 | +! |
+ extr <- list(extr) |
789 | +95 |
- strip_compound_name <- function(obj) {+ } |
790 | -11x | +96 | +2860x |
- nm <- obj_name(obj)+ if (!is(label, "character")) { |
791 | -11x | +|||
97 | +! |
- gsub("^ma_", "", nm)+ label <- as.character(label) |
792 | +98 |
- }+ } |
793 | +99 | |||
100 | +2860x | +
+ if (!is.null(sub_expr) && !is.expression(sub_expr)) {+ |
+ ||
101 | +105x | +
+ sub_expr <- as.expression(sub_expr)+ |
+ ||
794 | +102 |
- make_ma_name <- function(spl, pld = spl_payload(spl)) {+ } ## sometimes they will be "call" objects, etc |
795 | -3x | +103 | +2860x |
- paste(+ check_ok_label(label) |
796 | -3x | +104 | +2860x |
- c(+ new("SplitValue", |
797 | -3x | +105 | +2860x |
- "ma",+ value = val, |
798 | -3x | +106 | +2860x |
- vapply(pld, strip_compound_name, "")+ extra = extr, |
799 | -+ | |||
107 | +2860x |
- ),+ label = label, |
800 | -3x | +108 | +2860x |
- collapse = "_"+ subset_expression = sub_expr |
801 | +109 |
) |
802 | +110 |
} |
803 | +111 | |||
804 | +112 |
- #' @param .payload (`list`)\cr used internally, not intended to be set by end users.+ setClass("LevelComboSplitValue", |
805 | +113 |
- #'+ contains = "SplitValue", |
806 | +114 |
- #' @return An `AnalyzeMultiVars` split object.+ representation(combolevels = "character") |
807 | +115 |
- #'+ ) |
808 | +116 |
- #' @export+ |
809 | +117 |
- #' @rdname avarspl+ ## wrapped in user-facing `add_combo_facet` |
810 | +118 |
- AnalyzeMultiVars <- function(var,+ LevelComboSplitValue <- function(val, extr, combolevels, label = val, sub_expr = NULL) { |
811 | -+ | |||
119 | +28x |
- split_label = "",+ check_ok_label(label)+ |
+ ||
120 | +28x | +
+ new("LevelComboSplitValue",+ |
+ ||
121 | +28x | +
+ value = val,+ |
+ ||
122 | +28x | +
+ extra = extr,+ |
+ ||
123 | +28x | +
+ combolevels = combolevels,+ |
+ ||
124 | +28x | +
+ label = label,+ |
+ ||
125 | +28x | +
+ subset_expression = sub_expr |
812 | +126 |
- afun,+ ) |
813 | +127 |
- defrowlab = "",+ } |
814 | +128 |
- cfun = NULL,+ |
815 | +129 |
- cformat = NULL,+ setClass("Split", |
816 | +130 |
- split_format = NULL,+ contains = "VIRTUAL", |
817 | +131 |
- split_na_str = NA_character_,+ representation( |
818 | +132 |
- inclNAs = FALSE,+ payload = "ANY", |
819 | +133 |
- .payload = NULL,+ name = "character", |
820 | +134 |
- split_name = NULL,+ split_label = "character", |
821 | +135 |
- extra_args = list(),+ split_format = "FormatSpec", |
822 | +136 |
- indent_mod = 0L,+ split_na_str = "character", |
823 | +137 |
- child_labels = c("default", "topleft", "visible", "hidden"),+ split_label_position = "character", |
824 | +138 |
- child_names = var,+ ## NB this is the function which is applied to |
825 | +139 |
- cvar = "",+ ## get the content rows for the CHILDREN of this |
826 | +140 |
- section_div = NA_character_) {+ ## split!!! |
827 | +141 |
- ## NB we used to resolve to strict TRUE/FALSE for label visibillity+ content_fun = "listOrNULL", ## functionOrNULL", |
828 | +142 |
- ## in this function but that was too greedy for repeated+ content_format = "FormatSpec", |
829 | +143 |
- ## analyze calls, so that now occurs in the tabulation machinery+ content_na_str = "character", |
830 | +144 |
- ## when the table is actually being built.+ content_var = "character", |
831 | +145 |
- ## show_kidlabs = .labelkids_helper(match.arg(child_labels))+ label_children = "logical", |
832 | -329x | +|||
146 | +
- child_labels <- match.arg(child_labels)+ extra_args = "list", |
833 | -329x | -
- show_kidlabs <- child_labels- |
- ||
834 | -329x | +|||
147 | +
- if (is.null(.payload)) {+ indent_modifier = "integer", |
835 | -305x | +|||
148 | +
- nv <- length(var)+ content_indent_modifier = "integer", |
836 | -305x | +|||
149 | +
- defrowlab <- .repoutlst(defrowlab, nv)+ content_extra_args = "list", |
837 | -305x | +|||
150 | +
- afun <- .repoutlst(afun, nv)+ page_title_prefix = "character", |
838 | -305x | +|||
151 | +
- split_label <- .repoutlst(split_label, nv)+ child_section_div = "character", |
839 | -305x | +|||
152 | +
- check_ok_label(split_label, multi_ok = TRUE)+ child_show_colcounts = "logical", |
840 | -305x | +|||
153 | +
- cfun <- .repoutlst(cfun, nv)+ child_colcount_format = "FormatSpec" |
841 | -305x | +|||
154 | +
- cformat <- .repoutlst(cformat, nv)+ ) |
842 | +155 |
- ## split_format = .repoutlst(split_format, nv)+ ) |
843 | -305x | +|||
156 | +
- inclNAs <- .repoutlst(inclNAs, nv)+ |
844 | -305x | +|||
157 | +
- section_div_if_multivar <- if (length(var) > 1) NA_character_ else section_div+ setClass("CustomizableSplit", |
845 | -305x | +|||
158 | +
- pld <- mapply(AnalyzeVarSplit,+ contains = "Split", |
846 | -305x | +|||
159 | +
- var = var,+ representation(split_fun = "functionOrNULL") |
847 | -305x | +|||
160 | +
- split_name = child_names,+ ) |
848 | -305x | +|||
161 | +
- split_label = split_label,+ |
849 | -305x | +|||
162 | +
- afun = afun,+ #' @author Gabriel Becker |
850 | -305x | +|||
163 | +
- defrowlab = defrowlab,+ #' @exportClass VarLevelSplit |
851 | -305x | +|||
164 | +
- cfun = cfun,+ #' @rdname VarLevelSplit |
852 | -305x | +|||
165 | +
- cformat = cformat,+ setClass("VarLevelSplit", |
853 | +166 |
- ## split_format = split_format,+ contains = "CustomizableSplit", |
854 | -305x | +|||
167 | +
- inclNAs = inclNAs,+ representation( |
855 | -305x | +|||
168 | +
- MoreArgs = list(+ value_label_var = "character", |
856 | -305x | +|||
169 | +
- extra_args = extra_args,+ value_order = "ANY" |
857 | -305x | +|||
170 | +
- indent_mod = indent_mod,+ ) |
858 | -305x | +|||
171 | +
- label_pos = show_kidlabs,+ ) |
859 | -305x | +|||
172 | +
- split_format = split_format,+ #' Split on levels within a variable |
860 | -305x | +|||
173 | +
- split_na_str = split_na_str,+ #' |
861 | -305x | +|||
174 | +
- section_div = section_div_if_multivar+ #' @inheritParams lyt_args |
862 | -305x | +|||
175 | +
- ), ## rvis),+ #' @inheritParams constr_args |
863 | -305x | +|||
176 | +
864 | +177 |
- )+ #' @return a `VarLevelSplit` object. |
865 | +178 |
- } else {+ #' |
866 | +179 |
- ## we're combining existing splits here+ #' @export |
867 | -24x | +|||
180 | +
- pld <- unlist(lapply(.payload, .uncompound))+ VarLevelSplit <- function(var, |
868 | +181 |
+ split_label, |
869 | +182 |
- ## only override the childen being combined if the constructor+ labels_var = NULL, |
870 | +183 |
- ## was passed a non-default value for child_labels+ cfun = NULL, |
871 | +184 |
- ## and the child was at NA before+ cformat = NULL, |
872 | -24x | +|||
185 | +
- pld <- lapply(+ cna_str = NA_character_, |
873 | -24x | +|||
186 | +
- pld,+ split_fun = NULL, |
874 | -24x | +|||
187 | +
- function(x) {+ split_format = NULL, |
875 | -48x | +|||
188 | +
- rvis <- label_position(x) ## labelrow_visible(x)+ split_na_str = NA_character_, |
876 | -48x | +|||
189 | +
- if (!identical(show_kidlabs, "default")) { ## is.na(show_kidlabs)) {+ valorder = NULL, |
877 | -! | +|||
190 | +
- if (identical(rvis, "default")) { ## ois.na(rvis))+ split_name = var, |
878 | -! | +|||
191 | +
- rvis <- show_kidlabs+ child_labels = c("default", "visible", "hidden"), |
879 | +192 |
- }+ extra_args = list(), |
880 | +193 |
- }+ indent_mod = 0L, |
881 | -48x | +|||
194 | +
- label_position(x) <- rvis+ label_pos = c("topleft", "hidden", "visible"), |
882 | -48x | +|||
195 | +
- x+ cindent_mod = 0L, |
883 | +196 |
- }+ cvar = "", |
884 | +197 |
- )+ cextra_args = list(), |
885 | +198 |
- }+ page_prefix = NA_character_, |
886 | -329x | +|||
199 | +
- if (length(pld) == 1) {+ section_div = NA_character_, |
887 | -282x | +|||
200 | +
- ret <- pld[[1]]+ show_colcounts = FALSE, |
888 | +201 |
- } else {+ colcount_format = NULL) { |
889 | -47x | +202 | +536x |
- if (is.null(split_name)) {+ child_labels <- match.arg(child_labels) |
890 | -47x | +203 | +536x |
- split_name <- paste(c("ma", vapply(pld, obj_name, "")),+ if (is.null(labels_var)) { |
891 | -47x | +204 | +1x |
- collapse = "_"+ labels_var <- var |
892 | +205 |
- )+ } |
893 | -+ | |||
206 | +536x |
- }+ check_ok_label(split_label) |
894 | -47x | +207 | +536x |
- ret <- new("AnalyzeMultiVars",+ new("VarLevelSplit", |
895 | -47x | +208 | +536x |
- payload = pld,+ payload = var, |
896 | -47x | +209 | +536x |
- split_label = "",+ split_label = split_label, |
897 | -47x | +210 | +536x |
- split_format = NULL,+ name = split_name, |
898 | -47x | +211 | +536x |
- split_na_str = split_na_str,+ value_label_var = labels_var, |
899 | -47x | +212 | +536x |
- content_fun = NULL,+ content_fun = cfun, |
900 | -47x | +213 | +536x |
- content_format = NULL,+ content_format = cformat, |
901 | -+ | |||
214 | +536x |
- ## I beleive this is superfluous now+ content_na_str = cna_str, |
902 | -+ | |||
215 | +536x |
- ## the payloads carry aroudn the real instructions+ split_fun = split_fun, |
903 | -+ | |||
216 | +536x |
- ## XXX+ split_format = split_format, |
904 | -47x | +217 | +536x |
- label_children = .labelkids_helper(show_kidlabs),+ split_na_str = split_na_str, |
905 | -47x | +218 | +536x |
- split_label_position = "hidden", ## XXX is this right?+ value_order = NULL, |
906 | -47x | +219 | +536x |
- name = split_name,+ label_children = .labelkids_helper(child_labels), |
907 | -47x | +220 | +536x |
- extra_args = extra_args,+ extra_args = extra_args, |
908 | -+ | |||
221 | +536x |
- ## modifier applied on splits in payload+ indent_modifier = as.integer(indent_mod), |
909 | -47x | +222 | +536x |
- indent_modifier = 0L,+ content_indent_modifier = as.integer(cindent_mod), |
910 | -47x | +223 | +536x |
- content_indent_modifier = 0L,+ content_var = cvar, |
911 | -47x | +224 | +536x |
- content_var = cvar,+ split_label_position = label_pos, |
912 | -47x | +225 | +536x |
- page_title_prefix = NA_character_,+ content_extra_args = cextra_args, |
913 | -47x | +226 | +536x |
- child_section_div = section_div+ page_title_prefix = page_prefix, |
914 | -+ | |||
227 | +536x |
- )+ child_section_div = section_div, |
915 | -+ | |||
228 | +536x |
- }+ child_show_colcounts = show_colcounts, |
916 | -329x | +229 | +536x |
- ret+ child_colcount_format = colcount_format |
917 | +230 |
- }+ ) |
918 | +231 |
+ } |
919 | +232 |
- setClass("VarLevWBaselineSplit",+ |
920 | +233 |
- contains = "VarLevelSplit",+ setClass("AllSplit", contains = "Split") |
921 | +234 |
- representation(+ |
922 | +235 |
- var = "character",+ AllSplit <- function(split_label = "", |
923 | +236 |
- ref_group_value = "character"+ cfun = NULL, |
924 | +237 |
- )+ cformat = NULL, |
925 | +238 |
- )+ cna_str = NA_character_, |
926 | +239 |
+ split_format = NULL, |
927 | +240 |
- #' @rdname VarLevelSplit+ split_na_str = NA_character_, |
928 | +241 |
- #' @export+ split_name = NULL, |
929 | +242 |
- VarLevWBaselineSplit <- function(var,+ extra_args = list(), |
930 | +243 |
- ref_group,+ indent_mod = 0L, |
931 | +244 |
- labels_var = var,+ cindent_mod = 0L, |
932 | +245 |
- split_label,+ cvar = "", |
933 | +246 |
- split_fun = NULL,+ cextra_args = list(), |
934 | +247 |
- label_fstr = "%s - %s",+ show_colcounts = FALSE, |
935 | +248 |
- ## not needed I Think...+ colcount_format = NULL, |
936 | +249 |
- cfun = NULL,+ ...) { |
937 | -+ | |||
250 | +213x |
- cformat = NULL,+ if (is.null(split_name)) { |
938 | -+ | |||
251 | +112x |
- cna_str = NA_character_,+ if (nzchar(split_label)) { |
939 | -+ | |||
252 | +7x |
- cvar = "",+ split_name <- split_label |
940 | +253 |
- split_format = NULL,+ } else { |
941 | -+ | |||
254 | +105x |
- split_na_str = NA_character_,+ split_name <- "all obs" |
942 | +255 |
- valorder = NULL,+ } |
943 | +256 |
- split_name = var,+ } |
944 | -+ | |||
257 | +213x |
- extra_args = list(),+ check_ok_label(split_label) |
945 | -+ | |||
258 | +213x |
- show_colcounts = FALSE,+ new("AllSplit", |
946 | -+ | |||
259 | +213x |
- colcount_format = NULL) {+ split_label = split_label, |
947 | -10x | +260 | +213x |
- check_ok_label(split_label)+ content_fun = cfun, |
948 | -10x | +261 | +213x |
- new("VarLevWBaselineSplit",+ content_format = cformat, |
949 | -10x | +262 | +213x |
- payload = var,+ content_na_str = cna_str, |
950 | -10x | +263 | +213x |
- ref_group_value = ref_group,+ split_format = split_format, |
951 | -+ | |||
264 | +213x |
- ## This will occur at the row level not on the column split, for now+ split_na_str = split_na_str, |
952 | -+ | |||
265 | +213x |
- ## TODO revisit this to confirm its right+ name = split_name, |
953 | -+ | |||
266 | +213x |
- ## comparison_func = comparison,+ label_children = FALSE, |
954 | -+ | |||
267 | +213x |
- # label_format = label_fstr,+ extra_args = extra_args, |
955 | -10x | +268 | +213x |
- value_label_var = labels_var,+ indent_modifier = as.integer(indent_mod), |
956 | -10x | +269 | +213x |
- split_label = split_label,+ content_indent_modifier = as.integer(cindent_mod), |
957 | -10x | +270 | +213x |
- content_fun = cfun,+ content_var = cvar, |
958 | -10x | +271 | +213x |
- content_format = cformat,+ split_label_position = "hidden", |
959 | -10x | +272 | +213x |
- content_na_str = cna_str,+ content_extra_args = cextra_args, |
960 | -10x | +273 | +213x |
- split_format = split_format,+ page_title_prefix = NA_character_, |
961 | -10x | +274 | +213x |
- split_na_str = split_na_str,+ child_section_div = NA_character_, |
962 | -10x | +275 | +213x |
- split_fun = split_fun,+ child_show_colcounts = show_colcounts, |
963 | -10x | +276 | +213x |
- name = split_name,+ child_colcount_format = colcount_format |
964 | -10x | +|||
277 | +
- label_children = FALSE,+ ) |
965 | -10x | +|||
278 | +
- extra_args = extra_args,+ } |
966 | +279 |
- ## this is always a column split+ |
967 | -10x | +|||
280 | +
- indent_modifier = 0L,+ setClass("RootSplit", contains = "AllSplit") |
968 | -10x | +|||
281 | +
- content_indent_modifier = 0L,+ |
969 | -10x | +|||
282 | +
- content_var = cvar,+ RootSplit <- function(split_label = "", cfun = NULL, cformat = NULL, cna_str = NA_character_, cvar = "", |
970 | +283 |
- ## so long as this is columnspace only+ split_format = NULL, split_na_str = NA_character_, cextra_args = list(), ...) { |
971 | -10x | +284 | +668x |
- page_title_prefix = NA_character_,+ check_ok_label(split_label) |
972 | -10x | +285 | +668x |
- child_section_div = NA_character_,+ new("RootSplit", |
973 | -10x | +286 | +668x |
- child_show_colcounts = show_colcounts,+ split_label = split_label, |
974 | -10x | +287 | +668x |
- child_colcount_format = colcount_format+ content_fun = cfun, |
975 | -+ | |||
288 | +668x |
- )+ content_format = cformat, |
976 | -+ | |||
289 | +668x |
- }+ content_na_str = cna_str, |
977 | -+ | |||
290 | +668x |
+ split_format = split_format, |
978 | -+ | |||
291 | +668x |
- .chkname <- function(nm) {+ split_na_str = split_na_str, |
979 | -18858x | +292 | +668x |
- if (is.null(nm)) {+ name = "root", |
980 | -! | +|||
293 | +668x |
- nm <- ""+ label_children = FALSE, |
981 | -+ | |||
294 | +668x |
- }+ indent_modifier = 0L, |
982 | -18858x | +295 | +668x |
- if (length(nm) != 1) {+ content_indent_modifier = 0L, |
983 | -! | +|||
296 | +668x |
- stop("name is not of length one")+ content_var = cvar, |
984 | -18858x | +297 | +668x |
- } else if (is.na(nm)) {+ split_label_position = "hidden", |
985 | -! | +|||
298 | +668x |
- warning("Got missing value for name, converting to characters '<NA>'")+ content_extra_args = cextra_args, |
986 | -! | +|||
299 | +668x |
- nm <- "<NA>"+ child_section_div = NA_character_, |
987 | -+ | |||
300 | +668x |
- }+ child_show_colcounts = FALSE, |
988 | -18858x | +301 | +668x |
- nm+ child_colcount_format = "(N=xx)" |
989 | +302 | ++ |
+ )+ |
+ |
303 |
} |
990 | +304 | |||
991 | +305 |
- ### Tree Position Representation+ setClass("ManualSplit", |
992 | +306 |
- ###+ contains = "AllSplit", |
993 | +307 |
- ### Class(es) that represent position with in a+ representation(levels = "character") |
994 | +308 |
- ### tree as parallel vectors of Split objects and+ ) |
995 | +309 |
- ### values chosen at that split, plus labeling info+ |
996 | +310 |
- TreePos <- function(spls = list(),+ #' Manually defined split |
997 | +311 |
- svals = list(),+ #' |
998 | +312 |
- svlabels = character(),+ #' @inheritParams lyt_args |
999 | +313 |
- sub = NULL) {+ #' @inheritParams constr_args |
1000 | -1756x | +|||
314 | +
- check_ok_label(svlabels, multi_ok = TRUE)- |
- |||
1001 | -1756x | -
- svals <- make_splvalue_vec(vals = svals, subset_exprs = lapply(svals, value_expr))- |
- ||
1002 | -1756x | -
- if (is.null(sub)) {- |
- ||
1003 | -377x | -
- if (length(spls) > 0) {- |
- ||
1004 | -! | -
- sub <- make_pos_subset(- |
- ||
1005 | -! | -
- spls = spls,- |
- ||
1006 | -! | -
- svals = svals+ #' @inheritParams gen_args |
1007 | +315 |
- )+ #' @param levels (`character`)\cr levels of the split (i.e. the children of the manual split). |
1008 | +316 |
- } else {- |
- ||
1009 | -377x | -
- sub <- expression(TRUE)+ #' |
1010 | +317 |
- }+ #' @return A `ManualSplit` object. |
1011 | +318 |
- }- |
- ||
1012 | -1756x | -
- new("TreePos",- |
- ||
1013 | -1756x | -
- splits = spls, s_values = svals,- |
- ||
1014 | -1756x | -
- sval_labels = svlabels,- |
- ||
1015 | -1756x | -
- subset = sub+ #' |
1016 | +319 |
- )+ #' @author Gabriel Becker |
1017 | +320 |
- }+ #' @export |
1018 | +321 |
+ ManualSplit <- function(levels, label, name = "manual", |
1019 | +322 |
- ## Tree position convenience functions+ extra_args = list(), |
1020 | +323 |
- ##+ indent_mod = 0L, |
1021 | +324 |
- make_child_pos <- function(parpos,+ cindent_mod = 0L, |
1022 | +325 |
- newspl,+ cvar = "", |
1023 | +326 |
- newval,+ cextra_args = list(), |
1024 | +327 |
- newlab = newval,+ label_pos = "visible", |
1025 | +328 |
- newextra = list()) {- |
- ||
1026 | -1379x | -
- if (!is(newval, "SplitValue")) {- |
- ||
1027 | -! | -
- nsplitval <- SplitValue(newval, extr = newextra, label = newlab)+ page_prefix = NA_character_, |
1028 | +329 |
- } else {+ section_div = NA_character_) { |
1029 | -1379x | +330 | +48x |
- nsplitval <- newval+ label_pos <- match.arg(label_pos, label_pos_values) |
1030 | -+ | |||
331 | +48x |
- }+ check_ok_label(label, multi_ok = TRUE) |
1031 | -1379x | +332 | +48x |
- check_ok_label(newlab)+ new("ManualSplit", |
1032 | -1379x | +333 | +48x |
- newpos <- TreePos(+ split_label = label, |
1033 | -1379x | +334 | +48x |
- spls = c(pos_splits(parpos), newspl),+ levels = levels, |
1034 | -1379x | +335 | +48x |
- svals = c(pos_splvals(parpos), nsplitval),+ name = name, |
1035 | -1379x | +336 | +48x |
- svlabels = c(pos_splval_labels(parpos), newlab),+ label_children = FALSE, |
1036 | -1379x | +337 | +48x |
- sub = .combine_subset_exprs(+ extra_args = extra_args, |
1037 | -1379x | +338 | +48x |
- pos_subset(parpos),+ indent_modifier = 0L, |
1038 | -+ | |||
339 | +48x |
- ## this will grab the value's custom subset expression if present+ content_indent_modifier = as.integer(cindent_mod), |
1039 | -1379x | +340 | +48x |
- make_subset_expr(newspl, nsplitval)+ content_var = cvar, |
1040 | -+ | |||
341 | +48x |
- )+ split_format = NULL, |
1041 | -+ | |||
342 | +48x |
- )+ split_na_str = NA_character_, |
1042 | -1379x | +343 | +48x |
- newpos+ split_label_position = label_pos, |
1043 | -+ | |||
344 | +48x |
- }+ page_title_prefix = page_prefix, |
1044 | -+ | |||
345 | +48x |
+ child_section_div = section_div, |
1045 | -+ | |||
346 | +48x |
- ## Virtual Classes for Tree Nodes and Layouts =================================+ child_show_colcounts = FALSE, |
1046 | -+ | |||
347 | +48x |
- ##+ child_colcount_format = "(N=xx)" |
1047 | +348 |
- ## Virtual class hiearchy for the various types of trees in use in the S4+ ) |
1048 | +349 |
- ## implementation of the TableTree machinery+ } |
1049 | +350 | |||
1050 | +351 |
- ## core basics+ ## splits across which variables are being analynzed |
1051 | +352 |
- setClass("VNodeInfo",+ setClass("MultiVarSplit", |
1052 | +353 |
- contains = "VIRTUAL",+ contains = "CustomizableSplit", ## "Split", |
1053 | +354 |
representation( |
1054 | -- |
- level = "integer",- |
- ||
1055 | +355 |
- name = "character" ## ,+ var_labels = "character", |
1056 | +356 |
- ## label = "character"+ var_names = "character" |
1057 | +357 |
- )+ ), |
1058 | +358 |
- )+ validity = function(object) { |
1059 | +359 |
+ length(object@payload) >= 1 && |
1060 | +360 |
- setClass("VTree",+ all(!is.na(object@payload)) && |
1061 | +361 |
- contains = c("VIRTUAL", "VNodeInfo"),+ (length(object@var_labels) == 0 || length(object@payload) == length(object@var_labels)) |
1062 | +362 |
- representation(children = "list")+ } |
1063 | +363 |
) |
1064 | -- | - - | -||
1065 | -- |
- setClass("VLeaf", contains = c("VIRTUAL", "VNodeInfo"))- |
- ||
1066 | -- | - - | -||
1067 | -- |
- ## Layout trees =================================- |
- ||
1068 | +364 | |||
1069 | +365 |
- # setClass("VLayoutNode", contains= c("VIRTUAL", "VNodeInfo"))+ .make_suffix_vec <- function(n) { |
1070 | -+ | |||
366 | +3x |
+ c( |
1071 | +367 |
- setClass("VLayoutLeaf",+ "", |
1072 | -+ | |||
368 | +3x |
- contains = c("VIRTUAL", "VLeaf"),+ sprintf( |
1073 | -+ | |||
369 | +3x |
- representation(+ "._[[%d]]_.", |
1074 | -+ | |||
370 | +3x |
- pos_in_tree = "TreePos",+ seq_len(n - 1) + 1L |
1075 | +371 |
- label = "character"+ ) |
1076 | +372 |
) |
1077 | +373 |
- )+ } |
1078 | +374 | |||
1079 | +375 |
- setClass("VLayoutTree",+ .make_multivar_names <- function(vars) { |
1080 | -+ | |||
376 | +29x |
- contains = c("VIRTUAL", "VTree"),+ dups <- duplicated(vars) |
1081 | -+ | |||
377 | +29x |
- representation(+ if (!any(dups)) { |
1082 | -+ | |||
378 | +26x |
- split = "Split",+ return(vars) |
1083 | +379 |
- pos_in_tree = "TreePos",+ } |
1084 | -+ | |||
380 | +3x |
- label = "character"+ dupvars <- unique(vars[dups]) |
1085 | -+ | |||
381 | +3x |
- )+ ret <- vars |
1086 | -+ | |||
382 | +3x |
- )+ for (v in dupvars) { |
1087 | -+ | |||
383 | +3x |
+ pos <- which(ret == v) |
1088 | -+ | |||
384 | +3x |
- setClassUnion("VLayoutNode", c("VLayoutLeaf", "VLayoutTree"))+ ret[pos] <- paste0( |
1089 | -+ | |||
385 | +3x |
+ ret[pos], |
1090 | -+ | |||
386 | +3x |
- ## LayoutAxisTree classes =================================+ .make_suffix_vec(length(pos)) |
1091 | +387 |
+ ) |
1092 | +388 |
- setOldClass("function")+ } |
1093 | -+ | |||
389 | +3x |
- setOldClass("NULL")+ ret |
1094 | +390 |
- setClassUnion("FunctionOrNULL", c("function", "NULL"))+ } |
1095 | +391 | |||
1096 | +392 |
- setClass("LayoutAxisTree",+ #' Split between two or more different variables |
1097 | +393 |
- contains = "VLayoutTree",+ #' |
1098 | +394 |
- representation(summary_func = "FunctionOrNULL"),+ #' @inheritParams lyt_args |
1099 | +395 |
- validity = function(object) {+ #' @inheritParams constr_args |
1100 | +396 |
- all(sapply(object@children, function(x) is(x, "LayoutAxisTree") || is(x, "LayoutAxisLeaf")))+ #' |
1101 | +397 |
- }+ #' @return A `MultiVarSplit` object. |
1102 | +398 |
- )+ #' |
1103 | +399 |
+ #' @author Gabriel Becker |
1104 | +400 |
- ## this is only used for columns!!!!+ #' @export |
1105 | +401 |
- setClass("LayoutAxisLeaf",+ MultiVarSplit <- function(vars, |
1106 | +402 |
- contains = "VLayoutLeaf", ## "VNodeInfo",+ split_label = "", |
1107 | +403 |
- representation(+ varlabels = NULL, |
1108 | +404 |
- func = "function",+ varnames = NULL, |
1109 | +405 |
- display_columncounts = "logical",+ cfun = NULL, |
1110 | +406 |
- columncount_format = "FormatSpec", # character",+ cformat = NULL, |
1111 | +407 |
- col_footnotes = "list",+ cna_str = NA_character_, |
1112 | +408 |
- column_count = "integer"+ split_format = NULL, |
1113 | +409 |
- )+ split_na_str = NA_character_, |
1114 | +410 |
- )+ split_name = "multivars", |
1115 | +411 |
+ child_labels = c("default", "visible", "hidden"), |
1116 | +412 |
- setClass("LayoutColTree",+ extra_args = list(), |
1117 | +413 |
- contains = "LayoutAxisTree",+ indent_mod = 0L, |
1118 | +414 |
- representation(+ cindent_mod = 0L, |
1119 | +415 |
- display_columncounts = "logical",+ cvar = "", |
1120 | +416 |
- columncount_format = "FormatSpec", # "character",+ cextra_args = list(), |
1121 | +417 |
- col_footnotes = "list",+ label_pos = "visible", |
1122 | +418 |
- column_count = "integer"+ split_fun = NULL, |
1123 | +419 |
- )+ page_prefix = NA_character_, |
1124 | +420 |
- )+ section_div = NA_character_, |
1125 | +421 |
+ show_colcounts = FALSE, |
1126 | +422 |
- setClass("LayoutColLeaf", contains = "LayoutAxisLeaf")+ colcount_format = NULL) { |
1127 | -+ | |||
423 | +29x |
- LayoutColTree <- function(lev = 0L,+ check_ok_label(split_label) |
1128 | +424 |
- name = obj_name(spl),+ ## no topleft allowed |
1129 | -+ | |||
425 | +29x |
- label = obj_label(spl),+ label_pos <- match.arg(label_pos, label_pos_values[-3]) |
1130 | -+ | |||
426 | +29x |
- kids = list(),+ child_labels <- match.arg(child_labels) |
1131 | -+ | |||
427 | +29x |
- spl = EmptyAllSplit,+ if (length(vars) == 1 && grepl(":", vars)) { |
1132 | -+ | |||
428 | +! |
- tpos = TreePos(),+ vars <- strsplit(vars, ":")[[1]] |
1133 | +429 |
- summary_function = NULL,+ } |
1134 | -+ | |||
430 | +29x |
- disp_ccounts = FALSE,+ if (length(varlabels) == 0) { ## covers NULL and character() |
1135 | -+ | |||
431 | +1x |
- colcount_format = NULL,+ varlabels <- vars |
1136 | +432 |
- footnotes = list(),+ } |
1137 | -+ | |||
433 | +29x |
- colcount) { ## ,+ vnames <- varnames %||% .make_multivar_names(vars) |
1138 | -+ | |||
434 | +29x |
- ## sub = expression(TRUE),+ stopifnot(length(vnames) == length(vars)) |
1139 | -+ | |||
435 | +29x |
- ## svar = NA_character_,+ new("MultiVarSplit", |
1140 | -+ | |||
436 | +29x |
- ## slab = NA_character_) {+ payload = vars, |
1141 | -611x | +437 | +29x |
- if (is.null(spl)) {+ split_label = split_label, |
1142 | -! | +|||
438 | +29x |
- stop(+ var_labels = varlabels, |
1143 | -! | +|||
439 | +29x |
- "LayoutColTree constructor got NULL for spl. ", # nocov+ var_names = vnames, |
1144 | -! | +|||
440 | +29x |
- "This should never happen. Please contact the maintainer."+ content_fun = cfun, |
1145 | -+ | |||
441 | +29x |
- )+ content_format = cformat, |
1146 | -+ | |||
442 | +29x |
- } # nocov+ content_na_str = cna_str, |
1147 | -611x | +443 | +29x |
- footnotes <- make_ref_value(footnotes)+ split_format = split_format, |
1148 | -611x | +444 | +29x |
- check_ok_label(label)+ split_na_str = split_na_str, |
1149 | -611x | +445 | +29x |
- new("LayoutColTree",+ label_children = .labelkids_helper(child_labels), |
1150 | -611x | +446 | +29x |
- level = lev, children = kids,+ name = split_name, |
1151 | -611x | +447 | +29x |
- name = .chkname(name),+ extra_args = extra_args, |
1152 | -611x | +448 | +29x |
- summary_func = summary_function,+ indent_modifier = as.integer(indent_mod), |
1153 | -611x | +449 | +29x |
- pos_in_tree = tpos,+ content_indent_modifier = as.integer(cindent_mod), |
1154 | -611x | +450 | +29x |
- split = spl,+ content_var = cvar, |
1155 | -+ | |||
451 | +29x |
- ## subset = sub,+ split_label_position = label_pos, |
1156 | -+ | |||
452 | +29x |
- ## splitvar = svar,+ content_extra_args = cextra_args, |
1157 | -611x | +453 | +29x |
- label = label,+ split_fun = split_fun, |
1158 | -611x | +454 | +29x |
- display_columncounts = disp_ccounts,+ page_title_prefix = page_prefix, |
1159 | -611x | +455 | +29x |
- columncount_format = colcount_format,+ child_section_div = section_div, |
1160 | -611x | +456 | +29x |
- col_footnotes = footnotes,+ child_show_colcounts = show_colcounts, |
1161 | -611x | +457 | +29x |
- column_count = colcount+ child_colcount_format = colcount_format |
1162 | +458 |
) |
1163 | +459 |
} |
1164 | +460 | |||
1165 | +461 |
- LayoutColLeaf <- function(lev = 0L,+ #' Splits for cutting by values of a numeric variable |
1166 | +462 |
- name = label,+ #' |
1167 | +463 |
- label = "",+ #' @inheritParams lyt_args |
1168 | +464 |
- tpos = TreePos(),+ #' @inheritParams constr_args |
1169 | +465 |
- colcount,+ #' |
1170 | +466 |
- disp_ccounts = FALSE,+ #' @exportClass VarStaticCutSplit |
1171 | +467 |
- colcount_format = NULL) {- |
- ||
1172 | -1147x | -
- check_ok_label(label)- |
- ||
1173 | -1147x | -
- new("LayoutColLeaf",+ #' @rdname cutsplits |
1174 | -1147x | +|||
468 | +
- level = lev, name = .chkname(name), label = label,+ setClass("VarStaticCutSplit", |
1175 | -1147x | +|||
469 | +
- pos_in_tree = tpos,+ contains = "Split", |
1176 | -1147x | +|||
470 | +
- column_count = colcount,+ representation( |
1177 | -1147x | +|||
471 | +
- display_columncounts = disp_ccounts,+ cuts = "numeric", |
1178 | -1147x | +|||
472 | +
- columncount_format = colcount_format+ cut_labels = "character" |
1179 | +473 |
) |
1180 | +474 |
- }+ ) |
1181 | +475 | |||
1182 | +476 |
- ## Instantiated column info class ==============================================+ .is_cut_lab_lst <- function(cuts) { |
1183 | -+ | |||
477 | +12x |
- ##+ is.list(cuts) && is.numeric(cuts[[1]]) && |
1184 | -+ | |||
478 | +12x |
- ## This is so we don't need multiple arguments+ is.character(cuts[[2]]) && |
1185 | -+ | |||
479 | +12x |
- ## in the recursive functions that track+ length(cuts[[1]]) == length(cuts[[2]]) |
1186 | +480 |
- ## various aspects of the column layout+ } |
1187 | +481 |
- ## once its applied to the data.+ |
1188 | +482 |
+ #' Create static cut or static cumulative cut split |
1189 | +483 |
- #' Instantiated column info+ #' |
1190 | +484 |
- #'+ #' @inheritParams lyt_args |
1191 | +485 |
- #' @inheritParams gen_args+ #' @inheritParams constr_args |
1192 | +486 |
#' |
1193 | +487 |
- #' @exportClass InstantiatedColumnInfo+ #' @return A `VarStaticCutSplit`, `CumulativeCutSplit` object for `make_static_cut_split`, or a `VarDynCutSplit` |
1194 | -- |
- #' @rdname cinfo- |
- ||
1195 | -- |
- setClass(- |
- ||
1196 | -- |
- "InstantiatedColumnInfo",- |
- ||
1197 | -- |
- representation(- |
- ||
1198 | -- |
- tree_layout = "VLayoutNode", ## LayoutColTree",- |
- ||
1199 | -- |
- subset_exprs = "list",- |
- ||
1200 | -- |
- cextra_args = "list",- |
- ||
1201 | -- |
- counts = "integer",- |
- ||
1202 | -- |
- total_count = "integer",- |
- ||
1203 | -- |
- display_columncounts = "logical",- |
- ||
1204 | -- |
- columncount_format = "FormatSpec",- |
- ||
1205 | -- |
- columncount_na_str = "character",- |
- ||
1206 | -- |
- top_left = "character"- |
- ||
1207 | -- |
- )- |
- ||
1208 | -- |
- )- |
- ||
1209 | +488 |
+ #' object for [VarDynCutSplit()]. |
1210 | +489 |
- #' @param treelyt (`LayoutColTree`)\cr a `LayoutColTree` object.+ #' |
1211 | +490 |
- #' @param csubs (`list`)\cr a list of subsetting expressions.+ #' @rdname cutsplits |
1212 | +491 |
- #' @param extras (`list`)\cr extra arguments associated with the columns.+ make_static_cut_split <- function(var, |
1213 | +492 |
- #' @param cnts (`integer`)\cr counts.+ split_label, |
1214 | +493 |
- #' @param total_cnt (`integer(1)`)\cr total observations represented across all columns.+ cuts, |
1215 | +494 |
- #' @param dispcounts (`flag`)\cr whether the counts should be displayed as header info when the associated+ cutlabels = NULL, |
1216 | +495 |
- #' table is printed.+ cfun = NULL, |
1217 | +496 |
- #' @param countformat (`string`)\cr format for the counts if they are displayed.+ cformat = NULL, |
1218 | +497 |
- #' @param count_na_str (`character`)\cr string to use in place of missing values when formatting counts. Defaults+ cna_str = NA_character_, |
1219 | +498 |
- #' to `""`.+ split_format = NULL, |
1220 | +499 |
- #'+ split_na_str = NA_character_, |
1221 | +500 |
- #' @return An `InstantiateadColumnInfo` object.+ split_name = var, |
1222 | +501 |
- #'+ child_labels = c("default", "visible", "hidden"), |
1223 | +502 |
- #' @export+ extra_args = list(), |
1224 | +503 |
- #' @rdname cinfo+ indent_mod = 0L, |
1225 | +504 |
- InstantiatedColumnInfo <- function(treelyt = LayoutColTree(colcount = total_cnt),+ cindent_mod = 0L, |
1226 | +505 |
- csubs = list(expression(TRUE)),+ cvar = "", |
1227 | +506 |
- extras = list(list()),+ cextra_args = list(), |
1228 | +507 |
- cnts = NA_integer_,+ label_pos = "visible", |
1229 | +508 |
- total_cnt = NA_integer_,+ cumulative = FALSE, |
1230 | +509 |
- dispcounts = FALSE,+ page_prefix = NA_character_, |
1231 | +510 |
- countformat = "(N=xx)",+ section_div = NA_character_, |
1232 | +511 |
- count_na_str = "",+ show_colcounts = FALSE, |
1233 | +512 |
- topleft = character()) {- |
- ||
1234 | -645x | -
- leaves <- collect_leaves(treelyt)- |
- ||
1235 | -645x | -
- nl <- length(leaves)- |
- ||
1236 | -645x | -
- extras <- rep(extras, length.out = nl)+ colcount_format = NULL) { |
1237 | -645x | +513 | +12x |
- cnts <- rep(cnts, length.out = nl)+ cls <- if (cumulative) "CumulativeCutSplit" else "VarStaticCutSplit" |
1238 | -645x | +514 | +12x |
- csubs <- rep(csubs, length.out = nl)+ check_ok_label(split_label) |
1239 | +515 | |||
1240 | -645x | +516 | +12x |
- nleaves <- length(leaves)+ label_pos <- match.arg(label_pos, label_pos_values) |
1241 | -645x | +517 | +12x |
- snas <- sum(is.na(cnts))+ child_labels <- match.arg(child_labels) |
1242 | -645x | +518 | +12x |
- if (length(csubs) != nleaves || length(extras) != nleaves || length(cnts) != nleaves) {+ if (.is_cut_lab_lst(cuts)) { |
1243 | +519 | ! |
- stop(+ cutlabels <- cuts[[2]] |
1244 | +520 | ! |
- "Mismatching number of columns indicated by: csubs [",+ cuts <- cuts[[1]] |
1245 | -! | +|||
521 | +
- length(csubs), "], ",+ } |
1246 | -! | +|||
522 | +12x |
- "treelyt [", nl, "], extras [", length(extras),+ if (is.unsorted(cuts, strictly = TRUE)) { |
1247 | +523 | ! |
- "] and counts [", cnts, "]."+ stop("invalid cuts vector. not sorted unique values.") |
1248 | +524 |
- )+ } |
1249 | +525 |
- }+ |
1250 | -645x | +526 | +12x |
- if (snas != 0 && snas != nleaves) {+ if (is.null(cutlabels) && !is.null(names(cuts))) { |
1251 | -2x | +527 | +1x |
- warning(+ cutlabels <- names(cuts)[-1] |
1252 | -2x | +|||
528 | +
- "Mixture of missing and non-missing column counts when ",+ } ## XXX is this always right? |
1253 | -2x | +|||
529 | +
- "creating column info."+ |
1254 | -+ | |||
530 | +12x |
- )+ new(cls, |
1255 | -+ | |||
531 | +12x |
- }+ payload = var, |
1256 | -+ | |||
532 | +12x |
+ split_label = split_label, |
1257 | -645x | +533 | +12x |
- if (!is.na(dispcounts)) {+ cuts = cuts, |
1258 | -407x | +534 | +12x |
- pths <- col_paths(treelyt)+ cut_labels = cutlabels, |
1259 | -407x | +535 | +12x |
- for (path in pths) {+ content_fun = cfun, |
1260 | -917x | +536 | +12x |
- colcount_visible(treelyt, path) <- dispcounts+ content_format = cformat, |
1261 | -+ | |||
537 | +12x |
- }+ content_na_str = cna_str, |
1262 | -+ | |||
538 | +12x |
- } else { ## na leaves the children as they are and dispcols goes to whether any of them are displayed for the leaves+ split_format = split_format, |
1263 | -238x | +539 | +12x |
- dispcounts <- any(vapply(leaves, disp_ccounts, NA))+ split_na_str = split_na_str, |
1264 | -+ | |||
540 | +12x |
- }+ name = split_name, |
1265 | -+ | |||
541 | +12x |
+ label_children = .labelkids_helper(child_labels), |
1266 | -645x | +542 | +12x |
- new("InstantiatedColumnInfo",+ extra_args = extra_args, |
1267 | -645x | +543 | +12x |
- tree_layout = treelyt,+ indent_modifier = as.integer(indent_mod), |
1268 | -645x | +544 | +12x |
- subset_exprs = csubs,+ content_indent_modifier = as.integer(cindent_mod), |
1269 | -645x | +545 | +12x |
- cextra_args = extras,+ content_var = cvar, |
1270 | -645x | +546 | +12x |
- counts = cnts,+ split_label_position = label_pos, |
1271 | -645x | +547 | +12x |
- total_count = total_cnt,+ content_extra_args = cextra_args, |
1272 | -645x | +548 | +12x |
- display_columncounts = dispcounts,+ page_title_prefix = page_prefix, |
1273 | -645x | +549 | +12x |
- columncount_format = countformat,+ child_section_div = section_div, |
1274 | -645x | +550 | +12x |
- columncount_na_str = count_na_str,+ child_show_colcounts = show_colcounts, |
1275 | -645x | +551 | +12x |
- top_left = topleft+ child_colcount_format = colcount_format |
1276 | +552 |
) |
1277 | +553 |
} |
1278 | +554 | |||
1279 | +555 |
- ## TableTrees and row classes ==================================================+ #' @exportClass CumulativeCutSplit |
1280 | +556 |
- ## XXX Rowspans as implemented dont really work+ #' @rdname cutsplits |
1281 | +557 |
- ## they're aren't attached to the right data structures+ setClass("CumulativeCutSplit", contains = "VarStaticCutSplit") |
1282 | +558 |
- ## during conversions.+ |
1283 | +559 |
+ ## make_static_cut_split with cumulative=TRUE is the constructor |
1284 | +560 |
- ## FIXME: if we ever actually need row spanning+ ## for CumulativeCutSplit |
1285 | +561 |
- setClass("VTableNodeInfo",+ |
1286 | +562 |
- contains = c("VNodeInfo", "VIRTUAL"),+ ## do we want this to be a CustomizableSplit instead of |
1287 | +563 |
- representation(+ ## taking cut_fun? |
1288 | +564 |
- ## col_layout = "VLayoutNode",+ ## cut_funct must take avector and no other arguments |
1289 | +565 |
- col_info = "InstantiatedColumnInfo",+ ## and return a named vector of cut points |
1290 | +566 |
- format = "FormatSpec",+ #' @exportClass VarDynCutSplit |
1291 | +567 |
- na_str = "character",+ #' @rdname cutsplits |
1292 | +568 |
- indent_modifier = "integer",+ setClass("VarDynCutSplit", |
1293 | +569 |
- table_inset = "integer"+ contains = "Split", |
1294 | +570 |
- )+ representation( |
1295 | +571 |
- )+ cut_fun = "function", |
1296 | +572 |
+ cut_label_fun = "function", |
1297 | +573 |
- setClass("TableRow",+ cumulative_cuts = "logical" |
1298 | +574 |
- contains = c("VIRTUAL", "VLeaf", "VTableNodeInfo"),+ ) |
1299 | +575 |
- representation(+ ) |
1300 | +576 |
- leaf_value = "ANY",+ |
1301 | +577 |
- var_analyzed = "character",+ #' @export |
1302 | +578 |
- ## var_label = "character",+ #' @rdname cutsplits |
1303 | +579 |
- label = "character",+ VarDynCutSplit <- function(var, |
1304 | +580 |
- row_footnotes = "list",+ split_label, |
1305 | +581 |
- trailing_section_div = "character"+ cutfun, |
1306 | +582 |
- )+ cutlabelfun = function(x) NULL, |
1307 | +583 |
- )+ cfun = NULL, |
1308 | +584 |
+ cformat = NULL, |
1309 | +585 |
- ## TableTree Core Non-Virtual Classes ==============+ cna_str = NA_character_, |
1310 | +586 |
- ##+ split_format = NULL, |
1311 | +587 |
- #' Row classes and constructors+ split_na_str = NA_character_, |
1312 | +588 |
- #'+ split_name = var, |
1313 | +589 |
- #' @inheritParams constr_args+ child_labels = c("default", "visible", "hidden"), |
1314 | +590 |
- #' @inheritParams lyt_args+ extra_args = list(), |
1315 | +591 |
- #' @param vis (`flag`)\cr whether the row should be visible (`LabelRow` only).+ cumulative = FALSE, |
1316 | +592 |
- #'+ indent_mod = 0L, |
1317 | +593 |
- #' @return A formal object representing a table row of the constructed type.+ cindent_mod = 0L, |
1318 | +594 |
- #'+ cvar = "", |
1319 | +595 |
- #' @author Gabriel Becker+ cextra_args = list(), |
1320 | +596 |
- #' @export+ label_pos = "visible", |
1321 | +597 |
- #' @rdname rowclasses+ page_prefix = NA_character_, |
1322 | +598 |
- LabelRow <- function(lev = 1L,+ section_div = NA_character_, |
1323 | +599 |
- label = "",+ show_colcounts = FALSE, |
1324 | +600 |
- name = label,+ colcount_format = NULL) { |
1325 | -+ | |||
601 | +6x |
- vis = !is.na(label) && nzchar(label),+ check_ok_label(split_label) |
1326 | -+ | |||
602 | +6x |
- cinfo = EmptyColInfo,+ label_pos <- match.arg(label_pos, label_pos_values) |
1327 | -+ | |||
603 | +6x |
- indent_mod = 0L,+ child_labels <- match.arg(child_labels) |
1328 | -+ | |||
604 | +6x |
- table_inset = 0L,+ new("VarDynCutSplit", |
1329 | -+ | |||
605 | +6x |
- trailing_section_div = NA_character_) {+ payload = var, |
1330 | -4711x | +606 | +6x |
- check_ok_label(label)+ split_label = split_label, |
1331 | -4711x | +607 | +6x |
- new("LabelRow",+ cut_fun = cutfun, |
1332 | -4711x | +608 | +6x |
- leaf_value = list(),+ cumulative_cuts = cumulative, |
1333 | -4711x | +609 | +6x |
- level = lev,+ cut_label_fun = cutlabelfun, |
1334 | -4711x | +610 | +6x |
- label = label,+ content_fun = cfun, |
1335 | -+ | |||
611 | +6x |
- ## XXX this means that a label row and its talbe can have the same name....+ content_format = cformat, |
1336 | -+ | |||
612 | +6x |
- ## XXX that is bad but how bad remains to be seen+ content_na_str = cna_str, |
1337 | -+ | |||
613 | +6x |
- ## XXX+ split_format = split_format, |
1338 | -4711x | +614 | +6x |
- name = .chkname(name),+ split_na_str = split_na_str, |
1339 | -4711x | +615 | +6x |
- col_info = cinfo,+ name = split_name, |
1340 | -4711x | +616 | +6x |
- visible = vis,+ label_children = .labelkids_helper(child_labels), |
1341 | -4711x | +617 | +6x | +
+ extra_args = extra_args,+ |
618 | +6x |
indent_modifier = as.integer(indent_mod), |
1342 | -4711x | +619 | +6x |
- table_inset = as.integer(table_inset),+ content_indent_modifier = as.integer(cindent_mod), |
1343 | -4711x | +620 | +6x |
- trailing_section_div = trailing_section_div+ content_var = cvar, |
1344 | -+ | |||
621 | +6x |
- )+ split_label_position = label_pos, |
1345 | -+ | |||
622 | +6x |
- }+ content_extra_args = cextra_args, |
1346 | -+ | |||
623 | +6x |
+ page_title_prefix = page_prefix, |
1347 | -+ | |||
624 | +6x |
- #' Row constructors and classes+ child_section_div = section_div, |
1348 | -+ | |||
625 | +6x |
- #'+ child_show_colcounts = show_colcounts, |
1349 | -+ | |||
626 | +6x |
- #' @rdname rowclasses+ child_colcount_format = colcount_format |
1350 | +627 |
- #' @exportClass DataRow+ ) |
1351 | +628 |
- setClass("DataRow",+ } |
1352 | +629 |
- contains = "TableRow",+ |
1353 | +630 |
- representation(colspans = "integer") ## ,+ ## NB analyze splits can't have content-related things |
1354 | +631 |
- ## pos_in_tree = "TableRowPos"),+ setClass("VAnalyzeSplit", |
1355 | +632 |
- ## validity = function(object) {+ contains = "Split", |
1356 | +633 |
- ## lcsp = length(object@colspans)+ representation( |
1357 | +634 |
- ## length(lcsp == 0) || lcsp == length(object@leaf_value)+ default_rowlabel = "character", |
1358 | +635 |
- ## }+ include_NAs = "logical", |
1359 | +636 |
- )+ var_label_position = "character" |
1360 | +637 |
+ ) |
1361 | +638 |
- #' @rdname rowclasses+ ) |
1362 | +639 |
- #' @exportClass ContentRow+ |
1363 | +640 |
- setClass("ContentRow",+ setClass("AnalyzeVarSplit", |
1364 | +641 |
- contains = "TableRow",+ contains = "VAnalyzeSplit", |
1365 | +642 |
- representation(colspans = "integer") ## ,+ representation(analysis_fun = "function") |
1366 | +643 |
- ## pos_in_tree = "TableRowPos"),+ ) |
1367 | +644 |
- ## validity = function(object) {+ |
1368 | +645 |
- ## lcsp = length(object@colspans)+ setClass("AnalyzeColVarSplit", |
1369 | +646 |
- ## length(lcsp == 0) || lcsp == length(object@leaf_value)+ contains = "VAnalyzeSplit", |
1370 | +647 |
- ## }+ representation(analysis_fun = "list") |
1371 | +648 |
) |
1372 | +649 | |||
1373 | +650 |
- #' @rdname rowclasses+ #' Define a subset tabulation/analysis |
1374 | +651 |
- #' @exportClass LabelRow+ #' |
1375 | +652 |
- setClass("LabelRow",+ #' @inheritParams lyt_args |
1376 | +653 |
- contains = "TableRow",+ #' @inheritParams constr_args |
1377 | +654 |
- representation(visible = "logical")+ #' @param defrowlab (`character`)\cr default row labels, if not specified by the return value of `afun`. |
1378 | +655 |
- )+ #' |
1379 | +656 |
+ #' @return An `AnalyzeVarSplit` object. |
1380 | +657 |
- #' @param klass (`character`)\cr internal detail.+ #' |
1381 | +658 |
- #'+ #' @author Gabriel Becker |
1382 | +659 |
#' @export |
1383 | +660 |
- #' @rdname rowclasses+ #' @rdname avarspl |
1384 | +661 |
- .tablerow <- function(vals = list(),+ AnalyzeVarSplit <- function(var, |
1385 | +662 |
- name = "",+ split_label = var, |
1386 | +663 |
- lev = 1L,+ afun, |
1387 | +664 |
- label = name,+ defrowlab = "", |
1388 | +665 |
- cspan = rep(1L, length(vals)),+ cfun = NULL, |
1389 | +666 |
- cinfo = EmptyColInfo,+ cformat = NULL, |
1390 | +667 |
- var = NA_character_,+ split_format = NULL, |
1391 | +668 |
- format = NULL,+ split_na_str = NA_character_, |
1392 | +669 |
- na_str = NA_character_,+ inclNAs = FALSE, |
1393 | +670 |
- klass,+ split_name = var, |
1394 | +671 |
- indent_mod = 0L,+ extra_args = list(), |
1395 | +672 |
- footnotes = list(),+ indent_mod = 0L, |
1396 | +673 |
- table_inset = 0L,+ label_pos = "default", |
1397 | +674 |
- trailing_section_div = NA_character_) {+ cvar = "", |
1398 | -3256x | +|||
675 | +
- if ((missing(name) || is.null(name) || is.na(name) || nchar(name) == 0) && !missing(label)) {+ section_div = NA_character_) { |
1399 | -257x | +676 | +346x |
- name <- label+ check_ok_label(split_label) |
1400 | -+ | |||
677 | +346x |
- }+ label_pos <- match.arg(label_pos, c("default", label_pos_values)) |
1401 | -3256x | +678 | +346x |
- vals <- lapply(vals, rcell)+ if (!any(nzchar(defrowlab))) { |
1402 | -3256x | +679 | +1x |
- rlabels <- unique(unlist(lapply(vals, obj_label)))+ defrowlab <- as.character(substitute(afun)) |
1403 | -3256x | +680 | +1x |
- if ((missing(label) || is.null(label) || identical(label, "")) && sum(nzchar(rlabels)) == 1) {+ if (length(defrowlab) > 1 || startsWith(defrowlab, "function(")) { |
1404 | +681 | ! |
- label <- rlabels[nzchar(rlabels)]+ defrowlab <- "" |
1405 | +682 |
- }- |
- ||
1406 | -3256x | -
- if (missing(cspan) && !is.null(unlist(lapply(vals, cell_cspan)))) {- |
- ||
1407 | -2998x | -
- cspan <- vapply(vals, cell_cspan, 0L)+ } |
1408 | +683 |
} |
1409 | -- | - - | -||
1410 | -3256x | +684 | +346x |
- check_ok_label(label)+ new("AnalyzeVarSplit", |
1411 | -3256x | +685 | +346x |
- rw <- new(klass,+ payload = var, |
1412 | -3256x | +686 | +346x |
- leaf_value = vals,+ split_label = split_label, |
1413 | -3256x | +687 | +346x |
- name = .chkname(name),+ content_fun = cfun, |
1414 | -3256x | +688 | +346x |
- level = lev,+ analysis_fun = afun, |
1415 | -3256x | +689 | +346x |
- label = .chkname(label),+ content_format = cformat, |
1416 | -3256x | +690 | +346x |
- colspans = cspan,+ split_format = split_format, |
1417 | -3256x | +691 | +346x |
- col_info = cinfo,+ split_na_str = split_na_str, |
1418 | -3256x | -
- var_analyzed = var,- |
- ||
1419 | -+ | 692 | +346x |
- ## these are set in set_format_recursive below+ default_rowlabel = defrowlab, |
1420 | -3256x | +693 | +346x |
- format = NULL,+ include_NAs = inclNAs, |
1421 | -3256x | +694 | +346x |
- na_str = NA_character_,+ name = split_name, |
1422 | -3256x | +695 | +346x |
- indent_modifier = indent_mod,+ label_children = FALSE, |
1423 | -3256x | +696 | +346x |
- row_footnotes = footnotes,+ extra_args = extra_args, |
1424 | -3256x | +697 | +346x |
- table_inset = table_inset,+ indent_modifier = as.integer(indent_mod), |
1425 | -3256x | -
- trailing_section_div = trailing_section_div- |
- ||
1426 | -+ | 698 | +346x |
- )+ content_indent_modifier = 0L, |
1427 | -3256x | +699 | +346x |
- rw <- set_format_recursive(rw, format, na_str, FALSE)+ var_label_position = label_pos, |
1428 | -3256x | +700 | +346x |
- rw+ content_var = cvar, |
1429 | -+ | |||
701 | +346x |
- }+ page_title_prefix = NA_character_, |
1430 | -+ | |||
702 | +346x |
+ child_section_div = section_div, |
1431 | -+ | |||
703 | +346x |
- #' @param ... additional parameters passed to shared constructor (`.tablerow`).+ child_show_colcounts = FALSE, |
1432 | -+ | |||
704 | +346x |
- #'+ child_colcount_format = NA_character_ |
1433 | -+ | |||
705 | +346x |
- #' @export+ ) ## no content_extra_args |
1434 | +706 |
- #' @rdname rowclasses- |
- ||
1435 | -2732x | -
- DataRow <- function(...) .tablerow(..., klass = "DataRow")+ } |
1436 | +707 | |||
1437 | +708 |
- #' @export+ #' Define a subset tabulation/analysis |
1438 | +709 |
- #' @rdname rowclasses- |
- ||
1439 | -524x | -
- ContentRow <- function(...) .tablerow(..., klass = "ContentRow")+ #' |
1440 | +710 |
+ #' @inheritParams lyt_args |
1441 | +711 |
- setClass("VTitleFooter",+ #' @inheritParams constr_args |
1442 | +712 |
- contains = "VIRTUAL",+ #' |
1443 | +713 |
- representation(+ #' @author Gabriel Becker |
1444 | +714 |
- main_title = "character",+ #' @export |
1445 | +715 |
- subtitles = "character",+ #' @rdname avarspl |
1446 | +716 |
- main_footer = "character",+ AnalyzeColVarSplit <- function(afun, |
1447 | +717 |
- provenance_footer = "character"+ defrowlab = "", |
1448 | +718 |
- )+ cfun = NULL, |
1449 | +719 |
- )+ cformat = NULL, |
1450 | +720 |
+ split_format = NULL, |
1451 | +721 |
- setClass("VTableTree",+ split_na_str = NA_character_, |
1452 | +722 |
- contains = c("VIRTUAL", "VTableNodeInfo", "VTree", "VTitleFooter"),+ inclNAs = FALSE, |
1453 | +723 |
- representation(+ split_name = "", |
1454 | +724 |
- children = "list",+ extra_args = list(), |
1455 | +725 |
- rowspans = "data.frame",+ indent_mod = 0L, |
1456 | +726 |
- labelrow = "LabelRow",+ label_pos = "default", |
1457 | +727 |
- page_titles = "character",+ cvar = "", |
1458 | +728 |
- horizontal_sep = "character",+ section_div = NA_character_) { |
1459 | -+ | |||
729 | +23x |
- header_section_div = "character",+ label_pos <- match.arg(label_pos, c("default", label_pos_values)) |
1460 | -+ | |||
730 | +23x |
- trailing_section_div = "character"+ new("AnalyzeColVarSplit", |
1461 | -+ | |||
731 | +23x |
- )+ payload = NA_character_, |
1462 | -+ | |||
732 | +23x |
- )+ split_label = "", |
1463 | -+ | |||
733 | +23x |
+ content_fun = cfun, |
1464 | -+ | |||
734 | +23x |
- setClassUnion("IntegerOrNull", c("integer", "NULL"))+ analysis_fun = afun, |
1465 | -+ | |||
735 | +23x |
- ## covered because it's ElementaryTable's validity method but covr misses it+ content_format = cformat, |
1466 | -+ | |||
736 | +23x |
- ## nocov start+ split_format = split_format, |
1467 | -+ | |||
737 | +23x |
- etable_validity <- function(object) {+ split_na_str = split_na_str, |
1468 | -+ | |||
738 | +23x |
- kids <- tree_children(object)+ default_rowlabel = defrowlab, |
1469 | -+ | |||
739 | +23x |
- all(sapply(+ include_NAs = inclNAs, |
1470 | -+ | |||
740 | +23x |
- kids,+ name = split_name, |
1471 | -+ | |||
741 | +23x |
- function(k) {+ label_children = FALSE, |
1472 | -+ | |||
742 | +23x |
- (is(k, "DataRow") || is(k, "ContentRow"))+ extra_args = extra_args, |
1473 | -+ | |||
743 | +23x |
- }+ indent_modifier = as.integer(indent_mod), |
1474 | -+ | |||
744 | +23x |
- )) ### &&+ content_indent_modifier = 0L, |
1475 | -+ | |||
745 | +23x |
- }+ var_label_position = label_pos, |
1476 | -+ | |||
746 | +23x |
- ## nocov end+ content_var = cvar, |
1477 | -+ | |||
747 | +23x |
+ page_title_prefix = NA_character_, |
1478 | -+ | |||
748 | +23x |
- #' `TableTree` classes+ child_section_div = section_div, |
1479 | -+ | |||
749 | +23x |
- #'+ child_show_colcounts = FALSE, |
1480 | -+ | |||
750 | +23x |
- #' @return A formal object representing a populated table.+ child_colcount_format = NA_character_ |
1481 | -+ | |||
751 | +23x |
- #'+ ) ## no content_extra_args |
1482 | +752 |
- #' @author Gabriel Becker+ } |
1483 | +753 |
- #' @exportClass ElementaryTable+ |
1484 | +754 |
- #' @rdname tabclasses+ setClass("CompoundSplit", |
1485 | +755 |
- setClass("ElementaryTable",+ contains = "Split", |
1486 | +756 |
- contains = "VTableTree",+ validity = function(object) are(object@payload, "Split") |
1487 | +757 |
- representation(var_analyzed = "character"),+ ) |
1488 | +758 |
- validity = etable_validity ## function(object) {+ |
1489 | +759 |
- )+ setClass("AnalyzeMultiVars", contains = "CompoundSplit") |
1490 | +760 | |||
1491 | -- |
- .enforce_valid_kids <- function(lst, colinfo) {- |
- ||
1492 | +761 |
- ## colinfo+ .repoutlst <- function(x, nv) { |
1493 | -5877x | +762 | +1878x |
- if (!no_colinfo(colinfo)) {+ if (!is.function(x) && length(x) == nv) { |
1494 | -5877x | +763 | +893x |
- lst <- lapply(+ return(x) |
1495 | -5877x | +|||
764 | +
- lst,+ } |
1496 | -5877x | +765 | +985x |
- function(x) {+ if (!is(x, "list")) { |
1497 | -7322x | +766 | +985x |
- if (no_colinfo(x)) {+ x <- list(x) |
1498 | -208x | +|||
767 | +
- col_info(x) <- colinfo+ } |
1499 | -7114x | -
- } else if (!identical(colinfo, col_info(x), ignore.environment = TRUE)) {- |
- ||
1500 | -+ | 768 | +985x |
- ## split functions from function factories (e.g. add_combo_levels)+ rep(x, length.out = nv) |
1501 | +769 |
- ## have different environments so we can't use identical here+ } |
1502 | +770 |
- ## all.equal requires the **values within the closures** to be the+ |
1503 | +771 |
- ## same but not the actual enclosing environments.- |
- ||
1504 | -! | -
- stop(+ .uncompound <- function(csplit) { |
1505 | -! | +|||
772 | +63x |
- "attempted to add child with non-matching, non-empty ",+ if (is(csplit, "list")) { |
1506 | -! | +|||
773 | +3x |
- "column info to an existing table"+ return(unlist(lapply(csplit, .uncompound))) |
1507 | +774 |
- )+ } |
1508 | +775 |
- }+ |
1509 | -7322x | -
- x- |
- ||
1510 | -+ | 776 | +60x |
- }+ if (!is(csplit, "CompoundSplit")) { |
1511 | -+ | |||
777 | +59x |
- )+ return(csplit) |
1512 | +778 |
} |
1513 | +779 | |||
1514 | -5877x | +780 | +1x |
- if (are(lst, "ElementaryTable") &&+ pld <- spl_payload(csplit) |
1515 | -5877x | +781 | +1x |
- all(sapply(lst, function(tb) {+ done <- all(!vapply(pld, is, TRUE, class2 = "CompoundSplit")) |
1516 | -1014x | -
- nrow(tb) <= 1 && identical(obj_name(tb), "")- |
- ||
1517 | -+ | 782 | +1x |
- }))) {+ if (done) { |
1518 | -1562x | +783 | +1x |
- lst <- unlist(lapply(lst, function(tb) tree_children(tb)[[1]]))+ pld |
1519 | +784 |
- }- |
- ||
1520 | -5877x | -
- if (length(lst) == 0) {+ } else { |
1521 | -1562x | +|||
785 | +! |
- return(list())+ unlist(lapply(pld, .uncompound)) |
1522 | +786 |
} |
1523 | +787 |
- ## names- |
- ||
1524 | -4315x | -
- realnames <- sapply(lst, obj_name)- |
- ||
1525 | -4315x | -
- lstnames <- names(lst)+ } |
1526 | -4315x | +|||
788 | +
- if (is.null(lstnames)) {+ |
1527 | -1850x | +|||
789 | +
- names(lst) <- realnames+ strip_compound_name <- function(obj) { |
1528 | -2465x | +790 | +11x |
- } else if (!identical(realnames, lstnames)) {+ nm <- obj_name(obj) |
1529 | -2465x | +791 | +11x |
- names(lst) <- realnames+ gsub("^ma_", "", nm) |
1530 | +792 |
- }+ } |
1531 | +793 | |||
1532 | -4315x | -
- lst- |
- ||
1533 | +794 |
- }+ make_ma_name <- function(spl, pld = spl_payload(spl)) { |
1534 | -+ | |||
795 | +3x |
+ paste( |
1535 | -+ | |||
796 | +3x |
- #' Table constructors and classes+ c( |
1536 | -+ | |||
797 | +3x |
- #'+ "ma", |
1537 | -+ | |||
798 | +3x |
- #' @inheritParams constr_args+ vapply(pld, strip_compound_name, "") |
1538 | +799 |
- #' @inheritParams gen_args+ ), |
1539 | -+ | |||
800 | +3x |
- #' @inheritParams lyt_args+ collapse = "_" |
1540 | +801 |
- #' @param rspans (`data.frame`)\cr currently stored but otherwise ignored.+ ) |
1541 | +802 |
- #'+ } |
1542 | +803 |
- #' @author Gabriel Becker+ |
1543 | +804 |
- #' @export+ #' @param .payload (`list`)\cr used internally, not intended to be set by end users. |
1544 | +805 |
- #' @rdname tabclasses+ #' |
1545 | +806 |
- ElementaryTable <- function(kids = list(),+ #' @return An `AnalyzeMultiVars` split object. |
1546 | +807 |
- name = "",+ #' |
1547 | +808 |
- lev = 1L,+ #' @export |
1548 | +809 |
- label = "",+ #' @rdname avarspl |
1549 | +810 |
- labelrow = LabelRow(+ AnalyzeMultiVars <- function(var, |
1550 | +811 |
- lev = lev,+ split_label = "", |
1551 | +812 |
- label = label,+ afun, |
1552 | +813 |
- vis = !isTRUE(iscontent) &&+ defrowlab = "", |
1553 | +814 |
- !is.na(label) &&+ cfun = NULL, |
1554 | +815 |
- nzchar(label)+ cformat = NULL, |
1555 | +816 |
- ),+ split_format = NULL, |
1556 | +817 |
- rspans = data.frame(),+ split_na_str = NA_character_, |
1557 | +818 |
- cinfo = NULL,+ inclNAs = FALSE, |
1558 | +819 |
- iscontent = NA,+ .payload = NULL, |
1559 | +820 |
- var = NA_character_,+ split_name = NULL, |
1560 | +821 |
- format = NULL,+ extra_args = list(), |
1561 | +822 |
- na_str = NA_character_,+ indent_mod = 0L, |
1562 | +823 |
- indent_mod = 0L,+ child_labels = c("default", "topleft", "visible", "hidden"), |
1563 | +824 |
- title = "",+ child_names = var, |
1564 | +825 |
- subtitles = character(),+ cvar = "", |
1565 | +826 |
- main_footer = character(),+ section_div = NA_character_) { |
1566 | +827 |
- prov_footer = character(),+ ## NB we used to resolve to strict TRUE/FALSE for label visibillity |
1567 | +828 |
- header_section_div = NA_character_,+ ## in this function but that was too greedy for repeated |
1568 | +829 |
- hsep = default_hsep(),+ ## analyze calls, so that now occurs in the tabulation machinery |
1569 | +830 |
- trailing_section_div = NA_character_,+ ## when the table is actually being built. |
1570 | +831 |
- inset = 0L) {+ ## show_kidlabs = .labelkids_helper(match.arg(child_labels)) |
1571 | -3051x | +832 | +338x |
- check_ok_label(label)+ child_labels <- match.arg(child_labels) |
1572 | -3051x | -
- if (is.null(cinfo)) {- |
- ||
1573 | -! | +833 | +338x |
- if (length(kids) > 0) {+ show_kidlabs <- child_labels |
1574 | -! | +|||
834 | +338x |
- cinfo <- col_info(kids[[1]])+ if (is.null(.payload)) { |
1575 | -+ | |||
835 | +313x |
- } else {+ nv <- length(var) |
1576 | -! | +|||
836 | +313x |
- cinfo <- EmptyColInfo+ defrowlab <- .repoutlst(defrowlab, nv) |
1577 | -+ | |||
837 | +313x |
- }+ afun <- .repoutlst(afun, nv) |
1578 | -+ | |||
838 | +313x |
- }+ split_label <- .repoutlst(split_label, nv) |
1579 | -+ | |||
839 | +313x |
+ check_ok_label(split_label, multi_ok = TRUE) |
1580 | -3051x | +840 | +313x |
- if (no_colinfo(labelrow)) {+ cfun <- .repoutlst(cfun, nv) |
1581 | -1881x | +841 | +313x |
- col_info(labelrow) <- cinfo+ cformat <- .repoutlst(cformat, nv) |
1582 | +842 |
- }+ ## split_format = .repoutlst(split_format, nv) |
1583 | -3051x | +843 | +313x |
- kids <- .enforce_valid_kids(kids, cinfo)+ inclNAs <- .repoutlst(inclNAs, nv) |
1584 | -3051x | +844 | +313x |
- tab <- new("ElementaryTable",+ section_div_if_multivar <- if (length(var) > 1) NA_character_ else section_div |
1585 | -3051x | +845 | +313x |
- children = kids,+ pld <- mapply(AnalyzeVarSplit, |
1586 | -3051x | +846 | +313x |
- name = .chkname(name),+ var = var, |
1587 | -3051x | +847 | +313x |
- level = lev,+ split_name = child_names, |
1588 | -3051x | +848 | +313x |
- labelrow = labelrow,+ split_label = split_label, |
1589 | -3051x | +849 | +313x |
- rowspans = rspans,+ afun = afun, |
1590 | -3051x | +850 | +313x |
- col_info = cinfo,+ defrowlab = defrowlab, |
1591 | -3051x | +851 | +313x |
- var_analyzed = var,+ cfun = cfun, |
1592 | -+ | |||
852 | +313x |
- ## XXX these are hardcoded, because they both get set during+ cformat = cformat, |
1593 | +853 |
- ## set_format_recursive anyway+ ## split_format = split_format, |
1594 | -3051x | +854 | +313x |
- format = NULL,+ inclNAs = inclNAs, |
1595 | -3051x | +855 | +313x |
- na_str = NA_character_,+ MoreArgs = list( |
1596 | -3051x | +856 | +313x |
- table_inset = 0L,+ extra_args = extra_args, |
1597 | -3051x | +857 | +313x |
- indent_modifier = as.integer(indent_mod),+ indent_mod = indent_mod, |
1598 | -3051x | +858 | +313x |
- main_title = title,+ label_pos = show_kidlabs, |
1599 | -3051x | +859 | +313x |
- subtitles = subtitles,+ split_format = split_format, |
1600 | -3051x | +860 | +313x |
- main_footer = main_footer,+ split_na_str = split_na_str, |
1601 | -3051x | +861 | +313x |
- provenance_footer = prov_footer,+ section_div = section_div_if_multivar |
1602 | -3051x | +862 | +313x |
- horizontal_sep = hsep,+ ), ## rvis), |
1603 | -3051x | +863 | +313x |
- header_section_div = header_section_div,+ SIMPLIFY = FALSE |
1604 | -3051x | +|||
864 | +
- trailing_section_div = trailing_section_div+ ) |
1605 | +865 |
- )+ } else { |
1606 | -3051x | +|||
866 | +
- tab <- set_format_recursive(tab, format, na_str, FALSE)+ ## we're combining existing splits here |
1607 | -3051x | +867 | +25x |
- table_inset(tab) <- as.integer(inset)+ pld <- unlist(lapply(.payload, .uncompound)) |
1608 | -3051x | +|||
868 | +
- tab+ |
1609 | +869 |
- }+ ## only override the childen being combined if the constructor |
1610 | +870 |
+ ## was passed a non-default value for child_labels |
1611 | +871 |
- ttable_validity <- function(object) {+ ## and the child was at NA before |
1612 | -! | +|||
872 | +25x |
- all(sapply(+ pld <- lapply( |
1613 | -! | +|||
873 | +25x |
- tree_children(object),+ pld,+ |
+ ||
874 | +25x | +
+ function(x) {+ |
+ ||
875 | +50x | +
+ rvis <- label_position(x) ## labelrow_visible(x)+ |
+ ||
876 | +50x | +
+ if (!identical(show_kidlabs, "default")) { ## is.na(show_kidlabs)) { |
1614 | +877 | ! |
- function(x) is(x, "VTableTree") || is(x, "TableRow")+ if (identical(rvis, "default")) { ## ois.na(rvis)) |
1615 | -+ | |||
878 | +! |
- ))+ rvis <- show_kidlabs |
1616 | +879 |
- }+ } |
1617 | +880 |
+ } |
1618 | -+ | |||
881 | +50x |
- .calc_cinfo <- function(cinfo, cont, kids) {+ label_position(x) <- rvis |
1619 | -2826x | +882 | +50x |
- if (!is.null(cinfo)) {+ x |
1620 | -2826x | +|||
883 | +
- cinfo+ } |
1621 | -! | +|||
884 | +
- } else if (!is.null(cont)) {+ ) |
1622 | -! | +|||
885 | +
- col_info(cont)+ } |
1623 | -! | +|||
886 | +338x |
- } else if (length(kids) >= 1) {+ if (length(pld) == 1) { |
1624 | -! | +|||
887 | +285x |
- col_info(kids[[1]])+ ret <- pld[[1]] |
1625 | +888 |
} else { |
1626 | -! | +|||
889 | +53x |
- EmptyColInfo+ if (is.null(split_name)) { |
1627 | -+ | |||
890 | +53x |
- }+ split_name <- paste(c("ma", vapply(pld, obj_name, "")), |
1628 | -+ | |||
891 | +53x |
- }+ collapse = "_" |
1629 | +892 |
+ ) |
1630 | +893 |
- ## under this model, non-leaf nodes can have a content table where rollup+ } |
1631 | -+ | |||
894 | +53x |
- ## analyses live+ ret <- new("AnalyzeMultiVars", |
1632 | -+ | |||
895 | +53x |
- #' @exportClass TableTree+ payload = pld, |
1633 | -+ | |||
896 | +53x |
- #' @rdname tabclasses+ split_label = "", |
1634 | -+ | |||
897 | +53x |
- setClass("TableTree",+ split_format = NULL, |
1635 | -+ | |||
898 | +53x |
- contains = c("VTableTree"),+ split_na_str = split_na_str, |
1636 | -+ | |||
899 | +53x |
- representation(+ content_fun = NULL, |
1637 | -+ | |||
900 | +53x |
- content = "ElementaryTable",+ content_format = NULL, |
1638 | +901 |
- page_title_prefix = "character"+ ## I beleive this is superfluous now |
1639 | +902 |
- ),+ ## the payloads carry aroudn the real instructions |
1640 | +903 |
- validity = ttable_validity+ ## XXX |
1641 | -+ | |||
904 | +53x |
- )+ label_children = .labelkids_helper(show_kidlabs), |
1642 | -+ | |||
905 | +53x |
+ split_label_position = "hidden", ## XXX is this right? |
1643 | -+ | |||
906 | +53x |
- #' @export+ name = split_name, |
1644 | -+ | |||
907 | +53x |
- #' @rdname tabclasses+ extra_args = extra_args, |
1645 | +908 |
- TableTree <- function(kids = list(),+ ## modifier applied on splits in payload |
1646 | -+ | |||
909 | +53x |
- name = if (!is.na(var)) var else "",+ indent_modifier = 0L, |
1647 | -+ | |||
910 | +53x |
- cont = EmptyElTable,+ content_indent_modifier = 0L, |
1648 | -+ | |||
911 | +53x |
- lev = 1L,+ content_var = cvar, |
1649 | -+ | |||
912 | +53x |
- label = name,+ page_title_prefix = NA_character_, |
1650 | -+ | |||
913 | +53x |
- labelrow = LabelRow(+ child_section_div = section_div |
1651 | +914 |
- lev = lev,+ ) |
1652 | +915 |
- label = label,+ } |
1653 | -+ | |||
916 | +338x |
- vis = nrow(cont) == 0 && !is.na(label) &&+ ret |
1654 | +917 |
- nzchar(label)+ } |
1655 | +918 |
- ),+ |
1656 | +919 |
- rspans = data.frame(),+ setClass("VarLevWBaselineSplit", |
1657 | +920 |
- iscontent = NA,+ contains = "VarLevelSplit", |
1658 | +921 |
- var = NA_character_,+ representation( |
1659 | +922 |
- cinfo = NULL,+ var = "character", |
1660 | +923 |
- format = NULL,+ ref_group_value = "character" |
1661 | +924 |
- na_str = NA_character_,+ ) |
1662 | +925 |
- indent_mod = 0L,+ ) |
1663 | +926 |
- title = "",+ |
1664 | +927 |
- subtitles = character(),+ #' @rdname VarLevelSplit |
1665 | +928 |
- main_footer = character(),+ #' @export |
1666 | +929 |
- prov_footer = character(),+ VarLevWBaselineSplit <- function(var, |
1667 | +930 |
- page_title = NA_character_,+ ref_group, |
1668 | +931 |
- hsep = default_hsep(),+ labels_var = var, |
1669 | +932 |
- header_section_div = NA_character_,+ split_label, |
1670 | +933 |
- trailing_section_div = NA_character_,+ split_fun = NULL, |
1671 | +934 |
- inset = 0L) {- |
- ||
1672 | -2826x | -
- check_ok_label(label)- |
- ||
1673 | -2826x | -
- cinfo <- .calc_cinfo(cinfo, cont, kids)+ label_fstr = "%s - %s", |
1674 | +935 | - - | -||
1675 | -2826x | -
- kids <- .enforce_valid_kids(kids, cinfo)+ ## not needed I Think... |
1676 | -2826x | +|||
936 | +
- if (isTRUE(iscontent) && !is.null(cont) && nrow(cont) > 0) {+ cfun = NULL, |
1677 | -! | +|||
937 | +
- stop("Got table tree with content table and content position")+ cformat = NULL, |
1678 | +938 |
- }+ cna_str = NA_character_, |
1679 | -2826x | +|||
939 | +
- if (no_colinfo(labelrow)) {+ cvar = "", |
1680 | -1599x | +|||
940 | +
- col_info(labelrow) <- cinfo+ split_format = NULL, |
1681 | +941 |
- }+ split_na_str = NA_character_, |
1682 | -2826x | +|||
942 | +
- if ((is.null(cont) || nrow(cont) == 0) && all(sapply(kids, is, "DataRow"))) {+ valorder = NULL, |
1683 | -1153x | +|||
943 | +
- if (!is.na(page_title)) {+ split_name = var, |
1684 | -! | +|||
944 | +
- stop("Got a page title prefix for an Elementary Table")+ extra_args = list(), |
1685 | +945 |
- }+ show_colcounts = FALSE, |
1686 | +946 |
- ## constructor takes care of recursive format application+ colcount_format = NULL) { |
1687 | -1153x | +947 | +10x |
- ElementaryTable(+ check_ok_label(split_label) |
1688 | -1153x | +948 | +10x |
- kids = kids,+ new("VarLevWBaselineSplit", |
1689 | -1153x | +949 | +10x |
- name = .chkname(name),+ payload = var, |
1690 | -1153x | +950 | +10x |
- lev = lev,+ ref_group_value = ref_group, |
1691 | -1153x | +|||
951 | +
- labelrow = labelrow,+ ## This will occur at the row level not on the column split, for now |
1692 | -1153x | +|||
952 | +
- rspans = rspans,+ ## TODO revisit this to confirm its right |
1693 | -1153x | +|||
953 | +
- cinfo = cinfo,+ ## comparison_func = comparison, |
1694 | -1153x | +|||
954 | +
- var = var,+ # label_format = label_fstr, |
1695 | -1153x | +955 | +10x |
- format = format,+ value_label_var = labels_var, |
1696 | -1153x | +956 | +10x |
- na_str = na_str,+ split_label = split_label, |
1697 | -1153x | +957 | +10x |
- indent_mod = indent_mod,+ content_fun = cfun, |
1698 | -1153x | +958 | +10x |
- title = title,+ content_format = cformat, |
1699 | -1153x | +959 | +10x |
- subtitles = subtitles,+ content_na_str = cna_str, |
1700 | -1153x | +960 | +10x |
- main_footer = main_footer,+ split_format = split_format, |
1701 | -1153x | +961 | +10x |
- prov_footer = prov_footer,+ split_na_str = split_na_str, |
1702 | -1153x | +962 | +10x |
- hsep = hsep,+ split_fun = split_fun, |
1703 | -1153x | +963 | +10x |
- header_section_div = header_section_div,+ name = split_name, |
1704 | -1153x | +964 | +10x |
- trailing_section_div = trailing_section_div,+ label_children = FALSE, |
1705 | -1153x | -
- inset = inset- |
- ||
1706 | -+ | 965 | +10x |
- )+ extra_args = extra_args, |
1707 | +966 |
- } else {+ ## this is always a column split |
1708 | -1673x | +967 | +10x |
- tab <- new("TableTree",+ indent_modifier = 0L, |
1709 | -1673x | +968 | +10x |
- content = cont,+ content_indent_modifier = 0L, |
1710 | -1673x | +969 | +10x |
- children = kids,+ content_var = cvar, |
1711 | -1673x | +|||
970 | +
- name = .chkname(name),+ ## so long as this is columnspace only |
1712 | -1673x | +971 | +10x |
- level = lev,+ page_title_prefix = NA_character_, |
1713 | -1673x | +972 | +10x |
- labelrow = labelrow,+ child_section_div = NA_character_, |
1714 | -1673x | +973 | +10x |
- rowspans = rspans,+ child_show_colcounts = show_colcounts, |
1715 | -1673x | +974 | +10x |
- col_info = cinfo,+ child_colcount_format = colcount_format |
1716 | -1673x | +|||
975 | +
- format = NULL,+ ) |
1717 | -1673x | +|||
976 | +
- na_str = na_str,+ } |
1718 | -1673x | +|||
977 | +
- table_inset = 0L,+ |
1719 | -1673x | +|||
978 | +
- indent_modifier = as.integer(indent_mod),+ .chkname <- function(nm) { |
1720 | -1673x | +979 | +19463x |
- main_title = title,+ if (is.null(nm)) { |
1721 | -1673x | +|||
980 | +! |
- subtitles = subtitles,+ nm <- "" |
1722 | -1673x | +|||
981 | +
- main_footer = main_footer,+ } |
1723 | -1673x | +982 | +19463x |
- provenance_footer = prov_footer,+ if (length(nm) != 1) { |
1724 | -1673x | +|||
983 | +! |
- page_title_prefix = page_title,+ stop("name is not of length one") |
1725 | -1673x | +984 | +19463x |
- horizontal_sep = "-",+ } else if (is.na(nm)) { |
1726 | -1673x | +|||
985 | +! |
- header_section_div = header_section_div,+ warning("Got missing value for name, converting to characters '<NA>'") |
1727 | -1673x | +|||
986 | +! |
- trailing_section_div = trailing_section_div+ nm <- "<NA>" |
1728 | -1673x | +|||
987 | +
- ) ## this is overridden below to get recursiveness+ } |
1729 | -1673x | +988 | +19463x |
- tab <- set_format_recursive(tab, format, na_str, FALSE)+ nm |
1730 | +989 |
+ } |
1731 | +990 |
- ## these is recursive+ |
1732 | +991 |
- ## XXX combine these probably- |
- ||
1733 | -1673x | -
- horizontal_sep(tab) <- hsep- |
- ||
1734 | -1673x | -
- table_inset(tab) <- as.integer(inset)- |
- ||
1735 | -1673x | -
- tab+ ### Tree Position Representation |
1736 | +992 |
- }+ ### |
1737 | +993 |
- }+ ### Class(es) that represent position with in a |
1738 | +994 |
+ ### tree as parallel vectors of Split objects and |
1739 | +995 |
- ### Pre-Data Layout Declaration Classes+ ### values chosen at that split, plus labeling info |
1740 | +996 |
- ###+ TreePos <- function(spls = list(), |
1741 | +997 |
- ### Notably these are NOT represented as trees+ svals = list(), |
1742 | +998 |
- ### because without data we cannot know what the+ svlabels = character(), |
1743 | +999 |
- ### children should be.+ sub = NULL) { |
1744 | -+ | |||
1000 | +1806x |
+ check_ok_label(svlabels, multi_ok = TRUE) |
1745 | -+ | |||
1001 | +1806x |
- ## Vector (ordered list) of splits.+ svals <- make_splvalue_vec(vals = svals, subset_exprs = lapply(svals, value_expr)) |
1746 | -+ | |||
1002 | +1806x |
- ##+ if (is.null(sub)) { |
1747 | -+ | |||
1003 | +384x |
- ## This is a vector (ordered list) of splits to be+ if (length(spls) > 0) { |
1748 | -+ | |||
1004 | +! |
- ## applied recursively to the data when provided.+ sub <- make_pos_subset( |
1749 | -+ | |||
1005 | +! |
- ##+ spls = spls, |
1750 | -+ | |||
1006 | +! |
- ## For convenience, if this is length 1, it can contain+ svals = svals |
1751 | +1007 |
- ## a pre-existing TableTree/ElementaryTable.+ ) |
1752 | +1008 |
- ## This is used for add_existing_table in colby_constructors.R+ } else { |
1753 | -+ | |||
1009 | +384x |
+ sub <- expression(TRUE) |
1754 | +1010 |
- setClass("SplitVector",+ } |
1755 | +1011 |
- contains = "list",+ } |
1756 | -+ | |||
1012 | +1806x |
- validity = function(object) {+ new("TreePos", |
1757 | -+ | |||
1013 | +1806x |
- if (length(object) >= 1) {+ splits = spls, s_values = svals, |
1758 | -+ | |||
1014 | +1806x |
- lst <- tail(object, 1)[[1]]+ sval_labels = svlabels, |
1759 | -+ | |||
1015 | +1806x |
- } else {+ subset = sub |
1760 | +1016 |
- lst <- NULL+ ) |
1761 | +1017 |
- }+ } |
1762 | +1018 |
- all(sapply(head(object, -1), is, "Split")) &&+ |
1763 | +1019 |
- (is.null(lst) || is(lst, "Split") || is(lst, "VTableNodeInfo"))+ ## Tree position convenience functions |
1764 | +1020 |
- }+ ## |
1765 | +1021 |
- )+ make_child_pos <- function(parpos, |
1766 | +1022 |
+ newspl, |
1767 | +1023 |
- SplitVector <- function(x = NULL,+ newval, |
1768 | +1024 |
- ...,+ newlab = newval, |
1769 | +1025 |
- lst = list(...)) {+ newextra = list()) { |
1770 | -2479x | +1026 | +1422x |
- if (!is.null(x)) {+ if (!is(newval, "SplitValue")) { |
1771 | -448x | +|||
1027 | +! |
- lst <- unlist(c(list(x), lst), recursive = FALSE)+ nsplitval <- SplitValue(newval, extr = newextra, label = newlab) |
1772 | +1028 |
- }+ } else { |
1773 | -2479x | +1029 | +1422x |
- new("SplitVector", lst)+ nsplitval <- newval |
1774 | +1030 |
- }+ } |
1775 | -- | - + | ||
1031 | +1422x | +
+ check_ok_label(newlab) |
1776 | -+ | |||
1032 | +1422x |
- avar_noneorlast <- function(vec) {+ newpos <- TreePos( |
1777 | -1005x | +1033 | +1422x |
- if (!is(vec, "SplitVector")) {+ spls = c(pos_splits(parpos), newspl), |
1778 | -! | +|||
1034 | +1422x |
- return(FALSE)+ svals = c(pos_splvals(parpos), nsplitval), |
1779 | -+ | |||
1035 | +1422x |
- }+ svlabels = c(pos_splval_labels(parpos), newlab), |
1780 | -1005x | +1036 | +1422x |
- if (length(vec) == 0) {+ sub = .combine_subset_exprs( |
1781 | -656x | +1037 | +1422x |
- return(TRUE)+ pos_subset(parpos), |
1782 | +1038 |
- }- |
- ||
1783 | -349x | -
- isavar <- which(sapply(vec, is, "AnalyzeVarSplit"))+ ## this will grab the value's custom subset expression if present |
1784 | -349x | +1039 | +1422x |
- (length(isavar) == 0) || (length(isavar) == 1 && isavar == length(vec))+ make_subset_expr(newspl, nsplitval) |
1785 | +1040 |
- }+ ) |
1786 | +1041 |
+ ) |
1787 | -+ | |||
1042 | +1422x |
- setClass("PreDataAxisLayout",+ newpos |
1788 | +1043 |
- contains = "list",+ } |
1789 | +1044 |
- representation(root_split = "ANY"),+ |
1790 | +1045 |
- validity = function(object) {+ ## Virtual Classes for Tree Nodes and Layouts ================================= |
1791 | +1046 |
- allleafs <- unlist(object, recursive = TRUE)+ ## |
1792 | +1047 |
- all(sapply(object, avar_noneorlast)) &&+ ## Virtual class hiearchy for the various types of trees in use in the S4 |
1793 | +1048 |
- all(sapply(+ ## implementation of the TableTree machinery |
1794 | +1049 |
- allleafs,+ |
1795 | +1050 |
- ## remember existing table trees can be added to layouts+ ## core basics |
1796 | +1051 |
- ## for now...+ setClass("VNodeInfo", |
1797 | +1052 |
- function(x) is(x, "Split") || is(x, "VTableTree")+ contains = "VIRTUAL", |
1798 | +1053 |
- ))+ representation( |
1799 | +1054 |
- }+ level = "integer", |
1800 | +1055 |
- )+ name = "character" ## , |
1801 | +1056 |
+ ## label = "character" |
1802 | +1057 |
- setClass("PreDataColLayout",+ ) |
1803 | +1058 |
- contains = "PreDataAxisLayout",+ ) |
1804 | +1059 |
- representation(+ |
1805 | +1060 |
- display_columncounts = "logical",+ setClass("VTree", |
1806 | +1061 |
- columncount_format = "FormatSpec" # "character"+ contains = c("VIRTUAL", "VNodeInfo"), |
1807 | +1062 |
- )+ representation(children = "list") |
1808 | +1063 |
) |
1809 | +1064 | |||
1810 | +1065 |
- setClass("PreDataRowLayout", contains = "PreDataAxisLayout")+ setClass("VLeaf", contains = c("VIRTUAL", "VNodeInfo")) |
1811 | +1066 | |||
1812 | +1067 |
- PreDataColLayout <- function(x = SplitVector(),+ ## Layout trees ================================= |
1813 | +1068 |
- rtsp = RootSplit(),+ |
1814 | +1069 |
- ...,+ # setClass("VLayoutNode", contains= c("VIRTUAL", "VNodeInfo")) |
1815 | +1070 |
- lst = list(x, ...),+ |
1816 | +1071 |
- disp_colcounts = NA,+ setClass("VLayoutLeaf", |
1817 | +1072 |
- colcount_format = "(N=xx)") {+ contains = c("VIRTUAL", "VLeaf"), |
1818 | -323x | +|||
1073 | +
- ret <- new("PreDataColLayout", lst,+ representation( |
1819 | -323x | +|||
1074 | +
- display_columncounts = disp_colcounts,+ pos_in_tree = "TreePos", |
1820 | -323x | +|||
1075 | +
- columncount_format = colcount_format+ label = "character" |
1821 | +1076 |
) |
1822 | -323x | -
- ret@root_split <- rtsp- |
- ||
1823 | -323x | -
- ret- |
- ||
1824 | +1077 |
- }+ ) |
1825 | +1078 | |||
1826 | +1079 |
- PreDataRowLayout <- function(x = SplitVector(),+ setClass("VLayoutTree", |
1827 | +1080 |
- root = RootSplit(),+ contains = c("VIRTUAL", "VTree"), |
1828 | +1081 |
- ...,+ representation( |
1829 | +1082 |
- lst = list(x, ...)) {- |
- ||
1830 | -659x | -
- new("PreDataRowLayout", lst, root_split = root)+ split = "Split", |
1831 | +1083 |
- }+ pos_in_tree = "TreePos", |
1832 | +1084 |
+ label = "character" |
1833 | +1085 |
- setClass("PreDataTableLayouts",+ ) |
1834 | +1086 |
- contains = "VTitleFooter",+ ) |
1835 | +1087 |
- representation(+ |
1836 | +1088 |
- row_layout = "PreDataRowLayout",+ setClassUnion("VLayoutNode", c("VLayoutLeaf", "VLayoutTree")) |
1837 | +1089 |
- col_layout = "PreDataColLayout",+ |
1838 | +1090 |
- top_left = "character",+ ## LayoutAxisTree classes ================================= |
1839 | +1091 |
- header_section_div = "character",+ |
1840 | +1092 |
- top_level_section_div = "character",+ setOldClass("function") |
1841 | +1093 |
- table_inset = "integer"+ setOldClass("NULL") |
1842 | +1094 |
- )+ setClassUnion("FunctionOrNULL", c("function", "NULL")) |
1843 | +1095 |
- )+ |
1844 | +1096 |
+ setClass("LayoutAxisTree", |
1845 | +1097 |
- PreDataTableLayouts <- function(rlayout = PreDataRowLayout(),+ contains = "VLayoutTree", |
1846 | +1098 |
- clayout = PreDataColLayout(),+ representation(summary_func = "FunctionOrNULL"), |
1847 | +1099 |
- topleft = character(),+ validity = function(object) { |
1848 | +1100 |
- title = "",+ all(sapply(object@children, function(x) is(x, "LayoutAxisTree") || is(x, "LayoutAxisLeaf"))) |
1849 | +1101 |
- subtitles = character(),+ } |
1850 | +1102 |
- main_footer = character(),+ ) |
1851 | +1103 |
- prov_footer = character(),+ |
1852 | +1104 |
- header_section_div = NA_character_,+ ## this is only used for columns!!!! |
1853 | +1105 |
- top_level_section_div = NA_character_,+ setClass("LayoutAxisLeaf", |
1854 | +1106 |
- table_inset = 0L) {- |
- ||
1855 | -323x | -
- new("PreDataTableLayouts",- |
- ||
1856 | -323x | -
- row_layout = rlayout,- |
- ||
1857 | -323x | -
- col_layout = clayout,- |
- ||
1858 | -323x | -
- top_left = topleft,- |
- ||
1859 | -323x | -
- main_title = title,- |
- ||
1860 | -323x | -
- subtitles = subtitles,- |
- ||
1861 | -323x | -
- main_footer = main_footer,- |
- ||
1862 | -323x | -
- provenance_footer = prov_footer,- |
- ||
1863 | -323x | -
- header_section_div = header_section_div,- |
- ||
1864 | -323x | -
- top_level_section_div = top_level_section_div,- |
- ||
1865 | -323x | -
- table_inset = table_inset+ contains = "VLayoutLeaf", ## "VNodeInfo", |
1866 | +1107 |
- )+ representation( |
1867 | +1108 |
- }+ func = "function", |
1868 | +1109 |
+ display_columncounts = "logical", |
1869 | +1110 |
- ## setClass("CellValue", contains = "ValueWrapper",+ columncount_format = "FormatSpec", # character", |
1870 | +1111 |
- ## representation(format = "FormatSpec",+ col_footnotes = "list", |
1871 | +1112 |
- ## colspan = "integerOrNULL",+ column_count = "integer" |
1872 | +1113 |
- ## label = "characterOrNULL"),+ ) |
1873 | +1114 |
- ## prototype = list(label ="", colspan = NULL, format = NULL))+ ) |
1874 | +1115 | |||
1875 | +1116 |
- setOldClass("CellValue")+ setClass("LayoutColTree", |
1876 | +1117 |
+ contains = "LayoutAxisTree", |
1877 | +1118 |
- #' Length of a Cell value+ representation( |
1878 | +1119 |
- #'+ display_columncounts = "logical", |
1879 | +1120 |
- #' @param x (`CellValue`)\cr a `CellValue` object.+ columncount_format = "FormatSpec", # "character", |
1880 | +1121 |
- #'+ col_footnotes = "list", |
1881 | +1122 |
- #' @return Always returns `1L`.+ column_count = "integer" |
1882 | +1123 |
- #'+ ) |
1883 | +1124 |
- #' @exportMethod length+ ) |
1884 | +1125 |
- setMethod(+ |
1885 | +1126 |
- "length", "CellValue",- |
- ||
1886 | -! | -
- function(x) 1L+ setClass("LayoutColLeaf", contains = "LayoutAxisLeaf") |
1887 | +1127 |
- )+ LayoutColTree <- function(lev = 0L, |
1888 | +1128 |
+ name = obj_name(spl), |
1889 | +1129 |
- setClass("RefFootnote", representation(+ label = obj_label(spl), |
1890 | +1130 |
- value = "character",+ kids = list(), |
1891 | +1131 |
- index = "integer",+ spl = EmptyAllSplit, |
1892 | +1132 |
- symbol = "character"+ tpos = TreePos(), |
1893 | +1133 |
- ))+ summary_function = NULL, |
1894 | +1134 |
+ disp_ccounts = FALSE, |
1895 | +1135 |
- RefFootnote <- function(note, index = NA_integer_, symbol = NA_character_) {+ colcount_format = NULL, |
1896 | -56x | +|||
1136 | +
- if (is(note, "RefFootnote")) {+ footnotes = list(), |
1897 | -28x | +|||
1137 | +
- return(note)+ colcount) { ## , |
1898 | -28x | +|||
1138 | +
- } else if (length(note) == 0) {+ ## sub = expression(TRUE), |
1899 | -! | +|||
1139 | +
- return(NULL)+ ## svar = NA_character_, |
1900 | +1140 |
- }+ ## slab = NA_character_) { |
1901 | -28x | +1141 | +627x |
- if (length(symbol) != 1L) {+ if (is.null(spl)) { |
1902 | +1142 | ! |
stop( |
1903 | +1143 | ! |
- "Referential footnote can only have a single string as its index.",+ "LayoutColTree constructor got NULL for spl. ", # nocov |
1904 | +1144 | ! |
- " Got char vector of length ", length(index)+ "This should never happen. Please contact the maintainer." |
1905 | +1145 |
) |
1906 | +1146 |
- }+ } # nocov |
1907 | -28x | -
- if (!is.na(symbol) && (index == "NA" || grepl("[{}]", index))) {- |
- ||
1908 | -! | -
- stop(- |
- ||
1909 | -! | -
- "The string 'NA' and strings containing '{' or '}' cannot be used as ",- |
- ||
1910 | -! | +1147 | +627x |
- "referential footnote index symbols. Got string '", index, "'."+ footnotes <- make_ref_value(footnotes) |
1911 | -+ | |||
1148 | +627x |
- )+ check_ok_label(label) |
1912 | -+ | |||
1149 | +627x |
- }+ new("LayoutColTree", |
1913 | -+ | |||
1150 | +627x |
+ level = lev, children = kids, |
1914 | -28x | +1151 | +627x |
- new("RefFootnote", value = note, index = index, symbol = symbol)+ name = .chkname(name), |
1915 | -+ | |||
1152 | +627x |
- }+ summary_func = summary_function, |
1916 | -+ | |||
1153 | +627x |
+ pos_in_tree = tpos, |
1917 | -+ | |||
1154 | +627x |
- #' Constructor for Cell Value+ split = spl, |
1918 | +1155 |
- #'+ ## subset = sub, |
1919 | +1156 |
- #' @inheritParams lyt_args+ ## splitvar = svar, |
1920 | -+ | |||
1157 | +627x |
- #' @inheritParams rcell+ label = label, |
1921 | -+ | |||
1158 | +627x |
- #' @param val (`ANY`)\cr value in the cell exactly as it should be passed to a formatter or returned when extracted.+ display_columncounts = disp_ccounts, |
1922 | -+ | |||
1159 | +627x |
- #'+ columncount_format = colcount_format, |
1923 | -+ | |||
1160 | +627x |
- #' @return An object representing the value within a single cell within a populated table. The underlying structure+ col_footnotes = footnotes, |
1924 | -+ | |||
1161 | +627x |
- #' of this object is an implementation detail and should not be relied upon beyond calling accessors for the class.+ column_count = colcount |
1925 | +1162 |
- #'+ ) |
1926 | +1163 |
- #' @export+ } |
1927 | +1164 | |||
1928 | +1165 |
- ## Class definition+ LayoutColLeaf <- function(lev = 0L, |
1929 | +1166 |
- ## [[1]] list: cell value+ name = label, |
1930 | +1167 |
- ## format : format for cell+ label = "", |
1931 | +1168 |
- ## colspan: column span info for cell+ tpos = TreePos(), |
1932 | +1169 |
- ## label: row label to be used for parent row+ colcount, |
1933 | +1170 |
- ## indent_mod: indent modifier to be used for parent row+ disp_ccounts = FALSE, |
1934 | +1171 |
- CellValue <- function(val, format = NULL, colspan = 1L, label = NULL,+ colcount_format = NULL) { |
1935 | -+ | |||
1172 | +1181x |
- indent_mod = NULL, footnotes = NULL,+ check_ok_label(label) |
1936 | -+ | |||
1173 | +1181x |
- align = NULL, format_na_str = NULL) {+ new("LayoutColLeaf", |
1937 | -12629x | +1174 | +1181x |
- if (is.null(colspan)) {+ level = lev, name = .chkname(name), label = label, |
1938 | -! | +|||
1175 | +1181x |
- colspan <- 1L+ pos_in_tree = tpos, |
1939 | -+ | |||
1176 | +1181x |
- }+ column_count = colcount, |
1940 | -12629x | +1177 | +1181x |
- if (!is.null(colspan) && !is(colspan, "integer")) {+ display_columncounts = disp_ccounts, |
1941 | -10x | +1178 | +1181x |
- colspan <- as.integer(colspan)+ columncount_format = colcount_format |
1942 | +1179 |
- }+ ) |
1943 | +1180 |
- ## if we're not given a label but the value has one associated with+ } |
1944 | +1181 |
- ## it we use that.+ |
1945 | +1182 |
- ## NB: we need to be able to override a non-empty label with an empty one+ ## Instantiated column info class ============================================== |
1946 | +1183 |
- ## so we can't have "" mean "not given a label" here+ ## |
1947 | -12629x | +|||
1184 | +
- if ((is.null(label) || is.na(label)) && !is.null(obj_label(val))) {+ ## This is so we don't need multiple arguments |
1948 | -2x | +|||
1185 | +
- label <- obj_label(val)+ ## in the recursive functions that track |
1949 | +1186 |
- }+ ## various aspects of the column layout |
1950 | -12629x | +|||
1187 | +
- if (!is.list(footnotes)) {+ ## once its applied to the data. |
1951 | -9x | +|||
1188 | +
- footnotes <- lapply(footnotes, RefFootnote)+ |
1952 | +1189 |
- }+ #' Instantiated column info |
1953 | -12629x | +|||
1190 | +
- check_ok_label(label)+ #' |
1954 | -12629x | +|||
1191 | +
- ret <- structure(list(val),+ #' @inheritParams gen_args |
1955 | -12629x | +|||
1192 | +
- format = format, colspan = colspan,+ #' |
1956 | -12629x | +|||
1193 | +
- label = label,+ #' @exportClass InstantiatedColumnInfo |
1957 | -12629x | +|||
1194 | +
- indent_mod = indent_mod, footnotes = footnotes,+ #' @rdname cinfo |
1958 | -12629x | +|||
1195 | +
- align = align,+ setClass( |
1959 | -12629x | +|||
1196 | +
- format_na_str = format_na_str,+ "InstantiatedColumnInfo", |
1960 | -12629x | +|||
1197 | +
- class = "CellValue"+ representation( |
1961 | +1198 |
- )+ tree_layout = "VLayoutNode", ## LayoutColTree", |
1962 | -12629x | +|||
1199 | +
- ret+ subset_exprs = "list", |
1963 | +1200 |
- }+ cextra_args = "list", |
1964 | +1201 |
+ counts = "integer", |
1965 | +1202 |
- #' @method print CellValue+ total_count = "integer", |
1966 | +1203 |
- #'+ display_columncounts = "logical", |
1967 | +1204 |
- #' @export+ columncount_format = "FormatSpec", |
1968 | +1205 |
- print.CellValue <- function(x, ...) {+ columncount_na_str = "character", |
1969 | -! | +|||
1206 | +
- cat(paste("rcell:", format_rcell(x), "\n"))+ top_left = "character" |
1970 | -! | +|||
1207 | +
- invisible(x)+ ) |
1971 | +1208 |
- }+ ) |
1972 | +1209 | |||
1973 | +1210 |
- ## too slow+ #' @param treelyt (`LayoutColTree`)\cr a `LayoutColTree` object. |
1974 | +1211 |
- # setClass("RowsVerticalSection", contains = "list",+ #' @param csubs (`list`)\cr a list of subsetting expressions. |
1975 | +1212 |
- # representation = list(row_names = "characterOrNULL",+ #' @param extras (`list`)\cr extra arguments associated with the columns. |
1976 | +1213 |
- # row_labels = "characterOrNULL",+ #' @param cnts (`integer`)\cr counts. |
1977 | +1214 |
- # row_formats = "ANY",+ #' @param total_cnt (`integer(1)`)\cr total observations represented across all columns. |
1978 | +1215 |
- # indent_mods = "integerOrNULL"))+ #' @param dispcounts (`flag`)\cr whether the counts should be displayed as header info when the associated |
1979 | +1216 |
+ #' table is printed. |
1980 | +1217 |
- setOldClass("RowsVerticalSection")+ #' @param countformat (`string`)\cr format for the counts if they are displayed. |
1981 | +1218 |
- RowsVerticalSection <- function(values,+ #' @param count_na_str (`character`)\cr string to use in place of missing values when formatting counts. Defaults |
1982 | +1219 |
- names = names(values),+ #' to `""`. |
1983 | +1220 |
- labels = NULL,+ #' |
1984 | +1221 |
- indent_mods = NULL,+ #' @return An `InstantiateadColumnInfo` object. |
1985 | +1222 |
- formats = NULL,+ #' |
1986 | +1223 |
- footnotes = NULL,+ #' @export |
1987 | +1224 |
- format_na_strs = NULL) {+ #' @rdname cinfo |
1988 | -5775x | +|||
1225 | +
- stopifnot(is(values, "list"))+ InstantiatedColumnInfo <- function(treelyt = LayoutColTree(colcount = total_cnt), |
1989 | +1226 |
- ## innernms <- value_names(values)+ csubs = list(expression(TRUE)), |
1990 | +1227 |
+ extras = list(list()), |
1991 | -5775x | +|||
1228 | +
- if (is.null(labels)) {+ cnts = NA_integer_, |
1992 | -2554x | +|||
1229 | +
- labels <- names(values)+ total_cnt = NA_integer_, |
1993 | +1230 |
- }+ dispcounts = FALSE, |
1994 | -5775x | +|||
1231 | +
- if (is.null(names) && all(nzchar(labels))) {+ countformat = "(N=xx)", |
1995 | -3265x | +|||
1232 | +
- names <- labels+ count_na_str = "", |
1996 | -2510x | +|||
1233 | +
- } else if (is.null(labels) && !is.null(names)) {+ topleft = character()) { |
1997 | -15x | +1234 | +652x |
- labels <- names+ leaves <- collect_leaves(treelyt) |
1998 | -+ | |||
1235 | +652x |
- }+ nl <- length(leaves) |
1999 | -+ | |||
1236 | +652x |
+ extras <- rep(extras, length.out = nl) |
2000 | -5775x | +1237 | +652x |
- if (!is.null(indent_mods)) {+ cnts <- rep(cnts, length.out = nl) |
2001 | -68x | +1238 | +652x |
- indent_mods <- as.integer(indent_mods)+ csubs <- rep(csubs, length.out = nl) |
2002 | +1239 |
- }+ |
2003 | -5775x | +1240 | +652x |
- check_ok_label(labels, multi_ok = TRUE)+ nleaves <- length(leaves) |
2004 | -5774x | +1241 | +652x |
- structure(values,+ snas <- sum(is.na(cnts)) |
2005 | -5774x | +1242 | +652x |
- class = "RowsVerticalSection", row_names = names,+ if (length(csubs) != nleaves || length(extras) != nleaves || length(cnts) != nleaves) { |
2006 | -5774x | +|||
1243 | +! |
- row_labels = labels, indent_mods = indent_mods,+ stop( |
2007 | -5774x | +|||
1244 | +! |
- row_formats = formats,+ "Mismatching number of columns indicated by: csubs [", |
2008 | -5774x | +|||
1245 | +! |
- row_na_strs = format_na_strs,+ length(csubs), "], ", |
2009 | -5774x | +|||
1246 | +! |
- row_footnotes = lapply(+ "treelyt [", nl, "], extras [", length(extras), |
2010 | -5774x | +|||
1247 | +! |
- footnotes,+ "] and counts [", cnts, "]." |
2011 | +1248 |
- ## cause each row needs to accept+ ) |
2012 | +1249 |
- ## a *list* of row footnotes+ } |
2013 | -5774x | +1250 | +652x |
- function(fns) lapply(fns, RefFootnote)+ if (snas != 0 && snas != nleaves) { |
2014 | -+ | |||
1251 | +2x |
- )+ warning(+ |
+ ||
1252 | +2x | +
+ "Mixture of missing and non-missing column counts when ",+ |
+ ||
1253 | +2x | +
+ "creating column info." |
2015 | +1254 |
- )+ ) |
2016 | +1255 |
- }+ } |
2017 | +1256 | |||
2018 | -+ | |||
1257 | +652x |
- #' @method print RowsVerticalSection+ if (!is.na(dispcounts)) { |
2019 | -+ | |||
1258 | +409x |
- #'+ pths <- col_paths(treelyt) |
2020 | -+ | |||
1259 | +409x |
- #' @export+ for (path in pths) {+ |
+ ||
1260 | +921x | +
+ colcount_visible(treelyt, path) <- dispcounts |
2021 | +1261 |
- print.RowsVerticalSection <- function(x, ...) {+ } |
2022 | -1x | +|||
1262 | +
- cat("RowsVerticalSection (in_rows) object print method:\n-------------------",+ } else { ## na leaves the children as they are and dispcols goes to whether any of them are displayed for the leaves |
2023 | -1x | +1263 | +243x |
- "---------\n",+ dispcounts <- any(vapply(leaves, disp_ccounts, NA)) |
2024 | -1x | +|||
1264 | +
- sep = ""+ } |
2025 | +1265 |
- )+ |
2026 | -1x | +1266 | +652x |
- print(data.frame(+ new("InstantiatedColumnInfo", |
2027 | -1x | +1267 | +652x |
- row_name = attr(x, "row_names", exact = TRUE),+ tree_layout = treelyt, |
2028 | -1x | +1268 | +652x |
- formatted_cell = vapply(x, format_rcell, character(1)),+ subset_exprs = csubs, |
2029 | -1x | +1269 | +652x |
- indent_mod = indent_mod(x), ## vapply(x, indent_mod, numeric(1)),+ cextra_args = extras, |
2030 | -1x | +1270 | +652x |
- row_label = attr(x, "row_labels", exact = TRUE),+ counts = cnts, |
2031 | -1x | +1271 | +652x |
- stringsAsFactors = FALSE,+ total_count = total_cnt, |
2032 | -1x | +1272 | +652x |
- row.names = NULL+ display_columncounts = dispcounts, |
2033 | -1x | +1273 | +652x |
- ), row.names = TRUE)+ columncount_format = countformat, |
2034 | -1x | +1274 | +652x |
- invisible(x)+ columncount_na_str = count_na_str, |
2035 | -+ | |||
1275 | +652x |
- }+ top_left = topleft |
2036 | +1276 |
+ ) |
2037 | +1277 |
- #### Empty default objects to avoid repeated calls+ } |
2038 | +1278 |
- ## EmptyColInfo <- InstantiatedColumnInfo()+ |
2039 | +1279 |
- ## EmptyElTable <- ElementaryTable()+ ## TableTrees and row classes ================================================== |
2040 | +1280 |
- ## EmptyRootSplit <- RootSplit()+ ## XXX Rowspans as implemented dont really work |
2041 | +1281 |
- ## EmptyAllSplit <- AllSplit()+ ## they're aren't attached to the right data structures |
1 | +1282 |
- match_extra_args <- function(f,+ ## during conversions. |
2 | +1283 |
- .N_col,+ |
3 | +1284 |
- .N_total,+ ## FIXME: if we ever actually need row spanning |
4 | +1285 |
- .all_col_exprs,+ setClass("VTableNodeInfo", |
5 | +1286 |
- .all_col_counts,+ contains = c("VNodeInfo", "VIRTUAL"), |
6 | +1287 |
- .var,+ representation( |
7 | +1288 |
- .ref_group = NULL,+ ## col_layout = "VLayoutNode", |
8 | +1289 |
- .alt_df_row = NULL,+ col_info = "InstantiatedColumnInfo", |
9 | +1290 |
- .alt_df = NULL,+ format = "FormatSpec", |
10 | +1291 |
- .ref_full = NULL,+ na_str = "character", |
11 | +1292 |
- .in_ref_col = NULL,+ indent_modifier = "integer", |
12 | +1293 |
- .spl_context = NULL,+ table_inset = "integer" |
13 | +1294 |
- .N_row,+ ) |
14 | +1295 |
- .df_row,+ ) |
15 | +1296 |
- extras) {+ |
16 | +1297 |
- # This list is always present- |
- ||
17 | -5734x | -
- possargs <- c(+ setClass("TableRow", |
18 | -5734x | +|||
1298 | +
- list(+ contains = c("VIRTUAL", "VLeaf", "VTableNodeInfo"), |
19 | -5734x | +|||
1299 | +
- .N_col = .N_col,+ representation( |
20 | -5734x | +|||
1300 | +
- .N_total = .N_total,+ leaf_value = "ANY", |
21 | -5734x | +|||
1301 | +
- .N_row = .N_row,+ var_analyzed = "character", |
22 | -5734x | +|||
1302 | +
- .df_row = .df_row,+ ## var_label = "character", |
23 | -5734x | +|||
1303 | +
- .all_col_exprs = .all_col_exprs,+ label = "character", |
24 | -5734x | +|||
1304 | +
- .all_col_counts = .all_col_counts+ row_footnotes = "list", |
25 | +1305 |
- ),+ trailing_section_div = "character" |
26 | -5734x | +|||
1306 | +
- extras+ ) |
27 | +1307 |
- )+ ) |
28 | +1308 | |||
29 | +1309 |
- ## specialized arguments that must be named in formals, cannot go+ ## TableTree Core Non-Virtual Classes ============== |
30 | +1310 |
- ## anonymously into ...+ ## |
31 | -5734x | +|||
1311 | +
- if (!is.null(.var) && nzchar(.var)) {+ #' Row classes and constructors |
32 | -4502x | +|||
1312 | +
- possargs <- c(possargs, list(.var = .var))+ #' |
33 | +1313 |
- }+ #' @inheritParams constr_args |
34 | -5734x | +|||
1314 | +
- if (!is.null(.ref_group)) {+ #' @inheritParams lyt_args |
35 | -1797x | +|||
1315 | +
- possargs <- c(possargs, list(.ref_group = .ref_group))+ #' @param vis (`flag`)\cr whether the row should be visible (`LabelRow` only). |
36 | +1316 |
- }+ #' |
37 | -5734x | +|||
1317 | +
- if (!is.null(.alt_df_row)) {+ #' @return A formal object representing a table row of the constructed type. |
38 | -105x | +|||
1318 | +
- possargs <- c(possargs, list(.alt_df_row = .alt_df_row))+ #' |
39 | +1319 |
- }+ #' @author Gabriel Becker |
40 | -5734x | +|||
1320 | +
- if (!is.null(.alt_df)) {+ #' @export |
41 | -105x | +|||
1321 | +
- possargs <- c(possargs, list(.alt_df = .alt_df))+ #' @rdname rowclasses |
42 | +1322 |
- }+ LabelRow <- function(lev = 1L, |
43 | -5734x | +|||
1323 | +
- if (!is.null(.ref_full)) {+ label = "", |
44 | -141x | +|||
1324 | +
- possargs <- c(possargs, list(.ref_full = .ref_full))+ name = label, |
45 | +1325 |
- }+ vis = !is.na(label) && nzchar(label), |
46 | -5734x | +|||
1326 | +
- if (!is.null(.in_ref_col)) {+ cinfo = EmptyColInfo, |
47 | -141x | +|||
1327 | +
- possargs <- c(possargs, list(.in_ref_col = .in_ref_col))+ indent_mod = 0L, |
48 | +1328 |
- }+ table_inset = 0L, |
49 | +1329 |
+ trailing_section_div = NA_character_) { |
50 | -+ | |||
1330 | +4841x |
- # Special case: .spl_context+ check_ok_label(label) |
51 | -5734x | +1331 | +4841x |
- if (!is.null(.spl_context) && !(".spl_context" %in% names(possargs))) {+ new("LabelRow", |
52 | -5734x | +1332 | +4841x |
- possargs <- c(possargs, list(.spl_context = .spl_context))+ leaf_value = list(), |
53 | -+ | |||
1333 | +4841x |
- } else {+ level = lev, |
54 | -! | +|||
1334 | +4841x |
- possargs$.spl_context <- NULL+ label = label, |
55 | +1335 |
- }+ ## XXX this means that a label row and its talbe can have the same name.... |
56 | +1336 |
+ ## XXX that is bad but how bad remains to be seen |
57 | +1337 |
- # Extra args handling+ ## XXX |
58 | -5734x | +1338 | +4841x |
- formargs <- formals(f)+ name = .chkname(name), |
59 | -5734x | +1339 | +4841x |
- formnms <- names(formargs)+ col_info = cinfo, |
60 | -5734x | +1340 | +4841x |
- exnms <- names(extras)+ visible = vis, |
61 | -5734x | +1341 | +4841x |
- if (is.null(formargs)) {+ indent_modifier = as.integer(indent_mod), |
62 | -190x | +1342 | +4841x |
- return(NULL)+ table_inset = as.integer(table_inset), |
63 | -5544x | +1343 | +4841x |
- } else if ("..." %in% names(formargs)) {+ trailing_section_div = trailing_section_div |
64 | -4842x | +|||
1344 | +
- formnms <- c(formnms, exnms[nzchar(exnms)])+ ) |
65 | +1345 |
- }+ } |
66 | -5544x | +|||
1346 | +
- possargs[names(possargs) %in% formnms]+ |
67 | +1347 |
- }+ #' Row constructors and classes |
68 | +1348 |
+ #' |
69 | +1349 |
- #' @noRd+ #' @rdname rowclasses |
70 | +1350 |
- #' @return A `RowsVerticalSection` object representing the `k x 1` section of the+ #' @exportClass DataRow |
71 | +1351 |
- #' table being generated, with `k` the number of rows the analysis function+ setClass("DataRow", |
72 | +1352 |
- #' generates.+ contains = "TableRow", |
73 | +1353 |
- gen_onerv <- function(csub, col, count, cextr, cpath,+ representation(colspans = "integer") ## , |
74 | +1354 |
- dfpart, func, totcount, splextra,+ ## pos_in_tree = "TableRowPos"), |
75 | +1355 |
- all_col_exprs,+ ## validity = function(object) { |
76 | +1356 |
- all_col_counts,+ ## lcsp = length(object@colspans) |
77 | +1357 |
- takesdf = .takes_df(func),+ ## length(lcsp == 0) || lcsp == length(object@leaf_value) |
78 | +1358 |
- baselinedf,+ ## } |
79 | +1359 |
- alt_dfpart,+ ) |
80 | +1360 |
- inclNAs,+ |
81 | +1361 |
- col_parent_inds,+ #' @rdname rowclasses |
82 | +1362 |
- spl_context) {+ #' @exportClass ContentRow |
83 | -5734x | +|||
1363 | +
- if (NROW(spl_context) > 0) {+ setClass("ContentRow", |
84 | -5713x | +|||
1364 | +
- spl_context$cur_col_id <- paste(cpath[seq(2, length(cpath), 2)], collapse = ".")+ contains = "TableRow", |
85 | -5713x | +|||
1365 | +
- spl_context$cur_col_subset <- col_parent_inds+ representation(colspans = "integer") ## , |
86 | -5713x | +|||
1366 | +
- spl_context$cur_col_expr <- list(csub)+ ## pos_in_tree = "TableRowPos"), |
87 | -5713x | +|||
1367 | +
- spl_context$cur_col_n <- vapply(col_parent_inds, sum, 1L)+ ## validity = function(object) { |
88 | -5713x | +|||
1368 | +
- spl_context$cur_col_split <- list(cpath[seq(1, length(cpath), 2)])+ ## lcsp = length(object@colspans) |
89 | -5713x | +|||
1369 | +
- spl_context$cur_col_split_val <- list(cpath[seq(2, length(cpath), 2)])+ ## length(lcsp == 0) || lcsp == length(object@leaf_value) |
90 | +1370 |
- }+ ## } |
91 | +1371 | ++ |
+ )+ |
+ |
1372 | ||||
92 | +1373 |
- # Making .alt_df from alt_dfpart (i.e. .alt_df_row)+ #' @rdname rowclasses |
93 | -5734x | +|||
1374 | +
- if (NROW(alt_dfpart) > 0) {+ #' @exportClass LabelRow |
94 | -105x | +|||
1375 | +
- alt_dfpart_fil <- alt_dfpart[eval(csub, envir = alt_dfpart), , drop = FALSE]+ setClass("LabelRow", |
95 | -105x | +|||
1376 | +
- if (!is.null(col) && col %in% names(alt_dfpart_fil) && !inclNAs) {+ contains = "TableRow", |
96 | -99x | +|||
1377 | +
- alt_dfpart_fil <- alt_dfpart_fil[!is.na(alt_dfpart_fil[[col]]), ,+ representation(visible = "logical") |
97 | -99x | +|||
1378 | +
- drop = FALSE+ ) |
98 | +1379 |
- ]+ |
99 | +1380 |
- }+ #' @param klass (`character`)\cr internal detail. |
100 | +1381 |
- } else {+ #' |
101 | -5629x | +|||
1382 | +
- alt_dfpart_fil <- alt_dfpart+ #' @export |
102 | +1383 |
- }+ #' @rdname rowclasses |
103 | +1384 |
+ .tablerow <- function(vals = list(), |
104 | +1385 |
- ## workaround for https://github.com/insightsengineering/rtables/issues/159+ name = "", |
105 | -5734x | +|||
1386 | +
- if (NROW(dfpart) > 0) {+ lev = 1L, |
106 | -4882x | +|||
1387 | +
- inds <- eval(csub, envir = dfpart)+ label = name, |
107 | -4882x | +|||
1388 | +
- dat <- dfpart[inds, , drop = FALSE]+ cspan = rep(1L, length(vals)), |
108 | +1389 |
- } else {+ cinfo = EmptyColInfo, |
109 | -852x | +|||
1390 | +
- dat <- dfpart+ var = NA_character_, |
110 | +1391 |
- }+ format = NULL, |
111 | -5734x | +|||
1392 | +
- if (!is.null(col) && !inclNAs) {+ na_str = NA_character_, |
112 | -4476x | +|||
1393 | +
- dat <- dat[!is.na(dat[[col]]), , drop = FALSE]+ klass, |
113 | +1394 |
- }+ indent_mod = 0L, |
114 | +1395 |
+ footnotes = list(), |
115 | -5734x | +|||
1396 | +
- fullrefcoldat <- cextr$.ref_full+ table_inset = 0L,+ |
+ |||
1397 | ++ |
+ trailing_section_div = NA_character_) { |
116 | -5734x | +1398 | +3380x |
- if (!is.null(fullrefcoldat)) {+ if ((missing(name) || is.null(name) || is.na(name) || nchar(name) == 0) && !missing(label)) { |
117 | -141x | +1399 | +257x |
- cextr$.ref_full <- NULL+ name <- label |
118 | +1400 |
} |
119 | -5734x | +1401 | +3380x |
- inrefcol <- cextr$.in_ref_col+ vals <- lapply(vals, rcell) |
120 | -5734x | +1402 | +3380x |
- if (!is.null(fullrefcoldat)) {+ rlabels <- unique(unlist(lapply(vals, obj_label))) |
121 | -141x | +1403 | +3380x |
- cextr$.in_ref_col <- NULL+ if ((missing(label) || is.null(label) || identical(label, "")) && sum(nzchar(rlabels)) == 1) { |
122 | -+ | |||
1404 | +! |
- }+ label <- rlabels[nzchar(rlabels)] |
123 | +1405 |
+ } |
124 | -5734x | +1406 | +3380x |
- exargs <- c(cextr, splextra)+ if (missing(cspan) && !is.null(unlist(lapply(vals, cell_cspan)))) { |
125 | -+ | |||
1407 | +3122x |
+ cspan <- vapply(vals, cell_cspan, 0L) |
126 | +1408 |
- ## behavior for x/df and ref-data (full and group)+ } |
127 | +1409 |
- ## match+ |
128 | -5734x | +1410 | +3380x |
- if (!is.null(col) && !takesdf) {- |
129 | -3583x | -
- dat <- dat[[col]]+ check_ok_label(label) |
130 | -3583x | +1411 | +3380x |
- fullrefcoldat <- fullrefcoldat[[col]]+ rw <- new(klass, |
131 | -3583x | -
- baselinedf <- baselinedf[[col]]- |
- ||
132 | -+ | 1412 | +3380x |
- }+ leaf_value = vals, |
133 | -5734x | -
- args <- list(dat)- |
- ||
134 | -+ | 1413 | +3380x |
+ name = .chkname(name), |
135 | -5734x | -
- names(all_col_counts) <- names(all_col_exprs)- |
- ||
136 | -+ | 1414 | +3380x |
+ level = lev, |
137 | -5734x | +1415 | +3380x |
- exargs <- match_extra_args(func,+ label = .chkname(label), |
138 | -5734x | +1416 | +3380x |
- .N_col = count,+ colspans = cspan, |
139 | -5734x | +1417 | +3380x |
- .N_total = totcount,+ col_info = cinfo, |
140 | -5734x | +1418 | +3380x |
- .all_col_exprs = all_col_exprs,+ var_analyzed = var, |
141 | -5734x | +|||
1419 | +
- .all_col_counts = all_col_counts,+ ## these are set in set_format_recursive below |
142 | -5734x | +1420 | +3380x |
- .var = col,+ format = NULL, |
143 | -5734x | +1421 | +3380x |
- .ref_group = baselinedf,+ na_str = NA_character_, |
144 | -5734x | +1422 | +3380x |
- .alt_df_row = alt_dfpart,+ indent_modifier = indent_mod, |
145 | -5734x | +1423 | +3380x |
- .alt_df = alt_dfpart_fil,+ row_footnotes = footnotes, |
146 | -5734x | +1424 | +3380x |
- .ref_full = fullrefcoldat,+ table_inset = table_inset, |
147 | -5734x | +1425 | +3380x |
- .in_ref_col = inrefcol,+ trailing_section_div = trailing_section_div |
148 | -5734x | +|||
1426 | +
- .N_row = NROW(dfpart),+ ) |
149 | -5734x | +1427 | +3380x |
- .df_row = dfpart,+ rw <- set_format_recursive(rw, format, na_str, FALSE) |
150 | -5734x | +1428 | +3380x |
- .spl_context = spl_context,+ rw |
151 | -5734x | +|||
1429 | +
- extras = c(+ } |
152 | -5734x | +|||
1430 | +
- cextr,+ |
153 | -5734x | +|||
1431 | +
- splextra+ #' @param ... additional parameters passed to shared constructor (`.tablerow`). |
154 | +1432 |
- )+ #' |
155 | +1433 |
- )+ #' @export |
156 | +1434 |
+ #' @rdname rowclasses |
157 | -5734x | +1435 | +2848x |
- args <- c(args, exargs)+ DataRow <- function(...) .tablerow(..., klass = "DataRow") |
158 | +1436 | |||
159 | -5734x | -
- val <- do.call(func, args)- |
- ||
160 | -5731x | -
- if (!is(val, "RowsVerticalSection")) {- |
- ||
161 | -3732x | -
- if (!is(val, "list")) {- |
- ||
162 | -3254x | -
- val <- list(val)- |
- ||
163 | +1437 |
- }- |
- ||
164 | -3732x | -
- ret <- in_rows(- |
- ||
165 | -3732x | -
- .list = val,+ #' @export |
166 | -3732x | +|||
1438 | +
- .labels = unlist(value_labels(val)),+ #' @rdname rowclasses |
167 | -3732x | +1439 | +532x |
- .names = names(val)+ ContentRow <- function(...) .tablerow(..., klass = "ContentRow") |
168 | +1440 |
- )+ |
169 | +1441 |
- } else {+ setClass("VTitleFooter", |
170 | -1999x | +|||
1442 | +
- ret <- val+ contains = "VIRTUAL", |
171 | +1443 |
- }+ representation( |
172 | -5731x | +|||
1444 | +
- ret+ main_title = "character", |
173 | +1445 |
- }+ subtitles = "character", |
174 | +1446 |
+ main_footer = "character", |
175 | +1447 |
- strip_multivar_suffix <- function(x) {+ provenance_footer = "character" |
176 | -228x | +|||
1448 | +
- gsub("\\._\\[\\[[0-9]\\]\\]_\\.$", "", x)+ ) |
177 | +1449 |
- }+ ) |
178 | +1450 | |||
179 | +1451 |
- ## Generate all values (one for each column) for one or more rows+ setClass("VTableTree", |
180 | +1452 |
- ## by calling func once per column (as defined by cinfo)+ contains = c("VIRTUAL", "VTableNodeInfo", "VTree", "VTitleFooter"), |
181 | +1453 |
- #' @noRd+ representation( |
182 | +1454 |
- #' @return A list of `m` `RowsVerticalSection` objects, one for each (leaf) column in the table.+ children = "list", |
183 | +1455 |
- gen_rowvalues <- function(dfpart,+ rowspans = "data.frame", |
184 | +1456 |
- datcol,+ labelrow = "LabelRow", |
185 | +1457 |
- cinfo,+ page_titles = "character", |
186 | +1458 |
- func,+ horizontal_sep = "character", |
187 | +1459 |
- splextra,+ header_section_div = "character", |
188 | +1460 |
- takesdf = NULL,+ trailing_section_div = "character" |
189 | +1461 |
- baselines,+ ) |
190 | +1462 |
- alt_dfpart,+ ) |
191 | +1463 |
- inclNAs,+ |
192 | +1464 |
- spl_context = spl_context) {- |
- ||
193 | -1571x | -
- colexprs <- col_exprs(cinfo)- |
- ||
194 | -1571x | -
- colcounts <- col_counts(cinfo)- |
- ||
195 | -1571x | -
- colextras <- col_extra_args(cinfo, NULL)- |
- ||
196 | -1571x | -
- cpaths <- col_paths(cinfo)+ setClassUnion("IntegerOrNull", c("integer", "NULL")) |
197 | +1465 |
- ## XXX I don't think this is used anywhere???+ ## covered because it's ElementaryTable's validity method but covr misses it |
198 | +1466 |
- ## splextra = c(splextra, list(.spl_context = spl_context))- |
- ||
199 | -1571x | -
- totcount <- col_total(cinfo)+ ## nocov start |
200 | +1467 | - - | -||
201 | -1571x | -
- colleaves <- collect_leaves(cinfo@tree_layout)+ etable_validity <- function(object) { |
202 | +1468 |
+ kids <- tree_children(object) |
203 | -1571x | +|||
1469 | +
- gotflist <- is.list(func)+ all(sapply( |
204 | +1470 |
+ kids, |
205 | +1471 |
- ## one set of named args to be applied to all columns+ function(k) { |
206 | -1571x | +|||
1472 | +
- if (!is.null(names(splextra))) {+ (is(k, "DataRow") || is(k, "ContentRow")) |
207 | -25x | +|||
1473 | +
- splextra <- list(splextra)+ } |
208 | +1474 |
- } else {+ )) ### && |
209 | -1546x | +|||
1475 | +
- length(splextra) <- ncol(cinfo)+ } |
210 | +1476 |
- }+ ## nocov end |
211 | +1477 | |||
212 | -1571x | -
- if (!gotflist) {- |
- ||
213 | -1048x | -
- func <- list(func)- |
- ||
214 | -523x | -
- } else if (length(splextra) == 1) {- |
- ||
215 | -114x | -
- splextra <- rep(splextra, length.out = length(func))- |
- ||
216 | +1478 |
- }+ #' `TableTree` classes |
217 | +1479 |
- ## if(length(func)) == 1 && names(spl)+ #' |
218 | +1480 |
- ## splextra = list(splextra)+ #' @return A formal object representing a populated table. |
219 | +1481 |
+ #' |
220 | +1482 |
- ## we are in analyze_colvars, so we have to match+ #' @author Gabriel Becker |
221 | +1483 |
- ## the exargs value by position for each column repeatedly+ #' @exportClass ElementaryTable |
222 | +1484 |
- ## across the higher level col splits.+ #' @rdname tabclasses |
223 | -1571x | +|||
1485 | +
- if (!is.null(datcol) && is.na(datcol)) {+ setClass("ElementaryTable", |
224 | -54x | +|||
1486 | +
- datcol <- character(length(colleaves))+ contains = "VTableTree", |
225 | -54x | +|||
1487 | +
- exargs <- vector("list", length(colleaves))+ representation(var_analyzed = "character"), |
226 | -54x | +|||
1488 | +
- for (i in seq_along(colleaves)) {+ validity = etable_validity ## function(object) { |
227 | -228x | +|||
1489 | +
- x <- colleaves[[i]]+ ) |
228 | +1490 | |||
229 | -228x | -
- pos <- tree_pos(x)- |
- ||
230 | -228x | -
- spls <- pos_splits(pos)- |
- ||
231 | +1491 |
- ## values have the suffix but we are populating datacol+ .enforce_valid_kids <- function(lst, colinfo) { |
232 | +1492 |
- ## so it has to match var numbers so strip the suffixes back off- |
- ||
233 | -228x | -
- splvals <- strip_multivar_suffix(rawvalues(pos))+ ## colinfo |
234 | -228x | +1493 | +6054x |
- n <- length(spls)+ if (!no_colinfo(colinfo)) { |
235 | -228x | +1494 | +6054x |
- datcol[i] <- if (is(spls[[n]], "MultiVarSplit")) {+ lst <- lapply( |
236 | -228x | -
- splvals[n]- |
- ||
237 | -+ | 1495 | +6054x |
- } else {+ lst, |
238 | -228x | -
- NA_character_- |
- ||
239 | -+ | 1496 | +6054x |
- }+ function(x) { |
240 | -228x | -
- argpos <- match(datcol[i], spl_payload(spls[[n]]))- |
- ||
241 | -- |
- ## single bracket here because assigning NULL into a list removes- |
- ||
242 | -+ | 1497 | +7643x |
- ## the position entirely+ if (no_colinfo(x)) { |
243 | -228x | +1498 | +208x |
- exargs[i] <- if (argpos <= length(splextra)) {+ col_info(x) <- colinfo |
244 | -228x | +1499 | +7435x |
- splextra[argpos]+ } else if (!identical(colinfo, col_info(x), ignore.environment = TRUE)) { |
245 | +1500 |
- } else {- |
- ||
246 | -! | -
- list(NULL)+ ## split functions from function factories (e.g. add_combo_levels) |
247 | +1501 |
- }+ ## have different environments so we can't use identical here |
248 | +1502 |
- }+ ## all.equal requires the **values within the closures** to be the |
249 | +1503 |
- ## })- |
- ||
250 | -54x | -
- if (all(is.na(datcol))) {+ ## same but not the actual enclosing environments. |
251 | +1504 | ! |
- datcol <- list(NULL)- |
- |
252 | -54x | -
- } else if (any(is.na(datcol))) {+ stop( |
253 | +1505 | ! |
- stop("mix of var and non-var columns with NA analysis rowvara")+ "attempted to add child with non-matching, non-empty ", |
254 | -+ | |||
1506 | +! |
- }+ "column info to an existing table" |
255 | +1507 |
- } else {- |
- ||
256 | -1517x | -
- exargs <- splextra- |
- ||
257 | -1517x | -
- if (is.null(datcol)) {- |
- ||
258 | -332x | -
- datcol <- list(NULL)+ ) |
259 | +1508 |
- }+ } |
260 | -1517x | +1509 | +7643x |
- datcol <- rep(datcol, length(colexprs))+ x |
261 | +1510 |
- ## if(gotflist)+ } |
262 | +1511 |
- ## length(exargs) <- length(func) ## func is a list- |
- ||
263 | -1517x | -
- exargs <- rep(exargs, length.out = length(colexprs))+ ) |
264 | +1512 |
} |
265 | -1571x | -
- allfuncs <- rep(func, length.out = length(colexprs))- |
- ||
266 | +1513 | |||
267 | -1571x | +1514 | +6054x |
- if (is.null(takesdf)) {+ if (are(lst, "ElementaryTable") && |
268 | -1102x | +1515 | +6054x |
- takesdf <- .takes_df(allfuncs)+ all(sapply(lst, function(tb) { |
269 | -+ | |||
1516 | +1060x |
- }+ nrow(tb) <= 1 && identical(obj_name(tb), "") |
270 | +1517 |
+ }))) { |
271 | -1571x | +1518 | +1596x |
- rawvals <- mapply(gen_onerv,+ lst <- unlist(lapply(lst, function(tb) tree_children(tb)[[1]])) |
272 | -1571x | +|||
1519 | +
- csub = colexprs,+ } |
273 | -1571x | +1520 | +6054x |
- col = datcol,+ if (length(lst) == 0) { |
274 | -1571x | +1521 | +1596x |
- count = colcounts,+ return(list()) |
275 | -1571x | +|||
1522 | +
- cextr = colextras,+ } |
276 | -1571x | +|||
1523 | +
- cpath = cpaths,+ ## names |
277 | -1571x | +1524 | +4458x |
- baselinedf = baselines,+ realnames <- sapply(lst, obj_name) |
278 | -1571x | +1525 | +4458x |
- alt_dfpart = list(alt_dfpart),+ lstnames <- names(lst) |
279 | -1571x | +1526 | +4458x |
- func = allfuncs,+ if (is.null(lstnames)) { |
280 | -1571x | +1527 | +1912x |
- takesdf = takesdf,+ names(lst) <- realnames |
281 | -1571x | +1528 | +2546x |
- col_parent_inds = spl_context[, names(colexprs),+ } else if (!identical(realnames, lstnames)) { |
282 | -1571x | +1529 | +2546x |
- drop = FALSE+ names(lst) <- realnames |
283 | +1530 |
- ],- |
- ||
284 | -1571x | -
- all_col_exprs = list(colexprs),- |
- ||
285 | -1571x | -
- all_col_counts = list(colcounts),- |
- ||
286 | -1571x | -
- splextra = exargs,+ } |
287 | -1571x | +|||
1531 | +
- MoreArgs = list(+ |
288 | -1571x | +1532 | +4458x |
- dfpart = dfpart,+ lst |
289 | -1571x | +|||
1533 | +
- totcount = totcount,+ } |
290 | -1571x | +|||
1534 | +
- inclNAs = inclNAs,+ |
291 | -1571x | +|||
1535 | +
- spl_context = spl_context+ #' Table constructors and classes |
292 | +1536 |
- ),+ #' |
293 | -1571x | +|||
1537 | +
- SIMPLIFY = FALSE+ #' @inheritParams constr_args |
294 | +1538 |
- )+ #' @inheritParams gen_args |
295 | +1539 |
+ #' @inheritParams lyt_args |
296 | -1568x | +|||
1540 | +
- names(rawvals) <- names(colexprs)+ #' @param rspans (`data.frame`)\cr currently stored but otherwise ignored. |
297 | -1568x | +|||
1541 | +
- rawvals+ #' |
298 | +1542 |
- }+ #' @author Gabriel Becker |
299 | +1543 |
+ #' @export |
300 | +1544 |
- .strip_lst_rvals <- function(lst) {+ #' @rdname tabclasses |
301 | -! | +|||
1545 | +
- lapply(lst, rawvalues)+ ElementaryTable <- function(kids = list(), |
302 | +1546 |
- }+ name = "", |
303 | +1547 |
+ lev = 1L, |
304 | +1548 |
- #' @noRd+ label = "", |
305 | +1549 |
- #' @return A list of table rows, even when only one is generated.+ labelrow = LabelRow( |
306 | +1550 |
- .make_tablerows <- function(dfpart,+ lev = lev, |
307 | +1551 |
- alt_dfpart,+ label = label, |
308 | +1552 |
- func,+ vis = !isTRUE(iscontent) && |
309 | +1553 |
- cinfo,+ !is.na(label) && |
310 | +1554 |
- datcol = NULL,+ nzchar(label) |
311 | +1555 |
- lev = 1L,+ ), |
312 | +1556 |
- rvlab = NA_character_,+ rspans = data.frame(), |
313 | +1557 |
- format = NULL,+ cinfo = NULL, |
314 | +1558 |
- defrowlabs = NULL,+ iscontent = NA, |
315 | +1559 |
- rowconstr = DataRow,+ var = NA_character_, |
316 | +1560 |
- splextra = list(),+ format = NULL, |
317 | +1561 |
- takesdf = NULL,+ na_str = NA_character_, |
318 | +1562 |
- baselines = replicate(+ indent_mod = 0L, |
319 | +1563 |
- length(col_exprs(cinfo)),+ title = "", |
320 | +1564 |
- list(dfpart[0, ])+ subtitles = character(), |
321 | +1565 |
- ),+ main_footer = character(), |
322 | +1566 |
- inclNAs,+ prov_footer = character(), |
323 | +1567 |
- spl_context = context_df_row(cinfo = cinfo)) {+ header_section_div = NA_character_, |
324 | -1571x | +|||
1568 | +
- if (is.null(datcol) && !is.na(rvlab)) {+ hsep = default_hsep(), |
325 | -! | +|||
1569 | +
- stop("NULL datcol but non-na rowvar label")+ trailing_section_div = NA_character_, |
326 | +1570 |
- }+ inset = 0L) { |
327 | -1571x | +1571 | +3140x |
- if (!is.null(datcol) && !is.na(datcol)) {+ check_ok_label(label) |
328 | -1185x | +1572 | +3140x |
- if (!all(datcol %in% names(dfpart))) {+ if (is.null(cinfo)) { |
329 | +1573 | ! |
- stop(+ if (length(kids) > 0) { |
330 | +1574 | ! |
- "specified analysis variable (", datcol,+ cinfo <- col_info(kids[[1]])+ |
+ |
1575 | ++ |
+ } else { |
331 | +1576 | ! |
- ") not present in data"+ cinfo <- EmptyColInfo |
332 | +1577 |
- )+ } |
333 | +1578 |
- }+ } |
334 | +1579 | |||
335 | -1185x | +1580 | +3140x |
- rowvar <- datcol+ if (no_colinfo(labelrow)) {+ |
1581 | +1923x | +
+ col_info(labelrow) <- cinfo |
336 | +1582 |
- } else {+ } |
337 | -386x | +1583 | +3140x |
- rowvar <- NA_character_+ kids <- .enforce_valid_kids(kids, cinfo)+ |
1584 | +3140x | +
+ tab <- new("ElementaryTable",+ |
+ ||
1585 | +3140x | +
+ children = kids,+ |
+ ||
1586 | +3140x | +
+ name = .chkname(name),+ |
+ ||
1587 | +3140x | +
+ level = lev,+ |
+ ||
1588 | +3140x | +
+ labelrow = labelrow,+ |
+ ||
1589 | +3140x | +
+ rowspans = rspans,+ |
+ ||
1590 | +3140x | +
+ col_info = cinfo,+ |
+ ||
1591 | +3140x | +
+ var_analyzed = var, |
338 | +1592 |
- }+ ## XXX these are hardcoded, because they both get set during |
339 | +1593 |
+ ## set_format_recursive anyway |
340 | -1571x | +1594 | +3140x |
- rawvals <- gen_rowvalues(dfpart,+ format = NULL, |
341 | -1571x | +1595 | +3140x |
- alt_dfpart = alt_dfpart,+ na_str = NA_character_, |
342 | -1571x | +1596 | +3140x |
- datcol = datcol,+ table_inset = 0L, |
343 | -1571x | +1597 | +3140x |
- cinfo = cinfo,+ indent_modifier = as.integer(indent_mod), |
344 | -1571x | +1598 | +3140x |
- func = func,+ main_title = title, |
345 | -1571x | +1599 | +3140x |
- splextra = splextra,+ subtitles = subtitles, |
346 | -1571x | +1600 | +3140x |
- takesdf = takesdf,+ main_footer = main_footer, |
347 | -1571x | +1601 | +3140x |
- baselines = baselines,+ provenance_footer = prov_footer, |
348 | -1571x | +1602 | +3140x |
- inclNAs = inclNAs,+ horizontal_sep = hsep, |
349 | -1571x | +1603 | +3140x |
- spl_context = spl_context+ header_section_div = header_section_div,+ |
1604 | +3140x | +
+ trailing_section_div = trailing_section_div |
350 | +1605 |
) |
1606 | +3140x | +
+ tab <- set_format_recursive(tab, format, na_str, FALSE)+ |
+ ||
1607 | +3140x | +
+ table_inset(tab) <- as.integer(inset)+ |
+ ||
1608 | +3140x | +
+ tab+ |
+ ||
351 | +1609 |
+ } |
352 | +1610 |
- ## if(is.null(rvtypes))+ |
353 | +1611 |
- ## rvtypes = rep(NA_character_, length(rawvals))+ ttable_validity <- function(object) { |
354 | -1568x | +|||
1612 | +! |
- lens <- vapply(rawvals, length, NA_integer_)+ all(sapply( |
355 | -1568x | +|||
1613 | +! |
- unqlens <- unique(lens)+ tree_children(object), |
356 | -+ | |||
1614 | +! |
- ## length 0 returns are ok to not match cause they are+ function(x) is(x, "VTableTree") || is(x, "TableRow") |
357 | +1615 |
- ## just empty space we can fill in as needed.+ )) |
358 | -1568x | +|||
1616 | +
- if (length(unqlens[unqlens > 0]) != 1L) { ## length(unqlens) != 1 &&+ } |
359 | +1617 |
- ## (0 %in% unqlens && length(unqlens) != 2)) {+ |
360 | -1x | +|||
1618 | +
- stop(+ .calc_cinfo <- function(cinfo, cont, kids) { |
361 | -1x | +1619 | +2914x |
- "Number of rows generated by analysis function do not match ",+ if (!is.null(cinfo)) { |
362 | -1x | +1620 | +2914x |
- "across all columns. ",+ cinfo |
363 | -1x | +|||
1621 | +! |
- if (!is.na(datcol) && is.character(dfpart[[datcol]])) {+ } else if (!is.null(cont)) { |
364 | +1622 | ! |
- paste(+ col_info(cont) |
365 | +1623 | ! |
- "\nPerhaps convert analysis variable", datcol,+ } else if (length(kids) >= 1) { |
366 | +1624 | ! |
- "to a factor?"+ col_info(kids[[1]]) |
367 | +1625 |
- )+ } else { |
368 | -+ | |||
1626 | +! |
- }+ EmptyColInfo |
369 | +1627 |
- )+ } |
370 | +1628 |
- }+ } |
371 | -1567x | +|||
1629 | +
- maxind <- match(max(unqlens), lens)+ |
372 | +1630 |
+ ## under this model, non-leaf nodes can have a content table where rollup |
373 | +1631 |
- ## look if we got labels, if not apply the+ ## analyses live |
374 | +1632 |
- ## default row labels+ #' @exportClass TableTree |
375 | +1633 |
- ## this is guaranteed to be a RowsVerticalSection object.+ #' @rdname tabclasses |
376 | -1567x | +|||
1634 | +
- rv1col <- rawvals[[maxind]]+ setClass("TableTree", |
377 | +1635 |
- ## nocov start+ contains = c("VTableTree"), |
378 | +1636 |
- if (!is(rv1col, "RowsVerticalSection")) {+ representation( |
379 | +1637 |
- stop(+ content = "ElementaryTable", |
380 | +1638 |
- "gen_rowvalues appears to have generated something that was not ",+ page_title_prefix = "character" |
381 | +1639 |
- "a RowsVerticalSection object. Please contact the maintainer."+ ), |
382 | +1640 |
- )+ validity = ttable_validity |
383 | +1641 |
- }+ ) |
384 | +1642 |
- # nocov end+ |
385 | +1643 |
+ #' @export |
386 | -1567x | +|||
1644 | +
- labels <- value_labels(rv1col)+ #' @rdname tabclasses |
387 | +1645 |
+ TableTree <- function(kids = list(), |
388 | -1567x | +|||
1646 | +
- ncrows <- max(unqlens)+ name = if (!is.na(var)) var else "", |
389 | -1567x | +|||
1647 | +
- if (ncrows == 0) {+ cont = EmptyElTable, |
390 | -! | +|||
1648 | +
- return(list())+ lev = 1L, |
391 | +1649 |
- }+ label = name, |
392 | -1567x | +|||
1650 | +
- stopifnot(ncrows > 0)+ labelrow = LabelRow( |
393 | +1651 |
+ lev = lev, |
394 | -1567x | +|||
1652 | +
- if (is.null(labels)) {+ label = label, |
395 | -207x | +|||
1653 | +
- if (length(rawvals[[maxind]]) == length(defrowlabs)) {+ vis = nrow(cont) == 0 && !is.na(label) && |
396 | -199x | +|||
1654 | +
- labels <- defrowlabs+ nzchar(label) |
397 | +1655 |
- } else {+ ), |
398 | -8x | +|||
1656 | +
- labels <- rep("", ncrows)+ rspans = data.frame(), |
399 | +1657 |
- }+ iscontent = NA, |
400 | +1658 |
- }+ var = NA_character_, |
401 | +1659 |
+ cinfo = NULL, |
402 | -1567x | +|||
1660 | +
- rfootnotes <- rep(list(list(), length(rv1col)))+ format = NULL, |
403 | -1567x | +|||
1661 | +
- nms <- value_names(rv1col)+ na_str = NA_character_, |
404 | -1567x | +|||
1662 | +
- rfootnotes <- row_footnotes(rv1col)+ indent_mod = 0L, |
405 | +1663 |
+ title = "", |
406 | -1567x | +|||
1664 | +
- imods <- indent_mod(rv1col) ## rv1col@indent_mods+ subtitles = character(), |
407 | -1567x | +|||
1665 | +
- unwrapped_vals <- lapply(rawvals, as, Class = "list", strict = TRUE)+ main_footer = character(), |
408 | +1666 |
+ prov_footer = character(), |
409 | -1567x | +|||
1667 | +
- formatvec <- NULL+ page_title = NA_character_, |
410 | -1567x | +|||
1668 | +
- if (!is.null(format)) {+ hsep = default_hsep(), |
411 | -200x | +|||
1669 | +
- if (is.function(format)) {+ header_section_div = NA_character_, |
412 | -1x | +|||
1670 | +
- format <- list(format)+ trailing_section_div = NA_character_, |
413 | +1671 |
- }+ inset = 0L) { |
414 | -200x | +1672 | +2914x |
- formatvec <- rep(format, length.out = ncrows)+ check_ok_label(label) |
415 | -+ | |||
1673 | +2914x |
- }+ cinfo <- .calc_cinfo(cinfo, cont, kids) |
416 | +1674 | |||
417 | -1567x | +1675 | +2914x |
- trows <- lapply(1:ncrows, function(i) {+ kids <- .enforce_valid_kids(kids, cinfo) |
418 | -2532x | +1676 | +2914x |
- rowvals <- lapply(unwrapped_vals, function(colvals) {+ if (isTRUE(iscontent) && !is.null(cont) && nrow(cont) > 0) { |
419 | -9046x | +|||
1677 | +! |
- colvals[[i]]+ stop("Got table tree with content table and content position") |
420 | +1678 |
- })+ } |
421 | -2532x | +1679 | +2914x |
- imod <- unique(vapply(rowvals, indent_mod, 0L))+ if (no_colinfo(labelrow)) { |
422 | -2532x | +1680 | +1657x |
- if (length(imod) != 1) {+ col_info(labelrow) <- cinfo |
423 | -! | +|||
1681 | +
- stop(+ } |
424 | -! | +|||
1682 | +2914x |
- "Different cells in the same row appear to have been given ",+ if ((is.null(cont) || nrow(cont) == 0) && all(sapply(kids, is, "DataRow"))) {+ |
+ ||
1683 | +1200x | +
+ if (!is.na(page_title)) { |
425 | +1684 | ! |
- "different indent_mod values"+ stop("Got a page title prefix for an Elementary Table") |
426 | +1685 |
- )+ } |
427 | +1686 |
- }+ ## constructor takes care of recursive format application |
428 | -2532x | +1687 | +1200x |
- rowconstr(+ ElementaryTable( |
429 | -2532x | +1688 | +1200x |
- vals = rowvals,+ kids = kids, |
430 | -2532x | +1689 | +1200x |
- cinfo = cinfo,+ name = .chkname(name), |
431 | -2532x | +1690 | +1200x |
lev = lev, |
432 | -2532x | +1691 | +1200x |
- label = labels[i],+ labelrow = labelrow, |
433 | -2532x | +1692 | +1200x |
- name = nms[i], ## labels[i], ## XXX this is probably wrong?!+ rspans = rspans, |
434 | -2532x | +1693 | +1200x |
- var = rowvar,+ cinfo = cinfo, |
435 | -2532x | +1694 | +1200x |
- format = formatvec[[i]],+ var = var, |
436 | -2532x | +1695 | +1200x |
- indent_mod = imods[[i]] %||% 0L,+ format = format, |
437 | -2532x | +1696 | +1200x |
- footnotes = rfootnotes[[i]] ## one bracket so list+ na_str = na_str, |
438 | -+ | |||
1697 | +1200x |
- )+ indent_mod = indent_mod, |
439 | -+ | |||
1698 | +1200x |
- })+ title = title, |
440 | -1567x | +1699 | +1200x |
- trows+ subtitles = subtitles, |
441 | -+ | |||
1700 | +1200x |
- }+ main_footer = main_footer, |
442 | -+ | |||
1701 | +1200x |
+ prov_footer = prov_footer, |
443 | -+ | |||
1702 | +1200x |
- .make_caller <- function(parent_cfun, clabelstr = "") {+ hsep = hsep, |
444 | -480x | +1703 | +1200x |
- formalnms <- names(formals(parent_cfun))+ header_section_div = header_section_div, |
445 | -+ | |||
1704 | +1200x |
- ## note the <- here+ trailing_section_div = trailing_section_div, |
446 | -480x | +1705 | +1200x |
- if (!is.na(dotspos <- match("...", formalnms))) {+ inset = inset |
447 | -1x | +|||
1706 | +
- toremove <- dotspos+ ) |
448 | +1707 |
} else { |
449 | -479x | +1708 | +1714x |
- toremove <- NULL+ tab <- new("TableTree", |
450 | -+ | |||
1709 | +1714x |
- }+ content = cont, |
451 | -+ | |||
1710 | +1714x |
+ children = kids, |
452 | -480x | +1711 | +1714x |
- labelstrpos <- match("labelstr", names(formals(parent_cfun)))+ name = .chkname(name), |
453 | -480x | +1712 | +1714x |
- if (is.na(labelstrpos)) {+ level = lev, |
454 | -! | +|||
1713 | +1714x |
- stop(+ labelrow = labelrow, |
455 | -! | +|||
1714 | +1714x |
- "content function does not appear to accept the labelstr",+ rowspans = rspans, |
456 | -! | +|||
1715 | +1714x |
- "arguent"+ col_info = cinfo, |
457 | -+ | |||
1716 | +1714x |
- )+ format = NULL, |
458 | -+ | |||
1717 | +1714x |
- }+ na_str = na_str, |
459 | -480x | +1718 | +1714x |
- toremove <- c(toremove, labelstrpos)+ table_inset = 0L, |
460 | -480x | +1719 | +1714x |
- formalnms <- formalnms[-1 * toremove]+ indent_modifier = as.integer(indent_mod), |
461 | -+ | |||
1720 | +1714x |
+ main_title = title, |
462 | -480x | +1721 | +1714x |
- caller <- eval(parser_helper(text = paste(+ subtitles = subtitles, |
463 | -480x | +1722 | +1714x |
- "function() { parent_cfun(",+ main_footer = main_footer, |
464 | -480x | +1723 | +1714x |
- paste(formalnms, "=",+ provenance_footer = prov_footer, |
465 | -480x | +1724 | +1714x |
- formalnms,+ page_title_prefix = page_title, |
466 | -480x | +1725 | +1714x |
- collapse = ", "+ horizontal_sep = "-", |
467 | -+ | |||
1726 | +1714x |
- ),+ header_section_div = header_section_div, |
468 | -480x | +1727 | +1714x |
- ", labelstr = clabelstr, ...)}"+ trailing_section_div = trailing_section_div+ |
1728 | +1714x | +
+ ) ## this is overridden below to get recursiveness+ |
+ ||
1729 | +1714x | +
+ tab <- set_format_recursive(tab, format, na_str, FALSE) |
469 | +1730 |
- )))+ |
470 | -480x | +|||
1731 | +
- formals(caller) <- c(+ ## these is recursive |
471 | -480x | +|||
1732 | +
- formals(parent_cfun)[-labelstrpos],+ ## XXX combine these probably |
472 | -480x | +1733 | +1714x |
- alist("..." = )+ horizontal_sep(tab) <- hsep |
473 | -480x | +1734 | +1714x |
- ) # nolint+ table_inset(tab) <- as.integer(inset) |
474 | -480x | +1735 | +1714x |
- caller+ tab |
475 | +1736 | ++ |
+ }+ |
+ |
1737 |
} |
476 | +1738 | |||
477 | +1739 |
- # Makes content table xxx renaming+ ### Pre-Data Layout Declaration Classes |
478 | +1740 |
- .make_ctab <- function(df,+ ### |
479 | +1741 |
- lvl, ## treepos,+ ### Notably these are NOT represented as trees |
480 | +1742 |
- name,+ ### because without data we cannot know what the |
481 | +1743 |
- label,+ ### children should be. |
482 | +1744 |
- cinfo,+ |
483 | +1745 |
- parent_cfun = NULL,+ ## Vector (ordered list) of splits. |
484 | +1746 |
- format = NULL,+ ## |
485 | +1747 |
- na_str = NA_character_,+ ## This is a vector (ordered list) of splits to be |
486 | +1748 |
- indent_mod = 0L,+ ## applied recursively to the data when provided. |
487 | +1749 |
- cvar = NULL,+ ## |
488 | +1750 |
- inclNAs,+ ## For convenience, if this is length 1, it can contain |
489 | +1751 |
- alt_df,+ ## a pre-existing TableTree/ElementaryTable. |
490 | +1752 |
- extra_args,+ ## This is used for add_existing_table in colby_constructors.R |
491 | +1753 |
- spl_context = context_df_row(cinfo = cinfo)) {+ |
492 | -1834x | +|||
1754 | +
- if (length(cvar) == 0 || is.na(cvar) || identical(nchar(cvar), 0L)) {+ setClass("SplitVector", |
493 | -1665x | +|||
1755 | +
- cvar <- NULL+ contains = "list", |
494 | +1756 |
- }+ validity = function(object) { |
495 | -1834x | +|||
1757 | +
- if (!is.null(parent_cfun)) {+ if (length(object) >= 1) { |
496 | +1758 |
- ## cfunc <- .make_caller(parent_cfun, label)+ lst <- tail(object, 1)[[1]] |
497 | -469x | +|||
1759 | +
- cfunc <- lapply(parent_cfun, .make_caller, clabelstr = label)+ } else { |
498 | -469x | +|||
1760 | +
- contkids <- tryCatch(+ lst <- NULL |
499 | -469x | +|||
1761 | +
- .make_tablerows(df,+ } |
500 | -469x | +|||
1762 | +
- lev = lvl,+ all(sapply(head(object, -1), is, "Split")) && |
501 | -469x | +|||
1763 | +
- func = cfunc,+ (is.null(lst) || is(lst, "Split") || is(lst, "VTableNodeInfo")) |
502 | -469x | +|||
1764 | +
- cinfo = cinfo,+ } |
503 | -469x | +|||
1765 | +
- rowconstr = ContentRow,+ ) |
504 | -469x | +|||
1766 | +
- datcol = cvar,+ |
505 | -469x | +|||
1767 | +
- takesdf = rep(.takes_df(cfunc),+ SplitVector <- function(x = NULL, |
506 | -469x | +|||
1768 | +
- length.out = ncol(cinfo)+ ..., |
507 | +1769 |
- ),+ lst = list(...)) { |
508 | -469x | +1770 | +2538x |
- inclNAs = FALSE,+ if (!is.null(x)) { |
509 | -469x | +1771 | +459x |
- alt_dfpart = alt_df,+ lst <- unlist(c(list(x), lst), recursive = FALSE) |
510 | -469x | +|||
1772 | +
- splextra = extra_args,+ } |
511 | -469x | +1773 | +2538x |
- spl_context = spl_context+ new("SplitVector", lst) |
512 | +1774 |
- ),+ } |
513 | -469x | +|||
1775 | +
- error = function(e) e+ |
514 | +1776 |
- )+ avar_noneorlast <- function(vec) { |
515 | -469x | +1777 | +1026x |
- if (is(contkids, "error")) {+ if (!is(vec, "SplitVector")) {+ |
1778 | +! | +
+ return(FALSE)+ |
+ ||
1779 | ++ |
+ } |
516 | -1x | +1780 | +1026x |
- stop("Error in content (summary) function: ", contkids$message,+ if (length(vec) == 0) { |
517 | -1x | +1781 | +670x |
- "\n\toccured at path: ",+ return(TRUE)+ |
1782 | ++ |
+ } |
518 | -1x | +1783 | +356x |
- spl_context_to_disp_path(spl_context),+ isavar <- which(sapply(vec, is, "AnalyzeVarSplit")) |
519 | -1x | +1784 | +356x |
- call. = FALSE+ (length(isavar) == 0) || (length(isavar) == 1 && isavar == length(vec)) |
520 | +1785 |
- )+ } |
521 | +1786 |
- }+ |
522 | +1787 |
- } else {+ setClass("PreDataAxisLayout", |
523 | -1365x | +|||
1788 | +
- contkids <- list()+ contains = "list", |
524 | +1789 |
- }+ representation(root_split = "ANY"), |
525 | -1833x | +|||
1790 | +
- ctab <- ElementaryTable(+ validity = function(object) { |
526 | -1833x | +|||
1791 | +
- kids = contkids,+ allleafs <- unlist(object, recursive = TRUE) |
527 | -1833x | +|||
1792 | +
- name = paste0(name, "@content"),+ all(sapply(object, avar_noneorlast)) && |
528 | -1833x | +|||
1793 | +
- lev = lvl,+ all(sapply( |
529 | -1833x | +|||
1794 | +
- labelrow = LabelRow(),+ allleafs, |
530 | -1833x | +|||
1795 | +
- cinfo = cinfo,+ ## remember existing table trees can be added to layouts |
531 | -1833x | +|||
1796 | +
- iscontent = TRUE,+ ## for now... |
532 | -1833x | +|||
1797 | +
- format = format,+ function(x) is(x, "Split") || is(x, "VTableTree") |
533 | -1833x | +|||
1798 | +
- indent_mod = indent_mod,+ )) |
534 | -1833x | +|||
1799 | +
- na_str = na_str+ } |
535 | +1800 |
- )+ ) |
536 | -1833x | +|||
1801 | +
- ctab+ |
537 | +1802 |
- }+ setClass("PreDataColLayout", |
538 | +1803 |
+ contains = "PreDataAxisLayout", |
539 | +1804 |
- .make_analyzed_tab <- function(df,+ representation( |
540 | +1805 |
- alt_df,+ display_columncounts = "logical", |
541 | +1806 |
- spl,+ columncount_format = "FormatSpec" # "character" |
542 | +1807 |
- cinfo,+ ) |
543 | +1808 |
- partlabel = "",+ ) |
544 | +1809 |
- dolab = TRUE,+ |
545 | +1810 |
- lvl,+ setClass("PreDataRowLayout", contains = "PreDataAxisLayout") |
546 | +1811 |
- baselines,+ |
547 | +1812 |
- spl_context) {+ PreDataColLayout <- function(x = SplitVector(), |
548 | -1103x | +|||
1813 | +
- stopifnot(is(spl, "VAnalyzeSplit"))+ rtsp = RootSplit(), |
549 | -1103x | +|||
1814 | +
- check_validsplit(spl, df)+ ...,+ |
+ |||
1815 | ++ |
+ lst = list(x, ...),+ |
+ ||
1816 | ++ |
+ disp_colcounts = NA,+ |
+ ||
1817 | ++ |
+ colcount_format = "(N=xx)") { |
550 | -1102x | +1818 | +330x |
- defrlabel <- spl@default_rowlabel+ ret <- new("PreDataColLayout", lst, |
551 | -1102x | +1819 | +330x |
- if (nchar(defrlabel) == 0 && !missing(partlabel) && nchar(partlabel) > 0) {+ display_columncounts = disp_colcounts, |
552 | -! | +|||
1820 | +330x |
- defrlabel <- partlabel+ columncount_format = colcount_format |
553 | +1821 |
- }+ ) |
554 | -1102x | +1822 | +330x |
- kids <- tryCatch(+ ret@root_split <- rtsp |
555 | -1102x | +1823 | +330x |
- .make_tablerows(df,+ ret |
556 | -1102x | +|||
1824 | +
- func = analysis_fun(spl),+ } |
557 | -1102x | +|||
1825 | +
- defrowlabs = defrlabel, # XXX+ |
558 | -1102x | +|||
1826 | +
- cinfo = cinfo,+ PreDataRowLayout <- function(x = SplitVector(), |
559 | -1102x | +|||
1827 | +
- datcol = spl_payload(spl),+ root = RootSplit(), |
560 | -1102x | +|||
1828 | +
- lev = lvl + 1L,+ ..., |
561 | -1102x | +|||
1829 | +
- format = obj_format(spl),+ lst = list(x, ...)) { |
562 | -1102x | +1830 | +673x |
- splextra = split_exargs(spl),+ new("PreDataRowLayout", lst, root_split = root) |
563 | -1102x | +|||
1831 | +
- baselines = baselines,+ } |
564 | -1102x | +|||
1832 | +
- alt_dfpart = alt_df,+ |
565 | -1102x | +|||
1833 | +
- inclNAs = avar_inclNAs(spl),+ setClass("PreDataTableLayouts", |
566 | -1102x | +|||
1834 | +
- spl_context = spl_context+ contains = "VTitleFooter", |
567 | +1835 |
- ),+ representation( |
568 | -1102x | +|||
1836 | +
- error = function(e) e+ row_layout = "PreDataRowLayout", |
569 | +1837 |
- )+ col_layout = "PreDataColLayout", |
570 | +1838 |
+ top_left = "character", |
571 | +1839 |
- # Adding section_div for DataRows (analyze leaves)+ header_section_div = "character", |
572 | -1102x | +|||
1840 | +
- kids <- .set_kids_section_div(kids, spl_section_div(spl), "DataRow")+ top_level_section_div = "character", |
573 | +1841 |
+ table_inset = "integer" |
574 | -1102x | +|||
1842 | +
- if (is(kids, "error")) {+ ) |
575 | -3x | +|||
1843 | +
- stop("Error applying analysis function (var - ",+ ) |
576 | -3x | +|||
1844 | +
- spl_payload(spl) %||% "colvars", "): ", kids$message,+ |
577 | -3x | +|||
1845 | +
- "\n\toccured at (row) path: ",+ PreDataTableLayouts <- function(rlayout = PreDataRowLayout(), |
578 | -3x | +|||
1846 | +
- spl_context_to_disp_path(spl_context),+ clayout = PreDataColLayout(), |
579 | -3x | +|||
1847 | +
- call. = FALSE+ topleft = character(), |
580 | +1848 |
- )+ title = "", |
581 | +1849 |
- }+ subtitles = character(), |
582 | -1099x | +|||
1850 | +
- lab <- obj_label(spl)+ main_footer = character(), |
583 | -1099x | +|||
1851 | +
- ret <- TableTree(+ prov_footer = character(), |
584 | -1099x | +|||
1852 | +
- kids = kids,+ header_section_div = NA_character_, |
585 | -1099x | +|||
1853 | +
- name = obj_name(spl),+ top_level_section_div = NA_character_,+ |
+ |||
1854 | ++ |
+ table_inset = 0L) { |
586 | -1099x | +1855 | +330x |
- label = lab,+ new("PreDataTableLayouts", |
587 | -1099x | +1856 | +330x |
- lev = lvl,+ row_layout = rlayout, |
588 | -1099x | +1857 | +330x |
- cinfo = cinfo,+ col_layout = clayout, |
589 | -1099x | +1858 | +330x |
- format = obj_format(spl),+ top_left = topleft, |
590 | -1099x | +1859 | +330x |
- na_str = obj_na_str(spl),+ main_title = title, |
591 | -1099x | +1860 | +330x |
- indent_mod = indent_mod(spl)+ subtitles = subtitles, |
592 | -+ | |||
1861 | +330x |
- )+ main_footer = main_footer, |
593 | -+ | |||
1862 | +330x |
+ provenance_footer = prov_footer, |
594 | -1099x | +1863 | +330x |
- labelrow_visible(ret) <- dolab+ header_section_div = header_section_div, |
595 | -1099x | +1864 | +330x |
- ret+ top_level_section_div = top_level_section_div, |
596 | -+ | |||
1865 | +330x |
- }+ table_inset = table_inset |
597 | +1866 |
+ ) |
598 | +1867 |
- #' @param ... all arguments to `recurse_applysplit`, methods may only use some of them.+ } |
599 | +1868 |
- #' @return A `list` of children to place at this level.+ |
600 | +1869 |
- #'+ ## setClass("CellValue", contains = "ValueWrapper", |
601 | +1870 |
- #' @noRd+ ## representation(format = "FormatSpec", |
602 | +1871 |
- setGeneric(".make_split_kids", function(spl, have_controws, make_lrow, ...) {+ ## colspan = "integerOrNULL", |
603 | -1626x | +|||
1872 | +
- standardGeneric(".make_split_kids")+ ## label = "characterOrNULL"), |
604 | +1873 |
- })+ ## prototype = list(label ="", colspan = NULL, format = NULL)) |
605 | +1874 | |||
606 | +1875 |
- ## single AnalyzeSplit+ setOldClass("CellValue") |
607 | +1876 |
- setMethod(+ |
608 | +1877 |
- ".make_split_kids", "VAnalyzeSplit",+ #' Length of a Cell value |
609 | +1878 |
- function(spl,+ #' |
610 | +1879 |
- have_controws, ## unused here+ #' @param x (`CellValue`)\cr a `CellValue` object. |
611 | +1880 |
- make_lrow, ## unused here+ #' |
612 | +1881 |
- ...,+ #' @return Always returns `1L`. |
613 | +1882 |
- df,+ #' |
614 | +1883 |
- alt_df,+ #' @exportMethod length |
615 | +1884 |
- lvl,+ setMethod( |
616 | +1885 |
- name,+ "length", "CellValue", |
617 | -+ | |||
1886 | +! |
- cinfo,+ function(x) 1L |
618 | +1887 |
- baselines,+ ) |
619 | +1888 |
- spl_context,+ |
620 | +1889 |
- nsibs = 0) {+ setClass("RefFootnote", representation( |
621 | -1103x | +|||
1890 | +
- spvis <- labelrow_visible(spl)+ value = "character", |
622 | -1103x | +|||
1891 | +
- if (is.na(spvis)) {+ index = "integer", |
623 | -182x | +|||
1892 | +
- spvis <- nsibs > 0+ symbol = "character" |
624 | +1893 |
- }+ )) |
625 | +1894 | |||
626 | -1103x | +|||
1895 | +
- ret <- .make_analyzed_tab(+ RefFootnote <- function(note, index = NA_integer_, symbol = NA_character_) { |
627 | -1103x | +1896 | +56x |
- df = df,+ if (is(note, "RefFootnote")) { |
628 | -1103x | +1897 | +28x |
- alt_df,+ return(note) |
629 | -1103x | +1898 | +28x |
- spl = spl,+ } else if (length(note) == 0) { |
630 | -1103x | +|||
1899 | +! |
- cinfo = cinfo,+ return(NULL) |
631 | -1103x | +|||
1900 | +
- lvl = lvl + 1L,+ } |
632 | -1103x | +1901 | +28x |
- dolab = spvis,+ if (length(symbol) != 1L) { |
633 | -1103x | +|||
1902 | +! |
- partlabel = obj_label(spl),+ stop( |
634 | -1103x | +|||
1903 | +! |
- baselines = baselines,+ "Referential footnote can only have a single string as its index.", |
635 | -1103x | +|||
1904 | +! |
- spl_context = spl_context+ " Got char vector of length ", length(index) |
636 | +1905 |
) |
637 | -1099x | -
- indent_mod(ret) <- indent_mod(spl)- |
- ||
638 | +1906 | - - | -||
639 | -1099x | -
- kids <- list(ret)+ } |
640 | -1099x | +1907 | +28x |
- names(kids) <- obj_name(ret)+ if (!is.na(symbol) && (index == "NA" || grepl("[{}]", index))) { |
641 | -1099x | +|||
1908 | +! |
- kids+ stop( |
642 | -+ | |||
1909 | +! |
- }+ "The string 'NA' and strings containing '{' or '}' cannot be used as ", |
643 | -+ | |||
1910 | +! |
- )+ "referential footnote index symbols. Got string '", index, "'." |
644 | +1911 |
+ ) |
645 | +1912 |
- # Adding section_divisors to TableRow+ } |
646 | +1913 |
- .set_kids_section_div <- function(lst, trailing_section_div_char, allowed_class = "VTableTree") {+ |
647 | -1599x | +1914 | +28x |
- if (!is.na(trailing_section_div_char)) {+ new("RefFootnote", value = note, index = index, symbol = symbol) |
648 | -29x | +|||
1915 | +
- lst <- lapply(+ } |
649 | -29x | +|||
1916 | +
- lst,+ |
650 | -29x | +|||
1917 | +
- function(k) {+ #' Constructor for Cell Value |
651 | -70x | +|||
1918 | +
- if (is(k, allowed_class)) {+ #' |
652 | -70x | +|||
1919 | +
- trailing_section_div(k) <- trailing_section_div_char+ #' @inheritParams lyt_args |
653 | +1920 |
- }+ #' @inheritParams rcell |
654 | -70x | +|||
1921 | +
- k+ #' @param val (`ANY`)\cr value in the cell exactly as it should be passed to a formatter or returned when extracted. |
655 | +1922 |
- }+ #' |
656 | +1923 |
- )+ #' @return An object representing the value within a single cell within a populated table. The underlying structure |
657 | +1924 |
- }+ #' of this object is an implementation detail and should not be relied upon beyond calling accessors for the class. |
658 | -1599x | +|||
1925 | +
- lst+ #' |
659 | +1926 |
- }+ #' @export |
660 | +1927 | |||
661 | +1928 |
- ## 1 or more AnalyzeSplits+ ## Class definition |
662 | +1929 |
- setMethod(+ ## [[1]] list: cell value |
663 | +1930 |
- ".make_split_kids", "AnalyzeMultiVars",+ ## format : format for cell |
664 | +1931 |
- function(spl,+ ## colspan: column span info for cell |
665 | +1932 |
- have_controws,+ ## label: row label to be used for parent row |
666 | +1933 |
- make_lrow, ## used here+ ## indent_mod: indent modifier to be used for parent row |
667 | +1934 |
- spl_context,+ CellValue <- function(val, format = NULL, colspan = 1L, label = NULL, |
668 | +1935 |
- ...) { ## all passed directly down to VAnalyzeSplit method- |
- ||
669 | -98x | -
- avspls <- spl_payload(spl)+ indent_mod = NULL, footnotes = NULL, |
670 | +1936 |
+ align = NULL, format_na_str = NULL, stat_names = NA_character_) { |
671 | -98x | -
- nspl <- length(avspls)- |
- ||
672 | -+ | 1937 | +13451x |
+ if (is.null(colspan)) { |
673 | -98x | +|||
1938 | +! |
- kids <- unlist(lapply(avspls,+ colspan <- 1L |
674 | -98x | +|||
1939 | +
- .make_split_kids,+ } |
675 | -98x | +1940 | +13451x |
- nsibs = nspl - 1,+ if (!is.null(colspan) && !is(colspan, "integer")) { |
676 | -98x | +1941 | +10x |
- have_controws = have_controws,+ colspan <- as.integer(colspan) |
677 | -98x | +|||
1942 | +
- make_lrow = make_lrow,+ } |
678 | -98x | +|||
1943 | +
- spl_context = spl_context,+ ## if we're not given a label but the value has one associated with |
679 | +1944 |
- ...+ ## it we use that. |
680 | +1945 |
- ))+ ## NB: we need to be able to override a non-empty label with an empty one |
681 | +1946 |
+ ## so we can't have "" mean "not given a label" here |
682 | -98x | +1947 | +13451x |
- kids <- .set_kids_section_div(kids, spl_section_div(spl), "VTableTree")+ if ((is.null(label) || is.na(label)) && !is.null(obj_label(val))) { |
683 | -+ | |||
1948 | +2x |
+ label <- obj_label(val) |
684 | +1949 |
- ## XXX this seems like it should be identical not !identical+ } |
685 | -+ | |||
1950 | +13451x |
- ## TODO FIXME+ if (!is.list(footnotes)) { |
686 | -98x | +1951 | +9x |
- if (!identical(make_lrow, FALSE) && !have_controws && length(kids) == 1) {+ footnotes <- lapply(footnotes, RefFootnote) |
687 | +1952 |
- ## we only analyzed one var so+ } |
688 | -+ | |||
1953 | +13451x |
- ## we don't need an extra wrapper table+ check_ok_label(label) |
689 | -+ | |||
1954 | +13451x |
- ## in the structure+ ret <- structure(list(val), |
690 | -! | +|||
1955 | +13451x |
- stopifnot(identical(- |
- ||
691 | -! | -
- obj_name(kids[[1]]),+ format = format, colspan = colspan, |
692 | -! | +|||
1956 | +13451x |
- spl_payload(spl)+ label = label, |
693 | -+ | |||
1957 | +13451x |
- ))+ indent_mod = indent_mod, footnotes = footnotes, |
694 | -! | +|||
1958 | +13451x |
- return(kids[[1]])+ align = align, |
695 | -+ | |||
1959 | +13451x |
- }+ format_na_str = format_na_str, |
696 | -+ | |||
1960 | +13451x |
- ## this will be the variables+ stat_names = stat_names, |
697 | -+ | |||
1961 | +13451x |
- ## nms = sapply(spl_payload(spl), spl_payload)+ class = "CellValue" |
698 | +1962 |
+ ) |
699 | -98x | +1963 | +13451x |
- nms <- vapply(kids, obj_name, "")+ ret |
700 | -98x | +|||
1964 | +
- labs <- vapply(kids, obj_label, "")+ } |
701 | -98x | +|||
1965 | +
- if (length(unique(nms)) != length(nms) && length(unique(nms)) != length(nms)) {+ |
702 | -1x | +|||
1966 | +
- warning("Non-unique sibling analysis table names. Using Labels ",+ #' @method print CellValue |
703 | -1x | +|||
1967 | +
- "instead. Use the table_names argument to analyze to avoid ",+ #' |
704 | -1x | +|||
1968 | +
- "this when analyzing the same variable multiple times.",+ #' @export |
705 | -1x | +|||
1969 | +
- "\n\toccured at (row) path: ",+ print.CellValue <- function(x, ...) { |
706 | -1x | +|||
1970 | +! |
- spl_context_to_disp_path(spl_context),+ cat(paste("rcell:", format_rcell(x), "\n")) |
707 | -1x | +|||
1971 | +! |
- call. = FALSE+ invisible(x) |
708 | +1972 |
- )- |
- ||
709 | -1x | -
- kids <- mapply(function(k, nm) {+ } |
710 | -2x | +|||
1973 | +
- obj_name(k) <- nm+ |
711 | -2x | +|||
1974 | +
- k+ ## too slow |
712 | -1x | +|||
1975 | +
- }, k = kids, nm = labs, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)+ # setClass("RowsVerticalSection", contains = "list", |
713 | -1x | +|||
1976 | +
- nms <- labs+ # representation = list(row_names = "characterOrNULL", |
714 | +1977 |
- }+ # row_labels = "characterOrNULL", |
715 | +1978 |
+ # row_formats = "ANY", |
716 | -98x | +|||
1979 | +
- nms[is.na(nms)] <- ""+ # indent_mods = "integerOrNULL")) |
717 | +1980 | |||
718 | -98x | +|||
1981 | +
- names(kids) <- nms+ setOldClass("RowsVerticalSection") |
719 | -98x | +|||
1982 | +
- kids+ RowsVerticalSection <- function(values, |
720 | +1983 |
- }+ names = names(values), |
721 | +1984 |
- )+ labels = NULL, |
722 | +1985 |
+ indent_mods = NULL, |
723 | +1986 |
- setMethod(+ formats = NULL, |
724 | +1987 |
- ".make_split_kids", "Split",+ footnotes = NULL, |
725 | +1988 |
- function(spl,+ format_na_strs = NULL) { |
726 | -+ | |||
1989 | +6148x |
- have_controws,+ stopifnot(is(values, "list")) |
727 | +1990 |
- make_lrow,+ ## innernms <- value_names(values) |
728 | +1991 |
- ...,+ |
729 | -+ | |||
1992 | +6148x |
- splvec, ## passed to recursive_applysplit+ if (is.null(labels)) { |
730 | -+ | |||
1993 | +2849x |
- df, ## used to apply split+ labels <- names(values) |
731 | +1994 |
- alt_df, ## used to apply split for alternative df+ } |
732 | -+ | |||
1995 | +6148x |
- lvl, ## used to calculate innerlev+ if (is.null(names) && all(nzchar(labels))) { |
733 | -+ | |||
1996 | +3341x |
- cinfo, ## used for sanity check+ names <- labels |
734 | -+ | |||
1997 | +2807x |
- baselines, ## used to calc new baselines+ } else if (is.null(labels) && !is.null(names)) {+ |
+ ||
1998 | +15x | +
+ labels <- names |
735 | +1999 |
- spl_context) {+ } |
736 | +2000 |
- ## do the core splitting of data into children for this split+ |
737 | -425x | +2001 | +6148x |
- rawpart <- do_split(spl, df, spl_context = spl_context)+ if (!is.null(indent_mods)) { |
738 | -414x | +2002 | +68x |
- dataspl <- rawpart[["datasplit"]]+ indent_mods <- as.integer(indent_mods) |
739 | +2003 |
- ## these are SplitValue objects+ } |
740 | -414x | +2004 | +6148x |
- splvals <- rawpart[["values"]]+ check_ok_label(labels, multi_ok = TRUE) |
741 | -414x | +2005 | +6147x |
- partlabels <- rawpart[["labels"]]+ structure(values, |
742 | -414x | +2006 | +6147x |
- if (is.factor(partlabels)) {+ class = "RowsVerticalSection", row_names = names, |
743 | -! | +|||
2007 | +6147x |
- partlabels <- as.character(partlabels)+ row_labels = labels, indent_mods = indent_mods, |
744 | -+ | |||
2008 | +6147x |
- }+ row_formats = formats, |
745 | -414x | +2009 | +6147x |
- nms <- unlist(value_names(splvals))+ row_na_strs = format_na_strs, |
746 | -414x | +2010 | +6147x |
- if (is.factor(nms)) {+ row_footnotes = lapply( |
747 | -! | +|||
2011 | +6147x |
- nms <- as.character(nms)+ footnotes, |
748 | +2012 |
- }+ ## cause each row needs to accept |
749 | +2013 |
+ ## a *list* of row footnotes |
750 | -+ | |||
2014 | +6147x |
- ## Get new baseline values+ function(fns) lapply(fns, RefFootnote) |
751 | +2015 |
- ##+ ) |
752 | +2016 |
- ## XXX this is a lot of data churn, if it proves too slow+ ) |
753 | +2017 |
- ## we can+ } |
754 | +2018 |
- ## a) check if any of the analyses (i.e. the afuns) need the baseline in this+ |
755 | +2019 |
- ## splitvec and not do any of this if not, or+ #' @method print RowsVerticalSection |
756 | +2020 |
- ## b) refactor row splitting to behave like column splitting+ #' |
757 | +2021 |
- ##+ #' @export |
758 | +2022 |
- ## (b) seems the better design but is a major reworking of the guts of how+ print.RowsVerticalSection <- function(x, ...) { |
759 | -+ | |||
2023 | +1x |
- ## rtables tabulation works+ cat("RowsVerticalSection (in_rows) object print method:\n-------------------", |
760 | -+ | |||
2024 | +1x |
- ## (a) will only help if analyses that use baseline+ "---------\n",+ |
+ ||
2025 | +1x | +
+ sep = "" |
761 | +2026 |
- ## info are mixed with those who don't.+ ) |
762 | -414x | +2027 | +1x |
- newbl_raw <- lapply(baselines, function(dat) {+ print(data.frame( |
763 | -+ | |||
2028 | +1x |
- # If no ref_group is specified+ row_name = attr(x, "row_names", exact = TRUE), |
764 | -1481x | +2029 | +1x |
- if (is.null(dat)) {+ formatted_cell = vapply(x, format_rcell, character(1)), |
765 | -1461x | +2030 | +1x |
- return(NULL)+ indent_mod = indent_mod(x), ## vapply(x, indent_mod, numeric(1)), |
766 | -+ | |||
2031 | +1x |
- }+ row_label = attr(x, "row_labels", exact = TRUE), |
767 | -+ | |||
2032 | +1x |
+ stringsAsFactors = FALSE, |
768 | -+ | |||
2033 | +1x |
- ## apply the same splitting on the+ row.names = NULL |
769 | -20x | +2034 | +1x |
- bldataspl <- tryCatch(do_split(spl, dat, spl_context = spl_context)[["datasplit"]],+ ), row.names = TRUE) |
770 | -20x | +2035 | +1x |
- error = function(e) e+ invisible(x) |
771 | +2036 |
- )+ } |
772 | +2037 | |||
773 | +2038 |
- # Error localization+ #### Empty default objects to avoid repeated calls |
774 | -20x | +|||
2039 | +
- if (is(bldataspl, "error")) {+ ## EmptyColInfo <- InstantiatedColumnInfo() |
775 | -! | +|||
2040 | +
- stop("Following error encountered in splitting .ref_group (baselines): ",+ ## EmptyElTable <- ElementaryTable() |
776 | -! | +|||
2041 | +
- bldataspl$message,+ ## EmptyRootSplit <- RootSplit() |
777 | -! | +|||
2042 | +
- call. = FALSE+ ## EmptyAllSplit <- AllSplit() |
778 | +1 |
- )+ # Generics and how they are used directly ------------------------------------- |
779 | +2 |
- }+ |
780 | +3 |
+ ## check_validsplit - Check if the split is valid for the data, error if not |
781 | +4 |
- ## we only keep the ones corresponding with actual data splits+ |
782 | -20x | +|||
5 | +
- res <- lapply(+ ## .apply_spl_extras - Generate Extras |
783 | -20x | +|||
6 | +
- names(dataspl),+ |
784 | -20x | +|||
7 | +
- function(nm) {+ ## .apply_spl_datapart - generate data partition |
785 | -52x | +|||
8 | +
- if (nm %in% names(bldataspl)) {+ |
786 | -52x | +|||
9 | +
- bldataspl[[nm]]+ ## .apply_spl_rawvals - Generate raw (i.e. non SplitValue object) partition values |
787 | +10 |
- } else {+ |
788 | -! | +|||
11 | +
- dataspl[[1]][0, ]+ setGeneric( |
789 | +12 |
- }+ ".applysplit_rawvals",+ |
+ ||
13 | +1007x | +
+ function(spl, df) standardGeneric(".applysplit_rawvals") |
790 | +14 |
- }+ ) |
791 | +15 |
- )+ |
792 | +16 |
+ setGeneric( |
793 | -20x | +|||
17 | +
- names(res) <- names(dataspl)+ ".applysplit_datapart", |
794 | -20x | +18 | +1082x |
- res+ function(spl, df, vals) standardGeneric(".applysplit_datapart") |
795 | +19 |
- })+ ) |
796 | +20 | |||
797 | -414x | +|||
21 | +
- newbaselines <- lapply(names(dataspl), function(nm) {+ setGeneric( |
798 | -1234x | +|||
22 | +
- lapply(newbl_raw, function(rawdat) {+ ".applysplit_extras", |
799 | -4384x | +23 | +1082x |
- if (nm %in% names(rawdat)) {+ function(spl, df, vals) standardGeneric(".applysplit_extras") |
800 | -52x | +|||
24 | +
- rawdat[[nm]]+ ) |
801 | +25 |
- } else {+ |
802 | -4332x | +|||
26 | +
- rawdat[[1]][0, ]+ setGeneric( |
803 | +27 |
- }+ ".applysplit_partlabels", |
804 | -+ | |||
28 | +1079x |
- })+ function(spl, df, vals, labels) standardGeneric(".applysplit_partlabels") |
805 | +29 |
- })+ ) |
806 | +30 | |||
807 | -414x | +|||
31 | +
- if (length(newbaselines) != length(dataspl)) {+ setGeneric( |
808 | -! | +|||
32 | +
- stop(+ "check_validsplit", |
809 | -! | +|||
33 | +2259x |
- "Baselines (ref_group) after row split does not have",+ function(spl, df) standardGeneric("check_validsplit") |
810 | -! | +|||
34 | +
- " the same number of levels of input data split. ",+ ) |
811 | -! | +|||
35 | +
- "Contact the maintainer."+ |
812 | -! | +|||
36 | +
- ) # nocov+ setGeneric( |
813 | +37 |
- }+ ".applysplit_ref_vals", |
814 | -414x | +38 | +17x |
- if (!(length(newbaselines) == 0 ||+ function(spl, df, vals) standardGeneric(".applysplit_ref_vals") |
815 | -414x | +|||
39 | +
- identical(+ ) |
816 | -414x | +|||
40 | +
- unique(sapply(newbaselines, length)),+ # Custom split fncs ------------------------------------------------------------ |
817 | -414x | +|||
41 | +
- length(col_exprs(cinfo))+ #' Custom split functions |
818 | +42 |
- ))) {+ #' |
819 | -! | +|||
43 | +
- stop(+ #' Split functions provide the work-horse for `rtables`'s generalized partitioning. These functions accept a (sub)set |
820 | -! | +|||
44 | +
- "Baselines (ref_group) do not have the same number of columns",+ #' of incoming data and a split object, and return "splits" of that data. |
821 | -! | +|||
45 | +
- " in each split. Contact the maintainer."+ #' |
822 | -! | +|||
46 | +
- ) # nocov+ #' @section Custom Splitting Function Details: |
823 | +47 |
- }+ #' |
824 | +48 |
+ #' User-defined custom split functions can perform any type of computation on the incoming data provided that they |
825 | +49 |
- # If params are not present do not do the calculation+ #' meet the requirements for generating "splits" of the incoming data based on the split object. |
826 | -414x | +|||
50 | +
- acdf_param <- check_afun_cfun_params(+ #' |
827 | -414x | +|||
51 | +
- SplitVector(spl, splvec),+ #' Split functions are functions that accept: |
828 | -414x | +|||
52 | +
- c(".alt_df", ".alt_df_row")+ #' \describe{ |
829 | +53 |
- )+ #' \item{df}{a `data.frame` of incoming data to be split.} |
830 | +54 |
+ #' \item{spl}{a Split object. This is largely an internal detail custom functions will not need to worry about, |
831 | +55 |
- # Apply same split for alt_counts_df+ #' but `obj_name(spl)`, for example, will give the name of the split as it will appear in paths in the resulting |
832 | -414x | +|||
56 | +
- if (!is.null(alt_df) && any(acdf_param)) {+ #' table.} |
833 | -17x | +|||
57 | +
- alt_dfpart <- tryCatch(+ #' \item{vals}{any pre-calculated values. If given non-`NULL` values, the values returned should match these. |
834 | -17x | +|||
58 | +
- do_split(spl, alt_df,+ #' Should be `NULL` in most cases and can usually be ignored.} |
835 | -17x | +|||
59 | +
- spl_context = spl_context+ #' \item{labels}{any pre-calculated value labels. Same as above for `values`.} |
836 | -17x | +|||
60 | +
- )[["datasplit"]],+ #' \item{trim}{if `TRUE`, resulting splits that are empty are removed.} |
837 | -17x | +|||
61 | +
- error = function(e) e+ #' \item{(optional) .spl_context}{a `data.frame` describing previously performed splits which collectively |
838 | +62 |
- )+ #' arrived at `df`.} |
839 | +63 |
+ #' } |
840 | +64 |
- # Removing NA rows - to explore why this happens at all in a split+ #' |
841 | +65 |
- # This would be a fix but it is done in post-processing instead of pre-proc -> xxx+ #' The function must then output a named `list` with the following elements: |
842 | +66 |
- # x alt_dfpart <- lapply(alt_dfpart, function(data) {+ #' |
843 | +67 |
- # x data[!apply(is.na(data), 1, all), ]+ #' \describe{ |
844 | +68 |
- # x })+ #' \item{values}{the vector of all values corresponding to the splits of `df`.} |
845 | +69 |
+ #' \item{datasplit}{a list of `data.frame`s representing the groupings of the actual observations from `df`.} |
846 | +70 |
- # Error localization+ #' \item{labels}{a character vector giving a string label for each value listed in the `values` element above.} |
847 | -17x | +|||
71 | +
- if (is(alt_dfpart, "error")) {+ #' \item{(optional) extras}{if present, extra arguments are to be passed to summary and analysis functions |
848 | -2x | +|||
72 | +
- stop("Following error encountered in splitting alt_counts_df: ",+ #' whenever they are executed on the corresponding element of `datasplit` or a subset thereof.} |
849 | -2x | +|||
73 | +
- alt_dfpart$message,+ #' } |
850 | -2x | +|||
74 | +
- call. = FALSE+ #' |
851 | +75 |
- )+ #' One way to generate custom splitting functions is to wrap existing split functions and modify either the incoming |
852 | +76 |
- }+ #' data before they are called or their outputs. |
853 | +77 |
- # Error if split does not have the same values in the alt_df (and order)+ #' |
854 | +78 |
- # The following breaks if there are different levels (do_split returns empty list)+ #' @seealso [make_split_fun()] for the API for creating custom split functions, and [split_funcs] for a variety of |
855 | +79 |
- # or if there are different number of the same levels. Added handling of NAs+ #' pre-defined split functions. |
856 | +80 |
- # in the values of the factor when is all only NAs+ #' |
857 | -15x | +|||
81 | +
- is_all_na <- all(is.na(alt_df[[spl_payload(spl)]]))+ #' @examples |
858 | +82 |
+ #' # Example of a picky split function. The number of values in the column variable |
859 | -15x | +|||
83 | +
- if (!all(names(dataspl) %in% names(alt_dfpart)) || length(alt_dfpart) != length(dataspl) || is_all_na) {+ #' # var decrees if we are going to print also the column with all observation |
860 | -5x | +|||
84 | +
- alt_df_spl_vals <- unique(alt_df[[spl_payload(spl)]])+ #' # or not. |
861 | -5x | +|||
85 | +
- end_part <- ""+ #' |
862 | +86 |
+ #' picky_splitter <- function(var) { |
863 | -5x | +|||
87 | +
- if (!all(alt_df_spl_vals %in% levels(alt_df_spl_vals))) {+ #' # Main layout function |
864 | -2x | +|||
88 | +
- end_part <- paste0(+ #' function(df, spl, vals, labels, trim) { |
865 | -2x | +|||
89 | +
- " and following levels: ",+ #' orig_vals <- vals |
866 | -2x | +|||
90 | +
- paste_vec(levels(alt_df_spl_vals))+ #' |
867 | +91 |
- )+ #' # Check for number of levels if all are selected |
868 | +92 |
- }+ #' if (is.null(vals)) { |
869 | +93 |
+ #' vec <- df[[var]] |
870 | -5x | +|||
94 | +
- if (is_all_na) {+ #' vals <- unique(vec) |
871 | -2x | +|||
95 | +
- end_part <- ". Found only NAs in alt_counts_df split"+ #' } |
872 | +96 |
- }+ #' |
873 | +97 |
+ #' # Do a split with or without All obs |
874 | -5x | +|||
98 | +
- stop(+ #' if (length(vals) == 1) { |
875 | -5x | +|||
99 | +
- "alt_counts_df split variable(s) [", spl_payload(spl),+ #' do_base_split(spl = spl, df = df, vals = vals, labels = labels, trim = trim) |
876 | -5x | +|||
100 | +
- "] (in split ", as.character(class(spl)),+ #' } else { |
877 | -5x | +|||
101 | +
- ") does not have the same factor levels of df.\ndf has c(", '"',+ #' fnc_tmp <- add_overall_level("Overall", label = "All Obs", first = FALSE) |
878 | -5x | +|||
102 | +
- paste(names(dataspl), collapse = '", "'), '"', ") levels while alt_counts_df has ",+ #' fnc_tmp(df = df, spl = spl, vals = orig_vals, trim = trim) |
879 | -5x | +|||
103 | +
- ifelse(length(alt_df_spl_vals) > 0, paste_vec(alt_df_spl_vals), ""),+ #' } |
880 | -5x | +|||
104 | +
- " unique values", end_part+ #' } |
881 | +105 |
- )+ #' } |
882 | +106 |
- }+ #' |
883 | +107 |
- } else {+ #' # Data sub-set |
884 | -397x | +|||
108 | +
- alt_dfpart <- setNames(rep(list(NULL), length(dataspl)), names(dataspl))+ #' d1 <- subset(ex_adsl, ARM == "A: Drug X" | (ARM == "B: Placebo" & SEX == "F")) |
885 | +109 |
- }+ #' d1 <- subset(d1, SEX %in% c("M", "F")) |
886 | +110 |
+ #' d1$SEX <- factor(d1$SEX) |
887 | +111 |
+ #' |
888 | -407x | +|||
112 | +
- innerlev <- lvl + (have_controws || is.na(make_lrow) || make_lrow)+ #' # This table uses the number of values in the SEX column to add the overall col or not |
889 | +113 |
- ## do full recursive_applysplit on each part of the split defined by spl+ #' lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
890 | -407x | +|||
114 | +
- inner <- unlist(mapply(+ #' split_cols_by("ARM", split_fun = drop_split_levels) %>% |
891 | -407x | +|||
115 | +
- function(dfpart, alt_dfpart, nm, label, baselines, splval) {+ #' split_cols_by("SEX", split_fun = picky_splitter("SEX")) %>% |
892 | -1192x | +|||
116 | +
- rsplval <- context_df_row(+ #' analyze("AGE", show_labels = "visible") |
893 | -1192x | +|||
117 | +
- split = obj_name(spl),+ #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, d1) |
894 | -1192x | +|||
118 | +
- value = value_names(splval),+ #' tbl |
895 | -1192x | +|||
119 | +
- full_parent_df = list(dfpart),+ #' |
896 | -1192x | +|||
120 | +
- cinfo = cinfo+ #' @name custom_split_funs |
897 | +121 |
- )+ NULL |
898 | +122 | |||
899 | +123 |
- ## if(length(rsplval) > 0)+ ## do various cleaning, and naming, plus |
900 | +124 |
- ## rsplval <- setNames(rsplval, obj_name(spl))+ ## ensure partinfo$values contains SplitValue objects only |
901 | -1192x | +|||
125 | +
- recursive_applysplit(+ .fixupvals <- function(partinfo) { |
902 | -1192x | +126 | +1109x |
- df = dfpart,+ if (is.factor(partinfo$labels)) { |
903 | -1192x | +|||
127 | +! |
- alt_df = alt_dfpart,+ partinfo$labels <- as.character(partinfo$labels) |
904 | -1192x | +|||
128 | +
- name = nm,+ } |
905 | -1192x | +|||
129 | +
- lvl = innerlev,+ |
906 | -1192x | +130 | +1109x |
- splvec = splvec,+ vals <- partinfo$values |
907 | -1192x | +131 | +1109x |
- cinfo = cinfo,+ if (is.factor(vals)) { |
908 | -1192x | +|||
132 | +! |
- make_lrow = label_kids(spl),+ vals <- levels(vals)[vals] |
909 | -1192x | +|||
133 | +
- parent_cfun = content_fun(spl),+ } |
910 | -1192x | +134 | +1109x |
- cformat = content_format(spl),+ extr <- partinfo$extras |
911 | -1192x | +135 | +1109x |
- cna_str = content_na_str(spl),+ dpart <- partinfo$datasplit |
912 | -1192x | +136 | +1109x |
- partlabel = label,+ labels <- partinfo$labels |
913 | -1192x | +137 | +1109x |
- cindent_mod = content_indent_mod(spl),+ if (is.null(labels)) { |
914 | -1192x | +|||
138 | +! |
- cvar = content_var(spl),+ if (!is.null(names(vals))) { |
915 | -1192x | +|||
139 | +! |
- baselines = baselines,+ labels <- names(vals) |
916 | -1192x | +|||
140 | +! |
- cextra_args = content_extra_args(spl),+ } else if (!is.null(names(dpart))) { |
917 | -+ | |||
141 | +! |
- ## splval should still be retaining its name+ labels <- names(dpart) |
918 | -1192x | +|||
142 | +! |
- spl_context = rbind(spl_context, rsplval)+ } else if (!is.null(names(extr))) {+ |
+ ||
143 | +! | +
+ labels <- names(extr) |
919 | +144 |
- )+ } |
920 | +145 |
- },+ } |
921 | -407x | +|||
146 | +
- dfpart = dataspl,+ |
922 | -407x | +147 | +1109x |
- alt_dfpart = alt_dfpart,+ subsets <- partinfo$subset_exprs |
923 | -407x | +148 | +1109x |
- label = partlabels,+ if (is.null(subsets)) { |
924 | -407x | +149 | +1093x |
- nm = nms,+ subsets <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(vals)) |
925 | -407x | +|||
150 | +
- baselines = newbaselines,+ ## use labels here cause we already did all that work |
926 | -407x | +|||
151 | +
- splval = splvals,+ ## to get the names on the labels vector right |
927 | -407x | +152 | +1093x |
- SIMPLIFY = FALSE+ names(subsets) <- names(labels) |
928 | +153 |
- ))+ } |
929 | +154 | |||
155 | +1109x | +
+ if (is.null(vals) && !is.null(extr)) {+ |
+ ||
156 | +! | +
+ vals <- seq_along(extr)+ |
+ ||
930 | +157 |
- # Setting the kids section separator if they inherits VTableTree+ } |
931 | -399x | +|||
158 | +
- inner <- .set_kids_section_div(+ |
932 | -399x | +159 | +1109x |
- inner,+ if (length(vals) == 0) { |
933 | -399x | +160 | +13x |
- trailing_section_div_char = spl_section_div(spl),+ stopifnot(length(extr) == 0) |
934 | -399x | +161 | +13x |
- allowed_class = "VTableTree"+ return(partinfo) |
935 | +162 |
- )+ } |
936 | +163 |
+ ## length(vals) > 0 from here down |
937 | +164 |
- ## This is where we need to build the structural tables+ |
938 | -+ | |||
165 | +1096x |
- ## even if they are invisible because their labels are not+ if (are(vals, "SplitValue") && !are(vals, "LevelComboSplitValue")) {+ |
+ ||
166 | +22x | +
+ if (!is.null(extr)) { |
939 | +167 |
- ## not shown.+ ## in_ref_cols is in here for some reason even though its already in the SplitValue object. |
940 | -399x | +|||
168 | +
- innertab <- TableTree(+ ## https://github.com/insightsengineering/rtables/issues/707#issuecomment-1678810598 |
941 | -399x | +|||
169 | +
- kids = inner,+ ## the if is a bandaid. |
942 | -399x | +|||
170 | +
- name = obj_name(spl),+ ## XXX FIXME RIGHT |
943 | -399x | +171 | +3x |
- labelrow = LabelRow(+ sq <- seq_along(vals) |
944 | -399x | +172 | +3x |
- label = obj_label(spl),+ if (any(vapply(sq, function(i) !all(names(extr[[i]]) %in% names(splv_extra(vals[[i]]))), TRUE))) { |
945 | -399x | +|||
173 | +! |
- vis = isTRUE(vis_label(spl))+ warning( |
946 | -+ | |||
174 | +! |
- ),+ "Got a partinfo list with values that are ", |
947 | -399x | +|||
175 | +! |
- cinfo = cinfo,+ "already SplitValue objects and non-null extras ", |
948 | -399x | +|||
176 | +! |
- iscontent = FALSE,+ "element. This shouldn't happen" |
949 | -399x | +|||
177 | +
- indent_mod = indent_mod(spl),+ ) |
950 | -399x | +|||
178 | +
- page_title = ptitle_prefix(spl)+ } |
951 | +179 |
- )+ } |
952 | +180 |
- ## kids = inner+ } else { |
953 | -399x | +181 | +1074x |
- kids <- list(innertab)+ if (is.null(extr)) { |
954 | -399x | +182 | +6x |
- kids+ extr <- rep(list(list()), length(vals)) |
955 | +183 |
- }+ } |
956 | -+ | |||
184 | +1074x |
- )+ vals <- make_splvalue_vec(vals, extr, labels = labels, subset_exprs = subsets) |
957 | +185 |
+ } |
958 | +186 |
- context_df_row <- function(split = character(),+ ## we're done with this so take it off |
959 | -+ | |||
187 | +1096x |
- value = character(),+ partinfo$extras <- NULL |
960 | +188 |
- full_parent_df = list(),+ + |
+ ||
189 | +1096x | +
+ vnames <- value_names(vals)+ |
+ ||
190 | +1096x | +
+ names(vals) <- vnames+ |
+ ||
191 | +1096x | +
+ partinfo$values <- vals |
961 | +192 |
- cinfo = NULL) {+ |
962 | -2901x | +193 | +1096x |
- ret <- data.frame(+ if (!identical(names(dpart), vnames)) { |
963 | -2901x | +194 | +1096x |
- split = split,+ names(dpart) <- vnames |
964 | -2901x | +195 | +1096x |
- value = value,+ partinfo$datasplit <- dpart |
965 | -2901x | +|||
196 | +
- full_parent_df = I(full_parent_df),+ } |
966 | +197 |
- # parent_cold_inds = I(parent_col_inds),+ |
967 | -2901x | +198 | +1096x |
- stringsAsFactors = FALSE+ partinfo$labels <- labels |
968 | +199 |
- )+ |
969 | -2901x | +200 | +1096x |
- if (nrow(ret) > 0) {+ stopifnot(length(unique(sapply(partinfo, NROW))) == 1) |
970 | -2888x | +201 | +1096x |
- ret$all_cols_n <- nrow(full_parent_df[[1]])+ partinfo |
971 | +202 |
- } else {+ } |
972 | -13x | +|||
203 | +
- ret$all_cols_n <- integer() ## should this be numeric??? This never happens+ |
973 | +204 |
- }+ .add_ref_extras <- function(spl, df, partinfo) { |
974 | +205 |
+ ## this is only the .in_ref_col booleans |
975 | -2901x | +206 | +17x |
- if (!is.null(cinfo)) {+ refvals <- .applysplit_ref_vals(spl, df, partinfo$values) |
976 | -1518x | +207 | +17x |
- if (nrow(ret) > 0) {+ ref_ind <- which(unlist(refvals)) |
977 | -1509x | +208 | +17x |
- colcols <- as.data.frame(lapply(col_exprs(cinfo), function(e) {+ stopifnot(length(ref_ind) == 1)+ |
209 | ++ | + | ||
978 | -5354x | +210 | +17x |
- vals <- eval(e, envir = full_parent_df[[1]])+ vnames <- value_names(partinfo$values) |
979 | -5354x | +211 | +17x |
- if (identical(vals, TRUE)) {+ if (is.null(partinfo$extras)) { |
980 | -545x | +212 | +3x |
- vals <- rep(vals, length.out = nrow(full_parent_df[[1]]))+ names(refvals) <- vnames+ |
213 | +3x | +
+ partinfo$extras <- refvals |
981 | +214 |
- }+ } else { |
982 | -5354x | +215 | +14x |
- I(list(vals))+ newextras <- mapply(+ |
216 | +14x | +
+ function(old, incol, ref_full) {+ |
+ ||
217 | +37x | +
+ c(old, list(+ |
+ ||
218 | +37x | +
+ .in_ref_col = incol,+ |
+ ||
219 | +37x | +
+ .ref_full = ref_full |
983 | +220 |
- }))+ )) |
984 | +221 |
- } else {+ }, |
985 | -9x | +222 | +14x |
- colcols <- as.data.frame(rep(list(logical()), ncol(cinfo)))+ old = partinfo$extras,+ |
223 | +14x | +
+ incol = unlist(refvals),+ |
+ ||
224 | +14x | +
+ MoreArgs = list(ref_full = partinfo$datasplit[[ref_ind]]),+ |
+ ||
225 | +14x | +
986 | +226 |
- }+ ) |
987 | -1518x | +227 | +14x |
- names(colcols) <- names(col_exprs(cinfo))+ names(newextras) <- vnames |
988 | -1518x | +228 | +14x |
- ret <- cbind(ret, colcols)+ partinfo$extras <- newextras |
989 | +229 |
} |
990 | -2901x | +230 | +17x |
- ret+ partinfo |
991 | +231 |
} |
992 | +232 | |||
993 | +233 |
- recursive_applysplit <- function(df,+ #' Apply basic split (for use in custom split functions) |
994 | +234 |
- lvl = 0L,+ #' |
995 | +235 |
- alt_df,+ #' This function is intended for use inside custom split functions. It applies the current split *as if it had no |
996 | +236 |
- splvec,+ #' custom splitting function* so that those default splits can be further manipulated. |
997 | +237 |
- name,+ #' |
998 | +238 |
- # label,+ #' @inheritParams gen_args |
999 | +239 |
- make_lrow = NA,+ #' @param vals (`ANY`)\cr already calculated/known values of the split. Generally should be left as `NULL`. |
1000 | +240 |
- partlabel = "",+ #' @param labels (`character`)\cr labels associated with `vals`. Should be `NULL` whenever `vals` is, which should |
1001 | +241 |
- cinfo,+ #' almost always be the case. |
1002 | +242 |
- parent_cfun = NULL,+ #' @param trim (`flag`)\cr whether groups corresponding to empty data subsets should be removed. Defaults to |
1003 | +243 |
- cformat = NULL,+ #' `FALSE`. |
1004 | +244 |
- cna_str = NA_character_,+ #' |
1005 | +245 |
- cindent_mod = 0L,+ #' @return The result of the split being applied as if it had no custom split function. See [custom_split_funs]. |
1006 | +246 |
- cextra_args = list(),+ #' |
1007 | +247 |
- cvar = NULL,+ #' @examples |
1008 | +248 |
- baselines = lapply(+ #' uneven_splfun <- function(df, spl, vals = NULL, labels = NULL, trim = FALSE) { |
1009 | +249 |
- col_extra_args(cinfo),+ #' ret <- do_base_split(spl, df, vals, labels, trim) |
1010 | +250 |
- function(x) x$.ref_full+ #' if (NROW(df) == 0) { |
1011 | +251 |
- ),+ #' ret <- lapply(ret, function(x) x[1]) |
1012 | +252 |
- spl_context = context_df_row(cinfo = cinfo),+ #' } |
1013 | +253 |
- no_outer_tbl = FALSE,+ #' ret |
1014 | +254 |
- parent_sect_split = NA_character_) {+ #' } |
1015 | +255 |
- ## pre-existing table was added to the layout+ #' |
1016 | -1518x | +|||
256 | +
- if (length(splvec) == 1L && is(splvec[[1]], "VTableNodeInfo")) {+ #' lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
1017 | -1x | +|||
257 | +
- return(splvec[[1]])+ #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>% |
1018 | +258 |
- }+ #' split_cols_by_multivar(c("USUBJID", "AESEQ", "BMRKR1"), |
1019 | +259 |
+ #' varlabels = c("N", "E", "BMR1"), |
1020 | +260 |
- ## the content function is the one from the PREVIOUS+ #' split_fun = uneven_splfun |
1021 | +261 |
- ## split, i.e. the one whose children we are now constructing+ #' ) %>% |
1022 | +262 |
- ## this is a bit annoying but makes the semantics for+ #' analyze_colvars(list( |
1023 | +263 |
- ## declaring layouts much more sane.+ #' USUBJID = function(x, ...) length(unique(x)), |
1024 | -1517x | +|||
264 | +
- ctab <- .make_ctab(df,+ #' AESEQ = max, |
1025 | -1517x | +|||
265 | +
- lvl = lvl,+ #' BMRKR1 = mean |
1026 | -1517x | +|||
266 | +
- name = name,+ #' )) |
1027 | -1517x | +|||
267 | +
- label = partlabel,+ #' |
1028 | -1517x | +|||
268 | +
- cinfo = cinfo,+ #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, subset(ex_adae, as.numeric(ARM) <= 2)) |
1029 | -1517x | +|||
269 | +
- parent_cfun = parent_cfun,+ #' tbl |
1030 | -1517x | +|||
270 | +
- format = cformat,+ #' |
1031 | -1517x | +|||
271 | +
- na_str = cna_str,+ #' @export+ |
+ |||
272 | ++ |
+ do_base_split <- function(spl, df, vals = NULL, labels = NULL, trim = FALSE) { |
1032 | -1517x | +273 | +13x |
- indent_mod = cindent_mod,+ spl2 <- spl |
1033 | -1517x | +274 | +13x |
- cvar = cvar,+ split_fun(spl2) <- NULL |
1034 | -1517x | +275 | +13x |
- alt_df = alt_df,+ do_split(spl2, |
1035 | -1517x | +276 | +13x |
- extra_args = cextra_args,+ df = df, vals = vals, labels = labels, trim = trim, |
1036 | -1517x | +277 | +13x |
- spl_context = spl_context+ spl_context = NULL |
1037 | +278 |
) |
1038 | +279 | - - | -||
1039 | -1516x | -
- nonroot <- lvl != 0L+ } |
1040 | +280 | |||
1041 | -1516x | -
- if (is.na(make_lrow)) {- |
- ||
1042 | -1211x | +|||
281 | +
- make_lrow <- if (nrow(ctab) > 0 || !nzchar(partlabel)) FALSE else TRUE+ ### NB This is called at EACH level of recursive splitting |
1043 | +282 |
- }+ do_split <- function(spl, |
1044 | +283 |
- ## never print an empty row label for root.+ df, |
1045 | -1516x | +|||
284 | +
- if (make_lrow && partlabel == "" && !nonroot) {+ vals = NULL, |
1046 | -6x | +|||
285 | +
- make_lrow <- FALSE+ labels = NULL, |
1047 | +286 |
- }+ trim = FALSE, |
1048 | +287 |
+ spl_context) { |
1049 | -1516x | +|||
288 | +
- if (length(splvec) == 0L) {+ ## this will error if, e.g., df doesn't have columns |
1050 | -99x | +|||
289 | +
- kids <- list()+ ## required by spl, or generally any time the spl |
1051 | -99x | +|||
290 | +
- imod <- 0L+ ## can't be applied to df |
1052 | -99x | +291 | +1109x |
- spl <- NULL+ check_validsplit(spl, df) |
1053 | +292 |
- } else {- |
- ||
1054 | -1417x | -
- spl <- splvec[[1]]+ ## note the <- here!!! |
1055 | -1417x | +293 | +1108x |
- splvec <- splvec[-1]+ if (!is.null(splfun <- split_fun(spl))) { |
1056 | +294 |
+ ## Currently the contract is that split_functions take df, vals, labels and |
1057 | +295 |
- ## we pass this everything recursive_applysplit received and+ ## return list(values=., datasplit=., labels = .), optionally with |
1058 | +296 |
- ## it all gets passed around through ... as needed+ ## an additional extras element |
1059 | -+ | |||
297 | +355x |
- ## to the various methods of .make_split_kids+ if (func_takes(splfun, ".spl_context")) { |
1060 | -1417x | +298 | +23x |
- kids <- .make_split_kids(+ ret <- tryCatch( |
1061 | -1417x | +299 | +23x |
- spl = spl,+ splfun(df, spl, vals, labels, |
1062 | -1417x | +300 | +23x |
- df = df,+ trim = trim, |
1063 | -1417x | +301 | +23x |
- alt_df = alt_df,+ .spl_context = spl_context |
1064 | -1417x | +|||
302 | +
- lvl = lvl,+ ), |
1065 | -1417x | +303 | +23x |
- splvec = splvec,+ error = function(e) e |
1066 | -1417x | +304 | +23x |
- name = name,+ ) ## rawvalues(spl_context )) |
1067 | -1417x | +|||
305 | +
- make_lrow = make_lrow,+ } else { |
1068 | -1417x | +306 | +332x |
- partlabel = partlabel,+ ret <- tryCatch(splfun(df, spl, vals, labels, trim = trim), |
1069 | -1417x | +307 | +332x |
- cinfo = cinfo,+ error = function(e) e |
1070 | -1417x | +|||
308 | +
- parent_cfun = parent_cfun,+ ) |
1071 | -1417x | +|||
309 | +
- cformat = cformat,+ } |
1072 | -1417x | +310 | +355x |
- cindent_mod = cindent_mod,+ if (is(ret, "error")) { |
1073 | -1417x | +311 | +12x |
- cextra_args = cextra_args, cvar = cvar,+ stop( |
1074 | -1417x | +312 | +12x |
- baselines = baselines,+ "Error applying custom split function: ", ret$message, "\n\tsplit: ", |
1075 | -1417x | +313 | +12x |
- spl_context = spl_context,+ class(spl), " (", payloadmsg(spl), ")\n", |
1076 | -1417x | +314 | +12x |
- have_controws = nrow(ctab) > 0+ "\toccured at path: ", |
1077 | -+ | |||
315 | +12x |
- )+ spl_context_to_disp_path(spl_context), "\n" |
1078 | -1387x | +|||
316 | +
- imod <- 0L+ ) |
1079 | +317 |
- } ## end length(splvec)+ } |
1080 | +318 |
+ } else { |
1081 | -1486x | +319 | +753x |
- if (is.na(make_lrow)) {+ ret <- .apply_split_inner(df = df, spl = spl, vals = vals, labels = labels, trim = trim) |
1082 | -! | +|||
320 | +
- make_lrow <- if (nrow(ctab) > 0 || !nzchar(partlabel)) FALSE else TRUE+ } |
1083 | +321 |
- }+ |
1084 | +322 |
- ## never print an empty row label for root.+ ## this adds .ref_full and .in_ref_col |
1085 | -1486x | +323 | +1096x |
- if (make_lrow && partlabel == "" && !nonroot) {+ if (is(spl, "VarLevWBaselineSplit")) { |
1086 | -! | +|||
324 | +17x |
- make_lrow <- FALSE+ ret <- .add_ref_extras(spl, df, ret) |
1087 | +325 |
} |
1088 | +326 | |||
1089 | +327 |
- ## this is only true when called from build_table and the first split+ ## this: |
1090 | +328 |
- ## in (one of the) SplitVector is NOT an AnalyzeMultiVars split.+ ## - guarantees that ret$values contains SplitValue objects |
1091 | +329 |
- ## in that case we would be "double creating" the structural+ ## - removes the extras element since its redundant after the above |
1092 | +330 |
- ## subtable- |
- ||
1093 | -1486x | -
- if (no_outer_tbl) {- |
- ||
1094 | -277x | -
- ret <- kids[[1]]+ ## - Ensures datasplit and values lists are named according to labels |
1095 | -277x | +|||
331 | +
- indent_mod(ret) <- indent_mod(spl)+ ## - ensures labels are character not factor |
1096 | -1209x | +332 | +1096x |
- } else if (nrow(ctab) > 0L || length(kids) > 0L) {+ ret <- .fixupvals(ret) |
1097 | +333 |
- ## previously we checked if the child had an identical label+ ## we didn't put this in .fixupvals because that get called withint he split functions |
1098 | +334 |
- ## but I don't think thats needed anymore.+ ## created by make_split_fun and its not clear this check should be happening then. |
1099 | -1209x | +335 | +1096x |
- tlabel <- partlabel+ if (has_force_pag(spl) && length(ret$datasplit) == 0) { ## this means it's page_by=TRUE |
1100 | -1209x | +336 | +3x |
- ret <- TableTree(+ stop( |
1101 | -1209x | +337 | +3x |
- cont = ctab,+ "Page-by split resulted in zero pages (no observed values of split variable?). \n\tsplit: ", |
1102 | -1209x | +338 | +3x |
- kids = kids,+ class(spl), " (", payloadmsg(spl), ")\n", |
1103 | -1209x | +339 | +3x |
- name = name,+ "\toccured at path: ", |
1104 | -1209x | +340 | +3x |
- label = tlabel, # partlabel,+ spl_context_to_disp_path(spl_context), "\n" |
1105 | -1209x | +|||
341 | +
- lev = lvl,+ ) |
1106 | -1209x | +|||
342 | +
- iscontent = FALSE,+ } |
1107 | -1209x | +343 | +1093x |
- labelrow = LabelRow(+ ret |
1108 | -1209x | +|||
344 | +
- lev = lvl,+ } |
1109 | -1209x | +|||
345 | +
- label = tlabel,+ + |
+ |||
346 | ++ |
+ .apply_split_inner <- function(spl, df, vals = NULL, labels = NULL, trim = FALSE) { |
1110 | -1209x | +347 | +1082x |
- cinfo = cinfo,+ if (is.null(vals)) { |
1111 | -1209x | +348 | +1007x |
- vis = make_lrow+ vals <- .applysplit_rawvals(spl, df) |
1112 | +349 |
- ),+ } |
1113 | -1209x | +350 | +1082x |
- cinfo = cinfo,+ extr <- .applysplit_extras(spl, df, vals)+ |
351 | ++ | + | ||
1114 | -1209x | +352 | +1082x |
- indent_mod = imod+ if (is.null(vals)) { |
1115 | -+ | |||
353 | +! |
- )+ return(list( |
1116 | -+ | |||
354 | +! |
- } else {+ values = list(), |
1117 | +355 | ! |
- ret <- NULL+ datasplit = list(), |
1118 | -+ | |||
356 | +! |
- }+ labels = list(), |
1119 | -+ | |||
357 | +! |
+ extras = list() |
1120 | +358 |
- ## if(!is.null(spl) && !is.na(spl_section_sep(spl)))+ )) |
1121 | +359 |
- ## ret <- apply_kids_section_sep(ret, spl_section_sep(spl))+ } |
1122 | +360 |
- ## ## message(sprintf("indent modifier: %d", indentmod))+ |
1123 | -+ | |||
361 | +1082x |
- ## if(!is.null(ret))+ dpart <- .applysplit_datapart(spl, df, vals) |
1124 | +362 |
- ## indent_mod(ret) = indentmod+ |
1125 | -1486x | +363 | +1082x |
- ret+ if (is.null(labels)) { |
1126 | -+ | |||
364 | +1079x |
- }+ labels <- .applysplit_partlabels(spl, df, vals, labels) |
1127 | +365 |
+ } else { |
1128 | -+ | |||
366 | +3x |
- #' Create a table from a layout and data+ stopifnot(names(labels) == names(vals)) |
1129 | +367 |
- #'+ } |
1130 | +368 |
- #' Layouts are used to describe a table pre-data. `build_table` is used to create a table+ ## get rid of columns that would not have any |
1131 | +369 |
- #' using a layout and a dataset.+ ## observations. |
1132 | +370 |
- #'+ ## |
1133 | +371 |
- #' @inheritParams gen_args+ ## But only if there were any rows to start with |
1134 | +372 |
- #' @inheritParams lyt_args+ ## if not we're in a manually constructed table |
1135 | +373 |
- #' @param col_counts (`numeric` or `NULL`)\cr `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")` if non-`NULL`, column counts+ ## column tree |
1136 | -+ | |||
374 | +1082x |
- #' *for leaf-columns only* which override those calculated automatically during tabulation. Must specify+ if (trim) { |
1137 | -+ | |||
375 | +! |
- #' "counts" for *all* leaf-columns if non-`NULL`. `NA` elements will be replaced with the automatically+ hasdata <- sapply(dpart, function(x) nrow(x) > 0) |
1138 | -+ | |||
376 | +! |
- #' calculated counts. Turns on display of leaf-column counts when non-`NULL`.+ if (nrow(df) > 0 && length(dpart) > sum(hasdata)) { # some empties |
1139 | -+ | |||
377 | +! |
- #' @param col_total (`integer(1)`)\cr the total observations across all columns. Defaults to `nrow(df)`.+ dpart <- dpart[hasdata] |
1140 | -+ | |||
378 | +! |
- #' @param ... ignored.+ vals <- vals[hasdata] |
1141 | -+ | |||
379 | +! |
- #'+ extr <- extr[hasdata] |
1142 | -+ | |||
380 | +! |
- #' @details+ labels <- labels[hasdata] |
1143 | +381 |
- #' When `alt_counts_df` is specified, column counts are calculated by applying the exact column subsetting+ } |
1144 | +382 |
- #' expressions determined when applying column splitting to the main data (`df`) to `alt_counts_df` and+ } |
1145 | +383 |
- #' counting the observations in each resulting subset.+ |
1146 | -+ | |||
384 | +1082x |
- #'+ if (is.null(spl_child_order(spl)) || is(spl, "AllSplit")) { |
1147 | -+ | |||
385 | +163x |
- #' In particular, this means that in the case of splitting based on cuts of the data, any dynamic cuts will have+ vord <- seq_along(vals) |
1148 | +386 |
- #' been calculated based on `df` and simply re-used for the count calculation.+ } else { |
1149 | -+ | |||
387 | +919x |
- #'+ vord <- match( |
1150 | -+ | |||
388 | +919x |
- #' @note+ spl_child_order(spl), |
1151 | -+ | |||
389 | +919x |
- #' When overriding the column counts or totals care must be taken that, e.g., `length()` or `nrow()` are not called+ vals |
1152 | +390 |
- #' within tabulation functions, because those will NOT give the overridden counts. Writing/using tabulation+ ) |
1153 | -+ | |||
391 | +919x |
- #' functions which accept `.N_col` and `.N_total` or do not rely on column counts at all (even implicitly) is the+ vord <- vord[!is.na(vord)] |
1154 | +392 |
- #' only way to ensure overridden counts are fully respected.+ } |
1155 | +393 |
- #'+ |
1156 | +394 |
- #' @return A `TableTree` or `ElementaryTable` object representing the table created by performing the tabulations+ ## FIXME: should be an S4 object, not a list |
1157 | -+ | |||
395 | +1082x |
- #' declared in `lyt` to the data `df`.+ ret <- list( |
1158 | -+ | |||
396 | +1082x |
- #'+ values = vals[vord], |
1159 | -+ | |||
397 | +1082x |
- #' @examples+ datasplit = dpart[vord], |
1160 | -+ | |||
398 | +1082x |
- #' lyt <- basic_table() %>%+ labels = labels[vord], |
1161 | -+ | |||
399 | +1082x |
- #' split_cols_by("Species") %>%+ extras = extr[vord] |
1162 | +400 |
- #' analyze("Sepal.Length", afun = function(x) {+ ) |
1163 | -+ | |||
401 | +1082x |
- #' list(+ ret |
1164 | +402 |
- #' "mean (sd)" = rcell(c(mean(x), sd(x)), format = "xx.xx (xx.xx)"),+ } |
1165 | +403 |
- #' "range" = diff(range(x))+ |
1166 | +404 |
- #' )+ .checkvarsok <- function(spl, df) { |
1167 | -+ | |||
405 | +2022x |
- #' })+ vars <- spl_payload(spl) |
1168 | +406 |
- #' lyt+ ## could be multiple vars in the future? |
1169 | +407 |
- #'+ ## no reason not to make that work here now. |
1170 | -+ | |||
408 | +2022x |
- #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, iris)+ if (!all(vars %in% names(df))) { |
1171 | -+ | |||
409 | +2x |
- #' tbl+ stop( |
1172 | -+ | |||
410 | +2x |
- #'+ " variable(s) [", |
1173 | -+ | |||
411 | +2x |
- #' # analyze multiple variables+ paste(setdiff(vars, names(df)), |
1174 | -+ | |||
412 | +2x |
- #' lyt2 <- basic_table() %>%+ collapse = ", " |
1175 | +413 |
- #' split_cols_by("Species") %>%+ ), |
1176 | -+ | |||
414 | +2x |
- #' analyze(c("Sepal.Length", "Petal.Width"), afun = function(x) {+ "] not present in data. (", |
1177 | -+ | |||
415 | +2x |
- #' list(+ class(spl), ")" |
1178 | +416 |
- #' "mean (sd)" = rcell(c(mean(x), sd(x)), format = "xx.xx (xx.xx)"),+ ) |
1179 | +417 |
- #' "range" = diff(range(x))+ } |
1180 | -+ | |||
418 | +2020x |
- #' )+ invisible(NULL) |
1181 | +419 |
- #' })+ } |
1182 | +420 |
- #'+ |
1183 | +421 |
- #' tbl2 <- build_table(lyt2, iris)+ ### Methods to verify a split appears to be valid, applicable |
1184 | +422 |
- #' tbl2+ ### to the ***current subset*** of the df. |
1185 | +423 |
- #'+ ### |
1186 | +424 |
- #' # an example more relevant for clinical trials with column counts+ ### This is called at each level of recursive splitting so |
1187 | +425 |
- #' lyt3 <- basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>%+ ### do NOT make it check, e.g., if the ref_group level of |
1188 | +426 |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>%+ ### a factor is present in the data, because it may not be. |
1189 | +427 |
- #' analyze("AGE", afun = function(x) {+ |
1190 | +428 |
- #' setNames(as.list(fivenum(x)), c(+ setMethod( |
1191 | +429 |
- #' "minimum", "lower-hinge", "median",+ "check_validsplit", "VarLevelSplit", |
1192 | +430 |
- #' "upper-hinge", "maximum"+ function(spl, df) {+ |
+ ||
431 | +870x | +
+ .checkvarsok(spl, df) |
1193 | +432 |
- #' ))+ } |
1194 | +433 |
- #' })+ ) |
1195 | +434 |
- #'+ |
1196 | +435 |
- #' tbl3 <- build_table(lyt3, DM)+ setMethod( |
1197 | +436 |
- #' tbl3+ "check_validsplit", "MultiVarSplit", |
1198 | +437 |
- #'+ function(spl, df) {+ |
+ ||
438 | +56x | +
+ .checkvarsok(spl, df) |
1199 | +439 |
- #' tbl4 <- build_table(lyt3, subset(DM, AGE > 40))+ } |
1200 | +440 |
- #' tbl4+ ) |
1201 | +441 |
- #'+ |
1202 | +442 |
- #' # with column counts calculated based on different data+ setMethod( |
1203 | +443 |
- #' miniDM <- DM[sample(1:NROW(DM), 100), ]+ "check_validsplit", "VAnalyzeSplit", |
1204 | +444 |
- #' tbl5 <- build_table(lyt3, DM, alt_counts_df = miniDM)+ function(spl, df) {+ |
+ ||
445 | +1150x | +
+ if (!is.na(spl_payload(spl))) {+ |
+ ||
446 | +1096x | +
+ .checkvarsok(spl, df) |
1205 | +447 |
- #' tbl5+ } else {+ |
+ ||
448 | +54x | +
+ TRUE |
1206 | +449 |
- #'+ } |
1207 | +450 |
- #' tbl6 <- build_table(lyt3, DM, col_counts = 1:3)+ } |
1208 | +451 |
- #' tbl6+ ) |
1209 | +452 |
- #'+ |
1210 | +453 |
- #' @author Gabriel Becker+ setMethod( |
1211 | +454 |
- #' @export+ "check_validsplit", "CompoundSplit", |
1212 | +455 |
- build_table <- function(lyt, df,+ function(spl, df) {+ |
+ ||
456 | +! | +
+ all(sapply(spl_payload(spl), df)) |
1213 | +457 |
- alt_counts_df = NULL,+ } |
1214 | +458 |
- col_counts = NULL,+ ) |
1215 | +459 |
- col_total = if (is.null(alt_counts_df)) nrow(df) else nrow(alt_counts_df),+ |
1216 | +460 |
- topleft = NULL,+ ## default does nothing, add methods as they become |
1217 | +461 |
- hsep = default_hsep(),+ ## required |
1218 | +462 |
- ...) {+ setMethod( |
1219 | -337x | -
- if (!is(lyt, "PreDataTableLayouts")) {- |
- ||
1220 | -! | -
- stop(- |
- ||
1221 | -! | +|||
463 | +
- "lyt must be a PreDataTableLayouts object. Got object of class ",+ "check_validsplit", "Split", |
1222 | -! | +|||
464 | +131x |
- class(lyt)+ function(spl, df) invisible(NULL) |
1223 | +465 |
- )+ ) |
1224 | +466 |
- }+ |
1225 | +467 |
+ setMethod( |
1226 | +468 |
- ## if no columns are defined (e.g. because lyt is NULL)+ ".applysplit_rawvals", "VarLevelSplit", |
1227 | +469 |
- ## add a single overall column as the "most basic"+ function(spl, df) { |
1228 | -+ | |||
470 | +776x |
- ## table column structure that makes sense+ varvec <- df[[spl_payload(spl)]] |
1229 | -337x | +471 | +776x |
- clyt <- clayout(lyt)+ if (is.factor(varvec)) { |
1230 | -337x | +472 | +579x |
- if (length(clyt) == 1 && length(clyt[[1]]) == 0) {+ levels(varvec) |
1231 | -105x | +|||
473 | +
- clyt[[1]] <- add_overall_col(clyt[[1]], "")+ } else { |
1232 | -105x | +474 | +197x |
- clayout(lyt) <- clyt+ unique(varvec) |
1233 | +475 |
- }+ } |
1234 | +476 |
+ } |
1235 | +477 |
- ## do checks and defensive programming now that we have the data+ ) |
1236 | -337x | +|||
478 | +
- lyt <- fix_dyncuts(lyt, df)+ |
1237 | -337x | +|||
479 | +
- lyt <- set_def_child_ord(lyt, df)+ setMethod( |
1238 | -336x | +|||
480 | +
- lyt <- fix_analyze_vis(lyt)+ ".applysplit_rawvals", "MultiVarSplit", |
1239 | -336x | +|||
481 | +
- df <- fix_split_vars(lyt, df, char_ok = is.null(col_counts))+ function(spl, df) { |
1240 | -327x | +|||
482 | +
- alt_params <- check_afun_cfun_params(lyt, c(".alt_df", ".alt_df_row"))+ ## spl_payload(spl) |
1241 | -327x | +483 | +48x |
- if (any(alt_params) && is.null(alt_counts_df)) {+ spl_varnames(spl) |
1242 | -2x | +|||
484 | +
- stop(+ } |
1243 | -2x | +|||
485 | +
- "Layout contains afun/cfun functions that have optional parameters ",+ ) |
1244 | -2x | +|||
486 | +
- ".alt_df and/or .alt_df_row, but no alt_counts_df was provided in ",+ |
1245 | -2x | +|||
487 | +
- "build_table()."+ setMethod( |
1246 | +488 |
- )+ ".applysplit_rawvals", "AllSplit", |
1247 | -+ | |||
489 | +109x |
- }+ function(spl, df) obj_name(spl) |
1248 | +490 |
+ ) # "all obs") |
1249 | -325x | +|||
491 | +
- rtpos <- TreePos()+ |
1250 | -325x | +|||
492 | +
- cinfo <- create_colinfo(lyt, df, rtpos,+ setMethod( |
1251 | -325x | +|||
493 | +
- counts = col_counts,+ ".applysplit_rawvals", "ManualSplit", |
1252 | -325x | +494 | +52x |
- alt_counts_df = alt_counts_df,+ function(spl, df) spl@levels |
1253 | -325x | +|||
495 | +
- total = col_total,+ ) |
1254 | -325x | +|||
496 | +
- topleft+ |
1255 | +497 |
- )+ ## setMethod(".applysplit_rawvals", "NULLSplit", |
1256 | -317x | +|||
498 | +
- if (!is.null(col_counts)) {+ ## function(spl, df) "") |
1257 | -3x | +|||
499 | +
- toreplace <- !is.na(col_counts)+ |
1258 | -3x | +|||
500 | +
- newccs <- col_counts(cinfo) ## old actual counts+ setMethod( |
1259 | -3x | +|||
501 | +
- newccs[toreplace] <- col_counts[toreplace]+ ".applysplit_rawvals", "VAnalyzeSplit", |
1260 | -3x | +|||
502 | +! |
- col_counts(cinfo) <- newccs+ function(spl, df) spl_payload(spl) |
1261 | -3x | +|||
503 | +
- leaf_paths <- col_paths(cinfo)+ ) |
1262 | -3x | +|||
504 | +
- for (pth in leaf_paths) {+ |
1263 | -21x | +|||
505 | +
- colcount_visible(cinfo, pth) <- TRUE+ ## formfactor here is gross we're gonna have ot do this |
1264 | +506 |
- }+ ## all again in tthe data split part :-/ |
1265 | +507 |
- }+ setMethod( |
1266 | -317x | +|||
508 | +
- rlyt <- rlayout(lyt)+ ".applysplit_rawvals", "VarStaticCutSplit", |
1267 | -317x | +|||
509 | +
- rtspl <- root_spl(rlyt)+ function(spl, df) { |
1268 | -317x | +510 | +22x |
- ctab <- .make_ctab(df, 0L,+ spl_cutlabels(spl) |
1269 | -317x | +|||
511 | +
- alt_df = NULL,+ } |
1270 | -317x | +|||
512 | +
- name = "root",+ ) |
1271 | -317x | +|||
513 | +
- label = "",+ |
1272 | -317x | +|||
514 | +
- cinfo = cinfo, ## cexprs, ctree,+ setMethod( |
1273 | -317x | +|||
515 | +
- parent_cfun = content_fun(rtspl),+ ".applysplit_datapart", "VarLevelSplit", |
1274 | -317x | +|||
516 | +
- format = content_format(rtspl),+ function(spl, df, vals) { |
1275 | -317x | +517 | +851x |
- na_str = content_na_str(rtspl),+ if (!(spl_payload(spl) %in% names(df))) { |
1276 | -317x | +|||
518 | +! |
- indent_mod = 0L,+ stop( |
1277 | -317x | +|||
519 | +! |
- cvar = content_var(rtspl),+ "Attempted to split on values of column (", spl_payload(spl), |
1278 | -317x | +|||
520 | +! |
- extra_args = content_extra_args(rtspl)+ ") not present in the data" |
1279 | +521 |
- )+ ) |
1280 | +522 | - - | -||
1281 | -317x | -
- kids <- lapply(seq_along(rlyt), function(i) {+ } |
1282 | -340x | +523 | +851x |
- splvec <- rlyt[[i]]+ ret <- lapply(seq_along(vals), function(i) { |
1283 | -340x | +524 | +2322x |
- if (length(splvec) == 0) {+ spl_col <- df[[spl_payload(spl)]] |
1284 | -14x | +525 | +2322x |
- return(NULL)+ df[!is.na(spl_col) & spl_col == vals[[i]], ] |
1285 | +526 |
- }+ }) |
1286 | -326x | +527 | +851x |
- firstspl <- splvec[[1]]+ names(ret) <- as.character(vals) |
1287 | -326x | +528 | +851x |
- nm <- obj_name(firstspl)+ ret |
1288 | +529 |
- ## XXX unused, probably shouldn't be?+ } |
1289 | +530 |
- ## this seems to be covered by grabbing the partlabel+ ) |
1290 | +531 |
- ## TODO confirm this+ |
1291 | +532 |
- ## lab <- obj_label(firstspl)+ setMethod( |
1292 | -326x | +|||
533 | +
- recursive_applysplit(+ ".applysplit_datapart", "MultiVarSplit", |
1293 | -326x | +|||
534 | +
- df = df, lvl = 0L,+ function(spl, df, vals) { |
1294 | -326x | +535 | +48x |
- alt_df = alt_counts_df,+ allvnms <- spl_varnames(spl) |
1295 | -326x | +536 | +48x |
- name = nm,+ if (!is.null(vals) && !identical(allvnms, vals)) { |
1296 | -326x | +|||
537 | +! |
- splvec = splvec,+ incl <- match(vals, allvnms)+ |
+ ||
538 | ++ |
+ } else { |
1297 | -326x | +539 | +48x |
- cinfo = cinfo,+ incl <- seq_along(allvnms) |
1298 | +540 |
- ## XXX are these ALWAYS right?+ } |
1299 | -326x | +541 | +48x |
- make_lrow = label_kids(firstspl),+ vars <- spl_payload(spl)[incl] |
1300 | -326x | +|||
542 | +
- parent_cfun = NULL,+ ## don't remove nas |
1301 | -326x | +|||
543 | +
- cformat = content_format(firstspl),+ ## ret = lapply(vars, function(cl) { |
1302 | -326x | +|||
544 | +
- cna_str = content_na_str(firstspl),+ ## df[!is.na(df[[cl]]),] |
1303 | -326x | +|||
545 | +
- cvar = content_var(firstspl),+ ## }) |
1304 | -326x | +546 | +48x |
- cextra_args = content_extra_args(firstspl),+ ret <- rep(list(df), length(vars)) |
1305 | -326x | +547 | +48x |
- spl_context = context_df_row(+ names(ret) <- vals |
1306 | -326x | +548 | +48x |
- split = "root", value = "root",+ ret |
1307 | -326x | +|||
549 | +
- full_parent_df = list(df),+ } |
1308 | -326x | +|||
550 | +
- cinfo = cinfo+ ) |
1309 | +551 |
- ),+ |
1310 | +552 |
- ## we DO want the 'outer table' if the first+ setMethod( |
1311 | +553 |
- ## one is a multi-analyze+ ".applysplit_datapart", "AllSplit", |
1312 | -326x | +554 | +109x |
- no_outer_tbl = !is(firstspl, "AnalyzeMultiVars")+ function(spl, df, vals) list(df) |
1313 | +555 |
- )+ ) |
1314 | +556 |
- })+ |
1315 | -294x | +|||
557 | +
- kids <- kids[!sapply(kids, is.null)]+ ## ## not sure I need this |
1316 | -280x | +|||
558 | +
- if (length(kids) > 0) names(kids) <- sapply(kids, obj_name)+ setMethod( |
1317 | +559 |
+ ".applysplit_datapart", "ManualSplit",+ |
+ ||
560 | +52x | +
+ function(spl, df, vals) rep(list(df), times = length(vals)) |
1318 | +561 |
- # top level divisor+ ) |
1319 | -294x | +|||
562 | +
- if (!is.na(top_level_section_div(lyt))) {+ |
1320 | -2x | +|||
563 | +
- kids <- lapply(kids, function(first_level_kids) {+ ## setMethod(".applysplit_datapart", "NULLSplit", |
1321 | -4x | +|||
564 | +
- trailing_section_div(first_level_kids) <- top_level_section_div(lyt)+ ## function(spl, df, vals) list(df[FALSE,])) |
1322 | -4x | +|||
565 | +
- first_level_kids+ |
1323 | +566 |
- })+ setMethod( |
1324 | +567 |
- }+ ".applysplit_datapart", "VarStaticCutSplit", |
1325 | +568 |
+ function(spl, df, vals) { |
1326 | -294x | +|||
569 | +
- if (nrow(ctab) == 0L && length(kids) == 1L && is(kids[[1]], "VTableTree")) {+ # lbs = spl_cutlabels(spl) |
1327 | -251x | +570 | +14x |
- tab <- kids[[1]]+ var <- spl_payload(spl) |
1328 | -251x | +571 | +14x |
- main_title(tab) <- main_title(lyt)+ varvec <- df[[var]] |
1329 | -251x | +572 | +14x |
- subtitles(tab) <- subtitles(lyt)+ cts <- spl_cuts(spl) |
1330 | -251x | +573 | +14x |
- main_footer(tab) <- main_footer(lyt)+ cfct <- cut(varvec, cts, include.lowest = TRUE) # , labels = lbs) |
1331 | -251x | +574 | +14x |
- prov_footer(tab) <- prov_footer(lyt)+ split(df, cfct, drop = FALSE) |
1332 | -251x | +|||
575 | +
- header_section_div(tab) <- header_section_div(lyt)+ } |
1333 | +576 |
- } else {+ ) |
1334 | -43x | +|||
577 | +
- tab <- TableTree(+ |
1335 | -43x | +|||
578 | +
- cont = ctab,+ setMethod( |
1336 | -43x | +|||
579 | +
- kids = kids,+ ".applysplit_datapart", "CumulativeCutSplit", |
1337 | -43x | +|||
580 | +
- lev = 0L,+ function(spl, df, vals) { |
1338 | -43x | +|||
581 | +
- name = "root",+ # lbs = spl_cutlabels(spl) |
1339 | -43x | +582 | +8x |
- label = "",+ var <- spl_payload(spl) |
1340 | -43x | +583 | +8x |
- iscontent = FALSE,+ varvec <- df[[var]] |
1341 | -43x | +584 | +8x |
- cinfo = cinfo,+ cts <- spl_cuts(spl) |
1342 | -43x | +585 | +8x |
- format = obj_format(rtspl),+ cfct <- cut(varvec, cts, include.lowest = TRUE) # , labels = lbs) |
1343 | -43x | +586 | +8x |
- na_str = obj_na_str(rtspl),+ ret <- lapply( |
1344 | -43x | +587 | +8x |
- title = main_title(lyt),+ seq_len(length(levels(cfct))), |
1345 | -43x | +588 | +8x |
- subtitles = subtitles(lyt),+ function(i) df[as.integer(cfct) <= i, ] |
1346 | -43x | +|||
589 | +
- main_footer = main_footer(lyt),+ ) |
1347 | -43x | +590 | +8x |
- prov_footer = prov_footer(lyt),+ names(ret) <- levels(cfct) |
1348 | -43x | +591 | +8x |
- header_section_div = header_section_div(lyt)+ ret |
1349 | +592 |
- )+ } |
1350 | +593 |
- }+ ) |
1351 | +594 | |||
1352 | +595 |
- ## This seems to be unneeded, not clear what 'top_left' check it refers to+ ## XXX TODO *CutSplit Methods |
1353 | +596 |
- ## but both top_left taller than column headers and very long topleft are now+ |
1354 | +597 |
- ## allowed, so this is just wasted computation.+ setClass("NullSentinel", contains = "NULL") |
1355 | +598 |
+ nullsentinel <- new("NullSentinel")+ |
+ ||
599 | +! | +
+ noarg <- function() nullsentinel |
1356 | +600 |
- ## ## this is where the top_left check lives right now. refactor later maybe+ |
1357 | +601 |
- ## ## but now just call it so the error gets thrown when I want it to+ ## Extras generation methods |
1358 | +602 |
- ## unused <- matrix_form(tab)+ setMethod( |
1359 | -294x | +|||
603 | +
- tab <- update_ref_indexing(tab)+ ".applysplit_extras", "Split", |
1360 | -294x | +|||
604 | +
- horizontal_sep(tab) <- hsep+ function(spl, df, vals) { |
1361 | -294x | +605 | +1030x |
- if (table_inset(lyt) > 0) {+ splex <- split_exargs(spl) |
1362 | -1x | +606 | +1030x |
- table_inset(tab) <- table_inset(lyt)+ nvals <- length(vals) |
1363 | -+ | |||
607 | +1030x |
- }+ lapply(seq_len(nvals), function(vpos) { |
1364 | -294x | +608 | +2623x |
- tab+ one_ex <- lapply(splex, function(arg) { |
1365 | -+ | |||
609 | +! |
- }+ if (length(arg) >= vpos) { |
1366 | -+ | |||
610 | +! |
+ arg[[vpos]] |
1367 | +611 |
- # fix_split_vars ----+ } else { |
1368 | -+ | |||
612 | +! |
- # These checks guarantee that all the split variables are present in the data.+ noarg() |
1369 | +613 |
- # No generic is needed because it is not dependent on the input layout but+ } |
1370 | +614 |
- # on the df.+ }) |
1371 | -+ | |||
615 | +2623x |
- fix_one_split_var <- function(spl, df, char_ok = TRUE) {+ names(one_ex) <- names(splex) |
1372 | -547x | +616 | +2623x |
- var <- spl_payload(spl)+ one_ex <- one_ex[!sapply(one_ex, is, "NullSentinel")] |
1373 | -547x | +617 | +2623x |
- if (!(var %in% names(df))) {+ one_ex |
1374 | -2x | +|||
618 | +
- stop("Split variable [", var, "] not found in data being tabulated.")+ }) |
1375 | +619 |
} |
1376 | -545x | +|||
620 | +
- varvec <- df[[var]]+ ) |
1377 | -545x | +|||
621 | +
- if (!is(varvec, "character") && !is.factor(varvec)) {+ |
1378 | -1x | +|||
622 | +
- message(sprintf(+ setMethod( |
1379 | -1x | +|||
623 | +
- paste(+ ".applysplit_ref_vals", "Split", |
1380 | -1x | +|||
624 | +! |
- "Split var [%s] was not character or factor.",+ function(spl, df, vals) rep(list(NULL), length(vals)) |
1381 | -1x | +|||
625 | +
- "Converting to factor"+ ) |
1382 | +626 |
- ),+ |
1383 | -1x | +|||
627 | +
- var+ setMethod( |
1384 | +628 |
- ))+ ".applysplit_ref_vals", "VarLevWBaselineSplit", |
1385 | -1x | +|||
629 | +
- varvec <- factor(varvec)+ function(spl, df, vals) { |
1386 | -1x | +630 | +17x |
- df[[var]] <- varvec+ bl_level <- spl@ref_group_value # XXX XXX |
1387 | -544x | +631 | +17x |
- } else if (is(varvec, "character") && !char_ok) {+ vnames <- value_names(vals) |
1388 | -1x | +632 | +17x |
- stop(+ ret <- lapply(vnames, function(vl) { |
1389 | -1x | +633 | +46x |
- "Overriding column counts is not supported when splitting on ",+ list(.in_ref_col = vl == bl_level)+ |
634 | ++ |
+ }) |
1390 | -1x | +635 | +17x |
- "character variables.\n Please convert all column split variables to ",+ names(ret) <- vnames |
1391 | -1x | +636 | +17x |
- "factors."+ ret |
1392 | +637 |
- )+ } |
1393 | +638 |
- }+ ) |
1394 | +639 | |||
1395 | -544x | +|||
640 | +
- if (is.factor(varvec)) {+ ## XXX TODO FIXME |
1396 | -386x | +|||
641 | +
- levs <- levels(varvec)+ setMethod( |
1397 | +642 |
- } else {+ ".applysplit_partlabels", "Split", |
1398 | -158x | +643 | +131x |
- levs <- unique(varvec)+ function(spl, df, vals, labels) as.character(vals) |
1399 | +644 |
- }+ ) |
1400 | -544x | +|||
645 | +
- if (!all(nzchar(levs))) {+ |
1401 | -4x | +|||
646 | +
- stop(+ setMethod(+ |
+ |||
647 | ++ |
+ ".applysplit_partlabels", "VarLevelSplit",+ |
+ ||
648 | ++ |
+ function(spl, df, vals, labels) { |
1402 | -4x | +649 | +848x |
- "Got empty string level in splitting variable ", var,+ varname <- spl_payload(spl) |
1403 | -4x | +650 | +848x |
- " This is not supported.\nIf display as an empty level is ",+ vlabelname <- spl_labelvar(spl) |
1404 | -4x | +651 | +848x |
- "desired use a value-labeling variable."+ varvec <- df[[varname]] |
1405 | +652 |
- )+ ## we used to check if vals was NULL but |
1406 | +653 |
- }+ ## this is called after a short-circuit return in .apply_split_inner in that |
1407 | +654 |
+ ## case |
1408 | +655 |
- ## handle label var+ ## so vals is guaranteed to be non-null here |
1409 | -540x | +656 | +848x |
- lblvar <- spl_label_var(spl)+ if (is.null(labels)) { |
1410 | -540x | +657 | +848x |
- have_lblvar <- !identical(var, lblvar)+ if (varname == vlabelname) { |
1411 | -540x | +658 | +718x |
- if (have_lblvar) {+ labels <- vals |
1412 | -85x | +|||
659 | +
- if (!(lblvar %in% names(df))) {+ } else { |
1413 | -1x | +660 | +130x |
- stop(+ labfact <- is.factor(df[[vlabelname]]) |
1414 | -1x | +661 | +130x |
- "Value label variable [", lblvar,+ lablevs <- if (labfact) levels(df[[vlabelname]]) else NULL |
1415 | -1x | +662 | +130x |
- "] not found in data being tabulated."+ labels <- sapply(vals, function(v) { |
1416 | -+ | |||
663 | +262x |
- )+ vlabel <- unique(df[varvec == v, vlabelname, drop = TRUE]) |
1417 | +664 |
- }- |
- ||
1418 | -84x | -
- lblvec <- df[[lblvar]]- |
- ||
1419 | -84x | -
- tab <- table(varvec, lblvec)+ ## TODO remove this once 1-to-1 value-label map is enforced |
1420 | +665 | - - | -||
1421 | -84x | -
- if (any(rowSums(tab > 0) > 1) || any(colSums(tab > 0) > 1)) {+ ## elsewhere. |
1422 | -1x | +666 | +262x |
- stop(sprintf(+ stopifnot(length(vlabel) < 2) |
1423 | -1x | +667 | +262x |
- paste(+ if (length(vlabel) == 0) { |
1424 | -1x | +|||
668 | +! |
- "There does not appear to be a 1-1",+ vlabel <- "" |
1425 | -1x | +669 | +262x |
- "correspondence between values in split var",+ } else if (labfact) { |
1426 | -1x | +670 | +6x |
- "[%s] and label var [%s]"+ vlabel <- lablevs[vlabel] |
1427 | +671 |
- ),+ } |
1428 | -1x | +672 | +262x |
- var, lblvar+ vlabel |
1429 | +673 |
- ))+ }) |
1430 | +674 |
- }+ } |
1431 | +675 |
+ } |
1432 | -83x | -
- if (!is(lblvec, "character") && !is.factor(lblvec)) {- |
- ||
1433 | -! | -
- message(sprintf(- |
- ||
1434 | -! | -
- paste(- |
- ||
1435 | -! | +676 | +848x |
- "Split label var [%s] was not character or",+ names(labels) <- as.character(vals) |
1436 | -! | +|||
677 | +848x |
- "factor. Converting to factor"+ labels |
1437 | +678 |
- ),- |
- ||
1438 | -! | -
- var+ } |
1439 | +679 |
- ))- |
- ||
1440 | -! | -
- lblvec <- factor(lblvec)- |
- ||
1441 | -! | -
- df[[lblvar]] <- lblvec+ ) |
1442 | +680 |
- }+ |
1443 | +681 |
- }+ setMethod( |
1444 | +682 |
+ ".applysplit_partlabels", "MultiVarSplit", |
1445 | -538x | +683 | +48x |
- df+ function(spl, df, vals, labels) value_labels(spl) |
1446 | +684 |
- }+ ) |
1447 | +685 | |||
1448 | +686 |
- fix_split_vars <- function(lyt, df, char_ok) {+ make_splvalue_vec <- function(vals, extrs = list(list()), labels = vals, |
1449 | -336x | +|||
687 | +
- df <- fix_split_vars_inner(clayout(lyt), df, char_ok = char_ok)+ subset_exprs) { |
1450 | -332x | +688 | +2880x |
- df <- fix_split_vars_inner(rlayout(lyt), df, char_ok = TRUE)+ if (length(vals) == 0) { |
1451 | -327x | +689 | +384x |
- df+ return(vals) |
1452 | +690 |
+ } |
1453 | +691 |
- ## clyt <- clayout(lyt)+ |
1454 | -+ | |||
692 | +2496x |
- ## rlyt <- rlayout(lyt)+ if (is(extrs, "AsIs")) { |
1455 | -+ | |||
693 | +! |
+ extrs <- unclass(extrs) |
1456 | +694 |
- ## allspls <- unlist(list(clyt, rlyt))+ } |
1457 | +695 |
- ## VarLevelSplit includes sublclass VarLevWBaselineSplit+ ## if(are(vals, "SplitValue")) { |
1458 | +696 |
- }+ |
1459 | +697 |
+ ## return(vals) |
1460 | +698 |
- fix_split_vars_inner <- function(lyt, df, char_ok) {+ ## } |
1461 | -668x | +|||
699 | +
- stopifnot(is(lyt, "PreDataAxisLayout"))+ |
1462 | -668x | +700 | +2496x |
- allspls <- unlist(lyt)+ mapply(SplitValue, |
1463 | -668x | +701 | +2496x |
- varspls <- allspls[sapply(allspls, is, "VarLevelSplit")]+ val = vals, extr = extrs, |
1464 | -668x | +702 | +2496x |
- unqvarinds <- !duplicated(sapply(varspls, spl_payload))+ label = labels, |
1465 | -668x | +703 | +2496x |
- unqvarspls <- varspls[unqvarinds]+ sub_expr = subset_exprs, |
1466 | -547x | +704 | +2496x |
- for (spl in unqvarspls) df <- fix_one_split_var(spl, df, char_ok = char_ok)+ SIMPLIFY = FALSE |
1467 | +705 |
+ ) |
1468 | -659x | +|||
706 | +
- df+ } |
1469 | +1 |
- }+ # paths summary ---- |
1470 | +2 | ||||
1471 | +3 |
- # set_def_child_ord ----+ #' Get a list of table row/column paths |
1472 | +4 |
- ## the table is built by recursively splitting the data and doing things to each+ #' |
1473 | +5 |
- ## piece. The order (or even values) of unique(df[[col]]) is not guaranteed to+ #' @param x (`VTableTree`)\cr an `rtable` object. |
1474 | +6 |
- ## be the same in all the different partitions. This addresses that.+ #' |
1475 | +7 |
- setGeneric(+ #' @return A list of paths to each row/column within `x`. |
1476 | +8 |
- "set_def_child_ord",+ #' |
1477 | -3818x | +||||
9 | +
- function(lyt, df) standardGeneric("set_def_child_ord")+ #' @seealso [cell_values()], [`fnotes_at_path<-`], [row_paths_summary()], [col_paths_summary()] |
1478 | +10 |
- )+ #' |
1479 | +11 |
+ #' @examples |
1480 | +12 |
- setMethod(+ #' lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
1481 | +13 |
- "set_def_child_ord", "PreDataTableLayouts",+ #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>% |
1482 | +14 |
- function(lyt, df) {+ #' analyze(c("SEX", "AGE")) |
1483 | -337x | +||||
15 | +
- clayout(lyt) <- set_def_child_ord(clayout(lyt), df)+ #' |
1484 | -336x | +||||
16 | +
- rlayout(lyt) <- set_def_child_ord(rlayout(lyt), df)+ #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, ex_adsl) |
1485 | -336x | +||||
17 | +
- lyt+ #' tbl |
1486 | +18 |
- }+ #' |
1487 | +19 |
- )+ #' row_paths(tbl) |
1488 | +20 |
+ #' col_paths(tbl) |
1489 | +21 |
- setMethod(+ #' |
1490 | +22 |
- "set_def_child_ord", "PreDataAxisLayout",+ #' cell_values(tbl, c("AGE", "Mean"), c("ARM", "B: Placebo")) |
1491 | +23 |
- function(lyt, df) {+ #' |
1492 | -1000x | +||||
24 | +
- lyt@.Data <- lapply(lyt, set_def_child_ord, df = df)+ #' @rdname make_col_row_df |
1493 | -999x | +||||
25 | +
- lyt+ #' @export |
1494 | +26 |
- }+ row_paths <- function(x) {+ |
+ |||
27 | +45x | +
+ stopifnot(is_rtable(x))+ |
+ |||
28 | +45x | +
+ make_row_df(x, visible_only = TRUE)$path |
1495 | +29 |
- )+ } |
1496 | +30 | ||||
1497 | +31 |
- setMethod(+ #' @rdname make_col_row_df |
1498 | +32 |
- "set_def_child_ord", "SplitVector",+ #' @export |
1499 | +33 |
- function(lyt, df) {+ col_paths <- function(x) { |
1500 | -1040x | +34 | +2405x |
- lyt[] <- lapply(lyt, set_def_child_ord, df = df)+ if (!is(coltree(x), "LayoutColTree")) { |
1501 | -1039x | +||||
35 | +! |
- lyt+ stop("I don't know how to extract the column paths from an object of class ", class(x)) |
1502 | +36 |
} |
37 | +2405x | +
+ make_col_df(x, visible_only = TRUE)$path+ |
+ |||
1503 | +38 |
- )+ } |
1504 | +39 | ||||
1505 | +40 |
- ## for most split types, don't do anything+ #' Print row/column paths summary |
1506 | +41 |
- ## becuause their ordering already isn't data-based+ #' |
1507 | +42 |
- setMethod(+ #' @param x (`VTableTree`)\cr an `rtable` object. |
1508 | +43 |
- "set_def_child_ord", "ANY",+ #' |
1509 | -610x | +||||
44 | +
- function(lyt, df) lyt+ #' @return A data frame summarizing the row- or column-structure of `x`. |
1510 | +45 |
- )+ #' |
1511 | +46 |
+ #' @examplesIf require(dplyr) |
1512 | +47 |
- setMethod(+ #' ex_adsl_MF <- ex_adsl %>% dplyr::filter(SEX %in% c("M", "F")) |
1513 | +48 |
- "set_def_child_ord", "VarLevelSplit",+ #' |
1514 | +49 |
- function(lyt, df) {+ #' lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
1515 | -814x | +||||
50 | +
- if (!is.null(spl_child_order(lyt))) {+ #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>% |
1516 | -267x | +||||
51 | +
- return(lyt)+ #' split_cols_by("SEX", split_fun = drop_split_levels) %>% |
1517 | +52 |
- }+ #' analyze(c("AGE", "BMRKR2")) |
1518 | +53 |
+ #' |
1519 | -547x | +||||
54 | +
- vec <- df[[spl_payload(lyt)]]+ #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, ex_adsl_MF) |
1520 | -547x | +||||
55 | +
- vals <- if (is.factor(vec)) {+ #' tbl |
1521 | -387x | +||||
56 | +
- levels(vec)+ #' |
1522 | +57 |
- } else {+ #' df <- row_paths_summary(tbl) |
1523 | -160x | +||||
58 | +
- unique(vec)+ #' df |
1524 | +59 |
- }+ #' |
1525 | -547x | +||||
60 | +
- spl_child_order(lyt) <- vals+ #' col_paths_summary(tbl) |
1526 | -547x | +||||
61 | +
- lyt+ #' |
1527 | +62 |
- }+ #' # manually constructed table |
1528 | +63 |
- )+ #' tbl2 <- rtable( |
1529 | +64 |
+ #' rheader( |
1530 | +65 |
- setMethod(+ #' rrow( |
1531 | +66 |
- "set_def_child_ord", "VarLevWBaselineSplit",+ #' "row 1", rcell("a", colspan = 2), |
1532 | +67 |
- function(lyt, df) {+ #' rcell("b", colspan = 2) |
1533 | -17x | +||||
68 | +
- bline <- spl_ref_group(lyt)+ #' ), |
1534 | -17x | +||||
69 | +
- if (!is.null(spl_child_order(lyt)) && match(bline, spl_child_order(lyt), nomatch = -1) == 1L) {+ #' rrow("h2", "a", "b", "c", "d") |
1535 | -6x | +||||
70 | +
- return(lyt)+ #' ), |
1536 | +71 |
- }+ #' rrow("r1", 1, 2, 1, 2), rrow("r2", 3, 4, 2, 1) |
1537 | +72 |
+ #' ) |
1538 | -11x | +||||
73 | +
- if (!is.null(split_fun(lyt))) {+ #' col_paths_summary(tbl2) |
1539 | +74 |
- ## expensive but sadly necessary, I think+ #' |
1540 | -3x | +||||
75 | +
- pinfo <- do_split(lyt, df, spl_context = context_df_row())+ #' @export+ |
+ ||||
76 | ++ |
+ row_paths_summary <- function(x) { |
1541 | -3x | +77 | +1x |
- vals <- sort(unlist(value_names(pinfo$values)))+ stopifnot(is_rtable(x)) |
1542 | +78 |
- } else {+ |
1543 | -8x | +79 | +1x |
- vec <- df[[spl_payload(lyt)]]+ if (nrow(x) == 0) { |
1544 | -8x | +||||
80 | +! |
- vals <- if (is.factor(vec)) {+ return("rowname node_class path\n---------------------\n") |
1545 | -5x | +||||
81 | +
- levels(vec)+ } |
1546 | +82 |
- } else {+ |
1547 | -3x | +83 | +1x |
- unique(vec)+ pagdf <- make_row_df(x, visible_only = TRUE) |
1548 | -+ | ||||
84 | +1x |
- }+ row.names(pagdf) <- NULL |
1549 | +85 |
- }+ |
1550 | -11x | +86 | +1x |
- if (!bline %in% vals) {+ mat <- rbind( |
1551 | +87 | 1x |
- stop(paste0(+ c("rowname", "node_class", "path"), |
1552 | +88 | 1x |
- 'Reference group "', bline, '"', " was not present in the levels of ", spl_payload(lyt), " in the data."+ t(apply(pagdf, 1, function(xi) { |
1553 | -+ | ||||
89 | +28x |
- ))+ c( |
1554 | -+ | ||||
90 | +28x |
- }+ indent_string(xi$label, xi$indent), |
1555 | -10x | +91 | +28x |
- spl_child_order(lyt) <- vals+ xi$node_class, |
1556 | -10x | +92 | +28x |
- lyt+ paste(xi$path, collapse = ", ") |
1557 | +93 |
- }+ ) |
1558 | +94 |
- )+ })) |
1559 | +95 |
+ ) |
1560 | +96 |
- splitvec_to_coltree <- function(df, splvec, pos = NULL,+ |
1561 | -+ | ||||
97 | +1x |
- lvl = 1L, label = "",+ txt <- mat_as_string(mat) |
1562 | -+ | ||||
98 | +1x |
- spl_context = context_df_row(cinfo = NULL),+ cat(txt) |
1563 | -+ | ||||
99 | +1x |
- alt_counts_df = df,+ cat("\n") |
1564 | +100 |
- global_cc_format) {+ |
1565 | -1751x | +101 | +1x |
- stopifnot(+ invisible(pagdf[, c("label", "indent", "node_class", "path")]) |
1566 | -1751x | +||||
102 | +
- lvl <= length(splvec) + 1L,+ } |
1567 | -1751x | +||||
103 | +
- is(splvec, "SplitVector")+ |
1568 | +104 |
- )+ #' @rdname row_paths_summary |
1569 | +105 |
+ #' @export |
1570 | +106 |
+ col_paths_summary <- function(x) { |
1571 | -1751x | +107 | +1x |
- if (lvl == length(splvec) + 1L) {+ stopifnot(is_rtable(x)) |
1572 | +108 |
- ## XXX this should be a LayoutColree I Think.+ |
1573 | -1147x | +109 | +1x |
- nm <- unlist(tail(value_names(pos), 1)) %||% ""+ pagdf <- make_col_df(x, visible_only = FALSE) |
1574 | -1147x | +110 | +1x |
- spl <- tail(pos_splits(pos), 1)[[1]]+ row.names(pagdf) <- NULL |
1575 | -1147x | +||||
111 | +
- fmt <- colcount_format(spl) %||% global_cc_format+ |
1576 | -1147x | +112 | +1x |
- LayoutColLeaf(+ mat <- rbind( |
1577 | -1147x | +113 | +1x |
- lev = lvl - 1L,+ c("label", "path"), |
1578 | -1147x | +114 | +1x |
- label = label,+ t(apply(pagdf, 1, function(xi) { |
1579 | -1147x | +115 | +6x |
- tpos = pos,+ c( |
1580 | -1147x | +116 | +6x |
- name = nm,+ indent_string(xi$label, floor(length(xi$path) / 2 - 1)), |
1581 | -1147x | +117 | +6x |
- colcount = NROW(alt_counts_df),+ paste(xi$path, collapse = ", ") |
1582 | -1147x | +||||
118 | +
- disp_ccounts = disp_ccounts(spl),+ ) |
1583 | -1147x | +||||
119 | +
- colcount_format = fmt+ })) |
1584 | +120 |
- )+ ) |
1585 | +121 |
- } else {+ |
1586 | -604x | +122 | +1x |
- spl <- splvec[[lvl]]+ txt <- mat_as_string(mat) |
1587 | -604x | +123 | +1x |
- nm <- if (is.null(pos) || length(pos_splits(pos)) == 0) {+ cat(txt) |
1588 | -376x | +124 | +1x |
- obj_name(spl)+ cat("\n") |
1589 | +125 |
- } else {- |
- |||
1590 | -228x | -
- unlist(tail(- |
- |||
1591 | -228x | -
- value_names(pos),+ |
1592 | -228x | +126 | +1x |
- 1+ invisible(pagdf[, c("label", "path")]) |
1593 | +127 |
- ))+ } |
1594 | +128 |
- }- |
- |||
1595 | -604x | -
- rawpart <- do_split(spl, df,- |
- |||
1596 | -604x | -
- trim = FALSE,- |
- |||
1597 | -604x | -
- spl_context = spl_context+ |
1598 | +129 |
- )- |
- |||
1599 | -601x | -
- datparts <- rawpart[["datasplit"]]- |
- |||
1600 | -601x | -
- vals <- rawpart[["values"]]+ # Rows ---- |
1601 | -601x | +||||
130 | +
- labs <- rawpart[["labels"]]+ # . Summarize Rows ---- |
1602 | +131 | ||||
1603 | -601x | -
- force(alt_counts_df)- |
- |||
1604 | -601x | -
- kids <- mapply(- |
- |||
1605 | -601x | -
- function(dfpart, value, partlab) {- |
- |||
1606 | +132 |
- ## we could pass subset expression in here but the spec+ # summarize_row_df <- |
1607 | +133 |
- ## currently doesn't call for it in column space- |
- |||
1608 | -1379x | -
- newprev <- context_df_row(- |
- |||
1609 | -1379x | -
- split = obj_name(spl),- |
- |||
1610 | -1379x | -
- value = value_names(value),- |
- |||
1611 | -1379x | -
- full_parent_df = list(dfpart),- |
- |||
1612 | -1379x | -
- cinfo = NULL+ # function(name, |
1613 | +134 |
- )+ # label, |
1614 | +135 |
- ## subset expressions handled inside make_child_pos,+ # indent, |
1615 | +136 |
- ## value is (optionally, for the moment) carrying it around- |
- |||
1616 | -1379x | -
- newpos <- make_child_pos(pos, spl, value, partlab)+ # depth, |
1617 | -1379x | +||||
137 | +
- acdf_subset_expr <- make_subset_expr(spl, value)+ # rowtype, |
1618 | -1379x | +||||
138 | +
- new_acdf_subset <- try(eval(acdf_subset_expr, alt_counts_df), silent = TRUE)+ # indent_mod, |
1619 | -1379x | +||||
139 | +
- if (is(new_acdf_subset, "try-error")) {+ # level) { |
1620 | -4x | +||||
140 | +
- stop(sprintf(+ # data.frame( |
1621 | -4x | +||||
141 | +
- paste(+ # name = name, |
1622 | -4x | +||||
142 | +
- ifelse(identical(df, alt_counts_df), "df", "alt_counts_df"),+ # label = label, |
1623 | -4x | +||||
143 | +
- "appears incompatible with column-split",+ # indent = indent, |
1624 | -4x | +||||
144 | +
- "structure. Offending column subset",+ # depth = level, |
1625 | -4x | +||||
145 | +
- "expression: %s\nOriginal error",+ # rowtype = rowtype, |
1626 | -4x | +||||
146 | +
- "message: %s"+ # indent_mod = indent_mod, |
1627 | -4x | +||||
147 | +
- ), deparse(acdf_subset_expr[[1]]),+ # level = level, |
1628 | -4x | +||||
148 | +
- conditionMessage(attr(new_acdf_subset, "condition"))+ # stringsAsFactors = FALSE |
1629 | +149 |
- ))+ # ) |
1630 | +150 |
- }+ # } |
1631 | +151 | ||||
1632 | -1375x | -
- splitvec_to_coltree(dfpart, splvec, newpos,- |
- |||
1633 | -1375x | -
- lvl + 1L, partlab,- |
- |||
1634 | -1375x | -
- spl_context = rbind(spl_context, newprev),- |
- |||
1635 | -1375x | -
- alt_counts_df = alt_counts_df[new_acdf_subset, , drop = FALSE],- |
- |||
1636 | -1375x | -
- global_cc_format = global_cc_format- |
- |||
1637 | +152 |
- )+ #' Summarize rows |
1638 | +153 |
- },- |
- |||
1639 | -601x | -
- dfpart = datparts, value = vals,- |
- |||
1640 | -601x | -
- partlab = labs, SIMPLIFY = FALSE+ #' |
1641 | +154 |
- )- |
- |||
1642 | -595x | -
- disp_cc <- FALSE- |
- |||
1643 | -595x | -
- cc_format <- global_cc_format # this doesn't matter probably, but its technically more correct- |
- |||
1644 | -595x | -
- if (lvl > 1) {- |
- |||
1645 | -226x | -
- disp_cc <- disp_ccounts(splvec[[lvl - 1]])- |
- |||
1646 | -226x | -
- cc_format <- colcount_format(splvec[[lvl - 1]]) %||% global_cc_format+ #' @inheritParams gen_args |
1647 | +155 |
- }+ #' @param depth (`numeric(1)`)\cr depth. |
1648 | +156 | - - | -|||
1649 | -595x | -
- names(kids) <- value_names(vals)- |
- |||
1650 | -595x | -
- LayoutColTree(- |
- |||
1651 | -595x | -
- lev = lvl, label = label,- |
- |||
1652 | -595x | -
- spl = spl,+ #' @param indent (`numeric(1)`)\cr indent. |
1653 | -595x | +||||
157 | +
- kids = kids, tpos = pos,+ #' |
1654 | -595x | +||||
158 | +
- name = nm,+ #' @examplesIf require(dplyr) |
1655 | -595x | +||||
159 | +
- summary_function = content_fun(spl),+ #' library(dplyr) |
1656 | -595x | +||||
160 | +
- colcount = NROW(alt_counts_df),+ #' |
1657 | -595x | +||||
161 | +
- disp_ccounts = disp_cc,+ #' iris2 <- iris %>% |
1658 | -595x | +||||
162 | +
- colcount_format = cc_format+ #' group_by(Species) %>% |
1659 | +163 |
- )+ #' mutate(group = as.factor(rep_len(c("a", "b"), length.out = n()))) %>% |
1660 | +164 |
- }+ #' ungroup() |
1661 | +165 |
- }+ #' |
1662 | +166 |
+ #' lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
1663 | +167 |
- # fix_analyze_vis ----+ #' split_cols_by("Species") %>% |
1664 | +168 |
- ## now that we know for sure the number of siblings+ #' split_cols_by("group") %>% |
1665 | +169 |
- ## collaplse NAs to TRUE/FALSE for whether+ #' analyze(c("Sepal.Length", "Petal.Width"), |
1666 | +170 |
- ## labelrows should be visible for ElementaryTables+ #' afun = list_wrap_x(summary), |
1667 | +171 |
- ## generatead from analyzing a single variable+ #' format = "xx.xx" |
1668 | -1031x | +||||
172 | +
- setGeneric("fix_analyze_vis", function(lyt) standardGeneric("fix_analyze_vis"))+ #' ) |
1669 | +173 |
+ #' |
1670 | +174 |
- setMethod(+ #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, iris2) |
1671 | +175 |
- "fix_analyze_vis", "PreDataTableLayouts",+ #' |
1672 | +176 |
- function(lyt) {+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1673 | -336x | +||||
177 | +
- rlayout(lyt) <- fix_analyze_vis(rlayout(lyt))+ setGeneric("summarize_rows_inner", function(obj, depth = 0, indent = 0) { |
1674 | -336x | +||||
178 | +! |
- lyt+ standardGeneric("summarize_rows_inner") |
1675 | +179 |
- }+ }) |
1676 | +180 |
- )+ |
1677 | +181 |
+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1678 | +182 |
setMethod( |
1679 | +183 |
- "fix_analyze_vis", "PreDataRowLayout",+ "summarize_rows_inner", "TableTree", |
1680 | +184 |
- function(lyt) {+ function(obj, depth = 0, indent = 0) { |
1681 | -336x | +||||
185 | +! |
- splvecs <- lapply(lyt, fix_analyze_vis)+ indent <- max(0L, indent + indent_mod(obj)) |
1682 | -336x | +||||
186 | +
- PreDataRowLayout(+ |
1683 | -336x | +||||
187 | +! |
- root = root_spl(lyt),+ lr <- summarize_rows_inner(tt_labelrow(obj), depth, indent) |
1684 | -336x | +||||
188 | +! |
- lst = splvecs+ if (!is.null(lr)) { |
1685 | -+ | ||||
189 | +! |
- )+ ret <- list(lr) |
1686 | +190 |
- }+ } else {+ |
+ |||
191 | +! | +
+ ret <- list() |
1687 | +192 |
- )+ } |
1688 | +193 | ||||
1689 | -+ | ||||
194 | +! |
- setMethod(+ indent <- indent + (!is.null(lr)) |
1690 | +195 |
- "fix_analyze_vis", "SplitVector",+ |
1691 | -+ | ||||
196 | +! |
- function(lyt) {+ ctab <- content_table(obj) |
1692 | -359x | +||||
197 | +! |
- len <- length(lyt)+ if (NROW(ctab)) { |
1693 | -359x | +||||
198 | +! |
- if (len == 0) {+ ct <- summarize_rows_inner(ctab, |
1694 | -14x | +||||
199 | +! |
- return(lyt)+ depth = depth, |
1695 | -+ | ||||
200 | +! |
- }+ indent = indent + indent_mod(ctab) |
1696 | -345x | +||||
201 | +
- lastspl <- lyt[[len]]+ ) |
1697 | -345x | +||||
202 | +! |
- if (!(is(lastspl, "VAnalyzeSplit") || is(lastspl, "AnalyzeMultivar"))) {+ ret <- c(ret, ct) |
1698 | -73x | +||||
203 | +! |
- return(lyt)+ indent <- indent + (length(ct) > 0) * (1 + indent_mod(ctab)) |
1699 | +204 |
} |
1700 | +205 | ||||
1701 | -272x | +||||
206 | +! |
- if (is(lastspl, "VAnalyzeSplit") && is.na(labelrow_visible(lastspl))) {+ kids <- tree_children(obj) |
1702 | -+ | ||||
207 | +! |
- ## labelrow_visible(lastspl) = FALSE+ els <- lapply(tree_children(obj), summarize_rows_inner, |
1703 | -266x | +||||
208 | +! |
- labelrow_visible(lastspl) <- "hidden"+ depth = depth + 1, indent = indent |
1704 | -6x | +||||
209 | +
- } else if (is(lastspl, "AnalyzeMultiVar")) {+ ) |
1705 | +210 | ! |
- pld <- spl_payload(lastspl)+ if (!are(kids, "TableRow")) { |
1706 | +211 | ! |
- newpld <- lapply(pld, function(sp, havesibs) {+ if (!are(kids, "VTableTree")) {+ |
+ ||
212 | ++ |
+ ## hatchet job of a hack, wrap em just so we can unlist em all at+ |
+ |||
213 | ++ |
+ ## the same level |
1707 | +214 | ! |
- if (is.na(labelrow_visible(sp))) {+ rowinds <- vapply(kids, is, NA, class2 = "TableRow") |
1708 | +215 | ! |
- labelrow_visible(sp) <- havesibs+ els[rowinds] <- lapply(els[rowinds], function(x) list(x)) |
1709 | +216 |
- }- |
- |||
1710 | -! | -
- }, havesibs = len > 1)+ } |
1711 | +217 | ! |
- spl_payload(lastspl) <- newpld+ els <- unlist(els, recursive = FALSE) |
1712 | +218 |
- ## pretty sure this isn't needed...+ } |
1713 | +219 | ! |
- if (is.na(label_kids(lastspl))) {+ ret <- c(ret, els) |
1714 | +220 | ! |
- label_kids(lastspl) <- len > 1+ ret |
1715 | +221 |
- }+ ## df <- do.call(rbind, c(list(lr), list(ct), els)) |
1716 | +222 |
- }+ |
1717 | -272x | +||||
223 | +
- lyt[[len]] <- lastspl+ ## row.names(df) <- NULL |
1718 | -272x | +||||
224 | +
- lyt+ ## df |
1719 | +225 |
} |
1720 | +226 |
) |
1721 | +227 | ||||
1722 | +228 |
- # check_afun_cfun_params ----+ # Print Table Structure ---- |
1723 | +229 | ||||
1724 | +230 |
- # This checks if the input params are used anywhere in cfun/afun+ #' Summarize table |
1725 | +231 |
- setGeneric("check_afun_cfun_params", function(lyt, params) {+ #' |
1726 | -3188x | +||||
232 | +
- standardGeneric("check_afun_cfun_params")+ #' @param x (`VTableTree`)\cr a table object. |
1727 | +233 |
- })+ #' @param detail (`string`)\cr either `row` or `subtable`. |
1728 | +234 |
+ #' |
1729 | +235 |
- setMethod(+ #' @return No return value. Called for the side-effect of printing a row- or subtable-structure summary of `x`. |
1730 | +236 |
- "check_afun_cfun_params", "PreDataTableLayouts",+ #' |
1731 | +237 |
- function(lyt, params) {+ #' @examplesIf require(dplyr) |
1732 | +238 |
- # clayout does not have analysis functions+ #' library(dplyr) |
1733 | -327x | +||||
239 | +
- check_afun_cfun_params(rlayout(lyt), params)+ #' |
1734 | +240 |
- }+ #' iris2 <- iris %>% |
1735 | +241 |
- )+ #' group_by(Species) %>% |
1736 | +242 |
+ #' mutate(group = as.factor(rep_len(c("a", "b"), length.out = n()))) %>% |
1737 | +243 |
- setMethod(+ #' ungroup() |
1738 | +244 |
- "check_afun_cfun_params", "PreDataRowLayout",+ #' |
1739 | +245 |
- function(lyt, params) {+ #' lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
1740 | -327x | +||||
246 | +
- ro_spl_parm_l <- check_afun_cfun_params(root_spl(lyt), params)+ #' split_cols_by("Species") %>% |
1741 | -327x | +||||
247 | +
- r_spl_parm_l <- lapply(lyt, check_afun_cfun_params, params = params)+ #' split_cols_by("group") %>% |
1742 | -327x | +||||
248 | +
- Reduce(`|`, c(list(ro_spl_parm_l), r_spl_parm_l))+ #' analyze(c("Sepal.Length", "Petal.Width"), |
1743 | +249 |
- }+ #' afun = list_wrap_x(summary), |
1744 | +250 |
- )+ #' format = "xx.xx" |
1745 | +251 |
+ #' ) |
1746 | +252 |
- # Main function for checking parameters+ #' |
1747 | +253 |
- setMethod(+ #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, iris2) |
1748 | +254 |
- "check_afun_cfun_params", "SplitVector",+ #' tbl |
1749 | +255 |
- function(lyt, params) {+ #' |
1750 | -764x | +||||
256 | +
- param_l <- lapply(lyt, check_afun_cfun_params, params = params)+ #' row_paths(tbl) |
1751 | -764x | +||||
257 | +
- Reduce(`|`, param_l)+ #' |
1752 | +258 |
- }+ #' table_structure(tbl) |
1753 | +259 |
- )+ #' |
1754 | +260 |
+ #' table_structure(tbl, detail = "row") |
1755 | +261 |
- # Helper function for check_afun_cfun_params+ #' |
1756 | +262 |
- .afun_cfun_switch <- function(spl_i) {+ #' @export |
1757 | -1769x | +||||
263 | +
- if (is(spl_i, "VAnalyzeSplit")) {+ table_structure <- function(x, detail = c("subtable", "row")) { |
1758 | -593x | -
- analysis_fun(spl_i)+ | 264 | +2x | +
+ detail <- match.arg(detail) |
1759 | +265 |
- } else {+ |
1760 | -1176x | +266 | +2x |
- content_fun(spl_i)+ switch(detail,+ |
+ |
267 | +1x | +
+ subtable = treestruct(x),+ |
+ |||
268 | +1x | +
+ row = table_structure_inner(x),+ |
+ |||
269 | +! | +
+ stop("unsupported level of detail ", detail) |
1761 | +270 |
- }+ ) |
1762 | +271 |
} |
1763 | +272 | ||||
1764 | +273 |
- # Extreme case that happens only when using add_existing_table+ #' @param obj (`VTableTree`)\cr a table object. |
1765 | +274 |
- setMethod(+ #' @param depth (`numeric(1)`)\cr depth in tree. |
1766 | +275 |
- "check_afun_cfun_params", "VTableTree",+ #' @param indent (`numeric(1)`)\cr indent. |
1767 | +276 |
- function(lyt, params) {+ #' @param print_indent (`numeric(1)`)\cr indent for printing. |
1768 | -1x | +||||
277 | +
- setNames(logical(length(params)), params) # All FALSE+ #' |
1769 | +278 |
- }+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1770 | +279 |
- )+ setGeneric( |
1771 | +280 |
+ "table_structure_inner", |
1772 | +281 |
- setMethod(+ function(obj, |
1773 | +282 |
- "check_afun_cfun_params", "Split",+ depth = 0, |
1774 | +283 |
- function(lyt, params) {+ indent = 0, |
1775 | +284 |
- # Extract function in the split+ print_indent = 0) { |
1776 | -1769x | +285 | +70x |
- fnc <- .afun_cfun_switch(lyt)+ standardGeneric("table_structure_inner") |
1777 | +286 |
+ } |
1778 | +287 |
- # For each parameter, check if it is called+ ) |
1779 | -1769x | +||||
288 | +
- sapply(params, function(pai) any(unlist(func_takes(fnc, pai))))+ |
1780 | +289 |
- }+ scat <- function(..., indent = 0, newline = TRUE) { |
1781 | -+ | ||||
290 | +101x |
- )+ txt <- paste(..., collapse = "", sep = "") |
1782 | +291 | ||||
1783 | -+ | ||||
292 | +101x |
- # Helper functions ----+ cat(indent_string(txt, indent)) |
1784 | +293 | ||||
1785 | -231x | +294 | +101x |
- count <- function(df, ...) NROW(df)+ if (newline) cat("\n") |
1786 | +295 | ++ |
+ }+ |
+ ||
296 | |||||
1787 | +297 |
- guess_format <- function(val) {+ ## helper functions |
1788 | -1054x | +||||
298 | +
- if (length(val) == 1) {+ obj_visible <- function(x) { |
1789 | -1042x | +299 | +50x |
- if (is.integer(val) || !is.numeric(val)) {+ x@visible |
1790 | -226x | +||||
300 | +
- "xx"+ } |
1791 | +301 |
- } else {+ + |
+ |||
302 | ++ |
+ is_empty_labelrow <- function(x) { |
1792 | -816x | +303 | +4x |
- "xx.xx"+ obj_label(x) == "" && !labelrow_visible(x) |
1793 | +304 |
- }+ } |
1794 | -12x | +||||
305 | +
- } else if (length(val) == 2) {+ |
1795 | -12x | +||||
306 | +
- "xx.x / xx.x"+ is_empty_ElementaryTable <- function(x) { |
1796 | -! | +||||
307 | +10x |
- } else if (length(val) == 3) {+ length(tree_children(x)) == 0 && is_empty_labelrow(tt_labelrow(x)) |
1797 | -! | +||||
308 | +
- "xx.x (xx.x - xx.x)"+ } |
1798 | +309 |
- } else {+ |
1799 | -! | +||||
310 | +
- stop("got value of length > 3")+ #' @param object (`VTableTree`)\cr a table object. |
1800 | +311 |
- }+ #' |
1801 | +312 |
- }+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1802 | +313 |
+ #' @export |
1803 | +314 |
- .quick_afun <- function(afun, lbls) {+ setGeneric("str", function(object, ...) { |
1804 | -14x | +||||
315 | +! |
- if (.takes_df(afun)) {+ standardGeneric("str") |
1805 | -5x | +||||
316 | +
- function(df, .spl_context, ...) {+ }) |
1806 | -226x | +||||
317 | +
- if (!is.null(lbls) && length(lbls) == 1 && is.na(lbls)) {+ |
1807 | -222x | +||||
318 | +
- lbls <- tail(.spl_context$value, 1)+ #' @param max.level (`numeric(1)`)\cr passed to `utils::str`. Defaults to 3 for the `VTableTree` method, unlike |
1808 | +319 |
- }+ #' the underlying default of `NA`. `NA` is *not* appropriate for `VTableTree` objects. |
1809 | -226x | +||||
320 | +
- if (".spl_context" %in% names(formals(afun))) {+ #' |
1810 | -! | +||||
321 | +
- res <- afun(df = df, .spl_context = .spl_context, ...)+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1811 | +322 |
- } else {+ #' @export |
1812 | -226x | +||||
323 | +
- res <- afun(df = df, ...)+ setMethod( |
1813 | +324 |
- }+ "str", "VTableTree", |
1814 | -226x | +||||
325 | +
- if (is(res, "RowsVerticalSection")) {+ function(object, max.level = 3L, ...) { |
1815 | +326 | ! |
- ret <- res+ utils::str(object, max.level = max.level, ...) |
1816 | -+ | ||||
327 | +! |
- } else {+ warning("str provides a low level, implementation-detail-specific description of the TableTree object structure. ", |
1817 | -226x | +||||
328 | +! |
- if (!is.list(res)) {+ "See table_structure(.) for a summary of table struture intended for end users.", |
1818 | -226x | +||||
329 | +! |
- ret <- rcell(res, label = lbls, format = guess_format(res))+ call. = FALSE |
1819 | +330 |
- } else {+ ) |
1820 | +331 | ! |
- if (!is.null(lbls) && length(lbls) == length(res) && all(!is.na(lbls))) {+ invisible(NULL) |
1821 | -! | +||||
332 | +
- names(res) <- lbls+ } |
1822 | +333 |
- }+ ) |
1823 | -! | +||||
334 | +
- ret <- in_rows(.list = res, .labels = names(res), .formats = vapply(res, guess_format, ""))+ |
1824 | +335 |
- }+ #' @inheritParams table_structure_inner |
1825 | +336 |
- }+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1826 | -226x | +||||
337 | +
- ret+ setMethod( |
1827 | +338 |
- }+ "table_structure_inner", "TableTree", |
1828 | +339 |
- } else {+ function(obj, depth = 0, indent = 0, print_indent = 0) { |
1829 | -9x | +340 | +10x |
- function(x, .spl_context, ...) {+ indent <- indent + indent_mod(obj) |
1830 | -387x | +||||
341 | +
- if (!is.null(lbls) && length(lbls) == 1 && is.na(lbls)) {+ |
1831 | -225x | +342 | +10x |
- lbls <- tail(.spl_context$value, 1)+ scat("TableTree: ", "[", obj_name(obj), "] (", |
1832 | -+ | ||||
343 | +10x |
- }+ obj_label(obj), ")", |
1833 | -387x | +344 | +10x |
- if (".spl_context" %in% names(formals(afun))) {+ indent = print_indent |
1834 | -! | +||||
345 | +
- res <- afun(x = x, .spl_context = .spl_context, ...)+ ) |
1835 | +346 |
- } else {+ |
1836 | -387x | +347 | +10x |
- res <- afun(x = x, ...)+ table_structure_inner( |
1837 | -+ | ||||
348 | +10x |
- }+ tt_labelrow(obj), depth, indent, |
1838 | -387x | +349 | +10x |
- if (is(res, "RowsVerticalSection")) {+ print_indent + 1 |
1839 | -! | +||||
350 | +
- ret <- res+ ) |
1840 | +351 |
- } else {+ |
1841 | -387x | +352 | +10x |
- if (!is.list(res)) {+ ctab <- content_table(obj) |
1842 | -297x | +353 | +10x |
- ret <- rcell(res, label = lbls, format = guess_format(res))+ visible_content <- if (is_empty_ElementaryTable(ctab)) { |
1843 | +354 |
- } else {- |
- |||
1844 | -90x | -
- if (!is.null(lbls) && length(lbls) == length(res) && all(!is.na(lbls))) {+ # scat("content: -", indent = print_indent + 1) |
1845 | -9x | +355 | +4x |
- names(res) <- lbls+ FALSE |
1846 | +356 |
- }+ } else { |
1847 | -90x | +357 | +6x |
- ret <- in_rows(.list = res, .labels = names(res), .formats = vapply(res, guess_format, ""))+ scat("content:", indent = print_indent + 1) |
1848 | -+ | ||||
358 | +6x |
- }+ table_structure_inner(ctab, |
1849 | -+ | ||||
359 | +6x |
- }+ depth = depth, |
1850 | -387x | +360 | +6x |
- ret+ indent = indent + indent_mod(ctab), |
1851 | -+ | ||||
361 | +6x |
- }+ print_indent = print_indent + 2 |
1852 | +362 |
- }+ ) |
1853 | +363 |
- }+ } |
1854 | +364 | ||||
1855 | -+ | ||||
365 | +10x |
- # qtable ----+ if (length(tree_children(obj)) == 0) { |
1856 | -+ | ||||
366 | +! |
+ scat("children: - ", indent = print_indent + 1) |
1857 | +367 |
- n_cells_res <- function(res) {+ } else { |
1858 | -8x | +368 | +10x |
- ans <- 1L+ scat("children: ", indent = print_indent + 1) |
1859 | -8x | +369 | +10x |
- if (is.list(res)) {+ lapply(tree_children(obj), table_structure_inner, |
1860 | -4x | +370 | +10x |
- ans <- length(res)+ depth = depth + 1, |
1861 | -4x | +371 | +10x |
- } else if (is(res, "RowsVerticalSection")) {+ indent = indent + visible_content * (1 + indent_mod(ctab)), |
1862 | -! | +||||
372 | +10x |
- ans <- length(res$values)+ print_indent = print_indent + 2 |
1863 | +373 |
- } # XXX penetrating the abstraction- |
- |||
1864 | -8x | -
- ans+ ) |
1865 | +374 |
- }+ } |
1866 | +375 | ||||
1867 | -+ | ||||
376 | +10x |
- #' Generalized frequency table+ invisible(NULL) |
1868 | +377 |
- #'+ } |
1869 | +378 |
- #' This function provides a convenience interface for generating generalizations of a 2-way frequency table. Row and+ ) |
1870 | +379 |
- #' column space can be facetted by variables, and an analysis function can be specified. The function then builds a+ |
1871 | +380 |
- #' layout with the specified layout and applies it to the data provided.+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1872 | +381 |
- #'+ setMethod( |
1873 | +382 |
- #' @inheritParams constr_args+ "table_structure_inner", "ElementaryTable", |
1874 | +383 |
- #' @inheritParams basic_table+ function(obj, depth = 0, indent = 0, print_indent = 0) { |
1875 | -+ | ||||
384 | +15x |
- #' @param row_vars (`character`)\cr the names of variables to be used in row facetting.+ scat("ElementaryTable: ", "[", obj_name(obj), |
1876 | -+ | ||||
385 | +15x |
- #' @param col_vars (`character`)\cr the names of variables to be used in column facetting.+ "] (", obj_label(obj), ")", |
1877 | -+ | ||||
386 | +15x |
- #' @param data (`data.frame`)\cr the data to tabulate.+ indent = print_indent |
1878 | +387 |
- #' @param avar (`string`)\cr the variable to be analyzed. Defaults to the first variable in `data`.+ ) |
1879 | +388 |
- #' @param row_labels (`character` or `NULL`)\cr row label(s) which should be applied to the analysis rows. Length must+ |
1880 | -+ | ||||
389 | +15x |
- #' match the number of rows generated by `afun`.+ indent <- indent + indent_mod(obj) |
1881 | +390 |
- #' @param afun (`function`)\cr the function to generate the analysis row cell values. This can be a proper analysis+ |
1882 | -+ | ||||
391 | +15x |
- #' function, or a function which returns a vector or list. Vectors are taken as multi-valued single cells, whereas+ table_structure_inner( |
1883 | -+ | ||||
392 | +15x |
- #' lists are interpreted as multiple cells.+ tt_labelrow(obj), depth, |
1884 | -+ | ||||
393 | +15x |
- #' @param drop_levels (`flag`)\cr whether unobserved factor levels should be dropped during facetting. Defaults to+ indent, print_indent + 1 |
1885 | +394 |
- #' `TRUE`.+ ) |
1886 | +395 |
- #' @param summarize_groups (`flag`)\cr whether each level of nesting should include marginal summary rows. Defaults to+ |
1887 | -+ | ||||
396 | +15x |
- #' `FALSE`.+ if (length(tree_children(obj)) == 0) { |
1888 | -+ | ||||
397 | +! |
- #' @param ... additional arguments passed to `afun`.+ scat("children: - ", indent = print_indent + 1) |
1889 | +398 |
- #' @param .default_rlabel (`string`)\cr this is an implementation detail that should not be set by end users.+ } else { |
1890 | -+ | ||||
399 | +15x |
- #'+ scat("children: ", indent = print_indent + 1) |
1891 | -+ | ||||
400 | +15x |
- #' @details+ lapply(tree_children(obj), table_structure_inner, |
1892 | -+ | ||||
401 | +15x |
- #' This function creates a table with a single top-level structure in both row and column dimensions involving faceting+ depth = depth + 1, indent = indent, |
1893 | -+ | ||||
402 | +15x |
- #' by 0 or more variables in each dimension.+ print_indent = print_indent + 2 |
1894 | +403 |
- #'+ ) |
1895 | +404 |
- #' The display of the table depends on certain details of the tabulation. In the case of an `afun` which returns a+ } |
1896 | +405 |
- #' single cell's contents (either a scalar or a vector of 2 or 3 elements), the label rows for the deepest-nested row+ |
1897 | -+ | ||||
406 | +15x |
- #' facets will be hidden and the labels used there will be used as the analysis row labels. In the case of an `afun`+ invisible(NULL) |
1898 | +407 |
- #' which returns a list (corresponding to multiple cells), the names of the list will be used as the analysis row+ } |
1899 | +408 |
- #' labels and the deepest-nested facet row labels will be visible.+ ) |
1900 | +409 |
- #'+ |
1901 | +410 |
- #' The table will be annotated in the top-left area with an informative label displaying the analysis variable+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1902 | +411 |
- #' (`avar`), if set, and the function used (captured via substitute) where possible, or 'count' if not. One exception+ setMethod( |
1903 | +412 |
- #' where the user may directly modify the top-left area (via `row_labels`) is the case of a table with row facets and+ "table_structure_inner", "TableRow", |
1904 | +413 |
- #' an `afun` which returns a single row.+ function(obj, depth = 0, indent = 0, print_indent = 0) { |
1905 | -+ | ||||
414 | +20x |
- #'+ scat(class(obj), ": ", "[", obj_name(obj), "] (", |
1906 | -+ | ||||
415 | +20x |
- #' @return+ obj_label(obj), ")", |
1907 | -+ | ||||
416 | +20x |
- #' * `qtable` returns a built `TableTree` object representing the desired table+ indent = print_indent |
1908 | +417 |
- #' * `qtable_layout` returns a `PreDataTableLayouts` object declaring the structure of the desired table, suitable for+ ) |
1909 | +418 |
- #' passing to [build_table()].+ |
1910 | -+ | ||||
419 | +20x |
- #'+ indent <- indent + indent_mod(obj) |
1911 | +420 |
- #' @examples+ |
1912 | -+ | ||||
421 | +20x |
- #' qtable(ex_adsl)+ invisible(NULL) |
1913 | +422 |
- #' qtable(ex_adsl, row_vars = "ARM")+ } |
1914 | +423 |
- #' qtable(ex_adsl, col_vars = "ARM")+ ) |
1915 | +424 |
- #' qtable(ex_adsl, row_vars = "SEX", col_vars = "ARM")+ |
1916 | +425 |
- #' qtable(ex_adsl, row_vars = c("COUNTRY", "SEX"), col_vars = c("ARM", "STRATA1"))+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1917 | +426 |
- #' qtable(ex_adsl,+ setMethod( |
1918 | +427 |
- #' row_vars = c("COUNTRY", "SEX"),+ "table_structure_inner", "LabelRow", |
1919 | +428 |
- #' col_vars = c("ARM", "STRATA1"), avar = "AGE", afun = mean+ function(obj, depth = 0, indent = 0, print_indent = 0) { |
1920 | -+ | ||||
429 | +25x |
- #' )+ indent <- indent + indent_mod(obj) |
1921 | +430 |
- #' summary_list <- function(x, ...) as.list(summary(x))+ |
1922 | -+ | ||||
431 | +25x |
- #' qtable(ex_adsl, row_vars = "SEX", col_vars = "ARM", avar = "AGE", afun = summary_list)+ txtvis <- if (!obj_visible(obj)) " - <not visible>" else "" |
1923 | +432 |
- #' suppressWarnings(qtable(ex_adsl,+ |
1924 | -+ | ||||
433 | +25x |
- #' row_vars = "SEX",+ scat("labelrow: ", "[", obj_name(obj), "] (", obj_label(obj), ")", |
1925 | -+ | ||||
434 | +25x |
- #' col_vars = "ARM", avar = "AGE", afun = range+ txtvis, |
1926 | -+ | ||||
435 | +25x |
- #' ))+ indent = print_indent |
1927 | +436 |
- #'+ ) |
1928 | +437 |
- #' @export+ |
1929 | -+ | ||||
438 | +25x |
- qtable_layout <- function(data,+ obj_visible(obj) |
1930 | +439 |
- row_vars = character(),+ } |
1931 | +440 |
- col_vars = character(),+ ) |
1932 | +1 |
- avar = NULL,+ do_recursive_replace <- function(tab, path, incontent = FALSE, value) { ## rows = NULL, |
1933 | +2 |
- row_labels = NULL,+ ## cols = NULL, value) { |
1934 | +3 |
- afun = NULL,+ ## don't want this in the recursive function |
1935 | +4 |
- summarize_groups = FALSE,+ ## so thats why we have the do_ variant+ |
+ ||
5 | +168x | +
+ if (is.character(path) && length(path) > 1) {+ |
+ ||
6 | +143x | +
+ path <- as.list(path) |
1936 | +7 |
- title = "",+ }+ |
+ ||
8 | +168x | +
+ if (length(path) > 0 && path[[1]] == obj_name(tab)) {+ |
+ ||
9 | +144x | +
+ path <- path[-1] |
1937 | +10 |
- subtitles = character(),+ }+ |
+ ||
11 | +168x | +
+ recursive_replace(tab, path, value) ## incontent, rows, cols,value) |
1938 | +12 |
- main_footer = character(),+ } |
1939 | +13 |
- prov_footer = character(),+ |
1940 | +14 |
- show_colcounts = TRUE,+ ## different cases we want to support: |
1941 | +15 |
- drop_levels = TRUE,+ ## 1. Replace entire children for a particular node/position in the tree |
1942 | +16 |
- ...,+ ## 2. Replace entire rows at a particular (ElementaryTable) position within the |
1943 | +17 |
- .default_rlabel = NULL) {+ ## tree |
1944 | -16x | +|||
18 | +
- subafun <- substitute(afun)+ ## 3. Replace specific cell values within a set of row x column positions within |
1945 | -16x | +|||
19 | +
- if (!is.null(.default_rlabel)) {+ ## an ElementaryTable at a particular position within the tree |
1946 | -16x | +|||
20 | +
- dflt_row_lbl <- .default_rlabel+ ## 3. replace entire content table at a node position |
1947 | +21 |
- } else if (+ ## 4. replace entire rows within the content table at a particular node position |
1948 | -! | +|||
22 | +
- is.name(subafun) &&+ ## in the tree |
1949 | -! | +|||
23 | +
- is.function(afun) &&+ ## 5. replace data cell values for specific row/col positions within the content |
1950 | +24 |
- ## this is gross. basically testing+ ## table at a particular position within the tree |
1951 | +25 |
- ## if the symbol we have corresponds+ |
1952 | +26 |
- ## in some meaningful way to the function+ ## XXX This is wrong, what happens if a split (or more accurately, value) |
1953 | +27 |
- ## we will be calling.+ ## happens more than once in the overall tree??? |
1954 | -! | +|||
28 | +
- identical(+ recursive_replace <- function(tab, path, value) { ## incontent = FALSE, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, value) { |
1955 | -! | +|||
29 | +675x |
- mget(+ if (length(path) == 0) { ## done recursing |
1956 | -! | +|||
30 | +
- as.character(subafun),+ ## if(is.null(rows) && is.null(cols)) { ## replacing whole subtree a this position |
1957 | -! | +|||
31 | +
- mode = "function",+ ## if(incontent) { |
1958 | -! | +|||
32 | +
- envir = parent.frame(1),+ ## newkid = tab |
1959 | -! | +|||
33 | +
- ifnotfound = list(NULL),+ ## content_table(newkid) = value |
1960 | -! | +|||
34 | +
- inherits = TRUE+ ## } else |
1961 | -! | +|||
35 | +171x |
- )[[1]],+ newkid <- value |
1962 | -! | +|||
36 | +
- afun+ ## newkid has either thee content table |
1963 | +37 |
- )+ ## replaced on the old kid or is the new |
1964 | +38 |
- ) {+ ## kid |
1965 | -! | +|||
39 | +
- dflt_row_lbl <- paste(avar, as.character(subafun), sep = " - ")+ # } ## else { ## rows or cols (or both) non-null |
1966 | +40 |
- } else {+ ## if(incontent) { |
1967 | -! | +|||
41 | +
- dflt_row_lbl <- if (is.null(avar)) "count" else avar+ ## ctab = content_table(tab) |
1968 | +42 |
- }+ ## ctab[rows, cols] = value |
1969 | +43 | ++ |
+ ## content_table(tab) = ctab+ |
+ |
44 | ++ |
+ ## newkid = tab+ |
+ ||
45 | ||||
1970 | -16x | +|||
46 | +
- if (is.null(afun)) {+ ## } else { |
1971 | -5x | +|||
47 | +
- afun <- count+ ## allkids = tree_children(tab) |
1972 | +48 |
- }+ ## stopifnot(are(allkids, "TableRow")) |
1973 | +49 |
+ ## newkid = tab |
1974 | -16x | +|||
50 | +
- if (is.null(avar)) {+ ## newkid[rows, cols] = value |
1975 | -5x | +|||
51 | +
- avar <- names(data)[1]+ ## } |
1976 | +52 |
- }+ ## } |
1977 | -16x | +53 | +171x |
- fakeres <- afun(data[[avar]], ...)+ return(newkid) |
1978 | -16x | +54 | +504x |
- multirow <- is.list(fakeres) || is(fakeres, "RowsVerticalSection") || summarize_groups+ } else if (path[[1]] == "@content") {+ |
55 | +25x | +
+ ctb <- content_table(tab)+ |
+ ||
56 | +25x | +
+ ctb <- recursive_replace(ctb,+ |
+ ||
57 | +25x | +
+ path = path[-1], |
1979 | +58 |
- ## this is before we plug in the default so if not specified by the user+ ## rows = rows, |
1980 | +59 |
- ## explicitly, row_labels is NULL at this point.+ ## cols = cols, |
1981 | -16x | +60 | +25x |
- if (!is.null(row_labels) && length(row_labels) != n_cells_res(fakeres)) {+ value = value |
1982 | -2x | +|||
61 | +
- stop(+ ) |
1983 | -2x | +62 | +25x |
- "Length of row_labels (",+ content_table(tab) <- ctb |
1984 | -2x | +63 | +25x |
- length(row_labels),+ tab |
1985 | -2x | +|||
64 | +
- ") does not agree with number of rows generated by analysis function (",+ } else { ## length(path) > 1, more recursing to do |
1986 | -2x | +65 | +479x |
- n_cells_res(fakeres),+ kidel <- path[[1]] |
1987 | +66 |
- ")."+ ## broken up for debugabiliity, could be a single complex |
1988 | +67 |
- )+ ## expression |
1989 | +68 |
- }+ ## for now only the last step supports selecting |
1990 | +69 |
+ ## multiple kids |
1991 | -14x | +70 | +479x |
- if (is.null(row_labels)) {+ stopifnot( |
1992 | -10x | +71 | +479x |
- row_labels <- dflt_row_lbl+ length(kidel) == 1, |
1993 | -+ | |||
72 | +479x |
- }+ is.character(kidel) || is.factor(kidel) |
1994 | +73 |
+ ) |
1995 | -14x | +74 | +479x |
- lyt <- basic_table(+ knms <- names(tree_children(tab)) |
1996 | -14x | +75 | +479x |
- title = title,+ if (!(kidel %in% knms)) {+ |
76 | +! | +
+ stop(sprintf("position element %s not in names of next level children", kidel)) |
1997 | -14x | +77 | +479x |
- subtitles = subtitles,+ } else if (sum(kidel == knms) > 1) {+ |
78 | +! | +
+ stop(sprintf("position element %s appears more than once, not currently supported", kidel))+ |
+ ||
79 | ++ |
+ }+ |
+ ||
80 | +! | +
+ if (is.factor(kidel)) kidel <- levels(kidel)[kidel] |
1998 | -14x | +81 | +479x |
- main_footer = main_footer,+ newkid <- recursive_replace( |
1999 | -14x | +82 | +479x |
- prov_footer = prov_footer,+ tree_children(tab)[[kidel]], |
2000 | -14x | +83 | +479x |
- show_colcounts = show_colcounts+ path[-1], |
2001 | +84 |
- )+ ## incontent = incontent, |
2002 | +85 |
+ ## rows = rows,+ |
+ ||
86 | ++ |
+ ## cols = cols, |
2003 | -14x | +87 | +479x |
- for (var in col_vars) lyt <- split_cols_by(lyt, var)+ value |
2004 | +88 |
+ ) |
2005 | -14x | +89 | +479x |
- for (var in head(row_vars, -1)) {+ tree_children(tab)[[kidel]] <- newkid |
2006 | -4x | +90 | +479x |
- lyt <- split_rows_by(lyt, var, split_fun = if (drop_levels) drop_split_levels else NULL)+ tab |
2007 | -4x | +|||
91 | +
- if (summarize_groups) {+ } |
2008 | -2x | +|||
92 | +
- lyt <- summarize_row_groups(lyt)+ } |
2009 | +93 |
- }+ + |
+ ||
94 | +1x | +
+ coltree_split <- function(ctree) ctree@split |
2010 | +95 |
- }+ |
2011 | +96 |
+ col_fnotes_at_path <- function(ctree, path, fnotes) { |
2012 | -14x | +97 | +2x |
- tleft <- if (multirow || length(row_vars) > 0) dflt_row_lbl else character()+ if (length(path) == 0) { |
2013 | -14x | +98 | +1x |
- if (length(row_vars) > 0) {+ col_footnotes(ctree) <- fnotes |
2014 | -10x | +99 | +1x |
- if (!multirow) {+ return(ctree) |
2015 | +100 |
- ## in the single row in splitting case, we use the row label as the topleft+ } |
2016 | +101 |
- ## and the split values as the row labels for a more compact apeparance+ |
2017 | -6x | +102 | +1x |
- tleft <- row_labels+ if (identical(path[1], obj_name(coltree_split(ctree)))) { |
2018 | -6x | +103 | +1x |
- row_labels <- NA_character_+ path <- path[-1] |
2019 | -6x | +|||
104 | +
- lyt <- split_rows_by(+ } else { |
2020 | -6x | +|||
105 | +! |
- lyt, tail(row_vars, 1),+ stop(paste("Path appears invalid at step:", path[1])) |
2021 | -6x | +|||
106 | +
- split_fun = if (drop_levels) drop_split_levels else NULL, child_labels = "hidden"+ } |
2022 | +107 |
- )+ |
2023 | -+ | |||
108 | +1x |
- } else {+ kids <- tree_children(ctree) |
2024 | -4x | +109 | +1x |
- lyt <- split_rows_by(lyt, tail(row_vars, 1), split_fun = if (drop_levels) drop_split_levels else NULL)+ kidel <- path[[1]] |
2025 | -+ | |||
110 | +1x |
- }+ knms <- names(kids) |
2026 | -10x | +111 | +1x |
- if (summarize_groups) {+ stopifnot(kidel %in% knms) |
2027 | -2x | +112 | +1x |
- lyt <- summarize_row_groups(lyt)+ newkid <- col_fnotes_at_path(kids[[kidel]], |
2028 | -+ | |||
113 | +1x |
- }+ path[-1],+ |
+ ||
114 | +1x | +
+ fnotes = fnotes |
2029 | +115 |
- }+ ) |
2030 | -14x | +116 | +1x |
- inner_afun <- .quick_afun(afun, row_labels)+ kids[[kidel]] <- newkid |
2031 | -14x | +117 | +1x |
- lyt <- analyze(lyt, avar, afun = inner_afun, extra_args = list(...))+ tree_children(ctree) <- kids |
2032 | -14x | +118 | +1x |
- lyt <- append_topleft(lyt, tleft)+ ctree |
2033 | +119 |
} |
2034 | +120 | |||
2035 | +121 |
- #' @rdname qtable_layout+ #' Insert row at path |
2036 | +122 |
- #' @export+ #' |
2037 | +123 |
- qtable <- function(data,+ #' Insert a row into an existing table directly before or directly after an existing data (i.e., non-content and |
2038 | +124 |
- row_vars = character(),+ #' non-label) row, specified by its path. |
2039 | +125 |
- col_vars = character(),+ #' |
2040 | +126 |
- avar = NULL,+ #' @inheritParams gen_args |
2041 | +127 |
- row_labels = NULL,+ #' @param after (`flag`)\cr whether `value` should be added as a row directly before (`FALSE`, the default) or after |
2042 | +128 |
- afun = NULL,+ #' (`TRUE`) the row specified by `path`. |
2043 | +129 |
- summarize_groups = FALSE,+ #' |
2044 | +130 |
- title = "",+ #' @seealso [DataRow()], [rrow()] |
2045 | +131 |
- subtitles = character(),+ #' |
2046 | +132 |
- main_footer = character(),+ #' @examples |
2047 | +133 |
- prov_footer = character(),+ #' lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
2048 | +134 |
- show_colcounts = TRUE,+ #' split_rows_by("COUNTRY", split_fun = keep_split_levels(c("CHN", "USA"))) %>% |
2049 | +135 |
- drop_levels = TRUE,+ #' analyze("AGE") |
2050 | +136 |
- ...) {+ #' |
2051 | +137 |
- ## this involves substitution so it needs to appear in both functions. Gross but true.+ #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM) |
2052 | -16x | +|||
138 | +
- subafun <- substitute(afun)+ #' |
2053 | +139 |
- if (+ #' tbl2 <- insert_row_at_path( |
2054 | -16x | +|||
140 | +
- is.name(subafun) && is.function(afun) &&+ #' tbl, c("COUNTRY", "CHN", "AGE", "Mean"), |
2055 | +141 |
- ## this is gross. basically testing+ #' rrow("new row", 555) |
2056 | +142 |
- ## if the symbol we have corresponds+ #' ) |
2057 | +143 |
- ## in some meaningful way to the function+ #' tbl2 |
2058 | +144 |
- ## we will be calling.+ #' |
2059 | -16x | +|||
145 | +
- identical(+ #' tbl3 <- insert_row_at_path(tbl2, c("COUNTRY", "CHN", "AGE", "Mean"), |
2060 | -16x | +|||
146 | +
- mget(+ #' rrow("new row redux", 888), |
2061 | -16x | +|||
147 | +
- as.character(subafun),+ #' after = TRUE |
2062 | -16x | +|||
148 | +
- mode = "function", envir = parent.frame(1), ifnotfound = list(NULL), inherits = TRUE+ #' ) |
2063 | -16x | +|||
149 | +
- )[[1]],+ #' tbl3 |
2064 | -16x | +|||
150 | +
- afun+ #' |
2065 | +151 |
- )+ #' @export |
2066 | +152 |
- ) {+ setGeneric("insert_row_at_path", |
2067 | -11x | +|||
153 | +
- dflt_row_lbl <- paste(avar, as.character(subafun), sep = " - ")+ signature = c("tt", "value"), |
2068 | +154 |
- } else {+ function(tt, path, value, after = FALSE) { |
2069 | -5x | +155 | +6x |
- dflt_row_lbl <- if (is.null(avar)) "count" else avar+ standardGeneric("insert_row_at_path") |
2070 | +156 |
} |
2071 | +157 | ++ |
+ )+ |
+ |
158 | ||||
2072 | -16x | +|||
159 | +
- lyt <- qtable_layout(+ #' @rdname insert_row_at_path |
2073 | -16x | +|||
160 | +
- data = data,+ setMethod( |
2074 | -16x | +|||
161 | +
- row_vars = row_vars,+ "insert_row_at_path", c("VTableTree", "DataRow"), |
2075 | -16x | +|||
162 | +
- col_vars = col_vars,+ function(tt, path, value, after = FALSE) { |
2076 | -16x | +163 | +6x |
- avar = avar,+ if (no_colinfo(value)) { |
2077 | -16x | +164 | +6x |
- row_labels = row_labels,+ col_info(value) <- col_info(tt) |
2078 | -16x | +|||
165 | +
- afun = afun,+ } else { |
2079 | -16x | +|||
166 | +! |
- summarize_groups = summarize_groups,+ chk_compat_cinfos(tt, value)+ |
+ ||
167 | ++ |
+ }+ |
+ ||
168 | ++ |
+ ## retained for debugging |
2080 | -16x | +169 | +6x |
- title = title,+ origpath <- path # nolint |
2081 | -16x | +170 | +6x |
- subtitles = subtitles,+ idx_row <- tt_at_path(tt, path) |
2082 | -16x | +171 | +6x |
- main_footer = main_footer,+ if (!is(idx_row, "DataRow")) { |
2083 | -16x | +172 | +4x |
- prov_footer = prov_footer,+ stop( |
2084 | -16x | +173 | +4x |
- show_colcounts = show_colcounts,+ "path must resolve fully to a non-content data row. Insertion of ", |
2085 | -16x | +174 | +4x |
- drop_levels = drop_levels,+ "rows elsewhere in the tree is not currently supported." |
2086 | +175 |
- ...,+ ) |
2087 | -16x | +|||
176 | +
- .default_rlabel = dflt_row_lbl+ } |
2088 | +177 |
- )+ |
2089 | -14x | +178 | +2x |
- build_table(lyt, data)+ posnm <- tail(path, 1) |
2090 | +179 |
- }- |
1 | -- |
- treestruct <- function(obj, ind = 0L) {- |
- ||
2 | -19x | -
- nc <- ncol(obj)- |
- ||
3 | -19x | -
- cat(rep(" ", times = ind),- |
- ||
4 | -19x | -
- sprintf("[%s] %s", class(obj), obj_name(obj)),+ |
5 | -19x | +180 | +2x |
- sep = ""+ path <- head(path, -1) |
6 | +181 |
- )+ |
7 | -19x | +182 | +2x |
- if (!is(obj, "ElementaryTable") && nrow(obj@content) > 0) {+ subtt <- tt_at_path(tt, path) |
8 | -6x | +183 | +2x |
- crows <- nrow(content_table(obj))+ kids <- tree_children(subtt) |
9 | -6x | +184 | +2x |
- ccols <- if (crows == 0) 0 else nc+ ind <- which(names(kids) == posnm) |
10 | -6x | +185 | +2x |
- cat(sprintf(+ if (length(ind) != 1L) { |
11 | -6x | +|||
186 | +
- " [cont: %d x %d]",+ ## nocov start |
12 | -6x | +|||
187 | +
- crows, ccols+ stop( |
13 | +188 |
- ))+ "table children do not appear to be named correctly at this ", |
14 | +189 |
- }+ "path. This should not happen, please contact the maintainer of ", |
15 | -19x | +|||
190 | +
- if (is(obj, "VTableTree") && length(tree_children(obj))) {+ "rtables." |
16 | -19x | +|||
191 | +
- kids <- tree_children(obj)+ ) |
17 | -19x | +|||
192 | +
- if (are(kids, "TableRow")) {+ ## nocov end |
18 | -9x | +|||
193 | +
- cat(sprintf(+ } |
19 | -9x | +194 | +2x |
- " (%d x %d)\n",+ if (after) { |
20 | -9x | +195 | +1x |
- length(kids), nc+ ind <- ind + 1 |
21 | +196 |
- ))+ } |
22 | +197 |
- } else {+ |
23 | -10x | +198 | +2x |
- cat("\n")+ sq <- seq_along(kids) |
24 | -10x | +199 | +2x |
- lapply(kids, treestruct, ind = ind + 1)+ tree_children(subtt) <- c( |
25 | -+ | |||
200 | +2x |
- }+ kids[sq < ind], |
26 | -+ | |||
201 | +2x |
- }+ setNames(list(value), obj_name(value)), |
27 | -19x | +202 | +2x |
- invisible(NULL)+ kids[sq >= ind] |
28 | +203 |
- }+ ) |
29 | -+ | |||
204 | +2x |
+ tt_at_path(tt, path) <- subtt |
30 | -+ | |||
205 | +2x |
- setGeneric(+ tt |
31 | +206 |
- "ploads_to_str",- |
- ||
32 | -103x | -
- function(x, collapse = ":") standardGeneric("ploads_to_str")+ } |
33 | +207 |
) |
34 | +208 |
+ #' @rdname insert_row_at_path |
35 | +209 |
setMethod( |
36 | +210 |
- "ploads_to_str", "Split",+ "insert_row_at_path", c("VTableTree", "ANY"), |
37 | +211 |
- function(x, collapse = ":") {+ function(tt, path, value) { |
38 | -52x | +|||
212 | +! |
- paste(sapply(spl_payload(x), ploads_to_str),+ stop( |
39 | -52x | +|||
213 | +! |
- collapse = collapse+ "Currently only insertion of DataRow objects is supported. Got ",+ |
+ ||
214 | +! | +
+ "object of class ", class(value), ". Please use rrow() or DataRow() ",+ |
+ ||
215 | +! | +
+ "to construct your row before insertion." |
40 | +216 |
) |
41 | +217 |
} |
42 | +218 |
) |
43 | +219 | |||
44 | +220 |
- setMethod(+ #' Label at path |
45 | +221 |
- "ploads_to_str", "CompoundSplit",+ #' |
46 | +222 |
- function(x, collapse = ":") {- |
- ||
47 | -6x | -
- paste(sapply(spl_payload(x), ploads_to_str),- |
- ||
48 | -6x | -
- collapse = collapse+ #' Accesses or sets the label at a path. |
49 | +223 |
- )+ #' |
50 | +224 |
- }+ #' @inheritParams gen_args |
51 | +225 |
- )+ #' |
52 | +226 |
+ #' @details |
53 | +227 |
- setMethod(+ #' If `path` resolves to a single row, the label for that row is retrieved or set. If, instead, `path` resolves to a |
54 | +228 |
- "ploads_to_str", "list",+ #' subtable, the text for the row-label associated with that path is retrieved or set. In the subtable case, if the |
55 | +229 |
- function(x, collapse = ":") {- |
- ||
56 | -! | -
- stop("Please contact the maintainer")+ #' label text is set to a non-`NA` value, the `labelrow` will be set to visible, even if it was not before. Similarly, |
57 | +230 |
- }+ #' if the label row text for a subtable is set to `NA`, the label row will bet set to non-visible, so the row will not |
58 | +231 |
- )+ #' appear at all when the table is printed. |
59 | +232 |
+ #' |
60 | +233 |
- setMethod(+ #' @note When changing the row labels for content rows, it is important to path all the way to the *row*. Paths |
61 | +234 |
- "ploads_to_str", "SplitVector",+ #' ending in `"@content"` will not exhibit the behavior you want, and are thus an error. See [row_paths()] for help |
62 | +235 |
- function(x, collapse = ":") {- |
- ||
63 | -8x | -
- sapply(x, ploads_to_str)+ #' determining the full paths to content rows. |
64 | +236 |
- }+ #' |
65 | +237 |
- )+ #' @examples |
66 | +238 |
+ #' lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
67 | +239 |
- setMethod(+ #' split_rows_by("COUNTRY", split_fun = keep_split_levels(c("CHN", "USA"))) %>% |
68 | +240 |
- "ploads_to_str", "ANY",+ #' analyze("AGE") |
69 | +241 |
- function(x, collapse = ":") {+ #' |
70 | -37x | +|||
242 | +
- paste(x)+ #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM) |
71 | +243 |
- }+ #' |
72 | +244 |
- )+ #' label_at_path(tbl, c("COUNTRY", "CHN")) |
73 | +245 |
+ #' |
74 | -47x | +|||
246 | +
- setGeneric("payloadmsg", function(spl) standardGeneric("payloadmsg"))+ #' label_at_path(tbl, c("COUNTRY", "USA")) <- "United States" |
75 | +247 |
+ #' tbl |
76 | +248 |
- setMethod(+ #' |
77 | +249 |
- "payloadmsg", "VarLevelSplit",+ #' @export |
78 | +250 |
- function(spl) {+ label_at_path <- function(tt, path) { |
79 | -45x | +251 | +29x |
- spl_payload(spl)+ obj_label(tt_at_path(tt, path)) |
80 | +252 |
- }+ } |
81 | +253 |
- )+ |
82 | +254 |
+ #' @export |
83 | +255 |
- setMethod(+ #' @rdname label_at_path |
84 | +256 |
- "payloadmsg", "MultiVarSplit",+ `label_at_path<-` <- function(tt, path, value) { |
85 | -2x | +257 | +32x |
- function(spl) "var"+ if (!is(tt, "VTableTree")) { |
86 | -+ | |||
258 | +! |
- )+ stop("tt must be a TableTree or ElementaryTable object") |
87 | +259 |
+ } |
88 | -+ | |||
260 | +32x |
- setMethod(+ if (is.null(value) || is.na(value)) { |
89 | -+ | |||
261 | +1x |
- "payloadmsg", "VarLevWBaselineSplit",+ value <- NA_character_ |
90 | +262 |
- function(spl) {- |
- ||
91 | -! | -
- paste0(+ } |
92 | -! | +|||
263 | +32x |
- spl_payload(spl), "[bsl ",+ subt <- tt_at_path(tt, path) |
93 | -! | +|||
264 | +32x |
- spl@ref_group_value, # XXX XXX+ obj_label(subt) <- value |
94 | -+ | |||
265 | +32x |
- "]"+ tt_at_path(tt, path) <- subt |
95 | -+ | |||
266 | +32x |
- )+ tt |
96 | +267 |
- }+ } |
97 | +268 |
- )+ |
98 | +269 |
+ #' Access or set table elements at specified path |
99 | +270 |
- setMethod(+ #' |
100 | +271 |
- "payloadmsg", "ManualSplit",- |
- ||
101 | -! | -
- function(spl) "mnl"+ #' @inheritParams gen_args |
102 | +272 |
- )+ #' @param ... unused. |
103 | +273 |
+ #' |
104 | +274 |
- setMethod(+ #' @export |
105 | +275 |
- "payloadmsg", "AllSplit",+ #' @rdname ttap |
106 | -! | +|||
276 | +348x |
- function(spl) "all"+ setGeneric("tt_at_path", function(tt, path, ...) standardGeneric("tt_at_path")) |
107 | +277 |
- )+ |
108 | +278 |
+ #' @inheritParams tt_at_path |
109 | +279 |
- setMethod(+ #' |
110 | +280 |
- "payloadmsg", "ANY",+ #' @export |
111 | +281 |
- function(spl) {- |
- ||
112 | -! | -
- warning("don't know how to make payload print message for Split of class", class(spl))- |
- ||
113 | -! | -
- "XXX"+ #' @rdname int_methods |
114 | +282 |
- }+ setMethod( |
115 | +283 |
- )+ "tt_at_path", "VTableTree", |
116 | +284 |
+ function(tt, path, ...) { |
117 | -+ | |||
285 | +348x |
- spldesc <- function(spl, value = "") {+ stopifnot( |
118 | -32x | +286 | +348x |
- value <- rawvalues(value)+ is(path, "character"), |
119 | -32x | +287 | +348x |
- payloadmsg <- payloadmsg(spl)+ length(path) > 0, |
120 | -32x | +288 | +348x |
- format <- "%s (%s)"+ !anyNA(path) |
121 | -32x | +|||
289 | +
- sprintf(+ ) |
122 | -32x | +|||
290 | +
- format,+ |
123 | -32x | +291 | +348x |
- value,+ if (path[1] == "root" && obj_name(tt) != "root") { |
124 | -32x | +292 | +3x |
- payloadmsg+ path <- path[-1] |
125 | +293 |
- )+ } |
126 | +294 |
- }+ ## handle pathing that hits the root split by name |
127 | -+ | |||
295 | +348x |
+ if (obj_name(tt) == path[1]) { |
128 | -+ | |||
296 | +318x |
- layoutmsg <- function(obj) {+ path <- path[-1] |
129 | +297 |
- ## if(!is(obj, "VLayoutNode"))+ } |
130 | -+ | |||
298 | +348x |
- ## stop("how did a non layoutnode object get in docatlayout??")+ cur <- tt |
131 | -+ | |||
299 | +348x |
+ curpath <- path |
132 | -28x | +300 | +348x |
- pos <- tree_pos(obj)+ while (length(curpath > 0)) { |
133 | -28x | +301 | +1163x |
- spllst <- pos_splits(pos)+ kids <- tree_children(cur) |
134 | -28x | +302 | +1163x |
- spvallst <- pos_splvals(pos)+ curname <- curpath[1] |
135 | -28x | +303 | +1163x |
- if (is(obj, "LayoutAxisTree")) {+ if (curname == "@content") { |
136 | -12x | +304 | +65x |
- kids <- tree_children(obj)+ cur <- content_table(cur) |
137 | -12x | +305 | +1098x |
- return(unlist(lapply(kids, layoutmsg)))+ } else if (curname %in% names(kids)) { |
138 | -+ | |||
306 | +1097x |
- }+ cur <- kids[[curname]] |
139 | +307 |
+ } else { |
140 | -16x | +308 | +1x |
- msg <- paste(+ stop("Path appears invalid for this tree at step ", curname) |
141 | -16x | +|||
309 | +
- collapse = " -> ",+ } |
142 | -16x | +310 | +1162x |
- mapply(spldesc,+ curpath <- curpath[-1] |
143 | -16x | +|||
311 | +
- spl = spllst,+ } |
144 | -16x | +312 | +347x |
- value = spvallst+ cur |
145 | +313 |
- )+ } |
146 | +314 |
- )- |
- ||
147 | -16x | -
- msg+ ) |
148 | +315 |
- }+ |
149 | +316 |
+ #' @note Setting `NULL` at a defined path removes the corresponding sub-table. |
150 | +317 |
- setMethod(+ #' |
151 | +318 |
- "show", "LayoutAxisTree",+ #' @examples |
152 | +319 |
- function(object) {+ #' # Accessing sub table. |
153 | -2x | +|||
320 | +
- msg <- layoutmsg(object)+ #' lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
154 | -2x | +|||
321 | +
- cat(msg, "\n")+ #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>% |
155 | -2x | +|||
322 | +
- invisible(object)+ #' split_rows_by("SEX") %>% |
156 | +323 |
- }+ #' split_rows_by("BMRKR2") %>% |
157 | +324 |
- )+ #' analyze("AGE") |
158 | +325 |
+ #' |
159 | +326 |
+ #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, ex_adsl) %>% prune_table() |
160 | +327 |
- #' Display column tree structure+ #' sub_tbl <- tt_at_path(tbl, path = c("SEX", "F", "BMRKR2")) |
161 | +328 |
#' |
162 | +329 |
- #' Displays the tree structure of the columns of a+ #' # Removing sub table. |
163 | +330 |
- #' table or column structure object.+ #' tbl2 <- tbl |
164 | +331 |
- #'+ #' tt_at_path(tbl2, path = c("SEX", "F")) <- NULL |
165 | +332 |
- #' @inheritParams gen_args+ #' tbl2 |
166 | +333 |
#' |
167 | +334 |
- #' @return Nothing, called for its side effect of displaying+ #' # Setting sub table. |
168 | +335 |
- #' a summary to the terminal.+ #' lyt3 <- basic_table() %>% |
169 | +336 |
- #'+ #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>% |
170 | +337 |
- #' @examples+ #' split_rows_by("SEX") %>% |
171 | +338 |
- #' lyt <- basic_table() %>%+ #' analyze("BMRKR2") |
172 | +339 |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>%+ #' |
173 | +340 |
- #' split_cols_by("STRATA1") %>%+ #' tbl3 <- build_table(lyt3, ex_adsl) %>% prune_table() |
174 | +341 |
- #' split_cols_by("SEX", nested = FALSE) %>%+ #' |
175 | +342 |
- #' analyze("AGE")+ #' tt_at_path(tbl3, path = c("SEX", "F", "BMRKR2")) <- sub_tbl |
176 | +343 |
- #'+ #' tbl3 |
177 | +344 |
- #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, ex_adsl)+ #' |
178 | +345 |
- #' coltree_structure(tbl)+ #' @export |
179 | +346 |
- #' @export+ #' @rdname ttap |
180 | +347 |
- coltree_structure <- function(obj) {+ setGeneric( |
181 | -1x | +|||
348 | +
- ctree <- coltree(obj)+ "tt_at_path<-", |
182 | -1x | +349 | +168x |
- cat(layoutmsg2(ctree))+ function(tt, path, ..., value) standardGeneric("tt_at_path<-") |
183 | +350 |
- }+ ) |
184 | +351 | |||
185 | +352 |
- lastposmsg <- function(pos) {+ #' @export |
186 | -6x | +|||
353 | +
- spls <- pos_splits(pos)+ #' @keywords internal |
187 | -6x | +|||
354 | +
- splvals <- value_names(pos_splvals(pos))+ #' @rdname int_methods |
188 | -6x | +|||
355 | +
- indiv_msgs <- unlist(mapply(function(spl, valnm) paste(obj_name(spl), valnm, sep = ": "),+ setMethod( |
189 | -6x | +|||
356 | +
- spl = spls,+ "tt_at_path<-", c(tt = "VTableTree", value = "VTableTree"), |
190 | -6x | +|||
357 | +
- valnm = splvals,+ function(tt, path, ..., value) { |
191 | -6x | +358 | +78x |
- SIMPLIFY = FALSE+ do_recursive_replace(tt, path = path, value = value) |
192 | +359 |
- ))- |
- ||
193 | -6x | -
- paste(indiv_msgs, collapse = " -> ")+ } |
194 | +360 |
- }+ ) |
195 | +361 | |||
196 | +362 |
- layoutmsg2 <- function(obj, level = 1) {+ ## this one removes the child at path from the parents list of children, |
197 | -7x | +|||
363 | +
- nm <- obj_name(obj)+ ## because that is how lists behave. |
198 | -7x | +|||
364 | +
- pos <- tree_pos(obj)+ #' @export |
199 | -7x | +|||
365 | +
- nopos <- identical(pos, EmptyTreePos)+ #' @keywords internal |
200 | +366 |
+ #' @rdname int_methods |
201 | -7x | +|||
367 | +
- msg <- paste0(strrep(" ", times = 2 * (level - 1)), "[", nm, "] (", if (nopos) "no pos" else lastposmsg(pos), ")\n")+ setMethod( |
202 | -7x | +|||
368 | +
- if (is(obj, "LayoutAxisTree")) {+ "tt_at_path<-", c(tt = "VTableTree", value = "NULL"), |
203 | -3x | +|||
369 | +
- kids <- tree_children(obj)+ function(tt, path, ..., value) { |
204 | -3x | +370 | +2x |
- msg <- c(msg, unlist(lapply(kids, layoutmsg2, level = level + 1)))+ do_recursive_replace(tt, path = path, value = value) |
205 | +371 |
} |
206 | -7x | +|||
372 | +
- msg+ ) |
207 | +373 |
- }+ |
208 | +374 |
+ #' @export |
209 | -46x | +|||
375 | +
- setGeneric("spltype_abbrev", function(obj) standardGeneric("spltype_abbrev"))+ #' @keywords internal |
210 | +376 |
+ #' @rdname int_methods |
211 | +377 |
setMethod( |
212 | +378 |
- "spltype_abbrev", "VarLevelSplit",+ "tt_at_path<-", c(tt = "VTableTree", value = "TableRow"),+ |
+ ||
379 | ++ |
+ function(tt, path, ..., value) { |
213 | -4x | +380 | +88x |
- function(obj) "lvls"+ stopifnot(is(tt_at_path(tt = tt, path = path), "TableRow"))+ |
381 | +88x | +
+ do_recursive_replace(tt, path = path, value = value) |
214 | +382 |
- )+ |
215 | +383 |
+ ## ##i <- .path_to_pos(path = path, seq_len(nrow(tt)), tt, NROW) |
216 | +384 |
- setMethod(+ ## i <- .path_to_pos(path = path, tt = tt) |
217 | +385 |
- "spltype_abbrev", "VarLevWBaselineSplit",+ |
218 | -5x | +|||
386 | +
- function(obj) paste("ref_group", obj@ref_group_value)+ ## replace_rows(tt, i = i, value = list(value)) |
219 | +387 | ++ |
+ }+ |
+ |
388 |
) |
220 | +389 | |||
221 | +390 |
- setMethod(+ #' Retrieve and assign elements of a `TableTree` |
222 | +391 |
- "spltype_abbrev", "MultiVarSplit",+ #' |
223 | -! | +|||
392 | +
- function(obj) "vars"+ #' @param x (`TableTree`)\cr a `TableTree` object. |
224 | +393 |
- )+ #' @param i (`numeric(1)`)\cr index. |
225 | +394 |
+ #' @param j (`numeric(1)`)\cr index. |
226 | +395 |
- setMethod(+ #' @param drop (`flag`)\cr whether the value in the cell should be returned if one cell is selected by the |
227 | +396 |
- "spltype_abbrev", "VarStaticCutSplit",+ #' combination of `i` and `j`. It is not possible to return a vector of values. To do so please consider using |
228 | -10x | +|||
397 | +
- function(obj) "scut"+ #' [cell_values()]. Defaults to `FALSE`. |
229 | +398 |
- )+ #' @param ... additional arguments. Includes: |
230 | +399 |
+ #' \describe{ |
231 | +400 |
- setMethod(+ #' \item{`keep_topleft`}{(`flag`) (`[` only) whether the top-left material for the table should be retained after |
232 | +401 |
- "spltype_abbrev", "VarDynCutSplit",+ #' subsetting. Defaults to `TRUE` if all rows are included (i.e. subsetting was by column), and drops it |
233 | -5x | +|||
402 | +
- function(obj) "dcut"+ #' otherwise.} |
234 | +403 |
- )+ #' \item{`keep_titles`}{(`flag`) whether title information should be retained. Defaults to `FALSE`.} |
235 | +404 |
- setMethod(+ #' \item{`keep_footers`}{(`flag`) whether non-referential footer information should be retained. Defaults to |
236 | +405 |
- "spltype_abbrev", "AllSplit",+ #' `keep_titles`.} |
237 | -15x | +|||
406 | +
- function(obj) "all obs"+ #' \item{`reindex_refs`}{(`flag`) whether referential footnotes should be re-indexed as if the resulting subset is |
238 | +407 |
- )+ #' the entire table. Defaults to `TRUE`.} |
239 | +408 |
- ## setMethod("spltype_abbrev", "NULLSplit",+ #' } |
240 | +409 |
- ## function(obj) "no obs")+ #' @param value (`list`, `TableRow`, or `TableTree`)\cr replacement value. |
241 | +410 |
+ #' |
242 | +411 |
- setMethod(+ #' @details |
243 | +412 |
- "spltype_abbrev", "AnalyzeVarSplit",+ #' By default, subsetting drops the information about title, subtitle, main footer, provenance footer, and `topleft`. |
244 | -1x | +|||
413 | +
- function(obj) "** analysis **"+ #' If only a column is selected and all rows are kept, the `topleft` information remains as default. Any referential |
245 | +414 |
- )+ #' footnote is kept whenever the subset table contains the referenced element. |
246 | +415 |
+ #' |
247 | +416 |
- setMethod(+ #' @return A `TableTree` (or `ElementaryTable`) object, unless a single cell was selected with `drop = TRUE`, in which |
248 | +417 |
- "spltype_abbrev", "CompoundSplit",+ #' case the (possibly multi-valued) fully stripped raw value of the selected cell. |
249 | -! | +|||
418 | +
- function(obj) paste("compound", paste(sapply(spl_payload(obj), spltype_abbrev), collapse = " "))+ #' |
250 | +419 |
- )+ #' @note |
251 | +420 |
+ #' Subsetting always preserve the original order, even if provided indexes do not preserve it. If sorting is needed, |
252 | +421 |
- setMethod(+ #' please consider using `sort_at_path()`. Also note that `character` indices are treated as paths, not vectors of |
253 | +422 |
- "spltype_abbrev", "AnalyzeMultiVars",+ #' names in both `[` and `[<-`. |
254 | -6x | +|||
423 | +
- function(obj) "** multivar analysis **"+ #' |
255 | +424 |
- )+ #' @seealso |
256 | +425 |
- setMethod(+ #' * [sort_at_path()] to understand sorting. |
257 | +426 |
- "spltype_abbrev", "AnalyzeColVarSplit",+ #' * [summarize_row_groups()] to understand path structure. |
258 | -! | +|||
427 | +
- function(obj) "** col-var analysis **"+ #' |
259 | +428 |
- )+ #' @examples |
260 | +429 |
+ #' lyt <- basic_table( |
261 | +430 |
- docat_splitvec <- function(object, indent = 0) {+ #' title = "Title", |
262 | -8x | +|||
431 | +
- if (indent > 0) {+ #' subtitles = c("Sub", "titles"), |
263 | -! | +|||
432 | +
- cat(rep(" ", times = indent), sep = "")+ #' prov_footer = "prov footer", |
264 | +433 |
- }+ #' main_footer = "main footer" |
265 | -8x | +|||
434 | +
- if (length(object) == 1L && is(object[[1]], "VTableNodeInfo")) {+ #' ) %>% |
266 | -! | +|||
435 | +
- tab <- object[[1]]+ #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>% |
267 | -! | +|||
436 | +
- msg <- sprintf(+ #' split_rows_by("SEX") %>% |
268 | -! | +|||
437 | +
- "A Pre-Existing Table [%d x %d]",+ #' analyze(c("AGE")) |
269 | -! | +|||
438 | +
- nrow(tab), ncol(tab)+ #' |
270 | +439 |
- )+ #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM) |
271 | +440 |
- } else {+ #' top_left(tbl) <- "Info" |
272 | -8x | +|||
441 | +
- plds <- ploads_to_str(object) ## lapply(object, spl_payload))+ #' tbl |
273 | +442 |
+ #' |
274 | -8x | +|||
443 | +
- tabbrev <- sapply(object, spltype_abbrev)+ #' # As default header, footer, and topleft information is lost |
275 | -8x | +|||
444 | +
- msg <- paste(+ #' tbl[1, ] |
276 | -8x | +|||
445 | +
- collapse = " -> ",+ #' tbl[1:2, 2] |
277 | -8x | +|||
446 | +
- paste0(plds, " (", tabbrev, ")")+ #' |
278 | +447 |
- )+ #' # Also boolean filters can work |
279 | +448 |
- }+ #' tbl[, c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)] |
280 | -8x | +|||
449 | +
- cat(msg, "\n")+ #' |
281 | +450 |
- }+ #' # If drop = TRUE, the content values are directly retrieved |
282 | +451 |
+ #' tbl[2, 1] |
283 | +452 |
- setMethod(+ #' tbl[2, 1, drop = TRUE] |
284 | +453 |
- "show", "SplitVector",+ #' |
285 | +454 |
- function(object) {+ #' # Drop works also if vectors are selected, but not matrices |
286 | -1x | +|||
455 | +
- cat("A SplitVector Pre-defining a Tree Structure\n\n")+ #' tbl[, 1, drop = TRUE] |
287 | -1x | +|||
456 | +
- docat_splitvec(object)+ #' tbl[2, , drop = TRUE] |
288 | -1x | +|||
457 | +
- cat("\n")+ #' tbl[1, 1, drop = TRUE] # NULL because it is a label row |
289 | -1x | +|||
458 | +
- invisible(object)+ #' tbl[2, 1:2, drop = TRUE] # vectors can be returned only with cell_values() |
290 | +459 |
- }+ #' tbl[1:2, 1:2, drop = TRUE] # no dropping because it is a matrix |
291 | +460 |
- )+ #' |
292 | +461 |
+ #' # If all rows are selected, topleft is kept by default |
293 | +462 |
- docat_predataxis <- function(object, indent = 0) {+ #' tbl[, 2] |
294 | -6x | +|||
463 | +
- lapply(object, docat_splitvec)+ #' tbl[, 1] |
295 | +464 |
- }+ #' |
296 | +465 |
+ #' # It is possible to deselect values |
297 | +466 |
- setMethod(+ #' tbl[-2, ] |
298 | +467 |
- "show", "PreDataColLayout",+ #' tbl[, -1] |
299 | +468 |
- function(object) {+ #' |
300 | -1x | +|||
469 | +
- cat("A Pre-data Column Layout Object\n\n")+ #' # Values can be reassigned |
301 | -1x | +|||
470 | +
- docat_predataxis(object)+ #' tbl[2, 1] <- rcell(999) |
302 | -1x | +|||
471 | +
- invisible(object)+ #' tbl[2, ] <- list(rrow("FFF", 888, 666, 777)) |
303 | +472 |
- }+ #' tbl[6, ] <- list(-111, -222, -333) |
304 | +473 |
- )+ #' tbl |
305 | +474 |
+ #' |
306 | +475 |
- setMethod(+ #' # We can keep some information from the original table if we need |
307 | +476 |
- "show", "PreDataRowLayout",+ #' tbl[1, 2, keep_titles = TRUE] |
308 | +477 |
- function(object) {+ #' tbl[1, 2, keep_footers = TRUE, keep_titles = FALSE] |
309 | -1x | +|||
478 | +
- cat("A Pre-data Row Layout Object\n\n")+ #' tbl[1, 2, keep_footers = FALSE, keep_titles = TRUE] |
310 | -1x | +|||
479 | +
- docat_predataxis(object)+ #' tbl[1, 2, keep_footers = TRUE] |
311 | -1x | +|||
480 | +
- invisible(object)+ #' tbl[1, 2, keep_topleft = TRUE] |
312 | +481 |
- }+ #' |
313 | +482 |
- )+ #' # Keeps the referential footnotes when subset contains them |
314 | +483 |
+ #' fnotes_at_path(tbl, rowpath = c("SEX", "M", "AGE", "Mean")) <- "important" |
315 | +484 |
- setMethod(+ #' tbl[4, 1] |
316 | +485 |
- "show", "PreDataTableLayouts",+ #' tbl[2, 1] # None present |
317 | +486 |
- function(object) {+ #' |
318 | -2x | +|||
487 | +
- cat("A Pre-data Table Layout\n")+ #' # We can reindex referential footnotes, so that the new table does not depend |
319 | -2x | +|||
488 | +
- cat("\nColumn-Split Structure:\n")+ #' # on the original one |
320 | -2x | +|||
489 | +
- docat_predataxis(object@col_layout)+ #' fnotes_at_path(tbl, rowpath = c("SEX", "U", "AGE", "Mean")) <- "important" |
321 | -2x | +|||
490 | +
- cat("\nRow-Split Structure:\n")+ #' tbl[, 1] # both present |
322 | -2x | +|||
491 | +
- docat_predataxis(object@row_layout)+ #' tbl[5:6, 1] # {1} because it has been indexed again |
323 | -2x | +|||
492 | +
- cat("\n")+ #' tbl[5:6, 1, reindex_refs = FALSE] # {2} -> not reindexed |
324 | -2x | +|||
493 | +
- invisible(object)+ #' |
325 | +494 |
- }+ #' # Note that order can not be changed with subsetting |
326 | +495 |
- )+ #' tbl[c(4, 3, 1), c(3, 1)] # It preserves order and wanted selection |
327 | +496 |
+ #' |
328 | +497 |
- setMethod(+ #' @name brackets |
329 | +498 |
- "show", "InstantiatedColumnInfo",+ NULL |
330 | +499 |
- function(object) {+ |
331 | -2x | +|||
500 | +
- layoutmsg <- layoutmsg(coltree(object))+ #' @exportMethod [<- |
332 | -2x | +|||
501 | +
- cat("An InstantiatedColumnInfo object",+ #' @rdname brackets |
333 | -2x | +|||
502 | +
- "Columns:",+ setMethod( |
334 | -2x | +|||
503 | +
- layoutmsg,+ "[<-", c("VTableTree", value = "list"), |
335 | -2x | +|||
504 | +
- if (disp_ccounts(object)) {+ function(x, i, j, ..., value) { |
336 | -2x | +505 | +3x |
- paste(+ nr <- nrow(x) |
337 | -2x | +506 | +3x |
- "ColumnCounts:\n",+ if (missing(i)) { |
338 | -2x | +|||
507 | +! |
- paste(col_counts(object),+ i <- seq_len(NROW(x)) |
339 | -2x | +508 | +3x |
- collapse = ", "+ } else if (is(i, "character")) { |
340 | -+ | |||
509 | +! |
- )+ i <- .path_to_pos(i, x) |
341 | +510 |
- )+ } else {+ |
+ ||
511 | +3x | +
+ i <- .j_to_posj(i, nr) |
342 | +512 |
- },+ } |
343 | +513 |
- "",+ |
344 | -2x | +514 | +3x |
- sep = "\n"+ if (missing(j)) { |
345 | -+ | |||
515 | +1x |
- )+ j <- seq_along(col_exprs(col_info(x))) |
346 | +516 | 2x |
- invisible(object)+ } else if (is(j, "character")) {+ |
+ |
517 | +! | +
+ j <- .path_to_pos(j, x, cols = TRUE) |
347 | +518 |
- }+ } else {+ |
+ ||
519 | +2x | +
+ j <- .j_to_posj(j, ncol(x)) |
348 | +520 |
- )+ } |
349 | +521 | |||
522 | +3x | +
+ if (length(i) > 1 && length(j) < ncol(x)) {+ |
+ ||
523 | +! | +
+ stop("cannot modify multiple rows in not all columns.")+ |
+ ||
350 | +524 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ } |
351 | +525 |
- setMethod("print", "VTableTree", function(x, ...) {+ |
352 | -5x | +526 | +3x |
- msg <- toString(x, ...)+ if (are(value, "TableRow")) { |
353 | -4x | +527 | +1x |
- cat(msg)+ value <- rep(value, length.out = length(i))+ |
528 | ++ |
+ } else { |
354 | -4x | +529 | +2x |
- invisible(x)+ value <- rep(value, length.out = length(i) * length(j)) |
355 | +530 |
- })+ } |
356 | +531 | |||
357 | -+ | |||
532 | +3x |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ counter <- 0 |
358 | +533 |
- setMethod("show", "VTableTree", function(object) {+ ## this has access to value, i, and j by scoping |
359 | -! | +|||
534 | +3x |
- cat(toString(object))+ replace_rowsbynum <- function(x, i, valifnone = NULL) {+ |
+ ||
535 | +16x | +
+ maxi <- max(i)+ |
+ ||
536 | +16x | +
+ if (counter >= maxi) { |
360 | +537 | ! |
- invisible(object)+ return(valifnone) |
361 | +538 |
- })+ } |
362 | +539 | |||
363 | -+ | |||
540 | +16x |
- setMethod("show", "TableRow", function(object) {+ if (labelrow_visible(x)) { |
364 | -1x | +541 | +3x |
- cat(sprintf(+ counter <<- counter + 1 |
365 | -1x | +542 | +3x |
- "[%s indent_mod %d]: %s %s\n",+ if (counter %in% i) { |
366 | +543 | 1x |
- class(object),+ nxtval <- value[[1]] |
367 | +544 | 1x |
- indent_mod(object),- |
- |
368 | -1x | -
- obj_label(object),- |
- ||
369 | -1x | -
- paste(as.vector(get_formatted_cells(object)),+ if (is(nxtval, "LabelRow")) { |
370 | +545 | 1x |
- collapse = " "+ tt_labelrow(x) <- nxtval |
371 | +546 |
- )+ } else { |
372 | -+ | |||
547 | +! |
- ))+ stop( |
373 | -1x | +|||
548 | +! |
- invisible(object)+ "can't replace label with value of class", |
374 | -+ | |||
549 | +! |
- })+ class(nxtval) |
1 | +550 |
- #' Variable associated with a split+ ) |
2 | +551 |
- #'+ } |
3 | +552 |
- #' This function is intended for use when writing custom splitting logic. In cases where the split is associated with+ ## we're done with this one move to |
4 | +553 |
- #' a single variable, the name of that variable will be returned. At time of writing this includes splits generated+ ## the next |
5 | -+ | |||
554 | +1x |
- #' via the [split_rows_by()], [split_cols_by()], [split_rows_by_cuts()], [split_cols_by_cuts()],+ value <<- value[-1] |
6 | +555 |
- #' [split_rows_by_cutfun()], and [split_cols_by_cutfun()] layout directives.+ } |
7 | +556 |
- #'+ } |
8 | -+ | |||
557 | +16x |
- #' @param spl (`VarLevelSplit`)\cr the split object.+ if (is(x, "TableTree") && nrow(content_table(x)) > 0) { |
9 | -+ | |||
558 | +3x |
- #'+ ctab <- content_table(x) |
10 | +559 |
- #' @return For splits with a single variable associated with them, returns the split. Otherwise, an error is raised.+ |
11 | -+ | |||
560 | +3x |
- #'+ content_table(x) <- replace_rowsbynum(ctab, i) |
12 | +561 |
- #' @export+ } |
13 | -+ | |||
562 | +16x |
- #' @seealso \code{\link{make_split_fun}}+ if (counter >= maxi) { # already done |
14 | +563 | 2x |
- setGeneric("spl_variable", function(spl) standardGeneric("spl_variable"))- |
- |
15 | -- | - - | -||
16 | -- |
- #' @rdname spl_variable+ return(x) |
17 | +564 |
- #' @export+ } |
18 | -1x | +565 | +14x |
- setMethod("spl_variable", "VarLevelSplit", function(spl) spl_payload(spl))+ kids <- tree_children(x) |
19 | +566 | |||
20 | -+ | |||
567 | +14x |
- #' @rdname spl_variable+ if (length(kids) > 0) { |
21 | -+ | |||
568 | +14x |
- #' @export+ for (pos in seq_along(kids)) { |
22 | -! | +|||
569 | +17x |
- setMethod("spl_variable", "VarDynCutSplit", function(spl) spl_payload(spl))+ curkid <- kids[[pos]] |
23 | -+ | |||
570 | +17x |
+ if (is(curkid, "TableRow")) { |
24 | -+ | |||
571 | +7x |
- #' @rdname spl_variable+ counter <<- counter + 1 |
25 | -+ | |||
572 | +7x |
- #' @export+ if (counter %in% i) { |
26 | -! | +|||
573 | +3x |
- setMethod("spl_variable", "VarStaticCutSplit", function(spl) spl_payload(spl))+ nxtval <- value[[1]] |
27 | -+ | |||
574 | +3x |
+ if (is(nxtval, class(curkid))) { |
28 | -+ | |||
575 | +1x |
- #' @rdname spl_variable+ if (no_colinfo(nxtval) && length(row_values(nxtval)) == ncol(x)) { |
29 | -+ | |||
576 | +1x |
- #' @export+ col_info(nxtval) <- col_info(x) |
30 | +577 |
- setMethod(+ } |
31 | -+ | |||
578 | +1x |
- "spl_variable", "Split",+ stopifnot(identical(col_info(x), col_info(nxtval))) |
32 | +579 | 1x |
- function(spl) stop("Split class ", class(spl), " not associated with a single variable.")+ curkid <- nxtval |
33 | -+ | |||
580 | +1x |
- )+ value <- value[-1] |
34 | +581 |
+ } else { |
35 | -+ | |||
582 | +2x |
- in_col_split <- function(spl_ctx) {+ rvs <- row_values(curkid) |
36 | -! | +|||
583 | +2x |
- identical(+ rvs[j] <- value[seq_along(j)] |
37 | -! | +|||
584 | +2x |
- names(spl_ctx),+ row_values(curkid) <- rvs |
38 | -! | +|||
585 | +2x |
- names(context_df_row(cinfo = NULL))+ value <- value[-(seq_along(j))] |
39 | +586 |
- )+ } |
40 | -+ | |||
587 | +3x |
- }+ kids[[pos]] <- curkid |
41 | +588 |
+ } |
42 | +589 |
- assert_splres_element <- function(pinfo, nm, len = NULL, component = NULL) {- |
- ||
43 | -45x | -
- msg_2_append <- ""+ } else { |
44 | -45x | +590 | +10x |
- if (!is.null(component)) {+ kids[[pos]] <- replace_rowsbynum(curkid, i) |
45 | -33x | +|||
591 | +
- msg_2_append <- paste0(+ } |
46 | -33x | +592 | +17x |
- "Invalid split function constructed by upstream call to ",+ if (counter >= maxi) { |
47 | -33x | +593 | +7x |
- "make_split_fun. Problem source: ",+ break |
48 | -33x | +|||
594 | +
- component, " argument."+ } |
49 | +595 |
- )+ } |
50 | +596 |
- }+ } |
51 | -45x | +597 | +14x |
- if (!(nm %in% names(pinfo))) {+ tree_children(x) <- kids |
52 | -! | +|||
598 | +14x |
- stop(+ x |
53 | -! | +|||
599 | +
- "Split result does not have required element: ", nm, ".",+ } |
54 | -! | +|||
600 | +3x |
- msg_2_append+ replace_rowsbynum(x, i, ...) |
55 | +601 |
- )+ } |
56 | +602 |
- }- |
- ||
57 | -45x | -
- if (!is.null(len) && length(pinfo[[nm]]) != len) {+ ) |
58 | -! | +|||
603 | +
- stop(+ |
59 | -! | +|||
604 | +
- "Split result element ", nm, " does not have required length ", len, ".",+ #' @inheritParams brackets |
60 | -! | +|||
605 | +
- msg_2_append+ #' |
61 | +606 |
- )+ #' @exportMethod [<- |
62 | +607 |
- }+ #' @rdname int_methods |
63 | -45x | +|||
608 | +
- TRUE+ #' @keywords internal |
64 | +609 |
- }+ setMethod( |
65 | +610 |
+ "[<-", c("VTableTree", value = "CellValue"), |
66 | +611 |
- validate_split_result <- function(pinfo, component = NULL) {+ function(x, i, j, ..., value) { |
67 | -15x | +612 | +1x |
- assert_splres_element(pinfo, "datasplit", component = component)+ x[i = i, j = j, ...] <- list(value) |
68 | -15x | +613 | +1x |
- len <- length(pinfo$datasplit)+ x |
69 | -15x | +|||
614 | +
- assert_splres_element(pinfo, "values", len, component = component)+ } |
70 | -15x | +|||
615 | +
- assert_splres_element(pinfo, "labels", len, component = component)+ ) |
71 | -15x | +|||
616 | +
- TRUE+ |
72 | +617 |
- }+ ## this is going to be hard :( :( :( |
73 | +618 | |||
74 | +619 |
- #' Construct split result object+ ### selecting/removing columns |
75 | +620 |
- #'+ |
76 | +621 |
- #' These functions can be used to create or add to a split result in functions which implement core splitting or+ ## we have two options here: path like we do with rows and positional |
77 | +622 |
- #' post-processing within a custom split function.+ ## in leaf space. |
78 | +623 |
- #'+ |
79 | +624 |
- #' @param values (`character` or `list(SplitValue)`)\cr the values associated with each facet.+ setGeneric( |
80 | +625 |
- #' @param datasplit (`list(data.frame)`)\cr the facet data for each facet generated in the split.+ "subset_cols", |
81 | +626 |
- #' @param labels (`character`)\cr the labels associated with each facet.+ function(tt, |
82 | +627 |
- #' @param extras (`list` or `NULL`)\cr extra values associated with each of the facets which will be passed to+ j, |
83 | +628 |
- #' analysis functions applied within the facet.+ newcinfo = NULL, |
84 | +629 |
- #' @param subset_exprs (`list`)\cr A list of subsetting expressions (e.g.,+ keep_topleft = TRUE, |
85 | +630 |
- #' created with `quote()`) to be used during column subsetting.+ keep_titles = TRUE, |
86 | +631 |
- #'+ keep_footers = keep_titles, |
87 | +632 |
- #' @return A named list representing the facets generated by the split with elements `values`, `datasplit`, and+ ...) { |
88 | -+ | |||
633 | +9970x |
- #' `labels`, which are the same length and correspond to each other element-wise.+ standardGeneric("subset_cols") |
89 | +634 |
- #'+ } |
90 | +635 |
- #' @details+ ) |
91 | +636 |
- #' These functions performs various housekeeping tasks to ensure that the split result list is as the rtables+ |
92 | +637 |
- #' internals expect it, most of which are not relevant to end users.+ setMethod( |
93 | +638 |
- #'+ "subset_cols", c("TableTree", "numeric"), |
94 | +639 |
- #' @examples+ function(tt, j, newcinfo = NULL, |
95 | +640 |
- #' splres <- make_split_result(+ keep_topleft, keep_titles, keep_footers, ...) { |
96 | -+ | |||
641 | +867x |
- #' values = c("hi", "lo"),+ j <- .j_to_posj(j, ncol(tt)) |
97 | -+ | |||
642 | +867x |
- #' datasplit = list(hi = mtcars, lo = mtcars[1:10, ]),+ if (is.null(newcinfo)) { |
98 | -+ | |||
643 | +161x |
- #' labels = c("more data", "less data"),+ cinfo <- col_info(tt) |
99 | -+ | |||
644 | +161x |
- #' subset_exprs = list(expression(TRUE), expression(seq_along(wt) <= 10))+ newcinfo <- subset_cols(cinfo, j, |
100 | -+ | |||
645 | +161x |
- #' )+ keep_topleft = keep_topleft, ... |
101 | +646 |
- #'+ ) |
102 | +647 |
- #' splres2 <- add_to_split_result(splres,+ } |
103 | +648 |
- #' values = "med",+ ## topleft taken care of in creation of newcinfo |
104 | -+ | |||
649 | +867x |
- #' datasplit = list(med = mtcars[1:20, ]),+ kids <- tree_children(tt) |
105 | -+ | |||
650 | +867x |
- #' labels = "kinda some data",+ newkids <- lapply(kids, subset_cols, j = j, newcinfo = newcinfo, ...) |
106 | -+ | |||
651 | +867x |
- #' subset_exprs = quote(seq_along(wt) <= 20)+ cont <- content_table(tt) |
107 | -+ | |||
652 | +867x |
- #' )+ newcont <- subset_cols(cont, j, newcinfo = newcinfo, ...) |
108 | -+ | |||
653 | +867x |
- #'+ tt2 <- tt |
109 | -+ | |||
654 | +867x |
- #' @family make_custom_split+ col_info(tt2) <- newcinfo |
110 | -+ | |||
655 | +867x |
- #' @rdname make_split_result+ content_table(tt2) <- newcont |
111 | -+ | |||
656 | +867x |
- #' @export+ tree_children(tt2) <- newkids |
112 | -+ | |||
657 | +867x |
- #' @family make_custom_split+ tt_labelrow(tt2) <- subset_cols(tt_labelrow(tt2), j, newcinfo, ...) |
113 | +658 |
- make_split_result <- function(values, datasplit, labels, extras = NULL, subset_exprs = vector("list", length(values))) {+ |
114 | -9x | -
- if (length(values) == 1 && is(datasplit, "data.frame")) {- |
- ||
115 | -! | +659 | +867x |
- datasplit <- list(datasplit)+ tt2 <- .h_copy_titles_footers_topleft( |
116 | -+ | |||
660 | +867x |
- }+ tt2, tt, |
117 | -9x | +661 | +867x |
- ret <- list(values = values, datasplit = datasplit, labels = labels, subset_exprs = subset_exprs)+ keep_titles, |
118 | -9x | +662 | +867x |
- if (!is.null(extras)) {+ keep_footers, |
119 | -! | +|||
663 | +867x |
- ret$extras <- extras+ keep_topleft |
120 | +664 |
- }+ ) |
121 | -9x | +665 | +867x |
- .fixupvals(ret)+ tt2 |
122 | +666 |
- }+ } |
123 | +667 |
+ ) |
124 | +668 |
- #' @param splres (`list`)\cr a list representing the result of splitting.+ |
125 | +669 |
- #'+ setMethod( |
126 | +670 |
- #' @rdname make_split_result+ "subset_cols", c("ElementaryTable", "numeric"), |
127 | +671 |
- #' @export+ function(tt, j, newcinfo = NULL, |
128 | +672 |
- add_to_split_result <- function(splres, values, datasplit, labels, extras = NULL, subset_exprs = NULL) {+ keep_topleft, keep_titles, keep_footers, ...) { |
129 | -4x | +673 | +1829x |
- validate_split_result(splres)+ j <- .j_to_posj(j, ncol(tt)) |
130 | -4x | +674 | +1829x |
- newstuff <- make_split_result(values, datasplit, labels, extras, subset_exprs = list(subset_exprs))+ if (is.null(newcinfo)) { |
131 | -4x | +675 | +97x |
- ret <- lapply(+ cinfo <- col_info(tt) |
132 | -4x | +676 | +97x |
- names(splres),+ newcinfo <- subset_cols(cinfo, j, |
133 | -4x | -
- function(nm) c(splres[[nm]], newstuff[[nm]])- |
- ||
134 | -+ | 677 | +97x |
- )+ keep_topleft = keep_topleft, |
135 | -4x | +678 | +97x |
- names(ret) <- names(splres)+ keep_titles = keep_titles, |
136 | -4x | +679 | +97x |
- .fixupvals(ret)+ keep_footers = keep_footers, ... |
137 | +680 |
- }+ ) |
138 | +681 |
+ } |
139 | +682 |
+ ## topleft handled in creation of newcinfo |
140 | -13x | +683 | +1829x |
- .can_take_spl_context <- function(f) any(c(".spl_context", "...") %in% names(formals(f)))+ kids <- tree_children(tt) |
141 | -+ | |||
684 | +1829x |
+ newkids <- lapply(kids, subset_cols, j = j, newcinfo = newcinfo, ...) |
142 | -+ | |||
685 | +1829x |
- #' Create a custom splitting function+ tt2 <- tt |
143 | -+ | |||
686 | +1829x |
- #'+ col_info(tt2) <- newcinfo |
144 | -+ | |||
687 | +1829x |
- #' @param pre (`list`)\cr zero or more functions which operate on the incoming data and return a new data frame that+ tree_children(tt2) <- newkids |
145 | -+ | |||
688 | +1829x |
- #' should split via `core_split`. They will be called on the data in the order they appear in the list.+ tt_labelrow(tt2) <- subset_cols(tt_labelrow(tt2), j, newcinfo, ...) |
146 | -+ | |||
689 | +1829x |
- #' @param core_split (`function` or `NULL`)\cr if non-`NULL`, a function which accepts the same arguments that+ tt2 <- .h_copy_titles_footers_topleft( |
147 | -+ | |||
690 | +1829x |
- #' `do_base_split` does, and returns the same type of named list. Custom functions which override this behavior+ tt2, tt, |
148 | -+ | |||
691 | +1829x |
- #' cannot be used in column splits.+ keep_titles, |
149 | -+ | |||
692 | +1829x |
- #' @param post (`list`)\cr zero or more functions which should be called on the list output by splitting.+ keep_footers, |
150 | -+ | |||
693 | +1829x |
- #'+ keep_topleft |
151 | +694 |
- #' @details+ ) |
152 | -+ | |||
695 | +1829x |
- #' Custom split functions can be thought of as (up to) 3 different types of manipulations of the splitting process:+ tt2 |
153 | +696 |
- #'+ } |
154 | +697 |
- #' 1. Pre-processing of the incoming data to be split.+ ) |
155 | +698 |
- #' 2. (Row-splitting only) Customization of the core mapping of incoming data to facets.+ |
156 | +699 |
- #' 3. Post-processing operations on the set of facets (groups) generated by the split.+ ## small utility to transform any negative |
157 | +700 |
- #'+ ## indices into positive ones, given j |
158 | +701 |
- #' This function provides an interface to create custom split functions by implementing and specifying sets of+ ## and total length |
159 | +702 |
- #' operations in each of those classes of customization independently.+ |
160 | +703 |
- #'+ .j_to_posj <- function(j, n) { |
161 | +704 |
- #' Pre-processing functions (1), must accept: `df`, `spl`, `vals`, and `labels`, and can optionally accept+ ## This will work for logicals, numerics, integers |
162 | -+ | |||
705 | +15040x |
- #' `.spl_context`. They then manipulate `df` (the incoming data for the split) and return a modified data frame.+ j <- seq_len(n)[j] |
163 | -+ | |||
706 | +15040x |
- #' This modified data frame *must* contain all columns present in the incoming data frame, but can add columns if+ j |
164 | +707 |
- #' necessary (though we note that these new columns cannot be used in the layout as split or analysis variables,+ } |
165 | +708 |
- #' because they will not be present when validity checking is done).+ |
166 | +709 |
- #'+ path_collapse_sep <- "`" |
167 | +710 |
- #' The preprocessing component is useful for things such as manipulating factor levels, e.g., to trim unobserved ones+ escape_name_padding <- function(x) { |
168 | -+ | |||
711 | +141x |
- #' or to reorder levels based on observed counts, etc.+ ret <- gsub("._[[", "\\._\\[\\[", x, fixed = TRUE) |
169 | -+ | |||
712 | +141x |
- #'+ ret <- gsub("]]_.", "\\]\\]_\\.", ret, fixed = TRUE) |
170 | -+ | |||
713 | +141x |
- #' Core splitting functions override the fundamental+ ret |
171 | +714 |
- #' splitting procedure, and are only necessary in rare cases. These+ } |
172 | +715 |
- #' must accept `spl`, `df`, `vals`, `labels`, and can optionally+ path_to_regex <- function(path) { |
173 | -+ | |||
716 | +51x |
- #' accept `.spl_context`. They should return a split result object+ paste(vapply(path, function(x) { |
174 | -+ | |||
717 | +142x |
- #' constructed via `make_split_result()`.+ if (identical(x, "*")) { |
175 | -+ | |||
718 | +1x |
- #'+ paste0("[^", path_collapse_sep, "]+") |
176 | +719 |
- #' In particular, if the custom split function will be used in+ } else { |
177 | -+ | |||
720 | +141x |
- #' column space, subsetting expressions (e.g., as returned by+ escape_name_padding(x) |
178 | +721 |
- #' `quote()` or `bquote` must be provided, while they are+ } |
179 | -+ | |||
722 | +51x |
- #' optional (and largely ignored, currently) in row space.+ }, ""), collapse = path_collapse_sep) |
180 | +723 |
- #'+ } |
181 | +724 |
- #'+ |
182 | +725 |
- #' Post-processing functions (3) must accept the result of the core split as their first argument (which can be+ .path_to_pos <- function(path, tt, distinct_ok = TRUE, cols = FALSE) { |
183 | -+ | |||
726 | +51x |
- #' anything), in addition to `spl`, and `fulldf`, and can optionally accept `.spl_context`. They must each return a+ path <- path[!grepl("^(|root)$", path)] |
184 | -+ | |||
727 | +51x |
- #' modified version of the same structure specified above for core splitting.+ if (cols) { |
185 | -+ | |||
728 | +51x |
- #'+ rowdf <- make_col_df(tt) |
186 | +729 |
- #' In both the pre- and post-processing cases, multiple functions can be specified. When this happens, they are applied+ } else { |
187 | -+ | |||
730 | +! |
- #' sequentially, in the order they appear in the list passed to the relevant argument (`pre` and `post`, respectively).+ rowdf <- make_row_df(tt) |
188 | +731 |
- #'+ } |
189 | -+ | |||
732 | +51x |
- #' @return A custom function that can be used as a split function.+ if (length(path) == 0 || identical(path, "*") || identical(path, "root")) { |
190 | -+ | |||
733 | +! |
- #'+ return(seq(1, nrow(rowdf))) |
191 | +734 |
- #' @seealso [custom_split_funs] for a more detailed discussion on what custom split functions do.+ } |
192 | +735 |
- #'+ |
193 | -+ | |||
736 | +51x |
- #' @examples+ paths <- rowdf$path |
194 | -+ | |||
737 | +51x |
- #' mysplitfun <- make_split_fun(+ pathregex <- path_to_regex(path) |
195 | -+ | |||
738 | +51x |
- #' pre = list(drop_facet_levels),+ pathstrs <- vapply(paths, paste, "", collapse = path_collapse_sep) |
196 | -+ | |||
739 | +51x |
- #' post = list(add_overall_facet("ALL", "All Arms"))+ allmatchs <- grep(pathregex, pathstrs) |
197 | -+ | |||
740 | +51x |
- #' )+ if (length(allmatchs) == 0) { |
198 | -+ | |||
741 | +! |
- #'+ stop( |
199 | -+ | |||
742 | +! |
- #' basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>%+ if (cols) "column path [" else "row path [", |
200 | -+ | |||
743 | +! |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM", split_fun = mysplitfun) %>%+ paste(path, collapse = "->"), |
201 | -+ | |||
744 | +! |
- #' analyze("AGE") %>%+ "] does not appear valid for this table" |
202 | +745 |
- #' build_table(subset(DM, ARM %in% c("B: Placebo", "C: Combination")))+ ) |
203 | +746 |
- #'+ } |
204 | +747 |
- #' ## post (and pre) arguments can take multiple functions, here+ |
205 | -+ | |||
748 | +51x |
- #' ## we add an overall facet and the reorder the facets+ idxdiffs <- diff(allmatchs) |
206 | -+ | |||
749 | +51x |
- #' reorder_facets <- function(splret, spl, fulldf, ...) {+ if (!distinct_ok && length(idxdiffs) > 0 && any(idxdiffs > 1)) { |
207 | -+ | |||
750 | +! |
- #' ord <- order(names(splret$values))+ firstnon <- min(which(idxdiffs > 1)) |
208 | +751 |
- #' make_split_result(+ ## its firstnon here because we would want firstnon-1 but |
209 | +752 |
- #' splret$values[ord],+ ## the diffs are actually shifted 1 so they cancel out |
210 | -+ | |||
753 | +! |
- #' splret$datasplit[ord],+ allmatchs <- allmatchs[seq(1, firstnon)] |
211 | +754 |
- #' splret$labels[ord]+ } |
212 | -+ | |||
755 | +51x |
- #' )+ allmatchs |
213 | +756 |
- #' }+ } |
214 | +757 |
- #'+ |
215 | +758 |
- #' mysplitfun2 <- make_split_fun(+ ## fix column spans that would be invalid |
216 | +759 |
- #' pre = list(drop_facet_levels),+ ## after some columns are no longer there |
217 | +760 |
- #' post = list(+ .fix_rowcspans <- function(rw, j) { |
218 | -+ | |||
761 | +3974x |
- #' add_overall_facet("ALL", "All Arms"),+ cspans <- row_cspans(rw) |
219 | -+ | |||
762 | +3974x |
- #' reorder_facets+ nc <- sum(cspans) |
220 | -+ | |||
763 | +3974x |
- #' )+ j <- .j_to_posj(j, nc) |
221 | +764 |
- #' )+ ## this is overly complicated |
222 | +765 |
- #' basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>%+ ## we need the starting indices |
223 | +766 |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM", split_fun = mysplitfun2) %>%+ ## but the first span might not be 1, so |
224 | +767 |
- #' analyze("AGE") %>%+ ## we pad with 1 and then take off the last |
225 | -+ | |||
768 | +3974x |
- #' build_table(subset(DM, ARM %in% c("B: Placebo", "C: Combination")))+ start <- cumsum(c(1, head(cspans, -1))) |
226 | -+ | |||
769 | +3974x |
- #'+ ends <- c(tail(start, -1) - 1, nc) |
227 | -+ | |||
770 | +3974x |
- #' very_stupid_core <- function(spl, df, vals, labels, .spl_context) {+ res <- mapply(function(st, en) { |
228 | -+ | |||
771 | +22905x |
- #' make_split_result(c("stupid", "silly"),+ sum(j >= st & j <= en) |
229 | -+ | |||
772 | +3974x |
- #' datasplit = list(df[1:10, ], df[11:30, ]),+ }, st = start, en = ends) |
230 | -+ | |||
773 | +3974x |
- #' labels = c("first 10", "second 20")+ res <- res[res > 0] |
231 | -+ | |||
774 | +3974x |
- #' )+ stopifnot(sum(res) == length(j)) |
232 | -+ | |||
775 | +3974x |
- #' }+ res |
233 | +776 |
- #'+ } |
234 | +777 |
- #' dumb_30_facet <- add_combo_facet("dumb",+ |
235 | +778 |
- #' label = "thirty patients",+ select_cells_j <- function(cells, j) { |
236 | -+ | |||
779 | +3974x |
- #' levels = c("stupid", "silly")+ if (length(j) != length(unique(j))) { |
237 | -+ | |||
780 | +! |
- #' )+ stop("duplicate column selections is not currently supported") |
238 | +781 |
- #' nonsense_splfun <- make_split_fun(+ } |
239 | -+ | |||
782 | +3974x |
- #' core_split = very_stupid_core,+ spans <- vapply( |
240 | -+ | |||
783 | +3974x |
- #' post = list(dumb_30_facet)+ cells, function(x) cell_cspan(x), |
241 | -+ | |||
784 | +3974x |
- #' )+ integer(1) |
242 | +785 |
- #'+ )+ |
+ ||
786 | +3974x | +
+ inds <- rep(seq_along(cells), times = spans)+ |
+ ||
787 | +3974x | +
+ selinds <- inds[j]+ |
+ ||
788 | +3974x | +
+ retcells <- cells[selinds[!duplicated(selinds)]]+ |
+ ||
789 | +3974x | +
+ newspans <- vapply(+ |
+ ||
790 | +3974x | +
+ split(selinds, selinds),+ |
+ ||
791 | +3974x | +
+ length,+ |
+ ||
792 | +3974x | +
+ integer(1) |
243 | +793 |
- #' ## recall core split overriding is not supported in column space+ ) |
244 | +794 |
- #' ## currently, but we can see it in action in row space+ + |
+ ||
795 | +3974x | +
+ mapply(function(cl, sp) {+ |
+ ||
796 | +6891x | +
+ cell_cspan(cl) <- sp+ |
+ ||
797 | +6891x | +
+ cl+ |
+ ||
798 | +3974x | +
+ }, cl = retcells, sp = newspans, SIMPLIFY = FALSE) |
245 | +799 |
- #'+ } |
246 | +800 |
- #' lyt_silly <- basic_table() %>%+ |
247 | +801 |
- #' split_rows_by("ARM", split_fun = nonsense_splfun) %>%+ setMethod( |
248 | +802 |
- #' summarize_row_groups() %>%+ "subset_cols", c("ANY", "character"), |
249 | +803 |
- #' analyze("AGE")+ function(tt, j, newcinfo = NULL, keep_topleft = TRUE, ...) {+ |
+ ||
804 | +42x | +
+ j <- .path_to_pos(path = j, tt = tt, cols = TRUE)+ |
+ ||
805 | +42x | +
+ subset_cols(tt, j, newcinfo = newcinfo, keep_topleft = keep_topleft, ...) |
250 | +806 |
- #' silly_table <- build_table(lyt_silly, DM)+ } |
251 | +807 |
- #' silly_table+ ) |
252 | +808 |
- #'+ |
253 | +809 |
- #' @family make_custom_split+ setMethod( |
254 | +810 |
- #' @export+ "subset_cols", c("TableRow", "numeric"), |
255 | +811 |
- make_split_fun <- function(pre = list(), core_split = NULL, post = list()) {+ function(tt, j, newcinfo = NULL, keep_topleft = TRUE, ...) { |
256 | -7x | +812 | +3974x |
- function(df,+ j <- .j_to_posj(j, ncol(tt)) |
257 | -7x | +813 | +3974x |
- spl,+ if (is.null(newcinfo)) { |
258 | -7x | +814 | +16x |
- vals = NULL,+ cinfo <- col_info(tt) |
259 | -7x | +815 | +16x |
- labels = NULL,+ newcinfo <- subset_cols(cinfo, j, keep_topleft = keep_topleft, ...) |
260 | -7x | +|||
816 | +
- trim = FALSE,+ } |
261 | -7x | +817 | +3974x |
- .spl_context) {+ tt2 <- tt |
262 | -11x | +818 | +3974x |
- orig_columns <- names(df)+ row_cells(tt2) <- select_cells_j(row_cells(tt2), j) |
263 | -11x | +|||
819 | +
- for (pre_fn in pre) {+ |
264 | -5x | +820 | +3974x |
- if (.can_take_spl_context(pre_fn)) {+ if (length(row_cspans(tt2)) > 0) { |
265 | -5x | +821 | +3974x |
- df <- pre_fn(df = df, spl = spl, vals = vals, labels = labels, .spl_context = .spl_context)+ row_cspans(tt2) <- .fix_rowcspans(tt2, j) |
266 | +822 |
- } else {- |
- ||
267 | -! | -
- df <- pre_fn(df = df, spl = spl, vals = vals, labels = labels)+ } |
268 | -+ | |||
823 | +3974x |
- }+ col_info(tt2) <- newcinfo |
269 | -3x | +824 | +3974x |
- if (!is(df, "data.frame")) {+ tt2 |
270 | -! | +|||
825 | +
- stop(+ } |
271 | -! | +|||
826 | +
- "Error in custom split function, pre-split step did not return a data.frame. ",+ ) |
272 | -! | +|||
827 | +
- "See upstream call to make_split_fun for original source of error."+ |
273 | +828 |
- )+ setMethod( |
274 | +829 |
- }+ "subset_cols", c("LabelRow", "numeric"), |
275 | +830 |
- }+ function(tt, j, newcinfo = NULL, keep_topleft = TRUE, ...) { |
276 | -+ | |||
831 | +2702x |
+ j <- .j_to_posj(j, ncol(tt)) |
277 | -9x | +832 | +2702x |
- if (!all(orig_columns %in% names(df))) {+ if (is.null(newcinfo)) { |
278 | +833 | ! |
- stop(+ cinfo <- col_info(tt) |
279 | +834 | ! |
- "Preprocessing functions(s) in custom split function removed a column from the incoming data.",+ newcinfo <- subset_cols(cinfo, j, keep_topleft = keep_topleft, ...) |
280 | -! | +|||
835 | +
- " This is not supported. See upstread make_split_fun call (pre argument) for original source of error."+ }+ |
+ |||
836 | +2702x | +
+ col_info(tt) <- newcinfo+ |
+ ||
837 | +2702x | +
+ tt |
281 | +838 |
- )+ } |
282 | +839 |
- }+ ) |
283 | +840 | |||
284 | -9x | +|||
841 | +
- if (is.null(core_split)) {+ setMethod( |
285 | -7x | +|||
842 | +
- ret <- do_base_split(spl = spl, df = df, vals = vals, labels = labels)+ "subset_cols", c("InstantiatedColumnInfo", "numeric"), |
286 | +843 |
- } else {+ function(tt, j, newcinfo = NULL, keep_topleft = TRUE, ...) { |
287 | -2x | +844 | +278x |
- ret <- core_split(spl = spl, df = df, vals = vals, labels = labels, .spl_context)+ if (!is.null(newcinfo)) { |
288 | -2x | +|||
845 | +! |
- validate_split_result(ret, component = "core_split")+ return(newcinfo) |
289 | +846 |
} |
290 | -+ | |||
847 | +278x |
+ j <- .j_to_posj(j, length(col_exprs(tt))) |
291 | -9x | +848 | +278x |
- for (post_fn in post) {+ newctree <- subset_cols(coltree(tt), j, NULL) |
292 | -8x | +849 | +278x |
- if (.can_take_spl_context(post_fn)) {+ newcextra <- col_extra_args(tt)[j] |
293 | -8x | +850 | +278x |
- ret <- post_fn(ret, spl = spl, .spl_context = .spl_context, fulldf = df)+ newcsubs <- col_exprs(tt)[j] |
294 | -+ | |||
851 | +278x |
- } else {+ newcounts <- col_counts(tt)[j] |
295 | -! | +|||
852 | +278x |
- ret <- post_fn(ret, spl = spl, fulldf = df)+ tl <- if (keep_topleft) top_left(tt) else character() |
296 | -+ | |||
853 | +278x |
- }+ InstantiatedColumnInfo( |
297 | -+ | |||
854 | +278x |
- }+ treelyt = newctree, |
298 | -9x | +855 | +278x |
- validate_split_result(ret, "post")+ csubs = newcsubs, |
299 | -9x | +856 | +278x |
- ret+ extras = newcextra, |
300 | -+ | |||
857 | +278x |
- }+ cnts = newcounts, |
301 | -+ | |||
858 | +278x |
- }+ dispcounts = disp_ccounts(tt), |
302 | -+ | |||
859 | +278x |
+ countformat = colcount_format(tt), |
303 | -+ | |||
860 | +278x |
- #' Add a combination facet in post-processing+ topleft = tl |
304 | +861 |
- #'+ ) |
305 | +862 |
- #' Add a combination facet during the post-processing stage in a custom split fun.+ } |
306 | +863 |
- #'+ ) |
307 | +864 |
- #' @param name (`string`)\cr name for the resulting facet (for use in pathing, etc.).+ |
308 | +865 |
- #' @param label (`string`)\cr label for the resulting facet.+ setMethod( |
309 | +866 |
- #' @param levels (`character`)\cr vector of levels to combine within the resulting facet.+ "subset_cols", c("LayoutColTree", "numeric"), |
310 | +867 |
- #' @param extra (`list`)\cr extra arguments to be passed to analysis functions applied within the resulting facet.+ function(tt, j, newcinfo = NULL, ...) { |
311 | -+ | |||
868 | +278x |
- #'+ lst <- collect_leaves(tt) |
312 | -+ | |||
869 | +278x |
- #' @details+ j <- .j_to_posj(j, length(lst)) |
313 | +870 |
- #' For `add_combo_facet`, the data associated with the resulting facet will be the data associated with the facets for+ |
314 | +871 |
- #' each level in `levels`, row-bound together. In particular, this means that if those levels are overlapping, data+ ## j has only non-negative values from |
315 | +872 |
- #' that appears in both will be duplicated.+ ## this point on |
316 | -+ | |||
873 | +278x |
- #'+ counter <- 0 |
317 | -+ | |||
874 | +278x |
- #' @return A function which can be used within the `post` argument in [make_split_fun()].+ prune_children <- function(x, j) { |
318 | -+ | |||
875 | +674x |
- #'+ kids <- tree_children(x) |
319 | -+ | |||
876 | +674x |
- #' @seealso [make_split_fun()]+ newkids <- kids |
320 | -+ | |||
877 | +674x |
- #'+ for (i in seq_along(newkids)) { |
321 | -+ | |||
878 | +1813x |
- #' @examples+ if (is(newkids[[i]], "LayoutColLeaf")) {+ |
+ ||
879 | +1417x | +
+ counter <<- counter + 1+ |
+ ||
880 | +1417x | +
+ if (!(counter %in% j)) {+ |
+ ||
881 | +1013x | +
+ newkids[[i]] <- list()+ |
+ ||
882 | +278x | +
+ } ## NULL removes the position entirely |
322 | +883 |
- #' mysplfun <- make_split_fun(post = list(+ } else {+ |
+ ||
884 | +396x | +
+ newkids[[i]] <- prune_children(newkids[[i]], j) |
323 | +885 |
- #' add_combo_facet("A_B",+ } |
324 | +886 |
- #' label = "Arms A+B",+ } |
325 | +887 |
- #' levels = c("A: Drug X", "B: Placebo")+ + |
+ ||
888 | +674x | +
+ newkids <- newkids[sapply(newkids, function(thing) length(thing) > 0)]+ |
+ ||
889 | +674x | +
+ if (length(newkids) > 0) {+ |
+ ||
890 | +474x | +
+ tree_children(x) <- newkids+ |
+ ||
891 | +474x | +
+ x |
326 | +892 |
- #' ),+ } else {+ |
+ ||
893 | +200x | +
+ list() |
327 | +894 |
- #' add_overall_facet("ALL", label = "All Arms")+ } |
328 | +895 |
- #' ))+ }+ |
+ ||
896 | +278x | +
+ prune_children(tt, j) |
329 | +897 |
- #'+ } |
330 | +898 |
- #' lyt <- basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>%+ ) |
331 | +899 |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM", split_fun = mysplfun) %>%+ |
332 | +900 |
- #' analyze("AGE")+ ## label rows ARE included in the count |
333 | +901 |
- #'+ subset_by_rownum <- function(tt, |
334 | +902 |
- #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM)+ i, |
335 | +903 |
- #'+ keep_topleft = FALSE, |
336 | +904 |
- #' @family make_custom_split+ keep_titles = TRUE, |
337 | +905 |
- #' @export+ keep_footers = keep_titles, |
338 | +906 |
- add_combo_facet <- function(name, label = name, levels, extra = list()) {+ ...) { |
339 | -3x | +907 | +184x |
- function(ret, spl, .spl_context, fulldf) {+ stopifnot(is(tt, "VTableNodeInfo")) |
340 | -4x | +908 | +184x |
- if (is(levels, "AllLevelsSentinel")) {+ counter <- 0 |
341 | -1x | +909 | +184x |
- subexpr <- expression(TRUE)+ nr <- nrow(tt) |
342 | -1x | +910 | +184x |
- datpart <- list(fulldf)+ i <- .j_to_posj(i, nr) |
343 | -+ | |||
911 | +184x |
- } else {+ if (length(i) == 0) { |
344 | +912 | 3x |
- subexpr <- .combine_value_exprs(ret$values[levels])+ ret <- TableTree(cinfo = col_info(tt)) |
345 | +913 | 3x |
- datpart <- list(do.call(rbind, ret$datasplit[levels]))+ if (isTRUE(keep_topleft)) {+ |
+ |
914 | +1x | +
+ top_left(ret) <- top_left(tt) |
346 | +915 |
} |
916 | +3x | +
+ return(ret)+ |
+ ||
347 | +917 |
+ } |
348 | +918 | |||
349 | -4x | +919 | +181x |
- val <- LevelComboSplitValue(+ prune_rowsbynum <- function(x, i, valifnone = NULL) { |
350 | -4x | +920 | +1321x |
- val = name, extr = extra, combolevels = levels, label = label,+ maxi <- max(i) |
351 | -4x | +921 | +1321x |
- sub_expr = subexpr+ if (counter > maxi) {+ |
922 | +137x | +
+ return(valifnone) |
352 | +923 |
- )+ }+ |
+ ||
924 | ++ | + | ||
353 | -4x | +925 | +1184x |
- add_to_split_result(ret,+ if (labelrow_visible(x)) { |
354 | -4x | +926 | +489x |
- values = list(val), labels = label,+ counter <<- counter + 1 |
355 | -4x | +927 | +489x |
- datasplit = datpart+ if (!(counter %in% i)) { |
356 | +928 |
- )+ ## XXX this should do whatever |
357 | +929 |
- }+ ## is required to 'remove' the Label Row |
358 | +930 |
- }+ ## (currently implicit based on |
359 | +931 |
+ ## the value of the label but |
360 | +932 |
- .combine_value_exprs <- function(val_lst, spl) {+ ## that shold really probably change) |
361 | -3x | +933 | +177x |
- exprs <- lapply(val_lst, value_expr)+ labelrow_visible(x) <- FALSE |
362 | -3x | +|||
934 | +
- nulls <- vapply(exprs, is.null, TRUE)+ } |
363 | -3x | +|||
935 | +
- if (all(nulls)) {+ } |
364 | -1x | +936 | +1184x |
- return(NULL) # default behavior all the way down the line, no need to do anything.+ if (is(x, "TableTree") && nrow(content_table(x)) > 0) { |
365 | -2x | +937 | +90x |
- } else if (any(nulls)) {+ ctab <- content_table(x) |
366 | -! | +|||
938 | +
- exprs[nulls] <- lapply(val_lst[nulls], function(vali) make_subset_expr(spl, vali))+ |
367 | -+ | |||
939 | +90x |
- }+ content_table(x) <- prune_rowsbynum(ctab, i, |
368 | -2x | +940 | +90x |
- Reduce(.or_combine_exprs, exprs)+ valifnone = ElementaryTable( |
369 | -+ | |||
941 | +90x |
- }+ cinfo = col_info(ctab), |
370 | -+ | |||
942 | +90x |
+ iscontent = TRUE |
371 | +943 |
- ## no NULLS coming in here, everything has been populated+ ) |
372 | +944 |
- ## by either custom subsetting expressions or the result of make_subset_expr(spl, val)+ ) |
373 | +945 |
- .or_combine_exprs <- function(ex1, ex2) {+ } |
374 | -2x | +946 | +1184x |
- if (identical(ex1, expression(FALSE))) {+ kids <- tree_children(x) |
375 | -! | +|||
947 | +1184x |
- return(ex2)+ if (counter > maxi) { # already done |
376 | -2x | +948 | +49x |
- } else if (identical(ex2, expression(FALSE))) {+ kids <- list() |
377 | -! | +|||
949 | +1135x |
- return(ex1)+ } else if (length(kids) > 0) { |
378 | -2x | +950 | +1133x |
- } else if (identical(ex1, expression(TRUE)) || identical(ex2, expression(TRUE))) {+ for (pos in seq_along(kids)) { |
379 | -! | +|||
951 | +4102x |
- return(TRUE)+ if (is(kids[[pos]], "TableRow")) { |
380 | -+ | |||
952 | +3052x |
- }+ counter <<- counter + 1 |
381 | -2x | +953 | +3052x |
- as.expression(bquote((.(a)) | .(b), list(a = ex1[[1]], b = ex2[[1]])))+ if (!(counter %in% i)) { |
382 | -+ | |||
954 | +2144x |
- }+ kids[[pos]] <- list() |
383 | +955 |
+ } |
384 | +956 |
- #' @rdname add_combo_facet+ } else {+ |
+ ||
957 | +1050x | +
+ kids[[pos]] <- prune_rowsbynum(kids[[pos]], i, list()) |
385 | +958 |
- #' @export+ } |
386 | +959 |
- add_overall_facet <- function(name, label, extra = list()) {+ } |
387 | -1x | +960 | +1133x |
- add_combo_facet(+ kids <- kids[sapply(kids, function(x) NROW(x) > 0)]+ |
961 | ++ |
+ } |
388 | -1x | +962 | +1184x |
- name = name, label = label, levels = select_all_levels,+ if (length(kids) == 0 && NROW(content_table(x)) == 0 && !labelrow_visible(x)) { |
389 | -1x | +963 | +359x |
- extra = extra+ return(valifnone) |
390 | +964 |
- )+ } else { |
391 | -+ | |||
965 | +825x |
- }+ tree_children(x) <- kids+ |
+ ||
966 | +825x | +
+ x |
392 | +967 |
+ } |
393 | +968 |
- #' Trim levels of another variable from each facet (post-processing split step)+ ## ## if(length(kids) == 0) { |
394 | +969 |
- #'+ ## ## if(!is(x, "TableTree")) |
395 | +970 |
- #' @param innervar (`character`)\cr the variable(s) to trim (remove unobserved levels) independently within each facet.+ ## ## return(valifnone) |
396 | +971 |
- #'+ ## ## } |
397 | +972 |
- #' @return A function suitable for use in the `pre` (list) argument of `make_split_fun`.+ ## if(is(x, "VTableTree") && nrow(x) > 0) { |
398 | +973 |
- #'+ ## x |
399 | +974 |
- #' @seealso [make_split_fun()]+ ## } else { |
400 | +975 |
- #'+ ## valifnone |
401 | +976 |
- #' @family make_custom_split+ ## } |
402 | +977 |
- #' @export+ }+ |
+ ||
978 | +181x | +
+ ret <- prune_rowsbynum(tt, i) |
403 | +979 |
- trim_levels_in_facets <- function(innervar) {+ |
404 | -1x | +980 | +181x |
- function(ret, ...) {+ ret <- .h_copy_titles_footers_topleft( |
405 | -1x | +981 | +181x |
- for (var in innervar) {+ ret, tt, |
406 | -1x | +982 | +181x |
- ret$datasplit <- lapply(ret$datasplit, function(df) {+ keep_titles, |
407 | -2x | +983 | +181x |
- df[[var]] <- factor(df[[var]])+ keep_footers, |
408 | -2x | +984 | +181x |
- df+ keep_topleft |
409 | +985 |
- })+ ) |
410 | +986 |
- }+ |
411 | -1x | +987 | +181x |
- ret+ ret |
412 | +988 |
- }+ } |
413 | +989 |
- }+ |
414 | +990 |
+ #' @exportMethod [ |
415 | +991 |
- #' Pre-processing function for use in `make_split_fun`+ #' @rdname brackets |
416 | +992 |
- #'+ setMethod( |
417 | +993 |
- #' This function is intended for use as a pre-processing component in `make_split_fun`, and should not be called+ "[", c("VTableTree", "logical", "logical"), |
418 | +994 |
- #' directly by end users.+ function(x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE) { |
419 | -+ | |||
995 | +1x |
- #'+ i <- .j_to_posj(i, nrow(x))+ |
+ ||
996 | +1x | +
+ j <- .j_to_posj(j, ncol(x))+ |
+ ||
997 | +1x | +
+ x[i, j, ..., drop = drop] |
420 | +998 |
- #' @param df (`data.frame`)\cr the incoming data corresponding with the parent facet.+ } |
421 | +999 |
- #' @param spl (`VarLevelSplit`)\cr the split.+ ) |
422 | +1000 |
- #' @param ... additional parameters passed internally.+ |
423 | +1001 |
- #'+ #' @exportMethod [ |
424 | +1002 |
- #' @seealso [make_split_fun()]+ #' @rdname int_methods |
425 | +1003 |
- #'+ #' @keywords internal |
426 | +1004 |
- #' @family make_custom_split+ setMethod( |
427 | +1005 |
- #' @export+ "[", c("VTableTree", "logical", "ANY"), |
428 | +1006 |
- drop_facet_levels <- function(df, spl, ...) {+ function(x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE) { |
429 | -2x | +|||
1007 | +! |
- if (!is(spl, "VarLevelSplit") || is.na(spl_payload(spl))) {+ i <- .j_to_posj(i, nrow(x)) |
430 | +1008 | ! |
- stop("Unable to determine faceting variable in drop_facet_levels application.")+ x[i, j, ..., drop = drop] |
431 | +1009 |
} |
432 | -2x | +|||
1010 | +
- var <- spl_payload(spl)+ ) |
433 | -2x | +|||
1011 | +
- df[[var]] <- factor(df[[var]])+ |
434 | -2x | +|||
1012 | +
- df+ #' @exportMethod [ |
435 | +1013 |
- }+ #' @rdname int_methods |
1 | +1014 |
- #' Cell value constructors+ #' @keywords internal |
2 | +1015 |
- #'+ setMethod( |
3 | +1016 |
- #' Construct a cell value and associate formatting, labeling, indenting, and column spanning information with it.+ "[", c("VTableTree", "logical", "missing"), |
4 | +1017 |
- #'+ function(x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE) { |
5 | -+ | |||
1018 | +4x |
- #' @inheritParams compat_args+ j <- seq_len(ncol(x)) |
6 | -+ | |||
1019 | +4x |
- #' @inheritParams lyt_args+ i <- .j_to_posj(i, nrow(x)) |
7 | -+ | |||
1020 | +4x |
- #' @param x (`ANY`)\cr cell value.+ x[i, j, ..., drop = drop] |
8 | +1021 |
- #' @param format (`string` or `function`)\cr the format label (string) or `formatters` function to apply to `x`.+ } |
9 | +1022 |
- #' See [formatters::list_valid_format_labels()] for currently supported format labels.+ ) |
10 | +1023 |
- #' @param label (`string` or `NULL`)\cr label. If non-`NULL`, it will be looked at when determining row labels.+ |
11 | +1024 |
- #' @param colspan (`integer(1)`)\cr column span value.+ #' @exportMethod [ |
12 | +1025 |
- #' @param footnotes (`list` or `NULL`)\cr referential footnote messages for the cell.+ #' @rdname int_methods |
13 | +1026 |
- #'+ #' @keywords internal |
14 | +1027 |
- #' @inherit CellValue return+ setMethod( |
15 | +1028 |
- #'+ "[", c("VTableTree", "ANY", "logical"), |
16 | +1029 |
- #' @note Currently column spanning is only supported for defining header structure.+ function(x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE) { |
17 | -+ | |||
1030 | +1x |
- #'+ j <- .j_to_posj(j, ncol(x)) |
18 | -+ | |||
1031 | +1x |
- #' @rdname rcell+ x[i, j, ..., drop = drop] |
19 | +1032 |
- #' @export+ } |
20 | +1033 |
- rcell <- function(x,+ ) |
21 | +1034 |
- format = NULL,+ |
22 | +1035 |
- colspan = 1L,+ #' @exportMethod [ |
23 | +1036 |
- label = NULL,+ #' @rdname int_methods |
24 | +1037 |
- indent_mod = NULL,+ #' @keywords internal |
25 | +1038 |
- footnotes = NULL,+ setMethod( |
26 | +1039 |
- align = NULL,+ "[", c("VTableTree", "ANY", "missing"), |
27 | +1040 |
- format_na_str = NULL) {+ function(x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE) { |
28 | -31806x | +1041 | +146x |
- if (!is.null(align)) {+ j <- seq_len(ncol(x)) |
29 | -56x | +1042 | +146x |
- check_aligns(align)+ x[i = i, j = j, ..., drop = drop] |
30 | +1043 |
} |
31 | -31806x | -
- if (is(x, "CellValue")) {- |
- ||
32 | -19186x | -
- if (!is.null(label)) {- |
- ||
33 | -1x | +|||
1044 | +
- obj_label(x) <- label+ ) |
34 | +1045 |
- }+ |
35 | -19186x | +|||
1046 | +
- if (colspan != 1L) {+ #' @exportMethod [ |
36 | -1x | +|||
1047 | +
- cell_cspan(x) <- colspan+ #' @rdname int_methods |
37 | +1048 |
- }+ #' @keywords internal |
38 | -19186x | +|||
1049 | +
- if (!is.null(indent_mod)) {+ setMethod( |
39 | -1x | +|||
1050 | +
- indent_mod(x) <- indent_mod+ "[", c("VTableTree", "missing", "ANY"), |
40 | +1051 |
- }+ function(x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE) { |
41 | -19186x | +1052 | +4x |
- if (!is.null(format)) {+ i <- seq_len(nrow(x)) |
42 | -1x | +1053 | +4x |
- obj_format(x) <- format+ x[i = i, j = j, ..., drop = drop] |
43 | +1054 |
- }+ } |
44 | -19186x | +|||
1055 | +
- if (!is.null(footnotes)) {+ ) |
45 | -366x | +|||
1056 | +
- cell_footnotes(x) <- lapply(footnotes, RefFootnote)+ |
46 | +1057 |
- }+ #' @exportMethod [ |
47 | -19186x | +|||
1058 | +
- if (!is.null(format_na_str)) {+ #' @rdname int_methods |
48 | -! | +|||
1059 | +
- obj_na_str(x) <- format_na_str+ #' @keywords internal |
49 | +1060 |
- }+ setMethod( |
50 | -19186x | +|||
1061 | +
- ret <- x+ "[", c("VTableTree", "ANY", "character"), |
51 | +1062 |
- } else {+ function(x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE) { |
52 | -12620x | +|||
1063 | +
- if (is.null(label)) {+ ## j <- .colpath_to_j(j, coltree(x)) |
53 | -9738x | -
- label <- obj_label(x)- |
- ||
54 | -- |
- }- |
- ||
55 | -12620x | +1064 | +3x |
- if (is.null(format)) {+ j <- .path_to_pos(path = j, tt = x, cols = TRUE) |
56 | -6782x | +1065 | +3x |
- format <- obj_format(x)+ x[i = i, j = j, ..., drop = drop] |
57 | +1066 |
- }- |
- ||
58 | -12620x | -
- if (is.null(indent_mod)) {- |
- ||
59 | -12620x | -
- indent_mod <- indent_mod(x)+ } |
60 | +1067 |
- }+ ) |
61 | -12620x | +|||
1068 | +
- footnotes <- lapply(footnotes, RefFootnote)+ |
62 | -12620x | +|||
1069 | +
- ret <- CellValue(+ #' @exportMethod [ |
63 | -12620x | +|||
1070 | +
- val = x,+ #' @rdname int_methods |
64 | -12620x | +|||
1071 | +
- format = format,+ #' @keywords internal |
65 | -12620x | +|||
1072 | +
- colspan = colspan,+ setMethod( |
66 | -12620x | +|||
1073 | +
- label = label,+ "[", c("VTableTree", "character", "ANY"), |
67 | -12620x | +|||
1074 | +
- indent_mod = indent_mod,+ function(x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE) { |
68 | -12620x | +|||
1075 | +
- footnotes = footnotes,+ ## i <- .path_to_pos(i, seq_len(nrow(x)), x, NROW) |
69 | -12620x | +|||
1076 | +! |
- format_na_str = format_na_str+ i <- .path_to_pos(i, x) |
70 | -12620x | +|||
1077 | +! |
- ) # RefFootnote(footnote))+ x[i = i, j = j, ..., drop = drop] |
71 | +1078 |
} |
72 | -31806x | -
- if (!is.null(align)) {- |
- ||
73 | -56x | +|||
1079 | +
- cell_align(ret) <- align+ ) |
74 | +1080 |
- }+ |
75 | -31806x | +|||
1081 | +
- ret+ ## to avoid dispatch ambiguity. Not necessary, possibly not a good idea at all |
76 | +1082 |
- }+ #' @exportMethod [ |
77 | +1083 |
+ #' @rdname int_methods |
78 | +1084 |
- #' @param is_ref (`flag`)\cr whether function is being used in the reference column (i.e. `.in_ref_col` should be+ #' @keywords internal |
79 | +1085 |
- #' passed to this argument).+ setMethod( |
80 | +1086 |
- #' @param refval (`ANY`)\cr value to use when in the reference column. Defaults to `NULL`.+ "[", c("VTableTree", "character", "character"), |
81 | +1087 |
- #'+ function(x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE) { |
82 | +1088 |
- #' @details+ ## i <- .path_to_pos(i, seq_len(nrow(x)), x, NROW) |
83 | -+ | |||
1089 | +! |
- #' `non_ref_rcell` provides the common *blank for cells in the reference column, this value otherwise*, and should+ i <- .path_to_pos(i, x) |
84 | +1090 |
- #' be passed the value of `.in_ref_col` when it is used.+ ## j <- .colpath_to_j(j, coltree(x)) |
85 | -+ | |||
1091 | +! |
- #'+ j <- .path_to_pos(path = j, tt = x, cols = TRUE) |
86 | -+ | |||
1092 | +! |
- #' @rdname rcell+ x[i = i, j = j, ..., drop = drop] |
87 | +1093 |
- #' @export+ } |
88 | +1094 |
- non_ref_rcell <- function(x, is_ref, format = NULL, colspan = 1L,+ ) |
89 | +1095 |
- label = NULL, indent_mod = NULL,+ |
90 | +1096 |
- refval = NULL,+ #' @exportMethod [ |
91 | +1097 |
- align = "center",+ #' @rdname int_methods |
92 | +1098 |
- format_na_str = NULL) {+ #' @keywords internal |
93 | -2x | +|||
1099 | +
- val <- if (is_ref) refval else x+ setMethod( |
94 | -2x | +|||
1100 | +
- rcell(val,+ "[", c("VTableTree", "missing", "numeric"), |
95 | -2x | +|||
1101 | +
- format = format, colspan = colspan, label = label,+ function(x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE) { |
96 | -2x | +1102 | +238x |
- indent_mod = indent_mod, align = align,+ i <- seq_len(nrow(x)) |
97 | -2x | +1103 | +238x |
- format_na_str = format_na_str+ x[i, j, ..., drop = drop] |
98 | +1104 |
- )+ } |
99 | +1105 |
- }+ ) |
100 | +1106 | |||
101 | +1107 |
- #' Create multiple rows in analysis or summary functions+ #' @exportMethod [ |
102 | +1108 |
- #'+ #' @rdname int_methods |
103 | +1109 |
- #' Define the cells that get placed into multiple rows in `afun`.+ #' @keywords internal |
104 | +1110 |
- #'+ setMethod( |
105 | +1111 |
- #' @param ... single row defining expressions.+ "[", c("VTableTree", "numeric", "numeric"), |
106 | +1112 |
- #' @param .list (`list`)\cr list cell content (usually `rcells`). The `.list` is concatenated to `...`.+ function(x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE) { |
107 | +1113 |
- #' @param .names (`character` or `NULL`)\cr names of the returned list/structure.+ ## have to do it this way because we can't add an argument since we don't |
108 | +1114 |
- #' @param .labels (`character` or `NULL`)\cr labels for the defined rows.+ ## own the generic declaration |
109 | -+ | |||
1115 | +471x |
- #' @param .formats (`character` or `NULL`)\cr formats for the values.+ keep_topleft <- list(...)[["keep_topleft"]] %||% NA |
110 | -+ | |||
1116 | +471x |
- #' @param .indent_mods (`integer` or `NULL`)\cr indent modifications for the defined rows.+ keep_titles <- list(...)[["keep_titles"]] %||% FALSE |
111 | -+ | |||
1117 | +471x |
- #' @param .cell_footnotes (`list`)\cr referential footnote messages to be associated by name with *cells*.+ keep_footers <- list(...)[["keep_footers"]] %||% keep_titles |
112 | -+ | |||
1118 | +471x |
- #' @param .row_footnotes (`list`)\cr referential footnotes messages to be associated by name with *rows*.+ reindex_refs <- list(...)[["reindex_refs"]] %||% TRUE |
113 | +1119 |
- #' @param .aligns (`character` or `NULL`)\cr alignments for the cells. Standard for `NULL` is `"center"`.+ |
114 | -+ | |||
1120 | +471x |
- #' See [formatters::list_valid_aligns()] for currently supported alignments.+ nr <- nrow(x) |
115 | -+ | |||
1121 | +471x |
- #' @param .format_na_strs (`character` or `NULL`)\cr NA strings for the cells.+ nc <- ncol(x) |
116 | -+ | |||
1122 | +471x |
- #'+ i <- .j_to_posj(i, nr) |
117 | -+ | |||
1123 | +471x |
- #' @note In post-processing, referential footnotes can also be added using row and column+ j <- .j_to_posj(j, nc) |
118 | +1124 |
- #' paths with [`fnotes_at_path<-`].+ |
119 | +1125 |
- #'+ ## if(!missing(i) && length(i) < nr) { |
120 | -+ | |||
1126 | +471x |
- #' @return A `RowsVerticalSection` object (or `NULL`). The details of this object should be considered an+ if (length(i) < nr) { ## already populated by .j_to_posj |
121 | -+ | |||
1127 | +184x |
- #' internal implementation detail.+ keep_topleft <- isTRUE(keep_topleft) |
122 | -+ | |||
1128 | +184x |
- #'+ x <- subset_by_rownum(x, i, |
123 | -+ | |||
1129 | +184x |
- #' @seealso [analyze()]+ keep_topleft = keep_topleft, |
124 | -+ | |||
1130 | +184x |
- #'+ keep_titles = keep_titles, |
125 | -+ | |||
1131 | +184x |
- #' @examples+ keep_footers = keep_footers |
126 | +1132 |
- #' in_rows(1, 2, 3, .names = c("a", "b", "c"))+ ) |
127 | -+ | |||
1133 | +287x |
- #' in_rows(1, 2, 3, .labels = c("a", "b", "c"))+ } else if (is.na(keep_topleft)) { |
128 | -+ | |||
1134 | +49x |
- #' in_rows(1, 2, 3, .names = c("a", "b", "c"), .labels = c("AAA", "BBB", "CCC"))+ keep_topleft <- TRUE |
129 | +1135 |
- #'+ } |
130 | +1136 |
- #' in_rows(.list = list(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3))+ |
131 | +1137 |
- #' in_rows(1, 2, .list = list(3), .names = c("a", "b", "c"))+ ## if(!missing(j) && length(j) < nc) |
132 | -+ | |||
1138 | +471x |
- #'+ if (length(j) < nc) { |
133 | -+ | |||
1139 | +232x |
- #' lyt <- basic_table() %>%+ x <- subset_cols(x, j, |
134 | -+ | |||
1140 | +232x |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>%+ keep_topleft = keep_topleft, |
135 | -+ | |||
1141 | +232x |
- #' analyze("AGE", afun = function(x) {+ keep_titles = keep_titles, |
136 | -+ | |||
1142 | +232x |
- #' in_rows(+ keep_footers = keep_footers |
137 | +1143 |
- #' "Mean (sd)" = rcell(c(mean(x), sd(x)), format = "xx.xx (xx.xx)"),+ ) |
138 | +1144 |
- #' "Range" = rcell(range(x), format = "xx.xx - xx.xx")+ } |
139 | +1145 |
- #' )+ |
140 | +1146 |
- #' })+ # Dropping everything |
141 | -+ | |||
1147 | +471x |
- #'+ if (drop) { |
142 | -+ | |||
1148 | +35x |
- #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, ex_adsl)+ if (length(j) == 1L && length(i) == 1L) { |
143 | -+ | |||
1149 | +30x |
- #' tbl+ rw <- collect_leaves(x, TRUE, TRUE)[[1]] |
144 | -+ | |||
1150 | +30x |
- #'+ if (is(rw, "LabelRow")) { |
145 | -+ | |||
1151 | +2x |
- #' @export+ warning( |
146 | -+ | |||
1152 | +2x |
- in_rows <- function(..., .list = NULL, .names = NULL,+ "The value selected with drop = TRUE belongs ", |
147 | -+ | |||
1153 | +2x |
- .labels = NULL,+ "to a label row. NULL will be returned" |
148 | +1154 |
- .formats = NULL,+ ) |
149 | -+ | |||
1155 | +2x |
- .indent_mods = NULL,+ x <- NULL |
150 | +1156 |
- .cell_footnotes = list(NULL),+ } else { |
151 | -+ | |||
1157 | +28x |
- .row_footnotes = list(NULL),+ x <- row_values(rw)[[1]] |
152 | +1158 |
- .aligns = NULL,+ } |
153 | +1159 |
- .format_na_strs = NULL) {+ } else { |
154 | -5775x | +1160 | +5x |
- if (is.function(.formats)) {+ warning( |
155 | -! | +|||
1161 | +5x |
- .formats <- list(.formats)+ "Trying to drop more than one subsetted value. ", |
156 | -+ | |||
1162 | +5x |
- }+ "We support this only with accessor function `cell_values()`. ",+ |
+ ||
1163 | +5x | +
+ "No drop will be done at this time." |
157 | +1164 |
+ ) |
158 | -5775x | +1165 | +5x |
- l <- c(list(...), .list)+ drop <- FALSE |
159 | +1166 |
+ }+ |
+ ||
1167 | ++ |
+ } |
160 | -5775x | +1168 | +471x |
- if (missing(.names) && missing(.labels)) {+ if (!drop) { |
161 | -1766x | +1169 | +441x |
- if (length(l) > 0 && is.null(names(l))) {+ if (!keep_topleft) { |
162 | -! | +|||
1170 | +61x |
- stop("need a named list")+ top_left(x) <- character() |
163 | +1171 |
- } else {+ } |
164 | -1766x | +1172 | +441x |
- .names <- names(l)+ if (reindex_refs) {+ |
1173 | +105x | +
+ x <- update_ref_indexing(x) |
165 | +1174 | ++ |
+ }+ |
+ |
1175 |
} |
166 | -1766x | +1176 | +471x |
- stopifnot(!anyNA(.names))+ x |
167 | +1177 |
} |
168 | +1178 |
+ ) |
169 | -5775x | +|||
1179 | +
- if (length(l) == 0) {+ |
170 | +1180 |
- if (+ #' @importFrom utils compareVersion |
171 | -! | +|||
1181 | +
- length(.labels) > 0 ||+ |
172 | -! | +|||
1182 | +
- length(.formats) > 0 ||+ setGeneric("tail", tail) |
173 | -! | +|||
1183 | +
- length(.names) > 0 ||+ |
174 | -! | +|||
1184 | +
- length(.indent_mods) > 0 ||+ setMethod( |
175 | -! | +|||
1185 | +
- length(.format_na_strs) > 0+ "tail", "VTableTree", |
176 | +1186 |
- ) {+ function(x, n = 6L, ...) { |
177 | -! | +|||
1187 | +
- stop(+ if (compareVersion("4.0.0", as.character(getRversion())) <= 0) { |
178 | -! | +|||
1188 | +
- "in_rows got 0 rows but length >0 of at least one of ",+ tail.matrix(x, n, keepnums = FALSE) |
179 | -! | +|||
1189 | +
- ".labels, .formats, .names, .indent_mods, .format_na_strs. ",+ } else { |
180 | -! | +|||
1190 | +
- "Does your analysis/summary function handle the 0 row ",+ tail.matrix(x, n, addrownums = FALSE) |
181 | -! | +|||
1191 | +
- "df/length 0 x case?"+ } |
182 | +1192 |
- )+ } |
183 | +1193 |
- }+ ) |
184 | -! | +|||
1194 | +
- l2 <- list()+ |
185 | +1195 |
- } else {+ setGeneric("head", head) |
186 | -5775x | +|||
1196 | +
- if (is.null(.formats)) {+ |
187 | -5315x | +|||
1197 | +
- .formats <- list(NULL)+ setMethod( |
188 | +1198 |
- }+ "head", "VTableTree", |
189 | -5775x | +|||
1199 | +
- stopifnot(is.list(.cell_footnotes))+ function(x, n = 6L, ...) { |
190 | -5775x | +|||
1200 | +
- if (length(.cell_footnotes) != length(l)) {+ head.matrix(x, n) |
191 | -1187x | +|||
1201 | +
- .cell_footnotes <- c(+ } |
192 | -1187x | +|||
1202 | +
- .cell_footnotes,+ ) |
193 | -1187x | +|||
1203 | +
- setNames(+ |
194 | -1187x | +|||
1204 | +
- rep(list(character()),+ #' Retrieve cell values by row and column path |
195 | -1187x | +|||
1205 | +
- length.out = length(setdiff(+ #' |
196 | -1187x | +|||
1206 | +
- names(l),+ #' @inheritParams gen_args |
197 | -1187x | +|||
1207 | +
- names(.cell_footnotes)+ #' @param rowpath (`character`)\cr path in row-split space to the desired row(s). Can include `"@content"`. |
198 | +1208 |
- ))+ #' @param colpath (`character`)\cr path in column-split space to the desired column(s). Can include `"*"`. |
199 | +1209 |
- ),+ #' @param omit_labrows (`flag`)\cr whether label rows underneath `rowpath` should be omitted (`TRUE`, the default), |
200 | -1187x | +|||
1210 | +
- setdiff(+ #' or return empty lists of cell "values" (`FALSE`). |
201 | -1187x | +|||
1211 | +
- names(l),+ #' |
202 | -1187x | +|||
1212 | +
- names(.cell_footnotes)+ #' @return |
203 | +1213 |
- )+ #' * `cell_values` returns a `list` (regardless of the type of value the cells hold). If `rowpath` defines a path to |
204 | +1214 |
- )+ #' a single row, `cell_values` returns the list of cell values for that row, otherwise a list of such lists, one for |
205 | +1215 |
- )+ #' each row captured underneath `rowpath`. This occurs after subsetting to `colpath` has occurred. |
206 | -1187x | +|||
1216 | +
- .cell_footnotes <- .cell_footnotes[names(l)]+ #' * `value_at` returns the "unwrapped" value of a single cell, or an error, if the combination of `rowpath` and |
207 | +1217 |
- }+ #' `colpath` do not define the location of a single cell in `tt`. |
208 | -5775x | +|||
1218 | +
- if (is.null(.aligns)) {+ #' |
209 | -5772x | +|||
1219 | +
- .aligns <- list(NULL)+ #' @note `cell_values` will return a single cell's value wrapped in a list. Use `value_at` to receive the "bare" cell |
210 | +1220 |
- }+ #' value. |
211 | -5775x | +|||
1221 | +
- l2 <- mapply(rcell,+ #' |
212 | -5775x | +|||
1222 | +
- x = l, format = .formats,+ #' @examples |
213 | -5775x | +|||
1223 | +
- footnotes = .cell_footnotes %||% list(NULL),+ #' lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
214 | -5775x | +|||
1224 | +
- align = .aligns,+ #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>% |
215 | -5775x | +|||
1225 | +
- format_na_str = .format_na_strs %||% list(NULL),+ #' split_cols_by("SEX") %>% |
216 | -5775x | +|||
1226 | +
- SIMPLIFY = FALSE+ #' split_rows_by("RACE") %>% |
217 | +1227 |
- )+ #' summarize_row_groups() %>% |
218 | +1228 |
- }+ #' split_rows_by("STRATA1") %>% |
219 | -5775x | +|||
1229 | +
- if (is.null(.labels)) {+ #' analyze("AGE") |
220 | -2623x | +|||
1230 | +
- objlabs <- vapply(l2, function(x) obj_label(x) %||% "", "")+ #' |
221 | -2623x | +|||
1231 | +
- if (any(nzchar(objlabs))) {+ #' @examplesIf require(dplyr) |
222 | -69x | +|||
1232 | +
- .labels <- objlabs+ #' library(dplyr) ## for mutate |
223 | +1233 |
- }+ #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM %>% |
224 | +1234 |
- }+ #' mutate(SEX = droplevels(SEX), RACE = droplevels(RACE))) |
225 | +1235 |
+ #' |
226 | -5775x | +|||
1236 | +
- if (is.null(.names) && !is.null(names(l))) {+ #' row_paths_summary(tbl) |
227 | -97x | +|||
1237 | +
- .names <- names(l)+ #' col_paths_summary(tbl) |
228 | +1238 |
- }+ #' |
229 | -5775x | +|||
1239 | +
- stopifnot(is.list(.row_footnotes))+ #' cell_values( |
230 | -5775x | +|||
1240 | +
- if (length(.row_footnotes) != length(l2)) {+ #' tbl, c("RACE", "ASIAN", "STRATA1", "B"), |
231 | -1187x | +|||
1241 | +
- tmp <- .row_footnotes+ #' c("ARM", "A: Drug X", "SEX", "F") |
232 | -1187x | +|||
1242 | +
- .row_footnotes <- vector("list", length(l2))+ #' ) |
233 | -1187x | +|||
1243 | +
- pos <- match(names(tmp), .names)+ #' |
234 | -1187x | +|||
1244 | +
- nonna <- which(!is.na(pos))+ #' # it's also possible to access multiple values by being less specific |
235 | -1187x | +|||
1245 | +
- .row_footnotes[pos] <- tmp[nonna]+ #' cell_values( |
236 | +1246 |
- # length(.row_footnotes) <- length(l2)+ #' tbl, c("RACE", "ASIAN", "STRATA1"), |
237 | +1247 |
- }+ #' c("ARM", "A: Drug X", "SEX", "F") |
238 | -5775x | +|||
1248 | +
- ret <- RowsVerticalSection(l2,+ #' ) |
239 | -5775x | +|||
1249 | +
- names = .names,+ #' cell_values(tbl, c("RACE", "ASIAN"), c("ARM", "A: Drug X", "SEX", "M")) |
240 | -5775x | +|||
1250 | +
- labels = .labels,+ #' |
241 | -5775x | +|||
1251 | +
- indent_mods = .indent_mods,+ #' ## any arm, male columns from the ASIAN content (i.e. summary) row |
242 | -5775x | +|||
1252 | +
- formats = .formats,+ #' cell_values( |
243 | -5775x | +|||
1253 | +
- footnotes = .row_footnotes,+ #' tbl, c("RACE", "ASIAN", "@content"), |
244 | -5775x | +|||
1254 | +
- format_na_strs = .format_na_strs+ #' c("ARM", "B: Placebo", "SEX", "M") |
245 | +1255 |
- )+ #' ) |
246 | +1256 |
- ## if(!is.null(.names))+ #' cell_values( |
247 | +1257 |
- ## names(l2) <- .names+ #' tbl, c("RACE", "ASIAN", "@content"), |
248 | +1258 |
- ## else+ #' c("ARM", "*", "SEX", "M") |
249 | +1259 |
- ## names(l2) <- names(l)+ #' ) |
250 | -! | +|||
1260 | +
- if (length(ret) == 0) NULL else ret+ #' |
251 | +1261 |
+ #' ## all columns |
252 | +1262 |
- ## if (length(l) == 0) NULL else l+ #' cell_values(tbl, c("RACE", "ASIAN", "STRATA1", "B")) |
253 | +1263 |
- }+ #' |
254 | +1264 |
+ #' ## all columns for the Combination arm |
255 | +1265 |
- .validate_nms <- function(vals, .stats, arg) {+ #' cell_values( |
256 | -268x | +|||
1266 | +
- if (!is.null(arg)) {+ #' tbl, c("RACE", "ASIAN", "STRATA1", "B"), |
257 | -112x | +|||
1267 | +
- if (is.null(names(arg))) {+ #' c("ARM", "C: Combination") |
258 | -! | +|||
1268 | +
- stopifnot(length(arg) == length(.stats))+ #' ) |
259 | -! | +|||
1269 | +
- names(arg) <- names(vals)+ #' |
260 | +1270 |
- } else {+ #' cvlist <- cell_values( |
261 | -112x | +|||
1271 | +
- lblpos <- match(names(arg), names(vals))+ #' tbl, c("RACE", "ASIAN", "STRATA1", "B", "AGE", "Mean"), |
262 | -112x | +|||
1272 | +
- stopifnot(!anyNA(lblpos))+ #' c("ARM", "B: Placebo", "SEX", "M") |
263 | +1273 |
- }+ #' ) |
264 | +1274 |
- }+ #' cvnolist <- value_at( |
265 | -268x | +|||
1275 | +
- arg+ #' tbl, c("RACE", "ASIAN", "STRATA1", "B", "AGE", "Mean"), |
266 | +1276 |
- }+ #' c("ARM", "B: Placebo", "SEX", "M") |
267 | +1277 |
+ #' ) |
268 | +1278 |
- #' Create a custom analysis function wrapping an existing function+ #' stopifnot(identical(cvlist[[1]], cvnolist)) |
269 | +1279 |
#' |
270 | +1280 |
- #' @param fun (`function`)\cr the function to be wrapped in a new customized analysis function.+ #' @rdname cell_values |
271 | +1281 |
- #' `fun` should return a named `list`.+ #' @export |
272 | +1282 |
- #' @param .stats (`character`)\cr names of elements to keep from `fun`'s full output.+ setGeneric("cell_values", function(tt, rowpath = NULL, colpath = NULL, omit_labrows = TRUE) { |
273 | -+ | |||
1283 | +170x |
- #' @param .formats (`ANY`)\cr vector or list of formats to override any defaults applied by `fun`.+ standardGeneric("cell_values") |
274 | +1284 |
- #' @param .labels (`character`)\cr vector of labels to override defaults returned by `fun`.+ }) |
275 | +1285 |
- #' @param .indent_mods (`integer`)\cr named vector of indent modifiers for the generated rows.+ |
276 | +1286 |
- #' @param .ungroup_stats (`character`)\cr vector of names, which must match elements of `.stats`.+ #' @rdname int_methods |
277 | +1287 |
- #' @param ... additional arguments to `fun` which effectively become new defaults. These can still be+ #' @keywords internal |
278 | +1288 |
- #' overridden by `extra_args` within a split.+ #' @exportMethod cell_values |
279 | +1289 |
- #' @param .null_ref_cells (`flag`)\cr whether cells for the reference column should be `NULL`-ed by the+ setMethod( |
280 | +1290 |
- #' returned analysis function. Defaults to `TRUE` if `fun` accepts `.in_ref_col` as a formal argument. Note+ "cell_values", "VTableTree", |
281 | +1291 |
- #' this argument occurs after `...` so it must be *fully* specified by name when set.+ function(tt, rowpath, colpath = NULL, omit_labrows = TRUE) { |
282 | -+ | |||
1292 | +167x |
- #' @param .format_na_strs (`ANY`)\cr vector/list of `NA` strings to override any defaults applied by `fun`.+ .inner_cell_value(tt, |
283 | -+ | |||
1293 | +167x |
- #'+ rowpath = rowpath, colpath = colpath, |
284 | -+ | |||
1294 | +167x |
- #' @return A function suitable for use in [analyze()] with element selection, reformatting, and relabeling+ omit_labrows = omit_labrows, value_at = FALSE |
285 | +1295 |
- #' performed automatically.+ ) |
286 | +1296 |
- #'+ } |
287 | +1297 |
- #' @note+ ) |
288 | +1298 |
- #' Setting `.ungroup_stats` to non-`NULL` changes the *structure* of the value(s) returned by `fun`, rather than+ |
289 | +1299 |
- #' just labeling (`.labels`), formatting (`.formats`), and selecting amongst (`.stats`) them. This means that+ #' @rdname int_methods |
290 | +1300 |
- #' subsequent `make_afun` calls to customize the output further both can and must operate on the new structure,+ #' @keywords internal |
291 | +1301 |
- #' *not* the original structure returned by `fun`. See the final pair of examples below.+ #' @exportMethod cell_values |
292 | +1302 |
- #'+ setMethod( |
293 | +1303 |
- #' @seealso [analyze()]+ "cell_values", "TableRow", |
294 | +1304 |
- #'+ function(tt, rowpath, colpath = NULL, omit_labrows = TRUE) { |
295 | -+ | |||
1305 | +2x |
- #' @examples+ if (!is.null(rowpath)) { |
296 | -+ | |||
1306 | +1x |
- #' s_summary <- function(x) {+ stop("cell_values on TableRow objects must have NULL rowpath") |
297 | +1307 |
- #' stopifnot(is.numeric(x))+ } |
298 | -+ | |||
1308 | +1x |
- #'+ .inner_cell_value(tt, |
299 | -+ | |||
1309 | +1x |
- #' list(+ rowpath = rowpath, colpath = colpath, |
300 | -+ | |||
1310 | +1x |
- #' n = sum(!is.na(x)),+ omit_labrows = omit_labrows, value_at = FALSE |
301 | +1311 |
- #' mean_sd = c(mean = mean(x), sd = sd(x)),+ ) |
302 | +1312 |
- #' min_max = range(x)+ } |
303 | +1313 |
- #' )+ ) |
304 | +1314 |
- #' }+ |
305 | +1315 |
- #'+ #' @rdname int_methods |
306 | +1316 |
- #' s_summary(iris$Sepal.Length)+ #' @keywords internal |
307 | +1317 |
- #'+ #' @exportMethod cell_values |
308 | +1318 |
- #' a_summary <- make_afun(+ setMethod( |
309 | +1319 |
- #' fun = s_summary,+ "cell_values", "LabelRow", |
310 | +1320 |
- #' .formats = c(n = "xx", mean_sd = "xx.xx (xx.xx)", min_max = "xx.xx - xx.xx"),+ function(tt, rowpath, colpath = NULL, omit_labrows = TRUE) { |
311 | -+ | |||
1321 | +1x |
- #' .labels = c(n = "n", mean_sd = "Mean (sd)", min_max = "min - max")+ stop("calling cell_values on LabelRow is not meaningful") |
312 | +1322 |
- #' )+ } |
313 | +1323 |
- #'+ ) |
314 | +1324 |
- #' a_summary(x = iris$Sepal.Length)+ |
315 | +1325 |
- #'+ #' @rdname cell_values |
316 | +1326 |
- #' a_summary2 <- make_afun(a_summary, .stats = c("n", "mean_sd"))+ #' @export |
317 | +1327 |
- #'+ setGeneric("value_at", function(tt, rowpath = NULL, colpath = NULL) { |
318 | -+ | |||
1328 | +8x |
- #' a_summary2(x = iris$Sepal.Length)+ standardGeneric("value_at") |
319 | +1329 |
- #'+ }) |
320 | +1330 |
- #' a_summary3 <- make_afun(a_summary, .formats = c(mean_sd = "(xx.xxx, xx.xxx)"))+ |
321 | +1331 |
- #'+ #' @rdname cell_values |
322 | +1332 |
- #' s_foo <- function(df, .N_col, a = 1, b = 2) {+ #' @exportMethod value_at |
323 | +1333 |
- #' list(+ setMethod( |
324 | +1334 |
- #' nrow_df = nrow(df),+ "value_at", "VTableTree", |
325 | +1335 |
- #' .N_col = .N_col,+ function(tt, rowpath, colpath = NULL) { |
326 | -+ | |||
1336 | +7x |
- #' a = a,+ .inner_cell_value(tt, |
327 | -+ | |||
1337 | +7x |
- #' b = b+ rowpath = rowpath, colpath = colpath, |
328 | -+ | |||
1338 | +7x |
- #' )+ omit_labrows = FALSE, value_at = TRUE |
329 | +1339 |
- #' }+ ) |
330 | +1340 |
- #'+ } |
331 | +1341 |
- #' s_foo(iris, 40)+ ) |
332 | +1342 |
- #'+ |
333 | +1343 |
- #' a_foo <- make_afun(s_foo,+ #' @rdname int_methods |
334 | +1344 |
- #' b = 4,+ #' @keywords internal |
335 | +1345 |
- #' .formats = c(nrow_df = "xx.xx", ".N_col" = "xx.", a = "xx", b = "xx.x"),+ #' @exportMethod value_at |
336 | +1346 |
- #' .labels = c(+ setMethod( |
337 | +1347 |
- #' nrow_df = "Nrow df",+ "value_at", "TableRow", |
338 | +1348 |
- #' ".N_col" = "n in cols", a = "a value", b = "b value"+ function(tt, rowpath, colpath = NULL) { |
339 | -+ | |||
1349 | +1x |
- #' ),+ .inner_cell_value(tt, |
340 | -+ | |||
1350 | +1x |
- #' .indent_mods = c(nrow_df = 2L, a = 1L)+ rowpath = rowpath, colpath = colpath, |
341 | -+ | |||
1351 | +1x |
- #' )+ omit_labrows = FALSE, value_at = TRUE |
342 | +1352 |
- #'+ ) |
343 | +1353 |
- #' a_foo(iris, .N_col = 40)+ } |
344 | +1354 |
- #' a_foo2 <- make_afun(a_foo, .labels = c(nrow_df = "Number of Rows"))+ ) |
345 | +1355 |
- #' a_foo2(iris, .N_col = 40)+ |
346 | +1356 |
- #'+ #' @rdname int_methods |
347 | +1357 |
- #' # grouping and further customization+ #' @keywords internal |
348 | +1358 |
- #' s_grp <- function(df, .N_col, a = 1, b = 2) {+ #' @exportMethod value_at |
349 | +1359 |
- #' list(+ setMethod( |
350 | +1360 |
- #' nrow_df = nrow(df),+ "value_at", "LabelRow", |
351 | +1361 |
- #' .N_col = .N_col,+ function(tt, rowpath, colpath = NULL) { |
352 | -+ | |||
1362 | +! |
- #' letters = list(+ stop("calling value_at for LabelRow objects is not meaningful") |
353 | +1363 |
- #' a = a,+ } |
354 | +1364 |
- #' b = b+ ) |
355 | +1365 |
- #' )+ |
356 | +1366 |
- #' )+ .inner_cell_value <- function(tt, |
357 | +1367 |
- #' }+ rowpath, |
358 | +1368 |
- #' a_grp <- make_afun(s_grp,+ colpath = NULL, |
359 | +1369 |
- #' b = 3,+ omit_labrows = TRUE, |
360 | +1370 |
- #' .labels = c(+ value_at = FALSE) { |
361 | -+ | |||
1371 | +176x |
- #' nrow_df = "row count",+ if (is.null(rowpath)) { |
362 | -+ | |||
1372 | +97x |
- #' .N_col = "count in column"+ subtree <- tt |
363 | +1373 |
- #' ),+ } else { |
364 | -+ | |||
1374 | +79x |
- #' .formats = c(nrow_df = "xx.", .N_col = "xx."),+ subtree <- tt_at_path(tt, rowpath) |
365 | +1375 |
- #' .indent_mods = c(letters = 1L),+ } |
366 | -+ | |||
1376 | +175x |
- #' .ungroup_stats = "letters"+ if (!is.null(colpath)) { |
367 | -+ | |||
1377 | +28x |
- #' )+ subtree <- subset_cols(subtree, colpath) |
368 | +1378 |
- #' a_grp(iris, 40)+ } |
369 | +1379 |
- #' a_aftergrp <- make_afun(a_grp,+ |
370 | -+ | |||
1380 | +175x |
- #' .stats = c("nrow_df", "b"),+ rows <- collect_leaves(subtree, TRUE, !omit_labrows) |
371 | -+ | |||
1381 | +175x |
- #' .formats = c(b = "xx.")+ if (value_at && (ncol(subtree) != 1 || length(rows) != 1)) { |
372 | -+ | |||
1382 | +3x |
- #' )+ stop("Combination of rowpath and colpath does not select individual cell.\n", |
373 | -+ | |||
1383 | +3x |
- #' a_aftergrp(iris, 40)+ " To retrieve more than one cell value at a time use cell_values().", |
374 | -+ | |||
1384 | +3x |
- #'+ call. = FALSE |
375 | +1385 |
- #' s_ref <- function(x, .in_ref_col, .ref_group) {+ ) |
376 | +1386 |
- #' list(+ } |
377 | -+ | |||
1387 | +172x |
- #' mean_diff = mean(x) - mean(.ref_group)+ if (length(rows) == 1) { |
378 | -+ | |||
1388 | +93x |
- #' )+ ret <- row_values(rows[[1]]) |
379 | -+ | |||
1389 | +93x |
- #' }+ if (value_at && ncol(subtree) == 1) { |
380 | -+ | |||
1390 | +5x |
- #'+ ret <- ret[[1]] |
381 | +1391 |
- #' a_ref <- make_afun(s_ref,+ } |
382 | -+ | |||
1392 | +93x |
- #' .labels = c(mean_diff = "Mean Difference from Ref")+ ret |
383 | +1393 |
- #' )+ } else { |
384 | -+ | |||
1394 | +79x |
- #' a_ref(iris$Sepal.Length, .in_ref_col = TRUE, 1:10)+ lapply(rows, row_values) |
385 | +1395 |
- #' a_ref(iris$Sepal.Length, .in_ref_col = FALSE, 1:10)+ } |
386 | +1396 |
- #'+ } |
387 | +1397 |
- #' @export+ |
388 | +1398 |
- make_afun <- function(fun,+ ## empty_table is created in onLoad because it depends on other things there. |
389 | +1399 |
- .stats = NULL,+ |
390 | +1400 |
- .formats = NULL,+ # Helper function to copy or not header, footer, and topleft information |
391 | +1401 |
- .labels = NULL,+ .h_copy_titles_footers_topleft <- function(new, |
392 | +1402 |
- .indent_mods = NULL,+ old, |
393 | +1403 |
- .ungroup_stats = NULL,+ keep_titles, |
394 | +1404 |
- .format_na_strs = NULL,+ keep_footers, |
395 | +1405 |
- ...,+ keep_topleft, |
396 | +1406 |
- .null_ref_cells = ".in_ref_col" %in% names(formals(fun))) {+ reindex_refs = FALSE, |
397 | +1407 |
- ## there is a LOT more computing-on-the-language hackery in here that I+ empt_tbl = empty_table) { |
398 | +1408 |
- ## would prefer, but currently this is the way I see to do everything we+ ## Please note that the standard adopted come from an empty table |
399 | +1409 |
- ## want to do.+ |
400 | +1410 |
+ # titles |
401 | -+ | |||
1411 | +2886x |
- ## too clever by three-quarters (because half wasn't enough)+ if (isTRUE(keep_titles)) {+ |
+ ||
1412 | +2712x | +
+ main_title(new) <- main_title(old)+ |
+ ||
1413 | +2712x | +
+ subtitles(new) <- subtitles(old) |
402 | +1414 |
- ## gross scope hackery+ } else { |
403 | -23x | +1415 | +174x |
- fun_args <- force(list(...))+ main_title(new) <- main_title(empt_tbl) |
404 | -23x | +1416 | +174x |
- fun_fnames <- names(formals(fun))+ subtitles(new) <- subtitles(empt_tbl) |
405 | +1417 |
+ } |
406 | +1418 |
- ## force EVERYTHING otherwise calling this within loops is the stuff of+ |
407 | +1419 |
- ## nightmares+ # fnotes |
408 | -23x | +1420 | +2886x |
- force(.stats)+ if (isTRUE(keep_footers)) { |
409 | -23x | +1421 | +2718x |
- force(.formats)+ main_footer(new) <- main_footer(old) |
410 | -23x | +1422 | +2718x |
- force(.format_na_strs)+ prov_footer(new) <- prov_footer(old) |
411 | -23x | +|||
1423 | +
- force(.labels)+ } else { |
412 | -23x | +1424 | +168x |
- force(.indent_mods)+ main_footer(new) <- main_footer(empt_tbl) |
413 | -23x | +1425 | +168x |
- force(.ungroup_stats)+ prov_footer(new) <- prov_footer(empt_tbl)+ |
1426 | ++ |
+ }+ |
+ ||
1427 | ++ | + + | +||
1428 | ++ |
+ # topleft |
414 | -23x | +1429 | +2886x |
- force(.null_ref_cells) ## this one probably isn't needed?+ if (isTRUE(keep_topleft)) {+ |
1430 | +2738x | +
+ top_left(new) <- top_left(old) |
415 | +1431 | ++ |
+ } else {+ |
+ |
1432 | +148x | +
+ top_left(new) <- top_left(empt_tbl)+ |
+ ||
1433 | ++ |
+ }+ |
+ ||
1434 | ||||
1435 | ++ |
+ # reindex references+ |
+ ||
416 | -23x | +1436 | +2886x |
- ret <- function(x, ...) { ## remember formals get clobbered here+ if (reindex_refs) {+ |
1437 | +! | +
+ new <- update_ref_indexing(new) |
417 | +1438 | ++ |
+ }+ |
+ |
1439 | ||||
1440 | +2886x | +
+ new+ |
+ ||
418 | +1441 |
- ## this helper will grab the value and wrap it in a named list if+ } |
419 | +1442 |
- ## we need the variable and return list() otherwise.+ |
420 | +1443 |
- ## We define it in here so that the scoping hackery works correctly+ #' Head and tail methods+ |
+ ||
1444 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
+ ||
1445 | ++ |
+ #' @inheritParams utils::head+ |
+ ||
1446 | ++ |
+ #' @param keep_topleft (`flag`)\cr if `TRUE` (the default), top_left material for the table will be carried over to the+ |
+ ||
1447 | ++ |
+ #' subset.+ |
+ ||
1448 | ++ |
+ #' @param keep_titles (`flag`)\cr if `TRUE` (the default), all title material for the table will be carried over to the+ |
+ ||
1449 | ++ |
+ #' subset.+ |
+ ||
1450 | ++ |
+ #' @param keep_footers (`flag`)\cr if `TRUE`, all footer material for the table will be carried over to the subset. It+ |
+ ||
1451 | ++ |
+ #' defaults to `keep_titles`.+ |
+ ||
1452 | ++ |
+ #' @param reindex_refs (`flag`)\cr defaults to `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, referential footnotes will be reindexed for the+ |
+ ||
1453 | ++ |
+ #' subset.+ |
+ ||
1454 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
+ ||
1455 | ++ |
+ #' @docType methods+ |
+ ||
1456 | ++ |
+ #' @export+ |
+ ||
1457 | ++ |
+ #' @rdname head_tail+ |
+ ||
1458 | ++ |
+ setGeneric("head")+ |
+ ||
1459 | ++ | + + | +||
1460 | ++ |
+ #' @docType methods+ |
+ ||
1461 | ++ |
+ #' @export+ |
+ ||
1462 | ++ |
+ #' @rdname head_tail+ |
+ ||
1463 | ++ |
+ setMethod(+ |
+ ||
1464 | ++ |
+ "head", "VTableTree",+ |
+ ||
1465 | ++ |
+ function(x, n = 6, ..., keep_topleft = TRUE,+ |
+ ||
1466 | ++ |
+ keep_titles = TRUE,+ |
+ ||
1467 | ++ |
+ keep_footers = keep_titles,+ |
+ ||
1468 | ++ |
+ ## FALSE because this is a glance+ |
+ ||
1469 | ++ |
+ ## more often than a subset op+ |
+ ||
1470 | ++ |
+ reindex_refs = FALSE) {+ |
+ ||
1471 | ++ |
+ ## default |
421 | -66x | +1472 | +5x |
- .if_in_formals <- function(nm, ifnot = list(), named_lwrap = TRUE) {+ res <- callNextMethod() |
422 | -660x | +1473 | +5x |
- val <- if (nm %in% fun_fnames) get(nm) else ifnot+ res <- .h_copy_titles_footers_topleft( |
423 | -660x | +1474 | +5x |
- if (named_lwrap && !identical(val, ifnot)) {+ old = x, new = res, |
424 | -78x | +1475 | +5x |
- setNames(list(val), nm)+ keep_topleft = keep_topleft,+ |
1476 | +5x | +
+ keep_titles = keep_titles,+ |
+ ||
1477 | +5x | +
+ keep_footers = keep_footers,+ |
+ ||
1478 | +5x | +
+ reindex_refs = reindex_refs |
425 | +1479 |
- } else {+ ) |
426 | -582x | +1480 | +5x |
- val+ res |
427 | +1481 |
- }+ } |
428 | +1482 |
- }+ ) |
429 | +1483 | |||
430 | -66x | +|||
1484 | +
- custargs <- fun_args+ #' @docType methods |
431 | +1485 | ++ |
+ #' @export+ |
+ |
1486 | ++ |
+ #' @rdname head_tail+ |
+ ||
1487 | ++ |
+ setGeneric("tail")+ |
+ ||
1488 | ||||
432 | +1489 |
- ## special handling cause I need it at the bottom as well+ #' @docType methods |
433 | -66x | +|||
1490 | +
- in_rc_argl <- .if_in_formals(".in_ref_col")+ #' @export |
434 | -66x | +|||
1491 | +
- .in_ref_col <- if (length(in_rc_argl) > 0) in_rc_argl[[1]] else FALSE+ #' @rdname head_tail |
435 | +1492 |
+ setMethod( |
436 | -66x | +|||
1493 | +
- sfunargs <- c(+ "tail", "VTableTree", |
437 | +1494 |
- ## these are either named lists containing the arg, or list()+ function(x, n = 6, ..., keep_topleft = TRUE, |
438 | +1495 |
- ## depending on whether fun accept the argument or not+ keep_titles = TRUE, |
439 | -66x | +|||
1496 | +
- .if_in_formals("x"),+ keep_footers = keep_titles, |
440 | -66x | +|||
1497 | +
- .if_in_formals("df"),+ ## FALSE because this is a glance |
441 | -66x | +|||
1498 | +
- .if_in_formals(".N_col"),+ ## more often than a subset op+ |
+ |||
1499 | ++ |
+ reindex_refs = FALSE) { |
442 | -66x | +1500 | +4x |
- .if_in_formals(".N_total"),+ res <- callNextMethod() |
443 | -66x | +1501 | +4x |
- .if_in_formals(".N_row"),+ res <- .h_copy_titles_footers_topleft( |
444 | -66x | +1502 | +4x |
- .if_in_formals(".ref_group"),+ old = x, new = res, |
445 | -66x | +1503 | +4x |
- in_rc_argl,+ keep_topleft = keep_topleft, |
446 | -66x | +1504 | +4x |
- .if_in_formals(".df_row"),+ keep_titles = keep_titles, |
447 | -66x | +1505 | +4x |
- .if_in_formals(".var"),+ keep_footers = keep_footers, |
448 | -66x | +1506 | +4x |
- .if_in_formals(".ref_full")+ reindex_refs = reindex_refs |
449 | +1507 |
) |
1508 | +4x | +
+ res+ |
+ ||
450 | +1509 |
+ } |
451 | -66x | +|||
1510 | +
- allvars <- setdiff(fun_fnames, c("...", names(sfunargs)))+ ) |
452 | +1 |
- ## values int he actual call to this function override customization+ #' Score functions for sorting `TableTrees` |
453 | +2 |
- ## done by the constructor. evalparse is to avoid a "... in wrong context" NOTE+ #'+ |
+ ||
3 | ++ |
+ #' @inheritParams gen_args+ |
+ ||
4 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
+ ||
5 | ++ |
+ #' @return A single numeric value indicating score according to the relevant metric for `tt`, to be used when sorting.+ |
+ ||
6 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
+ ||
7 | ++ |
+ #' @export+ |
+ ||
8 | ++ |
+ #' @rdname score_funs+ |
+ ||
9 | ++ |
+ cont_n_allcols <- function(tt) { |
454 | -66x | +10 | +6x |
- if ("..." %in% fun_fnames) {+ ctab <- content_table(tt) |
455 | -5x | +11 | +6x |
- exargs <- eval(parser_helper(text = "list(...)"))+ if (NROW(ctab) == 0) { |
456 | -5x | +12 | +2x |
- custargs[names(exargs)] <- exargs+ stop( |
457 | -5x | +13 | +2x |
- allvars <- unique(c(allvars, names(custargs)))+ "cont_n_allcols score function used at subtable [",+ |
14 | +2x | +
+ obj_name(tt), "] that has no content table." |
458 | +15 |
- }+ ) |
459 | +16 |
+ } |
460 | -66x | +17 | +4x |
- for (var in allvars) {+ sum(sapply(+ |
18 | +4x | +
+ row_values(tree_children(ctab)[[1]]),+ |
+ ||
19 | +4x | +
+ function(cv) cv[1] |
461 | +20 |
- ## not missing, i.e. specified in the direct call, takes precedence+ ))+ |
+ ||
21 | ++ |
+ }+ |
+ ||
22 | ++ | + + | +||
23 | ++ |
+ #' @param j (`numeric(1)`)\cr index of column used for scoring.+ |
+ ||
24 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
+ ||
25 | ++ |
+ #' @seealso For examples and details, please read the documentation for [sort_at_path()] and the+ |
+ ||
26 | ++ |
+ #' [Sorting and Pruning](https://insightsengineering.github.io/rtables/latest-tag/articles/sorting_pruning.html)+ |
+ ||
27 | ++ |
+ #' vignette.+ |
+ ||
28 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
+ ||
29 | ++ |
+ #' @export+ |
+ ||
30 | ++ |
+ #' @rdname score_funs+ |
+ ||
31 | ++ |
+ cont_n_onecol <- function(j) { |
462 | -22x | +32 | +2x |
- if (var %in% fun_fnames && eval(parser_helper(text = paste0("!missing(", var, ")")))) {+ function(tt) { |
463 | -5x | +33 | +6x |
- sfunargs[[var]] <- get(var)+ ctab <- content_table(tt) |
464 | -17x | +34 | +6x |
- } else if (var %in% names(custargs)) { ## not specified in the call, but specified in the constructor+ if (NROW(ctab) == 0) { |
465 | -4x | +35 | +2x |
- sfunargs[[var]] <- custargs[[var]]+ stop(+ |
36 | +2x | +
+ "cont_n_allcols score function used at subtable [",+ |
+ ||
37 | +2x | +
+ obj_name(tt), "] that has no content table." |
466 | +38 |
- }+ ) |
467 | +39 |
- ## else left out so we hit the original default we inherited from fun+ }+ |
+ ||
40 | +4x | +
+ row_values(tree_children(ctab)[[1]])[[j]][1] |
468 | +41 |
- }+ } |
469 | +42 | ++ |
+ }+ |
+ |
43 | ||||
470 | -66x | +|||
44 | +
- rawvals <- do.call(fun, sfunargs)+ #' Sorting a table at a specific path |
471 | +45 |
+ #' |
472 | +46 |
- ## note single brackets here so its a list+ #' Main sorting function to order the sub-structure of a `TableTree` at a particular path in the table tree. |
473 | +47 |
- ## no matter what. thats important!+ #' |
474 | -66x | +|||
48 | +
- final_vals <- if (is.null(.stats)) rawvals else rawvals[.stats]+ #' @inheritParams gen_args |
475 | +49 |
+ #' @param scorefun (`function`)\cr scoring function. Should accept the type of children directly under the position |
476 | -66x | +|||
50 | +
- if (!is.list(rawvals)) {+ #' at `path` (either `VTableTree`, `VTableRow`, or `VTableNodeInfo`, which covers both) and return a numeric value |
477 | -! | +|||
51 | +
- stop("make_afun expects a function fun that always returns a list")+ #' to be sorted. |
478 | +52 |
- }+ #' @param decreasing (`flag`)\cr whether the scores generated by `scorefun` should be sorted in decreasing order. If |
479 | -66x | +|||
53 | +
- if (!is.null(.stats)) {+ #' unset (the default of `NA`), it is set to `TRUE` if the generated scores are numeric and `FALSE` if they are |
480 | -10x | +|||
54 | +
- stopifnot(all(.stats %in% names(rawvals)))+ #' characters. |
481 | +55 |
- } else {+ #' @param na.pos (`string`)\cr what should be done with children (sub-trees/rows) with `NA` scores. Defaults to |
482 | -56x | +|||
56 | +
- .stats <- names(rawvals)+ #' `"omit"`, which removes them. Other allowed values are `"last"` and `"first"`, which indicate where `NA` scores |
483 | +57 |
- }+ #' should be placed in the order. |
484 | -66x | +|||
58 | +
- if (!is.null(.ungroup_stats) && !all(.ungroup_stats %in% .stats)) {+ #' @param .prev_path (`character`)\cr internal detail, do not set manually. |
485 | -! | +|||
59 | +
- stop(+ #' |
486 | -! | +|||
60 | +
- "Stats specified for ungrouping not included in non-null .stats list: ",+ #' @return A `TableTree` with the same structure as `tt` with the exception that the requested sorting has been done |
487 | -! | +|||
61 | +
- setdiff(.ungroup_stats, .stats)+ #' at `path`. |
488 | +62 |
- )+ #' |
489 | +63 |
- }+ #' @details |
490 | +64 |
+ #' `sort_at_path`, given a path, locates the (sub)table(s) described by the path (see below for handling of the `"*"` |
491 | -66x | +|||
65 | +
- .labels <- .validate_nms(final_vals, .stats, .labels)+ #' wildcard). For each such subtable, it then calls `scorefun` on each direct child of the table, using the resulting |
492 | -66x | +|||
66 | +
- .formats <- .validate_nms(final_vals, .stats, .formats)+ #' scores to determine their sorted order. `tt` is then modified to reflect each of these one or more sorting |
493 | -66x | +|||
67 | +
- .indent_mods <- .validate_nms(final_vals, .stats, .indent_mods)+ #' operations. |
494 | -66x | +|||
68 | +
- .format_na_strs <- .validate_nms(final_vals, .stats, .format_na_strs)+ #' |
495 | +69 |
+ #' In `path`, a leading `"root"` element will be ignored, regardless of whether this matches the object name (and thus |
496 | -66x | +|||
70 | +
- final_labels <- value_labels(final_vals)+ #' actual root path name) of `tt`. Including `"root"` in paths where it does not match the name of `tt` may mask deeper |
497 | -66x | +|||
71 | +
- final_labels[names(.labels)] <- .labels+ #' misunderstandings of how valid paths within a `TableTree` object correspond to the layout used to originally declare |
498 | +72 |
+ #' it, which we encourage users to avoid. |
499 | -66x | +|||
73 | +
- final_formats <- lapply(final_vals, obj_format)+ #' |
500 | -66x | +|||
74 | +
- final_formats[names(.formats)] <- .formats+ #' `path` can include the "wildcard" `"*"` as a step, which translates roughly to *any* node/branching element and means |
501 | +75 |
+ #' that each child at that step will be *separately* sorted based on `scorefun` and the remaining `path` entries. This |
502 | -66x | +|||
76 | +
- final_format_na_strs <- lapply(final_vals, obj_na_str)+ #' can occur multiple times in a path. |
503 | -66x | +|||
77 | +
- final_format_na_strs[names(.format_na_strs)] <- .format_na_strs+ #' |
504 | +78 |
+ #' A list of valid (non-wildcard) paths can be seen in the `path` column of the `data.frame` created by |
505 | -66x | +|||
79 | +
- if (is(final_vals, "RowsVerticalSection")) {+ #' [formatters::make_row_df()] with the `visible_only` argument set to `FALSE`. It can also be inferred from the |
506 | -20x | +|||
80 | +
- final_imods <- indent_mod(final_vals)+ #' summary given by [table_structure()]. |
507 | +81 |
- } else {+ #' |
508 | -46x | +|||
82 | +
- final_imods <- vapply(final_vals, indent_mod, 1L)+ #' Note that sorting needs a deeper understanding of table structure in `rtables`. Please consider reading the related |
509 | +83 |
- }+ #' vignette |
510 | -66x | +|||
84 | +
- final_imods[names(.indent_mods)] <- .indent_mods+ #' ([Sorting and Pruning](https://insightsengineering.github.io/rtables/latest-tag/articles/sorting_pruning.html)) |
511 | +85 |
+ #' and explore table structure with useful functions like [table_structure()] and [row_paths_summary()]. It is also |
512 | -66x | +|||
86 | +
- if (!is.null(.ungroup_stats)) {+ #' very important to understand the difference between "content" rows and "data" rows. The first one analyzes and |
513 | -2x | +|||
87 | +
- for (nm in .ungroup_stats) {+ #' describes the split variable generally and is generated with [summarize_row_groups()], while the second one is |
514 | -3x | +|||
88 | +
- tmp <- final_vals[[nm]]+ #' commonly produced by calling one of the various [analyze()] instances.+ |
+ |||
89 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
+ ||
90 | ++ |
+ #' Built-in score functions are [cont_n_allcols()] and [cont_n_onecol()]. They are both working with content rows+ |
+ ||
91 | ++ |
+ #' (coming from [summarize_row_groups()]) while a custom score function needs to be used on `DataRow`s. Here, some+ |
+ ||
92 | ++ |
+ #' useful descriptor and accessor functions (coming from related vignette):+ |
+ ||
93 | ++ |
+ #' - [cell_values()] - Retrieves a named list of a `TableRow` or `TableTree` object's values.+ |
+ ||
94 | ++ |
+ #' - [formatters::obj_name()] - Retrieves the name of an object. Note this can differ from the label that is+ |
+ ||
95 | ++ |
+ #' displayed (if any is) when printing.+ |
+ ||
96 | ++ |
+ #' - [formatters::obj_label()] - Retrieves the display label of an object. Note this can differ from the name that+ |
+ ||
97 | ++ |
+ #' appears in the path.+ |
+ ||
98 | ++ |
+ #' - [content_table()] - Retrieves a `TableTree` object's content table (which contains its summary rows).+ |
+ ||
99 | ++ |
+ #' - [tree_children()] - Retrieves a `TableTree` object's direct children (either subtables, rows or possibly a mix+ |
+ ||
100 | ++ |
+ #' thereof, though that should not happen in practice).+ |
+ ||
101 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
+ ||
102 | ++ |
+ #' @seealso+ |
+ ||
103 | ++ |
+ #' * Score functions [cont_n_allcols()] and [cont_n_onecol()].+ |
+ ||
104 | ++ |
+ #' * [formatters::make_row_df()] and [table_structure()] for pathing information.+ |
+ ||
105 | ++ |
+ #' * [tt_at_path()] to select a table's (sub)structure at a given path.+ |
+ ||
106 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
+ ||
107 | ++ |
+ #' @examples+ |
+ ||
108 | ++ |
+ #' # Creating a table to sort+ |
+ ||
109 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
+ ||
110 | ++ |
+ #' # Function that gives two statistics per table-tree "leaf"+ |
+ ||
111 | ++ |
+ #' more_analysis_fnc <- function(x) {+ |
+ ||
112 | ++ |
+ #' in_rows(+ |
+ ||
113 | ++ |
+ #' "median" = median(x),+ |
+ ||
114 | ++ |
+ #' "mean" = mean(x),+ |
+ ||
115 | ++ |
+ #' .formats = "xx.x"+ |
+ ||
116 | ++ |
+ #' )+ |
+ ||
117 | ++ |
+ #' }+ |
+ ||
118 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
+ ||
119 | ++ |
+ #' # Main layout of the table+ |
+ ||
120 | ++ |
+ #' raw_lyt <- basic_table() %>%+ |
+ ||
121 | ++ |
+ #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>%+ |
+ ||
122 | ++ |
+ #' split_rows_by(+ |
+ ||
123 | ++ |
+ #' "RACE",+ |
+ ||
124 | ++ |
+ #' split_fun = drop_and_remove_levels("WHITE") # dropping WHITE levels+ |
+ ||
125 | ++ |
+ #' ) %>%+ |
+ ||
126 | ++ |
+ #' summarize_row_groups() %>%+ |
+ ||
127 | ++ |
+ #' split_rows_by("STRATA1") %>%+ |
+ ||
128 | ++ |
+ #' summarize_row_groups() %>%+ |
+ ||
129 | ++ |
+ #' analyze("AGE", afun = more_analysis_fnc)+ |
+ ||
130 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
+ ||
131 | ++ |
+ #' # Creating the table and pruning empty and NAs+ |
+ ||
132 | ++ |
+ #' tbl <- build_table(raw_lyt, DM) %>%+ |
+ ||
133 | ++ |
+ #' prune_table()+ |
+ ||
134 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
+ ||
135 | ++ |
+ #' # Peek at the table structure to understand how it is built+ |
+ ||
136 | ++ |
+ #' table_structure(tbl)+ |
+ ||
137 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
+ ||
138 | ++ |
+ #' # Sorting only ASIAN sub-table, or, in other words, sorting STRATA elements for+ |
+ ||
139 | ++ |
+ #' # the ASIAN group/row-split. This uses content_table() accessor function as it+ |
+ ||
140 | ++ |
+ #' # is a "ContentRow". In this case, we also base our sorting only on the second column.+ |
+ ||
141 | ++ |
+ #' sort_at_path(tbl, c("ASIAN", "STRATA1"), cont_n_onecol(2))+ |
+ ||
142 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
+ ||
143 | ++ |
+ #' # Custom scoring function that is working on "DataRow"s+ |
+ ||
144 | ++ |
+ #' scorefun <- function(tt) {+ |
+ ||
145 | ++ |
+ #' # Here we could use browser()+ |
+ ||
146 | ++ |
+ #' sum(unlist(row_values(tt))) # Different accessor function+ |
+ ||
147 | ++ |
+ #' }+ |
+ ||
148 | ++ |
+ #' # Sorting mean and median for all the AGE leaves!+ |
+ ||
149 | ++ |
+ #' sort_at_path(tbl, c("RACE", "*", "STRATA1", "*", "AGE"), scorefun)+ |
+ ||
150 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
+ ||
151 | ++ |
+ #' @export+ |
+ ||
152 | ++ |
+ sort_at_path <- function(tt,+ |
+ ||
153 | ++ |
+ path,+ |
+ ||
154 | ++ |
+ scorefun,+ |
+ ||
155 | ++ |
+ decreasing = NA,+ |
+ ||
156 | ++ |
+ na.pos = c("omit", "last", "first"),+ |
+ ||
157 | ++ |
+ .prev_path = character()) { |
515 | -3x | +158 | +35x |
- if (is(tmp, "CellValue")) {+ if (NROW(tt) == 0) { |
516 | +159 | 1x |
- tmp <- tmp[[1]]+ return(tt) |
517 | -23x | +|||
160 | +
- } ## unwrap it+ } |
518 | -3x | +|||
161 | +
- final_vals <- insert_replace(final_vals, nm, tmp)+ + |
+ |||
162 | ++ |
+ ## XXX hacky fix this!!!+ |
+ ||
163 | ++ |
+ ## tt_at_path removes root even if actual root table isn't named root, we need to match that behavior |
519 | -3x | +164 | +34x |
- stopifnot(all(nzchar(names(final_vals))))+ if (path[1] == "root") { |
520 | +165 |
+ ## always remove first root element but only add it to+ |
+ ||
166 | ++ |
+ ## .prev_path (used for error reporting) if it actually matched the name |
521 | -3x | +167 | +1x |
- final_labels <- insert_replace(+ if (obj_name(tt) == "root") { |
522 | -3x | +168 | +1x |
- final_labels,+ .prev_path <- c(.prev_path, path[1])+ |
169 | ++ |
+ } |
523 | -3x | +170 | +1x |
- nm,+ path <- path[-1]+ |
171 | ++ |
+ } |
524 | -3x | +172 | +34x |
- setNames(+ if (identical(obj_name(tt), path[1])) { |
525 | -3x | +173 | +1x |
- value_labels(tmp),+ .prev_path <- c(.prev_path, path[1]) |
526 | -3x | +174 | +1x |
- names(tmp)+ path <- path[-1] |
527 | +175 |
- )+ } |
528 | +176 |
- )+ |
529 | -3x | +177 | +34x |
- final_formats <- insert_replace(+ curpath <- path |
530 | -3x | +178 | +34x |
- final_formats,+ subtree <- tt |
531 | -3x | +179 | +34x |
- nm,+ backpath <- c() |
532 | -3x | +180 | +34x |
- setNames(+ count <- 0 |
533 | -3x | +181 | +34x |
- rep(final_formats[nm],+ while (length(curpath) > 0) { |
534 | -3x | +182 | +40x |
- length.out = length(tmp)+ curname <- curpath[1]+ |
183 | +40x | +
+ oldkids <- tree_children(subtree) |
535 | +184 |
- ),+ ## we sort each child separately based on the score function+ |
+ ||
185 | ++ |
+ ## and the remaining path |
536 | -3x | +186 | +40x |
- names(tmp)+ if (curname == "*") { |
537 | -+ | |||
187 | +7x |
- )+ oldnames <- vapply(oldkids, obj_name, "") |
538 | -+ | |||
188 | +7x |
- )+ newkids <- lapply( |
539 | -3x | +189 | +7x | +
+ seq_along(oldkids),+ |
190 | +7x | +
+ function(i) {+ |
+ ||
191 | +27x |
- final_format_na_strs <- insert_replace(+ sort_at_path(oldkids[[i]], |
540 | -3x | +192 | +27x |
- final_format_na_strs,+ path = curpath[-1], |
541 | -3x | +193 | +27x |
- nm,+ scorefun = scorefun, |
542 | -3x | +194 | +27x |
- setNames(+ decreasing = decreasing, |
543 | -3x | +195 | +27x |
- rep(final_format_na_strs[nm],+ na.pos = na.pos, |
544 | -3x | +|||
196 | +
- length.out = length(tmp)+ ## its ok to modify the "path" here because its only ever used for |
545 | +197 |
- ),+ ## informative error reporting. |
546 | -3x | +198 | +27x |
- names(tmp)+ .prev_path = c(.prev_path, backpath, paste0("* (", oldnames[i], ")")) |
547 | +199 |
) |
548 | +200 |
- )+ } |
549 | -3x | +|||
201 | +
- final_imods <- insert_replace(+ ) |
550 | -3x | +202 | +4x |
- final_imods,+ names(newkids) <- oldnames |
551 | -3x | +203 | +4x |
- nm,+ newtab <- subtree |
552 | -3x | +204 | +4x |
- setNames(+ tree_children(newtab) <- newkids |
553 | -3x | +205 | +4x |
- rep(final_imods[nm],+ if (length(backpath) > 0) { |
554 | +206 | 3x |
- length.out = length(tmp)+ ret <- recursive_replace(tt, backpath, value = newtab) |
555 | +207 |
- ),+ } else { |
556 | -3x | +208 | +1x |
- names(tmp)+ ret <- newtab |
557 | +209 |
- )+ } |
558 | -+ | |||
210 | +4x |
- )+ return(ret) |
559 | -+ | |||
211 | +33x |
- }+ } else if (!(curname %in% names(oldkids))) { |
560 | -+ | |||
212 | +1x |
- }+ stop( |
561 | -66x | +213 | +1x |
- rcells <- mapply(+ "Unable to find child(ren) '", |
562 | -66x | +214 | +1x |
- function(x, f, l, na_str) {+ curname, "'\n\t occurred at path: ", |
563 | -197x | +215 | +1x |
- if (is(x, "CellValue")) {+ paste(c(.prev_path, path[seq_len(count)]), collapse = " -> "), |
564 | -65x | +216 | +1x |
- obj_label(x) <- l+ "\n Use 'make_row_df(obj, visible_only = TRUE)[, c(\"label\", \"path\", \"node_class\")]' or \n", |
565 | -65x | +217 | +1x |
- obj_format(x) <- f+ "'table_structure(obj)' to explore valid paths." |
566 | -65x | +|||
218 | +
- obj_na_str(x) <- na_str+ ) |
567 | +219 |
- # indent_mod(x) <- im+ } |
568 | -65x | +220 | +32x |
- x+ subtree <- tree_children(subtree)[[curname]] |
569 | -132x | +221 | +32x |
- } else if (.null_ref_cells) {+ backpath <- c(backpath, curpath[1]) |
570 | -! | +|||
222 | +32x |
- non_ref_rcell(x,+ curpath <- curpath[-1] |
571 | -! | +|||
223 | +32x |
- is_ref = .in_ref_col,+ count <- count + 1 |
572 | -! | +|||
224 | +
- format = f, label = l,+ } |
573 | -! | +|||
225 | +26x |
- format_na_str = na_str+ real_backpath <- path[seq_len(count)] |
574 | -! | +|||
226 | +
- ) # , indent_mod = im)+ + |
+ |||
227 | +26x | +
+ na.pos <- match.arg(na.pos) |
575 | +228 |
- } else {+ ## subtree <- tt_at_path(tt, path) |
576 | -132x | +229 | +26x |
- rcell(x, format = f, label = l, format_na_str = na_str) # , indent_mod = im)+ kids <- tree_children(subtree) |
577 | +230 |
- }+ ## relax this to allow character "scores" |
578 | +231 |
- },+ ## scores <- vapply(kids, scorefun, NA_real_) |
579 | -66x | +232 | +26x |
- f = final_formats, x = final_vals,+ scores <- lapply(kids, function(x) tryCatch(scorefun(x), error = function(e) e)) |
580 | -66x | +233 | +26x |
- l = final_labels,+ errs <- which(vapply(scores, is, class2 = "error", TRUE)) |
581 | -66x | -
- na_str = final_format_na_strs,- |
- ||
582 | -+ | 234 | +26x |
- # im = final_imods,+ if (length(errs) > 0) { |
583 | -66x | -
- ||
584 | -+ | 235 | +2x |
- )+ stop("Encountered at least ", length(errs), " error(s) when applying score function.\n", |
585 | -66x | +236 | +2x |
- in_rows(.list = rcells, .indent_mods = final_imods) ## , .labels = .labels)+ "First error: ", scores[[errs[1]]]$message, |
586 | -+ | |||
237 | +2x |
- }+ "\n\toccurred at path: ", |
587 | -23x | +238 | +2x |
- formals(ret) <- formals(fun)+ paste(c(.prev_path, real_backpath, names(kids)[errs[1]]), collapse = " -> "), |
588 | -23x | +239 | +2x |
- ret+ call. = FALSE |
589 | +240 |
- }+ ) |
590 | +241 |
+ } else { |
591 | -+ | |||
242 | +24x |
- insert_replace <- function(x, nm, newvals = x[[nm]]) {+ scores <- unlist(scores) |
592 | -15x | +|||
243 | +
- i <- match(nm, names(x))+ } |
593 | -15x | +244 | +24x |
- if (is.na(i)) {+ if (!is.null(dim(scores)) || length(scores) != length(kids)) { |
594 | +245 | ! |
- stop("name not found")+ stop( |
595 | -+ | |||
246 | +! |
- }+ "Score function does not appear to have return exactly one ", |
596 | -15x | +|||
247 | +! |
- bef <- if (i > 1) 1:(i - 1) else numeric()+ "scalar value per child" |
597 | -15x | +|||
248 | +
- aft <- if (i < length(x)) (i + 1):length(x) else numeric()+ ) |
598 | -15x | +|||
249 | +
- ret <- c(x[bef], newvals, x[aft])+ } |
599 | -15x | +250 | +24x |
- names(ret) <- c(names(x)[bef], names(newvals), names(x)[aft])+ if (is.na(decreasing)) { |
600 | -15x | +251 | +8x |
- ret+ decreasing <- if (is.character(scores)) FALSE else TRUE |
601 | +252 |
- }+ } |
602 | -+ | |||
253 | +24x |
+ ord <- order(scores, na.last = (na.pos != "first"), decreasing = decreasing) |
603 | -+ | |||
254 | +24x |
- parser_helper <- function(text, envir = parent.frame(2)) {+ newkids <- kids[ord] |
604 | -505x | +255 | +24x |
- parse(text = text, keep.source = FALSE)+ if (anyNA(scores) && na.pos == "omit") { # we did na last here+ |
256 | +! | +
+ newkids <- head(newkids, -1 * sum(is.na(scores))) |
605 | +257 |
- }+ } |
606 | +258 | |||
607 | -+ | |||
259 | +24x |
- length_w_name <- function(x, .parent_splval) {+ newtree <- subtree |
608 | -! | +|||
260 | +24x |
- in_rows(length(x),+ tree_children(newtree) <- newkids |
609 | -! | +|||
261 | +24x |
- .names = value_labels(.parent_splval)+ tt_at_path(tt, path) <- newtree |
610 | -+ | |||
262 | +24x |
- )+ tt |
611 | +263 |
}@@ -95135,448 +95414,448 @@ rtables coverage - 90.21% |
1 |
- ## Rules for pagination+ # as_result_df ------------------------------------------------------------ |
2 |
- ##+ #' Generate a result data frame |
3 |
- ## 1. user defined number of lines per page+ #' |
4 |
- ## 2. all lines have the same height+ #' Collection of utilities to extract `data.frame` objects from `TableTree` objects. |
5 |
- ## 3. header always reprinted on all pages+ #' |
6 |
- ## 4. "Label-rows", i.e. content rows above break in the nesting structure, optionally reprinted (default TRUE)+ #' @inheritParams gen_args |
7 |
- ## 5. Never (?) break on a "label"/content row+ #' @param spec (`function`)\cr function that generates the result data frame from a table (`TableTree`). |
8 |
- ## 6. Never (?) break on the second (i.e. after the first) data row at a particular leaf Elementary table.+ #' It defaults to `NULL`, for standard processing. |
9 |
- ##+ #' @param expand_colnames (`flag`)\cr when `TRUE`, the result data frame will have expanded column |
10 |
- ## Current behavior: paginate_ttree takes a TableTree object and+ #' names above the usual output. This is useful when the result data frame is used for further processing. |
11 |
- ## returns a list of rtable (S3) objects for printing.+ #' @param data_format (`string`)\cr the format of the data in the result data frame. It can be one value |
12 |
+ #' between `"full_precision"` (default), `"strings"`, and `"numeric"`. The last two values show the numeric |
13 |
- #' @inheritParams formatters::nlines+ #' data with the visible precision. |
14 |
- #'+ #' @param make_ard (`flag`)\cr when `TRUE`, the result data frame will have only one statistic per row. |
15 |
- #' @rdname formatters_methods+ #' @param keep_label_rows (`flag`)\cr when `TRUE`, the result data frame will have all labels |
16 |
- #' @aliases nlines,TableRow-method+ #' as they appear in the final table. |
17 |
- #' @exportMethod nlines+ #' @param simplify (`flag`)\cr when `TRUE`, the result data frame will have only visible labels and |
18 |
- setMethod(+ #' result columns. Consider showing also label rows with `keep_label_rows = TRUE`. This output can be |
19 |
- "nlines", "TableRow",+ #' used again to create a `TableTree` object with [df_to_tt()]. |
20 |
- function(x, colwidths, max_width, fontspec, col_gap = 3) {+ #' @param ... additional arguments passed to spec-specific result data frame function (`spec`). |
21 | -10374x | +
- fns <- sum(unlist(lapply(row_footnotes(x), nlines, max_width = max_width, fontspec = fontspec))) ++ #' |
22 | -10374x | +
- sum(unlist(lapply(cell_footnotes(x), nlines, max_width = max_width, fontspec = fontspec)))+ #' @return |
23 | -10374x | +
- fcells <- as.vector(get_formatted_cells(x))+ #' * `as_result_df` returns a result `data.frame`. |
24 | -10374x | +
- spans <- row_cspans(x)+ #' |
25 | -10374x | +
- have_cw <- !is.null(colwidths)+ #' @seealso [df_to_tt()] when using `simplify = TRUE` and [formatters::make_row_df()] to have a |
26 |
- ## handle spanning so that the projected word-wrapping from nlines is correct+ #' comprehensive view of the hierarchical structure of the rows. |
27 | -10374x | +
- if (any(spans > 1)) {+ #' |
28 | -10x | +
- new_fcells <- character(length(spans))+ #' @examples |
29 | -10x | +
- new_colwidths <- numeric(length(spans))+ #' lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
30 | -10x | +
- cur_fcells <- fcells+ #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>% |
31 | -10x | +
- cur_colwidths <- colwidths[-1] ## not the row labels they can't span+ #' split_rows_by("STRATA1") %>% |
32 | -10x | +
- for (i in seq_along(spans)) {+ #' analyze(c("AGE", "BMRKR2")) |
33 | -24x | +
- spi <- spans[i]+ #' |
34 | -24x | +
- new_fcells[i] <- cur_fcells[1] ## 1 cause we're trimming it every loop+ #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, ex_adsl) |
35 | -24x | +
- new_colwidths[i] <- sum(head(cur_colwidths, spi)) + col_gap * (spi - 1)+ #' as_result_df(tbl, simplify = TRUE) |
36 | -24x | +
- cur_fcells <- tail(cur_fcells, -1 * spi)+ #' |
37 | -24x | +
- cur_colwidths <- tail(cur_colwidths, -1 * spi)+ #' @name data.frame_export |
38 |
- }+ #' @export |
39 | -10x | +
- if (have_cw) {+ as_result_df <- function(tt, spec = NULL, |
40 | -4x | +
- colwidths <- c(colwidths[1], new_colwidths)+ data_format = c("full_precision", "strings", "numeric"), |
41 |
- }+ make_ard = FALSE, |
42 | -10x | +
- fcells <- new_fcells+ expand_colnames = FALSE, |
43 |
- }+ keep_label_rows = FALSE, |
44 |
+ simplify = FALSE, |
45 |
- ## rowext <- max(vapply(strsplit(c(obj_label(x), fcells), "\n", fixed = TRUE),+ ...) { |
46 | -+ | 31x |
- ## length,+ data_format <- data_format[[1]] |
47 | -+ | 31x |
- ## 1L))+ checkmate::assert_class(tt, "VTableTree") |
48 | -10374x | +31x |
- rowext <- max(+ checkmate::assert_function(spec, null.ok = TRUE) |
49 | -10374x | +31x |
- unlist(+ checkmate::assert_choice(data_format[[1]], choices = eval(formals(as_result_df)[["data_format"]])) |
50 | -10374x | +31x |
- mapply(+ checkmate::assert_flag(make_ard) |
51 | -10374x | +31x |
- function(s, w) {+ checkmate::assert_flag(expand_colnames) |
52 | -56101x | +31x |
- nlines(strsplit(s, "\n", fixed = TRUE), max_width = w, fontspec = fontspec)+ checkmate::assert_flag(keep_label_rows) |
53 | -+ | 31x |
- },+ checkmate::assert_flag(simplify) |
54 | -10374x | +
- s = c(obj_label(x), fcells),+ |
55 | -10374x | +31x |
- w = (colwidths %||% max_width) %||% vector("list", length(c(obj_label(x), fcells))),+ if (nrow(tt) == 0) { |
56 | -10374x | +2x |
- SIMPLIFY = FALSE+ return(sanitize_table_struct(tt)) |
57 |
- )+ } |
58 |
- )+ |
59 | -+ | 29x |
- )+ if (make_ard) { |
60 | -+ | 7x |
+ simplify <- FALSE |
61 | -10374x | +7x |
- rowext + fns+ expand_colnames <- TRUE |
62 | -+ | 7x |
- }+ keep_label_rows <- FALSE |
63 |
- )+ } |
65 | -+ | 29x |
- #' @export+ if (is.null(spec)) { |
66 |
- #' @rdname formatters_methods+ # raw values |
67 | -+ | 29x |
- setMethod(+ rawvals <- cell_values(tt) |
68 | -+ | 29x |
- "nlines", "LabelRow",+ cellvals <- .make_df_from_raw_data(rawvals, nr = nrow(tt), nc = ncol(tt)) |
69 |
- function(x, colwidths, max_width, fontspec = fontspec, col_gap = NULL) {+ |
70 | -3229x | +29x |
- if (labelrow_visible(x)) {+ if (data_format %in% c("strings", "numeric")) { |
71 | -3229x | +
- nlines(strsplit(obj_label(x), "\n", fixed = TRUE)[[1]], max_width = colwidths[1], fontspec = fontspec) ++ # we keep previous calculations to check the format of the data |
72 | -3229x | +9x |
- sum(unlist(lapply(row_footnotes(x), nlines, max_width = max_width, fontspec = fontspec)))+ mf_tt <- matrix_form(tt) |
73 | -+ | 9x |
- } else {+ mf_result_chars <- mf_strings(mf_tt)[-seq_len(mf_nlheader(mf_tt)), -1] |
74 | -! | +9x |
- 0L+ mf_result_chars <- .remove_empty_elements(mf_result_chars) |
75 | -+ | 9x |
- }+ mf_result_numeric <- as.data.frame( |
76 | -+ | 9x |
- }+ .make_numeric_char_mf(mf_result_chars) |
77 |
- )+ ) |
78 | -+ | 9x |
+ mf_result_chars <- as.data.frame(mf_result_chars) |
79 | -+ | 9x |
- #' @export+ if (!setequal(dim(mf_result_numeric), dim(cellvals)) || !setequal(dim(mf_result_chars), dim(cellvals))) { |
80 | -+ | ! |
- #' @rdname formatters_methods+ stop( |
81 | -+ | ! |
- setMethod(+ "The extracted numeric data.frame does not have the same dimension of the", |
82 | -+ | ! |
- "nlines", "RefFootnote",+ " cell values extracted with cell_values(). This is a bug. Please report it." |
83 | -+ | ! |
- function(x, colwidths, max_width, fontspec, col_gap = NULL) {+ ) # nocov |
84 | -298x | +
- nlines(format_fnote_note(x), colwidths = colwidths, max_width = max_width, fontspec = fontspec)+ } |
85 | -+ | 9x |
- }+ if (data_format == "strings") { |
86 | -+ | 5x |
- )+ colnames(mf_result_chars) <- colnames(cellvals) |
87 | -+ | 5x |
+ cellvals <- mf_result_chars |
88 |
- #' @export+ } else { |
89 | -+ | 4x |
- #' @rdname formatters_methods+ colnames(mf_result_numeric) <- colnames(cellvals) |
90 | -+ | 4x |
- setMethod(+ cellvals <- mf_result_numeric |
91 |
- "nlines", "InstantiatedColumnInfo",+ } |
92 |
- function(x, colwidths, max_width, fontspec, col_gap = 3) {+ } |
93 | -6x | +
- h_rows <- .do_tbl_h_piece2(x)+ |
94 | -6x | +29x |
- tl <- top_left(x) %||% rep("", length(h_rows))+ rdf <- make_row_df(tt) |
95 | -6x | +
- main_nls <- vapply(+ |
96 | -6x | +29x |
- seq_along(h_rows),+ df <- rdf[, c("name", "label", "abs_rownumber", "path", "reprint_inds", "node_class")] |
97 | -6x | +
- function(i) {+ # Removing initial root elements from path (out of the loop -> right maxlen) |
98 | -10x | +29x |
- max(+ df$path <- lapply(df$path, .remove_root_elems_from_path, |
99 | -10x | +29x |
- nlines(h_rows[[i]],+ which_root_name = c("root", "rbind_root"), |
100 | -10x | +29x |
- colwidths = colwidths,+ all = TRUE |
101 | -10x | +
- fontspec = fontspec,+ ) |
102 | -10x | +29x |
- col_gap = col_gap+ maxlen <- max(lengths(df$path)) |
103 |
- ),+ |
104 | -10x | +
- nlines(tl[i],+ # Loop for metadata (path and details from make_row_df) |
105 | -10x | +29x |
- colwidths = colwidths[1],+ metadf <- do.call( |
106 | -10x | +29x |
- fontspec = fontspec+ rbind.data.frame, |
107 | -+ | 29x |
- )+ lapply( |
108 | -+ | 29x |
- )+ seq_len(NROW(df)), |
109 | -+ | 29x |
- },+ function(ii) { |
110 | -6x | +623x |
- 1L+ handle_rdf_row(df[ii, ], maxlen = maxlen) |
111 |
- )+ } |
112 |
+ ) |
113 |
- ## lfs <- collect_leaves(coltree(x))+ ) |
114 |
- ## depths <- sapply(lfs, function(l) length(pos_splits(l)))+ |
115 |
+ # Should we keep label rows with NAs instead of values? |
116 | -6x | +29x |
- coldf <- make_col_df(x, colwidths = colwidths)+ if (keep_label_rows) { |
117 | 6x |
- have_fnotes <- length(unlist(coldf$col_fnotes)) > 0+ cellvals_mat_struct <- as.data.frame( |
118 | -+ | 6x |
- ## ret <- max(depths, length(top_left(x))) ++ matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(rdf), ncol = ncol(cellvals)) |
119 |
- ## divider_height(x)+ ) |
120 | 6x |
- ret <- sum(main_nls, divider_height(x))+ colnames(cellvals_mat_struct) <- colnames(cellvals) |
121 | 6x |
- if (have_fnotes) {+ cellvals_mat_struct[metadf$node_class != "LabelRow", ] <- cellvals |
122 | -! | +6x |
- ret <- sum(+ ret <- cbind(metadf, cellvals_mat_struct) |
123 | -! | +
- ret,+ } else { |
124 | -! | +23x |
- vapply(unlist(coldf$col_fnotes),+ ret <- cbind( |
125 | -! | +23x |
- nlines,+ metadf[metadf$node_class != "LabelRow", ], |
126 | -! | +23x |
- 1,+ cellvals |
127 | -! | +
- max_width = max_width,+ ) |
128 | -! | +
- fontspec = fontspec+ } |
129 |
- ),+ |
130 | -! | +
- 2 * divider_height(x)+ # Fix for content rows analysis variable label |
131 | -+ | 29x |
- )+ if (any(ret$node_class == "ContentRow")) { |
132 | -+ | 8x |
- }+ where_to <- which(ret$node_class == "ContentRow") |
133 | -6x | +8x |
- ret+ for (crow_i in where_to) { |
134 |
- }+ # For each Content row, extract the row split that is used as analysis variable |
135 | -+ | 44x |
- )+ tmp_tbl <- ret[crow_i, , drop = FALSE] |
136 | -+ | 44x |
+ na_labels <- lapply(tmp_tbl, is.na) %>% unlist(use.names = FALSE) |
137 | -+ | 44x |
- col_dfrow <- function(col,+ group_to_take <- colnames(tmp_tbl[, !na_labels]) |
138 | -+ | 44x |
- nm = obj_name(col),+ group_to_take <- group_to_take[grep("^group[0-9]+$", group_to_take)] |
139 |
- lab = obj_label(col),+ |
140 |
- cnum,+ # Final assignment of each Content row to its correct analysis label |
141 | -+ | 44x |
- pth = NULL,+ ret$avar_name[crow_i] <- ret[[group_to_take[length(group_to_take)]]][crow_i] |
142 |
- sibpos = NA_integer_,+ } |
143 |
- nsibs = NA_integer_,+ } |
144 |
- leaf_indices = cnum,+ |
145 |
- span = length(leaf_indices),+ # If we want to expand colnames |
146 | -+ | 29x |
- col_fnotes = list(),+ if (expand_colnames) { |
147 | -+ | 13x |
- col_count = facet_colcount(col, NULL),+ col_name_structure <- .get_formatted_colnames(clayout(tt)) |
148 | -+ | 13x |
- ccount_visible = disp_ccounts(col),+ number_of_non_data_cols <- which(colnames(ret) == "node_class") |
149 | -+ | 13x |
- ccount_format = colcount_format(col),+ if (NCOL(ret) - number_of_non_data_cols != NCOL(col_name_structure)) { |
150 | -+ | ! |
- ccount_na_str,+ stop( |
151 | -+ | ! |
- global_cc_format) {+ "When expanding colnames structure, we were not able to find the same", |
152 | -12691x | +! |
- if (is.null(pth)) {+ " number of columns as in the result data frame. This is a bug. Please report it." |
153 | -12047x | +! |
- pth <- pos_to_path(tree_pos(col))+ ) # nocov |
154 |
- }+ } |
155 | -12691x | +
- data.frame(+ |
156 | -12691x | +13x |
- stringsAsFactors = FALSE,+ buffer_rows_for_colnames <- matrix( |
157 | -12691x | +13x |
- name = nm,+ rep("<only_for_column_names>", number_of_non_data_cols * NROW(col_name_structure)), |
158 | -12691x | +13x |
- label = lab,+ nrow = NROW(col_name_structure) |
159 | -12691x | +
- abs_pos = cnum,+ ) |
160 | -12691x | +
- path = I(list(pth)),+ |
161 | -12691x | +13x |
- pos_in_siblings = sibpos,+ header_colnames_matrix <- cbind(buffer_rows_for_colnames, data.frame(col_name_structure)) |
162 | -12691x | +13x |
- n_siblings = nsibs,+ colnames(header_colnames_matrix) <- colnames(ret) |
163 | -12691x | +
- leaf_indices = I(list(leaf_indices)),+ |
164 | -12691x | +13x |
- total_span = span,+ count_row <- NULL |
165 | -12691x | +13x |
- col_fnotes = I(list(col_fnotes)),+ if (disp_ccounts(tt)) { |
166 | -12691x | +5x |
- n_col_fnotes = length(col_fnotes),+ ccounts <- col_counts(tt) |
167 | -12691x | +5x |
- col_count = col_count,+ if (data_format == "strings") { |
168 | -12691x | +2x |
- ccount_visible = ccount_visible,+ ccounts <- mf_strings(mf_tt)[mf_nlheader(mf_tt), ] |
169 | -12691x | +2x |
- ccount_format = ccount_format %||% global_cc_format,+ ccounts <- .remove_empty_elements(ccounts) |
170 | -12691x | +
- ccount_na_str = ccount_na_str+ } |
171 | -+ | 5x |
- )+ count_row <- c(rep("<only_for_column_counts>", number_of_non_data_cols), ccounts) |
172 | -+ | 5x |
- }+ header_colnames_matrix <- rbind(header_colnames_matrix, count_row) |
173 |
+ } |
174 | -+ | 13x |
- pos_to_path <- function(pos) {+ ret <- rbind(header_colnames_matrix, ret) |
175 | -46481x | +
- spls <- pos_splits(pos)+ } |
176 | -46481x | +
- vals <- pos_splvals(pos)+ |
177 |
+ # ARD part for one stat per row |
178 | -46481x | +29x |
- path <- character()+ if (make_ard) { |
179 | -46481x | +7x |
- for (i in seq_along(spls)) {+ cinfo_df <- col_info(tt) |
180 | -58625x | +7x |
- nm <- obj_name(spls[[i]])+ ci_coltree <- coltree(cinfo_df) |
181 | -58625x | +7x |
- val_i <- value_names(vals[[i]])+ column_split_names <- .get_column_split_name(ci_coltree) # used only in make_ard |
182 | -58625x | +
- path <- c(+ |
183 | -58625x | +
- path,+ # Unnecessary columns |
184 | -58625x | +7x |
- obj_name(spls[[i]]),+ ret_tmp <- ret[, !colnames(ret) %in% c("row_num", "is_group_summary", "node_class")] |
185 | -+ | 7x |
- ## rawvalues(vals[[i]]))+ n_row_groups <- sapply(colnames(ret), function(x) { |
186 | -58625x | +90x |
- if (!is.na(val_i)) val_i+ if (grepl("^group", x)) { |
187 |
- )+ # Extract the number after "group" using regex |
188 | -+ | 14x |
- }+ return(as.numeric(sub("group(\\d+).*", "\\1", x))) |
189 | -46481x | +
- path+ } else { |
190 | -+ | 76x |
- }+ return(0) # Return 0 if no "group" is found |
191 |
+ } |
192 |
- # make_row_df ---------------------------------------------------------------+ }) %>% |
193 | -+ | 7x |
+ max() |
194 |
- #' @inherit formatters::make_row_df+ |
195 |
- #'+ # Indexes of real columns (visible in the output, but no row names) |
196 | -+ | 7x |
- # #' @note The technically present root tree node is excluded from the summary returned by both `make_row_df` and+ only_col_indexes <- seq(which(colnames(ret_tmp) == "label_name") + 1, ncol(ret_tmp)) |
197 |
- # #' `make_col_df`, as it is simply the row/column structure of `tt` and thus not useful for pathing or pagination.+ |
198 |
- # #'+ # Core row names |
199 | -+ | 7x |
- # #' @return a data.frame of row/column-structure information used by the pagination machinery.+ col_label_rows <- grepl("<only_for_column_*", ret_tmp$avar_name) |
200 | -+ | 7x |
- # #'+ number_of_col_splits <- sum(grepl("<only_for_column_names>", ret_tmp$avar_name)) |
201 | -+ | 7x |
- # #' @export+ core_row_names <- ret_tmp[!col_label_rows, -only_col_indexes] |
202 | -+ | 7x |
- # #' @name make_row_df+ colnames_to_rename <- colnames(core_row_names) %in% c("avar_name", "row_name", "label_name") |
203 |
- # #' @rdname make_row_df+ # instead of avar_name row_name label_name ("variable_label" is not present in ARDs) |
204 | -+ | 7x |
- # #' @aliases make_row_df,VTableTree-method+ colnames(core_row_names)[colnames_to_rename] <- c("variable", "variable_level", "variable_label") |
205 |
- #' @rdname formatters_methods+ |
206 |
- #' @exportMethod make_row_df+ # Adding stats_names if present |
207 | -+ | 7x |
- setMethod(+ raw_stat_names <- .get_stat_names_from_table(tt, add_labrows = keep_label_rows) |
208 | -+ | 7x |
- "make_row_df", "VTableTree",+ cell_stat_names <- .make_df_from_raw_data(raw_stat_names, nr = nrow(tt), nc = ncol(tt)) |
209 |
- function(tt,+ |
210 |
- colwidths = NULL,+ # Moving colnames to rows (flattening) |
211 | -+ | 7x |
- visible_only = TRUE,+ ret_w_cols <- NULL |
212 |
- rownum = 0,+ # Looping on statistical columns |
213 | -+ | 7x |
- indent = 0L,+ for (col_i in only_col_indexes) { |
214 |
- path = character(),+ # Making row splits into row specifications (group1 group1_level) |
215 | -+ | 34x |
- incontent = FALSE,+ current_col_split_level <- unlist(ret_tmp[seq_len(number_of_col_splits), col_i], use.names = FALSE) |
216 | -+ | 34x |
- repr_ext = 0L,+ flattened_cols_names <- .c_alternated(column_split_names[[1]][[1]], current_col_split_level) |
217 | -+ | 34x |
- repr_inds = integer(),+ names(flattened_cols_names) <- .c_alternated( |
218 | -+ | 34x |
- sibpos = NA_integer_,+ paste0("group", seq_along(column_split_names[[1]][[1]]) + n_row_groups), |
219 | -+ | 34x |
- nsibs = NA_integer_,+ paste0("group", seq_along(current_col_split_level) + n_row_groups, "_level") |
220 |
- max_width = NULL,+ ) |
221 |
- fontspec = NULL,+ |
222 | -+ | 34x |
- col_gap = 3) {+ if (n_row_groups > 0) { |
223 | -9224x | +27x |
- indent <- indent + indent_mod(tt)+ tmp_core_ret_by_col_i <- cbind( |
224 | -+ | 27x |
- ## retained for debugging info+ core_row_names[, seq(n_row_groups * 2)], |
225 | -9224x | +27x |
- orig_rownum <- rownum # nolint+ t(data.frame(flattened_cols_names)), |
226 | -9224x | +27x |
- if (incontent) {+ core_row_names[, -seq(n_row_groups * 2)], |
227 | -1268x | +27x |
- path <- c(path, "@content")+ row.names = NULL |
228 | -7956x | +
- } else if (length(path) > 0 || nzchar(obj_name(tt))) { ## don't add "" for root+ ) |
229 |
- ## else if (length(path) > 0 && nzchar(obj_name(tt))) ## don't add "" for root # nolint+ } else { |
230 | -7908x | +7x |
- path <- c(path, obj_name(tt))+ tmp_core_ret_by_col_i <- cbind( |
231 | -+ | 7x |
- }+ t(data.frame(flattened_cols_names)), |
232 | -9224x | +7x |
- ret <- list()+ core_row_names, |
233 | -+ | 7x |
+ row.names = NULL |
234 |
- ## note this is the **table** not the label row+ ) |
235 | -9224x | +
- if (!visible_only) {+ } |
236 | -21x | +
- ret <- c(+ |
237 | -21x | +
- ret,+ # retrieving stat names and stats |
238 | -21x | +34x |
- list(pagdfrow(+ stat_name <- setNames(cell_stat_names[, col_i - min(only_col_indexes) + 1, drop = TRUE], NULL) |
239 | -21x | +34x |
- rnum = NA,+ stat <- setNames(ret_tmp[!col_label_rows, col_i, drop = TRUE], NULL) |
240 | -21x | +34x |
- nm = obj_name(tt),+ necessary_stat_lengths <- sapply(stat, length) |
241 | -21x | +
- lab = "",+ |
242 | -21x | +
- pth = path,+ # Truncating or adding NA if stat names has more or less elements than stats |
243 | -21x | +34x |
- colwidths = colwidths,+ stat_name <- lapply(seq_along(stat_name), function(sn_i) { |
244 | -21x | +819x |
- repext = repr_ext,+ stat_name[[sn_i]][seq_len(necessary_stat_lengths[sn_i])] |
245 | -21x | +
- repind = list(repr_inds),+ }) |
246 | -21x | +
- extent = 0,+ |
247 | -21x | +
- indent = indent,+ # unnesting stat_name and stat |
248 | -21x | +34x |
- rclass = class(tt), sibpos = sibpos,+ tmp_ret_by_col_i <- NULL |
249 | -21x | +34x |
- nsibs = nsibs,+ for (row_i in seq_along(stat)) { |
250 | -21x | +819x |
- nrowrefs = 0L,+ tmp_ret_by_col_i <- rbind( |
251 | -21x | +819x |
- ncellrefs = 0L,+ tmp_ret_by_col_i, |
252 | -21x | +819x |
- nreflines = 0L,+ cbind( |
253 | -21x | +819x |
- fontspec = fontspec+ tmp_core_ret_by_col_i[row_i, ], |
254 | -+ | 819x |
- ))+ stat_name = stat_name[[row_i]], |
255 | -+ | 819x |
- )+ stat = stat[[row_i]], |
256 | -+ | 819x |
- }+ row.names = NULL |
257 | -9224x | +
- if (labelrow_visible(tt)) {+ ) |
258 | -3209x | +
- lr <- tt_labelrow(tt)+ ) |
259 | -3209x | +
- newdf <- make_row_df(lr,+ } |
260 | -3209x | +
- colwidths = colwidths,+ |
261 | -3209x | +34x |
- visible_only = visible_only,+ ret_w_cols <- rbind(ret_w_cols, tmp_ret_by_col_i) |
262 | -3209x | +
- rownum = rownum,+ } |
263 | -3209x | +
- indent = indent,+ |
264 | -3209x | +7x |
- path = path,+ ret <- ret_w_cols |
265 | -3209x | +
- incontent = TRUE,+ } |
266 | -3209x | +
- repr_ext = repr_ext,+ |
267 | -3209x | +
- repr_inds = repr_inds,+ # Simplify the result data frame |
268 | -3209x | +29x |
- max_width = max_width,+ out <- if (simplify) { |
269 | -3209x | +6x |
- fontspec = fontspec+ .simplify_result_df(ret) |
270 |
- )+ } else { |
271 | -3209x | +23x |
- rownum <- max(newdf$abs_rownumber, na.rm = TRUE)+ ret |
272 |
+ } |
273 | -3209x | +
- ret <- c(+ |
274 | -3209x | +
- ret,+ # take out rownames |
275 | -3209x | +29x |
- list(newdf)+ rownames(out) <- NULL |
276 |
- )+ } else { |
277 | -3209x | +
- repr_ext <- repr_ext + 1L+ # Applying specs |
278 | -3209x | +! |
- repr_inds <- c(repr_inds, rownum)+ out <- spec(tt, ...) |
279 | -3209x | +
- indent <- indent + 1L+ } |
280 |
- }+ |
281 | -+ | 29x |
+ out |
282 | -9224x | +
- if (NROW(content_table(tt)) > 0) {+ } |
283 | -1268x | +
- ct_tt <- content_table(tt)+ |
284 | -1268x | +
- cind <- indent + indent_mod(ct_tt)+ # Helper function used to structure the raw values into a dataframe |
285 | -1268x | +
- trailing_section_div(ct_tt) <- trailing_section_div(tt_labelrow(tt))+ .make_df_from_raw_data <- function(raw_vals, nr, nc) { |
286 | -1268x | +
- contdf <- make_row_df(ct_tt,+ ## if the table has one row and multiple columns, sometimes the cell values returns a list of the cell values |
287 | -1268x | +
- colwidths = colwidths,+ ## rather than a list of length 1 representing the single row. This is bad but may not be changeable |
288 | -1268x | +
- visible_only = visible_only,+ ## at this point. |
289 | -1268x | +36x |
- rownum = rownum,+ if (nr == 1 && length(raw_vals) > 1) { |
290 | -1268x | +3x |
- indent = cind,+ raw_vals <- list(raw_vals) |
291 | -1268x | +
- path = path,+ } |
292 | -1268x | +
- incontent = TRUE,+ |
293 | -1268x | +
- repr_ext = repr_ext,+ # Flatten the list of lists (rows) of cell values into a data frame |
294 | -1268x | +36x |
- repr_inds = repr_inds,+ cellvals <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, raw_vals)) |
295 | -1268x | +36x |
- max_width = max_width,+ row.names(cellvals) <- NULL |
296 | -1268x | +
- fontspec = fontspec+ |
297 | -+ | 36x |
- )+ if (nr == 1 && nc == 1) { |
298 | -1268x | +5x |
- crnums <- contdf$abs_rownumber+ colnames(cellvals) <- names(raw_vals) |
299 | -1268x | +
- crnums <- crnums[!is.na(crnums)]+ } |
301 | -1268x | +36x |
- newrownum <- max(crnums, na.rm = TRUE)+ cellvals |
302 | -1268x | +
- if (is.finite(newrownum)) {+ } |
303 | -1268x | +
- rownum <- newrownum+ |
304 | -1268x | +
- repr_ext <- repr_ext + length(crnums)+ # Is there a better alternative? |
305 | -1268x | +
- repr_inds <- c(repr_inds, crnums)+ .c_alternated <- function(v1, v2) { |
306 | -+ | 68x |
- }+ unlist(mapply(c, v1, v2, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)) |
307 | -1268x | +
- ret <- c(ret, list(contdf))+ } |
308 | -1268x | +
- indent <- cind + 1+ |
309 |
- }+ # Amazing helper function to get the statistic names from row cells! |
310 |
+ .get_stat_names_from_table <- function(tt, add_labrows = FALSE) { |
311 | -9224x | +
- allkids <- tree_children(tt)+ # omit_labrows # omit label rows |
312 | -9224x | +7x |
- newnsibs <- length(allkids)+ rows <- collect_leaves(tt, incl.cont = TRUE, add.labrows = add_labrows) |
313 | -9224x | +7x |
- for (i in seq_along(allkids)) {+ lapply(rows, function(ri) { |
314 | -17528x | +124x |
- kid <- allkids[[i]]+ lapply(row_cells(ri), obj_stat_names) |
315 | -17528x | +
- kiddfs <- make_row_df(kid,+ }) |
316 | -17528x | +
- colwidths = colwidths,+ } |
317 | -17528x | +
- visible_only = visible_only,+ |
318 | -17528x | +
- rownum = force(rownum),+ # Helper function to get column split names |
319 | -17528x | +
- indent = indent, ## + 1,+ .get_column_split_name <- function(ci_coltree) { |
320 | -17528x | +
- path = path,+ # ci stands for column information |
321 | -17528x | +50x |
- incontent = incontent,+ if (is(ci_coltree, "LayoutAxisTree")) { |
322 | -17528x | +16x |
- repr_ext = repr_ext,+ kids <- tree_children(ci_coltree) |
323 | -17528x | +16x |
- repr_inds = repr_inds,+ return(lapply(kids, .get_column_split_name)) |
324 | -17528x | +
- nsibs = newnsibs,+ } |
325 | -17528x | +34x |
- sibpos = i,+ sapply(pos_splits(tree_pos(ci_coltree)), spl_payload) |
326 | -17528x | +
- max_width = max_width,+ } |
327 | -17528x | +
- fontspec = fontspec+ |
328 |
- )+ # Function that selects specific outputs from the result data frame |
329 |
+ .simplify_result_df <- function(df) { |
330 | -+ | 6x |
- # print(kiddfs$abs_rownumber)+ col_df <- colnames(df) |
331 | -17528x | +6x |
- rownum <- max(rownum + 1L, kiddfs$abs_rownumber, na.rm = TRUE)+ if (!all(c("label_name", "node_class") %in% col_df)) { |
332 | -17528x | +! |
- ret <- c(ret, list(kiddfs))+ stop("Please simplify the result data frame only when it has 'label_name' and 'node_class' columns.") |
333 |
- }+ } |
334 | -+ | 6x |
+ label_names_col <- which(col_df == "label_name") |
335 | -9224x | +6x |
- ret <- do.call(rbind, ret)+ result_cols <- seq(which(col_df == "node_class") + 1, length(col_df)) |
337 | -+ | 6x |
- # Case where it has Elementary table or VTableTree section_div it is overridden+ df[, c(label_names_col, result_cols)] |
338 | -9224x | +
- if (!is.na(trailing_section_div(tt))) {+ } |
339 | -110x | +
- ret$trailing_sep[nrow(ret)] <- trailing_section_div(tt)+ |
340 |
- }+ .remove_empty_elements <- function(char_df) { |
341 | -9224x | +11x |
- ret+ if (is.null(dim(char_df))) { |
342 | -+ | 5x |
- }+ return(char_df[nzchar(char_df, keepNA = TRUE)]) |
343 |
- )+ } |
345 | -+ | 6x |
- # #' @exportMethod make_row_df+ apply(char_df, 2, function(col_i) col_i[nzchar(col_i, keepNA = TRUE)]) |
346 |
- #' @inherit formatters::make_row_df+ } |
347 |
- #'+ |
348 |
- #' @export+ # Helper function to make the character matrix numeric |
349 |
- #' @rdname formatters_methods+ .make_numeric_char_mf <- function(char_df) { |
350 | -+ | 9x |
- setMethod(+ if (is.null(dim(char_df))) { |
351 | -+ | 3x |
- "make_row_df", "TableRow",+ return(as.numeric(stringi::stri_extract_all(char_df, regex = "\\d+.\\d+|\\d+"))) |
352 |
- function(tt, colwidths = NULL, visible_only = TRUE,+ } |
353 |
- rownum = 0,+ |
354 | -+ | 6x |
- indent = 0L,+ ret <- apply(char_df, 2, function(col_i) { |
355 | -+ | 27x |
- path = "root",+ lapply( |
356 | -+ | 27x |
- incontent = FALSE,+ stringi::stri_extract_all(col_i, regex = "\\d+.\\d+|\\d+"), |
357 | -+ | 27x |
- repr_ext = 0L,+ as.numeric |
358 |
- repr_inds = integer(),+ ) |
359 |
- sibpos = NA_integer_,+ }) |
360 |
- nsibs = NA_integer_,+ |
361 | -+ | 6x |
- max_width = NULL,+ do.call(cbind, ret) |
362 |
- fontspec,+ } |
363 |
- col_gap = 3) {+ |
364 | -10364x | +
- indent <- indent + indent_mod(tt)+ make_result_df_md_colnames <- function(maxlen) { |
365 | -10364x | +623x |
- rownum <- rownum + 1+ spllen <- floor((maxlen - 2) / 2) |
366 | -10364x | +623x |
- rrefs <- row_footnotes(tt)+ ret <- character() |
367 | -10364x | +623x |
- crefs <- cell_footnotes(tt)+ if (spllen > 0) { |
368 | -10364x | +562x |
- reflines <- sum(+ ret <- paste("group", rep(seq_len(spllen), each = 2), c("", "_level"), sep = "") |
369 | -10364x | +
- sapply(+ } |
370 | -10364x | +623x |
- c(rrefs, crefs),+ ret <- c(ret, c("avar_name", "row_name", "label_name", "row_num", "is_group_summary", "node_class")) |
371 | -10364x | +
- nlines,+ } |
372 | -10364x | +
- colwidths = colwidths,+ |
373 | -10364x | +
- max_width = max_width,+ do_label_row <- function(rdfrow, maxlen) { |
374 | -10364x | +209x |
- fontspec = fontspec,+ pth <- rdfrow$path[[1]] |
375 | -10364x | +
- col_gap = col_gap+ # Adjusting for the fact that we have two columns for each split |
376 | -+ | 209x |
- )+ extra_nas_from_splits <- floor((maxlen - length(pth)) / 2) * 2 |
377 | -10364x | +
- ) ## col_gap not strictly necessary as these aren't rows, but why not+ |
378 | -10364x | +
- ret <- pagdfrow(+ # Special cases with hidden labels |
379 | -10364x | +209x |
- row = tt,+ if (length(pth) %% 2 == 1) { |
380 | -10364x | +150x |
- rnum = rownum,+ extra_nas_from_splits <- extra_nas_from_splits + 1 |
381 | -10364x | +
- colwidths = colwidths,+ } |
382 | -10364x | +
- sibpos = sibpos,+ |
383 | -10364x | +209x |
- nsibs = nsibs,+ c( |
384 | -10364x | +209x |
- pth = c(path, unname(obj_name(tt))),+ as.list(pth[seq_len(length(pth) - 1)]), |
385 | -10364x | +209x |
- repext = repr_ext,+ as.list(replicate(extra_nas_from_splits, list(NA_character_))), |
386 | -10364x | +209x |
- repind = repr_inds,+ as.list(tail(pth, 1)), |
387 | -10364x | +209x |
- indent = indent,+ list( |
388 | -10364x | +209x |
- extent = nlines(tt, colwidths = colwidths, max_width = max_width, fontspec = fontspec, col_gap = col_gap),+ label_name = rdfrow$label, |
389 | -+ | 209x |
- ## these two are unlist calls cause they come in lists even with no footnotes+ row_num = rdfrow$abs_rownumber, |
390 | -10364x | +209x |
- nrowrefs = length(rrefs),+ content = FALSE, |
391 | -10364x | +209x |
- ncellrefs = length(unlist(crefs)),+ node_class = rdfrow$node_class |
392 | -10364x | +
- nreflines = reflines,+ ) |
393 | -10364x | +
- trailing_sep = trailing_section_div(tt),+ ) |
394 | -10364x | +
- fontspec = fontspec+ } |
395 |
- )+ |
396 | -10364x | +
- ret+ do_content_row <- function(rdfrow, maxlen) { |
397 | -+ | 44x |
- }+ pth <- rdfrow$path[[1]] |
398 | -+ | 44x |
- )+ contpos <- which(pth == "@content") |
400 | -+ | 44x |
- # #' @exportMethod make_row_df+ seq_before <- seq_len(contpos - 1) |
401 |
- #' @export+ |
402 | -+ | 44x |
- #' @rdname formatters_methods+ c( |
403 | -+ | 44x |
- setMethod(+ as.list(pth[seq_before]), |
404 | -+ | 44x |
- "make_row_df", "LabelRow",+ as.list(replicate(maxlen - contpos, list(NA_character_))), |
405 | -+ | 44x |
- function(tt, colwidths = NULL, visible_only = TRUE,+ list(tail(pth, 1)), |
406 | -+ | 44x |
- rownum = 0,+ list( |
407 | -+ | 44x |
- indent = 0L,+ label_name = rdfrow$label, |
408 | -+ | 44x |
- path = "root",+ row_num = rdfrow$abs_rownumber, |
409 | -+ | 44x |
- incontent = FALSE,+ content = TRUE, |
410 | -+ | 44x |
- repr_ext = 0L,+ node_class = rdfrow$node_class |
411 |
- repr_inds = integer(),+ ) |
412 |
- sibpos = NA_integer_,+ ) |
413 |
- nsibs = NA_integer_,+ } |
414 |
- max_width = NULL,+ |
415 |
- fontspec,+ do_data_row <- function(rdfrow, maxlen) { |
416 | -+ | 370x |
- col_gap = 3) {+ pth <- rdfrow$path[[1]] |
417 | -3229x | +370x |
- rownum <- rownum + 1+ pthlen <- length(pth) |
418 | -3229x | +
- indent <- indent + indent_mod(tt)+ ## odd means we have a multi-analsysis step in the path, we dont' want that in the result data frame |
419 | -3229x | +370x |
- ret <- pagdfrow(tt,+ if (pthlen %% 2 == 1) { |
420 | -3229x | +48x |
- extent = nlines(tt, colwidths = colwidths, max_width = max_width, fontspec = fontspec, col_gap = col_gap),+ pth <- pth[-1 * (pthlen - 2)] |
421 | -3229x | +
- rnum = rownum,+ } |
422 | -3229x | +370x |
- colwidths = colwidths,+ pthlen_new <- length(pth) |
423 | -3229x | +33x |
- sibpos = sibpos,+ if (maxlen == 1) pthlen_new <- 3 |
424 | -3229x | +370x |
- nsibs = nsibs,+ c( |
425 | -3229x | +370x |
- pth = path,+ as.list(pth[seq_len(pthlen_new - 2)]), |
426 | -3229x | +370x |
- repext = repr_ext,+ replicate(maxlen - pthlen, list(NA_character_)), |
427 | -3229x | +370x |
- repind = repr_inds,+ as.list(tail(pth, 2)), |
428 | -3229x | +370x |
- indent = indent,+ list( |
429 | -3229x | +370x |
- nrowrefs = length(row_footnotes(tt)),+ label_name = rdfrow$label, |
430 | -3229x | +370x |
- ncellrefs = 0L,+ row_num = rdfrow$abs_rownumber, |
431 | -3229x | +370x |
- nreflines = sum(vapply(row_footnotes(tt), nlines, NA_integer_,+ content = FALSE, |
432 | -3229x | +370x |
- colwidths = colwidths,+ node_class = rdfrow$node_class |
433 | -3229x | +
- max_width = max_width,+ ) |
434 | -3229x | +
- fontspec = fontspec,+ ) |
435 | -3229x | +
- col_gap = col_gap+ } |
436 |
- )),+ |
437 | -3229x | +
- trailing_sep = trailing_section_div(tt),+ .remove_root_elems_from_path <- function(path, which_root_name = c("root", "rbind_root"), all = TRUE) { |
438 | -3229x | +624x |
- fontspec = fontspec+ any_root_paths <- path[1] %in% which_root_name |
439 | -+ | 624x |
- )+ if (any_root_paths) { |
440 | -3229x | +274x |
- if (!labelrow_visible(tt)) {+ if (isTRUE(all)) { |
441 | -! | +
- ret <- ret[0, , drop = FALSE]+ # Selecting the header grouping of root and rbind_root (we do not want to remove other root labels-path later) |
442 | -+ | 274x |
- }+ root_indices <- which(path %in% which_root_name) |
443 | -3229x | +274x |
- ret+ if (any(diff(root_indices) > 1)) { # integer(0) for diff means FALSE |
444 | -+ | ! |
- }+ end_point_root_headers <- which(diff(root_indices) > 1)[1] |
445 |
- )+ } else { |
446 | -+ | 274x |
+ end_point_root_headers <- length(root_indices) |
447 |
- setGeneric("inner_col_df", function(ct,+ } |
448 | -+ | 274x |
- colwidths = NULL,+ root_path_to_remove <- seq_len(end_point_root_headers) |
449 |
- visible_only = TRUE,+ } else { |
450 | -+ | ! |
- colnum = 0L,+ root_path_to_remove <- 1 |
451 |
- sibpos = NA_integer_,+ } |
452 | -+ | 274x |
- nsibs = NA_integer_,+ path <- path[-root_path_to_remove] |
453 |
- ncolref = 0L,+ } |
454 |
- na_str,+ |
455 |
- global_cc_format) {+ # Fix for very edge case where we have only root elements |
456 | -18785x | +624x |
- standardGeneric("inner_col_df")+ if (length(path) == 0) { |
457 | -+ | 1x |
- })+ path <- which_root_name[1] |
458 |
+ } |
459 |
- #' Column layout summary+ |
460 | -+ | 624x |
- #'+ path |
461 |
- #' Used for pagination. Generate a structural summary of the columns of an `rtables` table and return it as a+ } |
462 |
- #' `data.frame`.+ |
463 |
- #'+ handle_rdf_row <- function(rdfrow, maxlen) { |
464 | -+ | 623x |
- #' @inheritParams formatters::make_row_df+ nclass <- rdfrow$node_class |
465 |
- #' @param ccount_format (`FormatSpec`)\cr The format to be used by default for+ |
466 | -+ | 623x |
- #' column counts if one is not specified for an individual column count.+ ret <- switch(nclass, |
467 | -+ | 623x |
- #' @param na_str (`character(1)`)\cr The string to display when a column count is NA. Users should not need to set this.+ LabelRow = do_label_row(rdfrow, maxlen), |
468 | -+ | 623x |
- #' @export+ ContentRow = do_content_row(rdfrow, maxlen), |
469 | -+ | 623x |
- make_col_df <- function(tt,+ DataRow = do_data_row(rdfrow, maxlen), |
470 | -+ | 623x |
- colwidths = NULL,+ stop("Unrecognized node type in row dataframe, unable to generate result data frame") |
471 |
- visible_only = TRUE,+ ) |
472 | -+ | 623x |
- na_str = "",+ setNames(ret, make_result_df_md_colnames(maxlen)) |
473 |
- ccount_format = colcount_format(tt) %||% "(N=xx)") {+ } |
474 | -3403x | +
- ctree <- coltree(tt, ccount_format = colcount_format(tt)) ## this is a null op if its already a coltree object+ |
475 | -3403x | +
- rows <- inner_col_df(ctree,+ # Helper recurrent function to get the column names for the result data frame from the VTableTree |
476 |
- ## colwidths is currently unused anyway... propose_column_widths(matrix_form(tt, indent_rownames=TRUE)),+ .get_formatted_colnames <- function(clyt) { |
477 | -3403x | +91x |
- colwidths = colwidths,+ ret <- obj_label(clyt) |
478 | -3403x | +91x |
- visible_only = visible_only,+ if (!nzchar(ret)) { |
479 | -3403x | +13x |
- colnum = 1L,+ ret <- NULL |
480 | -3403x | +
- sibpos = 1L,+ } |
481 | -3403x | +91x |
- nsibs = 1L,+ if (is.null(tree_children(clyt))) { |
482 | -3403x | +! |
- na_str = na_str,+ return(ret) |
483 | -3403x | +
- global_cc_format = ccount_format+ } else { |
484 | -3403x | +91x |
- ) ## nsiblings includes current so 1 means "only child"+ ret <- rbind(ret, do.call(cbind, lapply(tree_children(clyt), .get_formatted_colnames))) |
485 | -+ | 91x |
+ colnames(ret) <- NULL |
486 | -3403x | +91x |
- do.call(rbind, rows)+ rownames(ret) <- NULL |
487 | -+ | 91x |
- }+ return(ret) |
488 |
+ } |
489 |
- setMethod(+ } |
490 |
- "inner_col_df", "LayoutColLeaf",+ # path_enriched_df ------------------------------------------------------------ |
491 |
- function(ct, colwidths, visible_only,+ # |
492 |
- colnum,+ #' @describeIn data.frame_export Transform a `TableTree` object to a path-enriched `data.frame`. |
493 |
- sibpos,+ #' |
494 |
- nsibs,+ #' @param path_fun (`function`)\cr function to transform paths into single-string row/column names. |
495 |
- na_str,+ #' @param value_fun (`function`)\cr function to transform cell values into cells of a `data.frame`. Defaults to |
496 |
- global_cc_format) {+ #' `collapse_values`, which creates strings where multi-valued cells are collapsed together, separated by `|`. |
497 | -12047x | +
- list(col_dfrow(+ #' |
498 | -12047x | +
- col = ct,+ #' @return |
499 | -12047x | +
- cnum = colnum,+ #' * `path_enriched_df()` returns a `data.frame` of `tt`'s cell values (processed by `value_fun`, with columns named by |
500 | -12047x | +
- sibpos = sibpos,+ #' the full column paths (processed by `path_fun` and an additional `row_path` column with the row paths (processed |
501 | -12047x | +
- nsibs = nsibs,+ #' by `path_fun`). |
502 | -12047x | +
- leaf_indices = colnum,+ #' |
503 | -12047x | +
- col_fnotes = col_footnotes(ct),+ #' @examples |
504 | -12047x | +
- ccount_na_str = na_str,+ #' lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
505 | -12047x | +
- global_cc_format = global_cc_format+ #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>% |
506 |
- ))+ #' analyze(c("AGE", "BMRKR2")) |
507 |
- }+ #' |
508 |
- )+ #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, ex_adsl) |
509 |
+ #' path_enriched_df(tbl) |
510 |
- setMethod(+ #' |
511 |
- "inner_col_df", "LayoutColTree",+ #' @export |
512 |
- function(ct, colwidths, visible_only,+ path_enriched_df <- function(tt, path_fun = collapse_path, value_fun = collapse_values) { |
513 | -+ | 3x |
- colnum,+ rdf <- make_row_df(tt) |
514 | -+ | 3x |
- sibpos,+ cdf <- make_col_df(tt) |
515 | -+ | 3x |
- nsibs,+ cvs <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, cell_values(tt))) |
516 | -+ | 3x |
- na_str,+ cvs <- as.data.frame(lapply(cvs, value_fun)) |
517 | -+ | 3x |
- global_cc_format) {+ row.names(cvs) <- NULL |
518 | -6738x | +3x |
- kids <- tree_children(ct)+ colnames(cvs) <- path_fun(cdf$path) |
519 | -6738x | +3x |
- ret <- vector("list", length(kids))+ preppaths <- path_fun(rdf[rdf$node_class != "LabelRow", ]$path) |
520 | -6738x | +3x |
- for (i in seq_along(kids)) {+ cbind.data.frame(row_path = preppaths, cvs) |
521 | -15382x | +
- k <- kids[[i]]+ } |
522 | -15382x | +
- newrows <- do.call(+ |
523 | -15382x | +
- rbind,+ .collapse_char <- "|" |
524 | -15382x | +
- inner_col_df(k,+ .collapse_char_esc <- "\\|" |
525 | -15382x | +
- colnum = colnum,+ |
526 | -15382x | +
- sibpos = i,+ collapse_path <- function(paths) { |
527 | -15382x | +196x |
- nsibs = length(kids),+ if (is.list(paths)) { |
528 | -15382x | +6x |
- visible_only = visible_only,+ return(vapply(paths, collapse_path, "")) |
529 | -15382x | +
- na_str = na_str,+ } |
530 | -15382x | +190x |
- global_cc_format = global_cc_format+ paste(paths, collapse = .collapse_char) |
531 |
- )+ } |
532 |
- )+ |
533 | -15382x | +
- colnum <- max(newrows$abs_pos, colnum, na.rm = TRUE) + 1+ collapse_values <- function(colvals) { |
534 | -15382x | +13x |
- ret[[i]] <- newrows+ if (!is.list(colvals)) { ## || all(vapply(colvals, length, 1L) == 1)) |
535 | -+ | ! |
- }+ return(colvals) |
536 | -+ | 13x |
+ } else if (all(vapply(colvals, length, 1L) == 1)) { |
537 | -6738x | +1x |
- if (!visible_only) {+ return(unlist(colvals)) |
538 | -1300x | +
- allindices <- unlist(lapply(ret, function(df) df$abs_pos[!is.na(df$abs_pos)]))+ } |
539 | -1300x | +12x |
- thispth <- pos_to_path(tree_pos(ct))+ vapply(colvals, paste, "", collapse = .collapse_char) |
540 | -1300x | +
- if (any(nzchar(thispth))) {+ } |
541 | -644x | +
1 | +
- thisone <- list(col_dfrow(+ ## NB handling the case where there are no values is done during tabulation |
542 | -644x | +|||
2 | +
- col = ct,+ ## which is the only reason expression(TRUE) is ok, because otherwise |
543 | -644x | +|||
3 | +
- cnum = NA_integer_,+ ## we (sometimes) run into |
544 | -644x | +|||
4 | +
- leaf_indices = allindices,+ ## factor()[TRUE] giving <NA> (i.e. length 1) |
545 | -644x | +5 | +4457x |
- sibpos = sibpos,+ setGeneric("make_subset_expr", function(spl, val) standardGeneric("make_subset_expr"))+ |
6 | ++ | + + | +||
7 | ++ |
+ setMethod(+ |
+ ||
8 | ++ |
+ "make_subset_expr", "VarLevelSplit",+ |
+ ||
9 | ++ |
+ function(spl, val) {+ |
+ ||
10 | ++ |
+ ## this is how custom split functions will communicate the correct expression+ |
+ ||
11 | ++ |
+ ## to the column modeling code |
546 | -644x | +12 | +3338x |
- nsibs = nsibs,+ if (length(value_expr(val)) > 0) { |
547 | -644x | +13 | +12x |
- pth = thispth,+ return(value_expr(val))+ |
14 | ++ |
+ }+ |
+ ||
15 | ++ | + | ||
548 | -644x | +16 | +3326x |
- col_fnotes = col_footnotes(ct),+ v <- unlist(rawvalues(val))+ |
17 | ++ |
+ ## XXX if we're including all levels should even missing be included? |
549 | -644x | +18 | +3326x |
- ccount_na_str = na_str,+ if (is(v, "AllLevelsSentinel")) { |
550 | -644x | +19 | +9x |
- global_cc_format = global_cc_format+ as.expression(bquote((!is.na(.(a))), list(a = as.name(spl_payload(spl))))) |
551 | +20 |
- ))+ } else { |
552 | -644x | +21 | +3317x |
- ret <- c(thisone, ret)+ as.expression(bquote((!is.na(.(a)) & .(a) %in% .(b)), list(+ |
22 | +3317x | +
+ a = as.name(spl_payload(spl)),+ |
+ ||
23 | +3317x | +
+ b = v |
553 | +24 |
- }+ ))) |
554 | +25 |
} |
555 | +26 |
+ } |
556 | -6738x | +|||
27 | +
- ret+ ) |
557 | +28 |
- }+ |
558 | +29 |
- )+ setMethod( |
559 | +30 |
+ "make_subset_expr", "MultiVarSplit", |
560 | +31 |
- ## THIS INCLUDES BOTH "table stub" (i.e. column label and top_left) AND+ function(spl, val) { |
561 | +32 |
- ## title/subtitle!!!!!+ ## this is how custom split functions will communicate the correct expression |
562 | +33 |
- .header_rep_nlines <- function(tt, colwidths, max_width, fontspec, verbose = FALSE) {+ ## to the column modeling code |
563 | -3x | +34 | +300x |
- cinfo_lines <- nlines(col_info(tt), colwidths = colwidths, max_width = max_width, fontspec = fontspec)+ if (length(value_expr(val)) > 0) { |
564 | -3x | +|||
35 | +! |
- if (any(nzchar(all_titles(tt)))) {+ return(value_expr(val)) |
565 | +36 |
- ## +1 is for blank line between subtitles and divider+ } |
566 | -2x | +|||
37 | +
- tlines <- sum(nlines(all_titles(tt),+ |
567 | -2x | +|||
38 | +
- colwidths = colwidths,+ ## v = rawvalues(val) |
568 | -2x | +|||
39 | +
- max_width = max_width,+ ## as.expression(bquote(!is.na(.(a)), list(a = v))) |
569 | -2x | +40 | +300x |
- fontspec = fontspec+ expression(TRUE) |
570 | -2x | +|||
41 | +
- )) + divider_height(tt) + 1L+ } |
571 | +42 |
- } else {+ ) |
572 | -1x | +|||
43 | +
- tlines <- 0+ |
573 | +44 |
- }+ setMethod( |
574 | -3x | +|||
45 | +
- ret <- cinfo_lines + tlines+ "make_subset_expr", "AnalyzeVarSplit", |
575 | -3x | +|||
46 | +
- if (verbose) {+ function(spl, val) { |
576 | +47 | ! |
- message(+ if (avar_inclNAs(spl)) { |
577 | +48 | ! |
- "Lines required for header content: ",+ expression(TRUE)+ |
+ |
49 | ++ |
+ } else { |
578 | +50 | ! |
- ret, " (col info: ", cinfo_lines, ", titles: ", tlines, ")"+ as.expression(bquote(+ |
+ |
51 | +! | +
+ !is.na(.(a)),+ |
+ ||
52 | +! | +
+ list(a = as.name(spl_payload(spl))) |
579 | +53 |
- )+ )) |
580 | +54 | ++ |
+ }+ |
+ |
55 |
} |
581 | -3x | +|||
56 | +
- ret+ ) |
582 | +57 |
- }+ |
583 | +58 | ++ |
+ setMethod(+ |
+ |
59 | ++ |
+ "make_subset_expr", "AnalyzeColVarSplit",+ |
+ ||
60 | ++ |
+ function(spl, val) {+ |
+ ||
61 | +! | +
+ expression(TRUE)+ |
+ ||
62 | ++ |
+ }+ |
+ ||
63 | ++ |
+ )+ |
+ ||
64 | ||||
584 | +65 |
- ## this is ***only*** lines that are expected to be repeated on multiple pages:+ ## XXX these are going to be ridiculously slow |
585 | +66 |
- ## main footer, prov footer, and referential footnotes on **columns**+ ## FIXME |
586 | +67 | |||
587 | +68 |
- .footer_rep_nlines <- function(tt, colwidths, max_width, have_cfnotes, fontspec, verbose = FALSE) {+ setMethod(+ |
+ ||
69 | ++ |
+ "make_subset_expr", "VarStaticCutSplit",+ |
+ ||
70 | ++ |
+ function(spl, val) { |
588 | -3x | +71 | +135x |
- flines <- nlines(main_footer(tt),+ v <- rawvalues(val)+ |
72 | ++ |
+ ## as.expression(bquote(which(cut(.(a), breaks=.(brk), labels = .(labels), |
589 | -3x | +73 | +135x |
- colwidths = colwidths,+ as.expression(bquote( |
590 | -3x | +74 | +135x |
- max_width = max_width - table_inset(tt),+ cut(.(a), |
591 | -3x | +75 | +135x |
- fontspec = fontspec+ breaks = .(brk), labels = .(labels), |
592 | -+ | |||
76 | +135x |
- ) ++ include.lowest = TRUE |
593 | -3x | +77 | +135x |
- nlines(prov_footer(tt), colwidths = colwidths, max_width = max_width, fontspec = fontspec)+ ) == .(b), |
594 | -3x | +78 | +135x |
- if (flines > 0) {+ list( |
595 | -2x | +79 | +135x |
- dl_contrib <- if (have_cfnotes) 0 else divider_height(tt)+ a = as.name(spl_payload(spl)), |
596 | -2x | +80 | +135x |
- flines <- flines + dl_contrib + 1L+ b = v,+ |
81 | +135x | +
+ brk = spl_cuts(spl),+ |
+ ||
82 | +135x | +
+ labels = spl_cutlabels(spl) |
597 | +83 | ++ |
+ )+ |
+ |
84 | ++ |
+ ))+ |
+ ||
85 | ++ |
+ }+ |
+ ||
86 | ++ |
+ )+ |
+ ||
87 | ++ | + + | +||
88 | ++ |
+ ## NB this assumes spl_cutlabels(spl) is in order!!!!!!+ |
+ ||
89 | ++ |
+ setMethod(+ |
+ ||
90 | ++ |
+ "make_subset_expr", "CumulativeCutSplit",+ |
+ ||
91 |
- }+ function(spl, val) {+ |
+ |||
92 | +63x | +
+ v <- rawvalues(val) |
598 | +93 |
+ ## as.expression(bquote(which(as.integer(cut(.(a), breaks=.(brk), |
599 | -3x | +94 | +63x |
- if (verbose) {+ as.expression(bquote( |
600 | -! | +|||
95 | +63x |
- message(+ as.integer(cut(.(a), |
601 | -! | +|||
96 | +63x |
- "Determining lines required for footer content",+ breaks = .(brk), |
602 | -! | +|||
97 | +63x |
- if (have_cfnotes) " [column fnotes present]",+ labels = .(labels), |
603 | -! | +|||
98 | +63x |
- ": ", flines, " lines"+ include.lowest = TRUE |
604 | +99 |
- )+ )) <= |
605 | -+ | |||
100 | +63x |
- }+ as.integer(factor(.(b), levels = .(labels))), |
606 | -+ | |||
101 | +63x |
+ list( |
607 | -3x | +102 | +63x |
- flines+ a = as.name(spl_payload(spl)), |
608 | -+ | |||
103 | +63x |
- }+ b = v, |
609 | -+ | |||
104 | +63x |
+ brk = spl_cuts(spl), |
610 | -+ | |||
105 | +63x |
- # Pagination ---------------------------------------------------------------+ labels = spl_cutlabels(spl) |
611 | +106 |
+ ) |
612 | +107 |
- #' Pagination of a `TableTree`+ )) |
613 | +108 |
- #'+ } |
614 | +109 |
- #' Paginate an `rtables` table in the vertical and/or horizontal direction, as required for the specified page size.+ ) |
615 | +110 |
- #'+ |
616 | +111 |
- #' @inheritParams gen_args+ ## I think this one is unnecessary, |
617 | +112 |
- #' @inheritParams paginate_table+ ## build_table collapses DynCutSplits into |
618 | +113 |
- #' @param lpp (`numeric(1)`)\cr maximum lines per page including (re)printed header and context rows.+ ## static ones. |
619 | +114 |
- #' @param min_siblings (`numeric(1)`)\cr minimum sibling rows which must appear on either side of pagination row for a+ ## |
620 | +115 |
- #' mid-subtable split to be valid. Defaults to 2.+ ## XXX TODO fixme |
621 | +116 |
- #' @param nosplitin (`character`)\cr names of sub-tables where page-breaks are not allowed, regardless of other+ ## setMethod("make_subset_expr", "VarDynCutSplit", |
622 | +117 |
- #' considerations. Defaults to none.+ ## function(spl, val) { |
623 | +118 |
- #'+ ## v = rawvalues(val) |
624 | +119 |
- #' @return+ ## ## as.expression(bquote(which(.(fun)(.(a)) == .(b)), |
625 | +120 |
- #' * `pag_tt_indices` returns a list of paginated-groups of row-indices of `tt`.+ ## as.expression(bquote(.(fun)(.(a)) == .(b)), |
626 | +121 |
- #' * `paginate_table` returns the subtables defined by subsetting by the indices defined by `pag_tt_indices`.+ ## list(a = as.name(spl_payload(spl)), |
627 | +122 |
- #'+ ## b = v, |
628 | +123 |
- #' @details+ ## fun = spl@cut_fun)) |
629 | +124 |
- #' `rtables` pagination is context aware, meaning that label rows and row-group summaries (content rows) are repeated+ ## }) |
630 | +125 |
- #' after (vertical) pagination, as appropriate. This allows the reader to immediately understand where they are in the+ |
631 | +126 |
- #' table after turning to a new page, but does also mean that a rendered, paginated table will take up more lines of+ setMethod( |
632 | +127 |
- #' text than rendering the table without pagination would.+ "make_subset_expr", "AllSplit", |
633 | -+ | |||
128 | +327x |
- #'+ function(spl, val) expression(TRUE) |
634 | +129 |
- #' Pagination also takes into account word-wrapping of title, footer, column-label, and formatted cell value content.+ ) |
635 | +130 |
- #'+ |
636 | +131 |
- #' Vertical pagination information (pagination `data.frame`) is created using (`make_row_df`).+ ## probably don't need this |
637 | +132 |
- #'+ |
638 | +133 |
- #' Horizontal pagination is performed by creating a pagination data frame for the columns, and then applying the same+ setMethod( |
639 | +134 |
- #' algorithm used for vertical pagination to it.+ "make_subset_expr", "expression", |
640 | -+ | |||
135 | +! |
- #'+ function(spl, val) spl |
641 | +136 |
- #' If physical page size and font information are specified, these are used to derive lines-per-page (`lpp`) and+ ) |
642 | +137 |
- #' characters-per-page (`cpp`) values.+ |
643 | +138 |
- #'+ setMethod( |
644 | +139 |
- #' The full multi-direction pagination algorithm then is as follows:+ "make_subset_expr", "character", |
645 | +140 |
- #'+ function(spl, val) { |
646 | -+ | |||
141 | +! |
- #' 0. Adjust `lpp` and `cpp` to account for rendered elements that are not rows (columns):+ newspl <- VarLevelSplit(spl, spl) |
647 | -+ | |||
142 | +! |
- #' - titles/footers/column labels, and horizontal dividers in the vertical pagination case+ make_subset_expr(newspl, val) |
648 | +143 |
- #' - row-labels, table_inset, and top-left materials in the horizontal case+ } |
649 | +144 |
- #' 1. Perform 'forced pagination' representing page-by row splits, generating 1 or more tables.+ ) |
650 | +145 |
- #' 2. Perform vertical pagination separately on each table generated in (1).+ |
651 | +146 |
- #' 3. Perform horizontal pagination **on the entire table** and apply the results to each table+ .combine_subset_exprs <- function(ex1, ex2) { |
652 | -+ | |||
147 | +3035x |
- #' page generated in (1)-(2).+ if (is.null(ex1) || identical(ex1, expression(TRUE))) { |
653 | -+ | |||
148 | +1917x |
- #' 4. Return a list of subtables representing full bi-directional pagination.+ if (is.expression(ex2) && !identical(ex2, expression(TRUE))) { |
654 | -+ | |||
149 | +1472x |
- #'+ return(ex2) |
655 | +150 |
- #' Pagination in both directions is done using the *Core Pagination Algorithm* implemented in the `formatters` package:+ } else { |
656 | -+ | |||
151 | +445x |
- #'+ return(expression(TRUE)) |
657 | +152 |
- #' @inheritSection formatters::pagination_algo Pagination Algorithm+ } |
658 | +153 |
- #'+ } |
659 | +154 |
- #' @examples+ |
660 | +155 |
- #' s_summary <- function(x) {+ ## if(is.null(ex2)) |
661 | +156 |
- #' if (is.numeric(x)) {+ ## ex2 <- expression(TRUE) |
662 | -+ | |||
157 | +1118x |
- #' in_rows(+ stopifnot(is.expression(ex1), is.expression(ex2)) |
663 | -+ | |||
158 | +1118x |
- #' "n" = rcell(sum(!is.na(x)), format = "xx"),+ as.expression(bquote((.(a)) & .(b), list(a = ex1[[1]], b = ex2[[1]]))) |
664 | +159 |
- #' "Mean (sd)" = rcell(c(mean(x, na.rm = TRUE), sd(x, na.rm = TRUE)),+ } |
665 | +160 |
- #' format = "xx.xx (xx.xx)"+ |
666 | +161 |
- #' ),+ make_pos_subset <- function(spls = pos_splits(pos), |
667 | +162 |
- #' "IQR" = rcell(IQR(x, na.rm = TRUE), format = "xx.xx"),+ svals = pos_splvals(pos), |
668 | +163 |
- #' "min - max" = rcell(range(x, na.rm = TRUE), format = "xx.xx - xx.xx")+ pos) { |
669 | -+ | |||
164 | +1037x |
- #' )+ expr <- NULL |
670 | -+ | |||
165 | +1037x |
- #' } else if (is.factor(x)) {+ for (i in seq_along(spls)) { |
671 | -+ | |||
166 | +1613x |
- #' vs <- as.list(table(x))+ newexpr <- make_subset_expr(spls[[i]], svals[[i]]) |
672 | -+ | |||
167 | +1613x |
- #' do.call(in_rows, lapply(vs, rcell, format = "xx"))+ expr <- .combine_subset_exprs(expr, newexpr) |
673 | +168 |
- #' } else {+ } |
674 | -+ | |||
169 | +1037x |
- #' (+ expr |
675 | +170 |
- #' stop("type not supported")+ } |
676 | +171 |
- #' )+ |
677 | +172 |
- #' }+ get_pos_extra <- function(svals = pos_splvals(pos), |
678 | +173 |
- #' }+ pos) { |
679 | -+ | |||
174 | +1043x |
- #'+ ret <- list() |
680 | -+ | |||
175 | +1043x |
- #' lyt <- basic_table() %>%+ for (i in seq_along(svals)) { |
681 | -+ | |||
176 | +1625x |
- #' split_cols_by(var = "ARM") %>%+ extrs <- splv_extra(svals[[i]]) |
682 | -+ | |||
177 | +1625x |
- #' analyze(c("AGE", "SEX", "BEP01FL", "BMRKR1", "BMRKR2", "COUNTRY"), afun = s_summary)+ if (any(names(ret) %in% names(extrs))) { |
683 | -+ | |||
178 | +! |
- #'+ stop("same extra argument specified at multiple levels of nesting. Not currently supported") |
684 | +179 |
- #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, ex_adsl)+ } |
685 | -+ | |||
180 | +1625x |
- #' tbl+ ret <- c(ret, extrs) |
686 | +181 |
- #'+ } |
687 | -+ | |||
182 | +1043x |
- #' nrow(tbl)+ ret |
688 | +183 |
- #'+ } |
689 | +184 |
- #' row_paths_summary(tbl)+ |
690 | +185 |
- #'+ get_col_extras <- function(ctree) { |
691 | -+ | |||
186 | +327x |
- #' tbls <- paginate_table(tbl, lpp = 15)+ leaves <- collect_leaves(ctree) |
692 | -+ | |||
187 | +327x |
- #' mf <- matrix_form(tbl, indent_rownames = TRUE)+ lapply( |
693 | -+ | |||
188 | +327x |
- #' w_tbls <- propose_column_widths(mf) # so that we have the same column widths+ leaves, |
694 | -+ | |||
189 | +327x |
- #'+ function(x) get_pos_extra(pos = tree_pos(x)) |
695 | +190 |
- #'+ ) |
696 | +191 |
- #' tmp <- lapply(tbls, function(tbli) {+ } |
697 | +192 |
- #' cat(toString(tbli, widths = w_tbls))+ |
698 | +193 |
- #' cat("\n\n")+ setGeneric( |
699 | +194 |
- #' cat("~~~~ PAGE BREAK ~~~~")+ "make_col_subsets", |
700 | -+ | |||
195 | +1363x |
- #' cat("\n\n")+ function(lyt, df) standardGeneric("make_col_subsets") |
701 | +196 |
- #' })+ ) |
702 | +197 |
- #'+ |
703 | +198 |
- #' @rdname paginate+ setMethod( |
704 | +199 |
- #' @export+ "make_col_subsets", "LayoutColTree", |
705 | +200 |
- pag_tt_indices <- function(tt,+ function(lyt, df) { |
706 | -+ | |||
201 | +326x |
- lpp = 15,+ leaves <- collect_leaves(lyt) |
707 | -+ | |||
202 | +326x |
- min_siblings = 2,+ lapply(leaves, make_col_subsets) |
708 | +203 |
- nosplitin = character(),+ } |
709 | +204 |
- colwidths = NULL,+ ) |
710 | +205 |
- max_width = NULL,+ |
711 | +206 |
- fontspec = NULL,+ setMethod( |
712 | +207 |
- col_gap = 3,+ "make_col_subsets", "LayoutColLeaf", |
713 | +208 |
- verbose = FALSE) {+ function(lyt, df) { |
714 | -3x | +209 | +1037x |
- dheight <- divider_height(tt)+ make_pos_subset(pos = tree_pos(lyt)) |
715 | +210 |
+ } |
716 | +211 |
- # cinfo_lines <- nlines(col_info(tt), colwidths = colwidths, max_width = max_width)- |
- ||
717 | -3x | -
- coldf <- make_col_df(tt, colwidths)- |
- ||
718 | -3x | -
- have_cfnotes <- length(unlist(coldf$col_fnotes)) > 0+ ) |
719 | +212 | |||
720 | -3x | -
- hlines <- .header_rep_nlines(tt,- |
- ||
721 | -3x | -
- colwidths = colwidths, max_width = max_width,- |
- ||
722 | -3x | +|||
213 | +
- verbose = verbose,+ create_colinfo <- function(lyt, df, rtpos = TreePos(), |
723 | -3x | +|||
214 | +
- fontspec = fontspec+ counts = NULL, |
724 | +215 |
- )+ alt_counts_df = NULL, |
725 | +216 |
- ## if(any(nzchar(all_titles(tt)))) {+ total = NULL, |
726 | +217 |
- ## tlines <- sum(nlines(all_titles(tt), colwidths = colwidths, max_width = max_width)) ++ topleft = NULL) { |
727 | +218 |
- ## length(wrap_txt(all_titles(tt), max_width = max_width)) ++ ## this will work whether clayout is pre or post |
728 | +219 |
- ## dheight + 1L+ ## data |
729 | -+ | |||
220 | +332x |
- ## } else {+ clayout <- clayout(lyt) |
730 | -+ | |||
221 | +332x |
- ## tlines <- 0+ if (is.null(topleft)) { |
731 | -+ | |||
222 | +332x |
- ## }+ topleft <- top_left(lyt) |
732 | +223 |
- ## flines <- nlines(main_footer(tt), colwidths = colwidths,+ } |
733 | -+ | |||
224 | +332x |
- ## max_width = max_width - table_inset(tt)) ++ cc_format <- colcount_format(lyt) %||% "(N=xx)" |
734 | +225 |
- ## nlines(prov_footer(tt), colwidths = colwidths, max_width = max_width)+ |
735 | +226 |
- ## if(flines > 0) {+ ## do it this way for full backwards compatibility |
736 | -+ | |||
227 | +332x |
- ## dl_contrib <- if(have_cfnotes) 0 else dheight+ if (is.null(alt_counts_df)) { |
737 | -+ | |||
228 | +313x |
- ## flines <- flines + dl_contrib + 1L+ alt_counts_df <- df |
738 | +229 |
- ## }+ } |
739 | -3x | +230 | +332x |
- flines <- .footer_rep_nlines(tt,+ ctree <- coltree(clayout, df = df, rtpos = rtpos, alt_counts_df = alt_counts_df, ccount_format = cc_format) |
740 | -3x | +231 | +325x |
- colwidths = colwidths,+ if (!is.na(disp_ccounts(lyt))) { |
741 | -3x | +232 | +83x |
- max_width = max_width,+ leaf_pths <- make_col_df(ctree, visible_only = TRUE, na_str = "", ccount_format = cc_format)$path |
742 | -3x | +233 | +83x |
- have_cfnotes = have_cfnotes,+ for (path in leaf_pths) { |
743 | -3x | +234 | +327x |
- fontspec = fontspec,+ colcount_visible(ctree, path) <- disp_ccounts(lyt) |
744 | -3x | +|||
235 | +
- verbose = verbose+ } |
745 | +236 |
- )+ } |
746 | +237 |
- ## row lines per page+ |
747 | -3x | +238 | +325x |
- rlpp <- lpp - hlines - flines+ cexprs <- make_col_subsets(ctree, df) |
748 | -3x | -
- if (verbose) {- |
- ||
749 | -! | -
- message(- |
- ||
750 | -! | +239 | +325x |
- "Adjusted Lines Per Page: ",+ colextras <- col_extra_args(ctree) |
751 | -! | +|||
240 | +
- rlpp, " (original lpp: ", lpp, ")"+ |
752 | +241 |
- )+ ## calculate the counts based on the df |
753 | +242 |
- }+ ## This presumes that it is called on the WHOLE dataset, |
754 | -3x | +|||
243 | +
- pagdf <- make_row_df(tt, colwidths, max_width = max_width)+ ## NOT after any splitting has occurred. Otherwise |
755 | +244 |
+ ## the counts will obviously be wrong. |
756 | -3x | +245 | +325x |
- pag_indices_inner(pagdf,+ if (is.null(counts)) { |
757 | -3x | +246 | +321x |
- rlpp = rlpp, min_siblings = min_siblings,+ counts <- rep(NA_integer_, length(cexprs)) |
758 | -3x | +247 | +4x |
- nosplitin = nosplitin,+ } else if (length(counts) != length(cexprs)) { |
759 | -3x | +248 | +1x |
- verbose = verbose,+ stop( |
760 | -3x | +249 | +1x |
- have_col_fnotes = have_cfnotes,+ "Length of overriding counts must equal number of columns. Got ", |
761 | -3x | +250 | +1x |
- div_height = dheight,+ length(counts), " values for ", length(cexprs), " columns. ", |
762 | -3x | +251 | +1x |
- col_gap = col_gap,+ "Use NAs to specify that the default counting machinery should be ", |
763 | -3x | +252 | +1x |
- has_rowlabels = TRUE+ "used for that position." |
764 | +253 |
- )+ ) |
765 | +254 |
- }+ } |
766 | +255 | |||
767 | -- |
- copy_title_footer <- function(to, from, newptitle) {- |
- ||
768 | -18x | +256 | +324x |
- main_title(to) <- main_title(from)+ counts_df_name <- "alt_counts_df" |
769 | -18x | +257 | +324x |
- subtitles(to) <- subtitles(from)+ if (identical(alt_counts_df, df)) { # is.null(alt_counts_df)) { |
770 | -18x | +258 | +309x |
- page_titles(to) <- c(page_titles(from), newptitle)+ alt_counts_df <- df |
771 | -18x | +259 | +309x |
- main_footer(to) <- main_footer(from)+ counts_df_name <- "df" |
772 | -18x | +|||
260 | +
- prov_footer(to) <- prov_footer(from)+ } |
773 | -18x | -
- to- |
- ||
774 | -+ | 261 | +324x |
- }+ calcpos <- is.na(counts) |
775 | +262 | |||
776 | -+ | |||
263 | +324x |
- pag_btw_kids <- function(tt) {+ calccounts <- sapply(cexprs, function(ex) { |
777 | -8x | +264 | +1028x |
- pref <- ptitle_prefix(tt)+ if (identical(ex, expression(TRUE))) { |
778 | -8x | +265 | +149x |
- lapply(+ nrow(alt_counts_df) |
779 | -8x | +266 | +879x |
- tree_children(tt),+ } else if (identical(ex, expression(FALSE))) { |
780 | -8x | +|||
267 | +! |
- function(tbl) {+ 0L |
781 | -18x | +|||
268 | +
- tbl <- copy_title_footer(+ } else { |
782 | -18x | +269 | +879x |
- tbl, tt,+ vec <- try(eval(ex, envir = alt_counts_df), silent = TRUE) |
783 | -18x | +270 | +879x |
- paste(pref, obj_label(tbl), sep = ": ")+ if (is(vec, "numeric")) { |
784 | -+ | |||
271 | +! |
- )+ length(vec) |
785 | -18x | +272 | +879x |
- labelrow_visible(tbl) <- FALSE+ } else if (is(vec, "logical")) { ## sum(is.na(.)) ???? |
786 | -18x | +273 | +879x |
- tbl+ sum(vec, na.rm = TRUE) |
787 | +274 |
- }+ } |
788 | +275 |
- )+ } |
789 | +276 |
- }+ }) |
790 | -+ | |||
277 | +324x |
+ counts[calcpos] <- calccounts[calcpos] |
791 | -+ | |||
278 | +324x |
- force_paginate <- function(tt,+ counts <- as.integer(counts) |
792 | -+ | |||
279 | +324x |
- force_pag = vapply(tree_children(tt), has_force_pag, NA),+ if (is.null(total)) {+ |
+ ||
280 | +! | +
+ total <- sum(counts) |
793 | +281 |
- verbose = FALSE) {+ } |
794 | +282 |
- ## forced pagination is happening at this+ |
795 | -113x | +283 | +324x |
- if (has_force_pag(tt)) {+ cpths <- col_paths(ctree) |
796 | -8x | +284 | +324x |
- ret <- pag_btw_kids(tt)+ for (i in seq_along(cpths)) { |
797 | -8x | +285 | +1028x |
- return(unlist(lapply(ret, force_paginate)))+ facet_colcount(ctree, cpths[[i]]) <- counts[i] |
798 | +286 |
} |
799 | -105x | +287 | +324x |
- chunks <- list()+ InstantiatedColumnInfo( |
800 | -105x | +288 | +324x |
- kinds <- seq_along(force_pag)+ treelyt = ctree, |
801 | -105x | +289 | +324x |
- while (length(kinds) > 0) {+ csubs = cexprs, |
802 | -105x | +290 | +324x |
- if (force_pag[kinds[1]]) {+ extras = colextras, |
803 | -! | +|||
291 | +324x |
- outertbl <- copy_title_footer(+ cnts = counts, |
804 | -! | +|||
292 | +324x |
- tree_children(tt)[[kinds[1]]],+ dispcounts = disp_ccounts(lyt), |
805 | -! | +|||
293 | +324x |
- tt,+ countformat = cc_format, |
806 | -! | +|||
294 | +324x |
- NULL+ total_cnt = total, |
807 | -+ | |||
295 | +324x |
- )+ topleft = topleft |
808 | +296 |
+ ) |
809 | -! | +|||
297 | +
- chunks <- c(chunks, force_paginate(outertbl))+ } |
810 | -! | +
1 | +
- kinds <- kinds[-1]+ #' Default tabulation |
811 | +2 |
- } else {+ #' |
812 | -105x | +|||
3 | +
- tmptbl <- tt+ #' This function is used when [analyze()] is invoked. |
813 | -105x | +|||
4 | +
- runend <- min(which(force_pag[kinds]), length(kinds))+ #' |
814 | -105x | +|||
5 | +
- useinds <- 1:runend+ #' @param x (`vector`)\cr the *already split* data being tabulated for a particular cell/set of cells. |
815 | -105x | +|||
6 | +
- tree_children(tmptbl) <- tree_children(tt)[useinds]+ #' @param ... additional parameters to pass on. |
816 | -105x | +|||
7 | +
- chunks <- c(chunks, tmptbl)+ #' |
817 | -105x | +|||
8 | +
- kinds <- kinds[-useinds]+ #' @details This function has the following behavior given particular types of inputs: |
818 | +9 |
- }+ #' \describe{ |
819 | +10 |
- }+ #' \item{numeric}{calls [mean()] on `x`.} |
820 | -105x | +|||
11 | +
- unlist(chunks, recursive = TRUE)+ #' \item{logical}{calls [sum()] on `x`.} |
821 | +12 |
- }+ #' \item{factor}{calls [length()] on `x`.} |
822 | +13 |
+ #' } |
823 | +14 |
- #' @importFrom formatters do_forced_paginate+ #' |
824 | +15 |
- setMethod(+ #' The [in_rows()] function is called on the resulting value(s). All other classes of input currently lead to an error. |
825 | +16 |
- "do_forced_paginate", "VTableTree",+ #' |
826 | -95x | +|||
17 | +
- function(obj) force_paginate(obj)+ #' @inherit in_rows return |
827 | +18 |
- )+ #' |
828 | +19 |
+ #' @author Gabriel Becker and Adrian Waddell |
829 | -186x | +|||
20 | +
- non_null_na <- function(x) !is.null(x) && is.na(x)+ #' |
830 | +21 |
+ #' @examples |
831 | +22 |
- #' @inheritParams formatters::vert_pag_indices+ #' simple_analysis(1:3) |
832 | +23 |
- #' @inheritParams formatters::page_lcpp+ #' simple_analysis(iris$Species) |
833 | +24 |
- #' @inheritParams formatters::toString+ #' simple_analysis(iris$Species == "setosa") |
834 | +25 |
- #' @param cpp (`numeric(1)` or `NULL`)\cr width (in characters) of the pages for horizontal pagination.+ #' |
835 | +26 |
- #' `NA` (the default) indicates `cpp` should be inferred from the page size; `NULL` indicates no horizontal+ #' @rdname rtinner |
836 | +27 |
- #' pagination should be done regardless of page size.+ #' @export+ |
+ ||
28 | +1598x | +
+ setGeneric("simple_analysis", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("simple_analysis")) |
837 | +29 |
- #'+ |
838 | +30 |
- #' @rdname paginate+ #' @rdname rtinner |
839 | +31 |
- #' @aliases paginate_table+ #' @exportMethod simple_analysis |
840 | +32 |
- #' @export+ setMethod( |
841 | +33 |
- paginate_table <- function(tt,+ "simple_analysis", "numeric",+ |
+ ||
34 | +1113x | +
+ function(x, ...) in_rows("Mean" = rcell(mean(x, ...), stat_names = "mean", format = "xx.xx")) |
842 | +35 |
- page_type = "letter",+ ) |
843 | +36 |
- font_family = "Courier",+ |
844 | +37 |
- font_size = 8,+ #' @rdname rtinner |
845 | +38 |
- lineheight = 1,+ #' @exportMethod simple_analysis |
846 | +39 |
- landscape = FALSE,+ setMethod( |
847 | +40 |
- pg_width = NULL,+ "simple_analysis", "logical",+ |
+ ||
41 | +4x | +
+ function(x, ...) in_rows("Count" = rcell(sum(x, ...), stat_names = "n", format = "xx")) |
848 | +42 |
- pg_height = NULL,+ ) |
849 | +43 |
- margins = c(top = .5, bottom = .5, left = .75, right = .75),+ |
850 | +44 |
- lpp = NA_integer_,+ #' @rdname rtinner |
851 | +45 |
- cpp = NA_integer_,+ #' @exportMethod simple_analysis |
852 | +46 |
- min_siblings = 2,+ setMethod( |
853 | +47 |
- nosplitin = character(),+ "simple_analysis", "factor",+ |
+ ||
48 | +481x | +
+ function(x, ...) in_rows(.list = as.list(table(x)), .stat_names = "n") |
854 | +49 |
- colwidths = NULL,+ ) |
855 | +50 |
- tf_wrap = FALSE,+ |
856 | +51 |
- max_width = NULL,+ #' @rdname rtinner |
857 | +52 |
- fontspec = font_spec(font_family, font_size, lineheight),+ #' @exportMethod simple_analysis |
858 | +53 |
- col_gap = 3,+ setMethod( |
859 | +54 |
- verbose = FALSE) {+ "simple_analysis", "ANY", |
860 | -51x | +|||
55 | +
- new_dev <- open_font_dev(fontspec)+ function(x, ...) { |
861 | -51x | +|||
56 | +! |
- if (new_dev) {+ stop("No default simple_analysis behavior for class ", class(x), " please specify FUN explicitly.") |
862 | -38x | +|||
57 | +
- on.exit(close_font_dev())+ } |
863 | +58 |
- }+ ) |
864 | +59 | |||
865 | -51x | +|||
60 | +
- if ((non_null_na(lpp) || non_null_na(cpp)) &&+ #' Check if an object is a valid `rtable` |
866 | -51x | +|||
61 | +
- (!is.null(page_type) || (!is.null(pg_width) && !is.null(pg_height)))) { # nolint+ #' |
867 | -12x | +|||
62 | +
- pg_lcpp <- page_lcpp(+ #' @param x (`ANY`)\cr an object. |
868 | -12x | +|||
63 | +
- page_type = page_type,+ #' |
869 | -12x | +|||
64 | +
- font_family = font_family,+ #' @return `TRUE` if `x` is a formal `TableTree` object, `FALSE` otherwise. |
870 | -12x | +|||
65 | +
- font_size = font_size,+ #' |
871 | -12x | +|||
66 | +
- lineheight = lineheight,+ #' @examples |
872 | -12x | +|||
67 | +
- pg_width = pg_width,+ #' is_rtable(build_table(basic_table(), iris)) |
873 | -12x | +|||
68 | +
- pg_height = pg_height,+ #' |
874 | -12x | +|||
69 | +
- margins = margins,+ #' @export |
875 | -12x | +|||
70 | +
- landscape = landscape,+ is_rtable <- function(x) { |
876 | -12x | +71 | +47x |
- fontspec = fontspec+ is(x, "VTableTree") |
877 | +72 |
- )+ } |
878 | +73 | |||
879 | -12x | +|||
74 | +
- if (non_null_na(lpp)) {+ # nocov start |
880 | -6x | +|||
75 | +
- lpp <- pg_lcpp$lpp+ ## is each object in a collection from a class |
881 | +76 |
- }+ are <- function(object_collection, class2) { |
882 | -12x | +|||
77 | +
- if (is.na(cpp)) {+ all(vapply(object_collection, is, logical(1), class2)) |
883 | -8x | +|||
78 | +
- cpp <- pg_lcpp$cpp+ } |
884 | +79 |
- }+ |
885 | +80 |
- } else {+ num_all_equal <- function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5) { |
886 | -39x | +|||
81 | +
- if (non_null_na(cpp)) {+ stopifnot(is.numeric(x)) |
887 | -! | +|||
82 | +
- cpp <- NULL+ |
888 | +83 |
- }+ if (length(x) == 1) { |
889 | -39x | +|||
84 | +
- if (non_null_na(lpp)) {+ return(TRUE) |
890 | -! | +|||
85 | +
- lpp <- 70+ } |
891 | +86 |
- }+ |
892 | +87 |
- }+ y <- range(x) / mean(x) |
893 | +88 |
+ isTRUE(all.equal(y[1], y[2], tolerance = tol)) |
894 | -51x | +|||
89 | +
- if (is.null(colwidths)) {+ } |
895 | -34x | +|||
90 | +
- colwidths <- propose_column_widths(+ |
896 | -34x | +|||
91 | +
- matrix_form(+ # copied over from utils.nest which is not open-source |
897 | -34x | +|||
92 | +
- tt,+ all_true <- function(lst, fcn, ...) { |
898 | -34x | +|||
93 | +
- indent_rownames = TRUE,+ all(vapply(lst, fcn, logical(1), ...)) |
899 | -34x | +|||
94 | +
- fontspec = fontspec,+ } |
900 | -34x | +|||
95 | +
- col_gap = col_gap+ |
901 | +96 |
- ),+ is_logical_single <- function(x) { |
902 | -34x | +|||
97 | +
- fontspec = fontspec+ !is.null(x) && |
903 | +98 |
- )+ is.logical(x) && |
904 | +99 |
- }+ length(x) == 1 && |
905 | +100 |
+ !is.na(x) |
906 | -51x | +|||
101 | +
- if (!tf_wrap) {+ } |
907 | -41x | +|||
102 | +
- if (!is.null(max_width)) {+ |
908 | -! | +|||
103 | +
- warning("tf_wrap is FALSE - ignoring non-null max_width value.")+ is_logical_vector_modif <- function(x, min_length = 1) { |
909 | +104 |
- }+ !is.null(x) && |
910 | -41x | +|||
105 | +
- max_width <- NULL+ is.logical(x) && |
911 | -10x | +|||
106 | +
- } else if (is.null(max_width)) {+ is.atomic(x) && |
912 | -5x | +|||
107 | +
- max_width <- cpp+ !anyNA(x) && |
913 | -5x | +|||
108 | +
- } else if (identical(max_width, "auto")) {+ ifelse(min_length > 0, length(x) >= min_length, TRUE) |
914 | +109 |
- ## XXX this 3 is column sep width!!!!!!!+ } |
915 | -! | +|||
110 | +
- max_width <- sum(colwidths) + col_gap * (length(colwidths) - 1)+ # nocov end |
916 | +111 |
- }+ |
917 | -51x | +|||
112 | +
- if (!is.null(cpp) && !is.null(max_width) && max_width > cpp) {+ # Shorthand for functions that take df as first parameter |
918 | -! | +|||
113 | +
- warning("max_width specified is wider than characters per page width (cpp).")+ .takes_df <- function(f) {+ |
+ |||
114 | +1640x | +
+ func_takes(f, "df", is_first = TRUE) |
919 | +115 |
- }+ } |
920 | +116 | |||
921 | +117 |
- ## taken care of in vert_pag_indices now+ # Checking if function takes parameters |
922 | +118 |
- ## if(!is.null(cpp))+ func_takes <- function(func, params, is_first = FALSE) { |
923 | -+ | |||
119 | +11321x |
- ## cpp <- cpp - table_inset(tt)+ if (is.list(func)) {+ |
+ ||
120 | +2323x | +
+ return(lapply(func, func_takes, params = params, is_first = is_first)) |
924 | +121 |
+ } |
925 | -51x | +122 | +8998x |
- force_pag <- vapply(tree_children(tt), has_force_pag, TRUE)+ if (is.null(func) || !is(func, "function")) { |
926 | -51x | +|||
123 | +
- if (has_force_pag(tt) || any(force_pag)) {+ # safe-net: should this fail instead? |
927 | -5x | +124 | +1830x |
- spltabs <- do_forced_paginate(tt)+ return(setNames(rep(FALSE, length(params)), params)) |
928 | -5x | +|||
125 | +
- spltabs <- unlist(spltabs, recursive = TRUE)+ } |
929 | -5x | +126 | +7168x |
- ret <- lapply(spltabs, paginate_table,+ f_params <- formals(func) |
930 | -5x | +127 | +7168x |
- lpp = lpp,+ if (!is_first) { |
931 | -5x | +128 | +2281x |
- cpp = cpp,+ return(setNames(params %in% names(f_params), params)) |
932 | -5x | +|||
129 | +
- min_siblings = min_siblings,+ } else { |
933 | -5x | +130 | +4887x |
- nosplitin = nosplitin,+ if (length(params) > 1L) { |
934 | -5x | +131 | +1x |
- colwidths = colwidths,+ stop("is_first works only with one parameters.") |
935 | -5x | +|||
132 | +
- tf_wrap = tf_wrap,+ } |
936 | -5x | +133 | +4886x |
- max_width = max_width,+ return(!is.null(f_params) && names(f_params)[1] == params) |
937 | -5x | +|||
134 | +
- fontspec = fontspec,+ } |
938 | -5x | +|||
135 | +
- verbose = verbose,+ } |
939 | -5x | +|||
136 | +
- col_gap = col_gap+ |
940 | +137 |
- )+ #' Translate spl_context to a path to display in error messages |
941 | -5x | +|||
138 | +
- return(unlist(ret, recursive = TRUE))+ #' |
942 | +139 |
- }+ #' @param ctx (`data.frame`)\cr the `spl_context` data frame where the error occurred. |
943 | +140 |
+ #' |
944 | -46x | +|||
141 | +
- inds <- paginate_indices(tt,+ #' @return A character string containing a description of the row path corresponding to `ctx`. |
945 | -46x | +|||
142 | +
- page_type = page_type,+ #' |
946 | -46x | +|||
143 | +
- fontspec = fontspec,+ #' @export |
947 | +144 |
- ## font_family = font_family,+ spl_context_to_disp_path <- function(ctx) { |
948 | +145 |
- ## font_size = font_size,+ ## this can happen in the first split in column space, but |
949 | +146 |
- ## lineheight = lineheight,+ ## should never happen in row space |
950 | -46x | +147 | +20x |
- landscape = landscape,+ if (length(ctx$split) == 0) { |
951 | -46x | +148 | +2x |
- pg_width = pg_width,+ return("root")+ |
149 | ++ |
+ } |
952 | -46x | +150 | +18x |
- pg_height = pg_height,+ if (ctx$split[1] == "root" && ctx$value[1] == "root") {+ |
151 | +17x | +
+ ctx <- ctx[-1, ] |
953 | -46x | +|||
152 | +
- margins = margins,+ } |
954 | -46x | +153 | +18x |
- lpp = lpp,+ ret <- paste(sprintf("%s[%s]", ctx[["split"]], ctx[["value"]]), |
955 | -46x | +154 | +18x |
- cpp = cpp,+ collapse = "->" |
956 | -46x | +|||
155 | +
- min_siblings = min_siblings,+ ) |
957 | -46x | +156 | +18x |
- nosplitin = nosplitin,+ if (length(ret) == 0 || nchar(ret) == 0) { |
958 | -46x | +157 | +11x |
- colwidths = colwidths,+ ret <- "root" |
959 | -46x | +|||
158 | +
- tf_wrap = tf_wrap,+ } |
960 | -46x | +159 | +18x |
- max_width = max_width,+ ret |
961 | -46x | +|||
160 | +
- col_gap = col_gap,+ } |
962 | -46x | +|||
161 | +
- verbose = verbose+ |
963 | -46x | +|||
162 | +
- ) ## paginate_table apparently doesn't accept indent_size+ # Utility function to paste vector of values in a nice way |
964 | +163 |
+ paste_vec <- function(vec) { |
965 | -41x | +164 | +7x |
- res <- lapply(+ paste0('c("', paste(vec, collapse = '", "'), '")') |
966 | -41x | +|||
165 | +
- inds$pag_row_indices,+ } |
967 | -41x | +|||
166 | +
- function(ii) {+ |
968 | -115x | +|||
167 | +
- subt <- tt[ii, drop = FALSE, keep_titles = TRUE, keep_topleft = TRUE, reindex_refs = FALSE]+ # Utility for checking if a package is installed |
969 | -115x | +|||
168 | +
- lapply(+ check_required_packages <- function(pkgs) { |
970 | -115x | +|||
169 | +! |
- inds$pag_col_indices,+ for (pkgi in pkgs) { |
971 | -115x | +|||
170 | +! |
- function(jj) {+ if (!requireNamespace(pkgi, quietly = TRUE)) { |
972 | -214x | +|||
171 | +! |
- subt[, jj, drop = FALSE, keep_titles = TRUE, keep_topleft = TRUE, reindex_refs = FALSE]+ stop( |
973 | -+ | |||
172 | +! |
- }+ "This function requires the ", pkgi, " package. ",+ |
+ ||
173 | +! | +
+ "Please install it if you wish to use it" |
974 | +174 |
) |
975 | +175 |
} |
976 | +176 |
- )- |
- ||
977 | -41x | -
- res <- unlist(res, recursive = FALSE)- |
- ||
978 | -41x | -
- res+ } |
979 | +177 |
}@@ -101994,147 +102530,147 @@ rtables coverage - 90.21% |
1 |
- # as_result_df ------------------------------------------------------------+ #' @import formatters |
2 |
- #' Generate a result data frame+ #' @importMethodsFrom formatters toString matrix_form nlines |
3 |
- #'+ NULL |
4 |
- #' Collection of utilities to extract `data.frame` objects from `TableTree` objects.+ |
5 |
- #'+ # toString ---- |
6 |
- #' @inheritParams gen_args+ |
7 |
- #' @param spec (`function`)\cr function that generates the result data frame from a table (`TableTree`).+ ## #' @export |
8 |
- #' It defaults to `NULL`, for standard processing.+ ## setGeneric("toString", function(x,...) standardGeneric("toString")) |
9 |
- #' @param expand_colnames (`flag`)\cr when `TRUE`, the result data frame will have expanded column+ |
10 |
- #' names above the usual output. This is useful when the result data frame is used for further processing.+ ## ## preserve S3 behavior |
11 |
- #' @param data_format (`string`)\cr the format of the data in the result data frame. It can be one value+ ## setMethod("toString", "ANY", base::toString) |
12 |
- #' between `"full_precision"` (default), `"strings"`, and `"numeric"`. The last two values show the numeric+ |
13 |
- #' data with the visible precision.+ ## #' @export |
14 |
- #' @param make_ard (`flag`)\cr when `TRUE`, the result data frame will have only one statistic per row.+ ## setMethod("print", "ANY", base::print) |
15 |
- #' @param keep_label_rows (`flag`)\cr when `TRUE`, the result data frame will have all labels+ |
16 |
- #' as they appear in the final table.+ #' Convert an `rtable` object to a string |
17 |
- #' @param simplify (`flag`)\cr when `TRUE`, the result data frame will have only visible labels and+ #' |
18 |
- #' result columns. Consider showing also label rows with `keep_label_rows = TRUE`. This output can be+ #' @inheritParams formatters::toString |
19 |
- #' used again to create a `TableTree` object with [df_to_tt()].+ #' @inheritParams gen_args |
20 |
- #' @param ... additional arguments passed to spec-specific result data frame function (`spec`).+ #' @inherit formatters::toString |
22 |
- #' @return+ #' @return A string representation of `x` as it appears when printed. |
23 |
- #' * `as_result_df` returns a result `data.frame`.+ #' |
24 |
- #'+ #' @examplesIf require(dplyr) |
25 |
- #' @seealso [df_to_tt()] when using `simplify = TRUE` and [formatters::make_row_df()] to have a+ #' library(dplyr) |
26 |
- #' comprehensive view of the hierarchical structure of the rows.+ #' |
27 |
- #'+ #' iris2 <- iris %>% |
28 |
- #' @examples+ #' group_by(Species) %>% |
29 |
- #' lyt <- basic_table() %>%+ #' mutate(group = as.factor(rep_len(c("a", "b"), length.out = n()))) %>% |
30 |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>%+ #' ungroup() |
31 |
- #' split_rows_by("STRATA1") %>%+ #' |
32 |
- #' analyze(c("AGE", "BMRKR2"))+ #' lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
33 |
- #'+ #' split_cols_by("Species") %>% |
34 |
- #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, ex_adsl)+ #' split_cols_by("group") %>% |
35 |
- #' as_result_df(tbl, simplify = TRUE)+ #' analyze(c("Sepal.Length", "Petal.Width"), afun = list_wrap_x(summary), format = "xx.xx") |
37 |
- #' @name data.frame_export+ #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, iris2) |
38 |
- #' @export+ #' |
39 |
- as_result_df <- function(tt, spec = NULL,+ #' cat(toString(tbl, col_gap = 3)) |
40 |
- data_format = c("full_precision", "strings", "numeric"),+ #' |
41 |
- make_ard = FALSE,+ #' @rdname tostring |
42 |
- expand_colnames = FALSE,+ #' @aliases tostring toString,VTableTree-method |
43 |
- keep_label_rows = FALSE,+ #' @exportMethod toString |
44 |
- simplify = FALSE,+ setMethod("toString", "VTableTree", function(x, |
45 |
- ...) {+ widths = NULL, |
46 | -24x | +
- data_format <- data_format[[1]]+ col_gap = 3, |
47 | -24x | +
- checkmate::assert_class(tt, "VTableTree")+ hsep = horizontal_sep(x), |
48 | -24x | +
- checkmate::assert_function(spec, null.ok = TRUE)+ indent_size = 2, |
49 | -24x | +
- checkmate::assert_choice(data_format[[1]], choices = eval(formals(as_result_df)[["data_format"]]))+ tf_wrap = FALSE, |
50 | -24x | +
- checkmate::assert_flag(make_ard)+ max_width = NULL, |
51 | -24x | +
- checkmate::assert_flag(expand_colnames)+ fontspec = font_spec(), |
52 | -24x | +
- checkmate::assert_flag(keep_label_rows)+ ttype_ok = FALSE) { |
53 | -24x | +40x |
- checkmate::assert_flag(simplify)+ toString( |
54 | -+ | 40x |
+ matrix_form(x, |
55 | -24x | +40x |
- if (nrow(tt) == 0) {+ indent_rownames = TRUE, |
56 | -2x | +40x |
- return(sanitize_table_struct(tt))+ indent_size = indent_size, |
57 | -+ | 40x |
- }+ fontspec = fontspec, |
58 | -+ | 40x |
+ col_gap = col_gap |
59 | -22x | +
- if (make_ard) {+ ), |
60 | -! | +40x |
- simplify <- FALSE+ widths = widths, col_gap = col_gap, |
61 | -! | +40x |
- expand_colnames <- TRUE+ hsep = hsep, |
62 | -! | +40x |
- keep_label_rows <- FALSE+ tf_wrap = tf_wrap, |
63 | -+ | 40x |
- }+ max_width = max_width, |
64 | -+ | 40x |
+ fontspec = fontspec, |
65 | -22x | +40x |
- if (is.null(spec)) {+ ttype_ok = ttype_ok |
66 | -22x | +
- raw_cvals <- cell_values(tt)+ ) |
67 |
- ## if the table has one row and multiple columns, sometimes the cell values returns a list of the cell values+ }) |
68 |
- ## rather than a list of length 1 representing the single row. This is bad but may not be changeable+ |
69 |
- ## at this point.+ #' Table shells |
70 | -22x | +
- if (nrow(tt) == 1 && length(raw_cvals) > 1) {+ #' |
71 | -2x | +
- raw_cvals <- list(raw_cvals)+ #' A table shell is a rendering of the table which maintains the structure, but does not display the values, rather |
72 |
- }+ #' displaying the formatting instructions for each cell. |
73 |
+ #' |
74 |
- # Flatten the list of lists (rows) of cell values into a data frame+ #' @inheritParams formatters::toString |
75 | -22x | +
- cellvals <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, raw_cvals))+ #' @inheritParams gen_args |
76 | -22x | +
- row.names(cellvals) <- NULL+ #' |
77 |
+ #' @return |
78 | -22x | +
- if (nrow(tt) == 1 && ncol(tt) == 1) {+ #' * `table_shell` returns `NULL`, as the function is called for the side effect of printing the shell to the console. |
79 | -5x | +
- colnames(cellvals) <- names(raw_cvals)+ #' * `table_shell_str` returns the string representing the table shell. |
80 |
- }+ #' |
81 |
+ #' @seealso [value_formats()] for a matrix of formats for each cell in a table. |
82 | -22x | +
- if (data_format %in% c("strings", "numeric")) {+ #' |
83 |
- # we keep previous calculations to check the format of the data+ #' @examplesIf require(dplyr) |
84 | -9x | +
- mf_tt <- matrix_form(tt)+ #' library(dplyr) |
85 | -9x | +
- mf_result_chars <- mf_strings(mf_tt)[-seq_len(mf_nlheader(mf_tt)), -1]+ #' |
86 | -9x | +
- mf_result_chars <- .remove_empty_elements(mf_result_chars)+ #' iris2 <- iris %>% |
87 | -9x | +
- mf_result_numeric <- as.data.frame(+ #' group_by(Species) %>% |
88 | -9x | +
- .make_numeric_char_mf(mf_result_chars)+ #' mutate(group = as.factor(rep_len(c("a", "b"), length.out = n()))) %>% |
89 |
- )+ #' ungroup() |
90 | -9x | +
- mf_result_chars <- as.data.frame(mf_result_chars)+ #' |
91 | -9x | +
- if (!setequal(dim(mf_result_numeric), dim(cellvals)) || !setequal(dim(mf_result_chars), dim(cellvals))) {+ #' lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
92 | -! | +
- stop(+ #' split_cols_by("Species") %>% |
93 | -! | +
- "The extracted numeric data.frame does not have the same dimension of the",+ #' split_cols_by("group") %>% |
94 | -! | +
- " cell values extracted with cell_values(). This is a bug. Please report it."+ #' analyze(c("Sepal.Length", "Petal.Width"), afun = list_wrap_x(summary), format = "xx.xx") |
95 | -! | +
- ) # nocov+ #' |
96 |
- }+ #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, iris2) |
97 | -9x | +
- if (data_format == "strings") {+ #' table_shell(tbl) |
98 | -5x | +
- colnames(mf_result_chars) <- colnames(cellvals)+ #' |
99 | -5x | +
- cellvals <- mf_result_chars+ #' @export |
100 |
- } else {+ table_shell <- function(tt, widths = NULL, col_gap = 3, hsep = default_hsep(), |
101 | -4x | +
- colnames(mf_result_numeric) <- colnames(cellvals)+ tf_wrap = FALSE, max_width = NULL) { |
102 | -4x | +2x |
- cellvals <- mf_result_numeric+ cat(table_shell_str( |
103 | -+ | 2x |
- }+ tt = tt, widths = widths, col_gap = col_gap, hsep = hsep, |
104 | -+ | 2x |
- }+ tf_wrap = tf_wrap, max_width = max_width |
105 |
+ )) |
106 | -22x | +
- rdf <- make_row_df(tt)+ } |
107 | -22x | +
- cinfo_df <- col_info(tt)+ |
108 | -22x | +
- ci_coltree <- coltree(cinfo_df)+ ## XXX consider moving to formatters, its really just a function |
109 | -22x | +
- column_split_names <- .get_column_split_name(ci_coltree) # used only in make_ard+ ## of the MatrixPrintForm |
110 |
+ #' @rdname table_shell |
111 | -22x | +
- df <- rdf[, c("name", "label", "abs_rownumber", "path", "reprint_inds", "node_class")]+ #' @export |
112 |
- # Removing initial root elements from path (out of the loop -> right maxlen)+ table_shell_str <- function(tt, widths = NULL, col_gap = 3, hsep = default_hsep(), |
113 | -22x | +
- df$path <- lapply(df$path, .remove_root_elems_from_path,+ tf_wrap = FALSE, max_width = NULL) { |
114 | -22x | +2x |
- which_root_name = c("root", "rbind_root"),+ matform <- matrix_form(tt, indent_rownames = TRUE) |
115 | -22x | +2x |
- all = TRUE+ format_strs <- vapply( |
116 | -+ | 2x |
- )+ as.vector(matform$formats), |
117 | -22x | +2x |
- maxlen <- max(lengths(df$path))+ function(x) { |
118 | -+ | 18x |
+ if (inherits(x, "function")) { |
119 | -+ | 1x |
- # Loop for metadata (path and details from make_row_df)+ "<fnc>" |
120 | -22x | +17x |
- metadf <- do.call(+ } else if (inherits(x, "character")) { |
121 | -22x | +17x |
- rbind.data.frame,+ x |
122 | -22x | +
- lapply(+ } else { |
123 | -22x | +! |
- seq_len(NROW(df)),+ stop("Don't know how to make a shell with formats of class: ", class(x)) |
124 | -22x | +
- function(ii) {+ } |
125 | -433x | +
- handle_rdf_row(df[ii, ], maxlen = maxlen)+ }, "" |
126 |
- }+ ) |
127 |
- )+ |
128 | -+ | 2x |
- )+ format_strs_mat <- matrix(format_strs, ncol = ncol(matform$strings)) |
129 | -+ | 2x |
+ format_strs_mat[, 1] <- matform$strings[, 1] |
130 | -+ | 2x |
- # Should we keep label rows with NAs instead of values?+ nlh <- mf_nlheader(matform) |
131 | -22x | +2x |
- if (keep_label_rows) {+ format_strs_mat[seq_len(nlh), ] <- matform$strings[seq_len(nlh), ] |
132 | -6x | +
- cellvals_mat_struct <- as.data.frame(+ |
133 | -6x | +2x |
- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(rdf), ncol = ncol(cellvals))+ matform$strings <- format_strs_mat |
134 | -+ | 2x |
- )+ if (is.null(widths)) { |
135 | -6x | +2x |
- colnames(cellvals_mat_struct) <- colnames(cellvals)+ widths <- propose_column_widths(matform) |
136 | -6x | +
- cellvals_mat_struct[metadf$node_class != "LabelRow", ] <- cellvals+ } |
137 | -6x | +2x |
- ret <- cbind(metadf, cellvals_mat_struct)+ toString(matform, |
138 | -+ | 2x |
- } else {+ widths = widths, col_gap = col_gap, hsep = hsep, |
139 | -16x | +2x |
- ret <- cbind(+ tf_wrap = tf_wrap, max_width = max_width |
140 | -16x | +
- metadf[metadf$node_class != "LabelRow", ],+ ) |
141 | -16x | +
- cellvals+ } |
142 |
- )+ |
143 |
- }+ #' Transform an `rtable` to a list of matrices which can be used for outputting |
144 |
+ #' |
145 |
- # If we want to expand colnames+ #' Although `rtables` are represented as a tree data structure when outputting the table to ASCII or HTML |
146 | -22x | +
- if (expand_colnames) {+ #' it is useful to map the `rtable` to an in-between state with the formatted cells in a matrix form. |
147 | -6x | +
- col_name_structure <- .get_formatted_colnames(clayout(tt))+ #' |
148 | -6x | +
- number_of_non_data_cols <- which(colnames(ret) == "node_class")+ #' @inheritParams gen_args |
149 | -6x | +
- if (NCOL(ret) - number_of_non_data_cols != NCOL(col_name_structure)) {+ #' @param indent_rownames (`flag`)\cr if `TRUE`, the column with the row names in the `strings` matrix of the output |
150 | -! | +
- stop(+ #' has indented row names (strings pre-fixed). |
151 | -! | +
- "When expanding colnames structure, we were not able to find the same",+ #' @param expand_newlines (`flag`)\cr whether the matrix form generated should expand rows whose values contain |
152 | -! | +
- " number of columns as in the result data frame. This is a bug. Please report it."+ #' newlines into multiple 'physical' rows (as they will appear when rendered into ASCII). Defaults to `TRUE`. |
153 | -! | +
- ) # nocov+ #' @param fontspec (`font_spec`)\cr The font that should be used by default when |
154 |
- }+ #' rendering this `MatrixPrintForm` object, or NULL (the default). |
155 |
+ #' @param col_gap (`numeric(1)`)]\cr The number of spaces (in the font specified |
156 | -6x | +
- buffer_rows_for_colnames <- matrix(+ #' by `fontspec`) that should be placed between columns when the table |
157 | -6x | +
- rep("<only_for_column_names>", number_of_non_data_cols * NROW(col_name_structure)),+ #' is rendered directly to text (e.g., by `toString` or `export_as_txt`). Defaults |
158 | -6x | +
- nrow = NROW(col_name_structure)+ #' to `3`. |
159 |
- )+ #' |
160 |
+ #' @details |
161 | -6x | +
- header_colnames_matrix <- cbind(buffer_rows_for_colnames, data.frame(col_name_structure))+ #' The strings in the return object are defined as follows: row labels are those determined by `make_row_df` and cell |
162 | -6x | +
- colnames(header_colnames_matrix) <- colnames(ret)+ #' values are determined using `get_formatted_cells`. (Column labels are calculated using a non-exported internal |
163 |
+ #' function. |
164 | -6x | +
- count_row <- NULL+ #' |
165 | -6x | +
- if (disp_ccounts(tt)) {+ #' @return A list with the following elements: |
166 | -3x | +
- ccounts <- col_counts(tt)+ #' \describe{ |
167 | -3x | +
- if (data_format == "strings") {+ #' \item{`strings`}{The content, as it should be printed, of the top-left material, column headers, row labels, |
168 | -2x | +
- ccounts <- mf_strings(mf_tt)[mf_nlheader(mf_tt), ]+ #' and cell values of `tt`.} |
169 | -2x | +
- ccounts <- .remove_empty_elements(ccounts)+ #' \item{`spans`}{The column-span information for each print-string in the `strings` matrix.} |
170 |
- }+ #' \item{`aligns`}{The text alignment for each print-string in the `strings` matrix.} |
171 | -3x | +
- count_row <- c(rep("<only_for_column_counts>", number_of_non_data_cols), ccounts)+ #' \item{`display`}{Whether each print-string in the strings matrix should be printed.} |
172 | -3x | +
- header_colnames_matrix <- rbind(header_colnames_matrix, count_row)+ #' \item{`row_info`}{The `data.frame` generated by `make_row_df`.} |
173 |
- }+ #' } |
174 | -6x | +
- ret <- rbind(header_colnames_matrix, ret)+ #' |
175 |
- }+ #' With an additional `nrow_header` attribute indicating the number of pseudo "rows" that the column structure defines. |
176 |
+ #' |
177 |
- # ARD part for one stat per row+ #' @examplesIf require(dplyr) |
178 | -22x | +
- if (make_ard) {+ #' library(dplyr) |
179 |
- # Unnecessary columns+ #' |
180 | -! | +
- ret_tmp <- ret[, !colnames(ret) %in% c("row_num", "is_group_summary", "node_class")]+ #' iris2 <- iris %>% |
181 |
+ #' group_by(Species) %>% |
182 |
- # Indexes of real columns (visible in the output, but no row names)+ #' mutate(group = as.factor(rep_len(c("a", "b"), length.out = n()))) %>% |
183 | -! | +
- only_col_indexes <- seq(which(colnames(ret_tmp) == "label_name") + 1, ncol(ret_tmp))+ #' ungroup() |
184 |
+ #' |
185 |
- # Core row names+ #' lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
186 | -! | +
- col_label_rows <- grepl("<only_for_column_*", ret_tmp$avar_name)+ #' split_cols_by("Species") %>% |
187 | -! | +
- core_row_names <- ret_tmp[!col_label_rows, -only_col_indexes]+ #' split_cols_by("group") %>% |
188 |
+ #' analyze(c("Sepal.Length", "Petal.Width"), |
189 |
- # Moving colnames to rows (flattening)+ #' afun = list_wrap_x(summary), format = "xx.xx" |
190 | -! | +
- ret_w_cols <- NULL+ #' ) |
191 | -! | +
- for (col_i in only_col_indexes) {+ #' |
192 | -! | +
- tmp_ret_by_col_i <- cbind(+ #' lyt |
193 | -! | +
- group1 = column_split_names[[ret_tmp[, col_i][[1]]]],+ #' |
194 | -! | +
- group1_level = ret_tmp[, col_i][[1]],+ #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, iris2) |
195 |
- # instead of avar_name row_name label_name ("variable_label" is not present in ARDs)+ #' |
196 | -! | +
- setNames(core_row_names, c("variable", "variable_level", "variable_label")), # missing stat_name xxx+ #' matrix_form(tbl) |
197 | -! | +
- stat = I(setNames(ret_tmp[!col_label_rows, col_i], NULL))+ #' |
198 |
- )+ #' @export |
199 |
+ setMethod( |
200 | -! | +
- ret_w_cols <- rbind(ret_w_cols, tmp_ret_by_col_i)+ "matrix_form", "VTableTree", |
201 |
- }+ function(obj, |
202 |
+ indent_rownames = FALSE, |
203 | -! | +
- ret <- ret_w_cols+ expand_newlines = TRUE, |
204 |
- }+ indent_size = 2, |
205 |
+ fontspec = NULL, |
206 |
- # Simplify the result data frame+ col_gap = 3L) { |
207 | -22x | +301x |
- out <- if (simplify) {+ stopifnot(is(obj, "VTableTree")) |
208 | -6x | +301x |
- .simplify_result_df(ret)+ check_ccount_vis_ok(obj) |
209 | -+ | 300x |
- } else {+ header_content <- .tbl_header_mat(obj) # first col are for row.names |
210 | -16x | +
- ret+ |
211 | -+ | 298x |
- }+ sr <- make_row_df(obj, fontspec = fontspec) |
213 | -+ | 298x |
- # take out rownames+ body_content_strings <- if (NROW(sr) == 0) { |
214 | -22x | +5x |
- rownames(out) <- NULL+ character() |
215 |
- } else {+ } else { |
216 | -+ | 293x |
- # Applying specs+ cbind(as.character(sr$label), get_formatted_cells(obj)) |
217 | -! | +
- out <- spec(tt, ...)+ } |
218 |
- }+ |
219 | -+ | 298x |
+ formats_strings <- if (NROW(sr) == 0) { |
220 | -22x | +5x |
- out+ character() |
221 |
- }+ } else { |
222 | -+ | 293x |
+ cbind("", get_formatted_cells(obj, shell = TRUE)) |
223 |
- # Helper function to get column split names+ } |
224 |
- .get_column_split_name <- function(ci_coltree) {+ |
225 | -+ | 298x |
- # ci stands for column information+ tsptmp <- lapply(collect_leaves(obj, TRUE, TRUE), function(rr) { |
226 | -126x | +6584x |
- if (is(ci_coltree, "LayoutAxisTree")) {+ sp <- row_cspans(rr) |
227 | -46x | +6584x |
- kids <- tree_children(ci_coltree)+ rep(sp, times = sp) |
228 | -46x | +
- return(unlist(lapply(kids, .get_column_split_name)))+ }) |
229 |
- }+ |
230 | -80x | +
- sapply(pos_splits(tree_pos(ci_coltree)), spl_payload)+ ## the 1 is for row labels |
231 | -+ | 298x |
- }+ body_spans <- if (nrow(obj) > 0) { |
232 | -+ | 293x |
+ cbind(1L, do.call(rbind, tsptmp)) |
233 |
- # Function that selects specific outputs from the result data frame+ } else { |
234 | -+ | 5x |
- .simplify_result_df <- function(df) {+ matrix(1, nrow = 0, ncol = ncol(obj) + 1) |
235 | -6x | +
- col_df <- colnames(df)+ } |
236 | -6x | +
- if (!all(c("label_name", "node_class") %in% col_df)) {+ |
237 | -! | +298x |
- stop("Please simplify the result data frame only when it has 'label_name' and 'node_class' columns.")+ body_aligns <- if (NROW(sr) == 0) { |
238 | -+ | 5x |
- }+ character() |
239 | -6x | +
- label_names_col <- which(col_df == "label_name")+ } else { |
240 | -6x | +293x |
- result_cols <- seq(which(col_df == "node_class") + 1, length(col_df))+ cbind("left", get_cell_aligns(obj)) |
241 |
+ } |
242 | -6x | +
- df[, c(label_names_col, result_cols)]+ |
243 | -+ | 298x |
- }+ body <- rbind(header_content$body, body_content_strings) |
245 | -+ | 298x |
- .remove_empty_elements <- function(char_df) {+ hdr_fmt_blank <- matrix("", |
246 | -11x | +298x |
- if (is.null(dim(char_df))) {+ nrow = nrow(header_content$body), |
247 | -5x | +298x |
- return(char_df[nzchar(char_df, keepNA = TRUE)])+ ncol = ncol(header_content$body) |
248 |
- }+ ) |
249 | -+ | 298x |
+ if (disp_ccounts(obj)) { |
250 | -6x | +36x |
- apply(char_df, 2, function(col_i) col_i[nzchar(col_i, keepNA = TRUE)])+ hdr_fmt_blank[nrow(hdr_fmt_blank), ] <- c("", rep(colcount_format(obj), ncol(obj))) |
251 |
- }+ } |
253 | -+ | 298x |
- # Helper function to make the character matrix numeric+ formats <- rbind(hdr_fmt_blank, formats_strings) |
254 |
- .make_numeric_char_mf <- function(char_df) {+ |
255 | -9x | +298x |
- if (is.null(dim(char_df))) {+ spans <- rbind(header_content$span, body_spans) |
256 | -3x | +298x |
- return(as.numeric(stringi::stri_extract_all(char_df, regex = "\\d+.\\d+|\\d+")))+ row.names(spans) <- NULL |
257 |
- }+ |
258 | -+ | 298x |
+ aligns <- rbind( |
259 | -6x | +298x |
- ret <- apply(char_df, 2, function(col_i) {+ matrix(rep("center", length(header_content$body)), |
260 | -27x | +298x |
- lapply(+ nrow = nrow(header_content$body) |
261 | -27x | +
- stringi::stri_extract_all(col_i, regex = "\\d+.\\d+|\\d+"),+ ), |
262 | -27x | +298x |
- as.numeric+ body_aligns |
264 |
- })+ |
265 | -+ | 298x |
+ aligns[, 1] <- "left" # row names and topleft (still needed for topleft) |
266 | -6x | +
- do.call(cbind, ret)+ |
267 | -+ | 298x |
- }+ nr_header <- nrow(header_content$body) |
268 | -+ | 298x |
+ if (indent_rownames) { |
269 | -+ | 223x |
- make_result_df_md_colnames <- function(maxlen) {+ body[, 1] <- indent_string(body[, 1], c(rep(0, nr_header), sr$indent), |
270 | -433x | +223x |
- spllen <- floor((maxlen - 2) / 2)+ incr = indent_size |
271 | -433x | +
- ret <- character()+ ) |
272 | -433x | +
- if (spllen > 0) {+ # why also formats? |
273 | -387x | +223x |
- ret <- paste(c("spl_var", "spl_value"), rep(seq_len(spllen), rep(2, spllen)), sep = "_")+ formats[, 1] <- indent_string(formats[, 1], c(rep(0, nr_header), sr$indent), |
274 | -+ | 223x |
- }+ incr = indent_size |
275 | -433x | +
- ret <- c(ret, c("avar_name", "row_name", "label_name", "row_num", "is_group_summary", "node_class"))+ ) |
276 | -+ | 75x |
- }+ } else if (NROW(sr) > 0) { |
277 | -+ | 71x |
+ sr$indent <- rep(0, NROW(sr)) |
278 |
- do_label_row <- function(rdfrow, maxlen) {+ } |
279 | -143x | +
- pth <- rdfrow$path[[1]]+ |
280 | -+ | 298x |
- # Adjusting for the fact that we have two columns for each split+ col_ref_strs <- matrix(vapply(header_content$footnotes, function(x) { |
281 | -143x | +2771x |
- extra_nas_from_splits <- floor((maxlen - length(pth)) / 2) * 2+ if (length(x) == 0) { |
282 |
+ "" |
283 |
- # Special cases with hidden labels+ } else { |
284 | -143x | +5x |
- if (length(pth) %% 2 == 1) {+ paste(vapply(x, format_fnote_ref, ""), collapse = " ") |
285 | -108x | +
- extra_nas_from_splits <- extra_nas_from_splits + 1+ } |
286 | -+ | 298x |
- }+ }, ""), ncol = ncol(body)) |
287 | -+ | 298x |
+ body_ref_strs <- get_ref_matrix(obj) |
288 | -143x | +
- c(+ |
289 | -143x | +298x |
- as.list(pth[seq_len(length(pth) - 1)]),+ body <- matrix( |
290 | -143x | +298x |
- as.list(replicate(extra_nas_from_splits, list(NA_character_))),+ paste0( |
291 | -143x | +298x |
- as.list(tail(pth, 1)),+ body, |
292 | -143x | +298x |
- list(+ rbind( |
293 | -143x | +298x |
- label_name = rdfrow$label,+ col_ref_strs, |
294 | -143x | +298x |
- row_num = rdfrow$abs_rownumber,+ body_ref_strs |
295 | -143x | +
- content = FALSE,+ ) |
296 | -143x | +
- node_class = rdfrow$node_class+ ), |
297 | -+ | 298x |
- )+ nrow = nrow(body), |
298 | -+ | 298x |
- )+ ncol = ncol(body) |
299 |
- }+ ) |
301 | -+ | 298x |
- do_content_row <- function(rdfrow, maxlen) {+ ref_fnotes <- get_formatted_fnotes(obj) # pagination will not count extra lines coming from here |
302 | -36x | +298x |
- pth <- rdfrow$path[[1]]+ pag_titles <- page_titles(obj) |
303 | -36x | +
- contpos <- which(pth == "@content")+ |
304 | -+ | 298x |
+ MatrixPrintForm( |
305 | -36x | +298x |
- seq_before <- seq_len(contpos - 1)+ strings = body, |
306 | -+ | 298x |
+ spans = spans, |
307 | -36x | +298x |
- c(+ aligns = aligns, |
308 | -36x | +298x |
- as.list(pth[seq_before]),+ formats = formats, |
309 | -36x | +
- as.list(replicate(maxlen - contpos, list(NA_character_))),+ ## display = display, purely a function of spans, handled in constructor now |
310 | -36x | +298x |
- list(tail(pth, 1)),+ row_info = sr, |
311 | -36x | +298x |
- list(+ colpaths = make_col_df(obj)[["path"]], |
312 | -36x | +
- label_name = rdfrow$label,+ ## line_grouping handled internally now line_grouping = 1:nrow(body), |
313 | -36x | +298x |
- row_num = rdfrow$abs_rownumber,+ ref_fnotes = ref_fnotes, |
314 | -36x | +298x |
- content = TRUE,+ nlines_header = nr_header, ## this is fixed internally |
315 | -36x | +298x |
- node_class = rdfrow$node_class+ nrow_header = nr_header, |
316 | -+ | 298x |
- )+ expand_newlines = expand_newlines, |
317 | -+ | 298x |
- )+ has_rowlabs = TRUE, |
318 | -+ | 298x |
- }+ has_topleft = TRUE, |
319 | -+ | 298x |
+ main_title = main_title(obj), |
320 | -+ | 298x |
- do_data_row <- function(rdfrow, maxlen) {+ subtitles = subtitles(obj), |
321 | -254x | +298x |
- pth <- rdfrow$path[[1]]+ page_titles = pag_titles, |
322 | -254x | +298x |
- pthlen <- length(pth)+ main_footer = main_footer(obj), |
323 | -+ | 298x |
- ## odd means we have a multi-analsysis step in the path, we dont' want that in the result data frame+ prov_footer = prov_footer(obj), |
324 | -254x | +298x |
- if (pthlen %% 2 == 1) {+ table_inset = table_inset(obj), |
325 | -38x | +298x |
- pth <- pth[-1 * (pthlen - 2)]+ header_section_div = header_section_div(obj), |
326 | -+ | 298x |
- }+ horizontal_sep = horizontal_sep(obj), |
327 | -254x | +298x |
- pthlen_new <- length(pth)+ indent_size = indent_size, |
328 | -33x | +298x |
- if (maxlen == 1) pthlen_new <- 3+ fontspec = fontspec, |
329 | -254x | +298x |
- c(+ col_gap = col_gap |
330 | -254x | +
- as.list(pth[seq_len(pthlen_new - 2)]),+ ) |
331 | -254x | +
- replicate(maxlen - pthlen, list(NA_character_)),+ } |
332 | -254x | +
- as.list(tail(pth, 2)),+ ) |
333 | -254x | +
- list(+ |
334 | -254x | +
- label_name = rdfrow$label,+ |
335 | -254x | +
- row_num = rdfrow$abs_rownumber,+ check_ccount_vis_ok <- function(tt) { |
336 | -254x | +301x |
- content = FALSE,+ ctree <- coltree(tt) |
337 | -254x | +301x |
- node_class = rdfrow$node_class+ tlkids <- tree_children(ctree) |
338 | -+ | 301x |
- )+ lapply(tlkids, ccvis_check_subtree) |
339 | -+ | 300x |
- )+ invisible(NULL) |
342 |
- .remove_root_elems_from_path <- function(path, which_root_name = c("root", "rbind_root"), all = TRUE) {+ ccvis_check_subtree <- function(ctree) { |
343 | -434x | +1508x |
- any_root_paths <- path[1] %in% which_root_name+ kids <- tree_children(ctree) |
344 | -434x | +1508x |
- if (any_root_paths) {+ if (is.null(kids)) { |
345 | -274x | +! |
- if (isTRUE(all)) {+ return(invisible(NULL)) |
346 |
- # Selecting the header grouping of root and rbind_root (we do not want to remove other root labels-path later)+ } |
347 | -274x | +1508x |
- root_indices <- which(path %in% which_root_name)+ vals <- vapply(kids, disp_ccounts, TRUE) |
348 | -274x | +1508x |
- if (any(diff(root_indices) > 1)) { # integer(0) for diff means FALSE+ if (length(unique(vals)) > 1) { |
349 | -! | +1x |
- end_point_root_headers <- which(diff(root_indices) > 1)[1]+ unmatch <- which(!duplicated(vals))[1:2] |
350 | -+ | 1x |
- } else {+ stop( |
351 | -274x | +1x |
- end_point_root_headers <- length(root_indices)+ "Detected different colcount visibility among sibling facets (those ", |
352 | -+ | 1x |
- }+ "arising from the same split_cols_by* layout instruction). This is ", |
353 | -274x | +1x |
- root_path_to_remove <- seq_len(end_point_root_headers)+ "not supported.\n", |
354 | -+ | 1x |
- } else {+ "Set count values to NA if you want a blank space to appear as the ", |
355 | -! | +1x |
- root_path_to_remove <- 1+ "displayed count for particular facets.\n", |
356 | -+ | 1x |
- }+ "First disagreement occured at paths:\n", |
357 | -274x | +1x |
- path <- path[-root_path_to_remove]+ .path_to_disp(pos_to_path(tree_pos(kids[[unmatch[1]]]))), "\n", |
358 | -+ | 1x |
- }+ .path_to_disp(pos_to_path(tree_pos(kids[[unmatch[2]]]))) |
359 |
+ ) |
360 |
- # Fix for very edge case where we have only root elements+ } |
361 | -434x | +1507x |
- if (length(path) == 0) {+ lapply(kids, ccvis_check_subtree) |
362 | -1x | +1507x |
- path <- which_root_name[1]+ invisible(NULL) |
363 |
- }- |
- |||
364 | -- | - - | -||
365 | -434x | -
- path- |
- ||
366 | -- |
- }- |
- ||
367 | -- | - - | -||
368 | -- |
- handle_rdf_row <- function(rdfrow, maxlen) {- |
- ||
369 | -433x | -
- nclass <- rdfrow$node_class- |
- ||
370 | -- | - - | -||
371 | -433x | -
- ret <- switch(nclass,- |
- ||
372 | -433x | -
- LabelRow = do_label_row(rdfrow, maxlen),- |
- ||
373 | -433x | -
- ContentRow = do_content_row(rdfrow, maxlen),- |
- ||
374 | -433x | -
- DataRow = do_data_row(rdfrow, maxlen),- |
- ||
375 | -433x | -
- stop("Unrecognized node type in row dataframe, unable to generate result data frame")- |
- ||
376 | -- |
- )- |
- ||
377 | -433x | -
- setNames(ret, make_result_df_md_colnames(maxlen))- |
- ||
378 | -- |
- }- |
- ||
379 | -- | - - | -||
380 | -- |
- # Helper recurrent function to get the column names for the result data frame from the VTableTree- |
- ||
381 | -- |
- .get_formatted_colnames <- function(clyt) {- |
- ||
382 | -41x | -
- ret <- obj_label(clyt)- |
- ||
383 | -41x | -
- if (!nzchar(ret)) {- |
- ||
384 | -6x | -
- ret <- NULL- |
- ||
385 | -- |
- }- |
- ||
386 | -41x | -
- if (is.null(tree_children(clyt))) {- |
- ||
387 | -! | -
- return(ret)- |
- ||
388 | -- |
- } else {- |
- ||
389 | -41x | -
- ret <- rbind(ret, do.call(cbind, lapply(tree_children(clyt), .get_formatted_colnames)))- |
- ||
390 | -41x | -
- colnames(ret) <- NULL- |
- ||
391 | -41x | -
- rownames(ret) <- NULL- |
- ||
392 | -41x | -
- return(ret)- |
- ||
393 | -- |
- }- |
- ||
394 | -- |
- }- |
- ||
395 | -- |
- # path_enriched_df ------------------------------------------------------------- |
- ||
396 | -- |
- #- |
- ||
397 | -- |
- #' @describeIn data.frame_export Transform a `TableTree` object to a path-enriched `data.frame`.- |
- ||
398 | -- |
- #'- |
- ||
399 | -- |
- #' @param path_fun (`function`)\cr function to transform paths into single-string row/column names.- |
- ||
400 | -- |
- #' @param value_fun (`function`)\cr function to transform cell values into cells of a `data.frame`. Defaults to- |
- ||
401 | -- |
- #' `collapse_values`, which creates strings where multi-valued cells are collapsed together, separated by `|`.- |
- ||
402 | -- |
- #'- |
- ||
403 | -- |
- #' @return- |
- ||
404 | -- |
- #' * `path_enriched_df()` returns a `data.frame` of `tt`'s cell values (processed by `value_fun`, with columns named by- |
- ||
405 | -- |
- #' the full column paths (processed by `path_fun` and an additional `row_path` column with the row paths (processed- |
- ||
406 | -- |
- #' by `path_fun`).- |
- ||
407 | -- |
- #'- |
- ||
408 | -- |
- #' @examples- |
- ||
409 | -- |
- #' lyt <- basic_table() %>%- |
- ||
410 | -- |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>%- |
- ||
411 | -- |
- #' analyze(c("AGE", "BMRKR2"))- |
- ||
412 | -- |
- #'- |
- ||
413 | -- |
- #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, ex_adsl)- |
- ||
414 | -- |
- #' path_enriched_df(tbl)- |
- ||
415 | -- |
- #'+ } |
416 | +364 |
- #' @export+ |
417 | +365 |
- path_enriched_df <- function(tt, path_fun = collapse_path, value_fun = collapse_values) {+ .resolve_fn_symbol <- function(fn) { |
418 | -3x | +366 | +448x |
- rdf <- make_row_df(tt)+ if (!is(fn, "RefFootnote")) { |
419 | -3x | +|||
367 | +! |
- cdf <- make_col_df(tt)+ return(NULL) |
420 | -3x | +|||
368 | +
- cvs <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, cell_values(tt)))+ } |
421 | -3x | +369 | +448x |
- cvs <- as.data.frame(lapply(cvs, value_fun))+ ret <- ref_symbol(fn) |
422 | -3x | +370 | +448x |
- row.names(cvs) <- NULL+ if (is.na(ret)) { |
423 | -3x | +371 | +448x |
- colnames(cvs) <- path_fun(cdf$path)+ ret <- as.character(ref_index(fn)) |
424 | -3x | +|||
372 | +
- preppaths <- path_fun(rdf[rdf$node_class != "LabelRow", ]$path)+ } |
425 | -3x | +373 | +448x |
- cbind.data.frame(row_path = preppaths, cvs)+ ret |
426 | +374 |
} |
427 | +375 | |||
428 | -- |
- .collapse_char <- "|"- |
- ||
429 | +376 |
- .collapse_char_esc <- "\\|"+ format_fnote_ref <- function(fn) { |
430 | -+ | |||
377 | +40237x |
+ if (length(fn) == 0 || (is.list(fn) && all(vapply(fn, function(x) length(x) == 0, TRUE)))) { |
431 | -+ | |||
378 | +40173x |
- collapse_path <- function(paths) {+ return("") |
432 | -196x | +379 | +64x |
- if (is.list(paths)) {+ } else if (is.list(fn) && all(vapply(fn, is.list, TRUE))) { |
433 | -6x | +|||
380 | +! |
- return(vapply(paths, collapse_path, ""))+ return(vapply(fn, format_fnote_ref, "")) |
434 | +381 |
} |
435 | -190x | +382 | +64x |
- paste(paths, collapse = .collapse_char)+ if (is.list(fn)) { |
436 | -+ | |||
383 | +59x |
- }+ inds <- unlist(lapply(unlist(fn), .resolve_fn_symbol)) |
437 | +384 |
+ } else {+ |
+ ||
385 | +5x | +
+ inds <- .resolve_fn_symbol(fn) |
438 | +386 |
- collapse_values <- function(colvals) {+ } |
439 | -13x | +387 | +64x |
- if (!is.list(colvals)) { ## || all(vapply(colvals, length, 1L) == 1))+ if (length(inds) > 0) { |
440 | -! | +|||
388 | +64x |
- return(colvals)+ paste0(" {", paste(unique(inds), collapse = ", "), "}") |
441 | -13x | +|||
389 | +
- } else if (all(vapply(colvals, length, 1L) == 1)) {+ } else { |
442 | -1x | +|||
390 | +
- return(unlist(colvals))+ "" |
443 | +391 |
} |
444 | -12x | +|||
392 | +
- vapply(colvals, paste, "", collapse = .collapse_char)+ } |
445 | +393 |
- }+ |
1 | +394 |
- insert_brs <- function(vec) {+ format_fnote_note <- function(fn) { |
2 | -1021x | +395 | +373x |
- if (length(vec) == 1) {+ if (length(fn) == 0 || (is.list(fn) && all(vapply(fn, function(x) length(x) == 0, TRUE)))) { |
3 | -1021x | +|||
396 | +! |
- ret <- list(vec)+ return(character()) |
4 | +397 |
- } else {+ } |
5 | -! | +|||
398 | +373x |
- nout <- length(vec) * 2 - 1+ if (is.list(fn)) { |
6 | +399 | ! |
- ret <- vector("list", nout)+ return(unlist(lapply(unlist(fn), format_fnote_note))) |
7 | -! | +|||
400 | +
- for (i in seq_along(vec)) {+ } |
8 | -! | +|||
401 | +
- ret[[2 * i - 1]] <- vec[i]+ |
9 | -! | +|||
402 | +373x |
- if (2 * i < nout) {+ if (is(fn, "RefFootnote")) { |
10 | -! | +|||
403 | +373x |
- ret[[2 * i]] <- tags$br()+ paste0("{", .resolve_fn_symbol(fn), "} - ", ref_msg(fn)) |
11 | +404 |
- }+ } else { |
12 | -+ | |||
405 | +! |
- }+ NULL |
13 | +406 |
} |
14 | -1021x | -
- ret- |
- ||
15 | +407 |
} |
16 | +408 | |||
17 | +409 |
- div_helper <- function(lst, class) {+ .fn_ind_extractor <- function(strs) { |
18 | -72x | +|||
410 | +! |
- do.call(tags$div, c(list(class = paste(class, "rtables-container"), lst)))+ res <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(gsub("\\{([[:digit:]]+)\\}.*", "\\1", strs))) |
19 | -+ | |||
411 | +! |
- }+ res[res == "NA"] <- NA_character_ |
20 | +412 |
+ ## these mixing is allowed now with symbols |
21 | +413 |
- #' Convert an `rtable` object to a `shiny.tag` HTML object+ ## if(!(sum(is.na(res)) %in% c(0L, length(res)))) |
22 | +414 |
- #'+ ## stop("Got NAs mixed with non-NAS for extracted footnote indices. This should not happen") |
23 | -+ | |||
415 | +! |
- #' The returned HTML object can be immediately used in `shiny` and `rmarkdown`.+ res |
24 | +416 |
- #'+ } |
25 | +417 |
- #' @param x (`VTableTree`)\cr a `TableTree` object.+ |
26 | +418 |
- #' @param class_table (`character`)\cr class for `table` tag.+ get_ref_matrix <- function(tt) { |
27 | -+ | |||
419 | +298x |
- #' @param class_tr (`character`)\cr class for `tr` tag.+ if (ncol(tt) == 0 || nrow(tt) == 0) { |
28 | -+ | |||
420 | +5x |
- #' @param class_th (`character`)\cr class for `th` tag.+ return(matrix("", nrow = nrow(tt), ncol = ncol(tt) + 1L)) |
29 | +421 |
- #' @param width (`character`)\cr a string to indicate the desired width of the table. Common input formats include a+ } |
30 | -+ | |||
422 | +293x |
- #' percentage of the viewer window width (e.g. `"100%"`) or a distance value (e.g. `"300px"`). Defaults to `NULL`.+ rows <- collect_leaves(tt, incl.cont = TRUE, add.labrows = TRUE) |
31 | -+ | |||
423 | +293x |
- #' @param link_label (`character`)\cr link anchor label (not including `tab:` prefix) for the table.+ lst <- unlist(lapply(rows, cell_footnotes), recursive = FALSE) |
32 | -+ | |||
424 | +293x |
- #' @param bold (`character`)\cr elements in table output that should be bold. Options are `"main_title"`,+ cstrs <- unlist(lapply(lst, format_fnote_ref)) |
33 | -+ | |||
425 | +293x |
- #' `"subtitles"`, `"header"`, `"row_names"`, `"label_rows"`, and `"content_rows"` (which includes any non-label+ bodymat <- matrix(cstrs, |
34 | -+ | |||
426 | +293x |
- #' rows). Defaults to `"header"`.+ byrow = TRUE, |
35 | -+ | |||
427 | +293x |
- #' @param header_sep_line (`flag`)\cr whether a black line should be printed to under the table header. Defaults+ nrow = nrow(tt), |
36 | -+ | |||
428 | +293x |
- #' to `TRUE`.+ ncol = ncol(tt) |
37 | +429 |
- #' @param no_spaces_between_cells (`flag`)\cr whether spaces between table cells should be collapsed. Defaults+ ) |
38 | -+ | |||
430 | +293x |
- #' to `FALSE`.+ cbind(vapply(rows, function(rw) format_fnote_ref(row_footnotes(rw)), ""), bodymat) |
39 | +431 |
- #' @param expand_newlines (`flag`)\cr Defaults to `FALSE`, relying on `html` output to solve newline characters (`\n`).+ } |
40 | +432 |
- #' Doing this keeps the structure of the cells but may depend on the output device.+ |
41 | +433 |
- #'+ get_formatted_fnotes <- function(tt) { |
42 | -+ | |||
434 | +298x |
- #' @importFrom htmltools tags+ colresfs <- unlist(make_col_df(tt, visible_only = FALSE)$col_fnotes) |
43 | -+ | |||
435 | +298x |
- #'+ rows <- collect_leaves(tt, incl.cont = TRUE, add.labrows = TRUE) |
44 | -+ | |||
436 | +298x |
- #' @return A `shiny.tag` object representing `x` in HTML.+ lst <- c( |
45 | -+ | |||
437 | +298x |
- #'+ colresfs, |
46 | -+ | |||
438 | +298x |
- #' @examples+ unlist( |
47 | -+ | |||
439 | +298x |
- #' tbl <- rtable(+ lapply(rows, function(r) unlist(c(row_footnotes(r), cell_footnotes(r)), recursive = FALSE)), |
48 | -+ | |||
440 | +298x |
- #' header = LETTERS[1:3],+ recursive = FALSE |
49 | +441 |
- #' format = "xx",+ ) |
50 | +442 |
- #' rrow("r1", 1, 2, 3),+ ) |
51 | +443 |
- #' rrow("r2", 4, 3, 2, indent = 1),+ |
52 | -+ | |||
444 | +298x |
- #' rrow("r3", indent = 2)+ inds <- vapply(lst, ref_index, 1L) |
53 | -+ | |||
445 | +298x |
- #' )+ ord <- order(inds) |
54 | -+ | |||
446 | +298x |
- #'+ lst <- lst[ord] |
55 | -+ | |||
447 | +298x |
- #' as_html(tbl)+ syms <- vapply(lst, ref_symbol, "") |
56 | -+ | |||
448 | +298x |
- #'+ keep <- is.na(syms) | !duplicated(syms) |
57 | -+ | |||
449 | +298x |
- #' as_html(tbl, class_table = "table", class_tr = "row")+ lst <- lst[keep] |
58 | -+ | |||
450 | +298x |
- #'+ unique(vapply(lst, format_fnote_note, "")) |
59 | +451 |
- #' as_html(tbl, bold = c("header", "row_names"))+ |
60 | +452 |
- #'+ ## , recursive = FALSE) |
61 | +453 |
- #' \dontrun{+ ## rlst <- unlist(lapply(rows, row_footnotes)) |
62 | +454 |
- #' Viewer(tbl)+ ## lst <- |
63 | +455 |
- #' }+ ## syms <- vapply(lst, ref_symbol, "") |
64 | +456 |
- #'+ ## keep <- is.na(syms) | !duplicated(syms) |
65 | +457 |
- #' @export+ ## lst <- lst[keep] |
66 | +458 |
- as_html <- function(x,+ ## inds <- vapply(lst, ref_index, 1L) |
67 | +459 |
- width = NULL,+ ## cellstrs <- unlist(lapply(lst, format_fnote_note)) |
68 | +460 |
- class_table = "table table-condensed table-hover",+ ## rstrs <- unlist(lapply(rows, function(rw) format_fnote_note(row_footnotes(rw)))) |
69 | +461 |
- class_tr = NULL,+ ## allstrs <- c(colstrs, rstrs, cellstrs) |
70 | +462 |
- class_th = NULL,+ ## inds <- .fn_ind_extractor(allstrs) |
71 | +463 |
- link_label = NULL,+ ## allstrs[order(inds)] |
72 | +464 |
- bold = c("header"),+ } |
73 | +465 |
- header_sep_line = TRUE,+ |
74 | +466 |
- no_spaces_between_cells = FALSE,+ .do_tbl_h_piece2 <- function(tt) { |
75 | -+ | |||
467 | +306x |
- expand_newlines = FALSE) {+ coldf <- make_col_df(tt, visible_only = FALSE) |
76 | -9x | +468 | +306x |
- if (is.null(x)) {+ remain <- seq_len(nrow(coldf)) |
77 | -! | +|||
469 | +306x |
- return(tags$p("Empty Table"))+ chunks <- list() |
78 | -+ | |||
470 | +306x |
- }+ cur <- 1 |
79 | -+ | |||
471 | +306x |
+ na_str <- colcount_na_str(tt) |
80 | -9x | +|||
472 | +
- stopifnot(is(x, "VTableTree"))+ |
81 | +473 |
+ ## XXX this would be better as the facet-associated |
82 | -9x | +|||
474 | +
- mat <- matrix_form(x, indent_rownames = TRUE, expand_newlines = expand_newlines)+ ## format but I don't know that we need to |
83 | +475 |
+ ## support that level of differentiation anyway... |
84 | -9x | +476 | +306x |
- nlh <- mf_nlheader(mat)+ cc_format <- colcount_format(tt) |
85 | -9x | +|||
477 | +
- nc <- ncol(x) + 1+ ## each iteration of this loop identifies |
86 | -9x | +|||
478 | +
- nr <- length(mf_lgrouping(mat))+ ## all rows corresponding to one top-level column |
87 | +479 |
+ ## label and its children, then processes those |
88 | +480 |
- # Structure is a list of lists with rows (one for each line grouping) and cols as dimensions+ ## with .do_header_chunk |
89 | -9x | +481 | +306x |
- cells <- matrix(rep(list(list()), (nr * nc)), ncol = nc)+ while (length(remain) > 0) { |
90 | -+ | |||
482 | +823x |
+ rw <- remain[1] |
91 | -9x | +483 | +823x |
- for (i in seq_len(nr)) {+ inds <- coldf$leaf_indices[[rw]] |
92 | -173x | +484 | +823x |
- for (j in seq_len(nc)) {+ endblock <- which(coldf$abs_pos == max(inds)) |
93 | -1021x | +|||
485 | +
- curstrs <- mf_strings(mat)[i, j]+ |
94 | -1021x | +486 | +823x |
- curspn <- mf_spans(mat)[i, j]+ stopifnot(endblock >= rw) |
95 | -1021x | +487 | +823x |
- algn <- mf_aligns(mat)[i, j]+ chunk_res <- .do_header_chunk(coldf[rw:endblock, ], cc_format, na_str = na_str) |
96 | -+ | |||
488 | +821x |
+ chunk_res <- unlist(chunk_res, recursive = FALSE) |
97 | -1021x | +489 | +821x |
- inhdr <- i <= nlh+ chunks[[cur]] <- chunk_res |
98 | -1021x | +490 | +821x |
- tagfun <- if (inhdr) tags$th else tags$td+ remain <- remain[remain > endblock] |
99 | -1021x | +491 | +821x |
- cells[i, j][[1]] <- tagfun(+ cur <- cur + 1 |
100 | -1021x | +|||
492 | +
- class = if (inhdr) class_th else class_tr,+ } |
101 | -1021x | +493 | +304x |
- style = paste0("text-align: ", algn, ";"),+ chunks <- .pad_tops(chunks) |
102 | -1021x | +494 | +304x |
- style = if (inhdr && !"header" %in% bold) "font-weight: normal;",+ lapply( |
103 | -1021x | +495 | +304x |
- style = if (i == nlh && header_sep_line) "border-bottom: 1px solid black;",+ seq_len(length(chunks[[1]])), |
104 | -1021x | +496 | +304x |
- colspan = if (curspn != 1) curspn,+ function(i) { |
105 | -1021x | +497 | +466x |
- insert_brs(curstrs)+ DataRow(unlist(lapply(chunks, `[[`, i), recursive = FALSE)) |
106 | +498 |
- )+ } |
107 | +499 |
- }+ ) |
108 | +500 |
- }+ } |
109 | +501 | |||
110 | -9x | +|||
502 | +
- if (header_sep_line) {+ .pad_end <- function(lst, padto, ncols) { |
111 | -9x | +503 | +1259x |
- cells[nlh][[1]] <- htmltools::tagAppendAttributes(+ curcov <- sum(vapply(lst, cell_cspan, 0L)) |
112 | -9x | +504 | +1259x |
- cells[nlh, 1][[1]],+ if (curcov == padto) { |
113 | -9x | +505 | +1259x |
- style = "border-bottom: 1px solid black;"+ return(lst) |
114 | +506 |
- )+ } |
115 | +507 |
- }+ + |
+ ||
508 | +! | +
+ c(lst, list(rcell("", colspan = padto - curcov))) |
116 | +509 |
+ } |
117 | +510 |
- # Create a map between line numbers and line groupings, adjusting abs_rownumber with nlh+ |
118 | -9x | +|||
511 | +
- map <- data.frame(lines = seq_len(nr), abs_rownumber = mat$line_grouping)+ .pad_tops <- function(chunks) { |
119 | -9x | +512 | +304x |
- row_info_df <- data.frame(indent = mat$row_info$indent, abs_rownumber = mat$row_info$abs_rownumber + nlh)+ lens <- vapply(chunks, length, 1L) |
120 | -9x | +513 | +304x |
- map <- merge(map, row_info_df, by = "abs_rownumber")+ padto <- max(lens) |
121 | -+ | |||
514 | +304x |
+ needpad <- lens != padto |
122 | -+ | |||
515 | +304x |
- # add indent values for headerlines+ if (all(!needpad)) { |
123 | -9x | +516 | +298x |
- map <- rbind(data.frame(abs_rownumber = 1:nlh, indent = 0, lines = 0), map)+ return(chunks) |
124 | +517 |
+ } |
125 | +518 | |||
126 | -+ | |||
519 | +6x |
- # Row labels style+ for (i in seq_along(lens)) { |
127 | -9x | +520 | +25x |
- for (i in seq_len(nr)) {+ if (lens[i] < padto) { |
128 | -173x | +521 | +10x |
- indent <- ifelse(any(map$lines == i), map$indent[map$lines == i][1], -1)+ chk <- chunks[[i]] |
129 | -+ | |||
522 | +10x |
+ span <- sum(vapply(chk[[length(chk)]], cell_cspan, 1L)) |
130 | -+ | |||
523 | +10x |
- # Apply indentation+ chunks[[i]] <- c( |
131 | -173x | +524 | +10x |
- if (indent > 0) {+ replicate(list(list(rcell("", colspan = span))), |
132 | -127x | +525 | +10x |
- cells[i, 1][[1]] <- htmltools::tagAppendAttributes(+ n = padto - lens[i] |
133 | -127x | +|||
526 | +
- cells[i, 1][[1]],+ ), |
134 | -127x | +527 | +10x |
- style = paste0("padding-left: ", indent * 3, "ch;")+ chk |
135 | +528 |
) |
136 | +529 |
} |
137 | -- | - - | -||
138 | +530 |
- # Apply bold font weight if "row_names" is in 'bold'- |
- ||
139 | -173x | -
- if ("row_names" %in% bold) {- |
- ||
140 | -4x | -
- cells[i, 1][[1]] <- htmltools::tagAppendAttributes(+ } |
141 | -4x | +531 | +6x |
- cells[i, 1][[1]],+ chunks |
142 | -4x | +|||
532 | +
- style = "font-weight: bold;"+ } |
143 | +533 |
- )+ |
144 | +534 |
- }+ .do_header_chunk <- function(coldf, cc_format, na_str) { |
145 | +535 |
- }+ ## hard assumption that coldf is a section |
146 | +536 |
+ ## of a column dataframe summary that was |
147 | +537 |
- # label rows style+ ## created with visible_only=FALSE |
148 | -9x | +538 | +823x |
- if ("label_rows" %in% bold) {+ nleafcols <- length(coldf$leaf_indices[[1]]) |
149 | -! | +|||
539 | +
- which_lbl_rows <- which(mat$row_info$node_class == "LabelRow")+ |
150 | -! | +|||
540 | +823x |
- cells[which_lbl_rows + nlh, ] <- lapply(+ spldfs <- split(coldf, lengths(coldf$path)) |
151 | -! | +|||
541 | +823x |
- cells[which_lbl_rows + nlh, ],+ toret <- lapply( |
152 | -! | +|||
542 | +823x |
- htmltools::tagAppendAttributes,+ seq_along(spldfs), |
153 | -! | +|||
543 | +823x |
- style = "font-weight: bold;"+ function(i) { |
154 | -+ | |||
544 | +1122x |
- )+ rws <- spldfs[[i]] |
155 | -+ | |||
545 | +1122x |
- }+ thisbit_vals <- lapply( |
156 | -+ | |||
546 | +1122x |
+ seq_len(nrow(rws)), |
157 | -+ | |||
547 | +1122x |
- # content rows style+ function(ri) { |
158 | -9x | +548 | +1520x |
- if ("content_rows" %in% bold) {+ cellii <- rcell(rws[ri, "label", drop = TRUE], |
159 | -! | +|||
549 | +1520x |
- which_cntnt_rows <- which(mat$row_info$node_class %in% c("ContentRow", "DataRow"))+ colspan = rws$total_span[ri], |
160 | -! | +|||
550 | +1520x |
- cells[which_cntnt_rows + nlh, ] <- lapply(+ footnotes = rws[ri, "col_fnotes", drop = TRUE][[1]] |
161 | -! | +|||
551 | +
- cells[which_cntnt_rows + nlh, ],+ ) |
162 | -! | +|||
552 | +1520x |
- htmltools::tagAppendAttributes,+ cellii |
163 | -! | +|||
553 | +
- style = "font-weight: bold;"+ } |
164 | +554 |
- )+ ) |
165 | -+ | |||
555 | +1122x |
- }+ ret <- list(.pad_end(thisbit_vals, padto = nleafcols)) |
166 | -+ | |||
556 | +1122x |
+ anycounts <- any(rws$ccount_visible) |
167 | -9x | +557 | +1122x |
- if (any(!mat$display)) {+ if (anycounts) { |
168 | -+ | |||
558 | +139x |
- # Check that expansion kept the same display info+ thisbit_ns <- lapply( |
169 | -2x | +559 | +139x |
- check_expansion <- c()+ seq_len(nrow(rws)), |
170 | -2x | +560 | +139x |
- for (ii in unique(mat$line_grouping)) {+ function(ri) { |
171 | -121x | +561 | +287x |
- rows <- which(mat$line_grouping == ii)+ vis_ri <- rws$ccount_visible[ri] |
172 | -121x | +562 | +287x |
- check_expansion <- c(+ val <- if (vis_ri) rws$col_count[ri] else NULL |
173 | -121x | +563 | +287x |
- check_expansion,+ fmt <- rws$ccount_format[ri] |
174 | -121x | +564 | +287x |
- apply(mat$display[rows, , drop = FALSE], 2, function(x) all(x) || all(!x))+ if (is.character(fmt)) { |
175 | -+ | |||
565 | +287x |
- )+ cfmt_dim <- names(which(sapply(formatters::list_valid_format_labels(), function(x) any(x == fmt)))) |
176 | -+ | |||
566 | +287x |
- }+ if (cfmt_dim == "2d") {+ |
+ ||
567 | +7x | +
+ if (grepl("%", fmt)) {+ |
+ ||
568 | +6x | +
+ val <- c(val, 1) ## XXX This is the old behavior but it doesn't take into account parent counts... |
177 | +569 |
+ } else { |
178 | -2x | +570 | +1x |
- if (!all(check_expansion)) {+ stop( |
179 | -! | +|||
571 | +1x |
- stop(+ "This 2d format is not supported for column counts. ", |
180 | -! | +|||
572 | +1x |
- "Found that a group of rows have different display options even if ",+ "Please choose a 1d format or a 2d format that includes a % value." |
181 | -! | +|||
573 | +
- "they belong to the same line group. This should not happen. Please ",+ ) |
182 | -! | +|||
574 | +
- "file an issue or report to the maintainers."+ } |
183 | -! | +|||
575 | +280x |
- ) # nocov+ } else if (cfmt_dim == "3d") {+ |
+ ||
576 | +1x | +
+ stop("3d formats are not supported for column counts.") |
184 | +577 |
- }+ } |
185 | +578 |
+ } |
186 | -2x | +579 | +285x |
- for (ii in unique(mat$line_grouping)) {+ cellii <- rcell( |
187 | -121x | +580 | +285x |
- rows <- which(mat$line_grouping == ii)+ val, |
188 | -121x | +581 | +285x |
- should_display_col <- apply(mat$display[rows, , drop = FALSE], 2, any)+ colspan = rws$total_span[ri], |
189 | -121x | +582 | +285x |
- cells[ii, !should_display_col] <- NA_integer_+ format = fmt, # cc_format,+ |
583 | +285x | +
+ format_na_str = na_str |
190 | +584 |
- }+ )+ |
+ ||
585 | +285x | +
+ cellii |
191 | +586 |
- }+ } |
192 | +587 |
+ ) |
193 | -9x | +588 | +137x |
- rows <- apply(cells, 1, function(row) {+ ret <- c(ret, list(.pad_end(thisbit_ns, padto = nleafcols))) |
194 | -173x | +|||
589 | +
- tags$tr(+ } |
195 | -173x | +590 | +1120x |
- class = class_tr,+ ret |
196 | -173x | +|||
591 | +
- style = "white-space: pre;",+ }+ |
+ |||
592 | ++ |
+ ) |
197 | -173x | +593 | +821x |
- Filter(function(x) !identical(x, NA_integer_), row)+ toret |
198 | +594 |
- )+ } |
199 | +595 |
- })+ |
200 | +596 |
+ .tbl_header_mat <- function(tt) { |
201 | -9x | +597 | +300x |
- hsep_line <- tags$hr(class = "solid")+ rows <- .do_tbl_h_piece2(tt) ## (clyt)+ |
598 | +298x | +
+ cinfo <- col_info(tt) |
202 | +599 | |||
203 | -9x | +600 | +298x |
- hdrtag <- div_helper(+ nc <- ncol(tt) |
204 | -9x | +601 | +298x |
- class = "rtables-titles-block",+ body <- matrix(rapply(rows, function(x) { |
205 | -9x | +602 | +456x |
- list(+ cs <- row_cspans(x) |
206 | -9x | +603 | +456x |
- div_helper(+ strs <- get_formatted_cells(x) |
207 | -9x | +604 | +456x |
- class = "rtables-main-titles-block",+ strs |
208 | -9x | +605 | +298x |
- lapply(main_title(x), if ("main_title" %in% bold) tags$b else tags$p,+ }), ncol = nc, byrow = TRUE)+ |
606 | ++ | + | ||
209 | -9x | +607 | +298x |
- class = "rtables-main-title"+ span <- matrix(rapply(rows, function(x) { |
210 | -+ | |||
608 | +456x |
- )+ cs <- row_cspans(x) |
211 | -+ | |||
609 | +! |
- ),+ if (is.null(cs)) cs <- rep(1, ncol(x)) |
212 | -9x | +610 | +456x |
- div_helper(+ rep(cs, cs) |
213 | -9x | +611 | +298x |
- class = "rtables-subtitles-block",+ }), ncol = nc, byrow = TRUE)+ |
612 | ++ | + | ||
214 | -9x | +613 | +298x |
- lapply(subtitles(x), if ("subtitles" %in% bold) tags$b else tags$p,+ fnote <- do.call( |
215 | -9x | +614 | +298x |
- class = "rtables-subtitle"+ rbind, |
216 | -+ | |||
615 | +298x |
- )+ lapply(rows, function(x) { |
217 | -+ | |||
616 | +456x |
- )+ cell_footnotes(x) |
218 | +617 |
- )+ }) |
219 | +618 |
) |
220 | +619 | |||
221 | -9x | +620 | +298x |
- tabletag <- do.call(+ tl <- top_left(cinfo) |
222 | -9x | +621 | +298x |
- tags$table,+ lentl <- length(tl) |
223 | -9x | +622 | +298x |
- c(+ nli <- nrow(body) |
224 | -9x | +623 | +298x |
- rows,+ if (lentl == 0) { |
225 | -9x | +624 | +262x |
- list(+ tl <- rep("", nli) |
226 | -9x | +625 | +36x |
- class = class_table,+ } else if (lentl > nli) { |
227 | -9x | +626 | +20x |
- style = paste(+ tl_tmp <- paste0(tl, collapse = "\n") |
228 | -9x | +627 | +20x |
- if (no_spaces_between_cells) "border-collapse: collapse;",+ tl <- rep("", nli) |
229 | -9x | +628 | +20x |
- if (!is.null(width)) paste("width:", width)+ tl[length(tl)] <- tl_tmp+ |
629 | +16x | +
+ } else if (lentl < nli) { |
230 | +630 |
- ),+ # We want topleft alignment that goes to the bottom! |
231 | -9x | +631 | +7x |
- tags$caption(sprintf("(\\#tag:%s)", link_label),+ tl <- c(rep("", nli - lentl), tl)+ |
632 | ++ |
+ } |
232 | -9x | +633 | +298x |
- style = "caption-side: top;",+ list( |
233 | -9x | +634 | +298x |
- .noWS = "after-begin"+ body = cbind(tl, body, deparse.level = 0), span = cbind(1, span),+ |
635 | +298x | +
+ footnotes = cbind(list(list()), fnote) |
234 | +636 |
- )+ ) |
235 | +637 |
- )+ } |
236 | +638 |
- )+ |
237 | +639 |
- )+ # get formatted cells ---- |
238 | +640 | |||
239 | -9x | +|||
641 | +
- rfnotes <- div_helper(+ #' Get formatted cells |
240 | -9x | +|||
642 | +
- class = "rtables-ref-footnotes-block",+ #' |
241 | -9x | +|||
643 | +
- lapply(mat$ref_footnotes, tags$p,+ #' @inheritParams gen_args |
242 | -9x | +|||
644 | +
- class = "rtables-referential-footnote"+ #' @param shell (`flag`)\cr whether the formats themselves should be returned instead of the values with formats |
243 | +645 |
- )+ #' applied. Defaults to `FALSE`. |
244 | +646 |
- )+ #' |
245 | +647 |
+ #' @return The formatted print-strings for all (body) cells in `obj`. |
246 | -9x | +|||
648 | +
- mftr <- div_helper(+ #' |
247 | -9x | +|||
649 | +
- class = "rtables-main-footers-block",+ #' @examplesIf require(dplyr) |
248 | -9x | +|||
650 | +
- lapply(main_footer(x), tags$p,+ #' library(dplyr) |
249 | -9x | +|||
651 | +
- class = "rtables-main-footer"+ #' |
250 | +652 |
- )+ #' iris2 <- iris %>% |
251 | +653 |
- )+ #' group_by(Species) %>% |
252 | +654 |
+ #' mutate(group = as.factor(rep_len(c("a", "b"), length.out = n()))) %>% |
253 | -9x | +|||
655 | +
- pftr <- div_helper(+ #' ungroup() |
254 | -9x | +|||
656 | +
- class = "rtables-prov-footers-block",+ #' |
255 | -9x | +|||
657 | +
- lapply(prov_footer(x), tags$p,+ #' tbl <- basic_table() %>% |
256 | -9x | +|||
658 | +
- class = "rtables-prov-footer"+ #' split_cols_by("Species") %>% |
257 | +659 |
- )+ #' split_cols_by("group") %>% |
258 | +660 |
- )+ #' analyze(c("Sepal.Length", "Petal.Width"), afun = list_wrap_x(summary), format = "xx.xx") %>% |
259 | +661 |
+ #' build_table(iris2) |
260 | +662 |
- ## XXX this omits the divs entirely if they are empty. Do we want that or do+ #' |
261 | +663 |
- ## we want them to be there but empty??+ #' get_formatted_cells(tbl) |
262 | -9x | +|||
664 | +
- ftrlst <- list(+ #' |
263 | -9x | +|||
665 | +
- if (length(mat$ref_footnotes) > 0) rfnotes,+ #' @export |
264 | -9x | +|||
666 | +
- if (length(mat$ref_footnotes) > 0) hsep_line,+ #' @rdname gfc |
265 | -9x | +667 | +37643x |
- if (length(main_footer(x)) > 0) mftr,+ setGeneric("get_formatted_cells", function(obj, shell = FALSE) standardGeneric("get_formatted_cells")) |
266 | -9x | +|||
668 | +
- if (length(main_footer(x)) > 0 && length(prov_footer(x)) > 0) tags$br(), # line break+ |
267 | -9x | +|||
669 | +
- if (length(prov_footer(x)) > 0) pftr+ #' @rdname gfc |
268 | +670 |
- )+ setMethod( |
269 | +671 |
+ "get_formatted_cells", "TableTree", |
270 | -! | +|||
672 | +
- if (!is.null(unlist(ftrlst))) ftrlst <- c(list(hsep_line), ftrlst)+ function(obj, shell = FALSE) { |
271 | -9x | +673 | +2732x |
- ftrlst <- ftrlst[!vapply(ftrlst, is.null, TRUE)]+ lr <- get_formatted_cells(tt_labelrow(obj), shell = shell) |
272 | +674 | |||
273 | -9x | +675 | +2732x |
- ftrtag <- div_helper(+ ct <- get_formatted_cells(content_table(obj), shell = shell) |
274 | -9x | +|||
676 | +
- class = "rtables-footers-block",+ |
275 | -9x | +677 | +2732x |
- ftrlst+ els <- lapply(tree_children(obj), get_formatted_cells, shell = shell) |
276 | +678 |
- )+ |
277 | +679 |
+ ## TODO fix ncol problem for rrow() |
278 | -9x | +680 | +2732x |
- div_helper(+ if (ncol(ct) == 0 && ncol(lr) != ncol(ct)) { |
279 | -9x | +681 | +751x |
- class = "rtables-all-parts-block",+ ct <- lr[NULL, ] |
280 | -9x | +|||
682 | +
- list(+ } |
281 | -9x | +|||
683 | +
- hdrtag,+ |
282 | -9x | +684 | +2732x |
- tabletag,+ do.call(rbind, c(list(lr), list(ct), els)) |
283 | -9x | +|||
685 | +
- ftrtag+ } |
284 | +686 |
- )+ ) |
285 | +687 |
- )+ |
286 | +688 |
- }+ #' @rdname gfc |
1 | +689 |
- # Generics and how they are used directly -------------------------------------+ setMethod( |
2 | +690 |
+ "get_formatted_cells", "ElementaryTable", |
3 | +691 |
- ## check_validsplit - Check if the split is valid for the data, error if not+ function(obj, shell = FALSE) { |
4 | -+ | |||
692 | +5433x |
+ lr <- get_formatted_cells(tt_labelrow(obj), shell = shell)+ |
+ ||
693 | +5433x | +
+ els <- lapply(tree_children(obj), get_formatted_cells, shell = shell)+ |
+ ||
694 | +5433x | +
+ do.call(rbind, c(list(lr), els)) |
5 | +695 |
- ## .apply_spl_extras - Generate Extras+ } |
6 | +696 |
+ ) |
7 | +697 |
- ## .apply_spl_datapart - generate data partition+ |
8 | +698 |
+ #' @rdname gfc |
9 | +699 |
- ## .apply_spl_rawvals - Generate raw (i.e. non SplitValue object) partition values+ setMethod( |
10 | +700 |
+ "get_formatted_cells", "TableRow", |
11 | +701 |
- setGeneric(+ function(obj, shell = FALSE) { |
12 | +702 |
- ".applysplit_rawvals",+ # Parent row format and na_str |
13 | -982x | +703 | +21285x |
- function(spl, df) standardGeneric(".applysplit_rawvals")+ pr_row_format <- if (is.null(obj_format(obj))) "xx" else obj_format(obj) |
14 | -+ | |||
704 | +21285x |
- )+ pr_row_na_str <- obj_na_str(obj) %||% "NA" |
15 | +705 | |||
16 | -+ | |||
706 | +21285x |
- setGeneric(+ matrix( |
17 | -+ | |||
707 | +21285x |
- ".applysplit_datapart",+ unlist(Map(function(val, spn, shelli) { |
18 | -1055x | +708 | +102456x |
- function(spl, df, vals) standardGeneric(".applysplit_datapart")+ stopifnot(is(spn, "integer")) |
19 | +709 |
- )+ |
20 | -+ | |||
710 | +102456x |
+ out <- format_rcell(val, |
21 | -+ | |||
711 | +102456x |
- setGeneric(+ pr_row_format = pr_row_format, |
22 | -+ | |||
712 | +102456x |
- ".applysplit_extras",+ pr_row_na_str = pr_row_na_str, |
23 | -1055x | +713 | +102456x |
- function(spl, df, vals) standardGeneric(".applysplit_extras")+ shell = shelli |
24 | +714 |
- )+ ) |
25 | -+ | |||
715 | +102456x |
+ if (!is.function(out) && is.character(out)) {+ |
+ ||
716 | +102448x | +
+ out <- paste(out, collapse = ", ") |
26 | +717 |
- setGeneric(+ } |
27 | +718 |
- ".applysplit_partlabels",+ |
28 | -1052x | +719 | +102456x |
- function(spl, df, vals, labels) standardGeneric(".applysplit_partlabels")+ rep(list(out), spn) |
29 | -+ | |||
720 | +21285x |
- )+ }, val = row_cells(obj), spn = row_cspans(obj), shelli = shell)), |
30 | -+ | |||
721 | +21285x |
+ ncol = ncol(obj) |
31 | +722 |
- setGeneric(+ ) |
32 | +723 |
- "check_validsplit",- |
- ||
33 | -2185x | -
- function(spl, df) standardGeneric("check_validsplit")+ } |
34 | +724 |
) |
35 | +725 | |||
36 | +726 |
- setGeneric(+ #' @rdname gfc |
37 | +727 |
- ".applysplit_ref_vals",+ setMethod( |
38 | -17x | +|||
728 | +
- function(spl, df, vals) standardGeneric(".applysplit_ref_vals")+ "get_formatted_cells", "LabelRow", |
39 | +729 |
- )+ function(obj, shell = FALSE) { |
40 | -+ | |||
730 | +8193x |
- # Custom split fncs ------------------------------------------------------------+ nc <- ncol(obj) # TODO note rrow() or rrow("label") has the wrong ncol |
41 | -+ | |||
731 | +8193x |
- #' Custom split functions+ vstr <- if (shell) "-" else "" |
42 | -+ | |||
732 | +8193x |
- #'+ if (labelrow_visible(obj)) { |
43 | -+ | |||
733 | +2988x |
- #' Split functions provide the work-horse for `rtables`'s generalized partitioning. These functions accept a (sub)set+ matrix(rep(vstr, nc), ncol = nc) |
44 | +734 |
- #' of incoming data and a split object, and return "splits" of that data.+ } else { |
45 | -+ | |||
735 | +5205x |
- #'+ matrix(character(0), ncol = nc) |
46 | +736 |
- #' @section Custom Splitting Function Details:+ } |
47 | +737 |
- #'+ } |
48 | +738 |
- #' User-defined custom split functions can perform any type of computation on the incoming data provided that they+ ) |
49 | +739 |
- #' meet the requirements for generating "splits" of the incoming data based on the split object.+ |
50 | +740 |
- #'+ #' @rdname gfc |
51 | -+ | |||
741 | +13256x |
- #' Split functions are functions that accept:+ setGeneric("get_cell_aligns", function(obj) standardGeneric("get_cell_aligns")) |
52 | +742 |
- #' \describe{+ |
53 | +743 |
- #' \item{df}{a `data.frame` of incoming data to be split.}+ #' @rdname gfc |
54 | +744 |
- #' \item{spl}{a Split object. This is largely an internal detail custom functions will not need to worry about,+ setMethod( |
55 | +745 |
- #' but `obj_name(spl)`, for example, will give the name of the split as it will appear in paths in the resulting+ "get_cell_aligns", "TableTree", |
56 | +746 |
- #' table.}+ function(obj) { |
57 | -+ | |||
747 | +1364x |
- #' \item{vals}{any pre-calculated values. If given non-`NULL` values, the values returned should match these.+ lr <- get_cell_aligns(tt_labelrow(obj)) |
58 | +748 |
- #' Should be `NULL` in most cases and can usually be ignored.}+ |
59 | -+ | |||
749 | +1364x |
- #' \item{labels}{any pre-calculated value labels. Same as above for `values`.}+ ct <- get_cell_aligns(content_table(obj)) |
60 | +750 |
- #' \item{trim}{if `TRUE`, resulting splits that are empty are removed.}+ |
61 | -+ | |||
751 | +1364x |
- #' \item{(optional) .spl_context}{a `data.frame` describing previously performed splits which collectively+ els <- lapply(tree_children(obj), get_cell_aligns) |
62 | +752 |
- #' arrived at `df`.}+ |
63 | +753 |
- #' }+ ## TODO fix ncol problem for rrow() |
64 | -+ | |||
754 | +1364x |
- #'+ if (ncol(ct) == 0 && ncol(lr) != ncol(ct)) { |
65 | -+ | |||
755 | +375x |
- #' The function must then output a named `list` with the following elements:+ ct <- lr[NULL, ] |
66 | +756 |
- #'+ } |
67 | +757 |
- #' \describe{+ |
68 | -+ | |||
758 | +1364x |
- #' \item{values}{the vector of all values corresponding to the splits of `df`.}+ do.call(rbind, c(list(lr), list(ct), els)) |
69 | +759 |
- #' \item{datasplit}{a list of `data.frame`s representing the groupings of the actual observations from `df`.}+ } |
70 | +760 |
- #' \item{labels}{a character vector giving a string label for each value listed in the `values` element above.}+ ) |
71 | +761 |
- #' \item{(optional) extras}{if present, extra arguments are to be passed to summary and analysis functions+ |
72 | +762 |
- #' whenever they are executed on the corresponding element of `datasplit` or a subset thereof.}+ #' @rdname gfc |
73 | +763 |
- #' }+ setMethod( |
74 | +764 |
- #'+ "get_cell_aligns", "ElementaryTable", |
75 | +765 |
- #' One way to generate custom splitting functions is to wrap existing split functions and modify either the incoming+ function(obj) { |
76 | -+ | |||
766 | +2712x |
- #' data before they are called or their outputs.+ lr <- get_cell_aligns(tt_labelrow(obj)) |
77 | -+ | |||
767 | +2712x |
- #'+ els <- lapply(tree_children(obj), get_cell_aligns) |
78 | -+ | |||
768 | +2712x |
- #' @seealso [make_split_fun()] for the API for creating custom split functions, and [split_funcs] for a variety of+ do.call(rbind, c(list(lr), els)) |
79 | +769 |
- #' pre-defined split functions.+ } |
80 | +770 |
- #'+ ) |
81 | +771 |
- #' @examples+ |
82 | +772 |
- #' # Example of a picky split function. The number of values in the column variable+ #' @rdname gfc |
83 | +773 |
- #' # var decrees if we are going to print also the column with all observation+ setMethod( |
84 | +774 |
- #' # or not.+ "get_cell_aligns", "TableRow", |
85 | +775 |
- #'+ function(obj) { |
86 | -+ | |||
776 | +5090x |
- #' picky_splitter <- function(var) {+ als <- vapply(row_cells(obj), cell_align, "") |
87 | -+ | |||
777 | +5090x |
- #' # Main layout function+ spns <- row_cspans(obj) |
88 | +778 |
- #' function(df, spl, vals, labels, trim) {+ |
89 | -+ | |||
779 | +5090x |
- #' orig_vals <- vals+ matrix(rep(als, times = spns), |
90 | -+ | |||
780 | +5090x |
- #'+ ncol = ncol(obj) |
91 | +781 |
- #' # Check for number of levels if all are selected+ ) |
92 | +782 |
- #' if (is.null(vals)) {+ } |
93 | +783 |
- #' vec <- df[[var]]+ ) |
94 | +784 |
- #' vals <- unique(vec)+ |
95 | +785 |
- #' }+ #' @rdname gfc |
96 | +786 |
- #'+ setMethod( |
97 | +787 |
- #' # Do a split with or without All obs+ "get_cell_aligns", "LabelRow", |
98 | +788 |
- #' if (length(vals) == 1) {+ function(obj) { |
99 | -+ | |||
789 | +4090x |
- #' do_base_split(spl = spl, df = df, vals = vals, labels = labels, trim = trim)+ nc <- ncol(obj) # TODO note rrow() or rrow("label") has the wrong ncol |
100 | -+ | |||
790 | +4090x |
- #' } else {+ if (labelrow_visible(obj)) { |
101 | -+ | |||
791 | +1494x |
- #' fnc_tmp <- add_overall_level("Overall", label = "All Obs", first = FALSE)+ matrix(rep("center", nc), ncol = nc) |
102 | +792 |
- #' fnc_tmp(df = df, spl = spl, vals = orig_vals, trim = trim)+ } else { |
103 | -+ | |||
793 | +2596x |
- #' }+ matrix(character(0), ncol = nc) |
104 | +794 |
- #' }+ } |
105 | +795 |
- #' }+ } |
106 | +796 |
- #'+ ) |
107 | +797 |
- #' # Data sub-set+ |
108 | +798 |
- #' d1 <- subset(ex_adsl, ARM == "A: Drug X" | (ARM == "B: Placebo" & SEX == "F"))+ # utility functions ---- |
109 | +799 |
- #' d1 <- subset(d1, SEX %in% c("M", "F"))+ |
110 | +800 |
- #' d1$SEX <- factor(d1$SEX)+ #' From a sorted sequence of numbers, remove numbers where diff == 1 |
111 | +801 |
#' |
112 | +802 |
- #' # This table uses the number of values in the SEX column to add the overall col or not+ #' @examples |
113 | +803 |
- #' lyt <- basic_table() %>%+ #' remove_consecutive_numbers(x = c(2, 4, 9)) |
114 | +804 |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM", split_fun = drop_split_levels) %>%+ #' remove_consecutive_numbers(x = c(2, 4, 5, 9)) |
115 | +805 |
- #' split_cols_by("SEX", split_fun = picky_splitter("SEX")) %>%+ #' remove_consecutive_numbers(x = c(2, 4, 5, 6, 9)) |
116 | +806 |
- #' analyze("AGE", show_labels = "visible")+ #' remove_consecutive_numbers(x = 4:9) |
117 | +807 |
- #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, d1)+ #' |
118 | +808 |
- #' tbl+ #' @noRd |
119 | +809 |
- #'+ remove_consecutive_numbers <- function(x) { |
120 | +810 |
- #' @name custom_split_funs+ # actually should be integer |
121 | -+ | |||
811 | +! |
- NULL+ stopifnot(is.wholenumber(x), is.numeric(x), !is.unsorted(x)) |
122 | +812 | |||
123 | -+ | |||
813 | +! |
- ## do various cleaning, and naming, plus+ if (length(x) == 0) { |
124 | -+ | |||
814 | +! |
- ## ensure partinfo$values contains SplitValue objects only+ return(integer(0)) |
125 | +815 |
- .fixupvals <- function(partinfo) {+ } |
126 | -1082x | +|||
816 | +! |
- if (is.factor(partinfo$labels)) {+ if (!is.integer(x)) x <- as.integer(x)+ |
+ ||
817 | ++ | + | ||
127 | +818 | ! |
- partinfo$labels <- as.character(partinfo$labels)+ x[c(TRUE, diff(x) != 1)] |
128 | +819 |
- }+ } |
129 | +820 | |||
130 | -1082x | +|||
821 | +
- vals <- partinfo$values+ #' Insert an empty string |
131 | -1082x | +|||
822 | +
- if (is.factor(vals)) {+ #' |
132 | -! | +|||
823 | +
- vals <- levels(vals)[vals]+ #' @examples |
133 | +824 |
- }+ #' empty_string_after(letters[1:5], 2) |
134 | -1082x | +|||
825 | +
- extr <- partinfo$extras+ #' empty_string_after(letters[1:5], c(2, 4)) |
135 | -1082x | +|||
826 | +
- dpart <- partinfo$datasplit+ #' |
136 | -1082x | +|||
827 | +
- labels <- partinfo$labels+ #' @noRd |
137 | -1082x | +|||
828 | +
- if (is.null(labels)) {+ empty_string_after <- function(x, indices) { |
138 | +829 | ! |
- if (!is.null(names(vals))) {+ if (length(indices) > 0) { |
139 | +830 | ! |
- labels <- names(vals)+ offset <- 0 |
140 | +831 | ! |
- } else if (!is.null(names(dpart))) {+ for (i in sort(indices)) { |
141 | +832 | ! |
- labels <- names(dpart)+ x <- append(x, "", i + offset) |
142 | +833 | ! |
- } else if (!is.null(names(extr))) {+ offset <- offset + 1 |
143 | -! | +|||
834 | +
- labels <- names(extr)+ } |
144 | +835 |
- }+ }+ |
+ ||
836 | +! | +
+ x |
145 | +837 |
- }+ } |
146 | +838 | |||
147 | -1082x | +|||
839 | +
- subsets <- partinfo$subset_exprs+ #' Indent strings |
148 | -1082x | +|||
840 | +
- if (is.null(subsets)) {+ #' |
149 | -1066x | +|||
841 | +
- subsets <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(vals))+ #' Used in rtables to indent row names for the ASCII output. |
150 | +842 |
- ## use labels here cause we already did all that work+ #' |
151 | +843 |
- ## to get the names on the labels vector right+ #' @param x (`character`)\cr a character vector. |
152 | -1066x | +|||
844 | +
- names(subsets) <- names(labels)+ #' @param indent (`numeric`)\cr a vector of non-negative integers of length `length(x)`. |
153 | +845 |
- }+ #' @param incr (`integer(1)`)\cr a non-negative number of spaces per indent level. |
154 | +846 |
+ #' @param including_newline (`flag`)\cr whether newlines should also be indented. |
155 | -1082x | +|||
847 | +
- if (is.null(vals) && !is.null(extr)) {+ #' |
156 | -! | +|||
848 | +
- vals <- seq_along(extr)+ #' @return `x`, indented with left-padding with `indent * incr` white-spaces. |
157 | +849 |
- }+ #' |
158 | +850 |
+ #' @examples |
159 | -1082x | +|||
851 | +
- if (length(vals) == 0) {+ #' indent_string("a", 0) |
160 | -13x | +|||
852 | +
- stopifnot(length(extr) == 0)+ #' indent_string("a", 1) |
161 | -13x | +|||
853 | +
- return(partinfo)+ #' indent_string(letters[1:3], 0:2) |
162 | +854 |
- }+ #' indent_string(paste0(letters[1:3], "\n", LETTERS[1:3]), 0:2) |
163 | +855 |
- ## length(vals) > 0 from here down+ #' |
164 | +856 |
+ #' @export |
165 | -1069x | +|||
857 | +
- if (are(vals, "SplitValue") && !are(vals, "LevelComboSplitValue")) {+ indent_string <- function(x, indent = 0, incr = 2, including_newline = TRUE) { |
166 | -22x | +858 | +598x |
- if (!is.null(extr)) {+ if (length(x) > 0) { |
167 | -+ | |||
859 | +598x |
- ## in_ref_cols is in here for some reason even though its already in the SplitValue object.+ indent <- rep_len(indent, length.out = length(x)) |
168 | -+ | |||
860 | +598x |
- ## https://github.com/insightsengineering/rtables/issues/707#issuecomment-1678810598+ incr <- rep_len(incr, length.out = length(x)) |
169 | +861 |
- ## the if is a bandaid.+ } |
170 | +862 |
171 | -3x | +863 | +598x |
- sq <- seq_along(vals)+ indent_str <- strrep(" ", (indent > 0) * indent * incr) |
172 | -3x | +|||
864 | +
- if (any(vapply(sq, function(i) !all(names(extr[[i]]) %in% names(splv_extra(vals[[i]]))), TRUE))) {+ |
173 | -! | +|||
865 | +598x |
- warning(+ if (including_newline) { |
174 | -! | +|||
866 | +598x |
- "Got a partinfo list with values that are ",+ x <- unlist(mapply(function(xi, stri) { |
175 | -! | +|||
867 | +12796x |
- "already SplitValue objects and non-null extras ",+ gsub("\n", stri, xi, fixed = TRUE) |
176 | -! | +|||
868 | +598x |
- "element. This shouldn't happen"+ }, x, paste0("\n", indent_str))) |
177 | +869 |
- )+ } |
178 | +870 |
- }+ |
179 | -+ | |||
871 | +598x |
- }+ paste0(indent_str, x) |
180 | +872 |
- } else {- |
- ||
181 | -1047x | -
- if (is.null(extr)) {- |
- ||
182 | -6x | -
- extr <- rep(list(list()), length(vals))+ } |
183 | +873 |
- }- |
- ||
184 | -1047x | -
- vals <- make_splvalue_vec(vals, extr, labels = labels, subset_exprs = subsets)+ |
185 | +874 |
- }+ ## .paste_no_na <- function(x, ...) { |
186 | +875 |
- ## we're done with this so take it off+ ## paste(na.omit(x), ...) |
187 | -1069x | +|||
876 | +
- partinfo$extras <- NULL+ ## } |
188 | +877 | |||
189 | -1069x | +|||
878 | +
- vnames <- value_names(vals)+ ## #' Pad a string and align within string |
190 | -1069x | +|||
879 | +
- names(vals) <- vnames+ ## #' |
191 | -1069x | +|||
880 | +
- partinfo$values <- vals+ ## #' @param x string |
192 | +881 |
+ ## #' @param n number of character of the output string, if `n < nchar(x)` an error is thrown |
193 | -1069x | +|||
882 | +
- if (!identical(names(dpart), vnames)) {+ ## #' |
194 | -1069x | +|||
883 | +
- names(dpart) <- vnames+ ## #' @noRd |
195 | -1069x | +|||
884 | +
- partinfo$datasplit <- dpart+ ## #' |
196 | +885 |
- }+ ## #' @examples |
197 | +886 |
+ ## #' |
198 | -1069x | +|||
887 | +
- partinfo$labels <- labels+ ## #' padstr("abc", 3) |
199 | +888 |
+ ## #' padstr("abc", 4) |
200 | -1069x | +|||
889 | +
- stopifnot(length(unique(sapply(partinfo, NROW))) == 1)+ ## #' padstr("abc", 5) |
201 | -1069x | +|||
890 | +
- partinfo+ ## #' padstr("abc", 5, "left") |
202 | +891 |
- }+ ## #' padstr("abc", 5, "right") |
203 | +892 |
+ ## #' |
204 | +893 |
- .add_ref_extras <- function(spl, df, partinfo) {+ ## #' if(interactive()){ |
205 | +894 |
- ## this is only the .in_ref_col booleans+ ## #' padstr("abc", 1) |
206 | -17x | +|||
895 | +
- refvals <- .applysplit_ref_vals(spl, df, partinfo$values)+ ## #' } |
207 | -17x | +|||
896 | +
- ref_ind <- which(unlist(refvals))+ ## #' |
208 | -17x | +|||
897 | +
- stopifnot(length(ref_ind) == 1)+ ## padstr <- function(x, n, just = c("center", "left", "right")) { |
209 | +898 | |||
210 | -17x | +|||
899 | +
- vnames <- value_names(partinfo$values)+ ## just <- match.arg(just) |
211 | -17x | +|||
900 | +
- if (is.null(partinfo$extras)) {+ |
212 | -3x | +|||
901 | +
- names(refvals) <- vnames+ ## if (length(x) != 1) stop("length of x needs to be 1 and not", length(x)) |
213 | -3x | +|||
902 | +
- partinfo$extras <- refvals+ ## if (is.na(n) || !is.numeric(n) || n < 0) stop("n needs to be numeric and > 0") |
214 | +903 |
- } else {+ |
215 | -14x | +|||
904 | +
- newextras <- mapply(+ ## if (is.na(x)) x <- "<NA>" |
216 | -14x | +|||
905 | +
- function(old, incol, ref_full) {+ |
217 | -37x | +|||
906 | +
- c(old, list(+ ## nc <- nchar(x) |
218 | -37x | +|||
907 | +
- .in_ref_col = incol,+ |
219 | -37x | +|||
908 | +
- .ref_full = ref_full+ ## if (n < nc) stop("\"", x, "\" has more than ", n, " characters") |
220 | +909 |
- ))+ |
221 | +910 |
- },+ ## switch( |
222 | -14x | +|||
911 | +
- old = partinfo$extras,+ ## just, |
223 | -14x | +|||
912 | +
- incol = unlist(refvals),+ ## center = { |
224 | -14x | +|||
913 | +
- MoreArgs = list(ref_full = partinfo$datasplit[[ref_ind]]),+ ## pad <- (n - nc)/2 |
225 | -14x | +|||
914 | +
- SIMPLIFY = FALSE+ ## paste0(spaces(floor(pad)), x, spaces(ceiling(pad))) |
226 | +915 |
- )+ ## }, |
227 | -14x | +|||
916 | +
- names(newextras) <- vnames+ ## left = paste0(x, spaces(n - nc)), |
228 | -14x | +|||
917 | +
- partinfo$extras <- newextras+ ## right = paste0(spaces(n - nc), x) |
229 | +918 |
- }+ ## ) |
230 | -17x | +|||
919 | +
- partinfo+ ## } |
231 | +920 |
- }+ |
232 | +921 |
+ ## spaces <- function(n) { |
233 | +922 |
- #' Apply basic split (for use in custom split functions)+ ## strrep(" ", n) |
234 | +923 |
- #'+ ## } |
235 | +924 |
- #' This function is intended for use inside custom split functions. It applies the current split *as if it had no+ |
236 | +925 |
- #' custom splitting function* so that those default splits can be further manipulated.+ #' Convert matrix of strings into a string with aligned columns |
237 | +926 |
#' |
238 | +927 |
- #' @inheritParams gen_args+ #' Note that this function is intended to print simple rectangular matrices and not `rtable`s. |
239 | +928 |
- #' @param vals (`ANY`)\cr already calculated/known values of the split. Generally should be left as `NULL`.+ #' |
240 | +929 |
- #' @param labels (`character`)\cr labels associated with `vals`. Should be `NULL` whenever `vals` is, which should+ #' @param mat (`matrix`)\cr a matrix of strings. |
241 | +930 |
- #' almost always be the case.+ #' @param nheader (`integer(1)`)\cr number of header rows. |
242 | +931 |
- #' @param trim (`flag`)\cr whether groups corresponding to empty data subsets should be removed. Defaults to+ #' @param colsep (`string`)\cr a string that separates the columns. |
243 | +932 |
- #' `FALSE`.+ #' @param hsep (`character(1)`)\cr character to build line separator. |
244 | +933 |
#' |
245 | +934 |
- #' @return The result of the split being applied as if it had no custom split function. See [custom_split_funs].+ #' @return A string. |
246 | +935 |
#' |
247 | +936 |
#' @examples |
248 | +937 |
- #' uneven_splfun <- function(df, spl, vals = NULL, labels = NULL, trim = FALSE) {+ #' mat <- matrix(c("A", "B", "C", "a", "b", "c"), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE) |
249 | +938 |
- #' ret <- do_base_split(spl, df, vals, labels, trim)+ #' cat(mat_as_string(mat)) |
250 | +939 |
- #' if (NROW(df) == 0) {+ #' cat("\n") |
251 | +940 |
- #' ret <- lapply(ret, function(x) x[1])+ #' |
252 | +941 |
- #' }+ #' @noRd |
253 | +942 |
- #' ret+ mat_as_string <- function(mat, nheader = 1, colsep = " ", hsep = default_hsep()) {+ |
+ ||
943 | +2x | +
+ colwidths <- apply(apply(mat, c(1, 2), nchar), 2, max) |
254 | +944 |
- #' }+ + |
+ ||
945 | +2x | +
+ rows_formatted <- apply(mat, 1, function(row) {+ |
+ ||
946 | +36x | +
+ paste(unlist(mapply(padstr, row, colwidths, "left")), collapse = colsep) |
255 | +947 |
- #'+ }) |
256 | +948 |
- #' lyt <- basic_table() %>%+ + |
+ ||
949 | +2x | +
+ header_rows <- seq_len(nheader)+ |
+ ||
950 | +2x | +
+ nchwidth <- nchar(rows_formatted[1])+ |
+ ||
951 | +2x | +
+ paste(c(+ |
+ ||
952 | +2x | +
+ rows_formatted[header_rows],+ |
+ ||
953 | +2x | +
+ substr(strrep(hsep, nchwidth), 1, nchwidth),+ |
+ ||
954 | +2x | +
+ rows_formatted[-header_rows]+ |
+ ||
955 | +2x | +
+ ), collapse = "\n") |
257 | +956 |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>%+ } |
258 | +1 |
- #' split_cols_by_multivar(c("USUBJID", "AESEQ", "BMRKR1"),+ match_extra_args <- function(f, |
259 | +2 |
- #' varlabels = c("N", "E", "BMR1"),+ .N_col, |
260 | +3 |
- #' split_fun = uneven_splfun+ .N_total, |
261 | +4 |
- #' ) %>%+ .all_col_exprs, |
262 | +5 |
- #' analyze_colvars(list(+ .all_col_counts, |
263 | +6 |
- #' USUBJID = function(x, ...) length(unique(x)),+ .var, |
264 | +7 |
- #' AESEQ = max,+ .ref_group = NULL, |
265 | +8 |
- #' BMRKR1 = mean+ .alt_df_row = NULL, |
266 | +9 |
- #' ))+ .alt_df = NULL, |
267 | +10 |
- #'+ .ref_full = NULL, |
268 | +11 |
- #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, subset(ex_adae, as.numeric(ARM) <= 2))+ .in_ref_col = NULL, |
269 | +12 |
- #' tbl+ .spl_context = NULL, |
270 | +13 |
- #'+ .N_row, |
271 | +14 |
- #' @export+ .df_row, |
272 | +15 |
- do_base_split <- function(spl, df, vals = NULL, labels = NULL, trim = FALSE) {+ extras) {+ |
+ ||
16 | ++ |
+ # This list is always present |
273 | -13x | +17 | +6106x |
- spl2 <- spl+ possargs <- c( |
274 | -13x | +18 | +6106x |
- split_fun(spl2) <- NULL+ list( |
275 | -13x | +19 | +6106x |
- do_split(spl2,+ .N_col = .N_col, |
276 | -13x | +20 | +6106x |
- df = df, vals = vals, labels = labels, trim = trim,+ .N_total = .N_total, |
277 | -13x | +21 | +6106x |
- spl_context = NULL+ .N_row = .N_row, |
278 | -+ | |||
22 | +6106x |
- )+ .df_row = .df_row, |
279 | -+ | |||
23 | +6106x |
- }+ .all_col_exprs = .all_col_exprs, |
280 | -+ | |||
24 | +6106x |
+ .all_col_counts = .all_col_counts |
281 | +25 |
- ### NB This is called at EACH level of recursive splitting+ ), |
282 | -+ | |||
26 | +6106x |
- do_split <- function(spl,+ extras |
283 | +27 |
- df,+ ) |
284 | +28 |
- vals = NULL,+ |
285 | +29 |
- labels = NULL,+ ## specialized arguments that must be named in formals, cannot go |
286 | +30 |
- trim = FALSE,+ ## anonymously into ... |
287 | -+ | |||
31 | +6106x |
- spl_context) {+ if (!is.null(.var) && nzchar(.var)) { |
288 | -+ | |||
32 | +4802x |
- ## this will error if, e.g., df doesn't have columns+ possargs <- c(possargs, list(.var = .var)) |
289 | +33 |
- ## required by spl, or generally any time the spl+ } |
290 | -+ | |||
34 | +6106x |
- ## can't be applied to df+ if (!is.null(.ref_group)) { |
291 | -1082x | +35 | +1869x |
- check_validsplit(spl, df)+ possargs <- c(possargs, list(.ref_group = .ref_group)) |
292 | +36 |
- ## note the <- here!!!+ } |
293 | -1081x | +37 | +6106x |
- if (!is.null(splfun <- split_fun(spl))) {+ if (!is.null(.alt_df_row)) { |
294 | -+ | |||
38 | +105x |
- ## Currently the contract is that split_functions take df, vals, labels and+ possargs <- c(possargs, list(.alt_df_row = .alt_df_row)) |
295 | +39 |
- ## return list(values=., datasplit=., labels = .), optionally with+ }+ |
+ ||
40 | +6106x | +
+ if (!is.null(.alt_df)) {+ |
+ ||
41 | +105x | +
+ possargs <- c(possargs, list(.alt_df = .alt_df)) |
296 | +42 |
- ## an additional extras element+ } |
297 | -353x | +43 | +6106x |
- if (func_takes(splfun, ".spl_context")) {+ if (!is.null(.ref_full)) { |
298 | -23x | +44 | +141x |
- ret <- tryCatch(+ possargs <- c(possargs, list(.ref_full = .ref_full)) |
299 | -23x | +|||
45 | +
- splfun(df, spl, vals, labels,+ } |
300 | -23x | +46 | +6106x |
- trim = trim,+ if (!is.null(.in_ref_col)) { |
301 | -23x | +47 | +141x |
- .spl_context = spl_context+ possargs <- c(possargs, list(.in_ref_col = .in_ref_col)) |
302 | +48 |
- ),+ }+ |
+ ||
49 | ++ | + + | +||
50 | ++ |
+ # Special case: .spl_context |
303 | -23x | +51 | +6106x |
- error = function(e) e+ if (!is.null(.spl_context) && !(".spl_context" %in% names(possargs))) { |
304 | -23x | +52 | +6106x |
- ) ## rawvalues(spl_context ))+ possargs <- c(possargs, list(.spl_context = .spl_context)) |
305 | +53 |
- } else {+ } else { |
306 | -330x | +|||
54 | +! |
- ret <- tryCatch(splfun(df, spl, vals, labels, trim = trim),+ possargs$.spl_context <- NULL |
307 | -330x | +|||
55 | +
- error = function(e) e+ } |
308 | +56 |
- )+ |
309 | +57 |
- }+ # Extra args handling |
310 | -353x | +58 | +6106x |
- if (is(ret, "error")) {+ formargs <- formals(f) |
311 | -12x | +59 | +6106x |
- stop(+ formnms <- names(formargs) |
312 | -12x | +60 | +6106x |
- "Error applying custom split function: ", ret$message, "\n\tsplit: ",+ exnms <- names(extras) |
313 | -12x | +61 | +6106x |
- class(spl), " (", payloadmsg(spl), ")\n",+ if (is.null(formargs)) { |
314 | -12x | +62 | +190x |
- "\toccured at path: ",+ return(NULL) |
315 | -12x | +63 | +5916x |
- spl_context_to_disp_path(spl_context), "\n"+ } else if ("..." %in% names(formargs)) { |
316 | -+ | |||
64 | +5208x |
- )+ formnms <- c(formnms, exnms[nzchar(exnms)]) |
317 | +65 |
- }+ } |
318 | -+ | |||
66 | +5916x |
- } else {+ possargs[names(possargs) %in% formnms] |
319 | -728x | +|||
67 | +
- ret <- .apply_split_inner(df = df, spl = spl, vals = vals, labels = labels, trim = trim)+ } |
320 | +68 |
- }+ |
321 | +69 |
+ #' @noRd |
322 | +70 |
- ## this adds .ref_full and .in_ref_col+ #' @return A `RowsVerticalSection` object representing the `k x 1` section of the |
323 | -1069x | +|||
71 | +
- if (is(spl, "VarLevWBaselineSplit")) {+ #' table being generated, with `k` the number of rows the analysis function |
324 | -17x | +|||
72 | +
- ret <- .add_ref_extras(spl, df, ret)+ #' generates. |
325 | +73 |
- }+ gen_onerv <- function(csub, col, count, cextr, cpath, |
326 | +74 |
+ dfpart, func, totcount, splextra, |
327 | +75 |
- ## this:+ all_col_exprs, |
328 | +76 |
- ## - guarantees that ret$values contains SplitValue objects+ all_col_counts, |
329 | +77 |
- ## - removes the extras element since its redundant after the above+ takesdf = .takes_df(func), |
330 | +78 |
- ## - Ensures datasplit and values lists are named according to labels+ baselinedf, |
331 | +79 |
- ## - ensures labels are character not factor+ alt_dfpart, |
332 | -1069x | +|||
80 | +
- ret <- .fixupvals(ret)+ inclNAs, |
333 | +81 |
- ## we didn't put this in .fixupvals because that get called withint he split functions+ col_parent_inds, |
334 | +82 |
- ## created by make_split_fun and its not clear this check should be happening then.+ spl_context) { |
335 | -1069x | +83 | +6106x |
- if (has_force_pag(spl) && length(ret$datasplit) == 0) { ## this means it's page_by=TRUE+ if (NROW(spl_context) > 0) { |
336 | -3x | +84 | +6085x |
- stop(+ spl_context$cur_col_id <- paste(cpath[seq(2, length(cpath), 2)], collapse = ".") |
337 | -3x | +85 | +6085x |
- "Page-by split resulted in zero pages (no observed values of split variable?). \n\tsplit: ",+ spl_context$cur_col_subset <- col_parent_inds |
338 | -3x | +86 | +6085x |
- class(spl), " (", payloadmsg(spl), ")\n",+ spl_context$cur_col_expr <- list(csub) |
339 | -3x | +87 | +6085x |
- "\toccured at path: ",+ spl_context$cur_col_n <- vapply(col_parent_inds, sum, 1L) |
340 | -3x | +88 | +6085x |
- spl_context_to_disp_path(spl_context), "\n"+ spl_context$cur_col_split <- list(cpath[seq(1, length(cpath), 2)]) |
341 | -+ | |||
89 | +6085x |
- )+ spl_context$cur_col_split_val <- list(cpath[seq(2, length(cpath), 2)]) |
342 | +90 |
} |
343 | -1066x | +|||
91 | +
- ret+ |
344 | +92 |
- }+ # Making .alt_df from alt_dfpart (i.e. .alt_df_row) |
345 | -+ | |||
93 | +6106x |
+ if (NROW(alt_dfpart) > 0) { |
346 | -+ | |||
94 | +105x |
- .apply_split_inner <- function(spl, df, vals = NULL, labels = NULL, trim = FALSE) {+ alt_dfpart_fil <- alt_dfpart[eval(csub, envir = alt_dfpart), , drop = FALSE] |
347 | -1055x | +95 | +105x |
- if (is.null(vals)) {+ if (!is.null(col) && col %in% names(alt_dfpart_fil) && !inclNAs) { |
348 | -982x | +96 | +99x |
- vals <- .applysplit_rawvals(spl, df)+ alt_dfpart_fil <- alt_dfpart_fil[!is.na(alt_dfpart_fil[[col]]), ,+ |
97 | +99x | +
+ drop = FALSE |
349 | +98 |
- }+ ] |
350 | -1055x | +|||
99 | +
- extr <- .applysplit_extras(spl, df, vals)+ } |
351 | +100 |
+ } else { |
352 | -1055x | +101 | +6001x |
- if (is.null(vals)) {+ alt_dfpart_fil <- alt_dfpart |
353 | -! | +|||
102 | +
- return(list(+ } |
354 | -! | +|||
103 | +
- values = list(),+ |
355 | -! | +|||
104 | +
- datasplit = list(),+ ## workaround for https://github.com/insightsengineering/rtables/issues/159 |
356 | -! | +|||
105 | +6106x |
- labels = list(),+ if (NROW(dfpart) > 0) { |
357 | -! | +|||
106 | +5254x |
- extras = list()+ inds <- eval(csub, envir = dfpart)+ |
+ ||
107 | +5254x | +
+ dat <- dfpart[inds, , drop = FALSE] |
358 | +108 |
- ))+ } else {+ |
+ ||
109 | +852x | +
+ dat <- dfpart |
359 | +110 |
} |
360 | -+ | |||
111 | +6106x |
+ if (!is.null(col) && !inclNAs) { |
361 | -1055x | +112 | +4776x |
- dpart <- .applysplit_datapart(spl, df, vals)+ dat <- dat[!is.na(dat[[col]]), , drop = FALSE] |
362 | +113 | ++ |
+ }+ |
+ |
114 | ||||
363 | -1055x | +115 | +6106x |
- if (is.null(labels)) {+ fullrefcoldat <- cextr$.ref_full |
364 | -1052x | +116 | +6106x |
- labels <- .applysplit_partlabels(spl, df, vals, labels)+ if (!is.null(fullrefcoldat)) {+ |
117 | +141x | +
+ cextr$.ref_full <- NULL |
365 | +118 |
- } else {+ }+ |
+ ||
119 | +6106x | +
+ inrefcol <- cextr$.in_ref_col |
366 | -3x | +120 | +6106x |
- stopifnot(names(labels) == names(vals))+ if (!is.null(fullrefcoldat)) { |
367 | -+ | |||
121 | +141x |
- }+ cextr$.in_ref_col <- NULL |
368 | +122 |
- ## get rid of columns that would not have any+ } |
369 | +123 |
- ## observations.+ |
370 | -+ | |||
124 | +6106x |
- ##+ exargs <- c(cextr, splextra) |
371 | +125 |
- ## But only if there were any rows to start with+ |
372 | +126 |
- ## if not we're in a manually constructed table+ ## behavior for x/df and ref-data (full and group) |
373 | +127 |
- ## column tree+ ## match |
374 | -1055x | -
- if (trim) {- |
- ||
375 | -! | +128 | +6106x |
- hasdata <- sapply(dpart, function(x) nrow(x) > 0)+ if (!is.null(col) && !takesdf) { |
376 | -! | +|||
129 | +3883x |
- if (nrow(df) > 0 && length(dpart) > sum(hasdata)) { # some empties+ dat <- dat[[col]] |
377 | -! | +|||
130 | +3883x |
- dpart <- dpart[hasdata]+ fullrefcoldat <- fullrefcoldat[[col]] |
378 | -! | +|||
131 | +3883x |
- vals <- vals[hasdata]+ baselinedf <- baselinedf[[col]] |
379 | -! | +|||
132 | +
- extr <- extr[hasdata]+ } |
380 | -! | +|||
133 | +6106x |
- labels <- labels[hasdata]+ args <- list(dat) |
381 | +134 |
- }+ |
382 | -+ | |||
135 | +6106x |
- }+ names(all_col_counts) <- names(all_col_exprs) |
383 | +136 | |||
384 | -1055x | +137 | +6106x |
- if (is.null(spl_child_order(spl)) || is(spl, "AllSplit")) {+ exargs <- match_extra_args(func, |
385 | -163x | -
- vord <- seq_along(vals)- |
- ||
386 | -+ | 138 | +6106x |
- } else {+ .N_col = count, |
387 | -892x | +139 | +6106x |
- vord <- match(+ .N_total = totcount, |
388 | -892x | +140 | +6106x |
- spl_child_order(spl),+ .all_col_exprs = all_col_exprs, |
389 | -892x | +141 | +6106x |
- vals+ .all_col_counts = all_col_counts, |
390 | -+ | |||
142 | +6106x |
- )+ .var = col, |
391 | -892x | +143 | +6106x |
- vord <- vord[!is.na(vord)]+ .ref_group = baselinedf, |
392 | -+ | |||
144 | +6106x |
- }+ .alt_df_row = alt_dfpart, |
393 | -+ | |||
145 | +6106x |
+ .alt_df = alt_dfpart_fil, |
394 | -+ | |||
146 | +6106x |
- ## FIXME: should be an S4 object, not a list+ .ref_full = fullrefcoldat, |
395 | -1055x | +147 | +6106x |
- ret <- list(+ .in_ref_col = inrefcol, |
396 | -1055x | +148 | +6106x |
- values = vals[vord],+ .N_row = NROW(dfpart), |
397 | -1055x | +149 | +6106x |
- datasplit = dpart[vord],+ .df_row = dfpart, |
398 | -1055x | +150 | +6106x |
- labels = labels[vord],+ .spl_context = spl_context, |
399 | -1055x | +151 | +6106x |
- extras = extr[vord]+ extras = c( |
400 | -+ | |||
152 | +6106x |
- )+ cextr, |
401 | -1055x | +153 | +6106x |
- ret+ splextra |
402 | +154 |
- }+ ) |
403 | +155 |
+ ) |
404 | +156 |
- .checkvarsok <- function(spl, df) {+ |
405 | -1948x | +157 | +6106x |
- vars <- spl_payload(spl)+ args <- c(args, exargs) |
406 | +158 |
- ## could be multiple vars in the future?+ |
407 | -+ | |||
159 | +6106x |
- ## no reason not to make that work here now.+ val <- do.call(func, args) |
408 | -1948x | +160 | +6103x |
- if (!all(vars %in% names(df))) {+ if (!is(val, "RowsVerticalSection")) { |
409 | -2x | +161 | +3808x |
- stop(+ if (!is(val, "list")) { |
410 | -2x | +162 | +3330x |
- " variable(s) [",+ val <- list(val) |
411 | -2x | +|||
163 | +
- paste(setdiff(vars, names(df)),+ } |
412 | -2x | +164 | +3808x |
- collapse = ", "+ ret <- in_rows( |
413 | -+ | |||
165 | +3808x |
- ),+ .list = val, |
414 | -2x | +166 | +3808x |
- "] not present in data. (",+ .labels = unlist(value_labels(val)), |
415 | -2x | +167 | +3808x |
- class(spl), ")"+ .names = names(val) |
416 | +168 |
) |
417 | +169 |
- }+ } else { |
418 | -1946x | +170 | +2295x |
- invisible(NULL)+ ret <- val |
419 | +171 |
- }+ } |
420 | -+ | |||
172 | +6103x |
+ ret |
421 | +173 |
- ### Methods to verify a split appears to be valid, applicable+ } |
422 | +174 |
- ### to the ***current subset*** of the df.+ |
423 | +175 |
- ###+ strip_multivar_suffix <- function(x) { |
424 | -+ | |||
176 | +228x |
- ### This is called at each level of recursive splitting so+ gsub("\\._\\[\\[[0-9]\\]\\]_\\.$", "", x) |
425 | +177 |
- ### do NOT make it check, e.g., if the ref_group level of+ } |
426 | +178 |
- ### a factor is present in the data, because it may not be.+ |
427 | +179 |
+ ## Generate all values (one for each column) for one or more rows |
428 | +180 |
- setMethod(+ ## by calling func once per column (as defined by cinfo) |
429 | +181 |
- "check_validsplit", "VarLevelSplit",+ #' @noRd |
430 | +182 |
- function(spl, df) {- |
- ||
431 | -843x | -
- .checkvarsok(spl, df)+ #' @return A list of `m` `RowsVerticalSection` objects, one for each (leaf) column in the table. |
432 | +183 |
- }+ gen_rowvalues <- function(dfpart, |
433 | +184 |
- )+ datcol, |
434 | +185 |
+ cinfo, |
435 | +186 |
- setMethod(+ func, |
436 | +187 |
- "check_validsplit", "MultiVarSplit",+ splextra, |
437 | +188 |
- function(spl, df) {- |
- ||
438 | -56x | -
- .checkvarsok(spl, df)+ takesdf = NULL, |
439 | +189 |
- }+ baselines, |
440 | +190 |
- )+ alt_dfpart, |
441 | +191 |
+ inclNAs, |
442 | +192 |
- setMethod(+ spl_context = spl_context) { |
443 | -+ | |||
193 | +1626x |
- "check_validsplit", "VAnalyzeSplit",+ colexprs <- col_exprs(cinfo) |
444 | -+ | |||
194 | +1626x |
- function(spl, df) {+ colcounts <- col_counts(cinfo) |
445 | -1103x | +195 | +1626x |
- if (!is.na(spl_payload(spl))) {+ colextras <- col_extra_args(cinfo, NULL) |
446 | -1049x | +196 | +1626x |
- .checkvarsok(spl, df)+ cpaths <- col_paths(cinfo) |
447 | +197 |
- } else {+ ## XXX I don't think this is used anywhere???+ |
+ ||
198 | ++ |
+ ## splextra = c(splextra, list(.spl_context = spl_context)) |
448 | -54x | +199 | +1626x |
- TRUE+ totcount <- col_total(cinfo) |
449 | +200 |
- }+ |
450 | -+ | |||
201 | +1626x |
- }+ colleaves <- collect_leaves(cinfo@tree_layout) |
451 | +202 |
- )+ + |
+ ||
203 | +1626x | +
+ gotflist <- is.list(func) |
452 | +204 | |||
453 | +205 |
- setMethod(+ ## one set of named args to be applied to all columns |
454 | -+ | |||
206 | +1626x |
- "check_validsplit", "CompoundSplit",+ if (!is.null(names(splextra))) {+ |
+ ||
207 | +25x | +
+ splextra <- list(splextra) |
455 | +208 |
- function(spl, df) {+ } else { |
456 | -! | +|||
209 | +1601x |
- all(sapply(spl_payload(spl), df))+ length(splextra) <- ncol(cinfo) |
457 | +210 |
} |
458 | +211 |
- )+ |
459 | -+ | |||
212 | +1626x |
+ if (!gotflist) { |
460 | -+ | |||
213 | +1095x |
- ## default does nothing, add methods as they become+ func <- list(func) |
461 | -+ | |||
214 | +531x |
- ## required+ } else if (length(splextra) == 1) { |
462 | -+ | |||
215 | +114x |
- setMethod(+ splextra <- rep(splextra, length.out = length(func)) |
463 | +216 |
- "check_validsplit", "Split",+ } |
464 | -131x | +|||
217 | +
- function(spl, df) invisible(NULL)+ ## if(length(func)) == 1 && names(spl) |
465 | +218 |
- )+ ## splextra = list(splextra) |
466 | +219 | |||
467 | +220 |
- setMethod(+ ## we are in analyze_colvars, so we have to match |
468 | +221 |
- ".applysplit_rawvals", "VarLevelSplit",+ ## the exargs value by position for each column repeatedly |
469 | +222 |
- function(spl, df) {+ ## across the higher level col splits. |
470 | -751x | +223 | +1626x |
- varvec <- df[[spl_payload(spl)]]+ if (!is.null(datcol) && is.na(datcol)) { |
471 | -751x | +224 | +54x |
- if (is.factor(varvec)) {+ datcol <- character(length(colleaves)) |
472 | -554x | +225 | +54x |
- levels(varvec)+ exargs <- vector("list", length(colleaves)) |
473 | -+ | |||
226 | +54x |
- } else {+ for (i in seq_along(colleaves)) { |
474 | -197x | +227 | +228x |
- unique(varvec)+ x <- colleaves[[i]] |
475 | +228 |
- }+ |
476 | -+ | |||
229 | +228x |
- }+ pos <- tree_pos(x) |
477 | -+ | |||
230 | +228x |
- )+ spls <- pos_splits(pos) |
478 | +231 |
+ ## values have the suffix but we are populating datacol |
479 | +232 |
- setMethod(+ ## so it has to match var numbers so strip the suffixes back off |
480 | -+ | |||
233 | +228x |
- ".applysplit_rawvals", "MultiVarSplit",+ splvals <- strip_multivar_suffix(rawvalues(pos)) |
481 | -+ | |||
234 | +228x |
- function(spl, df) {+ n <- length(spls) |
482 | -+ | |||
235 | +228x |
- ## spl_payload(spl)+ datcol[i] <- if (is(spls[[n]], "MultiVarSplit")) { |
483 | -48x | +236 | +228x |
- spl_varnames(spl)+ splvals[n] |
484 | +237 |
- }+ } else { |
485 | -+ | |||
238 | +228x |
- )+ NA_character_ |
486 | +239 |
+ } |
487 | -+ | |||
240 | +228x |
- setMethod(+ argpos <- match(datcol[i], spl_payload(spls[[n]])) |
488 | +241 |
- ".applysplit_rawvals", "AllSplit",- |
- ||
489 | -109x | -
- function(spl, df) obj_name(spl)+ ## single bracket here because assigning NULL into a list removes |
490 | +242 |
- ) # "all obs")+ ## the position entirely |
491 | -+ | |||
243 | +228x |
+ exargs[i] <- if (argpos <= length(splextra)) { |
492 | -+ | |||
244 | +228x |
- setMethod(+ splextra[argpos] |
493 | +245 |
- ".applysplit_rawvals", "ManualSplit",- |
- ||
494 | -52x | -
- function(spl, df) spl@levels+ } else { |
495 | -+ | |||
246 | +! |
- )+ list(NULL) |
496 | +247 |
+ } |
497 | +248 |
- ## setMethod(".applysplit_rawvals", "NULLSplit",+ } |
498 | +249 |
- ## function(spl, df) "")+ ## }) |
499 | -+ | |||
250 | +54x |
+ if (all(is.na(datcol))) { |
500 | -+ | |||
251 | +! |
- setMethod(+ datcol <- list(NULL) |
501 | -+ | |||
252 | +54x |
- ".applysplit_rawvals", "VAnalyzeSplit",+ } else if (any(is.na(datcol))) { |
502 | +253 | ! |
- function(spl, df) spl_payload(spl)+ stop("mix of var and non-var columns with NA analysis rowvara") |
503 | +254 |
- )+ } |
504 | +255 |
+ } else { |
505 | -+ | |||
256 | +1572x |
- ## formfactor here is gross we're gonna have ot do this+ exargs <- splextra |
506 | -+ | |||
257 | +1572x |
- ## all again in tthe data split part :-/+ if (is.null(datcol)) {+ |
+ ||
258 | +340x | +
+ datcol <- list(NULL) |
507 | +259 |
- setMethod(+ }+ |
+ ||
260 | +1572x | +
+ datcol <- rep(datcol, length(colexprs)) |
508 | +261 |
- ".applysplit_rawvals", "VarStaticCutSplit",+ ## if(gotflist) |
509 | +262 |
- function(spl, df) {+ ## length(exargs) <- length(func) ## func is a list |
510 | -22x | +263 | +1572x |
- spl_cutlabels(spl)+ exargs <- rep(exargs, length.out = length(colexprs)) |
511 | +264 |
} |
512 | -+ | |||
265 | +1626x |
- )+ allfuncs <- rep(func, length.out = length(colexprs)) |
513 | +266 | |||
514 | -+ | |||
267 | +1626x |
- setMethod(+ if (is.null(takesdf)) {+ |
+ ||
268 | +1149x | +
+ takesdf <- .takes_df(allfuncs) |
515 | +269 |
- ".applysplit_datapart", "VarLevelSplit",+ } |
516 | +270 |
- function(spl, df, vals) {+ |
517 | -824x | +271 | +1626x |
- if (!(spl_payload(spl) %in% names(df))) {+ rawvals <- mapply(gen_onerv, |
518 | -! | +|||
272 | +1626x |
- stop(+ csub = colexprs, |
519 | -! | +|||
273 | +1626x |
- "Attempted to split on values of column (", spl_payload(spl),+ col = datcol, |
520 | -! | +|||
274 | +1626x |
- ") not present in the data"+ count = colcounts, |
521 | -+ | |||
275 | +1626x |
- )+ cextr = colextras, |
522 | -+ | |||
276 | +1626x |
- }+ cpath = cpaths, |
523 | -824x | +277 | +1626x |
- ret <- lapply(seq_along(vals), function(i) {+ baselinedf = baselines, |
524 | -2251x | +278 | +1626x |
- spl_col <- df[[spl_payload(spl)]]+ alt_dfpart = list(alt_dfpart), |
525 | -2251x | +279 | +1626x |
- df[!is.na(spl_col) & spl_col == vals[[i]], ]+ func = allfuncs, |
526 | -+ | |||
280 | +1626x |
- })+ takesdf = takesdf, |
527 | -824x | +281 | +1626x |
- names(ret) <- as.character(vals)+ col_parent_inds = spl_context[, names(colexprs), |
528 | -824x | +282 | +1626x |
- ret+ drop = FALSE |
529 | +283 |
- }+ ], |
530 | -+ | |||
284 | +1626x |
- )+ all_col_exprs = list(colexprs), |
531 | -+ | |||
285 | +1626x |
+ all_col_counts = list(colcounts), |
532 | -+ | |||
286 | +1626x |
- setMethod(+ splextra = exargs, |
533 | -+ | |||
287 | +1626x |
- ".applysplit_datapart", "MultiVarSplit",+ MoreArgs = list( |
534 | -+ | |||
288 | +1626x |
- function(spl, df, vals) {+ dfpart = dfpart, |
535 | -48x | +289 | +1626x |
- allvnms <- spl_varnames(spl)+ totcount = totcount, |
536 | -48x | +290 | +1626x |
- if (!is.null(vals) && !identical(allvnms, vals)) {+ inclNAs = inclNAs, |
537 | -! | +|||
291 | +1626x |
- incl <- match(vals, allvnms)+ spl_context = spl_context |
538 | +292 |
- } else {+ ), |
539 | -48x | +293 | +1626x |
- incl <- seq_along(allvnms)+ SIMPLIFY = FALSE |
540 | +294 |
- }+ )+ |
+ ||
295 | ++ | + | ||
541 | -48x | +296 | +1623x |
- vars <- spl_payload(spl)[incl]+ names(rawvals) <- names(colexprs) |
542 | -+ | |||
297 | +1623x |
- ## don't remove nas+ rawvals |
543 | +298 |
- ## ret = lapply(vars, function(cl) {+ } |
544 | +299 |
- ## df[!is.na(df[[cl]]),]+ |
545 | +300 |
- ## })- |
- ||
546 | -48x | -
- ret <- rep(list(df), length(vars))+ .strip_lst_rvals <- function(lst) { |
547 | -48x | +|||
301 | +! |
- names(ret) <- vals+ lapply(lst, rawvalues) |
548 | -48x | +|||
302 | +
- ret+ } |
549 | +303 |
- }+ |
550 | +304 |
- )+ #' @noRd |
551 | +305 |
+ #' @return A list of table rows, even when only one is generated. |
552 | +306 |
- setMethod(+ .make_tablerows <- function(dfpart, |
553 | +307 |
- ".applysplit_datapart", "AllSplit",+ alt_dfpart, |
554 | -109x | +|||
308 | +
- function(spl, df, vals) list(df)+ func, |
555 | +309 |
- )+ cinfo, |
556 | +310 |
+ datcol = NULL, |
557 | +311 |
- ## ## not sure I need this+ lev = 1L, |
558 | +312 |
- setMethod(+ rvlab = NA_character_, |
559 | +313 |
- ".applysplit_datapart", "ManualSplit",+ format = NULL, |
560 | -52x | +|||
314 | +
- function(spl, df, vals) rep(list(df), times = length(vals))+ defrowlabs = NULL, |
561 | +315 |
- )+ rowconstr = DataRow, |
562 | +316 |
+ splextra = list(), |
563 | +317 |
- ## setMethod(".applysplit_datapart", "NULLSplit",+ takesdf = NULL, |
564 | +318 |
- ## function(spl, df, vals) list(df[FALSE,]))+ baselines = replicate( |
565 | +319 |
+ length(col_exprs(cinfo)), |
566 | +320 |
- setMethod(+ list(dfpart[0, ]) |
567 | +321 |
- ".applysplit_datapart", "VarStaticCutSplit",+ ), |
568 | +322 |
- function(spl, df, vals) {+ inclNAs, |
569 | +323 |
- # lbs = spl_cutlabels(spl)+ spl_context = context_df_row(cinfo = cinfo)) { |
570 | -14x | +324 | +1626x |
- var <- spl_payload(spl)+ if (is.null(datcol) && !is.na(rvlab)) { |
571 | -14x | +|||
325 | +! |
- varvec <- df[[var]]+ stop("NULL datcol but non-na rowvar label") |
572 | -14x | +|||
326 | +
- cts <- spl_cuts(spl)+ } |
573 | -14x | +327 | +1626x |
- cfct <- cut(varvec, cts, include.lowest = TRUE) # , labels = lbs)+ if (!is.null(datcol) && !is.na(datcol)) { |
574 | -14x | +328 | +1232x |
- split(df, cfct, drop = FALSE)+ if (!all(datcol %in% names(dfpart))) { |
575 | -+ | |||
329 | +! |
- }+ stop( |
576 | -+ | |||
330 | +! |
- )+ "specified analysis variable (", datcol, |
577 | -+ | |||
331 | +! |
+ ") not present in data" |
578 | +332 |
- setMethod(+ ) |
579 | +333 |
- ".applysplit_datapart", "CumulativeCutSplit",+ } |
580 | +334 |
- function(spl, df, vals) {+ + |
+ ||
335 | +1232x | +
+ rowvar <- datcol |
581 | +336 |
- # lbs = spl_cutlabels(spl)+ } else { |
582 | -8x | +337 | +394x |
- var <- spl_payload(spl)+ rowvar <- NA_character_ |
583 | -8x | +|||
338 | +
- varvec <- df[[var]]+ } |
584 | -8x | +|||
339 | +
- cts <- spl_cuts(spl)+ |
585 | -8x | +340 | +1626x |
- cfct <- cut(varvec, cts, include.lowest = TRUE) # , labels = lbs)+ rawvals <- gen_rowvalues(dfpart, |
586 | -8x | +341 | +1626x |
- ret <- lapply(+ alt_dfpart = alt_dfpart, |
587 | -8x | +342 | +1626x |
- seq_len(length(levels(cfct))),+ datcol = datcol, |
588 | -8x | +343 | +1626x |
- function(i) df[as.integer(cfct) <= i, ]+ cinfo = cinfo, |
589 | -+ | |||
344 | +1626x |
- )+ func = func, |
590 | -8x | +345 | +1626x |
- names(ret) <- levels(cfct)+ splextra = splextra, |
591 | -8x | +346 | +1626x |
- ret+ takesdf = takesdf, |
592 | -+ | |||
347 | +1626x |
- }+ baselines = baselines, |
593 | -+ | |||
348 | +1626x |
- )+ inclNAs = inclNAs, |
594 | -+ | |||
349 | +1626x |
+ spl_context = spl_context |
595 | +350 |
- ## XXX TODO *CutSplit Methods+ ) |
596 | +351 | |||
597 | +352 |
- setClass("NullSentinel", contains = "NULL")+ ## if(is.null(rvtypes)) |
598 | +353 |
- nullsentinel <- new("NullSentinel")+ ## rvtypes = rep(NA_character_, length(rawvals)) |
599 | -! | +|||
354 | +1623x |
- noarg <- function() nullsentinel+ lens <- vapply(rawvals, length, NA_integer_) |
600 | -+ | |||
355 | +1623x |
+ unqlens <- unique(lens) |
601 | +356 |
- ## Extras generation methods+ ## length 0 returns are ok to not match cause they are |
602 | +357 |
- setMethod(+ ## just empty space we can fill in as needed. |
603 | -+ | |||
358 | +1623x |
- ".applysplit_extras", "Split",+ if (length(unqlens[unqlens > 0]) != 1L) { ## length(unqlens) != 1 && |
604 | +359 |
- function(spl, df, vals) {+ ## (0 %in% unqlens && length(unqlens) != 2)) { |
605 | -1003x | +360 | +1x |
- splex <- split_exargs(spl)+ stop( |
606 | -1003x | +361 | +1x |
- nvals <- length(vals)+ "Number of rows generated by analysis function do not match ", |
607 | -1003x | +362 | +1x |
- lapply(seq_len(nvals), function(vpos) {+ "across all columns. ", |
608 | -2552x | +363 | +1x |
- one_ex <- lapply(splex, function(arg) {+ if (!is.na(datcol) && is.character(dfpart[[datcol]])) { |
609 | +364 | ! |
- if (length(arg) >= vpos) {+ paste( |
610 | +365 | ! |
- arg[[vpos]]- |
- |
611 | -- |
- } else {+ "\nPerhaps convert analysis variable", datcol, |
612 | +366 | ! |
- noarg()+ "to a factor?" |
613 | +367 |
- }+ ) |
614 | +368 |
- })+ } |
615 | -2552x | +|||
369 | +
- names(one_ex) <- names(splex)+ ) |
616 | -2552x | +|||
370 | +
- one_ex <- one_ex[!sapply(one_ex, is, "NullSentinel")]+ } |
617 | -2552x | +371 | +1622x |
- one_ex+ maxind <- match(max(unqlens), lens) |
618 | +372 |
- })+ |
619 | +373 |
- }+ ## look if we got labels, if not apply the |
620 | +374 |
- )+ ## default row labels |
621 | +375 |
+ ## this is guaranteed to be a RowsVerticalSection object. |
622 | -+ | |||
376 | +1622x |
- setMethod(+ rv1col <- rawvals[[maxind]] |
623 | +377 |
- ".applysplit_ref_vals", "Split",- |
- ||
624 | -! | -
- function(spl, df, vals) rep(list(NULL), length(vals))+ ## nocov start |
625 | +378 |
- )+ if (!is(rv1col, "RowsVerticalSection")) { |
626 | +379 |
+ stop( |
627 | +380 |
- setMethod(+ "gen_rowvalues appears to have generated something that was not ", |
628 | +381 |
- ".applysplit_ref_vals", "VarLevWBaselineSplit",+ "a RowsVerticalSection object. Please contact the maintainer." |
629 | +382 |
- function(spl, df, vals) {+ ) |
630 | -17x | +|||
383 | +
- bl_level <- spl@ref_group_value # XXX XXX+ } |
631 | -17x | +|||
384 | +
- vnames <- value_names(vals)+ # nocov end |
632 | -17x | +|||
385 | +
- ret <- lapply(vnames, function(vl) {+ |
633 | -46x | +386 | +1622x |
- list(.in_ref_col = vl == bl_level)+ labels <- value_labels(rv1col) |
634 | +387 |
- })+ |
635 | -17x | +388 | +1622x |
- names(ret) <- vnames+ ncrows <- max(unqlens) |
636 | -17x | +389 | +1622x |
- ret+ if (ncrows == 0) { |
637 | -+ | |||
390 | +! |
- }+ return(list()) |
638 | +391 |
- )+ } |
639 | -+ | |||
392 | +1622x |
+ stopifnot(ncrows > 0) |
640 | +393 |
641 | -+ | |||
394 | +1622x |
- setMethod(+ if (is.null(labels)) { |
642 | -+ | |||
395 | +207x |
- ".applysplit_partlabels", "Split",+ if (length(rawvals[[maxind]]) == length(defrowlabs)) { |
643 | -131x | +396 | +199x |
- function(spl, df, vals, labels) as.character(vals)+ labels <- defrowlabs |
644 | +397 |
- )+ } else { |
645 | -+ | |||
398 | +8x |
+ labels <- rep("", ncrows) |
646 | +399 |
- setMethod(+ } |
647 | +400 |
- ".applysplit_partlabels", "VarLevelSplit",+ } |
648 | +401 |
- function(spl, df, vals, labels) {+ |
649 | -821x | +402 | +1622x |
- varname <- spl_payload(spl)+ rfootnotes <- rep(list(list(), length(rv1col))) |
650 | -821x | +403 | +1622x |
- vlabelname <- spl_labelvar(spl)+ nms <- value_names(rv1col) |
651 | -821x | +404 | +1622x |
- varvec <- df[[varname]]+ rfootnotes <- row_footnotes(rv1col) |
652 | +405 |
- ## we used to check if vals was NULL but+ |
653 | -+ | |||
406 | +1622x |
- ## this is called after a short-circuit return in .apply_split_inner in that+ imods <- indent_mod(rv1col) ## rv1col@indent_mods |
654 | -+ | |||
407 | +1622x |
- ## case+ unwrapped_vals <- lapply(rawvals, as, Class = "list", strict = TRUE) |
655 | +408 |
- ## so vals is guaranteed to be non-null here+ |
656 | -821x | +409 | +1622x |
- if (is.null(labels)) {+ formatvec <- NULL |
657 | -821x | +410 | +1622x |
- if (varname == vlabelname) {+ if (!is.null(format)) { |
658 | -691x | -
- labels <- vals- |
- ||
659 | -+ | 411 | +200x |
- } else {+ if (is.function(format)) { |
660 | -130x | +412 | +1x |
- labfact <- is.factor(df[[vlabelname]])+ format <- list(format) |
661 | -130x | +|||
413 | +
- lablevs <- if (labfact) levels(df[[vlabelname]]) else NULL+ } |
662 | -130x | +414 | +200x |
- labels <- sapply(vals, function(v) {+ formatvec <- rep(format, length.out = ncrows) |
663 | -262x | +|||
415 | +
- vlabel <- unique(df[varvec == v, vlabelname, drop = TRUE])+ } |
664 | +416 |
- ## TODO remove this once 1-to-1 value-label map is enforced+ |
665 | -+ | |||
417 | +1622x |
- ## elsewhere.+ trows <- lapply(1:ncrows, function(i) { |
666 | -262x | +418 | +2656x |
- stopifnot(length(vlabel) < 2)+ rowvals <- lapply(unwrapped_vals, function(colvals) { |
667 | -262x | +419 | +9865x |
- if (length(vlabel) == 0) {+ colvals[[i]] |
668 | -! | +|||
420 | +
- vlabel <- ""+ }) |
669 | -262x | +421 | +2656x |
- } else if (labfact) {+ imod <- unique(vapply(rowvals, indent_mod, 0L)) |
670 | -6x | +422 | +2656x |
- vlabel <- lablevs[vlabel]+ if (length(imod) != 1) { |
671 | -+ | |||
423 | +! |
- }+ stop( |
672 | -262x | +|||
424 | +! |
- vlabel+ "Different cells in the same row appear to have been given ", |
673 | -+ | |||
425 | +! |
- })+ "different indent_mod values" |
674 | +426 |
- }+ ) |
675 | +427 |
} |
676 | -821x | +428 | +2656x |
- names(labels) <- as.character(vals)+ rowconstr( |
677 | -821x | +429 | +2656x |
- labels+ vals = rowvals, |
678 | -+ | |||
430 | +2656x |
- }+ cinfo = cinfo, |
679 | -+ | |||
431 | +2656x |
- )+ lev = lev, |
680 | -+ | |||
432 | +2656x |
+ label = labels[i], |
681 | -+ | |||
433 | +2656x |
- setMethod(+ name = nms[i], ## labels[i], ## XXX this is probably wrong?! |
682 | -+ | |||
434 | +2656x |
- ".applysplit_partlabels", "MultiVarSplit",+ var = rowvar, |
683 | -48x | +435 | +2656x |
- function(spl, df, vals, labels) value_labels(spl)+ format = formatvec[[i]], |
684 | -+ | |||
436 | +2656x |
- )+ indent_mod = imods[[i]] %||% 0L, |
685 | -+ | |||
437 | +2656x |
+ footnotes = rfootnotes[[i]] ## one bracket so list |
686 | +438 |
- make_splvalue_vec <- function(vals, extrs = list(list()), labels = vals,+ ) |
687 | +439 |
- subset_exprs) {+ }) |
688 | -2803x | +440 | +1622x |
- if (length(vals) == 0) {+ trows |
689 | -377x | +|||
441 | +
- return(vals)+ } |
690 | +442 |
- }+ |
691 | +443 |
+ .make_caller <- function(parent_cfun, clabelstr = "") { |
692 | -2426x | +444 | +488x |
- if (is(extrs, "AsIs")) {+ formalnms <- names(formals(parent_cfun)) |
693 | -! | +|||
445 | +
- extrs <- unclass(extrs)+ ## note the <- here |
694 | -+ | |||
446 | +488x |
- }+ if (!is.na(dotspos <- match("...", formalnms))) { |
695 | -+ | |||
447 | +1x |
- ## if(are(vals, "SplitValue")) {+ toremove <- dotspos |
696 | +448 |
+ } else { |
697 | -+ | |||
449 | +487x |
- ## return(vals)+ toremove <- NULL |
698 | +450 |
- ## }+ } |
699 | +451 | |||
700 | -2426x | -
- mapply(SplitValue,- |
- ||
701 | -2426x | +452 | +488x |
- val = vals, extr = extrs,+ labelstrpos <- match("labelstr", names(formals(parent_cfun))) |
702 | -2426x | +453 | +488x |
- label = labels,+ if (is.na(labelstrpos)) { |
703 | -2426x | +|||
454 | +! |
- sub_expr = subset_exprs,+ stop( |
704 | -2426x | +|||
455 | +! |
- SIMPLIFY = FALSE+ "content function does not appear to accept the labelstr", |
705 | -+ | |||
456 | +! |
- )+ "arguent" |
706 | +457 |
- }+ ) |
1 | +458 |
- #' Compare two rtables+ } |
2 | -+ | |||
459 | +488x |
- #'+ toremove <- c(toremove, labelstrpos) |
3 | -+ | |||
460 | +488x |
- #' Prints a matrix where `.` means cell matches, `X` means cell does+ formalnms <- formalnms[-1 * toremove] |
4 | +461 |
- #' not match, `+` cell (row) is missing, and `-` cell (row)+ |
5 | -+ | |||
462 | +488x |
- #' should not be there. If `structure` is set to `TRUE`, `C` indicates+ caller <- eval(parser_helper(text = paste( |
6 | -+ | |||
463 | +488x |
- #' column-structure mismatch, `R` indicates row-structure mismatch, and+ "function() { parent_cfun(", |
7 | -+ | |||
464 | +488x |
- #' `S` indicates mismatch in both row and column structure.+ paste(formalnms, "=", |
8 | -+ | |||
465 | +488x |
- #'+ formalnms, |
9 | -+ | |||
466 | +488x |
- #' @param object (`VTableTree`)\cr `rtable` to test.+ collapse = ", " |
10 | +467 |
- #' @param expected (`VTableTree`)\cr expected `rtable`.+ ), |
11 | -+ | |||
468 | +488x |
- #' @param tol (`numeric(1)`)\cr tolerance.+ ", labelstr = clabelstr, ...)}" |
12 | +469 |
- #' @param comp.attr (`flag`)\cr whether to compare cell formats. Other attributes are+ ))) |
13 | -+ | |||
470 | +488x |
- #' silently ignored.+ formals(caller) <- c( |
14 | -+ | |||
471 | +488x |
- #' @param structure (`flag`)\cr whether structures (in the form of column and row+ formals(parent_cfun)[-labelstrpos], |
15 | -+ | |||
472 | +488x |
- #' paths to cells) should be compared. Currently defaults to `FALSE`, but this is+ alist("..." = ) |
16 | -+ | |||
473 | +488x |
- #' subject to change in future versions.+ ) # nolint |
17 | -+ | |||
474 | +488x |
- #'+ caller |
18 | +475 |
- #' @note In its current form, `compare_rtables` does not take structure into+ } |
19 | +476 |
- #' account, only row and cell position.+ |
20 | +477 |
- #'+ # Makes content table xxx renaming |
21 | +478 |
- #' @return A matrix of class `rtables_diff` representing the differences+ .make_ctab <- function(df, |
22 | +479 |
- #' between `object` and `expected` as described above.+ lvl, ## treepos, |
23 | +480 |
- #'+ name, |
24 | +481 |
- #' @examples+ label, |
25 | +482 |
- #' t1 <- rtable(header = c("A", "B"), format = "xx", rrow("row 1", 1, 2))+ cinfo, |
26 | +483 |
- #' t2 <- rtable(header = c("A", "B", "C"), format = "xx", rrow("row 1", 1, 2, 3))+ parent_cfun = NULL, |
27 | +484 |
- #'+ format = NULL, |
28 | +485 |
- #' compare_rtables(object = t1, expected = t2)+ na_str = NA_character_, |
29 | +486 |
- #'+ indent_mod = 0L, |
30 | +487 |
- #' if (interactive()) {+ cvar = NULL, |
31 | +488 |
- #' Viewer(t1, t2)+ inclNAs, |
32 | +489 |
- #' }+ alt_df, |
33 | +490 |
- #'+ extra_args, |
34 | +491 |
- #' expected <- rtable(+ spl_context = context_df_row(cinfo = cinfo)) { |
35 | -+ | |||
492 | +1876x |
- #' header = c("ARM A\nN=100", "ARM B\nN=200"),+ if (length(cvar) == 0 || is.na(cvar) || identical(nchar(cvar), 0L)) { |
36 | -+ | |||
493 | +1707x |
- #' format = "xx",+ cvar <- NULL |
37 | +494 |
- #' rrow("row 1", 10, 15),+ } |
38 | -+ | |||
495 | +1876x |
- #' rrow(),+ if (!is.null(parent_cfun)) { |
39 | +496 |
- #' rrow("section title"),+ ## cfunc <- .make_caller(parent_cfun, label) |
40 | -+ | |||
497 | +477x |
- #' rrow("row colspan", rcell(c(.345543, .4432423), colspan = 2, format = "(xx.xx, xx.xx)"))+ cfunc <- lapply(parent_cfun, .make_caller, clabelstr = label) |
41 | -+ | |||
498 | +477x |
- #' )+ contkids <- tryCatch( |
42 | -+ | |||
499 | +477x |
- #'+ .make_tablerows(df, |
43 | -+ | |||
500 | +477x |
- #' expected+ lev = lvl, |
44 | -+ | |||
501 | +477x |
- #'+ func = cfunc, |
45 | -+ | |||
502 | +477x |
- #' object <- rtable(+ cinfo = cinfo, |
46 | -+ | |||
503 | +477x |
- #' header = c("ARM A\nN=100", "ARM B\nN=200"),+ rowconstr = ContentRow, |
47 | -+ | |||
504 | +477x |
- #' format = "xx",+ datcol = cvar, |
48 | -+ | |||
505 | +477x |
- #' rrow("row 1", 10, 15),+ takesdf = rep(.takes_df(cfunc), |
49 | -+ | |||
506 | +477x |
- #' rrow("section title"),+ length.out = ncol(cinfo) |
50 | +507 |
- #' rrow("row colspan", rcell(c(.345543, .4432423), colspan = 2, format = "(xx.xx, xx.xx)"))+ ), |
51 | -+ | |||
508 | +477x |
- #' )+ inclNAs = FALSE, |
52 | -+ | |||
509 | +477x |
- #'+ alt_dfpart = alt_df, |
53 | -+ | |||
510 | +477x |
- #' compare_rtables(object, expected, comp.attr = FALSE)+ splextra = extra_args, |
54 | -+ | |||
511 | +477x |
- #'+ spl_context = spl_context |
55 | +512 |
- #' object <- rtable(+ ), |
56 | -+ | |||
513 | +477x |
- #' header = c("ARM A\nN=100", "ARM B\nN=200"),+ error = function(e) e |
57 | +514 |
- #' format = "xx",+ ) |
58 | -+ | |||
515 | +477x |
- #' rrow("row 1", 10, 15),+ if (is(contkids, "error")) { |
59 | -+ | |||
516 | +1x |
- #' rrow(),+ stop("Error in content (summary) function: ", contkids$message, |
60 | -+ | |||
517 | +1x |
- #' rrow("section title")+ "\n\toccured at path: ", |
61 | -+ | |||
518 | +1x |
- #' )+ spl_context_to_disp_path(spl_context), |
62 | -+ | |||
519 | +1x |
- #'+ call. = FALSE |
63 | +520 |
- #' compare_rtables(object, expected)+ ) |
64 | +521 |
- #'+ } |
65 | +522 |
- #' object <- rtable(+ } else { |
66 | -+ | |||
523 | +1399x |
- #' header = c("ARM A\nN=100", "ARM B\nN=200"),+ contkids <- list() |
67 | +524 |
- #' format = "xx",+ } |
68 | -+ | |||
525 | +1875x |
- #' rrow("row 1", 14, 15.03),+ ctab <- ElementaryTable( |
69 | -+ | |||
526 | +1875x |
- #' rrow(),+ kids = contkids, |
70 | -+ | |||
527 | +1875x |
- #' rrow("section title"),+ name = paste0(name, "@content"), |
71 | -+ | |||
528 | +1875x |
- #' rrow("row colspan", rcell(c(.345543, .4432423), colspan = 2, format = "(xx.xx, xx.xx)"))+ lev = lvl, |
72 | -+ | |||
529 | +1875x |
- #' )+ labelrow = LabelRow(), |
73 | -+ | |||
530 | +1875x |
- #'+ cinfo = cinfo, |
74 | -+ | |||
531 | +1875x |
- #' compare_rtables(object, expected)+ iscontent = TRUE, |
75 | -+ | |||
532 | +1875x |
- #'+ format = format, |
76 | -+ | |||
533 | +1875x |
- #' object <- rtable(+ indent_mod = indent_mod, |
77 | -+ | |||
534 | +1875x |
- #' header = c("ARM A\nN=100", "ARM B\nN=200"),+ na_str = na_str |
78 | +535 |
- #' format = "xx",+ ) |
79 | -+ | |||
536 | +1875x |
- #' rrow("row 1", 10, 15),+ ctab |
80 | +537 |
- #' rrow(),+ } |
81 | +538 |
- #' rrow("section title"),+ |
82 | +539 |
- #' rrow("row colspan", rcell(c(.345543, .4432423), colspan = 2, format = "(xx.x, xx.x)"))+ .make_analyzed_tab <- function(df, |
83 | +540 |
- #' )+ alt_df, |
84 | +541 |
- #'+ spl, |
85 | +542 |
- #' compare_rtables(object, expected)+ cinfo, |
86 | +543 |
- #'+ partlabel = "", |
87 | +544 |
- #' @export+ dolab = TRUE, |
88 | +545 |
- compare_rtables <- function(object, expected, tol = 0.1, comp.attr = TRUE,+ lvl, |
89 | +546 |
- structure = FALSE) {+ baselines, |
90 | +547 |
- # if (identical(object, expected)) return(invisible(TRUE))+ spl_context) { |
91 | -+ | |||
548 | +1150x |
+ stopifnot(is(spl, "VAnalyzeSplit")) |
92 | -12x | +549 | +1150x |
- if (!is(object, "VTableTree")) {+ check_validsplit(spl, df) |
93 | -! | +|||
550 | +1149x |
- stop(+ defrlabel <- spl@default_rowlabel |
94 | -! | +|||
551 | +1149x |
- "argument object is expected to be of class TableTree or ",+ if (nchar(defrlabel) == 0 && !missing(partlabel) && nchar(partlabel) > 0) { |
95 | +552 | ! |
- "ElementaryTable"+ defrlabel <- partlabel |
96 | +553 |
- )+ } |
97 | -+ | |||
554 | +1149x |
- }+ kids <- tryCatch( |
98 | -12x | +555 | +1149x |
- if (!is(expected, "VTableTree")) {+ .make_tablerows(df, |
99 | -! | +|||
556 | +1149x |
- stop(+ func = analysis_fun(spl), |
100 | -! | +|||
557 | +1149x |
- "argument expected is expected to be of class TableTree or ",+ defrowlabs = defrlabel, # XXX |
101 | -! | +|||
558 | +1149x |
- "ElementaryTable"+ cinfo = cinfo, |
102 | -+ | |||
559 | +1149x |
- )+ datcol = spl_payload(spl), |
103 | -+ | |||
560 | +1149x |
- }+ lev = lvl + 1L, |
104 | -12x | +561 | +1149x |
- dim_out <- apply(rbind(dim(object), dim(expected)), 2, max)+ format = obj_format(spl), |
105 | -+ | |||
562 | +1149x |
+ splextra = split_exargs(spl), |
106 | -12x | +563 | +1149x |
- X <- matrix(rep(".", dim_out[1] * dim_out[2]), ncol = dim_out[2])+ baselines = baselines, |
107 | -12x | +564 | +1149x |
- row.names(X) <- as.character(1:dim_out[1])+ alt_dfpart = alt_df, |
108 | -12x | +565 | +1149x |
- colnames(X) <- as.character(1:dim_out[2])+ inclNAs = avar_inclNAs(spl),+ |
566 | +1149x | +
+ spl_context = spl_context |
109 | +567 |
+ ), |
110 | -12x | +568 | +1149x |
- if (!identical(names(object), names(expected))) {+ error = function(e) e |
111 | -7x | +|||
569 | +
- attr(X, "info") <- "column names are not the same"+ ) |
112 | +570 |
- }+ |
113 | +571 |
+ # Adding section_div for DataRows (analyze leaves) |
114 | -12x | +572 | +1149x |
- if (!comp.attr) {+ kids <- .set_kids_section_div(kids, spl_section_div(spl), "DataRow") |
115 | -! | +|||
573 | +
- attr(X, "info") <- c(+ |
116 | -! | +|||
574 | +1149x |
- attr(X, "info"),+ if (is(kids, "error")) { |
117 | -! | +|||
575 | +3x |
- "cell attributes have not been compared"+ stop("Error applying analysis function (var - ", |
118 | -+ | |||
576 | +3x |
- )+ spl_payload(spl) %||% "colvars", "): ", kids$message, |
119 | -+ | |||
577 | +3x |
- }+ "\n\toccured at (row) path: ", |
120 | -12x | +578 | +3x |
- if (!identical(row.names(object), row.names(expected))) {+ spl_context_to_disp_path(spl_context), |
121 | -2x | +579 | +3x |
- attr(X, "info") <- c(attr(X, "info"), "row labels are not the same")+ call. = FALSE |
122 | +580 |
- }+ ) |
123 | +581 |
+ } |
124 | -12x | +582 | +1146x |
- nro <- nrow(object)+ lab <- obj_label(spl) |
125 | -12x | +583 | +1146x |
- nre <- nrow(expected)+ ret <- TableTree( |
126 | -12x | +584 | +1146x |
- nco <- ncol(object)+ kids = kids, |
127 | -12x | +585 | +1146x |
- nce <- ncol(expected)+ name = obj_name(spl), |
128 | -+ | |||
586 | +1146x |
+ label = lab, |
129 | -12x | +587 | +1146x |
- if (nco < nce) {+ lev = lvl, |
130 | -2x | +588 | +1146x |
- X[, seq(nco + 1, nce)] <- "-"+ cinfo = cinfo, |
131 | -10x | +589 | +1146x |
- } else if (nce < nco) {+ format = obj_format(spl), |
132 | -3x | +590 | +1146x |
- X[, seq(nce + 1, nco)] <- "+"+ na_str = obj_na_str(spl), |
133 | -+ | |||
591 | +1146x |
- }+ indent_mod = indent_mod(spl) |
134 | -12x | +|||
592 | +
- if (nro < nre) {+ ) |
135 | -1x | +|||
593 | +
- X[seq(nro + 1, nre), ] <- "-"+ |
136 | -11x | +594 | +1146x |
- } else if (nre < nro) {+ labelrow_visible(ret) <- dolab |
137 | -! | +|||
595 | +1146x |
- X[seq(nre + 1, nro), ] <- "+"+ ret |
138 | +596 |
- }+ } |
139 | +597 | |||
140 | -12x | +|||
598 | +
- orig_object <- object # nolint+ #' @param ... all arguments to `recurse_applysplit`, methods may only use some of them. |
141 | -12x | +|||
599 | +
- orig_expected <- expected # nolint+ #' @return A `list` of children to place at this level. |
142 | -12x | +|||
600 | +
- if (nro != nre || nco != nce) {+ #' |
143 | -5x | +|||
601 | +
- object <- object[1:min(nro, nre), 1:min(nco, nce), drop = FALSE]+ #' @noRd |
144 | -5x | +|||
602 | +
- expected <- expected[1:min(nro, nre), 1:min(nco, nce), drop = FALSE]+ setGeneric(".make_split_kids", function(spl, have_controws, make_lrow, ...) { |
145 | -5x | +603 | +1707x |
- inner <- compare_rtables(object, expected, tol = tol, comp.attr = comp.attr, structure = structure)+ standardGeneric(".make_split_kids") |
146 | -5x | +|||
604 | +
- X[seq_len(nrow(object)), seq_len(ncol(object))] <- inner+ }) |
147 | -5x | +|||
605 | +
- class(X) <- c("rtables_diff", class(X))+ |
148 | -5x | +|||
606 | +
- return(X)+ ## single AnalyzeSplit |
149 | +607 |
- }+ setMethod( |
150 | +608 |
+ ".make_split_kids", "VAnalyzeSplit", |
151 | +609 |
- ## from here dimensions match!+ function(spl, |
152 | +610 |
+ have_controws, ## unused here |
153 | -7x | +|||
611 | +
- orows <- cell_values(object, omit_labrows = FALSE)+ make_lrow, ## unused here |
154 | -7x | +|||
612 | +
- erows <- cell_values(expected, omit_labrows = FALSE)+ ..., |
155 | -7x | +|||
613 | +
- if (nrow(object) == 1) {+ df, |
156 | -! | +|||
614 | +
- orows <- list(orows)+ alt_df, |
157 | -! | +|||
615 | +
- erows <- list(erows)+ lvl, |
158 | +616 |
- }+ name, |
159 | -7x | +|||
617 | +
- res <- mapply(compare_rrows,+ cinfo, |
160 | -7x | +|||
618 | +
- row1 = orows, row2 = erows, tol = tol, ncol = ncol(object),+ baselines, |
161 | -7x | +|||
619 | +
- USE.NAMES = FALSE, SIMPLIFY = FALSE+ spl_context, |
162 | +620 |
- )+ nsibs = 0) { |
163 | -7x | +621 | +1150x |
- X <- do.call(rbind, res)+ spvis <- labelrow_visible(spl) |
164 | -7x | +622 | +1150x |
- rpo <- row_paths(object)+ if (is.na(spvis)) { |
165 | -7x | +623 | +228x |
- rpe <- row_paths(expected)+ spvis <- nsibs > 0 |
166 | +624 |
+ } |
167 | -7x | +|||
625 | +
- if (comp.attr) {+ |
168 | -7x | +626 | +1150x |
- ofmts <- value_formats(object)+ ret <- .make_analyzed_tab( |
169 | -7x | +627 | +1150x |
- efmts <- value_formats(expected)+ df = df, |
170 | -+ | |||
628 | +1150x |
- ## dim(ofmts) <- NULL+ alt_df, |
171 | -+ | |||
629 | +1150x |
- ## dim(efmts) <- NULL+ spl = spl, |
172 | -+ | |||
630 | +1150x |
+ cinfo = cinfo, |
173 | -7x | +631 | +1150x |
- fmt_mismatch <- which(!mapply(identical, x = ofmts, y = efmts)) ## inherently ignores dim+ lvl = lvl + 1L, |
174 | -+ | |||
632 | +1150x |
+ dolab = spvis, |
175 | -+ | |||
633 | +1150x |
+ partlabel = obj_label(spl), |
176 | -+ | |||
634 | +1150x |
- ## note the single index here!!!, no comma!!!!+ baselines = baselines, |
177 | -7x | +635 | +1150x |
- X[fmt_mismatch] <- "X"+ spl_context = spl_context |
178 | +636 |
- }+ ) |
179 | -+ | |||
637 | +1146x |
+ indent_mod(ret) <- indent_mod(spl) |
180 | +638 | |||
181 | -7x | +639 | +1146x |
- if (structure) {+ kids <- list(ret) |
182 | -1x | +640 | +1146x |
- rp_mismatches <- !mapply(identical, x = rpo, y = rpe)+ names(kids) <- obj_name(ret) |
183 | -1x | +641 | +1146x |
- cpo <- col_paths(object)+ kids |
184 | -1x | +|||
642 | +
- cpe <- col_paths(expected)+ } |
185 | -1x | +|||
643 | +
- cp_mismatches <- !mapply(identical, x = cpo, y = cpe)+ ) |
186 | +644 | |||
187 | -1x | +|||
645 | +
- if (any(rp_mismatches)) { # P for (row or column) path do not match+ # Adding section_divisors to TableRow |
188 | -! | +|||
646 | +
- X[rp_mismatches, ] <- "R"+ .set_kids_section_div <- function(lst, trailing_section_div_char, allowed_class = "VTableTree") { |
189 | -+ | |||
647 | +1680x |
- }+ if (!is.na(trailing_section_div_char)) { |
190 | -1x | +648 | +29x |
- if (any(cp_mismatches)) {+ lst <- lapply( |
191 | -1x | +649 | +29x |
- crep <- rep("C", nrow(X))+ lst, |
192 | -1x | +650 | +29x | +
+ function(k) {+ |
651 | +70x |
- if (any(rp_mismatches)) {+ if (is(k, allowed_class)) { |
193 | -! | +|||
652 | +70x |
- crep[rp_mismatches] <- "P"+ trailing_section_div(k) <- trailing_section_div_char |
194 | +653 |
- }+ } |
195 | -1x | +654 | +70x |
- X[, cp_mismatches] <- rep(crep, sum(cp_mismatches))+ k |
196 | +655 |
- }+ } |
197 | +656 |
- }+ ) |
198 | -7x | +|||
657 | +
- class(X) <- c("rtables_diff", class(X))+ } |
199 | -7x | +658 | +1680x |
- X+ lst |
200 | +659 |
} |
201 | +660 | |||
202 | -- |
- ## for (i in 1:dim(X)[1]) {- |
- ||
203 | +661 |
- ## for (j in 1:dim(X)[2]) {+ ## 1 or more AnalyzeSplits |
204 | +662 |
+ setMethod( |
205 | +663 |
- ## is_equivalent <- TRUE+ ".make_split_kids", "AnalyzeMultiVars", |
206 | +664 |
- ## if (i <= nro && i <= nre && j <= nco && j <= nce) {+ function(spl, |
207 | +665 |
- ## x <- object[i,j, drop = TRUE]+ have_controws, |
208 | +666 |
- ## y <- expected[i,j, drop = TRUE]+ make_lrow, ## used here |
209 | +667 |
+ spl_context, |
210 | +668 |
- ## attr_x <- attributes(x)+ ...) { ## all passed directly down to VAnalyzeSplit method |
211 | -+ | |||
669 | +121x |
- ## attr_y <- attributes(y)+ avspls <- spl_payload(spl) |
212 | +670 | |||
213 | -+ | |||
671 | +121x |
- ## attr_x_sorted <- if (is.null(attr_x)) NULL else attr_x[order(names(attr_x))]+ nspl <- length(avspls) |
214 | +672 |
- ## attr_y_sorted <- if (is.null(attr_y)) NULL else attr_y[order(names(attr_y))]+ |
215 | -+ | |||
673 | +121x |
+ kids <- unlist(lapply(avspls, |
216 | -+ | |||
674 | +121x |
- ## if (comp.attr && !identical(attr_x_sorted, attr_y_sorted)) {+ .make_split_kids, |
217 | -+ | |||
675 | +121x |
- ## is_equivalent <- FALSE+ nsibs = nspl - 1, |
218 | -+ | |||
676 | +121x |
- ## } else if (is.numeric(x) && is.numeric(y)) {+ have_controws = have_controws, |
219 | -+ | |||
677 | +121x |
- ## if (any(abs(na.omit(x - y)) > tol)) {+ make_lrow = make_lrow, |
220 | -+ | |||
678 | +121x |
- ## is_equivalent <- FALSE+ spl_context = spl_context, |
221 | +679 |
- ## }+ ... |
222 | +680 |
- ## } else {+ )) |
223 | +681 |
- ## if (!identical(x, y)) {+ |
224 | -+ | |||
682 | +121x |
- ## is_equivalent <- FALSE+ kids <- .set_kids_section_div(kids, spl_section_div(spl), "VTableTree") |
225 | +683 |
- ## }+ |
226 | +684 |
- ## }+ ## XXX this seems like it should be identical not !identical |
227 | +685 |
228 | -+ | |||
686 | +121x |
- ## if (!is_equivalent) {+ if (!identical(make_lrow, FALSE) && !have_controws && length(kids) == 1) { |
229 | +687 |
- ## X[i,j] <- "X"+ ## we only analyzed one var so |
230 | +688 |
- ## }+ ## we don't need an extra wrapper table |
231 | +689 |
- ## } else if (i > nro || j > nco) {+ ## in the structure |
232 | -+ | |||
690 | +! |
- ## ## missing in object+ stopifnot(identical( |
233 | -+ | |||
691 | +! |
- ## X[i, j] <- "+"+ obj_name(kids[[1]]), |
234 | -+ | |||
692 | +! |
- ## } else {+ spl_payload(spl) |
235 | +693 |
- ## ## too many elements+ )) |
236 | -+ | |||
694 | +! |
- ## X[i, j] <- "-"+ return(kids[[1]]) |
237 | +695 |
- ## }+ } |
238 | +696 |
- ## }+ ## this will be the variables |
239 | +697 |
- ## }+ ## nms = sapply(spl_payload(spl), spl_payload) |
240 | +698 |
- ## class(X) <- c("rtable_diff", class(X))+ |
241 | -+ | |||
699 | +121x |
- ## X+ nms <- vapply(kids, obj_name, "") |
242 | -+ | |||
700 | +121x |
- ## }+ labs <- vapply(kids, obj_label, "") |
243 | -+ | |||
701 | +121x |
+ if (length(unique(nms)) != length(nms) && length(unique(nms)) != length(nms)) { |
244 | -+ | |||
702 | +1x |
- compare_value <- function(x, y, tol) {+ warning("Non-unique sibling analysis table names. Using Labels ", |
245 | -359x | +703 | +1x |
- if (identical(x, y) || (is.numeric(x) && is.numeric(y) && max(abs(x - y)) <= tol)) {+ "instead. Use the table_names argument to analyze to avoid ", |
246 | -+ | |||
704 | +1x |
- "."+ "this when analyzing the same variable multiple times.", |
247 | -+ | |||
705 | +1x |
- } else {+ "\n\toccured at (row) path: ", |
248 | -72x | +706 | +1x |
- "X"+ spl_context_to_disp_path(spl_context), |
249 | -+ | |||
707 | +1x |
- }+ call. = FALSE |
250 | +708 |
- }+ ) |
251 | -+ | |||
709 | +1x |
+ kids <- mapply(function(k, nm) { |
252 | -+ | |||
710 | +2x |
- compare_rrows <- function(row1, row2, tol, ncol) {+ obj_name(k) <- nm |
253 | -173x | +711 | +2x |
- if (length(row1) == ncol && length(row2) == ncol) {+ k |
254 | -115x | +712 | +1x |
- mapply(compare_value, x = row1, y = row2, tol = tol, USE.NAMES = FALSE)+ }, k = kids, nm = labs, SIMPLIFY = FALSE) |
255 | -58x | +713 | +1x |
- } else if (length(row1) == 0 && length(row2) == 0) {+ nms <- labs |
256 | -44x | +|||
714 | +
- rep(".", ncol)+ } |
257 | +715 |
- } else {+ |
258 | -14x | +716 | +121x |
- rep("X", ncol)+ nms[is.na(nms)] <- "" |
259 | +717 |
- }+ |
260 | -+ | |||
718 | +121x |
- }+ names(kids) <- nms |
261 | -+ | |||
719 | +121x |
+ kids |
262 | +720 |
- ## #' @export+ } |
263 | +721 |
- ## print.rtable_diff <- function(x, ...) {+ ) |
264 | +722 |
- ## print.default(unclass(x), quote = FALSE, ...)+ |
265 | +723 |
- ## }+ setMethod( |
1 | +724 |
- label_pos_values <- c("hidden", "visible", "topleft")+ ".make_split_kids", "Split", |
2 | +725 |
+ function(spl, |
3 | +726 |
- #' @name internal_methods+ have_controws, |
4 | +727 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ make_lrow, |
5 | +728 |
- NULL+ ..., |
6 | +729 |
+ splvec, ## passed to recursive_applysplit |
7 | +730 |
- #' Combine `SplitVector` objects+ df, ## used to apply split |
8 | +731 |
- #'+ alt_df, ## used to apply split for alternative df |
9 | +732 |
- #' @param x (`SplitVector`)\cr a `SplitVector` object.+ lvl, ## used to calculate innerlev |
10 | +733 |
- #' @param ... splits or `SplitVector` objects.+ cinfo, ## used for sanity check |
11 | +734 |
- #'+ baselines, ## used to calc new baselines |
12 | +735 |
- #' @return Various, but should be considered implementation details.+ spl_context) { |
13 | +736 |
- #'+ ## do the core splitting of data into children for this split |
14 | -+ | |||
737 | +436x |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ rawpart <- do_split(spl, df, spl_context = spl_context) |
15 | -+ | |||
738 | +425x |
- #' @exportMethod c+ dataspl <- rawpart[["datasplit"]] |
16 | +739 |
- setMethod("c", "SplitVector", function(x, ...) {+ ## these are SplitValue objects |
17 | -409x | +740 | +425x |
- arglst <- list(...)+ splvals <- rawpart[["values"]] |
18 | -409x | +741 | +425x |
- stopifnot(all(sapply(arglst, is, "Split")))+ partlabels <- rawpart[["labels"]] |
19 | -409x | +742 | +425x |
- tmp <- c(unclass(x), arglst)+ if (is.factor(partlabels)) { |
20 | -409x | +|||
743 | +! |
- SplitVector(lst = tmp)+ partlabels <- as.character(partlabels) |
21 | +744 |
- })+ }+ |
+ ||
745 | +425x | +
+ nms <- unlist(value_names(splvals))+ |
+ ||
746 | +425x | +
+ if (is.factor(nms)) {+ |
+ ||
747 | +! | +
+ nms <- as.character(nms) |
22 | +748 |
+ } |
23 | +749 |
- ## split_rows and split_cols are "recursive method stacks" which follow+ |
24 | +750 |
- ## the general pattern of accept object -> call add_*_split on slot of object ->+ ## Get new baseline values |
25 | +751 |
- ## update object with value returned from slot method, return object.+ ## |
26 | +752 |
- ##+ ## XXX this is a lot of data churn, if it proves too slow |
27 | +753 |
- ## Thus each of the methods is idempotent, returning an updated object of the+ ## we can |
28 | +754 |
- ## same class it was passed. The exception for idempotency is the NULL method+ ## a) check if any of the analyses (i.e. the afuns) need the baseline in this |
29 | +755 |
- ## which constructs a PreDataTableLayouts object with the specified split in the+ ## splitvec and not do any of this if not, or |
30 | +756 |
- ## correct place.+ ## b) refactor row splitting to behave like column splitting |
31 | +757 |
+ ## |
32 | +758 |
- ## The cascading (by class) in this case is as follows for the row case:+ ## (b) seems the better design but is a major reworking of the guts of how |
33 | +759 |
- ## PreDataTableLayouts -> PreDataRowLayout -> SplitVector+ ## rtables tabulation works |
34 | +760 |
- #' @param cmpnd_fun (`function`)\cr intended for internal use.+ ## (a) will only help if analyses that use baseline |
35 | +761 |
- #' @param pos (`numeric(1)`)\cr intended for internal use.+ ## info are mixed with those who don't.+ |
+ ||
762 | +425x | +
+ newbl_raw <- lapply(baselines, function(dat) { |
36 | +763 |
- #' @param spl (`Split`)\cr the split.+ # If no ref_group is specified+ |
+ ||
764 | +1553x | +
+ if (is.null(dat)) {+ |
+ ||
765 | +1533x | +
+ return(NULL) |
37 | +766 |
- #'+ } |
38 | +767 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ |
39 | +768 |
- setGeneric(+ ## apply the same splitting on the+ |
+ ||
769 | +20x | +
+ bldataspl <- tryCatch(do_split(spl, dat, spl_context = spl_context)[["datasplit"]],+ |
+ ||
770 | +20x | +
+ error = function(e) e |
40 | +771 |
- "split_rows",+ ) |
41 | +772 |
- function(lyt = NULL, spl, pos,+ |
42 | +773 |
- cmpnd_fun = AnalyzeMultiVars) {+ # Error localization |
43 | -1641x | +774 | +20x |
- standardGeneric("split_rows")+ if (is(bldataspl, "error")) { |
44 | -+ | |||
775 | +! |
- }+ stop("Following error encountered in splitting .ref_group (baselines): ",+ |
+ ||
776 | +! | +
+ bldataspl$message,+ |
+ ||
777 | +! | +
+ call. = FALSE |
45 | +778 |
- )+ ) |
46 | +779 |
+ } |
47 | +780 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ |
48 | +781 |
- setMethod("split_rows", "NULL", function(lyt, spl, pos, cmpnd_fun = AnalyzeMultiVars) {+ ## we only keep the ones corresponding with actual data splits |
49 | -1x | +782 | +20x |
- lifecycle::deprecate_warn(+ res <- lapply( |
50 | -1x | +783 | +20x |
- when = "0.3.8",+ names(dataspl), |
51 | -1x | +784 | +20x |
- what = I("split_rows(NULL)"),+ function(nm) { |
52 | -1x | +785 | +52x |
- with = "basic_table()",+ if (nm %in% names(bldataspl)) { |
53 | -1x | +786 | +52x |
- details = "Initializing layouts via `NULL` is no longer supported."+ bldataspl[[nm]] |
54 | +787 |
- )+ } else { |
55 | -1x | +|||
788 | +! |
- rl <- PreDataRowLayout(SplitVector(spl))+ dataspl[[1]][0, ] |
56 | -1x | +|||
789 | +
- cl <- PreDataColLayout()+ } |
57 | -1x | +|||
790 | +
- PreDataTableLayouts(rlayout = rl, clayout = cl)+ } |
58 | +791 |
- })+ ) |
59 | +792 | |||
60 | -+ | |||
793 | +20x |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ names(res) <- names(dataspl) |
61 | -+ | |||
794 | +20x |
- setMethod(+ res |
62 | +795 |
- "split_rows", "PreDataRowLayout",+ }) |
63 | +796 |
- function(lyt, spl, pos, cmpnd_fun = AnalyzeMultiVars) {+ |
64 | -555x | +797 | +425x |
- stopifnot(pos > 0 && pos <= length(lyt) + 1)+ newbaselines <- lapply(names(dataspl), function(nm) { |
65 | -555x | +798 | +1262x |
- tmp <- if (pos <= length(lyt)) {+ lapply(newbl_raw, function(rawdat) { |
66 | -530x | +799 | +4573x |
- split_rows(lyt[[pos]], spl, pos, cmpnd_fun)+ if (nm %in% names(rawdat)) {+ |
800 | +52x | +
+ rawdat[[nm]] |
67 | +801 |
- } else {+ } else { |
68 | -25x | +802 | +4521x |
- if (pos != 1 && has_force_pag(spl)) {+ rawdat[[1]][0, ] |
69 | -1x | +|||
803 | +
- stop("page_by splits cannot have top-level siblings",+ } |
70 | -1x | +|||
804 | +
- call. = FALSE+ }) |
71 | +805 |
- )+ }) |
72 | +806 |
- }+ |
73 | -24x | +807 | +425x |
- SplitVector(spl)+ if (length(newbaselines) != length(dataspl)) { |
74 | -+ | |||
808 | +! |
- }+ stop( |
75 | -553x | +|||
809 | +! |
- lyt[[pos]] <- tmp+ "Baselines (ref_group) after row split does not have", |
76 | -553x | +|||
810 | +! |
- lyt+ " the same number of levels of input data split. ", |
77 | -+ | |||
811 | +! |
- }+ "Contact the maintainer." |
78 | -+ | |||
812 | +! |
- )+ ) # nocov |
79 | +813 |
+ } |
80 | -+ | |||
814 | +425x |
- is_analysis_spl <- function(spl) {+ if (!(length(newbaselines) == 0 || |
81 | -! | +|||
815 | +425x |
- is(spl, "VAnalyzeSplit") || is(spl, "AnalyzeMultiVars")+ identical( |
82 | -+ | |||
816 | +425x |
- }+ unique(sapply(newbaselines, length)), |
83 | -+ | |||
817 | +425x |
+ length(col_exprs(cinfo)) |
84 | +818 |
- ## note "pos" is ignored here because it is for which nest-chain+ ))) { |
85 | -+ | |||
819 | +! |
- ## spl should be placed in, NOIT for where in that chain it should go+ stop( |
86 | -+ | |||
820 | +! |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ "Baselines (ref_group) do not have the same number of columns", |
87 | -+ | |||
821 | +! |
- setMethod(+ " in each split. Contact the maintainer." |
88 | -+ | |||
822 | +! |
- "split_rows", "SplitVector",+ ) # nocov |
89 | +823 |
- function(lyt, spl, pos, cmpnd_fun = AnalyzeMultiVars) {+ } |
90 | +824 |
- ## if(is_analysis_spl(spl) &&+ |
91 | +825 |
- ## is_analysis_spl(last_rowsplit(lyt))) {+ # If params are not present do not do the calculation |
92 | -+ | |||
826 | +425x |
- ## return(cmpnd_last_rowsplit(lyt, spl, cmpnd_fun))+ acdf_param <- check_afun_cfun_params(+ |
+ ||
827 | +425x | +
+ SplitVector(spl, splvec),+ |
+ ||
828 | +425x | +
+ c(".alt_df", ".alt_df_row") |
93 | +829 |
- ## }+ ) |
94 | +830 | |||
95 | -530x | +|||
831 | +
- if (has_force_pag(spl) && length(lyt) > 0 && !has_force_pag(lyt[[length(lyt)]])) {+ # Apply same split for alt_counts_df |
96 | -1x | +832 | +425x |
- stop("page_by splits cannot be nested within non-page_by splits",+ if (!is.null(alt_df) && any(acdf_param)) { |
97 | -1x | +833 | +17x |
- call. = FALSE+ alt_dfpart <- tryCatch( |
98 | -+ | |||
834 | +17x |
- )+ do_split(spl, alt_df, |
99 | -+ | |||
835 | +17x |
- }+ spl_context = spl_context |
100 | -529x | +836 | +17x |
- tmp <- c(unclass(lyt), spl)+ )[["datasplit"]], |
101 | -529x | +837 | +17x |
- SplitVector(lst = tmp)+ error = function(e) e |
102 | +838 |
- }+ ) |
103 | +839 |
- )+ |
104 | +840 |
+ # Removing NA rows - to explore why this happens at all in a split |
105 | +841 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ # This would be a fix but it is done in post-processing instead of pre-proc -> xxx |
106 | +842 |
- setMethod(+ # x alt_dfpart <- lapply(alt_dfpart, function(data) { |
107 | +843 |
- "split_rows", "PreDataTableLayouts",+ # x data[!apply(is.na(data), 1, all), ] |
108 | +844 |
- function(lyt, spl, pos) {+ # x }) |
109 | -555x | +|||
845 | +
- rlyt <- rlayout(lyt)+ |
110 | -555x | +|||
846 | +
- addtl <- FALSE+ # Error localization |
111 | -555x | +847 | +17x |
- split_label <- obj_label(spl)+ if (is(alt_dfpart, "error")) { |
112 | -+ | |||
848 | +2x |
- if (+ stop("Following error encountered in splitting alt_counts_df: ", |
113 | -555x | +849 | +2x |
- is(spl, "Split") && ## exclude existing tables that are being tacked in+ alt_dfpart$message, |
114 | -555x | +850 | +2x |
- identical(label_position(spl), "topleft") &&+ call. = FALSE |
115 | -555x | +|||
851 | +
- length(split_label) == 1 && nzchar(split_label)+ ) |
116 | +852 |
- ) {+ } |
117 | -17x | +|||
853 | +
- addtl <- TRUE+ # Error if split does not have the same values in the alt_df (and order) |
118 | +854 |
- ## label_position(spl) <- "hidden"+ # The following breaks if there are different levels (do_split returns empty list) |
119 | +855 |
- }+ # or if there are different number of the same levels. Added handling of NAs |
120 | +856 |
+ # in the values of the factor when is all only NAs |
121 | -555x | +857 | +15x |
- rlyt <- split_rows(rlyt, spl, pos)+ is_all_na <- all(is.na(alt_df[[spl_payload(spl)]]))+ |
858 | ++ | + | ||
122 | -553x | +859 | +15x |
- rlayout(lyt) <- rlyt+ if (!all(names(dataspl) %in% names(alt_dfpart)) || length(alt_dfpart) != length(dataspl) || is_all_na) { |
123 | -553x | +860 | +5x |
- if (addtl) {+ alt_df_spl_vals <- unique(alt_df[[spl_payload(spl)]]) |
124 | -17x | +861 | +5x |
- lyt <- append_topleft(lyt, indent_string(split_label, .tl_indent(lyt)))+ end_part <- "" |
125 | +862 |
- }+ |
126 | -553x | +863 | +5x |
- lyt+ if (!all(alt_df_spl_vals %in% levels(alt_df_spl_vals))) { |
127 | -+ | |||
864 | +2x |
- }+ end_part <- paste0( |
128 | -+ | |||
865 | +2x |
- )+ " and following levels: ", |
129 | -+ | |||
866 | +2x |
+ paste_vec(levels(alt_df_spl_vals)) |
130 | +867 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ ) |
131 | +868 |
- setMethod(+ } |
132 | +869 |
- "split_rows", "ANY",+ |
133 | -+ | |||
870 | +5x |
- function(lyt, spl, pos) {+ if (is_all_na) { |
134 | -! | +|||
871 | +2x |
- stop("nope. can't add a row split to that (", class(lyt), "). contact the maintaner.")+ end_part <- ". Found only NAs in alt_counts_df split" |
135 | +872 |
- }+ } |
136 | +873 |
- )+ |
137 | -+ | |||
874 | +5x |
+ stop( |
138 | -+ | |||
875 | +5x |
- ## cmpnd_last_rowsplit =====+ "alt_counts_df split variable(s) [", spl_payload(spl), |
139 | -+ | |||
876 | +5x |
+ "] (in split ", as.character(class(spl)), |
140 | -+ | |||
877 | +5x |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ ") does not have the same factor levels of df.\ndf has c(", '"', |
141 | -+ | |||
878 | +5x |
- #'+ paste(names(dataspl), collapse = '", "'), '"', ") levels while alt_counts_df has ", |
142 | -+ | |||
879 | +5x |
- #' @param constructor (`function`)\cr constructor function.+ ifelse(length(alt_df_spl_vals) > 0, paste_vec(alt_df_spl_vals), ""), |
143 | -79x | +880 | +5x |
- setGeneric("cmpnd_last_rowsplit", function(lyt, spl, constructor) standardGeneric("cmpnd_last_rowsplit"))+ " unique values", end_part |
144 | +881 |
+ ) |
145 | +882 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ } |
146 | +883 |
- setMethod("cmpnd_last_rowsplit", "NULL", function(lyt, spl, constructor) {+ } else { |
147 | -+ | |||
884 | +408x |
- stop("no existing splits to compound with. contact the maintainer") # nocov+ alt_dfpart <- setNames(rep(list(NULL), length(dataspl)), names(dataspl)) |
148 | +885 |
- })+ } |
149 | +886 | |||
150 | +887 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ |
151 | -+ | |||
888 | +418x |
- setMethod(+ innerlev <- lvl + (have_controws || is.na(make_lrow) || make_lrow) |
152 | +889 |
- "cmpnd_last_rowsplit", "PreDataRowLayout",+ ## do full recursive_applysplit on each part of the split defined by spl |
153 | -+ | |||
890 | +418x |
- function(lyt, spl, constructor) {+ inner <- unlist(mapply( |
154 | -26x | +891 | +418x |
- pos <- length(lyt)+ function(dfpart, alt_dfpart, nm, label, baselines, splval) { |
155 | -26x | +892 | +1220x |
- tmp <- cmpnd_last_rowsplit(lyt[[pos]], spl, constructor)+ rsplval <- context_df_row( |
156 | -26x | +893 | +1220x |
- lyt[[pos]] <- tmp+ split = obj_name(spl), |
157 | -26x | +894 | +1220x |
- lyt+ value = value_names(splval), |
158 | -+ | |||
895 | +1220x |
- }+ full_parent_df = list(dfpart), |
159 | -+ | |||
896 | +1220x |
- )+ cinfo = cinfo |
160 | +897 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ ) |
161 | +898 |
- setMethod(+ |
162 | +899 |
- "cmpnd_last_rowsplit", "SplitVector",+ ## if(length(rsplval) > 0) |
163 | +900 |
- function(lyt, spl, constructor) {+ ## rsplval <- setNames(rsplval, obj_name(spl)) |
164 | -27x | +901 | +1220x |
- pos <- length(lyt)+ recursive_applysplit( |
165 | -27x | +902 | +1220x |
- lst <- lyt[[pos]]+ df = dfpart, |
166 | -27x | +903 | +1220x |
- tmp <- if (is(lst, "CompoundSplit")) {+ alt_df = alt_dfpart, |
167 | -3x | +904 | +1220x |
- spl_payload(lst) <- c(+ name = nm, |
168 | -3x | +905 | +1220x |
- .uncompound(spl_payload(lst)),+ lvl = innerlev, |
169 | -3x | -
- .uncompound(spl)- |
- ||
170 | -+ | 906 | +1220x |
- )+ splvec = splvec, |
171 | -3x | +907 | +1220x |
- obj_name(lst) <- make_ma_name(spl = lst)+ cinfo = cinfo, |
172 | -3x | -
- lst- |
- ||
173 | -+ | 908 | +1220x |
- ## XXX never reached because AnalzyeMultiVars inherits from+ make_lrow = label_kids(spl), |
174 | -+ | |||
909 | +1220x |
- ## CompoundSplit???+ parent_cfun = content_fun(spl), |
175 | -+ | |||
910 | +1220x |
- } else {+ cformat = content_format(spl), |
176 | -24x | +911 | +1220x |
- constructor(.payload = list(lst, spl))+ cna_str = content_na_str(spl), |
177 | -+ | |||
912 | +1220x |
- }+ partlabel = label, |
178 | -27x | +913 | +1220x |
- lyt[[pos]] <- tmp+ cindent_mod = content_indent_mod(spl), |
179 | -27x | +914 | +1220x |
- lyt+ cvar = content_var(spl), |
180 | -+ | |||
915 | +1220x |
- }+ baselines = baselines, |
181 | -+ | |||
916 | +1220x |
- )+ cextra_args = content_extra_args(spl), |
182 | +917 |
+ ## splval should still be retaining its name |
183 | -+ | |||
918 | +1220x |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ spl_context = rbind(spl_context, rsplval) |
184 | +919 |
- setMethod(+ ) |
185 | +920 |
- "cmpnd_last_rowsplit", "PreDataTableLayouts",+ }, |
186 | -+ | |||
921 | +418x |
- function(lyt, spl, constructor) {+ dfpart = dataspl, |
187 | -26x | +922 | +418x |
- rlyt <- rlayout(lyt)+ alt_dfpart = alt_dfpart, |
188 | -26x | +923 | +418x |
- rlyt <- cmpnd_last_rowsplit(rlyt, spl, constructor)+ label = partlabels, |
189 | -26x | +924 | +418x |
- rlayout(lyt) <- rlyt+ nm = nms, |
190 | -26x | +925 | +418x |
- lyt+ baselines = newbaselines, |
191 | -+ | |||
926 | +418x |
- }+ splval = splvals, |
192 | -+ | |||
927 | +418x |
193 | +928 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ )) |
194 | +929 |
- setMethod(+ |
195 | +930 |
- "cmpnd_last_rowsplit", "ANY",+ # Setting the kids section separator if they inherits VTableTree |
196 | -+ | |||
931 | +410x |
- function(lyt, spl, constructor) {+ inner <- .set_kids_section_div( |
197 | -! | +|||
932 | +410x |
- stop(+ inner, |
198 | -! | +|||
933 | +410x |
- "nope. can't do cmpnd_last_rowsplit to that (",+ trailing_section_div_char = spl_section_div(spl), |
199 | -! | +|||
934 | +410x |
- class(lyt), "). contact the maintaner."+ allowed_class = "VTableTree" |
200 | +935 |
) |
201 | -- |
- }- |
- ||
202 | -- |
- )- |
- ||
203 | -- | - - | -||
204 | -- |
- ## split_cols ====- |
- ||
205 | +936 | |||
206 | +937 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ ## This is where we need to build the structural tables |
207 | +938 |
- setGeneric(+ ## even if they are invisible because their labels are not |
208 | +939 |
- "split_cols",+ ## not shown. |
209 | -+ | |||
940 | +410x |
- function(lyt = NULL, spl, pos) {+ innertab <- TableTree( |
210 | -1034x | +941 | +410x |
- standardGeneric("split_cols")+ kids = inner, |
211 | -+ | |||
942 | +410x |
- }+ name = obj_name(spl), |
212 | -+ | |||
943 | +410x |
- )+ labelrow = LabelRow( |
213 | -+ | |||
944 | +410x |
+ label = obj_label(spl), |
214 | -+ | |||
945 | +410x |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ vis = isTRUE(vis_label(spl)) |
215 | +946 |
- setMethod("split_cols", "NULL", function(lyt, spl, pos) {+ ), |
216 | -1x | +947 | +410x |
- lifecycle::deprecate_warn(+ cinfo = cinfo, |
217 | -1x | +948 | +410x |
- when = "0.3.8",+ iscontent = FALSE, |
218 | -1x | +949 | +410x |
- what = I("split_cols(NULL)"),+ indent_mod = indent_mod(spl), |
219 | -1x | +950 | +410x |
- with = "basic_table()",+ page_title = ptitle_prefix(spl) |
220 | -1x | +|||
951 | +
- details = "Initializing layouts via `NULL` is no longer supported."+ ) |
221 | +952 |
- )+ ## kids = inner |
222 | -1x | +953 | +410x |
- cl <- PreDataColLayout(SplitVector(spl))+ kids <- list(innertab) |
223 | -1x | +954 | +410x |
- rl <- PreDataRowLayout()+ kids |
224 | -1x | +|||
955 | +
- PreDataTableLayouts(rlayout = rl, clayout = cl)+ } |
225 | +956 |
- })+ ) |
226 | +957 | |||
227 | +958 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ context_df_row <- function(split = character(), |
228 | +959 |
- setMethod(+ value = character(), |
229 | +960 |
- "split_cols", "PreDataColLayout",+ full_parent_df = list(), |
230 | +961 |
- function(lyt, spl, pos) {+ cinfo = NULL) { |
231 | -312x | +962 | +2979x |
- stopifnot(pos > 0 && pos <= length(lyt) + 1)+ ret <- data.frame( |
232 | -312x | +963 | +2979x |
- tmp <- if (pos <= length(lyt)) {+ split = split, |
233 | -304x | -
- split_cols(lyt[[pos]], spl, pos)- |
- ||
234 | -+ | 964 | +2979x |
- } else {+ value = value, |
235 | -8x | +965 | +2979x |
- SplitVector(spl)+ full_parent_df = I(full_parent_df), |
236 | +966 |
- }+ # parent_cold_inds = I(parent_col_inds),+ |
+ ||
967 | +2979x | +
+ stringsAsFactors = FALSE |
237 | +968 |
+ ) |
238 | -312x | +969 | +2979x |
- lyt[[pos]] <- tmp+ if (nrow(ret) > 0) { |
239 | -312x | +970 | +2966x |
- lyt+ ret$all_cols_n <- nrow(full_parent_df[[1]]) |
240 | +971 |
- }+ } else { |
241 | -+ | |||
972 | +13x |
- )+ ret$all_cols_n <- integer() ## should this be numeric??? This never happens |
242 | +973 |
+ } |
243 | +974 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ |
244 | -+ | |||
975 | +2979x |
- setMethod(+ if (!is.null(cinfo)) { |
245 | -+ | |||
976 | +1553x |
- "split_cols", "SplitVector",+ if (nrow(ret) > 0) { |
246 | -+ | |||
977 | +1544x |
- function(lyt, spl, pos) {+ colcols <- as.data.frame(lapply(col_exprs(cinfo), function(e) { |
247 | -409x | +978 | +5577x |
- tmp <- c(lyt, spl)+ vals <- eval(e, envir = full_parent_df[[1]]) |
248 | -409x | +979 | +5577x |
- SplitVector(lst = tmp)+ if (identical(vals, TRUE)) { |
249 | -+ | |||
980 | +545x |
- }+ vals <- rep(vals, length.out = nrow(full_parent_df[[1]])) |
250 | +981 |
- )+ } |
251 | -+ | |||
982 | +5577x |
+ I(list(vals)) |
252 | +983 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ })) |
253 | +984 |
- setMethod(+ } else { |
254 | -+ | |||
985 | +9x |
- "split_cols", "PreDataTableLayouts",+ colcols <- as.data.frame(rep(list(logical()), ncol(cinfo))) |
255 | +986 |
- function(lyt, spl, pos) {+ } |
256 | -312x | +987 | +1553x |
- rlyt <- lyt@col_layout+ names(colcols) <- names(col_exprs(cinfo)) |
257 | -312x | +988 | +1553x |
- rlyt <- split_cols(rlyt, spl, pos)+ ret <- cbind(ret, colcols) |
258 | -312x | +|||
989 | +
- lyt@col_layout <- rlyt+ } |
259 | -312x | +990 | +2979x |
- lyt+ ret |
260 | +991 |
- }+ } |
261 | +992 |
- )+ |
262 | +993 |
+ recursive_applysplit <- function(df, |
263 | +994 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ lvl = 0L, |
264 | +995 |
- setMethod(+ alt_df, |
265 | +996 |
- "split_cols", "ANY",+ splvec, |
266 | +997 |
- function(lyt, spl, pos) {+ name, |
267 | -! | +|||
998 | +
- stop(+ # label, |
268 | -! | +|||
999 | +
- "nope. can't add a col split to that (", class(lyt),+ make_lrow = NA, |
269 | -! | +|||
1000 | +
- "). contact the maintaner."+ partlabel = "", |
270 | +1001 |
- )+ cinfo, |
271 | +1002 |
- }+ parent_cfun = NULL, |
272 | +1003 |
- )+ cformat = NULL, |
273 | +1004 |
+ cna_str = NA_character_, |
274 | +1005 |
- # Constructors =====+ cindent_mod = 0L, |
275 | +1006 |
+ cextra_args = list(), |
276 | +1007 |
- ## Pipe-able functions to add the various types of splits to the current layout+ cvar = NULL, |
277 | +1008 |
- ## for both row and column. These all act as wrappers to the split_cols and+ baselines = lapply( |
278 | +1009 |
- ## split_rows method stacks.+ col_extra_args(cinfo), |
279 | +1010 |
+ function(x) x$.ref_full |
280 | +1011 |
- #' Declaring a column-split based on levels of a variable+ ), |
281 | +1012 |
- #'+ spl_context = context_df_row(cinfo = cinfo), |
282 | +1013 |
- #' Will generate children for each subset of a categorical variable.+ no_outer_tbl = FALSE, |
283 | +1014 |
- #'+ parent_sect_split = NA_character_) { |
284 | +1015 |
- #' @inheritParams lyt_args+ ## pre-existing table was added to the layout+ |
+ ||
1016 | +1553x | +
+ if (length(splvec) == 1L && is(splvec[[1]], "VTableNodeInfo")) {+ |
+ ||
1017 | +1x | +
+ return(splvec[[1]]) |
285 | +1018 |
- #' @param ref_group (`string` or `NULL`)\cr level of `var` that should be considered `ref_group`/reference.+ } |
286 | +1019 |
- #'+ |
287 | +1020 |
- #' @return A `PreDataTableLayouts` object suitable for passing to further layouting functions, and to [build_table()].+ ## the content function is the one from the PREVIOUS |
288 | +1021 |
- #'+ ## split, i.e. the one whose children we are now constructing |
289 | +1022 |
- #' @inheritSection custom_split_funs Custom Splitting Function Details+ ## this is a bit annoying but makes the semantics for |
290 | +1023 |
- #'+ ## declaring layouts much more sane. |
291 | -+ | |||
1024 | +1552x |
- #' @examples+ ctab <- .make_ctab(df, |
292 | -+ | |||
1025 | +1552x |
- #' lyt <- basic_table() %>%+ lvl = lvl, |
293 | -+ | |||
1026 | +1552x |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>%+ name = name, |
294 | -+ | |||
1027 | +1552x |
- #' analyze(c("AGE", "BMRKR2"))+ label = partlabel, |
295 | -+ | |||
1028 | +1552x |
- #'+ cinfo = cinfo, |
296 | -+ | |||
1029 | +1552x |
- #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, ex_adsl)+ parent_cfun = parent_cfun, |
297 | -+ | |||
1030 | +1552x |
- #' tbl+ format = cformat, |
298 | -+ | |||
1031 | +1552x |
- #'+ na_str = cna_str, |
299 | -+ | |||
1032 | +1552x |
- #' # Let's look at the splits in more detail+ indent_mod = cindent_mod, |
300 | -+ | |||
1033 | +1552x |
- #'+ cvar = cvar, |
301 | -+ | |||
1034 | +1552x |
- #' lyt1 <- basic_table() %>% split_cols_by("ARM")+ alt_df = alt_df, |
302 | -+ | |||
1035 | +1552x |
- #' lyt1+ extra_args = cextra_args, |
303 | -+ | |||
1036 | +1552x |
- #'+ spl_context = spl_context |
304 | +1037 |
- #' # add an analysis (summary)+ ) |
305 | +1038 |
- #' lyt2 <- lyt1 %>%+ |
306 | -+ | |||
1039 | +1551x |
- #' analyze(c("AGE", "COUNTRY"),+ nonroot <- lvl != 0L |
307 | +1040 |
- #' afun = list_wrap_x(summary),+ |
308 | -+ | |||
1041 | +1551x |
- #' format = "xx.xx"+ if (is.na(make_lrow)) { |
309 | -+ | |||
1042 | +1245x |
- #' )+ make_lrow <- if (nrow(ctab) > 0 || !nzchar(partlabel)) FALSE else TRUE |
310 | +1043 |
- #' lyt2+ } |
311 | +1044 |
- #'+ ## never print an empty row label for root. |
312 | -+ | |||
1045 | +1551x |
- #' tbl2 <- build_table(lyt2, DM)+ if (make_lrow && partlabel == "" && !nonroot) { |
313 | -+ | |||
1046 | +6x |
- #' tbl2+ make_lrow <- FALSE |
314 | +1047 |
- #'+ } |
315 | +1048 |
- #' @examplesIf require(dplyr)+ |
316 | -+ | |||
1049 | +1551x |
- #' # By default sequentially adding layouts results in nesting+ if (length(splvec) == 0L) { |
317 | -+ | |||
1050 | +99x |
- #' library(dplyr)+ kids <- list() |
318 | -+ | |||
1051 | +99x |
- #'+ imod <- 0L |
319 | -+ | |||
1052 | +99x |
- #' DM_MF <- DM %>%+ spl <- NULL |
320 | +1053 |
- #' filter(SEX %in% c("M", "F")) %>%+ } else { |
321 | -+ | |||
1054 | +1452x |
- #' mutate(SEX = droplevels(SEX))+ spl <- splvec[[1]] |
322 | -+ | |||
1055 | +1452x |
- #'+ splvec <- splvec[-1] |
323 | +1056 |
- #' lyt3 <- basic_table() %>%+ |
324 | +1057 |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>%+ ## we pass this everything recursive_applysplit received and |
325 | +1058 |
- #' split_cols_by("SEX") %>%+ ## it all gets passed around through ... as needed |
326 | +1059 |
- #' analyze(c("AGE", "COUNTRY"),+ ## to the various methods of .make_split_kids |
327 | -+ | |||
1060 | +1452x |
- #' afun = list_wrap_x(summary),+ kids <- .make_split_kids( |
328 | -+ | |||
1061 | +1452x |
- #' format = "xx.xx"+ spl = spl, |
329 | -+ | |||
1062 | +1452x |
- #' )+ df = df, |
330 | -+ | |||
1063 | +1452x |
- #' lyt3+ alt_df = alt_df, |
331 | -+ | |||
1064 | +1452x |
- #'+ lvl = lvl, |
332 | -+ | |||
1065 | +1452x |
- #' tbl3 <- build_table(lyt3, DM_MF)+ splvec = splvec, |
333 | -+ | |||
1066 | +1452x |
- #' tbl3+ name = name, |
334 | -+ | |||
1067 | +1452x |
- #'+ make_lrow = make_lrow, |
335 | -+ | |||
1068 | +1452x |
- #' # nested=TRUE vs not+ partlabel = partlabel, |
336 | -+ | |||
1069 | +1452x |
- #' lyt4 <- basic_table() %>%+ cinfo = cinfo, |
337 | -+ | |||
1070 | +1452x |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>%+ parent_cfun = parent_cfun, |
338 | -+ | |||
1071 | +1452x |
- #' split_rows_by("SEX", split_fun = drop_split_levels) %>%+ cformat = cformat, |
339 | -+ | |||
1072 | +1452x |
- #' split_rows_by("RACE", split_fun = drop_split_levels) %>%+ cindent_mod = cindent_mod, |
340 | -+ | |||
1073 | +1452x |
- #' analyze("AGE")+ cextra_args = cextra_args, cvar = cvar, |
341 | -+ | |||
1074 | +1452x |
- #' lyt4+ baselines = baselines, |
342 | -+ | |||
1075 | +1452x |
- #'+ spl_context = spl_context, |
343 | -+ | |||
1076 | +1452x |
- #' tbl4 <- build_table(lyt4, DM)+ have_controws = nrow(ctab) > 0 |
344 | +1077 |
- #' tbl4+ ) |
345 | -+ | |||
1078 | +1422x |
- #'+ imod <- 0L |
346 | +1079 |
- #' lyt5 <- basic_table() %>%+ } ## end length(splvec) |
347 | +1080 |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>%+ |
348 | -+ | |||
1081 | +1521x |
- #' split_rows_by("SEX", split_fun = drop_split_levels) %>%+ if (is.na(make_lrow)) { |
349 | -+ | |||
1082 | +! |
- #' analyze("AGE") %>%+ make_lrow <- if (nrow(ctab) > 0 || !nzchar(partlabel)) FALSE else TRUE |
350 | +1083 |
- #' split_rows_by("RACE", nested = FALSE, split_fun = drop_split_levels) %>%+ } |
351 | +1084 |
- #' analyze("AGE")+ ## never print an empty row label for root. |
352 | -+ | |||
1085 | +1521x |
- #' lyt5+ if (make_lrow && partlabel == "" && !nonroot) { |
353 | -+ | |||
1086 | +! |
- #'+ make_lrow <- FALSE |
354 | +1087 |
- #' tbl5 <- build_table(lyt5, DM)+ } |
355 | +1088 |
- #' tbl5+ |
356 | +1089 |
- #'+ ## this is only true when called from build_table and the first split |
357 | +1090 |
- #' @author Gabriel Becker+ ## in (one of the) SplitVector is NOT an AnalyzeMultiVars split. |
358 | +1091 |
- #' @export+ ## in that case we would be "double creating" the structural |
359 | +1092 |
- split_cols_by <- function(lyt,+ ## subtable |
360 | -+ | |||
1093 | +1521x |
- var,+ if (no_outer_tbl) { |
361 | -+ | |||
1094 | +282x |
- labels_var = var,+ ret <- kids[[1]] |
362 | -+ | |||
1095 | +282x |
- split_label = var,+ indent_mod(ret) <- indent_mod(spl) |
363 | -+ | |||
1096 | +1239x |
- split_fun = NULL,+ } else if (nrow(ctab) > 0L || length(kids) > 0L) { |
364 | +1097 |
- format = NULL,+ ## previously we checked if the child had an identical label |
365 | +1098 |
- nested = TRUE,+ ## but I don't think thats needed anymore. |
366 | -+ | |||
1099 | +1239x |
- child_labels = c("default", "visible", "hidden"),+ tlabel <- partlabel |
367 | -+ | |||
1100 | +1239x |
- extra_args = list(),+ ret <- TableTree( |
368 | -+ | |||
1101 | +1239x |
- ref_group = NULL,+ cont = ctab, |
369 | -+ | |||
1102 | +1239x |
- show_colcounts = FALSE,+ kids = kids, |
370 | -+ | |||
1103 | +1239x |
- colcount_format = NULL) { ## ,+ name = name, |
371 | -277x | +1104 | +1239x |
- if (is.null(ref_group)) {+ label = tlabel, # partlabel, |
372 | -268x | +1105 | +1239x |
- spl <- VarLevelSplit(+ lev = lvl, |
373 | -268x | +1106 | +1239x |
- var = var,+ iscontent = FALSE, |
374 | -268x | +1107 | +1239x |
- split_label = split_label,+ labelrow = LabelRow( |
375 | -268x | +1108 | +1239x |
- labels_var = labels_var,+ lev = lvl, |
376 | -268x | +1109 | +1239x |
- split_format = format,+ label = tlabel, |
377 | -268x | +1110 | +1239x |
- child_labels = child_labels,+ cinfo = cinfo, |
378 | -268x | +1111 | +1239x |
- split_fun = split_fun,+ vis = make_lrow |
379 | -268x | +|||
1112 | +
- extra_args = extra_args,+ ), |
380 | -268x | +1113 | +1239x |
- show_colcounts = show_colcounts,+ cinfo = cinfo, |
381 | -268x | +1114 | +1239x |
- colcount_format = colcount_format+ indent_mod = imod |
382 | +1115 |
) |
383 | +1116 |
} else { |
384 | -9x | +|||
1117 | +! |
- spl <- VarLevWBaselineSplit(+ ret <- NULL |
385 | -9x | +|||
1118 | +
- var = var,+ } |
386 | -9x | +|||
1119 | +
- ref_group = ref_group,+ |
387 | -9x | +|||
1120 | +
- split_label = split_label,+ ## if(!is.null(spl) && !is.na(spl_section_sep(spl))) |
388 | -9x | +|||
1121 | +
- split_fun = split_fun,+ ## ret <- apply_kids_section_sep(ret, spl_section_sep(spl)) |
389 | -9x | +|||
1122 | +
- labels_var = labels_var,+ ## ## message(sprintf("indent modifier: %d", indentmod)) |
390 | -9x | +|||
1123 | +
- split_format = format,+ ## if(!is.null(ret)) |
391 | -9x | +|||
1124 | +
- show_colcounts = show_colcounts,+ ## indent_mod(ret) = indentmod |
392 | -9x | +1125 | +1521x |
- colcount_format = colcount_format+ ret |
393 | +1126 |
- )+ } |
394 | +1127 |
- }+ |
395 | -277x | +|||
1128 | +
- pos <- next_cpos(lyt, nested)+ #' Create a table from a layout and data |
396 | -277x | +|||
1129 | +
- split_cols(lyt, spl, pos)+ #' |
397 | +1130 |
- }+ #' Layouts are used to describe a table pre-data. `build_table` is used to create a table |
398 | +1131 |
+ #' using a layout and a dataset. |
399 | +1132 |
- ## .tl_indent ====+ #' |
400 | +1133 |
+ #' @inheritParams gen_args |
401 | -51x | +|||
1134 | +
- setGeneric(".tl_indent_inner", function(lyt) standardGeneric(".tl_indent_inner"))+ #' @inheritParams lyt_args |
402 | +1135 |
+ #' @param col_counts (`numeric` or `NULL`)\cr `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")` if non-`NULL`, column counts |
403 | +1136 |
- setMethod(+ #' *for leaf-columns only* which override those calculated automatically during tabulation. Must specify |
404 | +1137 |
- ".tl_indent_inner", "PreDataTableLayouts",+ #' "counts" for *all* leaf-columns if non-`NULL`. `NA` elements will be replaced with the automatically |
405 | -17x | +|||
1138 | +
- function(lyt) .tl_indent_inner(rlayout(lyt))+ #' calculated counts. Turns on display of leaf-column counts when non-`NULL`. |
406 | +1139 |
- )+ #' @param col_total (`integer(1)`)\cr the total observations across all columns. Defaults to `nrow(df)`. |
407 | +1140 |
- setMethod(+ #' @param ... ignored. |
408 | +1141 |
- ".tl_indent_inner", "PreDataRowLayout",+ #' |
409 | +1142 |
- function(lyt) {+ #' @details |
410 | -17x | +|||
1143 | +
- if (length(lyt) == 0 || length(lyt[[1]]) == 0) {+ #' When `alt_counts_df` is specified, column counts are calculated by applying the exact column subsetting |
411 | -! | +|||
1144 | +
- 0L+ #' expressions determined when applying column splitting to the main data (`df`) to `alt_counts_df` and |
412 | +1145 |
- } else {+ #' counting the observations in each resulting subset. |
413 | -17x | +|||
1146 | +
- .tl_indent_inner(lyt[[length(lyt)]])+ #' |
414 | +1147 |
- }+ #' In particular, this means that in the case of splitting based on cuts of the data, any dynamic cuts will have |
415 | +1148 |
- }+ #' been calculated based on `df` and simply re-used for the count calculation. |
416 | +1149 |
- )+ #' |
417 | +1150 |
+ #' @note |
418 | +1151 |
- setMethod(+ #' When overriding the column counts or totals care must be taken that, e.g., `length()` or `nrow()` are not called |
419 | +1152 |
- ".tl_indent_inner", "SplitVector",+ #' within tabulation functions, because those will NOT give the overridden counts. Writing/using tabulation |
420 | +1153 |
- function(lyt) {+ #' functions which accept `.N_col` and `.N_total` or do not rely on column counts at all (even implicitly) is the |
421 | -17x | +|||
1154 | +
- sum(vapply(lyt, function(x) label_position(x) == "topleft", TRUE)) - 1L+ #' only way to ensure overridden counts are fully respected. |
422 | +1155 |
- }+ #' |
423 | +1156 |
- ) ## length(lyt) - 1L)+ #' @return A `TableTree` or `ElementaryTable` object representing the table created by performing the tabulations |
424 | +1157 |
+ #' declared in `lyt` to the data `df`. |
425 | +1158 |
- .tl_indent <- function(lyt, nested = TRUE) {+ #' |
426 | -17x | +|||
1159 | +
- if (!nested) {+ #' @examples |
427 | -! | +|||
1160 | +
- 0L+ #' lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
428 | +1161 |
- } else {+ #' split_cols_by("Species") %>% |
429 | -17x | +|||
1162 | +
- .tl_indent_inner(lyt)+ #' analyze("Sepal.Length", afun = function(x) { |
430 | +1163 |
- }+ #' list( |
431 | +1164 |
- }+ #' "mean (sd)" = rcell(c(mean(x), sd(x)), format = "xx.xx (xx.xx)"), |
432 | +1165 |
+ #' "range" = diff(range(x)) |
433 | +1166 |
- #' Add rows according to levels of a variable+ #' ) |
434 | +1167 |
- #'+ #' }) |
435 | +1168 |
- #' @inheritParams lyt_args+ #' lyt |
436 | +1169 |
#' |
437 | +1170 |
- #' @inherit split_cols_by return+ #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, iris) |
438 | +1171 | ++ |
+ #' tbl+ |
+ |
1172 |
#' |
439 | +1173 |
- #' @inheritSection custom_split_funs Custom Splitting Function Details+ #' # analyze multiple variables |
440 | +1174 |
- #'+ #' lyt2 <- basic_table() %>% |
441 | +1175 |
- #' @note+ #' split_cols_by("Species") %>% |
442 | +1176 |
- #' If `var` is a factor with empty unobserved levels and `labels_var` is specified, it must also be a factor+ #' analyze(c("Sepal.Length", "Petal.Width"), afun = function(x) { |
443 | +1177 |
- #' with the same number of levels as `var`. Currently the error that occurs when this is not the case is not very+ #' list( |
444 | +1178 |
- #' informative, but that will change in the future.+ #' "mean (sd)" = rcell(c(mean(x), sd(x)), format = "xx.xx (xx.xx)"), |
445 | +1179 |
- #'+ #' "range" = diff(range(x)) |
446 | +1180 |
- #' @examples+ #' ) |
447 | +1181 |
- #' lyt <- basic_table() %>%+ #' }) |
448 | +1182 |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>%+ #' |
449 | +1183 |
- #' split_rows_by("RACE", split_fun = drop_split_levels) %>%+ #' tbl2 <- build_table(lyt2, iris) |
450 | +1184 |
- #' analyze("AGE", mean, var_labels = "Age", format = "xx.xx")+ #' tbl2 |
451 | +1185 |
#' |
452 | +1186 |
- #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM)+ #' # an example more relevant for clinical trials with column counts |
453 | +1187 |
- #' tbl+ #' lyt3 <- basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>% |
454 | +1188 |
- #'+ #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>% |
455 | +1189 |
- #' lyt2 <- basic_table() %>%+ #' analyze("AGE", afun = function(x) { |
456 | +1190 |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>%+ #' setNames(as.list(fivenum(x)), c( |
457 | +1191 |
- #' split_rows_by("RACE") %>%+ #' "minimum", "lower-hinge", "median", |
458 | +1192 |
- #' analyze("AGE", mean, var_labels = "Age", format = "xx.xx")+ #' "upper-hinge", "maximum" |
459 | +1193 | ++ |
+ #' ))+ |
+ |
1194 | ++ |
+ #' })+ |
+ ||
1195 |
#' |
460 | +1196 |
- #' tbl2 <- build_table(lyt2, DM)+ #' tbl3 <- build_table(lyt3, DM) |
461 | +1197 |
- #' tbl2+ #' tbl3 |
462 | +1198 |
#' |
463 | +1199 |
- #' lyt3 <- basic_table() %>%+ #' tbl4 <- build_table(lyt3, subset(DM, AGE > 40)) |
464 | +1200 |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>%+ #' tbl4 |
465 | +1201 |
- #' split_cols_by("SEX") %>%+ #' |
466 | +1202 |
- #' summarize_row_groups(label_fstr = "Overall (N)") %>%+ #' # with column counts calculated based on different data |
467 | +1203 |
- #' split_rows_by("RACE",+ #' miniDM <- DM[sample(1:NROW(DM), 100), ] |
468 | +1204 |
- #' split_label = "Ethnicity", labels_var = "ethn_lab",+ #' tbl5 <- build_table(lyt3, DM, alt_counts_df = miniDM) |
469 | +1205 |
- #' split_fun = drop_split_levels+ #' tbl5 |
470 | +1206 |
- #' ) %>%+ #' |
471 | +1207 |
- #' summarize_row_groups("RACE", label_fstr = "%s (n)") %>%+ #' tbl6 <- build_table(lyt3, DM, col_counts = 1:3) |
472 | +1208 |
- #' analyze("AGE", var_labels = "Age", afun = mean, format = "xx.xx")+ #' tbl6 |
473 | +1209 |
#' |
474 | +1210 |
- #' lyt3+ #' @author Gabriel Becker |
475 | +1211 |
- #'+ #' @export |
476 | +1212 |
- #' @examplesIf require(dplyr)+ build_table <- function(lyt, df, |
477 | +1213 |
- #' library(dplyr)+ alt_counts_df = NULL, |
478 | +1214 |
- #'+ col_counts = NULL, |
479 | +1215 |
- #' DM2 <- DM %>%+ col_total = if (is.null(alt_counts_df)) nrow(df) else nrow(alt_counts_df), |
480 | +1216 |
- #' filter(SEX %in% c("M", "F")) %>%+ topleft = NULL, |
481 | +1217 |
- #' mutate(+ hsep = default_hsep(), |
482 | +1218 |
- #' SEX = droplevels(SEX),+ ...) { |
483 | -+ | |||
1219 | +344x |
- #' gender_lab = c(+ if (!is(lyt, "PreDataTableLayouts")) { |
484 | -+ | |||
1220 | +! |
- #' "F" = "Female", "M" = "Male",+ stop( |
485 | -+ | |||
1221 | +! |
- #' "U" = "Unknown",+ "lyt must be a PreDataTableLayouts object. Got object of class ", |
486 | -+ | |||
1222 | +! |
- #' "UNDIFFERENTIATED" = "Undifferentiated"+ class(lyt) |
487 | +1223 |
- #' )[SEX],+ ) |
488 | +1224 |
- #' ethn_lab = c(+ } |
489 | +1225 |
- #' "ASIAN" = "Asian",+ |
490 | +1226 |
- #' "BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN" = "Black or African American",+ ## if no columns are defined (e.g. because lyt is NULL) |
491 | +1227 |
- #' "WHITE" = "White",+ ## add a single overall column as the "most basic" |
492 | +1228 |
- #' "AMERICAN INDIAN OR ALASKA NATIVE" = "American Indian or Alaska Native",+ ## table column structure that makes sense |
493 | -+ | |||
1229 | +344x |
- #' "MULTIPLE" = "Multiple",+ clyt <- clayout(lyt) |
494 | -+ | |||
1230 | +344x |
- #' "NATIVE HAWAIIAN OR OTHER PACIFIC ISLANDER" =+ if (length(clyt) == 1 && length(clyt[[1]]) == 0) { |
495 | -+ | |||
1231 | +105x |
- #' "Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander",+ clyt[[1]] <- add_overall_col(clyt[[1]], "") |
496 | -+ | |||
1232 | +105x |
- #' "OTHER" = "Other", "UNKNOWN" = "Unknown"+ clayout(lyt) <- clyt |
497 | +1233 |
- #' )[RACE]+ } |
498 | +1234 |
- #' )+ |
499 | +1235 |
- #'+ ## do checks and defensive programming now that we have the data |
500 | -+ | |||
1236 | +344x |
- #' tbl3 <- build_table(lyt3, DM2)+ lyt <- fix_dyncuts(lyt, df) |
501 | -+ | |||
1237 | +344x |
- #' tbl3+ lyt <- set_def_child_ord(lyt, df) |
502 | -+ | |||
1238 | +343x |
- #'+ lyt <- fix_analyze_vis(lyt) |
503 | -+ | |||
1239 | +343x |
- #' @author Gabriel Becker+ df <- fix_split_vars(lyt, df, char_ok = is.null(col_counts)) |
504 | -+ | |||
1240 | +334x |
- #' @export+ alt_params <- check_afun_cfun_params(lyt, c(".alt_df", ".alt_df_row")) |
505 | -+ | |||
1241 | +334x |
- split_rows_by <- function(lyt,+ if (any(alt_params) && is.null(alt_counts_df)) { |
506 | -+ | |||
1242 | +2x |
- var,+ stop( |
507 | -+ | |||
1243 | +2x |
- labels_var = var,+ "Layout contains afun/cfun functions that have optional parameters ", |
508 | -+ | |||
1244 | +2x |
- split_label = var,+ ".alt_df and/or .alt_df_row, but no alt_counts_df was provided in ", |
509 | -+ | |||
1245 | +2x |
- split_fun = NULL,+ "build_table()." |
510 | +1246 |
- format = NULL,+ ) |
511 | +1247 |
- na_str = NA_character_,+ } |
512 | +1248 |
- nested = TRUE,+ |
513 | -+ | |||
1249 | +332x |
- child_labels = c("default", "visible", "hidden"),+ rtpos <- TreePos() |
514 | -+ | |||
1250 | +332x |
- label_pos = "hidden",+ cinfo <- create_colinfo(lyt, df, rtpos, |
515 | -+ | |||
1251 | +332x |
- indent_mod = 0L,+ counts = col_counts, |
516 | -+ | |||
1252 | +332x |
- page_by = FALSE,+ alt_counts_df = alt_counts_df, |
517 | -+ | |||
1253 | +332x |
- page_prefix = split_label,+ total = col_total,+ |
+ ||
1254 | +332x | +
+ topleft |
518 | +1255 |
- section_div = NA_character_) {+ ) |
519 | -249x | +1256 | +324x |
- label_pos <- match.arg(label_pos, label_pos_values)+ if (!is.null(col_counts)) { |
520 | -249x | +1257 | +3x |
- child_labels <- match.arg(child_labels)+ toreplace <- !is.na(col_counts) |
521 | -249x | +1258 | +3x |
- spl <- VarLevelSplit(+ newccs <- col_counts(cinfo) ## old actual counts |
522 | -249x | +1259 | +3x |
- var = var,+ newccs[toreplace] <- col_counts[toreplace] |
523 | -249x | +1260 | +3x |
- split_label = split_label,+ col_counts(cinfo) <- newccs |
524 | -249x | +1261 | +3x |
- label_pos = label_pos,+ leaf_paths <- col_paths(cinfo) |
525 | -249x | +1262 | +3x |
- labels_var = labels_var,+ for (pth in leaf_paths) { |
526 | -249x | +1263 | +21x |
- split_fun = split_fun,+ colcount_visible(cinfo, pth) <- TRUE+ |
1264 | ++ |
+ }+ |
+ ||
1265 | ++ |
+ } |
527 | -249x | +1266 | +324x |
- split_format = format,+ rlyt <- rlayout(lyt) |
528 | -249x | +1267 | +324x |
- split_na_str = na_str,+ rtspl <- root_spl(rlyt) |
529 | -249x | +1268 | +324x |
- child_labels = child_labels,+ ctab <- .make_ctab(df, 0L, |
530 | -249x | +1269 | +324x |
- indent_mod = indent_mod,+ alt_df = NULL, |
531 | -249x | +1270 | +324x |
- page_prefix = if (page_by) page_prefix else NA_character_,+ name = "root", |
532 | -249x | +1271 | +324x |
- section_div = section_div+ label = "", |
533 | -+ | |||
1272 | +324x |
- )+ cinfo = cinfo, ## cexprs, ctree, |
534 | -+ | |||
1273 | +324x |
+ parent_cfun = content_fun(rtspl), |
535 | -249x | +1274 | +324x |
- pos <- next_rpos(lyt, nested)+ format = content_format(rtspl), |
536 | -249x | +1275 | +324x |
- ret <- split_rows(lyt, spl, pos)+ na_str = content_na_str(rtspl), |
537 | -+ | |||
1276 | +324x |
+ indent_mod = 0L, |
538 | -247x | +1277 | +324x |
- ret+ cvar = content_var(rtspl), |
539 | -+ | |||
1278 | +324x |
- }+ extra_args = content_extra_args(rtspl) |
540 | +1279 |
+ ) |
541 | +1280 |
- #' Associate multiple variables with columns+ |
542 | -+ | |||
1281 | +324x |
- #'+ kids <- lapply(seq_along(rlyt), function(i) { |
543 | -+ | |||
1282 | +347x |
- #' In some cases, the variable to be ultimately analyzed is most naturally defined on a column, not a row, basis.+ splvec <- rlyt[[i]] |
544 | -+ | |||
1283 | +347x |
- #' When we need columns to reflect different variables entirely, rather than different levels of a single+ if (length(splvec) == 0) { |
545 | -+ | |||
1284 | +14x |
- #' variable, we use `split_cols_by_multivar`.+ return(NULL) |
546 | +1285 |
- #'+ } |
547 | -+ | |||
1286 | +333x |
- #' @inheritParams lyt_args+ firstspl <- splvec[[1]] |
548 | -+ | |||
1287 | +333x |
- #'+ nm <- obj_name(firstspl) |
549 | +1288 |
- #' @inherit split_cols_by return+ ## XXX unused, probably shouldn't be? |
550 | +1289 |
- #'+ ## this seems to be covered by grabbing the partlabel |
551 | +1290 |
- #' @seealso [analyze_colvars()]+ ## TODO confirm this |
552 | +1291 |
- #'+ ## lab <- obj_label(firstspl) |
553 | -+ | |||
1292 | +333x |
- #' @examplesIf require(dplyr)+ recursive_applysplit( |
554 | -+ | |||
1293 | +333x |
- #' library(dplyr)+ df = df, lvl = 0L, |
555 | -+ | |||
1294 | +333x |
- #'+ alt_df = alt_counts_df, |
556 | -+ | |||
1295 | +333x |
- #' ANL <- DM %>% mutate(value = rnorm(n()), pctdiff = runif(n()))+ name = nm, |
557 | -+ | |||
1296 | +333x |
- #'+ splvec = splvec, |
558 | -+ | |||
1297 | +333x |
- #' ## toy example where we take the mean of the first variable and the+ cinfo = cinfo, |
559 | +1298 |
- #' ## count of >.5 for the second.+ ## XXX are these ALWAYS right? |
560 | -+ | |||
1299 | +333x |
- #' colfuns <- list(+ make_lrow = label_kids(firstspl), |
561 | -+ | |||
1300 | +333x |
- #' function(x) in_rows(mean = mean(x), .formats = "xx.x"),+ parent_cfun = NULL, |
562 | -+ | |||
1301 | +333x |
- #' function(x) in_rows("# x > 5" = sum(x > .5), .formats = "xx")+ cformat = content_format(firstspl), |
563 | -+ | |||
1302 | +333x |
- #' )+ cna_str = content_na_str(firstspl), |
564 | -+ | |||
1303 | +333x |
- #'+ cvar = content_var(firstspl), |
565 | -+ | |||
1304 | +333x |
- #' lyt <- basic_table() %>%+ cextra_args = content_extra_args(firstspl), |
566 | -+ | |||
1305 | +333x |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>%+ spl_context = context_df_row( |
567 | -+ | |||
1306 | +333x |
- #' split_cols_by_multivar(c("value", "pctdiff")) %>%+ split = "root", value = "root", |
568 | -+ | |||
1307 | +333x |
- #' split_rows_by("RACE",+ full_parent_df = list(df), |
569 | -+ | |||
1308 | +333x |
- #' split_label = "ethnicity",+ cinfo = cinfo |
570 | +1309 |
- #' split_fun = drop_split_levels+ ), |
571 | +1310 |
- #' ) %>%+ ## we DO want the 'outer table' if the first |
572 | +1311 |
- #' summarize_row_groups() %>%+ ## one is a multi-analyze |
573 | -+ | |||
1312 | +333x |
- #' analyze_colvars(afun = colfuns)+ no_outer_tbl = !is(firstspl, "AnalyzeMultiVars") |
574 | +1313 |
- #' lyt+ ) |
575 | +1314 |
- #'+ }) |
576 | -+ | |||
1315 | +301x |
- #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, ANL)+ kids <- kids[!sapply(kids, is.null)] |
577 | -+ | |||
1316 | +287x |
- #' tbl+ if (length(kids) > 0) names(kids) <- sapply(kids, obj_name) |
578 | +1317 |
- #'+ |
579 | +1318 |
- #' @author Gabriel Becker+ # top level divisor |
580 | -+ | |||
1319 | +301x |
- #' @export+ if (!is.na(top_level_section_div(lyt))) { |
581 | -+ | |||
1320 | +2x |
- split_cols_by_multivar <- function(lyt,+ kids <- lapply(kids, function(first_level_kids) { |
582 | -+ | |||
1321 | +4x |
- vars,+ trailing_section_div(first_level_kids) <- top_level_section_div(lyt) |
583 | -+ | |||
1322 | +4x |
- split_fun = NULL,+ first_level_kids |
584 | +1323 |
- varlabels = vars,+ }) |
585 | +1324 |
- varnames = NULL,+ } |
586 | +1325 |
- nested = TRUE,+ |
587 | -+ | |||
1326 | +301x |
- extra_args = list(),+ if (nrow(ctab) == 0L && length(kids) == 1L && is(kids[[1]], "VTableTree")) { |
588 | -+ | |||
1327 | +258x |
- ## for completeness even though it doesn't make sense+ tab <- kids[[1]] |
589 | -+ | |||
1328 | +258x |
- show_colcounts = FALSE,+ main_title(tab) <- main_title(lyt) |
590 | -+ | |||
1329 | +258x |
- colcount_format = NULL) {+ subtitles(tab) <- subtitles(lyt) |
591 | -24x | +1330 | +258x |
- spl <- MultiVarSplit(+ main_footer(tab) <- main_footer(lyt) |
592 | -24x | +1331 | +258x |
- vars = vars, split_label = "",+ prov_footer(tab) <- prov_footer(lyt) |
593 | -24x | +1332 | +258x |
- varlabels = varlabels,+ header_section_div(tab) <- header_section_div(lyt)+ |
1333 | ++ |
+ } else { |
594 | -24x | +1334 | +43x |
- varnames = varnames,+ tab <- TableTree( |
595 | -24x | +1335 | +43x |
- split_fun = split_fun,+ cont = ctab, |
596 | -24x | +1336 | +43x |
- extra_args = extra_args,+ kids = kids, |
597 | -24x | +1337 | +43x |
- show_colcounts = show_colcounts,+ lev = 0L, |
598 | -24x | +1338 | +43x |
- colcount_format = colcount_format+ name = "root", |
599 | -+ | |||
1339 | +43x |
- )+ label = "", |
600 | -24x | +1340 | +43x |
- pos <- next_cpos(lyt, nested)+ iscontent = FALSE, |
601 | -24x | +1341 | +43x |
- split_cols(lyt, spl, pos)+ cinfo = cinfo, |
602 | -+ | |||
1342 | +43x |
- }+ format = obj_format(rtspl), |
603 | -+ | |||
1343 | +43x |
+ na_str = obj_na_str(rtspl), |
604 | -+ | |||
1344 | +43x |
- #' Associate multiple variables with rows+ title = main_title(lyt), |
605 | -+ | |||
1345 | +43x |
- #'+ subtitles = subtitles(lyt), |
606 | -+ | |||
1346 | +43x |
- #' When we need rows to reflect different variables rather than different+ main_footer = main_footer(lyt), |
607 | -+ | |||
1347 | +43x |
- #' levels of a single variable, we use `split_rows_by_multivar`.+ prov_footer = prov_footer(lyt), |
608 | -+ | |||
1348 | +43x |
- #'+ header_section_div = header_section_div(lyt) |
609 | +1349 |
- #' @inheritParams lyt_args+ ) |
610 | +1350 |
- #'+ } |
611 | +1351 |
- #' @inherit split_rows_by return+ |
612 | +1352 |
- #'+ ## This seems to be unneeded, not clear what 'top_left' check it refers to |
613 | +1353 |
- #' @seealso [split_rows_by()] for typical row splitting, and [split_cols_by_multivar()] to perform the same type of+ ## but both top_left taller than column headers and very long topleft are now |
614 | +1354 |
- #' split on a column basis.+ ## allowed, so this is just wasted computation. |
615 | +1355 |
- #'+ |
616 | +1356 |
- #' @examples+ ## ## this is where the top_left check lives right now. refactor later maybe |
617 | +1357 |
- #' lyt <- basic_table() %>%+ ## ## but now just call it so the error gets thrown when I want it to |
618 | +1358 |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>%+ ## unused <- matrix_form(tab) |
619 | -+ | |||
1359 | +301x |
- #' split_rows_by_multivar(c("SEX", "STRATA1")) %>%+ tab <- update_ref_indexing(tab) |
620 | -+ | |||
1360 | +301x |
- #' summarize_row_groups() %>%+ horizontal_sep(tab) <- hsep |
621 | -+ | |||
1361 | +301x |
- #' analyze(c("AGE", "SEX"))+ if (table_inset(lyt) > 0) { |
622 | -+ | |||
1362 | +1x |
- #'+ table_inset(tab) <- table_inset(lyt) |
623 | +1363 |
- #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM)+ } |
624 | -+ | |||
1364 | +301x |
- #' tbl+ tab |
625 | +1365 |
- #'+ } |
626 | +1366 |
- #' @export+ |
627 | +1367 |
- split_rows_by_multivar <- function(lyt,+ # fix_split_vars ---- |
628 | +1368 |
- vars,+ # These checks guarantee that all the split variables are present in the data. |
629 | +1369 |
- split_fun = NULL,+ # No generic is needed because it is not dependent on the input layout but |
630 | +1370 |
- split_label = "",+ # on the df. |
631 | +1371 |
- varlabels = vars,+ fix_one_split_var <- function(spl, df, char_ok = TRUE) { |
632 | -+ | |||
1372 | +564x |
- format = NULL,+ var <- spl_payload(spl) |
633 | -+ | |||
1373 | +564x |
- na_str = NA_character_,+ if (!(var %in% names(df))) { |
634 | -+ | |||
1374 | +2x |
- nested = TRUE,+ stop("Split variable [", var, "] not found in data being tabulated.") |
635 | +1375 |
- child_labels = c("default", "visible", "hidden"),+ } |
636 | -+ | |||
1376 | +562x |
- indent_mod = 0L,+ varvec <- df[[var]] |
637 | -+ | |||
1377 | +562x |
- section_div = NA_character_,+ if (!is(varvec, "character") && !is.factor(varvec)) { |
638 | -+ | |||
1378 | +1x |
- extra_args = list()) {+ message(sprintf( |
639 | -3x | +1379 | +1x |
- child_labels <- match.arg(child_labels)+ paste( |
640 | -3x | +1380 | +1x |
- spl <- MultiVarSplit(+ "Split var [%s] was not character or factor.", |
641 | -3x | +1381 | +1x |
- vars = vars, split_label = split_label, varlabels,+ "Converting to factor" |
642 | -3x | +|||
1382 | +
- split_format = format,+ ), |
643 | -3x | +1383 | +1x |
- split_na_str = na_str,+ var |
644 | -3x | +|||
1384 | +
- child_labels = child_labels,+ )) |
645 | -3x | +1385 | +1x |
- indent_mod = indent_mod,+ varvec <- factor(varvec) |
646 | -3x | +1386 | +1x |
- split_fun = split_fun,+ df[[var]] <- varvec |
647 | -3x | +1387 | +561x |
- section_div = section_div,+ } else if (is(varvec, "character") && !char_ok) { |
648 | -3x | +1388 | +1x |
- extra_args = extra_args+ stop( |
649 | -+ | |||
1389 | +1x |
- )+ "Overriding column counts is not supported when splitting on ", |
650 | -3x | +1390 | +1x |
- pos <- next_rpos(lyt, nested)+ "character variables.\n Please convert all column split variables to ", |
651 | -3x | +1391 | +1x |
- split_rows(lyt, spl, pos)+ "factors." |
652 | +1392 |
- }+ ) |
653 | +1393 |
+ } |
654 | +1394 |
- #' Split on static or dynamic cuts of the data+ |
655 | -+ | |||
1395 | +561x |
- #'+ if (is.factor(varvec)) { |
656 | -+ | |||
1396 | +403x |
- #' Create columns (or row splits) based on values (such as quartiles) of `var`.+ levs <- levels(varvec) |
657 | +1397 |
- #'+ } else { |
658 | -+ | |||
1398 | +158x |
- #' @inheritParams lyt_args+ levs <- unique(varvec) |
659 | +1399 |
- #'+ } |
660 | -+ | |||
1400 | +561x |
- #' @details For dynamic cuts, the cut is transformed into a static cut by [build_table()] *based on the full dataset*,+ if (!all(nzchar(levs))) { |
661 | -+ | |||
1401 | +4x |
- #' before proceeding. Thus even when nested within another split in column/row space, the resulting split will reflect+ stop( |
662 | -+ | |||
1402 | +4x |
- #' the overall values (e.g., quartiles) in the dataset, NOT the values for subset it is nested under.+ "Got empty string level in splitting variable ", var, |
663 | -+ | |||
1403 | +4x |
- #'+ " This is not supported.\nIf display as an empty level is ", |
664 | -+ | |||
1404 | +4x |
- #' @inherit split_cols_by return+ "desired use a value-labeling variable." |
665 | +1405 |
- #'+ ) |
666 | +1406 |
- #' @examplesIf require(dplyr)+ } |
667 | +1407 |
- #' library(dplyr)+ |
668 | +1408 |
- #'+ ## handle label var |
669 | -+ | |||
1409 | +557x |
- #' # split_cols_by_cuts+ lblvar <- spl_label_var(spl) |
670 | -+ | |||
1410 | +557x |
- #' lyt <- basic_table() %>%+ have_lblvar <- !identical(var, lblvar) |
671 | -+ | |||
1411 | +557x |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>%+ if (have_lblvar) { |
672 | -+ | |||
1412 | +85x |
- #' split_cols_by_cuts("AGE",+ if (!(lblvar %in% names(df))) { |
673 | -+ | |||
1413 | +1x |
- #' split_label = "Age",+ stop( |
674 | -+ | |||
1414 | +1x |
- #' cuts = c(0, 25, 35, 1000),+ "Value label variable [", lblvar, |
675 | -+ | |||
1415 | +1x |
- #' cutlabels = c("young", "medium", "old")+ "] not found in data being tabulated." |
676 | +1416 |
- #' ) %>%+ ) |
677 | +1417 |
- #' analyze(c("BMRKR2", "STRATA2")) %>%+ } |
678 | -+ | |||
1418 | +84x |
- #' append_topleft("counts")+ lblvec <- df[[lblvar]] |
679 | -+ | |||
1419 | +84x |
- #'+ tab <- table(varvec, lblvec) |
680 | +1420 |
- #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, ex_adsl)+ |
681 | -+ | |||
1421 | +84x |
- #' tbl+ if (any(rowSums(tab > 0) > 1) || any(colSums(tab > 0) > 1)) { |
682 | -+ | |||
1422 | +1x |
- #'+ stop(sprintf( |
683 | -+ | |||
1423 | +1x |
- #' # split_rows_by_cuts+ paste( |
684 | -+ | |||
1424 | +1x |
- #' lyt2 <- basic_table() %>%+ "There does not appear to be a 1-1", |
685 | -+ | |||
1425 | +1x |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>%+ "correspondence between values in split var", |
686 | -+ | |||
1426 | +1x |
- #' split_rows_by_cuts("AGE",+ "[%s] and label var [%s]" |
687 | +1427 |
- #' split_label = "Age",+ ), |
688 | -+ | |||
1428 | +1x |
- #' cuts = c(0, 25, 35, 1000),+ var, lblvar |
689 | +1429 |
- #' cutlabels = c("young", "medium", "old")+ )) |
690 | +1430 |
- #' ) %>%+ } |
691 | +1431 |
- #' analyze(c("BMRKR2", "STRATA2")) %>%+ |
692 | -+ | |||
1432 | +83x |
- #' append_topleft("counts")+ if (!is(lblvec, "character") && !is.factor(lblvec)) { |
693 | -+ | |||
1433 | +! |
- #'+ message(sprintf( |
694 | -+ | |||
1434 | +! |
- #'+ paste( |
695 | -+ | |||
1435 | +! |
- #' tbl2 <- build_table(lyt2, ex_adsl)+ "Split label var [%s] was not character or", |
696 | -+ | |||
1436 | +! |
- #' tbl2+ "factor. Converting to factor" |
697 | +1437 |
- #'+ ), |
698 | -+ | |||
1438 | +! |
- #' # split_cols_by_quartiles+ var |
699 | +1439 |
- #'+ )) |
700 | -+ | |||
1440 | +! |
- #' lyt3 <- basic_table() %>%+ lblvec <- factor(lblvec) |
701 | -+ | |||
1441 | +! |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>%+ df[[lblvar]] <- lblvec |
702 | +1442 |
- #' split_cols_by_quartiles("AGE", split_label = "Age") %>%+ } |
703 | +1443 |
- #' analyze(c("BMRKR2", "STRATA2")) %>%+ } |
704 | +1444 |
- #' append_topleft("counts")+ |
705 | -+ | |||
1445 | +555x |
- #'+ df |
706 | +1446 |
- #' tbl3 <- build_table(lyt3, ex_adsl)+ } |
707 | +1447 |
- #' tbl3+ |
708 | +1448 |
- #'+ fix_split_vars <- function(lyt, df, char_ok) { |
709 | -+ | |||
1449 | +343x |
- #' # split_rows_by_quartiles+ df <- fix_split_vars_inner(clayout(lyt), df, char_ok = char_ok) |
710 | -+ | |||
1450 | +339x |
- #' lyt4 <- basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>%+ df <- fix_split_vars_inner(rlayout(lyt), df, char_ok = TRUE) |
711 | -+ | |||
1451 | +334x |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>%+ df |
712 | +1452 |
- #' split_rows_by_quartiles("AGE", split_label = "Age") %>%+ |
713 | +1453 |
- #' analyze("BMRKR2") %>%+ ## clyt <- clayout(lyt) |
714 | +1454 |
- #' append_topleft(c("Age Quartiles", " Counts BMRKR2"))+ ## rlyt <- rlayout(lyt) |
715 | +1455 |
- #'+ |
716 | +1456 |
- #' tbl4 <- build_table(lyt4, ex_adsl)+ ## allspls <- unlist(list(clyt, rlyt)) |
717 | +1457 |
- #' tbl4+ ## VarLevelSplit includes sublclass VarLevWBaselineSplit |
718 | +1458 |
- #'+ } |
719 | +1459 |
- #' # split_cols_by_cutfun+ |
720 | +1460 |
- #' cutfun <- function(x) {+ fix_split_vars_inner <- function(lyt, df, char_ok) { |
721 | -+ | |||
1461 | +682x |
- #' cutpoints <- c(+ stopifnot(is(lyt, "PreDataAxisLayout")) |
722 | -+ | |||
1462 | +682x |
- #' min(x),+ allspls <- unlist(lyt) |
723 | -+ | |||
1463 | +682x |
- #' mean(x),+ varspls <- allspls[sapply(allspls, is, "VarLevelSplit")] |
724 | -+ | |||
1464 | +682x |
- #' max(x)+ unqvarinds <- !duplicated(sapply(varspls, spl_payload)) |
725 | -+ | |||
1465 | +682x |
- #' )+ unqvarspls <- varspls[unqvarinds] |
726 | -+ | |||
1466 | +564x |
- #'+ for (spl in unqvarspls) df <- fix_one_split_var(spl, df, char_ok = char_ok) |
727 | +1467 |
- #' names(cutpoints) <- c("", "Younger", "Older")+ |
728 | -+ | |||
1468 | +673x |
- #' cutpoints+ df |
729 | +1469 |
- #' }+ } |
730 | +1470 |
- #'+ |
731 | +1471 |
- #' lyt5 <- basic_table() %>%+ # set_def_child_ord ---- |
732 | +1472 |
- #' split_cols_by_cutfun("AGE", cutfun = cutfun) %>%+ ## the table is built by recursively splitting the data and doing things to each |
733 | +1473 |
- #' analyze("SEX")+ ## piece. The order (or even values) of unique(df[[col]]) is not guaranteed to |
734 | +1474 |
- #'+ ## be the same in all the different partitions. This addresses that. |
735 | +1475 |
- #' tbl5 <- build_table(lyt5, ex_adsl)+ setGeneric( |
736 | +1476 |
- #' tbl5+ "set_def_child_ord", |
737 | -+ | |||
1477 | +3901x |
- #'+ function(lyt, df) standardGeneric("set_def_child_ord") |
738 | +1478 |
- #' # split_rows_by_cutfun+ ) |
739 | +1479 |
- #' lyt6 <- basic_table() %>%+ |
740 | +1480 |
- #' split_cols_by("SEX") %>%+ setMethod( |
741 | +1481 |
- #' split_rows_by_cutfun("AGE", cutfun = cutfun) %>%+ "set_def_child_ord", "PreDataTableLayouts", |
742 | +1482 |
- #' analyze("BMRKR2")+ function(lyt, df) { |
743 | -+ | |||
1483 | +344x |
- #'+ clayout(lyt) <- set_def_child_ord(clayout(lyt), df) |
744 | -+ | |||
1484 | +343x |
- #' tbl6 <- build_table(lyt6, ex_adsl)+ rlayout(lyt) <- set_def_child_ord(rlayout(lyt), df) |
745 | -+ | |||
1485 | +343x |
- #' tbl6+ lyt |
746 | +1486 |
- #'+ } |
747 | +1487 |
- #' @author Gabriel Becker+ ) |
748 | +1488 |
- #' @export+ |
749 | +1489 |
- #' @rdname varcuts+ setMethod( |
750 | +1490 |
- split_cols_by_cuts <- function(lyt, var, cuts,+ "set_def_child_ord", "PreDataAxisLayout", |
751 | +1491 |
- cutlabels = NULL,+ function(lyt, df) { |
752 | -+ | |||
1492 | +1021x |
- split_label = var,+ lyt@.Data <- lapply(lyt, set_def_child_ord, df = df) |
753 | -+ | |||
1493 | +1020x |
- nested = TRUE,+ lyt |
754 | +1494 |
- cumulative = FALSE,+ } |
755 | +1495 |
- show_colcounts = FALSE,+ ) |
756 | +1496 |
- colcount_format = NULL) {+ |
757 | -3x | +|||
1497 | +
- spl <- make_static_cut_split(+ setMethod( |
758 | -3x | +|||
1498 | +
- var = var,+ "set_def_child_ord", "SplitVector", |
759 | -3x | +|||
1499 | +
- split_label = split_label,+ function(lyt, df) { |
760 | -3x | +1500 | +1061x |
- cuts = cuts,+ lyt[] <- lapply(lyt, set_def_child_ord, df = df) |
761 | -3x | +1501 | +1060x |
- cutlabels = cutlabels,+ lyt |
762 | -3x | +|||
1502 | +
- cumulative = cumulative,+ } |
763 | -3x | +|||
1503 | +
- show_colcounts = show_colcounts,+ ) |
764 | -3x | +|||
1504 | +
- colcount_format = colcount_format+ |
765 | +1505 |
- )+ ## for most split types, don't do anything |
766 | +1506 |
- ## if(cumulative)+ ## becuause their ordering already isn't data-based |
767 | +1507 |
- ## spl = as(spl, "CumulativeCutSplit")+ setMethod( |
768 | -3x | +|||
1508 | +
- pos <- next_cpos(lyt, nested)+ "set_def_child_ord", "ANY", |
769 | -3x | +1509 | +617x |
- split_cols(lyt, spl, pos)+ function(lyt, df) lyt |
770 | +1510 |
- }+ ) |
771 | +1511 | |||
772 | +1512 |
- #' @export+ setMethod( |
773 | +1513 |
- #' @rdname varcuts+ "set_def_child_ord", "VarLevelSplit", |
774 | +1514 |
- split_rows_by_cuts <- function(lyt, var, cuts,+ function(lyt, df) { |
775 | -+ | |||
1515 | +841x |
- cutlabels = NULL,+ if (!is.null(spl_child_order(lyt))) { |
776 | -+ | |||
1516 | +277x |
- split_label = var,+ return(lyt) |
777 | +1517 |
- format = NULL,+ } |
778 | +1518 |
- na_str = NA_character_,+ |
779 | -+ | |||
1519 | +564x |
- nested = TRUE,+ vec <- df[[spl_payload(lyt)]] |
780 | -+ | |||
1520 | +564x |
- cumulative = FALSE,+ vals <- if (is.factor(vec)) { |
781 | -+ | |||
1521 | +404x |
- label_pos = "hidden",+ levels(vec) |
782 | +1522 |
- section_div = NA_character_) {+ } else { |
783 | -2x | +1523 | +160x |
- label_pos <- match.arg(label_pos, label_pos_values)+ unique(vec) |
784 | +1524 |
- ## VarStaticCutSplit(- |
- ||
785 | -2x | -
- spl <- make_static_cut_split(var, split_label,- |
- ||
786 | -2x | -
- cuts = cuts,+ } |
787 | -2x | +1525 | +564x |
- cutlabels = cutlabels,+ spl_child_order(lyt) <- vals |
788 | -2x | +1526 | +564x |
- split_format = format,+ lyt |
789 | -2x | +|||
1527 | +
- split_na_str = na_str,+ } |
790 | -2x | +|||
1528 | +
- label_pos = label_pos,+ ) |
791 | -2x | +|||
1529 | +
- cumulative = cumulative,+ |
792 | -2x | +|||
1530 | +
- section_div = section_div+ setMethod( |
793 | +1531 |
- )+ "set_def_child_ord", "VarLevWBaselineSplit", |
794 | +1532 |
- ## if(cumulative)+ function(lyt, df) { |
795 | -+ | |||
1533 | +17x |
- ## spl = as(spl, "CumulativeCutSplit")+ bline <- spl_ref_group(lyt) |
796 | -2x | +1534 | +17x |
- pos <- next_rpos(lyt, nested)+ if (!is.null(spl_child_order(lyt)) && match(bline, spl_child_order(lyt), nomatch = -1) == 1L) { |
797 | -2x | +1535 | +6x |
- split_rows(lyt, spl, pos)+ return(lyt) |
798 | +1536 |
- }+ } |
799 | +1537 | |||
800 | -+ | |||
1538 | +11x |
- #' @export+ if (!is.null(split_fun(lyt))) { |
801 | +1539 |
- #' @rdname varcuts+ ## expensive but sadly necessary, I think |
802 | -+ | |||
1540 | +3x |
- split_cols_by_cutfun <- function(lyt, var,+ pinfo <- do_split(lyt, df, spl_context = context_df_row()) |
803 | -+ | |||
1541 | +3x |
- cutfun = qtile_cuts,+ vals <- sort(unlist(value_names(pinfo$values))) |
804 | +1542 |
- cutlabelfun = function(x) NULL,+ } else { |
805 | -+ | |||
1543 | +8x |
- split_label = var,+ vec <- df[[spl_payload(lyt)]] |
806 | -+ | |||
1544 | +8x |
- nested = TRUE,+ vals <- if (is.factor(vec)) { |
807 | -+ | |||
1545 | +5x |
- extra_args = list(),+ levels(vec) |
808 | +1546 |
- cumulative = FALSE,+ } else { |
809 | -+ | |||
1547 | +3x |
- show_colcounts = FALSE,+ unique(vec) |
810 | +1548 |
- colcount_format = NULL) {+ } |
811 | -3x | +|||
1549 | +
- spl <- VarDynCutSplit(var, split_label,+ } |
812 | -3x | +1550 | +11x |
- cutfun = cutfun,+ if (!bline %in% vals) { |
813 | -3x | +1551 | +1x |
- cutlabelfun = cutlabelfun,+ stop(paste0( |
814 | -3x | +1552 | +1x |
- extra_args = extra_args,+ 'Reference group "', bline, '"', " was not present in the levels of ", spl_payload(lyt), " in the data." |
815 | -3x | +|||
1553 | +
- cumulative = cumulative,+ )) |
816 | -3x | +|||
1554 | +
- label_pos = "hidden",+ } |
817 | -3x | +1555 | +10x |
- show_colcounts = show_colcounts,+ spl_child_order(lyt) <- vals |
818 | -3x | +1556 | +10x |
- colcount_format = colcount_format+ lyt |
819 | +1557 |
- )+ } |
820 | -3x | +|||
1558 | +
- pos <- next_cpos(lyt, nested)+ ) |
821 | -3x | +|||
1559 | +
- split_cols(lyt, spl, pos)+ |
822 | +1560 |
- }+ splitvec_to_coltree <- function(df, splvec, pos = NULL, |
823 | +1561 |
+ lvl = 1L, label = "", |
824 | +1562 |
- #' @export+ spl_context = context_df_row(cinfo = NULL), |
825 | +1563 |
- #' @rdname varcuts+ alt_counts_df = df, |
826 | +1564 |
- split_cols_by_quartiles <- function(lyt, var, split_label = var,+ global_cc_format) { |
827 | -+ | |||
1565 | +1801x |
- nested = TRUE,+ stopifnot(+ |
+ ||
1566 | +1801x | +
+ lvl <= length(splvec) + 1L,+ |
+ ||
1567 | +1801x | +
+ is(splvec, "SplitVector") |
828 | +1568 |
- extra_args = list(),+ ) |
829 | +1569 |
- cumulative = FALSE,+ |
830 | +1570 |
- show_colcounts = FALSE,+ + |
+ ||
1571 | +1801x | +
+ if (lvl == length(splvec) + 1L) { |
831 | +1572 |
- colcount_format = NULL) {+ ## XXX this should be a LayoutColree I Think. |
832 | -2x | +1573 | +1181x |
- split_cols_by_cutfun(+ nm <- unlist(tail(value_names(pos), 1)) %||% "" |
833 | -2x | +1574 | +1181x |
- lyt = lyt,+ spl <- tail(pos_splits(pos), 1)[[1]] |
834 | -2x | +1575 | +1181x |
- var = var,+ fmt <- colcount_format(spl) %||% global_cc_format |
835 | -2x | +1576 | +1181x |
- split_label = split_label,+ LayoutColLeaf( |
836 | -2x | +1577 | +1181x |
- cutfun = qtile_cuts,+ lev = lvl - 1L, |
837 | -2x | +1578 | +1181x |
- cutlabelfun = function(x) {+ label = label, |
838 | -2x | +1579 | +1181x |
- c(+ tpos = pos, |
839 | -2x | +1580 | +1181x |
- "[min, Q1]",+ name = nm, |
840 | -2x | +1581 | +1181x |
- "(Q1, Q2]",+ colcount = NROW(alt_counts_df), |
841 | -2x | +1582 | +1181x |
- "(Q2, Q3]",+ disp_ccounts = disp_ccounts(spl), |
842 | -2x | +1583 | +1181x |
- "(Q3, max]"+ colcount_format = fmt |
843 | +1584 |
- )+ ) |
844 | +1585 |
- },+ } else { |
845 | -2x | +1586 | +620x |
- nested = nested,+ spl <- splvec[[lvl]] |
846 | -2x | +1587 | +620x |
- extra_args = extra_args,+ nm <- if (is.null(pos) || length(pos_splits(pos)) == 0) { |
847 | -2x | +1588 | +383x |
- cumulative = cumulative,+ obj_name(spl) |
848 | -2x | +|||
1589 | +
- show_colcounts = show_colcounts,+ } else { |
849 | -2x | -
- colcount_format = colcount_format- |
- ||
850 | -+ | 1590 | +237x |
- )+ unlist(tail( |
851 | -+ | |||
1591 | +237x |
- ## spl = VarDynCutSplit(var, split_label, cutfun = qtile_cuts,+ value_names(pos), |
852 | -+ | |||
1592 | +237x |
- ## cutlabelfun = function(x) c("[min, Q1]",+ 1 |
853 | +1593 |
- ## "(Q1, Q2]",+ )) |
854 | +1594 |
- ## "(Q2, Q3]",+ } |
855 | -+ | |||
1595 | +620x |
- ## "(Q3, max]"),+ rawpart <- do_split(spl, df, |
856 | -+ | |||
1596 | +620x |
- ## split_format = format,+ trim = FALSE, |
857 | -+ | |||
1597 | +620x |
- ## extra_args = extra_args,+ spl_context = spl_context |
858 | +1598 |
- ## cumulative = cumulative,+ ) |
859 | -+ | |||
1599 | +617x |
- ## label_pos = "hidden")+ datparts <- rawpart[["datasplit"]] |
860 | -+ | |||
1600 | +617x |
- ## pos = next_cpos(lyt, nested)+ vals <- rawpart[["values"]] |
861 | -+ | |||
1601 | +617x |
- ## split_cols(lyt, spl, pos)+ labs <- rawpart[["labels"]] |
862 | +1602 |
- }+ |
863 | -+ | |||
1603 | +617x |
+ force(alt_counts_df) |
864 | -+ | |||
1604 | +617x |
- #' @export+ kids <- mapply( |
865 | -+ | |||
1605 | +617x |
- #' @rdname varcuts+ function(dfpart, value, partlab) { |
866 | +1606 |
- split_rows_by_quartiles <- function(lyt, var, split_label = var,+ ## we could pass subset expression in here but the spec |
867 | +1607 |
- format = NULL,+ ## currently doesn't call for it in column space |
868 | -+ | |||
1608 | +1422x |
- na_str = NA_character_,+ newprev <- context_df_row( |
869 | -+ | |||
1609 | +1422x |
- nested = TRUE,+ split = obj_name(spl), |
870 | -+ | |||
1610 | +1422x |
- child_labels = c("default", "visible", "hidden"),+ value = value_names(value), |
871 | -+ | |||
1611 | +1422x |
- extra_args = list(),+ full_parent_df = list(dfpart), |
872 | -+ | |||
1612 | +1422x |
- cumulative = FALSE,+ cinfo = NULL |
873 | +1613 |
- indent_mod = 0L,+ ) |
874 | +1614 |
- label_pos = "hidden",+ ## subset expressions handled inside make_child_pos, |
875 | +1615 |
- section_div = NA_character_) {+ ## value is (optionally, for the moment) carrying it around |
876 | -2x | +1616 | +1422x |
- split_rows_by_cutfun(+ newpos <- make_child_pos(pos, spl, value, partlab) |
877 | -2x | +1617 | +1422x |
- lyt = lyt,+ acdf_subset_expr <- make_subset_expr(spl, value) |
878 | -2x | +1618 | +1422x |
- var = var,+ new_acdf_subset <- try(eval(acdf_subset_expr, alt_counts_df), silent = TRUE) |
879 | -2x | +1619 | +1422x |
- split_label = split_label,+ if (is(new_acdf_subset, "try-error")) { |
880 | -2x | +1620 | +4x |
- format = format,+ stop(sprintf( |
881 | -2x | +1621 | +4x |
- na_str = na_str,+ paste( |
882 | -2x | +1622 | +4x |
- cutfun = qtile_cuts,+ ifelse(identical(df, alt_counts_df), "df", "alt_counts_df"), |
883 | -2x | +1623 | +4x |
- cutlabelfun = function(x) {+ "appears incompatible with column-split", |
884 | -2x | +1624 | +4x |
- c(+ "structure. Offending column subset", |
885 | -2x | +1625 | +4x |
- "[min, Q1]",+ "expression: %s\nOriginal error", |
886 | -2x | +1626 | +4x |
- "(Q1, Q2]",+ "message: %s" |
887 | -2x | +1627 | +4x |
- "(Q2, Q3]",+ ), deparse(acdf_subset_expr[[1]]), |
888 | -2x | +1628 | +4x |
- "(Q3, max]"+ conditionMessage(attr(new_acdf_subset, "condition")) |
889 | +1629 |
- )+ )) |
890 | +1630 |
- },- |
- ||
891 | -2x | -
- nested = nested,+ } |
892 | -2x | +|||
1631 | +
- child_labels = child_labels,+ |
893 | -2x | +1632 | +1418x |
- extra_args = extra_args,+ splitvec_to_coltree(dfpart, splvec, newpos, |
894 | -2x | +1633 | +1418x |
- cumulative = cumulative,+ lvl + 1L, partlab, |
895 | -2x | +1634 | +1418x |
- indent_mod = indent_mod,+ spl_context = rbind(spl_context, newprev), |
896 | -2x | +1635 | +1418x |
- label_pos = label_pos,+ alt_counts_df = alt_counts_df[new_acdf_subset, , drop = FALSE], |
897 | -2x | -
- section_div = section_div- |
- ||
898 | -+ | 1636 | +1418x |
- )+ global_cc_format = global_cc_format |
899 | +1637 |
+ ) |
900 | +1638 |
- ## label_pos <- match.arg(label_pos, label_pos_values)+ }, |
901 | -+ | |||
1639 | +617x |
- ## spl = VarDynCutSplit(var, split_label, cutfun = qtile_cuts,+ dfpart = datparts, value = vals, |
902 | -+ | |||
1640 | +617x |
- ## cutlabelfun = ,+ partlab = labs, SIMPLIFY = FALSE |
903 | +1641 |
- ## split_format = format,+ ) |
904 | -+ | |||
1642 | +611x |
- ## child_labels = child_labels,+ disp_cc <- FALSE |
905 | -+ | |||
1643 | +611x |
- ## extra_args = extra_args,+ cc_format <- global_cc_format # this doesn't matter probably, but its technically more correct |
906 | -+ | |||
1644 | +611x |
- ## cumulative = cumulative,+ if (lvl > 1) { |
907 | -+ | |||
1645 | +235x |
- ## indent_mod = indent_mod,+ disp_cc <- disp_ccounts(splvec[[lvl - 1]]) |
908 | -+ | |||
1646 | +235x |
- ## label_pos = label_pos)+ cc_format <- colcount_format(splvec[[lvl - 1]]) %||% global_cc_format |
909 | +1647 |
- ## pos = next_rpos(lyt, nested)+ } |
910 | +1648 |
- ## split_rows(lyt, spl, pos)+ |
911 | -+ | |||
1649 | +611x |
- }+ names(kids) <- value_names(vals) |
912 | -+ | |||
1650 | +611x |
+ LayoutColTree( |
913 | -+ | |||
1651 | +611x |
- qtile_cuts <- function(x) {+ lev = lvl, label = label, |
914 | -6x | +1652 | +611x |
- ret <- quantile(x)+ spl = spl, |
915 | -6x | +1653 | +611x |
- names(ret) <- c(+ kids = kids, tpos = pos, |
916 | -+ | |||
1654 | +611x |
- "",+ name = nm, |
917 | -6x | +1655 | +611x |
- "1st qrtile",+ summary_function = content_fun(spl), |
918 | -6x | +1656 | +611x |
- "2nd qrtile",+ colcount = NROW(alt_counts_df), |
919 | -6x | +1657 | +611x |
- "3rd qrtile",+ disp_ccounts = disp_cc, |
920 | -6x | +1658 | +611x |
- "4th qrtile"+ colcount_format = cc_format |
921 | +1659 |
- )+ ) |
922 | -6x | +|||
1660 | +
- ret+ } |
923 | +1661 |
} |
924 | +1662 | |||
925 | +1663 |
- #' @export+ # fix_analyze_vis ---- |
926 | +1664 |
- #' @rdname varcuts+ ## now that we know for sure the number of siblings |
927 | +1665 |
- split_rows_by_cutfun <- function(lyt, var,+ ## collaplse NAs to TRUE/FALSE for whether |
928 | +1666 |
- cutfun = qtile_cuts,+ ## labelrows should be visible for ElementaryTables |
929 | +1667 |
- cutlabelfun = function(x) NULL,+ ## generatead from analyzing a single variable |
930 | -+ | |||
1668 | +1052x |
- split_label = var,+ setGeneric("fix_analyze_vis", function(lyt) standardGeneric("fix_analyze_vis")) |
931 | +1669 |
- format = NULL,+ |
932 | +1670 |
- na_str = NA_character_,+ setMethod( |
933 | +1671 |
- nested = TRUE,+ "fix_analyze_vis", "PreDataTableLayouts", |
934 | +1672 |
- child_labels = c("default", "visible", "hidden"),+ function(lyt) { |
935 | -+ | |||
1673 | +343x |
- extra_args = list(),+ rlayout(lyt) <- fix_analyze_vis(rlayout(lyt)) |
936 | -+ | |||
1674 | +343x |
- cumulative = FALSE,+ lyt |
937 | +1675 |
- indent_mod = 0L,+ } |
938 | +1676 |
- label_pos = "hidden",+ ) |
939 | +1677 |
- section_div = NA_character_) {- |
- ||
940 | -2x | -
- label_pos <- match.arg(label_pos, label_pos_values)- |
- ||
941 | -2x | -
- child_labels <- match.arg(child_labels)- |
- ||
942 | -2x | -
- spl <- VarDynCutSplit(var, split_label,- |
- ||
943 | -2x | -
- cutfun = cutfun,- |
- ||
944 | -2x | -
- cutlabelfun = cutlabelfun,- |
- ||
945 | -2x | -
- split_format = format,+ |
946 | -2x | +|||
1678 | +
- split_na_str = na_str,+ setMethod( |
947 | -2x | +|||
1679 | +
- child_labels = child_labels,+ "fix_analyze_vis", "PreDataRowLayout", |
948 | -2x | +|||
1680 | +
- extra_args = extra_args,+ function(lyt) { |
949 | -2x | +1681 | +343x |
- cumulative = cumulative,+ splvecs <- lapply(lyt, fix_analyze_vis) |
950 | -2x | +1682 | +343x |
- indent_mod = indent_mod,+ PreDataRowLayout( |
951 | -2x | +1683 | +343x |
- label_pos = label_pos,+ root = root_spl(lyt), |
952 | -2x | +1684 | +343x |
- section_div = section_div+ lst = splvecs |
953 | +1685 |
- )- |
- ||
954 | -2x | -
- pos <- next_rpos(lyt, nested)- |
- ||
955 | -2x | -
- split_rows(lyt, spl, pos)+ ) |
956 | +1686 |
- }+ } |
957 | +1687 |
+ ) |
958 | +1688 |
- #' .spl_context within analysis and split functions+ |
959 | +1689 |
- #'+ setMethod( |
960 | +1690 |
- #' `.spl_context` is an optional parameter for any of rtables' special functions, i.e. `afun` (analysis function+ "fix_analyze_vis", "SplitVector", |
961 | +1691 |
- #' in [analyze()]), `cfun` (content or label function in [summarize_row_groups()]), or `split_fun` (e.g. for+ function(lyt) { |
962 | -+ | |||
1692 | +366x |
- #' [split_rows_by()]).+ len <- length(lyt) |
963 | -+ | |||
1693 | +366x |
- #'+ if (len == 0) { |
964 | -+ | |||
1694 | +14x |
- #' @details+ return(lyt) |
965 | +1695 |
- #' The `.spl_context` `data.frame` gives information about the subsets of data corresponding to the splits within+ } |
966 | -+ | |||
1696 | +352x |
- #' which the current `analyze` action is nested. Taken together, these correspond to the path that the resulting (set+ lastspl <- lyt[[len]] |
967 | -+ | |||
1697 | +352x |
- #' of) rows the analysis function is creating, although the information is in a slightly different form. Each split+ if (!(is(lastspl, "VAnalyzeSplit") || is(lastspl, "AnalyzeMultivar"))) { |
968 | -+ | |||
1698 | +79x |
- #' (which correspond to groups of rows in the resulting table), as well as the initial 'root' "split", is represented+ return(lyt) |
969 | +1699 |
- #' via the following columns:+ } |
970 | +1700 |
- #'+ |
971 | -+ | |||
1701 | +273x |
- #' \describe{+ if (is(lastspl, "VAnalyzeSplit") && is.na(labelrow_visible(lastspl))) { |
972 | +1702 |
- #' \item{split}{The name of the split (often the variable being split).}+ ## labelrow_visible(lastspl) = FALSE |
973 | -+ | |||
1703 | +267x |
- #' \item{value}{The string representation of the value at that split (`split`).}+ labelrow_visible(lastspl) <- "hidden" |
974 | -+ | |||
1704 | +6x |
- #' \item{full_parent_df}{A `data.frame` containing the full data (i.e. across all columns) corresponding to the path+ } else if (is(lastspl, "AnalyzeMultiVar")) { |
975 | -+ | |||
1705 | +! |
- #' defined by the combination of `split` and `value` of this row *and all rows above this row*.}+ pld <- spl_payload(lastspl) |
976 | -+ | |||
1706 | +! |
- #' \item{all_cols_n}{The number of observations corresponding to the row grouping (union of all columns).}+ newpld <- lapply(pld, function(sp, havesibs) { |
977 | -+ | |||
1707 | +! |
- #' \item{column for each column in the table structure (*row-split and analyze contexts only*)}{These list columns+ if (is.na(labelrow_visible(sp))) { |
978 | -+ | |||
1708 | +! |
- #' (named the same as `names(col_exprs(tab))`) contain logical vectors corresponding to the subset of this row's+ labelrow_visible(sp) <- havesibs |
979 | +1709 |
- #' `full_parent_df` corresponding to the column.}+ } |
980 | -+ | |||
1710 | +! |
- #' \item{cur_col_id}{Identifier of the current column. This may be an internal name, constructed by pasting the+ }, havesibs = len > 1) |
981 | -+ | |||
1711 | +! |
- #' column path together.}+ spl_payload(lastspl) <- newpld |
982 | +1712 |
- #' \item{cur_col_subset}{List column containing logical vectors indicating the subset of this row's `full_parent_df`+ ## pretty sure this isn't needed... |
983 | -+ | |||
1713 | +! |
- #' for the column currently being created by the analysis function.}+ if (is.na(label_kids(lastspl))) { |
984 | -+ | |||
1714 | +! |
- #' \item{cur_col_expr}{List of current column expression. This may be used to filter `.alt_df_row`, or any external+ label_kids(lastspl) <- len > 1 |
985 | +1715 |
- #' data, by column. Filtering `.alt_df_row` by columns produces `.alt_df`.}+ } |
986 | +1716 |
- #' \item{cur_col_n}{Integer column containing the observation counts for that split.}+ } |
987 | -+ | |||
1717 | +273x |
- #' \item{cur_col_split}{Current column split names. This is recovered from the current column path.}+ lyt[[len]] <- lastspl |
988 | -+ | |||
1718 | +273x |
- #' \item{cur_col_split_val}{Current column split values. This is recovered from the current column path.}+ lyt |
989 | +1719 |
- #' }+ } |
990 | +1720 |
- #'+ ) |
991 | +1721 |
- #' @note+ |
992 | +1722 |
- #' Within analysis functions that accept `.spl_context`, the `all_cols_n` and `cur_col_n` columns of the data frame+ # check_afun_cfun_params ---- |
993 | +1723 |
- #' will contain the 'true' observation counts corresponding to the row-group and row-group x column subsets of the+ |
994 | +1724 |
- #' data. These numbers will not, and currently cannot, reflect alternate column observation counts provided by the+ # This checks if the input params are used anywhere in cfun/afun |
995 | +1725 |
- #' `alt_counts_df`, `col_counts` or `col_total` arguments to [build_table()].+ setGeneric("check_afun_cfun_params", function(lyt, params) { |
996 | -+ | |||
1726 | +3266x |
- #'+ standardGeneric("check_afun_cfun_params") |
997 | +1727 |
- #' @name spl_context+ }) |
998 | +1728 |
- NULL+ |
999 | +1729 |
+ setMethod( |
1000 | +1730 |
- #' Additional parameters within analysis and content functions (`afun`/`cfun`)+ "check_afun_cfun_params", "PreDataTableLayouts", |
1001 | +1731 |
- #'+ function(lyt, params) { |
1002 | +1732 |
- #' @description+ # clayout does not have analysis functions |
1003 | -+ | |||
1733 | +334x |
- #' It is possible to add specific parameters to `afun` and `cfun`, in [analyze()] and [summarize_row_groups()],+ check_afun_cfun_params(rlayout(lyt), params) |
1004 | +1734 |
- #' respectively. These parameters grant access to relevant information like the row split structure (see+ } |
1005 | +1735 |
- #' [spl_context]) and the predefined baseline (`.ref_group`).+ ) |
1006 | +1736 |
- #'+ |
1007 | +1737 |
- #' @details+ setMethod( |
1008 | +1738 |
- #' We list and describe all the parameters that can be added to a custom analysis function below:+ "check_afun_cfun_params", "PreDataRowLayout", |
1009 | +1739 |
- #'+ function(lyt, params) { |
1010 | -+ | |||
1740 | +334x |
- #' \describe{+ ro_spl_parm_l <- check_afun_cfun_params(root_spl(lyt), params) |
1011 | -+ | |||
1741 | +334x |
- #' \item{.N_col}{Column-wise N (column count) for the full column being tabulated within.}+ r_spl_parm_l <- lapply(lyt, check_afun_cfun_params, params = params) |
1012 | -+ | |||
1742 | +334x |
- #' \item{.N_total}{Overall N (all observation count, defined as sum of column counts) for the tabulation.}+ Reduce(`|`, c(list(ro_spl_parm_l), r_spl_parm_l)) |
1013 | +1743 |
- #' \item{.N_row}{Row-wise N (row group count) for the group of observations being analyzed (i.e. with no+ } |
1014 | +1744 |
- #' column-based subsetting).}+ ) |
1015 | +1745 |
- #' \item{.df_row}{`data.frame` for observations in the row group being analyzed (i.e. with no column-based+ |
1016 | +1746 |
- #' subsetting).}+ # Main function for checking parameters |
1017 | +1747 |
- #' \item{.var}{Variable being analyzed.}+ setMethod( |
1018 | +1748 |
- #' \item{.ref_group}{`data.frame` or vector of subset corresponding to the `ref_group` column including subsetting+ "check_afun_cfun_params", "SplitVector", |
1019 | +1749 |
- #' defined by row-splitting. Only required/meaningful if a `ref_group` column has been defined.}+ function(lyt, params) { |
1020 | -+ | |||
1750 | +782x |
- #' \item{.ref_full}{`data.frame` or vector of subset corresponding to the `ref_group` column without subsetting+ param_l <- lapply(lyt, check_afun_cfun_params, params = params) |
1021 | -+ | |||
1751 | +782x |
- #' defined by row-splitting. Only required/meaningful if a `ref_group` column has been defined.}+ Reduce(`|`, param_l) |
1022 | +1752 |
- #' \item{.in_ref_col}{Boolean indicating if calculation is done for cells within the reference column.}+ } |
1023 | +1753 |
- #' \item{.spl_context}{`data.frame` where each row gives information about a previous 'ancestor' split state.+ ) |
1024 | +1754 |
- #' See [spl_context].}+ |
1025 | +1755 |
- #' \item{.alt_df_row}{`data.frame`, i.e. the `alt_count_df` after row splitting. It can be used with+ # Helper function for check_afun_cfun_params |
1026 | +1756 |
- #' `.all_col_exprs` and `.spl_context` information to retrieve current faceting, but for `alt_count_df`.+ .afun_cfun_switch <- function(spl_i) { |
1027 | -+ | |||
1757 | +1815x |
- #' It can be an empty table if all the entries are filtered out.}+ if (is(spl_i, "VAnalyzeSplit")) { |
1028 | -+ | |||
1758 | +594x |
- #' \item{.alt_df}{`data.frame`, `.alt_df_row` but filtered by columns expression. This data present the same+ analysis_fun(spl_i) |
1029 | +1759 |
- #' faceting of main data `df`. This also filters `NA`s out if related parameters are set to do so (e.g. `inclNAs`+ } else { |
1030 | -+ | |||
1760 | +1221x |
- #' in [analyze()]). Similarly to `.alt_df_row`, it can be an empty table if all the entries are filtered out.}+ content_fun(spl_i) |
1031 | +1761 |
- #' \item{.all_col_exprs}{List of expressions. Each of them represents a different column splitting.}+ } |
1032 | +1762 |
- #' \item{.all_col_counts}{Vector of integers. Each of them represents the global count for each column. It differs+ } |
1033 | +1763 |
- #' if `alt_counts_df` is used (see [build_table()]).}+ |
1034 | +1764 |
- #' }+ # Extreme case that happens only when using add_existing_table |
1035 | +1765 |
- #'+ setMethod( |
1036 | +1766 |
- #' @note If any of these formals is specified incorrectly or not present in the tabulation machinery, it will be+ "check_afun_cfun_params", "VTableTree", |
1037 | +1767 |
- #' treated as if missing. For example, `.ref_group` will be missing if no baseline is previously defined during+ function(lyt, params) { |
1038 | -+ | |||
1768 | +1x |
- #' data splitting (via `ref_group` parameters in, e.g., [split_rows_by()]). Similarly, if no `alt_counts_df` is+ setNames(logical(length(params)), params) # All FALSE |
1039 | +1769 |
- #' provided to [build_table()], `.alt_df_row` and `.alt_df` will not be present.+ } |
1040 | +1770 |
- #'+ ) |
1041 | +1771 |
- #' @name additional_fun_params+ |
1042 | +1772 |
- NULL+ setMethod( |
1043 | +1773 |
+ "check_afun_cfun_params", "Split", |
1044 | +1774 |
- #' Generate rows analyzing variables across columns+ function(lyt, params) { |
1045 | +1775 |
- #'+ # Extract function in the split |
1046 | -+ | |||
1776 | +1815x |
- #' Adding *analyzed variables* to our table layout defines the primary tabulation to be performed. We do this by+ fnc <- .afun_cfun_switch(lyt) |
1047 | +1777 |
- #' adding calls to `analyze` and/or [analyze_colvars()] into our layout pipeline. As with adding further splitting,+ |
1048 | +1778 |
- #' the tabulation will occur at the current/next level of nesting by default.+ # For each parameter, check if it is called |
1049 | -+ | |||
1779 | +1815x |
- #'+ sapply(params, function(pai) any(unlist(func_takes(fnc, pai)))) |
1050 | +1780 |
- #' @inheritParams lyt_args+ } |
1051 | +1781 |
- #'+ ) |
1052 | +1782 |
- #' @inherit split_cols_by return+ |
1053 | +1783 |
- #'+ # Helper functions ---- |
1054 | +1784 |
- #' @details+ |
1055 | -+ | |||
1785 | +231x |
- #' When non-`NULL`, `format` is used to specify formats for all generated rows, and can be a character vector, a+ count <- function(df, ...) NROW(df) |
1056 | +1786 |
- #' function, or a list of functions. It will be repped out to the number of rows once this is calculated during the+ |
1057 | +1787 |
- #' tabulation process, but will be overridden by formats specified within `rcell` calls in `afun`.+ guess_format <- function(val) { |
1058 | -+ | |||
1788 | +1054x |
- #'+ if (length(val) == 1) { |
1059 | -+ | |||
1789 | +1042x |
- #' The analysis function (`afun`) should take as its first parameter either `x` or `df`. Whichever of these the+ if (is.integer(val) || !is.numeric(val)) { |
1060 | -+ | |||
1790 | +226x |
- #' function accepts will change the behavior when tabulation is performed as follows:+ "xx" |
1061 | +1791 |
- #'+ } else { |
1062 | -+ | |||
1792 | +816x |
- #' - If `afun`'s first parameter is `x`, it will receive the corresponding subset *vector* of data from the relevant+ "xx.xx" |
1063 | +1793 |
- #' column (from `var` here) of the raw data being used to build the table.+ } |
1064 | -+ | |||
1794 | +12x |
- #' - If `afun`'s first parameter is `df`, it will receive the corresponding subset *data frame* (i.e. all columns) of+ } else if (length(val) == 2) { |
1065 | -+ | |||
1795 | +12x |
- #' the raw data being tabulated.+ "xx.x / xx.x" |
1066 | -+ | |||
1796 | +! |
- #'+ } else if (length(val) == 3) { |
1067 | -+ | |||
1797 | +! |
- #' In addition to differentiation on the first argument, the analysis function can optionally accept a number of+ "xx.x (xx.x - xx.x)" |
1068 | +1798 |
- #' other parameters which, *if and only if* present in the formals, will be passed to the function by the tabulation+ } else { |
1069 | -+ | |||
1799 | +! |
- #' machinery. These are listed and described in [additional_fun_params].+ stop("got value of length > 3") |
1070 | +1800 |
- #'+ } |
1071 | +1801 |
- #' @note None of the arguments described in the Details section can be overridden via `extra_args` or when calling+ } |
1072 | +1802 |
- #' [make_afun()]. `.N_col` and `.N_total` can be overridden via the `col_counts` argument to [build_table()].+ |
1073 | +1803 |
- #' Alternative values for the others must be calculated within `afun` based on a combination of extra arguments and+ .quick_afun <- function(afun, lbls) { |
1074 | -+ | |||
1804 | +14x |
- #' the unmodified values provided by the tabulation framework.+ if (.takes_df(afun)) { |
1075 | -+ | |||
1805 | +5x |
- #'+ function(df, .spl_context, ...) { |
1076 | -+ | |||
1806 | +226x |
- #' @examples+ if (!is.null(lbls) && length(lbls) == 1 && is.na(lbls)) { |
1077 | -+ | |||
1807 | +222x |
- #' lyt <- basic_table() %>%+ lbls <- tail(.spl_context$value, 1) |
1078 | +1808 |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>%+ } |
1079 | -+ | |||
1809 | +226x |
- #' analyze("AGE", afun = list_wrap_x(summary), format = "xx.xx")+ if (".spl_context" %in% names(formals(afun))) { |
1080 | -+ | |||
1810 | +! |
- #' lyt+ res <- afun(df = df, .spl_context = .spl_context, ...) |
1081 | +1811 |
- #'+ } else { |
1082 | -+ | |||
1812 | +226x |
- #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM)+ res <- afun(df = df, ...) |
1083 | +1813 |
- #' tbl+ } |
1084 | -+ | |||
1814 | +226x |
- #'+ if (is(res, "RowsVerticalSection")) { |
1085 | -+ | |||
1815 | +! |
- #' lyt2 <- basic_table() %>%+ ret <- res |
1086 | +1816 |
- #' split_cols_by("Species") %>%+ } else { |
1087 | -+ | |||
1817 | +226x |
- #' analyze(head(names(iris), -1), afun = function(x) {+ if (!is.list(res)) { |
1088 | -+ | |||
1818 | +226x |
- #' list(+ ret <- rcell(res, label = lbls, format = guess_format(res)) |
1089 | +1819 |
- #' "mean / sd" = rcell(c(mean(x), sd(x)), format = "xx.xx (xx.xx)"),+ } else { |
1090 | -+ | |||
1820 | +! |
- #' "range" = rcell(diff(range(x)), format = "xx.xx")+ if (!is.null(lbls) && length(lbls) == length(res) && all(!is.na(lbls))) { |
1091 | -+ | |||
1821 | +! |
- #' )+ names(res) <- lbls |
1092 | +1822 |
- #' })+ } |
1093 | -+ | |||
1823 | +! |
- #' lyt2+ ret <- in_rows(.list = res, .labels = names(res), .formats = vapply(res, guess_format, "")) |
1094 | +1824 |
- #'+ } |
1095 | +1825 |
- #' tbl2 <- build_table(lyt2, iris)+ } |
1096 | -+ | |||
1826 | +226x |
- #' tbl2+ ret |
1097 | +1827 |
- #'+ } |
1098 | +1828 |
- #' @author Gabriel Becker+ } else { |
1099 | -+ | |||
1829 | +9x |
- #' @export+ function(x, .spl_context, ...) { |
1100 | -+ | |||
1830 | +387x |
- analyze <- function(lyt,+ if (!is.null(lbls) && length(lbls) == 1 && is.na(lbls)) { |
1101 | -+ | |||
1831 | +225x |
- vars,+ lbls <- tail(.spl_context$value, 1) |
1102 | +1832 |
- afun = simple_analysis,+ } |
1103 | -+ | |||
1833 | +387x |
- var_labels = vars,+ if (".spl_context" %in% names(formals(afun))) { |
1104 | -+ | |||
1834 | +! |
- table_names = vars,+ res <- afun(x = x, .spl_context = .spl_context, ...) |
1105 | +1835 |
- format = NULL,+ } else { |
1106 | -+ | |||
1836 | +387x |
- na_str = NA_character_,+ res <- afun(x = x, ...) |
1107 | +1837 |
- nested = TRUE,+ } |
1108 | -+ | |||
1838 | +387x |
- ## can't name this na_rm symbol conflict with possible afuns!!+ if (is(res, "RowsVerticalSection")) { |
1109 | -+ | |||
1839 | +! |
- inclNAs = FALSE,+ ret <- res |
1110 | +1840 |
- extra_args = list(),+ } else { |
1111 | -+ | |||
1841 | +387x |
- show_labels = c("default", "visible", "hidden"),+ if (!is.list(res)) { |
1112 | -+ | |||
1842 | +297x |
- indent_mod = 0L,+ ret <- rcell(res, label = lbls, format = guess_format(res)) |
1113 | +1843 |
- section_div = NA_character_) {+ } else { |
1114 | -305x | +1844 | +90x |
- show_labels <- match.arg(show_labels)+ if (!is.null(lbls) && length(lbls) == length(res) && all(!is.na(lbls))) { |
1115 | -305x | +1845 | +9x |
- subafun <- substitute(afun)+ names(res) <- lbls |
1116 | +1846 |
- # R treats a single NA value as a logical atomic. The below+ }+ |
+ ||
1847 | +90x | +
+ ret <- in_rows(.list = res, .labels = names(res), .formats = vapply(res, guess_format, "")) |
1117 | +1848 |
- # maps all the NAs in `var_labels` to NA_character_ required by `Split`+ } |
1118 | +1849 |
- # and avoids the error when `var_labels` is just c(NA).+ } |
1119 | -305x | +1850 | +387x |
- var_labels <- vapply(var_labels, function(label) ifelse(is.na(label), NA_character_, label), character(1))+ ret |
1120 | +1851 |
- if (+ } |
1121 | -305x | +|||
1852 | +
- is.name(subafun) &&+ } |
1122 | -305x | +|||
1853 | +
- is.function(afun) &&+ } |
1123 | +1854 |
- ## this is gross. basically testing+ |
1124 | +1855 |
- ## if the symbol we have corresponds+ # qtable ---- |
1125 | +1856 |
- ## in some meaningful way to the function+ |
1126 | +1857 |
- ## we will be calling.+ n_cells_res <- function(res) { |
1127 | -305x | +1858 | +8x |
- identical(+ ans <- 1L |
1128 | -305x | +1859 | +8x |
- mget(+ if (is.list(res)) { |
1129 | -305x | +1860 | +4x |
- as.character(subafun),+ ans <- length(res) |
1130 | -305x | +1861 | +4x |
- mode = "function",+ } else if (is(res, "RowsVerticalSection")) { |
1131 | -305x | +|||
1862 | +! |
- ifnotfound = list(NULL),+ ans <- length(res$values) |
1132 | -305x | +|||
1863 | +
- inherits = TRUE+ } # XXX penetrating the abstraction |
1133 | -305x | +1864 | +8x |
- )[[1]], afun+ ans |
1134 | +1865 |
- )+ } |
1135 | +1866 |
- ) {+ |
1136 | -173x | +|||
1867 | +
- defrowlab <- as.character(subafun)+ #' Generalized frequency table |
1137 | +1868 |
- } else {+ #' |
1138 | -132x | +|||
1869 | +
- defrowlab <- var_labels+ #' This function provides a convenience interface for generating generalizations of a 2-way frequency table. Row and |
1139 | +1870 |
- }+ #' column space can be facetted by variables, and an analysis function can be specified. The function then builds a |
1140 | +1871 |
+ #' layout with the specified layout and applies it to the data provided. |
1141 | -305x | +|||
1872 | +
- spl <- AnalyzeMultiVars(vars, var_labels,+ #' |
1142 | -305x | +|||
1873 | +
- afun = afun,+ #' @inheritParams constr_args |
1143 | -305x | +|||
1874 | +
- split_format = format,+ #' @inheritParams basic_table |
1144 | -305x | +|||
1875 | +
- split_na_str = na_str,+ #' @param row_vars (`character`)\cr the names of variables to be used in row facetting. |
1145 | -305x | +|||
1876 | +
- defrowlab = defrowlab,+ #' @param col_vars (`character`)\cr the names of variables to be used in column facetting. |
1146 | -305x | +|||
1877 | +
- inclNAs = inclNAs,+ #' @param data (`data.frame`)\cr the data to tabulate. |
1147 | -305x | +|||
1878 | +
- extra_args = extra_args,+ #' @param avar (`string`)\cr the variable to be analyzed. Defaults to the first variable in `data`. |
1148 | -305x | +|||
1879 | +
- indent_mod = indent_mod,+ #' @param row_labels (`character` or `NULL`)\cr row label(s) which should be applied to the analysis rows. Length must |
1149 | -305x | +|||
1880 | +
- child_names = table_names,+ #' match the number of rows generated by `afun`. |
1150 | -305x | +|||
1881 | +
- child_labels = show_labels,+ #' @param afun (`function`)\cr the function to generate the analysis row cell values. This can be a proper analysis |
1151 | -305x | +|||
1882 | +
- section_div = section_div+ #' function, or a function which returns a vector or list. Vectors are taken as multi-valued single cells, whereas |
1152 | +1883 |
- )+ #' lists are interpreted as multiple cells. |
1153 | +1884 |
+ #' @param drop_levels (`flag`)\cr whether unobserved factor levels should be dropped during facetting. Defaults to |
1154 | -305x | +|||
1885 | +
- if (nested && (is(last_rowsplit(lyt), "VAnalyzeSplit") || is(last_rowsplit(lyt), "AnalyzeMultiVars"))) {+ #' `TRUE`. |
1155 | -26x | +|||
1886 | +
- cmpnd_last_rowsplit(lyt, spl, AnalyzeMultiVars)+ #' @param summarize_groups (`flag`)\cr whether each level of nesting should include marginal summary rows. Defaults to |
1156 | +1887 |
- } else {+ #' `FALSE`. |
1157 | +1888 |
- ## analysis compounding now done in split_rows+ #' @param ... additional arguments passed to `afun`. |
1158 | -277x | +|||
1889 | +
- pos <- next_rpos(lyt, nested)+ #' @param .default_rlabel (`string`)\cr this is an implementation detail that should not be set by end users. |
1159 | -277x | +|||
1890 | +
- split_rows(lyt, spl, pos)+ #' |
1160 | +1891 |
- }+ #' @details |
1161 | +1892 |
- }+ #' This function creates a table with a single top-level structure in both row and column dimensions involving faceting |
1162 | +1893 | ++ |
+ #' by 0 or more variables in each dimension.+ |
+ |
1894 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
+ ||
1895 |
+ #' The display of the table depends on certain details of the tabulation. In the case of an `afun` which returns a |
1163 | +1896 |
- get_acolvar_name <- function(lyt) {+ #' single cell's contents (either a scalar or a vector of 2 or 3 elements), the label rows for the deepest-nested row |
1164 | +1897 |
- ## clyt <- clayout(lyt)+ #' facets will be hidden and the labels used there will be used as the analysis row labels. In the case of an `afun` |
1165 | +1898 |
- ## stopifnot(length(clyt) == 1L)+ #' which returns a list (corresponding to multiple cells), the names of the list will be used as the analysis row |
1166 | +1899 |
- ## vec = clyt[[1]]+ #' labels and the deepest-nested facet row labels will be visible. |
1167 | +1900 |
- ## vcls = vapply(vec, class, "")+ #' |
1168 | +1901 |
- ## pos = max(which(vcls == "MultiVarSplit"))+ #' The table will be annotated in the top-left area with an informative label displaying the analysis variable |
1169 | -22x | +|||
1902 | +
- paste(c("ac", get_acolvar_vars(lyt)), collapse = "_")+ #' (`avar`), if set, and the function used (captured via substitute) where possible, or 'count' if not. One exception |
1170 | +1903 |
- }+ #' where the user may directly modify the top-left area (via `row_labels`) is the case of a table with row facets and |
1171 | +1904 |
+ #' an `afun` which returns a single row. |
1172 | +1905 |
- get_acolvar_vars <- function(lyt) {+ #' |
1173 | -35x | +|||
1906 | +
- clyt <- clayout(lyt)+ #' @return |
1174 | -35x | +|||
1907 | +
- stopifnot(length(clyt) == 1L)+ #' * `qtable` returns a built `TableTree` object representing the desired table |
1175 | -35x | +|||
1908 | +
- vec <- clyt[[1]]+ #' * `qtable_layout` returns a `PreDataTableLayouts` object declaring the structure of the desired table, suitable for |
1176 | -35x | +|||
1909 | +
- vcls <- vapply(vec, class, "")+ #' passing to [build_table()]. |
1177 | -35x | +|||
1910 | +
- pos <- which(vcls == "MultiVarSplit")+ #' |
1178 | -35x | +|||
1911 | +
- if (length(pos) > 0) {+ #' @examples |
1179 | -35x | +|||
1912 | +
- spl_payload(vec[[pos]])+ #' qtable(ex_adsl) |
1180 | +1913 |
- } else {+ #' qtable(ex_adsl, row_vars = "ARM") |
1181 | -! | +|||
1914 | +
- "non_multivar"+ #' qtable(ex_adsl, col_vars = "ARM") |
1182 | +1915 |
- }+ #' qtable(ex_adsl, row_vars = "SEX", col_vars = "ARM") |
1183 | +1916 |
- }+ #' qtable(ex_adsl, row_vars = c("COUNTRY", "SEX"), col_vars = c("ARM", "STRATA1")) |
1184 | +1917 |
+ #' qtable(ex_adsl, |
1185 | +1918 |
- #' Generate rows analyzing different variables across columns+ #' row_vars = c("COUNTRY", "SEX"), |
1186 | +1919 |
- #'+ #' col_vars = c("ARM", "STRATA1"), avar = "AGE", afun = mean |
1187 | +1920 |
- #' @inheritParams lyt_args+ #' ) |
1188 | +1921 |
- #' @param afun (`function` or `list`)\cr function(s) to be used to calculate the values in each column. The list+ #' summary_list <- function(x, ...) as.list(summary(x)) |
1189 | +1922 |
- #' will be repped out as needed and matched by position with the columns during tabulation. This functions+ #' qtable(ex_adsl, row_vars = "SEX", col_vars = "ARM", avar = "AGE", afun = summary_list) |
1190 | +1923 |
- #' accepts the same parameters as [analyze()] like `afun` and `format`. For further information see+ #' suppressWarnings(qtable(ex_adsl, |
1191 | +1924 |
- #' [additional_fun_params].+ #' row_vars = "SEX", |
1192 | +1925 |
- #'+ #' col_vars = "ARM", avar = "AGE", afun = range |
1193 | +1926 |
- #' @inherit split_cols_by return+ #' )) |
1194 | +1927 |
#' |
1195 | +1928 |
- #' @seealso [split_cols_by_multivar()]+ #' @export |
1196 | +1929 |
- #'+ qtable_layout <- function(data, |
1197 | +1930 |
- #' @examplesIf require(dplyr)+ row_vars = character(), |
1198 | +1931 |
- #' library(dplyr)+ col_vars = character(), |
1199 | +1932 |
- #'+ avar = NULL, |
1200 | +1933 |
- #' ANL <- DM %>% mutate(value = rnorm(n()), pctdiff = runif(n()))+ row_labels = NULL, |
1201 | +1934 |
- #'+ afun = NULL, |
1202 | +1935 |
- #' ## toy example where we take the mean of the first variable and the+ summarize_groups = FALSE, |
1203 | +1936 |
- #' ## count of >.5 for the second.+ title = "", |
1204 | +1937 |
- #' colfuns <- list(+ subtitles = character(), |
1205 | +1938 |
- #' function(x) rcell(mean(x), format = "xx.x"),+ main_footer = character(), |
1206 | +1939 |
- #' function(x) rcell(sum(x > .5), format = "xx")+ prov_footer = character(), |
1207 | +1940 |
- #' )+ show_colcounts = TRUE, |
1208 | +1941 |
- #'+ drop_levels = TRUE, |
1209 | +1942 |
- #' lyt <- basic_table() %>%+ ..., |
1210 | +1943 |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>%+ .default_rlabel = NULL) { |
1211 | -+ | |||
1944 | +16x |
- #' split_cols_by_multivar(c("value", "pctdiff")) %>%+ subafun <- substitute(afun) |
1212 | -+ | |||
1945 | +16x |
- #' split_rows_by("RACE",+ if (!is.null(.default_rlabel)) { |
1213 | -+ | |||
1946 | +16x |
- #' split_label = "ethnicity",+ dflt_row_lbl <- .default_rlabel |
1214 | +1947 |
- #' split_fun = drop_split_levels+ } else if ( |
1215 | -+ | |||
1948 | +! |
- #' ) %>%+ is.name(subafun) && |
1216 | -+ | |||
1949 | +! |
- #' summarize_row_groups() %>%+ is.function(afun) && |
1217 | +1950 |
- #' analyze_colvars(afun = colfuns)+ ## this is gross. basically testing |
1218 | +1951 |
- #' lyt+ ## if the symbol we have corresponds |
1219 | +1952 |
- #'+ ## in some meaningful way to the function |
1220 | +1953 |
- #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, ANL)+ ## we will be calling. |
1221 | -+ | |||
1954 | +! |
- #' tbl+ identical( |
1222 | -+ | |||
1955 | +! |
- #'+ mget( |
1223 | -+ | |||
1956 | +! |
- #' lyt2 <- basic_table() %>%+ as.character(subafun), |
1224 | -+ | |||
1957 | +! |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>%+ mode = "function", |
1225 | -+ | |||
1958 | +! |
- #' split_cols_by_multivar(c("value", "pctdiff"),+ envir = parent.frame(1), |
1226 | -+ | |||
1959 | +! |
- #' varlabels = c("Measurement", "Pct Diff")+ ifnotfound = list(NULL), |
1227 | -+ | |||
1960 | +! |
- #' ) %>%+ inherits = TRUE |
1228 | -+ | |||
1961 | +! |
- #' split_rows_by("RACE",+ )[[1]], |
1229 | -+ | |||
1962 | +! |
- #' split_label = "ethnicity",+ afun |
1230 | +1963 |
- #' split_fun = drop_split_levels+ ) |
1231 | +1964 |
- #' ) %>%+ ) { |
1232 | -+ | |||
1965 | +! |
- #' summarize_row_groups() %>%+ dflt_row_lbl <- paste(avar, as.character(subafun), sep = " - ") |
1233 | +1966 |
- #' analyze_colvars(afun = mean, format = "xx.xx")+ } else { |
1234 | -+ | |||
1967 | +! |
- #'+ dflt_row_lbl <- if (is.null(avar)) "count" else avar |
1235 | +1968 |
- #' tbl2 <- build_table(lyt2, ANL)+ } |
1236 | +1969 |
- #' tbl2+ |
1237 | -+ | |||
1970 | +16x |
- #'+ if (is.null(afun)) { |
1238 | -+ | |||
1971 | +5x |
- #' @author Gabriel Becker+ afun <- count |
1239 | +1972 |
- #' @export+ } |
1240 | +1973 |
- analyze_colvars <- function(lyt,+ |
1241 | -+ | |||
1974 | +16x |
- afun,+ if (is.null(avar)) { |
1242 | -+ | |||
1975 | +5x |
- format = NULL,+ avar <- names(data)[1] |
1243 | +1976 |
- na_str = NA_character_,+ } |
1244 | -+ | |||
1977 | +16x |
- nested = TRUE,+ fakeres <- afun(data[[avar]], ...) |
1245 | -+ | |||
1978 | +16x |
- extra_args = list(),+ multirow <- is.list(fakeres) || is(fakeres, "RowsVerticalSection") || summarize_groups |
1246 | +1979 |
- indent_mod = 0L,+ ## this is before we plug in the default so if not specified by the user |
1247 | +1980 |
- inclNAs = FALSE) {+ ## explicitly, row_labels is NULL at this point. |
1248 | -22x | +1981 | +16x |
- if (is.function(afun)) {+ if (!is.null(row_labels) && length(row_labels) != n_cells_res(fakeres)) { |
1249 | -13x | +1982 | +2x |
- subafun <- substitute(afun)+ stop( |
1250 | -+ | |||
1983 | +2x |
- if (+ "Length of row_labels (", |
1251 | -13x | +1984 | +2x |
- is.name(subafun) &&+ length(row_labels), |
1252 | -13x | +1985 | +2x |
- is.function(afun) &&+ ") does not agree with number of rows generated by analysis function (",+ |
1986 | +2x | +
+ n_cells_res(fakeres), |
1253 | +1987 |
- ## this is gross. basically testing+ ")." |
1254 | +1988 |
- ## if the symbol we have corresponds+ ) |
1255 | +1989 |
- ## in some meaningful way to the function+ } |
1256 | +1990 |
- ## we will be calling.+ |
1257 | -13x | +1991 | +14x |
- identical(+ if (is.null(row_labels)) { |
1258 | -13x | +1992 | +10x |
- mget(+ row_labels <- dflt_row_lbl+ |
1993 | ++ |
+ }+ |
+ ||
1994 | ++ | + | ||
1259 | -13x | +1995 | +14x |
- as.character(subafun),+ lyt <- basic_table( |
1260 | -13x | +1996 | +14x |
- mode = "function",+ title = title, |
1261 | -13x | +1997 | +14x |
- ifnotfound = list(NULL),+ subtitles = subtitles, |
1262 | -13x | +1998 | +14x |
- inherits = TRUE+ main_footer = main_footer, |
1263 | -13x | +1999 | +14x |
- )[[1]],+ prov_footer = prov_footer, |
1264 | -13x | +2000 | +14x |
- afun+ show_colcounts = show_colcounts |
1265 | +2001 |
- )+ ) |
1266 | +2002 |
- ) {+ |
1267 | -13x | +2003 | +14x |
- defrowlab <- as.character(subafun)+ for (var in col_vars) lyt <- split_cols_by(lyt, var) |
1268 | +2004 |
- } else {+ |
1269 | -! | +|||
2005 | +14x |
- defrowlab <- ""+ for (var in head(row_vars, -1)) { |
1270 | -+ | |||
2006 | +4x |
- }+ lyt <- split_rows_by(lyt, var, split_fun = if (drop_levels) drop_split_levels else NULL) |
1271 | -13x | +2007 | +4x |
- afun <- lapply(+ if (summarize_groups) { |
1272 | -13x | +2008 | +2x |
- get_acolvar_vars(lyt),+ lyt <- summarize_row_groups(lyt) |
1273 | -13x | +|||
2009 | +
- function(x) afun+ } |
1274 | +2010 |
- )+ } |
1275 | +2011 |
- } else {+ |
1276 | -9x | +2012 | +14x |
- defrowlab <- ""+ tleft <- if (multirow || length(row_vars) > 0) dflt_row_lbl else character()+ |
2013 | +14x | +
+ if (length(row_vars) > 0) {+ |
+ ||
2014 | +10x | +
+ if (!multirow) { |
1277 | +2015 |
- }+ ## in the single row in splitting case, we use the row label as the topleft |
1278 | -22x | +|||
2016 | +
- spl <- AnalyzeColVarSplit(+ ## and the split values as the row labels for a more compact apeparance |
1279 | -22x | +2017 | +6x |
- afun = afun,+ tleft <- row_labels |
1280 | -22x | +2018 | +6x |
- defrowlab = defrowlab,+ row_labels <- NA_character_ |
1281 | -22x | +2019 | +6x |
- split_format = format,+ lyt <- split_rows_by( |
1282 | -22x | +2020 | +6x |
- split_na_str = na_str,+ lyt, tail(row_vars, 1), |
1283 | -22x | +2021 | +6x |
- split_name = get_acolvar_name(lyt),+ split_fun = if (drop_levels) drop_split_levels else NULL, child_labels = "hidden"+ |
2022 | ++ |
+ )+ |
+ ||
2023 | ++ |
+ } else { |
1284 | -22x | +2024 | +4x |
- indent_mod = indent_mod,+ lyt <- split_rows_by(lyt, tail(row_vars, 1), split_fun = if (drop_levels) drop_split_levels else NULL)+ |
2025 | ++ |
+ } |
1285 | -22x | +2026 | +10x |
- extra_args = extra_args,+ if (summarize_groups) { |
1286 | -22x | +2027 | +2x |
- inclNAs = inclNAs+ lyt <- summarize_row_groups(lyt) |
1287 | +2028 |
- )+ }+ |
+ ||
2029 | ++ |
+ } |
1288 | -22x | +2030 | +14x |
- pos <- next_rpos(lyt, nested, for_analyze = TRUE)+ inner_afun <- .quick_afun(afun, row_labels) |
1289 | -22x | +2031 | +14x |
- split_rows(lyt, spl, pos)+ lyt <- analyze(lyt, avar, afun = inner_afun, extra_args = list(...))+ |
2032 | +14x | +
+ lyt <- append_topleft(lyt, tleft) |
1290 | +2033 |
} |
1291 | +2034 | |||
1292 | +2035 |
- ## Add a total column at the next **top level** spot in+ #' @rdname qtable_layout |
1293 | +2036 |
- ## the column layout.+ #' @export |
1294 | +2037 |
+ qtable <- function(data, |
1295 | +2038 |
- #' Add overall column+ row_vars = character(), |
1296 | +2039 |
- #'+ col_vars = character(), |
1297 | +2040 |
- #' This function will *only* add an overall column at the *top* level of splitting, NOT within existing column splits.+ avar = NULL, |
1298 | +2041 |
- #' See [add_overall_level()] for the recommended way to add overall columns more generally within existing splits.+ row_labels = NULL, |
1299 | +2042 |
- #'+ afun = NULL, |
1300 | +2043 |
- #' @inheritParams lyt_args+ summarize_groups = FALSE, |
1301 | +2044 |
- #'+ title = "", |
1302 | +2045 |
- #' @inherit split_cols_by return+ subtitles = character(), |
1303 | +2046 |
- #'+ main_footer = character(), |
1304 | +2047 |
- #' @seealso [add_overall_level()]+ prov_footer = character(), |
1305 | +2048 |
- #'+ show_colcounts = TRUE, |
1306 | +2049 |
- #' @examples+ drop_levels = TRUE, |
1307 | +2050 |
- #' lyt <- basic_table() %>%+ ...) { |
1308 | +2051 |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>%+ ## this involves substitution so it needs to appear in both functions. Gross but true.+ |
+ ||
2052 | +16x | +
+ subafun <- substitute(afun) |
1309 | +2053 |
- #' add_overall_col("All Patients") %>%+ if (+ |
+ ||
2054 | +16x | +
+ is.name(subafun) && is.function(afun) && |
1310 | +2055 |
- #' analyze("AGE")+ ## this is gross. basically testing |
1311 | +2056 |
- #' lyt+ ## if the symbol we have corresponds |
1312 | +2057 |
- #'+ ## in some meaningful way to the function |
1313 | +2058 |
- #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM)+ ## we will be calling.+ |
+ ||
2059 | +16x | +
+ identical(+ |
+ ||
2060 | +16x | +
+ mget(+ |
+ ||
2061 | +16x | +
+ as.character(subafun),+ |
+ ||
2062 | +16x | +
+ mode = "function", envir = parent.frame(1), ifnotfound = list(NULL), inherits = TRUE+ |
+ ||
2063 | +16x | +
+ )[[1]],+ |
+ ||
2064 | +16x | +
+ afun |
1314 | +2065 |
- #' tbl+ ) |
1315 | +2066 |
- #'+ ) {+ |
+ ||
2067 | +11x | +
+ dflt_row_lbl <- paste(avar, as.character(subafun), sep = " - ") |
1316 | +2068 |
- #' @export+ } else {+ |
+ ||
2069 | +5x | +
+ dflt_row_lbl <- if (is.null(avar)) "count" else avar+ |
+ ||
2070 | ++ |
+ }+ |
+ ||
2071 | ++ | + + | +||
2072 | +16x | +
+ lyt <- qtable_layout(+ |
+ ||
2073 | +16x | +
+ data = data,+ |
+ ||
2074 | +16x | +
+ row_vars = row_vars,+ |
+ ||
2075 | +16x | +
+ col_vars = col_vars,+ |
+ ||
2076 | +16x | +
+ avar = avar,+ |
+ ||
2077 | +16x | +
+ row_labels = row_labels,+ |
+ ||
2078 | +16x | +
+ afun = afun,+ |
+ ||
2079 | +16x | +
+ summarize_groups = summarize_groups,+ |
+ ||
2080 | +16x | +
+ title = title, |
1317 | -+ | |||
2081 | +16x |
- add_overall_col <- function(lyt, label) {+ subtitles = subtitles, |
1318 | -111x | +2082 | +16x |
- spl <- AllSplit(label)+ main_footer = main_footer, |
1319 | -111x | +2083 | +16x |
- split_cols(+ prov_footer = prov_footer, |
1320 | -111x | +2084 | +16x |
- lyt,+ show_colcounts = show_colcounts, |
1321 | -111x | +2085 | +16x |
- spl,+ drop_levels = drop_levels,+ |
2086 | ++ |
+ ..., |
1322 | -111x | +2087 | +16x |
- next_cpos(lyt, FALSE)+ .default_rlabel = dflt_row_lbl |
1323 | +2088 |
) |
2089 | +14x | +
+ build_table(lyt, data)+ |
+ ||
1324 | +2090 |
} |
1325 | +1 |
+ #' Cell value constructors |
1326 | +2 |
- ## add_row_summary ====+ #' |
1327 | +3 |
+ #' Construct a cell value and associate formatting, labeling, indenting, and column spanning information with it. |
1328 | +4 |
- #' @inheritParams lyt_args+ #' |
1329 | +5 |
- #'+ #' @inheritParams compat_args |
1330 | +6 |
- #' @export+ #' @inheritParams lyt_args |
1331 | +7 |
- #'+ #' @param x (`ANY`)\cr cell value. |
1332 | +8 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @param format (`string` or `function`)\cr the format label (string) or `formatters` function to apply to `x`. |
1333 | +9 |
- setGeneric(+ #' See [formatters::list_valid_format_labels()] for currently supported format labels. |
1334 | +10 |
- ".add_row_summary",+ #' @param label (`string` or `NULL`)\cr label. If non-`NULL`, it will be looked at when determining row labels. |
1335 | +11 |
- function(lyt,+ #' @param colspan (`integer(1)`)\cr column span value. |
1336 | +12 |
- label,+ #' @param footnotes (`list` or `NULL`)\cr referential footnote messages for the cell. |
1337 | +13 |
- cfun,+ #' @param stat_names (`character` or `NA`)\cr names for the statistics in the cell. It can be a vector of strings. |
1338 | +14 |
- child_labels = c("default", "visible", "hidden"),+ #' If `NA`, statistic names are not specified. |
1339 | +15 |
- cformat = NULL,+ #' |
1340 | +16 |
- cna_str = "-",+ #' @inherit CellValue return |
1341 | +17 |
- indent_mod = 0L,+ #' |
1342 | +18 |
- cvar = "",+ #' @note Currently column spanning is only supported for defining header structure. |
1343 | +19 |
- extra_args = list()) {+ #' |
1344 | -447x | +|||
20 | +
- standardGeneric(".add_row_summary")+ #' @examples |
1345 | +21 |
- }+ #' rcell(1, format = "xx.x") |
1346 | +22 |
- )+ #' rcell(c(1, 2), format = c("xx - xx")) |
1347 | +23 |
+ #' rcell(c(1, 2), stat_names = c("Rand1", "Rand2")) |
1348 | +24 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' |
1349 | +25 |
- setMethod(+ #' @rdname rcell |
1350 | +26 |
- ".add_row_summary", "PreDataTableLayouts",+ #' @export |
1351 | +27 |
- function(lyt,+ rcell <- function(x, |
1352 | +28 |
- label,+ format = NULL, |
1353 | +29 |
- cfun,+ colspan = 1L, |
1354 | +30 |
- child_labels = c("default", "visible", "hidden"),+ label = NULL, |
1355 | +31 |
- cformat = NULL,+ indent_mod = NULL, |
1356 | +32 |
- cna_str = "-",+ footnotes = NULL, |
1357 | +33 |
- indent_mod = 0L,+ align = NULL, |
1358 | +34 |
- cvar = "",+ format_na_str = NULL, |
1359 | +35 |
- extra_args = list()) {+ stat_names = NULL) { |
1360 | -114x | +36 | +33750x |
- child_labels <- match.arg(child_labels)+ checkmate::assert_character(stat_names, null.ok = TRUE) |
1361 | -114x | +37 | +33750x |
- tmp <- .add_row_summary(rlayout(lyt), label, cfun,+ if (!is.null(align)) { |
1362 | -114x | +38 | +56x |
- child_labels = child_labels,+ check_aligns(align)+ |
39 | ++ |
+ } |
1363 | -114x | +40 | +33750x |
- cformat = cformat,+ if (is(x, "CellValue")) { |
1364 | -114x | +41 | +20308x |
- cna_str = cna_str,+ if (!is.null(label)) { |
1365 | -114x | +42 | +1x |
- indent_mod = indent_mod,+ obj_label(x) <- label+ |
43 | ++ |
+ } |
1366 | -114x | +44 | +20308x |
- cvar = cvar,+ if (colspan != 1L) { |
1367 | -114x | +45 | +1x |
- extra_args = extra_args+ cell_cspan(x) <- colspan |
1368 | +46 |
- )+ } |
1369 | -114x | +47 | +20308x |
- rlayout(lyt) <- tmp+ if (!is.null(indent_mod)) { |
1370 | -114x | +48 | +1x |
- lyt+ indent_mod(x) <- indent_mod |
1371 | +49 |
- }+ } |
1372 | -+ | |||
50 | +20308x |
- )+ if (!is.null(format)) { |
1373 | -+ | |||
51 | +1x |
+ obj_format(x) <- format |
1374 | +52 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ } |
1375 | -+ | |||
53 | +20308x |
- setMethod(+ if (!is.null(footnotes)) { |
1376 | -+ | |||
54 | +374x |
- ".add_row_summary", "PreDataRowLayout",+ cell_footnotes(x) <- lapply(footnotes, RefFootnote) |
1377 | +55 |
- function(lyt,+ } |
1378 | -+ | |||
56 | +20308x |
- label,+ if (!is.null(format_na_str)) { |
1379 | -+ | |||
57 | +! |
- cfun,+ obj_na_str(x) <- format_na_str |
1380 | +58 |
- child_labels = c("default", "visible", "hidden"),+ } |
1381 | -+ | |||
59 | +20308x |
- cformat = NULL,+ if (!is.null(stat_names)) { |
1382 | -+ | |||
60 | +8x |
- cna_str = "-",+ obj_stat_names(x) <- stat_names |
1383 | +61 |
- indent_mod = 0L,+ } |
1384 | -+ | |||
62 | +20308x |
- cvar = "",+ ret <- x |
1385 | +63 |
- extra_args = list()) {+ } else { |
1386 | -114x | +64 | +13442x |
- child_labels <- match.arg(child_labels)+ if (is.null(label)) { |
1387 | -114x | +65 | +10484x |
- if (length(lyt) == 0 || (length(lyt) == 1 && length(lyt[[1]]) == 0)) {+ label <- obj_label(x) |
1388 | +66 |
- ## XXX ignoring indent mod here+ } |
1389 | -9x | +67 | +13442x |
- rt <- root_spl(lyt)+ if (is.null(format)) { |
1390 | -9x | +68 | +7371x |
- rt <- .add_row_summary(rt,+ format <- obj_format(x) |
1391 | -9x | +|||
69 | +
- label,+ } |
1392 | -9x | +70 | +13442x |
- cfun,+ if (is.null(indent_mod)) { |
1393 | -9x | +71 | +13442x |
- child_labels = child_labels,+ indent_mod <- indent_mod(x) |
1394 | -9x | +|||
72 | +
- cformat = cformat,+ } |
1395 | -9x | +73 | +13442x |
- cna_str = cna_str,+ footnotes <- lapply(footnotes, RefFootnote) |
1396 | -9x | +74 | +13442x |
- cvar = cvar,+ ret <- CellValue( |
1397 | -9x | +75 | +13442x |
- extra_args = extra_args+ val = x, |
1398 | -+ | |||
76 | +13442x |
- )+ format = format, |
1399 | -9x | +77 | +13442x |
- root_spl(lyt) <- rt+ colspan = colspan, |
1400 | -+ | |||
78 | +13442x |
- } else {+ label = label, |
1401 | -105x | +79 | +13442x |
- ind <- length(lyt)+ indent_mod = indent_mod, |
1402 | -105x | +80 | +13442x |
- tmp <- .add_row_summary(lyt[[ind]], label, cfun,+ footnotes = footnotes, |
1403 | -105x | +81 | +13442x |
- child_labels = child_labels,+ format_na_str = format_na_str, |
1404 | -105x | +82 | +13442x |
- cformat = cformat,+ stat_names = stat_names %||% NA_character_ |
1405 | -105x | +83 | +13442x |
- cna_str = cna_str,+ ) # RefFootnote(footnote)) |
1406 | -105x | +|||
84 | +
- indent_mod = indent_mod,+ } |
1407 | -105x | +85 | +33750x |
- cvar = cvar,+ if (!is.null(align)) { |
1408 | -105x | +86 | +56x |
- extra_args = extra_args+ cell_align(ret) <- align |
1409 | +87 |
- )+ } |
1410 | -105x | +88 | +33750x |
- lyt[[ind]] <- tmp+ ret |
1411 | +89 |
- }+ } |
1412 | -114x | +|||
90 | +
- lyt+ |
1413 | +91 |
- }+ #' @param is_ref (`flag`)\cr whether function is being used in the reference column (i.e. `.in_ref_col` should be |
1414 | +92 |
- )+ #' passed to this argument). |
1415 | +93 |
+ #' @param refval (`ANY`)\cr value to use when in the reference column. Defaults to `NULL`. |
1416 | +94 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' |
1417 | +95 |
- setMethod(+ #' @details |
1418 | +96 |
- ".add_row_summary", "SplitVector",+ #' `non_ref_rcell` provides the common *blank for cells in the reference column, this value otherwise*, and should |
1419 | +97 |
- function(lyt,+ #' be passed the value of `.in_ref_col` when it is used. |
1420 | +98 |
- label,+ #' |
1421 | +99 |
- cfun,+ #' @rdname rcell |
1422 | +100 |
- child_labels = c("default", "visible", "hidden"),+ #' @export |
1423 | +101 |
- cformat = NULL,+ non_ref_rcell <- function(x, is_ref, format = NULL, colspan = 1L, |
1424 | +102 |
- cna_str = "-",+ label = NULL, indent_mod = NULL, |
1425 | +103 |
- indent_mod = 0L,+ refval = NULL, |
1426 | +104 |
- cvar = "",+ align = "center", |
1427 | +105 |
- extra_args = list()) {+ format_na_str = NULL) { |
1428 | -105x | +106 | +2x |
- child_labels <- match.arg(child_labels)+ val <- if (is_ref) refval else x |
1429 | -105x | +107 | +2x |
- ind <- length(lyt)+ rcell(val, |
1430 | -! | +|||
108 | +2x |
- if (ind == 0) stop("no split to add content rows at")+ format = format, colspan = colspan, label = label, |
1431 | -105x | +109 | +2x |
- spl <- lyt[[ind]]+ indent_mod = indent_mod, align = align,+ |
110 | +2x | +
+ format_na_str = format_na_str |
1432 | +111 |
- # if(is(spl, "AnalyzeVarSplit"))+ ) |
1433 | +112 |
- # stop("can't add content rows to analyze variable split")+ } |
1434 | -105x | +|||
113 | +
- tmp <- .add_row_summary(spl,+ |
1435 | -105x | +|||
114 | +
- label,+ #' Create multiple rows in analysis or summary functions |
1436 | -105x | +|||
115 | +
- cfun,+ #' |
1437 | -105x | +|||
116 | +
- child_labels = child_labels,+ #' Define the cells that get placed into multiple rows in `afun`. |
1438 | -105x | +|||
117 | +
- cformat = cformat,+ #' |
1439 | -105x | +|||
118 | +
- cna_str = cna_str,+ #' @param ... single row defining expressions. |
1440 | -105x | +|||
119 | +
- indent_mod = indent_mod,+ #' @param .list (`list`)\cr list cell content (usually `rcells`). The `.list` is concatenated to `...`. |
1441 | -105x | +|||
120 | +
- cvar = cvar,+ #' @param .names (`character` or `NULL`)\cr names of the returned list/structure. |
1442 | -105x | +|||
121 | +
- extra_args = extra_args+ #' @param .labels (`character` or `NULL`)\cr labels for the defined rows. |
1443 | +122 |
- )+ #' @param .formats (`character` or `NULL`)\cr formats for the values. |
1444 | -105x | +|||
123 | +
- lyt[[ind]] <- tmp+ #' @param .indent_mods (`integer` or `NULL`)\cr indent modifications for the defined rows. |
1445 | -105x | +|||
124 | +
- lyt+ #' @param .cell_footnotes (`list`)\cr referential footnote messages to be associated by name with *cells*. |
1446 | +125 |
- }+ #' @param .row_footnotes (`list`)\cr referential footnotes messages to be associated by name with *rows*. |
1447 | +126 |
- )+ #' @param .aligns (`character` or `NULL`)\cr alignments for the cells. Standard for `NULL` is `"center"`. |
1448 | +127 |
+ #' See [formatters::list_valid_aligns()] for currently supported alignments. |
1449 | +128 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ #' @param .format_na_strs (`character` or `NULL`)\cr NA strings for the cells. |
1450 | +129 |
- setMethod(+ #' @param .stat_names (`list`)\cr names for the statistics in the cells. |
1451 | +130 |
- ".add_row_summary", "Split",+ #' It can be a vector of values. If `list(NULL)`, statistic names are not specified and will |
1452 | +131 |
- function(lyt,+ #' appear as `NA`. |
1453 | +132 |
- label,+ #' |
1454 | +133 |
- cfun,+ #' @note In post-processing, referential footnotes can also be added using row and column |
1455 | +134 |
- child_labels = c("default", "visible", "hidden"),+ #' paths with [`fnotes_at_path<-`]. |
1456 | +135 |
- cformat = NULL,+ #' |
1457 | +136 |
- cna_str = "-",+ #' @return A `RowsVerticalSection` object (or `NULL`). The details of this object should be considered an |
1458 | +137 |
- indent_mod = 0L,+ #' internal implementation detail. |
1459 | +138 |
- cvar = "",+ #' |
1460 | +139 |
- extra_args = list()) {+ #' @seealso [analyze()] |
1461 | -114x | +|||
140 | +
- child_labels <- match.arg(child_labels)+ #' |
1462 | +141 |
- # lbl_kids = .labelkids_helper(child_labels)+ #' @examples |
1463 | -114x | +|||
142 | +
- content_fun(lyt) <- cfun+ #' in_rows(1, 2, 3, .names = c("a", "b", "c")) |
1464 | -114x | +|||
143 | +
- content_indent_mod(lyt) <- indent_mod+ #' in_rows(1, 2, 3, .labels = c("a", "b", "c")) |
1465 | -114x | +|||
144 | +
- content_var(lyt) <- cvar+ #' in_rows(1, 2, 3, .names = c("a", "b", "c"), .labels = c("AAA", "BBB", "CCC")) |
1466 | +145 |
- ## obj_format(lyt) = cformat+ #' in_rows( |
1467 | -114x | +|||
146 | +
- content_format(lyt) <- cformat+ #' .list = list(a = c(NA, NA)), |
1468 | -114x | +|||
147 | +
- if (!identical(child_labels, "default") && !identical(child_labels, label_kids(lyt))) {+ #' .formats = "xx - xx", |
1469 | -! | +|||
148 | +
- label_kids(lyt) <- child_labels+ #' .format_na_strs = list(c("asda", "lkjklj")) |
1470 | +149 |
- }+ #' ) |
1471 | -114x | +|||
150 | +
- content_na_str <- cna_str+ #' in_rows(.list = list(a = c(NA, NA)), .format_na_strs = c("asda", "lkjklj")) |
1472 | -114x | +|||
151 | +
- content_extra_args(lyt) <- extra_args+ #' |
1473 | -114x | +|||
152 | +
- lyt+ #' in_rows(.list = list(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3)) |
1474 | +153 |
- }+ #' in_rows(1, 2, .list = list(3), .names = c("a", "b", "c")) |
1475 | +154 |
- )+ #' |
1476 | +155 |
+ #' lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
1477 | +156 |
- .count_raw_constr <- function(var, format, label_fstr) {+ #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>% |
1478 | -1x | +|||
157 | +
- function(df, labelstr = "") {+ #' analyze("AGE", afun = function(x) { |
1479 | -3x | +|||
158 | +
- if (grepl("%s", label_fstr, fixed = TRUE)) {+ #' in_rows( |
1480 | -! | +|||
159 | +
- label <- sprintf(label_fstr, labelstr)+ #' "Mean (sd)" = rcell(c(mean(x), sd(x)), format = "xx.xx (xx.xx)"), |
1481 | +160 |
- } else {+ #' "Range" = rcell(range(x), format = "xx.xx - xx.xx") |
1482 | -3x | +|||
161 | +
- label <- label_fstr+ #' ) |
1483 | +162 |
- }+ #' }) |
1484 | -3x | +|||
163 | +
- if (is(df, "data.frame")) {+ #' |
1485 | -3x | +|||
164 | +
- if (!is.null(var) && nzchar(var)) {+ #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, ex_adsl) |
1486 | -3x | +|||
165 | +
- cnt <- sum(!is.na(df[[var]]))+ #' tbl |
1487 | +166 |
- } else {+ #' |
1488 | -! | +|||
167 | +
- cnt <- nrow(df)+ #' @export |
1489 | +168 |
- }+ in_rows <- function(..., .list = NULL, .names = NULL, |
1490 | -1x | +|||
169 | +
- } else { # df is the data column vector+ .labels = NULL, |
1491 | -! | +|||
170 | +
- cnt <- sum(!is.na(df))+ .formats = NULL, |
1492 | +171 |
- }+ .indent_mods = NULL, |
1493 | -3x | +|||
172 | +
- ret <- rcell(cnt,+ .cell_footnotes = list(NULL), |
1494 | -3x | +|||
173 | +
- format = format,+ .row_footnotes = list(NULL), |
1495 | -3x | +|||
174 | +
- label = label+ .aligns = NULL, |
1496 | +175 |
- )+ .format_na_strs = NULL,+ |
+ ||
176 | ++ |
+ .stat_names = list(NULL)) { |
1497 | -3x | +177 | +6148x |
- ret+ if (is.function(.formats)) { |
1498 | -+ | |||
178 | +! |
- }+ .formats <- list(.formats) |
1499 | +179 |
- }+ } |
1500 | +180 | |||
1501 | -+ | |||
181 | +6148x |
- .count_wpcts_constr <- function(var, format, label_fstr) {+ l <- c(list(...), .list) |
1502 | -100x | +|||
182 | +
- function(df, labelstr = "", .N_col) {+ |
1503 | -1507x | +183 | +6148x |
- if (grepl("%s", label_fstr, fixed = TRUE)) {+ if (missing(.names) && missing(.labels)) { |
1504 | -1483x | +184 | +2061x |
- label <- sprintf(label_fstr, labelstr)+ if (length(l) > 0 && is.null(names(l))) {+ |
185 | +! | +
+ stop("need a named list") |
1505 | +186 |
} else { |
1506 | -24x | +187 | +2061x |
- label <- label_fstr+ .names <- names(l) |
1507 | +188 |
} |
1508 | -1507x | -
- if (is(df, "data.frame")) {- |
- ||
1509 | -1507x | +189 | +2061x |
- if (!is.null(var) && nzchar(var)) {+ stopifnot(!anyNA(.names)) |
1510 | -383x | +|||
190 | +
- cnt <- sum(!is.na(df[[var]]))+ } |
1511 | +191 |
- } else {+ |
1512 | -1124x | +192 | +6148x |
- cnt <- nrow(df)+ if (length(l) == 0) { |
1513 | +193 |
- }+ if ( |
1514 | -100x | +|||
194 | +! |
- } else { # df is the data column vector+ length(.labels) > 0 || |
1515 | +195 | ! |
- cnt <- sum(!is.na(df))+ length(.formats) > 0 || |
1516 | -+ | |||
196 | +! |
- }+ length(.names) > 0 || |
1517 | -+ | |||
197 | +! |
- ## the formatter does the *100 so we don't here.+ length(.indent_mods) > 0 || |
1518 | -+ | |||
198 | +! | +
+ length(.format_na_strs) > 0 ||+ |
+ ||
199 | +! |
- ## TODO name elements of this so that ARD generation has access to them+ (!all(is.na(.stat_names)) && length(.stat_names) > 0) |
1519 | +200 |
- ## ret <- rcell(c(n = cnt, pct = cnt / .N_col),+ ) { |
1520 | -1507x | +|||
201 | +! |
- ret <- rcell(c(cnt, cnt / .N_col),+ stop( |
1521 | -1507x | +|||
202 | +! |
- format = format,+ "in_rows got 0 rows but length >0 of at least one of ", |
1522 | -1507x | +|||
203 | +! |
- label = label+ ".labels, .formats, .names, .indent_mods, .format_na_strs, .stat_names. ", |
1523 | -+ | |||
204 | +! |
- )+ "Does your analysis/summary function handle the 0 row ", |
1524 | -1507x | +|||
205 | +! |
- ret+ "df/length 0 x case?" |
1525 | +206 |
- }+ ) |
1526 | +207 |
- }+ } |
1527 | -+ | |||
208 | +! |
+ l2 <- list() |
1528 | +209 |
- .validate_cfuns <- function(fun) {+ } else { |
1529 | -120x | +210 | +6148x |
- if (is.list(fun)) {+ if (is.null(.formats)) { |
1530 | -2x | +211 | +5687x |
- return(unlist(lapply(fun, .validate_cfuns)))+ .formats <- list(NULL) |
1531 | +212 |
- }+ } |
1532 | -+ | |||
213 | +6148x |
+ stopifnot(is.list(.cell_footnotes)) |
1533 | -118x | +214 | +6148x |
- frmls <- formals(fun)+ if (length(.cell_footnotes) != length(l)) { |
1534 | -118x | +215 | +1337x |
- ls_pos <- match("labelstr", names(frmls))+ .cell_footnotes <- c( |
1535 | -118x | +216 | +1337x |
- if (is.na(ls_pos)) {+ .cell_footnotes, |
1536 | -! | +|||
217 | +1337x |
- stop("content functions must explicitly accept a 'labelstr' argument")+ setNames( |
1537 | -+ | |||
218 | +1337x |
- }+ rep(list(character()), |
1538 | -+ | |||
219 | +1337x |
+ length.out = length(setdiff( |
1539 | -118x | +220 | +1337x |
- list(fun)+ names(l), |
1540 | -+ | |||
221 | +1337x |
- }+ names(.cell_footnotes) |
1541 | +222 |
+ )) |
1542 | +223 |
- #' Analysis function to count levels of a factor with percentage of the column total+ ), |
1543 | -+ | |||
224 | +1337x |
- #'+ setdiff( |
1544 | -+ | |||
225 | +1337x |
- #' @param x (`factor`)\cr a vector of data, provided by rtables pagination machinery.+ names(l), |
1545 | -+ | |||
226 | +1337x |
- #' @param .N_col (`integer(1)`)\cr total count for the column, provided by rtables pagination machinery.+ names(.cell_footnotes) |
1546 | +227 |
- #'+ ) |
1547 | +228 |
- #' @return A `RowsVerticalSection` object with counts (and percents) for each level of the factor.+ ) |
1548 | +229 |
- #'+ ) |
1549 | -+ | |||
230 | +1337x |
- #' @examples+ .cell_footnotes <- .cell_footnotes[names(l)] |
1550 | +231 |
- #' counts_wpcts(DM$SEX, 400)+ } |
1551 | -+ | |||
232 | +6148x |
- #'+ if (is.null(.aligns)) {+ |
+ ||
233 | +6145x | +
+ .aligns <- list(NULL) |
1552 | +234 |
- #' @export+ } |
1553 | +235 |
- counts_wpcts <- function(x, .N_col) {+ |
1554 | -2x | +236 | +6148x |
- if (!is.factor(x)) {+ l2 <- mapply(rcell, |
1555 | -1x | +237 | +6148x |
- stop(+ x = l, format = .formats, |
1556 | -1x | +238 | +6148x |
- "using the 'counts_wpcts' analysis function requires factor data ",+ footnotes = .cell_footnotes %||% list(NULL), |
1557 | -1x | +239 | +6148x |
- "to guarantee equal numbers of rows across all collumns, got class ",+ align = .aligns, |
1558 | -1x | +240 | +6148x |
- class(x), "."+ format_na_str = .format_na_strs %||% list(NULL),+ |
241 | +6148x | +
+ stat_names = .stat_names %||% list(NULL),+ |
+ ||
242 | +6148x | +
1559 | +243 |
) |
1560 | +244 |
} |
1561 | -1x | +245 | +6148x |
- ret <- table(x)+ if (is.null(.labels)) { |
1562 | -1x | +246 | +2918x |
- in_rows(.list = lapply(ret, function(y) rcell(y * c(1, 1 / .N_col), format = "xx (xx.x%)")))+ objlabs <- vapply(l2, function(x) obj_label(x) %||% "", "") |
1563 | -+ | |||
247 | +2918x |
- }+ if (any(nzchar(objlabs))) { |
1564 | -+ | |||
248 | +69x |
+ .labels <- objlabs |
1565 | +249 |
- #' Add a content row of summary counts+ } |
1566 | +250 |
- #'+ } |
1567 | +251 |
- #' @inheritParams lyt_args+ |
1568 | -+ | |||
252 | +6148x |
- #'+ if (is.null(.names) && !is.null(names(l))) { |
1569 | -+ | |||
253 | +99x |
- #' @inherit split_cols_by return+ .names <- names(l) |
1570 | +254 |
- #'+ } |
1571 | -+ | |||
255 | +6148x |
- #' @details+ stopifnot(is.list(.row_footnotes)) |
1572 | -+ | |||
256 | +6148x |
- #' If `format` expects 1 value (i.e. it is specified as a format string and `xx` appears for two values+ if (length(.row_footnotes) != length(l2)) { |
1573 | -+ | |||
257 | +1337x |
- #' (i.e. `xx` appears twice in the format string) or is specified as a function, then both raw and percent of+ tmp <- .row_footnotes |
1574 | -+ | |||
258 | +1337x |
- #' column total counts are calculated. If `format` is a format string where `xx` appears only one time, only+ .row_footnotes <- vector("list", length(l2)) |
1575 | -+ | |||
259 | +1337x |
- #' raw counts are used.+ pos <- match(names(tmp), .names) |
1576 | -+ | |||
260 | +1337x |
- #'+ nonna <- which(!is.na(pos)) |
1577 | -+ | |||
261 | +1337x |
- #' `cfun` must accept `x` or `df` as its first argument. For the `df` argument `cfun` will receive the subset+ .row_footnotes[pos] <- tmp[nonna] |
1578 | +262 |
- #' `data.frame` corresponding with the row- and column-splitting for the cell being calculated. Must accept+ # length(.row_footnotes) <- length(l2) |
1579 | +263 |
- #' `labelstr` as the second parameter, which accepts the `label` of the level of the parent split currently+ } |
1580 | -+ | |||
264 | +6148x |
- #' being summarized. Can additionally take any optional argument supported by analysis functions. (see [analyze()]).+ ret <- RowsVerticalSection(l2, |
1581 | -+ | |||
265 | +6148x |
- #'+ names = .names, |
1582 | -+ | |||
266 | +6148x |
- #' In addition, if complex custom functions are needed, we suggest checking the available [additional_fun_params]+ labels = .labels, |
1583 | -+ | |||
267 | +6148x |
- #' that can be used in `cfun`.+ indent_mods = .indent_mods, |
1584 | -+ | |||
268 | +6148x |
- #'+ formats = .formats, |
1585 | -+ | |||
269 | +6148x |
- #' @examples+ footnotes = .row_footnotes, |
1586 | -+ | |||
270 | +6148x |
- #' DM2 <- subset(DM, COUNTRY %in% c("USA", "CAN", "CHN"))+ format_na_strs = .format_na_strs |
1587 | +271 |
- #'+ ) |
1588 | +272 |
- #' lyt <- basic_table() %>%+ ## if(!is.null(.names)) |
1589 | +273 |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>%+ ## names(l2) <- .names |
1590 | +274 |
- #' split_rows_by("COUNTRY", split_fun = drop_split_levels) %>%+ ## else |
1591 | +275 |
- #' summarize_row_groups(label_fstr = "%s (n)") %>%+ ## names(l2) <- names(l) |
1592 | -+ | |||
276 | +! |
- #' analyze("AGE", afun = list_wrap_x(summary), format = "xx.xx")+ if (length(ret) == 0) NULL else ret |
1593 | +277 |
- #' lyt+ |
1594 | +278 |
- #'+ ## if (length(l) == 0) NULL else l |
1595 | +279 |
- #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM2)+ } |
1596 | +280 |
- #' tbl+ |
1597 | +281 |
- #'+ .validate_nms <- function(vals, .stats, arg) { |
1598 | -+ | |||
282 | +268x |
- #' row_paths_summary(tbl) # summary count is a content table+ if (!is.null(arg)) { |
1599 | -+ | |||
283 | +112x |
- #'+ if (is.null(names(arg))) { |
1600 | -+ | |||
284 | +! |
- #' ## use a cfun and extra_args to customize summarization+ stopifnot(length(arg) == length(.stats)) |
1601 | -+ | |||
285 | +! |
- #' ## behavior+ names(arg) <- names(vals) |
1602 | +286 |
- #' sfun <- function(x, labelstr, trim) {+ } else { |
1603 | -+ | |||
287 | +112x |
- #' in_rows(+ lblpos <- match(names(arg), names(vals)) |
1604 | -+ | |||
288 | +112x |
- #' c(mean(x, trim = trim), trim),+ stopifnot(!anyNA(lblpos)) |
1605 | +289 |
- #' .formats = "xx.x (xx.x%)",+ } |
1606 | +290 |
- #' .labels = sprintf(+ } |
1607 | -+ | |||
291 | +268x |
- #' "%s (Trimmed mean and trim %%)",+ arg |
1608 | +292 |
- #' labelstr+ } |
1609 | +293 |
- #' )+ |
1610 | +294 |
- #' )+ #' Create a custom analysis function wrapping an existing function |
1611 | +295 |
- #' }+ #' |
1612 | +296 |
- #'+ #' @param fun (`function`)\cr the function to be wrapped in a new customized analysis function. |
1613 | +297 |
- #' lyt2 <- basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>%+ #' `fun` should return a named `list`. |
1614 | +298 |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>%+ #' @param .stats (`character`)\cr names of elements to keep from `fun`'s full output. |
1615 | +299 |
- #' split_rows_by("COUNTRY", split_fun = drop_split_levels) %>%+ #' @param .formats (`ANY`)\cr vector or list of formats to override any defaults applied by `fun`. |
1616 | +300 |
- #' summarize_row_groups("AGE",+ #' @param .labels (`character`)\cr vector of labels to override defaults returned by `fun`. |
1617 | +301 |
- #' cfun = sfun,+ #' @param .indent_mods (`integer`)\cr named vector of indent modifiers for the generated rows. |
1618 | +302 |
- #' extra_args = list(trim = .2)+ #' @param .ungroup_stats (`character`)\cr vector of names, which must match elements of `.stats`. |
1619 | +303 |
- #' ) %>%+ #' @param ... additional arguments to `fun` which effectively become new defaults. These can still be |
1620 | +304 |
- #' analyze("AGE", afun = list_wrap_x(summary), format = "xx.xx") %>%+ #' overridden by `extra_args` within a split. |
1621 | +305 |
- #' append_topleft(c("Country", " Age"))+ #' @param .null_ref_cells (`flag`)\cr whether cells for the reference column should be `NULL`-ed by the |
1622 | +306 |
- #'+ #' returned analysis function. Defaults to `TRUE` if `fun` accepts `.in_ref_col` as a formal argument. Note |
1623 | +307 |
- #' tbl2 <- build_table(lyt2, DM2)+ #' this argument occurs after `...` so it must be *fully* specified by name when set. |
1624 | +308 |
- #' tbl2+ #' @param .format_na_strs (`ANY`)\cr vector/list of `NA` strings to override any defaults applied by `fun`. |
1625 | +309 |
#' |
1626 | +310 |
- #' @author Gabriel Becker+ #' @return A function suitable for use in [analyze()] with element selection, reformatting, and relabeling |
1627 | +311 |
- #' @export+ #' performed automatically. |
1628 | +312 |
- summarize_row_groups <- function(lyt,+ #' |
1629 | +313 |
- var = "",+ #' @note |
1630 | +314 |
- label_fstr = "%s",+ #' Setting `.ungroup_stats` to non-`NULL` changes the *structure* of the value(s) returned by `fun`, rather than |
1631 | +315 |
- format = "xx (xx.x%)",+ #' just labeling (`.labels`), formatting (`.formats`), and selecting amongst (`.stats`) them. This means that |
1632 | +316 |
- na_str = "-",+ #' subsequent `make_afun` calls to customize the output further both can and must operate on the new structure, |
1633 | +317 |
- cfun = NULL,+ #' *not* the original structure returned by `fun`. See the final pair of examples below. |
1634 | +318 |
- indent_mod = 0L,+ #' |
1635 | +319 |
- extra_args = list()) {+ #' @seealso [analyze()] |
1636 | -114x | +|||
320 | +
- if (is.null(cfun)) {+ #' |
1637 | -101x | +|||
321 | +
- if (is.character(format) && length(gregexpr("xx(\\.x*){0,1}", format)[[1]]) == 1) {+ #' @examples |
1638 | -1x | +|||
322 | +
- cfun <- .count_raw_constr(var, format, label_fstr)+ #' s_summary <- function(x) { |
1639 | +323 |
- } else {+ #' stopifnot(is.numeric(x)) |
1640 | -100x | +|||
324 | +
- cfun <- .count_wpcts_constr(var, format, label_fstr)+ #' |
1641 | +325 |
- }+ #' list( |
1642 | +326 |
- }+ #' n = sum(!is.na(x)), |
1643 | -114x | +|||
327 | +
- cfun <- .validate_cfuns(cfun)+ #' mean_sd = c(mean = mean(x), sd = sd(x)), |
1644 | -114x | +|||
328 | +
- .add_row_summary(lyt,+ #' min_max = range(x) |
1645 | -114x | +|||
329 | +
- cfun = cfun,+ #' ) |
1646 | -114x | +|||
330 | +
- cformat = format,+ #' } |
1647 | -114x | +|||
331 | +
- cna_str = na_str,+ #' |
1648 | -114x | +|||
332 | +
- indent_mod = indent_mod,+ #' s_summary(iris$Sepal.Length) |
1649 | -114x | +|||
333 | +
- cvar = var,+ #' |
1650 | -114x | +|||
334 | +
- extra_args = extra_args+ #' a_summary <- make_afun( |
1651 | +335 |
- )+ #' fun = s_summary, |
1652 | +336 |
- }+ #' .formats = c(n = "xx", mean_sd = "xx.xx (xx.xx)", min_max = "xx.xx - xx.xx"), |
1653 | +337 |
+ #' .labels = c(n = "n", mean_sd = "Mean (sd)", min_max = "min - max") |
1654 | +338 |
- #' Add the column population counts to the header+ #' ) |
1655 | +339 |
#' |
1656 | +340 |
- #' Add the data derived column counts.+ #' a_summary(x = iris$Sepal.Length) |
1657 | +341 |
#' |
1658 | +342 |
- #' @details It is often the case that the the column counts derived from the+ #' a_summary2 <- make_afun(a_summary, .stats = c("n", "mean_sd")) |
1659 | +343 |
- #' input data to [build_table()] is not representative of the population counts.+ #' |
1660 | +344 |
- #' For example, if events are counted in the table and the header should+ #' a_summary2(x = iris$Sepal.Length) |
1661 | +345 |
- #' display the number of subjects and not the total number of events.+ #' |
1662 | +346 |
- #'+ #' a_summary3 <- make_afun(a_summary, .formats = c(mean_sd = "(xx.xxx, xx.xxx)")) |
1663 | +347 |
- #' @inheritParams lyt_args+ #' |
1664 | +348 |
- #'+ #' s_foo <- function(df, .N_col, a = 1, b = 2) { |
1665 | +349 |
- #' @inherit split_cols_by return+ #' list( |
1666 | +350 |
- #'+ #' nrow_df = nrow(df), |
1667 | +351 |
- #' @examples+ #' .N_col = .N_col, |
1668 | +352 |
- #' lyt <- basic_table() %>%+ #' a = a, |
1669 | +353 |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>%+ #' b = b |
1670 | +354 |
- #' add_colcounts() %>%+ #' ) |
1671 | +355 |
- #' split_rows_by("RACE", split_fun = drop_split_levels) %>%+ #' } |
1672 | +356 |
- #' analyze("AGE", afun = function(x) list(min = min(x), max = max(x)))+ #' |
1673 | +357 |
- #' lyt+ #' s_foo(iris, 40) |
1674 | +358 |
#' |
1675 | +359 |
- #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM)+ #' a_foo <- make_afun(s_foo, |
1676 | +360 |
- #' tbl+ #' b = 4, |
1677 | +361 |
- #'+ #' .formats = c(nrow_df = "xx.xx", ".N_col" = "xx.", a = "xx", b = "xx.x"), |
1678 | +362 |
- #' @author Gabriel Becker+ #' .labels = c( |
1679 | +363 |
- #' @export+ #' nrow_df = "Nrow df", |
1680 | +364 |
- add_colcounts <- function(lyt, format = "(N=xx)") {- |
- ||
1681 | -5x | -
- if (is.null(lyt)) {- |
- ||
1682 | -! | -
- lyt <- PreDataTableLayouts()+ #' ".N_col" = "n in cols", a = "a value", b = "b value" |
1683 | +365 |
- }+ #' ), |
1684 | -5x | +|||
366 | +
- disp_ccounts(lyt) <- TRUE+ #' .indent_mods = c(nrow_df = 2L, a = 1L) |
1685 | -5x | +|||
367 | +
- colcount_format(lyt) <- format+ #' ) |
1686 | -5x | +|||
368 | +
- lyt+ #' |
1687 | +369 |
- }+ #' a_foo(iris, .N_col = 40) |
1688 | +370 |
+ #' a_foo2 <- make_afun(a_foo, .labels = c(nrow_df = "Number of Rows")) |
1689 | +371 |
- ## Currently existing tables can ONLY be added as new entries at the top level, never at any level of nesting.+ #' a_foo2(iris, .N_col = 40) |
1690 | +372 |
- #' Add an already calculated table to the layout+ #' |
1691 | +373 |
- #'+ #' # grouping and further customization |
1692 | +374 |
- #' @inheritParams lyt_args+ #' s_grp <- function(df, .N_col, a = 1, b = 2) { |
1693 | +375 |
- #' @inheritParams gen_args+ #' list( |
1694 | +376 |
- #'+ #' nrow_df = nrow(df), |
1695 | +377 |
- #' @inherit split_cols_by return+ #' .N_col = .N_col, |
1696 | +378 |
- #'+ #' letters = list( |
1697 | +379 |
- #' @examples+ #' a = a, |
1698 | +380 |
- #' lyt1 <- basic_table() %>%+ #' b = b |
1699 | +381 |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>%+ #' ) |
1700 | +382 |
- #' analyze("AGE", afun = mean, format = "xx.xx")+ #' ) |
1701 | +383 |
- #'+ #' } |
1702 | +384 |
- #' tbl1 <- build_table(lyt1, DM)+ #' a_grp <- make_afun(s_grp, |
1703 | +385 |
- #' tbl1+ #' b = 3, |
1704 | +386 |
- #'+ #' .labels = c( |
1705 | +387 |
- #' lyt2 <- basic_table() %>%+ #' nrow_df = "row count", |
1706 | +388 |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>%+ #' .N_col = "count in column" |
1707 | +389 |
- #' analyze("AGE", afun = sd, format = "xx.xx") %>%+ #' ), |
1708 | +390 |
- #' add_existing_table(tbl1)+ #' .formats = c(nrow_df = "xx.", .N_col = "xx."), |
1709 | +391 |
- #'+ #' .indent_mods = c(letters = 1L), |
1710 | +392 |
- #' tbl2 <- build_table(lyt2, DM)+ #' .ungroup_stats = "letters" |
1711 | +393 |
- #' tbl2+ #' ) |
1712 | +394 |
- #'+ #' a_grp(iris, 40) |
1713 | +395 |
- #' table_structure(tbl2)+ #' a_aftergrp <- make_afun(a_grp, |
1714 | +396 |
- #' row_paths_summary(tbl2)+ #' .stats = c("nrow_df", "b"), |
1715 | +397 |
- #'+ #' .formats = c(b = "xx.") |
1716 | +398 |
- #' @author Gabriel Becker+ #' ) |
1717 | +399 |
- #' @export+ #' a_aftergrp(iris, 40) |
1718 | +400 |
- add_existing_table <- function(lyt, tt, indent_mod = 0) {+ #' |
1719 | -1x | +|||
401 | +
- indent_mod(tt) <- indent_mod+ #' s_ref <- function(x, .in_ref_col, .ref_group) { |
1720 | -1x | +|||
402 | +
- lyt <- split_rows(+ #' list( |
1721 | -1x | +|||
403 | +
- lyt,+ #' mean_diff = mean(x) - mean(.ref_group) |
1722 | -1x | +|||
404 | +
- tt,+ #' ) |
1723 | -1x | +|||
405 | +
- next_rpos(lyt, nested = FALSE)+ #' } |
1724 | +406 |
- )+ #' |
1725 | -1x | +|||
407 | +
- lyt+ #' a_ref <- make_afun(s_ref, |
1726 | +408 |
- }+ #' .labels = c(mean_diff = "Mean Difference from Ref") |
1727 | +409 |
+ #' ) |
1728 | +410 |
- ## takes_coln = function(f) {+ #' a_ref(iris$Sepal.Length, .in_ref_col = TRUE, 1:10) |
1729 | +411 |
- ## stopifnot(is(f, "function"))+ #' a_ref(iris$Sepal.Length, .in_ref_col = FALSE, 1:10) |
1730 | +412 |
- ## forms = names(formals(f))+ #' |
1731 | +413 |
- ## res = ".N_col" %in% forms+ #' @export |
1732 | +414 |
- ## res+ make_afun <- function(fun, |
1733 | +415 |
- ## }+ .stats = NULL, |
1734 | +416 |
+ .formats = NULL, |
1735 | +417 |
- ## takes_totn = function(f) {+ .labels = NULL, |
1736 | +418 |
- ## stopifnot(is(f, "function"))+ .indent_mods = NULL, |
1737 | +419 |
- ## forms = names(formals(f))+ .ungroup_stats = NULL, |
1738 | +420 |
- ## res = ".N_total" %in% forms+ .format_na_strs = NULL, |
1739 | +421 |
- ## res+ ..., |
1740 | +422 |
- ## }+ .null_ref_cells = ".in_ref_col" %in% names(formals(fun))) { |
1741 | +423 |
+ ## there is a LOT more computing-on-the-language hackery in here that I |
1742 | +424 |
- ## use data to transform dynamic cuts to static cuts+ ## would prefer, but currently this is the way I see to do everything we |
1743 | +425 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ ## want to do. |
1744 | -2739x | +|||
426 | +
- setGeneric("fix_dyncuts", function(spl, df) standardGeneric("fix_dyncuts"))+ |
1745 | +427 |
+ ## too clever by three-quarters (because half wasn't enough) |
1746 | +428 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ ## gross scope hackery |
1747 | -1016x | +429 | +23x |
- setMethod("fix_dyncuts", "Split", function(spl, df) spl)+ fun_args <- force(list(...)) |
1748 | -+ | |||
430 | +23x |
+ fun_fnames <- names(formals(fun)) |
1749 | +431 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ |
1750 | +432 |
- setMethod(+ ## force EVERYTHING otherwise calling this within loops is the stuff of |
1751 | +433 |
- "fix_dyncuts", "VarDynCutSplit",+ ## nightmares |
1752 | -+ | |||
434 | +23x |
- function(spl, df) {+ force(.stats) |
1753 | -5x | +435 | +23x |
- var <- spl_payload(spl)+ force(.formats) |
1754 | -5x | +436 | +23x |
- varvec <- df[[var]]+ force(.format_na_strs) |
1755 | -+ | |||
437 | +23x |
+ force(.labels) |
1756 | -5x | +438 | +23x |
- cfun <- spl_cutfun(spl)+ force(.indent_mods) |
1757 | -5x | +439 | +23x |
- cuts <- cfun(varvec)+ force(.ungroup_stats) |
1758 | -5x | +440 | +23x |
- cutlabels <- spl_cutlabelfun(spl)(cuts)+ force(.null_ref_cells) ## this one probably isn't needed? |
1759 | -5x | +|||
441 | +
- if (length(cutlabels) != length(cuts) - 1 && !is.null(names(cuts))) {+ |
1760 | -1x | +442 | +23x |
- cutlabels <- names(cuts)[-1]+ ret <- function(x, ...) { ## remember formals get clobbered here |
1761 | +443 |
- }+ |
1762 | +444 |
+ ## this helper will grab the value and wrap it in a named list if+ |
+ ||
445 | ++ |
+ ## we need the variable and return list() otherwise.+ |
+ ||
446 | ++ |
+ ## We define it in here so that the scoping hackery works correctly |
1763 | -5x | +447 | +66x |
- ret <- make_static_cut_split(+ .if_in_formals <- function(nm, ifnot = list(), named_lwrap = TRUE) { |
1764 | -5x | +448 | +660x |
- var = var, split_label = obj_label(spl),+ val <- if (nm %in% fun_fnames) get(nm) else ifnot |
1765 | -5x | +449 | +660x |
- cuts = cuts, cutlabels = cutlabels,+ if (named_lwrap && !identical(val, ifnot)) { |
1766 | -5x | +450 | +78x |
- cumulative = spl_is_cmlcuts(spl)+ setNames(list(val), nm) |
1767 | +451 |
- )+ } else { |
1768 | -+ | |||
452 | +582x |
- ## ret = VarStaticCutSplit(var = var, split_label = obj_label(spl),+ val |
1769 | +453 |
- ## cuts = cuts, cutlabels = cutlabels)+ } |
1770 | +454 |
- ## ## classes are tthe same structurally CumulativeCutSplit+ } |
1771 | +455 |
- ## ## is just a sentinal so it can hit different make_subset_expr+ |
1772 | -+ | |||
456 | +66x |
- ## ## method+ custargs <- fun_args |
1773 | +457 |
- ## if(spl_is_cmlcuts(spl))+ |
1774 | +458 |
- ## ret = as(ret, "CumulativeCutSplit")+ ## special handling cause I need it at the bottom as well |
1775 | -5x | +459 | +66x |
- ret+ in_rc_argl <- .if_in_formals(".in_ref_col") |
1776 | -+ | |||
460 | +66x |
- }+ .in_ref_col <- if (length(in_rc_argl) > 0) in_rc_argl[[1]] else FALSE |
1777 | +461 |
- )+ |
1778 | -+ | |||
462 | +66x |
+ sfunargs <- c( |
1779 | +463 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ ## these are either named lists containing the arg, or list() |
1780 | +464 |
- setMethod(+ ## depending on whether fun accept the argument or not |
1781 | -+ | |||
465 | +66x |
- "fix_dyncuts", "VTableTree",+ .if_in_formals("x"), |
1782 | -1x | +466 | +66x |
- function(spl, df) spl+ .if_in_formals("df"), |
1783 | -+ | |||
467 | +66x |
- )+ .if_in_formals(".N_col"), |
1784 | -+ | |||
468 | +66x |
+ .if_in_formals(".N_total"), |
1785 | -+ | |||
469 | +66x |
- .fd_helper <- function(spl, df) {+ .if_in_formals(".N_row"), |
1786 | -1380x | +470 | +66x |
- lst <- lapply(spl, fix_dyncuts, df = df)+ .if_in_formals(".ref_group"), |
1787 | -1380x | +471 | +66x |
- spl@.Data <- lst+ in_rc_argl, |
1788 | -1380x | +472 | +66x |
- spl+ .if_in_formals(".df_row"), |
1789 | -+ | |||
473 | +66x |
- }+ .if_in_formals(".var"), |
1790 | -+ | |||
474 | +66x |
+ .if_in_formals(".ref_full") |
1791 | +475 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ ) |
1792 | +476 |
- setMethod(+ |
1793 | -+ | |||
477 | +66x |
- "fix_dyncuts", "PreDataRowLayout",+ allvars <- setdiff(fun_fnames, c("...", names(sfunargs))) |
1794 | +478 |
- function(spl, df) {+ ## values int he actual call to this function override customization |
1795 | +479 |
- # rt = root_spl(spl)+ ## done by the constructor. evalparse is to avoid a "... in wrong context" NOTE |
1796 | -337x | +480 | +66x |
- ret <- .fd_helper(spl, df)+ if ("..." %in% fun_fnames) { |
1797 | -+ | |||
481 | +5x |
- # root_spl(ret) = rt+ exargs <- eval(parser_helper(text = "list(...)")) |
1798 | -337x | +482 | +5x |
- ret+ custargs[names(exargs)] <- exargs |
1799 | -+ | |||
483 | +5x |
- }+ allvars <- unique(c(allvars, names(custargs))) |
1800 | +484 |
- )+ } |
1801 | +485 | |||
486 | +66x | +
+ for (var in allvars) {+ |
+ ||
1802 | +487 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ ## not missing, i.e. specified in the direct call, takes precedence+ |
+ ||
488 | +22x | +
+ if (var %in% fun_fnames && eval(parser_helper(text = paste0("!missing(", var, ")")))) {+ |
+ ||
489 | +5x | +
+ sfunargs[[var]] <- get(var)+ |
+ ||
490 | +17x | +
+ } else if (var %in% names(custargs)) { ## not specified in the call, but specified in the constructor+ |
+ ||
491 | +4x | +
+ sfunargs[[var]] <- custargs[[var]] |
1803 | +492 |
- setMethod(+ } |
1804 | +493 |
- "fix_dyncuts", "PreDataColLayout",+ ## else left out so we hit the original default we inherited from fun |
1805 | +494 |
- function(spl, df) {+ } |
1806 | +495 |
- # rt = root_spl(spl)+ |
1807 | -337x | +496 | +66x |
- ret <- .fd_helper(spl, df)+ rawvals <- do.call(fun, sfunargs) |
1808 | +497 |
- # root_spl(ret) = rt+ |
1809 | +498 |
- # disp_ccounts(ret) = disp_ccounts(spl)+ ## note single brackets here so its a list |
1810 | +499 |
- # colcount_format(ret) = colcount_format(spl)+ ## no matter what. thats important! |
1811 | -337x | +500 | +66x |
- ret+ final_vals <- if (is.null(.stats)) rawvals else rawvals[.stats] |
1812 | +501 |
- }+ |
1813 | -+ | |||
502 | +66x |
- )+ if (!is.list(rawvals)) { |
1814 | -+ | |||
503 | +! |
+ stop("make_afun expects a function fun that always returns a list") |
1815 | +504 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ } |
1816 | -+ | |||
505 | +66x |
- setMethod(+ if (!is.null(.stats)) { |
1817 | -+ | |||
506 | +10x |
- "fix_dyncuts", "SplitVector",+ stopifnot(all(.stats %in% names(rawvals))) |
1818 | +507 |
- function(spl, df) {+ } else { |
1819 | -706x | +508 | +56x |
- .fd_helper(spl, df)+ .stats <- names(rawvals) |
1820 | +509 |
- }+ } |
1821 | -+ | |||
510 | +66x |
- )+ if (!is.null(.ungroup_stats) && !all(.ungroup_stats %in% .stats)) { |
1822 | -+ | |||
511 | +! |
+ stop( |
1823 | -+ | |||
512 | +! |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ "Stats specified for ungrouping not included in non-null .stats list: ",+ |
+ ||
513 | +! | +
+ setdiff(.ungroup_stats, .stats) |
1824 | +514 |
- setMethod(+ ) |
1825 | +515 |
- "fix_dyncuts", "PreDataTableLayouts",+ } |
1826 | +516 |
- function(spl, df) {+ |
1827 | -337x | +517 | +66x |
- rlayout(spl) <- fix_dyncuts(rlayout(spl), df)+ .labels <- .validate_nms(final_vals, .stats, .labels) |
1828 | -337x | +518 | +66x |
- clayout(spl) <- fix_dyncuts(clayout(spl), df)+ .formats <- .validate_nms(final_vals, .stats, .formats) |
1829 | -337x | +519 | +66x |
- spl+ .indent_mods <- .validate_nms(final_vals, .stats, .indent_mods) |
1830 | -+ | |||
520 | +66x |
- }+ .format_na_strs <- .validate_nms(final_vals, .stats, .format_na_strs) |
1831 | +521 |
- )+ + |
+ ||
522 | +66x | +
+ final_labels <- value_labels(final_vals)+ |
+ ||
523 | +66x | +
+ final_labels[names(.labels)] <- .labels |
1832 | +524 | |||
1833 | -+ | |||
525 | +66x |
- ## Manual column construction in a simple (seeming to the user) way.+ final_formats <- lapply(final_vals, obj_format) |
1834 | -+ | |||
526 | +66x |
- #' Manual column declaration+ final_formats[names(.formats)] <- .formats |
1835 | +527 |
- #'+ |
1836 | -+ | |||
528 | +66x |
- #' @param ... one or more vectors of levels to appear in the column space. If more than one set of levels is given,+ final_format_na_strs <- lapply(final_vals, obj_na_str) |
1837 | -+ | |||
529 | +66x |
- #' the values of the second are nested within each value of the first, and so on.+ final_format_na_strs[names(.format_na_strs)] <- .format_na_strs |
1838 | +530 |
- #' @param .lst (`list`)\cr a list of sets of levels, by default populated via `list(...)`.+ |
1839 | -+ | |||
531 | +66x |
- #' @param ccount_format (`FormatSpec`)\cr the format to use when counts are displayed.+ if (is(final_vals, "RowsVerticalSection")) { |
1840 | -+ | |||
532 | +20x |
- #'+ final_imods <- indent_mod(final_vals) |
1841 | +533 |
- #' @return An `InstantiatedColumnInfo` object, suitable for declaring the column structure for a manually constructed+ } else { |
1842 | -+ | |||
534 | +46x |
- #' table.+ final_imods <- vapply(final_vals, indent_mod, 1L) |
1843 | +535 |
- #'+ } |
1844 | -+ | |||
536 | +66x |
- #' @examples+ final_imods[names(.indent_mods)] <- .indent_mods |
1845 | +537 |
- #' # simple one level column space+ |
1846 | -+ | |||
538 | +66x |
- #' rows <- lapply(1:5, function(i) {+ if (!is.null(.ungroup_stats)) { |
1847 | -+ | |||
539 | +2x |
- #' DataRow(rep(i, times = 3))+ for (nm in .ungroup_stats) { |
1848 | -+ | |||
540 | +3x |
- #' })+ tmp <- final_vals[[nm]] |
1849 | -+ | |||
541 | +3x |
- #' tbl <- TableTree(kids = rows, cinfo = manual_cols(split = c("a", "b", "c")))+ if (is(tmp, "CellValue")) { |
1850 | -+ | |||
542 | +1x |
- #' tbl+ tmp <- tmp[[1]] |
1851 | -+ | |||
543 | +23x |
- #'+ } ## unwrap it |
1852 | -+ | |||
544 | +3x |
- #' # manually declared nesting+ final_vals <- insert_replace(final_vals, nm, tmp) |
1853 | -+ | |||
545 | +3x |
- #' tbl2 <- TableTree(+ stopifnot(all(nzchar(names(final_vals)))) |
1854 | +546 |
- #' kids = list(DataRow(as.list(1:4))),+ |
1855 | -+ | |||
547 | +3x |
- #' cinfo = manual_cols(+ final_labels <- insert_replace( |
1856 | -+ | |||
548 | +3x |
- #' Arm = c("Arm A", "Arm B"),+ final_labels, |
1857 | -+ | |||
549 | +3x |
- #' Gender = c("M", "F")+ nm, |
1858 | -+ | |||
550 | +3x |
- #' )+ setNames( |
1859 | -+ | |||
551 | +3x |
- #' )+ value_labels(tmp), |
1860 | -+ | |||
552 | +3x |
- #' tbl2+ names(tmp) |
1861 | +553 |
- #'+ ) |
1862 | +554 |
- #' @author Gabriel Becker+ ) |
1863 | -+ | |||
555 | +3x |
- #' @export+ final_formats <- insert_replace( |
1864 | -+ | |||
556 | +3x |
- manual_cols <- function(..., .lst = list(...), ccount_format = NULL) {+ final_formats, |
1865 | -41x | +557 | +3x |
- if (is.null(names(.lst))) {+ nm, |
1866 | -41x | +558 | +3x |
- names(.lst) <- paste("colsplit", seq_along(.lst))+ setNames( |
1867 | -+ | |||
559 | +3x | +
+ rep(final_formats[nm],+ |
+ ||
560 | +3x |
- }+ length.out = length(tmp) |
1868 | +561 | - - | -||
1869 | -41x | -
- splvec <- SplitVector(lst = mapply(ManualSplit,+ ), |
1870 | -41x | +562 | +3x |
- levels = .lst,+ names(tmp) |
1871 | -41x | +|||
563 | +
- label = names(.lst)+ ) |
1872 | +564 |
- ))+ ) |
1873 | -41x | +565 | +3x |
- ctree <- splitvec_to_coltree(data.frame(), splvec = splvec, pos = TreePos(), global_cc_format = ccount_format)+ final_format_na_strs <- insert_replace( |
1874 | -+ | |||
566 | +3x |
+ final_format_na_strs, |
1875 | -41x | +567 | +3x |
- ret <- InstantiatedColumnInfo(treelyt = ctree)+ nm, |
1876 | -41x | +568 | +3x |
- rm_all_colcounts(ret)+ setNames( |
1877 | -+ | |||
569 | +3x |
- }+ rep(final_format_na_strs[nm], |
1878 | -+ | |||
570 | +3x |
+ length.out = length(tmp) |
1879 | +571 |
+ ), |
1880 | -+ | |||
572 | +3x |
- #' Set all column counts at all levels of nesting to NA+ names(tmp) |
1881 | +573 |
- #'+ ) |
1882 | +574 |
- #' @inheritParams gen_args+ ) |
1883 | -+ | |||
575 | +3x |
- #'+ final_imods <- insert_replace( |
1884 | -+ | |||
576 | +3x |
- #' @return `obj` with all column counts reset to missing+ final_imods, |
1885 | -+ | |||
577 | +3x |
- #'+ nm, |
1886 | -+ | |||
578 | +3x |
- #' @export+ setNames( |
1887 | -+ | |||
579 | +3x |
- #' @examples+ rep(final_imods[nm], |
1888 | -+ | |||
580 | +3x |
- #' lyt <- basic_table() %>%+ length.out = length(tmp) |
1889 | +581 |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>%+ ), |
1890 | -+ | |||
582 | +3x |
- #' split_cols_by("SEX") %>%+ names(tmp) |
1891 | +583 |
- #' analyze("AGE")+ ) |
1892 | +584 |
- #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, ex_adsl)+ ) |
1893 | +585 |
- #'+ } |
1894 | +586 |
- #' # before+ } |
1895 | -+ | |||
587 | +66x |
- #' col_counts(tbl)+ rcells <- mapply( |
1896 | -+ | |||
588 | +66x |
- #' tbl <- rm_all_colcounts(tbl)+ function(x, f, l, na_str) { |
1897 | -+ | |||
589 | +197x |
- #' col_counts(tbl)+ if (is(x, "CellValue")) { |
1898 | -229x | +590 | +65x |
- setGeneric("rm_all_colcounts", function(obj) standardGeneric("rm_all_colcounts"))+ obj_label(x) <- l |
1899 | -+ | |||
591 | +65x |
+ obj_format(x) <- f |
1900 | -+ | |||
592 | +65x |
- #' @rdname rm_all_colcounts+ obj_na_str(x) <- na_str |
1901 | +593 |
- #' @export+ # indent_mod(x) <- im |
1902 | -+ | |||
594 | +65x |
- setMethod(+ x |
1903 | -+ | |||
595 | +132x |
- "rm_all_colcounts", "VTableTree",+ } else if (.null_ref_cells) { |
1904 | -+ | |||
596 | +! |
- function(obj) {+ non_ref_rcell(x, |
1905 | +597 | ! |
- cinfo <- col_info(obj)+ is_ref = .in_ref_col, |
1906 | +598 | ! |
- cinfo <- rm_all_colcounts(cinfo)+ format = f, label = l, |
1907 | +599 | ! |
- col_info(obj) <- cinfo+ format_na_str = na_str |
1908 | +600 | ! |
- obj+ ) # , indent_mod = im) |
1909 | +601 |
- }+ } else { |
1910 | -+ | |||
602 | +132x |
- )+ rcell(x, format = f, label = l, format_na_str = na_str) # , indent_mod = im) |
1911 | +603 |
+ } |
1912 | +604 |
- #' @rdname rm_all_colcounts+ }, |
1913 | -+ | |||
605 | +66x |
- #' @export+ f = final_formats, x = final_vals, |
1914 | -+ | |||
606 | +66x |
- setMethod(+ l = final_labels,+ |
+ ||
607 | +66x | +
+ na_str = final_format_na_strs, |
1915 | +608 |
- "rm_all_colcounts", "InstantiatedColumnInfo",+ # im = final_imods,+ |
+ ||
609 | +66x | +
1916 | +610 |
- function(obj) {+ ) |
1917 | -41x | +611 | +66x |
- ctree <- coltree(obj)+ in_rows(.list = rcells, .indent_mods = final_imods) ## , .labels = .labels) |
1918 | -41x | +|||
612 | +
- ctree <- rm_all_colcounts(ctree)+ } |
1919 | -41x | +613 | +23x |
- coltree(obj) <- ctree+ formals(ret) <- formals(fun) |
1920 | -41x | +614 | +23x |
- obj+ ret |
1921 | +615 |
- }+ } |
1922 | +616 |
- )+ |
1923 | +617 |
+ insert_replace <- function(x, nm, newvals = x[[nm]]) { |
1924 | -+ | |||
618 | +15x |
- #' @rdname rm_all_colcounts+ i <- match(nm, names(x)) |
1925 | -+ | |||
619 | +15x |
- #' @export+ if (is.na(i)) { |
1926 | -+ | |||
620 | +! |
- setMethod(+ stop("name not found") |
1927 | +621 |
- "rm_all_colcounts", "LayoutColTree",+ } |
1928 | -+ | |||
622 | +15x |
- function(obj) {+ bef <- if (i > 1) 1:(i - 1) else numeric() |
1929 | -52x | +623 | +15x |
- obj@column_count <- NA_integer_+ aft <- if (i < length(x)) (i + 1):length(x) else numeric() |
1930 | -52x | +624 | +15x |
- tree_children(obj) <- lapply(tree_children(obj), rm_all_colcounts)+ ret <- c(x[bef], newvals, x[aft]) |
1931 | -52x | +625 | +15x |
- obj+ names(ret) <- c(names(x)[bef], names(newvals), names(x)[aft]) |
1932 | -+ | |||
626 | +15x |
- }+ ret |
1933 | +627 |
- )+ } |
1934 | +628 | |||
1935 | +629 |
- #' @rdname rm_all_colcounts+ parser_helper <- function(text, envir = parent.frame(2)) { |
1936 | -+ | |||
630 | +513x |
- #' @export+ parse(text = text, keep.source = FALSE) |
1937 | +631 |
- setMethod(+ } |
1938 | +632 |
- "rm_all_colcounts", "LayoutColLeaf",+ |
1939 | +633 |
- function(obj) {+ length_w_name <- function(x, .parent_splval) { |
1940 | -136x | +|||
634 | +! |
- obj@column_count <- NA_integer_+ in_rows(length(x), |
1941 | -136x | +|||
635 | +! |
- obj+ .names = value_labels(.parent_splval) |
1942 | +636 |
- }+ ) |
1943 | +637 |
- )+ } |
1944 | +1 |
+ ## Rules for pagination |
1945 | +2 |
- #' Returns a function that coerces the return values of a function to a list+ ## |
1946 | +3 |
- #'+ ## 1. user defined number of lines per page |
1947 | +4 |
- #' @param f (`function`)\cr the function to wrap.+ ## 2. all lines have the same height |
1948 | +5 |
- #'+ ## 3. header always reprinted on all pages |
1949 | +6 |
- #' @details+ ## 4. "Label-rows", i.e. content rows above break in the nesting structure, optionally reprinted (default TRUE) |
1950 | +7 |
- #' `list_wrap_x` generates a wrapper which takes `x` as its first argument, while `list_wrap_df` generates an+ ## 5. Never (?) break on a "label"/content row |
1951 | +8 |
- #' otherwise identical wrapper function whose first argument is named `df`.+ ## 6. Never (?) break on the second (i.e. after the first) data row at a particular leaf Elementary table. |
1952 | +9 |
- #'+ ## |
1953 | +10 |
- #' We provide both because when using the functions as tabulation in [analyze()], functions which take `df` as+ ## Current behavior: paginate_ttree takes a TableTree object and |
1954 | +11 |
- #' their first argument are passed the full subset data frame, while those which accept anything else notably+ ## returns a list of rtable (S3) objects for printing. |
1955 | +12 |
- #' including `x` are passed only the relevant subset of the variable being analyzed.+ |
1956 | +13 |
- #'+ #' @inheritParams formatters::nlines |
1957 | +14 |
- #' @return A function that returns a list of `CellValue` objects.+ #' |
1958 | +15 |
- #'+ #' @rdname formatters_methods |
1959 | +16 |
- #' @examples+ #' @aliases nlines,TableRow-method |
1960 | +17 |
- #' summary(iris$Sepal.Length)+ #' @exportMethod nlines |
1961 | +18 |
- #'+ setMethod( |
1962 | +19 |
- #' f <- list_wrap_x(summary)+ "nlines", "TableRow", |
1963 | +20 |
- #' f(x = iris$Sepal.Length)+ function(x, colwidths, max_width, fontspec, col_gap = 3) { |
1964 | -+ | |||
21 | +10622x |
- #'+ fns <- sum(unlist(lapply(row_footnotes(x), nlines, max_width = max_width, fontspec = fontspec))) + |
1965 | -+ | |||
22 | +10622x |
- #' f2 <- list_wrap_df(summary)+ sum(unlist(lapply(cell_footnotes(x), nlines, max_width = max_width, fontspec = fontspec))) |
1966 | -+ | |||
23 | +10622x |
- #' f2(df = iris$Sepal.Length)+ fcells <- as.vector(get_formatted_cells(x)) |
1967 | -+ | |||
24 | +10622x |
- #'+ spans <- row_cspans(x) |
1968 | -+ | |||
25 | +10622x |
- #' @author Gabriel Becker+ have_cw <- !is.null(colwidths) |
1969 | +26 |
- #' @rdname list_wrap+ ## handle spanning so that the projected word-wrapping from nlines is correct |
1970 | -+ | |||
27 | +10622x |
- #' @export+ if (any(spans > 1)) { |
1971 | -+ | |||
28 | +10x |
- list_wrap_x <- function(f) {+ new_fcells <- character(length(spans)) |
1972 | -16x | +29 | +10x |
- function(x, ...) {+ new_colwidths <- numeric(length(spans)) |
1973 | -70x | +30 | +10x |
- vs <- as.list(f(x, ...))+ cur_fcells <- fcells |
1974 | -70x | +31 | +10x |
- ret <- mapply(+ cur_colwidths <- colwidths[-1] ## not the row labels they can't span |
1975 | -70x | +32 | +10x |
- function(v, nm) {+ for (i in seq_along(spans)) { |
1976 | -250x | +33 | +24x |
- rcell(v, label = nm)+ spi <- spans[i] |
1977 | -+ | |||
34 | +24x |
- },+ new_fcells[i] <- cur_fcells[1] ## 1 cause we're trimming it every loop |
1978 | -70x | +35 | +24x |
- v = vs,+ new_colwidths[i] <- sum(head(cur_colwidths, spi)) + col_gap * (spi - 1) |
1979 | -70x | +36 | +24x |
- nm = names(vs)+ cur_fcells <- tail(cur_fcells, -1 * spi)+ |
37 | +24x | +
+ cur_colwidths <- tail(cur_colwidths, -1 * spi) |
1980 | +38 |
- )+ } |
1981 | -70x | +39 | +10x |
- ret+ if (have_cw) {+ |
40 | +4x | +
+ colwidths <- c(colwidths[1], new_colwidths) |
1982 | +41 |
- }+ }+ |
+ ||
42 | +10x | +
+ fcells <- new_fcells |
1983 | +43 |
- }+ } |
1984 | +44 | |||
1985 | +45 |
- #' @rdname list_wrap+ ## rowext <- max(vapply(strsplit(c(obj_label(x), fcells), "\n", fixed = TRUE), |
1986 | +46 |
- #' @export+ ## length, |
1987 | +47 |
- list_wrap_df <- function(f) {+ ## 1L)) |
1988 | -1x | +48 | +10622x |
- function(df, ...) {+ rowext <- max( |
1989 | -1x | +49 | +10622x |
- vs <- as.list(f(df, ...))+ unlist( |
1990 | -1x | +50 | +10622x |
- ret <- mapply(+ mapply( |
1991 | -1x | +51 | +10622x |
- function(v, nm) {+ function(s, w) { |
1992 | -6x | +52 | +57987x |
- rcell(v, label = nm)+ nlines(strsplit(s, "\n", fixed = TRUE), max_width = w, fontspec = fontspec) |
1993 | +53 |
- },+ }, |
1994 | -1x | +54 | +10622x |
- v = vs,+ s = c(obj_label(x), fcells), |
1995 | -1x | +55 | +10622x |
- nm = names(vs)+ w = (colwidths %||% max_width) %||% vector("list", length(c(obj_label(x), fcells))), |
1996 | -+ | |||
56 | +10622x |
1997 | -1x | +|||
57 | +
- ret+ ) |
1998 | +58 |
- }+ ) |
1999 | +59 |
- }+ ) |
2000 | +60 | |||
2001 | -+ | |||
61 | +10622x |
- #' Layout with 1 column and zero rows+ rowext + fns |
2002 | +62 |
- #'+ } |
2003 | +63 |
- #' Every layout must start with a basic table.+ ) |
2004 | +64 |
- #'+ |
2005 | +65 |
- #' @inheritParams constr_args+ #' @export |
2006 | +66 |
- #' @param show_colcounts (`logical(1)`)\cr Indicates whether the lowest level of+ #' @rdname formatters_methods |
2007 | +67 |
- #' applied to data. `NA`, the default, indicates that the `show_colcounts`+ setMethod( |
2008 | +68 |
- #' argument(s) passed to the relevant calls to `split_cols_by*`+ "nlines", "LabelRow", |
2009 | +69 |
- #' functions. Non-missing values will override the behavior specified in+ function(x, colwidths, max_width, fontspec = fontspec, col_gap = NULL) { |
2010 | -+ | |||
70 | +3361x |
- #' column splitting layout instructions which create the lowest level, or+ if (labelrow_visible(x)) { |
2011 | -+ | |||
71 | +3361x |
- #' leaf, columns.+ nlines(strsplit(obj_label(x), "\n", fixed = TRUE)[[1]], max_width = colwidths[1], fontspec = fontspec) + |
2012 | -+ | |||
72 | +3361x |
- #' @param colcount_format (`string`)\cr format for use when displaying the column counts. Must be 1d, or 2d+ sum(unlist(lapply(row_footnotes(x), nlines, max_width = max_width, fontspec = fontspec))) |
2013 | +73 |
- #' where one component is a percent. This will also apply to any displayed higher+ } else {+ |
+ ||
74 | +! | +
+ 0L |
2014 | +75 |
- #' level column counts where an explicit format was not specified. Defaults to `"(N=xx)"`. See Details below.+ } |
2015 | +76 |
- #' @param top_level_section_div (`character(1)`)\cr if assigned a single character, the first (top level) split+ } |
2016 | +77 |
- #' or division of the table will be highlighted by a line made of that character. See [section_div] for more+ ) |
2017 | +78 |
- #' information.+ |
2018 | +79 |
- #'+ #' @export |
2019 | +80 |
- #' @details+ #' @rdname formatters_methods |
2020 | +81 |
- #' `colcount_format` is ignored if `show_colcounts` is `FALSE` (the default). When `show_colcounts` is `TRUE`,+ setMethod( |
2021 | +82 |
- #' and `colcount_format` is 2-dimensional with a percent component, the value component for the percent is always+ "nlines", "RefFootnote", |
2022 | +83 |
- #' populated with `1` (i.e. 100%). 1d formats are used to render the counts exactly as they normally would be,+ function(x, colwidths, max_width, fontspec, col_gap = NULL) {+ |
+ ||
84 | +298x | +
+ nlines(format_fnote_note(x), colwidths = colwidths, max_width = max_width, fontspec = fontspec) |
2023 | +85 |
- #' while 2d formats which don't include a percent, and all 3d formats result in an error. Formats in the form of+ } |
2024 | +86 |
- #' functions are not supported for `colcount` format. See [formatters::list_valid_format_labels()] for the list+ ) |
2025 | +87 |
- #' of valid format labels to select from.+ |
2026 | +88 |
- #'+ #' @export |
2027 | +89 |
- #' @inherit split_cols_by return+ #' @rdname formatters_methods |
2028 | +90 |
- #'+ setMethod( |
2029 | +91 |
- #' @note+ "nlines", "InstantiatedColumnInfo", |
2030 | +92 |
- #' - Because percent components in `colcount_format` are *always* populated with the value 1, we can get arguably+ function(x, colwidths, max_width, fontspec, col_gap = 3) {+ |
+ ||
93 | +6x | +
+ h_rows <- .do_tbl_h_piece2(x)+ |
+ ||
94 | +6x | +
+ tl <- top_left(x) %||% rep("", length(h_rows))+ |
+ ||
95 | +6x | +
+ main_nls <- vapply(+ |
+ ||
96 | +6x | +
+ seq_along(h_rows),+ |
+ ||
97 | +6x | +
+ function(i) {+ |
+ ||
98 | +10x | +
+ max(+ |
+ ||
99 | +10x | +
+ nlines(h_rows[[i]],+ |
+ ||
100 | +10x | +
+ colwidths = colwidths,+ |
+ ||
101 | +10x | +
+ fontspec = fontspec,+ |
+ ||
102 | +10x | +
+ col_gap = col_gap |
2031 | +103 |
- #' strange results, such as that individual arm columns and a combined "all patients" column all list "100%" as+ ),+ |
+ ||
104 | +10x | +
+ nlines(tl[i],+ |
+ ||
105 | +10x | +
+ colwidths = colwidths[1],+ |
+ ||
106 | +10x | +
+ fontspec = fontspec |
2032 | +107 |
- #' their percentage, even though the individual arm columns represent strict subsets of the "all patients" column.+ ) |
2033 | +108 |
- #'+ ) |
2034 | +109 |
- #' - Note that subtitles ([formatters::subtitles()]) and footers ([formatters::main_footer()] and+ }, |
2035 | -+ | |||
110 | +6x |
- #' [formatters::prov_footer()]) that span more than one line can be supplied as a character vector to maintain+ 1L |
2036 | +111 |
- #' indentation on multiple lines.+ ) |
2037 | +112 |
- #'+ |
2038 | +113 |
- #' @examples+ ## lfs <- collect_leaves(coltree(x)) |
2039 | +114 |
- #' lyt <- basic_table() %>%+ ## depths <- sapply(lfs, function(l) length(pos_splits(l))) |
2040 | +115 |
- #' analyze("AGE", afun = mean)+ |
2041 | -+ | |||
116 | +6x |
- #'+ coldf <- make_col_df(x, colwidths = colwidths) |
2042 | -+ | |||
117 | +6x |
- #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM)+ have_fnotes <- length(unlist(coldf$col_fnotes)) > 0 |
2043 | +118 |
- #' tbl+ ## ret <- max(depths, length(top_left(x))) + |
2044 | +119 |
- #'+ ## divider_height(x) |
2045 | -+ | |||
120 | +6x |
- #' lyt2 <- basic_table(+ ret <- sum(main_nls, divider_height(x)) |
2046 | -+ | |||
121 | +6x |
- #' title = "Title of table",+ if (have_fnotes) { |
2047 | -+ | |||
122 | +! |
- #' subtitles = c("a number", "of subtitles"),+ ret <- sum( |
2048 | -+ | |||
123 | +! |
- #' main_footer = "test footer",+ ret, |
2049 | -+ | |||
124 | +! |
- #' prov_footer = paste(+ vapply(unlist(coldf$col_fnotes), |
2050 | -+ | |||
125 | +! |
- #' "test.R program, executed at",+ nlines, |
2051 | -+ | |||
126 | +! |
- #' Sys.time()+ 1, |
2052 | -+ | |||
127 | +! |
- #' )+ max_width = max_width, |
2053 | -+ | |||
128 | +! |
- #' ) %>%+ fontspec = fontspec |
2054 | +129 |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>%+ ), |
2055 | -+ | |||
130 | +! |
- #' analyze("AGE", mean)+ 2 * divider_height(x) |
2056 | +131 |
- #'+ ) |
2057 | +132 |
- #' tbl2 <- build_table(lyt2, DM)+ } |
2058 | -+ | |||
133 | +6x |
- #' tbl2+ ret |
2059 | +134 |
- #'+ } |
2060 | +135 |
- #' lyt3 <- basic_table(+ ) |
2061 | +136 |
- #' show_colcounts = TRUE,+ |
2062 | +137 |
- #' colcount_format = "xx. (xx.%)"+ col_dfrow <- function(col, |
2063 | +138 |
- #' ) %>%+ nm = obj_name(col), |
2064 | +139 |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM")+ lab = obj_label(col), |
2065 | +140 |
- #'+ cnum, |
2066 | +141 |
- #' @export+ pth = NULL, |
2067 | +142 |
- basic_table <- function(title = "",+ sibpos = NA_integer_, |
2068 | +143 |
- subtitles = character(),+ nsibs = NA_integer_, |
2069 | +144 |
- main_footer = character(),+ leaf_indices = cnum, |
2070 | +145 |
- prov_footer = character(),+ span = length(leaf_indices), |
2071 | +146 |
- show_colcounts = NA, # FALSE,+ col_fnotes = list(), |
2072 | +147 |
- colcount_format = "(N=xx)",+ col_count = facet_colcount(col, NULL), |
2073 | +148 |
- header_section_div = NA_character_,+ ccount_visible = disp_ccounts(col), |
2074 | +149 |
- top_level_section_div = NA_character_,+ ccount_format = colcount_format(col), |
2075 | +150 |
- inset = 0L) {+ ccount_na_str, |
2076 | -322x | +|||
151 | +
- inset <- as.integer(inset)+ global_cc_format) { |
2077 | -322x | +152 | +13105x |
- if (is.na(inset) || inset < 0L) {+ if (is.null(pth)) { |
2078 | -2x | +153 | +12461x |
- stop("Got invalid table_inset value, must be an integer > 0")+ pth <- pos_to_path(tree_pos(col)) |
2079 | +154 |
} |
2080 | -320x | +155 | +13105x |
- .check_header_section_div(header_section_div)+ data.frame( |
2081 | -320x | -
- checkmate::assert_character(top_level_section_div, len = 1, n.chars = 1)- |
- ||
2082 | -+ | 156 | +13105x |
+ stringsAsFactors = FALSE, |
2083 | -320x | +157 | +13105x |
- ret <- PreDataTableLayouts(+ name = nm, |
2084 | -320x | +158 | +13105x |
- title = title,+ label = lab, |
2085 | -320x | +159 | +13105x |
- subtitles = subtitles,+ abs_pos = cnum, |
2086 | -320x | +160 | +13105x |
- main_footer = main_footer,+ path = I(list(pth)), |
2087 | -320x | +161 | +13105x |
- prov_footer = prov_footer,+ pos_in_siblings = sibpos, |
2088 | -320x | +162 | +13105x |
- header_section_div = header_section_div,+ n_siblings = nsibs, |
2089 | -320x | +163 | +13105x |
- top_level_section_div = top_level_section_div,+ leaf_indices = I(list(leaf_indices)), |
2090 | -320x | -
- table_inset = as.integer(inset)- |
- ||
2091 | -+ | 164 | +13105x |
- )+ total_span = span, |
2092 | -+ | |||
165 | +13105x |
+ col_fnotes = I(list(col_fnotes)), |
2093 | -+ | |||
166 | +13105x |
- ## unconditional now, NA case is handled in cinfo construction+ n_col_fnotes = length(col_fnotes), |
2094 | -320x | +167 | +13105x |
- disp_ccounts(ret) <- show_colcounts+ col_count = col_count, |
2095 | -320x | +168 | +13105x |
- colcount_format(ret) <- colcount_format+ ccount_visible = ccount_visible, |
2096 | -+ | |||
169 | +13105x |
- ## if (isTRUE(show_colcounts)) {+ ccount_format = ccount_format %||% global_cc_format, |
2097 | -+ | |||
170 | +13105x |
- ## ret <- add_colcounts(ret, format = colcount_format)+ ccount_na_str = ccount_na_str |
2098 | +171 |
- ## }- |
- ||
2099 | -320x | -
- ret+ ) |
2100 | +172 |
} |
2101 | +173 | |||
2102 | +174 |
- #' Append a description to the 'top-left' materials for the layout+ pos_to_path <- function(pos) { |
2103 | -+ | |||
175 | +47471x |
- #'+ spls <- pos_splits(pos) |
2104 | -+ | |||
176 | +47471x |
- #' This function *adds* `newlines` to the current set of "top-left materials".+ vals <- pos_splvals(pos) |
2105 | +177 |
- #'+ |
2106 | -+ | |||
178 | +47471x |
- #' @details+ path <- character() |
2107 | -+ | |||
179 | +47471x |
- #' Adds `newlines` to the set of strings representing the 'top-left' materials declared in the layout (the content+ for (i in seq_along(spls)) { |
2108 | -+ | |||
180 | +60059x |
- #' displayed to the left of the column labels when the resulting tables are printed).+ nm <- obj_name(spls[[i]]) |
2109 | -+ | |||
181 | +60059x |
- #'+ val_i <- value_names(vals[[i]]) |
2110 | -+ | |||
182 | +60059x |
- #' Top-left material strings are stored and then displayed *exactly as is*, no structure or indenting is applied to+ path <- c( |
2111 | -+ | |||
183 | +60059x |
- #' them either when they are added or when they are displayed.+ path, |
2112 | -+ | |||
184 | +60059x |
- #'+ obj_name(spls[[i]]), |
2113 | +185 |
- #' @inheritParams lyt_args+ ## rawvalues(vals[[i]])) |
2114 | -+ | |||
186 | +60059x |
- #' @param newlines (`character`)\cr the new line(s) to be added to the materials.+ if (!is.na(val_i)) val_i |
2115 | +187 |
- #'+ ) |
2116 | +188 |
- #' @note+ } |
2117 | -+ | |||
189 | +47471x |
- #' Currently, where in the construction of the layout this is called makes no difference, as it is independent of+ path |
2118 | +190 |
- #' the actual splitting keywords. This may change in the future.+ } |
2119 | +191 |
- #'+ |
2120 | +192 |
- #' This function is experimental, its name and the details of its behavior are subject to change in future versions.+ # make_row_df --------------------------------------------------------------- |
2121 | +193 |
- #'+ |
2122 | +194 |
- #' @inherit split_cols_by return+ #' @inherit formatters::make_row_df |
2123 | +195 |
#' |
2124 | +196 |
- #' @seealso [top_left()]+ # #' @note The technically present root tree node is excluded from the summary returned by both `make_row_df` and |
2125 | +197 |
- #'+ # #' `make_col_df`, as it is simply the row/column structure of `tt` and thus not useful for pathing or pagination. |
2126 | +198 |
- #' @examplesIf require(dplyr)+ # #' |
2127 | +199 |
- #' library(dplyr)+ # #' @return a data.frame of row/column-structure information used by the pagination machinery. |
2128 | +200 |
- #'+ # #' |
2129 | +201 |
- #' DM2 <- DM %>% mutate(RACE = factor(RACE), SEX = factor(SEX))+ # #' @export |
2130 | +202 |
- #'+ # #' @name make_row_df |
2131 | +203 |
- #' lyt <- basic_table() %>%+ # #' @rdname make_row_df |
2132 | +204 |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>%+ # #' @aliases make_row_df,VTableTree-method |
2133 | +205 |
- #' split_cols_by("SEX") %>%+ #' @rdname formatters_methods |
2134 | +206 |
- #' split_rows_by("RACE") %>%+ #' @exportMethod make_row_df |
2135 | +207 |
- #' append_topleft("Ethnicity") %>%+ setMethod( |
2136 | +208 |
- #' analyze("AGE") %>%+ "make_row_df", "VTableTree", |
2137 | +209 |
- #' append_topleft(" Age")+ function(tt, |
2138 | +210 |
- #'+ colwidths = NULL, |
2139 | +211 |
- #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM2)+ visible_only = TRUE, |
2140 | +212 |
- #' tbl+ rownum = 0, |
2141 | +213 |
- #'+ indent = 0L, |
2142 | +214 |
- #' @export+ path = character(), |
2143 | +215 |
- append_topleft <- function(lyt, newlines) {- |
- ||
2144 | -51x | -
- stopifnot(- |
- ||
2145 | -51x | -
- is(lyt, "PreDataTableLayouts"),- |
- ||
2146 | -51x | -
- is(newlines, "character")+ incontent = FALSE, |
2147 | +216 |
- )- |
- ||
2148 | -51x | -
- lyt@top_left <- c(lyt@top_left, newlines)+ repr_ext = 0L, |
2149 | -51x | +|||
217 | +
- lyt+ repr_inds = integer(), |
2150 | +218 |
- }+ sibpos = NA_integer_, |
1 | +219 |
- #' Create an `ElementaryTable` from a `data.frame`+ nsibs = NA_integer_, |
2 | +220 |
- #'+ max_width = NULL, |
3 | +221 |
- #' @param df (`data.frame`)\cr a data frame.+ fontspec = NULL, |
4 | +222 |
- #'+ col_gap = 3) { |
5 | -+ | |||
223 | +9416x |
- #' @details+ indent <- indent + indent_mod(tt) |
6 | +224 |
- #' If row names are not defined in `df` (or they are simple numbers), then the row names are taken from the column+ ## retained for debugging info |
7 | -+ | |||
225 | +9416x |
- #' `label_name`, if it exists. If `label_name` exists, then it is also removed from the original data. This behavior+ orig_rownum <- rownum # nolint |
8 | -+ | |||
226 | +9416x |
- #' is compatible with [as_result_df()], when `as_is = TRUE` and the row names are not unique.+ if (incontent) { |
9 | -+ | |||
227 | +1284x |
- #'+ path <- c(path, "@content") |
10 | -+ | |||
228 | +8132x |
- #' @seealso [as_result_df()] for the inverse operation.+ } else if (length(path) > 0 || nzchar(obj_name(tt))) { ## don't add "" for root |
11 | +229 |
- #'+ ## else if (length(path) > 0 && nzchar(obj_name(tt))) ## don't add "" for root # nolint |
12 | -+ | |||
230 | +8084x |
- #' @examples+ path <- c(path, obj_name(tt)) |
13 | +231 |
- #' df_to_tt(mtcars)+ } |
14 | -+ | |||
232 | +9416x |
- #'+ ret <- list() |
15 | +233 |
- #' @export+ |
16 | +234 |
- df_to_tt <- function(df) {+ ## note this is the **table** not the label row |
17 | -4x | +235 | +9416x |
- colnms <- colnames(df)+ if (!visible_only) { |
18 | -4x | +236 | +21x |
- cinfo <- manual_cols(colnms)+ ret <- c( |
19 | -4x | +237 | +21x |
- rnames <- rownames(df)+ ret, |
20 | -4x | -
- havern <- !is.null(rnames)- |
- ||
21 | -+ | 238 | +21x |
+ list(pagdfrow( |
22 | -4x | +239 | +21x |
- if ((!havern || all(grepl("[0-9]+", rnames))) && "label_name" %in% colnms) {+ rnum = NA, |
23 | -2x | +240 | +21x |
- rnames <- df$label_name+ nm = obj_name(tt), |
24 | -2x | +241 | +21x |
- df <- df[, -match("label_name", colnms)]+ lab = "", |
25 | -2x | +242 | +21x |
- colnms <- colnames(df)+ pth = path, |
26 | -2x | +243 | +21x |
- cinfo <- manual_cols(colnms)+ colwidths = colwidths, |
27 | -2x | -
- havern <- TRUE- |
- ||
28 | -- |
- }- |
- ||
29 | -+ | 244 | +21x |
+ repext = repr_ext, |
30 | -4x | +245 | +21x |
- kids <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(df)), function(i) {+ repind = list(repr_inds), |
31 | -124x | +246 | +21x |
- rni <- if (havern) rnames[i] else ""+ extent = 0, |
32 | -124x | -
- do.call(rrow, c(list(row.name = rni), unclass(df[i, ])))- |
- ||
33 | -- |
- })- |
- ||
34 | -+ | 247 | +21x |
+ indent = indent, |
35 | -4x | -
- ElementaryTable(kids = kids, cinfo = cinfo)- |
- ||
36 | -- |
- }- |
1 | -- |
- # Split functions --------------------------------------------------------------- |
- ||
2 | -- |
- #' Split functions- |
- ||
3 | -- |
- #'- |
- ||
4 | -- |
- #' @description- |
- ||
5 | -- |
- #' This is a collection of useful, default split function that can help you in dividing the data, hence the- |
- ||
6 | -+ | 248 | +21x |
- #' table rows or columns, into different parts or groups (splits). You can also create your own split function if you+ rclass = class(tt), sibpos = sibpos, |
7 | -+ | |||
249 | +21x |
- #' need to create a custom division as specific as you need. Please consider reading [custom_split_funs] if+ nsibs = nsibs, |
8 | -+ | |||
250 | +21x |
- #' this is the case. Beyond this list of functions, you can also use [add_overall_level()] and [add_combo_levels()]+ nrowrefs = 0L, |
9 | -+ | |||
251 | +21x |
- #' for adding or modifying levels and [trim_levels_to_map()] to provide possible level combinations to filter the split+ ncellrefs = 0L, |
10 | -+ | |||
252 | +21x |
- #' with.+ nreflines = 0L, |
11 | -+ | |||
253 | +21x |
- #'+ fontspec = fontspec |
12 | +254 |
- #' @inheritParams sf_args+ )) |
13 | +255 |
- #' @inheritParams gen_args+ ) |
14 | +256 |
- #' @param vals (`ANY`)\cr for internal use only.+ } |
15 | -+ | |||
257 | +9416x |
- #' @param labels (`character`)\cr labels to use for the remaining levels instead of the existing ones.+ if (labelrow_visible(tt)) { |
16 | -+ | |||
258 | +3341x |
- #'+ lr <- tt_labelrow(tt) |
17 | -+ | |||
259 | +3341x |
- #' @returns A function that can be used to split the data accordingly. The actual function signature+ newdf <- make_row_df(lr, |
18 | -+ | |||
260 | +3341x |
- #' is similar to the one you can define when creating a fully custom one. For more details see [custom_split_funs].+ colwidths = colwidths, |
19 | -+ | |||
261 | +3341x |
- #'+ visible_only = visible_only, |
20 | -+ | |||
262 | +3341x |
- #' @note+ rownum = rownum, |
21 | -+ | |||
263 | +3341x |
- #' The following parameters are also documented here but they are only the default+ indent = indent, |
22 | -+ | |||
264 | +3341x |
- #' signature of a split function: `df` (data to be split), `spl` (split object), and `vals = NULL`,+ path = path, |
23 | -+ | |||
265 | +3341x |
- #' `labels = NULL`, `trim = FALSE` (last three only for internal use). See [custom_split_funs] for more details+ incontent = TRUE, |
24 | -+ | |||
266 | +3341x |
- #' and [make_split_fun()] for a more advanced API.+ repr_ext = repr_ext, |
25 | -+ | |||
267 | +3341x |
- #'+ repr_inds = repr_inds, |
26 | -+ | |||
268 | +3341x |
- #' @seealso [custom_split_funs], [add_overall_level()], [add_combo_levels()], and [trim_levels_to_map()].+ max_width = max_width, |
27 | -+ | |||
269 | +3341x |
- #'+ fontspec = fontspec |
28 | +270 |
- #' @name split_funcs+ ) |
29 | -+ | |||
271 | +3341x |
- NULL+ rownum <- max(newdf$abs_rownumber, na.rm = TRUE) |
30 | +272 | |||
31 | -+ | |||
273 | +3341x |
- # helper fncs+ ret <- c( |
32 | -+ | |||
274 | +3341x |
- .get_unique_levels <- function(vec) {+ ret, |
33 | -80x | +275 | +3341x |
- out <- if (is.factor(vec)) {+ list(newdf)+ |
276 | ++ |
+ ) |
34 | -79x | +277 | +3341x |
- levels(vec)+ repr_ext <- repr_ext + 1L |
35 | -+ | |||
278 | +3341x |
- } else {+ repr_inds <- c(repr_inds, rownum) |
36 | -1x | +279 | +3341x |
- unique(vec)+ indent <- indent + 1L |
37 | +280 |
- }+ } |
38 | +281 | |||
39 | -80x | +282 | +9416x |
- out+ if (NROW(content_table(tt)) > 0) { |
40 | -+ | |||
283 | +1284x |
- }+ ct_tt <- content_table(tt) |
41 | -+ | |||
284 | +1284x |
+ cind <- indent + indent_mod(ct_tt) |
42 | -+ | |||
285 | +1284x |
- .print_setdiff_error <- function(provided, existing) {+ trailing_section_div(ct_tt) <- trailing_section_div(tt_labelrow(tt)) |
43 | -3x | +286 | +1284x |
- paste(setdiff(provided, existing), collapse = ", ")+ contdf <- make_row_df(ct_tt, |
44 | -+ | |||
287 | +1284x |
- }+ colwidths = colwidths, |
45 | -+ | |||
288 | +1284x |
+ visible_only = visible_only, |
46 | -+ | |||
289 | +1284x |
- #' @describeIn split_funcs keeps only specified levels (`only`) in the split variable. If any of the specified+ rownum = rownum, |
47 | -+ | |||
290 | +1284x |
- #' levels is not present, an error is returned. `reorder = TRUE` (the default) orders the split levels+ indent = cind, |
48 | -+ | |||
291 | +1284x |
- #' according to the order of `only`.+ path = path, |
49 | -+ | |||
292 | +1284x |
- #'+ incontent = TRUE, |
50 | -+ | |||
293 | +1284x |
- #' @param only (`character`)\cr levels to retain (all others will be dropped). If none of the levels is present+ repr_ext = repr_ext, |
51 | -+ | |||
294 | +1284x |
- #' an empty table is returned.+ repr_inds = repr_inds, |
52 | -+ | |||
295 | +1284x |
- #' @param reorder (`flag`)\cr whether the order of `only` should be used as the order of the children of the+ max_width = max_width, |
53 | -+ | |||
296 | +1284x |
- #' split. Defaults to `TRUE`.+ fontspec = fontspec |
54 | +297 |
- #'+ ) |
55 | -+ | |||
298 | +1284x |
- #' @examples+ crnums <- contdf$abs_rownumber |
56 | -+ | |||
299 | +1284x |
- #' # keep_split_levels keeps specified levels (reorder = TRUE by default)+ crnums <- crnums[!is.na(crnums)] |
57 | +300 |
- #' lyt <- basic_table() %>%+ |
58 | -+ | |||
301 | +1284x |
- #' split_rows_by("COUNTRY",+ newrownum <- max(crnums, na.rm = TRUE) |
59 | -+ | |||
302 | +1284x |
- #' split_fun = keep_split_levels(c("USA", "CAN", "BRA"))+ if (is.finite(newrownum)) { |
60 | -+ | |||
303 | +1284x |
- #' ) %>%+ rownum <- newrownum |
61 | -+ | |||
304 | +1284x |
- #' analyze("AGE")+ repr_ext <- repr_ext + length(crnums) |
62 | -+ | |||
305 | +1284x |
- #'+ repr_inds <- c(repr_inds, crnums) |
63 | +306 |
- #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM)+ } |
64 | -+ | |||
307 | +1284x |
- #' tbl+ ret <- c(ret, list(contdf)) |
65 | -+ | |||
308 | +1284x |
- #'+ indent <- cind + 1 |
66 | +309 |
- #' @export+ } |
67 | +310 |
- keep_split_levels <- function(only, reorder = TRUE) {+ |
68 | -44x | +311 | +9416x |
- function(df, spl, vals = NULL, labels = NULL, trim = FALSE) {+ allkids <- tree_children(tt) |
69 | -72x | +312 | +9416x |
- var <- spl_payload(spl)+ newnsibs <- length(allkids) |
70 | -72x | +313 | +9416x |
- varvec <- df[[var]]+ for (i in seq_along(allkids)) { |
71 | -+ | |||
314 | +17938x |
+ kid <- allkids[[i]] |
72 | -+ | |||
315 | +17938x |
- # Unique values from the split variable+ kiddfs <- make_row_df(kid, |
73 | -72x | +316 | +17938x |
- unique_vals <- .get_unique_levels(varvec)+ colwidths = colwidths, |
74 | -+ | |||
317 | +17938x |
+ visible_only = visible_only, |
75 | -+ | |||
318 | +17938x |
- # Error in case not all levels are present+ rownum = force(rownum), |
76 | -72x | +319 | +17938x |
- if (!all(only %in% unique_vals)) {+ indent = indent, ## + 1, |
77 | -2x | +320 | +17938x |
- stop(+ path = path, |
78 | -2x | +321 | +17938x |
- "Attempted to keep factor level(s) in split that are not present in data: \n",+ incontent = incontent, |
79 | -2x | +322 | +17938x |
- .print_setdiff_error(only, unique_vals)+ repr_ext = repr_ext, |
80 | -+ | |||
323 | +17938x |
- )+ repr_inds = repr_inds, |
81 | -+ | |||
324 | +17938x |
- }+ nsibs = newnsibs, |
82 | -+ | |||
325 | +17938x |
+ sibpos = i, |
83 | -70x | +326 | +17938x |
- df2 <- df[varvec %in% only, ]+ max_width = max_width, |
84 | -70x | +327 | +17938x |
- if (reorder) {+ fontspec = fontspec |
85 | -69x | +|||
328 | +
- df2[[var]] <- factor(df2[[var]], levels = only)+ ) |
86 | +329 |
- } else {+ |
87 | +330 |
- # Find original order of only+ # print(kiddfs$abs_rownumber) |
88 | -1x | +331 | +17938x |
- only <- unique_vals[sort(match(only, unique_vals))]+ rownum <- max(rownum + 1L, kiddfs$abs_rownumber, na.rm = TRUE)+ |
332 | +17938x | +
+ ret <- c(ret, list(kiddfs)) |
89 | +333 |
} |
90 | +334 | |||
91 | -70x | +335 | +9416x |
- spl_child_order(spl) <- only+ ret <- do.call(rbind, ret) |
92 | -70x | +|||
336 | +
- .apply_split_inner(spl, df2,+ |
93 | -70x | +|||
337 | +
- vals = only,+ # Case where it has Elementary table or VTableTree section_div it is overridden |
94 | -70x | +338 | +9416x |
- labels = labels,+ if (!is.na(trailing_section_div(tt))) { |
95 | -70x | -
- trim = trim- |
- ||
96 | -+ | 339 | +110x |
- )+ ret$trailing_sep[nrow(ret)] <- trailing_section_div(tt) |
97 | +340 |
- }+ } |
98 | -+ | |||
341 | +9416x |
- }+ ret |
99 | +342 |
+ } |
100 | +343 |
- #' @describeIn split_funcs Removes specified levels (`excl`) from the split variable. Nothing done if not in data.+ ) |
101 | +344 |
- #'+ |
102 | +345 |
- #' @param excl (`character`)\cr levels to be excluded (they will not be reflected in the resulting table structure+ # #' @exportMethod make_row_df |
103 | +346 |
- #' regardless of presence in the data).+ #' @inherit formatters::make_row_df |
104 | +347 |
#' |
105 | +348 |
- #' @examples+ #' @export |
106 | +349 |
- #' # remove_split_levels removes specified split levels+ #' @rdname formatters_methods |
107 | +350 |
- #' lyt <- basic_table() %>%+ setMethod( |
108 | +351 |
- #' split_rows_by("COUNTRY",+ "make_row_df", "TableRow", |
109 | +352 |
- #' split_fun = remove_split_levels(c(+ function(tt, colwidths = NULL, visible_only = TRUE, |
110 | +353 |
- #' "USA", "CAN",+ rownum = 0, |
111 | +354 |
- #' "CHE", "BRA"+ indent = 0L, |
112 | +355 |
- #' ))+ path = "root", |
113 | +356 |
- #' ) %>%+ incontent = FALSE, |
114 | +357 |
- #' analyze("AGE")+ repr_ext = 0L, |
115 | +358 |
- #'+ repr_inds = integer(), |
116 | +359 |
- #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM)+ sibpos = NA_integer_, |
117 | +360 |
- #' tbl+ nsibs = NA_integer_, |
118 | +361 |
- #'+ max_width = NULL, |
119 | +362 |
- #' @export+ fontspec, |
120 | +363 |
- remove_split_levels <- function(excl) {+ col_gap = 3) { |
121 | -28x | +364 | +10612x |
- stopifnot(is.character(excl))+ indent <- indent + indent_mod(tt) |
122 | -28x | +365 | +10612x |
- function(df, spl, vals = NULL, labels = NULL, trim = FALSE) {+ rownum <- rownum + 1 |
123 | -55x | +366 | +10612x |
- var <- spl_payload(spl)+ rrefs <- row_footnotes(tt) |
124 | -55x | +367 | +10612x |
- df2 <- df[!(df[[var]] %in% excl), ]+ crefs <- cell_footnotes(tt) |
125 | -55x | +368 | +10612x |
- if (is.factor(df2[[var]])) {+ reflines <- sum( |
126 | -2x | +369 | +10612x |
- levels <- levels(df2[[var]])+ sapply( |
127 | -2x | +370 | +10612x |
- levels <- levels[!(levels %in% excl)]+ c(rrefs, crefs), |
128 | -2x | -
- df2[[var]] <- factor(df2[[var]], levels = levels)- |
- ||
129 | -+ | 371 | +10612x |
- }+ nlines, |
130 | -55x | +372 | +10612x |
- .apply_split_inner(spl, df2,+ colwidths = colwidths, |
131 | -55x | +373 | +10612x |
- vals = vals,+ max_width = max_width, |
132 | -55x | +374 | +10612x |
- labels = labels,+ fontspec = fontspec, |
133 | -55x | -
- trim = trim- |
- ||
134 | -- |
- )- |
- ||
135 | -- |
- }- |
- ||
136 | -- |
- }- |
- ||
137 | -- | - - | -||
138 | -- |
- #' @describeIn split_funcs Drops levels that have no representation in the data.- |
- ||
139 | -+ | 375 | +10612x |
- #'+ col_gap = col_gap |
140 | +376 |
- #' @examples+ ) |
141 | -+ | |||
377 | +10612x |
- #' # drop_split_levels drops levels that are not present in the data+ ) ## col_gap not strictly necessary as these aren't rows, but why not |
142 | -+ | |||
378 | +10612x |
- #' lyt <- basic_table() %>%+ ret <- pagdfrow( |
143 | -+ | |||
379 | +10612x |
- #' split_rows_by("SEX", split_fun = drop_split_levels) %>%+ row = tt, |
144 | -+ | |||
380 | +10612x |
- #' analyze("AGE")+ rnum = rownum, |
145 | -+ | |||
381 | +10612x |
- #'+ colwidths = colwidths, |
146 | -+ | |||
382 | +10612x |
- #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM)+ sibpos = sibpos, |
147 | -+ | |||
383 | +10612x |
- #' tbl+ nsibs = nsibs, |
148 | -+ | |||
384 | +10612x |
- #'+ pth = c(path, unname(obj_name(tt))), |
149 | -+ | |||
385 | +10612x |
- #' @export+ repext = repr_ext, |
150 | -+ | |||
386 | +10612x |
- drop_split_levels <- function(df,+ repind = repr_inds, |
151 | -+ | |||
387 | +10612x |
- spl,+ indent = indent, |
152 | -+ | |||
388 | +10612x |
- vals = NULL,+ extent = nlines(tt, colwidths = colwidths, max_width = max_width, fontspec = fontspec, col_gap = col_gap), |
153 | +389 |
- labels = NULL,+ ## these two are unlist calls cause they come in lists even with no footnotes |
154 | -+ | |||
390 | +10612x |
- trim = FALSE) {+ nrowrefs = length(rrefs), |
155 | -168x | +391 | +10612x |
- var <- spl_payload(spl)+ ncellrefs = length(unlist(crefs)), |
156 | -168x | +392 | +10612x |
- df2 <- df+ nreflines = reflines, |
157 | -168x | +393 | +10612x |
- df2[[var]] <- factor(df[[var]])+ trailing_sep = trailing_section_div(tt), |
158 | -168x | +394 | +10612x |
- lblvar <- spl_label_var(spl)+ fontspec = fontspec |
159 | -168x | +|||
395 | +
- if (!is.null(lblvar)) {+ ) |
160 | -168x | +396 | +10612x |
- df2[[lblvar]] <- factor(df[[lblvar]])+ ret |
161 | +397 |
} |
162 | +398 | - - | -||
163 | -168x | -
- .apply_split_inner(spl, df2,- |
- ||
164 | -168x | -
- vals = vals,- |
- ||
165 | -168x | -
- labels = labels,+ ) |
166 | -168x | +|||
399 | +
- trim = trim+ |
167 | +400 |
- )+ # #' @exportMethod make_row_df |
168 | +401 |
- }+ #' @export |
169 | +402 |
+ #' @rdname formatters_methods |
170 | +403 |
- #' @describeIn split_funcs Removes specified levels `excl` and drops all levels that are+ setMethod( |
171 | +404 |
- #' not in the data.+ "make_row_df", "LabelRow", |
172 | +405 |
- #'+ function(tt, colwidths = NULL, visible_only = TRUE, |
173 | +406 |
- #' @examples+ rownum = 0, |
174 | +407 |
- #' # Removing "M" and "U" directly, then "UNDIFFERENTIATED" because not in data+ indent = 0L, |
175 | +408 |
- #' lyt <- basic_table() %>%+ path = "root", |
176 | +409 |
- #' split_rows_by("SEX", split_fun = drop_and_remove_levels(c("M", "U"))) %>%+ incontent = FALSE, |
177 | +410 |
- #' analyze("AGE")+ repr_ext = 0L, |
178 | +411 |
- #'+ repr_inds = integer(), |
179 | +412 |
- #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM)+ sibpos = NA_integer_, |
180 | +413 |
- #' tbl+ nsibs = NA_integer_, |
181 | +414 |
- #'+ max_width = NULL, |
182 | +415 |
- #' @export+ fontspec, |
183 | +416 |
- drop_and_remove_levels <- function(excl) {+ col_gap = 3) { |
184 | -4x | +417 | +3361x |
- stopifnot(is.character(excl))+ rownum <- rownum + 1 |
185 | -4x | +418 | +3361x |
- function(df, spl, vals = NULL, labels = NULL, trim = FALSE) {+ indent <- indent + indent_mod(tt) |
186 | -13x | +419 | +3361x |
- var <- spl_payload(spl)+ ret <- pagdfrow(tt, |
187 | -13x | +420 | +3361x |
- df2 <- df[!(df[[var]] %in% excl), ]+ extent = nlines(tt, colwidths = colwidths, max_width = max_width, fontspec = fontspec, col_gap = col_gap), |
188 | -13x | +421 | +3361x |
- df2[[var]] <- factor(df2[[var]])+ rnum = rownum, |
189 | -13x | +422 | +3361x |
- .apply_split_inner(+ colwidths = colwidths, |
190 | -13x | +423 | +3361x |
- spl,+ sibpos = sibpos, |
191 | -13x | +424 | +3361x |
- df2,+ nsibs = nsibs, |
192 | -13x | +425 | +3361x |
- vals = vals,+ pth = path, |
193 | -13x | +426 | +3361x |
- labels = labels,+ repext = repr_ext, |
194 | -13x | -
- trim = trim- |
- ||
195 | -- |
- )- |
- ||
196 | -- |
- }- |
- ||
197 | -- |
- }- |
- ||
198 | -- | - - | -||
199 | -- |
- #' @describeIn split_funcs Reorders split levels following `neworder`, which needs to be of- |
- ||
200 | -- |
- #' same size as the levels in data.- |
- ||
201 | -- |
- #'- |
- ||
202 | -- |
- #' @param neworder (`character`)\cr new order of factor levels. All need to be present in the data.- |
- ||
203 | -- |
- #' To add empty levels, rely on pre-processing or create your [custom_split_funs].- |
- ||
204 | -+ | 427 | +3361x |
- #' @param newlabels (`character`)\cr labels for (new order of) factor levels. If named, the levels are matched.+ repind = repr_inds, |
205 | -+ | |||
428 | +3361x |
- #' Otherwise, the order of `neworder` is used.+ indent = indent, |
206 | -+ | |||
429 | +3361x |
- #' @param drlevels (`flag`)\cr whether levels that are not in `neworder` should be dropped.+ nrowrefs = length(row_footnotes(tt)), |
207 | -+ | |||
430 | +3361x |
- #' Default is `TRUE`. Note: `drlevels = TRUE` does not drop levels that are not originally in the data.+ ncellrefs = 0L, |
208 | -+ | |||
431 | +3361x |
- #' Rely on pre-processing or use a combination of split functions with [make_split_fun()] to also drop+ nreflines = sum(vapply(row_footnotes(tt), nlines, NA_integer_, |
209 | -+ | |||
432 | +3361x |
- #' unused levels.+ colwidths = colwidths, |
210 | -+ | |||
433 | +3361x |
- #'+ max_width = max_width, |
211 | -+ | |||
434 | +3361x |
- #' @examples+ fontspec = fontspec, |
212 | -+ | |||
435 | +3361x |
- #' # Reordering levels in split variable+ col_gap = col_gap |
213 | +436 |
- #' lyt <- basic_table() %>%+ )), |
214 | -+ | |||
437 | +3361x |
- #' split_rows_by(+ trailing_sep = trailing_section_div(tt), |
215 | -+ | |||
438 | +3361x |
- #' "SEX",+ fontspec = fontspec |
216 | +439 |
- #' split_fun = reorder_split_levels(+ ) |
217 | -+ | |||
440 | +3361x |
- #' neworder = c("U", "F"),+ if (!labelrow_visible(tt)) { |
218 | -+ | |||
441 | +! |
- #' newlabels = c(U = "Uu", `F` = "Female")+ ret <- ret[0, , drop = FALSE] |
219 | +442 |
- #' )+ } |
220 | -+ | |||
443 | +3361x |
- #' ) %>%+ ret |
221 | +444 |
- #' analyze("AGE")+ } |
222 | +445 |
- #'+ ) |
223 | +446 |
- #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM)+ |
224 | +447 |
- #' tbl+ setGeneric("inner_col_df", function(ct, |
225 | +448 |
- #'+ colwidths = NULL, |
226 | +449 |
- #' # Reordering levels in split variable but keeping all the levels+ visible_only = TRUE, |
227 | +450 |
- #' lyt <- basic_table() %>%+ colnum = 0L, |
228 | +451 |
- #' split_rows_by(+ sibpos = NA_integer_, |
229 | +452 |
- #' "SEX",+ nsibs = NA_integer_, |
230 | +453 |
- #' split_fun = reorder_split_levels(+ ncolref = 0L, |
231 | +454 |
- #' neworder = c("U", "F"),+ na_str, |
232 | +455 |
- #' newlabels = c("Uu", "Female"),+ global_cc_format) { |
233 | -+ | |||
456 | +19388x |
- #' drlevels = FALSE+ standardGeneric("inner_col_df") |
234 | +457 |
- #' )+ }) |
235 | +458 |
- #' ) %>%+ |
236 | +459 |
- #' analyze("AGE")+ #' Column layout summary |
237 | +460 |
#' |
238 | +461 |
- #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM)+ #' Used for pagination. Generate a structural summary of the columns of an `rtables` table and return it as a |
239 | +462 |
- #' tbl+ #' `data.frame`. |
240 | +463 |
#' |
241 | +464 |
- #' @export+ #' @inheritParams formatters::make_row_df |
242 | +465 |
- reorder_split_levels <- function(neworder,+ #' @param ccount_format (`FormatSpec`)\cr The format to be used by default for |
243 | +466 |
- newlabels = neworder,+ #' column counts if one is not specified for an individual column count. |
244 | +467 |
- drlevels = TRUE) {- |
- ||
245 | -8x | -
- function(df, spl, trim, ...) {- |
- ||
246 | -8x | -
- df2 <- df- |
- ||
247 | -8x | -
- valvec <- df2[[spl_payload(spl)]]+ #' @param na_str (`character(1)`)\cr The string to display when a column count is NA. Users should not need to set this. |
248 | +468 |
+ #' @export |
249 | -8x | +|||
469 | +
- uni_vals <- .get_unique_levels(valvec)+ make_col_df <- function(tt, |
250 | +470 |
+ colwidths = NULL, |
251 | +471 |
- # No sense adding things that are not present -> creating unexpected NAs+ visible_only = TRUE, |
252 | -8x | +|||
472 | +
- if (!all(neworder %in% uni_vals)) {+ na_str = "", |
253 | -1x | +|||
473 | +
- stop(+ ccount_format = colcount_format(tt) %||% "(N=xx)") { |
254 | -1x | +474 | +3469x |
- "Attempted to reorder factor levels in split that are not present in data:\n",+ ctree <- coltree(tt, ccount_format = colcount_format(tt)) ## this is a null op if its already a coltree object |
255 | -1x | +475 | +3469x |
- .print_setdiff_error(neworder, uni_vals)+ rows <- inner_col_df(ctree, |
256 | +476 |
- )+ ## colwidths is currently unused anyway... propose_column_widths(matrix_form(tt, indent_rownames=TRUE)), |
257 | -+ | |||
477 | +3469x |
- }+ colwidths = colwidths, |
258 | -+ | |||
478 | +3469x |
+ visible_only = visible_only, |
259 | -+ | |||
479 | +3469x |
- # Keeping all levels also from before if not dropped+ colnum = 1L, |
260 | -7x | +480 | +3469x |
- diff_with_uni_vals <- setdiff(uni_vals, neworder)+ sibpos = 1L, |
261 | -7x | +481 | +3469x |
- if (!drlevels && length(diff_with_uni_vals) > 0) {+ nsibs = 1L, |
262 | -3x | +482 | +3469x |
- if (length(newlabels) > length(neworder)) {+ na_str = na_str, |
263 | -1x | +483 | +3469x |
- stop(+ global_cc_format = ccount_format |
264 | -1x | +484 | +3469x |
- "When keeping levels not in neworder (drlevels = FALSE), newlabels can ",+ ) ## nsiblings includes current so 1 means "only child" |
265 | -1x | +|||
485 | +
- "affect only selected neworder, and not other levels.\n",+ |
266 | -1x | +486 | +3469x |
- "Add labels for current neworder: ", paste0(neworder, collapse = ", ")+ do.call(rbind, rows) |
267 | +487 |
- )+ } |
268 | +488 |
- }+ |
269 | -2x | +|||
489 | +
- neworder <- c(neworder, diff_with_uni_vals)+ setMethod( |
270 | -2x | +|||
490 | +
- if (is.null(names(newlabels))) {+ "inner_col_df", "LayoutColLeaf", |
271 | -! | +|||
491 | +
- newlabels <- c(newlabels, diff_with_uni_vals)+ function(ct, colwidths, visible_only, |
272 | +492 |
- } else {+ colnum, |
273 | -2x | +|||
493 | +
- newlabels <- c(newlabels, setNames(diff_with_uni_vals, diff_with_uni_vals))+ sibpos, |
274 | +494 |
- }+ nsibs, |
275 | +495 |
- }+ na_str, |
276 | +496 |
+ global_cc_format) { |
277 | -6x | +497 | +12461x |
- valvec <- factor(valvec, levels = neworder)+ list(col_dfrow( |
278 | -+ | |||
498 | +12461x |
+ col = ct, |
279 | -+ | |||
499 | +12461x |
- # Labels+ cnum = colnum, |
280 | -6x | +500 | +12461x |
- if (!is.null(names(newlabels))) {+ sibpos = sibpos, |
281 | -5x | +501 | +12461x |
- if (any(!names(newlabels) %in% neworder)) {+ nsibs = nsibs, |
282 | -2x | +502 | +12461x |
- stop(+ leaf_indices = colnum, |
283 | -2x | +503 | +12461x |
- "Got labels' names for levels that are not present:\n",+ col_fnotes = col_footnotes(ct), |
284 | -2x | +504 | +12461x |
- setdiff(names(newlabels), neworder)+ ccount_na_str = na_str, |
285 | -+ | |||
505 | +12461x |
- )+ global_cc_format = global_cc_format |
286 | +506 |
- }+ )) |
287 | +507 |
- # To be safe: sorting by neworder+ } |
288 | -3x | +|||
508 | +
- newlabels <- newlabels[sapply(names(newlabels), function(x) which(x == neworder))]+ ) |
289 | -1x | +|||
509 | +
- } else if (length(neworder) != length(newlabels)) {+ |
290 | -1x | +|||
510 | +
- stop(+ setMethod( |
291 | -1x | +|||
511 | +
- "Got unnamed newlabels with different length than neworder. ",+ "inner_col_df", "LayoutColTree", |
292 | -1x | +|||
512 | +
- "Please provide names or make sure they are of the same length.\n",+ function(ct, colwidths, visible_only, |
293 | -1x | +|||
513 | +
- "Current neworder: ", paste0(neworder, collapse = ", ")+ colnum, |
294 | +514 |
- )+ sibpos, |
295 | +515 |
- }+ nsibs, |
296 | +516 |
+ na_str, |
297 | +517 |
- # Final values+ global_cc_format) { |
298 | -3x | +518 | +6927x |
- spl_child_order(spl) <- neworder+ kids <- tree_children(ct) |
299 | -3x | +519 | +6927x |
- df2[[spl_payload(spl)]] <- valvec+ ret <- vector("list", length(kids)) |
300 | -3x | +520 | +6927x |
- .apply_split_inner(spl, df2,+ for (i in seq_along(kids)) { |
301 | -3x | +521 | +15919x |
- vals = neworder,+ k <- kids[[i]] |
302 | -3x | +522 | +15919x |
- labels = newlabels,+ newrows <- do.call( |
303 | -3x | +523 | +15919x |
- trim = trim+ rbind, |
304 | -+ | |||
524 | +15919x |
- )+ inner_col_df(k, |
305 | -+ | |||
525 | +15919x |
- }+ colnum = colnum, |
306 | -+ | |||
526 | +15919x |
- }+ sibpos = i, |
307 | -+ | |||
527 | +15919x |
+ nsibs = length(kids), |
308 | -+ | |||
528 | +15919x |
- #' @describeIn split_funcs Takes the split groups and removes levels of `innervar` if not present in+ visible_only = visible_only, |
309 | -+ | |||
529 | +15919x |
- #' those split groups. If you want to specify a filter of possible combinations, please+ na_str = na_str, |
310 | -+ | |||
530 | +15919x |
- #' consider using [trim_levels_to_map()].+ global_cc_format = global_cc_format |
311 | +531 |
- #'+ ) |
312 | +532 |
- #' @param innervar (`string`)\cr variable whose factor levels should be trimmed (e.g. empty levels dropped)+ ) |
313 | -+ | |||
533 | +15919x |
- #' *separately within each grouping defined at this point in the structure*.+ colnum <- max(newrows$abs_pos, colnum, na.rm = TRUE) + 1 |
314 | -+ | |||
534 | +15919x |
- #' @param drop_outlevs (`flag`)\cr whether empty levels in the variable being split on (i.e. the "outer"+ ret[[i]] <- newrows |
315 | +535 |
- #' variable, not `innervar`) should be dropped. Defaults to `TRUE`.+ } |
316 | +536 |
- #'+ |
317 | -+ | |||
537 | +6927x |
- #' @examples+ if (!visible_only) { |
318 | -+ | |||
538 | +1300x |
- #' # trim_levels_in_group() trims levels within each group defined by the split variable+ allindices <- unlist(lapply(ret, function(df) df$abs_pos[!is.na(df$abs_pos)])) |
319 | -+ | |||
539 | +1300x |
- #' dat <- data.frame(+ thispth <- pos_to_path(tree_pos(ct)) |
320 | -+ | |||
540 | +1300x |
- #' col1 = factor(c("A", "B", "C"), levels = c("A", "B", "C", "N")),+ if (any(nzchar(thispth))) { |
321 | -+ | |||
541 | +644x |
- #' col2 = factor(c("a", "b", "c"), levels = c("a", "b", "c", "x"))+ thisone <- list(col_dfrow( |
322 | -+ | |||
542 | +644x |
- #' ) # N is removed if drop_outlevs = TRUE, x is removed always+ col = ct, |
323 | -+ | |||
543 | +644x |
- #'+ cnum = NA_integer_, |
324 | -+ | |||
544 | +644x |
- #' tbl <- basic_table() %>%+ leaf_indices = allindices, |
325 | -+ | |||
545 | +644x |
- #' split_rows_by("col1", split_fun = trim_levels_in_group("col2")) %>%+ sibpos = sibpos, |
326 | -+ | |||
546 | +644x |
- #' analyze("col2") %>%+ nsibs = nsibs, |
327 | -+ | |||
547 | +644x |
- #' build_table(dat)+ pth = thispth, |
328 | -+ | |||
548 | +644x |
- #' tbl+ col_fnotes = col_footnotes(ct), |
329 | -+ | |||
549 | +644x |
- #'+ ccount_na_str = na_str, |
330 | -+ | |||
550 | +644x |
- #' @export+ global_cc_format = global_cc_format |
331 | +551 |
- trim_levels_in_group <- function(innervar, drop_outlevs = TRUE) {- |
- ||
332 | -6x | -
- myfun <- function(df, spl, vals = NULL, labels = NULL, trim = FALSE) {+ )) |
333 | -6x | -
- if (!drop_outlevs) {- |
- ||
334 | -! | -
- ret <- .apply_split_inner(spl, df,- |
- ||
335 | -! | +552 | +644x |
- vals = vals,+ ret <- c(thisone, ret) |
336 | -! | +|||
553 | +
- labels = labels, trim = trim+ } |
337 | +554 |
- )+ } |
338 | +555 |
- } else {+ |
339 | -6x | +556 | +6927x |
- ret <- drop_split_levels(+ ret |
340 | -6x | +|||
557 | +
- df = df, spl = spl, vals = vals,+ } |
341 | -6x | +|||
558 | +
- labels = labels, trim = trim+ ) |
342 | +559 |
- )+ |
343 | +560 |
- }+ ## THIS INCLUDES BOTH "table stub" (i.e. column label and top_left) AND |
344 | +561 |
+ ## title/subtitle!!!!! |
345 | -6x | +|||
562 | +
- ret$datasplit <- lapply(ret$datasplit, function(x) {+ .header_rep_nlines <- function(tt, colwidths, max_width, fontspec, verbose = FALSE) { |
346 | -14x | +563 | +3x |
- coldat <- x[[innervar]]+ cinfo_lines <- nlines(col_info(tt), colwidths = colwidths, max_width = max_width, fontspec = fontspec) |
347 | -14x | -
- if (is(coldat, "character")) {- |
- ||
348 | -! | -
- if (!is.null(vals)) {- |
- ||
349 | -! | +564 | +3x |
- lvs <- vals+ if (any(nzchar(all_titles(tt)))) { |
350 | +565 |
- } else {+ ## +1 is for blank line between subtitles and divider |
351 | -! | +|||
566 | +2x |
- lvs <- unique(coldat)+ tlines <- sum(nlines(all_titles(tt), |
352 | -+ | |||
567 | +2x |
- }+ colwidths = colwidths, |
353 | -! | +|||
568 | +2x |
- coldat <- factor(coldat, levels = lvs) ## otherwise+ max_width = max_width, |
354 | -+ | |||
569 | +2x |
- } else {+ fontspec = fontspec |
355 | -14x | +570 | +2x |
- coldat <- droplevels(coldat)+ )) + divider_height(tt) + 1L |
356 | +571 |
- }- |
- ||
357 | -14x | -
- x[[innervar]] <- coldat+ } else { |
358 | -14x | +572 | +1x |
- x+ tlines <- 0 |
359 | +573 |
- })+ } |
360 | -6x | +574 | +3x |
- ret$labels <- as.character(ret$labels) # TODO+ ret <- cinfo_lines + tlines |
361 | -6x | +575 | +3x |
- ret+ if (verbose) { |
362 | -+ | |||
576 | +! |
- }+ message( |
363 | -6x | +|||
577 | +! |
- myfun+ "Lines required for header content: ", |
364 | -+ | |||
578 | +! |
- }+ ret, " (col info: ", cinfo_lines, ", titles: ", tlines, ")" |
365 | +579 |
+ ) |
366 | +580 |
- # add_combo_levels -------------------------------------------------------------+ } |
367 | -+ | |||
581 | +3x |
- # Dedicated docs are attached to default split functions+ ret |
368 | +582 |
- .add_combo_part_info <- function(part,+ } |
369 | +583 |
- df,+ |
370 | +584 |
- valuename,+ ## this is ***only*** lines that are expected to be repeated on multiple pages: |
371 | +585 |
- levels,+ ## main footer, prov footer, and referential footnotes on **columns** |
372 | +586 |
- label,+ |
373 | +587 |
- extras,+ .footer_rep_nlines <- function(tt, colwidths, max_width, have_cfnotes, fontspec, verbose = FALSE) { |
374 | -+ | |||
588 | +3x |
- first = TRUE) {+ flines <- nlines(main_footer(tt), |
375 | -24x | +589 | +3x |
- value <- LevelComboSplitValue(valuename, extras,+ colwidths = colwidths, |
376 | -24x | +590 | +3x |
- combolevels = levels,+ max_width = max_width - table_inset(tt), |
377 | -24x | +591 | +3x |
- label = label+ fontspec = fontspec |
378 | +592 |
- )- |
- ||
379 | -24x | -
- newdat <- setNames(list(df), valuename)+ ) + |
380 | -24x | +593 | +3x |
- newval <- setNames(list(value), valuename)+ nlines(prov_footer(tt), colwidths = colwidths, max_width = max_width, fontspec = fontspec) |
381 | -24x | +594 | +3x |
- newextra <- setNames(list(extras), valuename)+ if (flines > 0) { |
382 | -24x | +595 | +2x |
- if (first) {+ dl_contrib <- if (have_cfnotes) 0 else divider_height(tt) |
383 | -6x | +596 | +2x |
- part$datasplit <- c(newdat, part$datasplit)+ flines <- flines + dl_contrib + 1L |
384 | -6x | +|||
597 | +
- part$values <- c(newval, part$values)+ } |
385 | -6x | +|||
598 | +
- part$labels <- c(setNames(label, valuename), part$labels)+ |
386 | -6x | -
- part$extras <- c(newextra, part$extras)- |
- ||
387 | -+ | 599 | +3x |
- } else {+ if (verbose) { |
388 | -18x | +|||
600 | +! |
- part$datasplit <- c(part$datasplit, newdat)+ message( |
389 | -18x | +|||
601 | +! |
- part$values <- c(part$values, newval)+ "Determining lines required for footer content", |
390 | -18x | +|||
602 | +! |
- part$labels <- c(part$labels, setNames(label, valuename))+ if (have_cfnotes) " [column fnotes present]", |
391 | -18x | +|||
603 | +! |
- part$extras <- c(part$extras, newextra)+ ": ", flines, " lines" |
392 | +604 |
- }+ ) |
393 | +605 |
- ## not needed even in custom split function case.+ } |
394 | +606 |
- ## part = .fixupvals(part)+ |
395 | -24x | +607 | +3x |
- part+ flines |
396 | +608 |
} |
397 | +609 | |||
398 | -- |
- #' Add overall or combination levels to split groups- |
- ||
399 | +610 |
- #'+ # Pagination --------------------------------------------------------------- |
400 | +611 |
- #' @description+ |
401 | +612 |
- #' `add_overall_level` is a split function that adds a global level to the current levels in the split. Similarly,+ #' Pagination of a `TableTree` |
402 | +613 |
- #' `add_combo_df` uses a user-provided `data.frame` to define the combine the levels to be added. If you need a+ #' |
403 | +614 |
- #' single overall column, after all splits, please check [add_overall_col()]. Consider also defining+ #' Paginate an `rtables` table in the vertical and/or horizontal direction, as required for the specified page size. |
404 | +615 |
- #' your custom split function if you need more flexibility (see [custom_split_funs]).+ #' |
405 | +616 |
- #'+ #' @inheritParams gen_args |
406 | +617 |
- #' @inheritParams lyt_args+ #' @inheritParams paginate_table |
407 | +618 |
- #' @inheritParams sf_args+ #' @param lpp (`numeric(1)`)\cr maximum lines per page including (re)printed header and context rows. |
408 | +619 |
- #' @param valname (`string`)\cr value to be assigned to the implicit all-observations split level. Defaults to+ #' @param min_siblings (`numeric(1)`)\cr minimum sibling rows which must appear on either side of pagination row for a |
409 | +620 |
- #' `"Overall"`.+ #' mid-subtable split to be valid. Defaults to 2. |
410 | +621 |
- #' @param first (`flag`)\cr whether the implicit level should appear first (`TRUE`) or last (`FALSE`). Defaults+ #' @param nosplitin (`character`)\cr names of sub-tables where page-breaks are not allowed, regardless of other |
411 | +622 |
- #' to `TRUE`.+ #' considerations. Defaults to none. |
412 | +623 |
#' |
413 | +624 |
- #' @return A splitting function (`splfun`) that adds or changes the levels of a split.+ #' @return |
414 | +625 |
- #'+ #' * `pag_tt_indices` returns a list of paginated-groups of row-indices of `tt`. |
415 | +626 |
- #' @seealso [custom_split_funs] and [split_funcs].+ #' * `paginate_table` returns the subtables defined by subsetting by the indices defined by `pag_tt_indices`. |
416 | +627 |
#' |
417 | +628 |
- #' @examples+ #' @details |
418 | +629 |
- #' lyt <- basic_table() %>%+ #' `rtables` pagination is context aware, meaning that label rows and row-group summaries (content rows) are repeated |
419 | +630 |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM", split_fun = add_overall_level("All Patients",+ #' after (vertical) pagination, as appropriate. This allows the reader to immediately understand where they are in the |
420 | +631 |
- #' first = FALSE+ #' table after turning to a new page, but does also mean that a rendered, paginated table will take up more lines of |
421 | +632 |
- #' )) %>%+ #' text than rendering the table without pagination would. |
422 | +633 |
- #' analyze("AGE")+ #' |
423 | +634 |
- #'+ #' Pagination also takes into account word-wrapping of title, footer, column-label, and formatted cell value content. |
424 | +635 |
- #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM)+ #' |
425 | +636 |
- #' tbl+ #' Vertical pagination information (pagination `data.frame`) is created using (`make_row_df`). |
426 | +637 |
#' |
427 | +638 |
- #' lyt2 <- basic_table() %>%+ #' Horizontal pagination is performed by creating a pagination data frame for the columns, and then applying the same |
428 | +639 |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>%+ #' algorithm used for vertical pagination to it. |
429 | +640 |
- #' split_rows_by("RACE",+ #' |
430 | +641 |
- #' split_fun = add_overall_level("All Ethnicities")+ #' If physical page size and font information are specified, these are used to derive lines-per-page (`lpp`) and |
431 | +642 |
- #' ) %>%+ #' characters-per-page (`cpp`) values. |
432 | +643 |
- #' summarize_row_groups(label_fstr = "%s (n)") %>%+ #' |
433 | +644 |
- #' analyze("AGE")+ #' The full multi-direction pagination algorithm then is as follows: |
434 | +645 |
- #' lyt2+ #' |
435 | +646 |
- #'+ #' 0. Adjust `lpp` and `cpp` to account for rendered elements that are not rows (columns): |
436 | +647 |
- #' tbl2 <- build_table(lyt2, DM)+ #' - titles/footers/column labels, and horizontal dividers in the vertical pagination case |
437 | +648 |
- #' tbl2+ #' - row-labels, table_inset, and top-left materials in the horizontal case |
438 | +649 |
- #'+ #' 1. Perform 'forced pagination' representing page-by row splits, generating 1 or more tables. |
439 | +650 |
- #' @export+ #' 2. Perform vertical pagination separately on each table generated in (1). |
440 | +651 |
- add_overall_level <- function(valname = "Overall",+ #' 3. Perform horizontal pagination **on the entire table** and apply the results to each table |
441 | +652 |
- label = valname,+ #' page generated in (1)-(2). |
442 | +653 |
- extra_args = list(),+ #' 4. Return a list of subtables representing full bi-directional pagination. |
443 | +654 |
- first = TRUE,+ #' |
444 | +655 |
- trim = FALSE) {- |
- ||
445 | -6x | -
- combodf <- data.frame(- |
- ||
446 | -6x | -
- valname = valname,- |
- ||
447 | -6x | -
- label = label,- |
- ||
448 | -6x | -
- levelcombo = I(list(select_all_levels)),- |
- ||
449 | -6x | -
- exargs = I(list(extra_args)),- |
- ||
450 | -6x | -
- stringsAsFactors = FALSE+ #' Pagination in both directions is done using the *Core Pagination Algorithm* implemented in the `formatters` package: |
451 | +656 |
- )- |
- ||
452 | -6x | -
- add_combo_levels(combodf,+ #' |
453 | -6x | +|||
657 | +
- trim = trim, first = first+ #' @inheritSection formatters::pagination_algo Pagination Algorithm |
454 | +658 |
- )+ #' |
455 | +659 |
- }+ #' @examples |
456 | +660 |
+ #' s_summary <- function(x) { |
457 | +661 |
- setClass("AllLevelsSentinel", contains = "character")+ #' if (is.numeric(x)) { |
458 | +662 |
+ #' in_rows( |
459 | +663 |
- # nocov start+ #' "n" = rcell(sum(!is.na(x)), format = "xx"), |
460 | +664 |
- #' @rdname add_overall_level+ #' "Mean (sd)" = rcell(c(mean(x, na.rm = TRUE), sd(x, na.rm = TRUE)), |
461 | +665 |
- #' @export+ #' format = "xx.xx (xx.xx)" |
462 | +666 |
- select_all_levels <- new("AllLevelsSentinel")+ #' ), |
463 | +667 |
- # nocov end+ #' "IQR" = rcell(IQR(x, na.rm = TRUE), format = "xx.xx"), |
464 | +668 |
+ #' "min - max" = rcell(range(x, na.rm = TRUE), format = "xx.xx - xx.xx") |
465 | +669 |
- #' @param combosdf (`data.frame` or `tbl_df`)\cr a data frame with columns `valname`, `label`, `levelcombo`, and+ #' ) |
466 | +670 |
- #' `exargs`. `levelcombo` and `exargs` should be list columns. Passing the `select_all_levels` object as a value in+ #' } else if (is.factor(x)) { |
467 | +671 |
- #' `comblevels` column indicates that an overall/all-observations level should be created.+ #' vs <- as.list(table(x)) |
468 | +672 |
- #' @param keep_levels (`character` or `NULL`)\cr if non-`NULL`, the levels to retain across both combination and+ #' do.call(in_rows, lapply(vs, rcell, format = "xx")) |
469 | +673 |
- #' individual levels.+ #' } else { |
470 | +674 |
- #'+ #' ( |
471 | +675 |
- #' @inherit add_overall_level return+ #' stop("type not supported") |
472 | +676 |
- #'+ #' ) |
473 | +677 |
- #' @note+ #' } |
474 | +678 |
- #' Analysis or summary functions for which the order matters should never be used within the tabulation framework.+ #' } |
475 | +679 |
#' |
476 | +680 |
- #' @examplesIf require(tibble)+ #' lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
477 | +681 |
- #'+ #' split_cols_by(var = "ARM") %>% |
478 | +682 |
- #' library(tibble)+ #' analyze(c("AGE", "SEX", "BEP01FL", "BMRKR1", "BMRKR2", "COUNTRY"), afun = s_summary) |
479 | +683 |
- #' combodf <- tribble(+ #' |
480 | +684 |
- #' ~valname, ~label, ~levelcombo, ~exargs,+ #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, ex_adsl) |
481 | +685 |
- #' "A_B", "Arms A+B", c("A: Drug X", "B: Placebo"), list(),+ #' tbl |
482 | +686 |
- #' "A_C", "Arms A+C", c("A: Drug X", "C: Combination"), list()+ #' |
483 | +687 |
- #' )+ #' nrow(tbl) |
484 | +688 |
#' |
485 | +689 |
- #' lyt <- basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>%+ #' row_paths_summary(tbl) |
486 | +690 |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM", split_fun = add_combo_levels(combodf)) %>%+ #' |
487 | +691 |
- #' analyze("AGE")+ #' tbls <- paginate_table(tbl, lpp = 15) |
488 | +692 |
- #'+ #' mf <- matrix_form(tbl, indent_rownames = TRUE) |
489 | +693 |
- #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM)+ #' w_tbls <- propose_column_widths(mf) # so that we have the same column widths |
490 | +694 |
- #' tbl+ #' |
491 | +695 |
#' |
492 | +696 |
- #' lyt1 <- basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>%+ #' tmp <- lapply(tbls, function(tbli) { |
493 | +697 |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM",+ #' cat(toString(tbli, widths = w_tbls)) |
494 | +698 |
- #' split_fun = add_combo_levels(combodf,+ #' cat("\n\n") |
495 | +699 |
- #' keep_levels = c(+ #' cat("~~~~ PAGE BREAK ~~~~") |
496 | +700 |
- #' "A_B",+ #' cat("\n\n") |
497 | +701 |
- #' "A_C"+ #' }) |
498 | +702 |
- #' )+ #' |
499 | +703 |
- #' )+ #' @rdname paginate |
500 | +704 |
- #' ) %>%+ #' @export |
501 | +705 |
- #' analyze("AGE")+ pag_tt_indices <- function(tt, |
502 | +706 |
- #'+ lpp = 15, |
503 | +707 |
- #' tbl1 <- build_table(lyt1, DM)+ min_siblings = 2, |
504 | +708 |
- #' tbl1+ nosplitin = character(), |
505 | +709 |
- #'+ colwidths = NULL, |
506 | +710 |
- #' smallerDM <- droplevels(subset(DM, SEX %in% c("M", "F") &+ max_width = NULL, |
507 | +711 |
- #' grepl("^(A|B)", ARM)))+ fontspec = NULL, |
508 | +712 |
- #' lyt2 <- basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>%+ col_gap = 3, |
509 | +713 |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM", split_fun = add_combo_levels(combodf[1, ])) %>%+ verbose = FALSE) { |
510 | -+ | |||
714 | +3x |
- #' split_cols_by("SEX",+ dheight <- divider_height(tt) |
511 | +715 |
- #' split_fun = add_overall_level("SEX_ALL", "All Genders")+ |
512 | +716 |
- #' ) %>%+ # cinfo_lines <- nlines(col_info(tt), colwidths = colwidths, max_width = max_width) |
513 | -+ | |||
717 | +3x |
- #' analyze("AGE")+ coldf <- make_col_df(tt, colwidths) |
514 | -+ | |||
718 | +3x |
- #'+ have_cfnotes <- length(unlist(coldf$col_fnotes)) > 0 |
515 | +719 |
- #' lyt3 <- basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>%+ |
516 | -+ | |||
720 | +3x |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM", split_fun = add_combo_levels(combodf)) %>%+ hlines <- .header_rep_nlines(tt, |
517 | -+ | |||
721 | +3x |
- #' split_rows_by("SEX",+ colwidths = colwidths, max_width = max_width, |
518 | -+ | |||
722 | +3x |
- #' split_fun = add_overall_level("SEX_ALL", "All Genders")+ verbose = verbose, |
519 | -+ | |||
723 | +3x |
- #' ) %>%+ fontspec = fontspec |
520 | +724 |
- #' summarize_row_groups() %>%+ ) |
521 | +725 |
- #' analyze("AGE")+ ## if(any(nzchar(all_titles(tt)))) { |
522 | +726 |
- #'+ ## tlines <- sum(nlines(all_titles(tt), colwidths = colwidths, max_width = max_width)) + |
523 | +727 |
- #' tbl3 <- build_table(lyt3, smallerDM)+ ## length(wrap_txt(all_titles(tt), max_width = max_width)) + |
524 | +728 |
- #' tbl3+ ## dheight + 1L |
525 | +729 |
- #'+ ## } else { |
526 | +730 |
- #' @rdname add_overall_level+ ## tlines <- 0 |
527 | +731 |
- #' @export+ ## } |
528 | +732 |
- add_combo_levels <- function(combosdf,+ ## flines <- nlines(main_footer(tt), colwidths = colwidths, |
529 | +733 |
- trim = FALSE,+ ## max_width = max_width - table_inset(tt)) + |
530 | +734 |
- first = FALSE,+ ## nlines(prov_footer(tt), colwidths = colwidths, max_width = max_width) |
531 | +735 |
- keep_levels = NULL) {- |
- ||
532 | -14x | -
- myfun <- function(df, spl, vals = NULL, labels = NULL, ...) {- |
- ||
533 | -19x | -
- if (is(spl, "MultiVarSplit")) {- |
- ||
534 | -1x | -
- stop("Combining levels of a MultiVarSplit does not make sense.",- |
- ||
535 | -1x | -
- call. = FALSE+ ## if(flines > 0) { |
536 | +736 |
- )+ ## dl_contrib <- if(have_cfnotes) 0 else dheight |
537 | -14x | +|||
737 | +
- } # nocov+ ## flines <- flines + dl_contrib + 1L |
538 | -18x | +|||
738 | +
- ret <- .apply_split_inner(spl, df,+ ## } |
539 | -18x | +739 | +3x |
- vals = vals,+ flines <- .footer_rep_nlines(tt, |
540 | -18x | -
- labels = labels, trim = trim- |
- ||
541 | -+ | 740 | +3x |
- )+ colwidths = colwidths, |
542 | -18x | +741 | +3x |
- for (i in seq_len(nrow(combosdf))) {+ max_width = max_width, |
543 | -24x | +742 | +3x |
- lcombo <- combosdf[i, "levelcombo", drop = TRUE][[1]]+ have_cfnotes = have_cfnotes, |
544 | -24x | +743 | +3x |
- spld <- spl_payload(spl)+ fontspec = fontspec, |
545 | -24x | +744 | +3x |
- if (is(lcombo, "AllLevelsSentinel")) {+ verbose = verbose |
546 | -6x | +|||
745 | +
- subdf <- df+ ) |
547 | -18x | +|||
746 | +
- } else if (is(spl, "VarLevelSplit")) {+ ## row lines per page |
548 | -18x | +747 | +3x |
- subdf <- df[df[[spld]] %in% lcombo, ]+ rlpp <- lpp - hlines - flines |
549 | -14x | -
- } else { ## this covers non-var splits, e.g. Cut-based splits- |
- ||
550 | -! | +748 | +3x |
- stopifnot(all(lcombo %in% c(ret$labels, ret$vals)))+ if (verbose) { |
551 | +749 | ! |
- subdf <- do.call(+ message( |
552 | +750 | ! |
- rbind,+ "Adjusted Lines Per Page: ", |
553 | +751 | ! |
- ret$datasplit[names(ret$datasplit) %in% lcombo | ret$vals %in% lcombo]+ rlpp, " (original lpp: ", lpp, ")" |
554 | +752 |
- )+ ) |
555 | +753 |
- }- |
- ||
556 | -24x | -
- ret <- .add_combo_part_info(+ } |
557 | -24x | +754 | +3x |
- ret, subdf,+ pagdf <- make_row_df(tt, colwidths, max_width = max_width) |
558 | -24x | +|||
755 | +
- combosdf[i, "valname", drop = TRUE],+ |
559 | -24x | +756 | +3x |
- lcombo,+ pag_indices_inner(pagdf, |
560 | -24x | +757 | +3x |
- combosdf[i, "label", drop = TRUE],+ rlpp = rlpp, min_siblings = min_siblings, |
561 | -24x | +758 | +3x |
- combosdf[i, "exargs", drop = TRUE][[1]],+ nosplitin = nosplitin, |
562 | -24x | -
- first- |
- ||
563 | -- |
- )- |
- ||
564 | -+ | 759 | +3x |
- }+ verbose = verbose, |
565 | -18x | +760 | +3x |
- if (!is.null(keep_levels)) {+ have_col_fnotes = have_cfnotes, |
566 | +761 | 3x |
- keep_inds <- value_names(ret$values) %in% keep_levels+ div_height = dheight, |
567 | +762 | 3x |
- ret <- lapply(ret, function(x) x[keep_inds])- |
- |
568 | -- |
- }- |
- ||
569 | -- |
+ col_gap = col_gap, |
570 | -18x | +763 | +3x |
- ret+ has_rowlabels = TRUE |
571 | +764 |
- }- |
- ||
572 | -14x | -
- myfun+ ) |
573 | +765 |
} |
574 | +766 | |||
575 | -- |
- #' Trim levels to map- |
- ||
576 | -- |
- #'- |
- ||
577 | -- |
- #' This split function constructor creates a split function which trims levels of a variable to reflect restrictions- |
- ||
578 | -- |
- #' on the possible combinations of two or more variables which the data is split by (along the same axis) within a- |
- ||
579 | -- |
- #' layout.- |
- ||
580 | -- |
- #'- |
- ||
581 | -- |
- #' @param map data.frame. A data.frame defining allowed combinations of- |
- ||
582 | +767 |
- #' variables. Any combination at the level of this split not present in the+ copy_title_footer <- function(to, from, newptitle) { |
583 | -+ | |||
768 | +18x |
- #' map will be removed from the data, both for the variable being split and+ main_title(to) <- main_title(from) |
584 | -+ | |||
769 | +18x |
- #' those present in the data but not associated with this split or any parents+ subtitles(to) <- subtitles(from) |
585 | -+ | |||
770 | +18x |
- #' of it.+ page_titles(to) <- c(page_titles(from), newptitle) |
586 | -+ | |||
771 | +18x |
- #'+ main_footer(to) <- main_footer(from) |
587 | -+ | |||
772 | +18x |
- #' @details+ prov_footer(to) <- prov_footer(from) |
588 | -+ | |||
773 | +18x |
- #' When splitting occurs, the map is subset to the values of all previously performed splits. The levels of the+ to |
589 | +774 |
- #' variable being split are then pruned to only those still present within this subset of the map representing the+ } |
590 | +775 |
- #' current hierarchical splitting context.+ |
591 | +776 |
- #'+ pag_btw_kids <- function(tt) { |
592 | -+ | |||
777 | +8x |
- #' Splitting is then performed via the [keep_split_levels()] split function.+ pref <- ptitle_prefix(tt) |
593 | -+ | |||
778 | +8x |
- #'+ lapply( |
594 | -+ | |||
779 | +8x |
- #' Each resulting element of the partition is then further trimmed by pruning values of any remaining variables+ tree_children(tt), |
595 | -+ | |||
780 | +8x |
- #' specified in the map to those values allowed under the combination of the previous and current split.+ function(tbl) { |
596 | -+ | |||
781 | +18x |
- #'+ tbl <- copy_title_footer( |
597 | -+ | |||
782 | +18x |
- #' @return A function that can be used as a split function.+ tbl, tt, |
598 | -+ | |||
783 | +18x |
- #'+ paste(pref, obj_label(tbl), sep = ": ") |
599 | +784 |
- #' @seealso [trim_levels_in_group()].+ ) |
600 | -+ | |||
785 | +18x |
- #'+ labelrow_visible(tbl) <- FALSE |
601 | -+ | |||
786 | +18x |
- #' @examples+ tbl |
602 | +787 |
- #' map <- data.frame(+ } |
603 | +788 |
604 | +789 |
- #' PARAMCD = c("ALT", "CRP", "CRP", "IGA"),+ } |
605 | +790 |
- #' ANRIND = c("LOW", "LOW", "HIGH", "HIGH"),+ |
606 | +791 |
- #' stringsAsFactors = FALSE+ force_paginate <- function(tt, |
607 | +792 |
- #' )+ force_pag = vapply(tree_children(tt), has_force_pag, NA), |
608 | +793 |
- #'+ verbose = FALSE) { |
609 | +794 |
- #' lyt <- basic_table() %>%+ ## forced pagination is happening at this |
610 | -+ | |||
795 | +113x |
- #' split_rows_by("LBCAT") %>%+ if (has_force_pag(tt)) { |
611 | -+ | |||
796 | +8x |
- #' split_rows_by("PARAMCD", split_fun = trim_levels_to_map(map = map)) %>%+ ret <- pag_btw_kids(tt) |
612 | -+ | |||
797 | +8x |
- #' analyze("ANRIND")+ return(unlist(lapply(ret, force_paginate))) |
613 | +798 |
- #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, ex_adlb)+ } |
614 | -+ | |||
799 | +105x |
- #'+ chunks <- list() |
615 | -+ | |||
800 | +105x |
- #' @export+ kinds <- seq_along(force_pag) |
616 | -+ | |||
801 | +105x |
- trim_levels_to_map <- function(map = NULL) {+ while (length(kinds) > 0) { |
617 | -7x | +802 | +105x |
- if (is.null(map) || any(sapply(map, class) != "character")) {+ if (force_pag[kinds[1]]) { |
618 | +803 | ! |
- stop(+ outertbl <- copy_title_footer( |
619 | +804 | ! |
- "No map dataframe was provided or not all of the columns are of ",+ tree_children(tt)[[kinds[1]]], |
620 | +805 | ! |
- "type character."+ tt, |
621 | -+ | |||
806 | +! |
- )+ NULL |
622 | +807 |
- }+ ) |
623 | +808 | |||
624 | -7x | -
- myfun <- function(df,- |
- ||
625 | -7x | +|||
809 | +! |
- spl,+ chunks <- c(chunks, force_paginate(outertbl)) |
626 | -7x | +|||
810 | +! |
- vals = NULL,+ kinds <- kinds[-1] |
627 | -7x | +|||
811 | +
- labels = NULL,+ } else { |
628 | -7x | +812 | +105x |
- trim = FALSE,+ tmptbl <- tt |
629 | -7x | +813 | +105x |
- .spl_context) {+ runend <- min(which(force_pag[kinds]), length(kinds)) |
630 | -12x | +814 | +105x |
- allvars <- colnames(map)+ useinds <- 1:runend |
631 | -12x | -
- splvar <- spl_payload(spl)- |
- ||
632 | -+ | 815 | +105x |
+ tree_children(tmptbl) <- tree_children(tt)[useinds] |
633 | -12x | +816 | +105x |
- allvmatches <- match(.spl_context$split, allvars)+ chunks <- c(chunks, tmptbl) |
634 | -12x | +817 | +105x |
- outvars <- allvars[na.omit(allvmatches)]+ kinds <- kinds[-useinds] |
635 | +818 |
- ## invars are variables present in data, but not in+ } |
636 | +819 |
- ## previous or current splits- |
- ||
637 | -12x | -
- invars <- intersect(- |
- ||
638 | -12x | -
- setdiff(allvars, c(outvars, splvar)),+ } |
639 | -12x | +820 | +105x |
- names(df)+ unlist(chunks, recursive = TRUE) |
640 | +821 |
- )+ } |
641 | +822 |
- ## allvarord <- c(na.omit(allvmatches), ## appear in prior splits+ |
642 | +823 |
- ## which(allvars == splvar), ## this split+ #' @importFrom formatters do_forced_paginate |
643 | +824 |
- ## allvars[-1*na.omit(allvmatches)]) ## "outvars"+ setMethod( |
644 | +825 |
+ "do_forced_paginate", "VTableTree", |
645 | -+ | |||
826 | +95x |
- ## allvars <- allvars[allvarord]+ function(obj) force_paginate(obj) |
646 | +827 |
- ## outvars <- allvars[-(which(allvars == splvar):length(allvars))]- |
- ||
647 | -12x | -
- if (length(outvars) > 0) {- |
- ||
648 | -10x | -
- indfilters <- vapply(outvars, function(ivar) {+ ) |
649 | -12x | +|||
828 | +
- obsval <- .spl_context$value[match(ivar, .spl_context$split)]+ |
650 | -12x | +829 | +186x |
- sprintf("%s == '%s'", ivar, obsval)+ non_null_na <- function(x) !is.null(x) && is.na(x) |
651 | +830 |
- }, "")+ |
652 | +831 |
+ #' @inheritParams formatters::vert_pag_indices |
653 | -10x | +|||
832 | +
- allfilters <- paste(indfilters, collapse = " & ")+ #' @inheritParams formatters::page_lcpp |
654 | -10x | +|||
833 | +
- map <- map[eval(parse(text = allfilters), envir = map), ]+ #' @inheritParams formatters::toString |
655 | +834 |
- }+ #' @param cpp (`numeric(1)` or `NULL`)\cr width (in characters) of the pages for horizontal pagination. |
656 | -12x | +|||
835 | +
- map_splvarpos <- which(names(map) == splvar)+ #' `NA` (the default) indicates `cpp` should be inferred from the page size; `NULL` indicates no horizontal |
657 | -12x | +|||
836 | +
- nondup <- !duplicated(map[[splvar]])+ #' pagination should be done regardless of page size. |
658 | -12x | +|||
837 | +
- ksl_fun <- keep_split_levels(+ #' |
659 | -12x | +|||
838 | +
- only = map[[splvar]][nondup],+ #' @rdname paginate |
660 | -12x | +|||
839 | +
- reorder = TRUE+ #' @aliases paginate_table |
661 | +840 |
- )+ #' @export |
662 | -12x | +|||
841 | +
- ret <- ksl_fun(df, spl, vals, labels, trim = trim)+ paginate_table <- function(tt, |
663 | +842 |
+ page_type = "letter", |
664 | -12x | +|||
843 | +
- if (length(ret$datasplit) == 0) {+ font_family = "Courier", |
665 | -1x | +|||
844 | +
- msg <- paste(sprintf("%s[%s]", .spl_context$split, .spl_context$value),+ font_size = 8, |
666 | -1x | +|||
845 | +
- collapse = "->"+ lineheight = 1, |
667 | +846 |
- )+ landscape = FALSE, |
668 | -1x | +|||
847 | +
- stop(+ pg_width = NULL, |
669 | -1x | +|||
848 | +
- "map does not allow any values present in data for split ",+ pg_height = NULL, |
670 | -1x | +|||
849 | +
- "variable ", splvar,+ margins = c(top = .5, bottom = .5, left = .75, right = .75), |
671 | -1x | +|||
850 | +
- " under the following parent splits:\n\t", msg+ lpp = NA_integer_, |
672 | +851 |
- )+ cpp = NA_integer_, |
673 | +852 |
- }+ min_siblings = 2, |
674 | +853 |
+ nosplitin = character(), |
675 | +854 |
- ## keep non-split (inner) variables levels+ colwidths = NULL, |
676 | -11x | +|||
855 | +
- ret$datasplit <- lapply(ret$values, function(splvar_lev) {+ tf_wrap = FALSE, |
677 | -19x | +|||
856 | +
- df3 <- ret$datasplit[[splvar_lev]]+ max_width = NULL, |
678 | -19x | +|||
857 | +
- curmap <- map[map[[map_splvarpos]] == splvar_lev, ]+ fontspec = font_spec(font_family, font_size, lineheight), |
679 | +858 |
- ## loop through inner variables+ col_gap = 3, |
680 | -19x | +|||
859 | +
- for (iv in invars) { ## setdiff(colnames(map), splvar)) {+ verbose = FALSE) { |
681 | -19x | +860 | +51x |
- iv_lev <- df3[[iv]]+ new_dev <- open_font_dev(fontspec) |
682 | -19x | +861 | +51x |
- levkeep <- as.character(unique(curmap[[iv]]))+ if (new_dev) { |
683 | -19x | -
- if (is.factor(iv_lev) && !all(levkeep %in% levels(iv_lev))) {- |
- ||
684 | -! | -
- stop(- |
- ||
685 | -! | -
- "Attempted to keep invalid factor level(s) in split ",- |
- ||
686 | -! | -
- setdiff(levkeep, levels(iv_lev))- |
- ||
687 | -+ | 862 | +38x |
- )+ on.exit(close_font_dev()) |
688 | +863 |
- }+ } |
689 | +864 | |||
690 | -19x | -
- df3 <- df3[iv_lev %in% levkeep, , drop = FALSE]- |
- ||
691 | -+ | 865 | +51x |
+ if ((non_null_na(lpp) || non_null_na(cpp)) && |
692 | -19x | +866 | +51x |
- if (is.factor(iv_lev)) {+ (!is.null(page_type) || (!is.null(pg_width) && !is.null(pg_height)))) { # nolint |
693 | -19x | +867 | +12x |
- df3[[iv]] <- factor(as.character(df3[[iv]]),+ pg_lcpp <- page_lcpp( |
694 | -19x | +868 | +12x |
- levels = levkeep+ page_type = page_type, |
695 | -+ | |||
869 | +12x |
- )+ font_family = font_family, |
696 | -+ | |||
870 | +12x |
- }+ font_size = font_size, |
697 | -+ | |||
871 | +12x |
- }+ lineheight = lineheight, |
698 | -+ | |||
872 | +12x |
+ pg_width = pg_width, |
699 | -19x | +873 | +12x |
- df3+ pg_height = pg_height, |
700 | -+ | |||
874 | +12x |
- })+ margins = margins, |
701 | -11x | +875 | +12x |
- names(ret$datasplit) <- ret$values+ landscape = landscape, |
702 | -11x | +876 | +12x |
- ret+ fontspec = fontspec |
703 | +877 |
- }+ ) |
704 | +878 | |||
705 | -7x | -
- myfun- |
- ||
706 | -- |
- }- |
1 | -- |
- #' Find degenerate (sub)structures within a table- |
- ||
2 | -- |
- #'- |
- ||
3 | -+ | 879 | +12x |
- #' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`+ if (non_null_na(lpp)) { |
4 | -+ | |||
880 | +6x |
- #'+ lpp <- pg_lcpp$lpp |
5 | +881 |
- #' This function returns a list with the row-paths to all structural subtables which contain no data rows (even if+ } |
6 | -+ | |||
882 | +12x |
- #' they have associated content rows).+ if (is.na(cpp)) { |
7 | -+ | |||
883 | +8x |
- #'+ cpp <- pg_lcpp$cpp |
8 | +884 |
- #' @param tt (`TableTree`)\cr a `TableTree` object.+ } |
9 | +885 |
- #'+ } else { |
10 | -+ | |||
886 | +39x |
- #' @return A list of character vectors representing the row paths, if any, to degenerate substructures within the table.+ if (non_null_na(cpp)) { |
11 | -+ | |||
887 | +! |
- #'+ cpp <- NULL |
12 | +888 |
- #' @examples+ } |
13 | -+ | |||
889 | +39x |
- #' find_degen_struct(rtable("hi"))+ if (non_null_na(lpp)) { |
14 | -+ | |||
890 | +! |
- #'+ lpp <- 70 |
15 | +891 |
- #' @family table structure validation functions+ } |
16 | +892 |
- #' @export+ } |
17 | +893 |
- find_degen_struct <- function(tt) {+ |
18 | -7x | +894 | +51x |
- degen <- list()+ if (is.null(colwidths)) { |
19 | -+ | |||
895 | +34x |
+ colwidths <- propose_column_widths( |
20 | -7x | +896 | +34x |
- recurse_check <- function(tti, path) {+ matrix_form( |
21 | -103x | +897 | +34x |
- if (is(tti, "VTableTree")) {+ tt, |
22 | -103x | +898 | +34x |
- kids <- tree_children(tti)+ indent_rownames = TRUE, |
23 | -103x | +899 | +34x |
- if (length(kids) == 0) {+ fontspec = fontspec, |
24 | -69x | +900 | +34x |
- degen <<- c(degen, list(path))+ col_gap = col_gap |
25 | +901 |
- } else {+ ), |
26 | +902 | 34x |
- for (i in seq_along(kids)) {- |
- |
27 | -96x | -
- recurse_check(kids[[i]], path = c(path, names(kids)[i]))+ fontspec = fontspec |
28 | +903 |
- }+ ) |
29 | +904 |
- }+ } |
30 | +905 |
- }+ |
31 | -+ | |||
906 | +51x |
- }+ if (!tf_wrap) { |
32 | -7x | +907 | +41x |
- recurse_check(tt, obj_name(tt) %||% "root")+ if (!is.null(max_width)) { |
33 | -7x | +|||
908 | +! |
- degen+ warning("tf_wrap is FALSE - ignoring non-null max_width value.") |
34 | +909 |
- }+ } |
35 | -+ | |||
910 | +41x |
+ max_width <- NULL |
36 | -+ | |||
911 | +10x |
- #' Validate and assert valid table structure+ } else if (is.null(max_width)) { |
37 | -+ | |||
912 | +5x |
- #'+ max_width <- cpp |
38 | -+ | |||
913 | +5x |
- #' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`+ } else if (identical(max_width, "auto")) { |
39 | +914 |
- #'+ ## XXX this 3 is column sep width!!!!!!! |
40 | -+ | |||
915 | +! |
- #' A `TableTree` (`rtables`-built table) is considered degenerate if:+ max_width <- sum(colwidths) + col_gap * (length(colwidths) - 1) |
41 | +916 |
- #' \enumerate{+ } |
42 | -+ | |||
917 | +51x |
- #' \item{It contains no subtables or data rows (content rows do not count).}+ if (!is.null(cpp) && !is.null(max_width) && max_width > cpp) { |
43 | -+ | |||
918 | +! |
- #' \item{It contains a subtable which is degenerate by the criterion above.}+ warning("max_width specified is wider than characters per page width (cpp).") |
44 | +919 |
- #' }+ } |
45 | +920 |
- #'+ |
46 | +921 |
- #' `validate_table_struct` assesses whether `tt` has a valid (non-degenerate) structure.+ ## taken care of in vert_pag_indices now |
47 | +922 |
- #'+ ## if(!is.null(cpp)) |
48 | +923 |
- #' `assert_valid_table` asserts a table must have a valid structure, and throws an informative error (the default) or+ ## cpp <- cpp - table_inset(tt) |
49 | +924 |
- #' warning (if `warn_only` is `TRUE`) if the table is degenerate (has invalid structure or contains one or more+ |
50 | -+ | |||
925 | +51x |
- #' invalid substructures.+ force_pag <- vapply(tree_children(tt), has_force_pag, TRUE) |
51 | -+ | |||
926 | +51x |
- #'+ if (has_force_pag(tt) || any(force_pag)) { |
52 | -+ | |||
927 | +5x |
- #' @param tt (`TableTree`)\cr a `TableTree` object.+ spltabs <- do_forced_paginate(tt) |
53 | -+ | |||
928 | +5x |
- #'+ spltabs <- unlist(spltabs, recursive = TRUE) |
54 | -+ | |||
929 | +5x |
- #' @return+ ret <- lapply(spltabs, paginate_table, |
55 | -+ | |||
930 | +5x | +
+ lpp = lpp,+ |
+ ||
931 | +5x |
- #' * `validate_table_struct` returns a logical value indicating valid structure.+ cpp = cpp, |
56 | -+ | |||
932 | +5x |
- #' * `assert_valid_table` is called for its side-effect of throwing an error or warning for degenerate tables.+ min_siblings = min_siblings, |
57 | -+ | |||
933 | +5x |
- #'+ nosplitin = nosplitin, |
58 | -+ | |||
934 | +5x |
- #' @note This function is experimental and the exact text of the warning/error is subject to change in future releases.+ colwidths = colwidths, |
59 | -+ | |||
935 | +5x |
- #'+ tf_wrap = tf_wrap, |
60 | -+ | |||
936 | +5x |
- #' @examples+ max_width = max_width, |
61 | -+ | |||
937 | +5x |
- #' validate_table_struct(rtable("hahaha"))+ fontspec = fontspec, |
62 | -+ | |||
938 | +5x |
- #' \dontrun{+ verbose = verbose, |
63 | -+ | |||
939 | +5x |
- #' assert_valid_table(rtable("oops"))+ col_gap = col_gap |
64 | +940 |
- #' }+ ) |
65 | -+ | |||
941 | +5x |
- #'+ return(unlist(ret, recursive = TRUE)) |
66 | +942 |
- #' @family table structure validation functions+ } |
67 | +943 |
- #' @export+ |
68 | -+ | |||
944 | +46x |
- validate_table_struct <- function(tt) {+ inds <- paginate_indices(tt, |
69 | -1x | +945 | +46x |
- degen_pths <- find_degen_struct(tt)+ page_type = page_type, |
70 | -1x | +946 | +46x |
- length(degen_pths) == 0+ fontspec = fontspec, |
71 | +947 |
- }+ ## font_family = font_family, |
72 | +948 |
+ ## font_size = font_size, |
73 | +949 |
- ## XXX this doesn't handle content paths correctly+ ## lineheight = lineheight, |
74 | -+ | |||
950 | +46x |
- .path_to_disp <- function(pth) {+ landscape = landscape, |
75 | -4x | +951 | +46x |
- if (length(pth) == 1) {+ pg_width = pg_width, |
76 | -1x | +952 | +46x |
- return(pth)+ pg_height = pg_height, |
77 | -+ | |||
953 | +46x |
- }+ margins = margins, |
78 | -3x | +954 | +46x |
- has_cont <- any(pth == "@content")+ lpp = lpp, |
79 | -3x | +955 | +46x |
- if (has_cont) {+ cpp = cpp, |
80 | -! | +|||
956 | +46x |
- contpos <- which(pth == "@content")+ min_siblings = min_siblings, |
81 | -! | +|||
957 | +46x |
- cont_disp <- paste(tail(pth, length(pth) - contpos + 1),+ nosplitin = nosplitin, |
82 | -! | +|||
958 | +46x |
- collapse = "->"+ colwidths = colwidths, |
83 | -+ | |||
959 | +46x |
- )+ tf_wrap = tf_wrap, |
84 | -! | +|||
960 | +46x |
- pth <- head(pth, contpos)+ max_width = max_width, |
85 | -+ | |||
961 | +46x |
- } else {+ col_gap = col_gap, |
86 | -3x | +962 | +46x |
- cont_disp <- character()+ verbose = verbose |
87 | -+ | |||
963 | +46x |
- }+ ) ## paginate_table apparently doesn't accept indent_size |
88 | +964 | |||
89 | -3x | +965 | +41x |
- topaste <- character(0)+ res <- lapply( |
90 | -3x | +966 | +41x |
- fullpth <- pth+ inds$pag_row_indices, |
91 | -3x | +967 | +41x |
- while (length(pth) > 0) {+ function(ii) { |
92 | -6x | -
- if (length(pth) <= 1) {- |
- ||
93 | -! | +968 | +115x |
- topaste <- c(topaste, pth)+ subt <- tt[ii, drop = FALSE, keep_titles = TRUE, keep_topleft = TRUE, reindex_refs = FALSE] |
94 | -! | +|||
969 | +115x |
- pth <- character()+ lapply( |
95 | -+ | |||
970 | +115x |
- } else {+ inds$pag_col_indices, |
96 | -6x | +971 | +115x |
- topaste <- c(topaste, sprintf("%s[%s]", pth[1], pth[2]))+ function(jj) { |
97 | -6x | +972 | +214x |
- pth <- tail(pth, -2)+ subt[, jj, drop = FALSE, keep_titles = TRUE, keep_topleft = TRUE, reindex_refs = FALSE] |
98 | +973 |
- }+ } |
99 | +974 |
- }- |
- ||
100 | -3x | -
- topaste <- c(topaste, cont_disp)- |
- ||
101 | -3x | -
- paste(topaste, collapse = "->")+ ) |
102 | +975 |
- }+ } |
103 | +976 |
+ ) |
104 | -+ | |||
977 | +41x |
- no_analyze_guess <- paste0(+ res <- unlist(res, recursive = FALSE) |
105 | -+ | |||
978 | +41x |
- "Was this table created using ",+ res |
106 | +979 |
- "summarize_row_groups but no calls ",+ } |
107 | +1 |
- "to analyze?\n"+ treestruct <- function(obj, ind = 0L) { |
108 | -+ | |||
2 | +19x |
- )+ nc <- ncol(obj) |
109 | -+ | |||
3 | +19x |
+ cat(rep(" ", times = ind), |
110 | -+ | |||
4 | +19x |
- use_sanitize_msg <- paste(" Use sanitize_table_struct() to fix these issues")+ sprintf("[%s] %s", class(obj), obj_name(obj)), |
111 | -+ | |||
5 | +19x |
+ sep = "" |
112 | +6 |
- make_degen_message <- function(degen_pths, tt) {+ ) |
113 | -2x | +7 | +19x |
- msg <- sprintf(+ if (!is(obj, "ElementaryTable") && nrow(obj@content) > 0) { |
114 | -2x | +8 | +6x |
- paste0(+ crows <- nrow(content_table(obj)) |
115 | -2x | +9 | +6x |
- "Invalid table - found %d (sub)structures which contain no data rows.",+ ccols <- if (crows == 0) 0 else nc |
116 | -2x | +10 | +6x |
- "\n\tThe first occured at path: %s"+ cat(sprintf( |
117 | -+ | |||
11 | +6x |
- ),+ " [cont: %d x %d]", |
118 | -2x | +12 | +6x |
- length(degen_pths), .path_to_disp(degen_pths[[1]])+ crows, ccols |
119 | +13 |
- )+ )) |
120 | -2x | +|||
14 | +
- if (length(degen_pths) == 1 && length(degen_pths[[1]]) == 1) {+ } |
121 | -1x | +15 | +19x |
- msg <- paste(msg, " Likely Cause: Empty data or first row split on variable with only NA values",+ if (is(obj, "VTableTree") && length(tree_children(obj))) { |
122 | -1x | +16 | +19x |
- sep = "\n"+ kids <- tree_children(obj) |
123 | -+ | |||
17 | +19x |
- )+ if (are(kids, "TableRow")) { |
124 | -1x | +18 | +9x |
- } else if (all(make_row_df(tt)$node_class %in% c("LabelRow", "ContentRow"))) {+ cat(sprintf( |
125 | -1x | +19 | +9x |
- msg <- paste(msg, " Cause: Layout did not contain any analyze() calls (only summarize_row_groups())",+ " (%d x %d)\n", |
126 | -1x | +20 | +9x |
- sep = "\n"+ length(kids), nc |
127 | +21 |
- )+ )) |
128 | +22 |
- }+ } else { |
129 | -2x | +23 | +10x |
- msg <- paste(msg, use_sanitize_msg, sep = "\n")+ cat("\n") |
130 | -2x | +24 | +10x |
- msg+ lapply(kids, treestruct, ind = ind + 1) |
131 | +25 |
- }+ } |
132 | +26 |
+ } |
133 | -+ | |||
27 | +19x |
- #' @param warn_only (`flag`)\cr whether a warning should be thrown instead of an error. Defaults to `FALSE`.+ invisible(NULL) |
134 | +28 |
- #'+ } |
135 | +29 |
- #' @rdname validate_table_struct+ |
136 | +30 |
- #' @export+ setGeneric( |
137 | +31 |
- assert_valid_table <- function(tt, warn_only = FALSE) {- |
- ||
138 | -2x | -
- degen_pths <- find_degen_struct(tt)+ "ploads_to_str", |
139 | -2x | -
- if (length(degen_pths) == 0) {- |
- ||
140 | -! | +32 | +103x |
- return(TRUE)+ function(x, collapse = ":") standardGeneric("ploads_to_str") |
141 | +33 |
- }+ ) |
142 | +34 | |||
143 | +35 |
- ## we failed, now we build an informative error/warning message+ setMethod( |
144 | -2x | +|||
36 | +
- msg <- make_degen_message(degen_pths, tt)+ "ploads_to_str", "Split", |
145 | +37 |
+ function(x, collapse = ":") { |
146 | -2x | +38 | +52x |
- if (!warn_only) {+ paste(sapply(spl_payload(x), ploads_to_str), |
147 | -2x | +39 | +52x |
- stop(msg)+ collapse = collapse |
148 | +40 |
- }- |
- ||
149 | -! | -
- warning(msg)+ ) |
150 | -! | +|||
41 | +
- return(FALSE)+ } |
151 | +42 |
- }+ ) |
152 | +43 | |||
153 | +44 |
- #' Sanitize degenerate table structures+ setMethod( |
154 | +45 |
- #'+ "ploads_to_str", "CompoundSplit", |
155 | +46 |
- #' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`+ function(x, collapse = ":") { |
156 | -+ | |||
47 | +6x |
- #'+ paste(sapply(spl_payload(x), ploads_to_str), |
157 | -+ | |||
48 | +6x |
- #' Experimental function to correct structure of degenerate tables by adding messaging rows to empty sub-structures.+ collapse = collapse |
158 | +49 |
- #'+ ) |
159 | +50 |
- #' @param tt (`TableTree`)\cr a `TableTree` object.+ } |
160 | +51 |
- #' @param empty_msg (`string`)\cr the string which should be spanned across the inserted empty rows.+ ) |
161 | +52 |
- #'+ |
162 | +53 |
- #' @details+ setMethod( |
163 | +54 |
- #' This function locates degenerate portions of the table (including the table overall in the case of a table with no+ "ploads_to_str", "list", |
164 | +55 |
- #' data rows) and inserts a row which spans all columns with the message `empty_msg` at each one, generating a table+ function(x, collapse = ":") { |
165 | -+ | |||
56 | +! |
- #' guaranteed to be non-degenerate.+ stop("Please contact the maintainer") |
166 | +57 |
- #'+ } |
167 | +58 |
- #' @return If `tt` is already valid, it is returned unmodified. If `tt` is degenerate, a modified, non-degenerate+ ) |
168 | +59 |
- #' version of the table is returned.+ |
169 | +60 |
- #'+ setMethod( |
170 | +61 |
- #' @examples+ "ploads_to_str", "SplitVector", |
171 | +62 |
- #' sanitize_table_struct(rtable("cool beans"))+ function(x, collapse = ":") { |
172 | -+ | |||
63 | +8x |
- #'+ sapply(x, ploads_to_str) |
173 | +64 |
- #' lyt <- basic_table() %>%+ } |
174 | +65 |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>%+ ) |
175 | +66 |
- #' split_rows_by("SEX") %>%+ |
176 | +67 |
- #' summarize_row_groups()+ setMethod( |
177 | +68 |
- #'+ "ploads_to_str", "ANY", |
178 | +69 |
- #' ## Degenerate because it doesn't have any analyze calls -> no data rows+ function(x, collapse = ":") { |
179 | -+ | |||
70 | +37x |
- #' badtab <- build_table(lyt, DM)+ paste(x) |
180 | +71 |
- #' sanitize_table_struct(badtab)+ } |
181 | +72 |
- #'+ ) |
182 | +73 |
- #' @family table structure validation functions+ + |
+ ||
74 | +47x | +
+ setGeneric("payloadmsg", function(spl) standardGeneric("payloadmsg")) |
183 | +75 |
- #' @export+ |
184 | +76 |
- sanitize_table_struct <- function(tt, empty_msg = "-- This Section Contains No Data --") {+ setMethod( |
185 | -4x | +|||
77 | +
- rdf <- make_row_df(tt)+ "payloadmsg", "VarLevelSplit", |
186 | +78 |
+ function(spl) { |
187 | -4x | +79 | +45x |
- emptyrow <- DataRow(+ spl_payload(spl) |
188 | -4x | +|||
80 | +
- vals = list(empty_msg),+ } |
189 | -4x | +|||
81 | +
- name = "empty_section",+ ) |
190 | -4x | +|||
82 | +
- label = "",+ |
191 | -4x | +|||
83 | +
- cspan = ncol(tt),+ setMethod( |
192 | -4x | +|||
84 | +
- cinfo = col_info(tt),+ "payloadmsg", "MultiVarSplit", |
193 | -4x | +85 | +2x |
- format = "xx",+ function(spl) "var" |
194 | -4x | +|||
86 | +
- table_inset = table_inset(tt)+ ) |
195 | +87 |
- )+ |
196 | -4x | +|||
88 | +
- degen_pths <- find_degen_struct(tt)+ setMethod( |
197 | +89 |
+ "payloadmsg", "VarLevWBaselineSplit", |
198 | -4x | +|||
90 | +
- if (identical(degen_pths, list("root"))) {+ function(spl) { |
199 | -2x | +|||
91 | +! |
- tree_children(tt) <- list(empty_row = emptyrow)+ paste0( |
200 | -2x | +|||
92 | +! |
- return(tt)+ spl_payload(spl), "[bsl ", |
201 | -+ | |||
93 | +! |
- }+ spl@ref_group_value, # XXX XXX |
202 | +94 | - - | -||
203 | -2x | -
- for (pth in degen_pths) {+ "]" |
204 | +95 |
- ## FIXME this shouldn't be necessary. why is it?+ ) |
205 | -33x | +|||
96 | +
- tti <- tt_at_path(tt, path = pth)+ } |
206 | -33x | +|||
97 | +
- tree_children(tti) <- list(empty_section = emptyrow)+ ) |
207 | -33x | +|||
98 | +
- tt_at_path(tt, path = pth) <- tti+ |
208 | +99 |
- }+ setMethod( |
209 | -2x | +|||
100 | +
- tt+ "payloadmsg", "ManualSplit", |
210 | -+ | |||
101 | +! |
- }+ function(spl) "mnl" |
1 | +102 |
- ## NB handling the case where there are no values is done during tabulation+ ) |
2 | +103 |
- ## which is the only reason expression(TRUE) is ok, because otherwise+ |
3 | +104 |
- ## we (sometimes) run into+ setMethod( |
4 | +105 |
- ## factor()[TRUE] giving <NA> (i.e. length 1)+ "payloadmsg", "AllSplit", |
5 | -4313x | +|||
106 | +! |
- setGeneric("make_subset_expr", function(spl, val) standardGeneric("make_subset_expr"))+ function(spl) "all" |
6 | +107 |
+ ) |
7 | +108 |
- setMethod(+ |
8 | +109 |
- "make_subset_expr", "VarLevelSplit",+ setMethod( |
9 | +110 |
- function(spl, val) {+ "payloadmsg", "ANY", |
10 | +111 |
- ## this is how custom split functions will communicate the correct expression+ function(spl) { |
11 | -+ | |||
112 | +! |
- ## to the column modeling code+ warning("don't know how to make payload print message for Split of class", class(spl)) |
12 | -3194x | +|||
113 | +! |
- if (length(value_expr(val)) > 0) {+ "XXX" |
13 | -12x | +|||
114 | +
- return(value_expr(val))+ } |
14 | +115 |
- }+ ) |
15 | +116 | |||
16 | -3182x | +|||
117 | +
- v <- unlist(rawvalues(val))+ spldesc <- function(spl, value = "") { |
17 | -+ | |||
118 | +32x |
- ## XXX if we're including all levels should even missing be included?+ value <- rawvalues(value) |
18 | -3182x | +119 | +32x |
- if (is(v, "AllLevelsSentinel")) {+ payloadmsg <- payloadmsg(spl) |
19 | -9x | +120 | +32x |
- as.expression(bquote((!is.na(.(a))), list(a = as.name(spl_payload(spl)))))+ format <- "%s (%s)" |
20 | -+ | |||
121 | +32x |
- } else {+ sprintf( |
21 | -3173x | +122 | +32x |
- as.expression(bquote((!is.na(.(a)) & .(a) %in% .(b)), list(+ format, |
22 | -3173x | +123 | +32x |
- a = as.name(spl_payload(spl)),+ value, |
23 | -3173x | +124 | +32x |
- b = v+ payloadmsg |
24 | +125 |
- )))+ ) |
25 | +126 |
- }+ } |
26 | +127 |
- }+ |
27 | +128 |
- )+ layoutmsg <- function(obj) { |
28 | +129 |
+ ## if(!is(obj, "VLayoutNode")) |
29 | +130 |
- setMethod(+ ## stop("how did a non layoutnode object get in docatlayout??") |
30 | +131 |
- "make_subset_expr", "MultiVarSplit",+ |
31 | -+ | |||
132 | +28x |
- function(spl, val) {+ pos <- tree_pos(obj) |
32 | -+ | |||
133 | +28x |
- ## this is how custom split functions will communicate the correct expression+ spllst <- pos_splits(pos) |
33 | -+ | |||
134 | +28x |
- ## to the column modeling code+ spvallst <- pos_splvals(pos) |
34 | -300x | +135 | +28x |
- if (length(value_expr(val)) > 0) {+ if (is(obj, "LayoutAxisTree")) { |
35 | -! | +|||
136 | +12x |
- return(value_expr(val))+ kids <- tree_children(obj) |
36 | -+ | |||
137 | +12x |
- }+ return(unlist(lapply(kids, layoutmsg))) |
37 | +138 |
+ } |
38 | +139 |
- ## v = rawvalues(val)+ |
39 | -+ | |||
140 | +16x |
- ## as.expression(bquote(!is.na(.(a)), list(a = v)))+ msg <- paste( |
40 | -300x | +141 | +16x |
- expression(TRUE)+ collapse = " -> ", |
41 | -+ | |||
142 | +16x |
- }+ mapply(spldesc, |
42 | -+ | |||
143 | +16x |
- )+ spl = spllst, |
43 | -+ | |||
144 | +16x |
+ value = spvallst |
44 | +145 |
- setMethod(+ ) |
45 | +146 |
- "make_subset_expr", "AnalyzeVarSplit",+ ) |
46 | -+ | |||
147 | +16x |
- function(spl, val) {+ msg |
47 | -! | +|||
148 | +
- if (avar_inclNAs(spl)) {+ } |
48 | -! | +|||
149 | +
- expression(TRUE)+ |
49 | +150 |
- } else {+ setMethod( |
50 | -! | +|||
151 | +
- as.expression(bquote(+ "show", "LayoutAxisTree", |
51 | -! | +|||
152 | +
- !is.na(.(a)),+ function(object) { |
52 | -! | +|||
153 | +2x |
- list(a = as.name(spl_payload(spl)))+ msg <- layoutmsg(object) |
53 | -+ | |||
154 | +2x |
- ))+ cat(msg, "\n") |
54 | -+ | |||
155 | +2x |
- }+ invisible(object) |
55 | +156 |
} |
56 | +157 |
) |
57 | +158 | |||
58 | +159 |
- setMethod(+ |
59 | +160 |
- "make_subset_expr", "AnalyzeColVarSplit",+ #' Display column tree structure |
60 | +161 |
- function(spl, val) {+ #' |
61 | -! | +|||
162 | +
- expression(TRUE)+ #' Displays the tree structure of the columns of a |
62 | +163 |
- }+ #' table or column structure object. |
63 | +164 |
- )+ #' |
64 | +165 |
+ #' @inheritParams gen_args |
65 | +166 |
- ## XXX these are going to be ridiculously slow+ #' |
66 | +167 |
- ## FIXME+ #' @return Nothing, called for its side effect of displaying |
67 | +168 |
+ #' a summary to the terminal. |
68 | +169 |
- setMethod(+ #' |
69 | +170 |
- "make_subset_expr", "VarStaticCutSplit",+ #' @examples |
70 | +171 |
- function(spl, val) {+ #' lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
71 | -135x | +|||
172 | +
- v <- rawvalues(val)+ #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>% |
72 | +173 |
- ## as.expression(bquote(which(cut(.(a), breaks=.(brk), labels = .(labels),+ #' split_cols_by("STRATA1") %>% |
73 | -135x | +|||
174 | +
- as.expression(bquote(+ #' split_cols_by("SEX", nested = FALSE) %>% |
74 | -135x | +|||
175 | +
- cut(.(a),+ #' analyze("AGE") |
75 | -135x | +|||
176 | +
- breaks = .(brk), labels = .(labels),+ #' |
76 | -135x | +|||
177 | +
- include.lowest = TRUE+ #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, ex_adsl) |
77 | -135x | +|||
178 | +
- ) == .(b),+ #' coltree_structure(tbl) |
78 | -135x | +|||
179 | +
- list(+ #' @export |
79 | -135x | +|||
180 | +
- a = as.name(spl_payload(spl)),+ coltree_structure <- function(obj) { |
80 | -135x | +181 | +1x |
- b = v,+ ctree <- coltree(obj) |
81 | -135x | +182 | +1x |
- brk = spl_cuts(spl),+ cat(layoutmsg2(ctree)) |
82 | -135x | +|||
183 | +
- labels = spl_cutlabels(spl)+ } |
83 | +184 |
- )+ |
84 | +185 |
- ))+ lastposmsg <- function(pos) { |
85 | -+ | |||
186 | +6x |
- }+ spls <- pos_splits(pos) |
86 | -+ | |||
187 | +6x |
- )+ splvals <- value_names(pos_splvals(pos)) |
87 | -+ | |||
188 | +6x |
+ indiv_msgs <- unlist(mapply(function(spl, valnm) paste(obj_name(spl), valnm, sep = ": "), |
88 | -+ | |||
189 | +6x |
- ## NB this assumes spl_cutlabels(spl) is in order!!!!!!+ spl = spls, |
89 | -+ | |||
190 | +6x |
- setMethod(+ valnm = splvals, |
90 | -+ | |||
191 | +6x |
- "make_subset_expr", "CumulativeCutSplit",+ SIMPLIFY = FALSE |
91 | +192 |
- function(spl, val) {+ )) |
92 | -63x | +193 | +6x |
- v <- rawvalues(val)+ paste(indiv_msgs, collapse = " -> ") |
93 | +194 |
- ## as.expression(bquote(which(as.integer(cut(.(a), breaks=.(brk),+ } |
94 | -63x | +|||
195 | +
- as.expression(bquote(+ |
95 | -63x | +|||
196 | +
- as.integer(cut(.(a),+ layoutmsg2 <- function(obj, level = 1) { |
96 | -63x | +197 | +7x |
- breaks = .(brk),+ nm <- obj_name(obj) |
97 | -63x | +198 | +7x |
- labels = .(labels),+ pos <- tree_pos(obj) |
98 | -63x | +199 | +7x |
- include.lowest = TRUE+ nopos <- identical(pos, EmptyTreePos) |
99 | +200 |
- )) <=+ |
100 | -63x | +201 | +7x |
- as.integer(factor(.(b), levels = .(labels))),+ msg <- paste0(strrep(" ", times = 2 * (level - 1)), "[", nm, "] (", if (nopos) "no pos" else lastposmsg(pos), ")\n") |
101 | -63x | +202 | +7x |
- list(+ if (is(obj, "LayoutAxisTree")) { |
102 | -63x | +203 | +3x |
- a = as.name(spl_payload(spl)),+ kids <- tree_children(obj) |
103 | -63x | +204 | +3x |
- b = v,+ msg <- c(msg, unlist(lapply(kids, layoutmsg2, level = level + 1))) |
104 | -63x | +|||
205 | +
- brk = spl_cuts(spl),+ } |
105 | -63x | -
- labels = spl_cutlabels(spl)- |
- ||
106 | -+ | 206 | +7x |
- )+ msg |
107 | +207 |
- ))+ } |
108 | +208 |
- }+ |
109 | -+ | |||
209 | +46x |
- )+ setGeneric("spltype_abbrev", function(obj) standardGeneric("spltype_abbrev")) |
110 | +210 | |||
111 | +211 |
- ## I think this one is unnecessary,+ setMethod( |
112 | +212 |
- ## build_table collapses DynCutSplits into+ "spltype_abbrev", "VarLevelSplit", |
113 | -+ | |||
213 | +4x |
- ## static ones.+ function(obj) "lvls" |
114 | +214 |
- ##+ ) |
115 | +215 |
- ## XXX TODO fixme+ |
116 | +216 |
- ## setMethod("make_subset_expr", "VarDynCutSplit",+ setMethod( |
117 | +217 |
- ## function(spl, val) {+ "spltype_abbrev", "VarLevWBaselineSplit", |
118 | -+ | |||
218 | +5x |
- ## v = rawvalues(val)+ function(obj) paste("ref_group", obj@ref_group_value) |
119 | +219 |
- ## ## as.expression(bquote(which(.(fun)(.(a)) == .(b)),+ ) |
120 | +220 |
- ## as.expression(bquote(.(fun)(.(a)) == .(b)),+ |
121 | +221 |
- ## list(a = as.name(spl_payload(spl)),+ setMethod( |
122 | +222 |
- ## b = v,+ "spltype_abbrev", "MultiVarSplit", |
123 | -+ | |||
223 | +! |
- ## fun = spl@cut_fun))+ function(obj) "vars" |
124 | +224 |
- ## })+ ) |
125 | +225 | |||
126 | +226 |
setMethod( |
127 | +227 |
- "make_subset_expr", "AllSplit",+ "spltype_abbrev", "VarStaticCutSplit", |
128 | -327x | +228 | +10x |
- function(spl, val) expression(TRUE)+ function(obj) "scut" |
129 | +229 |
) |
130 | -- | - - | -||
131 | -- |
- ## probably don't need this- |
- ||
132 | +230 | |||
133 | +231 |
setMethod( |
134 | +232 |
- "make_subset_expr", "expression",+ "spltype_abbrev", "VarDynCutSplit", |
135 | -! | +|||
233 | +5x |
- function(spl, val) spl+ function(obj) "dcut" |
136 | +234 |
) |
137 | +235 |
+ setMethod( |
138 | +236 |
- setMethod(+ "spltype_abbrev", "AllSplit", |
139 | -+ | |||
237 | +15x |
- "make_subset_expr", "character",+ function(obj) "all obs" |
140 | +238 |
- function(spl, val) {- |
- ||
141 | -! | -
- newspl <- VarLevelSplit(spl, spl)- |
- ||
142 | -! | -
- make_subset_expr(newspl, val)+ ) |
143 | +239 |
- }+ ## setMethod("spltype_abbrev", "NULLSplit", |
144 | +240 |
- )+ ## function(obj) "no obs") |
145 | +241 | |||
146 | +242 |
- .combine_subset_exprs <- function(ex1, ex2) {- |
- ||
147 | -2934x | -
- if (is.null(ex1) || identical(ex1, expression(TRUE))) {- |
- ||
148 | -1864x | -
- if (is.expression(ex2) && !identical(ex2, expression(TRUE))) {- |
- ||
149 | -1419x | -
- return(ex2)+ setMethod( |
150 | +243 |
- } else {+ "spltype_abbrev", "AnalyzeVarSplit", |
151 | -445x | -
- return(expression(TRUE))- |
- ||
152 | -+ | 244 | +1x |
- }+ function(obj) "** analysis **" |
153 | +245 |
- }+ ) |
154 | +246 | |||
155 | +247 |
- ## if(is.null(ex2))+ setMethod( |
156 | +248 |
- ## ex2 <- expression(TRUE)- |
- ||
157 | -1070x | -
- stopifnot(is.expression(ex1), is.expression(ex2))+ "spltype_abbrev", "CompoundSplit", |
158 | -1070x | +|||
249 | +! |
- as.expression(bquote((.(a)) & .(b), list(a = ex1[[1]], b = ex2[[1]])))+ function(obj) paste("compound", paste(sapply(spl_payload(obj), spltype_abbrev), collapse = " ")) |
159 | +250 |
- }+ ) |
160 | +251 | |||
161 | -- |
- make_pos_subset <- function(spls = pos_splits(pos),- |
- ||
162 | +252 |
- svals = pos_splvals(pos),+ setMethod( |
163 | +253 |
- pos) {- |
- ||
164 | -1003x | -
- expr <- NULL+ "spltype_abbrev", "AnalyzeMultiVars", |
165 | -1003x | +254 | +6x |
- for (i in seq_along(spls)) {+ function(obj) "** multivar analysis **" |
166 | -1555x | +|||
255 | +
- newexpr <- make_subset_expr(spls[[i]], svals[[i]])+ ) |
167 | -1555x | +|||
256 | +
- expr <- .combine_subset_exprs(expr, newexpr)+ setMethod( |
168 | +257 |
- }+ "spltype_abbrev", "AnalyzeColVarSplit", |
169 | -1003x | +|||
258 | +! |
- expr+ function(obj) "** col-var analysis **" |
170 | +259 |
- }+ ) |
171 | +260 | |||
172 | +261 |
- get_pos_extra <- function(svals = pos_splvals(pos),+ docat_splitvec <- function(object, indent = 0) { |
173 | -+ | |||
262 | +8x |
- pos) {+ if (indent > 0) { |
174 | -1009x | +|||
263 | +! |
- ret <- list()+ cat(rep(" ", times = indent), sep = "") |
175 | -1009x | +|||
264 | +
- for (i in seq_along(svals)) {+ } |
176 | -1567x | +265 | +8x |
- extrs <- splv_extra(svals[[i]])+ if (length(object) == 1L && is(object[[1]], "VTableNodeInfo")) { |
177 | -1567x | +|||
266 | +! |
- if (any(names(ret) %in% names(extrs))) {+ tab <- object[[1]] |
178 | +267 | ! |
- stop("same extra argument specified at multiple levels of nesting. Not currently supported")+ msg <- sprintf( |
179 | -+ | |||
268 | +! |
- }+ "A Pre-Existing Table [%d x %d]", |
180 | -1567x | +|||
269 | +! |
- ret <- c(ret, extrs)+ nrow(tab), ncol(tab) |
181 | +270 |
- }- |
- ||
182 | -1009x | -
- ret+ ) |
183 | +271 |
- }+ } else { |
184 | -+ | |||
272 | +8x |
+ plds <- ploads_to_str(object) ## lapply(object, spl_payload)) |
185 | +273 |
- get_col_extras <- function(ctree) {+ |
186 | -320x | +274 | +8x |
- leaves <- collect_leaves(ctree)+ tabbrev <- sapply(object, spltype_abbrev) |
187 | -320x | +275 | +8x |
- lapply(+ msg <- paste( |
188 | -320x | +276 | +8x |
- leaves,+ collapse = " -> ", |
189 | -320x | +277 | +8x |
- function(x) get_pos_extra(pos = tree_pos(x))+ paste0(plds, " (", tabbrev, ")") |
190 | +278 |
- )+ ) |
191 | +279 |
- }+ } |
192 | -+ | |||
280 | +8x |
+ cat(msg, "\n") |
193 | +281 |
- setGeneric(+ } |
194 | +282 |
- "make_col_subsets",- |
- ||
195 | -1322x | -
- function(lyt, df) standardGeneric("make_col_subsets")+ |
196 | +283 |
- )+ setMethod( |
197 | +284 |
+ "show", "SplitVector", |
198 | +285 |
- setMethod(+ function(object) { |
199 | -+ | |||
286 | +1x |
- "make_col_subsets", "LayoutColTree",+ cat("A SplitVector Pre-defining a Tree Structure\n\n") |
200 | -+ | |||
287 | +1x |
- function(lyt, df) {+ docat_splitvec(object) |
201 | -319x | +288 | +1x |
- leaves <- collect_leaves(lyt)+ cat("\n") |
202 | -319x | +289 | +1x |
- lapply(leaves, make_col_subsets)+ invisible(object) |
203 | +290 |
} |
204 | +291 |
) |
205 | +292 | |||
206 | +293 |
- setMethod(+ docat_predataxis <- function(object, indent = 0) { |
207 | -+ | |||
294 | +6x |
- "make_col_subsets", "LayoutColLeaf",+ lapply(object, docat_splitvec) |
208 | +295 |
- function(lyt, df) {+ } |
209 | -1003x | +|||
296 | +
- make_pos_subset(pos = tree_pos(lyt))+ |
210 | +297 |
- }+ setMethod( |
211 | +298 |
- )+ "show", "PreDataColLayout", |
212 | +299 |
+ function(object) { |
213 | -+ | |||
300 | +1x |
- create_colinfo <- function(lyt, df, rtpos = TreePos(),+ cat("A Pre-data Column Layout Object\n\n")+ |
+ ||
301 | +1x | +
+ docat_predataxis(object)+ |
+ ||
302 | +1x | +
+ invisible(object) |
214 | +303 |
- counts = NULL,+ } |
215 | +304 |
- alt_counts_df = NULL,+ ) |
216 | +305 |
- total = NULL,+ |
217 | +306 |
- topleft = NULL) {+ setMethod( |
218 | +307 |
- ## this will work whether clayout is pre or post+ "show", "PreDataRowLayout", |
219 | +308 |
- ## data+ function(object) { |
220 | -325x | +309 | +1x |
- clayout <- clayout(lyt)+ cat("A Pre-data Row Layout Object\n\n") |
221 | -325x | +310 | +1x |
- if (is.null(topleft)) {+ docat_predataxis(object) |
222 | -325x | +311 | +1x |
- topleft <- top_left(lyt)+ invisible(object) |
223 | +312 |
} |
224 | -325x | +|||
313 | +
- cc_format <- colcount_format(lyt) %||% "(N=xx)"+ ) |
225 | +314 | |||
226 | +315 |
- ## do it this way for full backwards compatibility+ setMethod( |
227 | -325x | +|||
316 | +
- if (is.null(alt_counts_df)) {+ "show", "PreDataTableLayouts", |
228 | -306x | +|||
317 | +
- alt_counts_df <- df+ function(object) { |
229 | -+ | |||
318 | +2x |
- }+ cat("A Pre-data Table Layout\n") |
230 | -325x | +319 | +2x |
- ctree <- coltree(clayout, df = df, rtpos = rtpos, alt_counts_df = alt_counts_df, ccount_format = cc_format)+ cat("\nColumn-Split Structure:\n") |
231 | -318x | +320 | +2x |
- if (!is.na(disp_ccounts(lyt))) {+ docat_predataxis(object@col_layout) |
232 | -81x | +321 | +2x |
- leaf_pths <- make_col_df(ctree, visible_only = TRUE, na_str = "", ccount_format = cc_format)$path+ cat("\nRow-Split Structure:\n") |
233 | -81x | +322 | +2x |
- for (path in leaf_pths) {+ docat_predataxis(object@row_layout) |
234 | -323x | +323 | +2x |
- colcount_visible(ctree, path) <- disp_ccounts(lyt)+ cat("\n") |
235 | -+ | |||
324 | +2x |
- }+ invisible(object) |
236 | +325 |
} |
237 | +326 | - - | -||
238 | -318x | -
- cexprs <- make_col_subsets(ctree, df)- |
- ||
239 | -318x | -
- colextras <- col_extra_args(ctree)+ ) |
240 | +327 | |||
241 | +328 |
- ## calculate the counts based on the df+ setMethod( |
242 | +329 |
- ## This presumes that it is called on the WHOLE dataset,+ "show", "InstantiatedColumnInfo", |
243 | +330 |
- ## NOT after any splitting has occurred. Otherwise+ function(object) { |
244 | -+ | |||
331 | +2x |
- ## the counts will obviously be wrong.+ layoutmsg <- layoutmsg(coltree(object)) |
245 | -318x | +332 | +2x |
- if (is.null(counts)) {+ cat("An InstantiatedColumnInfo object", |
246 | -314x | +333 | +2x |
- counts <- rep(NA_integer_, length(cexprs))+ "Columns:", |
247 | -4x | +334 | +2x |
- } else if (length(counts) != length(cexprs)) {+ layoutmsg, |
248 | -1x | +335 | +2x |
- stop(+ if (disp_ccounts(object)) { |
249 | -1x | +336 | +2x |
- "Length of overriding counts must equal number of columns. Got ",+ paste( |
250 | -1x | +337 | +2x |
- length(counts), " values for ", length(cexprs), " columns. ",+ "ColumnCounts:\n", |
251 | -1x | +338 | +2x |
- "Use NAs to specify that the default counting machinery should be ",+ paste(col_counts(object), |
252 | -1x | +339 | +2x |
- "used for that position."+ collapse = ", " |
253 | +340 |
- )+ ) |
254 | +341 |
- }+ ) |
255 | +342 |
+ }, |
256 | -317x | +|||
343 | +
- counts_df_name <- "alt_counts_df"+ "", |
257 | -317x | +344 | +2x |
- if (identical(alt_counts_df, df)) { # is.null(alt_counts_df)) {+ sep = "\n" |
258 | -302x | +|||
345 | +
- alt_counts_df <- df+ ) |
259 | -302x | +346 | +2x |
- counts_df_name <- "df"+ invisible(object) |
260 | +347 |
} |
261 | -317x | +|||
348 | +
- calcpos <- is.na(counts)+ ) |
262 | +349 | |||
263 | -317x | -
- calccounts <- sapply(cexprs, function(ex) {- |
- ||
264 | -994x | -
- if (identical(ex, expression(TRUE))) {- |
- ||
265 | -149x | -
- nrow(alt_counts_df)- |
- ||
266 | -845x | -
- } else if (identical(ex, expression(FALSE))) {- |
- ||
267 | -! | -
- 0L- |
- ||
268 | +350 |
- } else {+ #' @rdname int_methods |
269 | -845x | +|||
351 | +
- vec <- try(eval(ex, envir = alt_counts_df), silent = TRUE)+ setMethod("print", "VTableTree", function(x, ...) { |
270 | -845x | -
- if (is(vec, "numeric")) {- |
- ||
271 | -! | +352 | +5x |
- length(vec)+ msg <- toString(x, ...) |
272 | -845x | +353 | +4x |
- } else if (is(vec, "logical")) { ## sum(is.na(.)) ????+ cat(msg) |
273 | -845x | +354 | +4x |
- sum(vec, na.rm = TRUE)+ invisible(x) |
274 | +355 |
- }+ }) |
275 | +356 |
- }+ |
276 | +357 |
- })- |
- ||
277 | -317x | -
- counts[calcpos] <- calccounts[calcpos]+ #' @rdname int_methods |
278 | -317x | +|||
358 | +
- counts <- as.integer(counts)+ setMethod("show", "VTableTree", function(object) { |
279 | -317x | +|||
359 | +! |
- if (is.null(total)) {+ cat(toString(object)) |
280 | +360 | ! |
- total <- sum(counts)+ invisible(object) |
281 | +361 |
- }+ }) |
282 | +362 | |||
283 | -317x | -
- cpths <- col_paths(ctree)- |
- ||
284 | -317x | -
- for (i in seq_along(cpths)) {- |
- ||
285 | -994x | -
- facet_colcount(ctree, cpths[[i]]) <- counts[i]- |
- ||
286 | +363 |
- }+ setMethod("show", "TableRow", function(object) { |
287 | -317x | +364 | +1x |
- InstantiatedColumnInfo(+ cat(sprintf( |
288 | -317x | +365 | +1x |
- treelyt = ctree,+ "[%s indent_mod %d]: %s %s\n", |
289 | -317x | +366 | +1x |
- csubs = cexprs,+ class(object), |
290 | -317x | +367 | +1x |
- extras = colextras,+ indent_mod(object), |
291 | -317x | +368 | +1x |
- cnts = counts,+ obj_label(object), |
292 | -317x | +369 | +1x |
- dispcounts = disp_ccounts(lyt),+ paste(as.vector(get_formatted_cells(object)), |
293 | -317x | +370 | +1x |
- countformat = cc_format,+ collapse = " " |
294 | -317x | +|||
371 | +
- total_cnt = total,+ ) |
295 | -317x | +|||
372 | +
- topleft = topleft+ )) |
296 | -+ | |||
373 | +1x |
- )+ invisible(object) |
297 | +374 |
- }+ }) |
2 | -2223x | +2273x |
if (length(refs) == 0) { |
3 | -2157x | +2207x |
return(refs) |
@@ -138145,28 +138202,28 @@ |
56 | -419x | +426x |
ctree <- coltree(tt) |
57 | -419x | +426x |
ctree <- .index_col_refs_inner(ctree, cur_idx_fun) |
58 | -419x | +426x |
coltree(tt) <- ctree |
59 | -419x | +426x |
tt |
@@ -138194,21 +138251,21 @@ |
63 | -1998x | +2048x |
col_footnotes(ctree) <- .reindex_one_pos( |
64 | -1998x | +2048x |
col_footnotes(ctree), |
65 | -1998x | +2048x |
cur_idx_fun |
@@ -138229,28 +138286,28 @@ |
68 | -1998x | +2048x |
if (is(ctree, "LayoutColTree")) { |
69 | -747x | +763x |
tree_children(ctree) <- lapply(tree_children(ctree), |
70 | -747x | +763x |
.index_col_refs_inner, |
71 | -747x | +763x |
cur_idx_fun = cur_idx_fun |
@@ -138271,7 +138328,7 @@ |
74 | -1998x | +2048x |
ctree |
@@ -138425,42 +138482,42 @@ |
96 | -419x | +426x |
col_fnotes <- c(list(row_fnotes = list()), col_footnotes(tt)) |
97 | -419x | +426x |
row_fnotes <- row_footnotes(tt) |
98 | -419x | +426x |
cell_fnotes <- cell_footnotes(tt) |
99 | -419x | +426x |
all_fns <- rbind(col_fnotes, cbind(row_fnotes, cell_fnotes)) |
100 | -419x | +426x |
all_fns <- unlist(t(all_fns)) |
101 | -419x | +426x |
unique_fnotes <- unique(sapply(all_fns, ref_msg)) |
@@ -138474,7 +138531,7 @@ |
103 | -419x | +426x |
cur_index <- function(ref_fn) { |
@@ -138502,14 +138559,14 @@ |
107 | -419x | +426x |
if (ncol(tt) > 0) { |
108 | -419x | +426x |
tt <- index_col_refs(tt, cur_index) |
@@ -138537,7 +138594,7 @@ |
112 | -419x | +426x |
if (nrow(tt) == 0) { |
@@ -138565,7 +138622,7 @@ |
116 | -403x | +410x |
rdf <- make_row_df(tt) |
@@ -138579,21 +138636,21 @@ |
118 | -403x | +410x |
rdf <- rdf[rdf$nreflines > 0, ] |
119 | -403x | +410x |
if (nrow(rdf) == 0) { |
120 | -371x | +378x |
return(tt) |
@@ -138685,3100 +138742,3953 @@
1 |
- # paths summary ----+ #' Trimming and pruning criteria |
2 |
+ #' |
3 |
- #' Get a list of table row/column paths+ #' Criteria functions (and constructors thereof) for trimming and pruning tables.+ |
+ |||
4 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
+ ||
5 | ++ |
+ #' @inheritParams gen_args+ |
+ ||
6 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
+ ||
7 | ++ |
+ #' @return A logical value indicating whether `tr` should be included (`TRUE`) or pruned (`FALSE`) during pruning.+ |
+ ||
8 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
+ ||
9 | ++ |
+ #' @seealso [prune_table()], [trim_rows()]+ |
+ ||
10 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
+ ||
11 | ++ |
+ #' @details `all_zero_or_na` returns `TRUE` (and thus indicates trimming/pruning) for any *non-`LabelRow`*+ |
+ ||
12 | ++ |
+ #' `TableRow` which contain only any mix of `NA` (including `NaN`), `0`, `Inf` and `-Inf` values.+ |
+ ||
13 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
+ ||
14 | ++ |
+ #' @examples+ |
+ ||
15 | ++ |
+ #' adsl <- ex_adsl+ |
+ ||
16 | ++ |
+ #' levels(adsl$SEX) <- c(levels(ex_adsl$SEX), "OTHER")+ |
+ ||
17 | ++ |
+ #' adsl$AGE[adsl$SEX == "UNDIFFERENTIATED"] <- 0+ |
+ ||
18 | ++ |
+ #' adsl$BMRKR1 <- 0+ |
+ ||
19 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
+ ||
20 | ++ |
+ #' tbl_to_prune <- basic_table() %>%+ |
+ ||
21 | ++ |
+ #' analyze("BMRKR1") %>%+ |
+ ||
22 | ++ |
+ #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>%+ |
+ ||
23 | ++ |
+ #' split_rows_by("SEX") %>%+ |
+ ||
24 | ++ |
+ #' summarize_row_groups() %>%+ |
+ ||
25 | ++ |
+ #' split_rows_by("STRATA1") %>%+ |
+ ||
26 | ++ |
+ #' summarize_row_groups() %>%+ |
+ ||
27 | ++ |
+ #' analyze("AGE") %>%+ |
+ ||
28 | ++ |
+ #' build_table(adsl)+ |
+ ||
29 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
+ ||
30 | ++ |
+ #' tbl_to_prune %>% prune_table(all_zero_or_na)+ |
+ ||
31 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
+ ||
32 | ++ |
+ #' @rdname trim_prune_funs+ |
+ ||
33 | ++ |
+ #' @export+ |
+ ||
34 | ++ |
+ all_zero_or_na <- function(tr) {+ |
+ ||
35 | +347x | +
+ if (!is(tr, "TableRow") || is(tr, "LabelRow")) {+ |
+ ||
36 | +93x | +
+ return(FALSE)+ |
+ ||
37 | ++ |
+ }+ |
+ ||
38 | +254x | +
+ rvs <- unlist(unname(row_values(tr)))+ |
+ ||
39 | +254x | +
+ all(is.na(rvs) | rvs == 0 | !is.finite(rvs))+ |
+ ||
40 | ++ |
+ }+ |
+ ||
41 | ++ | + + | +||
42 | ++ |
+ #' @details `all_zero` returns `TRUE` for any non-`LabelRow` which contains only (non-missing) zero values.+ |
+ ||
43 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
+ ||
44 | ++ |
+ #' @examples+ |
+ ||
45 | ++ |
+ #' tbl_to_prune %>% prune_table(all_zero)+ |
+ ||
46 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
+ ||
47 | ++ |
+ #' @rdname trim_prune_funs+ |
+ ||
48 | ++ |
+ #' @export+ |
+ ||
49 | ++ |
+ all_zero <- function(tr) {+ |
+ ||
50 | +8x | +
+ if (!is(tr, "TableRow") || is(tr, "LabelRow")) {+ |
+ ||
51 | +! | +
+ return(FALSE)+ |
+ ||
52 | ++ |
+ }+ |
+ ||
53 | +8x | +
+ rvs <- unlist(unname(row_values(tr)))+ |
+ ||
54 | +8x | +
+ isTRUE(all(rvs == 0))+ |
+ ||
55 | ++ |
+ }+ |
+ ||
56 | ++ | + + | +||
57 | ++ |
+ #' Trim rows from a populated table without regard for table structure+ |
+ ||
58 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
+ ||
59 | ++ |
+ #' @inheritParams gen_args+ |
+ ||
60 | ++ |
+ #' @param criteria (`function`)\cr function which takes a `TableRow` object and returns `TRUE` if that row+ |
+ ||
61 | ++ |
+ #' should be removed. Defaults to [all_zero_or_na()].+ |
+ ||
62 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
+ ||
63 | ++ |
+ #' @return The table with rows that have only `NA` or 0 cell values removed.+ |
+ ||
64 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
+ ||
65 | ++ |
+ #' @note+ |
+ ||
66 | ++ |
+ #' Visible `LabelRow`s are including in this trimming, which can lead to either all label rows being trimmed or+ |
+ ||
67 | ++ |
+ #' label rows remaining when all data rows have been trimmed, depending on what `criteria` returns when called on+ |
+ ||
68 | ++ |
+ #' a `LabelRow` object. To avoid this, use the structurally-aware [prune_table()] machinery instead.+ |
+ ||
69 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
+ ||
70 | ++ |
+ #' @details+ |
+ ||
71 | ++ |
+ #' This function will be deprecated in the future in favor of the more elegant and versatile [prune_table()]+ |
+ ||
72 | ++ |
+ #' function which can perform the same function as `trim_rows()` but is more powerful as it takes table structure+ |
+ ||
73 | ++ |
+ #' into account. |
4 | +74 |
#' |
5 | +75 |
- #' @param x (`VTableTree`)\cr an `rtable` object.+ #' @seealso [prune_table()] |
6 | +76 |
#' |
7 | +77 |
- #' @return A list of paths to each row/column within `x`.+ #' @examples |
8 | +78 |
- #'+ #' adsl <- ex_adsl |
9 | +79 |
- #' @seealso [cell_values()], [`fnotes_at_path<-`], [row_paths_summary()], [col_paths_summary()]+ #' levels(adsl$SEX) <- c(levels(ex_adsl$SEX), "OTHER") |
10 | +80 |
#' |
11 | +81 |
- #' @examples+ #' tbl_to_trim <- basic_table() %>% |
12 | +82 |
- #' lyt <- basic_table() %>%+ #' analyze("BMRKR1") %>% |
13 | +83 |
#' split_cols_by("ARM") %>% |
14 | +84 |
- #' analyze(c("SEX", "AGE"))+ #' split_rows_by("SEX") %>% |
15 | +85 |
- #'+ #' summarize_row_groups() %>% |
16 | +86 |
- #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, ex_adsl)+ #' split_rows_by("STRATA1") %>% |
17 | +87 |
- #' tbl+ #' summarize_row_groups() %>% |
18 | +88 |
- #'+ #' analyze("AGE") %>% |
19 | +89 |
- #' row_paths(tbl)+ #' build_table(adsl) |
20 | +90 |
- #' col_paths(tbl)+ #' |
21 | +91 |
- #'+ #' tbl_to_trim %>% trim_rows() |
22 | +92 |
- #' cell_values(tbl, c("AGE", "Mean"), c("ARM", "B: Placebo"))+ #' |
23 | +93 |
- #'+ #' tbl_to_trim %>% trim_rows(all_zero) |
24 | +94 |
- #' @rdname make_col_row_df+ #' |
25 | +95 |
#' @export |
26 | +96 |
- row_paths <- function(x) {+ trim_rows <- function(tt, criteria = all_zero_or_na) { |
27 | -45x | +97 | +3x |
- stopifnot(is_rtable(x))+ rows <- collect_leaves(tt, TRUE, TRUE) |
28 | -45x | +98 | +3x |
- make_row_df(x, visible_only = TRUE)$path+ torm <- vapply(rows, criteria, |
29 | -+ | |||
99 | +3x |
- }+ NA, |
30 | -+ | |||
100 | +3x |
31 | +101 |
- #' @rdname make_col_row_df+ ) |
32 | -+ | |||
102 | +3x |
- #' @export+ tt[!torm, , |
33 | -+ | |||
103 | +3x |
- col_paths <- function(x) {+ keep_topleft = TRUE, |
34 | -2341x | +104 | +3x |
- if (!is(coltree(x), "LayoutColTree")) {+ keep_titles = TRUE, |
35 | -! | +|||
105 | +3x |
- stop("I don't know how to extract the column paths from an object of class ", class(x))+ keep_footers = TRUE, |
36 | -+ | |||
106 | +3x |
- }+ reindex_refs = TRUE |
37 | -2341x | +|||
107 | +
- make_col_df(x, visible_only = TRUE)$path+ ] |
38 | +108 |
} |
39 | +109 | |||
40 | +110 |
- #' Print row/column paths summary+ #' @inheritParams trim_rows |
41 | +111 |
#' |
42 | +112 |
- #' @param x (`VTableTree`)\cr an `rtable` object.+ #' @details |
43 | +113 |
- #'+ #' `content_all_zeros_nas` prunes a subtable if both of the following are true: |
44 | +114 |
- #' @return A data frame summarizing the row- or column-structure of `x`.+ #' |
45 | +115 |
- #'+ #' * It has a content table with exactly one row in it. |
46 | +116 |
- #' @examplesIf require(dplyr)+ #' * `all_zero_or_na` returns `TRUE` for that single content row. In practice, when the default summary/content |
47 | +117 |
- #' ex_adsl_MF <- ex_adsl %>% dplyr::filter(SEX %in% c("M", "F"))+ #' function is used, this represents pruning any subtable which corresponds to an empty set of the input data |
48 | +118 |
- #'+ #' (e.g. because a factor variable was used in [split_rows_by()] but not all levels were present in the data). |
49 | +119 |
- #' lyt <- basic_table() %>%+ #' |
50 | +120 |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>%+ #' @examples |
51 | +121 |
- #' split_cols_by("SEX", split_fun = drop_split_levels) %>%+ #' tbl_to_prune %>% prune_table(content_all_zeros_nas) |
52 | +122 |
- #' analyze(c("AGE", "BMRKR2"))+ #' |
53 | +123 |
- #'+ #' @rdname trim_prune_funs |
54 | +124 |
- #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, ex_adsl_MF)+ #' @export |
55 | +125 |
- #' tbl+ content_all_zeros_nas <- function(tt, criteria = all_zero_or_na) { |
56 | +126 |
- #'+ ## this will be NULL if |
57 | +127 |
- #' df <- row_paths_summary(tbl)+ ## tt is something that doesn't have a content table |
58 | -+ | |||
128 | +254x |
- #' df+ ct <- content_table(tt) |
59 | +129 |
- #'+ ## NROW returns 0 for NULL. |
60 | -+ | |||
130 | +254x |
- #' col_paths_summary(tbl)+ if (NROW(ct) == 0 || nrow(ct) > 1) { |
61 | -+ | |||
131 | +242x |
- #'+ return(FALSE) |
62 | +132 |
- #' # manually constructed table+ } |
63 | +133 |
- #' tbl2 <- rtable(+ |
64 | -+ | |||
134 | +12x |
- #' rheader(+ cr <- tree_children(ct)[[1]] |
65 | -+ | |||
135 | +12x |
- #' rrow(+ criteria(cr) |
66 | +136 |
- #' "row 1", rcell("a", colspan = 2),+ } |
67 | +137 |
- #' rcell("b", colspan = 2)+ |
68 | +138 |
- #' ),+ #' @details |
69 | +139 |
- #' rrow("h2", "a", "b", "c", "d")+ #' `prune_empty_level` combines `all_zero_or_na` behavior for `TableRow` objects, `content_all_zeros_nas` on |
70 | +140 |
- #' ),+ #' `content_table(tt)` for `TableTree` objects, and an additional check that returns `TRUE` if the `tt` has no |
71 | +141 |
- #' rrow("r1", 1, 2, 1, 2), rrow("r2", 3, 4, 2, 1)+ #' children. |
72 | +142 |
- #' )+ #' |
73 | +143 |
- #' col_paths_summary(tbl2)+ #' @examples |
74 | +144 |
- #'+ #' tbl_to_prune %>% prune_table(prune_empty_level) |
75 | +145 |
- #' @export+ #' |
76 | +146 |
- row_paths_summary <- function(x) {+ #' @rdname trim_prune_funs |
77 | -1x | +|||
147 | +
- stopifnot(is_rtable(x))+ #' @export |
78 | +148 |
+ prune_empty_level <- function(tt) { |
79 | -1x | +149 | +389x |
- if (nrow(x) == 0) {+ if (is(tt, "TableRow")) { |
80 | -! | +|||
150 | +151x |
- return("rowname node_class path\n---------------------\n")+ return(all_zero_or_na(tt)) |
81 | +151 |
} |
82 | +152 | |||
83 | -1x | +153 | +238x |
- pagdf <- make_row_df(x, visible_only = TRUE)+ if (content_all_zeros_nas(tt)) { |
84 | -1x | +154 | +2x |
- row.names(pagdf) <- NULL+ return(TRUE) |
85 | +155 |
+ } |
86 | -1x | +156 | +236x |
- mat <- rbind(+ kids <- tree_children(tt) |
87 | -1x | +157 | +236x |
- c("rowname", "node_class", "path"),+ length(kids) == 0 |
88 | -1x | +|||
158 | +
- t(apply(pagdf, 1, function(xi) {+ } |
89 | -28x | +|||
159 | +
- c(+ |
90 | -28x | +|||
160 | +
- indent_string(xi$label, xi$indent),+ #' @details `prune_zeros_only` behaves as `prune_empty_level` does, except that like `all_zero` it prunes |
91 | -28x | +|||
161 | +
- xi$node_class,+ #' only in the case of all non-missing zero values. |
92 | -28x | +|||
162 | +
- paste(xi$path, collapse = ", ")+ #' |
93 | +163 |
- )+ #' @examples |
94 | +164 |
- }))+ #' tbl_to_prune %>% prune_table(prune_zeros_only) |
95 | +165 |
- )+ #' |
96 | +166 |
+ #' @rdname trim_prune_funs |
97 | -1x | +|||
167 | +
- txt <- mat_as_string(mat)+ #' @export+ |
+ |||
168 | ++ |
+ prune_zeros_only <- function(tt) { |
98 | -1x | +169 | +16x |
- cat(txt)+ if (is(tt, "TableRow")) { |
99 | -1x | +170 | +8x |
- cat("\n")+ return(all_zero(tt)) |
100 | +171 | ++ |
+ }+ |
+ |
172 | ||||
101 | -1x | +173 | +8x |
- invisible(pagdf[, c("label", "indent", "node_class", "path")])+ if (content_all_zeros_nas(tt, criteria = all_zero)) { |
102 | -+ | |||
174 | +! |
- }+ return(TRUE) |
103 | +175 |
+ }+ |
+ ||
176 | +8x | +
+ kids <- tree_children(tt)+ |
+ ||
177 | +8x | +
+ length(kids) == 0 |
104 | +178 |
- #' @rdname row_paths_summary+ } |
105 | +179 |
- #' @export+ |
106 | +180 |
- col_paths_summary <- function(x) {+ #' @param min (`numeric(1)`)\cr (used by `low_obs_pruner` only). Minimum aggregate count value. |
107 | -1x | +|||
181 | +
- stopifnot(is_rtable(x))+ #' Subtables whose combined/average count are below this threshold will be pruned. |
108 | +182 |
+ #' @param type (`string`)\cr how count values should be aggregated. Must be `"sum"` (the default) or `"mean"`. |
109 | -1x | +|||
183 | +
- pagdf <- make_col_df(x, visible_only = FALSE)+ #' |
110 | -1x | +|||
184 | +
- row.names(pagdf) <- NULL+ #' @details |
111 | +185 |
+ #' `low_obs_pruner` is a *constructor function* which, when called, returns a pruning criteria function which |
112 | -1x | +|||
186 | +
- mat <- rbind(+ #' will prune on content rows by comparing sum or mean (dictated by `type`) of the count portions of the cell |
113 | -1x | +|||
187 | +
- c("label", "path"),+ #' values (defined as the first value per cell regardless of how many values per cell there are) against `min`. |
114 | -1x | +|||
188 | +
- t(apply(pagdf, 1, function(xi) {+ #' |
115 | -6x | +|||
189 | +
- c(+ #' @examples |
116 | -6x | +|||
190 | +
- indent_string(xi$label, floor(length(xi$path) / 2 - 1)),+ #' min_prune <- low_obs_pruner(70, "sum") |
117 | -6x | +|||
191 | +
- paste(xi$path, collapse = ", ")+ #' tbl_to_prune %>% prune_table(min_prune) |
118 | +192 |
- )+ #' |
119 | +193 |
- }))+ #' @rdname trim_prune_funs |
120 | +194 |
- )+ #' @export |
121 | +195 |
+ low_obs_pruner <- function(min, type = c("sum", "mean")) { |
122 | -1x | +196 | +3x |
- txt <- mat_as_string(mat)+ type <- match.arg(type) |
123 | -1x | +197 | +3x |
- cat(txt)+ function(tt) { |
124 | -1x | +198 | +21x |
- cat("\n")+ if (is(tt, "TableRow") || NROW(ctab <- content_table(tt)) != 1) { ## note the <- in there!!!+ |
199 | +9x | +
+ return(FALSE) ## only trimming on count content rows |
125 | +200 |
+ } |
126 | -1x | +201 | +12x |
- invisible(pagdf[, c("label", "path")])+ ctr <- tree_children(ctab)[[1]] |
127 | -+ | |||
202 | +12x |
- }+ vals <- sapply(row_values(ctr), function(v) v[[1]])+ |
+ ||
203 | +12x | +
+ sumvals <- sum(vals)+ |
+ ||
204 | +12x | +
+ if (type == "mean") {+ |
+ ||
205 | +8x | +
+ sumvals <- sumvals / length(vals) |
128 | +206 |
+ }+ |
+ ||
207 | +12x | +
+ sumvals < min |
129 | +208 |
- # Rows ----+ } |
130 | +209 |
- # . Summarize Rows ----+ } |
131 | +210 | |||
132 | +211 |
- # summarize_row_df <-+ #' Recursively prune a `TableTree` |
133 | +212 |
- # function(name,+ #' |
134 | +213 |
- # label,+ #' @inheritParams gen_args |
135 | +214 |
- # indent,+ #' @param prune_func (`function`)\cr a function to be called on each subtree which returns `TRUE` if the |
136 | +215 |
- # depth,+ #' entire subtree should be removed. |
137 | +216 |
- # rowtype,+ #' @param stop_depth (`numeric(1)`)\cr the depth after which subtrees should not be checked for pruning. |
138 | +217 |
- # indent_mod,+ #' Defaults to `NA` which indicates pruning should happen at all levels. |
139 | +218 |
- # level) {+ #' @param depth (`numeric(1)`)\cr used internally, not intended to be set by the end user. |
140 | +219 |
- # data.frame(+ #' |
141 | +220 |
- # name = name,+ #' @return A `TableTree` pruned via recursive application of `prune_func`. |
142 | +221 |
- # label = label,+ #' |
143 | +222 |
- # indent = indent,+ #' @seealso [prune_empty_level()] for details on this and several other basic pruning functions included |
144 | +223 |
- # depth = level,+ #' in the `rtables` package. |
145 | +224 |
- # rowtype = rowtype,+ #' |
146 | +225 |
- # indent_mod = indent_mod,+ #' @examples |
147 | +226 |
- # level = level,+ #' adsl <- ex_adsl |
148 | +227 |
- # stringsAsFactors = FALSE+ #' levels(adsl$SEX) <- c(levels(ex_adsl$SEX), "OTHER") |
149 | +228 |
- # )+ #' |
150 | +229 |
- # }+ #' tbl_to_prune <- basic_table() %>% |
151 | +230 |
+ #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>% |
152 | +231 |
- #' Summarize rows+ #' split_rows_by("SEX") %>% |
153 | +232 |
- #'+ #' summarize_row_groups() %>% |
154 | +233 |
- #' @inheritParams gen_args+ #' split_rows_by("STRATA1") %>% |
155 | +234 |
- #' @param depth (`numeric(1)`)\cr depth.+ #' summarize_row_groups() %>% |
156 | +235 |
- #' @param indent (`numeric(1)`)\cr indent.+ #' analyze("AGE") %>% |
157 | +236 |
- #'+ #' build_table(adsl) |
158 | +237 |
- #' @examplesIf require(dplyr)+ #' |
159 | +238 |
- #' library(dplyr)+ #' tbl_to_prune %>% prune_table() |
160 | +239 |
#' |
161 | +240 |
- #' iris2 <- iris %>%+ #' @export |
162 | +241 |
- #' group_by(Species) %>%+ prune_table <- function(tt, |
163 | +242 |
- #' mutate(group = as.factor(rep_len(c("a", "b"), length.out = n()))) %>%+ prune_func = prune_empty_level, |
164 | +243 |
- #' ungroup()+ stop_depth = NA_real_, |
165 | +244 |
- #'+ depth = 0) { |
166 | -+ | |||
245 | +323x |
- #' lyt <- basic_table() %>%+ if (!is.na(stop_depth) && depth > stop_depth) { |
167 | -+ | |||
246 | +! |
- #' split_cols_by("Species") %>%+ return(tt) |
168 | +247 |
- #' split_cols_by("group") %>%+ } |
169 | -+ | |||
248 | +323x |
- #' analyze(c("Sepal.Length", "Petal.Width"),+ if (is(tt, "TableRow")) { |
170 | -+ | |||
249 | +54x |
- #' afun = list_wrap_x(summary),+ if (prune_func(tt)) {+ |
+ ||
250 | +! | +
+ tt <- NULL |
171 | +251 |
- #' format = "xx.xx"+ }+ |
+ ||
252 | +54x | +
+ return(tt) |
172 | +253 |
- #' )+ } |
173 | +254 |
- #'+ + |
+ ||
255 | +269x | +
+ kids <- tree_children(tt) |
174 | +256 |
- #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, iris2)+ + |
+ ||
257 | +269x | +
+ torm <- vapply(kids, function(tb) {+ |
+ ||
258 | +386x | +
+ !is.null(tb) && prune_func(tb)+ |
+ ||
259 | +269x | +
+ }, NA) |
175 | +260 |
- #'+ + |
+ ||
261 | +269x | +
+ keepkids <- kids[!torm]+ |
+ ||
262 | +269x | +
+ keepkids <- lapply(keepkids, prune_table,+ |
+ ||
263 | +269x | +
+ prune_func = prune_func,+ |
+ ||
264 | +269x | +
+ stop_depth = stop_depth,+ |
+ ||
265 | +269x | +
+ depth = depth + 1 |
176 | +266 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ ) |
177 | +267 |
- setGeneric("summarize_rows_inner", function(obj, depth = 0, indent = 0) {+ |
178 | -! | +|||
268 | +269x |
- standardGeneric("summarize_rows_inner")+ keepkids <- keepkids[!vapply(keepkids, is.null, NA)] |
179 | -+ | |||
269 | +269x |
- })+ if (length(keepkids) > 0) {+ |
+ ||
270 | +135x | +
+ tree_children(tt) <- keepkids |
180 | +271 |
+ } else {+ |
+ ||
272 | +134x | +
+ tt <- NULL |
181 | +273 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ }+ |
+ ||
274 | +269x | +
+ tt |
182 | +275 |
- setMethod(+ } |
183 | +1 |
- "summarize_rows_inner", "TableTree",+ insert_brs <- function(vec) { |
184 | -+ | |||
2 | +1021x |
- function(obj, depth = 0, indent = 0) {+ if (length(vec) == 1) { |
185 | -! | +|||
3 | +1021x |
- indent <- max(0L, indent + indent_mod(obj))+ ret <- list(vec) |
186 | +4 |
+ } else { |
187 | +5 | ! |
- lr <- summarize_rows_inner(tt_labelrow(obj), depth, indent)+ nout <- length(vec) * 2 - 1 |
188 | +6 | ! |
- if (!is.null(lr)) {+ ret <- vector("list", nout) |
189 | +7 | ! |
- ret <- list(lr)+ for (i in seq_along(vec)) { |
190 | -+ | |||
8 | +! |
- } else {+ ret[[2 * i - 1]] <- vec[i] |
191 | +9 | ! |
- ret <- list()+ if (2 * i < nout) { |
192 | -+ | |||
10 | +! |
- }+ ret[[2 * i]] <- tags$br() |
193 | +11 |
+ } |
194 | -! | +|||
12 | +
- indent <- indent + (!is.null(lr))+ } |
195 | +13 |
+ } |
196 | -! | +|||
14 | +1021x |
- ctab <- content_table(obj)+ ret |
197 | -! | +|||
15 | +
- if (NROW(ctab)) {+ } |
198 | -! | +|||
16 | +
- ct <- summarize_rows_inner(ctab,+ |
199 | -! | +|||
17 | +
- depth = depth,+ div_helper <- function(lst, class) { |
200 | -! | +|||
18 | +72x |
- indent = indent + indent_mod(ctab)+ do.call(tags$div, c(list(class = paste(class, "rtables-container"), lst))) |
201 | +19 |
- )+ } |
202 | -! | +|||
20 | +
- ret <- c(ret, ct)+ |
203 | -! | +|||
21 | +
- indent <- indent + (length(ct) > 0) * (1 + indent_mod(ctab))+ #' Convert an `rtable` object to a `shiny.tag` HTML object |
204 | +22 |
- }+ #' |
205 | +23 |
+ #' The returned HTML object can be immediately used in `shiny` and `rmarkdown`. |
206 | -! | +|||
24 | +
- kids <- tree_children(obj)+ #' |
207 | -! | +|||
25 | +
- els <- lapply(tree_children(obj), summarize_rows_inner,+ #' @param x (`VTableTree`)\cr a `TableTree` object. |
208 | -! | +|||
26 | +
- depth = depth + 1, indent = indent+ #' @param class_table (`character`)\cr class for `table` tag. |
209 | +27 |
- )+ #' @param class_tr (`character`)\cr class for `tr` tag. |
210 | -! | +|||
28 | +
- if (!are(kids, "TableRow")) {+ #' @param class_th (`character`)\cr class for `th` tag. |
211 | -! | +|||
29 | +
- if (!are(kids, "VTableTree")) {+ #' @param width (`character`)\cr a string to indicate the desired width of the table. Common input formats include a |
212 | +30 |
- ## hatchet job of a hack, wrap em just so we can unlist em all at+ #' percentage of the viewer window width (e.g. `"100%"`) or a distance value (e.g. `"300px"`). Defaults to `NULL`. |
213 | +31 |
- ## the same level+ #' @param link_label (`character`)\cr link anchor label (not including `tab:` prefix) for the table. |
214 | -! | +|||
32 | +
- rowinds <- vapply(kids, is, NA, class2 = "TableRow")+ #' @param bold (`character`)\cr elements in table output that should be bold. Options are `"main_title"`, |
215 | -! | +|||
33 | +
- els[rowinds] <- lapply(els[rowinds], function(x) list(x))+ #' `"subtitles"`, `"header"`, `"row_names"`, `"label_rows"`, and `"content_rows"` (which includes any non-label |
216 | +34 |
- }+ #' rows). Defaults to `"header"`. |
217 | -! | +|||
35 | +
- els <- unlist(els, recursive = FALSE)+ #' @param header_sep_line (`flag`)\cr whether a black line should be printed to under the table header. Defaults |
218 | +36 |
- }+ #' to `TRUE`. |
219 | -! | +|||
37 | +
- ret <- c(ret, els)+ #' @param no_spaces_between_cells (`flag`)\cr whether spaces between table cells should be collapsed. Defaults |
220 | -! | +|||
38 | +
- ret+ #' to `FALSE`. |
221 | +39 |
- ## df <- do.call(rbind, c(list(lr), list(ct), els))+ #' @param expand_newlines (`flag`)\cr Defaults to `FALSE`, relying on `html` output to solve newline characters (`\n`). |
222 | +40 |
+ #' Doing this keeps the structure of the cells but may depend on the output device. |
223 | +41 |
- ## row.names(df) <- NULL+ #' |
224 | +42 |
- ## df+ #' @importFrom htmltools tags |
225 | +43 |
- }+ #' |
226 | +44 |
- )+ #' @return A `shiny.tag` object representing `x` in HTML. |
227 | +45 |
+ #' |
228 | +46 |
- # Print Table Structure ----+ #' @examples |
229 | +47 |
+ #' tbl <- rtable( |
230 | +48 |
- #' Summarize table+ #' header = LETTERS[1:3], |
231 | +49 |
- #'+ #' format = "xx", |
232 | +50 |
- #' @param x (`VTableTree`)\cr a table object.+ #' rrow("r1", 1, 2, 3), |
233 | +51 |
- #' @param detail (`string`)\cr either `row` or `subtable`.+ #' rrow("r2", 4, 3, 2, indent = 1), |
234 | +52 |
- #'+ #' rrow("r3", indent = 2) |
235 | +53 |
- #' @return No return value. Called for the side-effect of printing a row- or subtable-structure summary of `x`.+ #' ) |
236 | +54 |
#' |
237 | +55 |
- #' @examplesIf require(dplyr)+ #' as_html(tbl) |
238 | +56 |
- #' library(dplyr)+ #' |
239 | +57 |
- #'+ #' as_html(tbl, class_table = "table", class_tr = "row") |
240 | +58 |
- #' iris2 <- iris %>%+ #' |
241 | +59 |
- #' group_by(Species) %>%+ #' as_html(tbl, bold = c("header", "row_names")) |
242 | +60 |
- #' mutate(group = as.factor(rep_len(c("a", "b"), length.out = n()))) %>%+ #' |
243 | +61 |
- #' ungroup()+ #' \dontrun{ |
244 | +62 |
- #'+ #' Viewer(tbl) |
245 | +63 |
- #' lyt <- basic_table() %>%+ #' } |
246 | +64 |
- #' split_cols_by("Species") %>%+ #' |
247 | +65 |
- #' split_cols_by("group") %>%+ #' @export |
248 | +66 |
- #' analyze(c("Sepal.Length", "Petal.Width"),+ as_html <- function(x, |
249 | +67 |
- #' afun = list_wrap_x(summary),+ width = NULL, |
250 | +68 |
- #' format = "xx.xx"+ class_table = "table table-condensed table-hover", |
251 | +69 |
- #' )+ class_tr = NULL, |
252 | +70 |
- #'+ class_th = NULL, |
253 | +71 |
- #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, iris2)+ link_label = NULL, |
254 | +72 |
- #' tbl+ bold = c("header"), |
255 | +73 |
- #'+ header_sep_line = TRUE, |
256 | +74 |
- #' row_paths(tbl)+ no_spaces_between_cells = FALSE, |
257 | +75 |
- #'+ expand_newlines = FALSE) { |
258 | -+ | |||
76 | +9x |
- #' table_structure(tbl)+ if (is.null(x)) { |
259 | -+ | |||
77 | +! |
- #'+ return(tags$p("Empty Table")) |
260 | +78 |
- #' table_structure(tbl, detail = "row")+ } |
261 | +79 |
- #'+ |
262 | -+ | |||
80 | +9x |
- #' @export+ stopifnot(is(x, "VTableTree")) |
263 | +81 |
- table_structure <- function(x, detail = c("subtable", "row")) {+ |
264 | -2x | +82 | +9x |
- detail <- match.arg(detail)+ mat <- matrix_form(x, indent_rownames = TRUE, expand_newlines = expand_newlines) |
265 | +83 | |||
266 | -2x | +84 | +9x |
- switch(detail,+ nlh <- mf_nlheader(mat) |
267 | -1x | +85 | +9x |
- subtable = treestruct(x),+ nc <- ncol(x) + 1 |
268 | -1x | +86 | +9x |
- row = table_structure_inner(x),+ nr <- length(mf_lgrouping(mat)) |
269 | -! | +|||
87 | +
- stop("unsupported level of detail ", detail)+ |
270 | +88 |
- )+ # Structure is a list of lists with rows (one for each line grouping) and cols as dimensions |
271 | -+ | |||
89 | +9x |
- }+ cells <- matrix(rep(list(list()), (nr * nc)), ncol = nc) |
272 | +90 | |||
273 | -+ | |||
91 | +9x |
- #' @param obj (`VTableTree`)\cr a table object.+ for (i in seq_len(nr)) { |
274 | -+ | |||
92 | +173x |
- #' @param depth (`numeric(1)`)\cr depth in tree.+ for (j in seq_len(nc)) { |
275 | -+ | |||
93 | +1021x |
- #' @param indent (`numeric(1)`)\cr indent.+ curstrs <- mf_strings(mat)[i, j] |
276 | -+ | |||
94 | +1021x |
- #' @param print_indent (`numeric(1)`)\cr indent for printing.+ curspn <- mf_spans(mat)[i, j] |
277 | -+ | |||
95 | +1021x |
- #'+ algn <- mf_aligns(mat)[i, j] |
278 | +96 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ |
279 | -+ | |||
97 | +1021x |
- setGeneric(+ inhdr <- i <= nlh |
280 | -+ | |||
98 | +1021x |
- "table_structure_inner",+ tagfun <- if (inhdr) tags$th else tags$td |
281 | -+ | |||
99 | +1021x |
- function(obj,+ cells[i, j][[1]] <- tagfun( |
282 | -+ | |||
100 | +1021x |
- depth = 0,+ class = if (inhdr) class_th else class_tr, |
283 | -+ | |||
101 | +1021x |
- indent = 0,+ style = paste0("text-align: ", algn, ";"), |
284 | -+ | |||
102 | +1021x |
- print_indent = 0) {+ style = if (inhdr && !"header" %in% bold) "font-weight: normal;", |
285 | -70x | +103 | +1021x |
- standardGeneric("table_structure_inner")+ style = if (i == nlh && header_sep_line) "border-bottom: 1px solid black;", |
286 | -+ | |||
104 | +1021x |
- }+ colspan = if (curspn != 1) curspn, |
287 | -+ | |||
105 | +1021x |
- )+ insert_brs(curstrs) |
288 | +106 |
+ ) |
289 | +107 |
- scat <- function(..., indent = 0, newline = TRUE) {+ } |
290 | -101x | +|||
108 | +
- txt <- paste(..., collapse = "", sep = "")+ } |
291 | +109 | |||
292 | -101x | +110 | +9x |
- cat(indent_string(txt, indent))+ if (header_sep_line) { |
293 | -+ | |||
111 | +9x |
+ cells[nlh][[1]] <- htmltools::tagAppendAttributes( |
294 | -101x | +112 | +9x |
- if (newline) cat("\n")+ cells[nlh, 1][[1]],+ |
113 | +9x | +
+ style = "border-bottom: 1px solid black;" |
295 | +114 |
- }+ ) |
296 | +115 |
+ } |
297 | +116 |
- ## helper functions+ |
298 | +117 |
- obj_visible <- function(x) {+ # Create a map between line numbers and line groupings, adjusting abs_rownumber with nlh |
299 | -50x | +118 | +9x |
- x@visible+ map <- data.frame(lines = seq_len(nr), abs_rownumber = mat$line_grouping) |
300 | -+ | |||
119 | +9x |
- }+ row_info_df <- data.frame(indent = mat$row_info$indent, abs_rownumber = mat$row_info$abs_rownumber + nlh)+ |
+ ||
120 | +9x | +
+ map <- merge(map, row_info_df, by = "abs_rownumber") |
301 | +121 | |||
302 | +122 |
- is_empty_labelrow <- function(x) {+ # add indent values for headerlines |
303 | -4x | +123 | +9x |
- obj_label(x) == "" && !labelrow_visible(x)+ map <- rbind(data.frame(abs_rownumber = 1:nlh, indent = 0, lines = 0), map) |
304 | +124 |
- }+ |
305 | +125 | |||
306 | +126 |
- is_empty_ElementaryTable <- function(x) {+ # Row labels style |
307 | -10x | +127 | +9x |
- length(tree_children(x)) == 0 && is_empty_labelrow(tt_labelrow(x))+ for (i in seq_len(nr)) { |
308 | -+ | |||
128 | +173x |
- }+ indent <- ifelse(any(map$lines == i), map$indent[map$lines == i][1], -1) |
309 | +129 | |||
310 | +130 |
- #' @param object (`VTableTree`)\cr a table object.+ # Apply indentation |
311 | -+ | |||
131 | +173x |
- #'+ if (indent > 0) { |
312 | -+ | |||
132 | +127x |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ cells[i, 1][[1]] <- htmltools::tagAppendAttributes( |
313 | -+ | |||
133 | +127x |
- #' @export+ cells[i, 1][[1]], |
314 | -+ | |||
134 | +127x |
- setGeneric("str", function(object, ...) {+ style = paste0("padding-left: ", indent * 3, "ch;") |
315 | -! | +|||
135 | +
- standardGeneric("str")+ ) |
316 | +136 |
- })+ } |
317 | +137 | |||
318 | +138 |
- #' @param max.level (`numeric(1)`)\cr passed to `utils::str`. Defaults to 3 for the `VTableTree` method, unlike+ # Apply bold font weight if "row_names" is in 'bold' |
319 | -+ | |||
139 | +173x |
- #' the underlying default of `NA`. `NA` is *not* appropriate for `VTableTree` objects.+ if ("row_names" %in% bold) { |
320 | -+ | |||
140 | +4x |
- #'+ cells[i, 1][[1]] <- htmltools::tagAppendAttributes(+ |
+ ||
141 | +4x | +
+ cells[i, 1][[1]],+ |
+ ||
142 | +4x | +
+ style = "font-weight: bold;" |
321 | +143 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ ) |
322 | +144 |
- #' @export+ } |
323 | +145 |
- setMethod(+ } |
324 | +146 |
- "str", "VTableTree",+ |
325 | +147 |
- function(object, max.level = 3L, ...) {+ # label rows style |
326 | -! | +|||
148 | +9x |
- utils::str(object, max.level = max.level, ...)+ if ("label_rows" %in% bold) { |
327 | +149 | ! |
- warning("str provides a low level, implementation-detail-specific description of the TableTree object structure. ",+ which_lbl_rows <- which(mat$row_info$node_class == "LabelRow") |
328 | +150 | ! |
- "See table_structure(.) for a summary of table struture intended for end users.",+ cells[which_lbl_rows + nlh, ] <- lapply( |
329 | +151 | ! |
- call. = FALSE+ cells[which_lbl_rows + nlh, ], |
330 | -+ | |||
152 | +! |
- )+ htmltools::tagAppendAttributes, |
331 | +153 | ! |
- invisible(NULL)+ style = "font-weight: bold;" |
332 | +154 |
- }+ ) |
333 | +155 |
- )+ } |
334 | +156 | |||
335 | +157 |
- #' @inheritParams table_structure_inner+ # content rows style |
336 | -+ | |||
158 | +9x |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ if ("content_rows" %in% bold) {+ |
+ ||
159 | +! | +
+ which_cntnt_rows <- which(mat$row_info$node_class %in% c("ContentRow", "DataRow"))+ |
+ ||
160 | +! | +
+ cells[which_cntnt_rows + nlh, ] <- lapply(+ |
+ ||
161 | +! | +
+ cells[which_cntnt_rows + nlh, ],+ |
+ ||
162 | +! | +
+ htmltools::tagAppendAttributes,+ |
+ ||
163 | +! | +
+ style = "font-weight: bold;" |
337 | +164 |
- setMethod(+ ) |
338 | +165 |
- "table_structure_inner", "TableTree",+ } |
339 | +166 |
- function(obj, depth = 0, indent = 0, print_indent = 0) {+ |
340 | -10x | +167 | +9x |
- indent <- indent + indent_mod(obj)+ if (any(!mat$display)) { |
341 | +168 |
+ # Check that expansion kept the same display info |
342 | -10x | +169 | +2x |
- scat("TableTree: ", "[", obj_name(obj), "] (",+ check_expansion <- c() |
343 | -10x | +170 | +2x |
- obj_label(obj), ")",+ for (ii in unique(mat$line_grouping)) { |
344 | -10x | +171 | +121x |
- indent = print_indent+ rows <- which(mat$line_grouping == ii)+ |
172 | +121x | +
+ check_expansion <- c(+ |
+ ||
173 | +121x | +
+ check_expansion,+ |
+ ||
174 | +121x | +
+ apply(mat$display[rows, , drop = FALSE], 2, function(x) all(x) || all(!x)) |
345 | +175 |
- )+ ) |
346 | +176 | ++ |
+ }+ |
+ |
177 | ||||
347 | -10x | +178 | +2x |
- table_structure_inner(+ if (!all(check_expansion)) { |
348 | -10x | +|||
179 | +! |
- tt_labelrow(obj), depth, indent,+ stop( |
349 | -10x | +|||
180 | +! | +
+ "Found that a group of rows have different display options even if ",+ |
+ ||
181 | +! | +
+ "they belong to the same line group. This should not happen. Please ",+ |
+ ||
182 | +! | +
+ "file an issue or report to the maintainers."+ |
+ ||
183 | +! |
- print_indent + 1+ ) # nocov |
350 | +184 |
- )+ } |
351 | +185 | |||
352 | -10x | +186 | +2x |
- ctab <- content_table(obj)+ for (ii in unique(mat$line_grouping)) { |
353 | -10x | +187 | +121x |
- visible_content <- if (is_empty_ElementaryTable(ctab)) {+ rows <- which(mat$line_grouping == ii)+ |
188 | +121x | +
+ should_display_col <- apply(mat$display[rows, , drop = FALSE], 2, any)+ |
+ ||
189 | +121x | +
+ cells[ii, !should_display_col] <- NA_integer_ |
354 | +190 |
- # scat("content: -", indent = print_indent + 1)+ } |
355 | -4x | +|||
191 | +
- FALSE+ } |
356 | +192 |
- } else {+ |
357 | -6x | +193 | +9x |
- scat("content:", indent = print_indent + 1)+ rows <- apply(cells, 1, function(row) { |
358 | -6x | +194 | +173x |
- table_structure_inner(ctab,+ tags$tr( |
359 | -6x | +195 | +173x |
- depth = depth,+ class = class_tr, |
360 | -6x | +196 | +173x |
- indent = indent + indent_mod(ctab),+ style = "white-space: pre;", |
361 | -6x | +197 | +173x |
- print_indent = print_indent + 2+ Filter(function(x) !identical(x, NA_integer_), row) |
362 | +198 |
- )+ ) |
363 | +199 |
- }+ }) |
364 | +200 | |||
365 | -10x | +201 | +9x |
- if (length(tree_children(obj)) == 0) {+ hsep_line <- tags$hr(class = "solid") |
366 | -! | +|||
202 | +
- scat("children: - ", indent = print_indent + 1)+ |
367 | -+ | |||
203 | +9x |
- } else {+ hdrtag <- div_helper( |
368 | -10x | +204 | +9x |
- scat("children: ", indent = print_indent + 1)+ class = "rtables-titles-block", |
369 | -10x | +205 | +9x |
- lapply(tree_children(obj), table_structure_inner,+ list( |
370 | -10x | +206 | +9x |
- depth = depth + 1,+ div_helper( |
371 | -10x | +207 | +9x |
- indent = indent + visible_content * (1 + indent_mod(ctab)),+ class = "rtables-main-titles-block", |
372 | -10x | +208 | +9x |
- print_indent = print_indent + 2+ lapply(main_title(x), if ("main_title" %in% bold) tags$b else tags$p, |
373 | -+ | |||
209 | +9x |
- )+ class = "rtables-main-title" |
374 | +210 |
- }+ ) |
375 | +211 |
+ ), |
376 | -10x | +212 | +9x |
- invisible(NULL)+ div_helper( |
377 | -+ | |||
213 | +9x |
- }+ class = "rtables-subtitles-block", |
378 | -+ | |||
214 | +9x |
- )+ lapply(subtitles(x), if ("subtitles" %in% bold) tags$b else tags$p,+ |
+ ||
215 | +9x | +
+ class = "rtables-subtitle" |
379 | +216 |
+ ) |
380 | +217 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ ) |
381 | +218 |
- setMethod(+ ) |
382 | +219 |
- "table_structure_inner", "ElementaryTable",+ ) |
383 | +220 |
- function(obj, depth = 0, indent = 0, print_indent = 0) {+ |
384 | -15x | +221 | +9x |
- scat("ElementaryTable: ", "[", obj_name(obj),+ tabletag <- do.call( |
385 | -15x | +222 | +9x |
- "] (", obj_label(obj), ")",+ tags$table, |
386 | -15x | +223 | +9x |
- indent = print_indent+ c( |
387 | -+ | |||
224 | +9x |
- )+ rows, |
388 | -+ | |||
225 | +9x |
+ list( |
389 | -15x | +226 | +9x |
- indent <- indent + indent_mod(obj)+ class = class_table,+ |
227 | +9x | +
+ style = paste(+ |
+ ||
228 | +9x | +
+ if (no_spaces_between_cells) "border-collapse: collapse;",+ |
+ ||
229 | +9x | +
+ if (!is.null(width)) paste("width:", width) |
390 | +230 |
+ ), |
391 | -15x | +231 | +9x |
- table_structure_inner(+ tags$caption(sprintf("(\\#tag:%s)", link_label), |
392 | -15x | +232 | +9x |
- tt_labelrow(obj), depth,+ style = "caption-side: top;", |
393 | -15x | +233 | +9x |
- indent, print_indent + 1+ .noWS = "after-begin" |
394 | +234 |
- )+ ) |
395 | +235 |
+ ) |
396 | -15x | +|||
236 | +
- if (length(tree_children(obj)) == 0) {+ ) |
397 | -! | +|||
237 | +
- scat("children: - ", indent = print_indent + 1)+ ) |
398 | +238 |
- } else {+ |
399 | -15x | +239 | +9x |
- scat("children: ", indent = print_indent + 1)+ rfnotes <- div_helper( |
400 | -15x | +240 | +9x |
- lapply(tree_children(obj), table_structure_inner,+ class = "rtables-ref-footnotes-block", |
401 | -15x | +241 | +9x |
- depth = depth + 1, indent = indent,+ lapply(mat$ref_footnotes, tags$p, |
402 | -15x | +242 | +9x |
- print_indent = print_indent + 2+ class = "rtables-referential-footnote" |
403 | +243 |
- )+ ) |
404 | +244 |
- }+ ) |
405 | +245 | |||
406 | -15x | +246 | +9x |
- invisible(NULL)+ mftr <- div_helper( |
407 | -+ | |||
247 | +9x |
- }+ class = "rtables-main-footers-block", |
408 | -+ | |||
248 | +9x |
- )+ lapply(main_footer(x), tags$p, |
409 | -+ | |||
249 | +9x |
+ class = "rtables-main-footer" |
410 | +250 |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ ) |
411 | +251 |
- setMethod(+ ) |
412 | +252 |
- "table_structure_inner", "TableRow",+ |
413 | -+ | |||
253 | +9x |
- function(obj, depth = 0, indent = 0, print_indent = 0) {+ pftr <- div_helper( |
414 | -20x | +254 | +9x |
- scat(class(obj), ": ", "[", obj_name(obj), "] (",+ class = "rtables-prov-footers-block", |
415 | -20x | +255 | +9x |
- obj_label(obj), ")",+ lapply(prov_footer(x), tags$p, |
416 | -20x | +256 | +9x |
- indent = print_indent+ class = "rtables-prov-footer" |
417 | +257 |
) |
418 | +258 | ++ |
+ )+ |
+ |
259 | ||||
419 | -20x | +|||
260 | +
- indent <- indent + indent_mod(obj)+ ## XXX this omits the divs entirely if they are empty. Do we want that or do |
420 | +261 |
+ ## we want them to be there but empty?? |
421 | -20x | +262 | +9x |
- invisible(NULL)+ ftrlst <- list( |
422 | -+ | |||
263 | +9x |
- }+ if (length(mat$ref_footnotes) > 0) rfnotes, |
423 | -+ | |||
264 | +9x |
- )+ if (length(mat$ref_footnotes) > 0) hsep_line, |
424 | -+ | |||
265 | +9x |
+ if (length(main_footer(x)) > 0) mftr, |
425 | -+ | |||
266 | +9x |
- #' @rdname int_methods+ if (length(main_footer(x)) > 0 && length(prov_footer(x)) > 0) tags$br(), # line break |
426 | -+ | |||
267 | +9x |
- setMethod(+ if (length(prov_footer(x)) > 0) pftr |
427 | +268 |
- "table_structure_inner", "LabelRow",+ ) |
428 | +269 |
- function(obj, depth = 0, indent = 0, print_indent = 0) {+ + |
+ ||
270 | +! | +
+ if (!is.null(unlist(ftrlst))) ftrlst <- c(list(hsep_line), ftrlst) |
429 | -25x | +271 | +9x |
- indent <- indent + indent_mod(obj)+ ftrlst <- ftrlst[!vapply(ftrlst, is.null, TRUE)] |
430 | +272 | |||
431 | -25x | +273 | +9x |
- txtvis <- if (!obj_visible(obj)) " - <not visible>" else ""+ ftrtag <- div_helper(+ |
274 | +9x | +
+ class = "rtables-footers-block",+ |
+ ||
275 | +9x | +
+ ftrlst |
432 | +276 | ++ |
+ )+ |
+ |
277 | ||||
433 | -25x | +278 | +9x |
- scat("labelrow: ", "[", obj_name(obj), "] (", obj_label(obj), ")",+ div_helper( |
434 | -25x | +279 | +9x |
- txtvis,+ class = "rtables-all-parts-block", |
435 | -25x | +280 | +9x |
- indent = print_indent+ list( |
436 | -+ | |||
281 | +9x |
- )+ hdrtag, |
437 | -+ | |||
282 | +9x |
+ tabletag, |
438 | -25x | +283 | +9x |
- obj_visible(obj)+ ftrtag |
439 | +284 |
- }+ ) |
440 | +285 |
- )+ )+ |
+ ||
286 | ++ |
+ } |
1 |
- #' Score functions for sorting `TableTrees`+ #' Compare two rtables |
3 |
- #' @inheritParams gen_args+ #' Prints a matrix where `.` means cell matches, `X` means cell does |
4 |
- #'+ #' not match, `+` cell (row) is missing, and `-` cell (row) |
5 |
- #' @return A single numeric value indicating score according to the relevant metric for `tt`, to be used when sorting.+ #' should not be there. If `structure` is set to `TRUE`, `C` indicates |
6 |
- #'+ #' column-structure mismatch, `R` indicates row-structure mismatch, and |
7 |
- #' @export+ #' `S` indicates mismatch in both row and column structure. |
8 |
- #' @rdname score_funs+ #' |
9 |
- cont_n_allcols <- function(tt) {+ #' @param object (`VTableTree`)\cr `rtable` to test. |
10 | -6x | +
- ctab <- content_table(tt)+ #' @param expected (`VTableTree`)\cr expected `rtable`. |
11 | -6x | +
- if (NROW(ctab) == 0) {+ #' @param tol (`numeric(1)`)\cr tolerance. |
12 | -2x | +
- stop(+ #' @param comp.attr (`flag`)\cr whether to compare cell formats. Other attributes are |
13 | -2x | +
- "cont_n_allcols score function used at subtable [",+ #' silently ignored. |
14 | -2x | +
- obj_name(tt), "] that has no content table."+ #' @param structure (`flag`)\cr whether structures (in the form of column and row |
15 |
- )+ #' paths to cells) should be compared. Currently defaults to `FALSE`, but this is |
16 |
- }+ #' subject to change in future versions. |
17 | -4x | +
- sum(sapply(+ #' |
18 | -4x | +
- row_values(tree_children(ctab)[[1]]),+ #' @note In its current form, `compare_rtables` does not take structure into |
19 | -4x | +
- function(cv) cv[1]+ #' account, only row and cell position. |
20 |
- ))+ #' |
21 |
- }+ #' @return A matrix of class `rtables_diff` representing the differences |
22 |
+ #' between `object` and `expected` as described above. |
23 |
- #' @param j (`numeric(1)`)\cr index of column used for scoring.+ #' |
24 |
- #'+ #' @examples |
25 |
- #' @seealso For examples and details, please read the documentation for [sort_at_path()] and the+ #' t1 <- rtable(header = c("A", "B"), format = "xx", rrow("row 1", 1, 2)) |
26 |
- #' [Sorting and Pruning](https://insightsengineering.github.io/rtables/latest-tag/articles/sorting_pruning.html)+ #' t2 <- rtable(header = c("A", "B", "C"), format = "xx", rrow("row 1", 1, 2, 3)) |
27 |
- #' vignette.+ #' |
28 |
- #'+ #' compare_rtables(object = t1, expected = t2) |
29 |
- #' @export+ #' |
30 |
- #' @rdname score_funs+ #' if (interactive()) { |
31 |
- cont_n_onecol <- function(j) {+ #' Viewer(t1, t2) |
32 | -2x | +
- function(tt) {+ #' } |
33 | -6x | +
- ctab <- content_table(tt)+ #' |
34 | -6x | +
- if (NROW(ctab) == 0) {+ #' expected <- rtable( |
35 | -2x | +
- stop(+ #' header = c("ARM A\nN=100", "ARM B\nN=200"), |
36 | -2x | +
- "cont_n_allcols score function used at subtable [",+ #' format = "xx", |
37 | -2x | +
- obj_name(tt), "] that has no content table."+ #' rrow("row 1", 10, 15), |
38 |
- )+ #' rrow(), |
39 |
- }+ #' rrow("section title"), |
40 | -4x | +
- row_values(tree_children(ctab)[[1]])[[j]][1]+ #' rrow("row colspan", rcell(c(.345543, .4432423), colspan = 2, format = "(xx.xx, xx.xx)")) |
41 |
- }+ #' ) |
42 |
- }+ #' |
43 |
+ #' expected |
44 |
- #' Sorting a table at a specific path+ #' |
45 |
- #'+ #' object <- rtable( |
46 |
- #' Main sorting function to order the sub-structure of a `TableTree` at a particular path in the table tree.+ #' header = c("ARM A\nN=100", "ARM B\nN=200"), |
47 |
- #'+ #' format = "xx", |
48 |
- #' @inheritParams gen_args+ #' rrow("row 1", 10, 15), |
49 |
- #' @param scorefun (`function`)\cr scoring function. Should accept the type of children directly under the position+ #' rrow("section title"), |
50 |
- #' at `path` (either `VTableTree`, `VTableRow`, or `VTableNodeInfo`, which covers both) and return a numeric value+ #' rrow("row colspan", rcell(c(.345543, .4432423), colspan = 2, format = "(xx.xx, xx.xx)")) |
51 |
- #' to be sorted.+ #' ) |
52 |
- #' @param decreasing (`flag`)\cr whether the scores generated by `scorefun` should be sorted in decreasing order. If+ #' |
53 |
- #' unset (the default of `NA`), it is set to `TRUE` if the generated scores are numeric and `FALSE` if they are+ #' compare_rtables(object, expected, comp.attr = FALSE) |
54 |
- #' characters.+ #' |
55 |
- #' @param na.pos (`string`)\cr what should be done with children (sub-trees/rows) with `NA` scores. Defaults to+ #' object <- rtable( |
56 |
- #' `"omit"`, which removes them. Other allowed values are `"last"` and `"first"`, which indicate where `NA` scores+ #' header = c("ARM A\nN=100", "ARM B\nN=200"), |
57 |
- #' should be placed in the order.+ #' format = "xx", |
58 |
- #' @param .prev_path (`character`)\cr internal detail, do not set manually.+ #' rrow("row 1", 10, 15), |
59 |
- #'+ #' rrow(), |
60 |
- #' @return A `TableTree` with the same structure as `tt` with the exception that the requested sorting has been done+ #' rrow("section title") |
61 |
- #' at `path`.+ #' ) |
63 |
- #' @details+ #' compare_rtables(object, expected) |
64 |
- #' `sort_at_path`, given a path, locates the (sub)table(s) described by the path (see below for handling of the `"*"`+ #' |
65 |
- #' wildcard). For each such subtable, it then calls `scorefun` on each direct child of the table, using the resulting+ #' object <- rtable( |
66 |
- #' scores to determine their sorted order. `tt` is then modified to reflect each of these one or more sorting+ #' header = c("ARM A\nN=100", "ARM B\nN=200"), |
67 |
- #' operations.+ #' format = "xx", |
68 |
- #'+ #' rrow("row 1", 14, 15.03), |
69 |
- #' In `path`, a leading `"root"` element will be ignored, regardless of whether this matches the object name (and thus+ #' rrow(), |
70 |
- #' actual root path name) of `tt`. Including `"root"` in paths where it does not match the name of `tt` may mask deeper+ #' rrow("section title"), |
71 |
- #' misunderstandings of how valid paths within a `TableTree` object correspond to the layout used to originally declare+ #' rrow("row colspan", rcell(c(.345543, .4432423), colspan = 2, format = "(xx.xx, xx.xx)")) |
72 |
- #' it, which we encourage users to avoid.+ #' ) |
74 |
- #' `path` can include the "wildcard" `"*"` as a step, which translates roughly to *any* node/branching element and means+ #' compare_rtables(object, expected) |
75 |
- #' that each child at that step will be *separately* sorted based on `scorefun` and the remaining `path` entries. This+ #' |
76 |
- #' can occur multiple times in a path.+ #' object <- rtable( |
77 |
- #'+ #' header = c("ARM A\nN=100", "ARM B\nN=200"), |
78 |
- #' A list of valid (non-wildcard) paths can be seen in the `path` column of the `data.frame` created by+ #' format = "xx", |
79 |
- #' [formatters::make_row_df()] with the `visible_only` argument set to `FALSE`. It can also be inferred from the+ #' rrow("row 1", 10, 15), |
80 |
- #' summary given by [table_structure()].+ #' rrow(), |
81 |
- #'+ #' rrow("section title"), |
82 |
- #' Note that sorting needs a deeper understanding of table structure in `rtables`. Please consider reading the related+ #' rrow("row colspan", rcell(c(.345543, .4432423), colspan = 2, format = "(xx.x, xx.x)")) |
83 |
- #' vignette+ #' ) |
84 |
- #' ([Sorting and Pruning](https://insightsengineering.github.io/rtables/latest-tag/articles/sorting_pruning.html))+ #' |
85 |
- #' and explore table structure with useful functions like [table_structure()] and [row_paths_summary()]. It is also+ #' compare_rtables(object, expected) |
86 |
- #' very important to understand the difference between "content" rows and "data" rows. The first one analyzes and+ #' |
87 |
- #' describes the split variable generally and is generated with [summarize_row_groups()], while the second one is+ #' @export |
88 |
- #' commonly produced by calling one of the various [analyze()] instances.+ compare_rtables <- function(object, expected, tol = 0.1, comp.attr = TRUE, |
89 |
- #'+ structure = FALSE) { |
90 |
- #' Built-in score functions are [cont_n_allcols()] and [cont_n_onecol()]. They are both working with content rows+ # if (identical(object, expected)) return(invisible(TRUE)) |
91 |
- #' (coming from [summarize_row_groups()]) while a custom score function needs to be used on `DataRow`s. Here, some+ |
92 | -+ | 12x |
- #' useful descriptor and accessor functions (coming from related vignette):+ if (!is(object, "VTableTree")) { |
93 | -+ | ! |
- #' - [cell_values()] - Retrieves a named list of a `TableRow` or `TableTree` object's values.+ stop( |
94 | -+ | ! |
- #' - [formatters::obj_name()] - Retrieves the name of an object. Note this can differ from the label that is+ "argument object is expected to be of class TableTree or ", |
95 | -+ | ! |
- #' displayed (if any is) when printing.+ "ElementaryTable" |
96 |
- #' - [formatters::obj_label()] - Retrieves the display label of an object. Note this can differ from the name that+ ) |
97 |
- #' appears in the path.+ } |
98 | -+ | 12x |
- #' - [content_table()] - Retrieves a `TableTree` object's content table (which contains its summary rows).+ if (!is(expected, "VTableTree")) { |
99 | -+ | ! |
- #' - [tree_children()] - Retrieves a `TableTree` object's direct children (either subtables, rows or possibly a mix+ stop( |
100 | -+ | ! |
- #' thereof, though that should not happen in practice).+ "argument expected is expected to be of class TableTree or ", |
101 | -+ | ! |
- #'+ "ElementaryTable" |
102 |
- #' @seealso+ ) |
103 |
- #' * Score functions [cont_n_allcols()] and [cont_n_onecol()].+ } |
104 | -+ | 12x |
- #' * [formatters::make_row_df()] and [table_structure()] for pathing information.+ dim_out <- apply(rbind(dim(object), dim(expected)), 2, max) |
105 |
- #' * [tt_at_path()] to select a table's (sub)structure at a given path.+ |
106 | -+ | 12x |
- #'+ X <- matrix(rep(".", dim_out[1] * dim_out[2]), ncol = dim_out[2]) |
107 | -+ | 12x |
- #' @examples+ row.names(X) <- as.character(1:dim_out[1]) |
108 | -+ | 12x |
- #' # Creating a table to sort+ colnames(X) <- as.character(1:dim_out[2]) |
109 |
- #'+ |
110 | -+ | 12x |
- #' # Function that gives two statistics per table-tree "leaf"+ if (!identical(names(object), names(expected))) { |
111 | -+ | 7x |
- #' more_analysis_fnc <- function(x) {+ attr(X, "info") <- "column names are not the same" |
112 |
- #' in_rows(+ } |
113 |
- #' "median" = median(x),+ |
114 | -+ | 12x |
- #' "mean" = mean(x),+ if (!comp.attr) { |
115 | -+ | ! |
- #' .formats = "xx.x"+ attr(X, "info") <- c( |
116 | -+ | ! |
- #' )+ attr(X, "info"), |
117 | -+ | ! |
- #' }+ "cell attributes have not been compared" |
118 |
- #'+ ) |
119 |
- #' # Main layout of the table+ } |
120 | -+ | 12x |
- #' raw_lyt <- basic_table() %>%+ if (!identical(row.names(object), row.names(expected))) { |
121 | -+ | 2x |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>%+ attr(X, "info") <- c(attr(X, "info"), "row labels are not the same") |
122 |
- #' split_rows_by(+ } |
123 |
- #' "RACE",+ |
124 | -+ | 12x |
- #' split_fun = drop_and_remove_levels("WHITE") # dropping WHITE levels+ nro <- nrow(object) |
125 | -+ | 12x |
- #' ) %>%+ nre <- nrow(expected) |
126 | -+ | 12x |
- #' summarize_row_groups() %>%+ nco <- ncol(object) |
127 | -+ | 12x |
- #' split_rows_by("STRATA1") %>%+ nce <- ncol(expected) |
128 |
- #' summarize_row_groups() %>%+ |
129 | -+ | 12x |
- #' analyze("AGE", afun = more_analysis_fnc)+ if (nco < nce) { |
130 | -+ | 2x |
- #'+ X[, seq(nco + 1, nce)] <- "-" |
131 | -+ | 10x |
- #' # Creating the table and pruning empty and NAs+ } else if (nce < nco) { |
132 | -+ | 3x |
- #' tbl <- build_table(raw_lyt, DM) %>%+ X[, seq(nce + 1, nco)] <- "+" |
133 |
- #' prune_table()+ } |
134 | -+ | 12x |
- #'+ if (nro < nre) { |
135 | -+ | 1x |
- #' # Peek at the table structure to understand how it is built+ X[seq(nro + 1, nre), ] <- "-" |
136 | -+ | 11x |
- #' table_structure(tbl)+ } else if (nre < nro) { |
137 | -+ | ! |
- #'+ X[seq(nre + 1, nro), ] <- "+" |
138 |
- #' # Sorting only ASIAN sub-table, or, in other words, sorting STRATA elements for+ } |
139 |
- #' # the ASIAN group/row-split. This uses content_table() accessor function as it+ |
140 | -+ | 12x |
- #' # is a "ContentRow". In this case, we also base our sorting only on the second column.+ orig_object <- object # nolint |
141 | -+ | 12x |
- #' sort_at_path(tbl, c("ASIAN", "STRATA1"), cont_n_onecol(2))+ orig_expected <- expected # nolint |
142 | -+ | 12x |
- #'+ if (nro != nre || nco != nce) { |
143 | -+ | 5x |
- #' # Custom scoring function that is working on "DataRow"s+ object <- object[1:min(nro, nre), 1:min(nco, nce), drop = FALSE] |
144 | -+ | 5x |
- #' scorefun <- function(tt) {+ expected <- expected[1:min(nro, nre), 1:min(nco, nce), drop = FALSE] |
145 | -+ | 5x |
- #' # Here we could use browser()+ inner <- compare_rtables(object, expected, tol = tol, comp.attr = comp.attr, structure = structure) |
146 | -+ | 5x |
- #' sum(unlist(row_values(tt))) # Different accessor function+ X[seq_len(nrow(object)), seq_len(ncol(object))] <- inner |
147 | -+ | 5x |
- #' }+ class(X) <- c("rtables_diff", class(X)) |
148 | -+ | 5x |
- #' # Sorting mean and median for all the AGE leaves!+ return(X) |
149 |
- #' sort_at_path(tbl, c("RACE", "*", "STRATA1", "*", "AGE"), scorefun)+ } |
150 |
- #'+ |
151 |
- #' @export+ ## from here dimensions match! |
152 |
- sort_at_path <- function(tt,+ |
153 | -+ | 7x |
- path,+ orows <- cell_values(object, omit_labrows = FALSE) |
154 | -+ | 7x |
- scorefun,+ erows <- cell_values(expected, omit_labrows = FALSE) |
155 | -+ | 7x |
- decreasing = NA,+ if (nrow(object) == 1) { |
156 | -+ | ! |
- na.pos = c("omit", "last", "first"),+ orows <- list(orows) |
157 | -+ | ! |
- .prev_path = character()) {+ erows <- list(erows) |
158 | -35x | +
- if (NROW(tt) == 0) {+ } |
159 | -1x | +7x |
- return(tt)+ res <- mapply(compare_rrows, |
160 | -+ | 7x |
- }+ row1 = orows, row2 = erows, tol = tol, ncol = ncol(object), |
161 | -+ | 7x |
162 |
- ## XXX hacky fix this!!!+ ) |
163 | -+ | 7x |
- ## tt_at_path removes root even if actual root table isn't named root, we need to match that behavior+ X <- do.call(rbind, res) |
164 | -34x | +7x |
- if (path[1] == "root") {+ rpo <- row_paths(object) |
165 | -+ | 7x |
- ## always remove first root element but only add it to+ rpe <- row_paths(expected) |
166 |
- ## .prev_path (used for error reporting) if it actually matched the name+ |
167 | -1x | +7x |
- if (obj_name(tt) == "root") {+ if (comp.attr) { |
168 | -1x | +7x |
- .prev_path <- c(.prev_path, path[1])+ ofmts <- value_formats(object) |
169 | -+ | 7x |
- }+ efmts <- value_formats(expected) |
170 | -1x | +
- path <- path[-1]+ ## dim(ofmts) <- NULL |
171 |
- }+ ## dim(efmts) <- NULL |
172 | -34x | +
- if (identical(obj_name(tt), path[1])) {+ |
173 | -1x | +7x |
- .prev_path <- c(.prev_path, path[1])+ fmt_mismatch <- which(!mapply(identical, x = ofmts, y = efmts)) ## inherently ignores dim |
174 | -1x | +
- path <- path[-1]+ |
175 |
- }+ |
176 |
+ ## note the single index here!!!, no comma!!!! |
177 | -34x | +7x |
- curpath <- path+ X[fmt_mismatch] <- "X" |
178 | -34x | +
- subtree <- tt+ } |
179 | -34x | +
- backpath <- c()+ |
180 | -34x | +
- count <- 0+ |
181 | -34x | +7x |
- while (length(curpath) > 0) {+ if (structure) { |
182 | -40x | +1x |
- curname <- curpath[1]+ rp_mismatches <- !mapply(identical, x = rpo, y = rpe) |
183 | -40x | +1x |
- oldkids <- tree_children(subtree)+ cpo <- col_paths(object) |
184 | -+ | 1x |
- ## we sort each child separately based on the score function+ cpe <- col_paths(expected) |
185 | -+ | 1x |
- ## and the remaining path+ cp_mismatches <- !mapply(identical, x = cpo, y = cpe) |
186 | -40x | +
- if (curname == "*") {+ |
187 | -7x | +1x |
- oldnames <- vapply(oldkids, obj_name, "")+ if (any(rp_mismatches)) { # P for (row or column) path do not match |
188 | -7x | +! |
- newkids <- lapply(+ X[rp_mismatches, ] <- "R" |
189 | -7x | +
- seq_along(oldkids),+ } |
190 | -7x | +1x |
- function(i) {+ if (any(cp_mismatches)) { |
191 | -27x | +1x |
- sort_at_path(oldkids[[i]],+ crep <- rep("C", nrow(X)) |
192 | -27x | +1x |
- path = curpath[-1],+ if (any(rp_mismatches)) { |
193 | -27x | +! |
- scorefun = scorefun,+ crep[rp_mismatches] <- "P" |
194 | -27x | +
- decreasing = decreasing,+ } |
195 | -27x | +1x |
- na.pos = na.pos,+ X[, cp_mismatches] <- rep(crep, sum(cp_mismatches)) |
196 |
- ## its ok to modify the "path" here because its only ever used for+ } |
197 |
- ## informative error reporting.+ } |
198 | -27x | +7x |
- .prev_path = c(.prev_path, backpath, paste0("* (", oldnames[i], ")"))+ class(X) <- c("rtables_diff", class(X)) |
199 | -+ | 7x |
- )+ X |
200 |
- }+ } |
201 |
- )+ |
202 | -4x | +
- names(newkids) <- oldnames+ ## for (i in 1:dim(X)[1]) { |
203 | -4x | +
- newtab <- subtree+ ## for (j in 1:dim(X)[2]) { |
204 | -4x | +
- tree_children(newtab) <- newkids+ |
205 | -4x | +
- if (length(backpath) > 0) {+ ## is_equivalent <- TRUE |
206 | -3x | +
- ret <- recursive_replace(tt, backpath, value = newtab)+ ## if (i <= nro && i <= nre && j <= nco && j <= nce) { |
207 |
- } else {+ ## x <- object[i,j, drop = TRUE] |
208 | -1x | +
- ret <- newtab+ ## y <- expected[i,j, drop = TRUE] |
209 |
- }+ |
210 | -4x | +
- return(ret)+ ## attr_x <- attributes(x) |
211 | -33x | +
- } else if (!(curname %in% names(oldkids))) {+ ## attr_y <- attributes(y) |
212 | -1x | +
- stop(+ |
213 | -1x | +
- "Unable to find child(ren) '",+ ## attr_x_sorted <- if (is.null(attr_x)) NULL else attr_x[order(names(attr_x))] |
214 | -1x | +
- curname, "'\n\t occurred at path: ",+ ## attr_y_sorted <- if (is.null(attr_y)) NULL else attr_y[order(names(attr_y))] |
215 | -1x | +
- paste(c(.prev_path, path[seq_len(count)]), collapse = " -> "),+ |
216 | -1x | +
- "\n Use 'make_row_df(obj, visible_only = TRUE)[, c(\"label\", \"path\", \"node_class\")]' or \n",+ ## if (comp.attr && !identical(attr_x_sorted, attr_y_sorted)) { |
217 | -1x | +
- "'table_structure(obj)' to explore valid paths."+ ## is_equivalent <- FALSE |
218 |
- )+ ## } else if (is.numeric(x) && is.numeric(y)) { |
219 |
- }+ ## if (any(abs(na.omit(x - y)) > tol)) { |
220 | -32x | +
- subtree <- tree_children(subtree)[[curname]]+ ## is_equivalent <- FALSE |
221 | -32x | +
- backpath <- c(backpath, curpath[1])+ ## } |
222 | -32x | +
- curpath <- curpath[-1]+ ## } else { |
223 | -32x | +
- count <- count + 1+ ## if (!identical(x, y)) { |
224 |
- }+ ## is_equivalent <- FALSE |
225 | -26x | +
- real_backpath <- path[seq_len(count)]+ ## } |
226 |
+ ## } |
227 | -26x | +
- na.pos <- match.arg(na.pos)+ |
228 |
- ## subtree <- tt_at_path(tt, path)+ ## if (!is_equivalent) { |
229 | -26x | +
- kids <- tree_children(subtree)+ ## X[i,j] <- "X" |
230 |
- ## relax this to allow character "scores"+ ## } |
231 |
- ## scores <- vapply(kids, scorefun, NA_real_)+ ## } else if (i > nro || j > nco) { |
232 | -26x | +
- scores <- lapply(kids, function(x) tryCatch(scorefun(x), error = function(e) e))+ ## ## missing in object |
233 | -26x | +
- errs <- which(vapply(scores, is, class2 = "error", TRUE))+ ## X[i, j] <- "+" |
234 | -26x | +
- if (length(errs) > 0) {+ ## } else { |
235 | -2x | +
- stop("Encountered at least ", length(errs), " error(s) when applying score function.\n",+ ## ## too many elements |
236 | -2x | +
- "First error: ", scores[[errs[1]]]$message,+ ## X[i, j] <- "-" |
237 | -2x | +
- "\n\toccurred at path: ",+ ## } |
238 | -2x | +
- paste(c(.prev_path, real_backpath, names(kids)[errs[1]]), collapse = " -> "),+ ## } |
239 | -2x | +
- call. = FALSE+ ## } |
240 |
- )+ ## class(X) <- c("rtable_diff", class(X)) |
241 |
- } else {+ ## X |
242 | -24x | +
- scores <- unlist(scores)+ ## } |
243 |
- }+ |
244 | -24x | +
- if (!is.null(dim(scores)) || length(scores) != length(kids)) {+ compare_value <- function(x, y, tol) { |
245 | -! | +359x |
- stop(+ if (identical(x, y) || (is.numeric(x) && is.numeric(y) && max(abs(x - y)) <= tol)) { |
246 | -! | +
- "Score function does not appear to have return exactly one ",+ "." |
247 | -! | +
- "scalar value per child"+ } else { |
248 | -+ | 72x |
- )+ "X" |
250 | -24x | +
- if (is.na(decreasing)) {+ } |
251 | -8x | +
- decreasing <- if (is.character(scores)) FALSE else TRUE+ |
252 |
- }+ compare_rrows <- function(row1, row2, tol, ncol) { |
253 | -24x | +173x |
- ord <- order(scores, na.last = (na.pos != "first"), decreasing = decreasing)+ if (length(row1) == ncol && length(row2) == ncol) { |
254 | -24x | +115x |
- newkids <- kids[ord]+ mapply(compare_value, x = row1, y = row2, tol = tol, USE.NAMES = FALSE) |
255 | -24x | +58x |
- if (anyNA(scores) && na.pos == "omit") { # we did na last here+ } else if (length(row1) == 0 && length(row2) == 0) { |
256 | -! | +44x |
- newkids <- head(newkids, -1 * sum(is.na(scores)))+ rep(".", ncol) |
257 |
- }+ } else { |
258 | -+ | 14x |
+ rep("X", ncol) |
259 | -24x | +
- newtree <- subtree+ } |
260 | -24x | +
- tree_children(newtree) <- newkids+ } |
261 | -24x | +
- tt_at_path(tt, path) <- newtree+ |
262 | -24x | +
- tt+ ## #' @export |
263 |
- }+ ## print.rtable_diff <- function(x, ...) {+ |
+ ||
264 | ++ |
+ ## print.default(unclass(x), quote = FALSE, ...)+ |
+ |
265 | ++ |
+ ## } |
1 |
- #' Trimming and pruning criteria+ #' Change indentation of all `rrows` in an `rtable` |
3 |
- #' Criteria functions (and constructors thereof) for trimming and pruning tables.+ #' Change indentation of all `rrows` in an `rtable` |
5 |
- #' @inheritParams gen_args+ #' @param x (`VTableTree`)\cr an `rtable` object. |
6 |
- #'+ #' @param by (`integer`)\cr number to increase indentation of rows by. Can be negative. If final indentation is |
7 |
- #' @return A logical value indicating whether `tr` should be included (`TRUE`) or pruned (`FALSE`) during pruning.+ #' less than 0, the indentation is set to 0. |
9 |
- #' @seealso [prune_table()], [trim_rows()]+ #' @return `x` with its indent modifier incremented by `by`. |
11 |
- #' @details `all_zero_or_na` returns `TRUE` (and thus indicates trimming/pruning) for any *non-`LabelRow`*+ #' @examples |
12 |
- #' `TableRow` which contain only any mix of `NA` (including `NaN`), `0`, `Inf` and `-Inf` values.+ #' is_setosa <- iris$Species == "setosa" |
13 |
- #'+ #' m_tbl <- rtable( |
14 |
- #' @examples+ #' header = rheader( |
15 |
- #' adsl <- ex_adsl+ #' rrow(row.name = NULL, rcell("Sepal.Length", colspan = 2), rcell("Petal.Length", colspan = 2)), |
16 |
- #' levels(adsl$SEX) <- c(levels(ex_adsl$SEX), "OTHER")+ #' rrow(NULL, "mean", "median", "mean", "median") |
17 |
- #' adsl$AGE[adsl$SEX == "UNDIFFERENTIATED"] <- 0+ #' ), |
18 |
- #' adsl$BMRKR1 <- 0+ #' rrow( |
19 |
- #'+ #' row.name = "All Species", |
20 |
- #' tbl_to_prune <- basic_table() %>%+ #' mean(iris$Sepal.Length), median(iris$Sepal.Length), |
21 |
- #' analyze("BMRKR1") %>%+ #' mean(iris$Petal.Length), median(iris$Petal.Length), |
22 |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>%+ #' format = "xx.xx" |
23 |
- #' split_rows_by("SEX") %>%+ #' ), |
24 |
- #' summarize_row_groups() %>%+ #' rrow( |
25 |
- #' split_rows_by("STRATA1") %>%+ #' row.name = "Setosa", |
26 |
- #' summarize_row_groups() %>%+ #' mean(iris$Sepal.Length[is_setosa]), median(iris$Sepal.Length[is_setosa]), |
27 |
- #' analyze("AGE") %>%+ #' mean(iris$Petal.Length[is_setosa]), median(iris$Petal.Length[is_setosa]), |
28 |
- #' build_table(adsl)+ #' format = "xx.xx" |
29 |
- #'+ #' ) |
30 |
- #' tbl_to_prune %>% prune_table(all_zero_or_na)+ #' ) |
31 |
- #'+ #' indent(m_tbl) |
32 |
- #' @rdname trim_prune_funs+ #' indent(m_tbl, 2) |
33 |
- #' @export+ #' |
34 |
- all_zero_or_na <- function(tr) {+ #' @export |
35 | -347x | +
- if (!is(tr, "TableRow") || is(tr, "LabelRow")) {+ indent <- function(x, by = 1) { |
36 | -93x | +9x |
- return(FALSE)+ if (nrow(x) == 0 || by == 0) { |
37 | -+ | 9x |
- }+ return(x) |
38 | -254x | +
- rvs <- unlist(unname(row_values(tr)))+ } |
39 | -254x | +
- all(is.na(rvs) | rvs == 0 | !is.finite(rvs))+ |
40 | -+ | ! |
- }+ indent_mod(x) <- indent_mod(x) + by |
41 | -+ | ! |
+ x |
42 |
- #' @details `all_zero` returns `TRUE` for any non-`LabelRow` which contains only (non-missing) zero values.+ } |
43 |
- #'+ |
44 |
- #' @examples+ #' Clear all indent modifiers from a table |
45 |
- #' tbl_to_prune %>% prune_table(all_zero)+ #' |
46 |
- #'+ #' @inheritParams gen_args |
47 |
- #' @rdname trim_prune_funs+ #' |
48 |
- #' @export+ #' @return The same class as `tt`, with all indent modifiers set to zero. |
49 |
- all_zero <- function(tr) {+ #' |
50 | -8x | +
- if (!is(tr, "TableRow") || is(tr, "LabelRow")) {+ #' @examples |
51 | -! | +
- return(FALSE)+ #' lyt1 <- basic_table() %>% |
52 |
- }+ #' summarize_row_groups("STUDYID", label_fstr = "overall summary") %>% |
53 | -8x | +
- rvs <- unlist(unname(row_values(tr)))+ #' split_rows_by("AEBODSYS", child_labels = "visible") %>% |
54 | -8x | +
- isTRUE(all(rvs == 0))+ #' summarize_row_groups("STUDYID", label_fstr = "subgroup summary") %>% |
55 |
- }+ #' analyze("AGE", indent_mod = -1L) |
56 |
+ #' |
57 |
- #' Trim rows from a populated table without regard for table structure+ #' tbl1 <- build_table(lyt1, ex_adae) |
58 |
- #'+ #' tbl1 |
59 |
- #' @inheritParams gen_args+ #' clear_indent_mods(tbl1) |
60 |
- #' @param criteria (`function`)\cr function which takes a `TableRow` object and returns `TRUE` if that row+ #' |
61 |
- #' should be removed. Defaults to [all_zero_or_na()].+ #' @export |
62 |
- #'+ #' @rdname clear_imods |
63 | -+ | 40x |
- #' @return The table with rows that have only `NA` or 0 cell values removed.+ setGeneric("clear_indent_mods", function(tt) standardGeneric("clear_indent_mods")) |
64 |
- #'+ |
65 |
- #' @note+ #' @export |
66 |
- #' Visible `LabelRow`s are including in this trimming, which can lead to either all label rows being trimmed or+ #' @rdname clear_imods |
67 |
- #' label rows remaining when all data rows have been trimmed, depending on what `criteria` returns when called on+ setMethod( |
68 |
- #' a `LabelRow` object. To avoid this, use the structurally-aware [prune_table()] machinery instead.+ "clear_indent_mods", "VTableTree", |
69 |
- #'+ function(tt) { |
70 | -+ | 25x |
- #' @details+ ct <- content_table(tt) |
71 | -+ | 25x |
- #' This function will be deprecated in the future in favor of the more elegant and versatile [prune_table()]+ if (!is.null(ct)) { |
72 | -+ | 9x |
- #' function which can perform the same function as `trim_rows()` but is more powerful as it takes table structure+ content_table(tt) <- clear_indent_mods(ct) |
73 |
- #' into account.+ } |
74 | -+ | 25x |
- #'+ tree_children(tt) <- lapply(tree_children(tt), clear_indent_mods) |
75 | -+ | 25x |
- #' @seealso [prune_table()]+ indent_mod(tt) <- 0L |
76 | -+ | 25x |
- #'+ tt |
77 |
- #' @examples+ } |
78 |
- #' adsl <- ex_adsl+ ) |
79 |
- #' levels(adsl$SEX) <- c(levels(ex_adsl$SEX), "OTHER")+ |
80 |
- #'+ #' @export |
81 |
- #' tbl_to_trim <- basic_table() %>%+ #' @rdname clear_imods |
82 |
- #' analyze("BMRKR1") %>%+ setMethod( |
83 |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>%+ "clear_indent_mods", "TableRow", |
84 |
- #' split_rows_by("SEX") %>%+ function(tt) { |
85 | -+ | 15x |
- #' summarize_row_groups() %>%+ indent_mod(tt) <- 0L |
86 | -+ | 15x |
- #' split_rows_by("STRATA1") %>%+ tt |
87 |
- #' summarize_row_groups() %>%+ } |
88 |
- #' analyze("AGE") %>%- |
- ||
89 | -- |
- #' build_table(adsl)- |
- |
90 | -- |
- #'- |
- |
91 | -- |
- #' tbl_to_trim %>% trim_rows()- |
- |
92 | -- |
- #'- |
- |
93 | -- |
- #' tbl_to_trim %>% trim_rows(all_zero)- |
- |
94 | -- |
- #'- |
- |
95 | -- |
- #' @export- |
- |
96 | -- |
- trim_rows <- function(tt, criteria = all_zero_or_na) {- |
- |
97 | -3x | -
- rows <- collect_leaves(tt, TRUE, TRUE)- |
- |
98 | -3x | -
- torm <- vapply(rows, criteria,- |
- |
99 | -3x | -
- NA,- |
- |
100 | -3x | -
- |
101 | -- |
- )- |
- |
102 | -3x | -
- tt[!torm, ,- |
- |
103 | -3x | -
- keep_topleft = TRUE,- |
- |
104 | -3x | -
- keep_titles = TRUE,- |
- |
105 | -3x | -
- keep_footers = TRUE,- |
- |
106 | -3x | -
- reindex_refs = TRUE- |
- |
107 | -- |
- ]- |
- |
108 | -- |
- }+ ) |
109 | +1 |
+ #' Create an `ElementaryTable` from a `data.frame` |
110 | +2 |
- #' @inheritParams trim_rows+ #' |
111 | +3 |
- #'+ #' @param df (`data.frame`)\cr a data frame. |
112 | +4 |
- #' @details+ #' |
113 | +5 |
- #' `content_all_zeros_nas` prunes a subtable if both of the following are true:+ #' @details |
114 | +6 |
- #'+ #' If row names are not defined in `df` (or they are simple numbers), then the row names are taken from the column |
115 | +7 |
- #' * It has a content table with exactly one row in it.+ #' `label_name`, if it exists. If `label_name` exists, then it is also removed from the original data. This behavior |
116 | +8 |
- #' * `all_zero_or_na` returns `TRUE` for that single content row. In practice, when the default summary/content+ #' is compatible with [as_result_df()], when `as_is = TRUE` and the row names are not unique. |
117 | +9 |
- #' function is used, this represents pruning any subtable which corresponds to an empty set of the input data+ #' |
118 | +10 |
- #' (e.g. because a factor variable was used in [split_rows_by()] but not all levels were present in the data).+ #' @seealso [as_result_df()] for the inverse operation. |
119 | +11 |
#' |
120 | +12 |
#' @examples |
121 | +13 |
- #' tbl_to_prune %>% prune_table(content_all_zeros_nas)+ #' df_to_tt(mtcars) |
122 | +14 |
#' |
123 | +15 |
- #' @rdname trim_prune_funs+ #' @export |
124 | +16 |
- #' @export+ df_to_tt <- function(df) { |
125 | -+ | |||
17 | +4x |
- content_all_zeros_nas <- function(tt, criteria = all_zero_or_na) {+ colnms <- colnames(df) |
126 | -+ | |||
18 | +4x |
- ## this will be NULL if+ cinfo <- manual_cols(colnms) |
127 | -+ | |||
19 | +4x |
- ## tt is something that doesn't have a content table+ rnames <- rownames(df) |
128 | -254x | +20 | +4x |
- ct <- content_table(tt)+ havern <- !is.null(rnames) |
129 | +21 |
- ## NROW returns 0 for NULL.+ |
130 | -254x | +22 | +4x |
- if (NROW(ct) == 0 || nrow(ct) > 1) {+ if ((!havern || all(grepl("[0-9]+", rnames))) && "label_name" %in% colnms) { |
131 | -242x | +23 | +2x |
- return(FALSE)+ rnames <- df$label_name |
132 | -+ | |||
24 | +2x |
- }+ df <- df[, -match("label_name", colnms)] |
133 | -+ | |||
25 | +2x |
+ colnms <- colnames(df) |
134 | -12x | +26 | +2x |
- cr <- tree_children(ct)[[1]]+ cinfo <- manual_cols(colnms) |
135 | -12x | +27 | +2x |
- criteria(cr)+ havern <- TRUE |
136 | +28 |
- }+ } |
137 | +29 | |||
138 | -+ | |||
30 | +4x |
- #' @details+ kids <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(df)), function(i) { |
139 | -+ | |||
31 | +124x |
- #' `prune_empty_level` combines `all_zero_or_na` behavior for `TableRow` objects, `content_all_zeros_nas` on+ rni <- if (havern) rnames[i] else "" |
140 | -+ | |||
32 | +124x |
- #' `content_table(tt)` for `TableTree` objects, and an additional check that returns `TRUE` if the `tt` has no+ do.call(rrow, c(list(row.name = rni), unclass(df[i, ]))) |
141 | +33 |
- #' children.+ }) |
142 | +34 |
- #'+ |
143 | -+ | |||
35 | +4x |
- #' @examples+ ElementaryTable(kids = kids, cinfo = cinfo) |
144 | +36 |
- #' tbl_to_prune %>% prune_table(prune_empty_level)+ } |
145 | +1 |
- #'+ #' @importFrom utils browseURL |
146 | +2 |
- #' @rdname trim_prune_funs+ NULL |
147 | +3 |
- #' @export+ |
148 | +4 |
- prune_empty_level <- function(tt) {- |
- ||
149 | -389x | -
- if (is(tt, "TableRow")) {- |
- ||
150 | -151x | -
- return(all_zero_or_na(tt))+ #' Display an `rtable` object in the Viewer pane in RStudio or in a browser |
151 | +5 |
- }+ #' |
152 | +6 | - - | -||
153 | -238x | -
- if (content_all_zeros_nas(tt)) {- |
- ||
154 | -2x | -
- return(TRUE)+ #' The table will be displayed using bootstrap styling. |
155 | +7 |
- }- |
- ||
156 | -236x | -
- kids <- tree_children(tt)+ #' |
157 | -236x | +|||
8 | +
- length(kids) == 0+ #' @param x (`rtable` or `shiny.tag`)\cr an object of class `rtable` or `shiny.tag` (defined in `htmltools` package). |
158 | +9 |
- }+ #' @param y (`rtable` or `shiny.tag`)\cr optional second argument of same type as `x`. |
159 | +10 |
+ #' @param ... arguments passed to [as_html()]. |
160 | +11 |
- #' @details `prune_zeros_only` behaves as `prune_empty_level` does, except that like `all_zero` it prunes+ #' |
161 | +12 |
- #' only in the case of all non-missing zero values.+ #' @return Not meaningful. Called for the side effect of opening a browser or viewer pane. |
162 | +13 |
#' |
163 | +14 |
#' @examples |
164 | +15 |
- #' tbl_to_prune %>% prune_table(prune_zeros_only)+ #' if (interactive()) { |
165 | +16 |
- #'+ #' sl5 <- factor(iris$Sepal.Length > 5, |
166 | +17 |
- #' @rdname trim_prune_funs+ #' levels = c(TRUE, FALSE), |
167 | +18 |
- #' @export+ #' labels = c("S.L > 5", "S.L <= 5") |
168 | +19 |
- prune_zeros_only <- function(tt) {- |
- ||
169 | -16x | -
- if (is(tt, "TableRow")) {- |
- ||
170 | -8x | -
- return(all_zero(tt))+ #' ) |
171 | +20 |
- }+ #' |
172 | +21 | - - | -||
173 | -8x | -
- if (content_all_zeros_nas(tt, criteria = all_zero)) {- |
- ||
174 | -! | -
- return(TRUE)+ #' df <- cbind(iris, sl5 = sl5) |
175 | +22 |
- }- |
- ||
176 | -8x | -
- kids <- tree_children(tt)- |
- ||
177 | -8x | -
- length(kids) == 0+ #' |
178 | +23 |
- }+ #' lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
179 | +24 |
+ #' split_cols_by("sl5") %>% |
180 | +25 |
- #' @param min (`numeric(1)`)\cr (used by `low_obs_pruner` only). Minimum aggregate count value.+ #' analyze("Sepal.Length") |
181 | +26 |
- #' Subtables whose combined/average count are below this threshold will be pruned.+ #' |
182 | +27 |
- #' @param type (`string`)\cr how count values should be aggregated. Must be `"sum"` (the default) or `"mean"`.+ #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, df) |
183 | +28 |
#' |
184 | +29 |
- #' @details+ #' Viewer(tbl) |
185 | +30 |
- #' `low_obs_pruner` is a *constructor function* which, when called, returns a pruning criteria function which+ #' Viewer(tbl, tbl) |
186 | +31 |
- #' will prune on content rows by comparing sum or mean (dictated by `type`) of the count portions of the cell+ #' |
187 | +32 |
- #' values (defined as the first value per cell regardless of how many values per cell there are) against `min`.+ #' |
188 | +33 |
- #'+ #' tbl2 <- htmltools::tags$div( |
189 | +34 |
- #' @examples+ #' class = "table-responsive", |
190 | +35 |
- #' min_prune <- low_obs_pruner(70, "sum")+ #' as_html(tbl, class_table = "table") |
191 | +36 |
- #' tbl_to_prune %>% prune_table(min_prune)+ #' ) |
192 | +37 |
#' |
193 | +38 |
- #' @rdname trim_prune_funs+ #' Viewer(tbl, tbl2) |
194 | +39 |
- #' @export+ #' } |
195 | +40 |
- low_obs_pruner <- function(min, type = c("sum", "mean")) {+ #' @export |
196 | -3x | +|||
41 | +
- type <- match.arg(type)+ Viewer <- function(x, y = NULL, ...) { |
197 | +42 | 3x |
- function(tt) {+ check_convert <- function(x, name, accept_NULL = FALSE) { |
198 | -21x | +43 | +6x |
- if (is(tt, "TableRow") || NROW(ctab <- content_table(tt)) != 1) { ## note the <- in there!!!+ if (accept_NULL && is.null(x)) { |
199 | -9x | +44 | +3x |
- return(FALSE) ## only trimming on count content rows+ NULL |
200 | -+ | |||
45 | +3x |
- }+ } else if (is(x, "shiny.tag")) { |
201 | -12x | +|||
46 | +! |
- ctr <- tree_children(ctab)[[1]]+ x |
202 | -12x | +47 | +3x |
- vals <- sapply(row_values(ctr), function(v) v[[1]])+ } else if (is(x, "VTableTree")) { |
203 | -12x | +48 | +3x |
- sumvals <- sum(vals)+ as_html(x, ...) |
204 | -12x | +|||
49 | +
- if (type == "mean") {+ } else { |
205 | -8x | +|||
50 | +! |
- sumvals <- sumvals / length(vals)+ stop("object of class rtable or shiny tag excepted for ", name) |
206 | +51 |
} |
207 | -12x | -
- sumvals < min- |
- ||
208 | +52 |
} |
209 | +53 |
- }+ |
210 | -+ | |||
54 | +3x |
+ x_tag <- check_convert(x, "x", FALSE) |
211 | -+ | |||
55 | +3x |
- #' Recursively prune a `TableTree`+ y_tag <- check_convert(y, "y", TRUE) |
212 | +56 |
- #'+ |
213 | -+ | |||
57 | +3x |
- #' @inheritParams gen_args+ html_output <- if (is.null(y)) { |
214 | -+ | |||
58 | +3x |
- #' @param prune_func (`function`)\cr a function to be called on each subtree which returns `TRUE` if the+ x_tag |
215 | +59 |
- #' entire subtree should be removed.+ } else { |
216 | -+ | |||
60 | +! |
- #' @param stop_depth (`numeric(1)`)\cr the depth after which subtrees should not be checked for pruning.+ tags$div(class = "container-fluid", htmltools::tags$div( |
217 | -+ | |||
61 | +! |
- #' Defaults to `NA` which indicates pruning should happen at all levels.+ class = "row", |
218 | -+ | |||
62 | +! |
- #' @param depth (`numeric(1)`)\cr used internally, not intended to be set by the end user.+ tags$div(class = "col-xs-6", x_tag), |
219 | -+ | |||
63 | +! |
- #'+ tags$div(class = "col-xs-6", y_tag) |
220 | +64 |
- #' @return A `TableTree` pruned via recursive application of `prune_func`.+ )) |
221 | +65 |
- #'+ } |
222 | +66 |
- #' @seealso [prune_empty_level()] for details on this and several other basic pruning functions included+ |
223 | -+ | |||
67 | +3x |
- #' in the `rtables` package.+ sandbox_folder <- file.path(tempdir(), "rtable") |
224 | +68 |
- #'+ |
225 | -+ | |||
69 | +3x |
- #' @examples+ if (!dir.exists(sandbox_folder)) { |
226 | -+ | |||
70 | +1x |
- #' adsl <- ex_adsl+ dir.create(sandbox_folder, recursive = TRUE) |
227 | -+ | |||
71 | +1x |
- #' levels(adsl$SEX) <- c(levels(ex_adsl$SEX), "OTHER")+ pbs <- file.path(path.package(package = "rtables"), "bootstrap/") |
228 | -+ | |||
72 | +1x |
- #'+ file.copy(list.files(pbs, full.names = TRUE, recursive = FALSE), sandbox_folder, recursive = TRUE) |
229 | +73 |
- #' tbl_to_prune <- basic_table() %>%+ # list.files(sandbox_folder) |
230 | +74 |
- #' split_cols_by("ARM") %>%+ } |
231 | +75 |
- #' split_rows_by("SEX") %>%+ |
232 | +76 |
- #' summarize_row_groups() %>%+ # get html name |
233 | -+ | |||
77 | +3x |
- #' split_rows_by("STRATA1") %>%+ n_try <- 10000 |
234 | -+ | |||
78 | +3x |
- #' summarize_row_groups() %>%+ for (i in seq_len(n_try)) { |
235 | -+ | |||
79 | +6x |
- #' analyze("AGE") %>%+ htmlFile <- file.path(sandbox_folder, paste0("table", i, ".html")) |
236 | +80 |
- #' build_table(adsl)+ |
237 | -+ | |||
81 | +6x |
- #'+ if (!file.exists(htmlFile)) { |
238 | -+ | |||
82 | +3x |
- #' tbl_to_prune %>% prune_table()+ break |
239 | -+ | |||
83 | +3x |
- #'+ } else if (i == n_try) { |
240 | -+ | |||
84 | +! |
- #' @export+ stop("too many html rtables created, restart your session") |
241 | +85 |
- prune_table <- function(tt,+ } |
242 | +86 |
- prune_func = prune_empty_level,+ } |
243 | +87 |
- stop_depth = NA_real_,+ |
244 | -+ | |||
88 | +3x |
- depth = 0) {+ html_bs <- tags$html( |
245 | -323x | +89 | +3x |
- if (!is.na(stop_depth) && depth > stop_depth) {+ lang = "en", |
246 | -! | +|||
90 | +3x |
- return(tt)+ tags$head( |
247 | -+ | |||
91 | +3x |
- }+ tags$meta(charset = "utf-8"), |
248 | -323x | +92 | +3x |
- if (is(tt, "TableRow")) {+ tags$meta("http-equiv" = "X-UA-Compatible", content = "IE=edge"), |
249 | -54x | +93 | +3x |
- if (prune_func(tt)) {+ tags$meta( |
250 | -! | +|||
94 | +3x |
- tt <- NULL+ name = "viewport",+ |
+ ||
95 | +3x | +
+ content = "width=device-width, initial-scale=1" |
251 | +96 |
- }+ ), |
252 | -54x | +97 | +3x |
- return(tt)+ tags$title("rtable"), |
253 | -+ | |||
98 | +3x |
- }+ tags$link( |
254 | -+ | |||
99 | +3x |
+ href = "css/bootstrap.min.css", |
255 | -269x | +100 | +3x |
- kids <- tree_children(tt)+ rel = "stylesheet" |
256 | +101 |
+ ) |
257 | -269x | +|||
102 | +
- torm <- vapply(kids, function(tb) {+ ), |
258 | -386x | +103 | +3x |
- !is.null(tb) && prune_func(tb)+ tags$body( |
259 | -269x | +104 | +3x |
- }, NA)+ html_output |
260 | +105 |
+ ) |
261 | -269x | +|||
106 | +
- keepkids <- kids[!torm]+ ) |
262 | -269x | +|||
107 | +
- keepkids <- lapply(keepkids, prune_table,+ |
263 | -269x | +108 | +3x |
- prune_func = prune_func,+ cat( |
264 | -269x | +109 | +3x |
- stop_depth = stop_depth,+ paste("<!DOCTYPE html>\n", htmltools::doRenderTags(html_bs)), |
265 | -269x | +110 | +3x |
- depth = depth + 1+ file = htmlFile, append = FALSE |
266 | +111 |
) |
267 | +112 | |||
268 | -269x | +113 | +3x |
- keepkids <- keepkids[!vapply(keepkids, is.null, NA)]+ viewer <- getOption("viewer")+ |
114 | ++ | + | ||
269 | -269x | +115 | +3x |
- if (length(keepkids) > 0) {+ if (!is.null(viewer)) { |
270 | -135x | +116 | +3x |
- tree_children(tt) <- keepkids+ viewer(htmlFile) |
271 | +117 |
} else { |
272 | -134x | +|||
118 | +! |
- tt <- NULL+ browseURL(htmlFile) |
273 | +119 |
} |
274 | -269x | -
- tt- |
- ||
275 | +120 |
}@@ -145549,14 +146268,14 @@ rtables coverage - 90.21% |
1 |
- #' Default tabulation+ #' Variable associated with a split |
3 |
- #' This function is used when [analyze()] is invoked.+ #' This function is intended for use when writing custom splitting logic. In cases where the split is associated with |
4 |
- #'+ #' a single variable, the name of that variable will be returned. At time of writing this includes splits generated |
5 |
- #' @param x (`vector`)\cr the *already split* data being tabulated for a particular cell/set of cells.+ #' via the [split_rows_by()], [split_cols_by()], [split_rows_by_cuts()], [split_cols_by_cuts()], |
6 |
- #' @param ... additional parameters to pass on.+ #' [split_rows_by_cutfun()], and [split_cols_by_cutfun()] layout directives. |
8 |
- #' @details This function has the following behavior given particular types of inputs:+ #' @param spl (`VarLevelSplit`)\cr the split object. |
9 |
- #' \describe{+ #' |
10 |
- #' \item{numeric}{calls [mean()] on `x`.}+ #' @return For splits with a single variable associated with them, returns the split. Otherwise, an error is raised. |
11 |
- #' \item{logical}{calls [sum()] on `x`.}+ #' |
12 |
- #' \item{factor}{calls [length()] on `x`.}+ #' @export |
13 |
- #' }+ #' @seealso \code{\link{make_split_fun}} |
14 | -+ | 2x |
- #'+ setGeneric("spl_variable", function(spl) standardGeneric("spl_variable")) |
15 |
- #' The [in_rows()] function is called on the resulting value(s). All other classes of input currently lead to an error.+ |
16 |
- #'+ #' @rdname spl_variable |
17 |
- #' @inherit in_rows return+ #' @export |
18 | -+ | 1x |
- #'+ setMethod("spl_variable", "VarLevelSplit", function(spl) spl_payload(spl)) |
19 |
- #' @author Gabriel Becker and Adrian Waddell+ |
20 |
- #'+ #' @rdname spl_variable |
21 |
- #' @examples+ #' @export |
22 | -+ | ! |
- #' simple_analysis(1:3)+ setMethod("spl_variable", "VarDynCutSplit", function(spl) spl_payload(spl)) |
23 |
- #' simple_analysis(iris$Species)+ |
24 |
- #' simple_analysis(iris$Species == "setosa")+ #' @rdname spl_variable |
25 |
- #'+ #' @export |
26 | -+ | ! |
- #' @rdname rtinner+ setMethod("spl_variable", "VarStaticCutSplit", function(spl) spl_payload(spl)) |
27 |
- #' @export+ |
28 | -1304x | +
- setGeneric("simple_analysis", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("simple_analysis"))+ #' @rdname spl_variable |
29 |
+ #' @export |
30 |
- #' @rdname rtinner+ setMethod( |
31 |
- #' @exportMethod simple_analysis+ "spl_variable", "Split", |
32 | -+ | 1x |
- setMethod(+ function(spl) stop("Split class ", class(spl), " not associated with a single variable.") |
33 |
- "simple_analysis", "numeric",+ ) |
34 | -966x | +
- function(x, ...) in_rows("Mean" = rcell(mean(x, ...), format = "xx.xx"))+ |
35 |
- )+ in_col_split <- function(spl_ctx) { |
36 | -+ | ! |
+ identical( |
37 | -+ | ! |
- #' @rdname rtinner+ names(spl_ctx), |
38 | -+ | ! |
- #' @exportMethod simple_analysis+ names(context_df_row(cinfo = NULL)) |
39 |
- setMethod(+ ) |
40 |
- "simple_analysis", "logical",+ } |
41 | -4x | +
- function(x, ...) in_rows("Count" = rcell(sum(x, ...), format = "xx"))+ |
42 |
- )+ assert_splres_element <- function(pinfo, nm, len = NULL, component = NULL) { |
43 | -+ | 45x |
+ msg_2_append <- "" |
44 | -+ | 45x |
- #' @rdname rtinner+ if (!is.null(component)) { |
45 | -+ | 33x |
- #' @exportMethod simple_analysis+ msg_2_append <- paste0( |
46 | -+ | 33x |
- setMethod(+ "Invalid split function constructed by upstream call to ", |
47 | -+ | 33x |
- "simple_analysis", "factor",+ "make_split_fun. Problem source: ", |
48 | -334x | +33x |
- function(x, ...) in_rows(.list = as.list(table(x)))+ component, " argument." |
49 |
- )+ ) |
50 |
+ } |
51 | -+ | 45x |
- #' @rdname rtinner+ if (!(nm %in% names(pinfo))) { |
52 | -+ | ! |
- #' @exportMethod simple_analysis+ stop( |
53 | -+ | ! |
- setMethod(+ "Split result does not have required element: ", nm, ".", |
54 | -+ | ! |
- "simple_analysis", "ANY",+ msg_2_append |
55 |
- function(x, ...) {+ ) |
56 | -! | +
- stop("No default simple_analysis behavior for class ", class(x), " please specify FUN explicitly.")+ } |
57 | -+ | 45x |
- }+ if (!is.null(len) && length(pinfo[[nm]]) != len) { |
58 | -+ | ! |
- )+ stop( |
59 | -+ | ! |
+ "Split result element ", nm, " does not have required length ", len, ".", |
60 | -+ | ! |
- #' Check if an object is a valid `rtable`+ msg_2_append |
61 |
- #'+ ) |
62 |
- #' @param x (`ANY`)\cr an object.+ } |
63 | -+ | 45x |
- #'+ TRUE |
64 |
- #' @return `TRUE` if `x` is a formal `TableTree` object, `FALSE` otherwise.+ } |
65 |
- #'+ |
66 |
- #' @examples+ validate_split_result <- function(pinfo, component = NULL) { |
67 | -+ | 15x |
- #' is_rtable(build_table(basic_table(), iris))+ assert_splres_element(pinfo, "datasplit", component = component) |
68 | -+ | 15x |
- #'+ len <- length(pinfo$datasplit) |
69 | -+ | 15x |
- #' @export+ assert_splres_element(pinfo, "values", len, component = component) |
70 | -+ | 15x |
- is_rtable <- function(x) {+ assert_splres_element(pinfo, "labels", len, component = component) |
71 | -47x | +15x |
- is(x, "VTableTree")+ TRUE |
74 |
- # nocov start+ #' Construct split result object |
75 |
- ## is each object in a collection from a class+ #' |
76 |
- are <- function(object_collection, class2) {+ #' These functions can be used to create or add to a split result in functions which implement core splitting or |
77 |
- all(vapply(object_collection, is, logical(1), class2))+ #' post-processing within a custom split function. |
78 |
- }+ #' |
79 |
+ #' @param values (`character` or `list(SplitValue)`)\cr the values associated with each facet. |
80 |
- num_all_equal <- function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5) {+ #' @param datasplit (`list(data.frame)`)\cr the facet data for each facet generated in the split. |
81 |
- stopifnot(is.numeric(x))+ #' @param labels (`character`)\cr the labels associated with each facet. |
82 |
+ #' @param extras (`list` or `NULL`)\cr extra values associated with each of the facets which will be passed to |
83 |
- if (length(x) == 1) {+ #' analysis functions applied within the facet. |
84 |
- return(TRUE)+ #' @param subset_exprs (`list`)\cr A list of subsetting expressions (e.g., |
85 |
- }+ #' created with `quote()`) to be used during column subsetting. |
86 |
+ #' |
87 |
- y <- range(x) / mean(x)+ #' @return A named list representing the facets generated by the split with elements `values`, `datasplit`, and |
88 |
- isTRUE(all.equal(y[1], y[2], tolerance = tol))+ #' `labels`, which are the same length and correspond to each other element-wise. |
89 |
- }+ #' |
90 |
+ #' @details |
91 |
- # copied over from utils.nest which is not open-source+ #' These functions performs various housekeeping tasks to ensure that the split result list is as the rtables |
92 |
- all_true <- function(lst, fcn, ...) {+ #' internals expect it, most of which are not relevant to end users. |
93 |
- all(vapply(lst, fcn, logical(1), ...))+ #' |
94 |
- }+ #' @examples |
95 |
+ #' splres <- make_split_result( |
96 |
- is_logical_single <- function(x) {+ #' values = c("hi", "lo"), |
97 |
- !is.null(x) &&+ #' datasplit = list(hi = mtcars, lo = mtcars[1:10, ]), |
98 |
- is.logical(x) &&+ #' labels = c("more data", "less data"), |
99 |
- length(x) == 1 &&+ #' subset_exprs = list(expression(TRUE), expression(seq_along(wt) <= 10)) |
100 |
- !is.na(x)+ #' ) |
101 |
- }+ #' |
102 |
+ #' splres2 <- add_to_split_result(splres, |
103 |
- is_logical_vector_modif <- function(x, min_length = 1) {+ #' values = "med", |
104 |
- !is.null(x) &&+ #' datasplit = list(med = mtcars[1:20, ]), |
105 |
- is.logical(x) &&+ #' labels = "kinda some data", |
106 |
- is.atomic(x) &&+ #' subset_exprs = quote(seq_along(wt) <= 20) |
107 |
- !anyNA(x) &&+ #' ) |
108 |
- ifelse(min_length > 0, length(x) >= min_length, TRUE)+ #' |
109 |
- }+ #' @family make_custom_split |
110 |
- # nocov end+ #' @rdname make_split_result |
111 |
+ #' @export |
112 |
- # Shorthand for functions that take df as first parameter+ #' @family make_custom_split |
113 |
- .takes_df <- function(f) {+ make_split_result <- function(values, datasplit, labels, extras = NULL, subset_exprs = vector("list", length(values))) { |
114 | -1585x | +9x |
- func_takes(f, "df", is_first = TRUE)+ if (length(values) == 1 && is(datasplit, "data.frame")) { |
115 | -+ | ! |
- }+ datasplit <- list(datasplit) |
116 |
+ } |
117 | -+ | 9x |
- # Checking if function takes parameters+ ret <- list(values = values, datasplit = datasplit, labels = labels, subset_exprs = subset_exprs) |
118 | -+ | 9x |
- func_takes <- function(func, params, is_first = FALSE) {+ if (!is.null(extras)) { |
119 | -10852x | +! |
- if (is.list(func)) {+ ret$extras <- extras |
120 | -2256x | +
- return(lapply(func, func_takes, params = params, is_first = is_first))+ } |
121 | -+ | 9x |
- }+ .fixupvals(ret) |
122 | -8596x | +
- if (is.null(func) || !is(func, "function")) {+ } |
123 |
- # safe-net: should this fail instead?+ |
124 | -1752x | +
- return(setNames(rep(FALSE, length(params)), params))+ #' @param splres (`list`)\cr a list representing the result of splitting. |
125 |
- }+ #' |
126 | -6844x | +
- f_params <- formals(func)+ #' @rdname make_split_result |
127 | -6844x | +
- if (!is_first) {+ #' @export |
128 | -2265x | +
- return(setNames(params %in% names(f_params), params))+ add_to_split_result <- function(splres, values, datasplit, labels, extras = NULL, subset_exprs = NULL) { |
129 | -+ | 4x |
- } else {+ validate_split_result(splres) |
130 | -4579x | +4x |
- if (length(params) > 1L) {+ newstuff <- make_split_result(values, datasplit, labels, extras, subset_exprs = list(subset_exprs)) |
131 | -1x | +4x |
- stop("is_first works only with one parameters.")+ ret <- lapply( |
132 | -+ | 4x |
- }+ names(splres), |
133 | -4578x | +4x |
- return(!is.null(f_params) && names(f_params)[1] == params)+ function(nm) c(splres[[nm]], newstuff[[nm]]) |
134 |
- }+ ) |
135 | -+ | 4x |
- }+ names(ret) <- names(splres) |
136 | -+ | 4x |
+ .fixupvals(ret) |
137 |
- #' Translate spl_context to a path to display in error messages+ } |
138 |
- #'+ |
139 |
- #' @param ctx (`data.frame`)\cr the `spl_context` data frame where the error occurred.+ |
140 | -+ | 13x |
- #'+ .can_take_spl_context <- function(f) any(c(".spl_context", "...") %in% names(formals(f))) |
141 |
- #' @return A character string containing a description of the row path corresponding to `ctx`.+ |
142 |
- #'+ #' Create a custom splitting function |
143 |
- #' @export+ #' |
144 |
- spl_context_to_disp_path <- function(ctx) {+ #' @param pre (`list`)\cr zero or more functions which operate on the incoming data and return a new data frame that |
145 |
- ## this can happen in the first split in column space, but+ #' should split via `core_split`. They will be called on the data in the order they appear in the list. |
146 |
- ## should never happen in row space+ #' @param core_split (`function` or `NULL`)\cr if non-`NULL`, a function which accepts the same arguments that |
147 | -20x | +
- if (length(ctx$split) == 0) {+ #' `do_base_split` does, and returns the same type of named list. Custom functions which override this behavior |
148 | -2x | +
- return("root")+ #' cannot be used in column splits. |
149 |
- }+ #' @param post (`list`)\cr zero or more functions which should be called on the list output by splitting. |
150 | -18x | +
- if (ctx$split[1] == "root" && ctx$value[1] == "root") {+ #' |
151 | -17x | +
- ctx <- ctx[-1, ]+ #' @details |
152 |
- }+ #' Custom split functions can be thought of as (up to) 3 different types of manipulations of the splitting process: |
153 | -18x | +
- ret <- paste(sprintf("%s[%s]", ctx[["split"]], ctx[["value"]]),+ #' |
154 | -18x | +
- collapse = "->"+ #' 1. Pre-processing of the incoming data to be split. |
155 |
- )+ #' 2. (Row-splitting only) Customization of the core mapping of incoming data to facets. |
156 | -18x | +
- if (length(ret) == 0 || nchar(ret) == 0) {+ #' 3. Post-processing operations on the set of facets (groups) generated by the split. |
157 | -11x | +
- ret <- "root"+ #' |
158 |
- }+ #' This function provides an interface to create custom split functions by implementing and specifying sets of |
159 | -18x | +
- ret+ #' operations in each of those classes of customization independently. |
160 |
- }+ #' |
161 |
+ #' Pre-processing functions (1), must accept: `df`, `spl`, `vals`, and `labels`, and can optionally accept |
162 |
- # Utility function to paste vector of values in a nice way+ #' `.spl_context`. They then manipulate `df` (the incoming data for the split) and return a modified data frame. |
163 |
- paste_vec <- function(vec) {+ #' This modified data frame *must* contain all columns present in the incoming data frame, but can add columns if |
164 | -7x | +
- paste0('c("', paste(vec, collapse = '", "'), '")')+ #' necessary (though we note that these new columns cannot be used in the layout as split or analysis variables, |
165 |
- }+ #' because they will not be present when validity checking is done). |
166 |
+ #' |
167 |
- # Utility for checking if a package is installed+ #' The preprocessing component is useful for things such as manipulating factor levels, e.g., to trim unobserved ones |
168 |
- check_required_packages <- function(pkgs) {+ #' or to reorder levels based on observed counts, etc. |
169 | -! | +
- for (pkgi in pkgs) {+ #' |
170 | -! | +
- if (!requireNamespace(pkgi, quietly = TRUE)) {+ #' Core splitting functions override the fundamental |
171 | -! | +
- stop(+ #' splitting procedure, and are only necessary in rare cases. These |
172 | -! | +
- "This function requires the ", pkgi, " package. ",+ #' must accept `spl`, `df`, `vals`, `labels`, and can optionally |
173 | -! | +
- "Please install it if you wish to use it"+ #' accept `.spl_context`. They should return a split result object |
174 |
- )+ #' constructed via `make_split_result()`. |
175 |
- }+ #' |
176 |
- }+ #' In particular, if the custom split function will be used in |
177 |
- }+ #' column space, subsetting expressions (e.g., as returned by |
1 | +178 |
- #' @importFrom utils browseURL+ #' `quote()` or `bquote` must be provided, while they are |
2 | +179 |
- NULL+ #' optional (and largely ignored, currently) in row space. |
3 | +180 |
+ #' |
4 | +181 |
- #' Display an `rtable` object in the Viewer pane in RStudio or in a browser+ #' |
5 | +182 |
- #'+ #' Post-processing functions (3) must accept the result of the core split as their first argument (which can be |
6 | +183 |
- #' The table will be displayed using bootstrap styling.+ #' anything), in addition to `spl`, and `fulldf`, and can optionally accept `.spl_context`. They must each return a |
7 | +184 | ++ |
+ #' modified version of the same structure specified above for core splitting.+ |
+ |
185 |
#' |
8 | +186 |
- #' @param x (`rtable` or `shiny.tag`)\cr an object of class `rtable` or `shiny.tag` (defined in `htmltools` package).+ #' In both the pre- and post-processing cases, multiple functions can be specified. When this happens, they are applied |
9 | +187 |
- #' @param y (`rtable` or `shiny.tag`)\cr optional second argument of same type as `x`.+ #' sequentially, in the order they appear in the list passed to the relevant argument (`pre` and `post`, respectively). |
10 | +188 |
- #' @param ... arguments passed to [as_html()].+ #' |
11 | +189 | ++ |
+ #' @return A custom function that can be used as a split function.+ |
+ |
190 |
#' |
12 | +191 |
- #' @return Not meaningful. Called for the side effect of opening a browser or viewer pane.+ #' @seealso [custom_split_funs] for a more detailed discussion on what custom split functions do. |
13 | +192 |
#' |
14 | +193 |
#' @examples |
15 | +194 |
- #' if (interactive()) {+ #' mysplitfun <- make_split_fun( |
16 | +195 |
- #' sl5 <- factor(iris$Sepal.Length > 5,+ #' pre = list(drop_facet_levels), |
17 | +196 |
- #' levels = c(TRUE, FALSE),+ #' post = list(add_overall_facet("ALL", "All Arms")) |
18 | +197 |
- #' labels = c("S.L > 5", "S.L <= 5")+ #' ) |
19 | +198 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
+ |
199 | ++ |
+ #' basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>%+ |
+ ||
200 | ++ |
+ #' split_cols_by("ARM", split_fun = mysplitfun) %>%+ |
+ ||
201 | ++ |
+ #' analyze("AGE") %>%+ |
+ ||
202 | ++ |
+ #' build_table(subset(DM, ARM %in% c("B: Placebo", "C: Combination")))+ |
+ ||
203 | ++ |
+ #'+ |
+ ||
204 | ++ |
+ #' ## post (and pre) arguments can take multiple functions, here+ |
+ ||
205 | ++ |
+ #' ## we add an overall facet and the reorder the facets+ |
+ ||
206 | ++ |
+ #' reorder_facets <- function(splret, spl, fulldf, ...) {+ |
+ ||
207 | ++ |
+ #' ord <- order(names(splret$values))+ |
+ ||
208 | ++ |
+ #' make_split_result(+ |
+ ||
209 | ++ |
+ #' splret$values[ord],+ |
+ ||
210 | ++ |
+ #' splret$datasplit[ord],+ |
+ ||
211 | ++ |
+ #' splret$labels[ord]+ |
+ ||
212 |
#' ) |
20 | +213 | ++ |
+ #' }+ |
+ |
214 |
#' |
21 | +215 |
- #' df <- cbind(iris, sl5 = sl5)+ #' mysplitfun2 <- make_split_fun( |
22 | +216 | ++ |
+ #' pre = list(drop_facet_levels),+ |
+ |
217 | ++ |
+ #' post = list(+ |
+ ||
218 | ++ |
+ #' add_overall_facet("ALL", "All Arms"),+ |
+ ||
219 | ++ |
+ #' reorder_facets+ |
+ ||
220 | ++ |
+ #' )+ |
+ ||
221 | ++ |
+ #' )+ |
+ ||
222 | ++ |
+ #' basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>%+ |
+ ||
223 | ++ |
+ #' split_cols_by("ARM", split_fun = mysplitfun2) %>%+ |
+ ||
224 | ++ |
+ #' analyze("AGE") %>%+ |
+ ||
225 | ++ |
+ #' build_table(subset(DM, ARM %in% c("B: Placebo", "C: Combination")))+ |
+ ||
226 |
#' |
23 | +227 |
- #' lyt <- basic_table() %>%+ #' very_stupid_core <- function(spl, df, vals, labels, .spl_context) { |
24 | +228 |
- #' split_cols_by("sl5") %>%+ #' make_split_result(c("stupid", "silly"), |
25 | +229 |
- #' analyze("Sepal.Length")+ #' datasplit = list(df[1:10, ], df[11:30, ]), |
26 | +230 | ++ |
+ #' labels = c("first 10", "second 20")+ |
+ |
231 | ++ |
+ #' )+ |
+ ||
232 | ++ |
+ #' }+ |
+ ||
233 |
#' |
27 | +234 |
- #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, df)+ #' dumb_30_facet <- add_combo_facet("dumb", |
28 | +235 | ++ |
+ #' label = "thirty patients",+ |
+ |
236 | ++ |
+ #' levels = c("stupid", "silly")+ |
+ ||
237 | ++ |
+ #' )+ |
+ ||
238 | ++ |
+ #' nonsense_splfun <- make_split_fun(+ |
+ ||
239 | ++ |
+ #' core_split = very_stupid_core,+ |
+ ||
240 | ++ |
+ #' post = list(dumb_30_facet)+ |
+ ||
241 | ++ |
+ #' )+ |
+ ||
242 |
#' |
29 | +243 |
- #' Viewer(tbl)+ #' ## recall core split overriding is not supported in column space |
30 | +244 |
- #' Viewer(tbl, tbl)+ #' ## currently, but we can see it in action in row space |
31 | +245 |
#' |
32 | +246 | ++ |
+ #' lyt_silly <- basic_table() %>%+ |
+ |
247 | ++ |
+ #' split_rows_by("ARM", split_fun = nonsense_splfun) %>%+ |
+ ||
248 | ++ |
+ #' summarize_row_groups() %>%+ |
+ ||
249 | ++ |
+ #' analyze("AGE")+ |
+ ||
250 | ++ |
+ #' silly_table <- build_table(lyt_silly, DM)+ |
+ ||
251 | ++ |
+ #' silly_table+ |
+ ||
252 |
#' |
33 | +253 |
- #' tbl2 <- htmltools::tags$div(+ #' @family make_custom_split |
34 | +254 |
- #' class = "table-responsive",+ #' @export |
35 | +255 |
- #' as_html(tbl, class_table = "table")+ make_split_fun <- function(pre = list(), core_split = NULL, post = list()) {+ |
+ ||
256 | +7x | +
+ function(df,+ |
+ ||
257 | +7x | +
+ spl,+ |
+ ||
258 | +7x | +
+ vals = NULL,+ |
+ ||
259 | +7x | +
+ labels = NULL,+ |
+ ||
260 | +7x | +
+ trim = FALSE,+ |
+ ||
261 | +7x | +
+ .spl_context) {+ |
+ ||
262 | +11x | +
+ orig_columns <- names(df)+ |
+ ||
263 | +11x | +
+ for (pre_fn in pre) {+ |
+ ||
264 | +5x | +
+ if (.can_take_spl_context(pre_fn)) {+ |
+ ||
265 | +5x | +
+ df <- pre_fn(df = df, spl = spl, vals = vals, labels = labels, .spl_context = .spl_context)+ |
+ ||
266 | ++ |
+ } else {+ |
+ ||
267 | +! | +
+ df <- pre_fn(df = df, spl = spl, vals = vals, labels = labels)+ |
+ ||
268 | ++ |
+ }+ |
+ ||
269 | +3x | +
+ if (!is(df, "data.frame")) {+ |
+ ||
270 | +! | +
+ stop( |
36 | -+ | |||
271 | +! |
- #' )+ "Error in custom split function, pre-split step did not return a data.frame. ", |
37 | -+ | |||
272 | +! |
- #'+ "See upstream call to make_split_fun for original source of error." |
38 | +273 |
- #' Viewer(tbl, tbl2)+ ) |
39 | +274 |
- #' }+ } |
40 | +275 |
- #' @export+ } |
41 | +276 |
- Viewer <- function(x, y = NULL, ...) {- |
- ||
42 | -3x | -
- check_convert <- function(x, name, accept_NULL = FALSE) {- |
- ||
43 | -6x | -
- if (accept_NULL && is.null(x)) {- |
- ||
44 | -3x | -
- NULL+ |
45 | -3x | +277 | +9x |
- } else if (is(x, "shiny.tag")) {+ if (!all(orig_columns %in% names(df))) { |
46 | +278 | ! |
- x- |
- |
47 | -3x | -
- } else if (is(x, "VTableTree")) {- |
- ||
48 | -3x | -
- as_html(x, ...)+ stop( |
49 | -+ | |||
279 | +! |
- } else {+ "Preprocessing functions(s) in custom split function removed a column from the incoming data.", |
50 | +280 | ! |
- stop("object of class rtable or shiny tag excepted for ", name)+ " This is not supported. See upstread make_split_fun call (pre argument) for original source of error." |
51 | +281 |
- }+ ) |
52 | +282 |
- }+ } |
53 | +283 | |||
54 | -3x | +284 | +9x |
- x_tag <- check_convert(x, "x", FALSE)+ if (is.null(core_split)) { |
55 | -3x | +285 | +7x |
- y_tag <- check_convert(y, "y", TRUE)+ ret <- do_base_split(spl = spl, df = df, vals = vals, labels = labels) |
56 | +286 |
+ } else { |
57 | -3x | +287 | +2x |
- html_output <- if (is.null(y)) {+ ret <- core_split(spl = spl, df = df, vals = vals, labels = labels, .spl_context) |
58 | -3x | +288 | +2x |
- x_tag+ validate_split_result(ret, component = "core_split") |
59 | +289 |
- } else {+ } |
60 | -! | +|||
290 | +
- tags$div(class = "container-fluid", htmltools::tags$div(+ |
61 | -! | +|||
291 | +9x |
- class = "row",+ for (post_fn in post) { |
62 | -! | +|||
292 | +8x |
- tags$div(class = "col-xs-6", x_tag),+ if (.can_take_spl_context(post_fn)) { |
63 | -! | +|||
293 | +8x |
- tags$div(class = "col-xs-6", y_tag)+ ret <- post_fn(ret, spl = spl, .spl_context = .spl_context, fulldf = df) |
64 | +294 |
- ))+ } else { |
65 | -+ | |||
295 | +! |
- }+ ret <- post_fn(ret, spl = spl, fulldf = df) |
66 | +296 | - - | -||
67 | -3x | -
- sandbox_folder <- file.path(tempdir(), "rtable")+ } |
68 | +297 |
+ } |
69 | -3x | +298 | +9x |
- if (!dir.exists(sandbox_folder)) {+ validate_split_result(ret, "post") |
70 | -1x | +299 | +9x |
- dir.create(sandbox_folder, recursive = TRUE)+ ret |
71 | -1x | +|||
300 | +
- pbs <- file.path(path.package(package = "rtables"), "bootstrap/")+ } |
72 | -1x | +|||
301 | +
- file.copy(list.files(pbs, full.names = TRUE, recursive = FALSE), sandbox_folder, recursive = TRUE)+ } |
73 | +302 |
- # list.files(sandbox_folder)+ |
74 | +303 |
- }+ #' Add a combination facet in post-processing |
75 | +304 |
+ #' |
76 | +305 |
- # get html name+ #' Add a combination facet during the post-processing stage in a custom split fun. |
77 | -3x | +|||
306 | +
- n_try <- 10000+ #' |
78 | -3x | +|||
307 | +
- for (i in seq_len(n_try)) {+ #' @param name (`string`)\cr name for the resulting facet (for use in pathing, etc.). |
79 | -6x | +|||
308 | +
- htmlFile <- file.path(sandbox_folder, paste0("table", i, ".html"))+ #' @param label (`string`)\cr label for the resulting facet. |
80 | +309 |
+ #' @param levels (`character`)\cr vector of levels to combine within the resulting facet. |
81 | -6x | +|||
310 | +
- if (!file.exists(htmlFile)) {+ #' @param extra (`list`)\cr extra arguments to be passed to analysis functions applied within the resulting facet. |
82 | -3x | +|||
311 | +
- break+ #' |
83 | -3x | +|||
312 | +
- } else if (i == n_try) {+ #' @details |
84 | -! | +|||
313 | +
- stop("too many html rtables created, restart your session")+ #' For `add_combo_facet`, the data associated with the resulting facet will be the data associated with the facets for |
85 | +314 |
- }+ #' each level in `levels`, row-bound together. In particular, this means that if those levels are overlapping, data |
86 | +315 |
- }+ #' that appears in both will be duplicated. |
87 | +316 |
+ #' |
88 | -3x | +|||
317 | +
- html_bs <- tags$html(+ #' @return A function which can be used within the `post` argument in [make_split_fun()]. |
89 | -3x | +|||
318 | +
- lang = "en",+ #' |
90 | -3x | +|||
319 | +
- tags$head(+ #' @seealso [make_split_fun()] |
91 | -3x | +|||
320 | +
- tags$meta(charset = "utf-8"),+ #' |
92 | -3x | +|||
321 | +
- tags$meta("http-equiv" = "X-UA-Compatible", content = "IE=edge"),+ #' @examples |
93 | -3x | +|||
322 | +
- tags$meta(+ #' mysplfun <- make_split_fun(post = list( |
94 | -3x | +|||
323 | +
- name = "viewport",+ #' add_combo_facet("A_B", |
95 | -3x | +|||
324 | +
- content = "width=device-width, initial-scale=1"+ #' label = "Arms A+B", |
96 | +325 |
- ),+ #' levels = c("A: Drug X", "B: Placebo") |
97 | -3x | +|||
326 | +
- tags$title("rtable"),+ #' ), |
98 | -3x | +|||
327 | +
- tags$link(+ #' add_overall_facet("ALL", label = "All Arms") |
99 | -3x | +|||
328 | +
- href = "css/bootstrap.min.css",+ #' )) |
100 | -3x | +|||
329 | +
- rel = "stylesheet"+ #' |
101 | +330 |
- )+ #' lyt <- basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>% |
102 | +331 |
- ),+ #' split_cols_by("ARM", split_fun = mysplfun) %>% |
103 | -3x | +|||
332 | +
- tags$body(+ #' analyze("AGE") |
104 | -3x | +|||
333 | +
- html_output+ #' |
105 | +334 |
- )+ #' tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM) |
106 | +335 |
- )+ #' |
107 | +336 |
+ #' @family make_custom_split |
108 | -3x | +|||
337 | +
- cat(+ #' @export |
109 | -3x | +|||
338 | +
- paste("<!DOCTYPE html>\n", htmltools::doRenderTags(html_bs)),+ add_combo_facet <- function(name, label = name, levels, extra = list()) { |
110 | +339 | 3x |
- file = htmlFile, append = FALSE+ function(ret, spl, .spl_context, fulldf) { |
111 | -+ | |||
340 | +4x |
- )+ if (is(levels, "AllLevelsSentinel")) { |
112 | -+ | |||
341 | +1x |
+ subexpr <- expression(TRUE) |
113 | -3x | +342 | +1x |
- viewer <- getOption("viewer")+ datpart <- list(fulldf) |
114 | +343 |
+ } else { |
115 | +344 | 3x |
- if (!is.null(viewer)) {+ subexpr <- .combine_value_exprs(ret$values[levels]) |
116 | +345 | 3x |
- viewer(htmlFile)+ datpart <- list(do.call(rbind, ret$datasplit[levels])) |
117 | +346 |
- } else {+ } |
118 | -! | +|||
347 | +
- browseURL(htmlFile)+ |
119 | +348 |
- }+ |
120 | -+ | |||
349 | +4x |
- }+ val <- LevelComboSplitValue( |
1 | -+ | |||
350 | +4x |
- #' Change indentation of all `rrows` in an `rtable`+ val = name, extr = extra, combolevels = levels, label = label, |
2 | -+ | |||
351 | +4x |
- #'+ sub_expr = subexpr |
3 | +352 |
- #' Change indentation of all `rrows` in an `rtable`+ ) |
4 | -+ | |||
353 | +4x |
- #'+ add_to_split_result(ret, |
5 | -+ | |||
354 | +4x |
- #' @param x (`VTableTree`)\cr an `rtable` object.+ values = list(val), labels = label, |
6 | -+ | |||
355 | +4x |
- #' @param by (`integer`)\cr number to increase indentation of rows by. Can be negative. If final indentation is+ datasplit = datpart |
7 | +356 |
- #' less than 0, the indentation is set to 0.+ ) |
8 | +357 |
- #'+ } |
9 | +358 |
- #' @return `x` with its indent modifier incremented by `by`.+ } |
10 | +359 |
- #'+ |
11 | +360 |
- #' @examples+ .combine_value_exprs <- function(val_lst, spl) { |
12 | -+ | |||
361 | +3x |
- #' is_setosa <- iris$Species == "setosa"+ exprs <- lapply(val_lst, value_expr) |
13 | -+ | |||
362 | +3x |
- #' m_tbl <- rtable(+ nulls <- vapply(exprs, is.null, TRUE) |
14 | -+ | |||
363 | +3x |
- #' header = rheader(+ if (all(nulls)) { |
15 | -+ | |||
364 | +1x |
- #' rrow(row.name = NULL, rcell("Sepal.Length", colspan = 2), rcell("Petal.Length", colspan = 2)),+ return(NULL) # default behavior all the way down the line, no need to do anything. |
16 | -+ | |||
365 | +2x |
- #' rrow(NULL, "mean", "median", "mean", "median")+ } else if (any(nulls)) { |
17 | -+ | |||
366 | +! |
- #' ),+ exprs[nulls] <- lapply(val_lst[nulls], function(vali) make_subset_expr(spl, vali)) |
18 | +367 |
- #' rrow(+ } |
19 | -+ | |||
368 | +2x |
- #' row.name = "All Species",+ Reduce(.or_combine_exprs, exprs) |
20 | +369 |
- #' mean(iris$Sepal.Length), median(iris$Sepal.Length),+ } |
21 | +370 |
- #' mean(iris$Petal.Length), median(iris$Petal.Length),+ |
22 | +371 |
- #' format = "xx.xx"+ ## no NULLS coming in here, everything has been populated |
23 | +372 |
- #' ),+ ## by either custom subsetting expressions or the result of make_subset_expr(spl, val) |
24 | +373 |
- #' rrow(+ .or_combine_exprs <- function(ex1, ex2) { |
25 | -+ | |||
374 | +2x |
- #' row.name = "Setosa",+ if (identical(ex1, expression(FALSE))) { |
26 | -+ | |||
375 | +! |
- #' mean(iris$Sepal.Length[is_setosa]), median(iris$Sepal.Length[is_setosa]),+ return(ex2) |
27 | -+ | |||
376 | +2x |
- #' mean(iris$Petal.Length[is_setosa]), median(iris$Petal.Length[is_setosa]),+ } else if (identical(ex2, expression(FALSE))) { |
28 | -+ | |||
377 | +! |
- #' format = "xx.xx"+ return(ex1) |
29 | -+ | |||
378 | +2x |
- #' )+ } else if (identical(ex1, expression(TRUE)) || identical(ex2, expression(TRUE))) {+ |
+ ||
379 | +! | +
+ return(TRUE) |
30 | +380 |
- #' )+ }+ |
+ ||
381 | +2x | +
+ as.expression(bquote((.(a)) | .(b), list(a = ex1[[1]], b = ex2[[1]]))) |
31 | +382 |
- #' indent(m_tbl)+ } |
32 | +383 |
- #' indent(m_tbl, 2)+ |
33 | +384 |
- #'+ #' @rdname add_combo_facet |
34 | +385 |
#' @export |
35 | +386 |
- indent <- function(x, by = 1) {+ add_overall_facet <- function(name, label, extra = list()) { |
36 | -9x | +387 | +1x |
- if (nrow(x) == 0 || by == 0) {+ add_combo_facet( |
37 | -9x | +388 | +1x |
- return(x)+ name = name, label = label, levels = select_all_levels, |
38 | -+ | |||
389 | +1x |
- }+ extra = extra |
39 | +390 | - - | -||
40 | -! | -
- indent_mod(x) <- indent_mod(x) + by- |
- ||
41 | -! | -
- x+ ) |
42 | +391 |
} |
43 | +392 | |||
44 | +393 |
- #' Clear all indent modifiers from a table+ #' Trim levels of another variable from each facet (post-processing split step) |
45 | +394 |
#' |
46 | +395 |
- #' @inheritParams gen_args+ #' @param innervar (`character`)\cr the variable(s) to trim (remove unobserved levels) independently within each facet. |
47 | +396 |
#' |
48 | +397 |
- #' @return The same class as `tt`, with all indent modifiers set to zero.+ #' @return A function suitable for use in the `pre` (list) argument of `make_split_fun`. |
49 | +398 |
#' |
50 | -- |
- #' @examples- |
- ||
51 | +399 |
- #' lyt1 <- basic_table() %>%+ #' @seealso [make_split_fun()] |
52 | +400 |
- #' summarize_row_groups("STUDYID", label_fstr = "overall summary") %>%+ #' |
53 | +401 |
- #' split_rows_by("AEBODSYS", child_labels = "visible") %>%+ #' @family make_custom_split |
54 | +402 |
- #' summarize_row_groups("STUDYID", label_fstr = "subgroup summary") %>%+ #' @export |
55 | +403 |
- #' analyze("AGE", indent_mod = -1L)+ trim_levels_in_facets <- function(innervar) { |
56 | -+ | |||
404 | +1x |
- #'+ function(ret, ...) { |
57 | -+ | |||
405 | +1x |
- #' tbl1 <- build_table(lyt1, ex_adae)+ for (var in innervar) { |
58 | -+ | |||
406 | +1x |
- #' tbl1+ ret$datasplit <- lapply(ret$datasplit, function(df) { |
59 | -+ | |||
407 | +2x |
- #' clear_indent_mods(tbl1)+ df[[var]] <- factor(df[[var]]) |
60 | -+ | |||
408 | +2x |
- #'+ df |
61 | +409 |
- #' @export+ }) |
62 | +410 |
- #' @rdname clear_imods+ } |
63 | -40x | +411 | +1x |
- setGeneric("clear_indent_mods", function(tt) standardGeneric("clear_indent_mods"))+ ret |
64 | +412 |
+ } |
65 | +413 |
- #' @export+ } |
66 | +414 |
- #' @rdname clear_imods+ |
67 | +415 |
- setMethod(+ #' Pre-processing function for use in `make_split_fun` |
68 | +416 |
- "clear_indent_mods", "VTableTree",+ #' |
69 | +417 |
- function(tt) {- |
- ||
70 | -25x | -
- ct <- content_table(tt)+ #' This function is intended for use as a pre-processing component in `make_split_fun`, and should not be called |
71 | -25x | +|||
418 | +
- if (!is.null(ct)) {+ #' directly by end users. |
72 | -9x | +|||
419 | +
- content_table(tt) <- clear_indent_mods(ct)+ #' |
73 | +420 |
- }+ #' @param df (`data.frame`)\cr the incoming data corresponding with the parent facet. |
74 | -25x | +|||
421 | +
- tree_children(tt) <- lapply(tree_children(tt), clear_indent_mods)+ #' @param spl (`VarLevelSplit`)\cr the split. |
75 | -25x | +|||
422 | +
- indent_mod(tt) <- 0L+ #' @param ... additional parameters passed internally. |
76 | -25x | +|||
423 | +
- tt+ #' |
77 | +424 |
- }+ #' @seealso [make_split_fun()] |
78 | +425 |
- )+ #' |
79 | +426 |
+ #' @family make_custom_split |
80 | +427 |
#' @export |
81 | +428 |
- #' @rdname clear_imods+ drop_facet_levels <- function(df, spl, ...) { |
82 | -+ | |||
429 | +2x |
- setMethod(+ if (!is(spl, "VarLevelSplit") || is.na(spl_payload(spl))) { |
83 | -+ | |||
430 | +! |
- "clear_indent_mods", "TableRow",+ stop("Unable to determine faceting variable in drop_facet_levels application.") |
84 | +431 |
- function(tt) {+ } |
85 | -15x | +432 | +2x |
- indent_mod(tt) <- 0L+ var <- spl_payload(spl) |
86 | -15x | +433 | +2x |
- tt+ df[[var]] <- factor(df[[var]]) |
87 | -+ | |||
434 | +2x |
- }+ df |
88 | +435 |
- )+ } |
37 | -100835x | +102473x |
format <- if (missing(format)) obj_format(x) else format |
38 | -100835x | +102473x |
if (is.null(format) && !is.null(pr_row_format)) { |
39 | -72163x | +73339x |
format <- pr_row_format |
@@ -148554,14 +149611,14 @@ |
42 | -100835x | +102473x |
if (is.null(obj_na_str(x)) && !is.null(pr_row_na_str)) { |
43 | -86302x | +87796x |
na_str <- pr_row_na_str |
@@ -148589,7 +149646,7 @@ |
47 | -100835x | +102473x |
if (shell) { |
@@ -148610,28 +149667,28 @@ |
50 | -74193x | +75831x |
format_value(rawvalues(x), |
51 | -74193x | +75831x |
format = format, |
52 | -74193x | +75831x |
output = output, |
53 | -74193x | +75831x |
na_str = na_str |