index 0c4cd4201..822f238e4 100644
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
@@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ S3method(validate,stan_data)
@@ -44,12 +46,14 @@ export(delta_template)
@@ -72,6 +76,7 @@ import(R6)
diff --git a/R/analyse.R b/R/analyse.R
index b313d74b5..24b865674 100644
--- a/R/analyse.R
+++ b/R/analyse.R
@@ -32,12 +32,14 @@
#' mod_1 <- lm(data = dat, outcome ~ group)
#' mod_2 <- lm(data = dat, outcome ~ group + covar)
#' x <- list(
-#' trt_1 = list(
+#' analysis_result(
+#' name = trt_1,
#' est = coef(mod_1)[[group]],
#' se = sqrt(vcov(mod_1)[group, group]),
#' df = df.residual(mod_1)
#' ),
-#' trt_2 = list(
+#' analysis_result(
+#' name = trt_2,
#' est = coef(mod_2)[[group]],
#' se = sqrt(vcov(mod_2)[group, group]),
#' df = df.residual(mod_2)
@@ -349,7 +351,7 @@ print.analysis <- function(x, ...) {
sprintf("Analysis Function: %s", x$fun_name),
sprintf("Delta Applied: %s", !is.null(x$delta)),
"Analysis Estimates:",
- sprintf(" %s", names(x$results[[1]])),
+ as_ascii_table(analysis_info(x$results[[1]])),
@@ -440,12 +442,21 @@ validate_analyse_pars <- function(results, pars) {
- length(names(results[[1]])) != 0,
- all(vapply(results, function(x) !is.null(names(x)) & all(names(x) != ""), logical(1))),
- msg = "Individual analysis results must be named lists"
+ length(results[[1]]) != 0,
+ all(vapply(results, function(Xs)
+ all(vapply(Xs, function(X) is.analysis_result(X), logical(1))), logical(1))),
+ msg = "Individual analysis result must be type of analysis_result"
- results_names <- lapply(results, function(x) unique(names(x)))
+ compose <- function(f, g) function(...) f(g(...))
+ process_2nd_last_level <- function(process) function (nestlst) back_apply_at(nestlst, process, 2)
+ get_names <- process_2nd_last_level(function(x) x [['name']])
+ dedup <- process_2nd_last_level(unique)
+ get_unique_names <- compose(dedup, get_names)
+ results_names <- get_unique_names(results)
results_names_flat <- unlist(results_names, use.names = FALSE)
results_names_count <- table(results_names_flat)
@@ -487,3 +498,372 @@ validate_analyse_pars <- function(results, pars) {
+#' Constructor of analysis result
+#' Construct an analysis result class object whose base type is a list
+#' @param name A character variable for the group name
+#' @param est A double type numeric variable as the estimate
+#' @param se A double type numeric variable as the standard error
+#' @param df An integer type of numeric variable
+#' @param meta A list type of variable as meta information
+#' @details
+#' - `se`, `df` and `meta` is optional
+#' - `se` and `df` if given must be numeric values greater or equal to 0
+#' @return An object of "analysis_result" class
+#' @examples
+#' \dontrun{
+#' ana_res_obj <- analysis_result(name = 'trt', est = 1, se = 2, df = 3, meta = list(visit = 1))
+#' }
+#' @export
+analysis_result <- function (name,
+ est,
+ se = NULL,
+ df = NULL,
+ meta = NULL) {
+ # constraints
+ is.numeric_or_NA <- make_chain(any, is.numeric, anyNA)
+ is.numeric_or_NA_or_NULL <- make_chain(any, is.numeric_or_NA, is.null)
+ is.list_or_NULL <- make_chain(any, is.list, is.null)
+ # asssert type for required parameter (directly assert type)
+ assert_type(name, is.character)
+ assert_type(est, is.numeric)
+ # assert type for optional parameter (always include NULL)
+ assert_type(se, is.numeric_or_NA_or_NULL)
+ assert_type(df, is.numeric_or_NA_or_NULL)
+ assert_type(meta, is.list_or_NULL)
+ # assert length for required parameter
+ assert_anares_length(name, 1)
+ assert_anares_length(est, 1)
+ # assert properties of optional parameters
+ if (!is.null(se) & !anyNA(se)) {
+ assert_anares_length(se, 1)
+ assert_that(
+ se >= 0,
+ msg = "SE must be greater or equal to 0"
+ )
+ }
+ if (!is.null(df) & !anyNA(df)) {
+ assert_anares_length(df, 1)
+ assert_that(
+ df >= 0,
+ msg = "DF must be greater or equal to 0"
+ )
+ }
+ value <- list(name = name,
+ est = est)
+ # optional parameters
+ if (!is.null(se)) {
+ value[['se']] <- se
+ }
+ if (!is.null(df)) {
+ value[['df']] <- df
+ }
+ if (!is.null(meta)) {
+ value[['meta']] <- meta
+ }
+ structure(
+ value,
+ meta = meta,
+ class = c("analysis_result", "list")
+ )
+#' Convert object to analysis result class
+#' @param x The object to be converted to analysis_result class
+#' @param ... Optional keywords parameters for adding missing elements to the object
+#' @return An "analysis_result" class object with optionally updated elements
+#' @examples
+#' \dontrun{
+#' ana_res_obj <- as_analysis_result(list(est = 1, se = 2, df = 3), name = 'trt')
+#' }
+as_analysis_result <- function(x, ...) {
+ new_pars <- list(...)
+ # coercion with generic function
+ x <- as.list(x)
+ present <- ana_name_chker()('musthave_in_objnames')
+ names_not_presented <- names(present(x))[!present(x)]
+ # update list if required elements are not presented or if the provided name is an optional element of analysis_result object
+ updated_x <- x
+ for (name in names(new_pars)) {
+ if (name %in% names_not_presented | name %in% ana_name_chker()('optional')) {
+ updated_x[[name]] <- new_pars[[name]]
+ }
+ }
+ # after updating check if all required elements are presented
+ assert_that(all(present(updated_x)),
+ msg = "Required parameters are not presented after updating")
+ # order the list by names
+ ordered_x <- order_list_by_name(updated_x, ana_name_chker()('all'))
+ # set attributes: meta & class
+ if ('meta' %in% names(ordered_x)) {
+ attr(ordered_x, 'meta') <- ordered_x[['meta']]
+ }
+ as_class(ordered_x, c("analysis_result", "list"))
+#' Name checker for analysis_result object
+#' A higher order function returns an analysis name checker which is again a higher order function takes character vector as
+#' type of dispatch message and returns selected check function or properties.
+#' This function takes no argument. The point is to delay the evaluation and evaluate only when it is needed, similar idea as shiny ractive
+#' @examples
+#' \dontrun{
+#' anares_names_in_musthave <- ana_name_chker()('objnames_in_musthave')
+#' musthave_in_anares_names <- ana_name_chker()('musthave_in_objnames')
+#' musthave_names <- ana_name_chker()('musthave')
+#' optional_names <- ana_name_chker()('optional')
+#' all_names <- ana_name_chker()('all')
+#' }
+ana_name_chker <- function() namechecker('name', 'est', optional = c('se', 'df', 'meta'))
+#' Check if an object is in class analysis_result
+#' @param x Object to be checked
+#' @return Logical value TRUE/FALSE
+#' @details
+#' This function does not only check the class attribute of the object.
+#' It also checks constraints of the names of the elements in the list
+#' @export
+#' @importFrom assertthat has_attr
+is.analysis_result <- function(x) {
+ all(
+ has_attr(x, 'class'),
+ is.object(x),
+ 'analysis_result' %in% attr(x, 'class'),
+ typeof(x) == 'list',
+ all(ana_name_chker()('objnames_in_musthave')(x)),
+ all(ana_name_chker()('musthave_in_objnames')(x))
+ )
+#' Convert a list of analysis_result objects to data.frame
+#' @param analst A list of `analysis_result` objects. It should not be the complete result of analysis object but a subset of it such as `anaObj$results[[1]]`
+#' @param name_of_group A `character` variable for the name of group variable in the result of analysis which is defined from `analysis_result`. Default: `'name'`
+#' @param name_of_meta A `character` variable for the name of meta data in the result of analysis which is defined from `analysis_result`. Default: `'meta'`
+#' @return A `data.frame` containing the information of the analysis result from the `analst`
+#' @examples
+#' \dontrun{
+#' analysis_info(dat, name_of_group = 'name', name_of_meta = 'meta')
+#' }
+#' @importFrom assertthat has_attr
+analysis_info <- function(analst, name_of_group = 'name', name_of_meta = 'meta') {
+ pars_no_meta <- list()
+ pars_with_meta <- list()
+ meta <- list()
+ var <- list()
+ index <- function(i, body) {
+ list(
+ append(list(index=i), body)
+ )
+ }
+ for (i in seq_along(analst)) {
+ item <- analst[[i]]
+ assert_that(is.analysis_result(item),
+ msg = "Object in `analst` is not in `analysis_result` class")
+ if (has_attr(item, name_of_meta)){
+ meta <- append(meta, index(i, item[[name_of_meta]]))
+ var <- append(var, list(item[name_of_group]))
+ pars_with_meta <- append(pars_with_meta, index(i, item[names(item) != name_of_meta]))
+ } else {
+ pars_no_meta <- append(pars_no_meta, index(i, item))
+ }
+ }
+ base_left_join <- function(x, y, by) merge(x, y, by = by, all.x=TRUE)
+ all_pars <- append(pars_with_meta, pars_no_meta)
+ res_df <- base_bind_rows(all_pars)
+ meta_df <- cbind(base_bind_rows(var), base_bind_rows(meta))
+ info_df <- tryCatch(
+ base_left_join(res_df, meta_df, by = c('index', name_of_group)),
+ error=function(e) res_df
+ )
+ subset(info_df, select = -index)
+#' Convert analysis results to a data.frame
+#' @param analst Results of analysis object (`anaObj$results`)
+#' @param index logical variable indicating whether to add index column for imputation dataset. Default: `FALSE` - no index column will be added.
+#' @return A data frame each row of which corresponds to a analysis result
+analst2df <- function(analst, index = FALSE) {
+ add_index <- function(dt, i) cbind(dt, 'dt_num' = i)
+ binarize <- function(f, side = 'left') {
+ laze <- function(x) function() x
+ trivial <- function(x, y) list(left=x, right=y)[[side]]
+ function(g = trivial) {
+ function(x, y) {
+ list(
+ left = laze(g(f(x), y)),
+ right = laze(g(x, f(y)))
+ )[[side]]()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ anainfo <- binarize(analysis_info)
+ ana2df <- ife(index, anainfo(add_index), anainfo())
+ base_bind_rows(mapply(ana2df, analst, seq_along(analst), SIMPLIFY = FALSE))
+#' @rdname analyse
+#' @export
+as.data.frame.analysis <- function(x, ...) {
+ analst2df(x$results, index = TRUE)
+#' Extract analysis results from a list of analysis_results by matching names and values
+#' The function returns a list of all analysis results in the input list that match the values with names specified via keywords parameters of the function.
+#' If no value matches the specified name in any sub list of analysis result or
+#' the specified name does not existed, the function returns an empty list `list()`.
+#' This function has general application for any type of nested list with named sublist that can be treated as analysis result.
+#' For example, `extract_analysis_result(poolObj$pars, name = 'p1', visit = 1)` would extract the result from the parameters of the pool object with `name` as `'p1'` and `visit` as `1`.
+#' @param results A list of analysis results. It can be a list of `analysis_result` objects or more generally a nested list with named sublists which can be treated as analysis result such `poolObj$pars`
+#' @param ... Keywords parameters with the name and value matching the element of the `analysis_result` objects inside the `results`
+#' @return A list of matched analysis results
+#' @export
+#' @examples
+#' \dontrun{
+#' results <- list(
+#' analysis_result(
+#' name = 'trt',
+#' est = 1,
+#' se = 2,
+#' df = 3,
+#' meta = list(visit = 'vis1')
+#' ),
+#' analysis_result(
+#' name = 'trt2',
+#' est = 3,
+#' se = 4,
+#' df = 5,
+#' meta = list(visit = 'vis2')
+#' )
+#' )
+#' extract_analysis_result(results, name = 'trt')
+#' extract_analysis_result(results, est = 1)
+#' extract_analysis_result(results, name = 'trt', meta = list(visit = 'vis1'))
+#' extract_analysis_result(results, name = 'trt2')
+#' }
+extract_analysis_result <- function(results, ...){
+ dots <- list(...)
+ assert_keyword <- function(obj, msg) {
+ assert_that(all(!is.null(names(obj)),
+ length(names(obj)) > 0,
+ !any(grepl("^$", names(obj)))),
+ msg = msg
+ )
+ }
+ assert_keyword(dots, "Invalid parameters. Only key-word parameters are valide. -- EXTRACT_ANALYSIS_RESULT")
+ meta <- list()
+ has_meta <- FALSE
+ if (('meta' %in% names(dots)) & is.list(dots[['meta']])) {
+ assert_keyword(dots[['meta']],
+ "Invalid parameters. When `meta` specified as a list, it must be a named list -- EXTRACT_ANALYSIS_RESULT")
+ meta <- dots[['meta']]
+ dots[['meta']] <- NULL
+ has_meta <- TRUE
+ }
+ # decorator to make a high-order function returns TRUE/FALSE instead of logical(0) or other types of logical value
+ TRUE_or_FALSE <- function(f) {
+ function(...) {
+ g <- f(...)
+ function(...) isTRUE(g(...))
+ }
+ }
+ # check if object's element with given name matches to specified value
+ objname_match_value <- function(obj) {
+ function(name, value) {
+ if (is.null(value)) {
+ is.null(obj[[name]])
+ } else if (is.na(value)){
+ is.na(obj[[name]])
+ } else {
+ obj[[name]] == value
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # decorated version of objname_match_value
+ is_objname_match_value <- TRUE_or_FALSE(objname_match_value)
+ names_match_values <- function(obj, named_values=dots) {
+ mapply(
+ is_objname_match_value(obj),
+ names(named_values),
+ named_values,
+ } # When SIMPLIFY = TRUE, coercion can happen on logical(0) which generates WARNINGS. `is_objname_match_value` is decorated with `isTRUE` to be more robust
+ extract_match <- function(obj, named_values=dots, constrain = identity) {
+ Filter(
+ function(item) all(names_match_values(constrain(item), named_values)),
+ obj
+ )
+ }
+ search_in_meta <- function(obj) obj[['meta']]
+ extract_meta <- function(obj) extract_match(obj, named_values = meta, constrain = search_in_meta)
+ tryCatch({
+ matches_except_meta <- extract_match(results)
+ if (has_meta) {
+ extract_meta(matches_except_meta)
+ } else {
+ matches_except_meta
+ }
+ },
+ warning = function(w) {
+ message(w)
+ list()
+ })
diff --git a/R/ancova.R b/R/ancova.R
index 57a08af44..621bfca53 100644
--- a/R/ancova.R
+++ b/R/ancova.R
@@ -28,16 +28,28 @@
#' If no value for `visits` is provided then it will be set to
#' `unique(data[[vars$visit]])`.
-#' In order to meet the formatting standards set by [analyse()] the results will be collapsed
-#' into a single list suffixed by the visit name, e.g.:
+#' Visits as part of the meta information of the `analysis_result` object from results of [analyse()] can be accessed individually and are
+#' are displayed in a column from the `print.analysis` output such like
+#' ```
+#' =====================================
+#' name est se df visit
+#' -------------------------------------
+#' trt -0.513 0.505 197 1
+#' trt -2.366 0.675 197 4
+#' lsm_ref 7.51 0.477 197 4
+#' lsm_alt 5.144 0.477 197 4
+#' -------------------------------------
+#' ```
+#' Then list in analysis results has structure such as following. Each individual result is in class `analysis_result`
-#' trt_visit_1 = list(est = ...),
-#' lsm_ref_visit_1 = list(est = ...),
-#' lsm_alt_visit_1 = list(est = ...),
-#' trt_visit_2 = list(est = ...),
-#' lsm_ref_visit_2 = list(est = ...),
-#' lsm_alt_visit_2 = list(est = ...),
+#' trt = analysis_result(name =, est = ..., meta = list(visit=1, ...)),
+#' lsm_ref = analysis_result(name =, est = ..., meta = list(visit=1, ...)),
+#' lsm_alt = analysis_result(name =, est = ..., meta = list(visit=1, ...)),
+#' trt = analysis_result(name =, est = ..., meta = list(visit=2, ...)),
+#' lsm_ref = analysis_result(name =, est = ..., meta = list(visit=2, ...)),
+#' lsm_alt = analysis_result(name =, est = ..., meta = list(visit=2, ...)),
#' ...
@@ -139,8 +151,7 @@ ancova <- function(data, vars, visits = NULL, weights = c("proportional", "equal
function(x) {
data2 <- data[data[[visit]] == x, ]
- res <- ancova_single(data2, outcome, group, covariates, weights)
- names(res) <- paste0(names(res), "_", x)
+ res <- ancova_single(data2, outcome, group, covariates, weights, x)
@@ -174,7 +185,7 @@ ancova <- function(data, vars, visits = NULL, weights = c("proportional", "equal
#' }
#' @seealso [ancova()]
#' @importFrom stats lm coef vcov df.residual
-ancova_single <- function(data, outcome, group, covariates, weights = c("proportional", "equal")) {
+ancova_single <- function(data, outcome, group, covariates, weights = c("proportional", "equal"), ...) {
weights <- match.arg(weights)
@@ -201,13 +212,15 @@ ancova_single <- function(data, outcome, group, covariates, weights = c("proport
lsm1 <- do.call(lsmeans, args)
x <- list(
- trt = list(
+ analysis_result(
+ name = 'trt',
est = coef(mod)[[group]],
se = sqrt(vcov(mod)[group, group]),
- df = df.residual(mod)
+ df = df.residual(mod),
+ meta = add_meta('visit', ...)
- lsm_ref = lsm0,
- lsm_alt = lsm1
+ as_analysis_result(lsm0, name = 'lsm_ref', meta = add_meta('visit', ...)),
+ as_analysis_result(lsm1, name = 'lsm_alt', meta = add_meta('visit', ...))
diff --git a/R/pool.R b/R/pool.R
index 98eb74524..dc4e6762b 100644
--- a/R/pool.R
+++ b/R/pool.R
@@ -72,13 +72,10 @@ pool <- function(
pool_type <- class(results$results)[[1]]
- results_transpose <- transpose_results(
- results$results,
- get_pool_components(pool_type)
- )
+ prepool <- make_poolable(results$results)
- pars <- lapply(
- results_transpose,
+ par_values <- lapply(
+ prepool$results,
function(x, ...) pool_internal(as_class(x, pool_type), ...),
conf.level = conf.level,
alternative = alternative,
@@ -86,6 +83,8 @@ pool <- function(
D = results$method$D
+ pars <- mapply(function(x, y) append(x, y), prepool$meta, par_values, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
if (pool_type == "bootstrap") {
method <- sprintf("%s (%s)", pool_type, type)
} else {
@@ -97,7 +96,8 @@ pool <- function(
conf.level = conf.level,
alternative = alternative,
N = length(results$results),
- method = method
+ method = method,
+ metakeys = prepool$metakeys
class(ret) <- "pool"
@@ -602,88 +602,111 @@ parametric_ci <- function(point, se, alpha, alternative, qfun, pfun, ...) {
-#' Transpose results object
+#' Convert analysis results to a poolable object
-#' Transposes a Results object (as created by [analyse()]) in order to group
-#' the same estimates together into vectors.
+#' Covert Results object (as created by [analyse()]) in order to group
+#' the same estimates together into vectors. The return object is in poolable class containing the results, meta information and the key names for the mata information
#' @param results A list of results.
-#' @param components a character vector of components to extract
-#' (i.e. `"est", "se"`).
+#' @param non_group_keys a character vector of variables that are not used to group results usually variables of the numeric analysis results
+#' (Default: `"est", "se", "df`).
#' @details
-#' Essentially this function takes an object of the format:
+#' The format of analysis results are converted from:
#' ```
#' x <- list(
#' list(
-#' "trt1" = list(
+#' analysis_result(
+#' name = 'trt',
#' est = 1,
-#' se = 2
+#' se = 2,
+#' meta = list(visit = 1)
#' ),
-#' "trt2" = list(
+#' analysis_result(
+#' name = 'trt',
#' est = 3,
-#' se = 4
+#' se = 4,
+#' meta = list(visit = 2)
#' )
#' ),
#' list(
-#' "trt1" = list(
+#' analysis_result(
+#' name = 'trt',
#' est = 5,
-#' se = 6
+#' se = 6,
+#' meta = list(visit = 1)
#' ),
-#' "trt2" = list(
-#' est = 7,
-#' se = 8
+#' analysis_result(
+#' name = 'trt',
+#' est = 7,
+#' se = 8,
+#' meta = list(visit = 2)
#' )
#' )
#' )
#' ```
-#' and produces:
+#' to the following format and stored in the `$results` element of the poolable object. The element `$meta` contains meta information.
+#' The element `$metakeys` contains the names of the meta information as a character vector
#' ```
#' list(
-#' trt1 = list(
+#' trt.1 = data.frame(
+#' list(
+#' name = 'trt',
#' est = c(1,5),
-#' se = c(2,6)
+#' se = c(2,6),
+#' visit = c(1,1)
+#' ),
#' ),
-#' trt2 = list(
+#' trt.2 = data.frame(
+#' list(
+#' name = 'trt',
#' est = c(3,7),
-#' se = c(4,8)
-#' )
+#' se = c(4,8),
+#' visit = c(2,2)
+#' )
+#' )
#' )
#' ```
-transpose_results <- function(results, components) {
- elements <- names(results[[1]])
- results_transpose <- list()
- for (element in elements) {
- results_transpose[[element]] <- list()
- for (comp in components) {
- results_transpose[[element]][[comp]] <- vapply(
- results,
- function(x) x[[element]][[comp]],
- numeric(1)
- )
+make_poolable <- function(results, non_group_keys=c("est", "se", "df")) {
+ assert_map <- function(f, assert_f, logic = all) {
+ function(lst, ...) {
+ out <- lapply(lst, f, ...)
+ conds <- lapply(out, assert_f)
+ assert_that(logic(unlist(conds)))
+ out
- return(results_transpose)
+ extract_aggregate <- function(lst, keys) unique(lst[keys])
+ extract_aggragates <- assert_map(extract_aggregate, function(x) nrow(x) == 1)
+ results_df <- analst2df(results)
+ group_keys <- setdiff(names(results_df), non_group_keys)
+ results <- unname(split(results_df, vec2form(group_keys)))
+ meta <- extract_aggragates(results, group_keys)
+ structure(list(results = results,
+ meta = meta,
+ metakeys = group_keys),
+ class = 'poolable')
#' @rdname pool
#' @export
as.data.frame.pool <- function(x, ...) {
- data.frame(
- parameter = names(x$pars),
- est = vapply(x$pars, function(x) x$est, numeric(1)),
- se = vapply(x$pars, function(x) x$se, numeric(1)),
- lci = vapply(x$pars, function(x) x$ci[[1]], numeric(1)),
- uci = vapply(x$pars, function(x) x$ci[[2]], numeric(1)),
- pval = vapply(x$pars, function(x) x$pvalue, numeric(1)),
- stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
- row.names = NULL
- )
+ pars_df <- reduce_df(base_bind_rows(x$pars), keys = x$metakeys, split = TRUE)
+ assert_that(any(grepl('ci', tolower(names(pars_df)))))
+ names(pars_df)[tolower(names(pars_df)) == "ci.1"] <- "lci"
+ names(pars_df)[tolower(names(pars_df)) == "ci.2"] <- "uci"
+ row.names(pars_df) <- NULL
+ pars_df
@@ -707,7 +730,7 @@ print.pool <- function(x, ...) {
sprintf("Alternative: %s", x$alternative),
- as_ascii_table(as.data.frame(x), pcol = "pval"),
+ as_ascii_table(as.data.frame(x), pcol = "pvalue"),
diff --git a/R/sysdata.rda b/R/sysdata.rda
index f750a5d9d..7b50fb4ce 100644
Binary files a/R/sysdata.rda and b/R/sysdata.rda differ
diff --git a/R/utilities.R b/R/utilities.R
index cd4fa8cb0..9540cab5d 100644
--- a/R/utilities.R
+++ b/R/utilities.R
@@ -513,7 +513,246 @@ as_dataframe <- function(x) {
+#' Add meta information to customerize analysis function
+#' This function is used only internally for ancova
+#' @param var_name A character variable of the names of the elements to be added to meta
+#' @param ... The values of the element to be added to meta. The number of items should be equal to the length of the name parameter
+add_meta <- function (var_names, ...) {
+ var_values <- list(...)
+ prettier <- function(x) paste(x, collapse = ' ')
+ assert_that(
+ all(!is.null(var_names),
+ !is.null(var_values),
+ all(Vectorize(isTRUE)(!is.na(var_names))),
+ length(var_names) == length(var_values)),
+ msg = sprintf("Invalid parameters: `%s`, `%s`", prettier(var_names), prettier(var_values))
+ )
+ names(var_values) <- var_names
+ var_values
+#' Assert variable's type
+#' @param what Variable to be asserted
+#' @param how Type asserting functions: is.character, is.numeric, is.list, is.logic
+#' @examples
+#' \dontrun{
+#' assert_type(est, is.numeric)
+#' }
+assert_type <- function(what,
+ how,
+ whatname = deparse(substitute(what)),
+ howname = deparse(substitute(how))) {
+ prettier <- function(...) gsub("_", " ", as.character(...))
+ type <- (function(s) sub(".*\\.", "", s))(howname)
+ assert_that(how(what),
+ msg = sprintf("%s of analysis_result is not %s", whatname, prettier(type))
+ )
+#' Create assert function comparing value
+#' @param how A function to generate value from the object to be asserted
+#' @param where A character variable indicating the origin of the object to be asserted. Default: `NULL`
+#' @param howname A character variable indicating the name of the how function. Default: `deparse(substitute(how))`
+assert_value <- function(how, where = NULL, howname = deparse(substitute(how))) {
+ inwhere <- ''
+ if (!is.null(where)) inwhere <- paste(' in', where)
+ function(what,
+ should,
+ whatname = deparse(substitute(what))) {
+ prettier <- function(x) paste(x, collapse = " ")
+ assert_that(all(how(what) == should),
+ msg = sprintf("%s of %s%s `%s` is not %s", howname, whatname, inwhere, prettier(how(what)), prettier(should))
+ )
+ }
+#' Assert length of the element in analysis_result
+#' @param what The element to be asserted
+#' @param should The length expected
+#' @param whatname The name of the element. Default: `deparse(substitute(what))`
+assert_anares_length <- assert_value(length, where = 'analysis_result')
+#' Make a chain of function calls with certain relation function
+#' @param relation A relation function: `any` or `all`
+#' @param ... Functions to be chained
+#' @return A function taking arguments that are feed into chained functions
+#' @examples
+#' \dontrun{
+#' is.numeric_or_na <- make_chain(any, is.numeric, is.na)
+#' is.numeric_or_na(NA) # returns TRUE
+#' is.numeric_or_na(15) # returns TRUE
+#' is.numeric_or_na('a') # returns FALSE
+#' }
+make_chain <- function(relation, ...) {
+ fs <- c(...)
+ function(...) relation(sapply(fs, function(f) isTRUE(f(...))))
+#' Order a named list by its names according to given character vector
+#' @param L A list to be ordered
+#' @param v A character contains the names in order
+#' @return A list with names in order
+#' @examples
+#' \dontrun{
+#' L_ordered <- order_list_by_name(list(a=1,b='x',c=TRUE), c("c", "a", "d", "x", "b", "t"))
+#' # returns a list `list(c=TRUE, a=1, b='x)`
+#' }
+order_list_by_name <- function(L, v) {
+ ordered_pos <- match(v, names(L))
+ ordered_pos <- ordered_pos[!is.na(ordered_pos)]
+ L[ordered_pos]
+#' Convert nested list to data.frame
+#' @param nestlist A nested list to be converted to data.frame
+#' @return A data.frame binding each sublist as row in the data.frame and with NA filled for missing values
+base_bind_rows <- function(nestlist) {
+ nms <- unique(unlist(lapply(nestlist, names)))
+ frmls <- as.list(setNames(rep(NA, length(nms)), nms))
+ dflst <- setNames(lapply(nms, function(x) call("unlist", as.symbol(x))), nms)
+ make_df <- as.function(c(frmls, call("do.call", "data.frame", dflst)))
+ do.call(rbind, lapply(nestlist, function(x) do.call(make_df, x)))
+#' Create name checkers for object with message passing dispatch
+#' @param ... Character vectors for the reference to check against
+#' @param optional Character vector of optional name. Default: NULL
+#' @return A constructor to create checker functions with message passing dispatch
+namechecker <- function(..., optional = NULL) {
+ # compile the musthave list at the top level so that easier to maintain and update
+ musthave <- c(...)
+ # message passing as a dispatch
+ function(msg) {
+ # function to check if elements in list X exist in Y
+ XsInYs <- function(x, y) vapply(x, function(.x) .x %in% y, logical(1))
+ # wrapper to swap order of formal parameter of binary function
+ swap <- function(f) {
+ function(x, y) f(y, x)
+ }
+ # higher-order function to create template for validators
+ chker_template <- function(musthave, wrapper=identity, f = XsInYs, .optional = optional) {
+ function(...) {
+ wrapper(f)(append(musthave, .optional), names(...))
+ }
+ }
+ # Validator to check if elements in musthave present in the object's name
+ # checker does not check against optional names. Only names in musthave have to be presented in the object
+ musthave_in_objnames <- chker_template(musthave, .optional = NULL)
+ # Validator to check if object's name belongs to musthave + optional names (simply swap the order of arguments in musthave_in_objnames: B_in_A = swap(A_in_B))
+ objnames_in_musthave <- chker_template(musthave, swap)
+ dispatch <- list(
+ musthave_in_objnames = musthave_in_objnames,
+ objnames_in_musthave = objnames_in_musthave,
+ musthave = musthave,
+ optional = optional,
+ all = append(musthave, optional)
+ )
+ dispatch[[msg]]
+ }
+#' Higher-order function to compose function n-times
+#' Taking a function as f argument, this function convert it to another function apply this function n-times:
+#' n = 1: f(x) ==> f(x)
+#' n = 2: f(x) ==> f(f(x))
+#' n = 4: f(x) ==> f(f(f(f(x)))
+#' @param f function to be converted to composed version
+#' @param n times to be composed
+#' @examples
+#' \dontrun{
+#' add_one <- function (x) x + 1
+#' add_two <- compose_n(add_one, 2)
+#' add_two(5) # This equivalents to add_one(add_one(5)) and returns 7
+#' }
+compose_n <- function(f, n) {
+ function(x) {
+ if (n <= 0) x
+ else f(compose_n(f, n-1)(x))
+ }
+#' Apply function at last N levels of a nested list
+#' Recursively traverse a nested list and apply a function at the Nth level backward counting from deepest level
+#' @param lst a list to be applied by the function
+#' @param f a function to apply on `lst`
+#' @param n a numeric value indicating the nth level to be applied backward counting from deepest level
+#' @examples
+#' \dontrun{
+#' dt <- list(a1=list(
+#' b11=list(c111=1, c112=2,c113=3),
+#' b12=list(c121=4, c122=5,c123=6)),
+#' a2=list(
+#' b21=list(c211=7, c212=8,c213=9),
+#' b22=list(c221=10, c222=11,c223=12))
+#' )
+#' )
+#' back_apply_at(dt, function(x) x+1, 1) # This will apply `function(x) x+1` to the deepest level of `dt`, i.e. 1st level counting backward from deepest level
+back_apply_at <- function(lst, f, n) {
+ lapply(lst,
+ function(sublst) {
+ nextNlevel <- compose_n(function(x) x[[1]], n-1)
+ if (!is.list(nextNlevel(sublst))) f(sublst)
+ else back_apply_at(sublst, f, n)
+ }
+ )
+#' Convert vector to formula
+#' Convert character vector `c('a1', 'a2')` to formula `~ a1 + a2`
+#' @param chr character vector to be converted
+#' @param bothside A logical variable indicating whether to generate fomula with both right and left side. Default: `FALSE` - only right side formula will be generated
+#' @return an object of formula class representing formula `~ chr[[1]] + chr[[2]] + ...`
+vec2form <- function(chr, bothside = FALSE) {
+ prefix = '~'
+ if (bothside) prefix = paste('.', prefix)
+ eval(parse(text = paste(prefix, paste(chr, collapse = ' + '))))
+#' Reduce a dataframe
+#' Reduce a data.frame row-wisely by concatenating values within group to list or multiple columns
+#' @param df A data frame to be reduced
+#' @param keys A character vectors of the group keys when reducing
+#' @param split A logical variable indicating whether to concatenate row-wise information to a list in single column or create multiple columns for each individual rows within group
+#' @return A data frame with reduced information
+reduce_df <- function(df, keys, split = FALSE) {
+ make_concat <- function(f) function(x) f(unique(x))
+ concat <- ife(split, make_concat(c), make_concat(list))
+ pos_process <- ife(split, function(x) do.call(data.frame, x), identity)
+ pos_process(
+ aggregate(vec2form(keys, bothside = TRUE), data = df, FUN = concat, na.action=na.pass)
+ )
diff --git a/man/add_meta.Rd b/man/add_meta.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fbb10eaf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/add_meta.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/utilities.R
+\title{Add meta information to customerize analysis function}
+add_meta(var_names, ...)
+\item{...}{The values of the element to be added to meta. The number of items should be equal to the length of the name parameter}
+\item{var_name}{A character variable of the names of the elements to be added to meta}
+This function is used only internally for ancova
diff --git a/man/ana_name_chker.Rd b/man/ana_name_chker.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f05023210
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/ana_name_chker.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/analyse.R
+\title{Name checker for analysis_result object}
+A higher order function returns an analysis name checker which is again a higher order function takes character vector as
+type of dispatch message and returns selected check function or properties.
+This function takes no argument. The point is to delay the evaluation and evaluate only when it is needed, similar idea as shiny ractive
+anares_names_in_musthave <- ana_name_chker()('objnames_in_musthave')
+musthave_in_anares_names <- ana_name_chker()('musthave_in_objnames')
+musthave_names <- ana_name_chker()('musthave')
+optional_names <- ana_name_chker()('optional')
+all_names <- ana_name_chker()('all')
diff --git a/man/analst2df.Rd b/man/analst2df.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bcc15ec14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/analst2df.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/analyse.R
+\title{Convert analysis results to a data.frame}
+analst2df(analst, index = FALSE)
+\item{analst}{Results of analysis object (\code{anaObj$results})}
+\item{index}{logical variable indicating whether to add index column for imputation dataset. Default: \code{FALSE} - no index column will be added.}
+A data frame each row of which corresponds to a analysis result
+Convert analysis results to a data.frame
diff --git a/man/analyse.Rd b/man/analyse.Rd
index 41d9bf9b1..34b601178 100644
--- a/man/analyse.Rd
+++ b/man/analyse.Rd
@@ -2,9 +2,12 @@
% Please edit documentation in R/analyse.R
\title{Analyse Multiple Imputed Datasets}
analyse(imputations, fun = ancova, delta = NULL, ...)
+\method{as.data.frame}{analysis}(x, ...)
\item{imputations}{An \code{imputations} object as created by \code{\link[=impute]{impute()}}.}
@@ -45,12 +48,14 @@ i.e.:
mod_1 <- lm(data = dat, outcome ~ group)
mod_2 <- lm(data = dat, outcome ~ group + covar)
x <- list(
- trt_1 = list(
+ analysis_result(
+ name = trt_1,
est = coef(mod_1)[[group]],
se = sqrt(vcov(mod_1)[group, group]),
df = df.residual(mod_1)
- trt_2 = list(
+ analysis_result(
+ name = trt_2,
est = coef(mod_2)[[group]],
se = sqrt(vcov(mod_2)[group, group]),
df = df.residual(mod_2)
diff --git a/man/analysis_info.Rd b/man/analysis_info.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6d852632d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/analysis_info.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/analyse.R
+\title{Convert a list of analysis_result objects to data.frame}
+analysis_info(analst, name_of_group = "name", name_of_meta = "meta")
+\item{analst}{A list of \code{analysis_result} objects. It should not be the complete result of analysis object but a subset of it such as \code{anaObj$results[[1]]}}
+\item{name_of_group}{A \code{character} variable for the name of group variable in the result of analysis which is defined from \code{analysis_result}. Default: \code{'name'}}
+\item{name_of_meta}{A \code{character} variable for the name of meta data in the result of analysis which is defined from \code{analysis_result}. Default: \code{'meta'}}
+A \code{data.frame} containing the information of the analysis result from the \code{analst}
+Convert a list of analysis_result objects to data.frame
+analysis_info(dat, name_of_group = 'name', name_of_meta = 'meta')
diff --git a/man/analysis_result.Rd b/man/analysis_result.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..52b9d3306
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/analysis_result.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/analyse.R
+\title{Constructor of analysis result}
+analysis_result(name, est, se = NULL, df = NULL, meta = NULL)
+\item{name}{A character variable for the group name}
+\item{est}{A double type numeric variable as the estimate}
+\item{se}{A double type numeric variable as the standard error}
+\item{df}{An integer type of numeric variable}
+\item{meta}{A list type of variable as meta information}
+An object of "analysis_result" class
+Construct an analysis result class object whose base type is a list
+\item \code{se}, \code{df} and \code{meta} is optional
+\item \code{se} and \code{df} if given must be numeric values greater or equal to 0
+ana_res_obj <- analysis_result(name = 'trt', est = 1, se = 2, df = 3, meta = list(visit = 1))
diff --git a/man/ancova.Rd b/man/ancova.Rd
index 886bd48cf..38f648b88 100644
--- a/man/ancova.Rd
+++ b/man/ancova.Rd
@@ -39,16 +39,29 @@ The function works as follows:
If no value for \code{visits} is provided then it will be set to
-In order to meet the formatting standards set by \code{\link[=analyse]{analyse()}} the results will be collapsed
-into a single list suffixed by the visit name, e.g.:
+Visits as part of the meta information of the \code{analysis_result} object from results of \code{\link[=analyse]{analyse()}} can be accessed individually and are
+are displayed in a column from the \code{print.analysis} output such like
}}\preformatted{ =====================================
+ name est se df visit
+ -------------------------------------
+ trt -0.513 0.505 197 1
+ trt -2.366 0.675 197 4
+ lsm_ref 7.51 0.477 197 4
+ lsm_alt 5.144 0.477 197 4
+ -------------------------------------
+Then list in analysis results has structure such as following. Each individual result is in class \code{analysis_result}
- trt_visit_1 = list(est = ...),
- lsm_ref_visit_1 = list(est = ...),
- lsm_alt_visit_1 = list(est = ...),
- trt_visit_2 = list(est = ...),
- lsm_ref_visit_2 = list(est = ...),
- lsm_alt_visit_2 = list(est = ...),
+ trt = analysis_result(name =, est = ..., meta = list(visit=1, ...)),
+ lsm_ref = analysis_result(name =, est = ..., meta = list(visit=1, ...)),
+ lsm_alt = analysis_result(name =, est = ..., meta = list(visit=1, ...)),
+ trt = analysis_result(name =, est = ..., meta = list(visit=2, ...)),
+ lsm_ref = analysis_result(name =, est = ..., meta = list(visit=2, ...)),
+ lsm_alt = analysis_result(name =, est = ..., meta = list(visit=2, ...)),
diff --git a/man/ancova_single.Rd b/man/ancova_single.Rd
index 464e652aa..74e8e1b39 100644
--- a/man/ancova_single.Rd
+++ b/man/ancova_single.Rd
@@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ ancova_single(
- weights = c("proportional", "equal")
+ weights = c("proportional", "equal"),
+ ...
diff --git a/man/as_analysis_result.Rd b/man/as_analysis_result.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8f005dcb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/as_analysis_result.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/analyse.R
+\title{Convert object to analysis result class}
+as_analysis_result(x, ...)
+\item{x}{The object to be converted to analysis_result class}
+\item{...}{Optional keywords parameters for adding missing elements to the object}
+An "analysis_result" class object with optionally updated elements
+Convert object to analysis result class
+ana_res_obj <- as_analysis_result(list(est = 1, se = 2, df = 3), name = 'trt')
diff --git a/man/assert_anares_length.Rd b/man/assert_anares_length.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..549828546
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/assert_anares_length.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/utilities.R
+\title{Assert length of the element in analysis_result}
+assert_anares_length(what, should, whatname = deparse(substitute(what)))
+\item{what}{The element to be asserted}
+\item{should}{The length expected}
+\item{whatname}{The name of the element. Default: \code{deparse(substitute(what))}}
+Assert length of the element in analysis_result
diff --git a/man/assert_type.Rd b/man/assert_type.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bfa5366ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/assert_type.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/utilities.R
+\title{Assert variable's type}
+ what,
+ how,
+ whatname = deparse(substitute(what)),
+ howname = deparse(substitute(how))
+\item{what}{Variable to be asserted}
+\item{how}{Type asserting functions: is.character, is.numeric, is.list, is.logic}
+Assert variable's type
+assert_type(est, is.numeric)
diff --git a/man/assert_value.Rd b/man/assert_value.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c595fa7e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/assert_value.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/utilities.R
+\title{Create assert function comparing value}
+assert_value(how, where = NULL, howname = deparse(substitute(how)))
+\item{how}{A function to generate value from the object to be asserted}
+\item{where}{A character variable indicating the origin of the object to be asserted. Default: \code{NULL}}
+\item{howname}{A character variable indicating the name of the how function. Default: \code{deparse(substitute(how))}}
+Create assert function comparing value
diff --git a/man/back_apply_at.Rd b/man/back_apply_at.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a658c7925
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/back_apply_at.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/utilities.R
+\title{Apply function at last N levels of a nested list}
+back_apply_at(lst, f, n)
+\item{lst}{a list to be applied by the function}
+\item{f}{a function to apply on \code{lst}}
+\item{n}{a numeric value indicating the nth level to be applied backward counting from deepest level}
+Recursively traverse a nested list and apply a function at the Nth level backward counting from deepest level
+dt <- list(a1=list(
+ b11=list(c111=1, c112=2,c113=3),
+ b12=list(c121=4, c122=5,c123=6)),
+ a2=list(
+ b21=list(c211=7, c212=8,c213=9),
+ b22=list(c221=10, c222=11,c223=12))
+ )
+ )
+back_apply_at(dt, function(x) x+1, 1) # This will apply `function(x) x+1` to the deepest level of `dt`, i.e. 1st level counting backward from deepest level
diff --git a/man/base_bind_rows.Rd b/man/base_bind_rows.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..009879be5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/base_bind_rows.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/utilities.R
+\title{Convert nested list to data.frame}
+\item{nestlist}{A nested list to be converted to data.frame}
+A data.frame binding each sublist as row in the data.frame and with NA filled for missing values
+Convert nested list to data.frame
diff --git a/man/compose_n.Rd b/man/compose_n.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1d06537cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/compose_n.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/utilities.R
+\title{Higher-order function to compose function n-times}
+compose_n(f, n)
+\item{f}{function to be converted to composed version}
+\item{n}{times to be composed}
+Taking a function as f argument, this function convert it to another function apply this function n-times:
+n = 1: f(x) ==> f(x)
+n = 2: f(x) ==> f(f(x))
+n = 4: f(x) ==> f(f(f(f(x)))
+add_one <- function (x) x + 1
+add_two <- compose_n(add_one, 2)
+add_two(5) # This equivalents to add_one(add_one(5)) and returns 7
diff --git a/man/extract_analysis_result.Rd b/man/extract_analysis_result.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ea394cc15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/extract_analysis_result.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/analyse.R
+\title{Extract analysis results from a list of analysis_results by matching names and values}
+extract_analysis_result(results, ...)
+\item{results}{A list of analysis results. It can be a list of \code{analysis_result} objects or more generally a nested list with named sublists which can be treated as analysis result such \code{poolObj$pars}}
+\item{...}{Keywords parameters with the name and value matching the element of the \code{analysis_result} objects inside the \code{results}}
+A list of matched analysis results
+The function returns a list of all analysis results in the input list that match the values with names specified via keywords parameters of the function.
+If no value matches the specified name in any sub list of analysis result or
+the specified name does not existed, the function returns an empty list \code{list()}.
+This function has general application for any type of nested list with named sublist that can be treated as analysis result.
+For example, \code{extract_analysis_result(poolObj$pars, name = 'p1', visit = 1)} would extract the result from the parameters of the pool object with \code{name} as \code{'p1'} and \code{visit} as \code{1}.
+results <- list(
+ analysis_result(
+ name = 'trt',
+ est = 1,
+ se = 2,
+ df = 3,
+ meta = list(visit = 'vis1')
+ ),
+ analysis_result(
+ name = 'trt2',
+ est = 3,
+ se = 4,
+ df = 5,
+ meta = list(visit = 'vis2')
+ )
+extract_analysis_result(results, name = 'trt')
+extract_analysis_result(results, est = 1)
+extract_analysis_result(results, name = 'trt', meta = list(visit = 'vis1'))
+extract_analysis_result(results, name = 'trt2')
diff --git a/man/is.analysis_result.Rd b/man/is.analysis_result.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..835b1024a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/is.analysis_result.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/analyse.R
+\title{Check if an object is in class analysis_result}
+\item{x}{Object to be checked}
+Logical value TRUE/FALSE
+Check if an object is in class analysis_result
+This function does not only check the class attribute of the object.
+It also checks constraints of the names of the elements in the list
diff --git a/man/make_chain.Rd b/man/make_chain.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..82193eb2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/make_chain.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/utilities.R
+\title{Make a chain of function calls with certain relation function}
+make_chain(relation, ...)
+\item{relation}{A relation function: \code{any} or \code{all}}
+\item{...}{Functions to be chained}
+A function taking arguments that are feed into chained functions
+Make a chain of function calls with certain relation function
+is.numeric_or_na <- make_chain(any, is.numeric, is.na)
+is.numeric_or_na(NA) # returns TRUE
+is.numeric_or_na(15) # returns TRUE
+is.numeric_or_na('a') # returns FALSE
diff --git a/man/make_poolable.Rd b/man/make_poolable.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2ef23fe61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/make_poolable.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/pool.R
+\title{Convert analysis results to a poolable object}
+make_poolable(results, non_group_keys = c("est", "se", "df"))
+\item{results}{A list of results.}
+\item{non_group_keys}{a character vector of variables that are not used to group results usually variables of the numeric analysis results
+(Default: \verb{"est", "se", "df}).}
+Covert Results object (as created by \code{\link[=analyse]{analyse()}}) in order to group
+the same estimates together into vectors. The return object is in poolable class containing the results, meta information and the key names for the mata information
+The format of analysis results are converted from:
+\if{html}{\out{}}\preformatted{x <- list(
+ list(
+ analysis_result(
+ name = 'trt',
+ est = 1,
+ se = 2,
+ meta = list(visit = 1)
+ ),
+ analysis_result(
+ name = 'trt',
+ est = 3,
+ se = 4,
+ meta = list(visit = 2)
+ )
+ ),
+ list(
+ analysis_result(
+ name = 'trt',
+ est = 5,
+ se = 6,
+ meta = list(visit = 1)
+ ),
+ analysis_result(
+ name = 'trt',
+ est = 7,
+ se = 8,
+ meta = list(visit = 2)
+ )
+ )
+to the following format and stored in the \verb{$results} element of the poolable object. The element \verb{$meta} contains meta information.
+The element \verb{$metakeys} contains the names of the meta information as a character vector
+ trt.1 = data.frame(
+ list(
+ name = 'trt',
+ est = c(1,5),
+ se = c(2,6),
+ visit = c(1,1)
+ ),
+ ),
+ trt.2 = data.frame(
+ list(
+ name = 'trt',
+ est = c(3,7),
+ se = c(4,8),
+ visit = c(2,2)
+ )
+ )
diff --git a/man/namechecker.Rd b/man/namechecker.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1d03c55c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/namechecker.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/utilities.R
+\title{Create name checkers for object with message passing dispatch}
+namechecker(..., optional = NULL)
+\item{...}{Character vectors for the reference to check against}
+\item{optional}{Character vector of optional name. Default: NULL}
+A constructor to create checker functions with message passing dispatch
+Create name checkers for object with message passing dispatch
diff --git a/man/order_list_by_name.Rd b/man/order_list_by_name.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8395bff29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/order_list_by_name.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/utilities.R
+\title{Order a named list by its names according to given character vector}
+order_list_by_name(L, v)
+\item{L}{A list to be ordered}
+\item{v}{A character contains the names in order}
+A list with names in order
+Order a named list by its names according to given character vector
+L_ordered <- order_list_by_name(list(a=1,b='x',c=TRUE), c("c", "a", "d", "x", "b", "t"))
+# returns a list `list(c=TRUE, a=1, b='x)`
diff --git a/man/reduce_df.Rd b/man/reduce_df.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6e141f415
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/reduce_df.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/utilities.R
+\title{Reduce a dataframe}
+reduce_df(df, keys, split = FALSE)
+\item{df}{A data frame to be reduced}
+\item{keys}{A character vectors of the group keys when reducing}
+\item{split}{A logical variable indicating whether to concatenate row-wise information to a list in single column or create multiple columns for each individual rows within group}
+A data frame with reduced information
+Reduce a data.frame row-wisely by concatenating values within group to list or multiple columns
diff --git a/man/transpose_results.Rd b/man/transpose_results.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index a8121fe6b..000000000
--- a/man/transpose_results.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/pool.R
-\title{Transpose results object}
-transpose_results(results, components)
-\item{results}{A list of results.}
-\item{components}{a character vector of components to extract
-(i.e. \verb{"est", "se"}).}
-Transposes a Results object (as created by \code{\link[=analyse]{analyse()}}) in order to group
-the same estimates together into vectors.
-Essentially this function takes an object of the format:
-\if{html}{\out{}}\preformatted{x <- list(
- list(
- "trt1" = list(
- est = 1,
- se = 2
- ),
- "trt2" = list(
- est = 3,
- se = 4
- )
- ),
- list(
- "trt1" = list(
- est = 5,
- se = 6
- ),
- "trt2" = list(
- est = 7,
- se = 8
- )
- )
-and produces:
- trt1 = list(
- est = c(1,5),
- se = c(2,6)
- ),
- trt2 = list(
- est = c(3,7),
- se = c(4,8)
- )
diff --git a/man/vec2form.Rd b/man/vec2form.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ce7f92fd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/vec2form.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/utilities.R
+\title{Convert vector to formula}
+vec2form(chr, bothside = FALSE)
+\item{chr}{character vector to be converted}
+\item{bothside}{A logical variable indicating whether to generate fomula with both right and left side. Default: \code{FALSE} - only right side formula will be generated}
+an object of formula class representing formula \code{~ chr[[1]] + chr[[2]] + ...}
+Convert character vector \code{c('a1', 'a2')} to formula \code{~ a1 + a2}
diff --git a/src/.gitkeep b/src/.gitkeep
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb..000000000
diff --git a/tests/testthat/_snaps/print.md b/tests/testthat/_snaps/print.md
index 6f549fb3e..ecd61751d 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/_snaps/print.md
+++ b/tests/testthat/_snaps/print.md
@@ -13,16 +13,16 @@
- ========================================================
- parameter est se lci uci pval
- --------------------------------------------------------
- trt_visit_1 7.253 0.781 5.665 8.842 <0.001
- lsm_ref_visit_1 7.254 0.566 6.102 8.406 <0.001
- lsm_alt_visit_1 14.507 0.479 13.533 15.481 <0.001
- trt_visit_3 7.984 0.258 7.448 8.52 <0.001
- lsm_ref_visit_3 7.005 0.205 6.575 7.436 <0.001
- lsm_alt_visit_3 14.989 0.167 14.641 15.338 <0.001
- --------------------------------------------------------
+ =========================================================
+ name visit est lci uci se pvalue
+ ---------------------------------------------------------
+ lsm_alt visit_1 14.507 13.533 15.481 0.479 <0.001
+ lsm_ref visit_1 7.254 6.102 8.406 0.566 <0.001
+ trt visit_1 7.253 5.665 8.842 0.781 <0.001
+ lsm_alt visit_3 15 14.671 15.328 0.158 <0.001
+ lsm_ref visit_3 7.005 6.579 7.431 0.202 <0.001
+ trt visit_3 7.995 7.451 8.538 0.261 <0.001
+ ---------------------------------------------------------
@@ -40,19 +40,19 @@
- ===================================================
- parameter est se lci uci pval
- ---------------------------------------------------
- trt_visit_1 7.253 0.781 6.232 Inf 1
- lsm_ref_visit_1 7.254 0.566 6.513 Inf 1
- lsm_alt_visit_1 14.507 0.479 13.881 Inf 1
- trt_visit_2 7.406 0.388 6.898 Inf 1
- lsm_ref_visit_2 7.011 0.282 6.643 Inf 1
- lsm_alt_visit_2 14.417 0.238 14.106 Inf 1
- trt_visit_3 5.359 1.092 3.929 Inf 1
- lsm_ref_visit_3 6.723 0.835 5.624 Inf 1
- lsm_alt_visit_3 12.082 0.658 11.222 Inf 1
- ---------------------------------------------------
+ ======================================================
+ name visit est lci uci se pvalue
+ ------------------------------------------------------
+ lsm_alt visit_1 14.507 13.881 Inf 0.479 1
+ lsm_ref visit_1 7.254 6.513 Inf 0.566 1
+ trt visit_1 7.253 6.232 Inf 0.781 1
+ lsm_alt visit_2 14.417 14.106 Inf 0.238 1
+ lsm_ref visit_2 7.011 6.643 Inf 0.282 1
+ trt visit_2 7.406 6.898 Inf 0.388 1
+ lsm_alt visit_3 12.082 11.222 Inf 0.658 1
+ lsm_ref visit_3 6.723 5.624 Inf 0.835 1
+ trt visit_3 5.359 3.929 Inf 1.092 1
+ ------------------------------------------------------
@@ -70,19 +70,19 @@
- =====================================================
- parameter est se lci uci pval
- -----------------------------------------------------
- trt_visit_1 6.643 -Inf 7.383 <0.001
- lsm_ref_visit_1 7.605 -Inf 8.126 <0.001
- lsm_alt_visit_1 14.248 -Inf 15.088 <0.001
- trt_visit_2 6.906 -Inf 7.944 <0.001
- lsm_ref_visit_2 7.299 -Inf 7.666 <0.001
- lsm_alt_visit_2 14.205 -Inf 14.977 <0.001
- trt_visit_3 4.118 -Inf 4.257 <0.001
- lsm_ref_visit_3 7.514 -Inf 8.083 <0.001
- lsm_alt_visit_3 11.632 -Inf 11.837 <0.001
- -----------------------------------------------------
+ ======================================================
+ name visit est lci uci se pvalue
+ ------------------------------------------------------
+ lsm_alt visit_1 14.248 -Inf 15.088 <0.001
+ lsm_ref visit_1 7.605 -Inf 8.126 <0.001
+ trt visit_1 6.643 -Inf 7.383 <0.001
+ lsm_alt visit_2 14.205 -Inf 14.977 <0.001
+ lsm_ref visit_2 7.299 -Inf 7.666 <0.001
+ trt visit_2 6.906 -Inf 7.944 <0.001
+ lsm_alt visit_3 11.632 -Inf 11.837 <0.001
+ lsm_ref visit_3 7.514 -Inf 8.083 <0.001
+ trt visit_3 4.118 -Inf 4.257 <0.001
+ ------------------------------------------------------
@@ -100,19 +100,19 @@
- ======================================================
- parameter est se lci uci pval
- ------------------------------------------------------
- trt_visit_1 6.643 0.561 -Inf 7.565 <0.001
- lsm_ref_visit_1 7.605 1.057 -Inf 9.343 <0.001
- lsm_alt_visit_1 14.248 1.163 -Inf 16.161 <0.001
- trt_visit_2 6.906 0.852 -Inf 8.308 <0.001
- lsm_ref_visit_2 7.299 1.114 -Inf 9.13 <0.001
- lsm_alt_visit_2 14.205 0.984 -Inf 15.823 <0.001
- trt_visit_3 4.118 0.663 -Inf 5.208 <0.001
- lsm_ref_visit_3 7.514 1.003 -Inf 9.165 <0.001
- lsm_alt_visit_3 11.632 1.339 -Inf 13.834 <0.001
- ------------------------------------------------------
+ =======================================================
+ name visit est lci uci se pvalue
+ -------------------------------------------------------
+ lsm_alt visit_1 14.248 -Inf 16.161 1.163 <0.001
+ lsm_ref visit_1 7.605 -Inf 9.343 1.057 <0.001
+ trt visit_1 6.643 -Inf 7.565 0.561 <0.001
+ lsm_alt visit_2 14.205 -Inf 15.823 0.984 <0.001
+ lsm_ref visit_2 7.299 -Inf 9.13 1.114 <0.001
+ trt visit_2 6.906 -Inf 8.308 0.852 <0.001
+ lsm_alt visit_3 11.632 -Inf 13.834 1.339 <0.001
+ lsm_ref visit_3 7.514 -Inf 9.165 1.003 <0.001
+ trt visit_3 4.118 -Inf 5.208 0.663 <0.001
+ -------------------------------------------------------
@@ -130,19 +130,19 @@
- ========================================================
- parameter est se lci uci pval
- --------------------------------------------------------
- trt_visit_1 7.296 0.784 6.006 8.587 <0.001
- lsm_ref_visit_1 7.051 0.766 5.792 8.311 <0.001
- lsm_alt_visit_1 14.348 0.74 13.131 15.564 <0.001
- trt_visit_2 7.363 0.373 6.749 7.977 <0.001
- lsm_ref_visit_2 7.085 0.555 6.173 7.997 <0.001
- lsm_alt_visit_2 14.448 0.599 13.463 15.433 <0.001
- trt_visit_3 4.593 1.063 2.844 6.342 <0.001
- lsm_ref_visit_3 6.469 0.815 5.129 7.809 <0.001
- lsm_alt_visit_3 11.062 0.929 9.534 12.59 <0.001
- --------------------------------------------------------
+ =========================================================
+ name visit est lci uci se pvalue
+ ---------------------------------------------------------
+ lsm_alt visit_1 14.348 13.131 15.564 0.74 <0.001
+ lsm_ref visit_1 7.051 5.792 8.311 0.766 <0.001
+ trt visit_1 7.296 6.006 8.587 0.784 <0.001
+ lsm_alt visit_2 14.448 13.463 15.433 0.599 <0.001
+ lsm_ref visit_2 7.085 6.173 7.997 0.555 <0.001
+ trt visit_2 7.363 6.749 7.977 0.373 <0.001
+ lsm_alt visit_3 11.062 9.534 12.59 0.929 <0.001
+ lsm_ref visit_3 6.469 5.129 7.809 0.815 <0.001
+ trt visit_3 4.593 2.844 6.342 1.063 <0.001
+ ---------------------------------------------------------
@@ -160,19 +160,19 @@
- ========================================================
- parameter est se lci uci pval
- --------------------------------------------------------
- trt_visit_1 7.039 0.5 6.032 8.047 <0.001
- lsm_ref_visit_1 6.993 1.38 4.212 9.773 0.004
- lsm_alt_visit_1 14.032 1.178 11.658 16.406 <0.001
- trt_visit_2 7.494 0.403 6.681 8.306 <0.001
- lsm_ref_visit_2 6.694 1.278 4.119 9.27 0.003
- lsm_alt_visit_2 14.188 1.013 12.146 16.23 <0.001
- trt_visit_3 4.737 1.142 2.43 7.044 0.009
- lsm_ref_visit_3 6.53 1.097 4.318 8.742 0.002
- lsm_alt_visit_3 11.267 1.753 7.734 14.8 0.001
- --------------------------------------------------------
+ =========================================================
+ name visit est lci uci se pvalue
+ ---------------------------------------------------------
+ lsm_alt visit_1 14.032 11.658 16.406 1.178 <0.001
+ lsm_ref visit_1 6.993 4.212 9.773 1.38 0.004
+ trt visit_1 7.039 6.032 8.047 0.5 <0.001
+ lsm_alt visit_2 14.188 12.146 16.23 1.013 <0.001
+ lsm_ref visit_2 6.694 4.119 9.27 1.278 0.003
+ trt visit_2 7.494 6.681 8.306 0.403 <0.001
+ lsm_alt visit_3 11.267 7.734 14.8 1.753 0.001
+ lsm_ref visit_3 6.53 4.318 8.742 1.097 0.002
+ trt visit_3 4.737 2.43 7.044 1.142 0.009
+ ---------------------------------------------------------
# print - approx bayes
@@ -226,15 +226,20 @@
Analysis Function: ancova
Delta Applied: FALSE
Analysis Estimates:
- trt_visit_1
- lsm_ref_visit_1
- lsm_alt_visit_1
- trt_visit_2
- lsm_ref_visit_2
- lsm_alt_visit_2
- trt_visit_3
- lsm_ref_visit_3
- lsm_alt_visit_3
+ =====================================
+ name est se df visit
+ -------------------------------------
+ trt 7.253 0.781 35 visit_1
+ lsm_ref 7.254 0.566 35 visit_1
+ lsm_alt 14.507 0.479 35 visit_1
+ trt 7.406 0.388 35 visit_2
+ lsm_ref 7.011 0.282 35 visit_2
+ lsm_alt 14.417 0.238 35 visit_2
+ trt 5.037 1.128 35 visit_3
+ lsm_ref 6.942 0.818 35 visit_3
+ lsm_alt 11.978 0.692 35 visit_3
+ -------------------------------------
# print - bayesian
@@ -288,12 +293,17 @@
Analysis Function: rbmi::ancova
Delta Applied: TRUE
Analysis Estimates:
- trt_visit_1
- lsm_ref_visit_1
- lsm_alt_visit_1
- trt_visit_3
- lsm_ref_visit_3
- lsm_alt_visit_3
+ =====================================
+ name est se df visit
+ -------------------------------------
+ trt 7.253 0.781 35 visit_1
+ lsm_ref 7.254 0.566 35 visit_1
+ lsm_alt 14.507 0.479 35 visit_1
+ trt 7.929 0.184 35 visit_3
+ lsm_ref 6.966 0.134 35 visit_3
+ lsm_alt 14.895 0.113 35 visit_3
+ -------------------------------------
# print - condmean bootstrap
@@ -348,15 +358,20 @@
Analysis Function: ancova
Delta Applied: FALSE
Analysis Estimates:
- trt_visit_1
- lsm_ref_visit_1
- lsm_alt_visit_1
- trt_visit_2
- lsm_ref_visit_2
- lsm_alt_visit_2
- trt_visit_3
- lsm_ref_visit_3
- lsm_alt_visit_3
+ =====================================
+ name est se df visit
+ -------------------------------------
+ trt 6.643 1.26 37 visit_1
+ lsm_ref 7.605 0.955 37 visit_1
+ lsm_alt 14.248 0.821 37 visit_1
+ trt 6.906 0.941 37 visit_2
+ lsm_ref 7.299 0.713 37 visit_2
+ lsm_alt 14.205 0.613 37 visit_2
+ trt 7.181 0.917 37 visit_3
+ lsm_ref 7.51 0.696 37 visit_3
+ lsm_alt 14.691 0.598 37 visit_3
+ -------------------------------------
# print - condmean jackknife
@@ -410,15 +425,20 @@
Analysis Function: ancova
Delta Applied: FALSE
Analysis Estimates:
- trt_visit_1
- lsm_ref_visit_1
- lsm_alt_visit_1
- trt_visit_2
- lsm_ref_visit_2
- lsm_alt_visit_2
- trt_visit_3
- lsm_ref_visit_3
- lsm_alt_visit_3
+ =====================================
+ name est se df visit
+ -------------------------------------
+ trt 7.296 0.657 30 visit_1
+ lsm_ref 7.051 0.501 30 visit_1
+ lsm_alt 14.348 0.406 30 visit_1
+ trt 7.363 0.37 30 visit_2
+ lsm_ref 7.085 0.282 30 visit_2
+ lsm_alt 14.448 0.229 30 visit_2
+ trt 4.593 1.169 30 visit_3
+ lsm_ref 6.469 0.892 30 visit_3
+ lsm_alt 11.062 0.722 30 visit_3
+ -------------------------------------
# print - bmlmi
@@ -472,6 +492,11 @@
Analysis Function: compare_prop_lastvisit
Delta Applied: FALSE
Analysis Estimates:
- trt
+ ========================
+ name est se df
+ ------------------------
+ trt 2.005 0.73 Inf
+ ------------------------
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-analyse.R b/tests/testthat/test-analyse.R
index ef294d176..6ddda8842 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-analyse.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-analyse.R
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ test_that("basic constructions of `analysis` work as expected",{
x <- as_analysis(
results = list(
- list(p1 = list("est" = 1)),
- list(p1 = list("est" = 2))
+ list(analysis_result(name = 'p1', est = 1)), # A nested structure is necessary here. The top level is a full result list. The 2nd level is each imputation. The 3rd level is each individual analysis result inside each imputation.
+ list(analysis_result(name = 'p1', est = 2))
method = method_condmean(n_samples = 1)
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ test_that("basic constructions of `analysis` work as expected",{
x <- as_analysis(
results = list(
- list(p1 = list("est" = 1)),
- list(p1 = list("est" = 2))
+ list(analysis_result(name = 'p1', est = 1)),
+ list(analysis_result(name = 'p1', est = 2))
method = method_condmean(type = "jackknife")
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ test_that("basic constructions of `analysis` work as expected",{
x <- as_analysis(
results = list(
- list(p1 = list("est" = 1, "df" = 4, "se" = 1)),
- list(p1 = list("est" = 2, "df" = 3, "se" = 3))
+ list(analysis_result(name = 'p1', est = 1, df = 4, se = 1)),
+ list(analysis_result(name = 'p1', est = 2, df = 3, se = 3))
method = method_bayes(n_samples = 2)
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ test_that("basic constructions of `analysis` work as expected",{
x <- as_analysis(
results = list(
- list(p1 = list("est" = 1, "df" = 4, "se" = 1)),
- list(p1 = list("est" = 2, "df" = 3, "se" = 3))
+ list(analysis_result(name = 'p1', est = 1, df = 4, se = 1)),
+ list(analysis_result(name = 'p1', est = 2, df = 3, se = 3))
method = method_approxbayes(n_samples = 2)
@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ test_that("basic constructions of `analysis` work as expected",{
x <- as_analysis(
results = list(
- list(p1 = list("est" = 1, "df" = 4, "se" = NA)),
- list(p1 = list("est" = 2, "df" = 3, "se" = NA))
+ list(analysis_result(name = 'p1', est = 1, df = 4, se = NA)),
+ list(analysis_result(name = 'p1', est = 2, df = 3, se = NA))
method = method_bayes(n_samples = 2)
@@ -58,13 +58,12 @@ test_that("basic constructions of `analysis` work as expected",{
x <- as_analysis(
results = list(
- list(p1 = list("est" = 1, "df" = 4, "se" = NA)),
- list(p1 = list("est" = 2, "df" = 3, "se" = NA))
+ list(analysis_result(name = 'p1', est = 1, df = 4, se = NA)),
+ list(analysis_result(name = 'p1', est = 2, df = 3, se = NA))
method = method_approxbayes(n_samples = 2)
@@ -74,8 +73,7 @@ test_that("incorrect constructions of as_analysis fail", {
results = list(
- list(p1 = list("est" = 1)),
- list(p1 = list("est" = 2))
+ list(analysis_result(name = 'p1', est = 1), analysis_result(name = 'p1', est = 2))
method = method_condmean(n_samples = 2)
@@ -85,8 +83,8 @@ test_that("incorrect constructions of as_analysis fail", {
results = list(
- list(p1 = list("est" = 1, "df" = 4, "se" = 1)),
- list(p1 = list("est" = 2, "df" = 3, "se" = 3))
+ list(analysis_result(name = 'p1', est = 1, df = 4, se = 1)),
+ list(analysis_result(name = 'p1', est = 2, df = 3, se = 3))
method = method_bayes(n_samples = 3)
@@ -96,8 +94,8 @@ test_that("incorrect constructions of as_analysis fail", {
results = list(
- list(p1 = list("est" = 1, "df" = 4, "se" = 1)),
- list(p1 = list("est" = 2, "df" = 3, "se" = 3))
+ list(analysis_result(name = 'p1', est = 1, df = 4, se = 1)),
+ list(analysis_result(name = 'p1', est = 2, df = 3, se = 3))
method = method_approxbayes(n_samples = 3)
@@ -109,80 +107,79 @@ test_that("incorrect constructions of as_analysis fail", {
results = list(
- list(p1 = list("est1" = 1)),
- list(p1 = list("est1" = 2))
+ list(analysis_result(name = 'p1', est1 = 1), analysis_result(name = 'p1', est1 = 2)),
method = method_condmean(n_samples = 1)
- "`est`"
+ "unused argument \\(est1 = 1\\)"
results = list(
- list(p1 = list("est" = 1, "df1" = 4, "se" = 1)),
- list(p1 = list("est" = 2, "df1" = 3, "se" = 3))
+ list(analysis_result(name = 'p1', est = 1, df1 = 4, se = 1)),
+ list(analysis_result(name = 'p1', est = 2, df1 = 3, se = 3))
method = method_approxbayes(n_samples = 2)
- "`df`"
+ "unused argument \\(df1 = 4\\)"
results = list(
- list(p1 = list("est" = 1, "df1" = 4, "se" = 1)),
- list(p1 = list("est" = 2, "df1" = 3, "se" = 3))
+ list(analysis_result(name = 'p1', est = 1, df1 = 4, se = 1)),
+ list(analysis_result(name = 'p1', est = 2, df1 = 3, se = 3))
method = method_bayes(n_samples = 2)
- "`df`"
+ "unused argument \\(df1 = 4\\)"
results = list(
- list(p1 = list("est" = 1, "df" = 4, "se1" = 1)),
- list(p1 = list("est" = 2, "df" = 3, "se1" = 3))
+ list(analysis_result(name = 'p1', est = 1, df = 4, se1 = 1)),
+ list(analysis_result(name = 'p1', est = 2, df = 3, se1 = 3))
method = method_bayes(n_samples = 2)
- "`se`"
+ "unused argument \\(se1 = 1\\)"
results = list(
- list(p1 = list("est" = 1, "df" = 4, "se1" = 1)),
- list(p1 = list("est1" = 2, "df" = 3, "se1" = 3))
+ list(analysis_result(name = 'p1', est = 1, df = 4, se1 = 1)),
+ list(analysis_result(name = 'p1', est1 = 2, df = 3, se1 = 3))
method = method_condmean(type = "jackknife")
- "`est`"
+ "unused argument \\(se1 = 1\\)"
- ### Inconsistent analysis parameters
+ ### Inconsistent analysis parameters ## Not sure what this is supposed to test
- as_analysis(
- results = list(
- list(p1 = list("est" = 1)),
- list(p2 = list("est" = 2))
- ),
- method = method_condmean(n_sample = 1)
- ),
- "identically named elements"
- )
+ as_analysis(
+ results = list(
+ list(analysis_result(name = 'p1', est = 1)), # 1st imputation contains one analysis with name "p1"
+ list(analysis_result(name = 'p2', est = 2)) # 2nd imputation contains one analysis with name "p2"
+ ),
+ method = method_condmean(n_sample = 1)
+ ),
+ "identically named elements"
+ )
results = list(
list(list("est" = 1)),
- list(p1 = list("est" = 2))
+ list(analysis_result(name = 'p1', est = 2))
method = method_condmean(n_sample = 1)
- "results must be named lists"
+ "Individual analysis result must be type of analysis_result"
@@ -193,37 +190,37 @@ test_that("incorrect constructions of as_analysis fail", {
method = method_condmean(n_sample = 1)
- "results must be named lists"
+ "Individual analysis result must be type of analysis_result"
### Invalid values
results = list(
- list(p1 = list("est" = NA)),
- list(p1 = list("est" = 2))
+ list(analysis_result(name = 'p1', est = NA)),
+ list(analysis_result(name = 'p1', est = 2))
method = method_condmean(n_sample = 1)
- "`est` contains missing values"
+ "est of analysis_result is not numeric"
results = list(
- list(p1 = list("est" = "a")),
- list(p1 = list("est" = 2))
+ list(analysis_result(name = 'p1', est = 'a')),
+ list(analysis_result(name = 'p1', est = 2))
method = method_condmean(n_sample = 1)
- "result is type 'character'"
+ "est of analysis_result is not numeric"
results = list(
- list(p1 = list("est" = 1, "df" = 4, "se" = NA)),
- list(p1 = list("est" = 2, "df" = 3, "se" = 3))
+ list(analysis_result(name = 'p1', est = 1, df = 4, se = NA)),
+ list(analysis_result(name = 'p1', est = 2, df = 3, se = 3))
method = method_bayes(n_sample = 2)
@@ -232,8 +229,8 @@ test_that("incorrect constructions of as_analysis fail", {
x <- as_analysis(
results = list(
- list(p1 = list("est" = 1, "df" = 4, "se" = NA)),
- list(p1 = list("est" = 2, "df" = 3, "se" = 3))
+ list(analysis_result(name = 'p1', est = 1, df = 4, se = NA)),
+ list(analysis_result(name = 'p1', est = 2, df = 3, se = 3))
method = method_condmean(n_sample = 1)
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-analysis_result.R b/tests/testthat/test-analysis_result.R
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..50cc1b8d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-analysis_result.R
@@ -0,0 +1,464 @@
+# Test functions relavent to analysis_result class
+test_that("basic constructions of `analysis_result` work as expected", {
+ expect_general <- function(x) {
+ expect_s3_class(x, c('analysis_result', 'list'))
+ expect_type(x, 'list')
+ expect_named(x)
+ }
+ # with optional elements: df, meta
+ x <- analysis_result(name = 'trt',
+ est = 1,
+ se = 2,
+ df = 3,
+ meta = list(visit = 1))
+ expect_general(x)
+ expect_length(x, 5)
+ expect_equal(names(x), c('name', 'est', 'se', 'df', 'meta'))
+ expect_true(assertthat::has_attr(x, 'meta'))
+ expect_equal(x$name, 'trt')
+ expect_equal(x$df, 3)
+ expect_equal(x$meta, list(visit = 1))
+ # without optional elements
+ x <- analysis_result(name = 'trt',
+ est = 1,
+ se = 2,
+ meta = list(visit = 1))
+ expect_general(x)
+ expect_length(x, 4)
+ expect_equal(names(x), c('name', 'est', 'se', 'meta'))
+ expect_true(has_attr(x, 'meta'))
+ expect_equal(x$name, 'trt')
+ expect_equal(x$meta, list(visit = 1))
+ # without optional elements
+ x <- analysis_result(name = 'trt',
+ est = 1)
+ expect_general(x)
+ expect_length(x, 2)
+ expect_equal(names(x), c('name', 'est'))
+ expect_false(has_attr(x, 'meta'))
+ expect_equal(x$name, 'trt')
+ expect_equal(x$est, 1)
+ # special input: se = NA
+ x <- analysis_result(name = 'trt',
+ est = 1,
+ se = NA)
+ expect_general(x)
+ expect_length(x, 3)
+ expect_equal(names(x), c('name', 'est', 'se'))
+ expect_true(is.na(x$se))
+ # special input: df = NA
+ x <- analysis_result(name = 'trt',
+ est = 1,
+ se = 2,
+ df = NA)
+ expect_general(x)
+ expect_length(x, 4)
+ expect_equal(names(x), c('name', 'est', 'se', 'df'))
+ expect_true(is.na(x$df))
+test_that("incorrect constructions of analysis_result fail", {
+ # test parameter type
+ expect_error(
+ analysis_result(name = 1,
+ est = 1,
+ se = 2,
+ df = 3,
+ meta = list(visit = 1)),
+ "name of analysis_result is not character"
+ )
+ expect_error(
+ analysis_result(name = 'a',
+ est = 'b',
+ se = 2,
+ df = 3,
+ meta = list(visit = 1)),
+ "est of analysis_result is not numeric"
+ )
+ expect_error(
+ analysis_result(name = 'a',
+ est = 1,
+ se = list(),
+ df = 3,
+ meta = list(visit = 1)),
+ "se of analysis_result is not numeric or NA or NULL"
+ )
+ expect_error(
+ analysis_result(name = 'a',
+ est = 1,
+ se = 2,
+ df = data.frame(),
+ meta = list(visit = 1)),
+ "df of analysis_result is not numeric or NA or NULL"
+ )
+ expect_error(
+ analysis_result(name = 'a',
+ est = 1,
+ se = 2,
+ df = 3,
+ meta = 'b'),
+ "meta of analysis_result is not list or NULL"
+ )
+ # test parameter length
+ expect_error(
+ analysis_result(name = c('a', 'b'),
+ est = 1,
+ se = 2,
+ df = 3,
+ meta = list(visit = 1)),
+ "length of name in analysis_result `2` is not 1"
+ )
+ expect_error(
+ analysis_result(name = 'a',
+ est = c(1,2,3),
+ se = 2,
+ df = 3,
+ meta = list(visit = 1)),
+ "length of est in analysis_result `3` is not 1"
+ )
+ expect_error(
+ analysis_result(name = 'a',
+ est = 1,
+ se = c(1,2,3,4),
+ df = 3,
+ meta = list(visit = 1)),
+ "length of se in analysis_result `4` is not 1"
+ )
+ expect_error(
+ analysis_result(name = 'a',
+ est = 1,
+ se = 2,
+ df = c(1,2,3,4,5),
+ meta = list(visit = 1)),
+ "length of df in analysis_result `5` is not 1"
+ )
+# Test for as_analysis_result
+# This test needs to be updated accordingly if ana_name_chker has been udpated
+test_that("as_analysis_result works as expected", {
+ skip_if_not(is_full_test())
+ expect_general <- function(x) {
+ expect_s3_class(x, c("analysis_result", "list"))
+ expect_equal(typeof(x), "list")
+ expect_equal(x$name, 'a')
+ expect_equal(x$est, 1)
+ expect_equal(x$se, 2)
+ }
+ x <- as_analysis_result(list(name='a', est=1, se = 2))
+ expect_general(x)
+ x <- as_analysis_result(list(name='a', est=1, se = 2, meta = list(visit = 1)))
+ expect_general(x)
+ expect_true(has_attr(x, 'meta'))
+ # Test error input
+ expect_error(as_analysis_result(list(name='a')))
+ expect_false('met' %in% names(as_analysis_result(list(name='a', est=1, se = 2, met = list(visit = 1)))))
+ }
+test_that("ana_name_chker works as expected", {
+ skip_if_not(is_full_test())
+ f <- ana_name_chker()
+ expect_equal(class(f), "function")
+ expect_equal(class(f('musthave_in_objnames')), 'function')
+ expect_equal(class(f('objnames_in_musthave')), 'function')
+ expect_equal(typeof(f('musthave')), 'character')
+ expect_equal(typeof(f('optional')), 'character')
+test_that("is.analysis_result works as expected", {
+ x <- analysis_result(name = 'trt',
+ est = 1,
+ se = 2,
+ df = 3,
+ meta = list(visit = 1))
+ expect_true(is.analysis_result(x))
+ expect_false(is.analysis_result(list(a=1)))
+ expect_false(is.analysis_result(structure(list(a=1), class=c('analyis_result', 'list'))))
+test_that("analysis_info works as expected", {
+ skip_if_not(is_full_test())
+ # check for normal input
+ test_names <- c('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g')
+ test_ests <- seq(length(test_names))
+ test_ses <- test_ests * 0.1
+ test_dfs<- test_ests * 5
+ test_metas <- lapply(test_ests, function(x) list(visit=x))
+ tab <- mapply(function(a,b,c,d,e) analysis_result(name=a, est=b, se=c, df=d, meta=e),
+ test_names, test_ests, test_ses, test_dfs, test_metas, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
+ x <- analysis_info(tab)
+ expect_equal(class(x), "data.frame")
+ expect_equal(nrow(x), 7)
+ expect_equal(ncol(x), 5)
+ # check for NA and NULL input
+ test_ses[[2]] <- NA
+ test_dfs[[4]] <- NA
+ tab <- mapply(function(a,b,c,d,e) analysis_result(name=a, est=b, se=c, df=d, meta=e),
+ test_names, test_ests, test_ses, test_dfs, test_metas, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
+ tab[[1]] <- tab[[1]][-5]
+ tab[[1]] <- as_analysis_result(tab[[1]])
+ x <- analysis_info(tab)
+ expect_true(is.na(x[[2, 3]]))
+ expect_true(is.na(x[[4, 4]]))
+ expect_true(is.na(x[[1, 5]]))
+test_that("extract_analysis_result works as expected", {
+ skip_if_not(is_full_test())
+ x1 <- analysis_result(name ='a', est = 1, se = 2)
+ x2 <- analysis_result(name ='b', est = 2)
+ x3 <- analysis_result(name ='c', est = 3, se = NA, meta = list(visit = 5))
+ x4 <- analysis_result(name ='d', est = 4, se = 3, meta = list(visit = 15))
+ x5 <- analysis_result(name ='e', est = 5, se = 4, df = 1, meta = list(visit = 20, abc = 7))
+ x6 <- analysis_result(name ='f', est = 6, se = 5, df = 2, meta = list(visit = 25, abc = 14))
+ x7 <- analysis_result(name ='g', est = 7, se = 5, df = 3, meta = list(visit = 30, abc = 14))
+ x8 <- analysis_result(name ='h', est = 8, se = 5, df = 3, meta = list(abc = 21, efg = 8))
+ x9 <- analysis_result(name ='i', est = 8, se = 5, df = 3, meta = list(visit = 20, abc = 28, efg = 16))
+ x10 <- analysis_result(name ='a', est = 8, meta = list(mfn = 1, klt = 's'))
+ x11 <- analysis_result(name ='b', est = 9, meta = list(mfn = 2, klt = 's1'))
+ x12 <- analysis_result(name ='m', est = 10, meta = list(mfn = 2, klt = 's2'))
+ x <-list(x1, x2, x3,
+ x4, x5, x6,
+ x7, x8, x9,
+ x10, x11, x12)
+ # single match
+ actual <- extract_analysis_result(x, name = 'a')
+ expect <- list(x1, x10)
+ expect_equal(actual, expect)
+ actual <- extract_analysis_result(x, name = 'd')
+ expect <- list(x4)
+ expect_equal(actual, expect)
+ actual <- extract_analysis_result(x, est = 2)
+ expect <- list(x2)
+ expect_equal(actual, expect)
+ actual <- extract_analysis_result(x, est = 7)
+ expect <- list(x7)
+ expect_equal(actual, expect)
+ actual <- extract_analysis_result(x, est = 8)
+ expect <- list(x8, x9, x10)
+ expect_equal(actual, expect)
+ actual <- extract_analysis_result(x, se = 3)
+ expect <- list(x4)
+ expect_equal(actual, expect)
+ actual <- extract_analysis_result(x, se = 5)
+ expect <- list(x6, x7, x8, x9)
+ expect_equal(actual, expect)
+ actual <- extract_analysis_result(x, df = 1)
+ expect <- list(x5)
+ expect_equal(actual, expect)
+ actual <- extract_analysis_result(x, df = 3)
+ expect <- list(x7, x8, x9)
+ expect_equal(actual, expect)
+ actual <- extract_analysis_result(x, meta = list(visit = 5))
+ expect <- list(x3)
+ expect_equal(actual, expect)
+ actual <- extract_analysis_result(x, meta = list(visit = 15))
+ expect <- list(x4)
+ expect_equal(actual, expect)
+ actual <- extract_analysis_result(x, meta = list(visit = 20))
+ expect <- list(x5, x9)
+ expect_equal(actual, expect)
+ actual <- extract_analysis_result(x, meta = list(abc = 28))
+ expect <- list(x9)
+ expect_equal(actual, expect)
+ actual <- extract_analysis_result(x, meta = list(abc = 14))
+ expect <- list(x6, x7)
+ expect_equal(actual, expect)
+ actual <- extract_analysis_result(x, name = 'g', meta = list(abc = 14))
+ expect <- list(x7)
+ expect_equal(actual, expect)
+ actual <- extract_analysis_result(x, meta = list(efg = 16))
+ expect <- list(x9)
+ expect_equal(actual, expect)
+ actual <- extract_analysis_result(x, meta = list(mfn = 1))
+ expect <- list(x10)
+ expect_equal(actual, expect)
+ actual <- extract_analysis_result(x, meta = list(mfn = 2))
+ expect <- list(x11, x12)
+ expect_equal(actual, expect)
+ actual <- extract_analysis_result(x, meta = list(klt = 's1'))
+ expect <- list(x11)
+ expect_equal(actual, expect)
+ # multiple match
+ actual <- extract_analysis_result(x, name = 'a', se = 2)
+ expect <- list(x1)
+ expect_equal(actual, expect)
+ actual <- extract_analysis_result(x, name = 'a', meta = list(klt = 's'))
+ expect <- list(x10)
+ expect_equal(actual, expect)
+ actual <- extract_analysis_result(x, name = 'a', est = 1, meta = list(klt = 's'))
+ expect <- list()
+ expect_equal(actual, expect)
+ actual <- extract_analysis_result(x, se = 5, df = 3)
+ expect <- list(x7, x8, x9)
+ expect_equal(actual, expect)
+ actual <- extract_analysis_result(x, se = 5, df = 3, meta = list(abc = 28))
+ expect <- list(x9)
+ expect_equal(actual, expect)
+ actual <- extract_analysis_result(x, name = 'b', meta = list(mfn = 2))
+ expect <- list(x11)
+ expect_equal(actual, expect)
+ actual <- extract_analysis_result(x, est = 9, se = 5, df = 2, meta = list(visit = 25))
+ expect <- list()
+ expect_equal(actual, expect)
+ actual <- extract_analysis_result(x, meta = list(visit = 30, abc = 14))
+ expect <- list(x7)
+ expect_equal(actual, expect)
+ actual <- extract_analysis_result(x, se = NA, meta = list(visit = 5))
+ expect <- list(x3)
+ expect_equal(actual, expect)
+ actual <- extract_analysis_result(x, se = NA, meta = list(visit = 5, abc = 'q'))
+ expect <- list()
+ expect_equal(actual, expect)
+ actual <- extract_analysis_result(x, name ='a', est = 8, meta = list(klt = 's'))
+ expect <- list(x10)
+ expect_equal(actual, expect)
+ actual <- extract_analysis_result(x, name ='a', est = 8, meta = list(klt = 's1'))
+ expect <- list()
+ expect_equal(actual, expect)
+ # Special input
+ actual <- extract_analysis_result(x, se = NA)
+ expect <- list(x3)
+ expect_equal(actual, expect)
+ actual <- extract_analysis_result(x, se = NULL)
+ expect <- list(x2, x10, x11, x12)
+ expect_equal(actual, expect)
+ actual <- extract_analysis_result(x, se = NULL, df = NULL)
+ expect <- list(x2, x10, x11, x12)
+ expect_equal(actual, expect)
+ actual <- extract_analysis_result(x, meta = NULL)
+ expect <- list(x1, x2)
+ expect_equal(actual, expect)
+ actual <- extract_analysis_result(x, meta = NA)
+ expect <- list()
+ expect_equal(actual, expect)
+ actual <- extract_analysis_result(x, meta = 'abc')
+ expect <- list()
+ expect_equal(actual, expect)
+ expect_error(extract_analysis_result(x, meta = list('abc')),
+ "Invalid parameters")
+ expect_error(extract_analysis_result(x, meta = list(NULL)),
+ "Invalid parameters")
+ expect_error(extract_analysis_result(x, meta = list(NA)),
+ "Invalid parameters")
+ }
+test_that("analst2df works as expected", {
+ skip_if_not(is_full_test())
+ ana_list <- list(
+ list(
+ analysis_result(name = 'trt', est = 1, meta = list(visit = 1)),
+ analysis_result(name = 'ref1', est = 2, se = 2, meta = list(visit = 2, abc = 'm')),
+ analysis_result(name = 'ref2', est = 3, df = 5, meta = list(efg = 'q'))
+ ),
+ list(
+ analysis_result(name = 'trt_a', est = 9, meta = list(visit = 7)),
+ analysis_result(name = 'ref2', est = 10, se = NA, df = 15, meta = list(abc = 't', kkkk = NA)),
+ analysis_result(name = 'ref_a', est = 11, df = NA, meta = list(efg = NA, uut = 21))
+ )
+ )
+ expect_s3_class(analst2df(ana_list), 'data.frame')
+ expect_named(analst2df(ana_list))
+ expect_equal(names(analst2df(ana_list)), c('name', 'est', 'se', 'df', 'visit', 'abc', 'efg', 'kkkk', 'uut'))
+ expect_equal(analst2df(ana_list)$name[[4]], 'trt_a')
+ expect_equal(analst2df(ana_list)$est[[6]], 11)
+ expect_equal(analst2df(ana_list)$se[[2]], 2)
+ expect_true(is.na(analst2df(ana_list)$se[[3]]))
+ expect_equal(analst2df(ana_list)$df[[3]], 5)
+ expect_equal(analst2df(ana_list)$df[[5]], 15)
+ expect_true(is.na(analst2df(ana_list)$df[[4]]))
+ expect_equal(analst2df(ana_list)$visit[[4]], 7)
+ expect_equal(analst2df(ana_list)$visit[[2]], 2)
+ expect_true(is.na(analst2df(ana_list)$visit[[5]]))
+ expect_equal(analst2df(ana_list)$abc[[2]], 'm')
+ expect_equal(analst2df(ana_list)$abc[[5]], 't')
+ expect_equal(analst2df(ana_list)$abc[[1]], as.character(NA))
+ expect_true(is.na(analst2df(ana_list)$abc[[1]]))
+ expect_equal(analst2df(ana_list)$efg[[3]], 'q')
+ expect_true(is.na(analst2df(ana_list)$efg[[6]]))
+ expect_true(all(is.na(analst2df(ana_list)$kkkk)))
+ expect_true(is.na(analst2df(ana_list)$uut[[1]]))
+ expect_equal(analst2df(ana_list)$uut[[6]], 21)
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-ancova.R b/tests/testthat/test-ancova.R
index eee1f1a49..fbb524f6d 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-ancova.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-ancova.R
@@ -29,16 +29,20 @@ test_that("ancova", {
mod <- lm(out ~ age1 + age2 + grp, data = dat)
result_expected <- list(
- "trt_vis1" = list(
- "est" = mod$coefficients[[4]],
- "se" = sqrt(vcov(mod)[4, 4]),
- "df" = df.residual(mod)
+ analysis_result(
+ name = 'trt',
+ est = mod$coefficients[[4]],
+ se = sqrt(vcov(mod)[4, 4]),
+ df = df.residual(mod),
+ meta = list(visit = 'vis1')
- result_actual <- ancova(
+ results_actual <- ancova(
list(outcome = "out", group = "grp", covariates = c("age1", "age2"), visit = "visit")
- )["trt_vis1"]
+ )
+ result_actual <- extract_analysis_result(results_actual, name = 'trt', meta = list(visit = 'vis1'))
expect_equal(result_expected, result_actual)
@@ -63,13 +67,17 @@ test_that("ancova", {
mod <- lm(out ~ grp, data = dat)
result_expected <- list(
- "trt_ 1" = list(
- "est" = mod$coefficients[[2]],
- "se" = sqrt(vcov(mod)[2, 2]),
- "df" = df.residual(mod)
+ analysis_result(
+ name = "trt",
+ est = mod$coefficients[[2]],
+ se = sqrt(vcov(mod)[2, 2]),
+ df = df.residual(mod),
+ meta = list(visit = " 1")
- result_actual <- ancova(dat, list(outcome = "out", group = "grp", visit = "ivis"))["trt_ 1"]
+ results_actual <- ancova(dat, list(outcome = "out", group = "grp", visit = "ivis"))
+ result_actual <- extract_analysis_result(results_actual, name = "trt", meta = list(visit = " 1"))
expect_equal(result_expected, result_actual)
@@ -93,14 +101,16 @@ test_that("ancova", {
mod <- lm(out ~ age1 + age2 + grp, data = dat)
result_expected <- list(
- "trt_visit 1" = list(
- "est" = mod$coefficients[[4]],
- "se" = sqrt(vcov(mod)[4, 4]),
- "df" = df.residual(mod)
+ analysis_result(
+ name = "trt",
+ est = mod$coefficients[[4]],
+ se = sqrt(vcov(mod)[4, 4]),
+ df = df.residual(mod),
+ meta = list(visit = "visit 1")
- result_actual <- ancova(
+ results_actual <- ancova(
outcome = "out",
@@ -109,7 +119,9 @@ test_that("ancova", {
visit = "vis"
visits = "visit 1"
- )["trt_visit 1"]
+ )
+ result_actual <- extract_analysis_result(results_actual, name = "trt", meta = list(visit = "visit 1"))
expect_equal(result_expected, result_actual)
@@ -132,14 +144,16 @@ test_that("ancova", {
mod <- lm(out ~ age1 + age2 + grp, data = filter(dat, vis == "visit 1"))
result_expected <- list(
- "trt_visit 1" = list(
- "est" = mod$coefficients[[4]],
- "se" = sqrt(vcov(mod)[4, 4]),
- "df" = df.residual(mod)
+ analysis_result(
+ name = 'trt',
+ est = mod$coefficients[[4]],
+ se = sqrt(vcov(mod)[4, 4]),
+ df = df.residual(mod),
+ meta = list(visit = 'visit 1')
- result_actual <- ancova(
+ results_actual <- ancova(
outcome = "out",
@@ -148,11 +162,13 @@ test_that("ancova", {
visit = "vis"
visits = "visit 1"
- )["trt_visit 1"]
+ )
+ result_actual <- extract_analysis_result(results_actual, name = "trt", meta = list(visit = "visit 1"))
expect_equal(result_expected, result_actual)
- result_actual <- ancova(
+ result_actuals <- ancova(
outcome = "out",
@@ -161,11 +177,13 @@ test_that("ancova", {
visit = "vis"
visits = c("visit 1", "visit 2")
- )["trt_visit 1"]
+ )
+ result_actual <- extract_analysis_result(results_actual, name = "trt", meta = list(visit = "visit 1"))
expect_equal(result_expected, result_actual)
- result_actual <- ancova(
+ results_actual <- ancova(
outcome = "out",
@@ -179,22 +197,27 @@ test_that("ancova", {
mod <- lm(out ~ age1 + age2 + grp, data = filter(dat, vis == "visit 2"))
result_expected <- list(
- "trt_visit 2" = list(
- "est" = mod$coefficients[[4]],
- "se" = sqrt(vcov(mod)[4, 4]),
- "df" = df.residual(mod)
+ analysis_result(
+ name = "trt",
+ est = mod$coefficients[[4]],
+ se = sqrt(vcov(mod)[4, 4]),
+ df = df.residual(mod),
+ meta = list(visit = "visit 2")
- expect_equal(result_expected, result_actual["trt_visit 2"])
+ result_actual <- extract_analysis_result(results_actual, name = "trt", meta = list(visit = "visit 2"))
- expect_equal(
- names(result_actual),
- c(
- "trt_visit 1", "lsm_ref_visit 1", "lsm_alt_visit 1",
- "trt_visit 2", "lsm_ref_visit 2", "lsm_alt_visit 2"
- )
- )
+ expect_equal(result_expected, result_actual)
+ expect_equal(sapply(results_actual, function(x) x[['name']]),
+ c("trt","lsm_ref", "lsm_alt","trt","lsm_ref","lsm_alt"))
+ expect_equal(sapply(results_actual, function(x) x[['meta']]),
+ list(visit = "visit 1", visit = "visit 1", visit = "visit 1", visit = "visit 2", visit ="visit 2", visit ="visit 2"))
+ expect_equal(sapply(results_actual, function(x) attr(x, 'meta')),
+ list(visit = "visit 1", visit = "visit 1", visit = "visit 1", visit = "visit 2", visit ="visit 2", visit ="visit 2"))
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-fullusage.R b/tests/testthat/test-fullusage.R
index e12f8f92e..9e7a39425 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-fullusage.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-fullusage.R
@@ -16,28 +16,39 @@ sigma <- as_vcov(c(2, 1, 0.7), c(0.5, 0.3, 0.2))
nsamp <- 200
-expect_pool_est <- function(po, expected, param = "trt_visit_3") {
+expect_pool_ests <- function(po, expected, ...) {
+ actuallst <- extract_analysis_result(po$pars, ...)
+ assert_that(!!length(actuallst),
+ msg = sprintf("No matches for condition: %s ",
+ mapply(function(var, value) paste(paste0("`",var,"`"), value, sep = ' == '),
+ names(list(...)), list(...)) %>% paste(collapse = ' & ')))
+ actual <- actuallst[[1]]
- po$pars[[param]]$ci,
+ actual$ci,
- po$pars[[param]]$ci,
- po$pars[[param]]$est
+ actual$ci,
+ actual$est
- if ("lsm_alt_visit_3" %in% names(po$pars)) {
- lsm_trt <- (po$pars$lsm_alt_visit_3$est - po$pars$lsm_ref_visit_3$est)
+ lsm_alt_visit_3 <- extract_analysis_result(po$pars, name = "lsm_alt", visit = "visit_3")
+ lsm_ref_visit_3 <- extract_analysis_result(po$pars, name = "lsm_ref", visit = "visit_3")
+ if (!!length(lsm_alt_visit_3) & !!length(lsm_ref_visit_3)) {
+ lsm_trt <- (lsm_alt_visit_3[[1]]$est - lsm_ref_visit_3[[1]]$est)
- lsm_trt - po$pars[[param]]$est,
+ lsm_trt - actual$est,
c(-0.005, 0.005)
+expect_pool_est <- function(po, expected) expect_pool_ests(po, expected, name = 'trt', visit = 'visit_3')
test_that("Basic Usage - Approx Bayes", {
@@ -205,7 +216,7 @@ test_that("Basic Usage - Bayesian", {
-test_that("Basic Usage - Condmean", {
+test_that("Basic Usage - Condmean", {
@@ -348,10 +359,11 @@ test_that("Custom Strategies and Custom analysis functions", {
dat <- dat %>% filter(visit == "visit_3")
mod <- lm(data = dat, outcome ~ group + age + sex)
- "treatment_effect" = list(
- "est" = coef(mod)[[2]],
- "se" = sqrt(vcov(mod)[2,2]),
- "df" = df.residual(mod)
+ analysis_result(
+ name = "treatment_effect",
+ est = coef(mod)[[2]],
+ se = sqrt(vcov(mod)[2,2]),
+ df = df.residual(mod)
@@ -364,7 +376,7 @@ test_that("Custom Strategies and Custom analysis functions", {
poolobj <- pool(anaobj)
- poolobj$pars$treatment_effect$est,
+ extract_analysis_result(poolobj$pars, name = 'treatment_effect')[[1]]$est,
4 + c(-0.3, 0.3)
@@ -382,7 +394,7 @@ test_that("Custom Strategies and Custom analysis functions", {
poolobj_delta <- pool(anaobj_delta)
- expect_pool_est(poolobj_delta, 14, "treatment_effect")
+ expect_pool_ests(poolobj_delta, 14, name = "treatment_effect")
@@ -399,7 +411,7 @@ test_that("Custom Strategies and Custom analysis functions", {
poolobj_delta <- pool(anaobj_delta)
- expect_pool_est(poolobj_delta, 24, "treatment_effect")
+ expect_pool_ests(poolobj_delta, 24, name = "treatment_effect")
@@ -527,7 +539,7 @@ test_that("Multiple imputation references / groups work as expected (end to end
vars2$group <- "group"
x_ana <- analyse(x_imp, ancova, vars = vars2)
x_pl <- pool(x_ana, conf.level = 0.98)
- x_pl$pars$trt_visit_3$ci
+ extract_analysis_result(x_pl$pars, name = 'trt', visit = 'visit_3')[[1]]$ci
@@ -685,7 +697,8 @@ test_that("rbmi works for one arm trials", {
data_anal <- data[data[[vars$visit]] == "visit_3",][[vars$outcome]]
res <- list(
- mean = list(
+ analysis_result(
+ name = 'mean',
est = mean(data_anal),
se = sd(data_anal) / sqrt(length(data_anal)),
df = length(data_anal) - 1
@@ -738,7 +751,7 @@ test_that("rbmi works for one arm trials", {
mutate(strategy = "MAR")
runtest <- function(dat, dat_ice, vars, vars_wrong, vars_wrong2, vars_wrong3, method) {
draw_obj <- draws(
data = dat,
data_ice = dat_ice,
@@ -805,11 +818,11 @@ test_that("rbmi works for one arm trials", {
} else {
pooled <- pool(anl_obj)
- expect_length(pooled$pars$mean, 4)
- expect_true(all(!is.null(unlist(pooled$pars$mean))))
- expect_true(all(!is.na(unlist(pooled$pars$mean))))
- expect_true(all(is.double(unlist(pooled$pars$mean))))
+ pooled_mean <- extract_analysis_result(pooled$pars, name = 'mean')[[1]]
+ expect_length(pooled_mean, 5)
+ expect_true(all(!is.null(unlist(pooled_mean))))
+ expect_true(all(!is.na(unlist(pooled_mean))))
+ expect_true(all(is.double(unlist(pooled_mean[names(pooled_mean) != 'name']))))
method <- method_condmean(type = "jackknife")
@@ -848,10 +861,11 @@ test_that("Three arms trial runs smoothly and gives expected results", {
data_temp$group <- factor(data_temp$group, levels = c("A", "C"))
resC <- ancova(data_temp, ...)
- ret_obj <- list(
- trtB = resB$trt_visit_3,
- trtC = resC$trt_visit_3
- )
+ trtB <- extract_analysis_result(resB, name = 'trt', meta = list(visit = 'visit_3'))[[1]]
+ trtC <- extract_analysis_result(resC, name = 'trt', meta = list(visit = 'visit_3'))[[1]]
+ ret_obj <- list(trtB, trtC)
@@ -919,7 +933,7 @@ test_that("Three arms trial runs smoothly and gives expected results", {
imp_dat <- extract_imputed_dfs(imputeobj)[[1]]
expect_equal(imp_dat$outcome[imp_dat$group == "B"], imp_dat$outcome[imp_dat$group == "C"])
expect_equal(anaobj$results[[1]]$trtB, anaobj$results[[1]]$trtC)
- expect_equal(pooled$pars$trtB, pooled$pars$trtC)
+ expect_equal(extract_analysis_result(pooled$pars, name = 'trtB'), extract_analysis_result(pooled$pars, name = 'trtC'))
########## same_cov = FALSE
@@ -948,6 +962,6 @@ test_that("Three arms trial runs smoothly and gives expected results", {
imp_dat <- extract_imputed_dfs(imputeobj)[[1]]
expect_equal(imp_dat$outcome[imp_dat$group == "B"], imp_dat$outcome[imp_dat$group == "C"])
expect_equal(anaobj$results[[1]]$trtB, anaobj$results[[1]]$trtC)
- expect_equal(pooled$pars$trtB, pooled$pars$trtC)
+ expect_equal(extract_analysis_result(pooled$pars, name = 'trtB'), extract_analysis_result(pooled$pars, name = 'trtC'))
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-lsmeans.R b/tests/testthat/test-lsmeans.R
index 29954b9bf..daf36af78 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-lsmeans.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-lsmeans.R
@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ test_that("Least square means works as expected - Part 1", {
- mod2$lsm_alt_1$est - mod2$lsm_ref_1$est
+ extract_analysis_result(mod2, name = 'lsm_alt', meta = list(visit = 1))[[1]]$est -
+ extract_analysis_result(mod2, name = 'lsm_ref', meta = list(visit = 1))[[1]]$est
@@ -116,11 +117,18 @@ test_that("Least square means works as expected - Part 2", {
outcome = "outcome",
group = "trt"
- )[c("lsm_ref_vis1", "lsm_alt_vis1")]
+ )
+ result_actual <- append(
+ extract_analysis_result(result_actual, name = 'lsm_ref', meta = list(visit = 'vis1')),
+ extract_analysis_result(result_actual, name = 'lsm_alt', meta = list(visit = 'vis1'))
+ )
result_expected <- list(
- "lsm_ref_vis1" = lsm1,
- "lsm_alt_vis1" = lsm2
+ as_analysis_result(lsm1, name = 'lsm_ref', meta = add_meta('visit', 'vis1')),
+ as_analysis_result(lsm2, name = 'lsm_alt', meta = add_meta('visit', 'vis1'))
expect_equal(result_actual, result_expected)
@@ -155,10 +163,16 @@ test_that("Least square means works as expected - Part 2", {
group = "trt"
weights = "equal"
- )[c("lsm_ref_vis1", "lsm_alt_vis1")]
+ )
+ result_actual <- append(
+ extract_analysis_result(result_actual, name = 'lsm_ref', meta = list(visit = 'vis1')),
+ extract_analysis_result(result_actual, name = 'lsm_alt', meta = list(visit = 'vis1'))
+ )
result_expected <- list(
- "lsm_ref_vis1" = lsm1,
- "lsm_alt_vis1" = lsm2
+ as_analysis_result(lsm1, name = 'lsm_ref', meta = add_meta('visit', 'vis1')),
+ as_analysis_result(lsm2, name = 'lsm_alt', meta = add_meta('visit', 'vis1'))
expect_equal(result_actual, result_expected)
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-pool.R b/tests/testthat/test-pool.R
index 5e866a389..ef62e0618 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-pool.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-pool.R
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ test_that("pool", {
vals <- rnorm(n, mu, sd)
runanalysis <- function(x) {
- list("p1" = list(est = mean(x), se = sqrt(var(x) / length(x)), df = NA))
+ list(analysis_result(name = "p1", est = mean(x), se = sqrt(var(x) / length(x)), df = NA))
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ test_that("pool", {
test_that("Pool (Rubin) works as expected when se = NA in analysis model", {
mu <- 0
sd <- 1
n <- 2000
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ test_that("Pool (Rubin) works as expected when se = NA in analysis model", {
real_mu <- mean(vals)
runanalysis <- function(x) {
- list("p1" = list(est = mean(x), se = NA, df = NA))
+ list(analysis_result(name = "p1", est = mean(x), se = NA, df = NA))
results_bayes <- as_analysis(
@@ -271,8 +271,9 @@ test_that("Pool (Rubin) works as expected when se = NA in analysis model", {
bayes3 <- pool(results_bayes, alternative = "greater")
- bayes$pars$p1,
- list(est = real_mu,
+ extract_analysis_result(bayes$pars, name = 'p1')[[1]],
+ list(name = 'p1',
+ est = real_mu,
ci = as.numeric(c(NA, NA)),
se = as.numeric(NA),
pvalue = as.numeric(NA)),
@@ -280,8 +281,9 @@ test_that("Pool (Rubin) works as expected when se = NA in analysis model", {
- bayes2$pars$p1,
- list(est = real_mu,
+ extract_analysis_result(bayes2$pars, name = 'p1')[[1]],
+ list(name = 'p1',
+ est = real_mu,
ci = as.numeric(c(NA, NA)),
se = as.numeric(NA),
pvalue = as.numeric(NA)),
@@ -289,8 +291,9 @@ test_that("Pool (Rubin) works as expected when se = NA in analysis model", {
- bayes3$pars$p1,
- list(est = real_mu,
+ extract_analysis_result(bayes3$pars, name = 'p1')[[1]],
+ list(name = 'p1',
+ est = real_mu,
ci = as.numeric(c(NA, NA)),
se = as.numeric(NA),
pvalue = as.numeric(NA)),
@@ -298,7 +301,7 @@ test_that("Pool (Rubin) works as expected when se = NA in analysis model", {
runanalysis <- function(x) {
- list("p1" = list(est = mean(x), se = NA, df = Inf))
+ list(analysis_result(name = "p1", est = mean(x), se = NA, df = Inf))
results_bayes <- as_analysis(
@@ -314,8 +317,9 @@ test_that("Pool (Rubin) works as expected when se = NA in analysis model", {
bayes3 <- pool(results_bayes, alternative = "greater")
- bayes$pars$p1,
- list(est = real_mu,
+ extract_analysis_result(bayes$pars, name = 'p1')[[1]],
+ list(name = 'p1',
+ est = real_mu,
ci = as.numeric(c(NA, NA)),
se = as.numeric(NA),
pvalue = as.numeric(NA)),
@@ -323,8 +327,9 @@ test_that("Pool (Rubin) works as expected when se = NA in analysis model", {
- bayes2$pars$p1,
- list(est = real_mu,
+ extract_analysis_result(bayes2$pars, name = 'p1')[[1]],
+ list(name = 'p1',
+ est = real_mu,
ci = as.numeric(c(NA, NA)),
se = as.numeric(NA),
pvalue = as.numeric(NA)),
@@ -332,15 +337,16 @@ test_that("Pool (Rubin) works as expected when se = NA in analysis model", {
- bayes3$pars$p1,
- list(est = real_mu,
+ extract_analysis_result(bayes3$pars, name = 'p1')[[1]],
+ list(name = 'p1',
+ est = real_mu,
ci = as.numeric(c(NA, NA)),
se = as.numeric(NA),
pvalue = as.numeric(NA)),
tolerance = 1e-2
test_that("pool BMLMI estimates", {
@@ -366,7 +372,7 @@ test_that("Pool (Rubin) works as expected when se = NA in analysis model", {
), recursive = FALSE)
runanalysis <- function(x) {
- list("p1" = list(est = mean(x), se = sqrt(var(x) / length(x)), df = NA))
+ list(analysis_result(name = "p1", est = mean(x), se = sqrt(var(x) / length(x)), df = NA))
@@ -448,7 +454,7 @@ test_that("Pool (Rubin) works as expected when se = NA in analysis model", {
pooled_res <- pool(results_bmlmi)
expect_results(pooled_res, real_mu = real_mu, real_se = real_se)
- expect_true(sd/sqrt(n) < pooled_res$pars$p1$se)
+ expect_true(sd/sqrt(n) < extract_analysis_result(pooled_res$pars, name = 'p1')[[1]]$se)
@@ -830,7 +836,7 @@ test_that("condmean doesn't use first element in CI", {
n <- 200
runanalysis <- function(x) {
- list("p1" = list(est = mean(x)))
+ list(analysis_result(name = "p1", est = mean(x)))
@@ -845,14 +851,16 @@ test_that("condmean doesn't use first element in CI", {
pooled_1 <- pool(x)
- expect_equal(pooled_1$pars$p1$est, x$results[[1]]$p1$est)
+ expect_equal(extract_analysis_result(pooled_1$pars, name = 'p1')[[1]]$est, extract_analysis_result(x$results[[1]], name = 'p1')[[1]]$est)
- x$results[[1]]$p1$est <- 9999
+ x$results[[1]][[1]]$est <- 9999
pooled_2 <- pool(x)
- expect_equal(pooled_2$pars$p1$est, x$results[[1]]$p1$est)
+ expect_equal(extract_analysis_result(pooled_2$pars, name = 'p1')[[1]]$est, extract_analysis_result(x$results[[1]], name = 'p1')[[1]]$est)
- pooled_1$pars$p1$est <- NULL
- pooled_2$pars$p1$est <- NULL
- expect_equal(pooled_1, pooled_2)
+ pooled_1_copy <- extract_analysis_result(pooled_1$pars, name = 'p1')[[1]]
+ pooled_2_copy <- extract_analysis_result(pooled_2$pars, name = 'p1')[[1]]
+ pooled_1_copy$est <- NULL
+ pooled_2_copy$est <- NULL
+ expect_equal(pooled_1_copy, pooled_2_copy)
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-print.R b/tests/testthat/test-print.R
index f661573ef..9c283418d 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-print.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-print.R
@@ -255,7 +255,8 @@ test_that("print - bmlmi", {
res <- list(
- trt = list(
+ analysis_result(
+ name = 'trt',
est = fit$coefficients["groupTRT", "Estimate"],
se = fit$coefficients["groupTRT", "Std. Error"],
df = Inf
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-utilities.R b/tests/testthat/test-utilities.R
index 05da2027b..bc04bbbdf 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-utilities.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-utilities.R
@@ -241,3 +241,226 @@ test_that("Stack", {
expect_equal(mstack$pop(3), list(7))
expect_error(mstack$pop(1), "items to return")
+test_that("add_meta", {
+ skip_if_not(is_full_test())
+ expect_equal(add_meta('a', 1), list(a=1))
+ expect_equal(add_meta(c('a','b','c'), '1','2',3), list(a='1', b='2',c=3))
+ expect_equal(add_meta(list('a'), 1), list(a=1))
+ expect_error(add_meta(c('a','b','c'), 1, 'c'))
+ expect_error(add_meta(c('a','b','c')))
+ expect_error(add_meta(NULL, 'a'))
+ expect_error(add_meta(NA, 'a'))
+ expect_error(add_meta(c('a', NA), 1, 2))
+test_that("assert_type", {
+ skip_if_not(is_full_test())
+ expect_true(assert_type('a', is.character))
+ expect_true(assert_type(c('a', 'b', 'c'), is.character))
+ expect_true(assert_type(1, is.numeric))
+ expect_true(assert_type(c(1,2,3), is.numeric))
+ expect_true(assert_type(NA, is.na))
+ expect_true(assert_type(NULL, is.null))
+ expect_true(assert_type(list(), is.list))
+ expect_true(assert_type(data.frame(), is.data.frame))
+ expect_true(assert_type(environment(), is.environment))
+ expect_true(assert_type(function() NULL, is.function))
+ expect_true(assert_type(factor(), is.factor))
+ expect_error(assert_type(factor('a'), is.character))
+ expect_error(assert_type('a', is.numeric))
+ expect_error(assert_type(1, is.null))
+ v1 <- NULL
+ expect_error(assert_type(v1, is.character))
+ v2 <- NA
+ expect_error(assert_type(v2, is.numeric))
+ expect_error(assert_type(1, length))
+test_that("assert_value", {
+ skip_if_not(is_full_test())
+ expect_true(assert_value(max)(c(1,2,3), 3))
+ expect_true(assert_value(length)(list(1,2), 2))
+ expect_true(assert_value(names)(list(a=1,b=2,c=3), c('a', 'b', 'c')))
+ expect_true(assert_value(mean)(c(a=1,b=2,c=3), 2))
+ expect_true(assert_value(abs)(c(a=-1,b=2,c=-3), c(1,2,3)))
+ f <- function(x) x * 5
+ expect_true(assert_value(f)(c(a=1,b=2,c=3), c(a=5,b=10,c=15)))
+ expect_error(assert_value(identity)(list(a=1,b=2,c=3), list(a=1,b=2,c=3)))
+ expect_error(assert_value(min)(c(a=1,b=2,c=3), 7))
+ expect_error(assert_value(median)(c(a=1,b=2,c=3), 1))
+test_that("assert_anares_length", {
+ skip_if_not(is_full_test())
+ expect_true(assert_anares_length('a', 1))
+ expect_true(assert_anares_length(c(1,2), 2))
+ expect_true(assert_anares_length(list(a=1,b=2), 2))
+ expect_true(assert_anares_length(data.frame(a=1, b=2), 2))
+ expect_true(assert_anares_length(list(), 0))
+ expect_true(assert_anares_length(NULL, 0))
+ expect_error(assert_anares_length(c('a', 'b', 'c'), 2))
+ expect_error(assert_anares_length(c(1,2,3), 2))
+ expect_error(assert_anares_length(list(), 2))
+ expect_error(assert_anares_length(1, 2))
+ expect_error(assert_anares_length(NA, 2))
+test_that("make_chain", {
+ skip_if_not(is_full_test())
+ is.numeric_or_na <- make_chain(any, is.numeric, is.na)
+ expect_true(is.numeric_or_na(NA))
+ expect_true(is.numeric_or_na(1))
+ expect_false(is.numeric_or_na('a'))
+ expect_false(is.numeric_or_na(list()))
+ expect_error(make_chain(any, is.numeric, 'a')(1))
+test_that("order_list_by_name", {
+ skip_if_not(is_full_test())
+ expect_equal(order_list_by_name(list(a=1,b='x',c=TRUE), c("c", "a", "d", "x", "b", "t"))[[3]], 'x')
+ expect_true(names(order_list_by_name(list(t=1,v='x'), c("c", "a", "d", "x", "b", "t"))) == 't')
+ expect_true(all(names(order_list_by_name(list(t=1,v='x',z=2,m=list(), q='t', w=data.frame()), c("z", "t","q", "m"))) == c("z", "t","q", "m")))
+ expect_length(order_list_by_name(list(u=1,v='x'), c("c", "a", "d", "x", "b", "t")), 0)
+ expect_length(order_list_by_name(list(u=1,v='x'), c("c")), 0)
+test_that("base_bind_rows", {
+ l1 <- list(list(a=1,b=2), list(b=3, c=4))
+ expect_equal(nrow(base_bind_rows(l1)), 2)
+ expect_equal(ncol(base_bind_rows(l1)), 3)
+ expect_equal(base_bind_rows(l1)[1, 2], 2)
+ l2 <- list(list(a=1,b=2, c=3), list(a=1, b=3, c=4), list(a=9, b=10, c=12))
+ expect_equal(nrow(base_bind_rows(l2)), 3)
+ expect_equal(base_bind_rows(l2)[2,3], 4)
+ expect_true(is.na(base_bind_rows(l1)[3,1]))
+ expect_error(base_bind_rows(list(list(a=1,b=2), list(b=3, c=data.frame()))))
+ l3 <- list(c(a=1,b=2), c(a=3, c=4))
+ expect_error(base_bind_rows(l3))
+test_that("namechecker", {
+ skip_if_not(is_full_test())
+ chker <- namechecker('a', 'b', 'c', optional = c('d', 'e', 'f'))
+ expect_type(chker, "closure")
+ expect_equal(chker('musthave'), c('a', 'b', 'c'))
+ expect_equal(chker('optional'), c('d', 'e', 'f'))
+ expect_equal(chker('all'), c('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'))
+ expect_type(chker('musthave_in_objnames'), "closure")
+ expect_type(chker('objnames_in_musthave'), "closure")
+ expect_true(all(chker('musthave_in_objnames')(list(a=1)) == list(a=TRUE, b=FALSE, c=FALSE)))
+ expect_true(all(chker('musthave_in_objnames')(list(a=1, b = 2, c = 3, d = 4)) == list(a=TRUE, b=TRUE, c=TRUE)))
+ expect_true(all(chker('objnames_in_musthave')(list(b=2, a = 1, d = 2, e = 4, x = 5)) == list(b=TRUE, a=TRUE, d=TRUE, e = TRUE, x = FALSE)))
+ expect_true(all(chker('objnames_in_musthave')(list(f = 1, x = list(a=2))) == list(f=TRUE, x=FALSE)))
+ expect_true(all(chker('objnames_in_musthave')(list(y = 1, x = list(a=2))) == list(y=FALSE, x=FALSE)))
+test_that("compose_n", {
+ skip_if_not(is_full_test())
+ # addition
+ add_one <- function (x) x + 1
+ add_five <- compose_n(add_one, 5)
+ expect_equal(add_five(3), 8)
+ # yin yang
+ flip <- function(x) -x
+ odd_numbers <- seq(1, 99, 2)
+ even_numbers <- seq(2, 100, 2)
+ yin <- sapply(odd_numbers, function(x) compose_n(flip, x))
+ yang <- sapply(even_numbers, function(x) compose_n(flip, x))
+ expect_true(all(sapply(yin, do.call, list(100)) < 0))
+ expect_true(all(sapply(yang, do.call, list(100)) > 0))
+ # base case
+ expect_equal(compose_n(abs, 0)(-5), -5)
+test_that("back_apply_at", {
+ skip_if_not(is_full_test())
+ x <- list(
+ a1=list(
+ b11=list(c111=1, c112=2,c113=3),
+ b12=list(c121=4, c122=5,c123=6)),
+ a2=list(
+ b21=list(c211=7, c212=8,c213=9),
+ b22=list(c221=10, c222=11,c223=12))
+ )
+ y <- back_apply_at(x, function(x) x+1, 1)
+ expect_equal(y$a2$b22$c221, 11)
+ expect_equal(y$a1$b11$c113, 4)
+ expect_identical(y$a1$b12, list(c121=5, c122=6,c123=7))
+ z <- back_apply_at(x, class, 2)
+ expect_equal(z$a1$b11, "list")
+ expect_equal(z$a2$b21, "list")
+ expect_error(z$a1$b11$c111)
+ zz <- back_apply_at(x, length, 3)
+ expect_equal(zz$a1, 2)
+ expect_equal(zz$a2, 2)
+ expect_error(zz$a2$b21)
+ expect_error(zz$a1$b12$c121)
+test_that("vec2form", {
+ skip_if_not(is_full_test())
+ x <- vec2form(c('a1', 'a2'))
+ expect_equal(class(x), 'formula')
+ expect_true(is.call(x[2]))
+ expect_equal(deparse(x), "~a1 + a2")
+ }
+test_that("reduce_df", {
+ skip_if_not(is_full_test())
+ x <- data.frame(a=1, b=c(1,2,3), c=5)
+ # concatenate rows to vector
+ y <- reduce_df(x, keys = 'a')
+ expect_equal(y$a, 1)
+ expect_equal(y$b[[1]], c(1,2,3))
+ expect_equal(y$c[[1]], 5)
+ y <- reduce_df(x, keys = 'b')
+ expect_equal(y$a, list(1,1,1))
+ expect_equal(y$b, c(1,2,3))
+ expect_equal(y$c, list(5,5,5))
+ # split rows to columns
+ y <- reduce_df(x, keys = 'a', split = TRUE)
+ expect_equal(ncol(y), 5)
+ expect_length(grep('b', names(y)), 3)
+ expect_equal(names(y), c('a', 'b.1', 'b.2', 'b.3', 'c'))
+ expect_equal(y$a, 1)
+ expect_equal(y$b.1, 1)
+ expect_equal(y$b.2, 2)
+ expect_equal(y$b.3, 3)
+ expect_equal(y$c, 5)