diff --git a/main/404.html b/main/404.html index 893e3421..7398e595 100644 --- a/main/404.html +++ b/main/404.html @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ - - +
@@ -40,7 +39,17 @@ +We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, caste, color, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.
We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming, diverse, inclusive, and healthy community.
Examples of behavior that contributes to a positive environment for our community include:
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Community Impact: Use of inappropriate language or other behavior deemed unprofessional or unwelcome in the community.
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Community Impact: A serious violation of community standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior.
Consequence: A temporary ban from any sort of interaction or public communication with the community for a specified period of time. No public or private interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction with those enforcing the Code of Conduct, is allowed during this period. Violating these terms may lead to a permanent ban.
Community Impact: Demonstrating a pattern of violation of community standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior, harassment of an individual, or aggression toward or disparagement of classes of individuals.
Consequence: A permanent ban from any sort of public interaction within the community.
This Code of Conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant, version 2.1, available at https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/2/1/code_of_conduct.html.
Community Impact Guidelines were inspired by Mozilla’s code of conduct enforcement ladder.
For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see the FAQ at https://www.contributor-covenant.org/faq. Translations are available at https://www.contributor-covenant.org/translations.
@@ -100,17 +151,19 @@🙏 Thank you for taking the time to contribute!
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@@ -92,76 +138,93 @@Suppose your changes are related to a current issue in the current project; please name your branch as follows: <issue_id>_<short_description>
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What changes are proposed in this pull request? * Style this entry in a way that can be copied directly into NEWS.md
. (#
Provide more detail here as needed.
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Pre-review Checklist (if item does not apply, mark is as complete) - [ ] All GitHub Action workflows pass with a ✅ - [ ] PR branch has pulled the most recent updates from master branch: usethis::pr_merge_main()
- [ ] If a bug was fixed, a unit test was added. - [ ] If a new ard_*()
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. - [ ] If a new ard_*()
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- [ ] If a bug was fixed, a unit test was added. - [ ] If a new ard_*()
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. - [ ] If a new ard_*()
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has been set. - [ ] If a new ard_*()
function was added and it depends on another package (such as, broom
), is_pkg_installed("broom")
has been set in the function call and the following added to the roxygen comments: @examplesIf do.call(asNamespace("cardx")$is_pkg_installed, list(pkg = "broom""))
- [ ] Code coverage is suitable for any new functions/features (generally, 100% coverage for new code): devtools::test_coverage()
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-When the branch is ready to be merged: - [ ] Update NEWS.md
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Daniel Sjoberg. Author, maintainer.
F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG. Copyright holder, funder.
Added a data.frame
method to ard_survival_survfit()
Added a data.frame
method to ard_survival_survfit()
Added a warning for incorrect formula type to ard_survival_survfit()
. (#223)
Implemented summary(extend=TRUE)
in ard_survival_survfit()
to return results for time points out of bounds. (#224)
Methods in the {survey} and {survival} packages do not retain inputs variables types in their outputs. We now are able retain these variable types in ARDs returned by ard_continuous.survey.design()
, ard_categorical.survey.design()
, ard_continuous_ci.survey.design()
, ard_categorical_ci.survey.design()
, and ard_survival_survfit.data.frame()
(and notably, not in ard_survival_survfit.survfit()
CRAN release: 2024-09-03
+CRAN release: 2024-09-03
Added S3 method ard_total_n.survey.design()
which returns an ARD with both the survey-weighted and unweighted total sample size.
Added S3 method ard_total_n.survey.design()
which returns an ARD with both the survey-weighted and unweighted total sample size.
Added warning
and error
columns to ard_regression()
output. (#148)
Implemented cards::as_card()
where needed in the package to convert data frames to class ‘card’. (#200)
where all unweighted statistics were returned, even in the case where they were explicitly not requested.ard_categorical.survey.design()
where all unweighted statistics were returned, even in the case where they were explicitly not requested.bt(pattern)
, reformulate2(pattern_term)
, reformulate2(pattern_response)
arguments have been deprecated and are now ignored. We now use make.names()
to determine whether a column name needs to be wrapped in backticks. (#192)bt(pattern)
, reformulate2(pattern_term)
, reformulate2(pattern_response)
arguments have been deprecated and are now ignored. We now use make.names()
to determine whether a column name needs to be wrapped in backticks. (#192)CRAN release: 2024-07-20
+CRAN release: 2024-07-20
. This change is immediate: previous functions names have not been deprecated. (#106)+Breaking Changes +
. This change is immediate: previous functions names have not been deprecated. (#106)
ard_ttest() -> ard_stats_t_test()
ard_paired_ttest() -> ard_stats_paired_t_test()
ard_wilcoxtest() -> ard_stats_wilcox_test()
@@ -72,11 +127,14 @@ Breaking Changesard_moodtest() -> ard_stats_mood_test()
The ard_categorical_ci(value)
argument has been added. Previously, only binary variables (0/1 or TRUE/FALSE) could be summarized. When a value is not supplied, each level of the variable is summarized independently. By default, binary variables will have the 1
level summarized.
The ard_categorical_ci(value)
argument has been added. Previously, only binary variables (0/1 or TRUE/FALSE) could be summarized. When a value is not supplied, each level of the variable is summarized independently. By default, binary variables will have the 1
level summarized.
Added the following functions for calculating Analysis Results Datasets (ARDs).
for calculating ANOVA results using stats::aov()
. (#3)ard_stats_anova()
for calculating ANOVA results using stats::anova()
. (#12)survival::survdiff()
. (#113)ard_regression_basic()
for basic regression models. The function focuses on matching model terms to underlying variables names. (#46)Updated functions ard_stats_t_test()
, ard_stats_paired_t_test()
, ard_stats_wilcox_test()
, ard_stats_paired_wilcox_test()
, ard_stats_chisq_test()
, ard_stats_fisher_test()
, ard_stats_kruskal_test()
, ard_stats_mcnemar_test()
, and ard_stats_mood_test()
to accept multiple variables at once. Independent tests are calculated for each variable. The variable
argument is renamed to variables
. (#77)
Updated ard_stats_t_test()
and ard_stats_wilcox_test()
to no longer require the by
argument, which yields central estimates with their confidence intervals. (#82)
Added model construction helpers, construct_model()
, reformulate2()
, bt()
, and bt_strip()
Imported cli call environment functions from https://github.com/ddsjoberg/standalone/blob/main/R/standalone-cli_call_env.R
and implemented set_cli_abort_call
in user-facing functions. (#111)
CRAN release: 2024-03-18
tidy_fun = broom.helpers::tidy_with_broom_or_parameters,
@@ -49,29 +88,37 @@ Usage
regression model object
a tidier. Default is broom.helpers::tidy_with_broom_or_parameters
arguments passed to aod::wald.test(...)
Add variable attributes to an ARD data frame.
The label
attribute will be added for all columns, and when no label
Add variable attributes to an ARD data frame.
+The label
attribute will be added for all columns, and when no label
is specified and no label has been set for a column using the label=
the column name will be placed in the label statistic.
The class
attribute will also be returned for all columns.
Any other attribute returned by attributes()
will also be added, e.g. factor levels.
# S3 method for class 'survey.design'
ard_attributes(data, variables = everything(), label = NULL, ...)
a design object often created with survey::svydesign()
variables to include
(named list
named list of variable labels, e.g. list(cyl = "No. Cylinders")
Default is NULL
These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.
# S3 method for class 'survey.design'
@@ -67,39 +106,47 @@ Usage
a design object often created with survey::svydesign()
columns to include in summaries.
results are calculated for all combinations of the column specified
and the variables. A single column may be specified.
a named list, a list of formulas,
or a single formula where the list element is a character vector of
statistic names to include. See default value for options.
a string indicating the type proportions to calculate. Must be one of
(the default), "row"
, and "cell"
a named list, a list of formulas,
or a single formula where the list element is a named list of functions
@@ -107,7 +154,8 @@
a named list, a list of formulas, or a single formula where
the list element is either a named list or a list of formulas defining the
@@ -115,17 +163,21 @@
These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.
svy_titanic <- survey::svydesign(~1, data = as.data.frame(Titanic), weights = ~Freq)
ard_categorical(svy_titanic, variables = c(Class, Age), by = Survived)
@@ -147,17 +199,19 @@ Examples
a data frame
Arguments passed to methods.
columns to include in summaries. Columns must be class <logical>
or <numeric>
values coded as c(0, 1)
columns to stratify calculations by
string indicating the type of confidence interval to calculate.
Must be one of .
See ?proportion_ci
for details.
a scalar in (0, 1)
indicating the confidence level.
Default is 0.95
function will calculate the CIs for all levels of the variables specified.
Use this argument to instead request only a single level by summarized.
@@ -104,18 +152,22 @@
arguments passed to proportion_ci_strat_wilson()
when method='strat_wilson'
# compute CI for binary variables
ard_categorical_ci(mtcars, variables = c(vs, am), method = "wilson")
#> {cards} data frame: 20 x 9
@@ -168,17 +220,19 @@ Examples
# S3 method for class 'survey.design'
@@ -55,37 +94,45 @@ Usage
a design object often created with survey::svydesign()
columns to include in summaries.
results are calculated for all combinations of the columns specified,
including unobserved combinations and unobserved factor levels.
Method passed to survey::svyciprop(method)
a scalar in (0, 1)
indicating the confidence level.
Default is 0.95
function will calculate the CIs for all levels of the variables specified.
Use this argument to instead request only a single level by summarized.
@@ -93,23 +140,28 @@
denominator degrees of freedom, passed to survey::svyciprop(df)
Default is survey::degf(data)
arguments passed to survey::svyciprop()
# S3 method for class 'survey.design'
@@ -51,33 +90,40 @@ Usage
a design object often created with survey::svydesign()
columns to include in summaries.
results are calculated for all combinations of the columns specified,
including unobserved combinations and unobserved factor levels.
a named list, a list of formulas,
or a single formula where the list element is a character vector of
statistic names to include. See below for options.
a named list, a list of formulas,
or a single formula where the list element is a named list of functions
@@ -85,7 +131,8 @@
a named list, a list of formulas, or a single formula where
the list element is either a named list or a list of formulas defining the
@@ -93,16 +140,20 @@
These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.
a data frame. See below for details.
arguments passed to t.test()
or wilcox.test()
column names to be compared. Independent t-tests will be computed for
each variable.
optional column name to compare by.
(scalar numeric
confidence level for confidence interval. Default is 0.95
a string indicating the method to use for the confidence interval
calculation. Must be one of "t.test"
or "wilcox.test"
ard_continuous_ci(mtcars, variables = c(mpg, hp), method = "wilcox.test")
#> {cards} data frame: 24 x 8
#> variable context stat_name stat_label stat warning
@@ -136,17 +186,19 @@ Examples
# S3 method for class 'survey.design'
@@ -55,54 +94,66 @@ Usage
a design object often created with survey::svydesign()
columns to include in summaries.
results are calculated for all combinations of the columns specified,
including unobserved combinations and unobserved factor levels.
Method for confidence interval calculation.
When "svymean"
, the calculation is computed via survey::svymean()
Otherwise, it is calculated viasurvey::svyquantile(interval.type=method)
(scalar numeric
confidence level for confidence interval. Default is 0.95
denominator degrees of freedom, passed to survey::confint(df)
Default is survey::degf(data)
arguments passed to survey::confint()
# S3 method for class 'survey.design'
@@ -56,46 +95,55 @@ Usage
a design object often created with survey::svydesign()
columns to include in summaries.
results are calculated for all combinations of the column specified
and the variables. A single column may be specified.
(named list
named list of dichotomous values to tabulate.
Default is cards::maximum_variable_value(data$variables)
which returns the largest/last value after a sort.
a named list, a list of formulas,
or a single formula where the list element is a character vector of
statistic names to include. See default value for options.
a string indicating the type proportions to calculate. Must be one of
(the default), "row"
, and "cell"
a named list, a list of formulas,
or a single formula where the list element is a named list of functions
@@ -103,7 +151,8 @@
a named list, a list of formulas, or a single formula where
the list element is either a named list or a list of formulas defining the
@@ -111,17 +160,21 @@
These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.
survey::svydesign(ids = ~1, data = mtcars, weights = ~1) |>
ard_dichotomous(by = vs, variables = c(cyl, am), value = list(cyl = 4))
#> {cards} data frame: 32 x 11
@@ -142,17 +195,19 @@ Examples
ard_effectsize_cohens_d(data, by, variables, conf.level = 0.95, ...)
ard_effectsize_paired_cohens_d(data, by, variables, id, conf.level = 0.95, ...)
a data frame. See below for details.
column name to compare by. Must be a categorical variable with exactly two levels.
column names to be compared. Must be a continuous variables.
Independent tests will be run for each variable.
(scalar numeric
confidence level for confidence interval. Default is 0.95
arguments passed to effectsize::cohens_d(...)
column name of the subject or participant ID
For the ard_effectsize_cohens_d()
function, the data is expected to be one row per subject.
The data is passed as effectsize::cohens_d(data[[variable]]~data[[by]], data, paired = FALSE, ...)
For the ard_effectsize_paired_cohens_d()
function, the data is expected to be one row
@@ -96,7 +146,8 @@
ard_effectsize_hedges_g(data, by, variables, conf.level = 0.95, ...)
ard_effectsize_paired_hedges_g(data, by, variables, id, conf.level = 0.95, ...)
a data frame. See below for details.
column name to compare by. Must be a categorical variable with exactly two levels.
column names to be compared. Must be a continuous variable. Independent
tests will be run for each variable
(scalar numeric
confidence level for confidence interval. Default is 0.95
arguments passed to effectsize::hedges_g(...)
column name of the subject or participant ID
For the ard_effectsize_hedges_g()
function, the data is expected to be one row per subject.
The data is passed as effectsize::hedges_g(data[[variable]]~data[[by]], data, paired = FALSE, ...)
For the ard_effectsize_paired_hedges_g()
function, the data is expected to be one row
@@ -96,7 +146,8 @@
This function calculates least-squares mean differences using the 'emmeans' package using the following
-emmeans::emmeans(object = <regression model>, specs = ~ <primary covariate>) |>
+emmeans::emmeans(object = <regression model>, specs = ~ <primary covariate>) |>
emmeans::contrast(method = "pairwise") |>
summary(infer = TRUE, level = <confidence level>)
+The arguments data
, formula
, method
, method.args
, package
are used
to construct the regression model via cardx::construct_model()
a data frame or survey design object
a formula
string of function naming the function to be called, e.g. "glm"
If function belongs to a library that is not attached, the package name
must be specified in the package
(named list
(named list
named list of arguments that will be passed to method
Note that this list may contain non-standard evaluation components.
If you are wrapping this function in other functions, the argument
must be passed in a way that does not evaluate the list, e.g.
-using rlang's embrace operator {{ . }}
{{ . }}
string of package name that will be temporarily loaded when function
specified in method
is executed.
string indicating whether the model outcome is 'continuous'
or 'dichotomous'
. When 'dichotomous'
, the call to emmeans::emmeans()
supplemented with argument regrid="response"
(scalar numeric
confidence level for confidence interval. Default is 0.95
string indicating the primary covariate (typically the dichotomous treatment variable).
Default is the first covariate listed in the formula.
# S3 method for class 'survey.design'
@@ -58,33 +97,40 @@ Usage
a design object often created with survey::svydesign()
columns to include in summaries.
results are calculated for all combinations of the column specified
and the variables. A single column may be specified.
a named list, a list of formulas,
or a single formula where the list element is a character vector of
statistic names to include. See default value for options.
a named list, a list of formulas,
or a single formula where the list element is a named list of functions
@@ -92,7 +138,8 @@
a named list, a list of formulas, or a single formula where
the list element is either a named list or a list of formulas defining the
@@ -100,17 +147,21 @@
These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.
svy_titanic <- survey::svydesign(~1, data = as.data.frame(Titanic), weights = ~Freq)
ard_missing(svy_titanic, variables = c(Class, Age), by = Survived)
@@ -132,17 +183,19 @@ Examples
regression model object
Arguments passed to broom.helpers::tidy_plus_plus()
a tidier. Default is broom.helpers::tidy_with_broom_or_parameters
add_reference_rows = FALSE,
add_estimate_to_reference_rows = FALSE,
add_n = FALSE,
intercept = FALSE
tidy_fun = broom.helpers::tidy_with_broom_or_parameters,
@@ -83,35 +126,44 @@ Usage
regression model object
a tidier. Default is broom.helpers::tidy_with_broom_or_parameters
character vector of statistic names to remove. Default is
c("term", "var_type", "var_label", "var_class", "label", "contrasts_type", "contrasts", "var_nlevels")
Arguments passed to broom.helpers::tidy_plus_plus()
a data frame or object of class 'survey.design'
(typically created with survey::svydesign()
column name to compare by.
column names to be compared. Independent tests will be computed for
each variable.
(scalar logical
Logical indicator for computing standard errors using smd::compute_smd_var()
Default is TRUE
(scalar numeric
confidence level for confidence interval. Default is 0.95
arguments passed to smd::smd()
ard_smd_smd(cards::ADSL, by = SEX, variables = AGE)
#> {cards} data frame: 6 x 9
#> group1 variable context stat_name stat_label stat
@@ -113,17 +163,19 @@ Examples
or data.frame
an object of class 'anova'
created with stats::anova()
a data frame
These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.
string of the method used. Default is "ANOVA results from
We provide the option to change this as stats::anova()
can produce
@@ -86,44 +130,57 @@
a list of formulas
string of function naming the function to be called, e.g. "glm"
If function belongs to a library that is not attached, the package name
must be specified in the package
(named list
(named list
named list of arguments that will be passed to method
Note that this list may contain non-standard evaluation components.
If you are wrapping this function in other functions, the argument
must be passed in a way that does not evaluate the list, e.g.
-using rlang's embrace operator {{ . }}
{{ . }}
string of package name that will be temporarily loaded when function
specified in method
is executed.
When a list of formulas is supplied to ard_stats_anova()
, these formulas
along with information from other arguments, are used to construct models
and pass those models to stats::anova()
The models are constructed using rlang::exec()
, which is similar to do.call()
rlang::exec(.fn = method, formula = formula, data = data, !!!method.args)
rlang::exec(.fn = method, formula = formula, data = data, !!!method.args)
+The above function is executed in withr::with_namespace(package)
, which
allows for the use of ard_stats_anova(method)
from packages,
e.g. package = 'lme4'
must be specified when method = 'glmer'
@@ -131,7 +188,8 @@