- renamed 'resized' event emitted when the container changes size (browser window or other), introduced in #337, fixes #358
- bugfix on layout-ready event
- reverted grid item w and h previous rounding change, fixes #355
- Fix: no-touch on mobile and only if item is draggable or resizable (thanks DGoms).
- Prevent collision feature (thanks SheanDe).
- Simplified Chinese README (thanks harrywangchina).
- 'resized' event now emitted if grid item is resized due to changes other than a manual resize (e.g. browser window resize) (thanks pmorch).
- Improvement on 'layout-ready' event emit (thanks pmorch).
- Added watchers for min/max height and width (thanks grinat).
- Improvement: make sure the size of grid-item is bigger than the slot-item (thanks ywmail).
- Support for static items (thanks panjiangyi).
- RTL bugfix (thanks irvingwa).
- Memory leak fixes (thanks aiankile).
- Fixed exception on grid layout mount (thanks BenoitZugmeyer).
- Fixed overlapping and resizing bugs on responsive mode (thanks shpfive).
- Added new events emited by GridLayout (layout-created, layout-before-mount, layout-mounted, layout-ready) (thanks samuelmolinski).
- Reverted adding vue as external, which caused problems loading umd.
- Added vue as externals webpack config to fix startup problems (thanks Micene9)
- Previous fix for touch dragging on Android broke dragging on other mobile browsers (thanks onx2)
- changed project structure and build using Vue CLI
- GridItem new autosize method. For now, need to be called from child component with this.$parent.autoSize() (thanksmech01nc01)
- Abstract DOM related calls for initial SSR Support (thanksKukks)
- GridItem.i can now be a number or a string (thanksxch1029)
- Use interactjs size restrictions to limit resizing (thanksLuisCarreras)
- Fixed interactjs instance leak on instance release (thankszzuligy)
- Resize event now also emits dimensions in pixels (thanks buremba)
- Support for dynamic col-num (#121) (thanks ittus)
- Updated interact.js to 1.3.3 (#144)
- Fixed issue with multiple grids on same vm (#134) (thanks Suen)
- Fixed issue with layout update on reassignment (#130) (thanks daizengyu)
- Fixed possible bug related with #119
- Changed css translate to translate3d (#96)
- Added is-mirrored config, allowing the grid items to be rendered from right to left (horizontal flip) (thanks kweij)
- Added grid updated event for easier integration with vuex (thanks SergeyKhval)
- Fixed local module reference to interact.js
- Fixed #61 and #37
- Fixed #82
- Fixed #87
- Fixed #59
- Fixed #83
- Implemented support for dragAllowFrom and dragIgnoreFrom props on GridItem (thanks ThePlastic)
- Fixed #43, configurable drag elements ignore on grid item contents (thanks neithere)
- Fix for getLayoutItem, sometimes returns null elements (thanks pbabey)
- Really fixed #22 #32, multiple grid instances were not working properly in 2.1.4
- resizedEvent now also returns item width and height in pixels (implements #34)
- Implemented #32, support for multiple grid instances on the same page
- Fixed #27, props mutation warnings
- Implemented #12, buttons on GridItems would trigger drag on mobile
- Implemented #24, listeners removal beforeDestroy (thanks pbabey)
- Implemented #13, dynamic row height update support
- Implemented #23, dynamic enable/disable dragging and resizing support
- Implemented #21, moved and resized events
- RTL support (thanks easteregg)
- Move and resize events (thanks ThePlastic)