This gem enhances FactoryBot linter
it wraps factories creation:
- within DatabaseCleaner if present
- within ActiveRecord within transaction if DatabaseCleaner is not present but ActiveRecord is
it displays a progress bar and quickly display failures (just like fuubar)
it shows backtraces when factories failed
it lints all factories and traits by default
it allows easy selection of factories
it reloads cached factories before each run
Add these line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'factory_bot-awesome_linter'
Just run:
All factories are included by default. You can select factories to lint by passing their names, a regexp, or factories:
FactoryBot::AwesomeLinter.lint!(:user, :account)
factories_to_lint = FactoryBot.factories.reject do |factory| =~ /^old_/
All traits are included by default.
You can exclude them:
FactoryBot::AwesomeLinter.lint!(traits: false)
Default linting strategy is :create
You can specify another or multiple strategies used for linting:
FactoryBot::AwesomeLinter.lint!(strategy: :build)
FactoryBot::AwesomeLinter.lint!(strategy: %i[create build_stubbed])
All arguments can be combined:
FactoryBot::AwesomeLinter.lint!(:user, strategy: :build, traits: false)
Create the following task in lib/tasks/factory_bot.rake
namespace :factory_bot do
desc "Verify that all FactoryBot factories are valid"
task lint: :environment do
if Rails.env.test?
abort unless FactoryBot::AwesomeLinter.lint!
puts "Wrong environment detected to run factory_bot:lint"
puts "Running `bundle exec bin/rails factory_bot:lint RAILS_ENV='test'` instead"
system("bundle exec bin/rails factory_bot:lint RAILS_ENV='test'")
exit $CHILD_STATUS.exitstatus
Then run :
bundle exec bin/rails factory_bot:lint RAILS_ENV='test'
- Add tests
- Don't hesitate to submit your feature/idea/fix in issues
- Fork the repository
- Create your feature branch
- Ensure Rubocop are passing
- Create a pull request
bundle exec rubocop
Inspired by the awesome work from Thoughtbot.
Please see LICENSE for further details.
Contributors: ./graphs/contributors