Consider the type:
type winner = Player | Computer | Tie ;;
Write a function with type:
win : int * int -> (int * int) * winner
which determines the winner of a round of the Morra game.
The parameters (hp,gp)
in a function call win (hp,gp)
represent, respectively, the hand and the guess of the player.
The function randomly generates another pair of numbers:
, representing the hand of the computer (in the range 0..5);gc
, representing the guess of the computer (in the range 0..10);
The winner is determined as follows:
- if the guess of the player equals the sum of the two hands, but that of the computer does not, then the winner is the player;
- otherwise, if the computer guesses the sum of the two hands, then the winner is the computer;
- otherwise, there is a tie.
Besides the winner, the returned value must return the hand and the guess of the computer. For example:
- : (int * int) * winner = ((0, 1), Tie)
- : (int * int) * winner = ((4, 6), Computer)
- : (int * int) * winner = ((3, 4), Player)