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Releases: incu6us/goimports-reviser


19 Feb 08:57
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48b3027 #43 Support version 1.16
5e65c32 Merge pull request #45 from incu6us/ISSUE-43
d036345 goreleaser version switched to latest


05 Feb 18:14
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0bdb333 #35 Remove empty import node if present
fa2e235 Create .deepsource.toml
ebe652c Merge pull request #41 from incu6us/ISSUE-35
a8bb3a7 funding update
7691af8 goreleaser version fix


04 Jan 11:17
Choose a tag to compare


f1ded3a #31 syscall/js added to std
df4896a Create FUNDING.yml
5905e46 Merge pull request #32 from incu6us/issue/31/syscall-js_added_to_std
f8572ae set env fix


21 Oct 08:21
Choose a tag to compare


55db98a #21 Adding -local parameter to sort local packages to separately
053782a #23 Place local packages separately from project(main code base)
5ba8aca #24 projectName is optional. Determine the value automatically using go.mod
f95cb4a #24 projectName is optional. Determine the value automatically using go.mod
5e08ac5 #24 projectName is optional. Determine the value automatically using go.mod
47f1fc3 #24 projectName is optional. Determine the value automatically using go.mod
94e7166 #24 projectName is optional. Determine the value automatically using go.mod
6279fd6 Add option for output
7bc087e Additional test added
8a2514c Create LICENSE
bf29858 Create go.yml
f8ab4f9 Merge branch 'master' into feature/improve
4a704c3 Merge branch 'master' into feature/improve
407a366 Merge branch 'master' into feature/snap-package
1c3b254 Merge pull request #10 from incu6us/refactor/improve-code
77fb6ff Merge pull request #11 from incu6us/hotfix/unused-import
49b11b2 Merge pull request #12 from incu6us/feature/snap-package
1dc66f2 Merge pull request #13 from incu6us/hotfix/leave-comments-before-imports
316bcee Merge pull request #15 from incu6us/hotfix/issue-14
86b4af1 Merge pull request #16 from incu6us/hotfix/skip-replacing-comment-without-imports
1d21f66 Merge pull request #17 from incu6us/feature/resolve-pkg-name
6c1fca5 Merge pull request #18 from incu6us/feature/improve
8ffc88e Merge pull request #19 from incu6us/feature/improve
b99bd64 Merge pull request #2 from incu6us/add-license-1
286536c Merge pull request #20 from incu6us/feature/improve
a1c0a0c Merge pull request #22 from incu6us/feature/ISSUE-21/local-param
a1a5d88 Merge pull request #25 from incu6us/feature/ISSUE-23
6633206 Merge pull request #26 from incu6us/feature/determine-module-name
2a888ec Merge pull request #27 from incu6us/cleanup
573c4d8 Merge pull request #29 from fgblomqvist/output-to-stdin
37dc290 Merge pull request #3 from incu6us/feature/release
9ae083f Merge pull request #5 from incu6us/feature/comments
7d1ae55 Merge pull request #6 from incu6us/feature/remove-unused-imports
03726f0 Merge pull request #7 from incu6us/refactor/print-version
619742b Merge pull request #8 from incu6us/feature/readme
cf297e8 Merge pull request #9 from incu6us/feature/analize-pkg-name
858e8b6 README update
2a4940b README update
8cc2edf README update
9e8c109 README update
9978766 README update
a2d1e7b Readme update
2a7c418 Rename .gitlock to .gitkeep
1ff76be Skip replacing comments without imports
d3ca200 Update
c7ab265 added option -rm-unused to remove unused imports
4c2f68d added set-alias option(optional) to set alias for versioned imports
79035b2 awesome badge added
e724b94 brew package fix
9e5c9b7 cleanup
bd2853d cleanup
7bfeeb5 cleanup
80c6f13 cleanup
1e4331e clear import comments
578bd19 clear import comments
7e82c42 closes #14
f0e76f7 custom UsesImport
e3b5c68 docs added
7a7877f first commit
dda6aa1 first steps
d74a54b first steps
50959a1 first steps
85be0f7 fix for unused imports
f8710cb format added
932c9a2 format added
91a765f gen refactor
caf65e7 golint improvements
f56dff4 golint improvements
d9dd0f9 leave comment blocks before imports
d00f42f look for package import using go list
612795e look for package name on local filesystem
a278f1c minor repository improves
6e7d7f2 more details to version parameter
45f9d02 performance fix
bef25b8 performance improvement
75490d7 performance improvement
bb3066d quality report for readme added
acbbf40 readme improvements
1c1e303 readme improvements
946ab5a readme update
0c7432c readme update
a711a21 readme update
dea6e63 refactor
1389096 release fix
a1c0ecf release improvement
64fb8a9 release performed
c909a32 removeUnusedImports -> removeUnusedImportsKey
7d99002 resolve #1
08058a5 save comments on parsing
bd66a84 short fix
f7a91b8 short fix for project imports
299b9b1 short refactor
076b188 short refactor
bee8782 short refactor
6455a8d show version for release only
840fb4c skip change the file if no changes
e9490ed snap package
595f9b3 sort imports with skipped alias
e8851e2 test coverage
78465c7 tests added
fffd61f tests added
5215d06 todo added for future fix


19 Oct 14:12
Choose a tag to compare


55db98a #21 Adding -local parameter to sort local packages to separately
053782a #23 Place local packages separately from project(main code base)
5ba8aca #24 projectName is optional. Determine the value automatically using go.mod
94e7166 #24 projectName is optional. Determine the value automatically using go.mod
5e08ac5 #24 projectName is optional. Determine the value automatically using go.mod
47f1fc3 #24 projectName is optional. Determine the value automatically using go.mod
f95cb4a #24 projectName is optional. Determine the value automatically using go.mod
7bc087e Additional test added
8a2514c Create LICENSE
bf29858 Create go.yml
4a704c3 Merge branch 'master' into feature/improve
f8ab4f9 Merge branch 'master' into feature/improve
407a366 Merge branch 'master' into feature/snap-package
1c3b254 Merge pull request #10 from incu6us/refactor/improve-code
77fb6ff Merge pull request #11 from incu6us/hotfix/unused-import
49b11b2 Merge pull request #12 from incu6us/feature/snap-package
1dc66f2 Merge pull request #13 from incu6us/hotfix/leave-comments-before-imports
316bcee Merge pull request #15 from incu6us/hotfix/issue-14
86b4af1 Merge pull request #16 from incu6us/hotfix/skip-replacing-comment-without-imports
1d21f66 Merge pull request #17 from incu6us/feature/resolve-pkg-name
6c1fca5 Merge pull request #18 from incu6us/feature/improve
8ffc88e Merge pull request #19 from incu6us/feature/improve
b99bd64 Merge pull request #2 from incu6us/add-license-1
286536c Merge pull request #20 from incu6us/feature/improve
a1c0a0c Merge pull request #22 from incu6us/feature/ISSUE-21/local-param
a1a5d88 Merge pull request #25 from incu6us/feature/ISSUE-23
6633206 Merge pull request #26 from incu6us/feature/determine-module-name
2a888ec Merge pull request #27 from incu6us/cleanup
37dc290 Merge pull request #3 from incu6us/feature/release
9ae083f Merge pull request #5 from incu6us/feature/comments
7d1ae55 Merge pull request #6 from incu6us/feature/remove-unused-imports
03726f0 Merge pull request #7 from incu6us/refactor/print-version
619742b Merge pull request #8 from incu6us/feature/readme
cf297e8 Merge pull request #9 from incu6us/feature/analize-pkg-name
8cc2edf README update
858e8b6 README update
2a4940b README update
9e8c109 README update
9978766 README update
a2d1e7b Readme update
2a7c418 Rename .gitlock to .gitkeep
1ff76be Skip replacing comments without imports
d3ca200 Update
c7ab265 added option -rm-unused to remove unused imports
4c2f68d added set-alias option(optional) to set alias for versioned imports
79035b2 awesome badge added
e724b94 brew package fix
9e5c9b7 cleanup
80c6f13 cleanup
7bfeeb5 cleanup
bd2853d cleanup
1e4331e clear import comments
578bd19 clear import comments
7e82c42 closes #14
f0e76f7 custom UsesImport
e3b5c68 docs added
7a7877f first commit
50959a1 first steps
d74a54b first steps
dda6aa1 first steps
85be0f7 fix for unused imports
f8710cb format added
932c9a2 format added
91a765f gen refactor
caf65e7 golint improvements
f56dff4 golint improvements
d9dd0f9 leave comment blocks before imports
d00f42f look for package import using go list
612795e look for package name on local filesystem
a278f1c minor repository improves
6e7d7f2 more details to version parameter
45f9d02 performance fix
bef25b8 performance improvement
75490d7 performance improvement
bb3066d quality report for readme added
1c1e303 readme improvements
acbbf40 readme improvements
0c7432c readme update
946ab5a readme update
a711a21 readme update
dea6e63 refactor
1389096 release fix
a1c0ecf release improvement
64fb8a9 release performed
c909a32 removeUnusedImports -> removeUnusedImportsKey
7d99002 resolve #1
08058a5 save comments on parsing
bd66a84 short fix
f7a91b8 short fix for project imports
076b188 short refactor
bee8782 short refactor
299b9b1 short refactor
6455a8d show version for release only
840fb4c skip change the file if no changes
e9490ed snap package
595f9b3 sort imports with skipped alias
e8851e2 test coverage
fffd61f tests added
78465c7 tests added
5215d06 todo added for future fix


17 Oct 12:43
Choose a tag to compare


5e08ac5 #24 projectName is optional. Determine the value automatically using go.mod
5ba8aca #24 projectName is optional. Determine the value automatically using go.mod
f95cb4a #24 projectName is optional. Determine the value automatically using go.mod
94e7166 #24 projectName is optional. Determine the value automatically using go.mod
47f1fc3 #24 projectName is optional. Determine the value automatically using go.mod


17 Oct 12:06
Choose a tag to compare
v2.2.0-rc1 Pre-release


94e7166 #24 projectName is optional. Determine the value automatically using go.mod


16 Oct 12:20
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053782a #23 Place local packages separately from project(main code base)


09 Sep 20:41
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55db98a #21 Adding -local parameter to sort local packages separately


04 Aug 14:14
Choose a tag to compare


f8ab4f9 Merge branch 'master' into feature/improve
286536c Merge pull request #20 from incu6us/feature/improve
e3b5c68 docs added