Copy the code below in a blank jupyter notebook to get started
- { => (
+ { => (
diff --git a/src/constants.ts b/src/constants.ts
index bba5f5d..e5bb386 100644
--- a/src/constants.ts
+++ b/src/constants.ts
@@ -253,10 +253,28 @@ export const ModelLanguagesLabels: Record = {
"en-fr-de": "English, French, German",
+export const NotebookLevelBeginner = "beginner"
+export const NotebookLevelApprentice = "apprentice"
+export const NotebookLevelIntermediate = "intermediate"
+export const NotebookLevelAdvanced = "advanced"
export const NotebookLevels = [
- "beginner",
- "expert-in-methods",
- "skilled-in-methods",
- "expert-in-domain",
- "skilled-in-domain",
+ NotebookLevelBeginner,
+ NotebookLevelApprentice,
+ NotebookLevelIntermediate,
+ NotebookLevelAdvanced,
+export const NotebookLevelLabels: Record = {
+ [NotebookLevelBeginner]: "Beginner",
+ [NotebookLevelApprentice]: "Apprentice",
+ [NotebookLevelIntermediate]: "Intermediate",
+ [NotebookLevelAdvanced]: "Advanced",
+export const NotebookLevelColors: Record = {
+ [NotebookLevelBeginner]: ["#98FB98", "#c7EA46"],
+ [NotebookLevelApprentice]: ["#29AB87", "#C7EA46"],
+ [NotebookLevelIntermediate]: ["#01796F", "#29AB87"],
+ [NotebookLevelAdvanced]: ["#87015a"],
diff --git a/src/content/config.ts b/src/content/config.ts
index c358ff0..f03644a 100644
--- a/src/content/config.ts
+++ b/src/content/config.ts
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import {
+ NotebookLevelBeginner,
} from "../constants"
const CorpusAccessUserPlansToPlan: Record = {
@@ -168,7 +169,16 @@ const notebooks = defineCollection({
// note: this prevents circular reference
// BEFORE: seealso: z.array(z.lazy(() => reference("notebooks"))).optional(),
seealso: z.array(z.string()).optional(),
- level: z.enum(NotebookLevels as any).default("beginner"),
+ // levels
+ levels: z
+ .object({
+ coding: z.enum(NotebookLevels as any).default(NotebookLevelBeginner),
+ method: z.enum(NotebookLevels as any).default(NotebookLevelBeginner),
+ })
+ .default({
+ coding: NotebookLevelBeginner,
+ method: NotebookLevelBeginner,
+ }),
// seealso: z.array(z.lazy(() => reference("notebooks"))).optional(),
diff --git a/src/content/notebooks/impresso-py-maps.mdx b/src/content/notebooks/impresso-py-maps.mdx
index 04536f9..d07553d 100644
--- a/src/content/notebooks/impresso-py-maps.mdx
+++ b/src/content/notebooks/impresso-py-maps.mdx
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ links:
- impresso-py-search
excerpt: This notebook provides a way to analyze and explore the geographic distribution of entities mentioned in Impresso using the Impresso Python Library.
+ method: apprentice
{/* cell:0 cell_type:markdown */}
diff --git a/src/content/notebooks/impresso-py-network.mdx b/src/content/notebooks/impresso-py-network.mdx
index b947d69..268f741 100644
--- a/src/content/notebooks/impresso-py-network.mdx
+++ b/src/content/notebooks/impresso-py-network.mdx
@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ links:
label: Prague Spring
- impresso-py-search
+ coding: beginner
+ method: intermediate
{/* cell:0 cell_type:markdown */}
diff --git a/src/content/notebooks/language-identification-with-impresso-hf.mdx b/src/content/notebooks/language-identification-with-impresso-hf.mdx
index 45d521e..a0ca314 100644
--- a/src/content/notebooks/language-identification-with-impresso-hf.mdx
+++ b/src/content/notebooks/language-identification-with-impresso-hf.mdx
@@ -14,10 +14,22 @@ excerpt: This notebook demonstrates language identification using a pre-trained
importance of language identification in broader NLP applications. This
approach allows for more accurate and effective language processing across
various scenarios.
+ coding: apprentice
+ method: intermediate
{/* cell:0 cell_type:markdown */}
{/* cell:1 cell_type:markdown */}
@@ -25,41 +37,46 @@ This notebook demonstrates how to use a pre-trained Floret language identificati
We'll load the model, input some text, and predict the language of the text.
## What is this notebook about?
This notebook provides a hands-on demonstration of **language identification** (LID) using our Impresso LID model from Hugging Face. We will explore how to download and use this model to predict the language of Impresso-like text inputs. This notebook walks through the necessary steps to set up dependencies, load the model, and implement it for practical language identification tasks.
## What will you learn in this notebook?
By the end of this notebook, you will:
- Understand how to install and configure the required libraries (`floret` and `huggingface_hub`).
- Learn to load our trained Floret language identification model from Hugging Face.
- Run the model to predict the dominant language (or the mix of languages) of a given text input.
- Gain insight into the core functionality of language identification using machine learning models.
{/* cell:2 cell_type:markdown */}
## 1. Install Dependencies
First, we need to install `floret` and `huggingface_hub` to work with the Floret language identification model and Hugging Face.
{/* cell:3 cell_type:code */}
!pip install floret
!pip install huggingface_hub
{/* cell:4 cell_type:markdown */}
## 2. Model Information
In this example, we are using a language identification model hosted on the Hugging Face Hub: `impresso-project/impresso-floret-langident`.
The model can predict the language of a given text of a reasonable length and supports the main impresso languages: German (de), French (fr), Luxemburgish (lb), Italian (it), English (en)
{/* cell:5 cell_type:markdown */}
## 3. Defining the FloretLangIdentifier Class
This class downloads the Floret model from Hugging Face and loads it for prediction. We use `huggingface_hub` to download the model locally.
{/* cell:6 cell_type:code */}
from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download
import floret
@@ -146,15 +163,17 @@ class FloretLangIdentifier:
{/* cell:7 cell_type:markdown */}
## 4. Using the Model for Prediction
Now that the model is loaded, you can input your own text and predict the language.
{/* cell:8 cell_type:markdown */}
### 4.1 Predict the main language of a document
{/* cell:9 cell_type:code */}
# Define the repository and model file
repo_id = "impresso-project/impresso-floret-langident"
@@ -172,10 +191,11 @@ print("Language:", result)
{/* cell:10 cell_type:markdown */}
-### 4.2 Predict the language mix of a document
+### 4.2 Predict the language mix of a document
{/* cell:11 cell_type:code */}
# Multi-output for predicting mixed-language documents
# Example text for prediction
@@ -187,10 +207,11 @@ print("Language mix:", result)
{/* cell:12 cell_type:markdown */}
-### 4.3 Predict the language mix of an impresso document
+### 4.3 Predict the language mix of an impresso document
{/* cell:13 cell_type:code */}
# source:
text = " Lëtzeburger Zaldoten traine'èren an England Soldats luxembourgeois à l’entraînement en Angleterre"
@@ -201,9 +222,11 @@ print("Language mix:", result)
{/* cell:14 cell_type:markdown */}
### 4.4 Interactive mode
{/* cell:15 cell_type:code */}
# Interactive text input
text = input("Enter a sentence for language identification: ")
@@ -212,17 +235,19 @@ print("Prediction Result:", result)
{/* cell:16 cell_type:markdown */}
## 5. Why is Language identification important? An example
Many NLP models are trained on data from certain languages. For applying any further NLP processing, we often need to know the language.
Let us visit a concrete example: Say that we want to count the nouns in a text. For this we load a NLP-processor from the popular spacy-library, that (i.a.) splits the text and tags our words with so-called part-of-speech-tags.
{/* cell:17 cell_type:markdown */}
### 5.1 Build a simple Noun counter class
{/* cell:18 cell_type:code */}
class NounCounter:
@@ -254,9 +279,11 @@ class NounCounter:
{/* cell:19 cell_type:markdown */}
### 5.2 Noun counter: A first naive test
{/* cell:20 cell_type:code */}
# Example text for prediction
text = "Das ist ein Testdokument. Ein Mann geht mit einem Hund im Park spazieren."
@@ -275,6 +302,7 @@ print("Text: \"{}\"\nNoun-count: {}".format(text, counter.count_nouns(text)))
{/* cell:21 cell_type:markdown */}
### 5.3 Noun counter: A second test
{/* cell:22 cell_type:markdown */}
@@ -283,6 +311,7 @@ Now let us assume that we would know the language of the input document: German.
This would let us load a default German spacy model.
{/* cell:23 cell_type:code */}
# Need to download the German model"de_core_news_sm")
@@ -298,13 +327,14 @@ print("Text: \"{}\"\nNoun-count: {}".format(text, counter.count_nouns(text)))
{/* cell:24 cell_type:markdown */}
-### 5.4 Noun counter: Combining our knowledge
+### 5.4 Noun counter: Combining our knowledge
{/* cell:25 cell_type:markdown */}
We use our insights to build a language-informed spacy loader that uses our language identifier!
{/* cell:26 cell_type:code */}
class LanguageAwareSpacyLoader:
@@ -355,6 +385,7 @@ class LanguageAwareSpacyLoader:
Let's try it
{/* cell:28 cell_type:code */}
# We initialize our language aware spacy loader
loader = LanguageAwareSpacyLoader(model)
@@ -372,8 +403,8 @@ print("Noun-count: {}".format(counter.count_nouns(text)))
{/* cell:29 cell_type:markdown */}
Let's start the interactive mode again. Input any text in some language, and the two-step model (lang-id + nlp) will count its nouns.
{/* cell:30 cell_type:code */}
text = input("Enter a sentence for Noun counting: ")
nlp = loader.load(text)
@@ -382,9 +413,9 @@ print("Noun-count: {}".format(counter.count_nouns(text)))
{/* cell:31 cell_type:markdown */}
## 6. Summary and Next Steps
In this notebook, we used a pre-trained Floret language identification model to predict the language of input text. You can modify the input or explore other models from Hugging Face.
Feel free to try other texts, or languages to experiment with the model.
diff --git a/src/content/notebooks/search-multilingual-docs-impresso-hf.mdx b/src/content/notebooks/search-multilingual-docs-impresso-hf.mdx
index 2f3a338..49c7cc2 100644
--- a/src/content/notebooks/search-multilingual-docs-impresso-hf.mdx
+++ b/src/content/notebooks/search-multilingual-docs-impresso-hf.mdx
@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ sha: 413491d26bddf2b9c04cc45481be4664661852ae
date: 2024-10-29T10:33:05Z
links: []
+ method: advanced
+ coding: intermediate
{/* cell:0 cell_type:markdown */}
@@ -17,21 +20,20 @@ We'll load the model, embed the texts and demonstrate use cases on how to find r
Reccomended Hardware: GPU support, the colab free one (T4) is sufficient. Alternatively, calculations with CPU are possible but much slower.
{/* cell:1 cell_type:markdown */}
## 1. Install Dependencies
First, we need to install `sentence-transformers`
{/* cell:2 cell_type:code */}
!pip install sentence-transformers
{/* cell:3 cell_type:markdown */}
## 2. Model Information
In this example, we are using an off the shelf multilingual embedding model hosted on Huggingface: `gte-multilingual-base'.
@@ -40,13 +42,14 @@ Note: Newer impresso version of the model is in the works.
This model predicts an embedding representation (list of numbers that stores the "meaning") of a given text (sentence, paragraph, article) that can be used to measure similarity between two texts.
{/* cell:4 cell_type:markdown */}
## 3. Loading the embedding model
This class downloads the model from Hugging Face and loads it ready for prediction. We use the SentenceTransformers library to benefit from their functionality and documentation.
{/* cell:5 cell_type:code */}
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
from scipy.spatial.distance import cosine
@@ -55,15 +58,18 @@ embedding_model = SentenceTransformer("Alibaba-NLP/gte-multilingual-base", trust
{/* cell:6 cell_type:markdown */}
### Simple Test
{/* cell:7 cell_type:code */}
sentence1_en = "This is an example test sentence"
sentence2_en = "This constitutes a sample sentence"
{/* cell:8 cell_type:code */}
embedding1_en = embedding_model.encode(sentence1_en)
embedding2_en = embedding_model.encode(sentence2_en)
@@ -78,6 +84,7 @@ Those numbers look intriguing, but do they really mean something?
Answer: Yes, they can show us the similarity of the two texts
{/* cell:10 cell_type:code */}
similarity_value = round(1 - cosine(embedding1_en, embedding2_en),2)
print("Sentence1 and Sentence2 have a cosine similarity of " + str(similarity_value))
@@ -93,44 +100,53 @@ The higher the cosine similarity, the more similar the two texts are. Range of w
Based on our experiments on contemporary texts, cosine similarity of 0.85+ means the two texts are mostly equivalent
{/* cell:12 cell_type:markdown */}
### Simple Test Across Languages
{/* cell:13 cell_type:code */}
sentence1_de = "Das ist ein Beispieltestsatz"
{/* cell:14 cell_type:code */}
embedding1_de = embedding_model.encode(sentence1_de)
{/* cell:15 cell_type:code */}
similarity_value = round(1 - cosine(embedding1_en, embedding1_de),2)
print("Sentence1 in English and Sentence1 in German have a cosine similarity of " + str(similarity_value))
{/* cell:16 cell_type:markdown */}
### Try your own similarity calculation
{/* cell:17 cell_type:code */}
input1 = input()
{/* cell:18 cell_type:code */}
input2 = input()
{/* cell:19 cell_type:code */}
embedding1 = embedding_model.encode(input1)
embedding2 = embedding_model.encode(input2)
{/* cell:20 cell_type:code */}
similarity_value = round(1 - cosine(embedding1, embedding2),2)
print("Input1 and Input2 have a cosine similarity of " + str(similarity_value))
@@ -140,33 +156,35 @@ print("Input1 and Input2 have a cosine similarity of " + str(similarity_value))
Note: You can also calculate the similarity of inputs from different languages
{/* cell:22 cell_type:markdown */}
## 4. Finding similar texts within collections using the embedding model
Now that we have seen how the model creates a representation and how we can use it to get the similarity of two texts, let's apply it to a couple of collections.
{/* cell:23 cell_type:markdown */}
## Setting up utility functions
Here we setup utilities functions that we use for later. You can safely ignore details of the implementation. You simply need to have the code cell executed
For these functions we just need to have a high level understanding of the following key information:
-***create_embedding_collection(texts, embedding_model)***
+**_create_embedding_collection(texts, embedding_model)_**
This function creates a collection of embeddings from a list of sentences, texts, using the embedding model which we already loaded. It outputs a list of tuples pairing each text with its embedding
-***find_best_match_in_collection(source_collection, target_collection)***
+**_find_best_match_in_collection(source_collection, target_collection)_**
This function finds the most similar text in a target_collection for each text in a source_collection based on their precomputed embeddings. Each collection should be a list of tuples (direct output of the create_embedding_collection function) where each tuple contains a sentence and its embedding.
-***print_matches_formatted(matches, link=False, threshold=0)***
+**_print_matches_formatted(matches, link=False, threshold=0)_**
This function formats and prints each match from the matches output of find_best_match_in_collection. It takes an optional threshold value to display only matches with a similarity above a certain value.
Example usage can be found on Section 4.1
{/* cell:24 cell_type:code */}
from scipy.spatial.distance import cosine
@@ -274,12 +292,14 @@ def print_matches_formatted(matches, link=False, threshold=0):
{/* cell:25 cell_type:markdown */}
## 4.1 Searching in a Dummy Sentence Level Collection
{/* cell:26 cell_type:markdown */}
Here we create a sample sentence text collection to see what the model matches as most similar using minimal additional code.
{/* cell:27 cell_type:code */}
german_sentences = [
"Mit diesen drei Kernkraftwerken wird die Schweiz 1972 die höchste installierte nukleare Kapazität pro Kopf der Bevölkerung aller kontinentaleuropäischer Länder aufweisen .",
@@ -300,6 +320,7 @@ french_collection = create_embedding_collection(french_sentences, embedding_mode
{/* cell:28 cell_type:code */}
# Example of finding and printing the best matches
matches = find_best_match_in_collection(source_collection=german_collection, target_collection=french_collection) # Find best matches
@@ -307,6 +328,7 @@ print_matches_formatted(matches) # Print the matches
{/* cell:29 cell_type:markdown */}
## 4.2 Searching in an Article collection exported from the interface
{/* cell:30 cell_type:markdown */}
@@ -314,8 +336,8 @@ Here we are working with collections exported directly from the Impresso Interfa
In this example, we work on article level and filter for articles with a minimum length of 2000 characters. You can customise this filter by changing the parameter minimum_characters_in_article or pre-filter your dataframe in any way you please before providing it to the function.
{/* cell:31 cell_type:code */}
def interface_exported_csv_to_collection(df, embedding_model, batch_size=16, minimum_characters_in_article=2000):
@@ -359,6 +381,7 @@ def interface_exported_csv_to_collection(df, embedding_model, batch_size=16, min
I setup the file on my google drive so you can also replicate with these files using this code. For another collection, you can simply drag and drop the files into the file interface of the notebook
{/* cell:33 cell_type:code */}
!pip install gdown
import gdown
@@ -372,6 +395,7 @@"{file_id_german}
{/* cell:34 cell_type:code */}
import pandas as pd
@@ -381,6 +405,7 @@ marie_curie_df_french = pd.read_csv("mariecurie_french.csv", sep=";")
{/* cell:35 cell_type:code */}
marie_curie_german_collection = interface_exported_csv_to_collection(marie_curie_df_german, embedding_model, minimum_characters_in_article=2000)
print("German articles prepared: " + str(len(marie_curie_german_collection)))
@@ -392,6 +417,7 @@ print("French articles prepared: " + str(len(marie_curie_french_collection)))
Now we have reached the same data format and so we can use the same utility functions as before. An addition to earlier I add a hyperlink to the interface so we can browse all the details. To do so, we set the value of "link" to True.
{/* cell:37 cell_type:code */}
# Example of finding and printing the best matches
matches = find_best_match_in_collection(source_collection=marie_curie_french_collection, target_collection=marie_curie_german_collection, link=True) # Find best matches
@@ -402,6 +428,7 @@ print_matches_formatted(matches, link=True, threshold=0.70) # Print the matches
U might want to save the results into a csv file, here is a utility function to do that. Within Google colab, just download the resulting file as an extra step.
{/* cell:39 cell_type:code */}
def save_matches_to_csv(matches, filename, link=False, threshold=0):
@@ -433,12 +460,14 @@ save_matches_to_csv(matches, "marie_curie_first10french_matches.csv", link=True,
{/* cell:40 cell_type:markdown */}
## 4.3 Searching in an Article collection sourced from Impresso Datalab
{/* cell:41 cell_type:markdown */}
Currently, embeddings are not available in the Impresso Datalab, so we will compute them here instead.
{/* cell:42 cell_type:code */}
%pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall impresso
import impresso
@@ -446,6 +475,7 @@ impresso_session = impresso.connect()
{/* cell:43 cell_type:code */}
# some search and get data
fr_result =
@@ -463,6 +493,7 @@ for uri in fr_result.df.index[:40]:
{/* cell:44 cell_type:code */}
# some search and get data
de_result =
@@ -480,12 +511,14 @@ for uri in de_result.df.index[:400]:
{/* cell:45 cell_type:code */}
recipes_fr_collection = create_embedding_collection(fr_texts, embedding_model, uids=fr_uids)
recipes_de_collection = create_embedding_collection(de_texts, embedding_model, uids=de_uids)
{/* cell:46 cell_type:code */}
# Example of finding and printing the best matches
matches = find_best_match_in_collection(source_collection=recipes_fr_collection, target_collection=recipes_de_collection, link=True) # Find best matches
@@ -493,6 +526,7 @@ print_matches_formatted(matches, link=True, threshold=0.60) # Print the matches
{/* cell:47 cell_type:markdown */}
## 5. Summary and Next Steps
The pipeline, models and codes we provide is not the only method to find similar texts. You can always experiment with different models. pipelines and data filtering methods. Feel free to re-use our code!
diff --git a/src/pages/notebooks/[...slug].astro b/src/pages/notebooks/[...slug].astro
index 781202c..2884f36 100644
--- a/src/pages/notebooks/[...slug].astro
+++ b/src/pages/notebooks/[...slug].astro
@@ -29,20 +29,9 @@ if (notebookProps.seealso) {
notebookProps.seealso = seealsoNotebooksProps
-// load all the series where it has been used
-// const series = await getCollection('series')
-// console.log( =>
-// const seriesWithNotebook = series.filter(s => => n.slug === "setup"))
-// const seriesWithNotebooksProps = []
-// for (const s of seriesWithNotebook) {
-// const seriesProps = await getRecursivelyEntryData(s)
-// seriesWithNotebooksProps.push(seriesProps)
-// }
-// console.log(seriesWithNotebooksProps)
-// 3. Render the entry data
@@ -56,7 +45,8 @@ if (notebookProps.seealso) {
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/stories/components/NotebookCard.stories.tsx b/src/stories/components/NotebookCard.stories.tsx
index d9f4857..2d34f2c 100644
--- a/src/stories/components/NotebookCard.stories.tsx
+++ b/src/stories/components/NotebookCard.stories.tsx
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import type { Meta, StoryObj } from "@storybook/react"
// import { fn } from "@storybook/test"
import NotebookCard from "../../components/NotebookCard"
-import type { Notebook } from "../../components/NotebookCard"
+import type { Notebook } from "../../types"
const meta: Meta = {
component: NotebookCard,
diff --git a/src/types.ts b/src/types.ts
index 1e8e21f..c55c1e6 100644
--- a/src/types.ts
+++ b/src/types.ts
@@ -2,6 +2,47 @@ export type Group = {
name: string
id: number
+export type Author = {
+ id: string
+ name: string
+ fullName?: string
+export type Notebook = {
+ id: string
+ href: string
+ title: string
+ langModel?: string
+ excerpt?: string
+ githubUrl?: string
+ googleColabUrl?: string
+ sha?: string
+ levels: {
+ coding: string
+ method: string
+ }
+ authors: Author[]
+ date?: Date
+ seealso?: Notebook[]
+ showLinks?: boolean
+ links?: { label: string; href: string }[]
+export interface Series {
+ title: string
+ excerpt: string
+ body?: string
+ cover?:
+ | {
+ url: string
+ alt: string
+ }
+ | null
+ | undefined
+ category?: string[]
+ position?: string
+ notebooks: Notebook[]
export type User = {
username: string