This is the release process for agate:
#. Verify all unit tests pass with fresh environments: tox -r
#. Verify 100% test coverage: nosetests --with-coverage --cover-package=agate
#. Make sure the example script still works: python
#. Ensure CHANGELOG is up to date.
#. Create a release tag: git tag -a x.y.z -m "x.y.z release." #. Push tags upstream:
git push --tags#. Upload to [PyPI](
python sdist bdist_wheel upload. #. Flag the release to build on [RTFD]( #. Update the "default version" on [RTFD]( to the latest. #. Rev to latest version:
CHANGELOGneed updates. #. Commit revision:
git commit -am "Update to version x.y.z for development."`.