A gateway that can handle fallback to next server. The idea is to avoid handling errors on app, so when Heroku server reach the dynos limit we may use the next server.
Make the wanted request to
But append the wanted path to it, like this:
You can also pass query and body parameters, it will fetch the right Heroku server.
Unfortunately google cloud functions does not support networking on free plan. The gateway is not working on firebase, only locally.
May it be useful, but we will need app integration.
The idea is to use it to redirect to working server. Suggested flow:
- client queries the cloud function.
- cloud function checks current data, if exists return it.
- cloud get the first enabled server.
- user gets redirected to a working server.
- if data is valid, client update Firebase videos cache list.
- if data is invalid, client send
invalid server
to cloudfunctions and restart from step 1.
A wrapper for google search engine, with filters.
This function will redirect you to google search engine using filters for enabled pages.
- Avoid building search query on devices.
- Dynamically include/remove working sites.
Make a get
request to following url:
https://us-central1-animewatcher-bbdf0.cloudfunctions.net/search?query=<search terms>
Sample with query himout umaru chan R ep 04