Releases: ilg-archived/qemu
GNU ARM Eclipse QEMU 2.4.50-20151029
Version 2.4.50-201510290935 is a maintenance release, fixing the graphical rendering on OS X 10.11 and the typo related to the name of the Maple board.
GNU ARM Eclipse QEMU 2.3.50-20150805*-dev
Version 2.3.50-201508051820 is a maintenance partial release, adding support for Windows 64-bits.
The packages for GNU/Linux and OS X are available from previous releases.
GNU ARM Eclipse QEMU 2.3.50-20150816*-dev
Version 2.3.50-201508161112 is a maintenance partial release, fixing the GNU/Linux distribution.
GNU ARM Eclipse QEMU 2.3.50-20150804*-dev
Version 2.3.50-201508041609 is a maintenance release, fixing the graphical rendering on Windows and adding support for NUCLEO-F411RE.
GNU ARM Eclipse QEMU 2.3.50-20150801*-dev
Version 2.3.50-201508012214 is the first production release of the GNU ARM Eclipse QEMU. It supports a range of STM boards, and fully implements the user LEDs available on these boards, presenting them graphically, in real time animation, over the board picture.
GNU ARM Eclipse QEMU 2.2.92-20150404*-dev
This is the initial release of the GNU ARM Eclipse QEMU. It is mainly a technology preview (most of the supported boards are present, but functionality is limited and only projects created with the generic Cortex-M3 template are supported).