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KospY edited this page Mar 7, 2015 · 29 revisions

KIS configuration

You can edit the settings.cfg file in the KIS folder to configure the mod :

	itemDebug = false
	inventoryKey = tab
	rightHandKey = x
	slotsX = 2
	slotsY = 4
	slotSize = 50
	itemIconResolution = 128
	selfIconResolution = 128
	maxVolume = 0.3
	openSndPath = KIS/Sounds/inventoryOpen
	closeSndPath = KIS/Sounds/inventoryClose
	grabKey = g
	canDetach = false
	maxDistance = 2
	maxMass = 1
	dropSndPath = KIS/Sounds/drop
	attachSndPath = KIS/Sounds/attach
	draggedIconResolution = 64
	moduleName = ModuleLight
	moduleName = ModuleDockingNode
	moduleName = ModuleAlternator
	moduleName = ModuleTestSubject
	moduleName = ModuleAerodynamicLift
	moduleName = ModuleControlSurface
	moduleName = ModuleDataTransmitter
	moduleName = ModuleLiftingSurface
	moduleName = ModuleSAS
	moduleName = ModuleTripLogger
	moduleName = KASModuleStrut
	moduleName = KASModulePort
	moduleName = KASModuleMagnet
	moduleName = KASModuleGrapplingHook
	moduleName = KASModuleGrab
	moduleName = KASModuleAnchor
	partName = addWhatYouWantHere1
	partName = addWhatYouWantHere2

Global node

  • itemDebug: Enable/disable the debug tool to configure an item ingame (usefull to set position of the item on the kerbal). To use it open the context menu of an item and click "debug".
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