- reorganized Statistics headers: Save Information, Online Information, ESC menu
- added Menu Functions scripts by Loki and Church Guard (Opens specified menus for use anywhere in the game. Should be safe to use online)
- replaced Auto Revive script with Loki's version
- added Example Scripts (A few different examples on what you can do with the data in the table, as well as a LUA->ASM translation)
- moved PhantomParam from Statistics to Helpers
- added new ParamPatcher scripts: Dark Sun Fix, LOD class and LOD edit example script by Gáté
- moved Misc Header from Statistics to Camera
- Added Rebirth Menu function call.
- Fixed BonfireWarp in "Helpers" header.
- Fixed Organization around the table, namely the Camera header
- Changed the name of the Stat Checker for clarity on what it does.
- Updated the table info (FAQ) with more information.
v1.2.0 - 25.05.2019
The Grand Archives table changelog (anything un-credited is done by Loki)
v1.1.9-fix 05/05/2019:
- Added fix for ItemGib only giving 1 arrow/bolt at a time
- Added some missing Goods IDs to ItemGib's dropdown
- Fixed Perseverance Warmth PP script by ametalon:
- Session Info and ChrAsm now retrieve localized names with upgrade level for weapons/protectors/accessories, this requires CE 6.8.2+ by Gáté:
- PP Classes expanded: WetAspectParam, Ceremony, ObjActParam, UpperArmParam, BonfireWarpParam, MapMimicryEstablishmentParam
- PP version of Upgrades Need No Materials added under Param Patcher > All IDs patch by Lucifer:
- PP script to replace the models and icons of various weapons with cut content
v1.1.9-fix 01/25/2019:
- ApplyEffect added to Helpers
- Some more updates to ItemGib's dropdown
- Quantity in ItemGib can no longer give multiple weapons/protectors/accessories, only goods
- Discardable items script in Param Patcher v2.0.5 > Goods lets you discard gestures, key items and Storm Ruler from your inventory
- ItemLotParam class and some fixes to EquipParamProtector class in Param Patcher
- a bunch of minor stuff
v1.1.9-fix 12/09/2018:
- ItemGib infusions and upgrade levels separated from the item dropdown
v1.1.9-fix 10/25/2018:
- Param Toggles in Params header, you can disable params here
- AddSoul added to Helpers, you can give yourself specified amounts of souls directly with this, should be safe?
- BonfireWarp added to Helpers, you can warp from anywhere with it
- PP Classes expanded: ShopLineupParam, ClearCountCorrectParam, CharaInitParam, RoleParam, PhantomParam
- Access All Shop Inventory (PP version) added to All IDs patch category in param patcher
- fixed ItemGib dropdown, again by ametalon:
- added disableMemrec function and used it in autodisabling records
- added scripts to Find Address that jump to the memory areas
- one form for help messages (Table Info etc)
- removed README
- entries in "Find Address" helper open "Memory view" window at selected address
- added "How to" in "Find Address"
- improved Copy Steam Profile scripts
v1.1.9-fix 10/10/2018:
- Updated ItemGib dropdown, by purplE#7507
v1.1.8-fix 08/17/2018:
- Table Info updated
- AOB scans in open script and some others replaced with static addresses
- Old AOB scans moved to deprecated
- Some changes/fixes to Param Patcher classes
- Invalid Crash Protection added to Scripts, by Coinsworth
- Item Gib added to Helpers, Item Swap moved to deprecated, by Coinsworth
v.1.1.8-fix 05/15/2018:
- Helper offsets expanded
- Helper header mess removed
- Last Spell Highlighted restored
- Equipped Spells restored to non-messy
- A bunch of sorting changes
- Unnecesssary extra chrasms removed
- World Flags no longer requires a script
- Deprecated PP1 merged into PP2 compatibility
- possibly other things I forgot
- v1.1.9 - 07.10.2018
- Removed: Unused items from Dropdowns
- v1.1.8 - 09.02.2018
- Fixed: Crash with CE 6.7
- Added: Hero->Movement and Animations->Better Animation Cancel (by Pavuk)
- Added: Hero->Load Start Character ID (by Pavuk)
- Added: Scripts->ASM->Fps Disconnect (by Pavuk)
- Added: Scripts->ASM->Map Collision (by Pavuk)
- Fixed: Helpers->Bullet, Effect, Goods, Attack, Behavior->Find Address->Attack AOB (by Pavuk)
- Updated: Helpers->Bullet, Effect, Goods, Attack, Behavior->Attack Helper (by Pavuk)
- Updated: Helpers->Targeted Entity Info (by Pavuk)
- v1.1.7 - 11.10.2017
- Added: Scripts->ASM->PvP Signs Cooldown (by Pavuk)
- Added: Helpers->Highlighted->Accessory->Current Covenant in Slot (by Pavuk)
- Replaced: Helpers->Highlighted->Accessory->Last Accessory Highlighted (by Pavuk)
- Added: Helpers->Highlighted->Goods Highlighted (by Pavuk)
- Replaced: Helpers->Highlighted->Last Spell Highlighted (by Pavuk)
- Added: Helpers->Highlighted->Sword Art Highlighted (by Pavuk)
- Added: Helpers->Highlighted->Weapon Art Effect (by Pavuk)
- Added: Hero->Movement and Animations->Moveset Swap (by Pavuk)
- Added: Hero->Movement and Animations->Current Animation Name (by Pavuk)
- Added: Hero->Movement and Animations->Jump Mod (by Pavuk)
- PPv2:
- Added: ObjectParamClass class (by Pavuk)
- Added: BonfireWarpParam class (by Pavuk)
- Added: HitSfxClass class (by Pavuk)
- Added: ShopLineupParam class (by Pavuk)
- Added: ItemLotParam class (by Pavuk)
- Added: Several methods to AtkParam_Pc, EquipParamGoods, SpEffectVfxParam (by Pavuk)
- v1.1.6 - 09.09.2017
- Fixed: Scripts->ASM->Item Vac (by Pavuk)
- v1.1.5 - 07.09.2017
- Added: Scripts->ASM->Item Vac (by Pavuk)
- Fixed: Hero->Movement and Animations->Gestures->Gestures Pointer (by Pavuk)
- Fixed: Scripts->ASM->Access All Bonfires (by Pavuk)
- v1.1.4 - 25.07.2017
- Added: Hero->Character Equipment 2 (by InuNorii, Pavuk)
- Added: Hero->ChrAsm 2 (by InuNorii, Pavuk)
- Added: Param->Param Patcher->AtkParam_Pc->Sets damage of sacred flame (by Pavuk)
- Added: Helpers->SpEffectVFX Helper
- Improved: Noclip (by Autopilot)
- PPv2 Fixed: AttackParam_PC renamed to AtkParam_Pc (by Pavuk)
- PPv2 Added: SwordArtsParam, EquipParamAccessory and SpEffectVfxParam classes (by Pavuk)
- v1.1.3 - 12.07.2017
- Added: Param->Param Patcher->Bullets->113 Turret (by Igromanru)
- Added: Param->Param Patcher->Helper->Find address by ID in a param (by Igromanru)
- Added: Scripts->Lua->Log taken damage (by Igromanru)
- Added: Statistics->Last Bonfire->more Bonfires (by Pavuk)
- Added: Statistics->ESC menu (by Pavuk)
- Added: Statistics->PhantomParam (Color) (by Pavuk)
- Added: More World Flags (by Pavuk)
- PPv2, Added: BehaviorParam_PC and AttackParam_PC classes
- v1.1.2 - 03.07.2017
- removed some hotkeys
- IgroWidgets, Added: methods enableRecordById, enableByDescription, disableRecordById, disableByDescription
- PPv2, Added: BaseParamClass methods to read values
- v1.1.1 - 29.06.2017
- Improved: Scripts->Lua->Prevent Autopilot (credits to PhokZ)
- Added: Param->Param Patcher->Helper->ThrowParam Helper
- Added: Param->Param Patcher->Helper->... (more helper functions)
- PPv2 Fixed: Bullets spEffectId0 offset
- PPv2 Fixed: method paramDepatcher
- PPv2 Added: methods isEmpty and isNotEmpty
- PPv2 Added: methods printParams, printParamsIds and getParamAddress
- v1.1.0 - 27.06.2017
- Reorganization: Moved related features under proper headers
- Fixed: Custom Types: Armor ID, Ring ID and Spell and Goods ID
- Named: WeaponArtIf offset in the SwordArtsParam
- Improved: Hero->Movement and Animations->Gestures->Gesture walk script, now works as expected (by Igromanru)
- Improved: Hero->Movement and Animations->Gestures->Gestures pointer (by Igromanru)
- Moved: Param Patcher Initializer to WIP->Deprecated
- Added: Statistics->Target Bonfire (by Pavuk)
- Added: Flags->Misc->isCollisionEnabled (by Pavuk)
- Added: Offsets description for +228 and +198 in Last Weapon Highlighted (by Bonzay0 and Rhino)
- Added: Scripts->Lua->Auto Revive (by Igromanru)
- Added: Scripts->Lua->Prevent Autopilot (by Igromanru)
- Added: Scripts->Lua->Pickup warning system (by Igromanru)
- Added: Scripts->Lua->Stats warning system (by Igromanru)
- Added: Hero->Appearance->FaceData->Save / Restore to/from file (by Igromanru)
- Added: Param->Param Patcher v2.0 Beta (by Igromanru)
- v1.0.11 - 13.06.2017
- Changed: Last Weapon Highlighted->spAtkcategory to 2 byte
- Added: Helpers->Effect Helper->Offsets: frostPattackPower, darkDamageCutRate, darkDifferenceRate, darkAttackPower, registFrostChange (thanks to Ainsley Harriott)
- Added: Perserverence Warmth script
- Added: BehaviorParam_PC (by PhokZ)
- Added: SwordArtsParam (by PhokZ)
- Added: patchAllSwordArts function to ParamPatcherUtils.
- v1.0.10 - 06.06.2017
- Fixed: Offsets in new Helpers headers
- v1.0.9 - 05.06.2017
- Upgraded and Fixed: DropdownAdder and DropdownRemover (by Igromanru)
- Replaced: Item Swap->Dropdown with Dropdown adder.
- Removed: Custom Type "Item ID Rounder"/"Weapon ID Rounder"
- Added: Param Patcher Initializer->All IDs patching->All bullets gives Bonfire & Budding Green Moss on Hit
- Update: IgroWidgets
- Added: Dropdown to Hero->Equipped Spells->(all) (by Igromanru)
- Added: Dropdown to Hero->Character Equipment->(all) (by Igromanru)
- Added: Custom Types for Armor, Rings, Goods and Spells (by Igromanru)
- v1.0.8 - 03.06.2017
- Fixed: pointer from Enable ChrAsm. (by Monarch)
- Fixed: Effect Helper CycleOccurence and AtkOccurence offsets.
- Reorganized: Moved some helpers offsets into headers.
- v1.0.7 - 01.06.2017
- Added: Disable Backread Toggle, Toggle Draw and No update offset update (provided by Monarch)
- Added: Hero->Character Equipment->Primary Arrows (by RBT)
- Improvement: Free cam, Omnission mode fixed (by Phokz)
- Fixed: uncaterocized in debug stuff (by Phokz)
- Added: FPS boost to camera scripts for players (by Phokz)
- Upgraded: Helpers to Phokz latest Helpers
- Added: Helpers->Entity Control Helper (by Phokz)
- Added: Statistics->Increase LockOn Range from Phokz table
- Replaced: ForefrontTheX's gestrue walk with original from Phokz/Zullie
- Added: More Param Patcher Tutorial scripts
- Added: Session Info->Current Online Session->Add All Phantoms to the Black Separation Crystal (by igromanru)
- Added: Param Patcher->All IDs patching->... (by igromanru)
- Added: ReadParamIdTable function to Param Patcher (by igromanru)
- v1.0.6 - 14.05.2017
- Moved: Byte Array Converter to Open->Tools
- Added; Float to Byte Array Converter (by igromanru)
- Added: Movement and Animations->Gestures->Gestures Pointer (by igromanru)
- Added: Wold Flags->Bosses->Demon Prince (by RBT)
- Added: Wold Flags->Non-respawning enemies->Minibosses more flags (by RBT)
- Added: Wold Flags->Non-respawning enemies->NPCs more flags (by RBT)
- Added: World Flags NPC's (by Pavuk)
- Fixed: Movement and Animations->Gestures->Gesture walk (by igromanru)
- Fixed: Access All Bonfires (by Phokz)
- Updated: few Tutorial scripts
- v1.0.5 - 06.05.2017
- Added: Scripts->Kill all mobs in the area (by /u/MajinCry)
- Added: Byte Array Converter (by igromanru)
- Fixed: Helpers->Last Spell Highlighted->Bullet 3 Offset (by Rhino)
- Added: World Flags->Non-respawning enemies (by RBT)
- Added: World Flags->Doors and Shortcuts->Farron stuff (by RBT)
- Added: World Flags->Gestures->My thanks (by RBT)
- v1.0.4 - 05.05.2017
- Added: Auto code backup and restore for some scripts (by igromanru)
- Added: Param Patcher->Tutorials Script->Pyromancy Flame cast everything
- Fixed: Targeted Entity Info on disable crash (by igromanru)
- Fixed: Last Hit Entity Info on disable crash (by igromanru)
- Improved: Unlock summoning limit, it's now setting the player count to 1. (by igromanru)
- Added: Param Patcher Initializer->Restrict Malicious Effects->Restrict All Malicious Effects (by igromanru)
- Hotkeys: Set Alt+1 also for Restrict All Malicious Effects
- Added: 41-44 and 48-54 Offsets names in Last Spell Highlighted (by Rhino)
- v1.0.3 - 26.04.2017
- Added: DLC Bonfire Flags (by Aerthas Veras)
- Added: Movement and Animations->Gesture walk (by igromanru)
- Added: Movement and Animations->Animation Cancel (by Autopilot)
- v1.0.2.0 - 23.04.2017
- Added: Helpers->Targeted Entity Info->Model ID (by Zullie the Witch)
- Added: Helpers->Last Hit Entity Info->Model ID (by Zullie the Witch)
- Added: Scripts->Unlock summoning limit (by igromanru)
- Added: Session Info->World->Players count (by RBT)
- Added: Max Reinforce Level (ban warning)
- v1.0.1.0 - 20.04.2017
- Added: New idle animations
- Added: Hotkey to reset idle animations
- Moved: Address assist scripts into group
- Reorganized: Weapon helper values
- Renamed: Some values for better understanding
- v1.0.0.0 - 19.04.2017
- Assigned a version to the table, it begins with v1.0.0.0.
- Fixed: Noclip script, it will now be enabled on check.
- Added: Updater Script
- Hotkeys: Unlimited iFrame is Alt+1 now
- 18.04.2017
- Added: few Hotkeys (see table Extras)
- Added: Param Patcher->Tutorial scripts (by Aerthas Veras)
- Added: Param Patcher->Restrict Malicious Effects->Restrict "Malicious Effects"->Manual Control
- Added: Movement and Animations->Idle Animation
- Rearranged: Hero->Attributes (by Ace of Fours)
- Removed: Assorted scripts
- 14.04.2017
- Fixed script syntax: Access All Bonfires (sorry my bad)
- 13.04.2017 second release
- Fixed: Access All Bonfires (by Autopilot)
- Fixed: No Durability Damage (by Autopilot)
- 13.04.2017
- Fixed: No Goods Consume (by Autopilot)
- Fixed: Param Patcher Initializer (by igromanru)
- Still broken: No Durability Damage
- 12.04.2017
- Fixed: mislabeled ring IDs (by Lance)
- Fixed: Last Weapon Highlighted with correct addresses (by Lance)
- Changed: some descriptions (by Lance)
- 09.04.2017 second release
- Fixed: Recently Played With (by terenceyao)
- Fixed crash: No Durability Damage (by igromanru)
- Added: Spears of the Church covenants to Session Info (by igromanru)
- 09.04.2017
- Fixed: Last Hit Entity Info (by igromanru)
- Fixed: Targeted Entity Info crash on uncheck (by igromanru)
- Still need a fix: No Durability Damage
- 08.04.2017 third release
- Reorganized the table (by Ace of Fours)
- Added: new boss flags (by Ace of Fours)
- Added: Last 5 Bullets Fired (by Science Souls Discord)
- 08.04.2017 second release
- Fixed: Targeted Entity Info (by Autopilot & igromanru)
- 08.04.2017:
- Fixed: Invasion Type (by Malcolm Reynolds)
- cause crash after a while: No Durability Damage
- 07.04.2017:
- Fixed: Param Patcher (by igromanru)
- 04.04.2017:
- Added: Line of Sight LockOn Deactivate Time (Hero>Statistics) (by dec1337)
- Added: Spears of Church covenant (Hero>Covenants) (by dec1337)
- Fixed: Find Item with ID (by dec1337)
- 30.03.2017:
- Fixed: Auto-Save (by dec1337)
- Fixed: Last Bonfire (by dec1337)
- Fixed: Save Slot (Hero>Statistics) (by dec1337)
- Fixed: Unlock All Bonfires script (by dec1337)
- 26.03.2017:
- Fixed: Fall Death Camera (by terenceyao)
- Fixed: Hero -> Base Stats -> Speed Modifier (by terenceyao)
- Fixed: Character Flags -> No Goods Consume (by terenceyao)