+ ++ Interested in what we're working at? We will periodically update this page with our plans for the future. +
++ This page does not contain promises. The IgniteRealtime community is driven by volunteers. + Progress on any development is depending on the availability and willingness of these people to + invest their free time. +
+ +Openfire*
+ | Version 3.0.x, Q4 2024 - Q1 2025 | +Future | +
Openfire | +
Hazelcast plugin | +
+ + | +
* Plan as of November 13, 2024. Subject to change; we make no promises on future releases. :-)
+ +Can we please have ... ?
+ ++ If you're interesting to getting a particular change or feature on the road map, there are a couple + of routes that you can take. +
+ ++ Contribute! The Ignite Realtime community is an open source community, that makes + available a lot of resources that allows you to implement your changes + yourself. Please consider engaging with the community to help you get your changes added to the project! +
+ ++ Alternatively, you can seek help from one of our Professional + Partners, than can help you realize changes in our projects. +
+ +