diff --git a/browser_tests/test/groth16.html b/browser_tests/test/groth16.html
index 5d34192a..0a4f169a 100644
--- a/browser_tests/test/groth16.html
+++ b/browser_tests/test/groth16.html
@@ -1,10 +1,23 @@
+ Document
diff --git a/build/esm.js b/build/esm.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a7c592d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/esm.js
@@ -0,0 +1,16039 @@
+import { Scalar, BigBuffer, buildBn128, buildBls12381, ChaCha, F1Field, utils, getCurveFromR as getCurveFromR$1 } from 'ffjavascript';
+var fs = {};
+async function open(fileName, openFlags, cacheSize, pageSize) {
+ cacheSize = cacheSize || 4096*64;
+ if (typeof openFlags !== "number" && ["w+", "wx+", "r", "ax+", "a+"].indexOf(openFlags) <0)
+ throw new Error("Invalid open option");
+ const fd =await fs.promises.open(fileName, openFlags);
+ const stats = await fd.stat();
+ return new FastFile(fd, stats, cacheSize, pageSize, fileName);
+class FastFile {
+ constructor(fd, stats, cacheSize, pageSize, fileName) {
+ this.fileName = fileName;
+ this.fd = fd;
+ this.pos = 0;
+ this.pageSize = pageSize || (1 << 8);
+ while (this.pageSize < stats.blksize) {
+ this.pageSize *= 2;
+ }
+ this.totalSize = stats.size;
+ this.totalPages = Math.floor((stats.size -1) / this.pageSize)+1;
+ this.maxPagesLoaded = Math.floor( cacheSize / this.pageSize)+1;
+ this.pages = {};
+ this.pendingLoads = [];
+ this.writing = false;
+ this.reading = false;
+ this.avBuffs = [];
+ this.history = {};
+ }
+ _loadPage(p) {
+ const self = this;
+ const P = new Promise((resolve, reject)=> {
+ self.pendingLoads.push({
+ page: p,
+ resolve: resolve,
+ reject: reject
+ });
+ });
+ self.__statusPage("After Load request: ", p);
+ return P;
+ }
+ __statusPage(s, p) {
+ const logEntry = [];
+ const self=this;
+ if (!self.logHistory) return;
+ logEntry.push("==" + s+ " " +p);
+ let S = "";
+ for (let i=0; i " + self.history[p][i][j]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _triggerLoad() {
+ const self = this;
+ if (self.reading) return;
+ if (self.pendingLoads.length==0) return;
+ const pageIdxs = Object.keys(self.pages);
+ const deletablePages = [];
+ for (let i=0; i0) &&
+ ( (typeof self.pages[self.pendingLoads[0].page] != "undefined" )
+ ||( (freePages>0)
+ ||(deletablePages.length>0)))) {
+ const load = self.pendingLoads.shift();
+ if (typeof self.pages[load.page] != "undefined") {
+ self.pages[load.page].pendingOps ++;
+ const idx = deletablePages.indexOf(load.page);
+ if (idx>=0) deletablePages.splice(idx, 1);
+ if (self.pages[load.page].loading) {
+ self.pages[load.page].loading.push(load);
+ } else {
+ load.resolve();
+ }
+ self.__statusPage("After Load (cached): ", load.page);
+ } else {
+ if (freePages) {
+ freePages--;
+ } else {
+ const fp = deletablePages.shift();
+ self.__statusPage("Before Unload: ", fp);
+ self.avBuffs.unshift(self.pages[fp]);
+ delete self.pages[fp];
+ self.__statusPage("After Unload: ", fp);
+ }
+ if (load.page>=self.totalPages) {
+ self.pages[load.page] = getNewPage();
+ load.resolve();
+ self.__statusPage("After Load (new): ", load.page);
+ } else {
+ self.reading = true;
+ self.pages[load.page] = getNewPage();
+ self.pages[load.page].loading = [load];
+ ops.push(self.fd.read(self.pages[load.page].buff, 0, self.pageSize, load.page*self.pageSize).then((res)=> {
+ self.pages[load.page].size = res.bytesRead;
+ const loading = self.pages[load.page].loading;
+ delete self.pages[load.page].loading;
+ for (let i=0; i {
+ load.reject(err);
+ }));
+ self.__statusPage("After Load (loading): ", load.page);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // if (ops.length>1) console.log(ops.length);
+ Promise.all(ops).then( () => {
+ self.reading = false;
+ if (self.pendingLoads.length>0) setImmediate(self._triggerLoad.bind(self));
+ self._tryClose();
+ });
+ function getNewPage() {
+ if (self.avBuffs.length>0) {
+ const p = self.avBuffs.shift();
+ p.dirty = false;
+ p.pendingOps = 1;
+ p.size =0;
+ return p;
+ } else {
+ return {
+ dirty: false,
+ buff: new Uint8Array(self.pageSize),
+ pendingOps: 1,
+ size: 0
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _triggerWrite() {
+ const self = this;
+ if (self.writing) return;
+ const pageIdxs = Object.keys(self.pages);
+ const ops = [];
+ for (let i=0; i {
+ page.writing = false;
+ return;
+ }, (err) => {
+ console.log("ERROR Writing: "+err);
+ self.error = err;
+ self._tryClose();
+ }));
+ }
+ }
+ if (self.writing) {
+ Promise.all(ops).then( () => {
+ self.writing = false;
+ setImmediate(self._triggerWrite.bind(self));
+ self._tryClose();
+ if (self.pendingLoads.length>0) setImmediate(self._triggerLoad.bind(self));
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ _getDirtyPage() {
+ for (let p in this.pages) {
+ if (this.pages[p].dirty) return p;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ async write(buff, pos) {
+ if (buff.byteLength == 0) return;
+ const self = this;
+ if (buff.byteLength > self.pageSize*self.maxPagesLoaded*0.8) {
+ const cacheSize = Math.floor(buff.byteLength * 1.1);
+ this.maxPagesLoaded = Math.floor( cacheSize / self.pageSize)+1;
+ }
+ if (typeof pos == "undefined") pos = self.pos;
+ self.pos = pos+buff.byteLength;
+ if (self.totalSize < pos + buff.byteLength) self.totalSize = pos + buff.byteLength;
+ if (self.pendingClose)
+ throw new Error("Writing a closing file");
+ const firstPage = Math.floor(pos / self.pageSize);
+ const lastPage = Math.floor((pos + buff.byteLength -1) / self.pageSize);
+ const pagePromises = [];
+ for (let i=firstPage; i<=lastPage; i++) pagePromises.push(self._loadPage(i));
+ self._triggerLoad();
+ let p = firstPage;
+ let o = pos % self.pageSize;
+ let r = buff.byteLength;
+ while (r>0) {
+ await pagePromises[p-firstPage];
+ const l = (o+r > self.pageSize) ? (self.pageSize -o) : r;
+ const srcView = buff.slice( buff.byteLength - r, buff.byteLength - r + l);
+ const dstView = new Uint8Array(self.pages[p].buff.buffer, o, l);
+ dstView.set(srcView);
+ self.pages[p].dirty = true;
+ self.pages[p].pendingOps --;
+ self.pages[p].size = Math.max(o+l, self.pages[p].size);
+ if (p>=self.totalPages) {
+ self.totalPages = p+1;
+ }
+ r = r-l;
+ p ++;
+ o = 0;
+ if (!self.writing) setImmediate(self._triggerWrite.bind(self));
+ }
+ }
+ async read(len, pos) {
+ const self = this;
+ let buff = new Uint8Array(len);
+ await self.readToBuffer(buff, 0, len, pos);
+ return buff;
+ }
+ async readToBuffer(buffDst, offset, len, pos) {
+ if (len == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const self = this;
+ if (len > self.pageSize*self.maxPagesLoaded*0.8) {
+ const cacheSize = Math.floor(len * 1.1);
+ this.maxPagesLoaded = Math.floor( cacheSize / self.pageSize)+1;
+ }
+ if (typeof pos == "undefined") pos = self.pos;
+ self.pos = pos+len;
+ if (self.pendingClose)
+ throw new Error("Reading a closing file");
+ const firstPage = Math.floor(pos / self.pageSize);
+ const lastPage = Math.floor((pos + len -1) / self.pageSize);
+ const pagePromises = [];
+ for (let i=firstPage; i<=lastPage; i++) pagePromises.push(self._loadPage(i));
+ self._triggerLoad();
+ let p = firstPage;
+ let o = pos % self.pageSize;
+ // Remaining bytes to read
+ let r = pos + len > self.totalSize ? len - (pos + len - self.totalSize): len;
+ while (r>0) {
+ await pagePromises[p - firstPage];
+ self.__statusPage("After Await (read): ", p);
+ // bytes to copy from this page
+ const l = (o+r > self.pageSize) ? (self.pageSize -o) : r;
+ const srcView = new Uint8Array(self.pages[p].buff.buffer, self.pages[p].buff.byteOffset + o, l);
+ buffDst.set(srcView, offset+len-r);
+ self.pages[p].pendingOps --;
+ self.__statusPage("After Op done: ", p);
+ r = r-l;
+ p ++;
+ o = 0;
+ if (self.pendingLoads.length>0) setImmediate(self._triggerLoad.bind(self));
+ }
+ this.pos = pos + len;
+ }
+ _tryClose() {
+ const self = this;
+ if (!self.pendingClose) return;
+ if (self.error) {
+ self.pendingCloseReject(self.error);
+ }
+ const p = self._getDirtyPage();
+ if ((p>=0) || (self.writing) || (self.reading) || (self.pendingLoads.length>0)) return;
+ self.pendingClose();
+ }
+ close() {
+ const self = this;
+ if (self.pendingClose)
+ throw new Error("Closing the file twice");
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ self.pendingClose = resolve;
+ self.pendingCloseReject = reject;
+ self._tryClose();
+ }).then(()=> {
+ self.fd.close();
+ }, (err) => {
+ self.fd.close();
+ throw (err);
+ });
+ }
+ async discard() {
+ const self = this;
+ await self.close();
+ await fs.promises.unlink(this.fileName);
+ }
+ async writeULE32(v, pos) {
+ const self = this;
+ const tmpBuff32 = new Uint8Array(4);
+ const tmpBuff32v = new DataView(tmpBuff32.buffer);
+ tmpBuff32v.setUint32(0, v, true);
+ await self.write(tmpBuff32, pos);
+ }
+ async writeUBE32(v, pos) {
+ const self = this;
+ const tmpBuff32 = new Uint8Array(4);
+ const tmpBuff32v = new DataView(tmpBuff32.buffer);
+ tmpBuff32v.setUint32(0, v, false);
+ await self.write(tmpBuff32, pos);
+ }
+ async writeULE64(v, pos) {
+ const self = this;
+ const tmpBuff64 = new Uint8Array(8);
+ const tmpBuff64v = new DataView(tmpBuff64.buffer);
+ tmpBuff64v.setUint32(0, v & 0xFFFFFFFF, true);
+ tmpBuff64v.setUint32(4, Math.floor(v / 0x100000000) , true);
+ await self.write(tmpBuff64, pos);
+ }
+ async readULE32(pos) {
+ const self = this;
+ const b = await self.read(4, pos);
+ const view = new Uint32Array(b.buffer);
+ return view[0];
+ }
+ async readUBE32(pos) {
+ const self = this;
+ const b = await self.read(4, pos);
+ const view = new DataView(b.buffer);
+ return view.getUint32(0, false);
+ }
+ async readULE64(pos) {
+ const self = this;
+ const b = await self.read(8, pos);
+ const view = new Uint32Array(b.buffer);
+ return view[1] * 0x100000000 + view[0];
+ }
+ async readString(pos) {
+ const self = this;
+ if (self.pendingClose) {
+ throw new Error("Reading a closing file");
+ }
+ let currentPosition = typeof pos == "undefined" ? self.pos : pos;
+ let currentPage = Math.floor(currentPosition / self.pageSize);
+ let endOfStringFound = false;
+ let str = "";
+ while (!endOfStringFound) {
+ //Read page
+ let pagePromise = self._loadPage(currentPage);
+ self._triggerLoad();
+ await pagePromise;
+ self.__statusPage("After Await (read): ", currentPage);
+ let offsetOnPage = currentPosition % self.pageSize;
+ const dataArray = new Uint8Array(
+ self.pages[currentPage].buff.buffer,
+ self.pages[currentPage].buff.byteOffset + offsetOnPage,
+ self.pageSize - offsetOnPage
+ );
+ let indexEndOfString = dataArray.findIndex(element => element === 0);
+ endOfStringFound = indexEndOfString !== -1;
+ if (endOfStringFound) {
+ str += new TextDecoder().decode(dataArray.slice(0, indexEndOfString));
+ self.pos = currentPage * this.pageSize + offsetOnPage + indexEndOfString + 1;
+ } else {
+ str += new TextDecoder().decode(dataArray);
+ self.pos = currentPage * this.pageSize + offsetOnPage + dataArray.length;
+ }
+ self.pages[currentPage].pendingOps--;
+ self.__statusPage("After Op done: ", currentPage);
+ currentPosition = self.pos;
+ currentPage++;
+ if (self.pendingLoads.length > 0) setImmediate(self._triggerLoad.bind(self));
+ }
+ return str;
+ }
+function createNew$1(o) {
+ const initialSize = o.initialSize || 1<<20;
+ const fd = new MemFile();
+ fd.o = o;
+ fd.o.data = new Uint8Array(initialSize);
+ fd.allocSize = initialSize;
+ fd.totalSize = 0;
+ fd.readOnly = false;
+ fd.pos = 0;
+ return fd;
+function readExisting$2(o) {
+ const fd = new MemFile();
+ fd.o = o;
+ fd.allocSize = o.data.byteLength;
+ fd.totalSize = o.data.byteLength;
+ fd.readOnly = true;
+ fd.pos = 0;
+ return fd;
+const tmpBuff32$1 = new Uint8Array(4);
+const tmpBuff32v$1 = new DataView(tmpBuff32$1.buffer);
+const tmpBuff64$1 = new Uint8Array(8);
+const tmpBuff64v$1 = new DataView(tmpBuff64$1.buffer);
+class MemFile {
+ constructor() {
+ this.pageSize = 1 << 14; // for compatibility
+ }
+ _resizeIfNeeded(newLen) {
+ if (newLen > this.allocSize) {
+ const newAllocSize = Math.max(
+ this.allocSize + (1 << 20),
+ Math.floor(this.allocSize * 1.1),
+ newLen
+ );
+ const newData = new Uint8Array(newAllocSize);
+ newData.set(this.o.data);
+ this.o.data = newData;
+ this.allocSize = newAllocSize;
+ }
+ }
+ async write(buff, pos) {
+ const self =this;
+ if (typeof pos == "undefined") pos = self.pos;
+ if (this.readOnly) throw new Error("Writing a read only file");
+ this._resizeIfNeeded(pos + buff.byteLength);
+ this.o.data.set(buff.slice(), pos);
+ if (pos + buff.byteLength > this.totalSize) this.totalSize = pos + buff.byteLength;
+ this.pos = pos + buff.byteLength;
+ }
+ async readToBuffer(buffDest, offset, len, pos) {
+ const self = this;
+ if (typeof pos == "undefined") pos = self.pos;
+ if (this.readOnly) {
+ if (pos + len > this.totalSize) throw new Error("Reading out of bounds");
+ }
+ this._resizeIfNeeded(pos + len);
+ const buffSrc = new Uint8Array(this.o.data.buffer, this.o.data.byteOffset + pos, len);
+ buffDest.set(buffSrc, offset);
+ this.pos = pos + len;
+ }
+ async read(len, pos) {
+ const self = this;
+ const buff = new Uint8Array(len);
+ await self.readToBuffer(buff, 0, len, pos);
+ return buff;
+ }
+ close() {
+ if (this.o.data.byteLength != this.totalSize) {
+ this.o.data = this.o.data.slice(0, this.totalSize);
+ }
+ }
+ async discard() {
+ }
+ async writeULE32(v, pos) {
+ const self = this;
+ tmpBuff32v$1.setUint32(0, v, true);
+ await self.write(tmpBuff32$1, pos);
+ }
+ async writeUBE32(v, pos) {
+ const self = this;
+ tmpBuff32v$1.setUint32(0, v, false);
+ await self.write(tmpBuff32$1, pos);
+ }
+ async writeULE64(v, pos) {
+ const self = this;
+ tmpBuff64v$1.setUint32(0, v & 0xFFFFFFFF, true);
+ tmpBuff64v$1.setUint32(4, Math.floor(v / 0x100000000) , true);
+ await self.write(tmpBuff64$1, pos);
+ }
+ async readULE32(pos) {
+ const self = this;
+ const b = await self.read(4, pos);
+ const view = new Uint32Array(b.buffer);
+ return view[0];
+ }
+ async readUBE32(pos) {
+ const self = this;
+ const b = await self.read(4, pos);
+ const view = new DataView(b.buffer);
+ return view.getUint32(0, false);
+ }
+ async readULE64(pos) {
+ const self = this;
+ const b = await self.read(8, pos);
+ const view = new Uint32Array(b.buffer);
+ return view[1] * 0x100000000 + view[0];
+ }
+ async readString(pos) {
+ const self = this;
+ let currentPosition = typeof pos == "undefined" ? self.pos : pos;
+ if (currentPosition > this.totalSize) {
+ if (this.readOnly) {
+ throw new Error("Reading out of bounds");
+ }
+ this._resizeIfNeeded(pos);
+ }
+ const dataArray = new Uint8Array(
+ self.o.data.buffer,
+ currentPosition,
+ this.totalSize - currentPosition
+ );
+ let indexEndOfString = dataArray.findIndex(element => element === 0);
+ let endOfStringFound = indexEndOfString !== -1;
+ let str = "";
+ if (endOfStringFound) {
+ str = new TextDecoder().decode(dataArray.slice(0, indexEndOfString));
+ self.pos = currentPosition + indexEndOfString + 1;
+ } else {
+ self.pos = currentPosition;
+ }
+ return str;
+ }
+const PAGE_SIZE = 1<<22;
+function createNew(o) {
+ const initialSize = o.initialSize || 0;
+ const fd = new BigMemFile();
+ fd.o = o;
+ const nPages = initialSize ? Math.floor((initialSize - 1) / PAGE_SIZE)+1 : 0;
+ fd.o.data = [];
+ for (let i=0; i0) {
+ const l = (o+r > PAGE_SIZE) ? (PAGE_SIZE -o) : r;
+ const srcView = buff.slice(buff.byteLength - r, buff.byteLength - r + l);
+ const dstView = new Uint8Array(self.o.data[p].buffer, o, l);
+ dstView.set(srcView);
+ r = r-l;
+ p ++;
+ o = 0;
+ }
+ this.pos = pos + buff.byteLength;
+ }
+ async readToBuffer(buffDst, offset, len, pos) {
+ const self = this;
+ if (typeof pos == "undefined") pos = self.pos;
+ if (this.readOnly) {
+ if (pos + len > this.totalSize) throw new Error("Reading out of bounds");
+ }
+ this._resizeIfNeeded(pos + len);
+ const firstPage = Math.floor(pos / PAGE_SIZE);
+ let p = firstPage;
+ let o = pos % PAGE_SIZE;
+ // Remaining bytes to read
+ let r = len;
+ while (r>0) {
+ // bytes to copy from this page
+ const l = (o+r > PAGE_SIZE) ? (PAGE_SIZE -o) : r;
+ const srcView = new Uint8Array(self.o.data[p].buffer, o, l);
+ buffDst.set(srcView, offset+len-r);
+ r = r-l;
+ p ++;
+ o = 0;
+ }
+ this.pos = pos + len;
+ }
+ async read(len, pos) {
+ const self = this;
+ const buff = new Uint8Array(len);
+ await self.readToBuffer(buff, 0, len, pos);
+ return buff;
+ }
+ close() {
+ }
+ async discard() {
+ }
+ async writeULE32(v, pos) {
+ const self = this;
+ tmpBuff32v.setUint32(0, v, true);
+ await self.write(tmpBuff32, pos);
+ }
+ async writeUBE32(v, pos) {
+ const self = this;
+ tmpBuff32v.setUint32(0, v, false);
+ await self.write(tmpBuff32, pos);
+ }
+ async writeULE64(v, pos) {
+ const self = this;
+ tmpBuff64v.setUint32(0, v & 0xFFFFFFFF, true);
+ tmpBuff64v.setUint32(4, Math.floor(v / 0x100000000) , true);
+ await self.write(tmpBuff64, pos);
+ }
+ async readULE32(pos) {
+ const self = this;
+ const b = await self.read(4, pos);
+ const view = new Uint32Array(b.buffer);
+ return view[0];
+ }
+ async readUBE32(pos) {
+ const self = this;
+ const b = await self.read(4, pos);
+ const view = new DataView(b.buffer);
+ return view.getUint32(0, false);
+ }
+ async readULE64(pos) {
+ const self = this;
+ const b = await self.read(8, pos);
+ const view = new Uint32Array(b.buffer);
+ return view[1] * 0x100000000 + view[0];
+ }
+ async readString(pos) {
+ const self = this;
+ const fixedSize = 2048;
+ let currentPosition = typeof pos == "undefined" ? self.pos : pos;
+ if (currentPosition > this.totalSize) {
+ if (this.readOnly) {
+ throw new Error("Reading out of bounds");
+ }
+ this._resizeIfNeeded(pos);
+ }
+ let endOfStringFound = false;
+ let str = "";
+ while (!endOfStringFound) {
+ let currentPage = Math.floor(currentPosition / PAGE_SIZE);
+ let offsetOnPage = currentPosition % PAGE_SIZE;
+ if (self.o.data[currentPage] === undefined) {
+ throw new Error("ERROR");
+ }
+ let readLength = Math.min(fixedSize, self.o.data[currentPage].length - offsetOnPage);
+ const dataArray = new Uint8Array(self.o.data[currentPage].buffer, offsetOnPage, readLength);
+ let indexEndOfString = dataArray.findIndex(element => element === 0);
+ endOfStringFound = indexEndOfString !== -1;
+ if (endOfStringFound) {
+ str += new TextDecoder().decode(dataArray.slice(0, indexEndOfString));
+ self.pos = currentPage * PAGE_SIZE + offsetOnPage + indexEndOfString + 1;
+ } else {
+ str += new TextDecoder().decode(dataArray);
+ self.pos = currentPage * PAGE_SIZE + offsetOnPage + dataArray.length;
+ }
+ currentPosition = self.pos;
+ }
+ return str;
+ }
+const O_TRUNC = 1024;
+const O_CREAT = 512;
+const O_RDWR = 2;
+const O_RDONLY = 0;
+/* global fetch */
+const DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE = (1 << 16);
+const DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE = (1 << 13);
+async function createOverride(o, b, c) {
+ if (typeof o === "string") {
+ o = {
+ type: "file",
+ fileName: o,
+ cacheSize: b || DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE,
+ pageSize: c || DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE
+ };
+ }
+ if (o.type == "file") {
+ return await open(o.fileName, O_TRUNC | O_CREAT | O_RDWR, o.cacheSize, o.pageSize);
+ } else if (o.type == "mem") {
+ return createNew$1(o);
+ } else if (o.type == "bigMem") {
+ return createNew(o);
+ } else {
+ throw new Error("Invalid FastFile type: "+o.type);
+ }
+async function readExisting(o, b, c) {
+ if (o instanceof Uint8Array) {
+ o = {
+ type: "mem",
+ data: o
+ };
+ }
+ {
+ if (typeof o === "string") {
+ const buff = await fetch(o).then( function(res) {
+ return res.arrayBuffer();
+ }).then(function (ab) {
+ return new Uint8Array(ab);
+ });
+ o = {
+ type: "mem",
+ data: buff
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ if (o.type == "file") {
+ return await open(o.fileName, O_RDONLY, o.cacheSize, o.pageSize);
+ } else if (o.type == "mem") {
+ return await readExisting$2(o);
+ } else if (o.type == "bigMem") {
+ return await readExisting$1(o);
+ } else {
+ throw new Error("Invalid FastFile type: "+o.type);
+ }
+async function readBinFile(fileName, type, maxVersion, cacheSize, pageSize) {
+ const fd = await readExisting(fileName);
+ const b = await fd.read(4);
+ let readedType = "";
+ for (let i=0; i<4; i++) readedType += String.fromCharCode(b[i]);
+ if (readedType != type) throw new Error(fileName + ": Invalid File format");
+ let v = await fd.readULE32();
+ if (v>maxVersion) throw new Error("Version not supported");
+ const nSections = await fd.readULE32();
+ // Scan sections
+ let sections = [];
+ for (let i=0; i1) throw new Error(fd.fileName +": Section Duplicated " +idSection);
+ fd.pos = sections[idSection][0].p;
+ fd.readingSection = sections[idSection][0];
+async function endReadSection(fd, noCheck) {
+ if (typeof fd.readingSection === "undefined") throw new Error("Not reading a section");
+ if (!noCheck) {
+ if (fd.pos-fd.readingSection.p != fd.readingSection.size) throw new Error("Invalid section size reading");
+ }
+ delete fd.readingSection;
+async function writeBigInt(fd, n, n8, pos) {
+ const buff = new Uint8Array(n8);
+ Scalar.toRprLE(buff, 0, n, n8);
+ await fd.write(buff, pos);
+async function readBigInt(fd, n8, pos) {
+ const buff = await fd.read(n8, pos);
+ return Scalar.fromRprLE(buff, 0, n8);
+async function copySection(fdFrom, sections, fdTo, sectionId, size) {
+ if (typeof size === "undefined") {
+ size = sections[sectionId][0].size;
+ }
+ const chunkSize = fdFrom.pageSize;
+ await startReadUniqueSection(fdFrom, sections, sectionId);
+ await startWriteSection(fdTo, sectionId);
+ for (let p=0; p sections[idSection][0].size) {
+ throw new Error("Reading out of the range of the section");
+ }
+ let buff;
+ if (length < (1 << 30) ) {
+ buff = new Uint8Array(length);
+ } else {
+ buff = new BigBuffer(length);
+ }
+ await fd.readToBuffer(buff, 0, length, sections[idSection][0].p + offset);
+ return buff;
+async function sectionIsEqual(fd1, sections1, fd2, sections2, idSection) {
+ const MAX_BUFF_SIZE = fd1.pageSize * 16;
+ await startReadUniqueSection(fd1, sections1, idSection);
+ await startReadUniqueSection(fd2, sections2, idSection);
+ if (sections1[idSection][0].size != sections2[idSection][0].size) return false;
+ const totalBytes=sections1[idSection][0].size;
+ for (let i=0; i= 0) {
+ curve = await buildBn128();
+ } else if (["BLS12381"].indexOf(normName) >= 0) {
+ curve = await buildBls12381();
+ } else {
+ throw new Error(`Curve not supported: ${name}`);
+ }
+ return curve;
+ function normalizeName(n) {
+ return n.toUpperCase().match(/[A-Za-z0-9]+/g).join("");
+ }
+var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : {};
+var blake2bWasm = {exports: {}};
+var nanoassert = assert$1;
+class AssertionError extends Error {}
+AssertionError.prototype.name = 'AssertionError';
+ * Minimal assert function
+ * @param {any} t Value to check if falsy
+ * @param {string=} m Optional assertion error message
+ * @throws {AssertionError}
+ */
+function assert$1 (t, m) {
+ if (!t) {
+ var err = new AssertionError(m);
+ if (Error.captureStackTrace) Error.captureStackTrace(err, assert$1);
+ throw err
+ }
+var browser = {exports: {}};
+function byteLength$4 (string) {
+ return string.length
+function toString$4 (buffer) {
+ const len = buffer.byteLength;
+ let result = '';
+ for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ result += String.fromCharCode(buffer[i]);
+ }
+ return result
+function write$5 (buffer, string, offset = 0, length = byteLength$4(string)) {
+ const len = Math.min(length, buffer.byteLength - offset);
+ for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ buffer[offset + i] = string.charCodeAt(i);
+ }
+ return len
+var ascii = {
+ byteLength: byteLength$4,
+ toString: toString$4,
+ write: write$5
+const alphabet = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/';
+const codes = new Uint8Array(256);
+for (let i = 0; i < alphabet.length; i++) {
+ codes[alphabet.charCodeAt(i)] = i;
+codes[/* - */ 0x2d] = 62;
+codes[/* _ */ 0x5f] = 63;
+function byteLength$3 (string) {
+ let len = string.length;
+ if (string.charCodeAt(len - 1) === 0x3d) len--;
+ if (len > 1 && string.charCodeAt(len - 1) === 0x3d) len--;
+ return (len * 3) >>> 2
+function toString$3 (buffer) {
+ const len = buffer.byteLength;
+ let result = '';
+ for (let i = 0; i < len; i += 3) {
+ result += (
+ alphabet[buffer[i] >> 2] +
+ alphabet[((buffer[i] & 3) << 4) | (buffer[i + 1] >> 4)] +
+ alphabet[((buffer[i + 1] & 15) << 2) | (buffer[i + 2] >> 6)] +
+ alphabet[buffer[i + 2] & 63]
+ );
+ }
+ if (len % 3 === 2) {
+ result = result.substring(0, result.length - 1) + '=';
+ } else if (len % 3 === 1) {
+ result = result.substring(0, result.length - 2) + '==';
+ }
+ return result
+function write$4 (buffer, string, offset = 0, length = byteLength$3(string)) {
+ const len = Math.min(length, buffer.byteLength - offset);
+ for (let i = 0, j = 0; j < len; i += 4) {
+ const a = codes[string.charCodeAt(i)];
+ const b = codes[string.charCodeAt(i + 1)];
+ const c = codes[string.charCodeAt(i + 2)];
+ const d = codes[string.charCodeAt(i + 3)];
+ buffer[j++] = (a << 2) | (b >> 4);
+ buffer[j++] = ((b & 15) << 4) | (c >> 2);
+ buffer[j++] = ((c & 3) << 6) | (d & 63);
+ }
+ return len
+var base64 = {
+ byteLength: byteLength$3,
+ toString: toString$3,
+ write: write$4
+function byteLength$2 (string) {
+ return string.length >>> 1
+function toString$2 (buffer) {
+ const len = buffer.byteLength;
+ buffer = new DataView(buffer.buffer, buffer.byteOffset, len);
+ let result = '';
+ let i = 0;
+ for (let n = len - (len % 4); i < n; i += 4) {
+ result += buffer.getUint32(i).toString(16).padStart(8, '0');
+ }
+ for (; i < len; i++) {
+ result += buffer.getUint8(i).toString(16).padStart(2, '0');
+ }
+ return result
+function write$3 (buffer, string, offset = 0, length = byteLength$2(string)) {
+ const len = Math.min(length, buffer.byteLength - offset);
+ for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ const a = hexValue(string.charCodeAt(i * 2));
+ const b = hexValue(string.charCodeAt(i * 2 + 1));
+ if (a === undefined || b === undefined) {
+ return buffer.subarray(0, i)
+ }
+ buffer[offset + i] = (a << 4) | b;
+ }
+ return len
+var hex = {
+ byteLength: byteLength$2,
+ toString: toString$2,
+ write: write$3
+function hexValue (char) {
+ if (char >= 0x30 && char <= 0x39) return char - 0x30
+ if (char >= 0x41 && char <= 0x46) return char - 0x41 + 10
+ if (char >= 0x61 && char <= 0x66) return char - 0x61 + 10
+function byteLength$1 (string) {
+ let length = 0;
+ for (let i = 0, n = string.length; i < n; i++) {
+ const code = string.charCodeAt(i);
+ if (code >= 0xd800 && code <= 0xdbff && i + 1 < n) {
+ const code = string.charCodeAt(i + 1);
+ if (code >= 0xdc00 && code <= 0xdfff) {
+ length += 4;
+ i++;
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ if (code <= 0x7f) length += 1;
+ else if (code <= 0x7ff) length += 2;
+ else length += 3;
+ }
+ return length
+let toString$1;
+if (typeof TextDecoder !== 'undefined') {
+ const decoder = new TextDecoder();
+ toString$1 = function toString (buffer) {
+ return decoder.decode(buffer)
+ };
+} else {
+ toString$1 = function toString (buffer) {
+ const len = buffer.byteLength;
+ let output = '';
+ let i = 0;
+ while (i < len) {
+ let byte = buffer[i];
+ if (byte <= 0x7f) {
+ output += String.fromCharCode(byte);
+ i++;
+ continue
+ }
+ let bytesNeeded = 0;
+ let codePoint = 0;
+ if (byte <= 0xdf) {
+ bytesNeeded = 1;
+ codePoint = byte & 0x1f;
+ } else if (byte <= 0xef) {
+ bytesNeeded = 2;
+ codePoint = byte & 0x0f;
+ } else if (byte <= 0xf4) {
+ bytesNeeded = 3;
+ codePoint = byte & 0x07;
+ }
+ if (len - i - bytesNeeded > 0) {
+ let k = 0;
+ while (k < bytesNeeded) {
+ byte = buffer[i + k + 1];
+ codePoint = (codePoint << 6) | (byte & 0x3f);
+ k += 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ codePoint = 0xfffd;
+ bytesNeeded = len - i;
+ }
+ output += String.fromCodePoint(codePoint);
+ i += bytesNeeded + 1;
+ }
+ return output
+ };
+let write$2;
+if (typeof TextEncoder !== 'undefined') {
+ const encoder = new TextEncoder();
+ write$2 = function write (buffer, string, offset = 0, length = byteLength$1(string)) {
+ const len = Math.min(length, buffer.byteLength - offset);
+ encoder.encodeInto(string, buffer.subarray(offset, offset + len));
+ return len
+ };
+} else {
+ write$2 = function write (buffer, string, offset = 0, length = byteLength$1(string)) {
+ const len = Math.min(length, buffer.byteLength - offset);
+ buffer = buffer.subarray(offset, offset + len);
+ let i = 0;
+ let j = 0;
+ while (i < string.length) {
+ const code = string.codePointAt(i);
+ if (code <= 0x7f) {
+ buffer[j++] = code;
+ i++;
+ continue
+ }
+ let count = 0;
+ let bits = 0;
+ if (code <= 0x7ff) {
+ count = 6;
+ bits = 0xc0;
+ } else if (code <= 0xffff) {
+ count = 12;
+ bits = 0xe0;
+ } else if (code <= 0x1fffff) {
+ count = 18;
+ bits = 0xf0;
+ }
+ buffer[j++] = bits | (code >> count);
+ count -= 6;
+ while (count >= 0) {
+ buffer[j++] = 0x80 | ((code >> count) & 0x3f);
+ count -= 6;
+ }
+ i += code >= 0x10000 ? 2 : 1;
+ }
+ return len
+ };
+var utf8 = {
+ byteLength: byteLength$1,
+ toString: toString$1,
+ write: write$2
+function byteLength (string) {
+ return string.length * 2
+function toString (buffer) {
+ const len = buffer.byteLength;
+ let result = '';
+ for (let i = 0; i < len - 1; i += 2) {
+ result += String.fromCharCode(buffer[i] + (buffer[i + 1] * 256));
+ }
+ return result
+function write$1 (buffer, string, offset = 0, length = byteLength(string)) {
+ const len = Math.min(length, buffer.byteLength - offset);
+ let units = len;
+ for (let i = 0; i < string.length; ++i) {
+ if ((units -= 2) < 0) break
+ const c = string.charCodeAt(i);
+ const hi = c >> 8;
+ const lo = c % 256;
+ buffer[offset + i * 2] = lo;
+ buffer[offset + i * 2 + 1] = hi;
+ }
+ return len
+var utf16le = {
+ byteLength,
+ toString,
+ write: write$1
+(function (module, exports) {
+ const ascii$1 = ascii;
+ const base64$1 = base64;
+ const hex$1 = hex;
+ const utf8$1 = utf8;
+ const utf16le$1 = utf16le;
+ const LE = new Uint8Array(Uint16Array.of(0xff).buffer)[0] === 0xff;
+ function codecFor (encoding) {
+ switch (encoding) {
+ case 'ascii':
+ return ascii$1
+ case 'base64':
+ return base64$1
+ case 'hex':
+ return hex$1
+ case 'utf8':
+ case 'utf-8':
+ case undefined:
+ return utf8$1
+ case 'ucs2':
+ case 'ucs-2':
+ case 'utf16le':
+ case 'utf-16le':
+ return utf16le$1
+ default:
+ throw new Error(`Unknown encoding: ${encoding}`)
+ }
+ }
+ function isBuffer (value) {
+ return value instanceof Uint8Array
+ }
+ function isEncoding (encoding) {
+ try {
+ codecFor(encoding);
+ return true
+ } catch {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ function alloc (size, fill, encoding) {
+ const buffer = new Uint8Array(size);
+ if (fill !== undefined) exports.fill(buffer, fill, 0, buffer.byteLength, encoding);
+ return buffer
+ }
+ function allocUnsafe (size) {
+ return new Uint8Array(size)
+ }
+ function allocUnsafeSlow (size) {
+ return new Uint8Array(size)
+ }
+ function byteLength (string, encoding) {
+ return codecFor(encoding).byteLength(string)
+ }
+ function compare (a, b) {
+ if (a === b) return 0
+ const len = Math.min(a.byteLength, b.byteLength);
+ a = new DataView(a.buffer, a.byteOffset, a.byteLength);
+ b = new DataView(b.buffer, b.byteOffset, b.byteLength);
+ let i = 0;
+ for (let n = len - (len % 4); i < n; i += 4) {
+ const x = a.getUint32(i, LE);
+ const y = b.getUint32(i, LE);
+ if (x !== y) break
+ }
+ for (; i < len; i++) {
+ const x = a.getUint8(i);
+ const y = b.getUint8(i);
+ if (x < y) return -1
+ if (x > y) return 1
+ }
+ return a.byteLength > b.byteLength ? 1 : a.byteLength < b.byteLength ? -1 : 0
+ }
+ function concat (buffers, totalLength) {
+ if (totalLength === undefined) {
+ totalLength = buffers.reduce((len, buffer) => len + buffer.byteLength, 0);
+ }
+ const result = new Uint8Array(totalLength);
+ let offset = 0;
+ for (const buffer of buffers) {
+ if (offset + buffer.byteLength > result.byteLength) {
+ const sub = buffer.subarray(0, result.byteLength - offset);
+ result.set(sub, offset);
+ return result
+ }
+ result.set(buffer, offset);
+ offset += buffer.byteLength;
+ }
+ return result
+ }
+ function copy (source, target, targetStart = 0, start = 0, end = source.byteLength) {
+ if (end > 0 && end < start) return 0
+ if (end === start) return 0
+ if (source.byteLength === 0 || target.byteLength === 0) return 0
+ if (targetStart < 0) throw new RangeError('targetStart is out of range')
+ if (start < 0 || start >= source.byteLength) throw new RangeError('sourceStart is out of range')
+ if (end < 0) throw new RangeError('sourceEnd is out of range')
+ if (targetStart >= target.byteLength) targetStart = target.byteLength;
+ if (end > source.byteLength) end = source.byteLength;
+ if (target.byteLength - targetStart < end - start) {
+ end = target.length - targetStart + start;
+ }
+ const len = end - start;
+ if (source === target) {
+ target.copyWithin(targetStart, start, end);
+ } else {
+ target.set(source.subarray(start, end), targetStart);
+ }
+ return len
+ }
+ function equals (a, b) {
+ if (a === b) return true
+ if (a.byteLength !== b.byteLength) return false
+ const len = a.byteLength;
+ a = new DataView(a.buffer, a.byteOffset, a.byteLength);
+ b = new DataView(b.buffer, b.byteOffset, b.byteLength);
+ let i = 0;
+ for (let n = len - (len % 4); i < n; i += 4) {
+ if (a.getUint32(i, LE) !== b.getUint32(i, LE)) return false
+ }
+ for (; i < len; i++) {
+ if (a.getUint8(i) !== b.getUint8(i)) return false
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ function fill (buffer, value, offset, end, encoding) {
+ if (typeof value === 'string') {
+ // fill(buffer, string, encoding)
+ if (typeof offset === 'string') {
+ encoding = offset;
+ offset = 0;
+ end = buffer.byteLength;
+ // fill(buffer, string, offset, encoding)
+ } else if (typeof end === 'string') {
+ encoding = end;
+ end = buffer.byteLength;
+ }
+ } else if (typeof value === 'number') {
+ value = value & 0xff;
+ } else if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
+ value = +value;
+ }
+ if (offset < 0 || buffer.byteLength < offset || buffer.byteLength < end) {
+ throw new RangeError('Out of range index')
+ }
+ if (offset === undefined) offset = 0;
+ if (end === undefined) end = buffer.byteLength;
+ if (end <= offset) return buffer
+ if (!value) value = 0;
+ if (typeof value === 'number') {
+ for (let i = offset; i < end; ++i) {
+ buffer[i] = value;
+ }
+ } else {
+ value = isBuffer(value) ? value : from(value, encoding);
+ const len = value.byteLength;
+ for (let i = 0; i < end - offset; ++i) {
+ buffer[i + offset] = value[i % len];
+ }
+ }
+ return buffer
+ }
+ function from (value, encodingOrOffset, length) {
+ // from(string, encoding)
+ if (typeof value === 'string') return fromString(value, encodingOrOffset)
+ // from(array)
+ if (Array.isArray(value)) return fromArray(value)
+ // from(buffer)
+ if (ArrayBuffer.isView(value)) return fromBuffer(value)
+ // from(arrayBuffer[, byteOffset[, length]])
+ return fromArrayBuffer(value, encodingOrOffset, length)
+ }
+ function fromString (string, encoding) {
+ const codec = codecFor(encoding);
+ const buffer = new Uint8Array(codec.byteLength(string));
+ codec.write(buffer, string, 0, buffer.byteLength);
+ return buffer
+ }
+ function fromArray (array) {
+ const buffer = new Uint8Array(array.length);
+ buffer.set(array);
+ return buffer
+ }
+ function fromBuffer (buffer) {
+ const copy = new Uint8Array(buffer.byteLength);
+ copy.set(buffer);
+ return copy
+ }
+ function fromArrayBuffer (arrayBuffer, byteOffset, length) {
+ return new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer, byteOffset, length)
+ }
+ function includes (buffer, value, byteOffset, encoding) {
+ return indexOf(buffer, value, byteOffset, encoding) !== -1
+ }
+ function bidirectionalIndexOf (buffer, value, byteOffset, encoding, first) {
+ if (buffer.byteLength === 0) return -1
+ if (typeof byteOffset === 'string') {
+ encoding = byteOffset;
+ byteOffset = 0;
+ } else if (byteOffset === undefined) {
+ byteOffset = first ? 0 : (buffer.length - 1);
+ } else if (byteOffset < 0) {
+ byteOffset += buffer.byteLength;
+ }
+ if (byteOffset >= buffer.byteLength) {
+ if (first) return -1
+ else byteOffset = buffer.byteLength - 1;
+ } else if (byteOffset < 0) {
+ if (first) byteOffset = 0;
+ else return -1
+ }
+ if (typeof value === 'string') {
+ value = from(value, encoding);
+ } else if (typeof value === 'number') {
+ value = value & 0xff;
+ if (first) {
+ return buffer.indexOf(value, byteOffset)
+ } else {
+ return buffer.lastIndexOf(value, byteOffset)
+ }
+ }
+ if (value.byteLength === 0) return -1
+ if (first) {
+ let foundIndex = -1;
+ for (let i = byteOffset; i < buffer.byteLength; i++) {
+ if (buffer[i] === value[foundIndex === -1 ? 0 : i - foundIndex]) {
+ if (foundIndex === -1) foundIndex = i;
+ if (i - foundIndex + 1 === value.byteLength) return foundIndex
+ } else {
+ if (foundIndex !== -1) i -= i - foundIndex;
+ foundIndex = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (byteOffset + value.byteLength > buffer.byteLength) {
+ byteOffset = buffer.byteLength - value.byteLength;
+ }
+ for (let i = byteOffset; i >= 0; i--) {
+ let found = true;
+ for (let j = 0; j < value.byteLength; j++) {
+ if (buffer[i + j] !== value[j]) {
+ found = false;
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if (found) return i
+ }
+ }
+ return -1
+ }
+ function indexOf (buffer, value, byteOffset, encoding) {
+ return bidirectionalIndexOf(buffer, value, byteOffset, encoding, true /* first */)
+ }
+ function lastIndexOf (buffer, value, byteOffset, encoding) {
+ return bidirectionalIndexOf(buffer, value, byteOffset, encoding, false /* last */)
+ }
+ function swap (buffer, n, m) {
+ const i = buffer[n];
+ buffer[n] = buffer[m];
+ buffer[m] = i;
+ }
+ function swap16 (buffer) {
+ const len = buffer.byteLength;
+ if (len % 2 !== 0) throw new RangeError('Buffer size must be a multiple of 16-bits')
+ for (let i = 0; i < len; i += 2) swap(buffer, i, i + 1);
+ return buffer
+ }
+ function swap32 (buffer) {
+ const len = buffer.byteLength;
+ if (len % 4 !== 0) throw new RangeError('Buffer size must be a multiple of 32-bits')
+ for (let i = 0; i < len; i += 4) {
+ swap(buffer, i, i + 3);
+ swap(buffer, i + 1, i + 2);
+ }
+ return buffer
+ }
+ function swap64 (buffer) {
+ const len = buffer.byteLength;
+ if (len % 8 !== 0) throw new RangeError('Buffer size must be a multiple of 64-bits')
+ for (let i = 0; i < len; i += 8) {
+ swap(buffer, i, i + 7);
+ swap(buffer, i + 1, i + 6);
+ swap(buffer, i + 2, i + 5);
+ swap(buffer, i + 3, i + 4);
+ }
+ return buffer
+ }
+ function toBuffer (buffer) {
+ return buffer
+ }
+ function toString (buffer, encoding, start = 0, end = buffer.byteLength) {
+ const len = buffer.byteLength;
+ if (start >= len) return ''
+ if (end <= start) return ''
+ if (start < 0) start = 0;
+ if (end > len) end = len;
+ if (start !== 0 || end < len) buffer = buffer.subarray(start, end);
+ return codecFor(encoding).toString(buffer)
+ }
+ function write (buffer, string, offset, length, encoding) {
+ // write(buffer, string)
+ if (offset === undefined) {
+ encoding = 'utf8';
+ // write(buffer, string, encoding)
+ } else if (length === undefined && typeof offset === 'string') {
+ encoding = offset;
+ offset = undefined;
+ // write(buffer, string, offset, encoding)
+ } else if (encoding === undefined && typeof length === 'string') {
+ encoding = length;
+ length = undefined;
+ }
+ return codecFor(encoding).write(buffer, string, offset, length)
+ }
+ function writeDoubleLE (buffer, value, offset) {
+ if (offset === undefined) offset = 0;
+ const view = new DataView(buffer.buffer, buffer.byteOffset, buffer.byteLength);
+ view.setFloat64(offset, value, true);
+ return offset + 8
+ }
+ function writeFloatLE (buffer, value, offset) {
+ if (offset === undefined) offset = 0;
+ const view = new DataView(buffer.buffer, buffer.byteOffset, buffer.byteLength);
+ view.setFloat32(offset, value, true);
+ return offset + 4
+ }
+ function writeUInt32LE (buffer, value, offset) {
+ if (offset === undefined) offset = 0;
+ const view = new DataView(buffer.buffer, buffer.byteOffset, buffer.byteLength);
+ view.setUint32(offset, value, true);
+ return offset + 4
+ }
+ function writeInt32LE (buffer, value, offset) {
+ if (offset === undefined) offset = 0;
+ const view = new DataView(buffer.buffer, buffer.byteOffset, buffer.byteLength);
+ view.setInt32(offset, value, true);
+ return offset + 4
+ }
+ function readDoubleLE (buffer, offset) {
+ if (offset === undefined) offset = 0;
+ const view = new DataView(buffer.buffer, buffer.byteOffset, buffer.byteLength);
+ return view.getFloat64(offset, true)
+ }
+ function readFloatLE (buffer, offset) {
+ if (offset === undefined) offset = 0;
+ const view = new DataView(buffer.buffer, buffer.byteOffset, buffer.byteLength);
+ return view.getFloat32(offset, true)
+ }
+ function readUInt32LE (buffer, offset) {
+ if (offset === undefined) offset = 0;
+ const view = new DataView(buffer.buffer, buffer.byteOffset, buffer.byteLength);
+ return view.getUint32(offset, true)
+ }
+ function readInt32LE (buffer, offset) {
+ if (offset === undefined) offset = 0;
+ const view = new DataView(buffer.buffer, buffer.byteOffset, buffer.byteLength);
+ return view.getInt32(offset, true)
+ }
+ module.exports = exports = {
+ isBuffer,
+ isEncoding,
+ alloc,
+ allocUnsafe,
+ allocUnsafeSlow,
+ byteLength,
+ compare,
+ concat,
+ copy,
+ equals,
+ fill,
+ from,
+ includes,
+ indexOf,
+ lastIndexOf,
+ swap16,
+ swap32,
+ swap64,
+ toBuffer,
+ toString,
+ write,
+ writeDoubleLE,
+ writeFloatLE,
+ writeUInt32LE,
+ writeInt32LE,
+ readDoubleLE,
+ readFloatLE,
+ readUInt32LE,
+ readInt32LE
+ };
+} (browser, browser.exports));
+var blake2b;
+var hasRequiredBlake2b;
+function requireBlake2b () {
+ if (hasRequiredBlake2b) return blake2b;
+ hasRequiredBlake2b = 1;
+ var __commonJS = (cb, mod) => function __require() {
+ return mod || (0, cb[Object.keys(cb)[0]])((mod = { exports: {} }).exports, mod), mod.exports;
+ };
+ var __toBinary = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => {
+ var table = new Uint8Array(128);
+ for (var i = 0; i < 64; i++)
+ table[i < 26 ? i + 65 : i < 52 ? i + 71 : i < 62 ? i - 4 : i * 4 - 205] = i;
+ return (base64) => {
+ var n = base64.length, bytes2 = new Uint8Array((n - (base64[n - 1] == "=") - (base64[n - 2] == "=")) * 3 / 4 | 0);
+ for (var i2 = 0, j = 0; i2 < n; ) {
+ var c0 = table[base64.charCodeAt(i2++)], c1 = table[base64.charCodeAt(i2++)];
+ var c2 = table[base64.charCodeAt(i2++)], c3 = table[base64.charCodeAt(i2++)];
+ bytes2[j++] = c0 << 2 | c1 >> 4;
+ bytes2[j++] = c1 << 4 | c2 >> 2;
+ bytes2[j++] = c2 << 6 | c3;
+ }
+ return bytes2;
+ };
+ })();
+ // wasm-binary:./blake2b.wat
+ var require_blake2b = __commonJS({
+ "wasm-binary:./blake2b.wat"(exports2, module2) {
+ }
+ });
+ // wasm-module:./blake2b.wat
+ var bytes = require_blake2b();
+ var compiled = WebAssembly.compile(bytes);
+ blake2b = async (imports) => {
+ const instance = await WebAssembly.instantiate(await compiled, imports);
+ return instance.exports;
+ };
+ return blake2b;
+var assert = nanoassert;
+var b4a = browser.exports;
+var wasm = null;
+var wasmPromise = typeof WebAssembly !== "undefined" && requireBlake2b()().then(mod => {
+ wasm = mod;
+var head = 64;
+var freeList = [];
+blake2bWasm.exports = Blake2b;
+var BYTES_MIN = blake2bWasm.exports.BYTES_MIN = 16;
+var BYTES_MAX = blake2bWasm.exports.BYTES_MAX = 64;
+blake2bWasm.exports.BYTES = 32;
+var KEYBYTES_MIN = blake2bWasm.exports.KEYBYTES_MIN = 16;
+var KEYBYTES_MAX = blake2bWasm.exports.KEYBYTES_MAX = 64;
+blake2bWasm.exports.KEYBYTES = 32;
+var SALTBYTES = blake2bWasm.exports.SALTBYTES = 16;
+var PERSONALBYTES = blake2bWasm.exports.PERSONALBYTES = 16;
+function Blake2b (digestLength, key, salt, personal, noAssert) {
+ if (!(this instanceof Blake2b)) return new Blake2b(digestLength, key, salt, personal, noAssert)
+ if (!wasm) throw new Error('WASM not loaded. Wait for Blake2b.ready(cb)')
+ if (!digestLength) digestLength = 32;
+ if (noAssert !== true) {
+ assert(digestLength >= BYTES_MIN, 'digestLength must be at least ' + BYTES_MIN + ', was given ' + digestLength);
+ assert(digestLength <= BYTES_MAX, 'digestLength must be at most ' + BYTES_MAX + ', was given ' + digestLength);
+ if (key != null) {
+ assert(key instanceof Uint8Array, 'key must be Uint8Array or Buffer');
+ assert(key.length >= KEYBYTES_MIN, 'key must be at least ' + KEYBYTES_MIN + ', was given ' + key.length);
+ assert(key.length <= KEYBYTES_MAX, 'key must be at least ' + KEYBYTES_MAX + ', was given ' + key.length);
+ }
+ if (salt != null) {
+ assert(salt instanceof Uint8Array, 'salt must be Uint8Array or Buffer');
+ assert(salt.length === SALTBYTES, 'salt must be exactly ' + SALTBYTES + ', was given ' + salt.length);
+ }
+ if (personal != null) {
+ assert(personal instanceof Uint8Array, 'personal must be Uint8Array or Buffer');
+ assert(personal.length === PERSONALBYTES, 'personal must be exactly ' + PERSONALBYTES + ', was given ' + personal.length);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!freeList.length) {
+ freeList.push(head);
+ head += 216;
+ }
+ this.digestLength = digestLength;
+ this.finalized = false;
+ this.pointer = freeList.pop();
+ this._memory = new Uint8Array(wasm.memory.buffer);
+ this._memory.fill(0, 0, 64);
+ this._memory[0] = this.digestLength;
+ this._memory[1] = key ? key.length : 0;
+ this._memory[2] = 1; // fanout
+ this._memory[3] = 1; // depth
+ if (salt) this._memory.set(salt, 32);
+ if (personal) this._memory.set(personal, 48);
+ if (this.pointer + 216 > this._memory.length) this._realloc(this.pointer + 216); // we need 216 bytes for the state
+ wasm.blake2b_init(this.pointer, this.digestLength);
+ if (key) {
+ this.update(key);
+ this._memory.fill(0, head, head + key.length); // whiteout key
+ this._memory[this.pointer + 200] = 128;
+ }
+Blake2b.prototype._realloc = function (size) {
+ wasm.memory.grow(Math.max(0, Math.ceil(Math.abs(size - this._memory.length) / 65536)));
+ this._memory = new Uint8Array(wasm.memory.buffer);
+Blake2b.prototype.update = function (input) {
+ assert(this.finalized === false, 'Hash instance finalized');
+ assert(input instanceof Uint8Array, 'input must be Uint8Array or Buffer');
+ if (head + input.length > this._memory.length) this._realloc(head + input.length);
+ this._memory.set(input, head);
+ wasm.blake2b_update(this.pointer, head, head + input.length);
+ return this
+Blake2b.prototype.digest = function (enc) {
+ assert(this.finalized === false, 'Hash instance finalized');
+ this.finalized = true;
+ freeList.push(this.pointer);
+ wasm.blake2b_final(this.pointer);
+ if (!enc || enc === 'binary') {
+ return this._memory.slice(this.pointer + 128, this.pointer + 128 + this.digestLength)
+ }
+ if (typeof enc === 'string') {
+ return b4a.toString(this._memory, enc, this.pointer + 128, this.pointer + 128 + this.digestLength)
+ }
+ assert(enc instanceof Uint8Array && enc.length >= this.digestLength, 'input must be Uint8Array or Buffer');
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.digestLength; i++) {
+ enc[i] = this._memory[this.pointer + 128 + i];
+ }
+ return enc
+// libsodium compat
+Blake2b.prototype.final = Blake2b.prototype.digest;
+Blake2b.WASM = wasm;
+Blake2b.SUPPORTED = typeof WebAssembly !== 'undefined';
+Blake2b.ready = function (cb) {
+ if (!cb) cb = noop;
+ if (!wasmPromise) return cb(new Error('WebAssembly not supported'))
+ return wasmPromise.then(() => cb(), cb)
+Blake2b.prototype.ready = Blake2b.ready;
+Blake2b.prototype.getPartialHash = function () {
+ return this._memory.slice(this.pointer, this.pointer + 216);
+Blake2b.prototype.setPartialHash = function (ph) {
+ this._memory.set(ph, this.pointer);
+function noop () {}
+ Copyright 2018 0KIMS association.
+ This file is part of snarkJS.
+ snarkJS is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ snarkJS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with snarkJS. If not, see .
+function log2( V )
+ return( ( ( V & 0xFFFF0000 ) !== 0 ? ( V &= 0xFFFF0000, 16 ) : 0 ) | ( ( V & 0xFF00FF00 ) !== 0 ? ( V &= 0xFF00FF00, 8 ) : 0 ) | ( ( V & 0xF0F0F0F0 ) !== 0 ? ( V &= 0xF0F0F0F0, 4 ) : 0 ) | ( ( V & 0xCCCCCCCC ) !== 0 ? ( V &= 0xCCCCCCCC, 2 ) : 0 ) | ( ( V & 0xAAAAAAAA ) !== 0 ) );
+function formatHash(b, title) {
+ const a = new DataView(b.buffer, b.byteOffset, b.byteLength);
+ let S = "";
+ for (let i=0; i<4; i++) {
+ if (i>0) S += "\n";
+ S += "\t\t";
+ for (let j=0; j<4; j++) {
+ if (j>0) S += " ";
+ S += a.getUint32(i*16+j*4).toString(16).padStart(8, "0");
+ }
+ }
+ if (title) S = title + "\n" + S;
+ return S;
+function hashIsEqual(h1, h2) {
+ if (h1.byteLength != h2.byteLength) return false;
+ var dv1 = new Int8Array(h1);
+ var dv2 = new Int8Array(h2);
+ for (var i = 0 ; i != h1.byteLength ; i++)
+ {
+ if (dv1[i] != dv2[i]) return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+function cloneHasher(h) {
+ const ph = h.getPartialHash();
+ const res = blake2bWasm.exports(64);
+ res.setPartialHash(ph);
+ return res;
+async function sameRatio$2(curve, g1s, g1sx, g2s, g2sx) {
+ if (curve.G1.isZero(g1s)) return false;
+ if (curve.G1.isZero(g1sx)) return false;
+ if (curve.G2.isZero(g2s)) return false;
+ if (curve.G2.isZero(g2sx)) return false;
+ // return curve.F12.eq(curve.pairing(g1s, g2sx), curve.pairing(g1sx, g2s));
+ const res = await curve.pairingEq(g1s, g2sx, curve.G1.neg(g1sx), g2s);
+ return res;
+function askEntropy() {
+ {
+ return window.prompt("Enter a random text. (Entropy): ", "");
+ }
+function getRandomBytes(n) {
+ let array = new Uint8Array(n);
+ { // Supported
+ globalThis.crypto.getRandomValues(array);
+ }
+ return array;
+async function sha256digest(data) {
+ { // Supported
+ const buffer = await globalThis.crypto.subtle.digest("SHA-256", data.buffer);
+ return new Uint8Array(buffer);
+ }
+ * @param {Uint8Array} data
+ * @param {number} offset
+ */
+function readUInt32BE(data, offset) {
+ return new DataView(data.buffer).getUint32(offset, false);
+async function getRandomRng(entropy) {
+ // Generate a random Rng
+ while (!entropy) {
+ entropy = await askEntropy();
+ }
+ const hasher = blake2bWasm.exports(64);
+ hasher.update(getRandomBytes(64));
+ const enc = new TextEncoder(); // always utf-8
+ hasher.update(enc.encode(entropy));
+ const hash = hasher.digest();
+ const seed = [];
+ for (let i=0;i<8;i++) {
+ seed[i] = readUInt32BE(hash, i*4);
+ }
+ const rng = new ChaCha(seed);
+ return rng;
+async function rngFromBeaconParams(beaconHash, numIterationsExp) {
+ let nIterationsInner;
+ let nIterationsOuter;
+ if (numIterationsExp<32) {
+ nIterationsInner = (1 << numIterationsExp) >>> 0;
+ nIterationsOuter = 1;
+ } else {
+ nIterationsInner = 0x100000000;
+ nIterationsOuter = (1 << (numIterationsExp-32)) >>> 0;
+ }
+ let curHash = beaconHash;
+ for (let i=0; i {
+ res[k] = stringifyBigIntsWithField(Fr, o[k]);
+ });
+ return res;
+ } else if ((typeof(o) == "bigint") || o.eq !== undefined) {
+ return o.toString(10);
+ } else {
+ return o;
+ }
+const GROTH16_PROTOCOL_ID = 1;
+ Copyright 2022 iden3 association.
+ This file is part of snarkjs.
+ snarkjs is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ snarkjs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ snarkjs. If not, see .
+// FFlonk constants
+const FF_T_POL_DEG_MIN = 3;
+// ZKEY constants
+const ZKEY_FF_NSECTIONS = 17;
+const ZKEY_FF_QL_SECTION = 7;
+const ZKEY_FF_QR_SECTION = 8;
+const ZKEY_FF_QM_SECTION = 9;
+const ZKEY_FF_QO_SECTION = 10;
+const ZKEY_FF_QC_SECTION = 11;
+const ZKEY_FF_C0_SECTION = 17;
+ Copyright 2018 0KIMS association.
+ This file is part of snarkJS.
+ snarkJS is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ snarkJS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with snarkJS. If not, see .
+async function writeHeader(fd, zkey) {
+ // Write the header
+ ///////////
+ await startWriteSection(fd, 1);
+ await fd.writeULE32(1); // Groth
+ await endWriteSection(fd);
+ // Write the Groth header section
+ ///////////
+ const curve = await getCurveFromQ(zkey.q);
+ await startWriteSection(fd, 2);
+ const primeQ = curve.q;
+ const n8q = (Math.floor( (Scalar.bitLength(primeQ) - 1) / 64) +1)*8;
+ const primeR = curve.r;
+ const n8r = (Math.floor( (Scalar.bitLength(primeR) - 1) / 64) +1)*8;
+ await fd.writeULE32(n8q);
+ await writeBigInt(fd, primeQ, n8q);
+ await fd.writeULE32(n8r);
+ await writeBigInt(fd, primeR, n8r);
+ await fd.writeULE32(zkey.nVars); // Total number of bars
+ await fd.writeULE32(zkey.nPublic); // Total number of public vars (not including ONE)
+ await fd.writeULE32(zkey.domainSize); // domainSize
+ await writeG1(fd, curve, zkey.vk_alpha_1);
+ await writeG1(fd, curve, zkey.vk_beta_1);
+ await writeG2(fd, curve, zkey.vk_beta_2);
+ await writeG2(fd, curve, zkey.vk_gamma_2);
+ await writeG1(fd, curve, zkey.vk_delta_1);
+ await writeG2(fd, curve, zkey.vk_delta_2);
+ await endWriteSection(fd);
+async function writeG1(fd, curve, p) {
+ const buff = new Uint8Array(curve.G1.F.n8*2);
+ curve.G1.toRprLEM(buff, 0, p);
+ await fd.write(buff);
+async function writeG2(fd, curve, p) {
+ const buff = new Uint8Array(curve.G2.F.n8*2);
+ curve.G2.toRprLEM(buff, 0, p);
+ await fd.write(buff);
+async function readG1(fd, curve, toObject) {
+ const buff = await fd.read(curve.G1.F.n8*2);
+ const res = curve.G1.fromRprLEM(buff, 0);
+ return toObject ? curve.G1.toObject(res) : res;
+async function readG2(fd, curve, toObject) {
+ const buff = await fd.read(curve.G2.F.n8*2);
+ const res = curve.G2.fromRprLEM(buff, 0);
+ return toObject ? curve.G2.toObject(res) : res;
+async function readHeader$1(fd, sections, toObject) {
+ // Read Header
+ /////////////////////
+ await startReadUniqueSection(fd, sections, 1);
+ const protocolId = await fd.readULE32();
+ await endReadSection(fd);
+ if (protocolId === GROTH16_PROTOCOL_ID) {
+ return await readHeaderGroth16(fd, sections, toObject);
+ } else if (protocolId === PLONK_PROTOCOL_ID) {
+ return await readHeaderPlonk(fd, sections, toObject);
+ } else if (protocolId === FFLONK_PROTOCOL_ID) {
+ return await readHeaderFFlonk(fd, sections, toObject);
+ } else {
+ throw new Error("Protocol not supported: ");
+ }
+async function readHeaderGroth16(fd, sections, toObject) {
+ const zkey = {};
+ zkey.protocol = "groth16";
+ // Read Groth Header
+ /////////////////////
+ await startReadUniqueSection(fd, sections, 2);
+ const n8q = await fd.readULE32();
+ zkey.n8q = n8q;
+ zkey.q = await readBigInt(fd, n8q);
+ const n8r = await fd.readULE32();
+ zkey.n8r = n8r;
+ zkey.r = await readBigInt(fd, n8r);
+ zkey.curve = await getCurveFromQ(zkey.q);
+ zkey.nVars = await fd.readULE32();
+ zkey.nPublic = await fd.readULE32();
+ zkey.domainSize = await fd.readULE32();
+ zkey.power = log2(zkey.domainSize);
+ zkey.vk_alpha_1 = await readG1(fd, zkey.curve, toObject);
+ zkey.vk_beta_1 = await readG1(fd, zkey.curve, toObject);
+ zkey.vk_beta_2 = await readG2(fd, zkey.curve, toObject);
+ zkey.vk_gamma_2 = await readG2(fd, zkey.curve, toObject);
+ zkey.vk_delta_1 = await readG1(fd, zkey.curve, toObject);
+ zkey.vk_delta_2 = await readG2(fd, zkey.curve, toObject);
+ await endReadSection(fd);
+ return zkey;
+async function readHeaderPlonk(fd, sections, toObject) {
+ const zkey = {};
+ zkey.protocol = "plonk";
+ // Read Plonk Header
+ /////////////////////
+ await startReadUniqueSection(fd, sections, 2);
+ const n8q = await fd.readULE32();
+ zkey.n8q = n8q;
+ zkey.q = await readBigInt(fd, n8q);
+ const n8r = await fd.readULE32();
+ zkey.n8r = n8r;
+ zkey.r = await readBigInt(fd, n8r);
+ zkey.curve = await getCurveFromQ(zkey.q);
+ zkey.nVars = await fd.readULE32();
+ zkey.nPublic = await fd.readULE32();
+ zkey.domainSize = await fd.readULE32();
+ zkey.power = log2(zkey.domainSize);
+ zkey.nAdditions = await fd.readULE32();
+ zkey.nConstraints = await fd.readULE32();
+ zkey.k1 = await fd.read(n8r);
+ zkey.k2 = await fd.read(n8r);
+ zkey.Qm = await readG1(fd, zkey.curve, toObject);
+ zkey.Ql = await readG1(fd, zkey.curve, toObject);
+ zkey.Qr = await readG1(fd, zkey.curve, toObject);
+ zkey.Qo = await readG1(fd, zkey.curve, toObject);
+ zkey.Qc = await readG1(fd, zkey.curve, toObject);
+ zkey.S1 = await readG1(fd, zkey.curve, toObject);
+ zkey.S2 = await readG1(fd, zkey.curve, toObject);
+ zkey.S3 = await readG1(fd, zkey.curve, toObject);
+ zkey.X_2 = await readG2(fd, zkey.curve, toObject);
+ await endReadSection(fd);
+ return zkey;
+async function readHeaderFFlonk(fd, sections, toObject) {
+ const zkey = {};
+ zkey.protocol = "fflonk";
+ zkey.protocolId = FFLONK_PROTOCOL_ID;
+ await startReadUniqueSection(fd, sections, ZKEY_FF_HEADER_SECTION);
+ const n8q = await fd.readULE32();
+ zkey.n8q = n8q;
+ zkey.q = await readBigInt(fd, n8q);
+ zkey.curve = await getCurveFromQ(zkey.q);
+ const n8r = await fd.readULE32();
+ zkey.n8r = n8r;
+ zkey.r = await readBigInt(fd, n8r);
+ zkey.nVars = await fd.readULE32();
+ zkey.nPublic = await fd.readULE32();
+ zkey.domainSize = await fd.readULE32();
+ zkey.power = log2(zkey.domainSize);
+ zkey.nAdditions = await fd.readULE32();
+ zkey.nConstraints = await fd.readULE32();
+ zkey.k1 = await fd.read(n8r);
+ zkey.k2 = await fd.read(n8r);
+ zkey.w3 = await fd.read(n8r);
+ zkey.w4 = await fd.read(n8r);
+ zkey.w8 = await fd.read(n8r);
+ zkey.wr = await fd.read(n8r);
+ zkey.X_2 = await readG2(fd, zkey.curve, toObject);
+ zkey.C0 = await readG1(fd, zkey.curve, toObject);
+ await endReadSection(fd);
+ return zkey;
+async function readZKey(fileName, toObject) {
+ const {fd, sections} = await readBinFile(fileName, "zkey", 1);
+ const zkey = await readHeader$1(fd, sections, toObject);
+ const Fr = new F1Field(zkey.r);
+ const Rr = Scalar.mod(Scalar.shl(1, zkey.n8r*8), zkey.r);
+ const Rri = Fr.inv(Rr);
+ const Rri2 = Fr.mul(Rri, Rri);
+ let curve = await getCurveFromQ(zkey.q);
+ // Read IC Section
+ ///////////
+ await startReadUniqueSection(fd, sections, 3);
+ zkey.IC = [];
+ for (let i=0; i<= zkey.nPublic; i++) {
+ const P = await readG1(fd, curve, toObject);
+ zkey.IC.push(P);
+ }
+ await endReadSection(fd);
+ // Read Coefs
+ ///////////
+ await startReadUniqueSection(fd, sections, 4);
+ const nCCoefs = await fd.readULE32();
+ zkey.ccoefs = [];
+ for (let i=0; i0) {
+ const paramsBuff = new Uint8Array(params);
+ await fd.writeULE32(paramsBuff.byteLength);
+ await fd.write(paramsBuff);
+ } else {
+ await fd.writeULE32(0);
+ }
+async function writeMPCParams(fd, curve, mpcParams) {
+ await startWriteSection(fd, 10);
+ await fd.write(mpcParams.csHash);
+ await fd.writeULE32(mpcParams.contributions.length);
+ for (let i=0; i.
+async function write(fd, witness, prime) {
+ await startWriteSection(fd, 1);
+ const n8 = (Math.floor( (Scalar.bitLength(prime) - 1) / 64) +1)*8;
+ await fd.writeULE32(n8);
+ await writeBigInt(fd, prime, n8);
+ await fd.writeULE32(witness.length);
+ await endWriteSection(fd);
+ await startWriteSection(fd, 2);
+ for (let i=0; i.
+const {stringifyBigInts: stringifyBigInts$4} = utils;
+async function groth16Prove(zkeyFileName, witnessFileName, logger) {
+ const {fd: fdWtns, sections: sectionsWtns} = await readBinFile(witnessFileName, "wtns", 2);
+ const wtns = await readHeader(fdWtns, sectionsWtns);
+ const {fd: fdZKey, sections: sectionsZKey} = await readBinFile(zkeyFileName, "zkey", 2);
+ const zkey = await readHeader$1(fdZKey, sectionsZKey);
+ if (zkey.protocol != "groth16") {
+ throw new Error("zkey file is not groth16");
+ }
+ if (!Scalar.eq(zkey.r, wtns.q)) {
+ throw new Error("Curve of the witness does not match the curve of the proving key");
+ }
+ if (wtns.nWitness != zkey.nVars) {
+ throw new Error(`Invalid witness length. Circuit: ${zkey.nVars}, witness: ${wtns.nWitness}`);
+ }
+ const curve = zkey.curve;
+ const Fr = curve.Fr;
+ const G1 = curve.G1;
+ const G2 = curve.G2;
+ const power = log2(zkey.domainSize);
+ if (logger) logger.debug("Reading Wtns");
+ const buffWitness = await readSection(fdWtns, sectionsWtns, 2);
+ if (logger) logger.debug("Reading Coeffs");
+ const buffCoeffs = await readSection(fdZKey, sectionsZKey, 4);
+ if (logger) logger.debug("Building ABC");
+ const [buffA_T, buffB_T, buffC_T] = await buildABC1(curve, zkey, buffWitness, buffCoeffs, logger);
+ const inc = power == Fr.s ? curve.Fr.shift : curve.Fr.w[power+1];
+ const buffA = await Fr.ifft(buffA_T, "", "", logger, "IFFT_A");
+ const buffAodd = await Fr.batchApplyKey(buffA, Fr.e(1), inc);
+ const buffAodd_T = await Fr.fft(buffAodd, "", "", logger, "FFT_A");
+ const buffB = await Fr.ifft(buffB_T, "", "", logger, "IFFT_B");
+ const buffBodd = await Fr.batchApplyKey(buffB, Fr.e(1), inc);
+ const buffBodd_T = await Fr.fft(buffBodd, "", "", logger, "FFT_B");
+ const buffC = await Fr.ifft(buffC_T, "", "", logger, "IFFT_C");
+ const buffCodd = await Fr.batchApplyKey(buffC, Fr.e(1), inc);
+ const buffCodd_T = await Fr.fft(buffCodd, "", "", logger, "FFT_C");
+ if (logger) logger.debug("Join ABC");
+ const buffPodd_T = await joinABC(curve, zkey, buffAodd_T, buffBodd_T, buffCodd_T, logger);
+ let proof = {};
+ if (logger) logger.debug("Reading A Points");
+ const buffBasesA = await readSection(fdZKey, sectionsZKey, 5);
+ proof.pi_a = await curve.G1.multiExpAffine(buffBasesA, buffWitness, logger, "multiexp A");
+ if (logger) logger.debug("Reading B1 Points");
+ const buffBasesB1 = await readSection(fdZKey, sectionsZKey, 6);
+ let pib1 = await curve.G1.multiExpAffine(buffBasesB1, buffWitness, logger, "multiexp B1");
+ if (logger) logger.debug("Reading B2 Points");
+ const buffBasesB2 = await readSection(fdZKey, sectionsZKey, 7);
+ proof.pi_b = await curve.G2.multiExpAffine(buffBasesB2, buffWitness, logger, "multiexp B2");
+ if (logger) logger.debug("Reading C Points");
+ const buffBasesC = await readSection(fdZKey, sectionsZKey, 8);
+ proof.pi_c = await curve.G1.multiExpAffine(buffBasesC, buffWitness.slice((zkey.nPublic+1)*curve.Fr.n8), logger, "multiexp C");
+ if (logger) logger.debug("Reading H Points");
+ const buffBasesH = await readSection(fdZKey, sectionsZKey, 9);
+ const resH = await curve.G1.multiExpAffine(buffBasesH, buffPodd_T, logger, "multiexp H");
+ const r = curve.Fr.random();
+ const s = curve.Fr.random();
+ proof.pi_a = G1.add( proof.pi_a, zkey.vk_alpha_1 );
+ proof.pi_a = G1.add( proof.pi_a, G1.timesFr( zkey.vk_delta_1, r ));
+ proof.pi_b = G2.add( proof.pi_b, zkey.vk_beta_2 );
+ proof.pi_b = G2.add( proof.pi_b, G2.timesFr( zkey.vk_delta_2, s ));
+ pib1 = G1.add( pib1, zkey.vk_beta_1 );
+ pib1 = G1.add( pib1, G1.timesFr( zkey.vk_delta_1, s ));
+ proof.pi_c = G1.add(proof.pi_c, resH);
+ proof.pi_c = G1.add( proof.pi_c, G1.timesFr( proof.pi_a, s ));
+ proof.pi_c = G1.add( proof.pi_c, G1.timesFr( pib1, r ));
+ proof.pi_c = G1.add( proof.pi_c, G1.timesFr( zkey.vk_delta_1, Fr.neg(Fr.mul(r,s) )));
+ let publicSignals = [];
+ for (let i=1; i<= zkey.nPublic; i++) {
+ const b = buffWitness.slice(i*Fr.n8, i*Fr.n8+Fr.n8);
+ publicSignals.push(Scalar.fromRprLE(b));
+ }
+ proof.pi_a = G1.toObject(G1.toAffine(proof.pi_a));
+ proof.pi_b = G2.toObject(G2.toAffine(proof.pi_b));
+ proof.pi_c = G1.toObject(G1.toAffine(proof.pi_c));
+ proof.protocol = "groth16";
+ proof.curve = curve.name;
+ await fdZKey.close();
+ await fdWtns.close();
+ proof = stringifyBigInts$4(proof);
+ publicSignals = stringifyBigInts$4(publicSignals);
+ return {proof, publicSignals};
+async function buildABC1(curve, zkey, witness, coeffs, logger) {
+ const n8 = curve.Fr.n8;
+ const sCoef = 4*3 + zkey.n8r;
+ const nCoef = (coeffs.byteLength-4) / sCoef;
+ const outBuffA = new BigBuffer(zkey.domainSize * n8);
+ const outBuffB = new BigBuffer(zkey.domainSize * n8);
+ const outBuffC = new BigBuffer(zkey.domainSize * n8);
+ const outBuf = [ outBuffA, outBuffB ];
+ for (let i=0; i1) {
+ const promises2 = [];
+ for (let i=0; i v) {
+ n = k - 1;
+ } else if (va < v) {
+ m = k + 1;
+ } else {
+ n = k;
+ }
+ }
+ return 4 + m*sCoef;
+ }
+async function joinABC(curve, zkey, a, b, c, logger) {
+ const MAX_CHUNK_SIZE = 1 << 22;
+ const n8 = curve.Fr.n8;
+ const nElements = Math.floor(a.byteLength / curve.Fr.n8);
+ const promises = [];
+ for (let i=0; i0) {
+ res.unshift(0);
+ i--;
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+/* globals WebAssembly */
+async function builder(code, options) {
+ options = options || {};
+ let memorySize = 32767;
+ let memory;
+ let memoryAllocated = false;
+ while (!memoryAllocated){
+ try{
+ memory = new WebAssembly.Memory({initial:memorySize});
+ memoryAllocated = true;
+ } catch(err){
+ if(memorySize === 1){
+ throw err;
+ }
+ console.warn("Could not allocate " + memorySize * 1024 * 64 + " bytes. This may cause severe instability. Trying with " + memorySize * 1024 * 64 / 2 + " bytes");
+ memorySize = Math.floor(memorySize/2);
+ }
+ }
+ const wasmModule = await WebAssembly.compile(code);
+ let wc;
+ let errStr = "";
+ let msgStr = "";
+ // Only circom 2 implements version lookup through exports in the WASM
+ // We default to `1` and update if we see the `getVersion` export (major version)
+ // These are updated after the instance is instantiated, assuming the functions are available
+ let majorVersion = 1;
+ // After Circom 2.0.7, Blaine added exported functions for getting minor and patch versions
+ let minorVersion = 0;
+ // If we can't lookup the patch version, assume the lowest
+ let patchVersion = 0;
+ const instance = await WebAssembly.instantiate(wasmModule, {
+ env: {
+ "memory": memory
+ },
+ runtime: {
+ exceptionHandler: function(code) {
+ let err;
+ if (code == 1) {
+ err = "Signal not found. ";
+ } else if (code == 2) {
+ err = "Too many signals set. ";
+ } else if (code == 3) {
+ err = "Signal already set. ";
+ } else if (code == 4) {
+ err = "Assert Failed. ";
+ } else if (code == 5) {
+ err = "Not enough memory. ";
+ } else if (code == 6) {
+ err = "Input signal array access exceeds the size. ";
+ } else {
+ err = "Unknown error. ";
+ }
+ console.error("ERROR: ", code, errStr);
+ throw new Error(err + errStr);
+ },
+ // A new way of logging messages was added in Circom 2.0.7 that requires 2 new imports
+ // `printErrorMessage` and `writeBufferMessage`.
+ printErrorMessage: function() {
+ errStr += getMessage() + "\n";
+ },
+ writeBufferMessage: function() {
+ const msg = getMessage();
+ // Any calls to `log()` will always end with a `\n`, so that's when we print and reset
+ if (msg === "\n") {
+ console.log(msgStr);
+ msgStr = "";
+ } else {
+ // If we've buffered other content, put a space in between the items
+ if (msgStr !== "") {
+ msgStr += " ";
+ }
+ // Then append the message to the message we are creating
+ msgStr += msg;
+ }
+ },
+ showSharedRWMemory: function() {
+ const shared_rw_memory_size = instance.exports.getFieldNumLen32();
+ const arr = new Uint32Array(shared_rw_memory_size);
+ for (let j=0; j= 2 && (minorVersion >= 1 || patchVersion >= 7)) {
+ // If we've buffered other content, put a space in between the items
+ if (msgStr !== "") {
+ msgStr += " ";
+ }
+ // Then append the value to the message we are creating
+ const msg = (Scalar.fromArray(arr, 0x100000000).toString());
+ msgStr += msg;
+ } else {
+ console.log(Scalar.fromArray(arr, 0x100000000));
+ }
+ },
+ error: function(code, pstr, a,b,c,d) {
+ let errStr;
+ if (code == 7) {
+ errStr=p2str(pstr) + " " + wc.getFr(b).toString() + " != " + wc.getFr(c).toString() + " " +p2str(d);
+ } else if (code == 9) {
+ errStr=p2str(pstr) + " " + wc.getFr(b).toString() + " " +p2str(c);
+ } else if ((code == 5)&&(options.sym)) {
+ errStr=p2str(pstr)+ " " + options.sym.labelIdx2Name[c];
+ } else {
+ errStr=p2str(pstr)+ " " + a + " " + b + " " + c + " " + d;
+ }
+ console.log("ERROR: ", code, errStr);
+ throw new Error(errStr);
+ },
+ log: function(a) {
+ console.log(wc.getFr(a).toString());
+ },
+ logGetSignal: function(signal, pVal) {
+ if (options.logGetSignal) {
+ options.logGetSignal(signal, wc.getFr(pVal) );
+ }
+ },
+ logSetSignal: function(signal, pVal) {
+ if (options.logSetSignal) {
+ options.logSetSignal(signal, wc.getFr(pVal) );
+ }
+ },
+ logStartComponent: function(cIdx) {
+ if (options.logStartComponent) {
+ options.logStartComponent(cIdx);
+ }
+ },
+ logFinishComponent: function(cIdx) {
+ if (options.logFinishComponent) {
+ options.logFinishComponent(cIdx);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ if (typeof instance.exports.getVersion == 'function') {
+ majorVersion = instance.exports.getVersion();
+ }
+ if (typeof instance.exports.getMinorVersion == 'function') {
+ minorVersion = instance.exports.getMinorVersion();
+ }
+ if (typeof instance.exports.getPatchVersion == 'function') {
+ patchVersion = instance.exports.getPatchVersion();
+ }
+ const sanityCheck =
+ options &&
+ (
+ options.sanityCheck ||
+ options.logGetSignal ||
+ options.logSetSignal ||
+ options.logStartComponent ||
+ options.logFinishComponent
+ );
+ // We explicitly check for major version 2 in case there's a circom v3 in the future
+ if (majorVersion === 2) {
+ wc = new WitnessCalculatorCircom2(instance, sanityCheck);
+ } else {
+ // TODO: Maybe we want to check for the explicit version 1 before choosing this?
+ wc = new WitnessCalculatorCircom1(memory, instance, sanityCheck);
+ }
+ return wc;
+ function getMessage() {
+ var message = "";
+ var c = instance.exports.getMessageChar();
+ while ( c != 0 ) {
+ message += String.fromCharCode(c);
+ c = instance.exports.getMessageChar();
+ }
+ return message;
+ }
+ function p2str(p) {
+ const i8 = new Uint8Array(memory.buffer);
+ const bytes = [];
+ for (let i=0; i8[p+i]>0; i++) bytes.push(i8[p+i]);
+ return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, bytes);
+ }
+class WitnessCalculatorCircom1 {
+ constructor(memory, instance, sanityCheck) {
+ this.memory = memory;
+ this.i32 = new Uint32Array(memory.buffer);
+ this.instance = instance;
+ this.n32 = (this.instance.exports.getFrLen() >> 2) - 2;
+ const pRawPrime = this.instance.exports.getPRawPrime();
+ const arr = new Array(this.n32);
+ for (let i=0; i> 2) + i];
+ }
+ this.prime = Scalar.fromArray(arr, 0x100000000);
+ this.Fr = new F1Field(this.prime);
+ this.mask32 = Scalar.fromString("FFFFFFFF", 16);
+ this.NVars = this.instance.exports.getNVars();
+ this.n64 = Math.floor((this.Fr.bitLength - 1) / 64)+1;
+ this.R = this.Fr.e( Scalar.shiftLeft(1 , this.n64*64));
+ this.RInv = this.Fr.inv(this.R);
+ this.sanityCheck = sanityCheck;
+ }
+ circom_version() {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ async _doCalculateWitness(input, sanityCheck) {
+ this.instance.exports.init((this.sanityCheck || sanityCheck) ? 1 : 0);
+ const pSigOffset = this.allocInt();
+ const pFr = this.allocFr();
+ const keys = Object.keys(input);
+ keys.forEach( (k) => {
+ const h = fnvHash(k);
+ const hMSB = parseInt(h.slice(0,8), 16);
+ const hLSB = parseInt(h.slice(8,16), 16);
+ try {
+ this.instance.exports.getSignalOffset32(pSigOffset, 0, hMSB, hLSB);
+ } catch (err) {
+ throw new Error(`Signal ${k} is not an input of the circuit.`);
+ }
+ const sigOffset = this.getInt(pSigOffset);
+ const fArr = flatArray(input[k]);
+ for (let i=0; i>2];
+ }
+ setInt(p, v) {
+ this.i32[p>>2] = v;
+ }
+ getFr(p) {
+ const self = this;
+ const idx = (p>>2);
+ if (self.i32[idx + 1] & 0x80000000) {
+ const arr = new Array(self.n32);
+ for (let i=0; i> 2)] = a;
+ self.i32[(p >> 2) + 1] = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ self.i32[(p >> 2)] = 0;
+ self.i32[(p >> 2) + 1] = 0x80000000;
+ const arr = Scalar.toArray(v, 0x100000000);
+ for (let i=0; i=0) {
+ self.i32[(p >> 2) + 2 + i] = arr[idx];
+ } else {
+ self.i32[(p >> 2) + 2 + i] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class WitnessCalculatorCircom2 {
+ constructor(instance, sanityCheck) {
+ this.instance = instance;
+ this.version = this.instance.exports.getVersion();
+ this.n32 = this.instance.exports.getFieldNumLen32();
+ this.instance.exports.getRawPrime();
+ const arr = new Array(this.n32);
+ for (let i=0; i {
+ const h = fnvHash(k);
+ const hMSB = parseInt(h.slice(0,8), 16);
+ const hLSB = parseInt(h.slice(8,16), 16);
+ const fArr = flatArray(input[k]);
+ for (let i=0; i.
+const { unstringifyBigInts: unstringifyBigInts$b} = utils;
+async function wtnsCalculate(_input, wasmFileName, wtnsFileName, options) {
+ const input = unstringifyBigInts$b(_input);
+ const fdWasm = await readExisting(wasmFileName);
+ const wasm = await fdWasm.read(fdWasm.totalSize);
+ await fdWasm.close();
+ const wc = await builder(wasm);
+ if (wc.circom_version() == 1) {
+ const w = await wc.calculateBinWitness(input);
+ const fdWtns = await createBinFile(wtnsFileName, "wtns", 2, 2);
+ await writeBin(fdWtns, w, wc.prime);
+ await fdWtns.close();
+ } else {
+ const fdWtns = await createOverride(wtnsFileName);
+ const w = await wc.calculateWTNSBin(input);
+ await fdWtns.write(w);
+ await fdWtns.close();
+ }
+ Copyright 2018 0KIMS association.
+ This file is part of snarkJS.
+ snarkJS is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ snarkJS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with snarkJS. If not, see .
+const {unstringifyBigInts: unstringifyBigInts$a} = utils;
+async function groth16FullProve(_input, wasmFile, zkeyFileName, logger) {
+ const input = unstringifyBigInts$a(_input);
+ const wtns= {
+ type: "mem"
+ };
+ await wtnsCalculate(input, wasmFile, wtns);
+ return await groth16Prove(zkeyFileName, wtns, logger);
+ Copyright 2018 0kims association.
+ This file is part of snarkjs.
+ snarkjs is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ snarkjs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ snarkjs. If not, see .
+const {unstringifyBigInts: unstringifyBigInts$9} = utils;
+async function groth16Verify(_vk_verifier, _publicSignals, _proof, logger) {
+ let cpub = vk_verifier.IC[0];
+ for (let s= 0; s< vk_verifier.nPublic; s++) {
+ cpub = G1.add( cpub, G1.timesScalar( vk_verifier.IC[s+1], publicSignals[s]));
+ }
+ const vk_verifier = unstringifyBigInts$9(_vk_verifier);
+ const proof = unstringifyBigInts$9(_proof);
+ const publicSignals = unstringifyBigInts$9(_publicSignals);
+ const curve = await getCurveFromName(vk_verifier.curve);
+ const IC0 = curve.G1.fromObject(vk_verifier.IC[0]);
+ const IC = new Uint8Array(curve.G1.F.n8*2 * publicSignals.length);
+ const w = new Uint8Array(curve.Fr.n8 * publicSignals.length);
+ if (!publicInputsAreValid$1(curve, publicSignals)) {
+ if (logger) logger.error("Public inputs are not valid.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (let i=0; i.
+const { unstringifyBigInts: unstringifyBigInts$8} = utils;
+function p256$2(n) {
+ let nstr = n.toString(16);
+ while (nstr.length < 64) nstr = "0"+nstr;
+ nstr = `"0x${nstr}"`;
+ return nstr;
+async function groth16ExportSolidityCallData(_proof, _pub) {
+ const proof = unstringifyBigInts$8(_proof);
+ const pub = unstringifyBigInts$8(_pub);
+ let inputs = "";
+ for (let i=0; i.
+var groth16 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ __proto__: null,
+ fullProve: groth16FullProve,
+ prove: groth16Prove,
+ verify: groth16Verify,
+ exportSolidityCallData: groth16ExportSolidityCallData
+ Copyright 2018 0KIMS association.
+ This file is part of snarkJS.
+ snarkJS is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ snarkJS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with snarkJS. If not, see .
+function hashToG2(curve, hash) {
+ const hashV = new DataView(hash.buffer, hash.byteOffset, hash.byteLength);
+ const seed = [];
+ for (let i=0; i<8; i++) {
+ seed[i] = hashV.getUint32(i*4);
+ }
+ const rng = new ChaCha(seed);
+ const g2_sp = curve.G2.fromRng(rng);
+ return g2_sp;
+function getG2sp(curve, persinalization, challenge, g1s, g1sx) {
+ const h = blake2bWasm.exports(64);
+ const b1 = new Uint8Array([persinalization]);
+ h.update(b1);
+ h.update(challenge);
+ const b3 = curve.G1.toUncompressed(g1s);
+ h.update( b3);
+ const b4 = curve.G1.toUncompressed(g1sx);
+ h.update( b4);
+ const hash =h.digest();
+ return hashToG2(curve, hash);
+function calculatePubKey(k, curve, personalization, challengeHash, rng ) {
+ k.g1_s = curve.G1.toAffine(curve.G1.fromRng(rng));
+ k.g1_sx = curve.G1.toAffine(curve.G1.timesFr(k.g1_s, k.prvKey));
+ k.g2_sp = curve.G2.toAffine(getG2sp(curve, personalization, challengeHash, k.g1_s, k.g1_sx));
+ k.g2_spx = curve.G2.toAffine(curve.G2.timesFr(k.g2_sp, k.prvKey));
+ return k;
+function createPTauKey(curve, challengeHash, rng) {
+ const key = {
+ tau: {},
+ alpha: {},
+ beta: {}
+ };
+ key.tau.prvKey = curve.Fr.fromRng(rng);
+ key.alpha.prvKey = curve.Fr.fromRng(rng);
+ key.beta.prvKey = curve.Fr.fromRng(rng);
+ calculatePubKey(key.tau, curve, 0, challengeHash, rng);
+ calculatePubKey(key.alpha, curve, 1, challengeHash, rng);
+ calculatePubKey(key.beta, curve, 2, challengeHash, rng);
+ return key;
+ Copyright 2018 0KIMS association.
+ This file is part of snarkJS.
+ snarkJS is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ snarkJS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with snarkJS. If not, see .
+async function writePTauHeader(fd, curve, power, ceremonyPower) {
+ // Write the header
+ ///////////
+ if (! ceremonyPower) ceremonyPower = power;
+ await fd.writeULE32(1); // Header type
+ const pHeaderSize = fd.pos;
+ await fd.writeULE64(0); // Temporally set to 0 length
+ await fd.writeULE32(curve.F1.n64*8);
+ const buff = new Uint8Array(curve.F1.n8);
+ Scalar.toRprLE(buff, 0, curve.q, curve.F1.n8);
+ await fd.write(buff);
+ await fd.writeULE32(power); // power
+ await fd.writeULE32(ceremonyPower); // power
+ const headerSize = fd.pos - pHeaderSize - 8;
+ const oldPos = fd.pos;
+ await fd.writeULE64(headerSize, pHeaderSize);
+ fd.pos = oldPos;
+async function readPTauHeader(fd, sections) {
+ if (!sections[1]) throw new Error(fd.fileName + ": File has no header");
+ if (sections[1].length>1) throw new Error(fd.fileName +": File has more than one header");
+ fd.pos = sections[1][0].p;
+ const n8 = await fd.readULE32();
+ const buff = await fd.read(n8);
+ const q = Scalar.fromRprLE(buff);
+ const curve = await getCurveFromQ(q);
+ if (curve.F1.n64*8 != n8) throw new Error(fd.fileName +": Invalid size");
+ const power = await fd.readULE32();
+ const ceremonyPower = await fd.readULE32();
+ if (fd.pos-sections[1][0].p != sections[1][0].size) throw new Error("Invalid PTau header size");
+ return {curve, power, ceremonyPower};
+async function readPtauPubKey(fd, curve, montgomery) {
+ const buff = await fd.read(curve.F1.n8*2*6 + curve.F2.n8*2*3);
+ return fromPtauPubKeyRpr(buff, 0, curve, montgomery);
+function fromPtauPubKeyRpr(buff, pos, curve, montgomery) {
+ const key = {
+ tau: {},
+ alpha: {},
+ beta: {}
+ };
+ key.tau.g1_s = readG1();
+ key.tau.g1_sx = readG1();
+ key.alpha.g1_s = readG1();
+ key.alpha.g1_sx = readG1();
+ key.beta.g1_s = readG1();
+ key.beta.g1_sx = readG1();
+ key.tau.g2_spx = readG2();
+ key.alpha.g2_spx = readG2();
+ key.beta.g2_spx = readG2();
+ return key;
+ function readG1() {
+ let p;
+ if (montgomery) {
+ p = curve.G1.fromRprLEM( buff, pos );
+ } else {
+ p = curve.G1.fromRprUncompressed( buff, pos );
+ }
+ pos += curve.G1.F.n8*2;
+ return p;
+ }
+ function readG2() {
+ let p;
+ if (montgomery) {
+ p = curve.G2.fromRprLEM( buff, pos );
+ } else {
+ p = curve.G2.fromRprUncompressed( buff, pos );
+ }
+ pos += curve.G2.F.n8*2;
+ return p;
+ }
+function toPtauPubKeyRpr(buff, pos, curve, key, montgomery) {
+ writeG1(key.tau.g1_s);
+ writeG1(key.tau.g1_sx);
+ writeG1(key.alpha.g1_s);
+ writeG1(key.alpha.g1_sx);
+ writeG1(key.beta.g1_s);
+ writeG1(key.beta.g1_sx);
+ writeG2(key.tau.g2_spx);
+ writeG2(key.alpha.g2_spx);
+ writeG2(key.beta.g2_spx);
+ async function writeG1(p) {
+ if (montgomery) {
+ curve.G1.toRprLEM(buff, pos, p);
+ } else {
+ curve.G1.toRprUncompressed(buff, pos, p);
+ }
+ pos += curve.F1.n8*2;
+ }
+ async function writeG2(p) {
+ if (montgomery) {
+ curve.G2.toRprLEM(buff, pos, p);
+ } else {
+ curve.G2.toRprUncompressed(buff, pos, p);
+ }
+ pos += curve.F2.n8*2;
+ }
+ return buff;
+async function writePtauPubKey(fd, curve, key, montgomery) {
+ const buff = new Uint8Array(curve.F1.n8*2*6 + curve.F2.n8*2*3);
+ toPtauPubKeyRpr(buff, 0, curve, key, montgomery);
+ await fd.write(buff);
+async function readContribution(fd, curve) {
+ const c = {};
+ c.tauG1 = await readG1();
+ c.tauG2 = await readG2();
+ c.alphaG1 = await readG1();
+ c.betaG1 = await readG1();
+ c.betaG2 = await readG2();
+ c.key = await readPtauPubKey(fd, curve, true);
+ c.partialHash = await fd.read(216);
+ c.nextChallenge = await fd.read(64);
+ c.type = await fd.readULE32();
+ const buffV = new Uint8Array(curve.G1.F.n8*2*6+curve.G2.F.n8*2*3);
+ toPtauPubKeyRpr(buffV, 0, curve, c.key, false);
+ const responseHasher = blake2bWasm.exports(64);
+ responseHasher.setPartialHash(c.partialHash);
+ responseHasher.update(buffV);
+ c.responseHash = responseHasher.digest();
+ const paramLength = await fd.readULE32();
+ const curPos = fd.pos;
+ let lastType =0;
+ while (fd.pos-curPos < paramLength) {
+ const buffType = await readDV(1);
+ if (buffType[0]<= lastType) throw new Error("Parameters in the contribution must be sorted");
+ lastType = buffType[0];
+ if (buffType[0]==1) { // Name
+ const buffLen = await readDV(1);
+ const buffStr = await readDV(buffLen[0]);
+ c.name = new TextDecoder().decode(buffStr);
+ } else if (buffType[0]==2) {
+ const buffExp = await readDV(1);
+ c.numIterationsExp = buffExp[0];
+ } else if (buffType[0]==3) {
+ const buffLen = await readDV(1);
+ c.beaconHash = await readDV(buffLen[0]);
+ } else {
+ throw new Error("Parameter not recognized");
+ }
+ }
+ if (fd.pos != curPos + paramLength) {
+ throw new Error("Parametes do not match");
+ }
+ return c;
+ async function readG1() {
+ const pBuff = await fd.read(curve.G1.F.n8*2);
+ return curve.G1.fromRprLEM( pBuff );
+ }
+ async function readG2() {
+ const pBuff = await fd.read(curve.G2.F.n8*2);
+ return curve.G2.fromRprLEM( pBuff );
+ }
+ async function readDV(n) {
+ const b = await fd.read(n);
+ return new Uint8Array(b);
+ }
+async function readContributions(fd, curve, sections) {
+ if (!sections[7]) throw new Error(fd.fileName + ": File has no contributions");
+ if (sections[7][0].length>1) throw new Error(fd.fileName +": File has more than one contributions section");
+ fd.pos = sections[7][0].p;
+ const nContributions = await fd.readULE32();
+ const contributions = [];
+ for (let i=0; i0) {
+ const paramsBuff = new Uint8Array(params);
+ await fd.writeULE32(paramsBuff.byteLength);
+ await fd.write(paramsBuff);
+ } else {
+ await fd.writeULE32(0);
+ }
+ async function writeG1(p) {
+ curve.G1.toRprLEM(buffG1, 0, p);
+ await fd.write(buffG1);
+ }
+ async function writeG2(p) {
+ curve.G2.toRprLEM(buffG2, 0, p);
+ await fd.write(buffG2);
+ }
+async function writeContributions(fd, curve, contributions) {
+ await fd.writeULE32(7); // Header type
+ const pContributionsSize = fd.pos;
+ await fd.writeULE64(0); // Temporally set to 0 length
+ await fd.writeULE32(contributions.length);
+ for (let i=0; i< contributions.length; i++) {
+ await writeContribution(fd, curve, contributions[i]);
+ }
+ const contributionsSize = fd.pos - pContributionsSize - 8;
+ const oldPos = fd.pos;
+ await fd.writeULE64(contributionsSize, pContributionsSize);
+ fd.pos = oldPos;
+function calculateFirstChallengeHash(curve, power, logger) {
+ if (logger) logger.debug("Calculating First Challenge Hash");
+ const hasher = new blake2bWasm.exports(64);
+ const vG1 = new Uint8Array(curve.G1.F.n8*2);
+ const vG2 = new Uint8Array(curve.G2.F.n8*2);
+ curve.G1.toRprUncompressed(vG1, 0, curve.G1.g);
+ curve.G2.toRprUncompressed(vG2, 0, curve.G2.g);
+ hasher.update(blake2bWasm.exports(64).digest());
+ let n;
+ n=(2 ** power)*2 -1;
+ if (logger) logger.debug("Calculate Initial Hash: tauG1");
+ hashBlock(vG1, n);
+ n= 2 ** power;
+ if (logger) logger.debug("Calculate Initial Hash: tauG2");
+ hashBlock(vG2, n);
+ if (logger) logger.debug("Calculate Initial Hash: alphaTauG1");
+ hashBlock(vG1, n);
+ if (logger) logger.debug("Calculate Initial Hash: betaTauG1");
+ hashBlock(vG1, n);
+ hasher.update(vG2);
+ return hasher.digest();
+ function hashBlock(buff, n) {
+ // this block size is a good compromise between speed and the maximum
+ // input size of the Blake2b update method (65,535,720 bytes).
+ const blockSize = 341000;
+ const nBlocks = Math.floor(n / blockSize);
+ const rem = n % blockSize;
+ const bigBuff = new Uint8Array(blockSize * buff.byteLength);
+ for (let i=0; i.
+async function newAccumulator(curve, power, fileName, logger) {
+ await blake2bWasm.exports.ready();
+ const fd = await createBinFile(fileName, "ptau", 1, 7);
+ await writePTauHeader(fd, curve, power, 0);
+ const buffG1 = curve.G1.oneAffine;
+ const buffG2 = curve.G2.oneAffine;
+ // Write tauG1
+ ///////////
+ await startWriteSection(fd, 2);
+ const nTauG1 = (2 ** power) * 2 -1;
+ for (let i=0; i< nTauG1; i++) {
+ await fd.write(buffG1);
+ if ((logger)&&((i%100000) == 0)&&i) logger.log("tauG1: " + i);
+ }
+ await endWriteSection(fd);
+ // Write tauG2
+ ///////////
+ await startWriteSection(fd, 3);
+ const nTauG2 = (2 ** power);
+ for (let i=0; i< nTauG2; i++) {
+ await fd.write(buffG2);
+ if ((logger)&&((i%100000) == 0)&&i) logger.log("tauG2: " + i);
+ }
+ await endWriteSection(fd);
+ // Write alphaTauG1
+ ///////////
+ await startWriteSection(fd, 4);
+ const nAlfaTauG1 = (2 ** power);
+ for (let i=0; i< nAlfaTauG1; i++) {
+ await fd.write(buffG1);
+ if ((logger)&&((i%100000) == 0)&&i) logger.log("alphaTauG1: " + i);
+ }
+ await endWriteSection(fd);
+ // Write betaTauG1
+ ///////////
+ await startWriteSection(fd, 5);
+ const nBetaTauG1 = (2 ** power);
+ for (let i=0; i< nBetaTauG1; i++) {
+ await fd.write(buffG1);
+ if ((logger)&&((i%100000) == 0)&&i) logger.log("betaTauG1: " + i);
+ }
+ await endWriteSection(fd);
+ // Write betaG2
+ ///////////
+ await startWriteSection(fd, 6);
+ await fd.write(buffG2);
+ await endWriteSection(fd);
+ // Contributions
+ ///////////
+ await startWriteSection(fd, 7);
+ await fd.writeULE32(0); // 0 Contributions
+ await endWriteSection(fd);
+ await fd.close();
+ const firstChallengeHash = calculateFirstChallengeHash(curve, power, logger);
+ if (logger) logger.debug(formatHash(blake2bWasm.exports(64).digest(), "Blank Contribution Hash:"));
+ if (logger) logger.info(formatHash(firstChallengeHash, "First Contribution Hash:"));
+ return firstChallengeHash;
+// Format of the outpu
+async function exportChallenge(pTauFilename, challengeFilename, logger) {
+ await blake2bWasm.exports.ready();
+ const {fd: fdFrom, sections} = await readBinFile(pTauFilename, "ptau", 1);
+ const {curve, power} = await readPTauHeader(fdFrom, sections);
+ const contributions = await readContributions(fdFrom, curve, sections);
+ let lastResponseHash, curChallengeHash;
+ if (contributions.length == 0) {
+ lastResponseHash = blake2bWasm.exports(64).digest();
+ curChallengeHash = calculateFirstChallengeHash(curve, power);
+ } else {
+ lastResponseHash = contributions[contributions.length-1].responseHash;
+ curChallengeHash = contributions[contributions.length-1].nextChallenge;
+ }
+ if (logger) logger.info(formatHash(lastResponseHash, "Last Response Hash: "));
+ if (logger) logger.info(formatHash(curChallengeHash, "New Challenge Hash: "));
+ const fdTo = await createOverride(challengeFilename);
+ const toHash = blake2bWasm.exports(64);
+ await fdTo.write(lastResponseHash);
+ toHash.update(lastResponseHash);
+ await exportSection(2, "G1", (2 ** power) * 2 -1, "tauG1");
+ await exportSection(3, "G2", (2 ** power) , "tauG2");
+ await exportSection(4, "G1", (2 ** power) , "alphaTauG1");
+ await exportSection(5, "G1", (2 ** power) , "betaTauG1");
+ await exportSection(6, "G2", 1 , "betaG2");
+ await fdFrom.close();
+ await fdTo.close();
+ const calcCurChallengeHash = toHash.digest();
+ if (!hashIsEqual (curChallengeHash, calcCurChallengeHash)) {
+ if (logger) logger.info(formatHash(calcCurChallengeHash, "Calc Curret Challenge Hash: "));
+ if (logger) logger.error("PTau file is corrupted. Calculated new challenge hash does not match with the eclared one");
+ throw new Error("PTau file is corrupted. Calculated new challenge hash does not match with the eclared one");
+ }
+ return curChallengeHash;
+ async function exportSection(sectionId, groupName, nPoints, sectionName) {
+ const G = curve[groupName];
+ const sG = G.F.n8*2;
+ const nPointsChunk = Math.floor((1<<24)/sG);
+ await startReadUniqueSection(fdFrom, sections, sectionId);
+ for (let i=0; i< nPoints; i+= nPointsChunk) {
+ if (logger) logger.debug(`Exporting ${sectionName}: ${i}/${nPoints}`);
+ const n = Math.min(nPoints-i, nPointsChunk);
+ let buff;
+ buff = await fdFrom.read(n*sG);
+ buff = await G.batchLEMtoU(buff);
+ await fdTo.write(buff);
+ toHash.update(buff);
+ }
+ await endReadSection(fdFrom);
+ }
+ Copyright 2018 0KIMS association.
+ This file is part of snarkJS.
+ snarkJS is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ snarkJS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with snarkJS. If not, see .
+async function importResponse(oldPtauFilename, contributionFilename, newPTauFilename, name, importPoints, logger) {
+ await blake2bWasm.exports.ready();
+ const noHash = new Uint8Array(64);
+ for (let i=0; i<64; i++) noHash[i] = 0xFF;
+ const {fd: fdOld, sections} = await readBinFile(oldPtauFilename, "ptau", 1);
+ const {curve, power} = await readPTauHeader(fdOld, sections);
+ const contributions = await readContributions(fdOld, curve, sections);
+ const currentContribution = {};
+ if (name) currentContribution.name = name;
+ const sG1 = curve.F1.n8*2;
+ const scG1 = curve.F1.n8; // Compresed size
+ const sG2 = curve.F2.n8*2;
+ const scG2 = curve.F2.n8; // Compresed size
+ const fdResponse = await readExisting(contributionFilename);
+ if (fdResponse.totalSize !=
+ 64 + // Old Hash
+ ((2 ** power)*2-1)*scG1 +
+ (2 ** power)*scG2 +
+ (2 ** power)*scG1 +
+ (2 ** power)*scG1 +
+ scG2 +
+ sG1*6 + sG2*3)
+ throw new Error("Size of the contribution is invalid");
+ let lastChallengeHash;
+ if (contributions.length>0) {
+ lastChallengeHash = contributions[contributions.length-1].nextChallenge;
+ } else {
+ lastChallengeHash = calculateFirstChallengeHash(curve, power, logger);
+ }
+ const fdNew = await createBinFile(newPTauFilename, "ptau", 1, importPoints ? 7: 2);
+ await writePTauHeader(fdNew, curve, power);
+ const contributionPreviousHash = await fdResponse.read(64);
+ if (hashIsEqual(noHash,lastChallengeHash)) {
+ lastChallengeHash = contributionPreviousHash;
+ contributions[contributions.length-1].nextChallenge = lastChallengeHash;
+ }
+ if(!hashIsEqual(contributionPreviousHash,lastChallengeHash))
+ throw new Error("Wrong contribution. this contribution is not based on the previus hash");
+ const hasherResponse = new blake2bWasm.exports(64);
+ hasherResponse.update(contributionPreviousHash);
+ const startSections = [];
+ let res;
+ res = await processSection(fdResponse, fdNew, "G1", 2, (2 ** power) * 2 -1, [1], "tauG1");
+ currentContribution.tauG1 = res[0];
+ res = await processSection(fdResponse, fdNew, "G2", 3, (2 ** power) , [1], "tauG2");
+ currentContribution.tauG2 = res[0];
+ res = await processSection(fdResponse, fdNew, "G1", 4, (2 ** power) , [0], "alphaG1");
+ currentContribution.alphaG1 = res[0];
+ res = await processSection(fdResponse, fdNew, "G1", 5, (2 ** power) , [0], "betaG1");
+ currentContribution.betaG1 = res[0];
+ res = await processSection(fdResponse, fdNew, "G2", 6, 1 , [0], "betaG2");
+ currentContribution.betaG2 = res[0];
+ currentContribution.partialHash = hasherResponse.getPartialHash();
+ const buffKey = await fdResponse.read(curve.F1.n8*2*6+curve.F2.n8*2*3);
+ currentContribution.key = fromPtauPubKeyRpr(buffKey, 0, curve, false);
+ hasherResponse.update(new Uint8Array(buffKey));
+ const hashResponse = hasherResponse.digest();
+ if (logger) logger.info(formatHash(hashResponse, "Contribution Response Hash imported: "));
+ if (importPoints) {
+ const nextChallengeHasher = new blake2bWasm.exports(64);
+ nextChallengeHasher.update(hashResponse);
+ await hashSection(nextChallengeHasher, fdNew, "G1", 2, (2 ** power) * 2 -1, "tauG1", logger);
+ await hashSection(nextChallengeHasher, fdNew, "G2", 3, (2 ** power) , "tauG2", logger);
+ await hashSection(nextChallengeHasher, fdNew, "G1", 4, (2 ** power) , "alphaTauG1", logger);
+ await hashSection(nextChallengeHasher, fdNew, "G1", 5, (2 ** power) , "betaTauG1", logger);
+ await hashSection(nextChallengeHasher, fdNew, "G2", 6, 1 , "betaG2", logger);
+ currentContribution.nextChallenge = nextChallengeHasher.digest();
+ if (logger) logger.info(formatHash(currentContribution.nextChallenge, "Next Challenge Hash: "));
+ } else {
+ currentContribution.nextChallenge = noHash;
+ }
+ contributions.push(currentContribution);
+ await writeContributions(fdNew, curve, contributions);
+ await fdResponse.close();
+ await fdNew.close();
+ await fdOld.close();
+ return currentContribution.nextChallenge;
+ async function processSection(fdFrom, fdTo, groupName, sectionId, nPoints, singularPointIndexes, sectionName) {
+ if (importPoints) {
+ return await processSectionImportPoints(fdFrom, fdTo, groupName, sectionId, nPoints, singularPointIndexes, sectionName);
+ } else {
+ return await processSectionNoImportPoints(fdFrom, fdTo, groupName, sectionId, nPoints, singularPointIndexes, sectionName);
+ }
+ }
+ async function processSectionImportPoints(fdFrom, fdTo, groupName, sectionId, nPoints, singularPointIndexes, sectionName) {
+ const G = curve[groupName];
+ const scG = G.F.n8;
+ const sG = G.F.n8*2;
+ const singularPoints = [];
+ await startWriteSection(fdTo, sectionId);
+ const nPointsChunk = Math.floor((1<<24)/sG);
+ startSections[sectionId] = fdTo.pos;
+ for (let i=0; i< nPoints; i += nPointsChunk) {
+ if (logger) logger.debug(`Importing ${sectionName}: ${i}/${nPoints}`);
+ const n = Math.min(nPoints-i, nPointsChunk);
+ const buffC = await fdFrom.read(n * scG);
+ hasherResponse.update(buffC);
+ const buffLEM = await G.batchCtoLEM(buffC);
+ await fdTo.write(buffLEM);
+ for (let j=0; j=i) && (sp < i+n)) {
+ const P = G.fromRprLEM(buffLEM, (sp-i)*sG);
+ singularPoints.push(P);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ await endWriteSection(fdTo);
+ return singularPoints;
+ }
+ async function processSectionNoImportPoints(fdFrom, fdTo, groupName, sectionId, nPoints, singularPointIndexes, sectionName) {
+ const G = curve[groupName];
+ const scG = G.F.n8;
+ const singularPoints = [];
+ const nPointsChunk = Math.floor((1<<24)/scG);
+ for (let i=0; i< nPoints; i += nPointsChunk) {
+ if (logger) logger.debug(`Importing ${sectionName}: ${i}/${nPoints}`);
+ const n = Math.min(nPoints-i, nPointsChunk);
+ const buffC = await fdFrom.read(n * scG);
+ hasherResponse.update(buffC);
+ for (let j=0; j=i) && (sp < i+n)) {
+ const P = G.fromRprCompressed(buffC, (sp-i)*scG);
+ singularPoints.push(P);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return singularPoints;
+ }
+ async function hashSection(nextChallengeHasher, fdTo, groupName, sectionId, nPoints, sectionName, logger) {
+ const G = curve[groupName];
+ const sG = G.F.n8*2;
+ const nPointsChunk = Math.floor((1<<24)/sG);
+ const oldPos = fdTo.pos;
+ fdTo.pos = startSections[sectionId];
+ for (let i=0; i< nPoints; i += nPointsChunk) {
+ if (logger) logger.debug(`Hashing ${sectionName}: ${i}/${nPoints}`);
+ const n = Math.min(nPoints-i, nPointsChunk);
+ const buffLEM = await fdTo.read(n * sG);
+ const buffU = await G.batchLEMtoU(buffLEM);
+ nextChallengeHasher.update(buffU);
+ }
+ fdTo.pos = oldPos;
+ }
+ Copyright 2018 0KIMS association.
+ This file is part of snarkJS.
+ snarkJS is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ snarkJS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with snarkJS. If not, see .
+const sameRatio$1 = sameRatio$2;
+async function verifyContribution(curve, cur, prev, logger) {
+ let sr;
+ if (cur.type == 1) { // Verify the beacon.
+ const beaconKey = await keyFromBeacon(curve, prev.nextChallenge, cur.beaconHash, cur.numIterationsExp);
+ if (!curve.G1.eq(cur.key.tau.g1_s, beaconKey.tau.g1_s)) {
+ if (logger) logger.error(`BEACON key (tauG1_s) is not generated correctly in challenge #${cur.id} ${cur.name || ""}` );
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!curve.G1.eq(cur.key.tau.g1_sx, beaconKey.tau.g1_sx)) {
+ if (logger) logger.error(`BEACON key (tauG1_sx) is not generated correctly in challenge #${cur.id} ${cur.name || ""}` );
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!curve.G2.eq(cur.key.tau.g2_spx, beaconKey.tau.g2_spx)) {
+ if (logger) logger.error(`BEACON key (tauG2_spx) is not generated correctly in challenge #${cur.id} ${cur.name || ""}` );
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!curve.G1.eq(cur.key.alpha.g1_s, beaconKey.alpha.g1_s)) {
+ if (logger) logger.error(`BEACON key (alphaG1_s) is not generated correctly in challenge #${cur.id} ${cur.name || ""}` );
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!curve.G1.eq(cur.key.alpha.g1_sx, beaconKey.alpha.g1_sx)) {
+ if (logger) logger.error(`BEACON key (alphaG1_sx) is not generated correctly in challenge #${cur.id} ${cur.name || ""}` );
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!curve.G2.eq(cur.key.alpha.g2_spx, beaconKey.alpha.g2_spx)) {
+ if (logger) logger.error(`BEACON key (alphaG2_spx) is not generated correctly in challenge #${cur.id} ${cur.name || ""}` );
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!curve.G1.eq(cur.key.beta.g1_s, beaconKey.beta.g1_s)) {
+ if (logger) logger.error(`BEACON key (betaG1_s) is not generated correctly in challenge #${cur.id} ${cur.name || ""}` );
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!curve.G1.eq(cur.key.beta.g1_sx, beaconKey.beta.g1_sx)) {
+ if (logger) logger.error(`BEACON key (betaG1_sx) is not generated correctly in challenge #${cur.id} ${cur.name || ""}` );
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!curve.G2.eq(cur.key.beta.g2_spx, beaconKey.beta.g2_spx)) {
+ if (logger) logger.error(`BEACON key (betaG2_spx) is not generated correctly in challenge #${cur.id} ${cur.name || ""}` );
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ cur.key.tau.g2_sp = curve.G2.toAffine(getG2sp(curve, 0, prev.nextChallenge, cur.key.tau.g1_s, cur.key.tau.g1_sx));
+ cur.key.alpha.g2_sp = curve.G2.toAffine(getG2sp(curve, 1, prev.nextChallenge, cur.key.alpha.g1_s, cur.key.alpha.g1_sx));
+ cur.key.beta.g2_sp = curve.G2.toAffine(getG2sp(curve, 2, prev.nextChallenge, cur.key.beta.g1_s, cur.key.beta.g1_sx));
+ sr = await sameRatio$1(curve, cur.key.tau.g1_s, cur.key.tau.g1_sx, cur.key.tau.g2_sp, cur.key.tau.g2_spx);
+ if (sr !== true) {
+ if (logger) logger.error("INVALID key (tau) in challenge #"+cur.id);
+ return false;
+ }
+ sr = await sameRatio$1(curve, cur.key.alpha.g1_s, cur.key.alpha.g1_sx, cur.key.alpha.g2_sp, cur.key.alpha.g2_spx);
+ if (sr !== true) {
+ if (logger) logger.error("INVALID key (alpha) in challenge #"+cur.id);
+ return false;
+ }
+ sr = await sameRatio$1(curve, cur.key.beta.g1_s, cur.key.beta.g1_sx, cur.key.beta.g2_sp, cur.key.beta.g2_spx);
+ if (sr !== true) {
+ if (logger) logger.error("INVALID key (beta) in challenge #"+cur.id);
+ return false;
+ }
+ sr = await sameRatio$1(curve, prev.tauG1, cur.tauG1, cur.key.tau.g2_sp, cur.key.tau.g2_spx);
+ if (sr !== true) {
+ if (logger) logger.error("INVALID tau*G1. challenge #"+cur.id+" It does not follow the previous contribution");
+ return false;
+ }
+ sr = await sameRatio$1(curve, cur.key.tau.g1_s, cur.key.tau.g1_sx, prev.tauG2, cur.tauG2);
+ if (sr !== true) {
+ if (logger) logger.error("INVALID tau*G2. challenge #"+cur.id+" It does not follow the previous contribution");
+ return false;
+ }
+ sr = await sameRatio$1(curve, prev.alphaG1, cur.alphaG1, cur.key.alpha.g2_sp, cur.key.alpha.g2_spx);
+ if (sr !== true) {
+ if (logger) logger.error("INVALID alpha*G1. challenge #"+cur.id+" It does not follow the previous contribution");
+ return false;
+ }
+ sr = await sameRatio$1(curve, prev.betaG1, cur.betaG1, cur.key.beta.g2_sp, cur.key.beta.g2_spx);
+ if (sr !== true) {
+ if (logger) logger.error("INVALID beta*G1. challenge #"+cur.id+" It does not follow the previous contribution");
+ return false;
+ }
+ sr = await sameRatio$1(curve, cur.key.beta.g1_s, cur.key.beta.g1_sx, prev.betaG2, cur.betaG2);
+ if (sr !== true) {
+ if (logger) logger.error("INVALID beta*G2. challenge #"+cur.id+"It does not follow the previous contribution");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (logger) logger.info("Powers Of tau file OK!");
+ return true;
+async function verify(tauFilename, logger) {
+ let sr;
+ await blake2bWasm.exports.ready();
+ const {fd, sections} = await readBinFile(tauFilename, "ptau", 1);
+ const {curve, power, ceremonyPower} = await readPTauHeader(fd, sections);
+ const contrs = await readContributions(fd, curve, sections);
+ if (logger) logger.debug("power: 2**" + power);
+ // Verify Last contribution
+ if (logger) logger.debug("Computing initial contribution hash");
+ const initialContribution = {
+ tauG1: curve.G1.g,
+ tauG2: curve.G2.g,
+ alphaG1: curve.G1.g,
+ betaG1: curve.G1.g,
+ betaG2: curve.G2.g,
+ nextChallenge: calculateFirstChallengeHash(curve, ceremonyPower, logger),
+ responseHash: blake2bWasm.exports(64).digest()
+ };
+ if (contrs.length == 0) {
+ if (logger) logger.error("This file has no contribution! It cannot be used in production");
+ return false;
+ }
+ let prevContr;
+ if (contrs.length>1) {
+ prevContr = contrs[contrs.length-2];
+ } else {
+ prevContr = initialContribution;
+ }
+ const curContr = contrs[contrs.length-1];
+ if (logger) logger.debug("Validating contribution #"+contrs[contrs.length-1].id);
+ const res = await verifyContribution(curve, curContr, prevContr, logger);
+ if (!res) return false;
+ const nextContributionHasher = blake2bWasm.exports(64);
+ nextContributionHasher.update(curContr.responseHash);
+ // Verify powers and compute nextChallengeHash
+ // await test();
+ // Verify Section tau*G1
+ if (logger) logger.debug("Verifying powers in tau*G1 section");
+ const rTau1 = await processSection(2, "G1", "tauG1", (2 ** power)*2-1, [0, 1], logger);
+ sr = await sameRatio$1(curve, rTau1.R1, rTau1.R2, curve.G2.g, curContr.tauG2);
+ if (sr !== true) {
+ if (logger) logger.error("tauG1 section. Powers do not match");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!curve.G1.eq(curve.G1.g, rTau1.singularPoints[0])) {
+ if (logger) logger.error("First element of tau*G1 section must be the generator");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!curve.G1.eq(curContr.tauG1, rTau1.singularPoints[1])) {
+ if (logger) logger.error("Second element of tau*G1 section does not match the one in the contribution section");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // await test();
+ // Verify Section tau*G2
+ if (logger) logger.debug("Verifying powers in tau*G2 section");
+ const rTau2 = await processSection(3, "G2", "tauG2", 2 ** power, [0, 1], logger);
+ sr = await sameRatio$1(curve, curve.G1.g, curContr.tauG1, rTau2.R1, rTau2.R2);
+ if (sr !== true) {
+ if (logger) logger.error("tauG2 section. Powers do not match");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!curve.G2.eq(curve.G2.g, rTau2.singularPoints[0])) {
+ if (logger) logger.error("First element of tau*G2 section must be the generator");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!curve.G2.eq(curContr.tauG2, rTau2.singularPoints[1])) {
+ if (logger) logger.error("Second element of tau*G2 section does not match the one in the contribution section");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Verify Section alpha*tau*G1
+ if (logger) logger.debug("Verifying powers in alpha*tau*G1 section");
+ const rAlphaTauG1 = await processSection(4, "G1", "alphatauG1", 2 ** power, [0], logger);
+ sr = await sameRatio$1(curve, rAlphaTauG1.R1, rAlphaTauG1.R2, curve.G2.g, curContr.tauG2);
+ if (sr !== true) {
+ if (logger) logger.error("alphaTauG1 section. Powers do not match");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!curve.G1.eq(curContr.alphaG1, rAlphaTauG1.singularPoints[0])) {
+ if (logger) logger.error("First element of alpha*tau*G1 section (alpha*G1) does not match the one in the contribution section");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Verify Section beta*tau*G1
+ if (logger) logger.debug("Verifying powers in beta*tau*G1 section");
+ const rBetaTauG1 = await processSection(5, "G1", "betatauG1", 2 ** power, [0], logger);
+ sr = await sameRatio$1(curve, rBetaTauG1.R1, rBetaTauG1.R2, curve.G2.g, curContr.tauG2);
+ if (sr !== true) {
+ if (logger) logger.error("betaTauG1 section. Powers do not match");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!curve.G1.eq(curContr.betaG1, rBetaTauG1.singularPoints[0])) {
+ if (logger) logger.error("First element of beta*tau*G1 section (beta*G1) does not match the one in the contribution section");
+ return false;
+ }
+ //Verify Beta G2
+ const betaG2 = await processSectionBetaG2(logger);
+ if (!curve.G2.eq(curContr.betaG2, betaG2)) {
+ if (logger) logger.error("betaG2 element in betaG2 section does not match the one in the contribution section");
+ return false;
+ }
+ const nextContributionHash = nextContributionHasher.digest();
+ // Check the nextChallengeHash
+ if (power == ceremonyPower) {
+ if (!hashIsEqual(nextContributionHash,curContr.nextChallenge)) {
+ if (logger) logger.error("Hash of the values does not match the next challenge of the last contributor in the contributions section");
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (logger) logger.info(formatHash(nextContributionHash, "Next challenge hash: "));
+ // Verify Previous contributions
+ printContribution(curContr, prevContr);
+ for (let i = contrs.length-2; i>=0; i--) {
+ const curContr = contrs[i];
+ const prevContr = (i>0) ? contrs[i-1] : initialContribution;
+ const res = await verifyContribution(curve, curContr, prevContr, logger);
+ if (!res) return false;
+ printContribution(curContr, prevContr);
+ }
+ if (logger) logger.info("-----------------------------------------------------");
+ if ((!sections[12]) || (!sections[13]) || (!sections[14]) || (!sections[15])) {
+ if (logger) logger.warn(
+ "this file does not contain phase2 precalculated values. Please run: \n" +
+ " snarkjs \"powersoftau preparephase2\" to prepare this file to be used in the phase2 ceremony."
+ );
+ } else {
+ let res;
+ res = await verifyLagrangeEvaluations("G1", 2, 12, "tauG1", logger);
+ if (!res) return false;
+ res = await verifyLagrangeEvaluations("G2", 3, 13, "tauG2", logger);
+ if (!res) return false;
+ res = await verifyLagrangeEvaluations("G1", 4, 14, "alphaTauG1", logger);
+ if (!res) return false;
+ res = await verifyLagrangeEvaluations("G1", 5, 15, "betaTauG1", logger);
+ if (!res) return false;
+ }
+ await fd.close();
+ if (logger) logger.info("Powers of Tau Ok!");
+ return true;
+ function printContribution(curContr, prevContr) {
+ if (!logger) return;
+ logger.info("-----------------------------------------------------");
+ logger.info(`Contribution #${curContr.id}: ${curContr.name ||""}`);
+ logger.info(formatHash(curContr.nextChallenge, "Next Challenge: "));
+ const buffV = new Uint8Array(curve.G1.F.n8*2*6+curve.G2.F.n8*2*3);
+ toPtauPubKeyRpr(buffV, 0, curve, curContr.key, false);
+ const responseHasher = blake2bWasm.exports(64);
+ responseHasher.setPartialHash(curContr.partialHash);
+ responseHasher.update(buffV);
+ const responseHash = responseHasher.digest();
+ logger.info(formatHash(responseHash, "Response Hash:"));
+ logger.info(formatHash(prevContr.nextChallenge, "Response Hash:"));
+ if (curContr.type == 1) {
+ logger.info(`Beacon generator: ${byteArray2hex(curContr.beaconHash)}`);
+ logger.info(`Beacon iterations Exp: ${curContr.numIterationsExp}`);
+ }
+ }
+ async function processSectionBetaG2(logger) {
+ const G = curve.G2;
+ const sG = G.F.n8*2;
+ const buffUv = new Uint8Array(sG);
+ if (!sections[6]) {
+ logger.error("File has no BetaG2 section");
+ throw new Error("File has no BetaG2 section");
+ }
+ if (sections[6].length>1) {
+ logger.error("File has no BetaG2 section");
+ throw new Error("File has more than one GetaG2 section");
+ }
+ fd.pos = sections[6][0].p;
+ const buff = await fd.read(sG);
+ const P = G.fromRprLEM(buff);
+ G.toRprUncompressed(buffUv, 0, P);
+ nextContributionHasher.update(buffUv);
+ return P;
+ }
+ async function processSection(idSection, groupName, sectionName, nPoints, singularPointIndexes, logger) {
+ const MAX_CHUNK_SIZE = 1<<16;
+ const G = curve[groupName];
+ const sG = G.F.n8*2;
+ await startReadUniqueSection(fd, sections, idSection);
+ const singularPoints = [];
+ let R1 = G.zero;
+ let R2 = G.zero;
+ let lastBase = G.zero;
+ for (let i=0; i0) {
+ const firstBase = G.fromRprLEM(bases, 0);
+ const r = readUInt32BE(getRandomBytes(4), 0);
+ R1 = G.add(R1, G.timesScalar(lastBase, r));
+ R2 = G.add(R2, G.timesScalar(firstBase, r));
+ }
+ const r1 = await G.multiExpAffine(bases.slice(0, (n-1)*sG), scalars);
+ const r2 = await G.multiExpAffine(bases.slice(sG), scalars);
+ R1 = G.add(R1, r1);
+ R2 = G.add(R2, r2);
+ lastBase = G.fromRprLEM( bases, (n-1)*sG);
+ for (let j=0; j=i) && (sp < i+n)) {
+ const P = G.fromRprLEM(bases, (sp-i)*sG);
+ singularPoints.push(P);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ await endReadSection(fd);
+ return {
+ R1: R1,
+ R2: R2,
+ singularPoints: singularPoints
+ };
+ }
+ async function verifyLagrangeEvaluations(gName, tauSection, lagrangeSection, sectionName, logger) {
+ if (logger) logger.debug(`Verifying phase2 calculated values ${sectionName}...`);
+ const G = curve[gName];
+ const sG = G.F.n8*2;
+ const seed= new Array(8);
+ for (let i=0; i<8; i++) {
+ seed[i] = readUInt32BE(getRandomBytes(4), 0);
+ }
+ for (let p=0; p<= power; p ++) {
+ const res = await verifyPower(p);
+ if (!res) return false;
+ }
+ if (tauSection == 2) {
+ const res = await verifyPower(power+1);
+ if (!res) return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ async function verifyPower(p) {
+ if (logger) logger.debug(`Power ${p}...`);
+ const n8r = curve.Fr.n8;
+ const nPoints = 2 ** p;
+ let buff_r = new Uint32Array(nPoints);
+ let buffG;
+ let rng = new ChaCha(seed);
+ if (logger) logger.debug(`Creating random numbers Powers${p}...`);
+ for (let i=0; i.
+ This function creates a new section in the fdTo file with id idSection.
+ It multiplies the pooints in fdFrom by first, first*inc, first*inc^2, ....
+ nPoint Times.
+ It also updates the newChallengeHasher with the new points
+async function applyKeyToSection(fdOld, sections, fdNew, idSection, curve, groupName, first, inc, sectionName, logger) {
+ const MAX_CHUNK_SIZE = 1 << 16;
+ const G = curve[groupName];
+ const sG = G.F.n8*2;
+ const nPoints = sections[idSection][0].size / sG;
+ await startReadUniqueSection(fdOld, sections,idSection );
+ await startWriteSection(fdNew, idSection);
+ let t = first;
+ for (let i=0; i.
+async function challengeContribute(curve, challengeFilename, responesFileName, entropy, logger) {
+ await blake2bWasm.exports.ready();
+ const fdFrom = await readExisting(challengeFilename);
+ const sG1 = curve.F1.n64*8*2;
+ const sG2 = curve.F2.n64*8*2;
+ const domainSize = (fdFrom.totalSize + sG1 - 64 - sG2) / (4*sG1 + sG2);
+ let e = domainSize;
+ let power = 0;
+ while (e>1) {
+ e = e /2;
+ power += 1;
+ }
+ if (2 ** power != domainSize) throw new Error("Invalid file size");
+ if (logger) logger.debug("Power to tau size: "+power);
+ const rng = await getRandomRng(entropy);
+ const fdTo = await createOverride(responesFileName);
+ // Calculate the hash
+ const challengeHasher = blake2bWasm.exports(64);
+ for (let i=0; i {
+ logger.debug(k + ".g1_s: " + curve.G1.toString(key[k].g1_s, 16));
+ logger.debug(k + ".g1_sx: " + curve.G1.toString(key[k].g1_sx, 16));
+ logger.debug(k + ".g2_sp: " + curve.G2.toString(key[k].g2_sp, 16));
+ logger.debug(k + ".g2_spx: " + curve.G2.toString(key[k].g2_spx, 16));
+ logger.debug("");
+ });
+ }
+ const responseHasher = blake2bWasm.exports(64);
+ await fdTo.write(challengeHash);
+ responseHasher.update(challengeHash);
+ await applyKeyToChallengeSection(fdFrom, fdTo, responseHasher, curve, "G1", (2 ** power)*2-1, curve.Fr.one , key.tau.prvKey, "COMPRESSED", "tauG1" , logger );
+ await applyKeyToChallengeSection(fdFrom, fdTo, responseHasher, curve, "G2", (2 ** power) , curve.Fr.one , key.tau.prvKey, "COMPRESSED", "tauG2" , logger );
+ await applyKeyToChallengeSection(fdFrom, fdTo, responseHasher, curve, "G1", (2 ** power) , key.alpha.prvKey, key.tau.prvKey, "COMPRESSED", "alphaTauG1", logger );
+ await applyKeyToChallengeSection(fdFrom, fdTo, responseHasher, curve, "G1", (2 ** power) , key.beta.prvKey , key.tau.prvKey, "COMPRESSED", "betaTauG1" , logger );
+ await applyKeyToChallengeSection(fdFrom, fdTo, responseHasher, curve, "G2", 1 , key.beta.prvKey , key.tau.prvKey, "COMPRESSED", "betaTauG2" , logger );
+ // Write and hash key
+ const buffKey = new Uint8Array(curve.F1.n8*2*6+curve.F2.n8*2*3);
+ toPtauPubKeyRpr(buffKey, 0, curve, key, false);
+ await fdTo.write(buffKey);
+ responseHasher.update(buffKey);
+ const responseHash = responseHasher.digest();
+ if (logger) logger.info(formatHash(responseHash, "Contribution Response Hash: "));
+ await fdTo.close();
+ await fdFrom.close();
+ Copyright 2018 0KIMS association.
+ This file is part of snarkJS.
+ snarkJS is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ snarkJS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with snarkJS. If not, see .
+async function beacon$1(oldPtauFilename, newPTauFilename, name, beaconHashStr,numIterationsExp, logger) {
+ const beaconHash = hex2ByteArray(beaconHashStr);
+ if ( (beaconHash.byteLength == 0)
+ || (beaconHash.byteLength*2 !=beaconHashStr.length))
+ {
+ if (logger) logger.error("Invalid Beacon Hash. (It must be a valid hexadecimal sequence)");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (beaconHash.length>=256) {
+ if (logger) logger.error("Maximum lenght of beacon hash is 255 bytes");
+ return false;
+ }
+ numIterationsExp = parseInt(numIterationsExp);
+ if ((numIterationsExp<10)||(numIterationsExp>63)) {
+ if (logger) logger.error("Invalid numIterationsExp. (Must be between 10 and 63)");
+ return false;
+ }
+ await blake2bWasm.exports.ready();
+ const {fd: fdOld, sections} = await readBinFile(oldPtauFilename, "ptau", 1);
+ const {curve, power, ceremonyPower} = await readPTauHeader(fdOld, sections);
+ if (power != ceremonyPower) {
+ if (logger) logger.error("This file has been reduced. You cannot contribute into a reduced file.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (sections[12]) {
+ if (logger) logger.warn("Contributing into a file that has phase2 calculated. You will have to prepare phase2 again.");
+ }
+ const contributions = await readContributions(fdOld, curve, sections);
+ const curContribution = {
+ name: name,
+ type: 1, // Beacon
+ numIterationsExp: numIterationsExp,
+ beaconHash: beaconHash
+ };
+ let lastChallengeHash;
+ if (contributions.length>0) {
+ lastChallengeHash = contributions[contributions.length-1].nextChallenge;
+ } else {
+ lastChallengeHash = calculateFirstChallengeHash(curve, power, logger);
+ }
+ curContribution.key = await keyFromBeacon(curve, lastChallengeHash, beaconHash, numIterationsExp);
+ const responseHasher = new blake2bWasm.exports(64);
+ responseHasher.update(lastChallengeHash);
+ const fdNew = await createBinFile(newPTauFilename, "ptau", 1, 7);
+ await writePTauHeader(fdNew, curve, power);
+ const startSections = [];
+ let firstPoints;
+ firstPoints = await processSection(2, "G1", (2 ** power) * 2 -1, curve.Fr.e(1), curContribution.key.tau.prvKey, "tauG1", logger );
+ curContribution.tauG1 = firstPoints[1];
+ firstPoints = await processSection(3, "G2", (2 ** power) , curve.Fr.e(1), curContribution.key.tau.prvKey, "tauG2", logger );
+ curContribution.tauG2 = firstPoints[1];
+ firstPoints = await processSection(4, "G1", (2 ** power) , curContribution.key.alpha.prvKey, curContribution.key.tau.prvKey, "alphaTauG1", logger );
+ curContribution.alphaG1 = firstPoints[0];
+ firstPoints = await processSection(5, "G1", (2 ** power) , curContribution.key.beta.prvKey, curContribution.key.tau.prvKey, "betaTauG1", logger );
+ curContribution.betaG1 = firstPoints[0];
+ firstPoints = await processSection(6, "G2", 1, curContribution.key.beta.prvKey, curContribution.key.tau.prvKey, "betaTauG2", logger );
+ curContribution.betaG2 = firstPoints[0];
+ curContribution.partialHash = responseHasher.getPartialHash();
+ const buffKey = new Uint8Array(curve.F1.n8*2*6+curve.F2.n8*2*3);
+ toPtauPubKeyRpr(buffKey, 0, curve, curContribution.key, false);
+ responseHasher.update(new Uint8Array(buffKey));
+ const hashResponse = responseHasher.digest();
+ if (logger) logger.info(formatHash(hashResponse, "Contribution Response Hash imported: "));
+ const nextChallengeHasher = new blake2bWasm.exports(64);
+ nextChallengeHasher.update(hashResponse);
+ await hashSection(fdNew, "G1", 2, (2 ** power) * 2 -1, "tauG1", logger);
+ await hashSection(fdNew, "G2", 3, (2 ** power) , "tauG2", logger);
+ await hashSection(fdNew, "G1", 4, (2 ** power) , "alphaTauG1", logger);
+ await hashSection(fdNew, "G1", 5, (2 ** power) , "betaTauG1", logger);
+ await hashSection(fdNew, "G2", 6, 1 , "betaG2", logger);
+ curContribution.nextChallenge = nextChallengeHasher.digest();
+ if (logger) logger.info(formatHash(curContribution.nextChallenge, "Next Challenge Hash: "));
+ contributions.push(curContribution);
+ await writeContributions(fdNew, curve, contributions);
+ await fdOld.close();
+ await fdNew.close();
+ return hashResponse;
+ async function processSection(sectionId, groupName, NPoints, first, inc, sectionName, logger) {
+ const res = [];
+ fdOld.pos = sections[sectionId][0].p;
+ await startWriteSection(fdNew, sectionId);
+ startSections[sectionId] = fdNew.pos;
+ const G = curve[groupName];
+ const sG = G.F.n8*2;
+ const chunkSize = Math.floor((1<<20) / sG); // 128Mb chunks
+ let t = first;
+ for (let i=0 ; i.
+async function contribute(oldPtauFilename, newPTauFilename, name, entropy, logger) {
+ await blake2bWasm.exports.ready();
+ const {fd: fdOld, sections} = await readBinFile(oldPtauFilename, "ptau", 1);
+ const {curve, power, ceremonyPower} = await readPTauHeader(fdOld, sections);
+ if (power != ceremonyPower) {
+ if (logger) logger.error("This file has been reduced. You cannot contribute into a reduced file.");
+ throw new Error("This file has been reduced. You cannot contribute into a reduced file.");
+ }
+ if (sections[12]) {
+ if (logger) logger.warn("WARNING: Contributing into a file that has phase2 calculated. You will have to prepare phase2 again.");
+ }
+ const contributions = await readContributions(fdOld, curve, sections);
+ const curContribution = {
+ name: name,
+ type: 0, // Beacon
+ };
+ let lastChallengeHash;
+ const rng = await getRandomRng(entropy);
+ if (contributions.length>0) {
+ lastChallengeHash = contributions[contributions.length-1].nextChallenge;
+ } else {
+ lastChallengeHash = calculateFirstChallengeHash(curve, power, logger);
+ }
+ // Generate a random key
+ curContribution.key = createPTauKey(curve, lastChallengeHash, rng);
+ const responseHasher = new blake2bWasm.exports(64);
+ responseHasher.update(lastChallengeHash);
+ const fdNew = await createBinFile(newPTauFilename, "ptau", 1, 7);
+ await writePTauHeader(fdNew, curve, power);
+ const startSections = [];
+ let firstPoints;
+ firstPoints = await processSection(2, "G1", (2 ** power) * 2 -1, curve.Fr.e(1), curContribution.key.tau.prvKey, "tauG1" );
+ curContribution.tauG1 = firstPoints[1];
+ firstPoints = await processSection(3, "G2", (2 ** power) , curve.Fr.e(1), curContribution.key.tau.prvKey, "tauG2" );
+ curContribution.tauG2 = firstPoints[1];
+ firstPoints = await processSection(4, "G1", (2 ** power) , curContribution.key.alpha.prvKey, curContribution.key.tau.prvKey, "alphaTauG1" );
+ curContribution.alphaG1 = firstPoints[0];
+ firstPoints = await processSection(5, "G1", (2 ** power) , curContribution.key.beta.prvKey, curContribution.key.tau.prvKey, "betaTauG1" );
+ curContribution.betaG1 = firstPoints[0];
+ firstPoints = await processSection(6, "G2", 1, curContribution.key.beta.prvKey, curContribution.key.tau.prvKey, "betaTauG2" );
+ curContribution.betaG2 = firstPoints[0];
+ curContribution.partialHash = responseHasher.getPartialHash();
+ const buffKey = new Uint8Array(curve.F1.n8*2*6+curve.F2.n8*2*3);
+ toPtauPubKeyRpr(buffKey, 0, curve, curContribution.key, false);
+ responseHasher.update(new Uint8Array(buffKey));
+ const hashResponse = responseHasher.digest();
+ if (logger) logger.info(formatHash(hashResponse, "Contribution Response Hash imported: "));
+ const nextChallengeHasher = new blake2bWasm.exports(64);
+ nextChallengeHasher.update(hashResponse);
+ await hashSection(fdNew, "G1", 2, (2 ** power) * 2 -1, "tauG1");
+ await hashSection(fdNew, "G2", 3, (2 ** power) , "tauG2");
+ await hashSection(fdNew, "G1", 4, (2 ** power) , "alphaTauG1");
+ await hashSection(fdNew, "G1", 5, (2 ** power) , "betaTauG1");
+ await hashSection(fdNew, "G2", 6, 1 , "betaG2");
+ curContribution.nextChallenge = nextChallengeHasher.digest();
+ if (logger) logger.info(formatHash(curContribution.nextChallenge, "Next Challenge Hash: "));
+ contributions.push(curContribution);
+ await writeContributions(fdNew, curve, contributions);
+ await fdOld.close();
+ await fdNew.close();
+ return hashResponse;
+ async function processSection(sectionId, groupName, NPoints, first, inc, sectionName) {
+ const res = [];
+ fdOld.pos = sections[sectionId][0].p;
+ await startWriteSection(fdNew, sectionId);
+ startSections[sectionId] = fdNew.pos;
+ const G = curve[groupName];
+ const sG = G.F.n8*2;
+ const chunkSize = Math.floor((1<<20) / sG); // 128Mb chunks
+ let t = first;
+ for (let i=0 ; i.
+async function preparePhase2(oldPtauFilename, newPTauFilename, logger) {
+ const {fd: fdOld, sections} = await readBinFile(oldPtauFilename, "ptau", 1);
+ const {curve, power} = await readPTauHeader(fdOld, sections);
+ const fdNew = await createBinFile(newPTauFilename, "ptau", 1, 11);
+ await writePTauHeader(fdNew, curve, power);
+ await copySection(fdOld, sections, fdNew, 2);
+ await copySection(fdOld, sections, fdNew, 3);
+ await copySection(fdOld, sections, fdNew, 4);
+ await copySection(fdOld, sections, fdNew, 5);
+ await copySection(fdOld, sections, fdNew, 6);
+ await copySection(fdOld, sections, fdNew, 7);
+ await processSection(2, 12, "G1", "tauG1" );
+ await processSection(3, 13, "G2", "tauG2" );
+ await processSection(4, 14, "G1", "alphaTauG1" );
+ await processSection(5, 15, "G1", "betaTauG1" );
+ await fdOld.close();
+ await fdNew.close();
+ // await fs.promises.unlink(newPTauFilename+ ".tmp");
+ return;
+ async function processSection(oldSectionId, newSectionId, Gstr, sectionName) {
+ if (logger) logger.debug("Starting section: "+sectionName);
+ await startWriteSection(fdNew, newSectionId);
+ for (let p=0; p<=power; p++) {
+ await processSectionPower(p);
+ }
+ if (oldSectionId == 2) {
+ await processSectionPower(power+1);
+ }
+ await endWriteSection(fdNew);
+ async function processSectionPower(p) {
+ const nPoints = 2 ** p;
+ const G = curve[Gstr];
+ const sGin = G.F.n8*2;
+ let buff;
+ buff = new BigBuffer(nPoints*sGin);
+ await startReadUniqueSection(fdOld, sections, oldSectionId);
+ if ((oldSectionId == 2)&&(p==power+1)) {
+ await fdOld.readToBuffer(buff, 0,(nPoints-1)*sGin );
+ buff.set(curve.G1.zeroAffine, (nPoints-1)*sGin );
+ } else {
+ await fdOld.readToBuffer(buff, 0,nPoints*sGin );
+ }
+ await endReadSection(fdOld, true);
+ buff = await G.lagrangeEvaluations(buff, "affine", "affine", logger, sectionName);
+ await fdNew.write(buff);
+ if (p <= curve.Fr.s) {
+ buff = await G.ifft(buff, "affine", "affine", logger, sectionName);
+ await fdNew.write(buff);
+ } else if (p == curve.Fr.s+1) {
+ const smallM = 1<.
+async function truncate(ptauFilename, template, logger) {
+ const {fd: fdOld, sections} = await readBinFile(ptauFilename, "ptau", 1);
+ const {curve, power, ceremonyPower} = await readPTauHeader(fdOld, sections);
+ const sG1 = curve.G1.F.n8*2;
+ const sG2 = curve.G2.F.n8*2;
+ for (let p=1; p.
+async function convert(oldPtauFilename, newPTauFilename, logger) {
+ const {fd: fdOld, sections} = await readBinFile(oldPtauFilename, "ptau", 1);
+ const {curve, power} = await readPTauHeader(fdOld, sections);
+ const fdNew = await createBinFile(newPTauFilename, "ptau", 1, 11);
+ await writePTauHeader(fdNew, curve, power);
+ // const fdTmp = await fastFile.createOverride(newPTauFilename+ ".tmp");
+ await copySection(fdOld, sections, fdNew, 2);
+ await copySection(fdOld, sections, fdNew, 3);
+ await copySection(fdOld, sections, fdNew, 4);
+ await copySection(fdOld, sections, fdNew, 5);
+ await copySection(fdOld, sections, fdNew, 6);
+ await copySection(fdOld, sections, fdNew, 7);
+ await processSection(2, 12, "G1", "tauG1" );
+ await copySection(fdOld, sections, fdNew, 13);
+ await copySection(fdOld, sections, fdNew, 14);
+ await copySection(fdOld, sections, fdNew, 15);
+ await fdOld.close();
+ await fdNew.close();
+ // await fs.promises.unlink(newPTauFilename+ ".tmp");
+ return;
+ async function processSection(oldSectionId, newSectionId, Gstr, sectionName) {
+ if (logger) logger.debug("Starting section: "+sectionName);
+ await startWriteSection(fdNew, newSectionId);
+ const size = sections[newSectionId][0].size;
+ const chunkSize = fdOld.pageSize;
+ await startReadUniqueSection(fdOld, sections, newSectionId);
+ for (let p=0; p.
+async function exportJson(pTauFilename, verbose) {
+ const {fd, sections} = await readBinFile(pTauFilename, "ptau", 1);
+ const {curve, power} = await readPTauHeader(fd, sections);
+ const pTau = {};
+ pTau.q = curve.q;
+ pTau.power = power;
+ pTau.contributions = await readContributions(fd, curve, sections);
+ pTau.tauG1 = await exportSection(2, "G1", (2 ** power)*2 -1, "tauG1");
+ pTau.tauG2 = await exportSection(3, "G2", (2 ** power), "tauG2");
+ pTau.alphaTauG1 = await exportSection(4, "G1", (2 ** power), "alphaTauG1");
+ pTau.betaTauG1 = await exportSection(5, "G1", (2 ** power), "betaTauG1");
+ pTau.betaG2 = await exportSection(6, "G2", 1, "betaG2");
+ pTau.lTauG1 = await exportLagrange(12, "G1", "lTauG1");
+ pTau.lTauG2 = await exportLagrange(13, "G2", "lTauG2");
+ pTau.lAlphaTauG1 = await exportLagrange(14, "G1", "lAlphaTauG2");
+ pTau.lBetaTauG1 = await exportLagrange(15, "G1", "lBetaTauG2");
+ await fd.close();
+ return stringifyBigIntsWithField(curve.Fr, pTau);
+ async function exportSection(sectionId, groupName, nPoints, sectionName) {
+ const G = curve[groupName];
+ const sG = G.F.n8*2;
+ const res = [];
+ await startReadUniqueSection(fd, sections, sectionId);
+ for (let i=0; i< nPoints; i++) {
+ if ((verbose)&&i&&(i%10000 == 0)) console.log(`${sectionName}: ` + i);
+ const buff = await fd.read(sG);
+ res.push(G.fromRprLEM(buff, 0));
+ }
+ await endReadSection(fd);
+ return res;
+ }
+ async function exportLagrange(sectionId, groupName, sectionName) {
+ const G = curve[groupName];
+ const sG = G.F.n8*2;
+ const res = [];
+ await startReadUniqueSection(fd, sections, sectionId);
+ for (let p=0; p<=power; p++) {
+ if (verbose) console.log(`${sectionName}: Power: ${p}`);
+ res[p] = [];
+ const nPoints = (2 ** p);
+ for (let i=0; i.
+var powersoftau = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ __proto__: null,
+ newAccumulator: newAccumulator,
+ exportChallenge: exportChallenge,
+ importResponse: importResponse,
+ verify: verify,
+ challengeContribute: challengeContribute,
+ beacon: beacon$1,
+ contribute: contribute,
+ preparePhase2: preparePhase2,
+ truncate: truncate,
+ convert: convert,
+ exportJson: exportJson
+ Copyright 2018 0KIMS association.
+ This file is part of snarkJS.
+ snarkJS is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ snarkJS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with snarkJS. If not, see .
+function r1csPrint(r1cs, syms, logger) {
+ for (let i=0; i {
+ let S = "";
+ const keys = Object.keys(lc);
+ keys.forEach( (k) => {
+ let name = syms.varIdx2Name[k];
+ if (name == "one") name = "1";
+ let vs = r1cs.curve.Fr.toString(lc[k]);
+ if (vs == "1") vs = ""; // Do not show ones
+ if (vs == "-1") vs = "-"; // Do not show ones
+ if ((S!="")&&(vs[0]!="-")) vs = "+"+vs;
+ if (S!="") vs = " "+vs;
+ S= S + vs + name;
+ });
+ return S;
+ };
+ const S = `[ ${lc2str(c[0])} ] * [ ${lc2str(c[1])} ] - [ ${lc2str(c[2])} ] = 0`;
+ if (logger) logger.info(S);
+ }
+const SUBARRAY_SIZE$1 = 0x40000;
+const BigArrayHandler$1 = {
+ get: function(obj, prop) {
+ if (!isNaN(prop)) {
+ return obj.getElement(prop);
+ } else return obj[prop];
+ },
+ set: function(obj, prop, value) {
+ if (!isNaN(prop)) {
+ return obj.setElement(prop, value);
+ } else {
+ obj[prop] = value;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+class _BigArray$1 {
+ constructor (initSize) {
+ this.length = initSize || 0;
+ this.arr = new Array(SUBARRAY_SIZE$1);
+ for (let i=0; i= this.length) this.length = idx+1;
+ return true;
+ }
+ getKeys() {
+ const newA = new BigArray$2();
+ for (let i=0; i1<<20) {
+ constraints = new BigArray$3();
+ } else {
+ constraints = [];
+ }
+ for (let i=0; i1<<20) {
+ map = new BigArray$3();
+ } else {
+ map = [];
+ }
+ for (let i=0; i true by default
+ * loadMap: false by default
+ * loadCustomGates: true by default
+ */
+ if(typeof options !== "object") {
+ throw new Error("readR1csFd: options must be an object");
+ }
+ options.loadConstraints = "loadConstraints" in options ? options.loadConstraints : true;
+ options.loadMap = "loadMap" in options ? options.loadMap : false;
+ options.loadCustomGates = "loadCustomGates" in options ? options.loadCustomGates : true;
+ const res = await readR1csHeader(fd, sections, options);
+ if (options.loadConstraints) {
+ res.constraints = await readConstraints(fd, sections, res, options);
+ }
+ // Read Labels
+ if (options.loadMap) {
+ res.map = await readMap(fd, sections, res, options);
+ }
+ if (options.loadCustomGates) {
+ if (res.useCustomGates) {
+ res.customGates = await readCustomGatesListSection(fd, sections, res);
+ res.customGatesUses = await readCustomGatesUsesSection(fd, sections, options);
+ } else {
+ res.customGates = [];
+ res.customGatesUses = [];
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+async function readR1cs(fileName, loadConstraints, loadMap, singleThread, logger, loggerCtx) {
+ let options;
+ if (typeof loadConstraints === "object") {
+ options = loadConstraints;
+ } else if (typeof loadConstraints === "undefined") {
+ options= {
+ loadConstraints: true,
+ loadMap: false,
+ loadCustomGates: true
+ };
+ } else {
+ options = {
+ loadConstraints: loadConstraints,
+ loadMap: loadMap,
+ singleThread: singleThread,
+ logger: logger,
+ loggerCtx: loggerCtx
+ };
+ }
+ const {fd, sections} = await readBinFile(fileName, "r1cs", 1);
+ const res = await readR1csFd(fd, sections, options);
+ await fd.close();
+ return res;
+async function readCustomGatesListSection(fd, sections, res) {
+ await startReadUniqueSection(fd, sections, R1CS_FILE_CUSTOM_GATES_LIST_SECTION);
+ let num = await fd.readULE32();
+ let customGates = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < num; i++) {
+ let customGate = {};
+ customGate.templateName = await fd.readString();
+ let numParameters = await fd.readULE32();
+ customGate.parameters = Array(numParameters);
+ let buff = await fd.read(res.n8 * numParameters);
+ for (let j = 0; j < numParameters; j++) {
+ customGate.parameters[j] = res.F.fromRprLE(buff, j * res.n8, res.n8); }
+ customGates.push(customGate);
+ }
+ await endReadSection(fd);
+ return customGates;
+async function readCustomGatesUsesSection(fd,sections, options) {
+ const bR1cs = await readSection(fd, sections, R1CS_FILE_CUSTOM_GATES_USES_SECTION);
+ const bR1cs32 = new Uint32Array(bR1cs.buffer, bR1cs.byteOffset, bR1cs.byteLength/4);
+ const nCustomGateUses = bR1cs32[0];
+ let bR1csPos = 1;
+ let customGatesUses;
+ if (nCustomGateUses>1<<20) {
+ customGatesUses = new BigArray$3();
+ } else {
+ customGatesUses = [];
+ }
+ for (let i=0; i.
+const bls12381r = Scalar.e("73eda753299d7d483339d80809a1d80553bda402fffe5bfeffffffff00000001", 16);
+const bn128r = Scalar.e("21888242871839275222246405745257275088548364400416034343698204186575808495617");
+async function r1csInfo(r1csName, logger) {
+ const cir = await readR1cs(r1csName);
+ if (Scalar.eq(cir.prime, bn128r)) {
+ if (logger) logger.info("Curve: bn-128");
+ } else if (Scalar.eq(cir.prime, bls12381r)) {
+ if (logger) logger.info("Curve: bls12-381");
+ } else {
+ if (logger) logger.info(`Unknown Curve. Prime: ${Scalar.toString(cir.prime)}`);
+ }
+ if (logger) logger.info(`# of Wires: ${cir.nVars}`);
+ if (logger) logger.info(`# of Constraints: ${cir.nConstraints}`);
+ if (logger) logger.info(`# of Private Inputs: ${cir.nPrvInputs}`);
+ if (logger) logger.info(`# of Public Inputs: ${cir.nPubInputs}`);
+ if (logger) logger.info(`# of Labels: ${cir.nLabels}`);
+ if (logger) logger.info(`# of Outputs: ${cir.nOutputs}`);
+ return cir;
+ Copyright 2018 0KIMS association.
+ This file is part of snarkJS.
+ snarkJS is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ snarkJS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with snarkJS. If not, see .
+async function r1csExportJson(r1csFileName, logger) {
+ const cir = await readR1cs(r1csFileName, true, true, true, logger);
+ const Fr=cir.curve.Fr;
+ delete cir.curve;
+ delete cir.F;
+ return stringifyBigIntsWithField(Fr, cir);
+ Copyright 2018 0KIMS association.
+ This file is part of snarkJS.
+ snarkJS is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ snarkJS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with snarkJS. If not, see .
+var r1cs = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ __proto__: null,
+ print: r1csPrint,
+ info: r1csInfo,
+ exportJson: r1csExportJson
+ Copyright 2018 0KIMS association.
+ This file is part of snarkJS.
+ snarkJS is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ snarkJS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with snarkJS. If not, see .
+async function loadSymbols(symFileName) {
+ const sym = {
+ labelIdx2Name: [ "one" ],
+ varIdx2Name: [ "one" ],
+ componentIdx2Name: []
+ };
+ const fd = await readExisting(symFileName);
+ const buff = await fd.read(fd.totalSize);
+ const symsStr = new TextDecoder("utf-8").decode(buff);
+ const lines = symsStr.split("\n");
+ for (let i=0; i.
+const {unstringifyBigInts: unstringifyBigInts$7} = utils;
+async function wtnsDebug(_input, wasmFileName, wtnsFileName, symName, options, logger) {
+ const input = unstringifyBigInts$7(_input);
+ const fdWasm = await readExisting(wasmFileName);
+ const wasm = await fdWasm.read(fdWasm.totalSize);
+ await fdWasm.close();
+ let wcOps = {
+ sanityCheck: true
+ };
+ let sym = await loadSymbols(symName);
+ if (options.set) {
+ if (!sym) sym = await loadSymbols(symName);
+ wcOps.logSetSignal= function(labelIdx, value) {
+ // The line below splits the arrow log into 2 strings to avoid some Secure ECMAScript issues
+ if (logger) logger.info("SET " + sym.labelIdx2Name[labelIdx] + " <" + "-- " + value.toString());
+ };
+ }
+ if (options.get) {
+ if (!sym) sym = await loadSymbols(symName);
+ wcOps.logGetSignal= function(varIdx, value) {
+ // The line below splits the arrow log into 2 strings to avoid some Secure ECMAScript issues
+ if (logger) logger.info("GET " + sym.labelIdx2Name[varIdx] + " --" + "> " + value.toString());
+ };
+ }
+ if (options.trigger) {
+ if (!sym) sym = await loadSymbols(symName);
+ wcOps.logStartComponent= function(cIdx) {
+ if (logger) logger.info("START: " + sym.componentIdx2Name[cIdx]);
+ };
+ wcOps.logFinishComponent= function(cIdx) {
+ if (logger) logger.info("FINISH: " + sym.componentIdx2Name[cIdx]);
+ };
+ }
+ wcOps.sym = sym;
+ const wc = await builder(wasm, wcOps);
+ const w = await wc.calculateWitness(input);
+ const fdWtns = await createBinFile(wtnsFileName, "wtns", 2, 2);
+ await write(fdWtns, w, wc.prime);
+ await fdWtns.close();
+ Copyright 2018 0KIMS association.
+ This file is part of snarkJS.
+ snarkJS is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ snarkJS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with snarkJS. If not, see .
+async function wtnsExportJson(wtnsFileName) {
+ const w = await read(wtnsFileName);
+ return w;
+ Copyright 2018 0KIMS association.
+ This file is part of snarkJS.
+ snarkJS is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ snarkJS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with snarkJS. If not, see .
+async function wtnsCheck(r1csFilename, wtnsFilename, logger) {
+ if (logger) logger.info("WITNESS CHECKING STARTED");
+ // Read r1cs file
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Reading r1cs file");
+ const {
+ fd: fdR1cs,
+ sections: sectionsR1cs
+ } = await readBinFile(r1csFilename, "r1cs", 1);
+ const r1cs = await readR1csFd(fdR1cs, sectionsR1cs, { loadConstraints: false, loadCustomGates: false });
+ // Read witness file
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Reading witness file");
+ const {
+ fd: fdWtns,
+ sections: wtnsSections
+ } = await readBinFile(wtnsFilename, "wtns", 2);
+ const wtnsHeader = await readHeader(fdWtns, wtnsSections);
+ if (!Scalar.eq(r1cs.prime, wtnsHeader.q)) {
+ throw new Error("Curve of the witness does not match the curve of the proving key");
+ }
+ const buffWitness = await readSection(fdWtns, wtnsSections, 2);
+ await fdWtns.close();
+ const curve = await getCurveFromR(r1cs.prime);
+ const Fr = curve.Fr;
+ const sFr = Fr.n8;
+ const bR1cs = await readSection(fdR1cs, sectionsR1cs, 2);
+ if (logger) {
+ logger.info("----------------------------");
+ logger.info(" WITNESS CHECK");
+ logger.info(` Curve: ${r1cs.curve.name}`);
+ logger.info(` Vars (wires): ${r1cs.nVars}`);
+ logger.info(` Ouputs: ${r1cs.nOutputs}`);
+ logger.info(` Public Inputs: ${r1cs.nPubInputs}`);
+ logger.info(` Private Inputs: ${r1cs.nPrvInputs}`);
+ logger.info(` Labels: ${r1cs.nLabels}`);
+ logger.info(` Constraints: ${r1cs.nConstraints}`);
+ logger.info(` Custom Gates: ${r1cs.useCustomGates}`);
+ logger.info("----------------------------");
+ }
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Checking witness correctness");
+ let bR1csPos = 0;
+ let res = true;
+ for (let i = 0; i < r1cs.nConstraints; i++) {
+ if ((logger) && (i !== 0) && (i % 500000 === 0)) {
+ logger.info(`··· processing r1cs constraints ${i}/${r1cs.nConstraints}`);
+ }
+ //Read the three linear combinations of the constraint where A * B - C = 0
+ const lcA = readLC();
+ const lcB = readLC();
+ const lcC = readLC();
+ // Evaluate the linear combinations
+ const evalA = EvaluateLinearCombination(lcA);
+ const evalB = EvaluateLinearCombination(lcB);
+ const evalC = EvaluateLinearCombination(lcC);
+ // Check that A * B - C == 0
+ if (!Fr.eq(Fr.sub(Fr.mul(evalA, evalB), evalC), Fr.zero)) {
+ logger.warn("··· aborting checking process at constraint " + i);
+ res = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ fdR1cs.close();
+ if (logger) {
+ if (res) {
+ logger.info("WITNESS IS CORRECT");
+ } else {
+ logger.warn("WITNESS IS NOT CORRECT");
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+ function EvaluateLinearCombination(lc) {
+ let res = Fr.zero;
+ const keys = Object.keys(lc);
+ keys.forEach((signalId) => {
+ const signalValue = getWitnessValue(signalId);
+ const signalFactor = lc[signalId];
+ res = Fr.add(res, Fr.mul(signalValue, signalFactor));
+ });
+ return res;
+ }
+ function readLC() {
+ const lc = {};
+ const buffUL32 = bR1cs.slice(bR1csPos, bR1csPos + 4);
+ bR1csPos += 4;
+ const buffUL32V = new DataView(buffUL32.buffer);
+ const nIdx = buffUL32V.getUint32(0, true);
+ const buff = bR1cs.slice(bR1csPos, bR1csPos + (4 + r1cs.n8) * nIdx);
+ bR1csPos += (4 + r1cs.n8) * nIdx;
+ const buffV = new DataView(buff.buffer);
+ for (let i = 0; i < nIdx; i++) {
+ const idx = buffV.getUint32(i * (4 + r1cs.n8), true);
+ const val = r1cs.F.fromRprLE(buff, i * (4 + r1cs.n8) + 4);
+ lc[idx] = val;
+ }
+ return lc;
+ }
+ function getWitnessValue(signalId) {
+ return Fr.fromRprLE(buffWitness.slice(signalId * sFr, signalId * sFr + sFr));
+ }
+ Copyright 2018 0KIMS association.
+ This file is part of snarkJS.
+ snarkJS is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ snarkJS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with snarkJS. If not, see .
+var wtns = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ __proto__: null,
+ calculate: wtnsCalculate,
+ debug: wtnsDebug,
+ exportJson: wtnsExportJson,
+ check: wtnsCheck
+ Copyright 2018 0KIMS association.
+ This file is part of snarkJS.
+ snarkJS is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ snarkJS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with snarkJS. If not, see .
+const SUBARRAY_SIZE = 0x40000;
+const BigArrayHandler = {
+ get: function(obj, prop) {
+ if (!isNaN(prop)) {
+ return obj.getElement(prop);
+ } else return obj[prop];
+ },
+ set: function(obj, prop, value) {
+ if (!isNaN(prop)) {
+ return obj.setElement(prop, value);
+ } else {
+ obj[prop] = value;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+class _BigArray {
+ constructor (initSize) {
+ this.length = initSize || 0;
+ this.arr = new Array(SUBARRAY_SIZE);
+ for (let i=0; i= this.length) this.length = idx+1;
+ return true;
+ }
+ getKeys() {
+ const newA = new BigArray();
+ for (let i=0; i.
+async function newZKey(r1csName, ptauName, zkeyName, logger) {
+ const TAU_G1 = 0;
+ const TAU_G2 = 1;
+ const ALPHATAU_G1 = 2;
+ const BETATAU_G1 = 3;
+ await blake2bWasm.exports.ready();
+ const csHasher = blake2bWasm.exports(64);
+ const {fd: fdPTau, sections: sectionsPTau} = await readBinFile(ptauName, "ptau", 1);
+ const {curve, power} = await readPTauHeader(fdPTau, sectionsPTau);
+ const {fd: fdR1cs, sections: sectionsR1cs} = await readBinFile(r1csName, "r1cs", 1);
+ const r1cs = await readR1csHeader(fdR1cs, sectionsR1cs, false);
+ const fdZKey = await createBinFile(zkeyName, "zkey", 1, 10, 1<<22, 1<<24);
+ const sG1 = curve.G1.F.n8*2;
+ const sG2 = curve.G2.F.n8*2;
+ if (r1cs.prime != curve.r) {
+ if (logger) logger.error("r1cs curve does not match powers of tau ceremony curve");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ const cirPower = log2(r1cs.nConstraints + r1cs.nPubInputs + r1cs.nOutputs +1 -1) +1;
+ if (cirPower > power) {
+ if (logger) logger.error(`circuit too big for this power of tau ceremony. ${r1cs.nConstraints}*2 > 2**${power}`);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (!sectionsPTau[12]) {
+ if (logger) logger.error("Powers of tau is not prepared.");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ const nPublic = r1cs.nOutputs + r1cs.nPubInputs;
+ const domainSize = 2 ** cirPower;
+ // Write the header
+ ///////////
+ await startWriteSection(fdZKey, 1);
+ await fdZKey.writeULE32(1); // Groth
+ await endWriteSection(fdZKey);
+ // Write the Groth header section
+ ///////////
+ await startWriteSection(fdZKey, 2);
+ const primeQ = curve.q;
+ const n8q = (Math.floor( (Scalar.bitLength(primeQ) - 1) / 64) +1)*8;
+ const primeR = curve.r;
+ const n8r = (Math.floor( (Scalar.bitLength(primeR) - 1) / 64) +1)*8;
+ const Rr = Scalar.mod(Scalar.shl(1, n8r*8), primeR);
+ const R2r = curve.Fr.e(Scalar.mod(Scalar.mul(Rr,Rr), primeR));
+ await fdZKey.writeULE32(n8q);
+ await writeBigInt(fdZKey, primeQ, n8q);
+ await fdZKey.writeULE32(n8r);
+ await writeBigInt(fdZKey, primeR, n8r);
+ await fdZKey.writeULE32(r1cs.nVars); // Total number of bars
+ await fdZKey.writeULE32(nPublic); // Total number of public vars (not including ONE)
+ await fdZKey.writeULE32(domainSize); // domainSize
+ let bAlpha1;
+ bAlpha1 = await fdPTau.read(sG1, sectionsPTau[4][0].p);
+ await fdZKey.write(bAlpha1);
+ bAlpha1 = await curve.G1.batchLEMtoU(bAlpha1);
+ csHasher.update(bAlpha1);
+ let bBeta1;
+ bBeta1 = await fdPTau.read(sG1, sectionsPTau[5][0].p);
+ await fdZKey.write(bBeta1);
+ bBeta1 = await curve.G1.batchLEMtoU(bBeta1);
+ csHasher.update(bBeta1);
+ let bBeta2;
+ bBeta2 = await fdPTau.read(sG2, sectionsPTau[6][0].p);
+ await fdZKey.write(bBeta2);
+ bBeta2 = await curve.G2.batchLEMtoU(bBeta2);
+ csHasher.update(bBeta2);
+ const bg1 = new Uint8Array(sG1);
+ curve.G1.toRprLEM(bg1, 0, curve.G1.g);
+ const bg2 = new Uint8Array(sG2);
+ curve.G2.toRprLEM(bg2, 0, curve.G2.g);
+ const bg1U = new Uint8Array(sG1);
+ curve.G1.toRprUncompressed(bg1U, 0, curve.G1.g);
+ const bg2U = new Uint8Array(sG2);
+ curve.G2.toRprUncompressed(bg2U, 0, curve.G2.g);
+ await fdZKey.write(bg2); // gamma2
+ await fdZKey.write(bg1); // delta1
+ await fdZKey.write(bg2); // delta2
+ csHasher.update(bg2U); // gamma2
+ csHasher.update(bg1U); // delta1
+ csHasher.update(bg2U); // delta2
+ await endWriteSection(fdZKey);
+ if (logger) logger.info("Reading r1cs");
+ let sR1cs = await readSection(fdR1cs, sectionsR1cs, 2);
+ const A = new BigArray$1(r1cs.nVars);
+ const B1 = new BigArray$1(r1cs.nVars);
+ const B2 = new BigArray$1(r1cs.nVars);
+ const C = new BigArray$1(r1cs.nVars- nPublic -1);
+ const IC = new Array(nPublic+1);
+ if (logger) logger.info("Reading tauG1");
+ let sTauG1 = await readSection(fdPTau, sectionsPTau, 12, (domainSize -1)*sG1, domainSize*sG1);
+ if (logger) logger.info("Reading tauG2");
+ let sTauG2 = await readSection(fdPTau, sectionsPTau, 13, (domainSize -1)*sG2, domainSize*sG2);
+ if (logger) logger.info("Reading alphatauG1");
+ let sAlphaTauG1 = await readSection(fdPTau, sectionsPTau, 14, (domainSize -1)*sG1, domainSize*sG1);
+ if (logger) logger.info("Reading betatauG1");
+ let sBetaTauG1 = await readSection(fdPTau, sectionsPTau, 15, (domainSize -1)*sG1, domainSize*sG1);
+ await processConstraints();
+ await composeAndWritePoints(3, "G1", IC, "IC");
+ await writeHs();
+ await hashHPoints();
+ await composeAndWritePoints(8, "G1", C, "C");
+ await composeAndWritePoints(5, "G1", A, "A");
+ await composeAndWritePoints(6, "G1", B1, "B1");
+ await composeAndWritePoints(7, "G2", B2, "B2");
+ const csHash = csHasher.digest();
+ // Contributions section
+ await startWriteSection(fdZKey, 10);
+ await fdZKey.write(csHash);
+ await fdZKey.writeULE32(0);
+ await endWriteSection(fdZKey);
+ if (logger) logger.info(formatHash(csHash, "Circuit hash: "));
+ await fdZKey.close();
+ await fdR1cs.close();
+ await fdPTau.close();
+ return csHash;
+ async function writeHs() {
+ await startWriteSection(fdZKey, 9);
+ const buffOut = new BigBuffer(domainSize*sG1);
+ if (cirPower < curve.Fr.s) {
+ let sTauG1 = await readSection(fdPTau, sectionsPTau, 12, (domainSize*2-1)*sG1, domainSize*2*sG1);
+ for (let i=0; i< domainSize; i++) {
+ if ((logger)&&(i%10000 == 0)) logger.debug(`spliting buffer: ${i}/${domainSize}`);
+ const buff = sTauG1.slice( (i*2+1)*sG1, (i*2+1)*sG1 + sG1 );
+ buffOut.set(buff, i*sG1);
+ }
+ } else if (cirPower == curve.Fr.s) {
+ const o = sectionsPTau[12][0].p + ((2 ** (cirPower+1)) -1)*sG1;
+ await fdPTau.readToBuffer(buffOut, 0, domainSize*sG1, o + domainSize*sG1);
+ } else {
+ if (logger) logger.error("Circuit too big");
+ throw new Error("Circuit too big for this curve");
+ }
+ await fdZKey.write(buffOut);
+ await endWriteSection(fdZKey);
+ }
+ async function processConstraints() {
+ const buffCoeff = new Uint8Array(12 + curve.Fr.n8);
+ const buffCoeffV = new DataView(buffCoeff.buffer);
+ const bOne = new Uint8Array(curve.Fr.n8);
+ curve.Fr.toRprLE(bOne, 0, curve.Fr.e(1));
+ let r1csPos = 0;
+ function r1cs_readULE32() {
+ const buff = sR1cs.slice(r1csPos, r1csPos+4);
+ r1csPos += 4;
+ const buffV = new DataView(buff.buffer);
+ return buffV.getUint32(0, true);
+ }
+ const coefs = new BigArray$1();
+ for (let c=0; c=0) {
+ n = curve.Fr.fromRprLE(sR1cs.slice(c[3], c[3] + curve.Fr.n8), 0);
+ } else {
+ n = curve.Fr.fromRprLE(bOne, 0);
+ }
+ const nR2 = curve.Fr.mul(n, R2r);
+ curve.Fr.toRprLE(buffCoeff, 12, nR2);
+ buffSection.set(buffCoeff, coefsPos);
+ coefsPos += buffCoeff.length;
+ }
+ }
+ async function composeAndWritePoints(idSection, groupName, arr, sectionName) {
+ const CHUNK_SIZE= 1<<15;
+ const G = curve[groupName];
+ hashU32(arr.length);
+ await startWriteSection(fdZKey, idSection);
+ let opPromises = [];
+ let i=0;
+ while (i {
+ if (logger) logger.debug(`Writing points end ${sectionName}: ${_i}/${arr.length}`);
+ return r;
+ }));
+ i += n;
+ t++;
+ }
+ const result = await Promise.all(opPromises);
+ for (let k=0; k 2<<14) {
+ bBases = new BigBuffer(acc*sGin);
+ bScalars = new BigBuffer(acc*curve.Fr.n8);
+ } else {
+ bBases = new Uint8Array(acc*sGin);
+ bScalars = new Uint8Array(acc*curve.Fr.n8);
+ }
+ let pB =0;
+ let pS =0;
+ const sBuffs = [
+ sTauG1,
+ sTauG2,
+ sAlphaTauG1,
+ sBetaTauG1
+ ];
+ const bOne = new Uint8Array(curve.Fr.n8);
+ curve.Fr.toRprLE(bOne, 0, curve.Fr.e(1));
+ let offset = 0;
+ for (let i=0; i=0) {
+ bScalars.set(
+ sR1cs.slice(
+ arr[i][j][2],
+ arr[i][j][2] + curve.Fr.n8
+ ),
+ offset*curve.Fr.n8
+ );
+ } else {
+ bScalars.set(bOne, offset*curve.Fr.n8);
+ }
+ offset ++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (arr.length>1) {
+ const task = [];
+ task.push({cmd: "ALLOCSET", var: 0, buff: bBases});
+ task.push({cmd: "ALLOCSET", var: 1, buff: bScalars});
+ task.push({cmd: "ALLOC", var: 2, len: arr.length*sGmid});
+ pB = 0;
+ pS = 0;
+ let pD =0;
+ for (let i=0; i.
+async function phase2importMPCParams(zkeyNameOld, mpcparamsName, zkeyNameNew, name, logger) {
+ const {fd: fdZKeyOld, sections: sectionsZKeyOld} = await readBinFile(zkeyNameOld, "zkey", 2);
+ const zkeyHeader = await readHeader$1(fdZKeyOld, sectionsZKeyOld, false);
+ if (zkeyHeader.protocol != "groth16") {
+ throw new Error("zkey file is not groth16");
+ }
+ const curve = await getCurveFromQ(zkeyHeader.q);
+ const sG1 = curve.G1.F.n8*2;
+ const sG2 = curve.G2.F.n8*2;
+ const oldMPCParams = await readMPCParams(fdZKeyOld, curve, sectionsZKeyOld);
+ const newMPCParams = {};
+ const fdMPCParams = await readExisting(mpcparamsName);
+ fdMPCParams.pos =
+ sG1*3 + sG2*3 + // vKey
+ 8 + sG1*zkeyHeader.nVars + // IC + C
+ 4 + sG1*(zkeyHeader.domainSize-1) + // H
+ 4 + sG1*zkeyHeader.nVars + // A
+ 4 + sG1*zkeyHeader.nVars + // B1
+ 4 + sG2*zkeyHeader.nVars; // B2
+ // csHash
+ newMPCParams.csHash = await fdMPCParams.read(64);
+ const nConttributions = await fdMPCParams.readUBE32();
+ newMPCParams.contributions = [];
+ for (let i=0; i newMPCParams.contributions.length) {
+ if (logger) logger.error("The impoerted file does not include new contributions");
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (let i=0; i.
+const sameRatio = sameRatio$2;
+async function phase2verifyFromInit(initFileName, pTauFileName, zkeyFileName, logger) {
+ let sr;
+ await blake2bWasm.exports.ready();
+ const {fd, sections} = await readBinFile(zkeyFileName, "zkey", 2);
+ const zkey = await readHeader$1(fd, sections, false);
+ if (zkey.protocol != "groth16") {
+ throw new Error("zkey file is not groth16");
+ }
+ const curve = await getCurveFromQ(zkey.q);
+ const sG1 = curve.G1.F.n8*2;
+ const mpcParams = await readMPCParams(fd, curve, sections);
+ const accumulatedHasher = blake2bWasm.exports(64);
+ accumulatedHasher.update(mpcParams.csHash);
+ let curDelta = curve.G1.g;
+ for (let i=0; i=0; i--) {
+ const c = mpcParams.contributions[i];
+ if (logger) logger.info("-------------------------");
+ if (logger) logger.info(formatHash(c.contributionHash, `contribution #${i+1} ${c.name ? c.name : ""}:`));
+ if (c.type == 1) {
+ if (logger) logger.info(`Beacon generator: ${byteArray2hex(c.beaconHash)}`);
+ if (logger) logger.info(`Beacon iterations Exp: ${c.numIterationsExp}`);
+ }
+ }
+ if (logger) logger.info("-------------------------");
+ if (logger) logger.info("ZKey Ok!");
+ return true;
+ async function sectionHasSameRatio(groupName, fd1, sections1, fd2, sections2, idSection, g2sp, g2spx, sectionName) {
+ const MAX_CHUNK_SIZE = 1<<20;
+ const G = curve[groupName];
+ const sG = G.F.n8*2;
+ await startReadUniqueSection(fd1, sections1, idSection);
+ await startReadUniqueSection(fd2, sections2, idSection);
+ let R1 = G.zero;
+ let R2 = G.zero;
+ const nPoints = sections1[idSection][0].size / sG;
+ for (let i=0; i.
+async function phase2verifyFromR1cs(r1csFileName, pTauFileName, zkeyFileName, logger) {
+ // const initFileName = "~" + zkeyFileName + ".init";
+ const initFileName = {type: "bigMem"};
+ await newZKey(r1csFileName, pTauFileName, initFileName, logger);
+ return await phase2verifyFromInit(initFileName, pTauFileName, zkeyFileName, logger);
+ Copyright 2018 0KIMS association.
+ This file is part of snarkJS.
+ snarkJS is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ snarkJS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with snarkJS. If not, see .
+async function phase2contribute(zkeyNameOld, zkeyNameNew, name, entropy, logger) {
+ await blake2bWasm.exports.ready();
+ const {fd: fdOld, sections: sections} = await readBinFile(zkeyNameOld, "zkey", 2);
+ const zkey = await readHeader$1(fdOld, sections);
+ if (zkey.protocol != "groth16") {
+ throw new Error("zkey file is not groth16");
+ }
+ const curve = await getCurveFromQ(zkey.q);
+ const mpcParams = await readMPCParams(fdOld, curve, sections);
+ const fdNew = await createBinFile(zkeyNameNew, "zkey", 1, 10);
+ const rng = await getRandomRng(entropy);
+ const transcriptHasher = blake2bWasm.exports(64);
+ transcriptHasher.update(mpcParams.csHash);
+ for (let i=0; i.
+async function beacon(zkeyNameOld, zkeyNameNew, name, beaconHashStr, numIterationsExp, logger) {
+ await blake2bWasm.exports.ready();
+ const beaconHash = hex2ByteArray(beaconHashStr);
+ if ( (beaconHash.byteLength == 0)
+ || (beaconHash.byteLength*2 !=beaconHashStr.length))
+ {
+ if (logger) logger.error("Invalid Beacon Hash. (It must be a valid hexadecimal sequence)");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (beaconHash.length>=256) {
+ if (logger) logger.error("Maximum lenght of beacon hash is 255 bytes");
+ return false;
+ }
+ numIterationsExp = parseInt(numIterationsExp);
+ if ((numIterationsExp<10)||(numIterationsExp>63)) {
+ if (logger) logger.error("Invalid numIterationsExp. (Must be between 10 and 63)");
+ return false;
+ }
+ const {fd: fdOld, sections: sections} = await readBinFile(zkeyNameOld, "zkey", 2);
+ const zkey = await readHeader$1(fdOld, sections);
+ if (zkey.protocol != "groth16") {
+ throw new Error("zkey file is not groth16");
+ }
+ const curve = await getCurveFromQ(zkey.q);
+ const mpcParams = await readMPCParams(fdOld, curve, sections);
+ const fdNew = await createBinFile(zkeyNameNew, "zkey", 1, 10);
+ const rng = await rngFromBeaconParams(beaconHash, numIterationsExp);
+ const transcriptHasher = blake2bWasm.exports(64);
+ transcriptHasher.update(mpcParams.csHash);
+ for (let i=0; i.
+async function bellmanContribute(curve, challengeFilename, responesFileName, entropy, logger) {
+ await blake2bWasm.exports.ready();
+ const rng = await getRandomRng(entropy);
+ const delta = curve.Fr.fromRng(rng);
+ const invDelta = curve.Fr.inv(delta);
+ const sG1 = curve.G1.F.n8*2;
+ const sG2 = curve.G2.F.n8*2;
+ const fdFrom = await readExisting(challengeFilename);
+ const fdTo = await createOverride(responesFileName);
+ await copy(sG1); // alpha1
+ await copy(sG1); // beta1
+ await copy(sG2); // beta2
+ await copy(sG2); // gamma2
+ const oldDelta1 = await readG1();
+ const delta1 = curve.G1.timesFr(oldDelta1, delta);
+ await writeG1(delta1);
+ const oldDelta2 = await readG2();
+ const delta2 = curve.G2.timesFr(oldDelta2, delta);
+ await writeG2(delta2);
+ // IC
+ const nIC = await fdFrom.readUBE32();
+ await fdTo.writeUBE32(nIC);
+ await copy(nIC*sG1);
+ // H
+ const nH = await fdFrom.readUBE32();
+ await fdTo.writeUBE32(nH);
+ await applyKeyToChallengeSection(fdFrom, fdTo, null, curve, "G1", nH, invDelta, curve.Fr.e(1), "UNCOMPRESSED", "H", logger);
+ // L
+ const nL = await fdFrom.readUBE32();
+ await fdTo.writeUBE32(nL);
+ await applyKeyToChallengeSection(fdFrom, fdTo, null, curve, "G1", nL, invDelta, curve.Fr.e(1), "UNCOMPRESSED", "L", logger);
+ // A
+ const nA = await fdFrom.readUBE32();
+ await fdTo.writeUBE32(nA);
+ await copy(nA*sG1);
+ // B1
+ const nB1 = await fdFrom.readUBE32();
+ await fdTo.writeUBE32(nB1);
+ await copy(nB1*sG1);
+ // B2
+ const nB2 = await fdFrom.readUBE32();
+ await fdTo.writeUBE32(nB2);
+ await copy(nB2*sG2);
+ //////////
+ /// Read contributions
+ //////////
+ const transcriptHasher = blake2bWasm.exports(64);
+ const mpcParams = {};
+ // csHash
+ mpcParams.csHash = await fdFrom.read(64);
+ transcriptHasher.update(mpcParams.csHash);
+ const nConttributions = await fdFrom.readUBE32();
+ mpcParams.contributions = [];
+ for (let i=0; i.
+const {stringifyBigInts: stringifyBigInts$3} = utils;
+async function zkeyExportVerificationKey(zkeyName, logger) {
+ if (logger) logger.info("EXPORT VERIFICATION KEY STARTED");
+ const {fd, sections} = await readBinFile(zkeyName, "zkey", 2);
+ const zkey = await readHeader$1(fd, sections);
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Detected protocol: " + zkey.protocol);
+ let res;
+ if (zkey.protocol === "groth16") {
+ res = await groth16Vk(zkey, fd, sections);
+ } else if (zkey.protocol === "plonk") {
+ res = await plonkVk(zkey);
+ } else if (zkey.protocolId && zkey.protocolId === FFLONK_PROTOCOL_ID) {
+ res = await exportFFlonkVk(zkey);
+ } else {
+ throw new Error("zkey file protocol unrecognized");
+ }
+ await fd.close();
+ if (logger) logger.info("EXPORT VERIFICATION KEY FINISHED");
+ return res;
+async function groth16Vk(zkey, fd, sections) {
+ const curve = await getCurveFromQ(zkey.q);
+ const sG1 = curve.G1.F.n8 * 2;
+ const alphaBeta = await curve.pairing(zkey.vk_alpha_1, zkey.vk_beta_2);
+ let vKey = {
+ protocol: zkey.protocol,
+ curve: curve.name,
+ nPublic: zkey.nPublic,
+ vk_alpha_1: curve.G1.toObject(zkey.vk_alpha_1),
+ vk_beta_2: curve.G2.toObject(zkey.vk_beta_2),
+ vk_gamma_2: curve.G2.toObject(zkey.vk_gamma_2),
+ vk_delta_2: curve.G2.toObject(zkey.vk_delta_2),
+ vk_alphabeta_12: curve.Gt.toObject(alphaBeta)
+ };
+ // Read IC Section
+ ///////////
+ await startReadUniqueSection(fd, sections, 3);
+ vKey.IC = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i <= zkey.nPublic; i++) {
+ const buff = await fd.read(sG1);
+ const P = curve.G1.toObject(buff);
+ vKey.IC.push(P);
+ }
+ await endReadSection(fd);
+ vKey = stringifyBigInts$3(vKey);
+ return vKey;
+async function plonkVk(zkey) {
+ const curve = await getCurveFromQ(zkey.q);
+ let vKey = {
+ protocol: zkey.protocol,
+ curve: curve.name,
+ nPublic: zkey.nPublic,
+ power: zkey.power,
+ k1: curve.Fr.toObject(zkey.k1),
+ k2: curve.Fr.toObject(zkey.k2),
+ Qm: curve.G1.toObject(zkey.Qm),
+ Ql: curve.G1.toObject(zkey.Ql),
+ Qr: curve.G1.toObject(zkey.Qr),
+ Qo: curve.G1.toObject(zkey.Qo),
+ Qc: curve.G1.toObject(zkey.Qc),
+ S1: curve.G1.toObject(zkey.S1),
+ S2: curve.G1.toObject(zkey.S2),
+ S3: curve.G1.toObject(zkey.S3),
+ X_2: curve.G2.toObject(zkey.X_2),
+ w: curve.Fr.toObject(curve.Fr.w[zkey.power])
+ };
+ vKey = stringifyBigInts$3(vKey);
+ return vKey;
+async function exportFFlonkVk(zkey, logger) {
+ const curve = await getCurveFromQ(zkey.q);
+ let vKey = {
+ protocol: zkey.protocol,
+ curve: curve.name,
+ nPublic: zkey.nPublic,
+ power: zkey.power,
+ k1: curve.Fr.toObject(zkey.k1),
+ k2: curve.Fr.toObject(zkey.k2),
+ w: curve.Fr.toObject(curve.Fr.w[zkey.power]),
+ //wW: curve.Fr.toObject(curve.Fr.w[zkey.power + 1]),
+ w3: curve.Fr.toObject(zkey.w3),
+ w4: curve.Fr.toObject(zkey.w4),
+ w8: curve.Fr.toObject(zkey.w8),
+ wr: curve.Fr.toObject(zkey.wr),
+ X_2: curve.G2.toObject(zkey.X_2),
+ C0: curve.G1.toObject(zkey.C0),
+ };
+ return stringifyBigInts$3(vKey);
+var ejs = {};
+ Copyright 2021 0KIMS association.
+ This file is part of snarkJS.
+ snarkJS is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ snarkJS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with snarkJS. If not, see .
+const {unstringifyBigInts: unstringifyBigInts$6, stringifyBigInts: stringifyBigInts$2} = utils;
+async function fflonkExportSolidityVerifier(vk, templates, logger) {
+ const curve = await getCurveFromName(vk.curve);
+ // Precompute w3_2, w4_2 and w4_3
+ let w3 = fromVkey(vk.w3);
+ vk.w3_2 = toVkey(curve.Fr.square(w3));
+ let w4 = fromVkey(vk.w4);
+ vk.w4_2 = toVkey(curve.Fr.square(w4));
+ vk.w4_3 = toVkey(curve.Fr.mul(curve.Fr.square(w4), w4));
+ let w8 = fromVkey(vk.w8);
+ let acc = curve.Fr.one;
+ for (let i = 1; i < 8; i++) {
+ acc = curve.Fr.mul(acc, w8);
+ vk["w8_" + i] = toVkey(acc);
+ }
+ let template = templates[vk.protocol];
+ return ejs.render(template, vk);
+ function fromVkey(str) {
+ const val = unstringifyBigInts$6(str);
+ return curve.Fr.fromObject(val);
+ }
+ function toVkey(val) {
+ const str = curve.Fr.toObject(val);
+ return stringifyBigInts$2(str);
+ }
+// Not ready yet
+// module.exports.generateVerifier_kimleeoh = generateVerifier_kimleeoh;
+async function exportSolidityVerifier(zKeyName, templates, logger) {
+ const verificationKey = await zkeyExportVerificationKey(zKeyName, logger);
+ if ("fflonk" === verificationKey.protocol) {
+ return fflonkExportSolidityVerifier(verificationKey, templates, logger);
+ }
+ let template = templates[verificationKey.protocol];
+ return ejs.render(template, verificationKey);
+ Copyright 2018 0KIMS association.
+ This file is part of snarkJS.
+ snarkJS is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ snarkJS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with snarkJS. If not, see .
+var zkey = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ __proto__: null,
+ newZKey: newZKey,
+ exportBellman: phase2exportMPCParams,
+ importBellman: phase2importMPCParams,
+ verifyFromR1cs: phase2verifyFromR1cs,
+ verifyFromInit: phase2verifyFromInit,
+ contribute: phase2contribute,
+ beacon: beacon,
+ exportJson: zkeyExportJson,
+ bellmanContribute: bellmanContribute,
+ exportVerificationKey: zkeyExportVerificationKey,
+ exportSolidityVerifier: exportSolidityVerifier
+ Copyright 2021 0kims association.
+ This file is part of snarkjs.
+ snarkjs is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ snarkjs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ snarkjs. If not, see .
+async function plonkSetup(r1csName, ptauName, zkeyName, logger) {
+ if (globalThis.gc) {globalThis.gc();}
+ await blake2bWasm.exports.ready();
+ const {fd: fdPTau, sections: sectionsPTau} = await readBinFile(ptauName, "ptau", 1);
+ const {curve, power} = await readPTauHeader(fdPTau, sectionsPTau);
+ const {fd: fdR1cs, sections: sectionsR1cs} = await readBinFile(r1csName, "r1cs", 1);
+ const r1cs = await readR1csFd(fdR1cs, sectionsR1cs, {loadConstraints: true, loadCustomGates: true});
+ const sG1 = curve.G1.F.n8*2;
+ const G1 = curve.G1;
+ const sG2 = curve.G2.F.n8*2;
+ const Fr = curve.Fr;
+ const n8r = curve.Fr.n8;
+ if (logger) logger.info("Reading r1cs");
+ await readSection(fdR1cs, sectionsR1cs, 2);
+ const plonkConstraints = new BigArray$1();
+ const plonkAdditions = new BigArray$1();
+ let plonkNVars = r1cs.nVars;
+ const nPublic = r1cs.nOutputs + r1cs.nPubInputs;
+ await processConstraints(curve.Fr, r1cs, logger);
+ if (globalThis.gc) {globalThis.gc();}
+ const fdZKey = await createBinFile(zkeyName, "zkey", 1, 14, 1<<22, 1<<24);
+ if (r1cs.prime != curve.r) {
+ if (logger) logger.error("r1cs curve does not match powers of tau ceremony curve");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ let cirPower = log2(plonkConstraints.length -1) +1;
+ if (cirPower < 3) cirPower = 3; // As the t polinomal is n+5 whe need at least a power of 4
+ const domainSize = 2 ** cirPower;
+ if (logger) logger.info("Plonk constraints: " + plonkConstraints.length);
+ if (cirPower > power) {
+ if (logger) logger.error(`circuit too big for this power of tau ceremony. ${plonkConstraints.length} > 2**${power}`);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (!sectionsPTau[12]) {
+ if (logger) logger.error("Powers of tau is not prepared.");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ const LPoints = new BigBuffer(domainSize*sG1);
+ const o = sectionsPTau[12][0].p + ((2 ** (cirPower)) -1)*sG1;
+ await fdPTau.readToBuffer(LPoints, 0, domainSize*sG1, o);
+ const [k1, k2] = getK1K2();
+ const vk = {};
+ await writeAdditions(3, "Additions");
+ if (globalThis.gc) {globalThis.gc();}
+ await writeWitnessMap(4, 0, "Amap");
+ if (globalThis.gc) {globalThis.gc();}
+ await writeWitnessMap(5, 1, "Bmap");
+ if (globalThis.gc) {globalThis.gc();}
+ await writeWitnessMap(6, 2, "Cmap");
+ if (globalThis.gc) {globalThis.gc();}
+ await writeQMap(7, 3, "Qm");
+ if (globalThis.gc) {globalThis.gc();}
+ await writeQMap(8, 4, "Ql");
+ if (globalThis.gc) {globalThis.gc();}
+ await writeQMap(9, 5, "Qr");
+ if (globalThis.gc) {globalThis.gc();}
+ await writeQMap(10, 6, "Qo");
+ if (globalThis.gc) {globalThis.gc();}
+ await writeQMap(11, 7, "Qc");
+ if (globalThis.gc) {globalThis.gc();}
+ await writeSigma(12, "sigma");
+ if (globalThis.gc) {globalThis.gc();}
+ await writeLs(13, "lagrange polynomials");
+ if (globalThis.gc) {globalThis.gc();}
+ // Write PTau points
+ ////////////
+ await startWriteSection(fdZKey, 14);
+ const buffOut = new BigBuffer((domainSize+6)*sG1);
+ await fdPTau.readToBuffer(buffOut, 0, (domainSize+6)*sG1, sectionsPTau[2][0].p);
+ await fdZKey.write(buffOut);
+ await endWriteSection(fdZKey);
+ if (globalThis.gc) {globalThis.gc();}
+ await writeHeaders();
+ await fdZKey.close();
+ await fdR1cs.close();
+ await fdPTau.close();
+ if (logger) logger.info("Setup Finished");
+ return ;
+ async function processConstraints(Fr, r1cs, logger) {
+ function normalize(linearComb) {
+ const ss = Object.keys(linearComb);
+ for (let i = 0; i < ss.length; i++) {
+ if (linearComb[ss[i]] == 0n) delete linearComb[ss[i]];
+ }
+ }
+ function join(linearComb1, k, linearComb2) {
+ const res = {};
+ for (let s in linearComb1) {
+ if (typeof res[s] == "undefined") {
+ res[s] = Fr.mul(k, linearComb1[s]);
+ } else {
+ res[s] = Fr.add(res[s], Fr.mul(k, linearComb1[s]));
+ }
+ }
+ for (let s in linearComb2) {
+ if (typeof res[s] == "undefined") {
+ res[s] = linearComb2[s];
+ } else {
+ res[s] = Fr.add(res[s], linearComb2[s]);
+ }
+ }
+ normalize(res);
+ return res;
+ }
+ function reduceCoefs(linearComb, maxC) {
+ const res = {
+ k: Fr.zero,
+ s: [],
+ coefs: []
+ };
+ const cs = [];
+ for (let s in linearComb) {
+ if (s == 0) {
+ res.k = Fr.add(res.k, linearComb[s]);
+ } else if (linearComb[s] != 0n) {
+ cs.push([Number(s), linearComb[s]]);
+ }
+ }
+ while (cs.length > maxC) {
+ const c1 = cs.shift();
+ const c2 = cs.shift();
+ const sl = c1[0];
+ const sr = c2[0];
+ const so = plonkNVars++;
+ const qm = Fr.zero;
+ const ql = Fr.neg(c1[1]);
+ const qr = Fr.neg(c2[1]);
+ const qo = Fr.one;
+ const qc = Fr.zero;
+ plonkConstraints.push([sl, sr, so, qm, ql, qr, qo, qc]);
+ plonkAdditions.push([sl, sr, c1[1], c2[1]]);
+ cs.push([so, Fr.one]);
+ }
+ for (let i = 0; i < cs.length; i++) {
+ res.s[i] = cs[i][0];
+ res.coefs[i] = cs[i][1];
+ }
+ while (res.coefs.length < maxC) {
+ res.s.push(0);
+ res.coefs.push(Fr.zero);
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ function addConstraintSum(lc) {
+ const C = reduceCoefs(lc, 3);
+ const sl = C.s[0];
+ const sr = C.s[1];
+ const so = C.s[2];
+ const qm = Fr.zero;
+ const ql = C.coefs[0];
+ const qr = C.coefs[1];
+ const qo = C.coefs[2];
+ const qc = C.k;
+ plonkConstraints.push([sl, sr, so, qm, ql, qr, qo, qc]);
+ }
+ function addConstraintMul(lcA, lcB, lcC) {
+ const A = reduceCoefs(lcA, 1);
+ const B = reduceCoefs(lcB, 1);
+ const C = reduceCoefs(lcC, 1);
+ const sl = A.s[0];
+ const sr = B.s[0];
+ const so = C.s[0];
+ const qm = Fr.mul(A.coefs[0], B.coefs[0]);
+ const ql = Fr.mul(A.coefs[0], B.k);
+ const qr = Fr.mul(A.k, B.coefs[0]);
+ const qo = Fr.neg(C.coefs[0]);
+ const qc = Fr.sub(Fr.mul(A.k, B.k), C.k);
+ plonkConstraints.push([sl, sr, so, qm, ql, qr, qo, qc]);
+ }
+ function getLinearCombinationType(lc) {
+ let k = Fr.zero;
+ let n = 0;
+ const ss = Object.keys(lc);
+ for (let i = 0; i < ss.length; i++) {
+ if (lc[ss[i]] == 0n) {
+ delete lc[ss[i]];
+ } else if (ss[i] == 0) {
+ k = Fr.add(k, lc[ss[i]]);
+ } else {
+ n++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (n > 0) return n.toString();
+ if (k != Fr.zero) return "k";
+ return "0";
+ }
+ function process(lcA, lcB, lcC) {
+ const lctA = getLinearCombinationType(lcA);
+ const lctB = getLinearCombinationType(lcB);
+ if ((lctA === "0") || (lctB === "0")) {
+ normalize(lcC);
+ addConstraintSum(lcC);
+ } else if (lctA === "k") {
+ const lcCC = join(lcB, lcA[0], lcC);
+ addConstraintSum(lcCC);
+ } else if (lctB === "k") {
+ const lcCC = join(lcA, lcB[0], lcC);
+ addConstraintSum(lcCC);
+ } else {
+ addConstraintMul(lcA, lcB, lcC);
+ }
+ }
+ for (let s = 1; s <= nPublic; s++) {
+ const sl = s;
+ const sr = 0;
+ const so = 0;
+ const qm = Fr.zero;
+ const ql = Fr.one;
+ const qr = Fr.zero;
+ const qo = Fr.zero;
+ const qc = Fr.zero;
+ plonkConstraints.push([sl, sr, so, qm, ql, qr, qo, qc]);
+ }
+ for (let c = 0; c < r1cs.constraints.length; c++) {
+ if ((logger) && (c % 10000 === 0)) logger.debug(`processing constraints: ${c}/${r1cs.nConstraints}`);
+ process(...r1cs.constraints[c]);
+ }
+ }
+ async function writeWitnessMap(sectionNum, posConstraint, name) {
+ await startWriteSection(fdZKey, sectionNum);
+ for (let i=0; i.
+class Proof {
+ constructor(curve, logger) {
+ this.curve = curve;
+ this.logger = logger;
+ this.resetProof();
+ }
+ resetProof() {
+ this.polynomials = {};
+ this.evaluations = {};
+ }
+ addPolynomial(key, polynomial) {
+ if (key in this.polynomials) {
+ this.logger.warn(`proof: polynomial.${key} already exist in proof`);
+ }
+ this.polynomials[key] = polynomial;
+ }
+ getPolynomial(key) {
+ if (!(key in this.polynomials)) {
+ this.logger.warn(`proof: polynomial ${key} does not exist in proof`);
+ }
+ return this.polynomials[key];
+ }
+ addEvaluation(key, evaluation) {
+ if (key in this.evaluations) {
+ this.logger.warn(`proof: evaluations.${key} already exist in proof`);
+ }
+ this.evaluations[key] = evaluation;
+ }
+ getEvaluation(key) {
+ if (!(key in this.evaluations)) {
+ this.logger.warn(`proof: evaluation ${key} does not exist in proof`);
+ }
+ return this.evaluations[key];
+ }
+ toObjectProof(splitFields = true) {
+ let res = splitFields ? {polynomials: {}, evaluations: {}} : {};
+ Object.keys(this.polynomials).forEach(key => {
+ const value = this.curve.G1.toObject(this.polynomials[key]);
+ if(splitFields) {
+ res.polynomials[key] = value;
+ } else {
+ res[key] = value;
+ }
+ });
+ Object.keys(this.evaluations).forEach(key => {
+ const value = this.curve.Fr.toObject(this.evaluations[key]);
+ if(splitFields) {
+ res.evaluations[key] = value;
+ } else {
+ res[key] = value;
+ }
+ });
+ return res;
+ }
+ fromObjectProof(objectProof) {
+ this.resetProof();
+ Object.keys(objectProof.polynomials).forEach(key => {
+ this.polynomials[key] = this.curve.G1.fromObject(objectProof.polynomials[key]);
+ });
+ Object.keys(objectProof.evaluations).forEach(key => {
+ this.evaluations[key] = this.curve.Fr.fromObject(objectProof.evaluations[key]);
+ });
+ }
+var sha3 = {exports: {}};
+ * [js-sha3]{@link https://github.com/emn178/js-sha3}
+ *
+ * @version 0.8.0
+ * @author Chen, Yi-Cyuan [emn178@gmail.com]
+ * @copyright Chen, Yi-Cyuan 2015-2018
+ * @license MIT
+ */
+(function (module) {
+ /*jslint bitwise: true */
+ (function () {
+ var INPUT_ERROR = 'input is invalid type';
+ var FINALIZE_ERROR = 'finalize already called';
+ var WINDOW = typeof window === 'object';
+ var root = WINDOW ? window : {};
+ if (root.JS_SHA3_NO_WINDOW) {
+ WINDOW = false;
+ }
+ var WEB_WORKER = !WINDOW && typeof self === 'object';
+ var NODE_JS = !root.JS_SHA3_NO_NODE_JS && typeof process === 'object' && process.versions && process.versions.node;
+ if (NODE_JS) {
+ root = commonjsGlobal;
+ } else if (WEB_WORKER) {
+ root = self;
+ }
+ var COMMON_JS = !root.JS_SHA3_NO_COMMON_JS && 'object' === 'object' && module.exports;
+ var ARRAY_BUFFER = !root.JS_SHA3_NO_ARRAY_BUFFER && typeof ArrayBuffer !== 'undefined';
+ var HEX_CHARS = '0123456789abcdef'.split('');
+ var SHAKE_PADDING = [31, 7936, 2031616, 520093696];
+ var CSHAKE_PADDING = [4, 1024, 262144, 67108864];
+ var KECCAK_PADDING = [1, 256, 65536, 16777216];
+ var PADDING = [6, 1536, 393216, 100663296];
+ var SHIFT = [0, 8, 16, 24];
+ var RC = [1, 0, 32898, 0, 32906, 2147483648, 2147516416, 2147483648, 32907, 0, 2147483649,
+ 0, 2147516545, 2147483648, 32777, 2147483648, 138, 0, 136, 0, 2147516425, 0,
+ 2147483658, 0, 2147516555, 0, 139, 2147483648, 32905, 2147483648, 32771,
+ 2147483648, 32770, 2147483648, 128, 2147483648, 32778, 0, 2147483658, 2147483648,
+ 2147516545, 2147483648, 32896, 2147483648, 2147483649, 0, 2147516424, 2147483648];
+ var BITS = [224, 256, 384, 512];
+ var SHAKE_BITS = [128, 256];
+ var OUTPUT_TYPES = ['hex', 'buffer', 'arrayBuffer', 'array', 'digest'];
+ '128': 168,
+ '256': 136
+ };
+ if (root.JS_SHA3_NO_NODE_JS || !Array.isArray) {
+ Array.isArray = function (obj) {
+ return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === '[object Array]';
+ };
+ }
+ if (ARRAY_BUFFER && (root.JS_SHA3_NO_ARRAY_BUFFER_IS_VIEW || !ArrayBuffer.isView)) {
+ ArrayBuffer.isView = function (obj) {
+ return typeof obj === 'object' && obj.buffer && obj.buffer.constructor === ArrayBuffer;
+ };
+ }
+ var createOutputMethod = function (bits, padding, outputType) {
+ return function (message) {
+ return new Keccak(bits, padding, bits).update(message)[outputType]();
+ };
+ };
+ var createShakeOutputMethod = function (bits, padding, outputType) {
+ return function (message, outputBits) {
+ return new Keccak(bits, padding, outputBits).update(message)[outputType]();
+ };
+ };
+ var createCshakeOutputMethod = function (bits, padding, outputType) {
+ return function (message, outputBits, n, s) {
+ return methods['cshake' + bits].update(message, outputBits, n, s)[outputType]();
+ };
+ };
+ var createKmacOutputMethod = function (bits, padding, outputType) {
+ return function (key, message, outputBits, s) {
+ return methods['kmac' + bits].update(key, message, outputBits, s)[outputType]();
+ };
+ };
+ var createOutputMethods = function (method, createMethod, bits, padding) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < OUTPUT_TYPES.length; ++i) {
+ var type = OUTPUT_TYPES[i];
+ method[type] = createMethod(bits, padding, type);
+ }
+ return method;
+ };
+ var createMethod = function (bits, padding) {
+ var method = createOutputMethod(bits, padding, 'hex');
+ method.create = function () {
+ return new Keccak(bits, padding, bits);
+ };
+ method.update = function (message) {
+ return method.create().update(message);
+ };
+ return createOutputMethods(method, createOutputMethod, bits, padding);
+ };
+ var createShakeMethod = function (bits, padding) {
+ var method = createShakeOutputMethod(bits, padding, 'hex');
+ method.create = function (outputBits) {
+ return new Keccak(bits, padding, outputBits);
+ };
+ method.update = function (message, outputBits) {
+ return method.create(outputBits).update(message);
+ };
+ return createOutputMethods(method, createShakeOutputMethod, bits, padding);
+ };
+ var createCshakeMethod = function (bits, padding) {
+ var w = CSHAKE_BYTEPAD[bits];
+ var method = createCshakeOutputMethod(bits, padding, 'hex');
+ method.create = function (outputBits, n, s) {
+ if (!n && !s) {
+ return methods['shake' + bits].create(outputBits);
+ } else {
+ return new Keccak(bits, padding, outputBits).bytepad([n, s], w);
+ }
+ };
+ method.update = function (message, outputBits, n, s) {
+ return method.create(outputBits, n, s).update(message);
+ };
+ return createOutputMethods(method, createCshakeOutputMethod, bits, padding);
+ };
+ var createKmacMethod = function (bits, padding) {
+ var w = CSHAKE_BYTEPAD[bits];
+ var method = createKmacOutputMethod(bits, padding, 'hex');
+ method.create = function (key, outputBits, s) {
+ return new Kmac(bits, padding, outputBits).bytepad(['KMAC', s], w).bytepad([key], w);
+ };
+ method.update = function (key, message, outputBits, s) {
+ return method.create(key, outputBits, s).update(message);
+ };
+ return createOutputMethods(method, createKmacOutputMethod, bits, padding);
+ };
+ var algorithms = [
+ { name: 'keccak', padding: KECCAK_PADDING, bits: BITS, createMethod: createMethod },
+ { name: 'sha3', padding: PADDING, bits: BITS, createMethod: createMethod },
+ { name: 'shake', padding: SHAKE_PADDING, bits: SHAKE_BITS, createMethod: createShakeMethod },
+ { name: 'cshake', padding: CSHAKE_PADDING, bits: SHAKE_BITS, createMethod: createCshakeMethod },
+ { name: 'kmac', padding: CSHAKE_PADDING, bits: SHAKE_BITS, createMethod: createKmacMethod }
+ ];
+ var methods = {}, methodNames = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < algorithms.length; ++i) {
+ var algorithm = algorithms[i];
+ var bits = algorithm.bits;
+ for (var j = 0; j < bits.length; ++j) {
+ var methodName = algorithm.name + '_' + bits[j];
+ methodNames.push(methodName);
+ methods[methodName] = algorithm.createMethod(bits[j], algorithm.padding);
+ if (algorithm.name !== 'sha3') {
+ var newMethodName = algorithm.name + bits[j];
+ methodNames.push(newMethodName);
+ methods[newMethodName] = methods[methodName];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function Keccak(bits, padding, outputBits) {
+ this.blocks = [];
+ this.s = [];
+ this.padding = padding;
+ this.outputBits = outputBits;
+ this.reset = true;
+ this.finalized = false;
+ this.block = 0;
+ this.start = 0;
+ this.blockCount = (1600 - (bits << 1)) >> 5;
+ this.byteCount = this.blockCount << 2;
+ this.outputBlocks = outputBits >> 5;
+ this.extraBytes = (outputBits & 31) >> 3;
+ for (var i = 0; i < 50; ++i) {
+ this.s[i] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ Keccak.prototype.update = function (message) {
+ if (this.finalized) {
+ throw new Error(FINALIZE_ERROR);
+ }
+ var notString, type = typeof message;
+ if (type !== 'string') {
+ if (type === 'object') {
+ if (message === null) {
+ throw new Error(INPUT_ERROR);
+ } else if (ARRAY_BUFFER && message.constructor === ArrayBuffer) {
+ message = new Uint8Array(message);
+ } else if (!Array.isArray(message)) {
+ if (!ARRAY_BUFFER || !ArrayBuffer.isView(message)) {
+ throw new Error(INPUT_ERROR);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw new Error(INPUT_ERROR);
+ }
+ notString = true;
+ }
+ var blocks = this.blocks, byteCount = this.byteCount, length = message.length,
+ blockCount = this.blockCount, index = 0, s = this.s, i, code;
+ while (index < length) {
+ if (this.reset) {
+ this.reset = false;
+ blocks[0] = this.block;
+ for (i = 1; i < blockCount + 1; ++i) {
+ blocks[i] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (notString) {
+ for (i = this.start; index < length && i < byteCount; ++index) {
+ blocks[i >> 2] |= message[index] << SHIFT[i++ & 3];
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (i = this.start; index < length && i < byteCount; ++index) {
+ code = message.charCodeAt(index);
+ if (code < 0x80) {
+ blocks[i >> 2] |= code << SHIFT[i++ & 3];
+ } else if (code < 0x800) {
+ blocks[i >> 2] |= (0xc0 | (code >> 6)) << SHIFT[i++ & 3];
+ blocks[i >> 2] |= (0x80 | (code & 0x3f)) << SHIFT[i++ & 3];
+ } else if (code < 0xd800 || code >= 0xe000) {
+ blocks[i >> 2] |= (0xe0 | (code >> 12)) << SHIFT[i++ & 3];
+ blocks[i >> 2] |= (0x80 | ((code >> 6) & 0x3f)) << SHIFT[i++ & 3];
+ blocks[i >> 2] |= (0x80 | (code & 0x3f)) << SHIFT[i++ & 3];
+ } else {
+ code = 0x10000 + (((code & 0x3ff) << 10) | (message.charCodeAt(++index) & 0x3ff));
+ blocks[i >> 2] |= (0xf0 | (code >> 18)) << SHIFT[i++ & 3];
+ blocks[i >> 2] |= (0x80 | ((code >> 12) & 0x3f)) << SHIFT[i++ & 3];
+ blocks[i >> 2] |= (0x80 | ((code >> 6) & 0x3f)) << SHIFT[i++ & 3];
+ blocks[i >> 2] |= (0x80 | (code & 0x3f)) << SHIFT[i++ & 3];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ this.lastByteIndex = i;
+ if (i >= byteCount) {
+ this.start = i - byteCount;
+ this.block = blocks[blockCount];
+ for (i = 0; i < blockCount; ++i) {
+ s[i] ^= blocks[i];
+ }
+ f(s);
+ this.reset = true;
+ } else {
+ this.start = i;
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ };
+ Keccak.prototype.encode = function (x, right) {
+ var o = x & 255, n = 1;
+ var bytes = [o];
+ x = x >> 8;
+ o = x & 255;
+ while (o > 0) {
+ bytes.unshift(o);
+ x = x >> 8;
+ o = x & 255;
+ ++n;
+ }
+ if (right) {
+ bytes.push(n);
+ } else {
+ bytes.unshift(n);
+ }
+ this.update(bytes);
+ return bytes.length;
+ };
+ Keccak.prototype.encodeString = function (str) {
+ var notString, type = typeof str;
+ if (type !== 'string') {
+ if (type === 'object') {
+ if (str === null) {
+ throw new Error(INPUT_ERROR);
+ } else if (ARRAY_BUFFER && str.constructor === ArrayBuffer) {
+ str = new Uint8Array(str);
+ } else if (!Array.isArray(str)) {
+ if (!ARRAY_BUFFER || !ArrayBuffer.isView(str)) {
+ throw new Error(INPUT_ERROR);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw new Error(INPUT_ERROR);
+ }
+ notString = true;
+ }
+ var bytes = 0, length = str.length;
+ if (notString) {
+ bytes = length;
+ } else {
+ for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {
+ var code = str.charCodeAt(i);
+ if (code < 0x80) {
+ bytes += 1;
+ } else if (code < 0x800) {
+ bytes += 2;
+ } else if (code < 0xd800 || code >= 0xe000) {
+ bytes += 3;
+ } else {
+ code = 0x10000 + (((code & 0x3ff) << 10) | (str.charCodeAt(++i) & 0x3ff));
+ bytes += 4;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bytes += this.encode(bytes * 8);
+ this.update(str);
+ return bytes;
+ };
+ Keccak.prototype.bytepad = function (strs, w) {
+ var bytes = this.encode(w);
+ for (var i = 0; i < strs.length; ++i) {
+ bytes += this.encodeString(strs[i]);
+ }
+ var paddingBytes = w - bytes % w;
+ var zeros = [];
+ zeros.length = paddingBytes;
+ this.update(zeros);
+ return this;
+ };
+ Keccak.prototype.finalize = function () {
+ if (this.finalized) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.finalized = true;
+ var blocks = this.blocks, i = this.lastByteIndex, blockCount = this.blockCount, s = this.s;
+ blocks[i >> 2] |= this.padding[i & 3];
+ if (this.lastByteIndex === this.byteCount) {
+ blocks[0] = blocks[blockCount];
+ for (i = 1; i < blockCount + 1; ++i) {
+ blocks[i] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ blocks[blockCount - 1] |= 0x80000000;
+ for (i = 0; i < blockCount; ++i) {
+ s[i] ^= blocks[i];
+ }
+ f(s);
+ };
+ Keccak.prototype.toString = Keccak.prototype.hex = function () {
+ this.finalize();
+ var blockCount = this.blockCount, s = this.s, outputBlocks = this.outputBlocks,
+ extraBytes = this.extraBytes, i = 0, j = 0;
+ var hex = '', block;
+ while (j < outputBlocks) {
+ for (i = 0; i < blockCount && j < outputBlocks; ++i, ++j) {
+ block = s[i];
+ hex += HEX_CHARS[(block >> 4) & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[block & 0x0F] +
+ HEX_CHARS[(block >> 12) & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[(block >> 8) & 0x0F] +
+ HEX_CHARS[(block >> 20) & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[(block >> 16) & 0x0F] +
+ HEX_CHARS[(block >> 28) & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[(block >> 24) & 0x0F];
+ }
+ if (j % blockCount === 0) {
+ f(s);
+ i = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (extraBytes) {
+ block = s[i];
+ hex += HEX_CHARS[(block >> 4) & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[block & 0x0F];
+ if (extraBytes > 1) {
+ hex += HEX_CHARS[(block >> 12) & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[(block >> 8) & 0x0F];
+ }
+ if (extraBytes > 2) {
+ hex += HEX_CHARS[(block >> 20) & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[(block >> 16) & 0x0F];
+ }
+ }
+ return hex;
+ };
+ Keccak.prototype.arrayBuffer = function () {
+ this.finalize();
+ var blockCount = this.blockCount, s = this.s, outputBlocks = this.outputBlocks,
+ extraBytes = this.extraBytes, i = 0, j = 0;
+ var bytes = this.outputBits >> 3;
+ var buffer;
+ if (extraBytes) {
+ buffer = new ArrayBuffer((outputBlocks + 1) << 2);
+ } else {
+ buffer = new ArrayBuffer(bytes);
+ }
+ var array = new Uint32Array(buffer);
+ while (j < outputBlocks) {
+ for (i = 0; i < blockCount && j < outputBlocks; ++i, ++j) {
+ array[j] = s[i];
+ }
+ if (j % blockCount === 0) {
+ f(s);
+ }
+ }
+ if (extraBytes) {
+ array[i] = s[i];
+ buffer = buffer.slice(0, bytes);
+ }
+ return buffer;
+ };
+ Keccak.prototype.buffer = Keccak.prototype.arrayBuffer;
+ Keccak.prototype.digest = Keccak.prototype.array = function () {
+ this.finalize();
+ var blockCount = this.blockCount, s = this.s, outputBlocks = this.outputBlocks,
+ extraBytes = this.extraBytes, i = 0, j = 0;
+ var array = [], offset, block;
+ while (j < outputBlocks) {
+ for (i = 0; i < blockCount && j < outputBlocks; ++i, ++j) {
+ offset = j << 2;
+ block = s[i];
+ array[offset] = block & 0xFF;
+ array[offset + 1] = (block >> 8) & 0xFF;
+ array[offset + 2] = (block >> 16) & 0xFF;
+ array[offset + 3] = (block >> 24) & 0xFF;
+ }
+ if (j % blockCount === 0) {
+ f(s);
+ }
+ }
+ if (extraBytes) {
+ offset = j << 2;
+ block = s[i];
+ array[offset] = block & 0xFF;
+ if (extraBytes > 1) {
+ array[offset + 1] = (block >> 8) & 0xFF;
+ }
+ if (extraBytes > 2) {
+ array[offset + 2] = (block >> 16) & 0xFF;
+ }
+ }
+ return array;
+ };
+ function Kmac(bits, padding, outputBits) {
+ Keccak.call(this, bits, padding, outputBits);
+ }
+ Kmac.prototype = new Keccak();
+ Kmac.prototype.finalize = function () {
+ this.encode(this.outputBits, true);
+ return Keccak.prototype.finalize.call(this);
+ };
+ var f = function (s) {
+ var h, l, n, c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9,
+ b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8, b9, b10, b11, b12, b13, b14, b15, b16, b17,
+ b18, b19, b20, b21, b22, b23, b24, b25, b26, b27, b28, b29, b30, b31, b32, b33,
+ b34, b35, b36, b37, b38, b39, b40, b41, b42, b43, b44, b45, b46, b47, b48, b49;
+ for (n = 0; n < 48; n += 2) {
+ c0 = s[0] ^ s[10] ^ s[20] ^ s[30] ^ s[40];
+ c1 = s[1] ^ s[11] ^ s[21] ^ s[31] ^ s[41];
+ c2 = s[2] ^ s[12] ^ s[22] ^ s[32] ^ s[42];
+ c3 = s[3] ^ s[13] ^ s[23] ^ s[33] ^ s[43];
+ c4 = s[4] ^ s[14] ^ s[24] ^ s[34] ^ s[44];
+ c5 = s[5] ^ s[15] ^ s[25] ^ s[35] ^ s[45];
+ c6 = s[6] ^ s[16] ^ s[26] ^ s[36] ^ s[46];
+ c7 = s[7] ^ s[17] ^ s[27] ^ s[37] ^ s[47];
+ c8 = s[8] ^ s[18] ^ s[28] ^ s[38] ^ s[48];
+ c9 = s[9] ^ s[19] ^ s[29] ^ s[39] ^ s[49];
+ h = c8 ^ ((c2 << 1) | (c3 >>> 31));
+ l = c9 ^ ((c3 << 1) | (c2 >>> 31));
+ s[0] ^= h;
+ s[1] ^= l;
+ s[10] ^= h;
+ s[11] ^= l;
+ s[20] ^= h;
+ s[21] ^= l;
+ s[30] ^= h;
+ s[31] ^= l;
+ s[40] ^= h;
+ s[41] ^= l;
+ h = c0 ^ ((c4 << 1) | (c5 >>> 31));
+ l = c1 ^ ((c5 << 1) | (c4 >>> 31));
+ s[2] ^= h;
+ s[3] ^= l;
+ s[12] ^= h;
+ s[13] ^= l;
+ s[22] ^= h;
+ s[23] ^= l;
+ s[32] ^= h;
+ s[33] ^= l;
+ s[42] ^= h;
+ s[43] ^= l;
+ h = c2 ^ ((c6 << 1) | (c7 >>> 31));
+ l = c3 ^ ((c7 << 1) | (c6 >>> 31));
+ s[4] ^= h;
+ s[5] ^= l;
+ s[14] ^= h;
+ s[15] ^= l;
+ s[24] ^= h;
+ s[25] ^= l;
+ s[34] ^= h;
+ s[35] ^= l;
+ s[44] ^= h;
+ s[45] ^= l;
+ h = c4 ^ ((c8 << 1) | (c9 >>> 31));
+ l = c5 ^ ((c9 << 1) | (c8 >>> 31));
+ s[6] ^= h;
+ s[7] ^= l;
+ s[16] ^= h;
+ s[17] ^= l;
+ s[26] ^= h;
+ s[27] ^= l;
+ s[36] ^= h;
+ s[37] ^= l;
+ s[46] ^= h;
+ s[47] ^= l;
+ h = c6 ^ ((c0 << 1) | (c1 >>> 31));
+ l = c7 ^ ((c1 << 1) | (c0 >>> 31));
+ s[8] ^= h;
+ s[9] ^= l;
+ s[18] ^= h;
+ s[19] ^= l;
+ s[28] ^= h;
+ s[29] ^= l;
+ s[38] ^= h;
+ s[39] ^= l;
+ s[48] ^= h;
+ s[49] ^= l;
+ b0 = s[0];
+ b1 = s[1];
+ b32 = (s[11] << 4) | (s[10] >>> 28);
+ b33 = (s[10] << 4) | (s[11] >>> 28);
+ b14 = (s[20] << 3) | (s[21] >>> 29);
+ b15 = (s[21] << 3) | (s[20] >>> 29);
+ b46 = (s[31] << 9) | (s[30] >>> 23);
+ b47 = (s[30] << 9) | (s[31] >>> 23);
+ b28 = (s[40] << 18) | (s[41] >>> 14);
+ b29 = (s[41] << 18) | (s[40] >>> 14);
+ b20 = (s[2] << 1) | (s[3] >>> 31);
+ b21 = (s[3] << 1) | (s[2] >>> 31);
+ b2 = (s[13] << 12) | (s[12] >>> 20);
+ b3 = (s[12] << 12) | (s[13] >>> 20);
+ b34 = (s[22] << 10) | (s[23] >>> 22);
+ b35 = (s[23] << 10) | (s[22] >>> 22);
+ b16 = (s[33] << 13) | (s[32] >>> 19);
+ b17 = (s[32] << 13) | (s[33] >>> 19);
+ b48 = (s[42] << 2) | (s[43] >>> 30);
+ b49 = (s[43] << 2) | (s[42] >>> 30);
+ b40 = (s[5] << 30) | (s[4] >>> 2);
+ b41 = (s[4] << 30) | (s[5] >>> 2);
+ b22 = (s[14] << 6) | (s[15] >>> 26);
+ b23 = (s[15] << 6) | (s[14] >>> 26);
+ b4 = (s[25] << 11) | (s[24] >>> 21);
+ b5 = (s[24] << 11) | (s[25] >>> 21);
+ b36 = (s[34] << 15) | (s[35] >>> 17);
+ b37 = (s[35] << 15) | (s[34] >>> 17);
+ b18 = (s[45] << 29) | (s[44] >>> 3);
+ b19 = (s[44] << 29) | (s[45] >>> 3);
+ b10 = (s[6] << 28) | (s[7] >>> 4);
+ b11 = (s[7] << 28) | (s[6] >>> 4);
+ b42 = (s[17] << 23) | (s[16] >>> 9);
+ b43 = (s[16] << 23) | (s[17] >>> 9);
+ b24 = (s[26] << 25) | (s[27] >>> 7);
+ b25 = (s[27] << 25) | (s[26] >>> 7);
+ b6 = (s[36] << 21) | (s[37] >>> 11);
+ b7 = (s[37] << 21) | (s[36] >>> 11);
+ b38 = (s[47] << 24) | (s[46] >>> 8);
+ b39 = (s[46] << 24) | (s[47] >>> 8);
+ b30 = (s[8] << 27) | (s[9] >>> 5);
+ b31 = (s[9] << 27) | (s[8] >>> 5);
+ b12 = (s[18] << 20) | (s[19] >>> 12);
+ b13 = (s[19] << 20) | (s[18] >>> 12);
+ b44 = (s[29] << 7) | (s[28] >>> 25);
+ b45 = (s[28] << 7) | (s[29] >>> 25);
+ b26 = (s[38] << 8) | (s[39] >>> 24);
+ b27 = (s[39] << 8) | (s[38] >>> 24);
+ b8 = (s[48] << 14) | (s[49] >>> 18);
+ b9 = (s[49] << 14) | (s[48] >>> 18);
+ s[0] = b0 ^ (~b2 & b4);
+ s[1] = b1 ^ (~b3 & b5);
+ s[10] = b10 ^ (~b12 & b14);
+ s[11] = b11 ^ (~b13 & b15);
+ s[20] = b20 ^ (~b22 & b24);
+ s[21] = b21 ^ (~b23 & b25);
+ s[30] = b30 ^ (~b32 & b34);
+ s[31] = b31 ^ (~b33 & b35);
+ s[40] = b40 ^ (~b42 & b44);
+ s[41] = b41 ^ (~b43 & b45);
+ s[2] = b2 ^ (~b4 & b6);
+ s[3] = b3 ^ (~b5 & b7);
+ s[12] = b12 ^ (~b14 & b16);
+ s[13] = b13 ^ (~b15 & b17);
+ s[22] = b22 ^ (~b24 & b26);
+ s[23] = b23 ^ (~b25 & b27);
+ s[32] = b32 ^ (~b34 & b36);
+ s[33] = b33 ^ (~b35 & b37);
+ s[42] = b42 ^ (~b44 & b46);
+ s[43] = b43 ^ (~b45 & b47);
+ s[4] = b4 ^ (~b6 & b8);
+ s[5] = b5 ^ (~b7 & b9);
+ s[14] = b14 ^ (~b16 & b18);
+ s[15] = b15 ^ (~b17 & b19);
+ s[24] = b24 ^ (~b26 & b28);
+ s[25] = b25 ^ (~b27 & b29);
+ s[34] = b34 ^ (~b36 & b38);
+ s[35] = b35 ^ (~b37 & b39);
+ s[44] = b44 ^ (~b46 & b48);
+ s[45] = b45 ^ (~b47 & b49);
+ s[6] = b6 ^ (~b8 & b0);
+ s[7] = b7 ^ (~b9 & b1);
+ s[16] = b16 ^ (~b18 & b10);
+ s[17] = b17 ^ (~b19 & b11);
+ s[26] = b26 ^ (~b28 & b20);
+ s[27] = b27 ^ (~b29 & b21);
+ s[36] = b36 ^ (~b38 & b30);
+ s[37] = b37 ^ (~b39 & b31);
+ s[46] = b46 ^ (~b48 & b40);
+ s[47] = b47 ^ (~b49 & b41);
+ s[8] = b8 ^ (~b0 & b2);
+ s[9] = b9 ^ (~b1 & b3);
+ s[18] = b18 ^ (~b10 & b12);
+ s[19] = b19 ^ (~b11 & b13);
+ s[28] = b28 ^ (~b20 & b22);
+ s[29] = b29 ^ (~b21 & b23);
+ s[38] = b38 ^ (~b30 & b32);
+ s[39] = b39 ^ (~b31 & b33);
+ s[48] = b48 ^ (~b40 & b42);
+ s[49] = b49 ^ (~b41 & b43);
+ s[0] ^= RC[n];
+ s[1] ^= RC[n + 1];
+ }
+ };
+ if (COMMON_JS) {
+ module.exports = methods;
+ } else {
+ for (i = 0; i < methodNames.length; ++i) {
+ root[methodNames[i]] = methods[methodNames[i]];
+ }
+ }
+ })();
+} (sha3));
+var jsSha3 = sha3.exports;
+ Copyright 2022 iden3 association.
+ This file is part of snarkjs.
+ snarkjs is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ snarkjs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ snarkjs. If not, see .
+const { keccak256 } = jsSha3;
+const POLYNOMIAL = 0;
+const SCALAR = 1;
+class Keccak256Transcript {
+ constructor(curve) {
+ this.G1 = curve.G1;
+ this.Fr = curve.Fr;
+ this.reset();
+ }
+ reset() {
+ this.data = [];
+ }
+ addPolCommitment(polynomialCommitment) {
+ this.data.push({type: POLYNOMIAL, data: polynomialCommitment});
+ }
+ addScalar(scalar) {
+ this.data.push({type: SCALAR, data: scalar});
+ }
+ getChallenge() {
+ if(0 === this.data.length) {
+ throw new Error("Keccak256Transcript: No data to generate a transcript");
+ }
+ let nPolynomials = 0;
+ let nScalars = 0;
+ this.data.forEach(element => POLYNOMIAL === element.type ? nPolynomials++ : nScalars++);
+ let buffer = new Uint8Array(nScalars * this.Fr.n8 + nPolynomials * this.G1.F.n8 * 2);
+ let offset = 0;
+ for (let i = 0; i < this.data.length; i++) {
+ if (POLYNOMIAL === this.data[i].type) {
+ this.G1.toRprUncompressed(buffer, offset, this.data[i].data);
+ offset += this.G1.F.n8 * 2;
+ } else {
+ this.Fr.toRprBE(buffer, offset, this.data[i].data);
+ offset += this.Fr.n8;
+ }
+ }
+ const value = Scalar.fromRprBE(new Uint8Array(keccak256.arrayBuffer(buffer)));
+ return this.Fr.e(value);
+ }
+ Copyright 2022 iden3 association.
+ This file is part of snarkjs.
+ snarkjs is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ snarkjs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ snarkjs. If not, see .
+class MulZ {
+ static getZ1(Fr) {
+ return [
+ Fr.zero,
+ Fr.add(Fr.e(-1), Fr.w[2]),
+ Fr.e(-2),
+ Fr.sub(Fr.e(-1), Fr.w[2]),
+ ];
+ }
+ static getZ2(Fr) {
+ return [
+ Fr.zero,
+ Fr.add(Fr.zero, Fr.mul(Fr.e(-2), Fr.w[2])),
+ Fr.e(4),
+ Fr.sub(Fr.zero, Fr.mul(Fr.e(-2), Fr.w[2])),
+ ];
+ }
+ static getZ3(Fr) {
+ return [
+ Fr.zero,
+ Fr.add(Fr.e(2), Fr.mul(Fr.e(2), Fr.w[2])),
+ Fr.e(-8),
+ Fr.sub(Fr.e(2), Fr.mul(Fr.e(2), Fr.w[2])),
+ ];
+ }
+ static mul2(a, b, ap, bp, p, Fr) {
+ const Z1 = this.getZ1(Fr);
+ let r, rz;
+ const a_b = Fr.mul(a, b);
+ const a_bp = Fr.mul(a, bp);
+ const ap_b = Fr.mul(ap, b);
+ const ap_bp = Fr.mul(ap, bp);
+ r = a_b;
+ let a0 = Fr.add(a_bp, ap_b);
+ let a1 = ap_bp;
+ rz = a0;
+ if (p) {
+ rz = Fr.add(rz, Fr.mul(Z1[p], a1));
+ }
+ return [r, rz];
+ }
+ static mul3(a, b, c, ap, bp, cp, p, Fr) {
+ const Z1 = this.getZ1(Fr);
+ const Z2 = this.getZ2(Fr);
+ let r, rz;
+ const a_b = Fr.mul(a, b);
+ const a_bp = Fr.mul(a, bp);
+ const ap_b = Fr.mul(ap, b);
+ const ap_bp = Fr.mul(ap, bp);
+ r = Fr.mul(a_b, c);
+ let a0 = Fr.mul(ap_b, c);
+ a0 = Fr.add(a0, Fr.mul(a_bp, c));
+ a0 = Fr.add(a0, Fr.mul(a_b, cp));
+ let a1 = Fr.mul(ap_bp, c);
+ a1 = Fr.add(a1, Fr.mul(a_bp, cp));
+ a1 = Fr.add(a1, Fr.mul(ap_b, cp));
+ rz = a0;
+ if (p) {
+ const a2 = Fr.mul(ap_bp, cp);
+ rz = Fr.add(rz, Fr.mul(Z1[p], a1));
+ rz = Fr.add(rz, Fr.mul(Z2[p], a2));
+ }
+ return [r, rz];
+ }
+ static mul4(a, b, c, d, ap, bp, cp, dp, p, Fr) {
+ const Z1 = this.getZ1(Fr);
+ const Z2 = this.getZ2(Fr);
+ const Z3 = this.getZ3(Fr);
+ let r, rz;
+ const a_b = Fr.mul(a, b);
+ const a_bp = Fr.mul(a, bp);
+ const ap_b = Fr.mul(ap, b);
+ const ap_bp = Fr.mul(ap, bp);
+ const c_d = Fr.mul(c, d);
+ const c_dp = Fr.mul(c, dp);
+ const cp_d = Fr.mul(cp, d);
+ const cp_dp = Fr.mul(cp, dp);
+ r = Fr.mul(a_b, c_d);
+ let a0 = Fr.mul(ap_b, c_d);
+ a0 = Fr.add(a0, Fr.mul(a_bp, c_d));
+ a0 = Fr.add(a0, Fr.mul(a_b, cp_d));
+ a0 = Fr.add(a0, Fr.mul(a_b, c_dp));
+ let a1 = Fr.mul(ap_bp, c_d);
+ a1 = Fr.add(a1, Fr.mul(ap_b, cp_d));
+ a1 = Fr.add(a1, Fr.mul(ap_b, c_dp));
+ a1 = Fr.add(a1, Fr.mul(a_bp, cp_d));
+ a1 = Fr.add(a1, Fr.mul(a_bp, c_dp));
+ a1 = Fr.add(a1, Fr.mul(a_b, cp_dp));
+ let a2 = Fr.mul(a_bp, cp_dp);
+ a2 = Fr.add(a2, Fr.mul(ap_b, cp_dp));
+ a2 = Fr.add(a2, Fr.mul(ap_bp, c_dp));
+ a2 = Fr.add(a2, Fr.mul(ap_bp, cp_d));
+ let a3 = Fr.mul(ap_bp, cp_dp);
+ rz = a0;
+ if (p) {
+ rz = Fr.add(rz, Fr.mul(Z1[p], a1));
+ rz = Fr.add(rz, Fr.mul(Z2[p], a2));
+ rz = Fr.add(rz, Fr.mul(Z3[p], a3));
+ }
+ return [r, rz];
+ }
+const ZKEY_PL_QM_SECTION = 7;
+const ZKEY_PL_QL_SECTION = 8;
+const ZKEY_PL_QR_SECTION = 9;
+const ZKEY_PL_QO_SECTION = 10;
+const ZKEY_PL_QC_SECTION = 11;
+ Copyright 2022 iden3 association.
+ This file is part of snarkjs.
+ snarkjs is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ snarkjs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ snarkjs. If not, see .
+class Polynomial {
+ constructor(coefficients, curve, logger) {
+ this.coef = coefficients;
+ this.curve = curve;
+ this.Fr = curve.Fr;
+ this.G1 = curve.G1;
+ this.logger = logger;
+ }
+ static async fromEvaluations(buffer, curve, logger) {
+ let coefficients = await curve.Fr.ifft(buffer);
+ return new Polynomial(coefficients, curve, logger);
+ }
+ static fromCoefficientsArray(array, curve, logger) {
+ const Fr = curve.Fr;
+ let buff = array.length > 2 << 14 ?
+ new BigBuffer(array.length * Fr.n8) : new Uint8Array(array.length * Fr.n8);
+ for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) buff.set(array[i], i * Fr.n8);
+ return new Polynomial(buff, curve, logger);
+ }
+ static fromPolynomial(polynomial, curve, logger) {
+ let length = polynomial.length();
+ let Fr = curve.Fr;
+ let buff = length > 2 << 14 ?
+ new BigBuffer(length * Fr.n8) : new Uint8Array(length * Fr.n8);
+ buff.set(polynomial.coef.slice(), 0);
+ return new Polynomial(buff, curve, logger);
+ }
+ isEqual(polynomial) {
+ const degree = this.degree();
+ if (degree !== polynomial.degree()) return false;
+ for (let i = 0; i < degree + 1; i++) {
+ if (!this.Fr.eq(this.getCoef(i), polynomial.getCoef(i))) return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ blindCoefficients(blindingFactors) {
+ blindingFactors = blindingFactors || [];
+ const blindedCoefficients = (this.length() + blindingFactors.length) > 2 << 14 ?
+ new BigBuffer((this.length() + blindingFactors.length) * this.Fr.n8) :
+ new Uint8Array((this.length() + blindingFactors.length) * this.Fr.n8);
+ blindedCoefficients.set(this.coef, 0);
+ for (let i = 0; i < blindingFactors.length; i++) {
+ blindedCoefficients.set(
+ this.Fr.add(
+ blindedCoefficients.slice((this.length() + i) * this.Fr.n8, (this.length() + i + 1) * this.Fr.n8),
+ blindingFactors[i]
+ ),
+ (this.length() + i) * this.Fr.n8
+ );
+ blindedCoefficients.set(
+ this.Fr.sub(
+ blindedCoefficients.slice(i * this.Fr.n8, (i + 1) * this.Fr.n8),
+ blindingFactors[i]
+ ),
+ i * this.Fr.n8
+ );
+ }
+ this.coef = blindedCoefficients;
+ }
+ getCoef(index) {
+ const i_n8 = index * this.Fr.n8;
+ if (i_n8 + this.Fr.n8 > this.coef.byteLength) return this.Fr.zero;
+ return this.coef.slice(i_n8, i_n8 + this.Fr.n8);
+ }
+ setCoef(index, value) {
+ if (index > (this.length() - 1)) {
+ throw new Error("Coef index is not available");
+ }
+ this.coef.set(value, index * this.Fr.n8);
+ }
+ static async to4T(buffer, domainSize, blindingFactors, Fr) {
+ blindingFactors = blindingFactors || [];
+ let a = await Fr.ifft(buffer);
+ const a4 = (domainSize * 4) > 2 << 14 ?
+ new BigBuffer(domainSize * 4 * Fr.n8) : new Uint8Array(domainSize * 4 * Fr.n8);
+ a4.set(a, 0);
+ const A4 = await Fr.fft(a4);
+ if (blindingFactors.length === 0) {
+ return [a, A4];
+ }
+ const a1 = domainSize + blindingFactors.length > 2 << 14 ?
+ new BigBuffer((domainSize + blindingFactors.length) * Fr.n8) :
+ new Uint8Array((domainSize + blindingFactors.length) * Fr.n8);
+ a1.set(a, 0);
+ for (let i = 0; i < blindingFactors.length; i++) {
+ a1.set(
+ Fr.add(
+ a1.slice((domainSize + i) * Fr.n8, (domainSize + i + 1) * Fr.n8),
+ blindingFactors[i]
+ ),
+ (domainSize + i) * Fr.n8
+ );
+ a1.set(
+ Fr.sub(
+ a1.slice(i * Fr.n8, (i + 1) * Fr.n8),
+ blindingFactors[i]
+ ),
+ i * Fr.n8
+ );
+ }
+ return [a1, A4];
+ }
+ length() {
+ let length = this.coef.byteLength / this.Fr.n8;
+ if (length !== Math.floor(this.coef.byteLength / this.Fr.n8)) {
+ throw new Error("Polynomial coefficients buffer has incorrect size");
+ }
+ if (0 === length) {
+ if (this.logger) {
+ this.logger.warn("Polynomial has length zero");
+ }
+ }
+ return length;
+ }
+ degree() {
+ for (let i = this.length() - 1; i > 0; i--) {
+ const i_n8 = i * this.Fr.n8;
+ if (!this.Fr.eq(this.Fr.zero, this.coef.slice(i_n8, i_n8 + this.Fr.n8))) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ evaluate(point) {
+ let res = this.Fr.zero;
+ for (let i = this.degree() + 1; i > 0; i--) {
+ let i_n8 = i * this.Fr.n8;
+ const currentCoefficient = this.coef.slice(i_n8 - this.Fr.n8, i_n8);
+ res = this.Fr.add(currentCoefficient, this.Fr.mul(res, point));
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ fastEvaluate(point) {
+ const Fr = this.Fr;
+ let nThreads = 3;
+ let nCoefs = this.degree() + 1;
+ let coefsThread = parseInt(nCoefs / nThreads);
+ let residualCoefs = nCoefs - coefsThread * nThreads;
+ let res = [];
+ let xN = [];
+ xN[0] = Fr.one;
+ for (let i = 0; i < nThreads; i++) {
+ res[i] = Fr.zero;
+ let nCoefs = i === (nThreads - 1) ? coefsThread + residualCoefs : coefsThread;
+ for (let j = nCoefs; j > 0; j--) {
+ res[i] = Fr.add(this.getCoef((i * coefsThread) + j - 1), Fr.mul(res[i], point));
+ if (i === 0) xN[0] = Fr.mul(xN[0], point);
+ }
+ }
+ for (let i = 1; i < nThreads; i++) {
+ res[0] = Fr.add(res[0], Fr.mul(xN[i - 1], res[i]));
+ xN[i] = Fr.mul(xN[i - 1], xN[0]);
+ }
+ return res[0];
+ }
+ add(polynomial, blindingValue) {
+ let other = false;
+ if (polynomial.length() > this.length()) {
+ other = true;
+ }
+ const thisLength = this.length();
+ const polyLength = polynomial.length();
+ for (let i = 0; i < Math.max(thisLength, polyLength); i++) {
+ const i_n8 = i * this.Fr.n8;
+ const a = i < thisLength ? this.coef.slice(i_n8, i_n8 + this.Fr.n8) : this.Fr.zero;
+ let b = i < polyLength ? polynomial.coef.slice(i_n8, i_n8 + this.Fr.n8) : this.Fr.zero;
+ if (blindingValue !== undefined) {
+ b = this.Fr.mul(b, blindingValue);
+ }
+ if (other) {
+ polynomial.coef.set(this.Fr.add(a, b), i_n8);
+ } else {
+ this.coef.set(this.Fr.add(a, b), i_n8);
+ }
+ }
+ if (other) {
+ delete this.coef;
+ this.coef = polynomial.coef;
+ }
+ }
+ sub(polynomial, blindingValue) {
+ let other = false;
+ if (polynomial.length() > this.length()) {
+ other = true;
+ }
+ const thisLength = this.length();
+ const polyLength = polynomial.length();
+ for (let i = 0; i < Math.max(thisLength, polyLength); i++) {
+ const i_n8 = i * this.Fr.n8;
+ const a = i < thisLength ? this.coef.slice(i_n8, i_n8 + this.Fr.n8) : this.Fr.zero;
+ let b = i < polyLength ? polynomial.coef.slice(i_n8, i_n8 + this.Fr.n8) : this.Fr.zero;
+ if (blindingValue !== undefined) {
+ b = this.Fr.mul(b, blindingValue);
+ }
+ if (other) {
+ polynomial.coef.set(this.Fr.sub(a, b), i_n8);
+ } else {
+ this.coef.set(this.Fr.sub(a, b), i_n8);
+ }
+ }
+ if (other) {
+ delete this.coef;
+ this.coef = polynomial.coef;
+ }
+ }
+ mulScalar(value) {
+ for (let i = 0; i < this.length(); i++) {
+ const i_n8 = i * this.Fr.n8;
+ this.coef.set(this.Fr.mul(this.coef.slice(i_n8, i_n8 + this.Fr.n8), value), i_n8);
+ }
+ }
+ addScalar(value) {
+ const currentValue = 0 === this.length() ? this.Fr.zero : this.coef.slice(0, this.Fr.n8);
+ this.coef.set(this.Fr.add(currentValue, value), 0);
+ }
+ subScalar(value) {
+ const currentValue = 0 === this.length() ? this.Fr.zero : this.coef.slice(0, this.Fr.n8);
+ this.coef.set(this.Fr.sub(currentValue, value), 0);
+ }
+ // Multiply current polynomial by the polynomial (X - value)
+ byXSubValue(value) {
+ const Fr = this.Fr;
+ const resize = !Fr.eq(Fr.zero, this.getCoef(this.length() - 1));
+ const length = resize ? this.length() + 1 : this.length();
+ const buff = length > 2 << 14 ? new BigBuffer(length * Fr.n8) : new Uint8Array(length * Fr.n8);
+ let pol = new Polynomial(buff, this.curve, this.logger);
+ // Step 0: Set current coefficients to the new buffer shifted one position
+ pol.coef.set(this.coef.slice(0, (length - 1) * Fr.n8), 32);
+ // Step 1: multiply each coefficient by (-value)
+ this.mulScalar(Fr.neg(value));
+ // Step 2: Add current polynomial to destination polynomial
+ pol.add(this);
+ // Swap buffers
+ this.coef = pol.coef;
+ }
+ // Multiply current polynomial by the polynomial (X^n + value)
+ byXNSubValue(n, value) {
+ const Fr = this.Fr;
+ const resize = !(this.length() - n - 1 >= this.degree());
+ const length = resize ? this.length() + n : this.length();
+ const buff = length > 2 << 14 ? new BigBuffer(length * Fr.n8) : new Uint8Array(length * Fr.n8);
+ let pol = new Polynomial(buff, this.curve, this.logger);
+ // Step 0: Set current coefficients to the new buffer shifted one position
+ pol.coef.set(this.coef.slice(0, (this.degree() + 1) * 32, ), n * 32);
+ // Step 1: multiply each coefficient by (- value)
+ this.mulScalar(value);
+ // Step 2: Add current polynomial to destination polynomial
+ pol.add(this);
+ // Swap buffers
+ this.coef = pol.coef;
+ }
+ // Euclidean division
+ divBy(polynomial) {
+ const Fr = this.Fr;
+ const degreeA = this.degree();
+ const degreeB = polynomial.degree();
+ let polR = new Polynomial(this.coef, this.curve, this.logger);
+ this.coef = this.length() > 2 << 14 ?
+ new BigBuffer(this.length() * Fr.n8) : new Uint8Array(this.length() * Fr.n8);
+ for (let i = degreeA - degreeB; i >= 0; i--) {
+ this.setCoef(i, Fr.div(polR.getCoef(i + degreeB), polynomial.getCoef(degreeB)));
+ for (let j = 0; j <= degreeB; j++) {
+ polR.setCoef(i + j, Fr.sub(polR.getCoef(i + j), Fr.mul(this.getCoef(i), polynomial.getCoef(j))));
+ }
+ }
+ return polR;
+ }
+ // Division by a Polynomial of the form (x^m - beta)
+ divByMonic(m, beta) {
+ const Fr = this.Fr;
+ let d = this.degree();
+ let buffer = this.length() > 2 << 14 ?
+ new BigBuffer(this.length() * Fr.n8) : new Uint8Array(this.length() * Fr.n8);
+ let quotient = new Polynomial(buffer, this.curve, this.logger);
+ let bArr = [];
+ // Add the m leading coefficients of this to quotient
+ for (let i = 0; i < m; i++) {
+ quotient.setCoef((d - i) - m, this.getCoef(d - i));
+ bArr[i] = this.getCoef(d - i);
+ }
+ let nThreads = m;
+ for (let k = 0; k < nThreads; k++) {
+ for (let i = d - 2 * m - k; i >= 0; i = i - nThreads) {
+ if (i < 0) break;
+ let idx = k;
+ bArr[idx] = Fr.add(this.getCoef(i + m), Fr.mul(bArr[idx], beta));
+ quotient.setCoef(i, bArr[idx]);
+ }
+ }
+ this.coef = quotient.coef;
+ }
+ divByVanishing(n, beta) {
+ if (this.degree() < n) {
+ throw new Error("divByVanishing polynomial divisor must be of degree lower than the dividend polynomial");
+ }
+ const Fr = this.Fr;
+ let polR = new Polynomial(this.coef, this.curve, this.logger);
+ this.coef = this.length() > 2 << 14 ?
+ new BigBuffer(this.length() * Fr.n8) : new Uint8Array(this.length() * Fr.n8);
+ for (let i = this.length() - 1; i >= n; i--) {
+ let leadingCoef = polR.getCoef(i);
+ if (Fr.eq(Fr.zero, leadingCoef)) continue;
+ polR.setCoef(i, Fr.zero);
+ polR.setCoef(i - n, Fr.add(polR.getCoef(i - n), Fr.mul(beta, leadingCoef)));
+ this.setCoef(i - n, Fr.add(this.getCoef(i - n), leadingCoef));
+ }
+ return polR;
+ }
+ divByVanishing2(m, beta) {
+ if (this.degree() < m) {
+ throw new Error("divByVanishing polynomial divisor must be of degree lower than the dividend polynomial");
+ }
+ const Fr = this.Fr;
+ let polR = new Polynomial(this.coef, this.curve, this.logger);
+ this.coef = this.length() > 2 << 14 ?
+ new BigBuffer(this.length() * Fr.n8) : new Uint8Array(this.length() * Fr.n8);
+ let nThreads = 3;
+ let nTotal = this.length() - m;
+ let nElementsChunk = Math.floor(nTotal / nThreads);
+ let nElementsLast = nTotal - (nThreads - 1) * nElementsChunk;
+ console.log(nTotal);
+ console.log(nElementsChunk + " " + nElementsLast);
+ for (let k = 0; k < nThreads; k++) {
+ console.log("> Thread " + k);
+ for (let i = (k === 0 ? nElementsLast : nElementsChunk); i > 0; i--) {
+ let idxDst = i - 1;
+ if (k !== 0) idxDst += (k - 1) * nElementsChunk + nElementsLast;
+ let idxSrc = idxDst + m;
+ let leadingCoef = polR.getCoef(idxSrc);
+ if (Fr.eq(Fr.zero, leadingCoef)) continue;
+ polR.setCoef(idxSrc, Fr.zero);
+ polR.setCoef(idxDst, Fr.add(polR.getCoef(idxDst), Fr.mul(beta, leadingCoef)));
+ this.setCoef(idxDst, Fr.add(this.getCoef(idxDst), leadingCoef));
+ console.log(idxDst + " <-- " + idxSrc);
+ }
+ }
+ this.print();
+ return polR;
+ }
+ fastDivByVanishing(data) {
+ const Fr = this.Fr;
+ for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
+ let m = data[i][0];
+ let beta = data[i][1];
+ if (this.degree() < m) {
+ throw new Error("divByVanishing polynomial divisor must be of degree lower than the dividend polynomial");
+ }
+ let nThreads = 5;
+ let nElements = this.length() - m;
+ let nElementsBucket = Math.floor(nElements / nThreads / m);
+ let nElementsChunk = nElementsBucket * m;
+ let nElementsLast = nElements - nThreads * nElementsChunk;
+ //In C++ implementation this buffer will be allocated only once outside the loop
+ let polTmp = new Polynomial(this.length() > 2 << 14 ?
+ new BigBuffer(this.length() * Fr.n8) : new Uint8Array(this.length() * Fr.n8), this.curve, this.logger);
+ let ptr = this.coef;
+ this.coef = polTmp.coef;
+ polTmp.coef = ptr;
+ // STEP 1: Setejar els m valors del següent bucket al chunk actual, PARALEL·LITZAR
+ for (let k = 0; k < nThreads; k++) {
+ let idx0 = (k + 1) * nElementsChunk + nElementsLast;
+ for (let i = 0; i < m; i++) {
+ this.setCoef(idx0 + i - m, polTmp.getCoef(idx0 + i));
+ }
+ for (let i = 0; i < nElementsChunk - m; i++) {
+ let offset = idx0 - i - 1;
+ let val = Fr.add(polTmp.getCoef(offset), Fr.mul(beta, this.getCoef(offset)));
+ this.setCoef(offset - m, val);
+ }
+ }
+ //STEP 2: Setejar els valors del elements last NO PARAL·LELITZAR
+ let idx0 = nElementsLast;
+ let pending = nElementsLast;
+ for (let i = 0; i < m && pending; i++) {
+ this.setCoef(idx0 - i - 1, polTmp.getCoef(idx0 + m - i - 1));
+ pending--;
+ }
+ for (let i = 0; i < pending; i++) {
+ let offset = idx0 - i - 1;
+ let val = Fr.add(polTmp.getCoef(offset), Fr.mul(beta, this.getCoef(offset)));
+ this.setCoef(offset - m, val);
+ }
+ //Step 3: calcular acumulats NO PARALEL·LITZAR
+ let acc = [];
+ let betaPow = Fr.one;
+ for (let i = 0; i < nElementsBucket; i++) {
+ betaPow = Fr.mul(betaPow, beta);
+ }
+ let currentBeta = Fr.one;
+ for (let k = nThreads; k > 0; k--) {
+ let idThread = k - 1;
+ let idx0 = idThread * nElementsChunk + nElementsLast;
+ acc[idThread] = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < m; i++) {
+ acc[idThread][i] = this.getCoef(idx0 + i);
+ if (k !== nThreads) {
+ acc[idThread][i] = Fr.add(acc[idThread][i], Fr.mul(betaPow, acc[idThread + 1][i]));
+ }
+ }
+ currentBeta = Fr.mul(currentBeta, betaPow);
+ }
+ //STEP 4 recalcular PARALEL·LITZAR
+ for (let k = 0; k < nThreads; k++) {
+ let idx0 = k * nElementsChunk + nElementsLast;
+ let currentBeta = beta; //Quan hopassem a C++ i ho paralelitzem aquesta variable ha de ser privada
+ let currentM = m - 1;
+ let limit = k === 0 ? nElementsLast : nElementsChunk;
+ for (let i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
+ let offset = idx0 - i - 1;
+ let val = Fr.add(this.getCoef(offset), Fr.mul(currentBeta, acc[k][currentM]));
+ this.setCoef(offset, val);
+ // To avoid modular operations in each loop...
+ if (currentM === 0) {
+ currentM = m - 1;
+ currentBeta = Fr.mul(currentBeta, beta);
+ } else {
+ currentM--;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Divide polynomial by X - value
+ divByXSubValue(value) {
+ const coefs = this.length() > 2 << 14 ?
+ new BigBuffer(this.length() * this.Fr.n8) : new Uint8Array(this.length() * this.Fr.n8);
+ coefs.set(this.Fr.zero, (this.length() - 1) * this.Fr.n8);
+ coefs.set(this.coef.slice((this.length() - 1) * this.Fr.n8, this.length() * this.Fr.n8), (this.length() - 2) * this.Fr.n8);
+ for (let i = this.length() - 3; i >= 0; i--) {
+ let i_n8 = i * this.Fr.n8;
+ coefs.set(
+ this.Fr.add(
+ this.coef.slice(i_n8 + this.Fr.n8, i_n8 + 2 * this.Fr.n8),
+ this.Fr.mul(value, coefs.slice(i_n8 + this.Fr.n8, i_n8 + 2 * this.Fr.n8))
+ ),
+ i * this.Fr.n8
+ );
+ }
+ if (!this.Fr.eq(
+ this.coef.slice(0, this.Fr.n8),
+ this.Fr.mul(this.Fr.neg(value), coefs.slice(0, this.Fr.n8))
+ )) {
+ throw new Error("Polynomial does not divide");
+ }
+ this.coef = coefs;
+ }
+ divZh(domainSize, extensions = 4) {
+ for (let i = 0; i < domainSize; i++) {
+ const i_n8 = i * this.Fr.n8;
+ this.coef.set(this.Fr.neg(this.coef.slice(i_n8, i_n8 + this.Fr.n8)), i_n8);
+ }
+ const upperBound = this.coef.byteLength / this.Fr.n8;
+ for (let i = domainSize; i < upperBound; i++) {
+ const i_n8 = i * this.Fr.n8;
+ const a = this.Fr.sub(
+ this.coef.slice((i - domainSize) * this.Fr.n8, (i - domainSize) * this.Fr.n8 + this.Fr.n8),
+ this.coef.slice(i_n8, i_n8 + this.Fr.n8)
+ );
+ this.coef.set(a, i_n8);
+ if (i > (domainSize * (extensions-1) - extensions)) {
+ if (!this.Fr.isZero(a)) {
+ throw new Error("Polynomial is not divisible");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ divByZerofier(n, beta) {
+ let Fr = this.Fr;
+ const invBeta = Fr.inv(beta);
+ const invBetaNeg = Fr.neg(invBeta);
+ let isOne = Fr.eq(Fr.one, invBetaNeg);
+ let isNegOne = Fr.eq(Fr.negone, invBetaNeg);
+ if (!isOne) {
+ for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ const i_n8 = i * this.Fr.n8;
+ let element;
+ // If invBetaNeg === -1 we'll save a multiplication changing it by a neg function call
+ if (isNegOne) {
+ element = Fr.neg(this.coef.slice(i_n8, i_n8 + this.Fr.n8));
+ } else {
+ element = Fr.mul(invBetaNeg, this.coef.slice(i_n8, i_n8 + this.Fr.n8));
+ }
+ this.coef.set(element, i_n8);
+ }
+ }
+ isOne = Fr.eq(Fr.one, invBeta);
+ isNegOne = Fr.eq(Fr.negone, invBeta);
+ for (let i = n; i < this.length(); i++) {
+ const i_n8 = i * this.Fr.n8;
+ const i_prev_n8 = (i - n) * this.Fr.n8;
+ let element = this.Fr.sub(
+ this.coef.slice(i_prev_n8, i_prev_n8 + this.Fr.n8),
+ this.coef.slice(i_n8, i_n8 + this.Fr.n8)
+ );
+ // If invBeta === 1 we'll not do anything
+ if(!isOne) {
+ // If invBeta === -1 we'll save a multiplication changing it by a neg function call
+ if(isNegOne) {
+ element = Fr.neg(element);
+ } else {
+ element = Fr.mul(invBeta, element);
+ }
+ }
+ this.coef.set(element, i_n8);
+ // Check if polynomial is divisible by checking if n high coefficients are zero
+ if (i > this.length() - n - 1) {
+ if (!this.Fr.isZero(element)) {
+ throw new Error("Polynomial is not divisible");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+// function divideByVanishing(f, n, p) {
+// // polynomial division f(X) / (X^n - 1) with remainder
+// // very cheap, 0 multiplications
+// // strategy:
+// // start with q(X) = 0, r(X) = f(X)
+// // then start changing q, r while preserving the identity:
+// // f(X) = q(X) * (X^n - 1) + r(X)
+// // in every step, move highest-degree term of r into the product
+// // => r eventually has degree < n and we're done
+// let q = Array(f.length).fill(0n);
+// let r = [...f];
+// for (let i = f.length - 1; i >= n; i--) {
+// let leadingCoeff = r[i];
+// if (leadingCoeff === 0n) continue;
+// r[i] = 0n;
+// r[i - n] = mod(r[i - n] + leadingCoeff, p);
+// q[i - n] = mod(q[i - n] + leadingCoeff, p);
+// }
+// return [q, r];
+// }
+ byX() {
+ const coefs = (this.length() + 1) > 2 << 14 ?
+ new BigBuffer(this.coef.byteLength + this.Fr.n8) : new Uint8Array(this.coef.byteLength + this.Fr.n8);
+ coefs.set(this.Fr.zero, 0);
+ coefs.set(this.coef, this.Fr.n8);
+ this.coef = coefs;
+ }
+// Compute a new polynomial f(x^n) from f(x)
+// f(x) = a_0 + a_1·x + a_2·x^2 + ... + a_j·x^j
+// f(x^n) = a_0 + a_1·x^n + a_2·x^2n + ... + a_j·x^jn
+ static
+ async expX(polynomial, n, truncate = false) {
+ const Fr = polynomial.Fr;
+ if (n < 1) {
+ // n == 0 not allowed because it has no sense, but if it's necessary we have to return
+ // a zero degree polynomial with a constant coefficient equals to the sum of all the original coefficients
+ throw new Error("Compute a new polynomial to a zero or negative number is not allowed");
+ } else if (1 === n) {
+ return await Polynomial.fromEvaluations(polynomial.coef, curve, polynomial.logger);
+ }
+ // length is the length of non-constant coefficients
+ // if truncate === true, the highest zero coefficients (if exist) will be removed
+ const length = truncate ? polynomial.degree() : (polynomial.length() - 1);
+ const bufferDst = (length * n + 1) > 2 << 14 ?
+ new BigBuffer((length * n + 1) * Fr.n8) : new Uint8Array((length * n + 1) * Fr.n8);
+ // Copy constant coefficient as is because is not related to x
+ bufferDst.set(polynomial.getCoef(0), 0);
+ for (let i = 1; i <= length; i++) {
+ const i_sFr = i * Fr.n8;
+ const coef = polynomial.getCoef(i);
+ bufferDst.set(coef, i_sFr * n);
+ }
+ return new Polynomial(bufferDst, polynomial.curve, polynomial.logger);
+ }
+ split(numPols, degPols, blindingFactors) {
+ if (numPols < 1) {
+ throw new Error(`Polynomials can't be split in ${numPols} parts`);
+ } else if (1 === numPols) {
+ return [this];
+ }
+ //blinding factors can be void or must have a length of numPols - 1
+ if (0 !== blindingFactors.length && blindingFactors.length < numPols - 1) {
+ throw new Error(`Blinding factors length must be ${numPols - 1}`);
+ }
+ const chunkByteLength = (degPols + 1) * this.Fr.n8;
+ let res = [];
+ // Check polynomial can be split in numChunks parts of chunkSize bytes...
+ const numRealPols = Math.ceil((this.degree() + 1) * this.Fr.n8 / chunkByteLength);
+ if (numRealPols < numPols) {
+ //throw new Error(`Polynomial is short to be split in ${numPols} parts of ${degPols} coefficients each.`);
+ for (let i = numRealPols; i < numPols; i++) {
+ res[i] = new Polynomial(new Uint8Array(this.Fr.n8), this.curve, this.logger);
+ }
+ }
+ numPols = Math.min(numPols, numRealPols);
+ for (let i = 0; i < numPols; i++) {
+ const isLast = (numPols - 1) === i;
+ const byteLength = isLast ? this.coef.byteLength - ((numPols - 1) * chunkByteLength) : chunkByteLength + this.Fr.n8;
+ let buff = (byteLength / this.Fr.n8) > 2 << 14 ? new BigBuffer(byteLength) : new Uint8Array(byteLength);
+ res[i] = new Polynomial(buff, this.curve, this.logger);
+ const fr = i * chunkByteLength;
+ const to = isLast ? this.coef.byteLength : (i + 1) * chunkByteLength;
+ res[i].coef.set(this.coef.slice(fr, to), 0);
+ // Add a blinding factor as higher degree
+ if (!isLast) {
+ res[i].coef.set(blindingFactors[i], chunkByteLength);
+ }
+ // Sub blinding factor to the lowest degree
+ if (0 !== i) {
+ const lowestDegree = this.Fr.sub(res[i].coef.slice(0, this.Fr.n8), blindingFactors[i - 1]);
+ res[i].coef.set(lowestDegree, 0);
+ }
+ if (isLast) {
+ res[i].truncate();
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+ // // compute t_low(X)
+ // let polTLow = new BigBuffer((chunkSize + 1) * n8r);
+ // polTLow.set(t.slice(0, zkey.domainSize * n8r), 0);
+ // // Add blinding scalar b_10 as a new coefficient n
+ // polTLow.set(ch.b[10], zkey.domainSize * n8r);
+ //
+ // // compute t_mid(X)
+ // let polTMid = new BigBuffer((zkey.domainSize + 1) * n8r);
+ // polTMid.set(t.slice(zkey.domainSize * n8r, zkey.domainSize * 2 * n8r), 0);
+ // // Subtract blinding scalar b_10 to the lowest coefficient of t_mid
+ // const lowestMid = Fr.sub(polTMid.slice(0, n8r), ch.b[10]);
+ // polTMid.set(lowestMid, 0);
+ // // Add blinding scalar b_11 as a new coefficient n
+ // polTMid.set(ch.b[11], zkey.domainSize * n8r);
+ //
+ // // compute t_high(X)
+ // let polTHigh = new BigBuffer((zkey.domainSize + 6) * n8r);
+ // polTHigh.set(t.slice(zkey.domainSize * 2 * n8r, (zkey.domainSize * 3 + 6) * n8r), 0);
+ // //Subtract blinding scalar b_11 to the lowest coefficient of t_high
+ // const lowestHigh = Fr.sub(polTHigh.slice(0, n8r), ch.b[11]);
+ // polTHigh.set(lowestHigh, 0);
+ //
+ // proof.T1 = await expTau(polTLow, "multiexp T1");
+ // proof.T2 = await expTau(polTMid, "multiexp T2");
+ // proof.T3 = await expTau(polTHigh, "multiexp T3");
+ }
+// split2(degPols, blindingFactors) {
+// let currentDegree = this.degree();
+// const numFilledPols = Math.ceil((currentDegree + 1) / (degPols + 1));
+// //blinding factors can be void or must have a length of numPols - 1
+// if (0 !== blindingFactors.length && blindingFactors.length < numFilledPols - 1) {
+// throw new Error(`Blinding factors length must be ${numFilledPols - 1}`);
+// }
+// const chunkByteLength = (degPols + 1) * this.Fr.n8;
+// // Check polynomial can be split in numChunks parts of chunkSize bytes...
+// if (this.coef.byteLength / chunkByteLength <= numFilledPols - 1) {
+// throw new Error(`Polynomial is short to be split in ${numFilledPols} parts of ${degPols} coefficients each.`);
+// }
+// let res = [];
+// for (let i = 0; i < numFilledPols; i++) {
+// const isLast = (numFilledPols - 1) === i;
+// const byteLength = isLast ? (currentDegree + 1) * this.Fr.n8 - ((numFilledPols - 1) * chunkByteLength) : chunkByteLength + this.Fr.n8;
+// res[i] = new Polynomial(new BigBuffer(byteLength), this.Fr, this.logger);
+// const fr = i * chunkByteLength;
+// const to = isLast ? (currentDegree + 1) * this.Fr.n8 : (i + 1) * chunkByteLength;
+// res[i].coef.set(this.coef.slice(fr, to), 0);
+// // Add a blinding factor as higher degree
+// if (!isLast) {
+// res[i].coef.set(blindingFactors[i], chunkByteLength);
+// }
+// // Sub blinding factor to the lowest degree
+// if (0 !== i) {
+// const lowestDegree = this.Fr.sub(res[i].coef.slice(0, this.Fr.n8), blindingFactors[i - 1]);
+// res[i].coef.set(lowestDegree, 0);
+// }
+// }
+// return res;
+// }
+// merge(pols, overlap = true) {
+// let length = 0;
+// for (let i = 0; i < pols.length; i++) {
+// length += pols[i].length();
+// }
+// if (overlap) {
+// length -= pols.length - 1;
+// }
+// let res = new Polynomial(new BigBuffer(length * this.Fr.n8));
+// for (let i = 0; i < pols.length; i++) {
+// const byteLength = pols[i].coef.byteLength;
+// if (0 === i) {
+// res.coef.set(pols[i].coef, 0);
+// } else {
+// }
+// }
+// return res;
+// }
+ truncate() {
+ const deg = this.degree();
+ if (deg + 1 < this.coef.byteLength / this.Fr.n8) {
+ const newCoefs = (deg + 1) > 2 << 14 ?
+ new BigBuffer((deg + 1) * this.Fr.n8) : new Uint8Array((deg + 1) * this.Fr.n8);
+ newCoefs.set(this.coef.slice(0, (deg + 1) * this.Fr.n8), 0);
+ this.coef = newCoefs;
+ }
+ }
+ static lagrangePolynomialInterpolation(xArr, yArr, curve) {
+ const Fr = curve.Fr;
+ let polynomial = computeLagrangePolynomial(0);
+ for (let i = 1; i < xArr.length; i++) {
+ polynomial.add(computeLagrangePolynomial(i));
+ }
+ return polynomial;
+ function computeLagrangePolynomial(i) {
+ let polynomial;
+ for (let j = 0; j < xArr.length; j++) {
+ if (j === i) continue;
+ if (polynomial === undefined) {
+ let buff = (xArr.length) > 2 << 14 ?
+ new BigBuffer((xArr.length) * Fr.n8) : new Uint8Array((xArr.length) * Fr.n8);
+ polynomial = new Polynomial(buff, curve);
+ polynomial.setCoef(0, Fr.neg(xArr[j]));
+ polynomial.setCoef(1, Fr.one);
+ } else {
+ polynomial.byXSubValue(xArr[j]);
+ }
+ }
+ let denominator = polynomial.evaluate(xArr[i]);
+ denominator = Fr.inv(denominator);
+ const mulFactor = Fr.mul(yArr[i], denominator);
+ polynomial.mulScalar(mulFactor);
+ return polynomial;
+ }
+ }
+ static zerofierPolynomial(xArr, curve) {
+ const Fr = curve.Fr;
+ let buff = (xArr.length + 1) > 2 << 14 ?
+ new BigBuffer((xArr.length + 1) * Fr.n8) : new Uint8Array((xArr.length + 1) * Fr.n8);
+ let polynomial = new Polynomial(buff, curve);
+ // Build a zerofier polynomial with the following form:
+ // zerofier(X) = (X-xArr[0])(X-xArr[1])...(X-xArr[n])
+ polynomial.setCoef(0, Fr.neg(xArr[0]));
+ polynomial.setCoef(1, Fr.one);
+ for (let i = 1; i < xArr.length; i++) {
+ polynomial.byXSubValue(xArr[i]);
+ }
+ return polynomial;
+ }
+ print() {
+ const Fr = this.Fr;
+ let res = "";
+ for (let i = this.degree(); i >= 0; i--) {
+ const coef = this.getCoef(i);
+ if (!Fr.eq(Fr.zero, coef)) {
+ if (Fr.isNegative(coef)) {
+ res += " - ";
+ } else if (i !== this.degree()) {
+ res += " + ";
+ }
+ res += Fr.toString(coef);
+ if (i > 0) {
+ res += i > 1 ? "x^" + i : "x";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ console.log(res);
+ }
+ async multiExponentiation(PTau, name) {
+ const n = this.coef.byteLength / this.Fr.n8;
+ const PTauN = PTau.slice(0, n * this.G1.F.n8 * 2);
+ const bm = await this.Fr.batchFromMontgomery(this.coef);
+ let res = await this.G1.multiExpAffine(PTauN, bm, this.logger, name);
+ res = this.G1.toAffine(res);
+ return res;
+ }
+ Copyright 2022 iden3 association.
+ This file is part of snarkjs.
+ snarkjs is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ snarkjs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ snarkjs. If not, see .
+class Evaluations {
+ constructor(evaluations, curve, logger) {
+ this.eval = evaluations;
+ this.curve = curve;
+ this.Fr = curve.Fr;
+ this.logger = logger;
+ }
+ static async fromPolynomial(polynomial, extension, curve, logger) {
+ const coefficientsN = new BigBuffer(polynomial.length() * extension * curve.Fr.n8);
+ coefficientsN.set(polynomial.coef, 0);
+ const evaluations = await curve.Fr.fft(coefficientsN);
+ return new Evaluations(evaluations, curve, logger);
+ }
+ getEvaluation(index) {
+ const i_n8 = index * this.Fr.n8;
+ if (i_n8 + this.Fr.n8 > this.eval.byteLength) {
+ throw new Error("Evaluations.getEvaluation() out of bounds");
+ }
+ return this.eval.slice(i_n8, i_n8 + this.Fr.n8);
+ }
+ length() {
+ let length = this.eval.byteLength / this.Fr.n8;
+ if (length !== Math.floor(this.eval.byteLength / this.Fr.n8)) {
+ throw new Error("Polynomial evaluations buffer has incorrect size");
+ }
+ if (0 === length) {
+ this.logger.warn("Polynomial has length zero");
+ }
+ return length;
+ }
+ Copyright 2021 0kims association.
+ This file is part of snarkjs.
+ snarkjs is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ snarkjs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ snarkjs. If not, see .
+const {stringifyBigInts: stringifyBigInts$1} = utils;
+async function plonk16Prove(zkeyFileName, witnessFileName, logger) {
+ const {fd: fdWtns, sections: sectionsWtns} = await readBinFile(witnessFileName, "wtns", 2);
+ // Read witness file
+ if (logger) logger.debug("> Reading witness file");
+ const wtns = await readHeader(fdWtns, sectionsWtns);
+ // Read zkey file
+ if (logger) logger.debug("> Reading zkey file");
+ const {fd: fdZKey, sections: zkeySections} = await readBinFile(zkeyFileName, "zkey", 2);
+ const zkey = await readHeader$1(fdZKey, zkeySections);
+ if (zkey.protocol != "plonk") {
+ throw new Error("zkey file is not plonk");
+ }
+ if (!Scalar.eq(zkey.r, wtns.q)) {
+ throw new Error("Curve of the witness does not match the curve of the proving key");
+ }
+ if (wtns.nWitness != zkey.nVars -zkey.nAdditions) {
+ throw new Error(`Invalid witness length. Circuit: ${zkey.nVars}, witness: ${wtns.nWitness}, ${zkey.nAdditions}`);
+ }
+ const curve = zkey.curve;
+ const Fr = curve.Fr;
+ const n8r = curve.Fr.n8;
+ const sDomain = zkey.domainSize * n8r;
+ if (logger) {
+ logger.debug("----------------------------");
+ logger.debug(" PLONK PROVE SETTINGS");
+ logger.debug(` Curve: ${curve.name}`);
+ logger.debug(` Circuit power: ${zkey.power}`);
+ logger.debug(` Domain size: ${zkey.domainSize}`);
+ logger.debug(` Vars: ${zkey.nVars}`);
+ logger.debug(` Public vars: ${zkey.nPublic}`);
+ logger.debug(` Constraints: ${zkey.nConstraints}`);
+ logger.debug(` Additions: ${zkey.nAdditions}`);
+ logger.debug("----------------------------");
+ }
+ //Read witness data
+ if (logger) logger.debug("> Reading witness file data");
+ const buffWitness = await readSection(fdWtns, sectionsWtns, 2);
+ // First element in plonk is not used and can be any value. (But always the same).
+ // We set it to zero to go faster in the exponentiations.
+ buffWitness.set(Fr.zero, 0);
+ const buffInternalWitness = new BigBuffer(n8r*zkey.nAdditions);
+ let buffers = {};
+ let polynomials = {};
+ let evaluations = {};
+ let challenges = {};
+ let proof = new Proof(curve, logger);
+ const transcript = new Keccak256Transcript(curve);
+ if (logger) logger.debug(`> Reading Section ${ZKEY_PL_ADDITIONS_SECTION}. Additions`);
+ await calculateAdditions();
+ if (logger) logger.debug(`> Reading Section ${ZKEY_PL_SIGMA_SECTION}. Sigma1, Sigma2 & Sigma 3`);
+ if (logger) logger.debug("··· Reading Sigma polynomials ");
+ polynomials.Sigma1 = new Polynomial(new BigBuffer(sDomain), curve, logger);
+ polynomials.Sigma2 = new Polynomial(new BigBuffer(sDomain), curve, logger);
+ polynomials.Sigma3 = new Polynomial(new BigBuffer(sDomain), curve, logger);
+ await fdZKey.readToBuffer(polynomials.Sigma1.coef, 0, sDomain, zkeySections[ZKEY_PL_SIGMA_SECTION][0].p);
+ await fdZKey.readToBuffer(polynomials.Sigma2.coef, 0, sDomain, zkeySections[ZKEY_PL_SIGMA_SECTION][0].p + 5 * sDomain);
+ await fdZKey.readToBuffer(polynomials.Sigma3.coef, 0, sDomain, zkeySections[ZKEY_PL_SIGMA_SECTION][0].p + 10 * sDomain);
+ if (logger) logger.debug("··· Reading Sigma evaluations");
+ evaluations.Sigma1 = new Evaluations(new BigBuffer(sDomain * 4), curve, logger);
+ evaluations.Sigma2 = new Evaluations(new BigBuffer(sDomain * 4), curve, logger);
+ evaluations.Sigma3 = new Evaluations(new BigBuffer(sDomain * 4), curve, logger);
+ await fdZKey.readToBuffer(evaluations.Sigma1.eval, 0, sDomain * 4, zkeySections[ZKEY_PL_SIGMA_SECTION][0].p + sDomain);
+ await fdZKey.readToBuffer(evaluations.Sigma2.eval, 0, sDomain * 4, zkeySections[ZKEY_PL_SIGMA_SECTION][0].p + 6 * sDomain);
+ await fdZKey.readToBuffer(evaluations.Sigma3.eval, 0, sDomain * 4, zkeySections[ZKEY_PL_SIGMA_SECTION][0].p + 11 * sDomain);
+ if (logger) logger.debug(`> Reading Section ${ZKEY_PL_PTAU_SECTION}. Powers of Tau`);
+ const PTau = await readSection(fdZKey, zkeySections, ZKEY_PL_PTAU_SECTION);
+ let publicSignals = [];
+ for (let i=1; i<= zkey.nPublic; i++) {
+ const pub = buffWitness.slice(i*Fr.n8, i*Fr.n8+Fr.n8);
+ publicSignals.push(Scalar.fromRprLE(pub));
+ }
+ if (logger) logger.debug("");
+ if (logger) logger.debug("> ROUND 1");
+ await round1();
+ if (logger) logger.debug("> ROUND 2");
+ await round2();
+ if (logger) logger.debug("> ROUND 3");
+ await round3();
+ if (logger) logger.debug("> ROUND 4");
+ await round4();
+ if (logger) logger.debug("> ROUND 5");
+ await round5();
+ ///////////////////////
+ // Final adjustments //
+ ///////////////////////
+ await fdZKey.close();
+ await fdWtns.close();
+ // Prepare proof
+ let _proof = proof.toObjectProof(false);
+ _proof.protocol = "plonk";
+ _proof.curve = curve.name;
+ if (logger) logger.debug("PLONK PROVER FINISHED");
+ return {
+ proof: stringifyBigInts$1(_proof),
+ publicSignals: stringifyBigInts$1(publicSignals)
+ };
+ async function calculateAdditions() {
+ if (logger) logger.debug("··· Computing additions");
+ const additionsBuff = await readSection(fdZKey, zkeySections, ZKEY_PL_ADDITIONS_SECTION);
+ // sizes: wireId_x = 4 bytes (32 bits), factor_x = field size bits
+ // Addition form: wireId_a wireId_b factor_a factor_b (size is 4 + 4 + sFr + sFr)
+ const sSum = 8 + n8r * 2;
+ for (let i = 0; i < zkey.nAdditions; i++) {
+ if (logger && (0 !== i) && (i % 100000 === 0)) logger.debug(` addition ${i}/${zkey.nAdditions}`);
+ // Read addition values
+ let offset = i * sSum;
+ const signalId1 = readUInt32(additionsBuff, offset);
+ offset += 4;
+ const signalId2 = readUInt32(additionsBuff, offset);
+ offset += 4;
+ const factor1 = additionsBuff.slice(offset, offset + n8r);
+ offset += n8r;
+ const factor2 = additionsBuff.slice(offset, offset + n8r);
+ // Get witness value
+ const witness1 = getWitness(signalId1);
+ const witness2 = getWitness(signalId2);
+ //Calculate final result
+ const result = Fr.add(Fr.mul(factor1, witness1), Fr.mul(factor2, witness2));
+ buffInternalWitness.set(result, n8r * i);
+ }
+ }
+ function readUInt32(b, o) {
+ const buff = b.slice(o, o+4);
+ const buffV = new DataView(buff.buffer, buff.byteOffset, buff.byteLength);
+ return buffV.getUint32(0, true);
+ }
+ function getWitness(idx) {
+ if (idx < zkey.nVars-zkey.nAdditions) {
+ return buffWitness.slice(idx*n8r, idx*n8r+n8r);
+ } else if (idx < zkey.nVars) {
+ return buffInternalWitness.slice((idx - (zkey.nVars-zkey.nAdditions))*n8r, (idx-(zkey.nVars-zkey.nAdditions))*n8r + n8r);
+ } else {
+ return curve.Fr.zero;
+ }
+ }
+ async function round1() {
+ // STEP 1.1 - Generate random blinding scalars (b1, ..., b11) ∈ F
+ challenges.b = [];
+ for (let i=1; i<=11; i++) {
+ challenges.b[i] = curve.Fr.random();
+ }
+ // STEP 1.2 - Compute wire polynomials a(X), b(X) and c(X)
+ if (logger) logger.debug("> Computing A, B, C wire polynomials");
+ await computeWirePolynomials();
+ // STEP 1.3 - Compute [a]_1, [b]_1, [c]_1
+ if (logger) logger.debug("> Computing A, B, C MSM");
+ let commitA = await polynomials.A.multiExponentiation(PTau, "A");
+ let commitB = await polynomials.B.multiExponentiation(PTau, "B");
+ let commitC = await polynomials.C.multiExponentiation(PTau, "C");
+ // First output of the prover is ([A]_1, [B]_1, [C]_1)
+ proof.addPolynomial("A", commitA);
+ proof.addPolynomial("B", commitB);
+ proof.addPolynomial("C", commitC);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ async function computeWirePolynomials() {
+ if (logger) logger.debug("··· Reading data from zkey file");
+ // Build A, B and C evaluations buffer from zkey and witness files
+ buffers.A = new BigBuffer(sDomain);
+ buffers.B = new BigBuffer(sDomain);
+ buffers.C = new BigBuffer(sDomain);
+ // Read zkey file to the buffers
+ const aMapBuff = await readSection(fdZKey, zkeySections, ZKEY_PL_A_MAP_SECTION);
+ const bMapBuff = await readSection(fdZKey, zkeySections, ZKEY_PL_B_MAP_SECTION);
+ const cMapBuff = await readSection(fdZKey, zkeySections, ZKEY_PL_C_MAP_SECTION);
+ // Compute all witness from signal ids and set them to A,B & C buffers
+ for (let i = 0; i < zkey.nConstraints; i++) {
+ const i_sFr = i * n8r;
+ const offset = i * 4;
+ // Compute A value from a signal id
+ const signalIdA = readUInt32(aMapBuff, offset);
+ buffers.A.set(getWitness(signalIdA), i_sFr);
+ // Compute B value from a signal id
+ const signalIdB = readUInt32(bMapBuff, offset);
+ buffers.B.set(getWitness(signalIdB), i_sFr);
+ // Compute C value from a signal id
+ const signalIdC = readUInt32(cMapBuff, offset);
+ buffers.C.set(getWitness(signalIdC), i_sFr);
+ }
+ buffers.A = await Fr.batchToMontgomery(buffers.A);
+ buffers.B = await Fr.batchToMontgomery(buffers.B);
+ buffers.C = await Fr.batchToMontgomery(buffers.C);
+ // Compute the coefficients of the wire polynomials a(X), b(X) and c(X) from A,B & C buffers
+ if (logger) logger.debug("··· Computing A ifft");
+ polynomials.A = await Polynomial.fromEvaluations(buffers.A, curve, logger);
+ if (logger) logger.debug("··· Computing B ifft");
+ polynomials.B = await Polynomial.fromEvaluations(buffers.B, curve, logger);
+ if (logger) logger.debug("··· Computing C ifft");
+ polynomials.C = await Polynomial.fromEvaluations(buffers.C, curve, logger);
+ // Compute extended evaluations of a(X), b(X) and c(X) polynomials
+ if (logger) logger.debug("··· Computing A fft");
+ evaluations.A = await Evaluations.fromPolynomial(polynomials.A, 4, curve, logger);
+ if (logger) logger.debug("··· Computing B fft");
+ evaluations.B = await Evaluations.fromPolynomial(polynomials.B, 4, curve, logger);
+ if (logger) logger.debug("··· Computing C fft");
+ evaluations.C = await Evaluations.fromPolynomial(polynomials.C, 4, curve, logger);
+ // Blind a(X), b(X) and c(X) polynomials coefficients with blinding scalars b
+ polynomials.A.blindCoefficients([challenges.b[2], challenges.b[1]]);
+ polynomials.B.blindCoefficients([challenges.b[4], challenges.b[3]]);
+ polynomials.C.blindCoefficients([challenges.b[6], challenges.b[5]]);
+ // Check degrees
+ if (polynomials.A.degree() >= zkey.domainSize + 2) {
+ throw new Error("A Polynomial is not well calculated");
+ }
+ if (polynomials.B.degree() >= zkey.domainSize + 2) {
+ throw new Error("B Polynomial is not well calculated");
+ }
+ if (polynomials.C.degree() >= zkey.domainSize + 2) {
+ throw new Error("C Polynomial is not well calculated");
+ }
+ }
+ async function round2() {
+ // STEP 2.1 - Compute permutation challenge beta and gamma ∈ F
+ // Compute permutation challenge beta
+ if (logger) logger.debug("> Computing challenges beta and gamma");
+ transcript.reset();
+ transcript.addPolCommitment(zkey.Qm);
+ transcript.addPolCommitment(zkey.Ql);
+ transcript.addPolCommitment(zkey.Qr);
+ transcript.addPolCommitment(zkey.Qo);
+ transcript.addPolCommitment(zkey.Qc);
+ transcript.addPolCommitment(zkey.S1);
+ transcript.addPolCommitment(zkey.S2);
+ transcript.addPolCommitment(zkey.S3);
+ // Add A to the transcript
+ for (let i = 0; i < zkey.nPublic; i++) {
+ transcript.addScalar(buffers.A.slice(i * n8r, i * n8r + n8r));
+ }
+ // Add A, B, C to the transcript
+ transcript.addPolCommitment(proof.getPolynomial("A"));
+ transcript.addPolCommitment(proof.getPolynomial("B"));
+ transcript.addPolCommitment(proof.getPolynomial("C"));
+ challenges.beta = transcript.getChallenge();
+ if (logger) logger.debug("··· challenges.beta: " + Fr.toString(challenges.beta, 16));
+ // Compute permutation challenge gamma
+ transcript.reset();
+ transcript.addScalar(challenges.beta);
+ challenges.gamma = transcript.getChallenge();
+ if (logger) logger.debug("··· challenges.gamma: " + Fr.toString(challenges.gamma, 16));
+ // STEP 2.2 - Compute permutation polynomial z(X)
+ if (logger) logger.debug("> Computing Z polynomial");
+ await computeZ();
+ // STEP 2.3 - Compute permutation [z]_1
+ if (logger) logger.debug("> Computing Z MSM");
+ let commitZ = await polynomials.Z.multiExponentiation(PTau, "Z");
+ // Second output of the prover is ([Z]_1)
+ proof.addPolynomial("Z", commitZ);
+ }
+ async function computeZ() {
+ if (logger) logger.debug("··· Computing Z evaluations");
+ let numArr = new BigBuffer(sDomain);
+ let denArr = new BigBuffer(sDomain);
+ // Set the first values to 1
+ numArr.set(Fr.one, 0);
+ denArr.set(Fr.one, 0);
+ // Set initial omega
+ let w = Fr.one;
+ for (let i = 0; i < zkey.domainSize; i++) {
+ const i_n8r = i * n8r;
+ const a = buffers.A.slice(i_n8r, i_n8r + n8r);
+ const b = buffers.B.slice(i_n8r, i_n8r + n8r);
+ const c = buffers.C.slice(i_n8r, i_n8r + n8r);
+ // Z(X) := numArr / denArr
+ // numArr := (a + beta·ω + gamma)(b + beta·ω·k1 + gamma)(c + beta·ω·k2 + gamma)
+ const betaw = Fr.mul(challenges.beta, w);
+ let n1 = Fr.add(a, betaw);
+ n1 = Fr.add(n1, challenges.gamma);
+ let n2 = Fr.add(b, Fr.mul(zkey.k1, betaw));
+ n2 = Fr.add(n2, challenges.gamma);
+ let n3 = Fr.add(c, Fr.mul(zkey.k2, betaw));
+ n3 = Fr.add(n3, challenges.gamma);
+ let num = Fr.mul(n1, Fr.mul(n2, n3));
+ // denArr := (a + beta·sigma1 + gamma)(b + beta·sigma2 + gamma)(c + beta·sigma3 + gamma)
+ let d1 = Fr.add(a, Fr.mul(evaluations.Sigma1.getEvaluation(i * 4), challenges.beta));
+ d1 = Fr.add(d1, challenges.gamma);
+ let d2 = Fr.add(b, Fr.mul(evaluations.Sigma2.getEvaluation(i * 4), challenges.beta));
+ d2 = Fr.add(d2, challenges.gamma);
+ let d3 = Fr.add(c, Fr.mul(evaluations.Sigma3.getEvaluation(i * 4), challenges.beta));
+ d3 = Fr.add(d3, challenges.gamma);
+ let den = Fr.mul(d1, Fr.mul(d2, d3));
+ // Multiply current num value with the previous one saved in numArr
+ num = Fr.mul(numArr.slice(i_n8r, i_n8r + n8r), num);
+ numArr.set(num, ((i + 1) % zkey.domainSize) * n8r);
+ // Multiply current den value with the previous one saved in denArr
+ den = Fr.mul(denArr.slice(i_n8r, i_n8r + n8r), den);
+ denArr.set(den, ((i + 1) % zkey.domainSize) * n8r);
+ w = Fr.mul(w, Fr.w[zkey.power]);
+ }
+ // Compute the inverse of denArr to compute in the next command the
+ // division numArr/denArr by multiplying num · 1/denArr
+ denArr = await Fr.batchInverse(denArr);
+ // TODO: Do it in assembly and in parallel
+ // Multiply numArr · denArr where denArr was inverted in the previous command
+ for (let i = 0; i < zkey.domainSize; i++) {
+ const i_sFr = i * n8r;
+ const z = Fr.mul(numArr.slice(i_sFr, i_sFr + n8r), denArr.slice(i_sFr, i_sFr + n8r));
+ numArr.set(z, i_sFr);
+ }
+ // From now on the values saved on numArr will be Z(X) buffer
+ buffers.Z = numArr;
+ if (!Fr.eq(numArr.slice(0, n8r), Fr.one)) {
+ throw new Error("Copy constraints does not match");
+ }
+ // Compute polynomial coefficients z(X) from buffers.Z
+ if (logger) logger.debug("··· Computing Z ifft");
+ polynomials.Z = await Polynomial.fromEvaluations(buffers.Z, curve, logger);
+ // Compute extended evaluations of z(X) polynomial
+ if (logger) logger.debug("··· Computing Z fft");
+ evaluations.Z = await Evaluations.fromPolynomial(polynomials.Z, 4, curve, logger);
+ // Blind z(X) polynomial coefficients with blinding scalars b
+ polynomials.Z.blindCoefficients([challenges.b[9], challenges.b[8], challenges.b[7]]);
+ // Check degree
+ if (polynomials.Z.degree() >= zkey.domainSize + 3) {
+ throw new Error("Z Polynomial is not well calculated");
+ }
+ delete buffers.Z;
+ }
+ async function round3() {
+ if (logger) logger.debug("> Computing challenge alpha");
+ // STEP 3.1 - Compute evaluation challenge alpha ∈ F
+ transcript.reset();
+ transcript.addScalar(challenges.beta);
+ transcript.addScalar(challenges.gamma);
+ transcript.addPolCommitment(proof.getPolynomial("Z"));
+ challenges.alpha = transcript.getChallenge();
+ challenges.alpha2 = Fr.square(challenges.alpha);
+ if (logger) logger.debug("··· challenges.alpha: " + Fr.toString(challenges.alpha, 16));
+ // Compute quotient polynomial T(X)
+ if (logger) logger.debug("> Computing T polynomial");
+ await computeT();
+ // Compute [T1]_1, [T2]_1, [T3]_1
+ if (logger) logger.debug("> Computing T MSM");
+ let commitT1 = await polynomials.T1.multiExponentiation(PTau, "T1");
+ let commitT2 = await polynomials.T2.multiExponentiation(PTau, "T2");
+ let commitT3 = await polynomials.T3.multiExponentiation(PTau, "T3");
+ // Third output of the prover is ([T1]_1, [T2]_1, [T3]_1)
+ proof.addPolynomial("T1", commitT1);
+ proof.addPolynomial("T2", commitT2);
+ proof.addPolynomial("T3", commitT3);
+ }
+ async function computeT() {
+ if (logger)
+ logger.debug(`··· Reading sections ${ZKEY_PL_QL_SECTION}, ${ZKEY_PL_QR_SECTION}` +
+ // Reserve memory for Q's evaluations
+ evaluations.QL = new Evaluations(new BigBuffer(sDomain * 4), curve, logger);
+ evaluations.QR = new Evaluations(new BigBuffer(sDomain * 4), curve, logger);
+ evaluations.QM = new Evaluations(new BigBuffer(sDomain * 4), curve, logger);
+ evaluations.QO = new Evaluations(new BigBuffer(sDomain * 4), curve, logger);
+ evaluations.QC = new Evaluations(new BigBuffer(sDomain * 4), curve, logger);
+ // Read Q's evaluations from zkey file
+ await fdZKey.readToBuffer(evaluations.QL.eval, 0, sDomain * 4, zkeySections[ZKEY_PL_QL_SECTION][0].p + sDomain);
+ await fdZKey.readToBuffer(evaluations.QR.eval, 0, sDomain * 4, zkeySections[ZKEY_PL_QR_SECTION][0].p + sDomain);
+ await fdZKey.readToBuffer(evaluations.QM.eval, 0, sDomain * 4, zkeySections[ZKEY_PL_QM_SECTION][0].p + sDomain);
+ await fdZKey.readToBuffer(evaluations.QO.eval, 0, sDomain * 4, zkeySections[ZKEY_PL_QO_SECTION][0].p + sDomain);
+ await fdZKey.readToBuffer(evaluations.QC.eval, 0, sDomain * 4, zkeySections[ZKEY_PL_QC_SECTION][0].p + sDomain);
+ // Read Lagrange polynomials & evaluations from zkey file
+ evaluations.Lagrange = new Evaluations(new BigBuffer(sDomain * 4 * zkey.nPublic), curve, logger);
+ for (let i = 0; i < zkey.nPublic; i++) {
+ await fdZKey.readToBuffer(evaluations.Lagrange.eval, i * sDomain * 4, sDomain * 4, zkeySections[ZKEY_PL_LAGRANGE_SECTION][0].p + i * 5 * sDomain + sDomain);
+ }
+ buffers.T = new BigBuffer(sDomain * 4);
+ buffers.Tz = new BigBuffer(sDomain * 4);
+ if (logger) logger.debug("··· Computing T evaluations");
+ let w = Fr.one;
+ for (let i = 0; i < zkey.domainSize * 4; i++) {
+ if (logger && (0 !== i) && (i % 100000 === 0))
+ logger.debug(` T evaluation ${i}/${zkey.domainSize * 4}`);
+ const a = evaluations.A.getEvaluation(i);
+ const b = evaluations.B.getEvaluation(i);
+ const c = evaluations.C.getEvaluation(i);
+ const z = evaluations.Z.getEvaluation(i);
+ const zw = evaluations.Z.getEvaluation((zkey.domainSize * 4 + 4 + i) % (zkey.domainSize * 4));
+ const qm = evaluations.QM.getEvaluation(i);
+ const ql = evaluations.QL.getEvaluation(i);
+ const qr = evaluations.QR.getEvaluation(i);
+ const qo = evaluations.QO.getEvaluation(i);
+ const qc = evaluations.QC.getEvaluation(i);
+ const s1 = evaluations.Sigma1.getEvaluation(i);
+ const s2 = evaluations.Sigma2.getEvaluation(i);
+ const s3 = evaluations.Sigma3.getEvaluation(i);
+ const ap = Fr.add(challenges.b[2], Fr.mul(challenges.b[1], w));
+ const bp = Fr.add(challenges.b[4], Fr.mul(challenges.b[3], w));
+ const cp = Fr.add(challenges.b[6], Fr.mul(challenges.b[5], w));
+ const w2 = Fr.square(w);
+ const zp = Fr.add(Fr.add(Fr.mul(challenges.b[7], w2), Fr.mul(challenges.b[8], w)), challenges.b[9]);
+ const wW = Fr.mul(w, Fr.w[zkey.power]);
+ const wW2 = Fr.square(wW);
+ const zWp = Fr.add(Fr.add(Fr.mul(challenges.b[7], wW2), Fr.mul(challenges.b[8], wW)), challenges.b[9]);
+ let pi = Fr.zero;
+ for (let j = 0; j < zkey.nPublic; j++) {
+ const offset = (j * 4 * zkey.domainSize) + i;
+ const lPol = evaluations.Lagrange.getEvaluation(offset);
+ const aVal = buffers.A.slice(j * n8r, (j + 1) * n8r);
+ pi = Fr.sub(pi, Fr.mul(lPol, aVal));
+ }
+ // e1 := a(X)b(X)qM(X) + a(X)qL(X) + b(X)qR(X) + c(X)qO(X) + PI(X) + qC(X)
+ let [e1, e1z] = MulZ.mul2(a, b, ap, bp, i % 4, Fr);
+ e1 = Fr.mul(e1, qm);
+ e1z = Fr.mul(e1z, qm);
+ e1 = Fr.add(e1, Fr.mul(a, ql));
+ e1z = Fr.add(e1z, Fr.mul(ap, ql));
+ e1 = Fr.add(e1, Fr.mul(b, qr));
+ e1z = Fr.add(e1z, Fr.mul(bp, qr));
+ e1 = Fr.add(e1, Fr.mul(c, qo));
+ e1z = Fr.add(e1z, Fr.mul(cp, qo));
+ e1 = Fr.add(e1, pi);
+ e1 = Fr.add(e1, qc);
+ // e2 := α[(a(X) + βX + γ)(b(X) + βk1X + γ)(c(X) + βk2X + γ)z(X)]
+ const betaw = Fr.mul(challenges.beta, w);
+ let e2a = a;
+ e2a = Fr.add(e2a, betaw);
+ e2a = Fr.add(e2a, challenges.gamma);
+ let e2b = b;
+ e2b = Fr.add(e2b, Fr.mul(betaw, zkey.k1));
+ e2b = Fr.add(e2b, challenges.gamma);
+ let e2c = c;
+ e2c = Fr.add(e2c, Fr.mul(betaw, zkey.k2));
+ e2c = Fr.add(e2c, challenges.gamma);
+ let e2d = z;
+ let [e2, e2z] = MulZ.mul4(e2a, e2b, e2c, e2d, ap, bp, cp, zp, i % 4, Fr);
+ e2 = Fr.mul(e2, challenges.alpha);
+ e2z = Fr.mul(e2z, challenges.alpha);
+ // e3 := α[(a(X) + βSσ1(X) + γ)(b(X) + βSσ2(X) + γ)(c(X) + βSσ3(X) + γ)z(Xω)]
+ let e3a = a;
+ e3a = Fr.add(e3a, Fr.mul(challenges.beta, s1));
+ e3a = Fr.add(e3a, challenges.gamma);
+ let e3b = b;
+ e3b = Fr.add(e3b, Fr.mul(challenges.beta, s2));
+ e3b = Fr.add(e3b, challenges.gamma);
+ let e3c = c;
+ e3c = Fr.add(e3c, Fr.mul(challenges.beta, s3));
+ e3c = Fr.add(e3c, challenges.gamma);
+ let e3d = zw;
+ let [e3, e3z] = MulZ.mul4(e3a, e3b, e3c, e3d, ap, bp, cp, zWp, i % 4, Fr);
+ e3 = Fr.mul(e3, challenges.alpha);
+ e3z = Fr.mul(e3z, challenges.alpha);
+ // e4 := α^2(z(X)−1)L1(X)
+ let e4 = Fr.sub(z, Fr.one);
+ e4 = Fr.mul(e4, evaluations.Lagrange.getEvaluation(i));
+ e4 = Fr.mul(e4, challenges.alpha2);
+ let e4z = Fr.mul(zp, evaluations.Lagrange.getEvaluation(i));
+ e4z = Fr.mul(e4z, challenges.alpha2);
+ let t = Fr.add(Fr.sub(Fr.add(e1, e2), e3), e4);
+ let tz = Fr.add(Fr.sub(Fr.add(e1z, e2z), e3z), e4z);
+ buffers.T.set(t, i * n8r);
+ buffers.Tz.set(tz, i * n8r);
+ w = Fr.mul(w, Fr.w[zkey.power + 2]);
+ }
+ // Compute the coefficients of the polynomial T0(X) from buffers.T0
+ if (logger)
+ logger.debug("··· Computing T ifft");
+ polynomials.T = await Polynomial.fromEvaluations(buffers.T, curve, logger);
+ // Divide the polynomial T0 by Z_H(X)
+ if (logger)
+ logger.debug("··· Computing T / ZH");
+ polynomials.T.divZh(zkey.domainSize, 4);
+ // Compute the coefficients of the polynomial Tz(X) from buffers.Tz
+ if (logger)
+ logger.debug("··· Computing Tz ifft");
+ polynomials.Tz = await Polynomial.fromEvaluations(buffers.Tz, curve, logger);
+ // Add the polynomial T1z to T1 to get the final polynomial T1
+ polynomials.T.add(polynomials.Tz);
+ // Check degree
+ if (polynomials.T.degree() >= zkey.domainSize * 3 + 6) {
+ throw new Error("T Polynomial is not well calculated");
+ }
+ // t(x) has degree 3n + 5, we are going to split t(x) into three smaller polynomials:
+ // T1' and T2' with a degree < n and T3' with a degree n+5
+ // such that t(x) = T1'(X) + X^n T2'(X) + X^{2n} T3'(X)
+ // To randomize the parts we use blinding scalars b_10 and b_11 in a way that doesn't change t(X):
+ // T1(X) = T1'(X) + b_10 X^n
+ // T2(X) = T2'(X) - b_10 + b_11 X^n
+ // T3(X) = T3'(X) - b_11
+ // such that
+ // t(X) = T1(X) + X^n T2(X) + X^2n T3(X)
+ if (logger) logger.debug("··· Computing T1, T2, T3 polynomials");
+ polynomials.T1 = new Polynomial(new BigBuffer((zkey.domainSize + 1) * n8r), curve, logger);
+ polynomials.T2 = new Polynomial(new BigBuffer((zkey.domainSize + 1) * n8r), curve, logger);
+ polynomials.T3 = new Polynomial(new BigBuffer((zkey.domainSize + 6) * n8r), curve, logger);
+ polynomials.T1.coef.set(polynomials.T.coef.slice(0, sDomain), 0);
+ polynomials.T2.coef.set(polynomials.T.coef.slice(sDomain, sDomain * 2), 0);
+ polynomials.T3.coef.set(polynomials.T.coef.slice(sDomain * 2, sDomain * 3 + 6 * n8r), 0);
+ // Add blinding scalar b_10 as a new coefficient n
+ polynomials.T1.setCoef(zkey.domainSize, challenges.b[10]);
+ // compute t_mid(X)
+ // Subtract blinding scalar b_10 to the lowest coefficient of t_mid
+ const lowestMid = Fr.sub(polynomials.T2.getCoef(0), challenges.b[10]);
+ polynomials.T2.setCoef(0, lowestMid);
+ polynomials.T2.setCoef(zkey.domainSize, challenges.b[11]);
+ // compute t_high(X)
+ //Subtract blinding scalar b_11 to the lowest coefficient of t_high
+ const lowestHigh = Fr.sub(polynomials.T3.getCoef(0), challenges.b[11]);
+ polynomials.T3.setCoef(0, lowestHigh);
+ }
+ async function round4() {
+ if (logger) logger.debug("> Computing challenge xi");
+ // STEP 4.1 - Compute evaluation challenge xi ∈ F
+ transcript.reset();
+ transcript.addScalar(challenges.alpha);
+ transcript.addPolCommitment(proof.getPolynomial("T1"));
+ transcript.addPolCommitment(proof.getPolynomial("T2"));
+ transcript.addPolCommitment(proof.getPolynomial("T3"));
+ challenges.xi = transcript.getChallenge();
+ challenges.xiw = Fr.mul(challenges.xi, Fr.w[zkey.power]);
+ if (logger) logger.debug("··· challenges.xi: " + Fr.toString(challenges.xi, 16));
+ // Fourth output of the prover is ( a(xi), b(xi), c(xi), s1(xi), s2(xi), z(xiw) )
+ proof.addEvaluation("eval_a", polynomials.A.evaluate(challenges.xi));
+ proof.addEvaluation("eval_b", polynomials.B.evaluate(challenges.xi));
+ proof.addEvaluation("eval_c", polynomials.C.evaluate(challenges.xi));
+ proof.addEvaluation("eval_s1", polynomials.Sigma1.evaluate(challenges.xi));
+ proof.addEvaluation("eval_s2", polynomials.Sigma2.evaluate(challenges.xi));
+ proof.addEvaluation("eval_zw", polynomials.Z.evaluate(challenges.xiw));
+ }
+ async function round5() {
+ if (logger) logger.debug("> Computing challenge v");
+ // STEP 5.1 - Compute evaluation challenge v ∈ F
+ transcript.reset();
+ transcript.addScalar(challenges.xi);
+ transcript.addScalar(proof.getEvaluation("eval_a"));
+ transcript.addScalar(proof.getEvaluation("eval_b"));
+ transcript.addScalar(proof.getEvaluation("eval_c"));
+ transcript.addScalar(proof.getEvaluation("eval_s1"));
+ transcript.addScalar(proof.getEvaluation("eval_s2"));
+ transcript.addScalar(proof.getEvaluation("eval_zw"));
+ challenges.v = [];
+ challenges.v[1] = transcript.getChallenge();
+ if (logger) logger.debug("··· challenges.v: " + Fr.toString(challenges.v[1], 16));
+ for (let i = 2; i < 6; i++) {
+ challenges.v[i] = Fr.mul(challenges.v[i - 1], challenges.v[1]);
+ }
+ // STEP 5.2 Compute linearisation polynomial r(X)
+ if (logger) logger.debug("> Computing linearisation polynomial R(X)");
+ await computeR();
+ //STEP 5.3 Compute opening proof polynomial Wxi(X)
+ if (logger) logger.debug("> Computing opening proof polynomial Wxi(X) polynomial");
+ computeWxi();
+ //STEP 5.4 Compute opening proof polynomial Wxiw(X)
+ if (logger) logger.debug("> Computing opening proof polynomial Wxiw(X) polynomial");
+ computeWxiw();
+ if (logger) logger.debug("> Computing Wxi, Wxiw MSM");
+ let commitWxi = await polynomials.Wxi.multiExponentiation(PTau, "Wxi");
+ let commitWxiw = await polynomials.Wxiw.multiExponentiation(PTau, "Wxiw");
+ // Fifth output of the prover is ([Wxi]_1, [Wxiw]_1)
+ proof.addPolynomial("Wxi", commitWxi);
+ proof.addPolynomial("Wxiw", commitWxiw);
+ }
+ async function computeR() {
+ const Fr = curve.Fr;
+ // Reserve memory for Q's polynomials
+ polynomials.QL = new Polynomial(new BigBuffer(sDomain), curve, logger);
+ polynomials.QR = new Polynomial(new BigBuffer(sDomain), curve, logger);
+ polynomials.QM = new Polynomial(new BigBuffer(sDomain), curve, logger);
+ polynomials.QO = new Polynomial(new BigBuffer(sDomain), curve, logger);
+ polynomials.QC = new Polynomial(new BigBuffer(sDomain), curve, logger);
+ // Read Q's evaluations from zkey file
+ await fdZKey.readToBuffer(polynomials.QL.coef, 0, sDomain, zkeySections[ZKEY_PL_QL_SECTION][0].p);
+ await fdZKey.readToBuffer(polynomials.QR.coef, 0, sDomain, zkeySections[ZKEY_PL_QR_SECTION][0].p);
+ await fdZKey.readToBuffer(polynomials.QM.coef, 0, sDomain, zkeySections[ZKEY_PL_QM_SECTION][0].p);
+ await fdZKey.readToBuffer(polynomials.QO.coef, 0, sDomain, zkeySections[ZKEY_PL_QO_SECTION][0].p);
+ await fdZKey.readToBuffer(polynomials.QC.coef, 0, sDomain, zkeySections[ZKEY_PL_QC_SECTION][0].p);
+ challenges.xin = challenges.xi;
+ for (let i = 0; i < zkey.power; i++) {
+ challenges.xin = Fr.square(challenges.xin);
+ }
+ challenges.zh = Fr.sub(challenges.xin, Fr.one);
+ const L = [];
+ const n = Fr.e(zkey.domainSize);
+ let w = Fr.one;
+ for (let i = 1; i <= Math.max(1, zkey.nPublic); i++) {
+ L[i] = Fr.div(Fr.mul(w, challenges.zh), Fr.mul(n, Fr.sub(challenges.xi, w)));
+ w = Fr.mul(w, Fr.w[zkey.power]);
+ }
+ const eval_l1 = Fr.div(
+ Fr.sub(challenges.xin, Fr.one),
+ Fr.mul(n, Fr.sub(challenges.xi, Fr.one))
+ );
+ if (logger) {
+ logger.debug("Lagrange Evaluations: ");
+ for (let i=1; i.
+const {unstringifyBigInts: unstringifyBigInts$5} = utils;
+async function plonkFullProve(_input, wasmFile, zkeyFileName, logger) {
+ const input = unstringifyBigInts$5(_input);
+ const wtns= {
+ type: "mem"
+ };
+ await wtnsCalculate(input, wasmFile, wtns);
+ return await plonk16Prove(zkeyFileName, wtns, logger);
+ Copyright 2021 0kims association.
+ This file is part of snarkjs.
+ snarkjs is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ snarkjs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ snarkjs. If not, see .
+const {unstringifyBigInts: unstringifyBigInts$4} = utils;
+async function plonkVerify(_vk_verifier, _publicSignals, _proof, logger) {
+ let vk_verifier = unstringifyBigInts$4(_vk_verifier);
+ _proof = unstringifyBigInts$4(_proof);
+ let publicSignals = unstringifyBigInts$4(_publicSignals);
+ const curve = await getCurveFromName(vk_verifier.curve);
+ const Fr = curve.Fr;
+ const G1 = curve.G1;
+ if (logger) logger.info("PLONK VERIFIER STARTED");
+ let proof = fromObjectProof(curve,_proof);
+ vk_verifier = fromObjectVk$1(curve, vk_verifier);
+ if (!isWellConstructed(curve, proof)) {
+ logger.error("Proof is not well constructed");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (publicSignals.length != vk_verifier.nPublic) {
+ logger.error("Invalid number of public inputs");
+ return false;
+ }
+ const challenges = calculatechallenges(curve, proof, publicSignals, vk_verifier);
+ if (logger) {
+ logger.debug("beta: " + Fr.toString(challenges.beta, 16));
+ logger.debug("gamma: " + Fr.toString(challenges.gamma, 16));
+ logger.debug("alpha: " + Fr.toString(challenges.alpha, 16));
+ logger.debug("xi: " + Fr.toString(challenges.xi, 16));
+ for(let i=1;i<6;i++) {
+ if (logger) logger.debug("v: " + Fr.toString(challenges.v[i], 16));
+ }
+ logger.debug("u: " + Fr.toString(challenges.u, 16));
+ }
+ const L = calculateLagrangeEvaluations(curve, challenges, vk_verifier);
+ if (logger) {
+ for (let i=1; i.
+const { unstringifyBigInts: unstringifyBigInts$3} = utils;
+function p256$1(n) {
+ let nstr = n.toString(16);
+ while (nstr.length < 64) nstr = "0"+nstr;
+ nstr = `"0x${nstr}"`;
+ return nstr;
+async function plonkExportSolidityCallData(_proof, _pub) {
+ const proof = unstringifyBigInts$3(_proof);
+ const pub = unstringifyBigInts$3(_pub);
+ await getCurveFromName(proof.curve);
+ let inputs = "";
+ for (let i=0; i.
+var plonk = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ __proto__: null,
+ setup: plonkSetup,
+ fullProve: plonkFullProve,
+ prove: plonk16Prove,
+ verify: plonkVerify,
+ exportSolidityCallData: plonkExportSolidityCallData
+ Copyright 2022 iden3 association.
+ This file is part of snarkjs.
+ snarkjs is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ snarkjs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ snarkjs. If not, see .
+// We export to zkey the signals and values of the a, b, c, ql, qr, qm, qo and qc
+// a, b and c are signals id (32-bit integers)
+// ql, qr, qm, qo and qc are field values
+function getFFlonkConstantConstraint(signal1, Fr) {
+ return [signal1, 0, 0, Fr.one, Fr.zero, Fr.zero, Fr.zero, Fr.zero];
+function getFFlonkAdditionConstraint(signal1, signal2, signalOut, ql, qr, qm, qo, qc) {
+ return [signal1, signal2, signalOut, ql, qr, qm, qo, qc];
+function getFFlonkMultiplicationConstraint(signal1, signal2, signalOut, ql, qr, qm, qo, qc, Fr) {
+ return [signal1, signal2, signalOut, ql, qr, qm, qo, qc];
+ Copyright 2022 iden3 association.
+ This file is part of snarkjs.
+ snarkjs is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ snarkjs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ snarkjs. If not, see .
+class r1csConstraintProcessor {
+ constructor(Fr, fnGetConstantConstraint, fnGetAdditionConstraint, fnGetMultiplicationConstraint, logger) {
+ this.Fr = Fr;
+ this.logger = logger;
+ this.fnGetAdditionConstraint = fnGetAdditionConstraint;
+ this.fnGetMultiplicationConstraint = fnGetMultiplicationConstraint;
+ }
+ processR1csConstraint(settings, lcA, lcB, lcC) {
+ this.normalizeLinearCombination(lcA);
+ this.normalizeLinearCombination(lcB);
+ this.normalizeLinearCombination(lcC);
+ const lctA = this.getLinearCombinationType(lcA);
+ const lctB = this.getLinearCombinationType(lcB);
+ return this.processR1csAdditionConstraint(settings, lcC);
+ } else if (lctA === LINEAR_COMBINATION_CONSTANT) {
+ const lcCC = this.joinLinearCombinations(lcB, lcC, lcA[0]);
+ return this.processR1csAdditionConstraint(settings, lcCC);
+ } else if (lctB === LINEAR_COMBINATION_CONSTANT) {
+ const lcCC = this.joinLinearCombinations(lcA, lcC, lcB[0]);
+ return this.processR1csAdditionConstraint(settings, lcCC);
+ } else {
+ return this.processR1csMultiplicationConstraint(settings, lcA, lcB, lcC);
+ }
+ }
+ getLinearCombinationType(linCom) {
+ // let k = this.Fr.zero;
+ //
+ // const signalIds = Object.keys(linCom);
+ // for (let i = 0; i < signalIds.length; i++) {
+ // if (signalIds[i] === "0") {
+ // k = this.Fr.add(k, linCom[signalIds[i]]);
+ // } else {
+ // }
+ // }
+ //
+ // if (!this.Fr.eq(k, this.Fr.zero)) return LINEAR_COMBINATION_CONSTANT;
+ //
+ let k = this.Fr.zero;
+ let n = 0;
+ const ss = Object.keys(linCom);
+ for (let i = 0; i < ss.length; i++) {
+ if (linCom[ss[i]] == 0n) {
+ delete linCom[ss[i]];
+ } else if (ss[i] == 0) {
+ k = this.Fr.add(k, linCom[ss[i]]);
+ } else {
+ n++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!this.Fr.isZero(k)) return LINEAR_COMBINATION_CONSTANT;
+ }
+ normalizeLinearCombination(linCom) {
+ const signalIds = Object.keys(linCom);
+ for (let i = 0; i < signalIds.length; i++) {
+ if (this.Fr.isZero(linCom[signalIds[i]])) delete linCom[signalIds[i]];
+ }
+ return linCom;
+ }
+ joinLinearCombinations(linCom1, linCom2, k) {
+ const res = {};
+ // for (let s in linCom1) {
+ // const val = this.Fr.mul(k, linCom1[s]);
+ // res[s] = !(s in res) ? val : this.Fr.add(val, res[s]);
+ // }
+ //
+ // for (let s in linCom2) {
+ // const val = this.Fr.mul(k, linCom2[s]);
+ // res[s] = !(s in res) ? val : this.Fr.add(val, res[s]);
+ // }
+ for (let s in linCom1) {
+ if (typeof res[s] == "undefined") {
+ res[s] = this.Fr.mul(k, linCom1[s]);
+ } else {
+ res[s] = this.Fr.add(res[s], this.Fr.mul(k, linCom1[s]));
+ }
+ }
+ for (let s in linCom2) {
+ if (typeof res[s] == "undefined") {
+ res[s] = linCom2[s];
+ } else {
+ res[s] = this.Fr.add(res[s], linCom2[s]);
+ }
+ }
+ return this.normalizeLinearCombination(res);
+ }
+ reduceCoefs(settings, constraintsArr, additionsArr, linCom, maxC) {
+ const res = {
+ k: this.Fr.zero,
+ signals: [],
+ coefs: []
+ };
+ const cs = [];
+ for (let signalId in linCom) {
+ if (signalId == 0) {
+ res.k = this.Fr.add(res.k, linCom[signalId]);
+ } else if (linCom[signalId] != 0n) {
+ cs.push([Number(signalId), linCom[signalId]]);
+ }
+ }
+ while (cs.length > maxC) {
+ const c1 = cs.shift();
+ const c2 = cs.shift();
+ const so = settings.nVars++;
+ const constraints = this.fnGetAdditionConstraint(
+ c1[0], c2[0], so,
+ this.Fr.neg(c1[1]), this.Fr.neg(c2[1]), this.Fr.zero, this.Fr.one, this.Fr.zero);
+ constraintsArr.push(constraints);
+ additionsArr.push([c1[0], c2[0], c1[1], c2[1]]);
+ cs.push([so, this.Fr.one]);
+ }
+ for (let i = 0; i < cs.length; i++) {
+ res.signals[i] = cs[i][0];
+ res.coefs[i] = cs[i][1];
+ }
+ while (res.coefs.length < maxC) {
+ res.signals.push(0);
+ res.coefs.push(this.Fr.zero);
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ processR1csAdditionConstraint(settings, linCom) {
+ const constraintsArr = [];
+ const additionsArr = [];
+ const C = this.reduceCoefs(settings, constraintsArr, additionsArr, linCom, 3);
+ const constraints = this.fnGetAdditionConstraint(
+ C.signals[0], C.signals[1], C.signals[2],
+ C.coefs[0], C.coefs[1], this.Fr.zero, C.coefs[2], C.k);
+ constraintsArr.push(constraints);
+ return [constraintsArr, additionsArr];
+ }
+ processR1csMultiplicationConstraint(settings, lcA, lcB, lcC) {
+ const constraintsArr = [];
+ const additionsArr = [];
+ const A = this.reduceCoefs(settings, constraintsArr, additionsArr, lcA, 1);
+ const B = this.reduceCoefs(settings, constraintsArr, additionsArr, lcB, 1);
+ const C = this.reduceCoefs(settings, constraintsArr, additionsArr, lcC, 1);
+ const constraints = this.fnGetMultiplicationConstraint(
+ A.signals[0], B.signals[0], C.signals[0],
+ this.Fr.mul(A.coefs[0], B.k),
+ this.Fr.mul(A.k, B.coefs[0]),
+ this.Fr.mul(A.coefs[0], B.coefs[0]),
+ this.Fr.neg(C.coefs[0]),
+ this.Fr.sub(this.Fr.mul(A.k, B.k), C.k));
+ constraintsArr.push(constraints);
+ return [constraintsArr, additionsArr];
+ }
+ Copyright 2022 iden3 association.
+ This file is part of snarkjs.
+ snarkjs is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ snarkjs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ snarkjs. If not, see .
+class CPolynomial {
+ constructor(n, curve, logger) {
+ this.n = n;
+ this.polynomials = Array(n).fill(undefined);
+ this.curve = curve;
+ this.Fr = curve.Fr;
+ this.G1 = curve.G1;
+ this.logger = logger;
+ }
+ addPolynomial(position, polynomial) {
+ if (position > this.n - 1) {
+ throw new Error("CPolynomial:addPolynomial, cannot add a polynomial to a position greater than n-1");
+ }
+ this.polynomials[position] = polynomial;
+ }
+ degree() {
+ let degrees = this.polynomials.map(
+ (polynomial, index) => polynomial === undefined ? 0 : polynomial.degree() * this.n + index);
+ return Math.max(...degrees);
+ }
+ getPolynomial() {
+ let degrees = this.polynomials.map(polynomial => polynomial === undefined ? 0 : polynomial.degree());
+ const maxDegree = this.degree();
+ const lengthBuffer = 2 ** (log2(maxDegree - 1) + 1);
+ const sFr = this.Fr.n8;
+ let polynomial = new Polynomial(new BigBuffer(lengthBuffer * sFr), this.curve, this.logger);
+ for (let i = 0; i < maxDegree; i++) {
+ const i_n8 = i * sFr;
+ const i_sFr = i_n8 * this.n;
+ for (let j = 0; j < this.n; j++) {
+ if (this.polynomials[j] !== undefined) {
+ if (i <= degrees[j]) polynomial.coef.set(this.polynomials[j].coef.slice(i_n8, i_n8 + sFr), i_sFr + j * sFr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return polynomial;
+ }
+ async multiExponentiation(PTau, name) {
+ let polynomial = this.getPolynomial();
+ const n = polynomial.coef.byteLength / this.Fr.n8;
+ const PTauN = PTau.slice(0, n * this.G1.F.n8 * 2);
+ const bm = await this.Fr.batchFromMontgomery(polynomial.coef);
+ let res = await this.G1.multiExpAffine(PTauN, bm, this.logger, name);
+ res = this.G1.toAffine(res);
+ return res;
+ }
+ Copyright 2022 iden3 association.
+ This file is part of snarkjs.
+ snarkjs is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ snarkjs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ snarkjs. If not, see .
+async function fflonkSetup(r1csFilename, ptauFilename, zkeyFilename, logger) {
+ if (logger) logger.info("FFLONK SETUP STARTED");
+ if (globalThis.gc) globalThis.gc();
+ // Read PTau file
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Reading PTau file");
+ const {fd: fdPTau, sections: pTauSections} = await readBinFile(ptauFilename, "ptau", 1);
+ if (!pTauSections[12]) {
+ throw new Error("Powers of Tau is not well prepared. Section 12 missing.");
+ }
+ // Get curve defined in PTau
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Getting curve from PTau settings");
+ const {curve} = await readPTauHeader(fdPTau, pTauSections);
+ // Read r1cs file
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Reading r1cs file");
+ const {fd: fdR1cs, sections: sectionsR1cs} = await readBinFile(r1csFilename, "r1cs", 1);
+ const r1cs = await readR1csFd(fdR1cs, sectionsR1cs, {loadConstraints: false, loadCustomGates: true});
+ // Potential error checks
+ if (r1cs.prime !== curve.r) {
+ throw new Error("r1cs curve does not match powers of tau ceremony curve");
+ }
+ // Initializations
+ const Fr = curve.Fr;
+ const sFr = curve.Fr.n8;
+ const sG1 = curve.G1.F.n8 * 2;
+ const sG2 = curve.G2.F.n8 * 2;
+ let polynomials = {};
+ let evaluations = {};
+ let PTau;
+ let settings = {
+ nVars: r1cs.nVars,
+ nPublic: r1cs.nOutputs + r1cs.nPubInputs
+ };
+ const plonkConstraints = new BigArray$1();
+ let plonkAdditions = new BigArray$1();
+ // Process constraints inside r1cs
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Processing FFlonk constraints");
+ await computeFFConstraints(curve.Fr, r1cs, logger);
+ if (globalThis.gc) globalThis.gc();
+ // As the t polynomial is n+5 whe need at least a power of 4
+ //TODO check!!!!
+ // NOTE : plonkConstraints + 2 = #constraints + blinding coefficients for each wire polynomial
+ settings.cirPower = Math.max(FF_T_POL_DEG_MIN, log2((plonkConstraints.length + 2) - 1) + 1);
+ settings.domainSize = 2 ** settings.cirPower;
+ if (pTauSections[2][0].size < (settings.domainSize * 9 + 18) * sG1) {
+ throw new Error("Powers of Tau is not big enough for this circuit size. Section 2 too small.");
+ }
+ if (pTauSections[3][0].size < sG2) {
+ throw new Error("Powers of Tau is not well prepared. Section 3 too small.");
+ }
+ if (logger) {
+ logger.info("----------------------------");
+ logger.info(" FFLONK SETUP SETTINGS");
+ logger.info(` Curve: ${curve.name}`);
+ logger.info(` Circuit power: ${settings.cirPower}`);
+ logger.info(` Domain size: ${settings.domainSize}`);
+ logger.info(` Vars: ${settings.nVars}`);
+ logger.info(` Public vars: ${settings.nPublic}`);
+ logger.info(` Constraints: ${plonkConstraints.length}`);
+ logger.info(` Additions: ${plonkAdditions.length}`);
+ logger.info("----------------------------");
+ }
+ // Compute k1 and k2 to be used in the permutation checks
+ if (logger) logger.info("> computing k1 and k2");
+ const [k1, k2] = computeK1K2();
+ // Compute omega 3 (w3) and omega 4 (w4) to be used in the prover and the verifier
+ // w3^3 = 1 and w4^4 = 1
+ if (logger) logger.info("> computing w3");
+ const w3 = computeW3();
+ if (logger) logger.info("> computing w4");
+ const w4 = computeW4();
+ if (logger) logger.info("> computing w8");
+ const w8 = computeW8();
+ if (logger) logger.info("> computing wr");
+ const wr = getOmegaCubicRoot(settings.cirPower, curve.Fr);
+ // Write output zkey file
+ await writeZkeyFile();
+ await fdR1cs.close();
+ await fdPTau.close();
+ if (logger) logger.info("FFLONK SETUP FINISHED");
+ return 0;
+ async function computeFFConstraints(Fr, r1cs, logger) {
+ // Add public inputs and outputs
+ for (let i = 0; i < settings.nPublic; i++) {
+ plonkConstraints.push(getFFlonkConstantConstraint(i + 1, Fr));
+ }
+ // Add all constraints from r1cs file
+ const r1csProcessor = new r1csConstraintProcessor(Fr, getFFlonkConstantConstraint, getFFlonkAdditionConstraint, getFFlonkMultiplicationConstraint, logger);
+ const bR1cs = await readSection(fdR1cs, sectionsR1cs, 2);
+ let bR1csPos = 0;
+ for (let i = 0; i < r1cs.nConstraints; i++) {
+ if ((logger) && (i !== 0) && (i % 500000 === 0)) {
+ logger.info(` processing r1cs constraints ${i}/${r1cs.nConstraints}`);
+ }
+ const [constraints, additions] = r1csProcessor.processR1csConstraint(settings, ...readConstraint());
+ plonkConstraints.push(...constraints);
+ plonkAdditions.push(...additions);
+ }
+ function readConstraint() {
+ const c = [];
+ c[0] = readLC();
+ c[1] = readLC();
+ c[2] = readLC();
+ return c;
+ }
+ function readLC() {
+ const lc = {};
+ const buffUL32 = bR1cs.slice(bR1csPos, bR1csPos + 4);
+ bR1csPos += 4;
+ const buffUL32V = new DataView(buffUL32.buffer);
+ const nIdx = buffUL32V.getUint32(0, true);
+ const buff = bR1cs.slice(bR1csPos, bR1csPos + (4 + r1cs.n8) * nIdx);
+ bR1csPos += (4 + r1cs.n8) * nIdx;
+ const buffV = new DataView(buff.buffer);
+ for (let i = 0; i < nIdx; i++) {
+ const idx = buffV.getUint32(i * (4 + r1cs.n8), true);
+ const val = r1cs.F.fromRprLE(buff, i * (4 + r1cs.n8) + 4);
+ lc[idx] = val;
+ }
+ return lc;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ async function writeZkeyFile() {
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Writing the zkey file");
+ const fdZKey = await createBinFile(zkeyFilename, "zkey", 1, ZKEY_FF_NSECTIONS, 1 << 22, 1 << 24);
+ if (logger) logger.info(`··· Writing Section ${HEADER_ZKEY_SECTION}. Zkey Header`);
+ await writeZkeyHeader(fdZKey);
+ if (logger) logger.info(`··· Writing Section ${ZKEY_FF_ADDITIONS_SECTION}. Additions`);
+ await writeAdditions(fdZKey);
+ if (globalThis.gc) globalThis.gc();
+ if (logger) logger.info(`··· Writing Section ${ZKEY_FF_A_MAP_SECTION}. A Map`);
+ await writeWitnessMap(fdZKey, ZKEY_FF_A_MAP_SECTION, 0, "A map");
+ if (globalThis.gc) globalThis.gc();
+ if (logger) logger.info(`··· Writing Section ${ZKEY_FF_B_MAP_SECTION}. B Map`);
+ await writeWitnessMap(fdZKey, ZKEY_FF_B_MAP_SECTION, 1, "B map");
+ if (globalThis.gc) globalThis.gc();
+ if (logger) logger.info(`··· Writing Section ${ZKEY_FF_C_MAP_SECTION}. C Map`);
+ await writeWitnessMap(fdZKey, ZKEY_FF_C_MAP_SECTION, 2, "C map");
+ if (globalThis.gc) globalThis.gc();
+ if (logger) logger.info(`··· Writing Section ${ZKEY_FF_QL_SECTION}. QL`);
+ await writeQMap(fdZKey, ZKEY_FF_QL_SECTION, 3, "QL");
+ if (globalThis.gc) globalThis.gc();
+ if (logger) logger.info(`··· Writing Section ${ZKEY_FF_QR_SECTION}. QR`);
+ await writeQMap(fdZKey, ZKEY_FF_QR_SECTION, 4, "QR");
+ if (globalThis.gc) globalThis.gc();
+ if (logger) logger.info(`··· Writing Section ${ZKEY_FF_QM_SECTION}. QM`);
+ await writeQMap(fdZKey, ZKEY_FF_QM_SECTION, 5, "QM");
+ if (globalThis.gc) globalThis.gc();
+ if (logger) logger.info(`··· Writing Section ${ZKEY_FF_QO_SECTION}. QO`);
+ await writeQMap(fdZKey, ZKEY_FF_QO_SECTION, 6, "QO");
+ if (globalThis.gc) globalThis.gc();
+ if (logger) logger.info(`··· Writing Section ${ZKEY_FF_QC_SECTION}. QC`);
+ await writeQMap(fdZKey, ZKEY_FF_QC_SECTION, 7, "QC");
+ if (globalThis.gc) globalThis.gc();
+ if (logger) logger.info(`··· Writing Sections ${ZKEY_FF_SIGMA1_SECTION},${ZKEY_FF_SIGMA2_SECTION},${ZKEY_FF_SIGMA3_SECTION}. Sigma1, Sigma2 & Sigma 3`);
+ await writeSigma(fdZKey);
+ if (globalThis.gc) globalThis.gc();
+ if (logger) logger.info(`··· Writing Section ${ZKEY_FF_LAGRANGE_SECTION}. Lagrange Polynomials`);
+ await writeLagrangePolynomials(fdZKey);
+ if (globalThis.gc) globalThis.gc();
+ if (logger) logger.info(`··· Writing Section ${ZKEY_FF_PTAU_SECTION}. Powers of Tau`);
+ await writePtau(fdZKey);
+ if (globalThis.gc) globalThis.gc();
+ if (logger) logger.info(`··· Writing Section ${ZKEY_FF_C0_SECTION}. C0`);
+ await writeC0(fdZKey);
+ if (globalThis.gc) globalThis.gc();
+ if (logger) logger.info(`··· Writing Section ${ZKEY_FF_HEADER_SECTION}. FFlonk Header`);
+ await writeFFlonkHeader(fdZKey);
+ if (globalThis.gc) globalThis.gc();
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Writing the zkey file finished");
+ await fdZKey.close();
+ }
+ async function writeZkeyHeader(fdZKey) {
+ await startWriteSection(fdZKey, HEADER_ZKEY_SECTION);
+ await fdZKey.writeULE32(FFLONK_PROTOCOL_ID);
+ await endWriteSection(fdZKey);
+ }
+ async function writeAdditions(fdZKey) {
+ await startWriteSection(fdZKey, ZKEY_FF_ADDITIONS_SECTION);
+ // Written values are 2 * 32 bit integers (2 * 4 bytes) + 2 field size values ( 2 * sFr bytes)
+ const buffOut = new Uint8Array(8 + 2 * sFr);
+ const buffOutV = new DataView(buffOut.buffer);
+ for (let i = 0; i < plonkAdditions.length; i++) {
+ if ((logger) && (i !== 0) && (i % 500000 === 0)) logger.info(` writing Additions: ${i}/${plonkAdditions.length}`);
+ const addition = plonkAdditions[i];
+ buffOutV.setUint32(0, addition[0], true);
+ buffOutV.setUint32(4, addition[1], true);
+ buffOut.set(addition[2], 8);
+ buffOut.set(addition[3], 8 + sFr);
+ await fdZKey.write(buffOut);
+ }
+ await endWriteSection(fdZKey);
+ }
+ async function writeWitnessMap(fdZKey, sectionNum, posConstraint, name) {
+ await startWriteSection(fdZKey, sectionNum);
+ for (let i = 0; i < plonkConstraints.length; i++) {
+ if (logger && (i !== 0) && (i % 500000 === 0)) {
+ logger.info(` writing witness ${name}: ${i}/${plonkConstraints.length}`);
+ }
+ await fdZKey.writeULE32(plonkConstraints[i][posConstraint]);
+ }
+ await endWriteSection(fdZKey);
+ }
+ async function writeQMap(fdZKey, sectionNum, posConstraint, name) {
+ // Compute Q from q evaluations
+ let Q = new BigBuffer(settings.domainSize * sFr);
+ for (let i = 0; i < plonkConstraints.length; i++) {
+ Q.set(plonkConstraints[i][posConstraint], i * sFr);
+ if ((logger) && (i !== 0) && (i % 500000 === 0)) {
+ logger.info(` writing ${name}: ${i}/${plonkConstraints.length}`);
+ }
+ }
+ polynomials[name] = await Polynomial.fromEvaluations(Q, curve, logger);
+ evaluations[name] = await Evaluations.fromPolynomial(polynomials[name], 4, curve, logger);
+ // Write Q coefficients and evaluations
+ await startWriteSection(fdZKey, sectionNum);
+ await fdZKey.write(polynomials[name].coef);
+ await fdZKey.write(evaluations[name].eval);
+ await endWriteSection(fdZKey);
+ }
+ async function writeSigma(fdZKey) {
+ // Compute sigma
+ const sigma = new BigBuffer(sFr * settings.domainSize * 3);
+ const lastSeen = new BigArray$1(settings.nVars);
+ const firstPos = new BigArray$1(settings.nVars);
+ let w = Fr.one;
+ for (let i = 0; i < settings.domainSize; i++) {
+ if (i < plonkConstraints.length) {
+ buildSigma(plonkConstraints[i][0], i);
+ buildSigma(plonkConstraints[i][1], settings.domainSize + i);
+ buildSigma(plonkConstraints[i][2], settings.domainSize * 2 + i);
+ } else if (i < settings.domainSize - 2) {
+ buildSigma(0, i);
+ buildSigma(0, settings.domainSize + i);
+ buildSigma(0, settings.domainSize * 2 + i);
+ } else {
+ sigma.set(w, i * sFr);
+ sigma.set(Fr.mul(w, k1), (settings.domainSize + i) * sFr);
+ sigma.set(Fr.mul(w, k2), (settings.domainSize * 2 + i) * sFr);
+ }
+ w = Fr.mul(w, Fr.w[settings.cirPower]);
+ if ((logger) && (i !== 0) && (i % 500000 === 0)) {
+ logger.info(` writing sigma phase1: ${i}/${plonkConstraints.length}`);
+ }
+ }
+ for (let i = 0; i < settings.nVars; i++) {
+ if (typeof firstPos[i] !== "undefined") {
+ sigma.set(lastSeen[i], firstPos[i] * sFr);
+ } else {
+ // throw new Error("Variable not used");
+ console.log("Variable not used");
+ }
+ if ((logger) && (i !== 0) && (i % 500000 === 0)) logger.info(` writing sigma phase2: ${i}/${settings.nVars}`);
+ }
+ if (globalThis.gc) globalThis.gc();
+ // Write sigma coefficients and evaluations
+ for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ const sectionId = 0 === i ? ZKEY_FF_SIGMA1_SECTION : 1 === i ? ZKEY_FF_SIGMA2_SECTION : ZKEY_FF_SIGMA3_SECTION;
+ let name = "S" + (i + 1);
+ polynomials[name] = await Polynomial.fromEvaluations(sigma.slice(settings.domainSize * sFr * i, settings.domainSize * sFr * (i + 1)), curve, logger);
+ evaluations[name] = await Evaluations.fromPolynomial(polynomials[name], 4, curve, logger);
+ await startWriteSection(fdZKey, sectionId);
+ await fdZKey.write(polynomials[name].coef);
+ await fdZKey.write(evaluations[name].eval);
+ await endWriteSection(fdZKey);
+ if (globalThis.gc) globalThis.gc();
+ }
+ return 0;
+ function buildSigma(signalId, idx) {
+ if (typeof lastSeen[signalId] === "undefined") {
+ firstPos[signalId] = idx;
+ } else {
+ sigma.set(lastSeen[signalId], idx * sFr);
+ }
+ let v;
+ if (idx < settings.domainSize) {
+ v = w;
+ } else if (idx < 2 * settings.domainSize) {
+ v = Fr.mul(w, k1);
+ } else {
+ v = Fr.mul(w, k2);
+ }
+ lastSeen[signalId] = v;
+ }
+ }
+ async function writeLagrangePolynomials(fdZKey) {
+ await startWriteSection(fdZKey, ZKEY_FF_LAGRANGE_SECTION);
+ const l = Math.max(settings.nPublic, 1);
+ for (let i = 0; i < l; i++) {
+ let buff = new BigBuffer(settings.domainSize * sFr);
+ buff.set(Fr.one, i * sFr);
+ await writeP4(fdZKey, buff);
+ }
+ await endWriteSection(fdZKey);
+ }
+ async function writePtau(fdZKey) {
+ await startWriteSection(fdZKey, ZKEY_FF_PTAU_SECTION);
+ // domainSize * 9 + 18 = maximum SRS length needed, specifically to commit C2
+ PTau = new BigBuffer((settings.domainSize * 9 + 18) * sG1);
+ await fdPTau.readToBuffer(PTau, 0, (settings.domainSize * 9 + 18) * sG1, pTauSections[2][0].p);
+ await fdZKey.write(PTau);
+ await endWriteSection(fdZKey);
+ }
+ async function writeC0(fdZKey) {
+ // C0(X) := QL(X^8) + X · QR(X^8) + X^2 · QO(X^8) + X^3 · QM(X^8) + X^4 · QC(X^8)
+ // + X^5 · SIGMA1(X^8) + X^6 · SIGMA2(X^8) + X^7 · SIGMA3(X^8)
+ let C0 = new CPolynomial(8, curve, logger);
+ C0.addPolynomial(0, polynomials.QL);
+ C0.addPolynomial(1, polynomials.QR);
+ C0.addPolynomial(2, polynomials.QO);
+ C0.addPolynomial(3, polynomials.QM);
+ C0.addPolynomial(4, polynomials.QC);
+ C0.addPolynomial(5, polynomials.S1);
+ C0.addPolynomial(6, polynomials.S2);
+ C0.addPolynomial(7, polynomials.S3);
+ polynomials.C0 = C0.getPolynomial();
+ // Check degree
+ if (polynomials.C0.degree() >= 8 * settings.domainSize) {
+ throw new Error("C0 Polynomial is not well calculated");
+ }
+ await startWriteSection(fdZKey, ZKEY_FF_C0_SECTION);
+ await fdZKey.write(polynomials.C0.coef);
+ await endWriteSection(fdZKey);
+ }
+ async function writeFFlonkHeader(fdZKey) {
+ await startWriteSection(fdZKey, ZKEY_FF_HEADER_SECTION);
+ const primeQ = curve.q;
+ const n8q = (Math.floor((Scalar.bitLength(primeQ) - 1) / 64) + 1) * 8;
+ await fdZKey.writeULE32(n8q);
+ await writeBigInt(fdZKey, primeQ, n8q);
+ const primeR = curve.r;
+ const n8r = (Math.floor((Scalar.bitLength(primeR) - 1) / 64) + 1) * 8;
+ await fdZKey.writeULE32(n8r);
+ await writeBigInt(fdZKey, primeR, n8r);
+ // Total number of r1cs vars
+ await fdZKey.writeULE32(settings.nVars);
+ // Total number of r1cs public vars = outputs + public inputs
+ await fdZKey.writeULE32(settings.nPublic);
+ await fdZKey.writeULE32(settings.domainSize);
+ await fdZKey.writeULE32(plonkAdditions.length);
+ await fdZKey.writeULE32(plonkConstraints.length);
+ await fdZKey.write(k1);
+ await fdZKey.write(k2);
+ await fdZKey.write(w3);
+ await fdZKey.write(w4);
+ await fdZKey.write(w8);
+ await fdZKey.write(wr);
+ let bX_2;
+ bX_2 = await fdPTau.read(sG2, pTauSections[3][0].p + sG2);
+ await fdZKey.write(bX_2);
+ let commitC0 = await polynomials.C0.multiExponentiation(PTau, "C0");
+ await fdZKey.write(commitC0);
+ await endWriteSection(fdZKey);
+ }
+ async function writeP4(fdZKey, buff) {
+ const [coefficients, evaluations4] = await Polynomial.to4T(buff, settings.domainSize, [], Fr);
+ await fdZKey.write(coefficients);
+ await fdZKey.write(evaluations4);
+ return [coefficients, evaluations4];
+ }
+ function computeK1K2() {
+ let k1 = Fr.two;
+ while (isIncluded(k1, [], settings.cirPower)) Fr.add(k1, Fr.one);
+ let k2 = Fr.add(k1, Fr.one);
+ while (isIncluded(k2, [k1], settings.cirPower)) Fr.add(k2, Fr.one);
+ return [k1, k2];
+ function isIncluded(k, kArr, pow) {
+ const domainSize = 2 ** pow;
+ let w = Fr.one;
+ for (let i = 0; i < domainSize; i++) {
+ if (Fr.eq(k, w)) return true;
+ for (let j = 0; j < kArr.length; j++) {
+ if (Fr.eq(k, Fr.mul(kArr[j], w))) return true;
+ }
+ w = Fr.mul(w, Fr.w[pow]);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ function computeW3() {
+ let generator = Fr.e(31624);
+ // Exponent is order(r - 1) / 3
+ let orderRsub1 = 3648040478639879203707734290876212514758060733402672390616367364429301415936n;
+ let exponent = Scalar.div(orderRsub1, Scalar.e(3));
+ return Fr.exp(generator, exponent);
+ }
+ function computeW4() {
+ return Fr.w[2];
+ }
+ function computeW8() {
+ return Fr.w[3];
+ }
+ function getOmegaCubicRoot(power, Fr) {
+ // Hardcorded 3th-root of Fr.w[28]
+ const firstRoot = Fr.e(467799165886069610036046866799264026481344299079011762026774533774345988080n);
+ return Fr.exp(firstRoot, 2 ** (28 - power));
+ }
+ Copyright 2022 iden3 association.
+ This file is part of snarkjs.
+ snarkjs is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ snarkjs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ snarkjs. If not, see .
+const { stringifyBigInts } = utils;
+async function fflonkProve(zkeyFileName, witnessFileName, logger) {
+ if (logger) logger.info("FFLONK PROVER STARTED");
+ // Read witness file
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Reading witness file");
+ const {
+ fd: fdWtns,
+ sections: wtnsSections
+ } = await readBinFile(witnessFileName, "wtns", 2);
+ const wtns = await readHeader(fdWtns, wtnsSections);
+ //Read zkey file
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Reading zkey file");
+ const {
+ fd: fdZKey,
+ sections: zkeySections
+ } = await readBinFile(zkeyFileName, "zkey", 2);
+ const zkey = await readHeader$1(fdZKey, zkeySections);
+ if (zkey.protocolId !== FFLONK_PROTOCOL_ID) {
+ throw new Error("zkey file is not fflonk");
+ }
+ if (!Scalar.eq(zkey.r, wtns.q)) {
+ throw new Error("Curve of the witness does not match the curve of the proving key");
+ }
+ if (wtns.nWitness !== zkey.nVars - zkey.nAdditions) {
+ throw new Error(`Invalid witness length. Circuit: ${zkey.nVars}, witness: ${wtns.nWitness}, ${zkey.nAdditions}`);
+ }
+ const curve = zkey.curve;
+ const Fr = curve.Fr;
+ const sFr = curve.Fr.n8;
+ const sG1 = curve.G1.F.n8 * 2;
+ const sDomain = zkey.domainSize * sFr;
+ if (logger) {
+ logger.info("----------------------------");
+ logger.info(" FFLONK PROVE SETTINGS");
+ logger.info(` Curve: ${curve.name}`);
+ logger.info(` Circuit power: ${zkey.power}`);
+ logger.info(` Domain size: ${zkey.domainSize}`);
+ logger.info(` Vars: ${zkey.nVars}`);
+ logger.info(` Public vars: ${zkey.nPublic}`);
+ logger.info(` Constraints: ${zkey.nConstraints}`);
+ logger.info(` Additions: ${zkey.nAdditions}`);
+ logger.info("----------------------------");
+ }
+ //Read witness data
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Reading witness file data");
+ const buffWitness = await readSection(fdWtns, wtnsSections, 2);
+ await fdWtns.close();
+ // First element in plonk is not used and can be any value. (But always the same).
+ // We set it to zero to go faster in the exponentiations.
+ buffWitness.set(Fr.zero, 0);
+ const buffInternalWitness = new BigBuffer(zkey.nAdditions * sFr);
+ let buffers = {};
+ let polynomials = {};
+ let evaluations = {};
+ // To divide prime fields the Extended Euclidean Algorithm for computing modular inverses is needed.
+ // NOTE: This is the equivalent of compute 1/denominator and then multiply it by the numerator.
+ // The Extended Euclidean Algorithm is expensive in terms of computation.
+ // For the special case where we need to do many modular inverses, there's a simple mathematical trick
+ // that allows us to compute many inverses, called Montgomery batch inversion.
+ // More info: https://vitalik.ca/general/2018/07/21/starks_part_3.html
+ // Montgomery batch inversion reduces the n inverse computations to a single one
+ // To save this (single) inverse computation on-chain, will compute it in proving time and send it to the verifier.
+ // The verifier will have to check:
+ // 1) the denominator is correct multiplying by himself non-inverted -> a * 1/a == 1
+ // 2) compute the rest of the denominators using the Montgomery batch inversion
+ // The inversions are:
+ // · denominator needed in step 8 and 9 of the verifier to multiply by 1/Z_H(xi)
+ // · denominator needed in step 10 and 11 of the verifier
+ // · denominator needed in the verifier when computing L_i^{S1}(X) and L_i^{S2}(X)
+ // · L_i i=1 to num public inputs, needed in step 6 and 7 of the verifier to compute L_1(xi) and PI(xi)
+ let toInverse = {};
+ let challenges = {};
+ let roots = {};
+ let proof = new Proof(curve, logger);
+ if (logger) logger.info(`> Reading Section ${ZKEY_FF_ADDITIONS_SECTION}. Additions`);
+ await calculateAdditions();
+ if (logger) logger.info(`> Reading Sections ${ZKEY_FF_SIGMA1_SECTION},${ZKEY_FF_SIGMA2_SECTION},${ZKEY_FF_SIGMA3_SECTION}. Sigma1, Sigma2 & Sigma 3`);
+ if (logger) logger.info("··· Reading Sigma polynomials ");
+ polynomials.Sigma1 = new Polynomial(new BigBuffer(sDomain), curve, logger);
+ polynomials.Sigma2 = new Polynomial(new BigBuffer(sDomain), curve, logger);
+ polynomials.Sigma3 = new Polynomial(new BigBuffer(sDomain), curve, logger);
+ await fdZKey.readToBuffer(polynomials.Sigma1.coef, 0, sDomain, zkeySections[ZKEY_FF_SIGMA1_SECTION][0].p);
+ await fdZKey.readToBuffer(polynomials.Sigma2.coef, 0, sDomain, zkeySections[ZKEY_FF_SIGMA2_SECTION][0].p);
+ await fdZKey.readToBuffer(polynomials.Sigma3.coef, 0, sDomain, zkeySections[ZKEY_FF_SIGMA3_SECTION][0].p);
+ if (logger) logger.info("··· Reading Sigma evaluations");
+ evaluations.Sigma1 = new Evaluations(new BigBuffer(sDomain * 4), curve, logger);
+ evaluations.Sigma2 = new Evaluations(new BigBuffer(sDomain * 4), curve, logger);
+ evaluations.Sigma3 = new Evaluations(new BigBuffer(sDomain * 4), curve, logger);
+ await fdZKey.readToBuffer(evaluations.Sigma1.eval, 0, sDomain * 4, zkeySections[ZKEY_FF_SIGMA1_SECTION][0].p + sDomain);
+ await fdZKey.readToBuffer(evaluations.Sigma2.eval, 0, sDomain * 4, zkeySections[ZKEY_FF_SIGMA2_SECTION][0].p + sDomain);
+ await fdZKey.readToBuffer(evaluations.Sigma3.eval, 0, sDomain * 4, zkeySections[ZKEY_FF_SIGMA3_SECTION][0].p + sDomain);
+ if (logger) logger.info(`> Reading Section ${ZKEY_FF_PTAU_SECTION}. Powers of Tau`);
+ const PTau = new BigBuffer(zkey.domainSize * 16 * sG1);
+ // domainSize * 9 + 18 = SRS length in the zkey saved in setup process.
+ // it corresponds to the maximum SRS length needed, specifically to commit C2
+ // notice that the reserved buffers size is zkey.domainSize * 16 * sG1 because a power of two buffer size is needed
+ // the remaining buffer not filled from SRS are set to 0
+ await fdZKey.readToBuffer(PTau, 0, (zkey.domainSize * 9 + 18) * sG1, zkeySections[ZKEY_FF_PTAU_SECTION][0].p);
+ if (globalThis.gc) globalThis.gc();
+ // ROUND 1. Compute C1(X) polynomial
+ if (logger) logger.info("");
+ if (logger) logger.info("> ROUND 1");
+ await round1();
+ delete polynomials.T0;
+ delete evaluations.QL;
+ delete evaluations.QR;
+ delete evaluations.QM;
+ delete evaluations.QO;
+ delete evaluations.QC;
+ if (globalThis.gc) globalThis.gc();
+ // ROUND 2. Compute C2(X) polynomial
+ if (logger) logger.info("> ROUND 2");
+ await round2();
+ delete buffers.A;
+ delete buffers.B;
+ delete buffers.C;
+ delete evaluations.A;
+ delete evaluations.B;
+ delete evaluations.C;
+ delete evaluations.Sigma1;
+ delete evaluations.Sigma2;
+ delete evaluations.Sigma3;
+ delete evaluations.lagrange1;
+ delete evaluations.Z;
+ if (globalThis.gc) globalThis.gc();
+ // ROUND 3. Compute opening evaluations
+ if (logger) logger.info("> ROUND 3");
+ await round3();
+ delete polynomials.A;
+ delete polynomials.B;
+ delete polynomials.C;
+ delete polynomials.Z;
+ delete polynomials.T1;
+ delete polynomials.T2;
+ delete polynomials.Sigma1;
+ delete polynomials.Sigma2;
+ delete polynomials.Sigma3;
+ delete polynomials.QL;
+ delete polynomials.QR;
+ delete polynomials.QM;
+ delete polynomials.QC;
+ delete polynomials.QO;
+ if (globalThis.gc) globalThis.gc();
+ // ROUND 4. Compute W(X) polynomial
+ if (logger) logger.info("> ROUND 4");
+ await round4();
+ if (globalThis.gc) globalThis.gc();
+ // ROUND 5. Compute W'(X) polynomial
+ if (logger) logger.info("> ROUND 5");
+ await round5();
+ delete polynomials.C0;
+ delete polynomials.C1;
+ delete polynomials.C2;
+ delete polynomials.R1;
+ delete polynomials.R2;
+ delete polynomials.F;
+ delete polynomials.L;
+ delete polynomials.ZT;
+ delete polynomials.ZTS2;
+ await fdZKey.close();
+ if (globalThis.gc) globalThis.gc();
+ proof.addEvaluation("inv", getMontgomeryBatchedInverse());
+ // Prepare proof
+ let _proof = proof.toObjectProof();
+ _proof.protocol = "fflonk";
+ _proof.curve = curve.name;
+ // Prepare public inputs
+ let publicSignals = [];
+ for (let i = 1; i <= zkey.nPublic; i++) {
+ const i_sFr = i * sFr;
+ const pub = buffWitness.slice(i_sFr, i_sFr + sFr);
+ publicSignals.push(Scalar.fromRprLE(pub));
+ }
+ if (logger) logger.info("FFLONK PROVER FINISHED");
+ return {
+ proof: stringifyBigInts(_proof),
+ publicSignals: stringifyBigInts(publicSignals)
+ };
+ async function calculateAdditions() {
+ if (logger) logger.info("··· Computing additions");
+ const additionsBuff = await readSection(fdZKey, zkeySections, ZKEY_FF_ADDITIONS_SECTION);
+ // sizes: wireId_x = 4 bytes (32 bits), factor_x = field size bits
+ // Addition form: wireId_a wireId_b factor_a factor_b (size is 4 + 4 + sFr + sFr)
+ const sSum = 8 + sFr * 2;
+ for (let i = 0; i < zkey.nAdditions; i++) {
+ if (logger && (0 !== i) && (i % 100000 === 0)) logger.info(` addition ${i}/${zkey.nAdditions}`);
+ // Read addition values
+ let offset = i * sSum;
+ const signalId1 = readUInt32(additionsBuff, offset);
+ offset += 4;
+ const signalId2 = readUInt32(additionsBuff, offset);
+ offset += 4;
+ const factor1 = additionsBuff.slice(offset, offset + sFr);
+ offset += sFr;
+ const factor2 = additionsBuff.slice(offset, offset + sFr);
+ // Get witness value
+ const witness1 = getWitness(signalId1);
+ const witness2 = getWitness(signalId2);
+ //Calculate final result
+ const result = Fr.add(Fr.mul(factor1, witness1), Fr.mul(factor2, witness2));
+ buffInternalWitness.set(result, sFr * i);
+ }
+ }
+ function readUInt32(b, o) {
+ const buff = b.slice(o, o + 4);
+ const buffV = new DataView(buff.buffer, buff.byteOffset, buff.byteLength);
+ return buffV.getUint32(0, true);
+ }
+ function getWitness(idx) {
+ let diff = zkey.nVars - zkey.nAdditions;
+ if (idx < diff) {
+ return buffWitness.slice(idx * sFr, idx * sFr + sFr);
+ } else if (idx < zkey.nVars) {
+ const offset = (idx - diff) * sFr;
+ return buffInternalWitness.slice(offset, offset + sFr);
+ }
+ return Fr.zero;
+ }
+ async function round1() {
+ // STEP 1.1 - Generate random blinding scalars (b_1, ..., b9) ∈ F
+ challenges.b = [];
+ for (let i = 1; i <= 9; i++) {
+ challenges.b[i] = Fr.random();
+ }
+ // STEP 1.2 - Compute wire polynomials a(X), b(X) and c(X)
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Computing A, B, C wire polynomials");
+ await computeWirePolynomials();
+ // STEP 1.3 - Compute the quotient polynomial T0(X)
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Computing T0 polynomial");
+ await computeT0();
+ // STEP 1.4 - Compute the FFT-style combination polynomial C1(X)
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Computing C1 polynomial");
+ await computeC1();
+ // The first output of the prover is ([C1]_1)
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Computing C1 multi exponentiation");
+ let commitC1 = await polynomials.C1.multiExponentiation(PTau, "C1");
+ proof.addPolynomial("C1", commitC1);
+ return 0;
+ async function computeWirePolynomials() {
+ if (logger) logger.info("··· Reading data from zkey file");
+ // Build A, B and C evaluations buffer from zkey and witness files
+ buffers.A = new BigBuffer(sDomain);
+ buffers.B = new BigBuffer(sDomain);
+ buffers.C = new BigBuffer(sDomain);
+ // Read zkey sections and fill the buffers
+ const aMapBuff = await readSection(fdZKey, zkeySections, ZKEY_FF_A_MAP_SECTION);
+ const bMapBuff = await readSection(fdZKey, zkeySections, ZKEY_FF_B_MAP_SECTION);
+ const cMapBuff = await readSection(fdZKey, zkeySections, ZKEY_FF_C_MAP_SECTION);
+ // Compute all witness from signal ids and set them to A,B & C buffers
+ for (let i = 0; i < zkey.nConstraints; i++) {
+ const i_sFr = i * sFr;
+ const offset = i * 4;
+ // Compute A value from a signal id
+ const signalIdA = readUInt32(aMapBuff, offset);
+ buffers.A.set(getWitness(signalIdA), i_sFr);
+ // Compute B value from a signal id
+ const signalIdB = readUInt32(bMapBuff, offset);
+ buffers.B.set(getWitness(signalIdB), i_sFr);
+ // Compute C value from a signal id
+ const signalIdC = readUInt32(cMapBuff, offset);
+ buffers.C.set(getWitness(signalIdC), i_sFr);
+ }
+ // Blind a(X), b(X) and c(X) polynomials coefficients with blinding scalars b
+ buffers.A.set(challenges.b[1], sDomain - 64);
+ buffers.A.set(challenges.b[2], sDomain - 32);
+ buffers.B.set(challenges.b[3], sDomain - 64);
+ buffers.B.set(challenges.b[4], sDomain - 32);
+ buffers.C.set(challenges.b[5], sDomain - 64);
+ buffers.C.set(challenges.b[6], sDomain - 32);
+ buffers.A = await Fr.batchToMontgomery(buffers.A);
+ buffers.B = await Fr.batchToMontgomery(buffers.B);
+ buffers.C = await Fr.batchToMontgomery(buffers.C);
+ // Compute the coefficients of the wire polynomials a(X), b(X) and c(X) from A,B & C buffers
+ if (logger) logger.info("··· Computing A ifft");
+ polynomials.A = await Polynomial.fromEvaluations(buffers.A, curve, logger);
+ if (logger) logger.info("··· Computing B ifft");
+ polynomials.B = await Polynomial.fromEvaluations(buffers.B, curve, logger);
+ if (logger) logger.info("··· Computing C ifft");
+ polynomials.C = await Polynomial.fromEvaluations(buffers.C, curve, logger);
+ // Compute extended evaluations of a(X), b(X) and c(X) polynomials
+ if (logger) logger.info("··· Computing A fft");
+ evaluations.A = await Evaluations.fromPolynomial(polynomials.A, 4, curve, logger);
+ if (logger) logger.info("··· Computing B fft");
+ evaluations.B = await Evaluations.fromPolynomial(polynomials.B, 4, curve, logger);
+ if (logger) logger.info("··· Computing C fft");
+ evaluations.C = await Evaluations.fromPolynomial(polynomials.C, 4, curve, logger);
+ // Check degrees
+ if (polynomials.A.degree() >= zkey.domainSize) {
+ throw new Error("A Polynomial is not well calculated");
+ }
+ if (polynomials.B.degree() >= zkey.domainSize) {
+ throw new Error("B Polynomial is not well calculated");
+ }
+ if (polynomials.C.degree() >= zkey.domainSize) {
+ throw new Error("C Polynomial is not well calculated");
+ }
+ }
+ async function computeT0() {
+ if (logger) logger.info(`··· Reading sections ${ZKEY_FF_QL_SECTION}, ${ZKEY_FF_QR_SECTION}` +
+ // Reserve memory for Q's evaluations
+ evaluations.QL = new Evaluations(new BigBuffer(sDomain * 4), curve, logger);
+ evaluations.QR = new Evaluations(new BigBuffer(sDomain * 4), curve, logger);
+ evaluations.QM = new Evaluations(new BigBuffer(sDomain * 4), curve, logger);
+ evaluations.QO = new Evaluations(new BigBuffer(sDomain * 4), curve, logger);
+ evaluations.QC = new Evaluations(new BigBuffer(sDomain * 4), curve, logger);
+ // Read Q's evaluations from zkey file
+ await fdZKey.readToBuffer(evaluations.QL.eval, 0, sDomain * 4, zkeySections[ZKEY_FF_QL_SECTION][0].p + sDomain);
+ await fdZKey.readToBuffer(evaluations.QR.eval, 0, sDomain * 4, zkeySections[ZKEY_FF_QR_SECTION][0].p + sDomain);
+ await fdZKey.readToBuffer(evaluations.QM.eval, 0, sDomain * 4, zkeySections[ZKEY_FF_QM_SECTION][0].p + sDomain);
+ await fdZKey.readToBuffer(evaluations.QO.eval, 0, sDomain * 4, zkeySections[ZKEY_FF_QO_SECTION][0].p + sDomain);
+ await fdZKey.readToBuffer(evaluations.QC.eval, 0, sDomain * 4, zkeySections[ZKEY_FF_QC_SECTION][0].p + sDomain);
+ // Read Lagrange polynomials & evaluations from zkey file
+ const lagrangePolynomials = await readSection(fdZKey, zkeySections, ZKEY_FF_LAGRANGE_SECTION);
+ evaluations.lagrange1 = new Evaluations(lagrangePolynomials, curve, logger);
+ // Reserve memory for buffers T0
+ buffers.T0 = new BigBuffer(sDomain * 4);
+ if (logger) logger.info("··· Computing T0 evaluations");
+ for (let i = 0; i < zkey.domainSize * 4; i++) {
+ if (logger && (0 !== i) && (i % 100000 === 0)) logger.info(` T0 evaluation ${i}/${zkey.domainSize * 4}`);
+ // Get related evaluations to compute current T0 evaluation
+ const a = evaluations.A.getEvaluation(i);
+ const b = evaluations.B.getEvaluation(i);
+ const c = evaluations.C.getEvaluation(i);
+ const ql = evaluations.QL.getEvaluation(i);
+ const qr = evaluations.QR.getEvaluation(i);
+ const qm = evaluations.QM.getEvaluation(i);
+ const qo = evaluations.QO.getEvaluation(i);
+ const qc = evaluations.QC.getEvaluation(i);
+ // Compute current public input
+ let pi = Fr.zero;
+ for (let j = 0; j < zkey.nPublic; j++) {
+ const offset = (j * 5 * zkey.domainSize) + zkey.domainSize + i;
+ const lPol = evaluations.lagrange1.getEvaluation(offset);
+ const aVal = buffers.A.slice(j * sFr, (j + 1) * sFr);
+ pi = Fr.sub(pi, Fr.mul(lPol, aVal));
+ }
+ //T0(X) = [q_L(X)·a(X) + q_R(X)·b(X) + q_M(X)·a(X)·b(X) + q_O(X)·c(X) + q_C(X) + PI(X)] · 1/Z_H(X)
+ // Compute first T0(X)·Z_H(X), so divide later the resulting polynomial by Z_H(X)
+ // expression 1 -> q_L(X)·a(X)
+ const e1 = Fr.mul(a, ql);
+ // expression 2 -> q_R(X)·b(X)
+ const e2 = Fr.mul(b, qr);
+ // expression 3 -> q_M(X)·a(X)·b(X)
+ const e3 = Fr.mul(Fr.mul(a, b), qm);
+ // expression 4 -> q_O(X)·c(X)
+ const e4 = Fr.mul(c, qo);
+ // t0 = expressions 1 + expression 2 + expression 3 + expression 4 + qc + pi
+ const t0 = Fr.add(e1, Fr.add(e2, Fr.add(e3, Fr.add(e4, Fr.add(qc, pi)))));
+ buffers.T0.set(t0, i * sFr);
+ }
+ if (logger) logger.info("buffer T0: " + buffers.T0.byteLength / sFr);
+ // Compute the coefficients of the polynomial T0(X) from buffers.T0
+ if (logger) logger.info("··· Computing T0 ifft");
+ polynomials.T0 = await Polynomial.fromEvaluations(buffers.T0, curve, logger);
+ if (logger) logger.info("T0 length: " + polynomials.T0.length());
+ if (logger) logger.info("T0 degree: " + polynomials.T0.degree());
+ // Divide the polynomial T0 by Z_H(X)
+ if (logger) logger.info("··· Computing T0 / ZH");
+ polynomials.T0.divByZerofier(zkey.domainSize, Fr.one);
+ // Check degree
+ if (polynomials.T0.degree() >= 2 * zkey.domainSize - 2) {
+ throw new Error(`T0 Polynomial is not well calculated (degree is ${polynomials.T0.degree()} and must be less than ${2 * zkey.domainSize + 2}`);
+ }
+ delete buffers.T0;
+ }
+ async function computeC1() {
+ let C1 = new CPolynomial(4, curve, logger);
+ C1.addPolynomial(0, polynomials.A);
+ C1.addPolynomial(1, polynomials.B);
+ C1.addPolynomial(2, polynomials.C);
+ C1.addPolynomial(3, polynomials.T0);
+ polynomials.C1 = C1.getPolynomial();
+ // Check degree
+ if (polynomials.C1.degree() >= 8 * zkey.domainSize - 8) {
+ throw new Error("C1 Polynomial is not well calculated");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ async function round2() {
+ // STEP 2.1 - Compute permutation challenge beta and gamma ∈ F
+ // Compute permutation challenge beta
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Computing challenges beta and gamma");
+ const transcript = new Keccak256Transcript(curve);
+ // Add C0 to the transcript
+ transcript.addPolCommitment(zkey.C0);
+ // Add A to the transcript
+ for (let i = 0; i < zkey.nPublic; i++) {
+ transcript.addScalar(buffers.A.slice(i * sFr, i * sFr + sFr));
+ }
+ // Add C1 to the transcript
+ transcript.addPolCommitment(proof.getPolynomial("C1"));
+ challenges.beta = transcript.getChallenge();
+ if (logger) logger.info("··· challenges.beta: " + Fr.toString(challenges.beta));
+ // Compute permutation challenge gamma
+ transcript.reset();
+ transcript.addScalar(challenges.beta);
+ challenges.gamma = transcript.getChallenge();
+ if (logger) logger.info("··· challenges.gamma: " + Fr.toString(challenges.gamma));
+ // STEP 2.2 - Compute permutation polynomial z(X)
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Computing Z polynomial");
+ await computeZ();
+ // STEP 2.3 - Compute quotient polynomial T1(X) and T2(X)
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Computing T1 polynomial");
+ await computeT1();
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Computing T2 polynomial");
+ await computeT2();
+ // STEP 2.4 - Compute the FFT-style combination polynomial C2(X)
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Computing C2 polynomial");
+ await computeC2();
+ // The second output of the prover is ([C2]_1)
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Computing C2 multi exponentiation");
+ let commitC2 = await polynomials.C2.multiExponentiation(PTau, "C2");
+ proof.addPolynomial("C2", commitC2);
+ return 0;
+ async function computeZ() {
+ if (logger) logger.info("··· Computing Z evaluations");
+ let numArr = new BigBuffer(sDomain);
+ let denArr = new BigBuffer(sDomain);
+ // Set the first values to 1
+ numArr.set(Fr.one, 0);
+ denArr.set(Fr.one, 0);
+ // Set initial omega
+ let w = Fr.one;
+ for (let i = 0; i < zkey.domainSize; i++) {
+ if (logger && (0 !== i) && (i % 100000 === 0)) logger.info(` Z evaluation ${i}/${zkey.domainSize}`);
+ const i_sFr = i * sFr;
+ // Z(X) := numArr / denArr
+ // numArr := (a + beta·ω + gamma)(b + beta·ω·k1 + gamma)(c + beta·ω·k2 + gamma)
+ const betaw = Fr.mul(challenges.beta, w);
+ let num1 = buffers.A.slice(i_sFr, i_sFr + sFr);
+ num1 = Fr.add(num1, betaw);
+ num1 = Fr.add(num1, challenges.gamma);
+ let num2 = buffers.B.slice(i_sFr, i_sFr + sFr);
+ num2 = Fr.add(num2, Fr.mul(zkey.k1, betaw));
+ num2 = Fr.add(num2, challenges.gamma);
+ let num3 = buffers.C.slice(i_sFr, i_sFr + sFr);
+ num3 = Fr.add(num3, Fr.mul(zkey.k2, betaw));
+ num3 = Fr.add(num3, challenges.gamma);
+ let num = Fr.mul(num1, Fr.mul(num2, num3));
+ // denArr := (a + beta·sigma1 + gamma)(b + beta·sigma2 + gamma)(c + beta·sigma3 + gamma)
+ let den1 = buffers.A.slice(i_sFr, i_sFr + sFr);
+ den1 = Fr.add(den1, Fr.mul(challenges.beta, evaluations.Sigma1.getEvaluation(i * 4)));
+ den1 = Fr.add(den1, challenges.gamma);
+ let den2 = buffers.B.slice(i_sFr, i_sFr + sFr);
+ den2 = Fr.add(den2, Fr.mul(challenges.beta, evaluations.Sigma2.getEvaluation(i * 4)));
+ den2 = Fr.add(den2, challenges.gamma);
+ let den3 = buffers.C.slice(i_sFr, i_sFr + sFr);
+ den3 = Fr.add(den3, Fr.mul(challenges.beta, evaluations.Sigma3.getEvaluation(i * 4)));
+ den3 = Fr.add(den3, challenges.gamma);
+ let den = Fr.mul(den1, Fr.mul(den2, den3));
+ // Multiply current num value with the previous one saved in numArr
+ num = Fr.mul(numArr.slice(i_sFr, i_sFr + sFr), num);
+ numArr.set(num, ((i + 1) % zkey.domainSize) * sFr);
+ // Multiply current den value with the previous one saved in denArr
+ den = Fr.mul(denArr.slice(i_sFr, i_sFr + sFr), den);
+ denArr.set(den, ((i + 1) % zkey.domainSize) * sFr);
+ // Next omega
+ w = Fr.mul(w, Fr.w[zkey.power]);
+ }
+ // Compute the inverse of denArr to compute in the next command the
+ // division numArr/denArr by multiplying num · 1/denArr
+ denArr = await Fr.batchInverse(denArr);
+ // TODO: Do it in assembly and in parallel
+ // Multiply numArr · denArr where denArr was inverted in the previous command
+ for (let i = 0; i < zkey.domainSize; i++) {
+ const i_sFr = i * sFr;
+ const z = Fr.mul(numArr.slice(i_sFr, i_sFr + sFr), denArr.slice(i_sFr, i_sFr + sFr));
+ numArr.set(z, i_sFr);
+ }
+ // From now on the values saved on numArr will be Z(X) buffer
+ buffers.Z = numArr;
+ if (!Fr.eq(numArr.slice(0, sFr), Fr.one)) {
+ throw new Error("Copy constraints does not match");
+ }
+ // Compute polynomial coefficients z(X) from buffers.Z
+ if (logger) logger.info("··· Computing Z ifft");
+ polynomials.Z = await Polynomial.fromEvaluations(buffers.Z, curve, logger);
+ // Compute extended evaluations of z(X) polynomial
+ if (logger) logger.info("··· Computing Z fft");
+ evaluations.Z = await Evaluations.fromPolynomial(polynomials.Z, 4, curve, logger);
+ // Blind z(X) polynomial coefficients with blinding scalars b
+ polynomials.Z.blindCoefficients([challenges.b[9], challenges.b[8], challenges.b[7]]);
+ // Check degree
+ if (polynomials.Z.degree() >= zkey.domainSize + 3) {
+ throw new Error("Z Polynomial is not well calculated");
+ }
+ delete buffers.Z;
+ }
+ async function computeT1() {
+ if (logger) logger.info("··· Computing T1 evaluations");
+ buffers.T1 = new BigBuffer(sDomain * 2);
+ buffers.T1z = new BigBuffer(sDomain * 2);
+ // Set initial omega
+ let omega = Fr.one;
+ for (let i = 0; i < zkey.domainSize * 2; i++) {
+ if (logger && (0 !== i) && (i % 100000 === 0)) logger.info(` T1 evaluation ${i}/${zkey.domainSize * 4}`);
+ const omega2 = Fr.square(omega);
+ const z = evaluations.Z.getEvaluation(i * 2);
+ const zp = Fr.add(Fr.add(Fr.mul(challenges.b[7], omega2), Fr.mul(challenges.b[8], omega)), challenges.b[9]);
+ // T1(X) := (z(X) - 1) · L_1(X)
+ // Compute first T1(X)·Z_H(X), so divide later the resulting polynomial by Z_H(X)
+ const lagrange1 = evaluations.lagrange1.getEvaluation(zkey.domainSize + i * 2);
+ let t1 = Fr.mul(Fr.sub(z, Fr.one), lagrange1);
+ let t1z = Fr.mul(zp, lagrange1);
+ buffers.T1.set(t1, i * sFr);
+ buffers.T1z.set(t1z, i * sFr);
+ // Compute next omega
+ omega = Fr.mul(omega, Fr.w[zkey.power + 1]);
+ }
+ // Compute the coefficients of the polynomial T1(X) from buffers.T1
+ if (logger) logger.info("··· Computing T1 ifft");
+ polynomials.T1 = await Polynomial.fromEvaluations(buffers.T1, curve, logger);
+ // Divide the polynomial T1 by Z_H(X)
+ polynomials.T1.divByZerofier(zkey.domainSize, Fr.one);
+ // Compute the coefficients of the polynomial T1z(X) from buffers.T1z
+ if (logger) logger.info("··· Computing T1z ifft");
+ polynomials.T1z = await Polynomial.fromEvaluations(buffers.T1z, curve, logger);
+ // Add the polynomial T1z to T1 to get the final polynomial T1
+ polynomials.T1.add(polynomials.T1z);
+ // Check degree
+ if (polynomials.T1.degree() >= zkey.domainSize + 2) {
+ throw new Error("T1 Polynomial is not well calculated");
+ }
+ delete buffers.T1;
+ delete buffers.T1z;
+ delete polynomials.T1z;
+ }
+ async function computeT2() {
+ if (logger) logger.info("··· Computing T2 evaluations");
+ buffers.T2 = new BigBuffer(sDomain * 4);
+ buffers.T2z = new BigBuffer(sDomain * 4);
+ // Set initial omega
+ let omega = Fr.one;
+ for (let i = 0; i < zkey.domainSize * 4; i++) {
+ if (logger && (0 !== i) && (i % 100000 === 0)) logger.info(` T2 evaluation ${i}/${zkey.domainSize * 4}`);
+ const omega2 = Fr.square(omega);
+ const omegaW = Fr.mul(omega, Fr.w[zkey.power]);
+ const omegaW2 = Fr.square(omegaW);
+ const a = evaluations.A.getEvaluation(i);
+ const b = evaluations.B.getEvaluation(i);
+ const c = evaluations.C.getEvaluation(i);
+ const z = evaluations.Z.getEvaluation(i);
+ const zW = evaluations.Z.getEvaluation((zkey.domainSize * 4 + 4 + i) % (zkey.domainSize * 4));
+ const zp = Fr.add(Fr.add(Fr.mul(challenges.b[7], omega2), Fr.mul(challenges.b[8], omega)), challenges.b[9]);
+ const zWp = Fr.add(Fr.add(Fr.mul(challenges.b[7], omegaW2), Fr.mul(challenges.b[8], omegaW)), challenges.b[9]);
+ const sigma1 = evaluations.Sigma1.getEvaluation(i);
+ const sigma2 = evaluations.Sigma2.getEvaluation(i);
+ const sigma3 = evaluations.Sigma3.getEvaluation(i);
+ // T2(X) := [ (a(X) + beta·X + gamma)(b(X) + beta·k1·X + gamma)(c(X) + beta·k2·X + gamma)z(X)
+ // -(a(X) + beta·sigma1(X) + gamma)(b(X) + beta·sigma2(X) + gamma)(c(X) + beta·sigma3(X) + gamma)z(Xω)] · 1/Z_H(X)
+ // Compute first T2(X)·Z_H(X), so divide later the resulting polynomial by Z_H(X)
+ // expression 1 -> (a(X) + beta·X + gamma)(b(X) + beta·k1·X + gamma)(c(X) + beta·k2·X + gamma)z(X)
+ const betaX = Fr.mul(challenges.beta, omega);
+ let e11 = Fr.add(a, betaX);
+ e11 = Fr.add(e11, challenges.gamma);
+ let e12 = Fr.add(b, Fr.mul(betaX, zkey.k1));
+ e12 = Fr.add(e12, challenges.gamma);
+ let e13 = Fr.add(c, Fr.mul(betaX, zkey.k2));
+ e13 = Fr.add(e13, challenges.gamma);
+ let e1 = Fr.mul(Fr.mul(Fr.mul(e11, e12), e13), z);
+ let e1z = Fr.mul(Fr.mul(Fr.mul(e11, e12), e13), zp);
+ // const [e1, e1z] = MulZ.mul4(e11, e12, e13, z, ap, bp, cp, zp, i % 4, Fr);
+ // expression 2 -> (a(X) + beta·sigma1(X) + gamma)(b(X) + beta·sigma2(X) + gamma)(c(X) + beta·sigma3(X) + gamma)z(Xω)
+ let e21 = Fr.add(a, Fr.mul(challenges.beta, sigma1));
+ e21 = Fr.add(e21, challenges.gamma);
+ let e22 = Fr.add(b, Fr.mul(challenges.beta, sigma2));
+ e22 = Fr.add(e22, challenges.gamma);
+ let e23 = Fr.add(c, Fr.mul(challenges.beta, sigma3));
+ e23 = Fr.add(e23, challenges.gamma);
+ let e2 = Fr.mul(Fr.mul(Fr.mul(e21, e22), e23), zW);
+ let e2z = Fr.mul(Fr.mul(Fr.mul(e21, e22), e23), zWp);
+ // const [e2, e2z] = MulZ.mul4(e21, e22, e23, zW, ap, bp, cp, zWp, i % 4, Fr);
+ let t2 = Fr.sub(e1, e2);
+ let t2z = Fr.sub(e1z, e2z);
+ buffers.T2.set(t2, i * sFr);
+ buffers.T2z.set(t2z, i * sFr);
+ // Compute next omega
+ omega = Fr.mul(omega, Fr.w[zkey.power + 2]);
+ }
+ // Compute the coefficients of the polynomial T2(X) from buffers.T2
+ if (logger) logger.info("··· Computing T2 ifft");
+ polynomials.T2 = await Polynomial.fromEvaluations(buffers.T2, curve, logger);
+ // Divide the polynomial T2 by Z_H(X)
+ if (logger) logger.info("··· Computing T2 / ZH");
+ polynomials.T2.divByZerofier(zkey.domainSize, Fr.one);
+ // Compute the coefficients of the polynomial T2z(X) from buffers.T2z
+ if (logger) logger.info("··· Computing T2z ifft");
+ polynomials.T2z = await Polynomial.fromEvaluations(buffers.T2z, curve, logger);
+ // Add the polynomial T2z to T2 to get the final polynomial T2
+ polynomials.T2.add(polynomials.T2z);
+ // Check degree
+ if (polynomials.T2.degree() >= 3 * zkey.domainSize) {
+ throw new Error("T2 Polynomial is not well calculated");
+ }
+ delete buffers.T2;
+ delete buffers.T2z;
+ delete polynomials.T2z;
+ }
+ async function computeC2() {
+ let C2 = new CPolynomial(3, curve, logger);
+ C2.addPolynomial(0, polynomials.Z);
+ C2.addPolynomial(1, polynomials.T1);
+ C2.addPolynomial(2, polynomials.T2);
+ polynomials.C2 = C2.getPolynomial();
+ // Check degree
+ if (polynomials.C2.degree() >= 9 * zkey.domainSize) {
+ throw new Error("C2 Polynomial is not well calculated");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ async function round3() {
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Computing challenge xi");
+ // STEP 3.1 - Compute evaluation challenge xi ∈ S
+ const transcript = new Keccak256Transcript(curve);
+ transcript.addScalar(challenges.gamma);
+ transcript.addPolCommitment(proof.getPolynomial("C2"));
+ // Obtain a xi_seeder from the transcript
+ // To force h1^4 = xi, h2^3 = xi and h_3^2 = xiω
+ // we compute xi = xi_seeder^12, h1 = xi_seeder^3, h2 = xi_seeder^4 and h3 = xi_seeder^6
+ challenges.xiSeed = transcript.getChallenge();
+ const xiSeed2 = Fr.square(challenges.xiSeed);
+ // Compute omega8, omega4 and omega3
+ roots.w8 = [];
+ roots.w8[0] = Fr.one;
+ for (let i = 1; i < 8; i++) {
+ roots.w8[i] = Fr.mul(roots.w8[i - 1], zkey.w8);
+ }
+ roots.w4 = [];
+ roots.w4[0] = Fr.one;
+ for (let i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
+ roots.w4[i] = Fr.mul(roots.w4[i - 1], zkey.w4);
+ }
+ roots.w3 = [];
+ roots.w3[0] = Fr.one;
+ roots.w3[1] = zkey.w3;
+ roots.w3[2] = Fr.square(zkey.w3);
+ // Compute h0 = xiSeeder^3
+ roots.S0 = {};
+ roots.S0.h0w8 = [];
+ roots.S0.h0w8[0] = Fr.mul(xiSeed2, challenges.xiSeed);
+ for (let i = 1; i < 8; i++) {
+ roots.S0.h0w8[i] = Fr.mul(roots.S0.h0w8[0], roots.w8[i]);
+ }
+ // Compute h1 = xi_seeder^6
+ roots.S1 = {};
+ roots.S1.h1w4 = [];
+ roots.S1.h1w4[0] = Fr.square(roots.S0.h0w8[0]);
+ for (let i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
+ roots.S1.h1w4[i] = Fr.mul(roots.S1.h1w4[0], roots.w4[i]);
+ }
+ // Compute h2 = xi_seeder^8
+ roots.S2 = {};
+ roots.S2.h2w3 = [];
+ roots.S2.h2w3[0] = Fr.mul(roots.S1.h1w4[0], xiSeed2);
+ roots.S2.h2w3[1] = Fr.mul(roots.S2.h2w3[0], roots.w3[1]);
+ roots.S2.h2w3[2] = Fr.mul(roots.S2.h2w3[0], roots.w3[2]);
+ roots.S2.h3w3 = [];
+ // Multiply h3 by third-root-omega to obtain h_3^3 = xiω
+ // So, h3 = xi_seeder^8 ω^{1/3}
+ roots.S2.h3w3[0] = Fr.mul(roots.S2.h2w3[0], zkey.wr);
+ roots.S2.h3w3[1] = Fr.mul(roots.S2.h3w3[0], roots.w3[1]);
+ roots.S2.h3w3[2] = Fr.mul(roots.S2.h3w3[0], roots.w3[2]);
+ // Compute xi = xi_seeder^24
+ challenges.xi = Fr.mul(Fr.square(roots.S2.h2w3[0]), roots.S2.h2w3[0]);
+ if (logger) logger.info("··· challenges.xi: " + Fr.toString(challenges.xi));
+ // Reserve memory for Q's polynomials
+ polynomials.QL = new Polynomial(new BigBuffer(sDomain), curve, logger);
+ polynomials.QR = new Polynomial(new BigBuffer(sDomain), curve, logger);
+ polynomials.QM = new Polynomial(new BigBuffer(sDomain), curve, logger);
+ polynomials.QO = new Polynomial(new BigBuffer(sDomain), curve, logger);
+ polynomials.QC = new Polynomial(new BigBuffer(sDomain), curve, logger);
+ // Read Q's evaluations from zkey file
+ await fdZKey.readToBuffer(polynomials.QL.coef, 0, sDomain, zkeySections[ZKEY_FF_QL_SECTION][0].p);
+ await fdZKey.readToBuffer(polynomials.QR.coef, 0, sDomain, zkeySections[ZKEY_FF_QR_SECTION][0].p);
+ await fdZKey.readToBuffer(polynomials.QM.coef, 0, sDomain, zkeySections[ZKEY_FF_QM_SECTION][0].p);
+ await fdZKey.readToBuffer(polynomials.QO.coef, 0, sDomain, zkeySections[ZKEY_FF_QO_SECTION][0].p);
+ await fdZKey.readToBuffer(polynomials.QC.coef, 0, sDomain, zkeySections[ZKEY_FF_QC_SECTION][0].p);
+ // STEP 3.2 - Compute opening evaluations and add them to the proof (third output of the prover)
+ if (logger) logger.info("··· Computing evaluations");
+ proof.addEvaluation("ql", polynomials.QL.evaluate(challenges.xi));
+ proof.addEvaluation("qr", polynomials.QR.evaluate(challenges.xi));
+ proof.addEvaluation("qm", polynomials.QM.evaluate(challenges.xi));
+ proof.addEvaluation("qo", polynomials.QO.evaluate(challenges.xi));
+ proof.addEvaluation("qc", polynomials.QC.evaluate(challenges.xi));
+ proof.addEvaluation("s1", polynomials.Sigma1.evaluate(challenges.xi));
+ proof.addEvaluation("s2", polynomials.Sigma2.evaluate(challenges.xi));
+ proof.addEvaluation("s3", polynomials.Sigma3.evaluate(challenges.xi));
+ proof.addEvaluation("a", polynomials.A.evaluate(challenges.xi));
+ proof.addEvaluation("b", polynomials.B.evaluate(challenges.xi));
+ proof.addEvaluation("c", polynomials.C.evaluate(challenges.xi));
+ proof.addEvaluation("z", polynomials.Z.evaluate(challenges.xi));
+ challenges.xiw = Fr.mul(challenges.xi, Fr.w[zkey.power]);
+ proof.addEvaluation("zw", polynomials.Z.evaluate(challenges.xiw));
+ proof.addEvaluation("t1w", polynomials.T1.evaluate(challenges.xiw));
+ proof.addEvaluation("t2w", polynomials.T2.evaluate(challenges.xiw));
+ }
+ async function round4() {
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Computing challenge alpha");
+ // STEP 4.1 - Compute challenge alpha ∈ F
+ const transcript = new Keccak256Transcript(curve);
+ transcript.addScalar(challenges.xiSeed);
+ transcript.addScalar(proof.getEvaluation("ql"));
+ transcript.addScalar(proof.getEvaluation("qr"));
+ transcript.addScalar(proof.getEvaluation("qm"));
+ transcript.addScalar(proof.getEvaluation("qo"));
+ transcript.addScalar(proof.getEvaluation("qc"));
+ transcript.addScalar(proof.getEvaluation("s1"));
+ transcript.addScalar(proof.getEvaluation("s2"));
+ transcript.addScalar(proof.getEvaluation("s3"));
+ transcript.addScalar(proof.getEvaluation("a"));
+ transcript.addScalar(proof.getEvaluation("b"));
+ transcript.addScalar(proof.getEvaluation("c"));
+ transcript.addScalar(proof.getEvaluation("z"));
+ transcript.addScalar(proof.getEvaluation("zw"));
+ transcript.addScalar(proof.getEvaluation("t1w"));
+ transcript.addScalar(proof.getEvaluation("t2w"));
+ challenges.alpha = transcript.getChallenge();
+ if (logger) logger.info("··· challenges.alpha: " + Fr.toString(challenges.alpha));
+ // STEP 4.2 - Compute F(X)
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Reading C0 polynomial");
+ polynomials.C0 = new Polynomial(new BigBuffer(sDomain * 8), curve, logger);
+ await fdZKey.readToBuffer(polynomials.C0.coef, 0, sDomain * 8, zkeySections[ZKEY_FF_C0_SECTION][0].p);
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Computing R0 polynomial");
+ computeR0();
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Computing R1 polynomial");
+ computeR1();
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Computing R2 polynomial");
+ computeR2();
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Computing F polynomial");
+ await computeF();
+ // The fourth output of the prover is ([W1]_1), where W1:=(f/Z_t)(x)
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Computing W1 multi exponentiation");
+ let commitW1 = await polynomials.F.multiExponentiation(PTau, "W1");
+ proof.addPolynomial("W1", commitW1);
+ return 0;
+ function computeR0() {
+ // Compute the coefficients of R0(X) from 8 evaluations using lagrange interpolation. R0(X) ∈ F_{<8}[X]
+ // We decide to use Lagrange interpolations because the R0 degree is very small (deg(R0)===7),
+ // and we were not able to compute it using current ifft implementation because the omega are different
+ polynomials.R0 = Polynomial.lagrangePolynomialInterpolation(
+ [roots.S0.h0w8[0], roots.S0.h0w8[1], roots.S0.h0w8[2], roots.S0.h0w8[3],
+ roots.S0.h0w8[4], roots.S0.h0w8[5], roots.S0.h0w8[6], roots.S0.h0w8[7]],
+ [polynomials.C0.evaluate(roots.S0.h0w8[0]), polynomials.C0.evaluate(roots.S0.h0w8[1]),
+ polynomials.C0.evaluate(roots.S0.h0w8[2]), polynomials.C0.evaluate(roots.S0.h0w8[3]),
+ polynomials.C0.evaluate(roots.S0.h0w8[4]), polynomials.C0.evaluate(roots.S0.h0w8[5]),
+ polynomials.C0.evaluate(roots.S0.h0w8[6]), polynomials.C0.evaluate(roots.S0.h0w8[7])], curve);
+ // Check the degree of r0(X) < 8
+ if (polynomials.R0.degree() > 7) {
+ throw new Error("R0 Polynomial is not well calculated");
+ }
+ }
+ function computeR1() {
+ // Compute the coefficients of R1(X) from 4 evaluations using lagrange interpolation. R1(X) ∈ F_{<4}[X]
+ // We decide to use Lagrange interpolations because the R1 degree is very small (deg(R1)===3),
+ // and we were not able to compute it using current ifft implementation because the omega are different
+ polynomials.R1 = Polynomial.lagrangePolynomialInterpolation(
+ [roots.S1.h1w4[0], roots.S1.h1w4[1], roots.S1.h1w4[2], roots.S1.h1w4[3]],
+ [polynomials.C1.evaluate(roots.S1.h1w4[0]), polynomials.C1.evaluate(roots.S1.h1w4[1]),
+ polynomials.C1.evaluate(roots.S1.h1w4[2]), polynomials.C1.evaluate(roots.S1.h1w4[3])], curve);
+ // Check the degree of r1(X) < 4
+ if (polynomials.R1.degree() > 3) {
+ throw new Error("R1 Polynomial is not well calculated");
+ }
+ }
+ function computeR2() {
+ // Compute the coefficients of r2(X) from 6 evaluations using lagrange interpolation. r2(X) ∈ F_{<6}[X]
+ // We decide to use Lagrange interpolations because the R2.degree is very small (deg(R2)===5),
+ // and we were not able to compute it using current ifft implementation because the omega are different
+ polynomials.R2 = Polynomial.lagrangePolynomialInterpolation(
+ [roots.S2.h2w3[0], roots.S2.h2w3[1], roots.S2.h2w3[2],
+ roots.S2.h3w3[0], roots.S2.h3w3[1], roots.S2.h3w3[2]],
+ [polynomials.C2.evaluate(roots.S2.h2w3[0]), polynomials.C2.evaluate(roots.S2.h2w3[1]),
+ polynomials.C2.evaluate(roots.S2.h2w3[2]), polynomials.C2.evaluate(roots.S2.h3w3[0]),
+ polynomials.C2.evaluate(roots.S2.h3w3[1]), polynomials.C2.evaluate(roots.S2.h3w3[2])], curve);
+ // Check the degree of r2(X) < 6
+ if (polynomials.R2.degree() > 5) {
+ throw new Error("R2 Polynomial is not well calculated");
+ }
+ }
+ async function computeF() {
+ if (logger) logger.info("··· Computing F polynomial");
+ polynomials.F = Polynomial.fromPolynomial(polynomials.C0, curve, logger);
+ polynomials.F.sub(polynomials.R0);
+ polynomials.F.divByZerofier(8, challenges.xi);
+ let f2 = Polynomial.fromPolynomial(polynomials.C1, curve, logger);
+ f2.sub(polynomials.R1);
+ f2.mulScalar(challenges.alpha);
+ f2.divByZerofier(4, challenges.xi);
+ let f3 = Polynomial.fromPolynomial(polynomials.C2, curve, logger);
+ f3.sub(polynomials.R2);
+ f3.mulScalar(Fr.square(challenges.alpha));
+ f3.divByZerofier(3, challenges.xi);
+ f3.divByZerofier(3, challenges.xiw);
+ polynomials.F.add(f2);
+ polynomials.F.add(f3);
+ if (polynomials.F.degree() >= 9 * zkey.domainSize - 6) {
+ throw new Error("F Polynomial is not well calculated");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ async function round5() {
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Computing challenge y");
+ // STEP 5.1 - Compute random evaluation point y ∈ F
+ const transcript = new Keccak256Transcript(curve);
+ transcript.addScalar(challenges.alpha);
+ transcript.addPolCommitment(proof.getPolynomial("W1"));
+ challenges.y = transcript.getChallenge();
+ if (logger) logger.info("··· challenges.y: " + Fr.toString(challenges.y));
+ // STEP 5.2 - Compute L(X)
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Computing L polynomial");
+ await computeL();
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Computing ZTS2 polynomial");
+ await computeZTS2();
+ let ZTS2Y = polynomials.ZTS2.evaluate(challenges.y);
+ ZTS2Y = Fr.inv(ZTS2Y);
+ polynomials.L.mulScalar(ZTS2Y);
+ const polDividend = Polynomial.fromCoefficientsArray([Fr.neg(challenges.y), Fr.one], curve);
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Computing W' = L / ZTS2 polynomial");
+ const polRemainder = polynomials.L.divBy(polDividend);
+ //Check polReminder degree is equal to zero
+ if (polRemainder.degree() > 0) {
+ throw new Error(`Degree of L(X)/(ZTS2(y)(X-y)) remainder is ${polRemainder.degree()} and should be 0`);
+ }
+ if (polynomials.L.degree() >= 9 * zkey.domainSize - 1) {
+ throw new Error("Degree of L(X)/(ZTS2(y)(X-y)) is not correct");
+ }
+ // The fifth output of the prover is ([W2]_1), where W2:=(f/Z_t)(x)
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Computing W' multi exponentiation");
+ let commitW2 = await polynomials.L.multiExponentiation(PTau, "W2");
+ proof.addPolynomial("W2", commitW2);
+ return 0;
+ async function computeL() {
+ if (logger) logger.info("··· Computing L polynomial");
+ const evalR0Y = polynomials.R0.evaluate(challenges.y);
+ const evalR1Y = polynomials.R1.evaluate(challenges.y);
+ const evalR2Y = polynomials.R2.evaluate(challenges.y);
+ let mulL0 = Fr.sub(challenges.y, roots.S0.h0w8[0]);
+ for (let i = 1; i < 8; i++) {
+ mulL0 = Fr.mul(mulL0, Fr.sub(challenges.y, roots.S0.h0w8[i]));
+ }
+ let mulL1 = Fr.sub(challenges.y, roots.S1.h1w4[0]);
+ for (let i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
+ mulL1 = Fr.mul(mulL1, Fr.sub(challenges.y, roots.S1.h1w4[i]));
+ }
+ let mulL2 = Fr.sub(challenges.y, roots.S2.h2w3[0]);
+ for (let i = 1; i < 3; i++) {
+ mulL2 = Fr.mul(mulL2, Fr.sub(challenges.y, roots.S2.h2w3[i]));
+ }
+ for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ mulL2 = Fr.mul(mulL2, Fr.sub(challenges.y, roots.S2.h3w3[i]));
+ }
+ let preL0 = Fr.mul(mulL1, mulL2);
+ let preL1 = Fr.mul(challenges.alpha, Fr.mul(mulL0, mulL2));
+ let preL2 = Fr.mul(Fr.square(challenges.alpha), Fr.mul(mulL0, mulL1));
+ toInverse["denH1"] = mulL1;
+ toInverse["denH2"] = mulL2;
+ polynomials.L = Polynomial.fromPolynomial(polynomials.C0, curve, logger);
+ polynomials.L.subScalar(evalR0Y);
+ polynomials.L.mulScalar(preL0);
+ let l2 = Polynomial.fromPolynomial(polynomials.C1, curve, logger);
+ l2.subScalar(evalR1Y);
+ l2.mulScalar(preL1);
+ let l3 = Polynomial.fromPolynomial(polynomials.C2, curve, logger);
+ l3.subScalar(evalR2Y);
+ l3.mulScalar(preL2);
+ polynomials.L.add(l2);
+ polynomials.L.add(l3);
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Computing ZT polynomial");
+ await computeZT();
+ const evalZTY = polynomials.ZT.evaluate(challenges.y);
+ polynomials.F.mulScalar(evalZTY);
+ polynomials.L.sub(polynomials.F);
+ // Check degree
+ if (polynomials.L.degree() >= 9 * zkey.domainSize) {
+ throw new Error("L Polynomial is not well calculated");
+ }
+ delete buffers.L;
+ }
+ async function computeZT() {
+ polynomials.ZT = Polynomial.zerofierPolynomial(
+ [
+ roots.S0.h0w8[0], roots.S0.h0w8[1], roots.S0.h0w8[2], roots.S0.h0w8[3],
+ roots.S0.h0w8[4], roots.S0.h0w8[5], roots.S0.h0w8[6], roots.S0.h0w8[7],
+ roots.S1.h1w4[0], roots.S1.h1w4[1], roots.S1.h1w4[2], roots.S1.h1w4[3],
+ roots.S2.h2w3[0], roots.S2.h2w3[1], roots.S2.h2w3[2],
+ roots.S2.h3w3[0], roots.S2.h3w3[1], roots.S2.h3w3[2]], curve);
+ }
+ async function computeZTS2() {
+ polynomials.ZTS2 = Polynomial.zerofierPolynomial(
+ [roots.S1.h1w4[0], roots.S1.h1w4[1], roots.S1.h1w4[2], roots.S1.h1w4[3],
+ roots.S2.h2w3[0], roots.S2.h2w3[1], roots.S2.h2w3[2],
+ roots.S2.h3w3[0], roots.S2.h3w3[1], roots.S2.h3w3[2]], curve);
+ }
+ }
+ function getMontgomeryBatchedInverse() {
+ // · denominator needed in step 8 and 9 of the verifier to multiply by 1/Z_H(xi)
+ let xiN = challenges.xi;
+ for (let i = 0; i < zkey.power; i++) {
+ xiN = Fr.square(xiN);
+ }
+ toInverse["zh"] = Fr.sub(xiN, Fr.one);
+ // · denominator needed in step 10 and 11 of the verifier
+ // toInverse.denH1 & toInverse.denH2 -> Computed in round5, computeL()
+ // · denominator needed in the verifier when computing L_i^{S0}(X), L_i^{S1}(X) and L_i^{S2}(X)
+ computeLiS0(toInverse, roots.S0.h0w8, challenges.y, curve);
+ computeLiS1(toInverse, roots.S1.h1w4, challenges.y, curve);
+ computeLiS2(toInverse, roots.S2.h2w3, roots.S2.h3w3, challenges.y, challenges.xi, challenges.xiw, curve);
+ // · L_i i=1 to num public inputs, needed in step 6 and 7 of the verifier to compute L_1(xi) and PI(xi)
+ const size = Math.max(1, zkey.nPublic);
+ let w = Fr.one;
+ for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ toInverse["Li_" + (i + 1)] = Fr.mul(Fr.e(zkey.domainSize), Fr.sub(challenges.xi, w));
+ w = Fr.mul(w, Fr.w[zkey.power]);
+ }
+ let mulAccumulator = Fr.one;
+ for (const element of Object.values(toInverse)) {
+ if(Array.isArray(element)) {
+ for (const subElement of element) {
+ mulAccumulator = Fr.mul(mulAccumulator, subElement);
+ }
+ } else {
+ mulAccumulator = Fr.mul(mulAccumulator, element);
+ }
+ }
+ return Fr.inv(mulAccumulator);
+ function computeLiS0(toInverse, roots, x, curve) {
+ const Fr = curve.Fr;
+ const len = roots.length;
+ const den1 = Fr.mul(Fr.e(len), Fr.exp(roots[0], len - 2));
+ const Li = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ const den2 = roots[((len - 1) * i) % len];
+ const den3 = Fr.sub(x, roots[i]);
+ toInverse[["LiS0_" + (i + 1)]] = Fr.mul(Fr.mul(den1, den2), den3);
+ }
+ return Li;
+ }
+ function computeLiS1(toInverse, roots, x, curve) {
+ const Fr = curve.Fr;
+ const len = roots.length;
+ const den1 = Fr.mul(Fr.e(len), Fr.exp(roots[0], len - 2));
+ const Li = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ const den2 = roots[((len - 1) * i) % len];
+ const den3 = Fr.sub(x, roots[i]);
+ toInverse[["LiS1_" + (i + 1)]] = Fr.mul(Fr.mul(den1, den2), den3);
+ }
+ return Li;
+ }
+ function computeLiS2(toInverse, S2, S2p, value, xi, xiw, curve) {
+ const Fr = curve.Fr;
+ const Li = [];
+ const _3h2 = Fr.mul(Fr.e(3), S2[0]);
+ const xisubxiw = Fr.sub(xi, xiw);
+ let den1 = Fr.mul(_3h2, xisubxiw);
+ for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ const den2 = S2[2 * i % 3];
+ const den3 = Fr.sub(value, S2[i]);
+ toInverse[["LiS2_" + (i + 1)]] = Fr.mul(den1,Fr.mul(den2, den3));
+ }
+ const _3h3 = Fr.mul(Fr.e(3), S2p[0]);
+ const xiwsubxi = Fr.sub(xiw, xi);
+ den1 = Fr.mul(_3h3, xiwsubxi);
+ for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ const den2 = S2p[2 * i % 3];
+ const den3 = Fr.sub(value, S2p[i]);
+ toInverse[["LiS2_" + (i + 1 + 3)]] = Fr.mul(den1,Fr.mul(den2, den3));
+ }
+ return Li;
+ }
+ }
+ This file is part of snarkjs.
+ snarkjs is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ snarkjs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ snarkjs. If not, see .
+const {unstringifyBigInts: unstringifyBigInts$2} = utils;
+async function fflonkFullProve(_input, wasmFilename, zkeyFilename, logger) {
+ const input = unstringifyBigInts$2(_input);
+ const wtns= {type: "mem"};
+ // Compute the witness
+ await wtnsCalculate(input, wasmFilename, wtns);
+ // Compute the proof
+ return await fflonkProve(zkeyFilename, wtns, logger);
+ Copyright 2022 iden3 association.
+ This file is part of snarkjs.
+ snarkjs is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ snarkjs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ snarkjs. If not, see .
+const { unstringifyBigInts: unstringifyBigInts$1 } = utils;
+async function fflonkVerify(_vk_verifier, _publicSignals, _proof, logger) {
+ if (logger) logger.info("FFLONK VERIFIER STARTED");
+ _vk_verifier = unstringifyBigInts$1(_vk_verifier);
+ _proof = unstringifyBigInts$1(_proof);
+ const curve = await getCurveFromName(_vk_verifier.curve);
+ const vk = fromObjectVk(curve, _vk_verifier);
+ // TODO ??? Compute wr^3 and check if it matches with w
+ const proof = new Proof(curve, logger);
+ proof.fromObjectProof(_proof);
+ const publicSignals = unstringifyBigInts$1(_publicSignals);
+ if (publicSignals.length !== vk.nPublic) {
+ logger.error("Number of public signals does not match with vk");
+ return false;
+ }
+ const Fr = curve.Fr;
+ if (logger) {
+ logger.info("----------------------------");
+ logger.info(" FFLONK VERIFY SETTINGS");
+ logger.info(` Curve: ${curve.name}`);
+ logger.info(` Circuit power: ${vk.power}`);
+ logger.info(` Domain size: ${2 ** vk.power}`);
+ logger.info(` Public vars: ${vk.nPublic}`);
+ logger.info("----------------------------");
+ }
+ // STEP 1 - Validate that all polynomial commitments ∈ G_1
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Checking commitments belong to G1");
+ if (!commitmentsBelongToG1(curve, proof, vk)) {
+ if (logger) logger.error("Proof commitments are not valid");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // STEP 2 - Validate that all evaluations ∈ F
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Checking evaluations belong to F");
+ if (!evaluationsAreValid(curve, proof)) {
+ if (logger) logger.error("Proof evaluations are not valid.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // STEP 3 - Validate that w_i ∈ F for i ∈ [l]
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Checking public inputs belong to F");
+ if (!publicInputsAreValid(curve, publicSignals)) {
+ if (logger) logger.error("Public inputs are not valid.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // STEP 4 - Compute the challenges: beta, gamma, xi, alpha and y ∈ F
+ // as in prover description, from the common preprocessed inputs, public inputs and elements of π_SNARK
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Computing challenges");
+ const { challenges, roots } = computeChallenges(curve, proof, vk, publicSignals, logger);
+ // STEP 5 - Compute the zero polynomial evaluation Z_H(xi) = xi^n - 1
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Computing Zero polynomial evaluation Z_H(xi)");
+ challenges.zh = Fr.sub(challenges.xiN, Fr.one);
+ challenges.invzh = Fr.inv(challenges.zh);
+ // STEP 6 - Compute the lagrange polynomial evaluation L_1(xi)
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Computing Lagrange evaluations");
+ const lagrangeEvals = await computeLagrangeEvaluations(curve, challenges, vk);
+ // STEP 7 - Compute public input evaluation PI(xi)
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Computing polynomial identities PI(X)");
+ const pi = calculatePI(curve, publicSignals, lagrangeEvals);
+ // STEP 8 - Compute polynomial r0 ∈ F_{<4}[X]
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Computing r0(y)");
+ const r0 = computeR0(proof, challenges, roots, curve, logger);
+ // STEP 9 - Compute polynomial r1 ∈ F_{<4}[X]
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Computing r1(y)");
+ const r1 = computeR1(proof, challenges, roots, pi, curve, logger);
+ // STEP 9 - Compute polynomial r2 ∈ F_{<6}[X]
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Computing r2(y)");
+ const r2 = computeR2(proof, challenges, roots, lagrangeEvals[1], vk, curve, logger);
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Computing F");
+ const F = computeF(curve, proof, vk, challenges, roots);
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Computing E");
+ const E = computeE(curve, proof, challenges, vk, r0, r1, r2);
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Computing J");
+ const J = computeJ(curve, proof, challenges);
+ if (logger) logger.info("> Validate all evaluations with a pairing");
+ const res = await isValidPairing(curve, proof, challenges, vk, F, E, J);
+ if (logger) {
+ if (res) {
+ } else {
+ logger.warn("Invalid Proof");
+ }
+ }
+ if (logger) logger.info("FFLONK VERIFIER FINISHED");
+ return res;
+function fromObjectVk(curve, vk) {
+ const res = vk;
+ res.k1 = curve.Fr.fromObject(vk.k1);
+ res.k2 = curve.Fr.fromObject(vk.k2);
+ res.w = curve.Fr.fromObject(vk.w);
+ // res.wW = curve.Fr.fromObject(vk.wW);
+ res.w3 = curve.Fr.fromObject(vk.w3);
+ res.w4 = curve.Fr.fromObject(vk.w4);
+ res.w8 = curve.Fr.fromObject(vk.w8);
+ res.wr = curve.Fr.fromObject(vk.wr);
+ res.X_2 = curve.G2.fromObject(vk.X_2);
+ res.C0 = curve.G1.fromObject(vk.C0);
+ return res;
+function commitmentsBelongToG1(curve, proof, vk) {
+ const G1 = curve.G1;
+ return G1.isValid(proof.polynomials.C1)
+ && G1.isValid(proof.polynomials.C2)
+ && G1.isValid(proof.polynomials.W1)
+ && G1.isValid(proof.polynomials.W2)
+ && G1.isValid(vk.C0);
+function checkValueBelongToField(curve, value) {
+ return Scalar.lt(value, curve.r);
+function checkEvaluationIsValid(curve, evaluation) {
+ return checkValueBelongToField(curve, Scalar.fromRprLE(evaluation));
+function evaluationsAreValid(curve, proof) {
+ return checkEvaluationIsValid(curve, proof.evaluations.ql)
+ && checkEvaluationIsValid(curve, proof.evaluations.qr)
+ && checkEvaluationIsValid(curve, proof.evaluations.qm)
+ && checkEvaluationIsValid(curve, proof.evaluations.qo)
+ && checkEvaluationIsValid(curve, proof.evaluations.qc)
+ && checkEvaluationIsValid(curve, proof.evaluations.s1)
+ && checkEvaluationIsValid(curve, proof.evaluations.s2)
+ && checkEvaluationIsValid(curve, proof.evaluations.s3)
+ && checkEvaluationIsValid(curve, proof.evaluations.a)
+ && checkEvaluationIsValid(curve, proof.evaluations.b)
+ && checkEvaluationIsValid(curve, proof.evaluations.c)
+ && checkEvaluationIsValid(curve, proof.evaluations.z)
+ && checkEvaluationIsValid(curve, proof.evaluations.zw)
+ && checkEvaluationIsValid(curve, proof.evaluations.t1w)
+ && checkEvaluationIsValid(curve, proof.evaluations.t2w);
+function publicInputsAreValid(curve, publicInputs) {
+ for(let i = 0; i < publicInputs.length; i++) {
+ if(!checkValueBelongToField(curve, publicInputs[i])) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+function computeChallenges(curve, proof, vk, publicSignals, logger) {
+ const Fr = curve.Fr;
+ const challenges = {};
+ const roots = {};
+ const transcript = new Keccak256Transcript(curve);
+ // Add C0 to the transcript
+ transcript.addPolCommitment(vk.C0);
+ for (let i = 0; i < publicSignals.length; i++) {
+ transcript.addScalar(Fr.e(publicSignals[i]));
+ }
+ transcript.addPolCommitment(proof.polynomials.C1);
+ challenges.beta = transcript.getChallenge();
+ transcript.reset();
+ transcript.addScalar(challenges.beta);
+ challenges.gamma = transcript.getChallenge();
+ transcript.reset();
+ transcript.addScalar(challenges.gamma);
+ transcript.addPolCommitment(proof.polynomials.C2);
+ const xiSeed = transcript.getChallenge();
+ const xiSeed2 = Fr.square(xiSeed);
+ let w8 = [];
+ w8[1] = vk.w8;
+ w8[2] = Fr.square(vk.w8);
+ w8[3] = Fr.mul(w8[2], vk.w8);
+ w8[4] = Fr.mul(w8[3], vk.w8);
+ w8[5] = Fr.mul(w8[4], vk.w8);
+ w8[6] = Fr.mul(w8[5], vk.w8);
+ w8[7] = Fr.mul(w8[6], vk.w8);
+ let w4 = [];
+ w4[1] = vk.w4;
+ w4[2] = Fr.square(vk.w4);
+ w4[3] = Fr.mul(w4[2], vk.w4);
+ let w3 = [];
+ w3[1] = vk.w3;
+ w3[2] = Fr.square(vk.w3);
+ // const w4_2 = Fr.square(vk.w4);
+ // const w4_3 = Fr.mul(w4_2, vk.w4);
+ // const w3_2 = Fr.square(vk.w3);
+ // Compute h0 = xiSeeder^3
+ roots.S0 = {};
+ roots.S0.h0w8 = [];
+ roots.S0.h0w8[0] = Fr.mul(xiSeed2, xiSeed);
+ for (let i = 1; i < 8; i++) {
+ roots.S0.h0w8[i] = Fr.mul(roots.S0.h0w8[0], w8[i]);
+ }
+ // Compute h1 = xi_seeder^6
+ roots.S1 = {};
+ roots.S1.h1w4 = [];
+ roots.S1.h1w4[0] = Fr.square(roots.S0.h0w8[0]);
+ for (let i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
+ roots.S1.h1w4[i] = Fr.mul(roots.S1.h1w4[0], w4[i]);
+ }
+ // Compute h2 = xi_seeder^8
+ roots.S2 = {};
+ roots.S2.h2w3 = [];
+ roots.S2.h2w3[0] = Fr.mul(roots.S1.h1w4[0], xiSeed2);
+ roots.S2.h2w3[1] = Fr.mul(roots.S2.h2w3[0], w3[1]);
+ roots.S2.h2w3[2] = Fr.mul(roots.S2.h2w3[0], w3[2]);
+ roots.S2.h3w3 = [];
+ // Multiply h3 by third-root-omega to obtain h_3^3 = xiω
+ // So, h3 = xi_seeder^8 ω^{1/3}
+ roots.S2.h3w3[0] = Fr.mul(roots.S2.h2w3[0], vk.wr);
+ roots.S2.h3w3[1] = Fr.mul(roots.S2.h3w3[0], w3[1]);
+ roots.S2.h3w3[2] = Fr.mul(roots.S2.h3w3[0], w3[2]);
+ // Compute xi = xi_seeder^12
+ challenges.xi = Fr.mul(Fr.square(roots.S2.h2w3[0]), roots.S2.h2w3[0]);
+ challenges.xiw = Fr.mul(challenges.xi, Fr.w[vk.power]);
+ challenges.xiN = challenges.xi;
+ vk.domainSize = 1;
+ for (let i = 0; i < vk.power; i++) {
+ challenges.xiN = Fr.square(challenges.xiN);
+ vk.domainSize *= 2;
+ }
+ transcript.reset();
+ transcript.addScalar(xiSeed);
+ transcript.addScalar(proof.evaluations.ql);
+ transcript.addScalar(proof.evaluations.qr);
+ transcript.addScalar(proof.evaluations.qm);
+ transcript.addScalar(proof.evaluations.qo);
+ transcript.addScalar(proof.evaluations.qc);
+ transcript.addScalar(proof.evaluations.s1);
+ transcript.addScalar(proof.evaluations.s2);
+ transcript.addScalar(proof.evaluations.s3);
+ transcript.addScalar(proof.evaluations.a);
+ transcript.addScalar(proof.evaluations.b);
+ transcript.addScalar(proof.evaluations.c);
+ transcript.addScalar(proof.evaluations.z);
+ transcript.addScalar(proof.evaluations.zw);
+ transcript.addScalar(proof.evaluations.t1w);
+ transcript.addScalar(proof.evaluations.t2w);
+ challenges.alpha = transcript.getChallenge();
+ transcript.reset();
+ transcript.addScalar(challenges.alpha);
+ transcript.addPolCommitment(proof.polynomials.W1);
+ challenges.y = transcript.getChallenge();
+ if (logger) {
+ logger.info("··· challenges.beta: " + Fr.toString(challenges.beta));
+ logger.info("··· challenges.gamma: " + Fr.toString(challenges.gamma));
+ logger.info("··· challenges.xi: " + Fr.toString(challenges.xi));
+ logger.info("··· challenges.alpha: " + Fr.toString(challenges.alpha));
+ logger.info("··· challenges.y: " + Fr.toString(challenges.y));
+ }
+ return { challenges: challenges, roots: roots };
+async function computeLagrangeEvaluations(curve, challenges, vk) {
+ const Fr = curve.Fr;
+ const size = Math.max(1, vk.nPublic);
+ const numArr = new BigBuffer(size * Fr.n8);
+ let denArr = new BigBuffer(size * Fr.n8);
+ let w = Fr.one;
+ for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ const i_sFr = i * Fr.n8;
+ numArr.set(Fr.mul(w, challenges.zh), i_sFr);
+ denArr.set(Fr.mul(Fr.e(vk.domainSize), Fr.sub(challenges.xi, w)), i_sFr);
+ w = Fr.mul(w, vk.w);
+ }
+ denArr = await Fr.batchInverse(denArr);
+ let L = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ const i_sFr = i * Fr.n8;
+ L[i + 1] = Fr.mul(numArr.slice(i_sFr, i_sFr + Fr.n8), denArr.slice(i_sFr, i_sFr + Fr.n8));
+ }
+ return L;
+function calculatePI(curve, publicSignals, lagrangeEvals) {
+ const Fr = curve.Fr;
+ let pi = Fr.zero;
+ for (let i = 0; i < publicSignals.length; i++) {
+ const w = Fr.e(publicSignals[i]);
+ pi = Fr.sub(pi, Fr.mul(w, lagrangeEvals[i + 1]));
+ }
+ return pi;
+function computeR0(proof, challenges, roots, curve, logger) {
+ const Fr = curve.Fr;
+ const Li = computeLagrangeLiSi(roots.S0.h0w8, challenges.y, challenges.xi, curve);
+ // r0(y) = ∑_1^8 C_0(h_0 ω_8^{i-1}) L_i(y). To this end we need to compute
+ // Compute the 8 C0 values
+ if (logger) logger.info("··· Computing r0(y)");
+ let res = Fr.zero;
+ for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ let coefValues = [];
+ coefValues[1] = roots.S0.h0w8[i];
+ for (let j = 2; j < 8; j++) {
+ coefValues[j] = Fr.mul(coefValues[j - 1], roots.S0.h0w8[i]);
+ }
+ let c0 = Fr.add(proof.evaluations.ql, Fr.mul(proof.evaluations.qr, coefValues[1]));
+ c0 = Fr.add(c0, Fr.mul(proof.evaluations.qo, coefValues[2]));
+ c0 = Fr.add(c0, Fr.mul(proof.evaluations.qm, coefValues[3]));
+ c0 = Fr.add(c0, Fr.mul(proof.evaluations.qc, coefValues[4]));
+ c0 = Fr.add(c0, Fr.mul(proof.evaluations.s1, coefValues[5]));
+ c0 = Fr.add(c0, Fr.mul(proof.evaluations.s2, coefValues[6]));
+ c0 = Fr.add(c0, Fr.mul(proof.evaluations.s3, coefValues[7]));
+ res = Fr.add(res, Fr.mul(c0, Li[i]));
+ }
+ return res;
+function computeR1(proof, challenges, roots, pi, curve, logger) {
+ const Fr = curve.Fr;
+ const Li = computeLagrangeLiSi(roots.S1.h1w4, challenges.y, challenges.xi, curve);
+ // r1(y) = ∑_1^4 C_1(h_1 ω_4^{i-1}) L_i(y). To this end we need to compute
+ // Z1 = {C1(h_1}, C1(h_1 ω_4), C1(h_1 ω_4^2), C1(h_1 ω_4^3)}
+ // where C_1(h_1 ω_4^{i-1}) = eval.a + h_1 ω_4^i eval.b + (h_1 ω_4^i)^2 eval.c + (h_1 ω_4^i)^3 T0(xi),
+ // where T0(xi) = [ qL·a + qR·b + qM·a·b + qO·c + qC + PI(xi) ] / Z_H(xi)
+ // Compute T0(xi)
+ if (logger) logger.info("··· Computing T0(xi)");
+ let t0 = Fr.mul(proof.evaluations.ql, proof.evaluations.a);
+ t0 = Fr.add(t0, Fr.mul(proof.evaluations.qr, proof.evaluations.b));
+ t0 = Fr.add(t0, Fr.mul(proof.evaluations.qm, Fr.mul(proof.evaluations.a, proof.evaluations.b)));
+ t0 = Fr.add(t0, Fr.mul(proof.evaluations.qo, proof.evaluations.c));
+ t0 = Fr.add(t0, proof.evaluations.qc);
+ t0 = Fr.add(t0, pi);
+ t0 = Fr.mul(t0, challenges.invzh);
+ // Compute the 4 C1 values
+ if (logger) logger.info("··· Computing C1(h_1ω_4^i) values");
+ let res = Fr.zero;
+ for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ let c1 = proof.evaluations.a;
+ c1 = Fr.add(c1, Fr.mul(roots.S1.h1w4[i], proof.evaluations.b));
+ const h1w4Squared = Fr.square(roots.S1.h1w4[i]);
+ c1 = Fr.add(c1, Fr.mul(h1w4Squared, proof.evaluations.c));
+ c1 = Fr.add(c1, Fr.mul(Fr.mul(h1w4Squared, roots.S1.h1w4[i]), t0));
+ res = Fr.add(res, Fr.mul(c1, Li[i]));
+ }
+ return res;
+function computeR2(proof, challenges, roots, lagrange1, vk, curve, logger) {
+ const Fr = curve.Fr;
+ const LiS2 = computeLagrangeLiS2([roots.S2.h2w3, roots.S2.h3w3], challenges.y, challenges.xi, challenges.xiw, curve);
+ // r2(y) = ∑_1^3 C_2(h_2 ω_3^{i-1}) L_i(y) + ∑_1^3 C_2(h_3 ω_3^{i-1}) L_{i+3}(y). To this end we need to compute
+ // Z2 = {[C2(h_2}, C2(h_2 ω_3), C2(h_2 ω_3^2)], [C2(h_3}, C2(h_3 ω_3), C2(h_3 ω_3^2)]}
+ // where C_2(h_2 ω_3^{i-1}) = eval.z + h_2 ω_2^i T1(xi) + (h_2 ω_3^i)^2 T2(xi),
+ // where C_2(h_3 ω_3^{i-1}) = eval.z + h_3 ω_2^i T1(xi) + (h_3 ω_3^i)^2 T2(xi),
+ // where T1(xi) = [ L_1(xi)(z-1)] / Z_H(xi)
+ // and T2(xi) = [ (a + beta·xi + gamma)(b + beta·xi·k1 + gamma)(c + beta·xi·k2 + gamma)z
+ // - (a + beta·sigma1 + gamma)(b + beta·sigma2 + gamma)(c + beta·sigma3 + gamma)zω ] / Z_H(xi)
+ // Compute T1(xi)
+ if (logger) logger.info("··· Computing T1(xi)");
+ let t1 = Fr.sub(proof.evaluations.z, Fr.one);
+ t1 = Fr.mul(t1, lagrange1);
+ t1 = Fr.mul(t1, challenges.invzh);
+ // Compute T2(xi)
+ if (logger) logger.info("··· Computing T2(xi)");
+ const betaxi = Fr.mul(challenges.beta, challenges.xi);
+ const t211 = Fr.add(proof.evaluations.a, Fr.add(betaxi, challenges.gamma));
+ const t212 = Fr.add(proof.evaluations.b, Fr.add(Fr.mul(betaxi, vk.k1), challenges.gamma));
+ const t213 = Fr.add(proof.evaluations.c, Fr.add(Fr.mul(betaxi, vk.k2), challenges.gamma));
+ const t21 = Fr.mul(t211, Fr.mul(t212, Fr.mul(t213, proof.evaluations.z)));
+ const t221 = Fr.add(proof.evaluations.a, Fr.add(Fr.mul(challenges.beta, proof.evaluations.s1), challenges.gamma));
+ const t222 = Fr.add(proof.evaluations.b, Fr.add(Fr.mul(challenges.beta, proof.evaluations.s2), challenges.gamma));
+ const t223 = Fr.add(proof.evaluations.c, Fr.add(Fr.mul(challenges.beta, proof.evaluations.s3), challenges.gamma));
+ const t22 = Fr.mul(t221, Fr.mul(t222, Fr.mul(t223, proof.evaluations.zw)));
+ let t2 = Fr.sub(t21, t22);
+ t2 = Fr.mul(t2, challenges.invzh);
+ // Compute the 6 C2 values
+ if (logger) logger.info("··· Computing C2(h_2ω_3^i) values");
+ let res = Fr.zero;
+ for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ let c2 = Fr.add(proof.evaluations.z, Fr.mul(roots.S2.h2w3[i], t1));
+ c2 = Fr.add(c2, Fr.mul(Fr.square(roots.S2.h2w3[i]), t2));
+ res = Fr.add(res, Fr.mul(c2, LiS2[i]));
+ }
+ if (logger) logger.info("··· Computing C2(h_3ω_3^i) values");
+ for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ let c2 = Fr.add(proof.evaluations.zw, Fr.mul(roots.S2.h3w3[i], proof.evaluations.t1w));
+ c2 = Fr.add(c2, Fr.mul(Fr.square(roots.S2.h3w3[i]), proof.evaluations.t2w));
+ res = Fr.add(res, Fr.mul(c2, LiS2[i + 3]));
+ }
+ return res;
+function computeF(curve, proof, vk, challenges, roots) {
+ const G1 = curve.G1;
+ const Fr = curve.Fr;
+ let mulH0 = Fr.sub(challenges.y, roots.S0.h0w8[0]);
+ for (let i = 1; i < 8; i++) {
+ mulH0 = Fr.mul(mulH0, Fr.sub(challenges.y, roots.S0.h0w8[i]));
+ }
+ challenges.temp = mulH0;
+ let mulH1 = Fr.sub(challenges.y, roots.S1.h1w4[0]);
+ for (let i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
+ mulH1 = Fr.mul(mulH1, Fr.sub(challenges.y, roots.S1.h1w4[i]));
+ }
+ let mulH2 = Fr.sub(challenges.y, roots.S2.h2w3[0]);
+ for (let i = 1; i < 3; i++) {
+ mulH2 = Fr.mul(mulH2, Fr.sub(challenges.y, roots.S2.h2w3[i]));
+ }
+ for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ mulH2 = Fr.mul(mulH2, Fr.sub(challenges.y, roots.S2.h3w3[i]));
+ }
+ challenges.quotient1 = Fr.mul(challenges.alpha, Fr.div(mulH0, mulH1));
+ challenges.quotient2 = Fr.mul(Fr.square(challenges.alpha), Fr.div(mulH0, mulH2));
+ let F2 = G1.timesFr(proof.polynomials.C1, challenges.quotient1);
+ let F3 = G1.timesFr(proof.polynomials.C2, challenges.quotient2);
+ return G1.add(vk.C0, G1.add(F2, F3));
+function computeE(curve, proof, challenges, vk, r0, r1, r2) {
+ const G1 = curve.G1;
+ const Fr = curve.Fr;
+ let E2 = Fr.mul(r1, challenges.quotient1);
+ let E3 = Fr.mul(r2, challenges.quotient2);
+ return G1.timesFr(G1.one, Fr.add(r0, Fr.add(E2, E3)));
+function computeJ(curve, proof, challenges) {
+ const G1 = curve.G1;
+ return G1.timesFr(proof.polynomials.W1, challenges.temp);
+async function isValidPairing(curve, proof, challenges, vk, F, E, J) {
+ const G1 = curve.G1;
+ let A1 = G1.timesFr(proof.polynomials.W2, challenges.y);
+ A1 = G1.add(G1.sub(G1.sub(F, E), J), A1);
+ const A2 = curve.G2.one;
+ const B1 = proof.polynomials.W2;
+ const B2 = vk.X_2;
+ return await curve.pairingEq(G1.neg(A1), A2, B1, B2);
+function computeLagrangeLiSi(roots, x, xi, curve) {
+ const Fr = curve.Fr;
+ const len = roots.length;
+ const num = Fr.sub(Fr.exp(x, len), xi);
+ const den1 = Fr.mul(Fr.e(len), Fr.exp(roots[0], len - 2));
+ const Li = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ const den2 = roots[((len - 1) * i) % len];
+ const den3 = Fr.sub(x, roots[i]);
+ Li[i] = Fr.div(num, Fr.mul(Fr.mul(den1, den2), den3));
+ }
+ return Li;
+function computeLagrangeLiS2(roots, value, xi0, xi1, curve) {
+ const Fr = curve.Fr;
+ const Li = [];
+ const len = roots[0].length;
+ const n = len * roots.length;
+ const num1 = Fr.exp(value, n);
+ const num2 = Fr.mul(Fr.add(xi0, xi1), Fr.exp(value, len));
+ const num3 = Fr.mul(xi0, xi1);
+ const num = Fr.add(Fr.sub(num1, num2), num3);
+ let den1 = Fr.mul(Fr.mul(Fr.e(len), roots[0][0]), Fr.sub(xi0, xi1));
+ for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ const den2 = roots[0][(len - 1) * i % len];
+ const den3 = Fr.sub(value, roots[0][i]);
+ const den = Fr.mul(den1,Fr.mul(den2, den3));
+ Li[i] = Fr.div(num, den);
+ }
+ den1 = Fr.mul(Fr.mul(Fr.e(len), roots[1][0]), Fr.sub(xi1, xi0));
+ for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ const den2 = roots[1][(len - 1) * i % len];
+ const den3 = Fr.sub(value, roots[1][i]);
+ const den = Fr.mul(den1,Fr.mul(den2, den3));
+ Li[i + len] = Fr.div(num, den);
+ }
+ return Li;
+ Copyright 2021 0KIMS association.
+ This file is part of snarkJS.
+ snarkJS is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ snarkJS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with snarkJS. If not, see .
+const {unstringifyBigInts} = utils;
+function p256(n) {
+ let nstr = n.toString(16);
+ while (nstr.length < 64) nstr = "0" + nstr;
+ nstr = `0x${nstr}`;
+ return nstr;
+async function fflonkExportCallData(_pub, _proof) {
+ const proof = unstringifyBigInts(_proof);
+ const pub = unstringifyBigInts(_pub);
+ await getCurveFromName(proof.curve);
+ let inputs = "";
+ for (let i = 0; i < pub.length; i++) {
+ if (inputs !== "") inputs = inputs + ",";
+ inputs = inputs + p256(pub[i]);
+ }
+ return `[${p256(proof.polynomials.C1[0])}, ${p256(proof.polynomials.C1[1])},` +
+ `${p256(proof.polynomials.C2[0])},${p256(proof.polynomials.C2[1])},` +
+ `${p256(proof.polynomials.W1[0])},${p256(proof.polynomials.W1[1])},` +
+ `${p256(proof.polynomials.W2[0])},${p256(proof.polynomials.W2[1])},` +
+ `${p256(proof.evaluations.ql)},${p256(proof.evaluations.qr)},${p256(proof.evaluations.qm)},` +
+ `${p256(proof.evaluations.qo)},${p256(proof.evaluations.qc)},${p256(proof.evaluations.s1)},` +
+ `${p256(proof.evaluations.s2)},${p256(proof.evaluations.s3)},${p256(proof.evaluations.a)},` +
+ `${p256(proof.evaluations.b)},${p256(proof.evaluations.c)},${p256(proof.evaluations.z)},` +
+ `${p256(proof.evaluations.zw)},${p256(proof.evaluations.t1w)},${p256(proof.evaluations.t2w)},` +
+ `${p256(proof.evaluations.inv)}],` +
+ `[${inputs}]`;
+ Copyright 2022 iden3 association.
+ This file is part of snarkjs.
+ snarkjs is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ snarkjs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ snarkjs. If not, see .
+var fflonk = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ __proto__: null,
+ setup: fflonkSetup,
+ prove: fflonkProve,
+ fullProve: fflonkFullProve,
+ verify: fflonkVerify,
+ exportSolidityVerifier: fflonkExportSolidityVerifier,
+ exportSolidityCallData: fflonkExportCallData
+export { fflonk, groth16, plonk, powersoftau as powersOfTau, r1cs, wtns, zkey as zKey };
diff --git a/config/rollup.browser.esm.config.js b/config/rollup.browser.esm.config.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6bbee4b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/rollup.browser.esm.config.js
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+import { nodeResolve } from "@rollup/plugin-node-resolve";
+import commonJS from "@rollup/plugin-commonjs";
+import virtual from "@rollup/plugin-virtual";
+import replace from "@rollup/plugin-replace";
+import visualizer from "rollup-plugin-visualizer";
+// Needed by fastfile
+import { O_TRUNC, O_CREAT, O_RDWR, O_EXCL, O_RDONLY } from "constants";
+const empty = "export default {}";
+// We create a stub with these constants instead of including the entire constants definition
+const constants = `
+export const O_TRUNC = ${O_TRUNC};
+export const O_CREAT = ${O_CREAT};
+export const O_RDWR = ${O_RDWR};
+export const O_EXCL = ${O_EXCL};
+export const O_RDONLY = ${O_RDONLY}
+export default {
+ input: "main.js",
+ output: {
+ file: "build/esm.js",
+ format: "es"
+ },
+ external: ['ffjavascript'],
+ plugins: [
+ replace({
+ // The current default is false, but they are changing it next version
+ preventAssignment: false,
+ "process.browser": true
+ }),
+ virtual({
+ fs: empty,
+ os: empty,
+ crypto: empty,
+ readline: empty,
+ ejs: empty,
+ events: empty,
+ stream: empty,
+ util: empty,
+ constants,
+ }),
+ nodeResolve({
+ browser: true,
+ preferBuiltins: false,
+ exportConditions: ["module"]
+ }),
+ commonJS(),
+ // terser(),
+ visualizer(),
+ ],
+ treeshake: {
+ preset: "smallest",
+ }
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--- a/package-lock.json
+++ b/package-lock.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
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"version": "0.7.1",
- "lockfileVersion": 2,
+ "lockfileVersion": 3,
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"packages": {
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@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
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+ "ffjavascript": "file:../ffjavascript",
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@@ -36,6 +36,25 @@
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+ "mocha": "^10.0.0",
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+ }
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@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ export function askEntropy() {
export function getRandomBytes(n) {
let array = new Uint8Array(n);
- if (typeof globalThis.crypto !== "undefined") { // Supported
+ if (process.browser) { // Supported
} else { // NodeJS
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ export function getRandomBytes(n) {
export async function sha256digest(data) {
- if (typeof globalThis.crypto !== "undefined" && typeof globalThis.crypto.subtle !== "undefined") { // Supported
+ if (process.browser) { // Supported
const buffer = await globalThis.crypto.subtle.digest("SHA-256", data.buffer);
return new Uint8Array(buffer);
} else { // NodeJS
@@ -220,4 +220,4 @@ export function stringifyBigIntsWithField(Fr, o) {
} else {
return o;
\ No newline at end of file