- Imports SagaTM Module.
(use vessel package tool)
import SagaTM "mo:ictc/SagaTM";
- Custom CallType.
public type CustomCallType = {
// #This: {
// #foo : (Nat);
// };
- (Optional) Implements callback functions for transaction orders and transaction tasks.
private func _taskCallback(_name: Text, _tid: SagaTM.Ttid, _task: SagaTM.Task<CustomCallType>, _result: SagaTM.TaskResult) : (){
// do something
private func _orderCallback(_name: Text, _oid: SagaTM.Toid, _status: SagaTM.OrderStatus, _data: ?Blob) : (){
// do something
- Implements local tasks. (Each task needs to be internally atomic or able to maintain data consistency.)
private func _localCall(_callee: Principal, _cycles: Nat, _args: SagaTM.CallType<CustomCallType>, _receipt: ?SagaTM.Receipt) : async (TaskResult){
// switch(method){
// case(#foo(count)){
// var result = foo(count); // Receipt
// return (#Done, ?#result(?(Binary.BigEndian.fromNat64(Nat64.fromNat(result)), debug_show(result))), null);
// };
// };
case(_){ return (#Error, null, ?{code=#future(9901); message="Non-local function."; });};
- Creates a saga object.
let saga = SagaTM.SagaTM<CustomCallType>(Principal.fromActor(this), ?_localCall, ?_taskCallback, ?_orderCallback);
- Creates a transaction order. (Supports
let oid = saga.create("TO_name", #Forward, null, null);
- Pushs one or more transaction tasks to the specified transaction order.
let task: SagaTM.PushTaskRequest<CustomCallType> = { // for example
callee = Principal.fromText("ryjl3-tyaaa-aaaaa-aaaba-cai");
callType = #ICRC1(#icrc1_transfer(_transferArgs_)); // method to be called
preTtid = []; // Pre-dependent tasks
attemptsMax = ?1; // Maximum number of repeat attempts in case of exception
recallInterval = ?0; // nanoseconds
cycles = 0;
data = null;
let tid1 = saga.push(oid, task, null, null);
- Executes the transaction order.
let res = await saga.run(oid);
- Implements the upgrade function for SagaTM.
private stable var __sagaData: ?SagaTM.Data<CustomCallType> = null;
system func preupgrade() {
let data = _getSaga().getData();
__sagaData := ?data;
// assert(List.size(data.actuator.tasks.0) == 0 and List.size(data.actuator.tasks.1) == 0);
system func postupgrade() {
__sagaData := null;
- Imports SagaTM Module.
(use vessel package tool)
import TPCTM "mo:ictc/TPCTM";
- Custom CallType.
public type CustomCallType = {
// #This: {
// #foo : (Nat);
// };
- (Optional) Implements callback functions for transaction orders and transaction tasks.
private func _taskCallback(_name: Text, _tid: TPCTM.Ttid, _task: TPCTM.Task<CustomCallType>, _result: TPCTM.TaskResult) : (){
// do something
private func _orderCallback(_name: Text, _oid: TPCTM.Toid, _status: TPCTM.OrderStatus, _data: ?Blob) : (){
// do something
- Implements local tasks. (Each task needs to be internally atomic or able to maintain data consistency.)
private func _localCall(_callee: Principal, _cycles: Nat, _args: TPCTM.CallType<CustomCallType>, _receipt: ?TPCTM.Receipt) : async (TPCTM.TaskResult){
// switch(method){
// case(#foo(count)){
// var result = foo(count); // Receipt
// return (#Done, ?#result(?(Binary.BigEndian.fromNat64(Nat64.fromNat(result)), debug_show(result))), null);
// };
// };
case(_){ return (#Error, null, ?{code=#future(9901); message="Non-local function."; });};
- Creates a tpc object.
let tpc = TPCTM.TPCTM<CustomCallType>(Principal.fromActor(this), ?_localCall, ?_taskCallback, ?_orderCallback);
- Creates a transaction order.
let oid = tpc.create("TO_name", null, null);
- Pushs one or more transaction tasks to the specified transaction order.
let prepare: TPCTM.TaskRequest<CustomCallType> = { // for example
callee = token_canister;
callType = #DRC20(#drc20_lockTransferFrom(caller, to, value, 5*60, null, null, null, null)); // method to be called
preTtid = []; // Pre-dependent tasks
attemptsMax = ?1; // Maximum number of repeat attempts in case of exception
recallInterval = ?0; // nanoseconds
cycles = 0;
data = null;
let commit: TPCTM.TaskRequest<CustomCallType> = { // for example
callee = token_canister;
callType = #DRC20(#drc20_executeTransfer(#AutoFill, #sendAll, null, null, null, null)); // method to be called
preTtid = []; // Pre-dependent tasks
attemptsMax = ?1; // Maximum number of repeat attempts in case of exception
recallInterval = ?0; // nanoseconds
cycles = 0;
data = null;
let tid1 = tpc.push(oid, prepare, commit, null, null, null);
- Executes the transaction order.
let res = await tpc.run(oid);
- Implements the upgrade function for TPCTM.
private stable var __tpcData: ?TPCTM.Data<CustomCallType> = null;
system func preupgrade() {
let data = _getTPC().getData();
__tpcData := ?data;
// assert(List.size(data.actuator.tasks.0) == 0 and List.size(data.actuator.tasks.1) == 0);
system func postupgrade() {
__tpcData := null;
public func create(_name: Text, _compStrategy: CompStrategy, _data: ?Blob, _callback: ?OrderCallback) : Toid
public func push(_toid: Toid, _task: PushTaskRequest, _comp: ?PushCompRequest, _callback: ?Callback) : Ttid
public func taskDone(_toid: Toid, _ttid: Ttid, _toCallback: Bool) : async* ?Ttid
public func redo(_toid: Toid, _ttid: Ttid) : ?Ttid
public func open(_toid: Toid) : ()
public func close(_toid: Toid) : ()
public func run(_toid: Toid) : async ?OrderStatus
public func runSync(_toid: Toid) : async ?OrderStatus
public func asyncMessageSize() : Nat
public func count() : Nat
public func status(_toid: Toid) : ?OrderStatus
public func isCompleted(_toid: Toid) : Bool
public func isTaskCompleted(_ttid: Ttid) : Bool
public func getOrder(_toid: Toid) : ?Order
public func getOrders(_page: Nat, _size: Nat) : {data: [(Toid, Order)]; totalPage: Nat; total: Nat}
public func getAliveOrders() : [(Toid, ?Order)]
public func getBlockingOrders() : [(Toid, Order)]
public func getTaskEvents(_toid: Toid) : [TaskEvent]
public func getActuator() : TA.TA
public func setCacheExpiration(_expiration: Int) : ()
public func clear(_expiration: ?Int, _delForced: Bool) : ()
public func update(_toid: Toid, _ttid: Ttid, _task: PushTaskRequest, _comp: ?PushCompRequest, _callback: ?Callback) : Ttid
public func remove(_toid: Toid, _ttid: Ttid) : ?Ttid
public func append(_toid: Toid, _task: PushTaskRequest, _comp: ?PushCompRequest, _callback: ?Callback) : Ttid
public func appendComp(_toid: Toid, _forTtid: Ttid, _comp: PushCompRequest, _callback: ?Callback) : Tcid
public func complete(_toid: Toid, _status: OrderStatus) : async* Bool
public func doneEmpty(_toid: Toid) : Bool
public func done(_toid: Toid, _status: OrderStatus, _toCallback: Bool) : async* Bool
public func block(_toid: Toid) : ?Toid
public func getData() : Data
public func setData(_data: Data) : ()
public func create(_name: Text, _data: ?Blob, _callback: ?OrderCallback) : Toid
public func push(_toid: Toid, _prepare: TaskRequest, _commit: TaskRequest, _comp: ?TaskRequest, _prepareCallback: ?Callback, _commitCallback: ?Callback) : Ttid
public func taskDone(_toid: Toid, _ttid: Ttid, _toCallback: Bool) : async* ?Ttid
public func redo(_toid: Toid, _ttid: Ttid) : ?Ttid
public func open(_toid: Toid) : ()
public func close(_toid: Toid) : ()
public func run(_toid: Toid) : async ?OrderStatus
public func runSync(_toid: Toid) : async ?OrderStatus
public func asyncMessageSize() : Nat
public func count() : Nat
public func status(_toid: Toid) : ?OrderStatus
public func isCompleted(_toid: Toid) : Bool
public func isTaskCompleted(_ttid: Ttid) : Bool
public func getOrder(_toid: Toid) : ?Order
public func getOrders(_page: Nat, _size: Nat) : {data: [(Toid, Order)]; totalPage: Nat; total: Nat}
public func getAliveOrders() : [(Toid, ?Order)]
public func getBlockingOrders() : [(Toid, Order)]
public func getTaskEvents(_toid: Toid) : [TaskEvent]
public func getActuator() : TA.TA
public func setCacheExpiration(_expiration: Int) : ()
public func clear(_expiration: ?Int, _delForced: Bool) : ()
public func update(_toid: Toid, _ttid: Ttid, _prepare: TaskRequest, _commit: TaskRequest, _comp: ?TaskRequest, _prepareCallback: ?Callback, _commitCallback: ?Callback) : Ttid
public func remove(_toid: Toid, _ttid: Ttid) : ?Ttid
public func append(_toid: Toid, _prepare: TaskRequest, _commit: TaskRequest, _comp: ?TaskRequest, _prepareCallback: ?Callback, _commitCallback: ?Callback) : Ttid
public func appendComp(_toid: Toid, _forTtid: Ttid, _comp: TaskRequest, _callback: ?Callback) : Tcid
public func complete(_toid: Toid, _status: OrderStatus) : async* Bool
public func doneEmpty(_toid: Toid) : Bool
public func done(_toid: Toid, _status: OrderStatus, _toCallback: Bool) : async* Bool
public func block(_toid: Toid) : ?Toid
public func getData() : Data
public func setData(_data: Data) : ()