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400 lines (289 loc) · 13.6 KB

Install an Openshift cluster with Terraform and PowerVC

Check the environment

  • Activate your openvpn.
  • To check it is working properly, make sure you can access the PowerVC :
  • The manager's ip (that hosts the terraform) is to access it :
password : your_provided_password

The terraform runs on the manager's vm (distinct from the VM on which the PowerVC runs). It takes the var.tfvars file in input and will generate a tfstate file.

The ansible playbooks (1) and (2) will be on the bastion once it is deployed. They will run to automatically create the cluster as stated in the tfstate file.


The ansible helpernode playbook will prepare the bastion for the cluster and will set its environment. The other ansible playbook will be generated next and will set the nodes to create the cluster.


1) Cluster installation

Now, we can clone the git repository.

git clone
Cloning into 'ocp4-upi-powervm'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 1732, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (448/448), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (186/186), done.
remote: Total 1732 (delta 284), reused 398 (delta 262), pack-reused 1284
Receiving objects: 100% (1732/1732), 424.05 KiB | 2.08 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (1038/1038), done.

We now have to work in the ocp4-upi-powervm directory :

cd ocp4-upi-powervm

Install the required Terraform tool and plugins


Output look like :

│ Warning: Incomplete lock file information for providers
│ Due to your customized provider installation methods, Terraform was forced to calculate lock file checksums locally for the
│ following providers:
│   - community-terraform-providers/ignition
│   - hashicorp/null
│   - hashicorp/random
│   - terraform-provider-openstack/openstack
│ The current .terraform.lock.hcl file only includes checksums for linux_ppc64le, so Terraform running on another platform will fail
│ to install these providers.
│ To calculate additional checksums for another platform, run:
│   terraform providers lock -platform=linux_amd64
│ (where linux_amd64 is the platform to generate)

Terraform has been successfully initialized!

You may now begin working with Terraform. Try running "terraform plan" to see
any changes that are required for your infrastructure. All Terraform commands
should now work.

If you ever set or change modules or backend configuration for Terraform,
rerun this command to reinitialize your working directory. If you forget, other
commands will detect it and remind you to do so if necessary.

Copy the customized .tfvar sample :

cp /home/samples/sample_demo.tfvars ~/ocp4-upi-powervm/paris.tfvars

Both the Openshift pull-secret and the ssh key-pair have to be copied in the ocp4-upi-powervm/data directory.

Your personnal Openshift pull secret, is available at :


Once copied, you can insert it in the data/pull-secret.txt file.

vi ~/ocp4-upi-powervm/data/pull-secret.txt

Create an ssh key, and copy it into the data directory

ssh-keygen -q -t rsa -N '' -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Enter y to overwrite any existing key-pair :

/home/id86c7d6e/.ssh/id_rsa already exists.
Overwrite (y/n)?

Copy the newly created key-pair to the data directory, and check the files :

cp ~/.ssh/id_rsa* ~/ocp4-upi-powervm/data/
ls ~/ocp4-upi-powervm/data/

Now, you have to edit the terraform configuration paris.tfvars file. The minimum requirement is to accomodate the user and password as they have been provided to you by Techzone. You can find how to customize the terraform customization here: customize the tfvar file

vi paris.tfvars

You can now start the terraform deployment :

./terraform apply -var-file paris.tfvars

Answer yes when prompted :

Do you want to perform these actions?
  Terraform will perform the actions described above.
  Only 'yes' will be accepted to approve.

The terraform script starts creating the VMs as specified in the demo.tfvars file.

2) Monitoring the installation

The terraform script first builds the bastion an will try to ssh in order to continue with the installation. It may take around 5 to 10 minutes to get the bastion ready :

module.bastion.null_resource.bastion_init[0]: Still creating... [4m0s elapsed]
module.bastion.null_resource.bastion_init[0] (remote-exec): Connecting to remote host via SSH...
module.bastion.null_resource.bastion_init[0] (remote-exec):   Host:
module.bastion.null_resource.bastion_init[0] (remote-exec):   User: root
module.bastion.null_resource.bastion_init[0] (remote-exec):   Password: false
module.bastion.null_resource.bastion_init[0] (remote-exec):   Private key: true
module.bastion.null_resource.bastion_init[0] (remote-exec):   Certificate: false
module.bastion.null_resource.bastion_init[0] (remote-exec):   SSH Agent: false
module.bastion.null_resource.bastion_init[0] (remote-exec):   Checking Host Key: false

Until the terraform script can successfully connect :

module.bastion.null_resource.bastion_init[0]: Creation complete after 5m26s [id=7156080057483097683]
module.bastion.null_resource.enable_repos[0]: Creating...
module.bastion.null_resource.enable_repos[0]: Provisioning with 'remote-exec'...
module.bastion.null_resource.enable_repos[0] (remote-exec): Connecting to remote host via SSH...
module.bastion.null_resource.enable_repos[0] (remote-exec):   Host:
module.bastion.null_resource.enable_repos[0] (remote-exec):   User: root
module.bastion.null_resource.enable_repos[0] (remote-exec):   Password: false
module.bastion.null_resource.enable_repos[0] (remote-exec):   Private key: true
module.bastion.null_resource.enable_repos[0] (remote-exec):   Certificate: false
module.bastion.null_resource.enable_repos[0] (remote-exec):   SSH Agent: false
module.bastion.null_resource.enable_repos[0] (remote-exec):   Checking Host Key: false
module.bastion.null_resource.enable_repos[0] (remote-exec): Connected!

The bastion shows up in PowerVC as well :


a) command lines on the bastion

Once the apply command is launched, we need to wait for the bastion to be fully deployed. One can see the progress of the install of the bastion on PowerVC. For that, see Virtual Machines -> VM list. image

The ip adress of the bastion is specified in the paris.tfvars file, as well as in PowerVC (vm list, network column). You first need to open a new ssh session to with your credentials :

password : your_provided_password

Then, ssh to, and access the bastion with ssh once it is properly deployed. you don't need any passwd, since the terraform script has installed it's public key onto the bastion.

⚠️ The openstack repository might take some time to be created (the helpernode and then the playbooks repo should be created first).

You may refresh the PowerVC gui from time to time to update the VM list view :


The terraform script has to install a few ansible playbooks.

Wait for the openshift-install command is available (Will be installed eventually after the helper-node gets configured):

which openshift-install

Wait for the openstack-upi directory to be created :

ls ~/openstack-upi/

Add the bash completion for both the openshift-install and oc commands :

oc completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/oc
openshift-install completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/openshift-install

source /etc/bash_completion.d/oc
source /etc/bash_completion.d/openshift-install
  • To follow the installion progress of the bootstrap, once in the openstack repository :
openshift-install wait-for bootstrap-complete --log-level debug --dir ~/openstack-upi/

The bootstrap should complete its work within 10 to 20 minutes :

[root@paris-bastion-0 openstack-upi]# openshift-install wait-for bootstrap-complete --log-level debug --dir ~/openstack-upi/
DEBUG OpenShift Installer 4.10.11
DEBUG Built from commit 08bc665c50ff867ffd81cfe8f485f2b7c501506b
INFO Waiting up to 20m0s for the Kubernetes API at
DEBUG Still waiting for the Kubernetes API: an error on the server ("") has prevented the request from succeeding
INFO API v1.23.5+9ce5071 up
INFO Waiting up to 30m0s for bootstrapping to complete...
DEBUG Bootstrap status: complete
INFO It is now safe to remove the bootstrap resources
DEBUG Time elapsed per stage:
DEBUG Bootstrap Complete: 9m58s
DEBUG                API: 1m21s
INFO Time elapsed: 9m58s
  • To follow the step of the installation progress, open another terminal, then ssh to

Check the installation progress :

openshift-install wait-for install-complete --log-level debug --dir ~/openstack-upi/
  • Check nodes and cluster operators progress from the second window on the bastion :
cd ~
export KUBECONFIG=~/openstack-upi/auth/kubeconfig
watch -n 15 "oc get clusterversions ; echo ; oc get nodes ; echo ; oc get co"

b) Check the apis and nodes from the bastion's ha_proxy

The status of the api, and nodes can usually be check at the port 9000 of the bastion node. For the ease of this lab, we have provided a dedicated redirection.

HA proxy to follow the installation, once the bastion is deployed is at

  • At first, all the other machines will still be red, because not deployed yet. image

  • Then, the bootstrap will be deployed next. It will compose a mini cluster on its own. image

  • After the bootstrap come the masters that will join it in the cluster. image

  • Then come the workers. Once the masters are all deployed, the bootstrap will terminate, since it is no longer userful. image

3) Check that you can access your new cluster

Once the installation is complete, the terminal where the openshift-install wait-for install-complete --log-level debug was run will show up an output similar to :

DEBUG Cluster is initialized
INFO Waiting up to 10m0s for the openshift-console route to be created...
DEBUG Route found in openshift-console namespace: console
DEBUG OpenShift console route is admitted
INFO Install complete!
INFO To access the cluster as the system:admin user when using 'oc', run 'export KUBECONFIG=/root/openstack-upi/auth/kubeconfig'
INFO Access the OpenShift web-console here:
INFO Login to the console with user: "kubeadmin", and password: "your_newly_created_password_here"
DEBUG Time elapsed per stage:
DEBUG Cluster Operators: 23m1s
INFO Time elapsed: 23m1s

Note that both the cluster's console and the kubeadmin password are provided in this output. You can also retrieve the password from the kubeadmin-password file on the bastion.

cat ~/openstack-upi/auth/kubeadmin-password ; echo

The terraform as now completed its work, and has an output similar to:

Apply complete! Resources: 27 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.


bastion_ip =
bastion_ssh_command = ssh [email protected]
bootstrap_ip =
cluster_id = paris
etc_hosts_entries =

install_status = COMPLETED
master_ips = [
oc_server_url =
storageclass_name = nfs-storage-provisioner
web_console_url =
worker_ips = [

You can now login with kubeadmin to the cluster's console :, using the password provided above.

You have to accept the security alert twice because the cluster is using a self-signed certificate. The example below is for Firefox :

First, go to Advanced:


Second, accept the risk and continue:


The Openshift cluster's console shows up like:


You've completed the demo lab !

You can find a complete documentation of the Terraform deployment at the ocp4-upi-powervm github