A ClojureScript project which should generate a Go board in JavaScript using HTML canvas.
To try, just download the goboard.js file and include it in a script
tag on your webpage. You can then call the goboard.draw
goboard.draw(element_id, stones, playing, last_x, last_y)
attributes explained:
- DOM element ID of the canvas element where the Go board will be drawn -
- a javascript one-dimensional Array object of 19*19 integers indicating the stones on the board. Each of them can be: 0 - no stone, 1 - black stone, 2 - white stone. -
(optional) - should be an integer: 1 - black, 2 - white which indicates the current player's color and that it is her turn to move. -
(optional) - a javascript function of two arguments X and Y which are the coordinates of an empty space on the board that the user just clicked on. -
(optional) - indicates the board X coordinate of the last move, must be an integer between 0 and 18 (left to right) -
(optional) - indicates the board Y coordinate of the last move, must be an integer between 0 and 18 (top to bottom)
You can also try downloading the example.html file which will show the example screenshot below.
Copyright © 2013 Ionuț Arțăriși
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.