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title: real world fp, 04 contracts theme: sudodoki/reveal-cleaver-theme style: controls: true


real world fp

#4 contracts

Monads, Comonad, Monoids, Setoids, Endofunctors.
Easy to understand, read, test and debug

by Vladimir Starkov
frontend engineer at Nordnet Bank AB



// double takes Number returns Number
const double = x => x * 2;

// split takes String returns Array of String's
const split = str => str.split(' ');



double();     // NaN
double('2q'); // NaN

split();      // TypeError: str is undefined
split(123);   // TypeError: str.split is not a function


Problem, exactly

double() and split() will work properly only when input belongs to specified Type.

Let's establish this convention.


Hindley-Milner signature

Brief function's documentation about arguments' types and returned value's type

// functionName :: argType1 -> argType2 -> argType3 -> resultType


Hindley-Milner signature

// double takes Number returns Number
// double :: Number -> Number
const double = x => x * 2;

// split takes String returns Array of String's
// split :: String -> [String]
const split = str => str.split(' ');


Signature as Contract

Contract — as far as arguments satisfy signature, function will work as expected.

Every mususage leads to broken function



  • empty input: undefined or fn()
  • invalid input: wrong type or fn(invalidType)


Problem definition, revisited

  1. Function can be used only in specific condition
  2. Function will be broken otherwise
  3. Function consumer will get unhelpful messages

Function consumer — your co-worker in the office or another developer in the open-source.


Problem definition, solution

  1. Function can be used only in specific condition

Thats fine, as far as it really works!


Problem definition, solution

  1. Function will be broken otherwise
  2. Function consumer will get unhelpful messages
  • force desired types
  • if types are invalid, print helpful and careful messages for consumer


JavaScript Type System™


JavaScript Type System™

Static typing JS dialects

  • TypeScript
  • Flow


TypeScript and Flow

Why do we need to introduce new language superset
if we can do it with one function?



Function — which type-check arguments.

  • If type is correct just returns value
  • Otherwise throw new TypeError(helpfulMessage)
  • Where helpful message, should contain
    • argument name
    • desired type
    • actual type
    • actual argument value


contract function, preparation

is helper

 * typecheck is value belongs to Constructor
 * @example:
 *   is(Number, 2); // true
 *   is(Number, 'qwe'); // false
 * @signature:
 *   is :: Constructor -> value -> Boolean
const is = (Ctor, val) => val != null && val.constructor === Ctor || val instanceof Ctor;


contract function, preparation

type helper

 * returns value's type
 * @example:
 *   type(2); // 'Number'
 *   type('qwe'); // 'String'
 * @signature:
 *   type :: value -> String
const type = val => (val !== null && val !== undefined)
  ?, -1)
  : (val === null) ? 'Null': 'Undefined';


contract function, preparation

ctorType helper

 * returns Constructor's type
 * @example:
 *   type(Number); // 'Number'
 *   type(String); // 'String'
 * @signature:
 *   ctorType :: Constructor -> String
const ctorType = Ctor => (Ctor !== null && Ctor !== undefined)
  ? type(Ctor())
  : (val === null) ? 'Null': 'Undefined';


contract function, implementation

const contract = (argName, Ctor, actualArg) => {
  if (is(Ctor, actualArg)) {
    return actualArg;
  } else {
    throw new TypeError(
       `${argName} should be an ${ctorType(Ctor)}, but got ${type(actualArg)}: ${actualArg}`

contract('x', Number, 2); // 2
contract('x', Number, 'nope');
//> TypeError: x should be an Number, but got String: nope


Contract function, usage

So we need to contract function and then invoke actual implementation, so its two steps — ideal case for pipe.


Contract function, usage

// double :: Number -> Number
const double = pipe(
  x => contract('x', Number, x),
  x => x * 2

// split :: String -> [String]
const split = pipe(
  str => contract('str', String , str),
  str => inputStr.split(' ')


Contract function, improvement

curry it!

const contract = curry( (argName, Ctor, actualArg) => {
  if (is(Ctor, actualArg)) {
    return actualArg;
  } else {
    throw new TypeError(
       `${argName} should be an ${ctorType(Ctor)}, but got ${type(actualArg)}: ${actualArg}`
} );


Contract function, improvement

// double :: Number -> Number
const double = pipe(
  // x => contract('x', Number, x),
  // x => contract('x', Number)(x),
  contract('x', Number),
  x => x * 2

// split :: String -> [String]
const split = pipe(
  // str => contract('str', String, str),
  // str => contract('str', String)(str),
  contract('str', String),
  str => inputStr.split(' ')



double(2); // 4
double('nope'); //> TypeError: x should be an Number, but got String: nope

split('sup js'); // ['sup', 'js'];
split(2); //> TypeError: str should be an String, but got Number: 2



  • Function is happy and will work if contract is satisfied
  • You co-workers are happy to use your code
  • If your code is not working for them they can fix it easily


Further reading


Functional Programming, (recursion)

"real world fp" workshop repo
"#4 contracts" slides

To be continued with real world implementation with you.

Stay tuned


real world fp

#4 contracts

*In functions we trust*

Sincerely yours Vladimir Starkov
@iamstarkov on github and twitter