Segment Tree (Dynamic)
Segment Tree Point Update Range Query
Segment Tree Range Update Range Query
Sqrt Decomposition
- Binary knapsack
- Edit distance
- Knapsack
- Longest increasing subsequence
- Money sum
- Travelling salesman problem
- Check if a point belong to line segment
- Check if point is inside triangle
- Convex hull
- Polygon lattice points
- Segment intersection
Heavy Light Decomposition (Point Update)
- Arithmetic progression sum
- Binomial mod
- Binomial
- Chinese remainder theorem
- Derangement
- Euler phi (in range)
- Euler phi
- FFT convolution and exponentiation
- Factorial factorization
- Factorization (Pollard's rho)
- Factorization
- Fast pow
- Find diophantine equation solution
- Find multiplicatinve inverse
- Gauss XOR
- Integer partition
- Linear recurrence
- List N elements choose K
- List primes (Sieve of Eratosthenes)
- Matrix exponentiation
- NTT convolution and exponentiation (2 mods)
- NTT convolution and exponentiation
- Polyominoes