This projects demonstrates a Kafka client that uses OAuth2 to establish Kafka session.
mvn clean install
Make sure that the following ports on your host machine are free: 9092, 2181 (Kafka), 8080, 8443 (Keycloak), 4444, 4445 (Hydra).
Then, you have to add some entries to your /etc/hosts
file: keycloak hydra kafka
That's needed for host resolution, because Kafka brokers and Kafka clients connecting to Keycloak / Hydra have to use the same hostname to ensure compatibility of generated access tokens.
Also, when Kafka client connects to Kafka broker running inside docker image, the broker will redirect the client to: kafka:9292.
You can use an IDE to run example clients, or you can run from shell:
java -cp target/*:target/lib/* io.strimzi.examples.consumer.ExampleConsumer
You need to set additional env variables in order to configure truststore, and turn off certificate hostname validation:
export OAUTH_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_LOCATION=../docker/certificates/ca-truststore.p12
To use Keycloak as authorization server set url of Keycloak's demo realm token endpoint:
export OAUTH_TOKEN_ENDPOINT_URI=https://keycloak:8443/auth/realms/demo/protocol/openid-connect/token
To use Hydra as authorization server set url of Hydra's token endpoint:
export OAUTH_TOKEN_ENDPOINT_URI=https://hydra:4444/oauth2/token
If using Hydra with opaque tokens, also set:
If using Hydra with JWT tokens, then set:
You can now use an IDE to run example clients, or you can run from shell:
java -cp target/*:target/lib/* io.strimzi.examples.consumer.ExampleConsumer
By default, consumer authenticates with client credentials using client id, and client secret.
See examples README for other authentication options.