Releases: iLCSoft/MarlinTrkProcessors
2017-10-12 Frank Gaede (PR#30)
- set correct MarlinTrkSystem configuration for every event with
in all tracking processors
- set correct MarlinTrkSystem configuration for every event with
2017-07-07 Andre Sailer (PR#24)
SiliconTracking_MarlinTrk: initialise fastfitter in init function, fixes small memory leak if processor is not active
FPCCDFullLDCTracking_MarlinTrk: initalise helper objects in init and add cleanup in end. Fixes small memory leaks
2017-10-09 Frank Gaede (PR#29)
- fix DDTPCDigiProcessor
- ensure hits are not smeared beyond cathode
- fix DDTPCDigiProcessor
2017-08-21 Andre Sailer (PR#25)
- RefitFinal: new processor for refitting track collections. Does not re-sort hits (like RefitProcessor), different way to setup the initial trackstate for the fit, and different MarlinTrkUtil function being called
- DDPlanarDigi: add absolute values of u and v smearing histograms
2017-08-23 Emilia Leogrande (PR#26)
- TruthTrackFinder: m_maxChi2perHit changed from 1.e3 to 1.e2 for consistency with Conformal Tracking
2017-09-12 Shaojun Lu (PR#27)
- DDTPCDigiProcessor: Added one control for the input value of asin to avoid NAN.
2017-10-06 Andre Sailer (PR#28)
- Drop unused and no longer existing header includes AIDASoft/DD4hep#241
2017-06-28 Frank Gaede (PR#21)
- remove hits that are in module gaps on the TPC endplate in DDTPCDigiProcessor
- use the following parameters to define the endplate:
- TPCEndPlateModuleNumbers
- TPCEndPlateModulePhi0s
- TPCEndPlateModuleGapPhi - rm obsolete parameter DontEncodeSide from DDTPCDigiProcessor
- remove hits that are in module gaps on the TPC endplate in DDTPCDigiProcessor
2017-06-15 Marko Petric (PR#14)
- Replace auto_ptr with unique_ptr
- explicitly call copy constructor of base class
2017-06-15 Emilia Leogrande (PR#13)
- TruthTrackFinder: hits in the same layer of the same subdetectors are now filtered. Those with higher radius are removed, then the fit is performed. In case the fit fails, those with higher z are removed and a new fit attempt is made.
2017-06-14 Frank Gaede (PR#12)
- remove some obsolete processors:
- PlanarDigiProcessor
- SpacePointBuilder
- SimpleCylinderDigiProcessor
- SimpleDiscDigiProcessor
- SimplePlanarDigiProcessor.h - replace Gear with DD4hep/DDRec in all remaining processors
- remove some obsolete processors:
2017-06-30 Andre Sailer (PR#22)
- ExtrToTracker: cleanup transient collection
2017-06-20 Frank Gaede (PR#17)
- fix leftover namespace changes in dd4hep
2017-06-20 Andre Sailer (PR#16)
- Adapt to changes in namespaces and LCDD --> Detector
2017-06-27 Andre Sailer (PR#20)
- FPCCDSiliconTracking_MarlinTrk: move object creation to init, add delete
- DDPlanarDigiProcessor: free random number generator at the end
2017-06-24 Frank Gaede (PR#19)
- add DDTPCDigiProcessor and helper classes
- adaptation of MarlinReco/TPCDigiProcessor for DD4hep
- add DDTPCDigiProcessor and helper classes
2017-06-23 Andre Sailer (PR#18)
- DDCellsAutomatonMV: fix duplicate parameter name
- MVHitsThetaDifference --> MVHitsThetaDifference_Adjacent
- DDCellsAutomatonMV: fix duplicate parameter name
2017-04-28 Frank Gaede (PR#11)
- TruthTrackFinder: Hits produced by secondaries are discarded
2017-04-28 Andre Sailer (PR#10)
- TruthTrackFinder::sort_by_z: sort by absolute z. Fixes an issue with wrongly assigned charge and angle for tracks in the backward direction if the fit with hits sorted by radius failed.
2017-04-06 Emilia Leogrande (PR#9)
- Replaced ILDCellID0 with LCTrackerCellID
- Replaced DDKalTestConf with LCTrackerConf
2017-04-07 Andre Sailer (PR#8)
- Fix many warnings for gcc
- ExtrToSIT::SelectBestCandidateLimited: remove variable shadowing pointer parameter
- ExtrToTracker: Fix bug when using performFinalRefit where the refitted track was not used after refit