Continue basic blockchain deployment works
What's Changed
- Defang stalebot by @ryjones in #25
- Fix the image path by @yeasy in #26
- Removed the read only header in the doc by @litong01 in #28
- Fix the image path by @yeasy in #27
- [CE-713] Fabric Operator zip structure README by @Man-Jain in #29
- [Close #32] Add bug issue & pull request template by @hightall in #33
- [Close #32] Add bug issue & pull request template by @hightall in #34
- [Close #37] Move make check into template by @hightall in #38
- [Fix #35] Remove unused images download operation by @hightall in #36
- [Fix #39] Add curl install for ansible agent by @hightall in #40
- In product mode, api engine docs can not find static files by @hightall in #41
- [CE-715]Fixed the fabric operator image path issue by @litong01 in #45
- [Fix #47] Fix node status check crash for k8s agent by @hightall in #48
- [Fix #42] Fix nginx server media url not working by @hightall in #43
- [Fix #50] Add api engine service port into dashboard by @hightall in #51
- [Close #53] Refine bug report issue template by @hightall in #55
- [CE-716]Fixed the role binding issue by @litong01 in #56
- [Fix #52] Fix k8s 1.16 later version not support. by @hightall in #57
- [#issue-59] Ansible agent can not support fabric 1.4.3 by @litong01 in #60
- Bump mongoose from 4.13.11 to 5.7.5 in /build_image/dockerhub/v0.9.0-beta/user-dashboard by @dependabot in #58
- [#61]Fixed operation CA example cr yaml file by @litong01 in #62
- [#63]Removed the few extra spaces from the example yaml by @litong01 in #64
- [Close #66] Add netlify.toml config file by @hightall in #67
- [#70]Fixed the capability version string by @litong01 in #71
- [#54]Remove the create button in node page when the user is operator by @fengyangsy in #82
- [#80] Ansible agent fails create daemonset on k8s 1.16 by @litong01 in #81
- Update Kubernetes Agent for dockerhub by @Man-Jain in #74
- Imporve Agent to Create/Delete Node and Update UI by @Man-Jain in #76
- Improves Kubernetes Operator Agent Documentation by @Man-Jain in #78
- [Close #83] Fix netlify build function failed by @hightall in #84
- Add build status badge by @ryjones in #86
- Remove Gerrit references by @ryjones in #88
- [CE-718] Correct license by @ryjones in #89
- Fix Prettier error by @ryjones in #92
- Bump mongoose from 4.13.11 to 5.7.5 in /build_image/dockerhub/v0.9.0/user-dashboard by @dependabot in #91
- Bump mixin-deep from 1.3.1 to 1.3.2 in /build_image/dockerhub/v0.9.0/user-dashboard by @dependabot in #93
- Bump lodash.merge from 4.6.1 to 4.6.2 in /build_image/dockerhub/v0.9.0/user-dashboard by @dependabot in #95
- Bump stringstream from 0.0.5 to 0.0.6 in /build_image/dockerhub/v0.9.0/user-dashboard by @dependabot in #96
- Bump sshpk from 1.13.1 to 1.16.1 in /build_image/dockerhub/v0.9.0/user-dashboard by @dependabot in #94
- Bump js-yaml from 3.11.0 to 3.13.1 in /build_image/dockerhub/v0.9.0/user-dashboard by @dependabot in #97
- Bump protobufjs from 5.0.2 to 5.0.3 in /build_image/dockerhub/v0.9.0/user-dashboard by @dependabot in #99
- Bump lodash from 4.17.5 to 4.17.15 in /build_image/dockerhub/v0.9.0/user-dashboard by @dependabot in #98
- Update packages by @ryjones in #103
- Remove the v0.9.0-beta dockefiles as we have v0.9.0 already. by @yeasy in #105
- update url for downloading fabric artifacts(fix #109) by @dexhunter in #110
- Documented requirements on persistent storage by @craig8 in #117
- Clean up docker build for api-engine by @yeasy in #120
- Update dependency versions by @yeasy in #122
- modified base_name to basename by @MintCollie in #124
- Update api-engine dockerfile for dockerhub build by @yeasy in #128
- Fix issue #125 by @litong01 in #134
- fix(swagger): disable manual parameter for swagger doc by @hightall in #133
- More fixes to the build broken issue #125 by @litong01 in #137
- Move onto Azure DevOps by @litong01 in #140
- Optimize build process by @litong01 in #142
- Restructure Fabric k8s operator by @litong01 in #144
- Update documentation by @ryjones in #145
- Update documents by @spartucus in #148
- improvement: upgrade umi version to 3.0 by @hightall in #153
- improvement: upgrade antd version to 4 by @hightall in #155
- fix: fix new node operation page can't work by @hightall in #158
- Fixed fabric operator default settings by @litong01 in #159
- Fixed issue report in #165 by @litong01 in #166
- Bump express-jwt from 5.3.1 to 6.0.0 in /build_image/dockerhub/v0.9.0/user-dashboard by @dependabot in #164
- Bump lodash from 4.17.15 to 4.17.19 in /build_image/dockerhub/v0.9.0/user-dashboard by @dependabot in #167
- feat: add menuconfig support for server deployment config by @hightall in #170
- fix: fix .config file content can not load for kconfig by @hightall in #173
- docs: add document for menuconfig makefile command by @hightall in #175
- feat: add basic framework for k8s rest agent by @hightall in #177
- Bump elliptic from 6.5.2 to 6.5.3 in /build_image/dockerhub/v0.9.0/user-dashboard by @dependabot in #178
- Bump mongodb from 2.2.36 to 3.1.13 in /build_image/dockerhub/v0.9.0/user-dashboard by @dependabot in #181
- add docker rest api agent by @dexhunter in #180
- Add hyperledger fabric image by @yeasy in #185
- Update docker rest api 1 by @dexhunter in #193
- Add dockerfile to agent-docker and Fix some bugs by @XuHugo in #192
- Bump dot-prop from 4.2.0 to 4.2.1 in /build_image/dockerhub/v0.9.0/user-dashboard by @dependabot in #195
- Bump bl from 1.2.2 to 1.2.3 in /build_image/dockerhub/v0.9.0/user-dashboard by @dependabot in #194
- Bump ini from 1.3.5 to 1.3.8 in /build_image/dockerhub/v0.9.0/user-dashboard by @dependabot in #199
- Cryptogen by @XuHugo in #198
- Configtx by @XuHugo in #202
- Bump from 2.3.0 to 2.4.0 in /build_image/dockerhub/v0.9.0/user-dashboard by @dependabot in #206
- Models by @XuHugo in #208
- Organization by @XuHugo in #209
- Node by @XuHugo in #210
- Network by @XuHugo in #211
- Agent by @XuHugo in #212
- Update Maintainers by @yeasy in #215
- Clean the potential existing msp and tls paths by @yeasy in #214
- Fix cello-hlf image dockerfile by @yeasy in #216
- Node cfg by @XuHugo in #218
- add update function for docker agent by @dexhunter in #217
- Bump pug-code-gen from 2.0.2 to 2.0.3 in /build_image/dockerhub/v0.9.0/user-dashboard by @dependabot in #224
- Nodecreate1 by @XuHugo in #226
- Nodecreate2 by @XuHugo in #227
- Nodecreate3 by @XuHugo in #228
- Bump elliptic from 6.5.3 to 6.5.4 in /build_image/dockerhub/v0.9.0/user-dashboard by @dependabot in #229
- [#230]add register page by @fengyangsy in #231
- Automatic port assignment by @XuHugo in #232
- [#234]Add setting password to registration page by @fengyangsy in #235
- [#236]Add the input organization name box to the login page by @fengyangsy in #237
- Bump y18n from 3.2.1 to 3.2.2 in /build_image/dockerhub/v0.9.0/user-dashboard by @dependabot in #238
- Add login and register interfaces by @XuHugo in #240
- Bump nodemailer from 4.7.0 to 6.4.16 in /build_image/dockerhub/v0.9.0/user-dashboard by @dependabot in #241
- Networkcreate by @XuHugo in #242
- [#224 Add networklist page] by @fengyangsy in #245
- Create organization and create node at the same time by @XuHugo in #246
- Retire maintainer Tong Li by @yeasy in #243
- Bump ws from 7.4.2 to 7.4.6 in /build_image/dockerhub/v0.9.0/user-dashboard by @dependabot in #247
- [#248 Add create network page] by @fengyangsy in #249
- create network and start by @XuHugo in #250
- Fix #256 api-engine syntax error by @zhuyuanmao in #257
- add repolint.json and fix incompatibility by @dexhunter in #253
- [#issue-258]Modify the request address of the UI by @fengyangsy in #259
- add portmap for docker agent by @dexhunter in #255
- Channel by @XuHugo in #260
- Bump lodash from 4.17.19 to 4.17.21 in /build_image/dockerhub/v0.9.0/user-dashboard by @dependabot in #261
- Bump from 3.3.0 to 3.3.2 in /build_image/dockerhub/v0.9.0/user-dashboard by @dependabot in #262
- Debug the registration part of the front end by @XuHugo in #263
- fix #264: fix swagger api doc loading error. by @zhuyuanmao in #265
- The user logs in through the front page by @XuHugo in #266
- Users use the front page to log in to cello by @XuHugo in #267
- Channel by @XuHugo in #270
- Use the front page to delete the agent by @XuHugo in #271
- Modify the agent through the front page by @XuHugo in #273
- Start cello using docker compose by @XuHugo in #274
- Channel create endpoint by @zhuyuanmao in #272
- Bump rsa from 4.6 to 4.7 in /src/api-engine by @dependabot in #277
- Bump urllib3 from 1.26.2 to 1.26.5 in /src/api-engine by @dependabot in #275
- Bump pyyaml from 5.3.1 to 5.4 in /src/api-engine by @dependabot in #276
- Bump django from 3.1.3 to 3.1.12 in /src/api-engine by @dependabot in #278
- Bump djangorestframework from 3.11.0 to 3.11.2 in /src/api-engine by @dependabot in #281
- Bump jinja2 from 2.11.2 to 2.11.3 in /src/api-engine by @dependabot in #282
- fix #279: fix relationship between channel and organization. by @zhuyuanmao in #283
- Bump tar from 4.4.13 to 4.4.15 in /build_image/dockerhub/v0.9.0/user-dashboard by @dependabot in #284
- Return value format by @XuHugo in #285
- [#issue-286]Modify the agent management page by @fengyangsy in #287
- [Issue #288]Modify the color of components by @fengyangsy in #289
- Bump path-parse from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7 in /build_image/dockerhub/v0.9.0/user-dashboard by @dependabot in #291
- fix agent bug by @XuHugo in #292
- Modify node by @XuHugo in #294
- [#issue-297]Modify page display and mock data by @fengyangsy in #298
- Optimize network module by @XuHugo in #299
- [#issue-300]Modify registration, login, and user roles by @fengyangsy in #301
- Fix #290 Can not get JWT token from obtain_jwt_token view by @zhuyuanmao in #296
- fix login by @XuHugo in #303
- [#issue-302]add fabric cmdline lib by @tianxuanhong in #304
- use threads to start nodes by @XuHugo in #306
- added channel updating operation by @zhuyuanmao in #307
- [#issue-313] cmdline lib function list and getinfo has no info return by @tianxuanhong in #314
- add fabric tools by @XuHugo in #310
- Bump tar from 4.4.15 to 4.4.19 in /build_image/dockerhub/v0.9.0/user-dashboard by @dependabot in #312
- [#issue-317] cmdLineLib of chaincode operation by @tianxuanhong in #318
- [#issue-320] lifecycle_query_installed&lifecycle_get_installed_package by @tianxuanhong in #321
- [#issue-322]Modify the agent,network and node list to display abnorma… by @fengyangsy in #323
- [#issue-319] There is a risk of obtaining expired information by @tianxuanhong in #324
- create channel by @XuHugo in #325
- [#issue-326] cmdlinelib feature of approveformyorg && queryapproved f… by @tianxuanhong in #327
- [#issue-330] cmdlinelib implement of lifecycle_check_commit_readiness… by @tianxuanhong in #331
- Bump sqlparse from 0.4.1 to 0.4.2 in /src/api-engine by @dependabot in #329
- add template profile by @XuHugo in #334
- [#issue-332] lifecycle_query_committed && invoke function by @tianxuanhong in #333
- Bump django from 3.1.12 to 3.1.13 in /src/api-engine by @dependabot in #335
- Implemented channel creating operation with peer channel cli. by @zhuyuanmao in #328
- Download binary files in docker image building process. by @zhuyuanmao in #337
- LSI-32: Compiled code must not be in source repos by @ryjones in #336
- Added ports number mapping feature when the agent created nodes. by @zhuyuanmao in #339
- set source of pip by @XuHugo in #342
- Refactor configtx and configtxgen by @zhuyuanmao in #344
- Create a docker network by @zhuyuanmao in #345
- Refactor channel creating and channel cmd. by @zhuyuanmao in #346
- Change Fabric nodes naming by @zhuyuanmao in #347
- Correct the org field name and remove unused fields by @zhuyuanmao in #348
- Add api requests examples in postman json format. by @zhuyuanmao in #349
- Update quick start part of README by @zhuyuanmao in #350
- Add postman collection and Update Channel model by @zhuyuanmao in #352
- [#issue-353]Add Channel Page by @fengyangsy in #354
- [#issue-355] There has a bug of Call cmd, need to be fixed by @tianxuanhong in #356
- Let
make clean
clean db files by @yeasy in #357 - [#issue-360]Add page to create channel by @fengyangsy in #361
- Update maintainers by @yeasy in #362
- Add API Response wrappers. by @zhuyuanmao in #359
- [#363]Modify the page that created the node by @fengyangsy in #364
- [#issue-365] Change the administrator to admin by @tianxuanhong in #366
- [#issue-368] chaincode files upload by @tianxuanhong in #369
- [#issue-374]network create failed: The front-end parameters are incon… by @fengyangsy in #378
- [#issue-379] realize the chain code package function by @tianxuanhong in #380
- [#issue-370]Modify front-end login module by @fengyangsy in #371
- [#issue-373]Modify front-end channel module by @fengyangsy in #375
- [#issue-385]Fix the problem of getting token by @fengyangsy in #386
- [#issue-383]make dashboard image by @fengyangsy in #384
- [#issue-387] implement chaincode install function by @tianxuanhong in #388
- [#issue-389] implement query_installed & get_installed_package function by @tianxuanhong in #391
- [#issue-393] implement lifecycle_approve_for_my_org function by @tianxuanhong in #394
- [#issue-395] implement query_approved and check_commit_readiness func… by @tianxuanhong in #396
- [#issue-402] implement commit function and modify channel config policy. by @tianxuanhong in #403
- [#issue-406]Deleted the judgment of repeated password input in the re… by @fengyangsy in #407
- [#issue-404]Add delete network function by @fengyangsy in #405
- [#issue-408] implement chaincode list & query_committed function by @tianxuanhong in #409
- [#issue-410]Add chaincode management page by @fengyangsy in #411
- [#issue-412]Delete the dockefile of 0.9.0 version by @fengyangsy in #413
- Remove hardcode for publishing ports of HLF nodes. by @zhuyuanmao in #400
- Fix node status after calling endpoints of node and network by @zhuyuanmao in #420
- [#issue-423]Add upload chain code page by @fengyangsy in #424
- Modify makefile by @zhuyuanmao in #426
- Map api-engine data in docker container to local VM volume by @zhuyuanmao in #425
- Fix node operations by @zhuyuanmao in #428
- Fix node delete endpoint. by @zhuyuanmao in #431
- Fix voulume mapping by @zhuyuanmao in #430
- Add node status field to the response Node. by @zhuyuanmao in #427
- Add node status field to get nodes list api response. by @zhuyuanmao in #433
- [#issue-434] Add warning when deleting nodes by @fengyangsy in #435
- [#issue-436]Add display node status by @fengyangsy in #437
- Refine HLF node status by @zhuyuanmao in #438
- Support M1 chip development. by @zhuyuanmao in #444
- Clean api-engine and agent code. by @zhuyuanmao in #446
New Contributors
- @ryjones made their first contribution in #25
- @yeasy made their first contribution in #26
- @litong01 made their first contribution in #28
- @Man-Jain made their first contribution in #29
- @hightall made their first contribution in #33
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #58
- @fengyangsy made their first contribution in #82
- @dexhunter made their first contribution in #110
- @craig8 made their first contribution in #117
- @MintCollie made their first contribution in #124
- @spartucus made their first contribution in #148
- @zhuyuanmao made their first contribution in #257
- @tianxuanhong made their first contribution in #304
Full Changelog: