Visualize Erlang/Elixir Nodes On The Command Line By Using recon.
##Goal Minimal consumption.
Just look like observer, but in shell,
you might think observer_cli would be more convenient than observer.
###Install Elixir
# mix.exs
def deps do
[{:observer_cli, "~> 1.0.7"}]
def application do
[applications: [:observer_cli]]
%% rebar.config
{deps, [observer_cli]}
###Try ...
$ rebar3 shell
1> observer_cli:start().
> observer_cli:start().%% default refresh interval is 2000
> observer_cli:start(Node).
> observer_cli:start(Node, Cookie).
- Processes Memory, Binary, Total Heap Size, Reductions Top.
- include System and Architecture, CPU's and Threads metrics in observer's system
- Memory Allocators: std, ll, eheap, ets,fix, binary, driver.
- ets include all metrics ets in observer's Table Viewer.
- doc (keep simple)
- remote node support
- mneisa: table info by using mnesia:info, mnesia:system_info/1,
Draw all application’s relations. -
Trace Overview.You should use recon_trace.
###License See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT).