One2influx is small ruby daemon for getting monitoring data from OpenNebula's XML-RPC API (4.12) and storing it to InfluxDB (0.9). It needs Ruby 2+ to run.
For Debian 8, install it as local gem:
$ sudo apt-get install ruby ruby-dev libghc-zlib-dev -y
$ gem install one2influx
or build it on your own:
$ sudo apt-get install ruby ruby-dev libghc-zlib-dev -y
$ git clone
$ cd one2influx && gem install bundle && bundle install
Then just set up your connection with ONE and InfluxDB and run
$ one2influx &
Can be found in lib/one2influx/config.rb. By default logs are stored in the directory from which the script was executed.
You can run this without working ONE instance. Executable test/one2influx_fake will provide you with some testing XML data that can be modified in test/fake_lib/fake_one.rb.