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Releases: hydephp/hyde

v0.32.0-beta - Introducing the new Realtime Compiler

04 Jun 18:37
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The biggest feature added in this release is a complete rewrite of the realtime compiler, bringing native exception handling and more!

There are also some changes to the composer.json where some dependencies have been moved to the Framework package. Minor bugfix update to Blade image views. A new config file for the cache driver is also added.

What's Changed


This version mistakenly removed a dependency required by another dependency. Please update to v0.32.1-beta for a patched version fixing this.

Full Changelog: hydephp/framework@v0.31.1-beta...v0.32.0-beta

v0.31.0-beta - Markdown Intelligence

04 Jun 13:38
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Major features & changes

Markdown pre and post-processing

hydephp/framework#488 adds a framework and a few implementations for Markdown postprocessing and preprocessing. Examples for these can be found in the Markdown documentation.

Colored blockquotes hydephp/framework#484

This preprocessor adds colored blockquotes using an easy semantic syntax.

Automatic filepath label for codeblocks hydephp/framework#487 (pre and post)

Write a comment with the filepath on the first line of a fenced Markdown code block, and it will be added as a label in the top right corner. Works both with and without Torchlight.

Makes documentation pages smarter

Hyde is all about taking something simple, and making it special. The blog posts are a great example of this, where Hyde manages to extract and generate rich data from the Markdown. But the documentation pages (with the exception of the sidebar) have been a little... plain. None of the actual article content is really that semantic. This PR begins to fix that. It does this by splitting the rendered Markdown document into three semantic parts, header, main content, and footer. This provides hooks for injecting dynamic content, all while keeping the HTML logically structured.

Create automatic link to documentation source files

Now Hyde can automatically add links to documentation pages that takes the user to a GitHub page (or similar) to edit the page. This makes it great for open-source projects looking to allow others to contribute to the documentation in a quick and easy manner.

The feature is automatically enabled when you specify a base URL in the Docs configuration file. Hyde expects this to be a GitHub path, but it will probably work with other methods as well, if not, please send a PR and/or create an issue on the GitHub repository!

What's Changed

Full Changelog: hydephp/framework@v0.30.1-beta...v0.31.0-beta

v0.30.1-beta - Fix package.json version formatting error

31 May 16:29
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What's Changed

  • Update Changelog by @github-actions in #174
  • Fix package.json version formatting error by @caendesilva in #175

Full Changelog: v0.30.0-beta...v0.30.1-beta

v0.30.0-beta - Add inline Blade support to Markdown

31 May 15:32
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What's Changed

Main feature, is adding inline Blade support to all Markdown based pages. The release also fixes a few bugs.

Add inline Blade support to markdown hydephp/framework#478
Fix hydephp/framework#460: Add color-scheme meta
Fix Bug hydephp/framework#471: og:title and twitter:title should use the page title, and only use config one as fallback hydephp/framework#473
Fix bug hydephp/framework#471, make title metadata dynamic
Bump HydeFront to v1.10

Full Changelog: hydephp/framework@v0.29.1-beta...v0.30.0-beta
Full Changelog: v0.29.0-beta...v0.30.0-beta

v0.29.0-beta - Add a frontend documentation searchengine

30 May 12:03
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This release adds a search feature to documentation sites. It works by precompiling a JSON search index saved to your _site/docs directory.
Documentation sites then load this using AJAX through the new HydeSearch plugin, which searches your documentation in realtime!

You can try out a hosted demo here

What's Changed

Full Changelog: hydephp/framework@v0.28.1-beta...v0.29.0-beta
Full Changelog: v0.28.1-beta...v0.29.0-beta

v0.28.1-beta - Vendor security patch

29 May 10:18
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.28.0-beta...v0.28.1-beta

v0.28.0-beta - Refactor configuration files

23 May 19:05
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Changes to the configuration files

The entire configuration system has been refactored.

Snake_case is used for all configuration keys

All configuration keys are now in the snake_case_format. Published configuration files will need to be updated accordingly. This is pretty fast in a modern code editor like VS Code.

Documentation options have been moved to a new file

The documentation page specific options have been moved to the config/docs.php file.
You may need to republish Blade views if you have done so before.

This is also easy to do in a modern code editor. See this example of the search and replace I used
to update the codebase:

hyde.docs_sidebar_header_title => docs.header_title

Authors.yml has been removed

The authors.yml and related services have been removed. Define authors in the main Hyde config instead.

Deprecations and removals

The deprecated option named hyde.docs_directory has been removed.

Use docs.output_directory instead.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: hydephp/framework@v0.27.12-beta...v0.28.0-beta

v0.27.1-beta - Bump Framework version

21 May 17:34
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Service update to include the latest hyde/framework version upon new installs.

What's Changed

Upgrade hyde/framework v0.27.5-beta => v0.27.11-beta

Full Changelog: v0.27.0-beta...v0.27.1-beta

v0.27.0-beta - Sitemaps and RSS feeds

19 May 18:22
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New Features

Adds sitemap.xml generation

When a site_url is set, (and the feature is not disabled in the config), a sitemap.xml will automatically be generated during the static site building process.

Adds RSS feed generation

When enabled, an RSS feed with your Markdown blog posts will be generated when you compile your static site.
Note that this requires that a site_url is set!

'generateRssFeed' => true, // Default is true

A link to the RSS feed is automatically added to blog related pages, and the index page. See example of generated HTML:

<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="HydePHP Canary RSS Feed" href="http://localhost:8080/feed.xml" />


  • ext-simplexml has been added as a requirement to composer.json
  • The order of page builders have been changed, so that Blade and Markdown pages are compiled first.
    This allows you to browse the most common parts of the site (like the index page) while the other
    pages are being generated.
  • Merge "Site URL Configuration" options. Please republish your configs.
  • Remove @HydeConfigVersion annotation from config/hyde.php
  • Adds page slug property to BladePages for compatibility, fixing bug where Blade pages did not render the canonical link meta tag


Full changelog: hydephp/framework@v0.26.0-beta...v0.27.5-beta

v0.26.0-beta - "The Meta Update"

18 May 13:41
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This release improves how metadata is generated and handled. It contains breaking changes.


Please note that this update contains breaking changes in the config file and blade templates.

To update, you will need to update the config/hyde.php file, as well as any Blade templates you may have published.

What's Changed

Please see the following pull requests for more detailed information about each.

New Features

New fluent helper for defining global metadata and open graph properties in config

'meta' => [
  Meta::name('foo', 'bar'),
  Meta::property('foo', 'bar'),

Quickly customize the navigation menu logo

You can now customize the following component to update the navigation menu logo/brand without affecting the navigation menu as a whole

<!-- hyde::components.navigation.navigation-brand -->
<a aria-label="Home page link" href="{{ $homeRoute }}" class="font-bold px-4">
    {{ config('', 'HydePHP') }}

Canonical meta/link tags are automatically added when a site base URL is set

<link rel="canonical" href="" />

API Changes

This list may not be exhaustive, but serves to give a quick overview of internal changes

The Metadata model has been removed, it's features is merged into the Meta helper class.

Some helpers have been moved into the Helper namespace. Like most changes in this release, Blade views and config files need to be updated.

Here is a table over the changes

Hyde\Framework\Features Hyde\Framework\Helpers\Features
Hyde\Framework\Markdown Hyde\Framework\Helpers\Markdown
Hyde\Framework\Meta Hyde\Framework\Helpers\Meta

Full Changelog: hydephp/framework@v0.25.0-beta...v0.26.0-beta