diff --git a/plugin/workspace.vim b/plugin/workspace.vim index 4f54239..d13c515 100644 --- a/plugin/workspace.vim +++ b/plugin/workspace.vim @@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ function! s:ToggleIndentGuides(user_initiated) execute "highlight Conceal ctermfg=238 ctermbg=NONE guifg=Grey27 guibg=NONE" execute "highlight SpecialKey ctermfg=238 ctermbg=NONE guifg=Grey27 guibg=NONE" execute 'syntax match IndentGuideSpaces /^\ \+/ containedin=ALL contains=IndentGuideDraw keepend' - execute 'syntax match IndentGuideDraw /\(^\|\ \{'.(&l:shiftwidth - 1).'}\)\zs / contained conceal cchar=┆' + execute printf('syntax match IndentGuideDraw /\(^\|\ \)\{%i}\zs / contained conceal cchar=┆', &l:shiftwidth - 1) " TODO-TK: local and global listchars are the same, and s: variables are failing (??) let g:original_listchars = get(g:, 'original_listchars', &g:listchars)