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baoleihulu edited this page May 9, 2012 · 10 revisions

GSFancyText is an iOS rich text formatting and drawing framework. It supports a subset of CSS attributes, and a few markup tags to apply the styles to the text.

E.g. you can create an GSFancyText instance with the style ".red { color: #ff0000; }" and the markup string "red text". Then you can either use the drawInRect:(CGRect) method or create a GSFancyTextView to present the styled text on the screen.

It has some advanced features, such as inserting customized drawing blocks (the lambda tag); generating accessibility label; re-using the parsing results; specifying line limit and truncation mode, etc.

Quick Start Example

NSString* styleSheet = @".green {color:#00ff00; font-weight:bold}";
[GSFancyText parseStyleAndSetGlobal: styleSheet];
GSFancyText* fancyText = [[GSFancyText alloc] initWithMarkupText: @"<span class=green>Hulu</span> Plus"];

Then you have 2 ways to present the fancy text to the user.

  1. Through a GSFancyTextView object

    GSFancyTextView* fancyView = [[GSFancyTextView alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake(0, 0, 100, 200) fancyText: fancyText]; [self.view addSubview: fancyView];

  2. Insert some code into the drawRect method of your own customized UIView subclass

    [fancyText drawInRect: rect];



Basic Formatting

The CSS styled formatting string is in the following format:

.class_name1 {
    attribute_name1 : value1;
    attribute_name2 : value2;
    attribute_name3 : value3;
.class_name2 {
    attribute_name1 : value1;
    attribute_name2 : value2;
    attribute_name3 : value3;

The following attributes are supported:

Attribute name Value format Default value
color rgb(255,255,255), #ffffff, red, blue, etc black, or #000000
font-family a string which is a valid iOS font family name Helvetica
font-weight can be either bold or normal normal
font-style can be either italic or normal normal
font-size a floating point number, unit is point 14 (UIFont systemFontSize)
text-align** can be either left, right, or center left
vertical-align can be either baseline, top, bottom, or middle baseline
line-height a percentage value like 200%, or a pixel value like 50px, or 50 100%
margin-top** a percentage value like 200%, or a pixel value like 50px, or 50 0
margin-bottom** a percentage value like 200%, or a pixel value like 50px, or 50 0
margin-left** a percentage value like 200%, or a pixel value like 50px, or 50 0
margin-right** a percentage value like 200%, or a pixel value like 50px, or 50 0
line-count** an integer. Specifies the maximum line count. 0 (which means no limit on line count)
truncation-mode** can be either head, tail, middle, or clip. Used when line-count limit is applied tail

** These attributes can only be used with

The following markup tags are supported to apply styles to text

Note: Tags with unsupported tag name will be treated like . E.g. dog will apply the style of class_name to dog, and will not create a new line.

Tag Note
\ \ Formats inline text with the CSS class


Make the text inside a newline and format it
\ \ make text bold
\ \ make text italic
\ A space for inserting customized drawing code
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