Released on June 15, 2020
Fixes and improvements:
- Add scrolldir.js for displaying menu on mobile when scrolling up
- Add ability to override headerTitles chunk
- Load CB image settings with chunks
- Add caption and credits to Image CB
- Add positioning and sizing options to Image CB
- Point to separate gulpfile when generating CSS per context
- Update Jquery to v3.5.1
- Fix static downloads not having any content
- Write theme.variables output directly to file
- Make UpdateStyling plugin work with context-aware Configuration settings
- Fix form redirectTo placeholder not always returning correct value
- Add returnFirstHit snippet
- Break comma separated lists into rows in form emails
- Fix submission of 'other' values in all forms
- Look for menu title first when adding multi-step form headings
- Fix sort order of field data in multi-step form emails
- Fix reapplying checkbox values and 'other' fields in multi-step forms
- Add row templates for autogenerated form fields based on input options
- Fix faulty multi-step placeholder in form CB
- Add rawAlias placeholder chunk
- Load custom form assets through fbLoadAssets (if present)