API for HuggingFace 🤗 dataset viewer
The service can be configured using environment variables. They are grouped by scope.
See ../../libs/libapi/README.md for more information about the API configuration.
See ../../libs/libcommon/README.md for more information about the common configuration.
See https://huggingface.co/docs/dataset-viewer
- /healthcheck: Ensure the app is running
- /metrics: Return a list of metrics in the Prometheus format
- /croissant-crumbs: Return (parts of) the Croissant metadata for a dataset.
- /is-valid: Tell if a dataset is valid
- /splits: List the splits names for a dataset
- /first-rows: Extract the first rows for a dataset split
- /parquet: List the parquet files auto-converted for a dataset
- /opt-in-out-urls: Return the number of opted-in/out image URLs. See Spawning AI for more information.
- /statistics: Return some basic statistics for a dataset split.