Overview LocalizeGecalc is an open project to localize Localizable.strings files of ge-calc, which is a ra calculator app that automatically makes memos out of your calculations for iOS.
- Clone the repository using git.
- Find your language folder. If Dutch, see 'nl.Iproj'. The names are related to ISO 639-1.
- Edit the Localizable.strings to be better. The left sides are keys, the right sides are values. For example, "Thanks♥"="Dank je wel♥"; means "Thanks♥"→"Dank je wel♥".
- If there is no key, copy and edit it from ‘en.Iproj'.
- Make a commit, push it, and create a pull request.
If your contribution has been accepted, ge-calc uses your strings.
If you have any questions, please send me email to [email protected]