diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 74cb26b..a27c69a 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -13,24 +13,14 @@ This module deploys an HPCC AKS cluster using remote modules that are listed bel
## Remote Modules
These are the list of all the remote modules.
-| Name | Description | URL | Required |
-| -------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :------: |
-| subscription | Queries enabled azure subscription from host machine | https://github.com/Azure-Terraform/terraform-azurerm-subscription-data.git | yes |
-| naming | Enforces naming conventions | - | yes |
-| metadata | Provides metadata | https://github.com/Azure-Terraform/terraform-azurerm-metadata.git | yes |
-| resource_group | Creates a resource group | https://github.com/Azure-Terraform/terraform-azurerm-resource-group.git | yes |
-| virtual_network | Creates a virtual network | https://github.com/Azure-Terraform/terraform-azurerm-virtual-network.git | yes |
-| cheapest_spot_region | Returns the region name with the cheapest instance based on a given size | https://github.com/gfortil/terraform-azurerm-cheapest-region.git | no |
-| kubernetes | Creates an Azure Kubernetes Service Cluster | https://github.com/Azure-Terraform/terraform-azurerm-kubernetes.git | yes |
-## Providers
-| Name | Version |
-| ---------- | --------- |
-| azurerm | >= 2.57.0 |
-| random | ~>3.1.0 |
-| kubernetes | ~>2.2.0 |
+| Name | Description | URL | Required |
+| --------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :------: |
+| subscription | Queries enabled azure subscription from host machine | https://github.com/Azure-Terraform/terraform-azurerm-subscription-data.git | yes |
+| naming | Enforces naming conventions | - | yes |
+| metadata | Provides metadata | https://github.com/Azure-Terraform/terraform-azurerm-metadata.git | yes |
+| resource_group | Creates a resource group | https://github.com/Azure-Terraform/terraform-azurerm-resource-group.git | yes |
+| virtual_network | Creates a virtual network | https://github.com/Azure-Terraform/terraform-azurerm-virtual-network.git | yes |
+| kubernetes | Creates an Azure Kubernetes Service Cluster | https://github.com/Azure-Terraform/terraform-azurerm-kubernetes.git | yes |
## Supported Arguments
@@ -52,8 +42,8 @@ Usage Example:
name = "Example"
email = "example@hpccdemo.com"
### The `disable_naming_conventions` block:
When set to `true`, this attribute drops the naming conventions set forth by the python module. This attribute is optional.
@@ -214,31 +204,77 @@ Usage Example:
enable_auto_scaling = true
only_critical_addons_enabled = true
min_count = 1
- max_count = 2
+ max_count = 1
availability_zones = []
subnet = "private"
+ enable_host_encryption = false
+ enable_node_public_ip = false
+ os_disk_type = "Managed"
+ type = "VirtualMachineScaleSets"
+ # max_pods = 10
+ # node_labels = {"engine" = "roxie", "engine" = "roxie"}
+ # orchestrator_version = "2.9.0"
+ # os_disk_size_gb = 100
+ # tags = {"mynodepooltag1" = "mytagvalue1", "mynodepooltag2" = "mytagvalue2"}
addpool1 = {
- vm_size = "Standard_D4_v4"
- enable_auto_scaling = true
- min_count = 1
- max_count = 2
- availability_zones = []
- subnet = "public"
- priority = "Regular"
- spot_max_price = -1
+ vm_size = "Standard_D4_v4"
+ enable_auto_scaling = true
+ node_count = 2
+ min_count = 1
+ max_count = 2
+ availability_zones = []
+ subnet = "public"
+ priority = "Regular"
+ spot_max_price = -1
+ max_surge = "1"
+ os_type = "Linux"
+ priority = "Regular"
+ enable_host_encryption = false
+ enable_node_public_ip = false
+ only_critical_addons_enabled = false
+ os_disk_type = "Managed"
+ type = "VirtualMachineScaleSets"
+ # orchestrator_version = "2.9.0"
+ # os_disk_size_gb = 100
+ # max_pods = 20
+ # node_labels = {"engine" = "roxie", "engine" = "roxie"}
+ # eviction_policy = "Spot"
+ # node_taints = ["mytaint1", "mytaint2"]
+ # proximity_placement_group_id = "my_proximity_placement_group_id"
+ # spot_max_price = 1
+ # tags = {"mynodepooltag1" = "mytagvalue1", "mynodepooltag2" = "mytagvalue2"}
addpool2 = {
- vm_size = "Standard_D4_v4"
- enable_auto_scaling = true
- min_count = 1
- max_count = 2
- availability_zones = []
- subnet = "public"
- priority = "Regular"
- spot_max_price = -1
+ vm_size = "Standard_D4_v4"
+ enable_auto_scaling = true
+ node_count = 2
+ min_count = 1
+ max_count = 2
+ availability_zones = []
+ subnet = "public"
+ priority = "Regular"
+ spot_max_price = -1
+ max_surge = "1"
+ os_type = "Linux"
+ priority = "Regular"
+ enable_host_encryption = false
+ enable_node_public_ip = false
+ only_critical_addons_enabled = false
+ os_disk_type = "Managed"
+ type = "VirtualMachineScaleSets"
+ # orchestrator_version = "2.9.0"
+ # os_disk_size_gb = 100
+ # max_pods = 20
+ # node_labels = {"engine" = "roxie", "engine" = "roxie"}
+ # eviction_policy = "Spot"
+ # node_taints = ["mytaint1", "mytaint2"]
+ # proximity_placement_group_id = "my_proximity_placement_group_id"
+ # spot_max_price = 1
+ # tags = {"mynodepooltag1" = "mytagvalue1", "mynodepooltag2" = "mytagvalue2"}
@@ -254,24 +290,59 @@ This block disable helm deployments by Terraform. This block is optional and wil
### The `hpcc` block:
This block deploys the HPCC helm chart. This block is optional.
- | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
- | ------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------ | -------------------------------- | :------: |
- | chart | Path to local chart directory name. Examples: ~/HPCC-Platform/helm/hpcc | string | null | no |
- | namespace | Namespace to use. | string | default | no |
- | name | Release name of the chart. | string | `myhpcck8s` | no |
- | values | List of desired state files to use similar to -f in CLI. | list(string) | `values-retained-azurefile.yaml` | no |
- | chart_version | Version of the HPCC chart. | string | latest | yes |
- | image_root | HPCC image root to use. | string | hpccsystems | no |
- | image_name | HPCC image name to use. | string | platform-core | no |
- | image_version | HPCC image version to use. | string | 8.6.20-rc1 | no |
+ | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
+ | -------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------ | ------------------------------ | :------: |
+ | local_chart | Path to local chart directory name or tgz file. Example1: ~/HPCC-Platform/helm/hpcc Example2: https://github.com/hpcc-systems/helm-chart/raw/master/docs/hpcc-8.6.16-rc1.tgz | string | null | no |
+ | remote_chart | URL of the remote chart. Example: https://hpcc-systems.github.io/helm-chart | string | null | no |
+ | namespace | Namespace to use. | string | default | no |
+ | name | Release name of the chart. | string | myhpcck8s | no |
+ | values | List of desired state files to use similar to -f in CLI. | list(string) | values-retained-azurefile.yaml | no |
+ | version | Version of the HPCC chart. | string | latest | yes |
+ | image_root | Image root to use. | string | hpccsystems | no |
+ | image_name | Image name to use. | string | platform-core | no |
+ | atomic | If set, installation process purges chart on fail. The `wait` flag will be set automatically if `atomic` is used. | bool | false | no |
+ | recreate_pods | Perform pods restart during upgrade/rollback. | bool | false | no |
+ | reuse_values | When upgrading, reuse the last release's values and merge in any overrides. If `reset_values` is specified, this is ignored. | bool | false | no |
+ | reset_values | When upgrading, reset the values to the ones built into the chart. | bool | false | no |
+ | force_update | Force resource update through delete/recreate if needed. | bool | false | no |
+ | cleanup_on_fail | Allow deletion of new resources created in this upgrade when upgrade fails. | bool | false | no |
+ | disable_openapi_validation | If set, the installation process will not validate rendered templates against the Kubernetes OpenAPI Schema. | bool | false | no |
+ | max_history | Maximum number of release versions stored per release. | number | 0 | no |
+ | wait | Will wait until all resources are in a ready state before marking the release as successful. It will wait for as long as `timeout` . | bool | true | no |
+ | dependency_update | Runs helm dependency update before installing the chart. | bool | false | no |
+ | timeout | Time in seconds to wait for any individual kubernetes operation (like Jobs for hooks). | number | 900 | no |
+ | wait_for_jobs | If wait is enabled, will wait until all Jobs have been completed before marking the release as successful. It will wait for as long as `timeout`. | bool | false | no |
+ | lint | Run the helm chart linter during the plan. | bool | false | no |
+ | expose_eclwatch | Expose ECLWatch to the internet. This can cause the service to hang on pending state if external IPs are blocked by your organization's cloud policies. | bool | true | no |
Usage Example:
hpcc = {
- version = "8.2.16-rc2"
- name = "myhpcck8s"
+ expose_eclwatch = true
+ name = "myhpcck8s"
+ atomic = true
+ recreate_pods = false
+ reuse_values = false
+ reset_values = false
+ force_update = false
+ namespace = "default"
+ cleanup_on_fail = false
+ disable_openapi_validation = false
+ max_history = 0
+ wait = true
+ dependency_update = true
+ timeout = 900
+ wait_for_jobs = false
+ lint = false
+ remote_chart = "https://hpcc-systems.github.io/helm-chart"
+ # local_chart = "/Users/foo/work/demo/helm-chart/helm/hpcc" #Other examples: https://github.com/hpcc-systems/helm-chart/raw/master/docs/hpcc-8.6.16-rc1.tgz
+ # version = "8.6.14-rc2"
+ # values = ["/Users/foo/mycustomvalues1.yaml", "/Users/foo/mycustomvalues2.yaml"]
+ # image_root = "west.lexisnexisrisk.com"
+ # image_name = "platform-core-ln"
+ # image_version = "8.6.18-rc1"
@@ -279,15 +350,28 @@ This block deploys the HPCC helm chart. This block is optional.
### The `storage` block:
This block deploys the HPCC persistent volumes. This block is required.
- | Name | Description | Type | Default | Valid Options | Required |
- | --------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------ | ------------------------------------------------------ | ---------------- | :------: |
- | default | Use AKS provided storage account | bool | `false` | `true` , `false` | no |
- | chart | Absolute path to local chart directory. Examples: ~/HPCC-Platform//helm/examples/azure/hpcc-azurefile | string | null | no |
- | name | Release name of the chart. | string | `myhpcck8s` | no |
- | values | List of desired state files to use similar to -f in CLI. | list(string) | [] | no |
- | storage_account | The storage account account to use. | object | Queries attributes' values from storage_account module | - | no |
- | version | Version of the storage chart. | string | 0.1.0 | no |
+ | Name | Description | Type | Default | Valid Options | Required |
+ | -------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------ | ------------------------------------------------------ | ---------------- | :---------: |
+ | default | Use AKS provided storage account? | bool | `false` | `true` , `false` | no |
+ | version | The version of the storage chart. | string | 0.1.0 | | no |
+ | local_chart | Path to local chart directory name or tgz file. Example1: /Users/foo/work/demo/helm-chart/helm/examples/azure/hpcc-azurefile Example2: https://github.com/hpcc-systems/helm-chart/raw/master/docs/hpcc-azurefile-0.1.0.tgz | string | null | no |
+ | remote_chart | URL of the remote chart. Example: https://hpcc-systems.github.io/helm-chart | name | Release name of the chart. | string | `myhpcck8s` | no |
+ | values | List of desired state files to use similar to -f in CLI. | list(string) | [] | no |
+ | storage_account | The storage account account to use. | object | Queries attributes' values from storage_account module | - | no |
+ | version | Version of the storage chart. | string | 0.1.0 | no |
+ | atomic | If set, installation process purges chart on fail. The `wait` flag will be set automatically if `atomic` is used. | bool | false | no |
+ | recreate_pods | Perform pods restart during upgrade/rollback. | bool | false | no |
+ | reuse_values | When upgrading, reuse the last release's values and merge in any overrides. If `reset_values` is specified, this is ignored. | bool | false | no |
+ | reset_values | When upgrading, reset the values to the ones built into the chart. | bool | false | no |
+ | force_update | Force resource update through delete/recreate if needed. | bool | false | no |
+ | cleanup_on_fail | Allow deletion of new resources created in this upgrade when upgrade fails. | bool | false | no |
+ | disable_openapi_validation | If set, the installation process will not validate rendered templates against the Kubernetes OpenAPI Schema. | bool | false | no |
+ | max_history | Maximum number of release versions stored per release. | number | 0 | no |
+ | wait | Will wait until all resources are in a ready state before marking the release as successful. It will wait for as long as `timeout` . | bool | true | no |
+ | dependency_update | Runs helm dependency update before installing the chart. | bool | false | no |
+ | timeout | Time in seconds to wait for any individual kubernetes operation (like Jobs for hooks). | number | 600 | no |
+ | wait_for_jobs | If wait is enabled, will wait until all Jobs have been completed before marking the release as successful. It will wait for as long as `timeout`. | bool | false | no |
+ | lint | Run the helm chart linter during the plan. | bool | false | no |
### The `storage_account` block:
@@ -305,57 +389,89 @@ Usage Example:
storage = {
- default = false
- # chart = ""
- # values = []
+ default = false
+ atomic = true
+ recreate_pods = false
+ reuse_values = false
+ reset_values = false
+ force_update = false
+ namespace = "default"
+ cleanup_on_fail = false
+ disable_openapi_validation = false
+ max_history = 0
+ wait = true
+ dependency_update = true
+ timeout = 600
+ wait_for_jobs = false
+ lint = false
+ remote_chart = "https://hpcc-systems.github.io/helm-chart"
+ # local_chart = "/Users/foo/work/demo/helm-chart/helm/examples/azure/hpcc-azurefile"
+ # version = "0.1.0"
+ # values = ["/Users/foo/mycustomvalues1.yaml", "/Users/foo/mycustomvalues2.yaml"]
+ /*
storage_account = {
location = "eastus"
- name = "hpccsa3"
+ name = "foohpccsa3"
resource_group_name = "app-storageaccount-sandbox-eastus-48936"
- # subscription_id = ""
+ # subscription_id = "value"
+ */
-### The `elk` block:
-This block deploys the ELK chart. This block is optional.
- | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------ | --------- | :------: |
- | chart | Path to local chart directory name. Examples: ./HPCC-Platform//helm/managed/logging/elastic | string | null | no |
- | enable | Enable ELK | bool | `true` | no |
- | name | Release name of the chart. | string | myhpccelk | no |
- | values | List of desired state files to use similar to -f in CLI. | list(string) | - | no |
- | version | Version of the ELK chart. | string | 1.2.1 | no |
+### The `elastic4hpcclogs` block:
+This block deploys the elastic4hpcclogs chart. This block is optional.
+ | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
+ | -------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------ | ----------------------- | :------: |
+ | local_chart | Path to local chart directory name or tgz file. Example1: /Users/foo/work/demo/helm-chart/helm/managed/logging/elastic Example2: https://github.com/hpcc-systems/helm-chart/raw/master/docs/elastic4hpcclogs-1.2.10.tgz | string | null | no |
+ | remote_chart | URL of the remote chart. Example: https://hpcc-systems.github.io/helm-chart | enable | Enable elastic4hpcclogs | bool | `true` | no |
+ | name | Release name of the chart. | string | myelastic4hpcclogs | no |
+ | version | The version of the elastic4hpcclogs | string | 1.2.8 | | no |
+ | values | List of desired state files to use similar to -f in CLI. | list(string) | - | no |
+ | version | Version of the elastic4hpcclogs chart. | string | 1.2.1 | no |
+ | atomic | If set, installation process purges chart on fail. The `wait` flag will be set automatically if `atomic` is used. | bool | false | no |
+ | recreate_pods | Perform pods restart during upgrade/rollback. | bool | false | no |
+ | reuse_values | When upgrading, reuse the last release's values and merge in any overrides. If `reset_values` is specified, this is ignored. | bool | false | no |
+ | reset_values | When upgrading, reset the values to the ones built into the chart. | bool | false | no |
+ | force_update | Force resource update through delete/recreate if needed. | bool | false | no |
+ | cleanup_on_fail | Allow deletion of new resources created in this upgrade when upgrade fails. | bool | false | no |
+ | disable_openapi_validation | If set, the installation process will not validate rendered templates against the Kubernetes OpenAPI Schema. | bool | false | no |
+ | max_history | Maximum number of release versions stored per release. | number | 0 | no |
+ | wait | Will wait until all resources are in a ready state before marking the release as successful. It will wait for as long as `timeout` . | bool | true | no |
+ | dependency_update | Runs helm dependency update before installing the chart. | bool | false | no |
+ | timeout | Time in seconds to wait for any individual kubernetes operation (like Jobs for hooks). | number | 900 | no |
+ | wait_for_jobs | If wait is enabled, will wait until all Jobs have been completed before marking the release as successful. It will wait for as long as `timeout`. | bool | false | no |
+ | lint | Run the helm chart linter during the plan. | bool | false | no |
+ | expose | Expose myelastic4hpcclogs-kibana service to the internet. This can cause the service to hang on pending state if external IPs are blocked by your organization's cloud policies. | bool | true | no |
Usage Example:
- elk = {
- enable = false
- name = "myhpccelk"
+ elastic4hpcclogs = {
+ enable = true
+ expose = true
+ name = "myelastic4hpcclogs"
+ atomic = true
+ recreate_pods = false
+ reuse_values = false
+ reset_values = false
+ force_update = false
+ namespace = "default"
+ cleanup_on_fail = false
+ disable_openapi_validation = false
+ max_history = 0
+ wait = true
+ dependency_update = true
+ timeout = 300
+ wait_for_jobs = false
+ lint = false
+ remote_chart = "https://hpcc-systems.github.io/helm-chart"
+ #local_chart = "/Users/godji/work/demo/helm-chart/helm/managed/logging/elastic"
+ # version = "1.2.10"
+ # values = ["/Users/foo/mycustomvalues1.yaml", "/Users/foo/mycustomvalues2.yaml"]
-The `hpcc`, `storage` and `elk` blocks also support the following arguments:
-| Name | Optional, Required | Description |
-| -------------------------- | ------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| atomic | Optional | If set, installation process purges chart on fail. The wait flag will be set automatically if atomic is used. Defaults to false. |
-| recreate_pods | Optional | Perform pods restart during upgrade/rollback. Defaults to false. |
-| cleanup_on_fail | Optional | Allow deletion of new resources created in this upgrade when upgrade fails. Defaults to false. |
-| disable_openapi_validation | Optional | If set, the installation process will not validate rendered templates against the Kubernetes OpenAPI Schema. Defaults to false. |
-| wait | Optional | Will wait until all resources are in a ready state before marking the release as successful. It will wait for as long as timeout. Defaults to false. |
-| dependency_update | Optional | Runs helm dependency update before installing the chart. Defaults to false. |
-| timeout | Optional | Time in seconds to wait for any individual Kubernetes operation (like Jobs for hooks). Defaults to 900 seconds for hpcc and 600 seconds for storage and elk. |
-| wait_for_jobs | Optional | If wait is enabled, will wait until all Jobs have been completed before marking the release as successful. It will wait for as long as timeout. Defaults to false. |
-| lint | Optional | Run the helm chart linter during the plan. Defaults to false. |
### The `registry` block:
@@ -386,15 +502,6 @@ This block automatically connect your cluster to your local machine similarly to
| auto_connect | Automatically connect to the Kubernetes cluster from the host machine by overwriting the current context. | bool | `false` | no |
-### The `expose_services` argument:
-Expose ECLWatch and ELK to the internet. This is unsafe and may not be supported by your organization. Setting this to `true` can cause eclwatch service to stick in a pending state.
- | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
- | --------------- | ---------------------------------------- | ---- | ------- | :------: |
- | expose_services | Expose ECLWatch and ELK to the internet. | bool | `false` | no |
## Outputs
| Name | Description |
diff --git a/examples/admin.tfvars b/examples/admin.tfvars
index 8c499aa..db1e413 100644
--- a/examples/admin.tfvars
+++ b/examples/admin.tfvars
@@ -28,33 +28,77 @@ node_pools = {
enable_auto_scaling = true
only_critical_addons_enabled = true
min_count = 1
- max_count = 2
+ max_count = 1
availability_zones = []
- subnet = "private"
+ subnet = "public"
+ enable_host_encryption = false
+ enable_node_public_ip = false
+ os_disk_type = "Managed"
+ type = "VirtualMachineScaleSets"
+ # max_pods = 10
+ # node_labels = {"engine" = "roxie", "engine" = "roxie"}
+ # orchestrator_version = "2.9.0"
+ # os_disk_size_gb = 100
+ # tags = {"mynodepooltag1" = "mytagvalue1", "mynodepooltag2" = "mytagvalue2"}
addpool1 = {
- vm_size = "Standard_D4_v4"
- enable_auto_scaling = true
- node_count = 2
- min_count = 1
- max_count = 2
- availability_zones = []
- subnet = "public"
- priority = "Regular"
- spot_max_price = -1
+ vm_size = "Standard_D4_v4"
+ enable_auto_scaling = true
+ node_count = 2
+ min_count = 1
+ max_count = 2
+ availability_zones = []
+ subnet = "public"
+ priority = "Regular"
+ spot_max_price = -1
+ max_surge = "1"
+ os_type = "Linux"
+ priority = "Regular"
+ enable_host_encryption = false
+ enable_node_public_ip = false
+ only_critical_addons_enabled = false
+ os_disk_type = "Managed"
+ type = "VirtualMachineScaleSets"
+ # orchestrator_version = "2.9.0"
+ # os_disk_size_gb = 100
+ # max_pods = 20
+ # node_labels = {"engine" = "roxie", "engine" = "roxie"}
+ # eviction_policy = "Spot"
+ # node_taints = ["mytaint1", "mytaint2"]
+ # proximity_placement_group_id = "my_proximity_placement_group_id"
+ # spot_max_price = 1
+ # tags = {"mynodepooltag1" = "mytagvalue1", "mynodepooltag2" = "mytagvalue2"}
addpool2 = {
- vm_size = "Standard_D4_v4"
- enable_auto_scaling = true
- node_count = 2
- min_count = 1
- max_count = 2
- availability_zones = []
- subnet = "public"
- priority = "Regular"
- spot_max_price = -1
+ vm_size = "Standard_D4_v4"
+ enable_auto_scaling = true
+ node_count = 2
+ min_count = 1
+ max_count = 2
+ availability_zones = []
+ subnet = "public"
+ priority = "Regular"
+ spot_max_price = -1
+ max_surge = "1"
+ os_type = "Linux"
+ priority = "Regular"
+ enable_host_encryption = false
+ enable_node_public_ip = false
+ only_critical_addons_enabled = false
+ os_disk_type = "Managed"
+ type = "VirtualMachineScaleSets"
+ # orchestrator_version = "2.9.0"
+ # os_disk_size_gb = 100
+ # max_pods = 20
+ # node_labels = {"engine" = "roxie", "engine" = "roxie"}
+ # eviction_policy = "Spot"
+ # node_taints = ["mytaint1", "mytaint2"]
+ # proximity_placement_group_id = "my_proximity_placement_group_id"
+ # spot_max_price = 1
+ # tags = {"mynodepooltag1" = "mytagvalue1", "mynodepooltag2" = "mytagvalue2"}
@@ -62,39 +106,86 @@ node_pools = {
# .......................
hpcc = {
- version = "8.6.20-rc1"
- name = "myhpcck8s"
- atomic = true
- # image_root = "/"
+ name = "myhpcck8s"
+ expose_eclwatch = true
+ atomic = true
+ recreate_pods = false
+ reuse_values = false
+ reset_values = false
+ force_update = false
+ namespace = "default"
+ cleanup_on_fail = false
+ disable_openapi_validation = false
+ max_history = 0
+ wait = true
+ dependency_update = true
+ timeout = 900
+ wait_for_jobs = false
+ lint = false
+ remote_chart = "https://hpcc-systems.github.io/helm-chart"
+ # local_chart = "/Users/foo/work/demo/helm-chart/helm/hpcc" #Other examples: local_chart = "https://github.com/hpcc-systems/helm-chart/raw/master/docs/hpcc-8.6.16-rc1.tgz"
+ # version = "8.6.14-rc2"
+ # values = ["/Users/foo/mycustomvalues1.yaml", "/Users/foo/mycustomvalues2.yaml"]
+ # image_root = "west.lexisnexisrisk.com"
# image_name = "platform-core-ln"
# image_version = "8.6.18-rc1"
-elk = {
- enable = true
- name = "myhpccelk"
- # chart = ""
- # values = []
storage = {
- default = false
- # chart = ""
- # values = []
+ default = false
+ atomic = true
+ recreate_pods = false
+ reuse_values = false
+ reset_values = false
+ force_update = false
+ namespace = "default"
+ cleanup_on_fail = false
+ disable_openapi_validation = false
+ max_history = 0
+ wait = true
+ dependency_update = true
+ timeout = 600
+ wait_for_jobs = false
+ lint = false
+ remote_chart = "https://hpcc-systems.github.io/helm-chart"
+ # local_chart = "/Users/foo/work/demo/helm-chart/helm/examples/azure/hpcc-azurefile"
+ # version = "0.1.0"
+ # values = ["/Users/foo/mycustomvalues1.yaml", "/Users/foo/mycustomvalues2.yaml"]
storage_account = {
location = "eastus"
- name = "demohpccsa3"
+ name = "foohpccsa3"
resource_group_name = "app-storageaccount-sandbox-eastus-48936"
- # subscription_id = ""
+ # subscription_id = "value"
-# Optional Attributes
-# -------------------
+elastic4hpcclogs = {
+ enable = true
+ expose = true
+ name = "myelastic4hpcclogs"
+ atomic = true
+ recreate_pods = false
+ reuse_values = false
+ reset_values = false
+ force_update = false
+ namespace = "default"
+ cleanup_on_fail = false
+ disable_openapi_validation = false
+ max_history = 0
+ wait = true
+ dependency_update = true
+ timeout = 300
+ wait_for_jobs = false
+ lint = false
+ remote_chart = "https://hpcc-systems.github.io/helm-chart"
+ # local_chart = "/Users/foo/work/demo/helm-chart/helm/managed/logging/elastic"
+ # version = "1.2.10"
+ # values = ["/Users/foo/mycustomvalues1.yaml", "/Users/foo/mycustomvalues2.yaml"]
-# expose_services - Expose ECLWatch and ELK to the internet. This can be unsafe and may not be supported by your organization.
+# expose_services - Expose ECLWatch and elastic4hpcclogs to the internet. This can be unsafe and may not be supported by your organization.
# Setting this to true can cause eclwatch service to stick in a pending state. Only use this if you know what you are doing.
expose_services = true
diff --git a/locals.tf b/locals.tf
index 52f209d..54f215b 100644
--- a/locals.tf
+++ b/locals.tf
@@ -13,22 +13,8 @@ locals {
) : module.metadata.names
tags = var.disable_naming_conventions ? merge(var.tags, { "admin" = var.admin.name, "email" = var.admin.email }) : merge(module.metadata.tags, { "admin" = var.admin.name, "email" = var.admin.email }, try(var.tags))
virtual_network = can(var.virtual_network.private_subnet_id) && can(var.virtual_network.public_subnet_id) && can(var.virtual_network.route_table_id) ? var.virtual_network : data.external.vnet[0].result
- cluster_name = "${local.names.resource_group_type}-${local.names.product_name}-terraform-${local.names.location}-${var.admin.name}-${terraform.workspace}"
- hpcc_repository = "https://github.com/hpcc-systems/helm-chart/raw/master/docs/hpcc-${var.hpcc.chart_version}.tgz"
- hpcc_chart = can(var.hpcc.chart) ? var.hpcc.chart : local.hpcc_repository
- hpcc_name = can(var.hpcc.name) ? var.hpcc.name : "myhpcck8s"
- storage_version = can(var.storage.chart_version) ? var.storage.chart_version : "0.1.0"
- storage_repository = "https://github.com/hpcc-systems/helm-chart/raw/master/docs/hpcc-azurefile-${local.storage_version}.tgz"
- storage_chart = can(var.storage.chart) ? var.storage.chart : local.storage_repository
- storage_account = can(var.storage.storage_account.resource_group_name) && can(var.storage.storage_account.name) && can(var.storage.storage_account.location) ? var.storage.storage_account : data.external.sa[0].result
- elk_version = can(var.elk.chart_version) ? var.elk.chart_version : "1.2.1"
- elk_repository = "https://github.com/hpcc-systems/helm-chart/raw/master/docs/elastic4hpcclogs-${local.elk_version}.tgz"
- elk_chart = can(var.elk.chart) ? var.elk.chart : local.elk_repository
- elk_name = can(var.elk.name) ? var.elk.name : "myhpccelk"
+ cluster_name = "${local.names.resource_group_type}-${local.names.product_name}-terraform-${local.names.location}-${var.admin.name}${random_integer.int.result}-${terraform.workspace}"
+ storage_account = can(var.storage.storage_account.resource_group_name) && can(var.storage.storage_account.name) && can(var.storage.storage_account.location) ? var.storage.storage_account : data.external.sa[0].result
az_command = try("az aks get-credentials --name ${module.kubernetes.name} --resource-group ${module.resource_group.name} --overwrite", "")
web_urls = { auto_launch_eclwatch = "http://$(kubectl get svc --field-selector metadata.name=eclwatch | awk 'NR==2 {print $4}'):8010" }
diff --git a/main.tf b/main.tf
index 5a12eb6..6ce987a 100644
--- a/main.tf
+++ b/main.tf
@@ -1,13 +1,6 @@
-resource "random_string" "random" {
- length = 43
- upper = false
- number = false
- special = false
-resource "random_password" "admin" {
- length = 6
- special = true
+resource "random_integer" "int" {
+ min = 1
+ max = 3
module "subscription" {
@@ -120,21 +113,27 @@ resource "kubernetes_secret" "private_docker_registry" {
resource "helm_release" "hpcc" {
count = var.disable_helm ? 0 : 1
- name = local.hpcc_name
- chart = local.hpcc_chart
+ name = can(var.hpcc.name) ? var.hpcc.name : "myhpcck8s"
+ version = can(var.hpcc.version) ? var.hpcc.version : null
+ chart = can(var.hpcc.remote_chart) ? "hpcc" : var.hpcc.local_chart
+ repository = can(var.hpcc.remote_chart) ? var.hpcc.remote_chart : null
create_namespace = true
namespace = try(var.hpcc.namespace, terraform.workspace)
- atomic = try(var.hpcc.atomic, null)
- recreate_pods = try(var.hpcc.recreate_pods, null)
- cleanup_on_fail = try(var.hpcc.cleanup_on_fail, null)
- disable_openapi_validation = try(var.hpcc.disable_openapi_validation, null)
- wait = try(var.hpcc.wait, null)
- dependency_update = try(var.hpcc.dependency_update, null)
+ atomic = try(var.hpcc.atomic, false)
+ recreate_pods = try(var.hpcc.recreate_pods, false)
+ reuse_values = try(var.hpcc.reuse_values, false)
+ reset_values = try(var.hpcc.reset_values, false)
+ force_update = try(var.hpcc.force_update, false)
+ cleanup_on_fail = try(var.hpcc.cleanup_on_fail, false)
+ disable_openapi_validation = try(var.hpcc.disable_openapi_validation, false)
+ max_history = try(var.hpcc.max_history, 0)
+ wait = try(var.hpcc.wait, true)
+ dependency_update = try(var.hpcc.dependency_update, false)
timeout = try(var.hpcc.timeout, 900)
- wait_for_jobs = try(var.hpcc.wait_for_jobs, null)
- lint = try(var.hpcc.lint, null)
+ wait_for_jobs = try(var.hpcc.wait_for_jobs, false)
+ lint = try(var.hpcc.lint, false)
- values = concat(var.expose_services ? [file("${path.root}/values/esp.yaml")] : [],
+ values = concat(var.hpcc.expose_eclwatch ? [file("${path.root}/values/esp.yaml")] : [],
try([for v in var.hpcc.values : file(v)], []), [file("${path.root}/values/values-retained-azurefile.yaml")])
dynamic "set" {
@@ -170,29 +169,43 @@ resource "helm_release" "hpcc" {
depends_on = [
- helm_release.elk,
+ helm_release.elastic4hpcclogs,
-resource "helm_release" "elk" {
- count = var.disable_helm || !var.elk.enable ? 0 : 1
+resource "helm_release" "elastic4hpcclogs" {
+ count = var.disable_helm || !var.elastic4hpcclogs.enable ? 0 : 1
- name = local.elk_name
+ name = can(var.elastic4hpcclogs.name) ? var.elastic4hpcclogs.name : "myelastic4hpcclogs"
namespace = try(var.hpcc.namespace, terraform.workspace)
- chart = local.elk_chart
- values = try([for v in var.elk.values : file(v)], [])
+ chart = can(var.elastic4hpcclogs.remote_chart) ? "elastic4hpcclogs" : var.elastic4hpcclogs.local_chart
+ repository = can(var.elastic4hpcclogs.remote_chart) ? var.elastic4hpcclogs.remote_chart : null
+ version = can(var.elastic4hpcclogs.version) ? var.elastic4hpcclogs.version : null
+ values = concat(try([for v in var.elastic4hpcclogs.values : file(v)], []), can(var.elastic4hpcclogs.expose) ? [file("${path.root}/values/elastic4hpcclogs.yaml")] : [])
create_namespace = true
- atomic = try(var.elk.atomic, null)
- recreate_pods = try(var.elk.recreate_pods, null)
- cleanup_on_fail = try(var.elk.cleanup_on_fail, null)
- disable_openapi_validation = try(var.elk.disable_openapi_validation, null)
- wait = try(var.elk.wait, null)
- dependency_update = try(var.elk.dependency_update, null)
- timeout = try(var.elk.timeout, 600)
- wait_for_jobs = try(var.elk.wait_for_jobs, null)
- lint = try(var.elk.lint, null)
+ atomic = try(var.elastic4hpcclogs.atomic, false)
+ force_update = try(var.elastic4hpcclogs.force_update, false)
+ recreate_pods = try(var.elastic4hpcclogs.recreate_pods, false)
+ reuse_values = try(var.elastic4hpcclogs.reuse_values, false)
+ reset_values = try(var.elastic4hpcclogs.reset_values, false)
+ cleanup_on_fail = try(var.elastic4hpcclogs.cleanup_on_fail, false)
+ disable_openapi_validation = try(var.elastic4hpcclogs.disable_openapi_validation, false)
+ wait = try(var.elastic4hpcclogs.wait, true)
+ max_history = try(var.storage.max_history, 0)
+ dependency_update = try(var.elastic4hpcclogs.dependency_update, false)
+ timeout = try(var.elastic4hpcclogs.timeout, 300)
+ wait_for_jobs = try(var.elastic4hpcclogs.wait_for_jobs, false)
+ lint = try(var.elastic4hpcclogs.lint, false)
+ # dynamic "set" {
+ # for_each = can(var.elastic4hpcclogs.expose) ? [1] : []
+ # content {
+ # name = "kibana.service.annotations.service\\.beta\\.kubernetes\\.io/azure-load-balancer-internal"
+ # value = tostring(false)
+ # }
+ # }
depends_on = [
@@ -203,19 +216,25 @@ resource "helm_release" "storage" {
count = var.disable_helm ? 0 : 1
name = "azstorage"
- chart = local.storage_chart
+ chart = can(var.storage.remote_chart) ? "hpcc-azurefile" : var.storage.local_chart
+ repository = can(var.storage.remote_chart) ? var.storage.remote_chart : null
+ version = can(var.storage.version) ? var.storage.version : null
values = concat(can(var.storage.storage_account.name) ? [file("${path.root}/values/hpcc-azurefile.yaml")] : [], try([for v in var.storage.values : file(v)], []))
create_namespace = true
namespace = try(var.hpcc.namespace, terraform.workspace)
- atomic = try(var.storage.atomic, null)
- recreate_pods = try(var.storage.recreate_pods, null)
+ atomic = try(var.storage.atomic, false)
+ force_update = try(var.storage.force_update, false)
+ recreate_pods = try(var.storage.recreate_pods, false)
+ reuse_values = try(var.storage.reuse_values, false)
+ reset_values = try(var.storage.reset_values, false)
cleanup_on_fail = try(var.storage.cleanup_on_fail, null)
- disable_openapi_validation = try(var.storage.disable_openapi_validation, null)
- wait = try(var.storage.wait, null)
- dependency_update = try(var.storage.dependency_update, null)
+ disable_openapi_validation = try(var.storage.disable_openapi_validation, false)
+ wait = try(var.storage.wait, true)
+ max_history = try(var.storage.max_history, 0)
+ dependency_update = try(var.storage.dependency_update, false)
timeout = try(var.storage.timeout, 600)
- wait_for_jobs = try(var.storage.wait_for_jobs, null)
- lint = try(var.storage.lint, null)
+ wait_for_jobs = try(var.storage.wait_for_jobs, false)
+ lint = try(var.storage.lint, false)
depends_on = [
diff --git a/values/elastic4hpcclogs.yaml b/values/elastic4hpcclogs.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4024016
--- /dev/null
+++ b/values/elastic4hpcclogs.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ service:
+ annotations:
+ service.beta.kubernetes.io/azure-load-balancer-internal: "false"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/values/esp.yaml b/values/esp.yaml
index 1004a51..46448d1 100644
--- a/values/esp.yaml
+++ b/values/esp.yaml
@@ -4,6 +4,11 @@ esp:
application: eclwatch
auth: none
replicas: 1
+# Add remote clients to generated client certificates and make the ESP require that one of the generated certificates is provided by a client in order to connect
+# When setting up remote clients make sure that certificates.issuers.remote.enabled is set to true.
+# remoteClients:
+# - name: myclient
+# organization: mycompany
## port can be used to change the local port used by the pod. If omitted, the default port (8880) is used
port: 8888
@@ -14,9 +19,25 @@ esp:
## Annotations can be specified on a service - for example to specify provider-specific information such as service.beta.kubernetes.io/azure-load-balancer-internal-subnet
# service.beta.kubernetes.io/azure-load-balancer-internal-subnet: "mysubnet"
+ # The service.annotations prefixed with hpcc.eclwatch.io should not be declared here. They can be declared
+ # in other services in order to be exposed in the ECLWatch interface. Similar function can be used by other
+ # applications. For other applications, the "eclwatch" inside the service.annotations should be replaced by
+ # their application names.
+ # hpcc.eclwatch.io/enabled: "true"
+ # hpcc.eclwatch.io/description: "some description"
## You can also specify labels on a service
# mylabel: "3"
+ ## Links specify the web links for a service. The web links may be shown on ECLWatch.
+ #links:
+ #- name: linkname
+ # description: "some description"
+ # url: "http://abc.com/def?g=1"
+ ## CIDRS allowed to access this service.
+ #loadBalancerSourceRanges: [,]
+ # Increase maxRequestEntityLength when query deployments (or similar actions) start to fail because they surpass the maximum size
+ # default for EclWatch is 60M, default for other services is 8M
+ #maxRequestEntityLength: 70M
# cpu: "1"
# memory: "2G"
@@ -27,6 +48,9 @@ esp:
servicePort: 8010
visibility: cluster
+ # Increase maxRequestEntityLength when query deployments (or similar actions) start to fail because they surpass the maximum size
+ # default for EclWatch is 60M, default for other services is 8M
+ #maxRequestEntityLength: 9M
# cpu: "250m"
# memory: "1G"
@@ -37,6 +61,13 @@ esp:
visibility: global
servicePort: 8002
+ #annotations:
+ # hpcc.eclwatch.io/enabled: "true"
+ # hpcc.eclwatch.io/description: "Roxie Test page"
+ # hpcc.eclwatch.io/port: "8002"
+ # Increase maxRequestEntityLength when query deployments (or similar actions) start to fail because they surpass the maximum size
+ # default for EclWatch is 60M, default for other services is 8M
+ #maxRequestEntityLength: 9M
# cpu: "250m"
# memory: "1G"
@@ -47,6 +78,9 @@ esp:
visibility: local
servicePort: 8899
+ # Increase maxRequestEntityLength when query deployments (or similar actions) start to fail because they surpass the maximum size
+ # default for EclWatch is 60M, default for other services is 8M
+ #maxRequestEntityLength: 9M
# cpu: "250m"
# memory: "1G"
@@ -54,10 +88,47 @@ esp:
application: sql2ecl
auth: none
replicas: 1
+# remoteClients:
+# - name: sqlclient111
visibility: local
servicePort: 8510
#domain: hpccsql.com
+ # Increase maxRequestEntityLength when query deployments (or similar actions) start to fail because they surpass the maximum size
+ # default for EclWatch is 60M, default for other services is 8M
+ #maxRequestEntityLength: 9M
# cpu: "250m"
- # memory: "1G"
\ No newline at end of file
+ # memory: "1G"
+- name: dfs
+ application: dfs
+ auth: none
+ replicas: 1
+ service:
+ visibility: local
+ servicePort: 8520
+ # Increase maxRequestEntityLength when query deployments (or similar actions) start to fail because they surpass the maximum size
+ # default for EclWatch is 60M, default for other services is 8M
+ #maxRequestEntityLength: 9M
+ #resources:
+ # cpu: "250m"
+ # memory: "1G"
+#- name: ldapenvironment
+ #ldapenvironment is a stand alone ESP service used to help stand up new HPCC LDAP Environments
+# application: ldapenvironment
+# auth: ldap
+# #specify the hpcc branch Root Name
+# hpccRootName: ou=hpcc,dc=myldap,dc=com
+# #specify all BaseDN with your LDAP Server's "dc=" settings
+# sharedFilesBaseDN: ou=files,ou=hpcc,dc=myldap,dc=com
+# sharedGroupsBaseDN: ou=groups,ou=hpcc,dc=myldap,dc=com
+# sharedUsersBaseDN: ou=users,ou=hpcc,dc=myldap,dc=com
+# sharedResourcesBaseDN: ou=smc,ou=espservices,ou=hpcc,dc=myldap,dc=com
+# sharedWorkunitsBaseDN: ou=workunits,ou=hpcc,dc=myldap,dc=com
+# adminGroupName: HPCCAdmins
+# replicas: 1
+# service:
+# visibility: local
+# servicePort: 8511
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/variables.tf b/variables.tf
index 760e109..a49809c 100644
--- a/variables.tf
+++ b/variables.tf
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ variable "admin" {
variable "expose_services" {
- description = "Expose ECLWatch and ELK to the Internet. This is not secure. Please consider before using it."
+ description = "Expose ECLWatch and elastic4hpcclogs to the Internet. This is not secure. Please consider before using it."
type = bool
default = false
@@ -93,46 +93,22 @@ variable "node_pools" {
default = { default = {} }
-variable "image_root" {
- description = "Root of the image other than hpccsystems."
- type = string
- default = null
-variable "image_name" {
- description = "Root of the image other than hpccsystems."
- type = string
- default = null
-variable "image_version" {
- description = "Root of the image other than hpccsystems."
- type = string
- default = null
variable "hpcc" {
description = "HPCC Helm chart variables."
type = any
- default = { default = { name = "myhpcck8s" } }
+ default = { name = "myhpcck8s" }
variable "storage" {
description = "Storage account arguments."
type = any
- default = { default = {} }
-variable "existing_storage" {
- description = "Existing storage account metadata."
- type = any
- default = { default = {} }
+ default = { default = false }
-variable "elk" {
+variable "elastic4hpcclogs" {
description = "HPCC Helm chart variables."
type = any
- default = { default = { name = "myhpccelk", enable = true } }
+ default = { name = "myelastic4hpcclogs", enable = true }
variable "registry" {
diff --git a/versions.tf b/versions.tf
index dc62e41..39f8f07 100644
--- a/versions.tf
+++ b/versions.tf
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ terraform {
helm = {
source = "hashicorp/helm"
- version = ">=2.1.2"
+ version = ">=2.5.1"
required_version = ">=0.15.0"