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Tombolo - A Data Curation Tool for HPCC Systems

Installation Guide

Local Environment (Without Docker)

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Create .env file in the root.
  3. If you are not using Kafka copy everything from .env.sample, paste it to .env file and update necessary variables. If you are using kafka copy everything from .env.sample.kafka, paste it to .env file and update necessary fields.

    IMPORTANT: Read the comments carefully before updating or adding any variables

  4. Inside /server create new file cluster-whitelist.js and add cluster details. Use cluster-whitelist.sample.js as a template.
  5. Inside /server run npm run bootstrap-server. This will install dependencies, create schema, migrate tables, seed initial data and start the server.
  6. Go Inside /client-react.js, create new .env file, copy-paste everything from .env.sample amd update necessary variables
  7. Inside /client-react.js run npm run bootstrap-client. This will install all the dependencies and start client.
  8. To start server and client independently run nodemon server and npm start from /server and /client directory respectively

Production Environment (Docker)

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Create .env file in the root.
  3. If you are not using Kafka copy everything from .env.sample, paste it to .env file and update necessary variables. If you are using kafka copy everything from .env.sample.kafka, paste it to .env file and update necessary fields.
  4. If you are using kafka copy everything from .env.sample.kafka, append it to .env file and update necessary fields.

    IMPORTANT: Read the comments carefully before updating or adding any variables

  5. Create new file nginx.conf.template inside /client-reactjs/nginx/conf.d directory
  6. If you are using SSL copy all the content from nginx.conf.template-ssl and paste it to nginx.conf.template. If you are not using SSL copy the content from nginx.conf.template-no-ssl and paste it to nginx.conf.template.
  7. Inside /server create new file cluster-whitelist.js and add cluster details. Use cluster-whitelist.sample.js as a template.
  8. Go Inside /client-react.js, create new .env file, copy-paste everything from .env.sample and update necessary variables
  9. Build Application
    • On root create a new file docker-compose.yml
    • If you are not setting up Kafka and Zookeeper copy all the contents from docker-compose-without-kafka, paste to docker-compose.yml and run docker-compose up -d.
    • If you are setting up all services copy all the contents from docker-compose-with-kafka, paste to docker-compose.yml run docker-compose up -d.
  10. Once the build successfully completes, the application will be accessible at http://<host_hostname>:<host_port>


Click here to view complete documentation. Tombolo supports Internationalization. For instructions to spin this app in different language, view Internationalization instructions below.

Internationalization Instruction

  1. Import antd language file into client-reactjs/src/App.js.

    Example : import hi_IN from 'antd/es/locale/hi_IN';
    click here for list of supported languages and corresponding file names.

  2. Open client-reactjs/src/i18n/languages.js and add new language to the existing language object

    Example : { label: 'हिन्दी', value: 'in', },

  3. Inside client-reactjs/public/assets/i18n/common create new json file to store translation. Copy everything form en.json, paste into the new file and replace values for each key with its translation

    Example create in.json

  4. Finally go back inside App.js file locate locale function and add case for the new language

    Example locale = (lang) => { switch (lang) { case 'in': return hi_IN; default: return en_US; } };


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