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HoloNET Holochain .NET/Unity Client

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The world's first .NET & Unity client for Holochain.

This library will allow you to connect any .NET or Unity client to Holochain and enjoy the power of a fully de-centralised distributed P2P multi-network agent-centric architecture.

This will help massively turbo charge the holochain ecosystem by opening it up to the massive .NET and Unity communities and open up many more possibilities of the things that can be built on top of Holochain. You can build almost anything you can imagine with .NET and/or Unity from websites, desktop apps, smartphone apps, services, AAA Games and lots more! They can target every device and platform out there from XBox, PS4, Wii, PC, Linux, Mac, iOS, Android, Windows Phone, iPad, Tablets, SmartTV, VR/AR/XR, MagicLeap, etc

We are a BIG fan of Holochain and are very passionate about it and see a BIG future for it! We feel this is the gateway to taking Holochain mainstream! ;-)

There are two versions of HoloNET:

NextGenSoftware.Holochain.HoloNET.Client - Lightweight version that does not come with the holochain binaries (hc.exe and holochain.exe).

NextGenSoftware.Holochain.HoloNET.Client.Embedded - This version comes with the holochain binaries (hc.exe and holochain.exe) integrated.

You can also find the Test Harness here:


Read more on how to use the Test Harness here.

HoloNET Code Has Migrated

This code was migrated from the main OASIS API/STAR Metaverse/HoloNET/.NET HDK code found here:


Original HoloNET code was written back in 2019 and was fully operational with the previous version of Holochain (Redux), but unfortuntley had issues getting it working with RSM (Refactored State Model/latest version)

The previous version also came bundled with the holochain conductor so it could auto-start/shutdown the conductor and be fully integrated with any .NET or Unity application. This code/fuctionaility is still in there and will now work again that we have a Windows binary again (NixOS broke this feature previously).

It was featured on Dev Pulse 44 here:

Initial RSM Version

We are pleased that after nearly 2 years we have now finally got this upgraded to work with RSM thanks to Connors help, who we are eternally grateful to! :)

Please check out the above link, there you will find more details on what has changed from the previous Redux HoloNET version as well as some documentation on how to use it... :)

We will also add it here soon...

How To Use HoloNET

NOTE: This documentation is a WIP, it will be completed soon, please bare with us, thank you! :)

Quick Start

You start by instantiating a new HoloNETClient class passing in the holochain websocket URI to the constructor as seen below:

HoloNETClient holoNETClient = new HoloNETClient("ws://localhost:8888");

Next, you can subscribe to a number of different events:

holoNETClient.OnConnected += HoloNETClient_OnConnected;
holoNETClient.OnAppInfoCallBack += HoloNETClient_OnAppInfoCallBack;
holoNETClient.OnReadyForZomeCalls += HoloNETClient_OnReadyForZomeCalls;
holoNETClient.OnDataReceived += HoloNETClient_OnDataReceived;
holoNETClient.OnZomeFunctionCallBack += HoloNETClient_OnZomeFunctionCallBack;
holoNETClient.OnSignalsCallBack += HoloNETClient_OnSignalsCallBack;
holoNETClient.OnDisconnected += HoloNETClient_OnDisconnected;
holoNETClient.OnError += HoloNETClient_OnError;
holoNETClient.OnConductorDebugCallBack += HoloNETClient_OnConductorDebugCallBack;

Now you can call the Connect method to connect to Holochain.

await holoNETClient.Connect();

The Connection method has two optional parameters, the first is getAgentPubKeyAndDnaHashFromConductor and the second is getAgentPubKeyAndDnaHashFromSandbox, both default to true.

By default HoloNET will automatically query the AgentPubKey & DnaHash from the Conductor, if that fails, it will try from the hc dev sandbox command. If that fails you will need to manually set them.

To manually set the AgentPubKey & DnaHash use the following:

//Use this if you to manually pass in the AgentPubKey &DnaHash(otherwise it will be automatically queried from the conductor or sandbox).
_holoNETClient.Config.AgentPubKey = "YOUR KEY";
_holoNETClient.Config.DnaHash = "YOUR HASH";

await _holoNETClient.Connect(false, false);

Once it connects successfully it will raise the OnConnected event and then start automatically querying the conductor for the cell id's containing the AgentPubKey & DnaHash (unless you changed the default params above to false).

It will then raise the OnReadyForZomeCalls event signalling you can now make zome calls to the conductor.

Now you can call one of the CallZomeFunctionAsync() overloads:

await _holoNETClient.CallZomeFunctionAsync("1", "numbers", "add_ten", ZomeCallback, new { number = 10 });

Please see below for more details on the various overloads available for this call as well as the data you get back from this call and the other methods and events you can use...

The Power of .NET Async Methods

You will notice that the above calls have the await keyword prefixing them. This is how you call an async method in C#. All of HoloNET, HoloOASIS & OASIS API methods are async methods. This simply means that they do not block the calling thread so if this is running on a UI thread it will not freeze the UI. Using the await keyword allows you to call an async method as if it was a synchronous one. This means it will not call the next line until the async method has returned. The power of this is that you no longer need to use lots of messy callback functions cluttering up your code as has been the pass with non-async programming. The code path is also a lot easier to follow and maintain.

Read more here:


You can subscribe to a number of different events:

Event Description
OnConnected Fired when the client has successfully connected to the Holochain conductor.
OnAppInfoCallBack Fired when the client receives AppInfo from the conductor containing the cell id for the running hApp (which in itself contains the AgentPubKey & DnaHash). It also contains the AppId and other info.
OnReadyForZomeCalls Fired when the client has successfully connected and reteived the AgentPubKey & DnaHash, meaning it is ready to make zome calls to the Holochain conductor.
OnDataReceived Fired when any data is received from the Holochain conductor. This returns the raw data.
OnZomeFunctionCallBack Fired when the Holochain conductor returns the response from a zome function call. This returns the raw data as well as the parsed data returned from the zome function. It also returns the id, zome and zome function that made the call.
OnSignalsCallBack Fired when the Holochain conductor sends signals data. NOTE: This is still waiting for hc to flresh out the details for how this will work. Currently this returns the raw signals data.
OnConductorDebugCallBack Fired when the Holochain conductor sends debug info.
OnDisconnected Fired when the client disconnected from the Holochain conductor.
OnError Fired when an error occurs, check the params for the cause of the error.


Fired when the client has successfully connected to the Holochain conductor.

holoNETClient.OnConnected += HoloNETClient_OnConnected;

private static void HoloNETClient_OnConnected(object sender, ConnectedEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine(string.Concat("TEST HARNESS: CONNECTED CALLBACK: Connected to ", e.EndPoint));
Parameter Description
EndPoint The URI EndPoint of the Holochain conductor.


Fired when the client receives AppInfo from the Holochain conductor containing the cell id for the running hApp (which in itself contains the AgentPubKey & DnaHash). It also contains the AppId and other info.

holoNETClient.OnAppInfoCallBack += HoloNETClient_OnAppInfoCallBack;

private static void HoloNETClient_OnAppInfoCallBack(object sender, AppInfoCallBackEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine(string.Concat("TEST HARNESS: APPINFO CALLBACK EVENT HANDLER: EndPoint: ", e.EndPoint, ", Id: ", e.Id, ", AgentPubKey: ", e.AgentPubKey, ", DnaHash: ", e.DnaHash, ", Installed App Id: ", e.InstalledAppId, ", Raw Binary Data: ",  e.RawBinaryData, ", Raw JSON Data: ", e.RawJSONData), LogType.Info);
Parameter Description
EndPoint The URI EndPoint of the Holochain conductor.
Id The id that made the request.
AgentPubKey The AgentPubKey for the hApp.
DnaHash The DnaHash for the hApp.
InstalledAppId The InstalledAppId for the hApp.
RawBinaryData The raw binary data returned from the Holochain conductor.
RawJSONData The raw JSON data returned from the Holochain conductor.
WebSocketResult Contains more detailed technical information of the underlying websocket. This includes the number of bytes received, whether the message was fully received & whether the message is UTF-8 or binary. Please see here for more info.


Fired when the client has successfully connected and reteived the AgentPubKey & DnaHash, meaning it is ready to make zome calls to the holochain conductor.

private async static void _holoNETClient_OnReadyForZomeCalls(object sender, ReadyForZomeCallsEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine(string.Concat("TEST HARNESS: READY FOR ZOME CALLS EVENT HANDLER: EndPoint: ", e.EndPoint, ", AgentPubKey: ", e.AgentPubKey, ", DnaHash: ", e.DnaHash));
            Console.WriteLine("Calling Test Zome...\n");

            //await _holoNETClient.CallZomeFunctionAsync("1", "our_world_core", "test", ZomeCallback, null);
            //await _holoNETClient.CallZomeFunctionAsync("1", "whoami", "whoami", ZomeCallback, null);
            //await _holoNETClient.CallZomeFunctionAsync("1", "whoami", "whoami", ZomeCallback, null);
            await _holoNETClient.CallZomeFunctionAsync("1", "numbers", "add_ten", ZomeCallback, new { number = 10 });

            // Load testing
            //   for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
            //     await _holoNETClient.CallZomeFunctionAsync("1", "numbers", "add_ten", ZomeCallback, new { number = 10 });

            //  await _holoNETClient.Disconnect();
Parameter Description
EndPoint The URI EndPoint of the Holochain conductor.
AgentPubKey The AgentPubKey for the hApp.
DnaHash The DnaHash for the hApp.


Fired when any data is received from the Holochain conductor. This returns the raw data.

holoNETClient.OnDataReceived += HoloNETClient_OnDataReceived;

private static void HoloNETClient_OnDataReceived(object sender, HoloNETDataReceivedEventArgs e)
            if (!e.IsConductorDebugInfo)
                Console.WriteLine(string.Concat("\nTEST HARNESS: DATA RECEIVED EVENT HANDLER: EndPoint: ", e.EndPoint, ", Raw JSON Data: ", e.RawJSONData, ", Raw Binary Data: ", e.RawBinaryData));
Parameter Description
EndPoint The URI EndPoint of the Holochain conductor.
RawBinaryData The raw binary data returned from the Holochain conductor.
RawJSONData The raw JSON data returned from the Holochain conductor.
WebSocketResult Contains more detailed technical information of the underlying websocket. This includes the number of bytes received, whether the message was fully received & whether the message is UTF-8 or binary. Please see here for more info.


Fired when the Holochain conductor returns the response from a zome function call. This returns the raw binary & raw JSON data as well as the actual parsed data returned from the zome function. It also returns the id, zome and zome function that made the call.

holoNETClient.OnZomeFunctionCallBack += HoloNETClient_OnZomeFunctionCallBack;

 private static void HoloNETClient_OnZomeFunctionCallBack(object sender, ZomeFunctionCallBackEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine(string.Concat("TEST HARNESS: ZOME FUNCTION CALLBACK EVENT HANDLER: ", ProcessZomeFunctionCallBackEventArgs(e)));

private static string ProcessZomeFunctionCallBackEventArgs(ZomeFunctionCallBackEventArgs args)
            string zomeData = "";

            foreach (string key in args.ZomeReturnData.Keys)
                zomeData = string.Concat(zomeData, key, "=", args.ZomeReturnData[key], "\n");

            return string.Concat("\nEndPoint: ", args.EndPoint, "\nId: ", args.Id, "\nZome: ", args.Zome, "\nZomeFunction: ", args.ZomeFunction, "\n\nRaw Data: ", args.RawData, "\n\nZomeReturnData: ", args.ZomeReturnData, "\nRaw Zome Return Data: ", args.RawZomeReturnData, "\nRaw Binary Daya: ", args.RawBinaryData, "\nRaw JSON Data: ", args.RawJSONData, "\nIsCallSuccessful: ", args.IsCallSuccessful ? "true" : "false", "\n\nProcessed Zome Return Data:\n", zomeData);
Parameter Description
EndPoint The URI EndPoint of the Holochain conductor.
Zome The zome that made the request.
ZomeFunction The zome function that made the request.
ZomeReturnData The parsed data that the zome function returned. HoloNET will parse & convert the best it can from the Rust Holochain Conductor format to a C# friendly one such as converting from base64 encoding, etc.
RawZomeReturnData The raw binary data that the zome function returned.
ZomeReturnHash The ActionHash returned from a zome call (if it returned one, is null if not).
KeyValuePair Contains all of the data returned from the zome call in a simple Dictionary keyvalue pair. The conductor for some reason returns a complex nested structure so is difficult and tedious to get to all the data needed or to quickly view all of it at once.
KeyValuePairAsString Contains the same data from KeyValuePair but formatted as a simple string, which can be used for logging, displaying, etc.
Entry The entry dictionary containing the actual user data (after it has been processed/decoded) retrived from the zome call. This is the property that will be most valuable to the caller. This also now includes a EntryDataObject property containing a dynamic data object that is mapped to the dictionary using the optional type passed into the CallZomeFunctionAsync method. This effectively maps the rust data struct properties contained in the hApp to your C# data object/class.
RawBinaryData The raw binary data returned from the Holochain conductor.
RawJSONData The raw JSON data returned from the Holochain conductor.
WebSocketResult Contains more detailed technical information of the underlying websocket. This includes the number of bytes received, whether the message was fully received & whether the message is UTF-8 or binary. Please see here for more info.

The Entry property contains the following sub-properties:

Parameter Description
Bytes Contains the raw bytes returned from the Holochain Conductor for the data entry.
BytesString Contains the raw bytes returned from the Holochain Conductor for the data entry as a comma delimited string, which can be used for logging/debugging etc.
Entry Contains the keyvalue pair dictionary for the entry data returned from the conductor.
EntryDataObject If the entryDataObjectTypeReturnedFromZome type is passed into one of the CallZomeFunctionAsync overloads then HoloNET will attempt to map the hApp rust properties (contained in the struct) to the C# type/class passed in and then pass the newly created dynamic object back to the caller via this property.

As an example of how to access the entry data and see it mapped to your custom type check out the HoloNET Test Harness, especially this function below:

private static void HoloNETClient_OnZomeFunctionCallBack(object sender, ZomeFunctionCallBackEventArgs e)
           bool disconect = false;
           Console.WriteLine(string.Concat("TEST HARNESS: ZOME FUNCTION CALLBACK EVENT HANDLER: ", ProcessZomeFunctionCallBackEventArgs(e)));

private static string ProcessZomeFunctionCallBackEventArgs(ZomeFunctionCallBackEventArgs args)
           string result = "";
           result = string.Concat("\nEndPoint: ", args.EndPoint, "\nId: ", args.Id, "\nZome: ", args.Zome, "\nZomeFunction: ", args.ZomeFunction, "\n\nRaw Data: ", args.RawData, "\n\nZomeReturnData: ", args.ZomeReturnData, "\nZomeReturnHash: ", args.ZomeReturnHash, "\nRaw Zome Return Data: ", args.RawZomeReturnData, "\nRaw Binary Daya: ", args.RawBinaryData, "\nRaw JSON Data: ", args.RawJSONData, "\nIsCallSuccessful: ", args.IsCallSuccessful ? "true" : "false");

           if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(args.KeyValuePairAsString))
               result = string.Concat(result, "\n\nProcessed Zome Return Data:\n", args.KeyValuePairAsString);

           if (args.Entry != null && args.Entry.EntryDataObject != null)
               Avatar avatar = args.Entry.EntryDataObject as Avatar;

               if (avatar != null)
                   result = string.Concat(result, "\n\nEntry Data Object.FirstName:\n", avatar.FirstName);
                   result = string.Concat(result, "\nEntry Data Object.LastName:\n", avatar.LastName);
                   result = string.Concat(result, "\nEntry Data Object.Email:\n", avatar.Email);
                   result = string.Concat(result, "\nEntry Data Object.DOB:\n", avatar.DOB);

           return result;

This is how you can map your rust data to a C# object, the call to the Holochain Conductor is in another earlier place in the Test Harness:

_holoNETClient.CallZomeFunctionAsync("oasis", "get_entry_avatar", ZomeCallback, e.ZomeReturnHash, typeof(Avatar));

And the Avatar class/type looks like this:

public class Avatar
     public string FirstName { get; set; }

     public string LastName { get; set; }

     public string Email { get; set; }

     public DateTime DOB { get; set; }

The e.ZomeReturnHash is the hash returned from a previous call to the conductor:

  await _holoNETClient.CallZomeFunctionAsync("oasis", "create_entry_avatar", ZomeCallback, new { id = 1, first_name = "David", last_name = "Ellams", email = "[email protected]", dob = "11/04/1980" });


Fired when the Holochain conductor sends signals data. NOTE: This is still waiting for Holochain to flesh out the details for how this will work. Currently this returns the raw signals data.

holoNETClient.OnSignalsCallBack += HoloNETClient_OnSignalsCallBack;

private static void HoloNETClient_OnSignalsCallBack(object sender, SignalsCallBackEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine(string.Concat("TEST HARNESS: SIGINALS CALLBACK EVENT HANDLER: EndPoint: ", e.EndPoint, ", Id: ", e.Id , ", Data: ", e.RawJSONData, "Name: ", e.Name, "SignalType: ", Enum.GetName(typeof(SignalsCallBackEventArgs.SignalTypes), e.SignalType), "Arguments: ", e.SignalData));
Parameter Description
EndPoint The URI EndPoint of the Holochain conductor.
SignalType An enum containing the SignalType, can be either User or Admin.
SignalData The Signal Data.
RawBinaryData The raw binary data returned from the Holochain conductor.
RawJSONData The raw JSON data returned from the Holochain conductor.
WebSocketResult Contains more detailed technical information of the underlying websocket. This includes the number of bytes received, whether the message was fully received & whether the message is UTF-8 or binary. Please see here for more info.

NOTE: This is from the previous version of HoloNET running against the previous version of Holochain (Redux) & needs to be updated for the new RSM version, coming soon...


Fired when the Holochain conductor sends debug info.

private static void HoloNETClient_OnConductorDebugCallBack(object sender, ConductorDebugCallBackEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine(string.Concat("OnConductorDebugCallBack: EndPoint: ", e.EndPoint, ", Data: ", e.RawJSONData, ", NumberDelayedValidations: ", e.NumberDelayedValidations, ", NumberHeldAspects: ", e.NumberHeldAspects, ", NumberHeldEntries: ", e.NumberHeldEntries, ", NumberPendingValidations: ", e.NumberPendingValidations, ", NumberRunningZomeCalls: ", e.NumberRunningZomeCalls, ", Offline: ", e.Offline, ", Type: ", e.Type));
Parameter Description
EndPoint The URI EndPoint of the Holochain conductor.
NumberDelayedValidations The number of delayed validations.
NumberHeldAspects The number of held aspects.
NumberHeldEntries The number of held entries.
NumberPendingValidations The number of pending validations.
NumberRunningZomeCalls The number of running zome calls.
Offline Whether offline or not.
Type Type of conductor running.
RawBinaryData The raw binary data returned from the Holochain conductor.
RawJSONData The raw JSON data returned from the Holochain conductor.
WebSocketResult Contains more detailed technical information of the underlying websocket. This includes the number of bytes received, whether the message was fully received & whether the message is UTF-8 or binary. Please see here for more info.

NOTE: This is from the previous version of HoloNET running against the previous version of Holochain (Redux) & needs to be updated for the new RSM version, coming soon...


Fired when the client has successfully disconnected from the Holochain conductor.

holoNETClient.OnDisconnected += HoloNETClient_OnDisconnected;

private static void HoloNETClient_OnDisconnected(object sender, DisconnectedEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine(string.Concat("TEST HARNESS: DISCONNECTED CALL BACK: Disconnected from ", e.EndPoint, ". Resason: ", e.Reason));
Parameter Description
EndPoint The URI EndPoint of the Holochain conductor.
Reason The reason for the disconnection.


Fired when an error occurs, check the params for the cause of the error.

holoNETClient.OnError += HoloNETClient_OnError;

private static void HoloNETClient_OnError(object sender, HoloNETErrorEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine(string.Concat("TEST HARNESS: ERROR EVENT HANDLER: Error Occured. Resason: ", e.Reason, ", EndPoint: ", e.EndPoint, ",Error Details: ", e.ErrorDetails));
Parameter Description
EndPoint The URI EndPoint of the Holochain conductor.
Reason The reason for the error.
ErrorDetails A more detailed description of the error, this normally includes a stacktrace to help you track down the cause.


HoloNETClient contains the following methods:

Method Description
Connect This method simply connects to the Holochain conductor. It raises the OnConnected event once it is has successfully established a connection. Please see the Events section above for more info on how to use this event.
StartConductor This method will start the Holochain Conducutor using the approprtiate settings defined in the HoloNETConfig.
GetAgentPubKeyAndDnaHashFromSandbox This method gets the AgentPubKey & DnaHash from the HC Sandbox command. It will raise the OnReadyForZomeCalls event once it successfully retreives them and the WebSocket has connected to the Holochain Conductor. Otherwise it will call the
GetAgentPubKeyAndDnaHashFromConductor This method gets the AgentPubKey & DnaHash from the Holochain Conductor (the
SendHoloNETRequest This method allows you to send your own raw request to holochain. This method raises the OnDataReceived event once it has received a response from the Holochain conductor. Please see the Events section above for more info on how to use this event. You would rarely need to use this and we highly recommend you use the CallZomeFunctionAsync method instead.
CallZomeFunctionAsync This is the main method you will be using to invoke zome functions on your given zome. It has a number of handy overloads making it easier and more powerful to call your zome functions and manage the returned data. This method raises the OnZomeFunctionCallBack event once it has received a response from the Holochain conductor. Please see the Events section above for more info on how to use this event.
Disconnect This method disconnects the client from Holochain conductor. It raises the OnDisconnected event once it is has successfully disconnected. Please see the Events section above for more info on how to use this event.
ShutDownAllConductors Will automatically shutdown all active Holochain Conductors. The Disconnect will automatically call this.
ClearCache Call this method to clear all of HoloNETClient's internal cache. This includes the JSON responses that have been cached using the GetHolochainInstancesAsync & CallZomeFunctionAsync methods if the cacheData parm was set to true for any of the calls.
ConvertHoloHashToBytes Utiltity method to convert a string to base64 encoded bytes (Holochain Conductor format). This is used to convert the AgentPubKey & DnaHash when making a zome call.
ConvertHoloHashToString Utiltity method to convert from base64 bytes (Holochain Conductor format) to a friendly C# format. This is used to convert the AgentPubKey & DnaHash retreived from the Conductor.


This method simply connects to the Holochain conductor. It raises the OnConnected event once it is has successfully established a connection. Please see the Events section above for more info on how to use this event.

public async Task Connect(bool getAgentPubKeyAndDnaHashFromConductor = true, bool getAgentPubKeyAndDnaHashFromSandbox = false)
Parameter Description
getAgentPubKeyAndDnaHashFromConductor Set this to true for HoloNET to automatically retreive the AgentPubKey & DnaHash from the Holochain Conductor after it has connected. This defaults to true.
getAgentPubKeyAndDnaHashFromSandbox Set this to true if you wish HoloNET to automatically retreive the AgentPubKey & DnaHash from the hc sandbox after it has connected. This defaults to true.

NOTE: If both params are set to true it will first attempt to retreive the AgentPubKey & DnaHash from the Conductor, if that fails it will then attempt to retreive them from the hc sandbox command (it will still do this even if getAgentPubKeyAndDnaHashFromSandbox is set to false).


This method will start the Holochain Conducutor using the approprtiate settings defined in the HoloNETConfig.

public async Task StartConductor()


This method gets the AgentPubKey & DnaHash from the HC Sandbox command. It will raise the OnReadyForZomeCalls event once it successfully retreives them and the WebSocket has connected to the Holochain Conductor. Otherwise it will call the |GetAgentPubKeyAndDnaHashFromConductor method to attempt to retreive them directly from the conductor (default).

public async Task<AgentPubKeyDnaHash> GetAgentPubKeyAndDnaHashFromSandbox(bool updateConfig = true)
Parameter Description
updateConfig Set this to true (default) to automatically update the HoloNETConfig once it has retreived the DnaHash & AgentPubKey.


This method gets the AgentPubKey & DnaHash from the HC Sandbox command. It will raise the OnReadyForZomeCalls event once it successfully retreives them and the WebSocket has connected to the Holochain Conductor. Otherwise it will call the |GetAgentPubKeyAndDnaHashFromConductor method to attempt to retreive them directly from the conductor (default).

 public async Task GetAgentPubKeyAndDnaHashFromConductor(bool updateConfig = true)
Parameter Description
updateConfig Set this to true (default) to automatically update the HoloNETConfig once it has retreived the DnaHash & AgentPubKey.


This method allows you to send your own raw request to holochain. This method raises the OnDataRecived event once it has received a response from the Holochain conductor. Please see the Events section above for more info on how to use this event.

You would rarely need to use this and we highly recommend you use the CallZomeFunctionAsync method instead.

public async Task SendHoloNETRequest(string id, HoloNETData holoNETData)
Paramameter Description
holoNETData The raw data packet you wish to send to the Holochain conductor.


This is the main method you will be using to invoke zome functions on your given zome. It has a number of handy overloads making it easier and more powerful to call your zome functions and manage the returned data.

This method raises the OnZomeFunctionCallBack event once it has received a response from the Holochain conductor. Please see the Events section above for more info on how to use this event.

Overload 1
public async Task CallZomeFunctionAsync(string id, string zome, string function, ZomeFunctionCallBack callback, object paramsObject, bool matchIdToInstanceZomeFuncInCallback = true, bool cachReturnData = false, Type entryDataObjectTypeReturnedFromZome = null, ZomeResultCallBackMode zomeResultCallBackMode = ZomeResultCallBackMode.WaitForHolochainConductorResponse)
Parameter Description
id The unique id you wish to assign for this call (NOTE: There is an overload that omits this param, use this overload if you wish HoloNET to auto-generate and manage the id's for you).
zome The name of the zome you wish to target.
function The name of the zome function you wish to call.
delegate A delegate to call once the zome function returns. This delegate contains the same signature as the one used for the OnZomeFunctionCallBack event.
paramsObject A basic CLR object containing the params the zome function is expecting.
matchIdToInstanceZomeFuncInCallback This is an optional param, which defaults to true. Set this to true if you wish HoloNET to give the instance, zome zome function that made the call in the callback/event. If this is false then only the id will be given in the callback. This uses a small internal cache to match up the id to the given zome/function. Set this to false if you wish to save a tiny amount of memory by not utilizing this cache. If it is false then the Zome and ZomeFunction params will be missing in the ZomeCallBack, you will need to manually match the id to the call yourself.
cachReturnData This is an optional param, which defaults to false. Set this to true if you wish HoloNET to cache the response retrieved from holochain. Subsequent calls will return this cached data rather than calling the Holochain conductor again. Use this for static data that is not going to change for performance gains.
entryDataObjectTypeReturnedFromZome This is an optional parma, where the caller can pass in the type of the dynamic data object they wish the entry data returned to be mapped to.

NOTE - If you pass in the entryDataObjectTypeReturnedFromZome type then you need to make sure on that type defintion (class) you specify the Holochain Property Names defined in the hApp rust code as shown in the follow example:

public class Avatar
        public string FirstName { get; set; }

        public string LastName { get; set; }

        public string Email { get; set; }

        public DateTime DOB { get; set; }

This would then be used like this:

_holoNETClient.CallZomeFunctionAsync("oasis", "get_entry_avatar", ZomeCallback, e.ZomeReturnHash, true, false, typeof(Avatar));

Where e.ZomeReturnHash is the hash of the entry to load. This is part of the example used in the HoloNET Test Harness, and the e.ZomeReturnHash is the hash returned from the previous call to CallZomeFunctionAsync where the zome function "create_oasis_entry" was called.

Please see the OnZomeFunctionCallBack event for more info on how to then map the data returned to your custom class.

Overload 2
public async Task CallZomeFunctionAsync(string id, string zome, string function, ZomeFunctionCallBack callback, object paramsObject, bool matchIdToInstanceZomeFuncInCallback = true, bool cachReturnData = false, dynamic entryDataObjectReturnedFromZome = null, ZomeResultCallBackMode zomeResultCallBackMode = ZomeResultCallBackMode.WaitForHolochainConductorResponse)

This overload is similar to the one above except you pass in the actual dynamic data object that will be populated/updated with the results from the zome function response using the entryDataObjectReturnedFromZome paramerter.

Overload 3
 public async Task CallZomeFunctionAsync(string zome, string function, ZomeFunctionCallBack callback, object paramsObject, bool cachReturnData = false, Type entryDataObjectTypeReturnedFromZome = null, ZomeResultCallBackMode zomeResultCallBackMode = ZomeResultCallBackMode.WaitForHolochainConductorResponse)

This overload is similar to the top one except it omits the id and matchIdToInstanceZomeFuncInCallback param's forcing HoloNET to auto-generate and manage the id's itself.

Overload 4
 public async Task CallZomeFunctionAsync(string zome, string function, ZomeFunctionCallBack callback, object paramsObject, bool cachReturnData = false, dynamic entryDataObjectReturnedFromZome = null, ZomeResultCallBackMode zomeResultCallBackMode = ZomeResultCallBackMode.WaitForHolochainConductorResponse)

This overload is similar to overload 2 except it omits the id and matchIdToInstanceZomeFuncInCallback param's forcing HoloNET to auto-generate and manage the id's itself.

Overload 5
public async Task CallZomeFunctionAsync(string id, string zome, string function, object paramsObject, bool matchIdToInstanceZomeFuncInCallback = true, bool cachReturnData = false, Type entryDataObjectTypeReturnedFromZome = null, ZomeResultCallBackMode zomeResultCallBackMode = ZomeResultCallBackMode.WaitForHolochainConductorResponse)

This overload is similar to the first one, except it is missing the callback param. For this overload you would subscribe to the OnZomeFunctionCallBack event. You can of course subscribe to this event for the other overloads too, it just means you will then get two callbacks, one for the event handler for OnZomeFunctionalCallBack and one for the callback delegate you pass in as a param to this method. The choice is yours on how you wish to use this method...

Overload 6
public async Task CallZomeFunctionAsync(string id, string zome, string function, object paramsObject, bool matchIdToInstanceZomeFuncInCallback = true, bool cachReturnData = false, dynamic entryDataObjectReturnedFromZome = null, ZomeResultCallBackMode zomeResultCallBackMode = ZomeResultCallBackMode.WaitForHolochainConductorResponse)

This overload is similar to the one above, except you pass in the actual dynamic data object that will be populated/updated with the results from the zome function response using the entryDataObjectReturnedFromZome paramerter.

Overload 7
public async Task CallZomeFunctionAsync(string zome, string function, object paramsObject, bool cachReturnData = false, Type entryDataObjectTypeReturnedFromZome = null, ZomeResultCallBackMode zomeResultCallBackMode = ZomeResultCallBackMode.WaitForHolochainConductorResponse)

This overload is similar to the one above except it omits the id and matchIdToInstanceZomeFuncInCallback param's forcing HoloNET to auto-generate and manage the id's itself. It is also missing the callback param. For this overload you would subscribe to the OnZomeFunctionCallBack event. You can of course subscribe to this event for the other overloads too, it just means you will then get two callbacks, one for the event handler for OnZomeFunctionalCallBack and one for the callback delegate you pass in as a param to this method. The choice is yours on how you wish to use this method...

Overload 8
public async Task CallZomeFunctionAsync(string zome, string function, object paramsObject, bool cachReturnData = false, dynamic entryDataObjectReturnedFromZome = null, ZomeResultCallBackMode zomeResultCallBackMode = ZomeResultCallBackMode.WaitForHolochainConductorResponse)

This overload is similar to the one above, except you pass in the actual dynamic data object that will be populated/updated with the results from the zome function response using the entryDataObjectReturnedFromZome paramerter.

Overload 9
public async Task CallZomeFunctionAsync(string zome, string function, object paramsObject, bool cachReturnData = false, ZomeResultCallBackMode zomeResultCallBackMode = ZomeResultCallBackMode.WaitForHolochainConductorResponse)
Overload 10
public async Task CallZomeFunctionAsync(string zome, string function, object paramsObject, Type entryDataObjectTypeReturnedFromZome = null, ZomeResultCallBackMode zomeResultCallBackMode = ZomeResultCallBackMode.WaitForHolochainConductorResponse)
Overload 11
public async Task CallZomeFunctionAsync(string zome, string function, object paramsObject, dynamic entryDataObjectReturnedFromZome = null, ZomeResultCallBackMode zomeResultCallBackMode = ZomeResultCallBackMode.WaitForHolochainConductorResponse)

This overload is similar to the one above, except you pass in the actual dynamic data object that will be populated/updated with the results from the zome function response using the entryDataObjectReturnedFromZome paramerter.

Overload 12
public async Task CallZomeFunctionAsync(string id, string zome, string function, object paramsObject, Type entryDataObjectTypeReturnedFromZome = null, ZomeResultCallBackMode zomeResultCallBackMode = ZomeResultCallBackMode.WaitForHolochainConductorResponse)
Overload 13
public async Task CallZomeFunctionAsync(string zome, string function, ZomeFunctionCallBack callback, object paramsObject, ZomeResultCallBackMode zomeResultCallBackMode = ZomeResultCallBackMode.WaitForHolochainConductorResponse)
Overload 14
public async Task CallZomeFunctionAsync(string zome, string function, ZomeFunctionCallBack callback, object paramsObject, bool cachReturnData = false, ZomeResultCallBackMode zomeResultCallBackMode = ZomeResultCallBackMode.WaitForHolochainConductorResponse)
Overload 15
public async Task CallZomeFunctionAsync(string id, string zome, string function, ZomeFunctionCallBack callback, object paramsObject, bool matchIdToInstanceZomeFuncInCallback = true, bool cachReturnData = false, ZomeResultCallBackMode zomeResultCallBackMode = ZomeResultCallBackMode.WaitForHolochainConductorResponse)
Overload 16
public async Task CallZomeFunctionAsync(string zome, string function, object paramsObject, ZomeResultCallBackMode zomeResultCallBackMode = ZomeResultCallBackMode.WaitForHolochainConductorResponse)
Overload 17
public async Task<ZomeFunctionCallBackEventArgs> CallZomeFunctionAsync(string zome, string function, object paramsObject)
Overload 18
public async Task<ZomeFunctionCallBackEventArgs> CallZomeFunctionAsync(string zome, string function, ZomeFunctionCallBack callback, object paramsObject)


This method disconnects the client from the Holochain conductor. It raises the OnDisconnected event once it is has successfully disconnected. Please see the Events section above for more info on how to use this event.

public async Task Disconnect()


Will automatically shutdown all active Holochain Conductors. The Disconnect will automatically call this. |

public async Task ShutDownAllConductors()


Call this method to clear all of HoloNETClient's internal cache. This includes the responses that have been cached using the CallZomeFunctionAsync methods if the cacheData parm was set to true for any of the calls.

public void ClearCache()


Utiltity method to convert a string to base64 encoded bytes (Holochain Conductor format). This is used to convert the AgentPubKey & DnaHash when making a zome call.|

public byte[] ConvertHoloHashToBytes(string hash)


Utiltity method to convert from base64 bytes (Holochain Conductor format) to a friendly C# format. This is used to convert the AgentPubKey & DnaHash retreived from the Conductor.|

public string ConvertHoloHashToString(byte[] bytes)


HoloNETClient contains the following properties:

Property Description
Config This property contains a struct called HoloNETConfig containing the sub-properties: AgentPubKey, DnaHash, FullPathToRootHappFolder, FullPathToCompiledHappFolder, HolochainConductorMode, FullPathToExternalHolochainConductorBinary, FullPathToExternalHCToolBinary, SecondsToWaitForHolochainConductorToStart, AutoStartHolochainConductor, ShowHolochainConductorWindow, AutoShutdownHolochainConductor, ShutDownALLHolochainConductors, HolochainConductorToUse, OnlyAllowOneHolochainConductorToRunAtATime, LoggingMode & ErrorHandlingBehaviour.
WebSocket This property contains the internal NextGenSoftware WebSocket that HoloNET uses. You can use this property to access the current state of the WebSocket as well as configure more options.
State This property is a shortcut to the State property on the WebSocket property above.
EndPoint This property is a shortcut to the EndPoint property on the WebSocket property above.


This property contains a struct called HoloNETConfig containing the following sub-properties:

Property Description
AgentPubKey The AgentPubKey to use for Zome calls. If this is not set then HoloNET will automatically retreive this along with the DnaHash after it connects (if the Connect method defaults are not overriden).
DnaHash The DnaHash to use for Zome calls. If this is not set then HoloNET will automatically retreive this along with the AgentPubKey after it connects (if the Connect method defaults are not overriden).
FullPathToRootHappFolder The full path to the root of the hApp that HoloNET will start the Holochain Conductor (currenty uses hc.exe) with and then make zome calls to.
FullPathToCompiledHappFolder The full path to the compiled hApp that HoloNET will start the Holochain Conductor (currenty uses hc.exe) with and then make zome calls to.
HolochainConductorMode Tells HoloNET how to auto-start the Holochain Conductor. It can be one of the following values: UseExternal - Will use the hc.exe specififed in the FullPathToExternalHCToolBinary property if HolochainConductorToUse property is set to Hc. It will use the holochain.exe specefied in the FullPathToExternalHolochainConductorBinary property if HolochainConductorToUse property is set to Holochain. If HolochainConductorMode is set to UseEmbedded then it will use the embdedded/integrated hc.exe/holochain.exe if the app is using the NextGenSoftware.Holochain.HoloNET.Client.Embedded package, otherwise it will throw an exception. Finally, if HolochainConductorMode is set to UseSystemGlobal (default), then it will automatically use the installed version of hc.exe & holochain.exe on the target machine.
HolochainConductorToUse This is the Holochain Conductor to use for the auto-start Holochain Conductor feature. It can be either Holochain or Hc.
FullPathToExternalHolochainConductorBinary The full path to the Holochain Conductor exe (holochain.exe) that HoloNET will auto-start if HolochainConductorToUse is set to Holochain.
FullPathToExternalHCToolBinary The full path to the Holochain Conductor exe (hc.exe) that HoloNET will auto-start if HolochainConductorToUse is set to Hc.
SecondsToWaitForHolochainConductorToStart The seconds to wait for the Holochain Conductor to start before attempting to connect to it.
AutoStartHolochainConductor Set this to true if you with HoloNET to auto-start the Holochain Conductor defined in the FullPathToExternalHolochainConductorBinary parameter if HolochainConductorToUseisHolochain, otherwise if its Hc then it will use FullPathToExternalHCToolBinary. Default is true.
ShowHolochainConductorWindow Set this to true if you wish HoloNET to show the Holochain Conductor window whilst it is starting it (will be left open until the conductor is automatically shutdown again when HoloNET disconects if AutoShutdownHolochainConductor is true.)
AutoShutdownHolochainConductor Set this to true if you wish HoloNET to auto-shutdown the Holochain Conductor after it disconnects. Default is true.
ShutDownALLHolochainConductors Set this to true if you wish HoloNET to auto-shutdown ALL Holochain Conductors after it disconnects. Default is false. Set this to true if you wish to make sure there are none left running to prevent memory leaks. You can also of course manually call the ShutDownAllConductors if you wish.
OnlyAllowOneHolochainConductorToRunAtATime Set this to true if you wish HoloNET to allow only ONE Holochain Conductor to run at a time. The default is false.
LoggingMode This passes through to the static LogConfig.LoggingMode property in NextGenSoftware.Logging package. It can be either WarningsErrorsInfoAndDebug, WarningsErrorsAndInfo, WarningsAndErrors or ErrorsOnly.
ErrorHandlingBehaviour An enum that specifies what to do when anm error occurs. The options are: AlwaysThrowExceptionOnError, OnlyThrowExceptionIfNoErrorHandlerSubscribedToOnErrorEvent & NeverThrowExceptions). The default is OnlyThrowExceptionIfNoErrorHandlerSubscribedToOnErrorEvent meaning it will only throw an error if the OnError event has not been subscribed to. This delegates error handling to the caller. If no event has been subscribed then HoloNETClient will throw an error. AlwaysThrowExceptionOnError will always throw an error even if the OnError event has been subscribed to. The NeverThrowException enum option will never throw an error even if the OnError event has not been subscribed to. Regardless of what enum is selected, the error will always be logged using whatever ILogger`s have been injected into the constructor or set on the static Logging.Loggers property.


This property contains a refrence to the internal NextGenSoftware WebSocket that HoloNET uses. You can use this property to access the current state of the WebSocket as well as configure more options.


It has a sub-property called Config that contains the following options:

Property Description
TimeOutSeconds The time in seconds before the connection times out when calling either method SendHoloNETRequest or CalLZomeFunction. This defaults to 30 seconds.
NeverTimeOut Set this to true if you wish the connection to never time out when making a call from methods SendHoloNETRequest and CallZomeFunction. This defaults to false.
KeepAliveSeconds This is the time to keep the connection alive in seconds. This defaults to 30 seconds.
ReconnectionAttempts The number of times HoloNETClient will attempt to re-connect if the connection is dropped. The default is 5.
ReconnectionIntervalSeconds The time to wait between each re-connection attempt. The default is 5 seconds.
SendChunkSize The size of the buffer to use when sending data to the Holochain Conductor. The default is 1024 bytes.
ReceiveChunkSizeDefault The size of the buffer to use when receiving data from the Holochain Conductor. The default is 1024 bytes.
ErrorHandlingBehaviour An enum that specifies what to do when anm error occurs. The options are: AlwaysThrowExceptionOnError, OnlyThrowExceptionIfNoErrorHandlerSubscribedToOnErrorEvent & NeverThrowExceptions). The default is OnlyThrowExceptionIfNoErrorHandlerSubscribedToOnErrorEvent meaning it will only throw an error if the OnError event has not been subscribed to. This delegates error handling to the caller. If no event has been subscribed then HoloNETClient will throw an error. AlwaysThrowExceptionOnError will always throw an error even if the OnError event has been subscribed to. The NeverThrowException enum option will never throw an error even if the OnError event has not been subscribed to. Regardless of what enum is selected, the error will always be logged using whatever ILoggers have been injected into the constructor or set on the static Logging.Loggers property.

Contains an enumeration that can be one of the following values:

None, Connecting, Open, CloseSent, CloseReceived, Closed, Aborted


Is a shortcut to the WebSocket.State enumeration above.


Is the endpoint URI that HoloNET is running on.


Both HoloNET & the NextGenSoftware.WebSocket package that HoloNET uses allow either a ILogger or collection of ILogger's to be injected in through Constuctor DI (Depenecy Injection).

 public HoloNETClient(string holochainConductorURI = "ws://localhost:8888", bool logToConsole = true, bool logToFile = true, string releativePathToLogFolder = "Logs", string logFileName = "HoloNET.log", bool addAdditionalSpaceAfterEachLogEntry = false, bool showColouredLogs = true, ConsoleColor debugColour = ConsoleColor.White, ConsoleColor infoColour = ConsoleColor.Green, ConsoleColor warningColour = ConsoleColor.Yellow, ConsoleColor errorColour = ConsoleColor.Red)
    Logging.Logging.Loggers.Add(new DefaultLogger(logToConsole, logToFile, releativePathToLogFolder, logFileName, addAdditionalSpaceAfterEachLogEntry, showColouredLogs, debugColour, infoColour, warningColour, errorColour));

public HoloNETClient(ILogger logger, string holochainConductorURI = "ws://localhost:8888")

public HoloNETClient(IEnumerable<ILogger> loggers, string holochainConductorURI = "ws://localhost:8888")
    Logging.Logging.Loggers = new List<ILogger>(loggers);
public WebSocket(string endPointURI, bool logToConsole = true, bool logToFile = true, string releativePathToLogFolder = "Logs", string logFileName = "NextGenSoftwareWebSocket.log", bool addAdditionalSpaceAfterEachLogEntry = false, bool showColouredLogs = true, ConsoleColor debugColour = ConsoleColor.White, ConsoleColor infoColour = ConsoleColor.Green, ConsoleColor warningColour = ConsoleColor.Yellow, ConsoleColor errorColour = ConsoleColor.Red)
    EndPoint = endPointURI;
    Logging.Logging.Loggers.Add(new DefaultLogger(logToConsole, logToFile, releativePathToLogFolder, logFileName, addAdditionalSpaceAfterEachLogEntry, showColouredLogs, debugColour, infoColour, warningColour, errorColour));

public WebSocket(string endPointURI, IEnumerable<ILogger> loggers)
    EndPoint = endPointURI;
    Logging.Logging.Loggers = new List<ILogger>(loggers);

public WebSocket(string endPointURI, ILogger logger)
    EndPoint = endPointURI;

All NextGen Software libraries such as HoloNET, WebSocket etc use NextGenSoftware.Logging. By default if no ILogger is injected in then they will automatically use the built in DefaultLogger, which comes with both File & Animated Coloured Console logging out of the box. Under the hood it uses the NextGenSoftware.CLI.Engine package to enable the colour and animation.

The DefaultLogger has the following options that can also be configured:

Property Description
LogDirectory The directory where logs will be created.
LogFileName The name of the log file to create.
LogToConsole Set this to true to log to the console. The default is true.
LogToFile Set this to true to log to the file. The default is true.
AddAdditionalSpaceAfterEachLogEntry Set this to true to add additional space after each log entry. The default is false.
ShowColouredLogs Set this to true to enable coloured logs in the console. This default to true.
DebugColour The colour to use for Debug log enries to the console.
InfoColour The colour to use for Info log enries to the console.
WarningColour The colour to use for Warning log enries to the console.
ErrorColour The colour to use for Error log enries to the console.

You are welcome to create your own loggers to inject in, you simply need to implement the simple ILogger interface:

public interface ILogger
        void Log(string message, LogType type, bool showWorkingAnimation = false);
        void Log(string message, LogType type, ConsoleColor consoleColour, bool showWorkingAnimation = false);
        void Shutdown();

The Shutdown method is not used by the DefaultLogger, and so far is only used by the NextGenSoftware.Logging.NLog package.

Test Harness

You can find the Test Harness here:


Read more on how to use the Test Harness here.

More to come soon...


HoloOASIS uses the HoloNETClient to implement a Storage Provider (IOASISStorage) for the OASIS System. It will soon also implement a Network Provider (IOASISNET) for the OASIS System that will leverage Holochain to create it's own private de-centralised distributed network called ONET (as seen on the OASIS Architecture Diagram).

This is a good example to see how to use HoloNETClient in a real world game/platform (OASIS/Our World).

Check out the full documentation here.


We will soon be creating a Asset for the Unity Asset Store that will include HoloNET along with Unity wrappers and examples of how to use HoloNET inside Unity.

In the codebase you will find a project called NextGenSoftware.OASIS.API.FrontEnd.Unity, which shows how the AvatarManager found inside the OASIS API Core (NextGenSoftware.OASIS.API.Core) is used. When you instantiate the AvatarManager you inject into a Storage Provider that implements the IOASISStorage interface. Currently the only provider implemented is the HoloOASIS Provider.

The actual Our World Unity code is not currently stored in this repo due to size restrictions but we may consider using GitHub LFS (Large File Storage) later on. We are also looking at GitLab and other alternatives to see if they allow greater storage capabilities free out of the box (since we are currently working on a very tight budget but you could change that by donating below! ;-) ).

alt text

Here is a preview of the OASIS API/Avatar/Karma System... more to come soon... ;-)

As with the rest of the project, if you have any suggestions we would love to hear from you! :)

Using HoloUnity

You start by instantiating the AvatarManager class found within the NextGenSoftware.OASIS.API.Core project.

// Inject in the HoloOASIS Storage Provider (this could be moved to a config file later so the 
// providers can be sweapped without having to re-compile.
ProfileManager = new ProfileManager(new HoloOASIS("ws://localhost:8888"));

Now, load the users Profile:

IProfile profile = await ProfileManager.LoadProfileAsync(username, password);

if (profile != null)
	//TODO: Bind profile info to Unity Avatar UI here.

The full code for the screenshot above that loads the users profile/avatar data from holochain and displays it in Unity is below:

using NextGenSoftware.OASIS.API.Core;
using NextGenSoftware.OASIS.API.Providers.HoloOASIS.Unity;
using UnityEngine;
using TMPro;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

public class OASISAvatarManager : MonoBehaviour
    ProfileManager ProfileManager { get; set; }  //If the ProfileManager is going to contain additional business logic not contained in the providers then use this.
    public GameObject ProfileUsername;
    public GameObject ProfileFullName;
    public GameObject ProfileDOB;
    public GameObject ProfileEmail;
    public GameObject ProfileAddress;
    public GameObject ProfileKarma;
    public GameObject ProfileLevel;

    async Task Start()
    	// Inject in the HoloOASIS Storage Provider (this could be moved to a config file later so the 
        // providers can be sweapped without having to re-compile.
        ProfileManager = new ProfileManager(new HoloOASIS("ws://localhost:8888"));
        ProfileManager.OnProfileManagerError += ProfileManager_OnProfileManagerError;
        ProfileManager.OASISStorageProvider.OnStorageProviderError += OASISStorageProvider_OnStorageProviderError;

        //StorageProvider = new HoloOASIS("ws://localhost:8888");
        await LoadProfile();    

    private async Task LoadProfile()
        //IProfile profile = await ProfileManager.LoadProfileAsync("dellams", "1234");
        IProfile profile = await ProfileManager.LoadProfileAsync("QmR6A1gkSmCsxnbDF7V9Eswnd4Kw9SWhuf8r4R643eDshg");

        if (profile != null)
            (ProfileFullName.GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>()).text = string.Concat(profile.Title, " ", profile.FirstName, " ", profile.LastName);
            (ProfileUsername.GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>()).text = profile.Username;
            (ProfileDOB.GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>()).text = profile.DOB;
            (ProfileEmail.GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>()).text = profile.Email;
            //(ProfileAddress.GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>()).text = profile.PlayerAddress;
            (ProfileKarma.GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>()).text = profile.Karma.ToString();
            (ProfileLevel.GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>()).text = profile.Level.ToString();

    private void OASISStorageProvider_OnStorageProviderError(object sender, ProfileManagerErrorEventArgs e)
        Debug.Log("Error occured in the OASIS Storage Provider: " + e.Reason + ", Error Details: " + e.ErrorDetails);

    private void ProfileManager_OnProfileManagerError(object sender, ProfileManagerErrorEventArgs e)
        Debug.Log("Error occured in the OASIS Profile Manager: " + e.Reason + ", Error Details: " + e.ErrorDetails);

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update ()

Instead of using the OASIS ProfileManager to load the data, we could use HoloNETClient directly, the code would then look like this:

using NextGenSoftware.OASIS.API.Core;
//using NextGenSoftware.OASIS.API.Providers.HoloOASIS.Unity;
using NextGenSoftware.Holochain.HoloNET.Client.Unity;
using NextGenSoftware.Holochain.HoloNET.Client.Core;
using UnityEngine;
using TMPro;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

public class OASISAvatarManager : MonoBehaviour
    ProfileManager ProfileManager { get; set; }  //If the ProfileManager is going to contain additional
 business logic not contained in the providers then use this.
    public GameObject ProfileUsername;
    public GameObject ProfileFullName;
    public GameObject ProfileDOB;
    public GameObject ProfileEmail;
    public GameObject ProfileAddress;
    public GameObject ProfileKarma;
    public GameObject ProfileLevel;

    async Task Start()
    	// Inject in the HoloOASIS Storage Provider (this could be moved to a config file later so the 
        // providers can be sweapped without having to re-compile.
        ProfileManager = new ProfileManager(new HoloOASIS("ws://localhost:8888"));
        ProfileManager.OnProfileManagerError += ProfileManager_OnProfileManagerError;
        ProfileManager.OASISStorageProvider.OnStorageProviderError += OASISStorageProvider_OnStorageProviderError;
        await LoadProfile();
        HoloNETClient holoNETClient = new HoloNETClient("ws://localhost:8888");
        holoNETClient.OnZomeFunctionCallBack += HoloNETClient_OnZomeFunctionCallBack;
        holoNETClient.OnConnected += HoloNETClient_OnConnected;
        holoNETClient.OnError += HoloNETClient_OnError;
        holoNETClient.OnDataReceived += HoloNETClient_OnDataReceived;

        await holoNETClient.Connect();
        await holoNETClient.CallZomeFunctionAsync("test-instance", "our_world_core", "load_profile", new { address = "QmVtt5dEZEyTUioyh59XfFc3KWuaifK92Mc2KTXGauSbS9" });

    private void HoloNETClient_OnDataReceived(object sender, DataReceivedEventArgs e)
        Debug.Log(string.Concat("Data Received: EndPoint: ", e.EndPoint, "RawJSONData: ", e.RawJSONData));

    private void HoloNETClient_OnError(object sender, HoloNETErrorEventArgs e)
        Debug.Log(string.Concat("Error Occured. Resason: ", e.Reason, ", EndPoint: ", e.EndPoint, ", Details: ", e.ErrorDetails.ToString()));

    private void HoloNETClient_OnConnected(object sender, ConnectedEventArgs e)
        Debug.Log("Connected to Holochain Conductor: " + e.EndPoint);

    private void HoloNETClient_OnZomeFunctionCallBack(object sender, ZomeFunctionCallBackEventArgs e)
        Debug.Log(string.Concat("ZomeFunction CallBack: EndPoint: ", e.EndPoint, ", Id: ", e.Id, ", Instance: ", e.Instance, ", Zome: ", e.Zome, ", ZomeFunction: ", e.ZomeFunction, ", Data: ", e.ZomeReturnData, ", Raw Zome Return Data: ", e.RawZomeReturnData, ", Raw JSON Data: ", e.RawJSONData, ", IsCallSuccessful: ", e.IsCallSuccessful ? "true" : "false"));

        Profile profile = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Profile>(string.Concat("{", e.ZomeReturnData, "}"));

        if (profile != null)
            (ProfileFullName.GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>()).text = string.Concat(profile.Title, " ", profile.FirstName, " ", profile.LastName);
            (ProfileUsername.GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>()).text = profile.Username;
            (ProfileDOB.GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>()).text = profile.DOB;
            (ProfileEmail.GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>()).text = profile.Email;
            //(ProfileAddress.GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>()).text = profile.PlayerAddress;
            (ProfileKarma.GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>()).text = profile.Karma.ToString();
            (ProfileLevel.GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>()).text = profile.Level.ToString();

    private async Task LoadProfile()
        //StorageProvider = new HoloOASIS("ws://localhost:8888");

        //IProfile profile = await ProfileManager.LoadProfileAsync("dellams", "1234");
        IProfile profile = await ProfileManager.LoadProfileAsync("QmR6A1gkSmCsxnbDF7V9Eswnd4Kw9SWhuf8r4R643eDshg");

        if (profile != null)
            (ProfileFullName.GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>()).text = string.Concat(profile.Title, " ", profile.FirstName, " ", profile.LastName);
            (ProfileUsername.GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>()).text = profile.Username;
            (ProfileDOB.GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>()).text = profile.DOB;
            (ProfileEmail.GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>()).text = profile.Email;
            //(ProfileAddress.GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>()).text = profile.PlayerAddress;
            (ProfileKarma.GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>()).text = profile.Karma.ToString();
            (ProfileLevel.GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>()).text = profile.Level.ToString();

    private void OASISStorageProvider_OnStorageProviderError(object sender, ProfileManagerErrorEventArgs e)
        Debug.Log("Error occured in the OASIS Storage Provider: " + e.Reason + ", Error Details: " + e.ErrorDetails);

    private void ProfileManager_OnProfileManagerError(object sender, ProfileManagerErrorEventArgs e)
        Debug.Log("Error occured in the OASIS Profile Manager: " + e.Reason + ", Error Details: " + e.ErrorDetails);

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update ()

This is how other Unity developers would connect to Holochain using HoloNETClient, because they may not be using the OASIS API.

Of course if they wanted use the OASIS API then the first code listing is how it would be done.




More to come soon...

Why this is important & vital to the holochain community

This is really vital and important to the wonderful holochain commnity because it will open the doors to the massive .NET, Unity and Enterprise sectors bringing the flood of devs, resources and exposure we all really want holochain to see... :)

So I hope now this has been split out into it's own indepenent repo and been officially handed over to the holochain open source community others can now jump in and get involved...

What's Next?

Unity Asset

We plan to create a Unity Asset making it easier for other .NET & Unity devs to get involved with Holochain and get building hApps...

We will release this soon...

In the meantime people can make use of this NuGet package.

.NET HDK Low Code Generator

We can then get back to the .NET HDK Low Code Generator (will migrate this repo over to here soon...), this uses HoloNET to call into the dynamically generated rust and c# code. The rust code acts as a DAL (Data Access Layer) and the C# code acts as the BLL (Business Logic Layer). The generated C# code wraps around calls to HoloNET. This code has also already been written and is working with the previous version of Holochain (Redux).

This also allows devs to make use of all the libraries and resources available to them in Rust, .NET & Unity! 😊

So it will not take long to get this working with RSM (we just need to create the RSM CRUD templates for it to use).

Then, we can add the WASM compilation option to allow it to directly generate the .NET code to WASM so it can be used directly with the conductor so it will not even need the rust code at all then! :)

All of this helps bring yet more C# devs to Holochain who do not have time to learn Rust... :)

Restore Holochain Support For The OASIS API

Now HoloNET is working again, we can add support for the OASIS API, which will then support Holochain as well as allow bridging to other Blockchains, DB's etc such as Ethereum, EOS, Solana, MongoDB, SQLLite, Neo4j, ThreeFold, ActivityPub, SOLID, IPFS, etc...

We can now complete HOLOOASIS provider meaning we can bridge holochain to all WEB2 (dbs, clouds, etc) and WEB3 blockchains etc giving a easy migration path to holochain.

Read more here:

WEB5 STAR Omniverse Interoperable Metaverse Low Code Generator

It also allows the STAR Omniverse Interoperable Metaverse Low Code Generator to dynamically generate rust and c# code allowing people to focus on their idea rather than the lower level implementations and allow them to build metaverse experiences on top of holochain.

The back-end is very close to completion and the front-end is in progress... :)

This is an evolution of the .NET HDK Low Code Generator so works the same way in that is generates dynamic rust and c# code, except it now also generates moons, planets, stars, galaxies, universes, etc and allows them to run across any blockchain, web2 cloud/db, IPFS, Holochain, etc. Everything that the OASIS API supports. STAR integrates both the .NET HDK (containing HoloNET) as well as the OASIS API and then expresses it in a cyberspace ontolgy and soooooo much more! ;-) It also allows other metaverses to be integrated in the Open Omniverse, which is the game of and simulation of life...

Read more here:

For all of the above you can find more info on the OASIS API main repo as well as the Our World site & blogs:

Donations Welcome! Thank you!

HoloNET is totally free and Open Sourced to be used anyway you wish as long as we are credited. If you find it helpful, we would REALLY appreciate a donation to our crowd funding page, because this is our full-time job and so have no other income and will help keep us alive so we can continue to improve it for you all (as well as the WEB4 OASIS API, .NET HDK Low Code Generator & WEB5 STAR ODK Ominverse Interoperable Metaverse Low Code Generator), thank you! :)

Do You Want To Get Involved?

We are always looking for people to jump in and get involved, you do not need to be an existing coder, we can help you with that... you just need a willingness to learn and to have an open heart, we are always more interested with what is in your heart rather than your head! ;-)

The whole world is the Our World team, hence the name... ;-) It is not our project; it is all of humanities...

We also offer FREE training and apprenticeship program with the NextGen Developer Training Programmes. We will teach you all we know over time and you get to work on this real live commercial codebase rather than wasting time working on throw away dummy apps as most training offers. No previous skills/experience required and is open to everyone, but especially for all disadvantaged people including special needs, homeless, unemployed, prison inmates, kids on the streets etc. We want to help the people the world has forgotten and for people who have stopped believing in themselves, we BELIEVE IN YOU and in time you will again too. Everyone has a gift for the world, and we will help you find yours… Find out more by checking out the links below:

NextGen Developer Training Programme
NextGen Junior Developer Training Programme

We are looking for Web Devs (with any of these: react, angular, vue, js, html, css), Unity Devs & C# Devs.

If anyone is interested in developing this game/platform, then we would LOVE to hear from you! 😊 There will be opportunities for people to own shares and/or cryptocurrency (as well as other unique perks such as premium locations in both the geolocation and VR versions, personal or business service spotlights, free lifetime access to all premium paid services, massive karma points (allowing your avatar to progress to more advanced stages in the game unlocking new exciting quests, areas to explore & new special abilities/superpowers) plus lots more!) based on the input they are willing to provide.

Thank you and we hope we find interest from people to join us on this exciting incredible journey.

Want to make a difference in the world?

What will be your legacy?

Ready to be a hero?

If the answer is YES, then please proceed to here...

The Future Is Bright,
The Future Is Holochain...

In Love, Light & Hope,
The Our World Tribe.

Our World Smartphone AR Prototype



Type Link
Telegram (General Chat) (Announcements) (Tech Updates) (OASIS API Weekly Hackalongs)




Dev Plan/Roadmap
Join The Our World Tribe (Dev Requirements
OASIS API & SEEDS API Integration Proposal
Our World & Game Of SEEDS Proposal
SEEDS Camppaign Proposal
Holochain Forum

NextGen Developer Training Programmes

NextGen Developer Training Programme
Junior NextGen Developer Training Programme

Business Plan

Executive Summary
Business Plan Summary
Business Plan Detailed
Pitch Deck

Funding \

Key Videos

Our World Introduction
OASIS API DEMO SESSION 1 (Overview, Avatar & Karma API)
OASIS API DEMO With David Ellams (James Halliday)
Latest preview for the Our World AR Geolocation game
Latest prototype for the Our World Smartphone version... :)
Founders Introduction To Our World May 2017 (Remastered Nov 2017)
Our World Smartphone Prototype AR Mode Part 1
Our World Smartphone Prototype AR Mode Part 2
Our World - Smartphone Version Prototype In AR Mode
Our World Smartphone Version Preview
Games Without Borders Ep 03 ft David Ellams from Our World
AWAKEN DREAM SYNERGY DREAM # 19 Our World & The OASIS API By David Ellams - (Presentation Only)
Interview Between Moving On TV & Our World Founder David Ellams - Part 1
Interview Between Moving On TV & Our World Founder David Ellams - Part 2
Our World Interviews With David Atkinson, Commercial Director of Holochain – Part 1
Our World Interviews With David Atkinson, Commercial Director of Holochain – Part 2
ThreeFold, Our World, Protocol Love, Soulfie API Meeting