High Contrast and Adaptive Optics laboratory testbeds community website
Welcome to the community website for astronomical testbeds! We are currently working on getting our
website migrated to highconaotools.github.io, the original website can be found here:
If you use conda, make sure you have deactivated all your environments (including base
) by doing $ conda deactivate
On a Mac:
Install homebrew following the instructions on this page (if you don't have sudo privileges, get in touch with your machine manager):
https://osxdaily.com/2018/03/07/how-install-homebrew-mac-os/ -
Install the package manager rbenv (more on rbenv here )
$ brew install rbenv
Set up rbenv in your shell
$ rbenv init
Load rbenv automatically by appending the following to
:eval "$(rbenv init -)"
Close and reopen your terminal for the changes to take effect
Install ruby (more about using rbenv on a Mac here)
$ rbenv install 2.7.2
Set your local ruby version to use
$ rbenv local 2.7.2
Install bundler and jekyll
$ gem install bundler jekyll jemoji
Jekyll installation on Mac
Jekyll general installation docs
- cd into the repository
- check out the branch that you want to build locally
$ jekyll serve --livereload
- copy-paste the server address that appears in the terminal into a browser window (e.g.