This page lists the operational governance model of this project, as well as the recommendations and requirements for how to best contribute to Heroku Cloud Native Buildpacks. We strive to obey these as best as possible. As always, thanks for contributing.
The intent and goal of open sourcing this project is to increase the contributor
and user base. However, only Salesforce employees will be given admin
and will be the final arbitrars of what contributions are accepted or not.
Please feel free to join the Heroku Cloud Native Buildpacks discussions. You may also wish to take a look at Heroku's product roadmap to see where are headed.
Please use Heroku Cloud Native Buildpacks discussions to provide feedback, request enhancements, or discuss ideas.
Issues, feature requests, and bug reports are tracked via GitHub issues on each buildpack repository:
- heroku/dotnet
- heroku/go
- heroku/jvm
- heroku/nodejs
- heroku/php
- heroku/procfile
- heroku/python
- heroku/ruby
If you find an issue and/or bug, please search issues for the relevant buildpack repository, and if it isn't already tracked, create a new issue. If you aren't sure which repository the issue or bug report applies to, use Heroku Cloud Native Buildpacks Discussions instead.
Fixes, improvements, and patches all happen via GitHub Pull Requests on our buildpack repositories. If you'd like to improve the tests, you want to make the documentation clearer, you have an alternative implementation of something that may have advantages over the way its currently done, or you have any other change, we would be happy to hear about it. For trivial changes, send a pull request to the appropriate buildpack repository:
For non-trivial changes, consider opening an issue to discuss it first instead.
Please follow our Code of Conduct.
By contributing your code, you agree to license your contribution under the terms of our project LICENSE and to sign the Salesforce CLA.