Please see the API documentation.
open Gp
(* define your figure generically *)
let figure (module P: Plot) =
let x = Owl.Mat.gaussian 10 2 in
P.plot (A x) ~style:"p pt 7 lc 8" default_props
(* then paint your figure with an output format of your choice *)
let () =
interactive figure; (* QT interactive terminal *)
draw ~output:(png "test") figure; (* output to "test.png" *)
draw ~output:(svg "test") figure; (* output to "test.svg" *)
open Owl
open Gp
let () =
let y0 = 1990.
and y1 = 2018. in
let n_bins = int_of_float (y1 -. y0) in
let x = Mat.linspace y0 y1 n_bins in
let y = Mat.uniform ~a:12. ~b:30. n_bins 1 in
let figure (module P : Plot) =
let props =
[ title "Test plot"
; borders [ `bottom; `left ]
; xlabel "year"
; ylabel "temperature"
; xtics (`regular [ y0; 5.; y1 ])
; ytics `auto
; xrange (y0, y1)
; unset "key"
; set "autoscale y"
P.plot (L [ x; y ]) ~style:"lp pt 7 lc 8 lw 2" props
interactive figure